#liveblogging jj
protect-namine · 2 months
mitsuki shirota expressions offstage: sopping wet cat who does NOT want to be bothered
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mitsuki shirota expressions onstage: ^^
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kazanskys-mitchell · 6 months
“iceman is no longer here to protect you” how about you shut the fuck up cyclone
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masquerading-man · 10 months
Wish me luck today 🫡
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charlezarrd · 1 year
Minor update on JJ MacField,
i got a little ways in and it seems like the “emoji” reactions each character uses in the text chat that tells a lot of the background story are unique to each character. And I kind of love that.
I wish in real life we got to make our own stickers in text chat.
Coming soon: All of the horrible things that’s happened to poor JJ that i’ve needed to do to solve puzzles.
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dilfcherricola · 8 months
cas gets laid?? by a human woman??
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zombinary · 9 months
oh my god shinji you're just a kid. oh noooooooo
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Ngl hard to focus on the second episode when I’m still thinking about T/JJ froyo dates with heavy handholding, they should have swapped the order
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ohheyalex · 2 years
Also I feel so bad for JJ. This kid really be getting beat down by his dad every time he sees him. I understand why he is the way he is. The reckless decisions he makes are his way of taking control of some part of his life since every time he’s around his Dad, the asshole likes to keep him in check by physically abusing him. Plus I love how much JJ loves his friends and I mean they are basically his only family.
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princemonday · 1 year
kiara meet the consequences of your actions
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deadgrantaires · 1 year
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guy of all time
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protect-namine · 2 months
the puppet oneshot really puts things into perspective bc neji transferring to quartz makes sense. that is a man who thrives in a chaotic environment. he needs interesting people to surround him and inspire him.
chui being so intimidatingly good at performing that he unintentionally creates a univeil purge that resulted in a dwindling amber (and even quartz) population would actually make neji leave even faster. chui being in amber and unintentionally creating an environment where everyone is either scared or quitting or failing to keep up with him, rather than bringing their own personalities and creativity to the table... it would only be a matter of time before that bores neji. there's only so much you can experiment with with only one lead actor
(plus amber considers neji a freak, which, fine, I don't think neji cares, but it's such a stark contrast to quartz who tolerate if not encourage neji's creativity. the year he transferred was still probably rough on quartz bc they also lost tsuki, so at that point I think they'd just be like, "🤷‍♀️ we don't really have any other ideas, might as well let this weirdo do his thing")
but it's also hilarious to me because chui is going all "gods and mortals" metaphor to neji and wants him to come back, and when you read that scene for the first time, you'd think that they've known each other for so long, but neji was only really classmates with chui for... less than half a year?
like. imagine if kisa left quartz after the summer performance and suzu was like, "but we were so good together!!!" but they've only been in two plays at this point. lol.
chui is out there thinking only neji can make Art™ with him while neji isn't even thinking about chui bc he's busy prying fumi and kai's brains for his script. it's also funny bc like... if chui had just made friends, neji might have stayed. not for chui's sake, but bc chui Being Human and having actual relationships meant that other amber actors also become Interesting Humans in neji's eyes. but he didn't do that bc nobody is worth it to him. meanwhile fumi is out there getting mad that tsuki is gone but at least he has People Skills and even if kai isn't on his Level™ yet at that point, fumi will at least try to make things work.
neji and fumi to each other: hey okay, you obviously have your hangups but you make this class challenging/interesting. insert spiderman pointing at each other meme
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kazanskys-mitchell · 6 months
“for reasons known only to the almighty and your guardian angel” YOU MEAN TOM ICEMAN KAZANSKY
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hellofastudysession · 2 years
the only thing i'm choosing to remember from episode i is the sketchbook's they/them swag ❤️
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charlezarrd · 1 year
last night I started playing The Missing: JJ Macfield & the Island Of Memories.
hoo boy this game is uncomfortable. Kinda love it though.
Basically, it’s a puzzle platformer where the thing that normally is the lose condition, just dismembers you, and you have to solve puzzles by using that.
It is GRUESOME, and mad props to the sound design and whoever they hired to play JJ. I can’t help but feel like it’s going somewhere though.
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dilfcherricola · 8 months
*softest voice in the world* how are you, dean?
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zombinary · 9 months
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