#listen to me yap abt Troy
justfatdogit · 4 months
I will always defend Troy when it comes down to the text he sent abed in pillows and blankets s3 ep14. When it comes down to it, what Troy did is in fact justifiable.
Troy wanted to build a blanket fort so he could get this cool record for largest blanket fort ever. Abed didn’t wanna, he called it stupid and Troy moved on.
Then here comes the air conditioning repair man on his way to make Troy insecure about his role in his friendship with abed and make him feel like he’s just following abed around and listening to his every order.
So - he goes back to abed and expresses his feelings only for abed to say “yeah sure you can build a blanket fort, just don’t connect it to my pillow fort.” Maybe I’m just sensitive but I would of been upset over this If I was Troy.
Troy makes his blanket fort, gets a bunch of people on his team, has a war, and then gets shown an email his best friend wrote.
“Troy will hold on until he’s broken emotionally. Fortunately this will not be hard.”
“He’s insecure about his level of intelligence”
“His greatest vulnerability of all is his emotionally frailty. It’s incredibly easy to make him cry, and he’s incredibly ashamed of that fact.”
And all of this plus abed listing all of troys weaknesses.
Troy reacts emotionally to stuff
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So after finding out his best friend told what feels like the entire school his insecurities and weaknesses he acted emotionally.
He reacted in a cruel and mean way because he got his feelings hurt by someone he trusted, this “someone” was the person he liked the most.
Maybe I’m bias because I react the same way, if someone is mean I’m also gonna be mean, I’m gonna react emotionally.
Abed knew this was wrong, he did. Abed knew this wasn’t an ok thing to do. He didn’t want Troy to see it, Troy wasn’t supposed to see it. Abed knew and you can’t convince me he didn’t. Don’t infantilize abed more than he already is.
And the cherry on top of all of this, Troy and abed didn’t even have a conversation about troys insecurities about beings abeds sidekick.
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maruyaaya · 2 months
GOOD NEWS TO THE DC FANS FOLLOWING ME WAITING FOR CH5 OF THE JASON GENDER FIC: IM FINALLY WRITING AGAIN. got back into dc by reading a bunch of wonder woman comics (everyone say thank you to ms donna troy the loml <3) and now im committed to finally writing this goddamn chapter
more below the cut (bc i love to yap) + spoilers for ch5 of always an angel (never a god)
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this chapter has been one of the hardest ones to write bc i’m tackling death in the family in this chapter meaning there’s a lot from canon that i have to write in this chapter. there’s not a lot of room for me to write silly little in-between scenes bc everything needs to progress very linearly in this chapter for it to make sense.
in the other chapters, i’ve been able to pull scenes from canon and write them from my perspective + with the pov of a genderfluid jason todd while also being able to write my own unique scenes to add more flesh and detail to the story. with this chapter, there’s a lot that i have to take from canon to properly write that buildup to the actual warehouse scene and it can be really tedious for me to decide what lines i want to pull straight from the comics and what i want to expand upon and make my own.
i’m being very ambitious for this chapter and aiming for a fairly massive word count so i don’t really know when i’m actually going to finish it, but i’m getting over my writers block and i can confirm that i am writing so hopefully it’s not a horrific amount of time.
i really like talking abt my process for this fic bc i don’t often write completely canon compliant fics like this one is (ofc, with this fic having the big difference of being mostly focused on jason’s gender which canon is not focused on). i spend a lot of time rereading comics and writing down timelines and specific lines + scenes i want to include. i have pretty detailed timelines for this fic that lay out canon scenes with my own scenes so i can make sure i get the timeline of ages & events correct and that is the worst for me bc i am NOT a planner.
when i’m writing fics, i just sit down and crank something out in one sitting and pray it makes sense. i don’t write drafts. i sit down at my laptop, bleed, and then publish the first draft i write (i do the same for school which is probably not a good habit but hey, it’s worked for me thus far!) this is the first fic i’ve written where i actually put time into planning. it helps that i really enjoy writing this fic and i’m very proud of it.
okay that’s probably enough blabber on that. my bad guys i just love infodumping. i love talking and tumblr is like a void and i am screaming into it, but it almost feels like the void is listening.
anyways! on a slightly related note, who wants to ask me about donna troy and hear my thoughts on her bc boy, do i have thoughts!!! such an underrated character she doesn’t get the love she deserves bc she’s actually so complex and interesting. donna troy my beloved <3
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