#little blurbs because it's late 😔
seidenbros · 1 year
I need boyfriend!Steve to comfort me. Really. I'm struggling with my depression lately and it's being really hard to cope on my own. Just imagining this sweet guy being comprehensive and patient during my crisis, holding me tight and saying that everything's gonna be alright actually calms me down 😔
Hello, love! I'm really sorry that you're struggling with your depression so I am sending hugs and love and hot chocolate your way. I really hope you can get some comfort from this, even though it's more of a blurb than an actual fic 💚💚 Wordcount: 1027 Warnings/Tags: established relationship, fluff,angst, talks about depression, sweet and caring Steve Harrington, gn reader
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Just Take My Hand
A soft touch to your shoulder, but you only curled in on yourself more, squeezing your eyes shut. Steve was seated at the edge of the bed, watching you while he pulled his hand back. He knew you pretended to be asleep, but weren’t really. You were always more relaxed when you were sleeping, not snoring, but he could always hear the soft intake of breath. Evenly breathing, your chest rising and falling, your lips often pursed… He loved it, loved watching you sleep, because he knew that you were at ease then - except for when you had a nightmare or a spicy dream, then it was different, but nothing like that was the case right now. You were pretending to sleep to not bother him with everything that was going on in your head.
You felt him get up again and once the door fell shut, you lifted your head to see if he was really gone. When your depression pulled you down, you really didn’t want to lay that on Steve. He’d suffered enough and didn’t need you to add to his worries, so you tried your best to deal with it yourself, even though you knew that it wasn’t the best way to cope.
With a sigh, you turned onto your side again, hugging the pillow tight that smelled like Steve. Sure, you could just ask him to come and cuddle with you, but something held you back, even though you knew that it would help you, that it would make your own worries subside at least a little bit. But you stayed right where you were.
You had no idea how much time had passed when the door opened again. The smell of fresh food filled your nose, making your stomach growl. No breakfast and no lunch did that to you, but you hadn’t been able to eat anything at all, hadn’t even realised how hungry you were.
The bed dipped behind your again, announcing Steve, before you could feel his arms wrap around your middle. He pulled you back against his chest, nuzzling his nose into the back of your neck, inhaling deeply.
“I know you’re awake,” he mumbled, lifting his head slowly again, leaning his head against yours, arms squeezing around you momentarily. You stiffened automatically, but your body relaxed again when his lips ghosted over your throat. “And I gave you some time, but I can’t keep watching you like this. So, will you please come with me?”
“Steve…” Digging your teeth into your bottom lip, you tried your best to keep from crying.
“Hun, you need to eat something and I cooked your favourite. If nothing of what I have downstairs is appealing to you… I’ll let you get back to bed, okay?”
“Okay…” Your voice was quiet, almost defeated, but you knew that he only meant well, and that he’d leave you here alone if that was what you really wanted. But Steve was right, you needed something to eat, and you were actually curious about what he had downstairs.
“Thank you!” A gentle smile lit up his face when you turned around to look at him, making the corners of your lips twitch up slightly as well. He always had that effect on you, always calmed you, always made you feel more at ease.
With Steve holding your hand, you walked down the stairs, but the table wasn’t set, which was a bit confusing.
“Over there,” Steve said, redirecting your eyes to the living room. It wasn’t normal that you ate in front of the TV, so it surprised you that he’d set up everything there, including a stack of movies. When you stepped closer, you could see that he’d gotten all your favourite movies, no matter how much he always said he didn’t enjoy them, lots of chocolate and he’d really cooked your favourite food.
“Look,” Steve starts, letting go of your hand and stepping in front of you, tilting your head back with his fingers on your chin so you have to look at him. “You don’t have to talk or tell me anything, alright? But I’m here if you need me, and I will distract you if that’s what you need. I will-”
You stopped him with your lips on his, because your heart burst with love for this man. But that moment also made the flood gates open, so you tasted your own tears on your lips.
“Hey…. it’s okay,” he mumbled, his right hand carefully cradling your face to make you look up at him, eyes brimming with tears. “I’m right here and whatever it is, we’ll manage it together, alright?”
“It’s just…” you whispered, hiccuping right afterwards, which stopped you from going on with what you wanted to say.
“It’s all a bit much at the moment, hm?” His thumb rubbed back and forth over your cheek, soothing you, and you felt yourself leaning into his touch, giving just the slightest of nods.
“C’mere,” he whispered into your hair, wrapping his arms around you to squeeze you tight. He held you like this for some time, your nose against the crook of his neck, taking deep breaths, while his hands slowly rubbed up and down your back.
“Everything is gonna be alright, hun,” Steve said, only pulling back enough to look into your eyes. He detached one hand from your back to brush away the tears. “We’ll manage this together, alright? Whatever it is, I’m not gonna let you face your demons alone.” He leaned forward again to press his lips to your forehead.
“Thank you…” you whispered into his chest, taking another deep breath.
“Anything for you.” He gave you another squeeze before he led you to the sofa, settled you between his legs before he reached for the plate. He actually helped you eat as well, figuring that you were completely worn out, but at least you were relaxing, because you knew that Steve meant every word he’d said, that he wouldn’t leave you alone, that he’d do everything he could to help you. But he was already doing that, and that was why you loved him even more.
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ughgoaway · 5 months
Aw no I'm so sorry that you're not feeling good 😔 I wish there was something I could do to help. Have you read toomuchracket sweetheart George series?? These are so fluffy and soft and adorable and just melt me so they might help you feel better 😊 also remember the fic that you write that was SO GOOD where Matty thought teacher was breaking up with him because she was stressed and busy at work and hadn't replied to his messages.
I bet he would be so sweet and gentle and understanding if she was going through a hard time, maybe she's short tempered and feeling low mood but can't put her finger on what's wrong. I feel like he'd want to be there with her all the time but would also understand if she needed some space. he might do things like run her a bath or brush her hair for her. Fill up her water bottle so she stays hydrated or encourage her to go out for some fresh air and a little walk with him.
I am so sorry for how late i am replying to this, I feel asleep mid-blurb this night, and this got lost in my drafts!!
oh yes, I ADORE the sweetheart George series, mads can literally do no wrong in my eyes!!! that's a very good depression recommendation, though. I will defo keep in mind the next time I'm sad lol
omg, I had completely forgotten about that blurb, yes!!! I remember not liking the finished result when I wrote it, but maybe my brain is playing tricks on me...
don't even with soft matty looking after teacher reader, OH MY HEARTTTTT.
(rambles below the cuttttt)
despite you being very short with him, matty is still a sweetheart. he has been watching you get more and more tired over the week, and knew tonight would be the night where it all just boiled over.
i think like you said, nothing big happened, just something has been building within you all week, and it's been driving you crazy. and when you start snapping at him, you immediately feel awful. but you just can't help it.
so he was prepared. he went out and bought some nice snacks (fancy m&s snacks for those who know), some nice bath salts, and even a fancy candle that he knows you'll love.
"Oh darling, please stop crying. it's okay, just wanna look after my girl" (this does not work. you just cry again. and then you cry whenever you think about him saying this)
he manages, after some convincing, to get you into the bath he ran for you, and you immediately relax. and then start sobbing because he is so kind and you don't quite know how to deal with it.
matty hears and comes rushing in (after knocking and asking if he can come in, which makes you cry even harder) and he just rubs your back, maybe even offers to wash your hair for you. he uses his fancy curly shampoo and conditioner, which once again makes you cry.
when you get out, you watch a little film, maybe your favourite. you eat the snacks matty got you and just cuddle on the sofa. I think Annie comes home at some point during this, and she can tell you're feeling off.
she doesn't say anything because she's aware enough to know to keep that to herself. she just jumps on the sofa and burrows in between you and matty. He smiles over her head, and he sees your eyes welling up again and can't help but giggle and squeeze you tighter. you lightly laugh at the absurdity of your emotions.
anyway, this is my dream when I am depressed but I just order takeaway and cry :)
maybe you all take mayhem for a walk the next morning, and annie says, "Are you feeling better today y/n?" And you're a bit caught off guard but say, "uh, yes I am sweet girl, thank you for asking. "
she nods and runs off quite happily with mayhem in the park. you look at matty, and he immediately shakes his head, "I didn't tell her anything, promise!" he holds his hands up in faux surrender, and you believe him.
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delopsia · 9 months
darling del 💐💃
have you ever thought about incorporating rendezvous with toys into stories with the trio? a remote or app controlled vibrator with reader, are rhett and robby both controlling it? whose idea was it? i suspect rhett but who knows maybe robby just came back from deployment and was like “hi honey pies...” 😉 omfg maybe both reader AND rhett with toys in while robby controls them? wait i don’t know if rhett could function in public with a toy in... maybe they just keep that to home? and then they could really put him through the ringer 🫢 do robby and reader ever slick up a toy and just let it go inside rhett and sit back and watch their cowboy’s eyes roll all the way back while he cums untouched—or wait is he too sensitive for that? i feel low key feel like he’d actually pass out if reader ran a vibrator over the head of his cock while robby was fucking him... 🤔
*COUGH* does robby ever play with any toys himself with or without his partners?
SLIGHTLY UNRELATED BUT STILL VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION: has reader ever laid rhett and robby down in the same night like (slightly, because cleaning up and aftercare, etc, of course) one after the other? do the two of them have differing dildo preferences for when they want do get fucked?
*whispers* what a weird question to end on but please if this is not what you meant by blurb right now then just ignore; i have the occasional sauce-thought about these three but i never know if, when you say “blurb thoughts please, y’all...” 😌 you mean any blurb thoughts or like, nonsexual character lore blurb thoughts...
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omg omg hello lovely! 🌷I'm open to all of the blurb themes, sexual and nonsexual alike, whatever y'all wanna throw at me😔✌
Coincidentally, it works as good practice for me lmao. I'm trying to get better at jumping from theme to theme (so, like, finishing a borderline heart-wrenching blurb to hopping right into one that's going to have the Tumblr overlords striking me down with a mature rating)
waaaah okay, I have more thoughts than I can type 💃
Hear me out; I see your Robby just came back from deployment, and I raise you, Robby leaving for deployment.
His biggest curse with being on that ship is how difficult it can be to find a quiet place to engage in all the playful dirty talk; most of the time, he winds up in the corner of a bathroom stall, headphones snug around his ears, forced to be completely and utterly quiet while Rhett and Reader torment him. Pictures, videos, phone/video calls.
"D'you like the show, Bobby?" Rhett's purring, peering over his shoulder with that darkened gaze, seems to look directly through the camera and into Bob's eyes. Fuck the things he would do to squeeze that cowboy's pretty pale thighs.
The idea hits him about two weeks before his next deployment, brought on while he was shopping around for a replacement strap-on harness. The current one is cute, but lately, it's been leaving some painful indentations on the Reader's hips, and he's on the hunt for something that'll fit nicer. But there, on the front page, is an ad for an app-controlled vibrator, and an idea strikes him.
A few days later, a box is showing up at the door. Whilst Rhett and Reader are asleep, he sets them up on his phone. Runs through the usual deep cleaning and testing to make sure they work before tucking them into the toy stash. Doesn't really mention it until he's officially on the plane, typing out a quick, half-thought-out text.
Left you two a surprise in the toy box :)
It's a couple of weeks before he gets time to use them. It's hard to catch each other when they both have the time and are in the mood. But sooner or later, Bob's found himself in the corner of another bathroom stall, chewing on his bottom lip as he presses a little button on his phone. Knees weakening at the way Rhett's head tips back to thump against the pillow, lips parted with a whine. Has the worst damn time trying to switch to control the Reader's toy; doesn't think it worked until he hears a gasp and watches the camera shake in their hand.
Fuck Bob never lasts longer than a few minutes.
They forget to turn one of them off one night, and Bob jokingly presses a command to see what happens.
Rhett's never been so afraid of a goddamn vibrating box in his life.
It's figured out pretty quickly that Rhett can't function in public with a toy in. He's already bad at most social interactions; a slight brush against his crotch is enough to have him floundering. Quite unfortunate for the exhibitionist kink that's been brewing in him these past couple of years, but they do play around with him around the property. With the house being secluded in the woods, a decent ways away from the nearest neighbor, it's pretty easy for Rhett to wander out back to do some work with a toy in.
Sometimes he does it because he likes the fullness of it, others he's deliberately hoping that Reader or Robby will notice he's got it in. More than once he's found himself braced against that old Oak tree, grunting into the crook of his elbow as Bobby fucks him for all he's worth. And more than once he's wandered into the house, grumbling because nobody caught on to what he wanted, squirming into the Reader's lap and outright begging them to let him ride their strap.
Robby and Reader absolutely could just slick up a toy and let it go inside of their pretty little cowboy, but he's so, so fussy! They've spoiled him, and he's absolutely rotten! He's addicted to the closeness that comes with having them inside of him, thighs against his, holding him for leverage and touching all over. Just a toy is enough to get him off, but he doesn't enjoy it as much if that...makes sense.
He wants the person attached to the dick as much as he wants the dick inside of him.
But he can and will cum untouched with one of them inside of him. They tried cock warming with him once; didn't end well.
Ughhh Rhett would absolutely combust if Reader ran a vibrator over the head of his cock while Robby was fucking him :( The poor thing is so easy to overstimulate, reduced to shivering muscles and teary eyes with a few little tricks. It's so common for him to bury his face in the Reader's belly while Robby's taking him from behind or to snuggle into the crook of the Reader's neck while they fuck him missionary, stifling his little noises and hiding the tears brewing.
Omg omg yes, Robby absolutely plays with toys on himself, too. Maybe not at the frequency of Rhett and Reader, but fuck, he looooooves those small prostate massagers 🤤 it’s one of his favorite toys. He especially loves them when it’s just himself because it’s not quite as good as having an actual strap/cock in him, but he won’t pass up an opportunity to play with them. Though Rhett has recently gotten him hooked on letting them use masturbation sleeves on him.
The Reader has absolutely laid them both down on the same night!! It’s an entire excursion on its own, a lot of work and cleaning and setting up, but Rhett and Bobby are pretty good at kissing up on the other and opening each other up to take the workload off of the Reader. Rhett’s almost always first because he usually gets so turned on from seeing Bob get fucked that he’ll cum from the slightest thing. Really likes getting taken apart first and then getting to have a little show of Bobby dissolving into a puddle of whimpers and cries after the fact.
Bob's got a preference for average/smaller dildos; Rhett's cock is about as much as he can handle, and as wonderfully built as that cowboy is, he's not too fond of the post-sex soreness that comes with it. Something around six inches with a very, very typical girth is enough to make him happy.
Rhett is a goddamn size queen who isn't happy until he's limping the next day. It's so easy to tell his toys apart from Bobby's because they're so much bigger in every sense of the form. Longer, thicker, around eight or nine inches. There's a singular ten-inch toy that comes out to play every once in a blue moon, but he's got to be in a particularly whorish headspace for that one.
The both of them have recently discovered the joy of plugs, for after everything is said and done. Rhett's just a heathen that wants to keep Bob's cum and/or the Reader's cum lube inside of himself for a while, but Bob enjoys the extra minutes of fullness. It really helps him adjust back to the crippling emptiness that comes with having Rhett/the Reader pull out of him.
In the buying process, Rhett's vague requirements were no tails (Bob's been trying to sell Rhett and Reader on bunny tail ones for years. (double parentheses. It's because he already bought them. They're still hiding in the closet, in the packaging that they came in.)) and nothing glittery
...and he really should have been more specific because now he's got a cutesy little plug with a pink heart.
But that's okay because Bob fucked around, and now he's wound up with one that's modeled to look like one of those Valentine's candy hearts.
This is why the Reader is usually left in charge of buying.
Aftercare-wise, they're both relatively simple to deal with; Bob wants cuddles and a small snack to share (he will die defending his Ice-Cream Tastes Better Post-Sex argument), and Rhett just wants some head scratches and a long nap with his partners. It's so common for them to grow clingy, both toward each other and toward the Reader. Constant affection, sweetly spoken words, and kisses.
Which is exactly why the bathtub is so big in the house! All of them are too sore to stand, and nobody wants to be left out of the bubble bath! Someone's gotta set an alarm, though, because if you're not careful, it's easy to wind up spending a few hours in there on accident.
And it's anyone's guess if the boys are going to get hit with a second wind and pounce on the Reader or not💛
Again with me getting carried away oh my god
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teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
Hello << If I may: 🌞, 🎶, ❌?
Hello :D
🌞 "Do you have a preferred time of day to write?"
I actually just go at it whenever. Last night (or morning?), I had to write a little blurb at 3 30 am before I forgot it so yeah....
But it's mostly during the evening! Somehow my brain works more during that time.
🎶 "Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?"
My attention span outshines that of a goldfish, so unfortunately I cannot even fathom to have any other stimulus while writing because I know for a fact that I won't write 😔 As for what I've been listening, this might be a bit basic but Maybe I by Galdive and First Love/Late Spring by Mitski <3
❌ "What's a trope you will never write?"
The trope where the female lead, without any good reason, decides to help 'heal' her captor just because she is kind. Like, there's no other reason. No personal turmoil, no trauma response, no nothing. Just kindness. It feels shallow and it's kind of like the compliant darling trope in a way? I'm not sure, but it feels very shallow to me. I don't think I will ever write that lol
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If you are taking requests could you do a all tropes blurb of y/n and the harries being away from each other? Like goodnight texts or something liek that?
Away for the night
Summary: just a mini blurb about the concept
Warnings: horny 70’s Harry
Harry was a couple of hours away visiting his sister. They didn’t get out often and Gemma couldn’t always make the drive to their secluded house so every couple months Harry would drive up while his mother was visiting so he could see his girls.
Even though both Harry and Y/n were so happy that Harry would be seeing his mother and sister it was hard on Y/n. Handling three babies was hard enough, especially since she was carrying twins.
I love you, sleep well.
Oh, I see you’ve found your phone
Haha, funny. Sleep good, tell the little ones I love them 🤎
I will. I love you :3
I love you too 🤎
Let me see the twins before I lay down please
*insert photo of baby bump :p* They are getting plump
So cute 😚 I love all of you!
Good night. Sleep good I love you!!!!! 💋🥰
A message from Harry pops up on Y/n’s phone while she feeds Storm a bottle. Harry had to go on another work trip to possible investors so she was at home with both of the babies. She grabs her phone, giggling at the little emojis before typing back.
I love you so much baby! Get comfy and sleep good ❤️
I willll! Tell my babies daddy loves them 🥰 text me when you wake up!
You know I will :) Finny is sleeping on your side tonight. I’ll see you soon bub
Awe 🥺 see you soon ❤️
70’s!harry: We’re going to act like they could text back then!
Why me
Why do I have to be away just because I have to have “family time” and be with my “cousins”
What do you mean idiot
I wasn’t made for life like this!
I have to see your boobs AT LEAST three times an hour and I haven’t seen them at all. I feel faint
I think it’s just from your lack of brain cells
You’re literally such a bully
Be nice to be firefly I miss you
I miss you too. Try and have fun?
It depends…
Let me see your boobies
No! You’re so weird. Go have fun with your family, im not answering you anymore.
I’ll go
Wait… don’t tell me you were serious
I love you
Can me if you need me, I love you.
I love you too H! 😘 I think im doing good tonight! Im just missing you ☹️
I miss you bunches! I’ll be back before you know it, snuggles 🥰
The baby is kicking :( they miss you too
Ohhh don’t get me sad nowww :( I miss you both so so so muchhhh!
Im not trying :p don’t get sad, watch a movie or do a little craft! We’re heading to bed but I’ll see you late tomorrow! Right?
Yup! I’ll be there at 8 to see you again snuggles! Keep the bed warm for me ☺️☺️
I will. Love you sm!! 😘😘
Love you more snuggles!
My moon I miss you so much :(
I hate parting with you for so long.
I know babe ☹️ I’ll see you soon. I’m sorry I have to be away.
No, it’s okay. Those animals need lvoe too! You are such a good zoo keeper! 🥰🥰
I should have never taught you emojis
Don’t be mean 😞😔
You’re so funny. I love you baby. Im down for the night now! I’ll see you later
See you later alligator
I miss my babies so much :( sleeping without them taking up the bed isn’t the same 😕
I know, but you have to finish out the season. You’re the reason that team is even still running
I know right 😏
Don’t get cocky now
Oh shush lover, you know I can’t help it
I know 🙄
Okay, My back hurts, I’m going to bed
I’ll give you back rubs once you’re home H. Sleep good, I love you so so much
I love you more, sleep good and cuddle my babies for me
Always 😚
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jayflrt · 2 years
it's been a almost a two weeks (once again) since i talked to you.😭 i was actually rlly happy yk when you got your job, like i rlly couldn't believe that you got a job and now that you are bust i thought of not sending many asks since time won't be sufficient for you. 😞
all of my exams are done and i felt satisified writing them 😭😊 marking the date 24 may, 2022 in the name of victory for completing 10th board exams and all i need to do is wait for the results 🤫
btw i will be getting my college admission soon and i want to tell you that new soon 😆 this state syllabus math is difficult because of it's long problem solving in detail 😔🥲 well i'll get through it if i just practise 😼
let's live a single life till we meet 'that one' and let's enjoy the moment we are in, drifting apart slowly in our little worlds 🥺🪶
and you know the reason i sent you this ask. it was because i felt insecure about my writing. when i see my fav authors write so pretty, i felt denied with my writing style, even a younger person than me could write so well.
i wanted to change that mindset and here i am presenting you my little blurb though i'm not yet perfet. even i prefer writing as my hobby as i can personify the way i view love and romance, from my pov.
i was just afraid that i'll not be able to express that feeling, and writing in flow once i get into medical college, i'm passionate about writing because the point i want to prove is 'one's own expression.'
i'm thinking i was serious coming to this point because that is how i'm living my life, not taking things serious in life, not making descision as soon as possible. i wish i could tell my younger self that i had to change your mindset. if not i would be living a better life right now.
i feel free from my mind after telling you this akka, experiencing this insecurities is just like mistakes, ficing the errors and making them right. i'm hoping to make a better mindset first.
hope you have a great day/night though :) let's hope for better things. the sea is vast and the fishes are many too, not just one single drop or a single fish. hehe.
— 🦔 anon [btw i love let me in jay and border: day one era jay (blonde jay🤧)]
yes it’s been so long !!! i was wondering where you were but i assumed you were busy with exams 🤧🤧 and omg thank you sm !! it makes me so happy that you were happy for me 😭💓 AHHH PLS DWDW i think i’ll be more free now with just my internship than i am with school + a social life tbh HAHAH the only reason i’ve been a little ia lately is bc of covid and finals week :’))
congrats on finishing all of your exams !!!! 🥳🥳🥳 you must feel sooo relieved omg what are you gonna do now? :o and when do results come out?? AHHH YOUR COLLEGE ADMISSION WOOO that sounds so exciting 💘
oh nooooo :(( it’s harmful to compare your writing to others but sometimes we can’t help it so i understand how that can be hurtful :// it’s great that you want to improve on your writing !! everyone has their own “voice” yk so it’ll just take some digging to find yours :’)) 💞
that’s interesting bc i’ve actually had regrets that are the exact opposite HAHAH like i wish i didn’t try to take things so seriously about my life in high school and just enjoyed myself 🤧 i thought getting into college was everything and life was just set for me afterward, but the reality is so different 😵‍💫 but i wouldn’t stick to your regrets like that and assume your life is better/worse bc of a certain decision !! you can’t change anything so might as well just make the most of what you have rn 🥰🌷
but i’m glad talking about it has made you feel better !! i’m sure there are better things coming your way 🤩🤩 and i hope you have a great day/night yourself love !!
(i am obsessed with let me in jay too omg 😵‍💫😵‍💫 that one move he does in the center)
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ughgoaway · 8 months
it really is a mental health dip kind of a month i swear seasonal depression is mf real 😔💔 but while you take a backseat on writing etc (idk how you guys write so often like burn out would hit me after the second sentence 😭💀) here's some insane brainrot and perhaps inspo but mainly just blurb like comfort to think ab bc honestly why lie matthew may be a headache but he really is the best of distractions in such times <3 (here's to hoping some serotonin will roll its way over to both of us)
(dad matty universe ofc bc well-)
- matty singing his songs to baby annie and absolutely dying when she'd giggle to it
- babysitting annie mid studio sessions like can you just imagine the boys producing and recording and annie taking turns sleeping in each of their laps etc 😭😭
- matty calling adam at the randomest times to ask for parenting advice (crying)
- the very idea of matty holding a sleeping annie in his arms as they both doze off will actually kill me i swear
- any thought remotely related to dad matty doing dad things honestly
- like imagine him packing her school lunches etc and including little notes for her kms
- the boys taking annie on trips etc like imagine them all at the zoo gn
(honestly a pre-reader blurb list/prequel may be a need somewhere down the line-)
anyways yes I totally do not.... think about dad matty......like at all......
bff anon is going to run away and disappear now 😍 xx
(late to respond to this bc I am still violently ill lol)
YES BFF HI!!!! seasonal depression is EARLY this year!! honestly, I don't get it either. Some writers literally write every day... if I did that, I'd die. I don't even write that much, and I still burn out so quickly
okay I don't have the mental capacity rn to discuss each idea in depth but let me just say; YES YES YES YES YES I LOVE IT.
(not very) brief comments on each one below the cut;
- matty singing people to baby Annie and she is just laughing like crazy... yes.
- do not even put this into my head. the idea of baby Annie sitting in Ross' lap while he plays bass. Or Adam takes her from matty when he needs to record a little vocal take, and he and Annie wave from the other side. Matty promptly messes up that take because he's busy making heart eyes at his beautiful baby (and after much pressure, he reluctantly says he was making heart eyes at hann too...) Or she's sitting in George as he produces something, she giggles and presses a button. at first George is like, "No!" But then he plays it, and he's like, "...wait that kinda bangs, " and annie gets a producer credit!!!!
(side note imagine them including an accidental take at the end of a song of Annie babbling or laughing... people are like "what is that cute laughter at the end?" and matty is like "💞❤️💖my baby girl💖❤️💞")
- it's like 12am, and Adam is just getting into bed when he gets a facetime from matty who is PANICKING. Adam is immediately like "bro, what's up", all he can hear in the background is SCREAMING bc Annie is clearly unhappy. matty is freaking tf out because "I can't find her stuffed rabbit Adam. it's been 2 hours. she won't stop crying. I don't know what to do and -" and Adam cuts him off like "matty, calm down, it's okay. didn't you put it in that weird pocket of your bag in the studio today?" and matty looks like he could literally cry of joy and just is like "YES I LOVE YOU BRO. BYE. SLEEP WELL." and abruptly hangs up, leaving Adam laughing and carly asking."oh god, what did matty need"
- perhaps a long day in the studio and matty is like "I'll just rock Annie to sleep on the sofa in the other room, be back in 10" and he simply... does not return. George comes in prepared to have a go at matty for being a helicopter dad when he sees them both open mouth snoring on the sofa lol.
- the idea of messy hair 3am matty trying to test the temperature of the milk on his wrist but getting confused at what it's meant to feel like. simultaneously rocking a screaming Annie and just trying not to also scream.
- OHMYGODDDD. like she's a little older, and it starts with a little note explaining something in her lunch, and she comes home SO EXCITED because "it was a note from you, Daddy!!! it's like we're spies sending secret letters!!!" And obviously, matty is now in full spy mode. they create a secret code, and he decorates them to say "top secret" on the outside. the notes are always things like "love you peanut! have a good day!" But we can play pretend okay.
- maybe Annie has become obsessed with penguins recently (Ross is obviously encouraging this and loves her giggles whenever he shows her his tattoo) and matty wants to show her irl penguins. matty offhandedly mentions him and Annie are going to the zoo tomorrow for the first time and the other boys are like "HMM??? WITHOUT US???" especially Ross bc like... hello he got her into penguins... the audacity from matty to be silent??? so they all are like "we're coming." thus a group trip to the zoo happens, and hann brings his little one and its just a family affair. sooo many pictures, especially Annie seeing her very first penguin and a group shot that a very confused old woman took for them (seriously, why are there 4 grown tattooed men with two children crying at penguins???)
these thoughts became much less concise as time went on...
I might have to do some prequel/early dad matty blurbs... if yall are interested???
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