#listened to sad machine the whole time i drew this lol
gaydexvocaloid · 5 months
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avanna drawn with lasso tool ^_^
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cocogum · 1 month
how long have you been watching wakfu
Hey moth ✨✨
I’ve actually been watching Wakfu since 2012.
The first time I heard about it was when I used to have Netflix and even then, that was back when the streaming platform didn’t have Season 2 yet lol
What drew me into watching it was mainly cuz of the cover. This one specifically 👇
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It used to only show Yugo opening a portal and because of the style, it made me wonder what the story could be about (at the time I used to think Yugo looked pretty cute so that was also another reason lol).
I remember how my first instinct was switch the language to English when I first watched it. THAT WAS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE. The reason why I switched it for english tho was because netflix was primarily English so I thought that the French language of Wakfu wasn’t the main one (and I thought it sucked without even taking a second to listen to it 💀 ) Thankfully, as soon as I heard Alibert and Ruel talking, I IMMEDIATELY went back to the settings cuz I knew I fucked up. I ain’t listening to this trash again lol
So I switched it to French and i realized it was a thousand times BETTER than the English version. That’s when I realized Wakfu was french.
I loved the places and the people. It was something I’ve never seen before. The French dubbing was so smooth and funny I loved it so much. The “fillers”, which let’s be honest weren’t actual fillers, were also so fun to see with the whole gang.
Even at the time, I used to believe there would eventually be something between Amalia and Yugo lol cuz ain’t no way you guys constantly hug like this for the dumbest reasons.
When Season 1 ended, I really hoped they weren’t gonna do us like that because I really wanted a season season. At the time I didn’t think ankama already did Season 2 (since 2011 💀) cuz I thought Netflix was always on time so it took me some time to wait for it but a year passed by and it finally got here!! I was so happy that day you had no idea. I had to wait for a whole year before it dropped so my ass was pretty much traumatized after seeing Dally die for the first time I legit thought that he was gonna come back cuz of Nox’s machine but nope 💀 I remember being so sad when I first saw that ending. I really didn’t want it to end, I got too attached to these guys (Amalia was still my favorite back then cuz she was too relatable)
So i watched Season 2 in 2013 AND I LOVED IT. Again, they couldn’t disappoint me. It just got better from that day on.
That’s when I slowly started to dig deeper into Wakfu because there were so many references to things that Yugo and the others were saying that I didn’t even understand. I then learned that Wakfu was based on an MMORPG with the same name,Wakfu, and that there was a prequel to it, Dofus. I also saw how they even had a side story called “Mini Wakfu” which were just shorts from Season 1. I watched that mini series on youtube back then.
Because of Season 2, I was now sure that there will be more to it because so much has been said and yet so little has been explored. So I waited, bought myself some time by watching other shows.
That’s when the ovas happened.
And oh my god I was not ready for it.
The ovas released in 2016 on Netflix but had already been a thing since 2014. Blame Netflix.
And again, there were so much more references that made me feel so confused like who Otomaï was, Ogrest (who was only a giant mention in Season 1 to me), Maskemane, Echo, Sipho, Harebourg, etc.
I was confused but so intrigued because it made me learn that the Krosmoz was A LOT BIGGER than what I thought it would be. And that’s what I like. I love how a story has multiple timelines, has complex strange plot holes in certain places that makes you want to become a theorizer, has so many diverse characters and relationships. Things like those are why I fell in love with the legend of Zelda and fnaf franchises.
That’s how I learned about the mangas, comics, different games (Dofus, Wakfu, Krosmaga, Dofus touch, minor Dofus games on the App Store, etc.) as well as cancelled games (Islands of Wakfu, Wakfu: Les Gardiens, etc). I even started learning more about the Dofus era by going through Dofus shows like “Dofus : Kerub’s Bazaar”.
Right after the ovas, I watched Goultard’s special episode, Ogrest’s special episode, and Nox’s special episode. Then, I saw the Dofus movie featuring Joris and his mom before watching the show. After, I read the wakfu manga that was supposed to situate itself between Season 2 and the ovas. At the time, there were only four volumes so I binge read them all on a google drive that someone was kind enough to share publicly (that google drive doesn’t exist anymore). All of this happened in 2016 btw.
After that, I waited for more news of Wakfu but my dumbass got sidetracked because of binge watching other shows while waiting. I was joining multiplie fandoms while unconsciously waiting for more of Ankama. And that’s how I missed Season 3 that came out in 2017 💀💀 I’m so dumb my god all I had to do was wait another year but noooo youtube had to show me the new season trailer in 2018 instead!
I went back to Netflix, freaking the hell out, binge watched the whole season, got emotional, loved Oropo for kissing Amalia cuz I knew there’d be drama, absolutely adored the whole percedal family being a family, trying not to laugh at Adamaï’s look for the first time, expecting Ruel to get hard over money, and LOVED the drama between Yugo and Amalia. I WAS A FAN OF THEIR SHIP SINCE SEASON 1 FOR CRYING OUT LOUD which is why I was so happy that we finally got to see so much more of their problems being addressed.
After that, I knew I needed more so I went back to reading comics. I bought the actual volumes 1 to 4 of the wakfu manga (because I wanted to have a physical copy of them even though I already read the story) and then waited for the fifth one. As soon as volume 5 released in 2019 (July 4), I TOOK IT FROM AMAZON’S HANDS CUZ VOLUME 4 WAS KILLING ME WITH IT’S ENDING- (I’ve been waiting since 2016, I wasn’t gonna wait any longer).
In 2020, I joined the best wakfu amino on the amino app, and then mainly went looking for Ankama related things like their anime Radiant (I started reading the manga first and ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT FOR ITS ORIGINALITY. But I still can’t believe that it got released back in 2013 tho…) and then watched the anime that came out for it (the opening song was good but I hate how the anime changed some things to the story. The manga is better but the anime gets its fair share of popularity so I guess that’s good).
In 2021-2022 I think that’s where I heard about the kickstarter for Wakfu Season 4 and I was mind blown when I saw the trailer for it.
In 2023, I bought Ogrest’s volumes 1 to 4 because I’ve been waiting to read and know more about Ogrest and what was the deal with the Sadida dolls since I heard about those from some people. My god the manga was so good!! I’m still waiting for that volume 5 but I’m extremely certain that it will come very soon now since Mig, the illustrator for the Ogrest manga, has been giving small sneak peeks here and there lately. It was also in the same year that I learned about the One More Gate game and watched Oropo’s special episode.
Then came 2024. And that’s where I went ape shit. Now you know everything ✨
The latest thing I bought from Ankama shop in 2024 now was the standard version of the Amalia figurine, the vinyl disc pack containing Krosmoz osts, and the Wakfu S3 artbook (tho the artbook was actually not something that you can find in the Ankama shop. I had to dig deep on Amazon and find a seller willing to give it away).
So yeah my history with Wakfu is a pretty messy one and has always been all over the place mainly because I was so slow back then to realize when the releases were happening and how the lore was actually constructed lol
Like it took me so much time to understand that Wakfu was only one piece of a bigger puzzle set and being unaware of so many things back then is still something I tend to regret. I understand that it was because I was still a snotty kid back then who didn’t know much about the internet but I can’t help myself to think how easy it was to keep up the pace 💀
At least I won’t have to think I’m late anymore because I’ve got a better idea of how it all works now.
Wakfu has been playing a huge part in my life because it’s always been at the back of my mind no matter what fandom I was in at the time. Sure, it was at the back burner but I never had the intention of forgetting about it. It holds way too many memories of the simpler times and has a lot of great ideas I think I’ve never seen other shows have.
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-Being The Duke’s Assistant- (3)
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(a/n: some people really like this fic lol so here’s another chapter for y’all! also if you want a chapter 4 then please comment and reblog! otherwise I won’t have the motivation to keep writing more! thank you! <3)
-Learning About The Lords-
You’d seen more of your ex-neighbors since your run in with Vasile Kazloŭ the week previous. Seems word got around the village that you’d not in fact frozen to death or been caught and dragged into the woods by some snarling beast. And you knew a good few of them were just stopping by the Duke’s carriage under the guise of shopping just to see if those rumors were true. Not that you particularly cared what your ex-neighbors did now. If seeing you for whatever reason got them to buy something from the Duke then no skin off your nose. 
But today was different. Today the Duke said he’d be educating you on his biggest trade deals. Such deals being the Four Lords of the village. You’ll admit you gulped at hearing that. The four lords were quite notorious to the people of the village. And not for anything good despite what the fanatics would like to think..
Lady Dimitrescu, the mysterious lady who ruled the imposing castle upon the mountain that takes young women in to work but never lets them leave again. There’s a saying in the village that if a girl you know is going to work at Castle Dimitrescu then you should shower her in kisses since you’ll never see her again.
Lady Beneviento, the mysterious veiled doll maker who lives in a shadowy haunted manor that makes all those who enter there see their deceased family members. Seeing visions of the dead drives all who enter there to insanity. Most never leave, but the few who do are never the same as they were upon entering.
Lord Moreau, the monstrous looking recluse who controls the giant killer fish that has swallowed whole more than its fair share of poor fishermen of the village. It terrorized the workers at the Reservoir, devouring men like fish until they’d had enough and abandoned the site. It now sits in decay, waiting for the next fool to wander in.
Lord Heisenberg, the lord who owns the cryptic factory on the very edge of the village, where all the dead villagers bodies are sent and never seen again. Rumor has it that it used to be a coal mine but nobody living from the village has set foot in the rusted structure in decades. But despite this the factory’s smokestacks constantly billow dark soot into the sky.
Every villager knew of the four Lords. 
But apparently you were going to be learning more detail on them. Which you admit to not having much of. All you knew is what most every other villager knew. To be wary, be respectful, to pay your tributes, and do not draw attention to yourself otherwise. Those that drew attention were quite often known to draw their last breath.
The Duke it seemed was on good terms with each of the lords, at least you assumed so since he talked about them quite candidly. Not whispering their names in a hushed tone or with any amount of fearful reverence. Actually he talked about them as if they were just fellow business partners he has evening tea with. Which... well as far as you knew, could very well be the truth. But despite the Duke’s blasé outlook you felt yourself tense up when he mentioned how, as his assistant, you would be accompanying him on his future meetings with them, so it was best he told you about them now so you didn’t go in blind. Part of you wanted to just avoid that by not even going into the same building as the four lords. But the Duke squashed that thought by saying he couldn’t very well leave you to sit and twiddle your thumbs in the carriage while he was inside. 
Which you supposed you should have seen coming. You were his assistant after all. Where he goes, you go. It’s your whole job. So you steeled your resolve and took solace in knowing that while under the Duke’s protection you would be fine. you weren’t some random villager now thankfully. But even still... seeing the towering Castle Dimitrescu looming in the distance made you queasy. Your mind swam with the stories you’d been told as a child, warning you of what laid in that castle. The carriage drew closer to the imposing structure but you remained straight faced, not wanting to reveal how anxious you were. Plus, if you were being honest? This was all pretty exciting in a way! You’d left the village years ago sure, met lots of new people while you studied abroad. You learned about all the goings on of the world outside your simple village. But all of that paled in comparison to getting to meet the Four Lords.
You hoped you didn’t embarrass yourself..
While you got closer to the castle the Duke told you about the first Lord, Lady Dimitrescu and House Dimitrescu. Apparently they were famous for their incredible wine. The Duke even admitted to having a bottle of it himself stored away in the back. “For special occasions,” he told you with a smile. You also learned that House Dimitrescu also had their own vineyard where they grew all the grapes that went into the wine they made. He also revealed that there was a ‘rumor’ that Lady Dimitrescu had a very special bottle of wine in her possession, one that has belonged to her family for generations, that was called Sanguis Virginis. And its literal translation is "maiden's blood". The Duke was a touch vague on the wine, but he said that Alcina Dimitrescu has a secret process that enriches the wine’s flavor and gives it a thick bouquet. 
After that he began talking about the second Lord, Lady Beneviento and House Beneviento. The Duke spoke with a sad tone here, saying the Beneviento family slowly fell apart a long time ago. One by one the family members disappeared. And the current head of the household, Donna Beneviento, had a sister when she was a child, Claudia. But Claudia grew ill and passed away, causing her parents to grow depressed and soon after take their own lives, leaving poor Donna alone. The Duke knows Donna to be very kind, but also very lonely. She’s an incredibly skilled doll maker, even better than her father had been when he was alive. But she has trouble speaking with people without the aid of the doll friend, Angie, that her father gifted her as a little girl. He warned you that Angie could be a bit of a troublemaker, chuckling as he did.
Then came the third Lord, Salvatore Moreau of House Moreau. You raised an eyebrow when you noticed the small hint of revulsion in the Duke’s voice as he spoke about this lord. It seems that Moreau was... an odd one. The Duke tried to speak kindly of the man but even he, with his usual jovial outlook, couldn’t hide the slight way he cringed as he explained Moreau’s history. It seemed he had been a sailor at some point, and the very last of his family line, but some years ago he’d... changed physically to the point where he avoided people. He hid himself at the Reservoir his family owned and scarcely stepped foot outside of it. And after one too many... accidents there the workers abandoned the place, leaving Moreau alone to wallow in his self pity. The Duke warned you that Moreau did not look... human. And he asked you to please not stare at the man. He wouldn’t appreciate it, surely.
And then the final Lord, Karl Heisenberg of House Heisenberg. The Duke warned you that despite Lord Heisenberg’s rather casual sounding attitude, the man was quite harsh. And his factory was incredibly dangerous. He warned you to never stray from his side while there, for your own safety. You gulped but nodded as he continued. It seems the Heisenberg factory was a coal mining factory. You discovered that the Lord was an engineer, but the Duke revealed that he’d been known to tinker with things other than machines as well. That ominous note made your stomach drop. But you felt your anxiety lift a bit when the Duke told you that he was Lord Heisenberg’s supplier for a certain machine part he needs in bulk, so the man knew not to upset him. So you would be fine.
“But I think we’ll have to cut our conversation short, it seems we’ve arrived at Castle Dimitrescu,” the Duke said in a cheery tone you weren’t matching.
‘For any god listening to me... let us be alright,’ you thought helplessly.
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cuscuzdetapioca · 7 years
Fandom: The one. You know the one. That is probably more than one. but we treat it like one if we want tp
Summary: Blade Runner AU keeps happening man
@potatomcmuffin​ @some blog of rosy lol
It wouldn’t be an easy fight. She had seen the Nexus 8 Replicant’s information. Their body was bigger and stronger than hers. V needed to be prepared.
But she always was. She was programmed to.
“I will need to you to look up, to the left.” She said calmly to the black replicant woman she had found living in a small city, in an abandoned building. The whole place was so precarious, it had been closed because it could fall at any given moment. To think someone was living there was unthinkable to most. But where else would a rebel go?
The woman didn’t do as she said, but didn’t attack either. 
“You’re killing your own kind. Don’t they send humans any more?” She seemed disgusted, her face turning into a grimace.
V merely blinked as she answered. “This is not a job humans would like to take. Now, could you save us time by doing what I said?”
“We’re more than just humans’ slaves, doing all the work they didn’t think is good enough for them. Or we were. You new models seem to never even think outside of the orders received.
V thought of Mari. They did. But she didn’t say that. She had listened to the replicants talk so many times. She had seen it all. Betrayal expressions. Hate. Disgust. Sadness. Pity. All painted on different faces, that were said to not process human emotions very well. 
The Blade Runner took a step forward, one hand holding the identifying machine and the other going for her gun. As expected, she didn’t even complete her movement and the replicant was running away. V was prepared for that.
They ran through old abandoned trash, to old fashioned stairs, passing through corridors and even if V haven’t caught up with the other woman yet, she was close enough to still mean danger. And V didn’t come there to play cat and mouse. She finally drew her gun, aiming at the Replicants exposed back but she sensed the danger and slammed a door, entering one of the apartments. V followed and was surprised with a chunk of wood beating blocking and attacking her, making her step back as the wood impacted against her shoulders and chest. 
The other threw it away and ran to another room, probably looking for another sort of weapon. V didn’t think twice and met her in the kitchen, where she got a knife. The roles were reversed as she tried to stab the officer and V had to move out. The woman stabbed air and V shot, her back. 
“Fuck!” The replicant groaned. The bullet hadn’t killed her yet and she forced herself to not stop herself from falling.
V kept her gun in place and aimed for her leg. This time, she fell and before she tried to crawl, V was on top of her forcing her to roll and face her. But she still had the knife and tried to cut V’s neck but she immobilized her hand. Not defeated, while V was busy holding her down and stopping the knife, she aimed a punch on V’s face.
This was rather painful. Exactly what V was predicting when she saw the files. She hold onto place, even as he woman kept hitting her. But she waited the right moment and when the woman was preparing for another punch, V knocked her head on the woman’s face.
“Ga-ah!” She dropped the knife and the other hand went to her bloody nose. V’s face was bloody and ugly. She knew that without having to look. Certainly damaged.
She took the chance to get the identification machine and force the replicant’s eyes open. A quick scan gave the confirmation she didn’t really need but was the protocol.
The woman took the chance and shoved her.
“I wont give you the taste!” She said as she ran but didn't’ try to attack or get much far. She went to the balcony and jumped.
They were on 10th floor. The replicant had killed herself to not let V get ‘the taste’. V went to the balcony and looked down. Really dead, it seemed.
She sighed and went downstairs. She really hated the ones that did that. An even messier body and the idea that she somehow enjoyed her work. She was built to be blade runner, not to like it.
She entered her vehicle, bloody eyes on a plastic in hand. She passed them on the scanner by her side and her boss’ image appeared in one of the displays. 
“Good job, agent V. Now to the next on the list.” She listed her boss’ voice as she looked herself in the mirror. Her boss wouldn’t say anything but they couldn’t get her the proper repairs. She would have to use glue, again. “Any thing else found in the place? Hints for the other ones perhaps?”
“No, miss. Just her and nothing else. I will pass you the scan of the area.” V said clicking on some buttons.
“Hm. Clean area.” Her boss nodded as she received the information. “Come back to the office.”
“Yes, miss.”
The vehicle took flight. V glanced at the city under her as it got smaller and smaller. 
One more job well done. Should she be proud? Should she feel something? She never dared ask Mari what she felt. 
This meant nothing, right? This was just how her life is. Or better said, existence. If she didn’t have a soul, she wasn’t more than an object. That was what she always heard and what she knew from the moment she was created.
Still, sometimes she couldn’t help but wonder.
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lettersforfiona · 7 years
Letter #75
Dear Fiona, September 1996 I was living in a mega small suburban NY town. I took 3 buses to community college because I did not have a driver’s license. Then after school I took 2 buses to Barnes & Noble & waited for my mom to pick me up. This end of the day ritual was my favorite pleasure. Coffee, poetry/astrology books, and discovering new music. Back then they had squishy headphones to listen to the 1st 30 seconds of a song on new albums. That’s how I discovered you. The 1st few seconds of Sleep to Dream had me obsessed. I bought that album just to hear the rest of Sleep to Dream. I love melodies & lyrics equally, and after reading all the lyrics I thought, holy shit, she’s my kin. 1997 I remember my silly pretentious teenage pride I felt when you became mega famous and I already knew your music by heart. I saw you on MTV music awards saying that, “this *celebrity* world is bullshit,” and I saw the media assholes going nuts over it and I thought, if a male celebrity said that, people would have celebrated him. I didn’t want to be famous after that because I already felt misunderstood in life, all I did was imagine myself in your situation. I am extremely sensitive and outspoken, a tough mix I didn’t know how to balance back then. February 29, 2000 - Roseland I was there. YOU had no idea how good you sounded. You could have ended it there and just left and received rave reviews. Then you said after starting & stopping Carrion a couple of times, “This song is dead.” I laughed because carrion/dead… Ya, that cemented my love and empathy for you, and for myself. I say unintentional funny things when I am frustrated or angry too. Thank you for comping my Beacon Theater tickets. I was so grateful I got to hear you twice in one year. 2003 or 2004? Free Fiona! Well, I had dropped out of college and then returned in my late 20’s. I changed my major from Art History, then to Fine Arts (I drew you), and then to Creative Writing with a concentration in poetry. I stayed in a dorm room on Claremont Avenue at the Manhattan School of Music because the New School didn’t have enough room in their dorms for me and a whole floor full of kids. I remember standing on Broadway thinking, what should I eat? I saw you walk out of the vegetarian deli and I thought you looked familiar. Then I think I did a triple take because I realized that it was you. I stood frozen in place and watched you walk to the end of the block. Finally I gathered up courage to walk fast after you. As I was speed walking I thought, what the fuck am I going to say? “Hi Fiona, I’m 5 days older than you.” No. “Hi Fiona! I love you!”  Definitely not because, lol, for obvious reasons, I don’t know you. A woman stopped to talk to you on Tiemann & I thought, I can’t interrupt, and I can’t stand here like a stalker. So I left and walked to Riverside Park to sit on a bench. I felt so sad. I saw Daniel Day-Lewis on the street and was no where near starstruck as I felt when I saw you. I’m laughing now, but there are 3 celebrities I always wanted to meet, Mel Brooks, Madeline Kahn, and you. 2004 I am guilty. Someone gave me Extraordinary Machine before it was out. I loved it. I deeply love both versions of Red, Red, Red. 2006 Your cover of, I Want You and Sally's Song, are amazing! 2012 I was still trying to get over someone from 2011 when your album came out and now every time I hear that album my eyes well up with tears.  Valentine is the toughest to listen to and it was exactly what I was going through while I first listened to it. Some people you love leave a crazy permanent imprint on you and you always feel them years later when a song plays that reminds you of them. Even if that song didn’t exist while you were with them. 2012 - NYC & Huntington, NY Hey! I loved those concerts. Dull Tool - no pulse in your impulse is a fucking brilliant line! Your cover of, Let Me Roll It, is the best. 2013 Pure Imagination - are you kidding me? You should have an album dedicated to covers of songs. You make them better than the original. 2015 - Lincoln Center I saw you outside on stage - Watkins Family Hour. That was such a happy surprise! Your songs carry strength and that strength kept me afloat in extremely tough times in my life. Thank you. I am happy you exist in this world. I am happy that you kept on making music, and good music that was well-crafted, thoughtful, clever, witty, soulful, and artful. You made quality art on your own terms. It is so amazing that at times people had viewed you as this way too vulnerable person when you have more balls & guts than most people. To state the obvious, we are all vulnerable. I’ve found that the people that appear the toughest on the surface are actually the most scared and the most easily manipulated by loved ones, especially lovers.   It’s funny how you can love an artist so much despite not knowing them. Art is powerful stuff. I read somewhere that you write only when you’re angry or sad. That made me incredibly happy because it meant with only 4 albums in 21 years, that you are more happy than sad in life. You deserve happiness. Sending You Hugs, Amber D’Amato P.S. I am 5 days older than you. ;-)
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