#listen i don't care for hel****** at all in any whatsoever
navree ยท 1 year
I never cared before about Alys when I've read F&B but the way some of those shippers hate her so much , in Twitter i see alot of them call her ugly hag , gro**mer and so many misgonystic/ ageism names and even hope for her to get cut from the show.. What for ? She is very important to the narrative and especially to Aemond's arc...
Yeah, shippers of other things and antis have been getting weirrrrrrrrrd about Alys. And that's not just a thing specific to her, I've seen some people on my side say weird shit about Helaena (which is fucked up she's the number one girlie y'all are fake fucking Green fans if you're gonna shit on Helaena for no reason), and I'm really not looking forward to anything the Daemon/Rhaenyra shippers are going to have to say once Nettles shows up. Chillest shippers I've seen in this fandom thus far are the Rhaenicents, God bless. And it'd be one thing on its own if I could trust that this was just confined to dislike of a character, but considering the track record people have when it comes to ASOIAF related media (the people who made fun of Emilia Clarke's appearance and her brain injuries and bullied Emily Carey off of social media are never going to see Heaven), I do not trust these people not be utterly vitriolic to whichever actress they ultimately cast as Alys.
People can have their criticisms of the ship, they can point out what they want about the age difference (even though it's not grooming because words have meanings Jesus Christ, not to mention Aemond has significantly more power in the relationship than Alys does) or just not enjoy it, that's all fair and valid. But it's really weird to demand that Alys be cut entirely when she's a unique part of her story and offers a unique perspective that no other character can offer, as well as her place in the stories and arcs not just for Aemond but for Daemon and Larys and honestly even Criston cuz he was at Harrenhal too. Alys can't be replaced with another character, no one occupies the part of the story she's a part of in the way that she does, that's why she as a character exists. Nor is it necessarily "out of character" for Aemond to fall for her or prioritize her once he does, and it's not him "abandoning his family for some chick" as I've seen some people actually say. For one, sorry that Aemond's recorded actions as written down in one book aren't fitting into what you want to happen, but that's on you, not the writing. If, over the course of a single story, a character's canon actions and canon thoughts and canon feelings and canon words feel "out of character" to you, then you simply do not have an accurate read on that character, I'm sorry. For two, it's not even him abandoning his family or being out of character. Nothing about their relationship is out of bounds for the kind of person that Aemond is, and as I mentioned in a prior ask, Aemond is not in a position to help his family. Even beyond the fact that Aemond considers Daemon their biggest threat at the moment and his primary goal was to get rid of him before thinking of any way to depose Rhaenyra, his family's either dead or prisoners to a hostile faction, and any attempt to try and free the ones he knows are alive just aren't feasible at that time (if you think Aemond's going to gamble the lives of his mother and his sister on the off chance that an assault on Rhaenyra might succeed, then you're stupid, no two ways about it). With that backdrop, it makes perfect sense that Aemond is at least going to fight tooth and nail for the one person he does have and does love, that he can save, because he can't do anything for Alicent or Helaena or Aegon who at this point might even be dead, but he can do something to keep Alys safe and well by his side. And even if you want to be incredibly cynical about it, then at this point in time Alys could potentially be carrying a future claimant for the Greens. No one knows where Aegon is, Jaehaera is ineligible for the throne under Westerosi customs and laws, Jaehaerys and Maelor are both dead, and Aemond and Daeron are both actively participating in deadly combat that could (and does) kill them. For pragmatism alone, Aemond wanting to ensure that, if Alys is carrying a son, that this son survives to continue pressing the claims set forth by their side, or Hell even just to make it so Rhaenyra doesn't win, makes sense.
Even if you want to ignore the importance Alys brings to the narrative, what she furthers in Aemond's arc, what his love for her can reveal to us about the kind of character that he is, that still doesn't make anything about the romance or the actions it spurs "out of character" or an indictment on Aemond, nor does it justify being weird and vile about a fictional character or people who enjoy her relationship with another fictional character. Ya fucking freaks.
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