#liztlie au
iamthepulta · 4 months
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thepulta · 1 year
Arthur Catharsis
Keys jangled in the lock.
A lanky guard stepped through the door, caught sight of Arthur Faire behind bars and scoffed. "Six months an' one visitor, eh? The real social type." He looked back at whoever had come visiting. "Six months, six minutes. No funny business now."
There was another, much politer scoff as Arthur's eldest daughter stepped through the door and the guard stepped to the corner.
Westlie looked… well. Arthur hated to admit it.
"Six months one visit?" Arthur's back ached as he straightened up. "Finally come to pay your dues?"
Westlie stepped up to the bars, raising a polite eyebrow. "My dues? My dues are paid. I came to discuss your dues."
"You dare insinuate my dues after you betrayed me-" Arthur grabbed the bars.
Westlie didn't flinch.
"-I am only here because of what you did. How low you would go to bite the hand that feeds you-"
Westlie's eyes flashed. "Maybe you should have considered that before you considered blackmailing your daughter to cover your own ass for your crimes. You're here for those crimes."
"The only thing that matters is money," Arthur snarled, "Because you use money to build your legacy. And if others are too stupid to realize-"
"And what legacy, Arthur?!" Westlie scoffed. She gestured to the cell. "This is your fucking legacy."
"Yet you come here after the Townsend Gala dressed to the nines." Arthur curled his lip. "You're wearing my legacy; you're wearing what I earned-"
"I am wearing the power you abused." Westlie laughed bitterly and leaned in close. She smelled like some kind of Reach-flower, a pleasant perfume, but esoteric enough it didn't have a name. "Let me enlighten you, Father. Nobody likes you. When I told Winchester he could have your head on a platter and I would take your place - granted, with a few concessions - he snapped at the chance."
Arthur felt his face burning, red boiling up his neck until his rage burst out.
Westlie must've noticed too. She took a step back, frown toying on her lips. "What is it you always said-? I'm not you?"
"You aren't good enough," Arthur snarled.
Westlie breathed out and he noticed her fingers were shaking. Good. It was the truth.
She met his eyes anyway, tilting up her chin in some mocking performance of courage. "Good," she said. "I don't want to be you. I hope I'm never you. I hope when I die, I am the opposite of everything you ever told me-"
Arthur felt the rage bubbling over.
"-I hope I have friends when I die. I hope if I ever did something unforgivable and stupid I would learn from my mistakes." Her voice cracked and she stepped away just as Arthur's arm burst through the bars to grab her. It rattled the bars, but he'd tried that hundreds of times and they hadn't gotten any looser. He growled fruitlessly as Westlie stepped away.
The guard stepped forward and Westlie met his eyes. They looked at each other for a long, five seconds. Long enough Arthur's gut twisted with worry. Arthur rattled the bars again.
Westlie finally stepped away, but she didn't leave like he expected; she just stepped against the far wall, arms clasped behind her back like he'd taught her. It looked out of place in a red evening gown.
The guard on the other hand stepped toward him. Arthur retracted his arms behind the bars unwillingly and the guard seemed to laugh despite herself. Before he could process the laughter, the shape of the guard changed, cracked, grew more lithe. A long red-orange braid tumbled from beneath the guard cap, and when he blinked, there were two piercingly green eyes staring back at him.
Arthur staggered backwards onto his bunk. "Y- You- The guard-"
Morgan winced a bit, like it was a prank gone awry. "I suppose the disguise was a bit much, but it was easier to sneak Westlie down here than go through all the paperwork."
"Y- Sh-"
She knelt down and began drawing something with her finger.
"S-Stop that," Arthur managed to choke out. "What are you-"
Westlie was staring at him from the far wall, face impassive, conscious onlooker.
Morgan hummed softly as she straightened up from whatever she'd done and moved to the mid-front of the cell. She started drawing the same sigil again.
"Stop that," Arthur snapped again. "You can't do that. GUARDS," he bellowed around the room. "GUARDS."
Morgan laughed and it felt like nails were suddenly dragged down Arthur's spine. She straightened up, grinning. Grinning with those sick green eyes like a cheshire cat, pinning him in place. She should have never been born. Should have died. Should have been dead. The ghosts of the past tugging at him, dragging him down to his knees. To kneel on the dirt. He was kneeling now. Westlie stood in the corner; she watched.
Morgan grinned. "I learned an ironic little tidbit about Newgate yesterday. Would you like to hear it?"
Arthur no longer had control of his neck. He nodded. His heart screamed. His mouth didn't answer.
She started drawing the sigil again. "In the Neath, Newgate was affixed to the ceiling. I didn't know that. You'd think I'd know that, growing up in London at all, but I didn't."
Arthur remembered that. He'd been young, but he'd grown up in the dark on the docks. The stalagmite with Newgate had loomed in the distance. He remembered.
"Anyway, it's ironic because now, it's- Oh-" she thought for a moment. "A hundred-fifty feet underneath London? Something like that." She finished the sigil and made an unlocking motion with her hand.
Arthur gasped for air and doubled over, panting.
It took him a few seconds to get his breath back and Morgan had started on the other corner of the cell. She was being lazy about it.
Arthur staggered to his feet again. "Y- You aren't human. You're n-not my daughter." He swallowed. "You're a fucking monster g-get the fuck away from me."
Westlie lurched forward at that, but she paused when Morgan glanced her way. Something passed between them unspoken, and that was somehow more infuriating than anything else.
Arthur paced to the side closest to Westlie. "Don't let her tell you what to do! You take orders from her?!"
Morgan snorted. "It's called listening. You should try it sometime." She kept talking before he could scream in rage. "I hoped you'd say that, you know? I remember bits and pieces of- you know- your and Otto's grand plan- and I tasted how scared you were." Morgan leaned in closer so Westlie couldn't see and she licked her lips, slow enough to show off inhumanly white teeth - and he wasn't sure if those were fake or real or he was imagining things or he'd just never seen her smile before or maybe he'd never seen Morgan smile like that. Arthur stumbled back like she'd choked him, gasping.
With a lazy wave of her hand, Morgan finished the last sigil and the air in the room grew taunt.
Arthur couldn't make his mouth form words and the words chattered in his brain. What are you going to do?
She smiled. She heard.
She ignored him.
Morgan drew up her hand in a fist and the earth cracked. The walls of the cell split from the rock around it, and dust fell from the ceiling in front of the bars. Nothing in the cell itself moved, but it had separated from the rock around it.
"I hoped you'd say that," Morgan said again, like they were continuing where she left off. Arthur couldn't rip his eyes away. "I've done a lot of thinking these past six months, because every time you said you shouldn't have had a second child- you should've just had Westlie- it never sat right, and I never understood why until I realized that it wasn't true."
The world squeezed around him. Arthur sank against his cot, but still couldn't rip his eyes away. Westlie still stood in the corner, watching.
Morgan eyed him for a moment. Her voice was surprisingly quiet. "You always used to say Westlie was the angry one, the insolent one. But that's not true. You could've just had Westlie and all this would've still happened. She still would've left because she's better than you and she cares. Despite everything and everyone, she will always care. She didn't get your temper," Morgan swallowed. "She got your stubbornness."
Westlie's eyes widened a little. This speech was new.
Morgan swallowed, fist still raised. "I'm the one that got your wrath." Morgan sucked in a breath and the air snapped. Her voice split into three, and Arthur's ears rung.
I am Morgan Faire, the voices peeled. I am the Garden Queen. I am the Keeper. I am the Builder. I am the Pruner-of-Rot.
Arthur could barely make out Westlie through the dust as she stepped forward. She softly raised her own arm to rest upright against the Queen's fist, no power, but equal judgement. Her face was impassive, but her eyes held pity. Westlie thought he was weak. And despite the instinctive protest, Arthur felt the knowledge rip through him like a sword.
Sir Captain Arthur Faire. You have committed crimes against bond, against blood, against bone. You were graced six months to consider yet view them not as crimes nor as a punishment.
I am Goddess underneath the city of London. I am the Light in the dark. I am the Judgment of all in my domain. I am the Maker of Laws that you have broken. I am the Truth.
The voices scalded the dark and the dust burned bright. Metal ground against his ears and Arthur managed to clap his hands against his head.
Sir Captain Arthur Faire. I sentence you Downward.
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iamthepulta · 29 days
For those curious about a 'Liztlie AU', Westlie, Morgan, and Lizzie:
The Liztlie AU is my Sunless Skies fanfic, "I Have A Daughter Now, I Guess." Where sisters Westlie and Morgan Faire adopt an orphan, Lizzie Twaddle. Their father, who runs a shipping company in London, is none too happy about this new arrangement; mostly because his heir is wanted by every other shipping company in London, and late stage space-capitalism never sleeps. The sisters might have the time to figure his schemes out and keep Lizzie- if the voices in Morgan's head stop talking.
If you enjoy adoption, fucked up family dynamics, too much talk about mushrooms, and too many mushrooms talking, give it a try!
I Have a Daughter Now, I Guess.
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iamthepulta · 1 month
I saw the post where Faire is a French word and I'm suddenly wondering if Arthur's father was a French man and his mother was a Scottish woman and that's why he's Like That™️.
It's generational trauma all the way down and Grandpa Faire sucked French assss.
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iamthepulta · 6 months
Tell me about Westlie!
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Ah! They might be such interesting friends! Westlie is technically a Sunless Skies/Skyfarer character, so the stats are a little different, but her main skills are Iron and Mirrors.
She grew up as the eldest child of a Skies shipping magnate who wanted a boy, but got two girls, and raised her as heir to Fairweather Shipping and Co. She has a natural head for numbers, and if her life had been her own, probably would've become a navigator, but clerking was a decent substitute excepting her father's cruelty and ... lax... views of the law.
After some time of watching employees being treated cruelly and her furious assertions that his management was wrong, she decided to run away, frantically applied to several skyfarer captains for any sort of position, and was hired as First Mate by Captain Fitzroy of the Pyrrhus.
Her main motivators are stubborn fury at injustice, and a deep-seated belief that nobody should go without the love she did, although she's (very) emotionally stunted and can't communicate that as well as she wants.
She almost always wears a walking skirt and vest, and prefers skirts to pants: partly because Arthur wanted a boy so desperately and femininity is one subconscious way she can strike back, but mostly because she just like skirts.
(In the Liztlie AU, she's 23, and the circumstances are the same, she just stumbles into adopting a child and her protective nature +extra stuff spur her to run away.)
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iamthepulta · 7 months
AUs of the Liztlie AU I love but will never make:
Straight horror AU: There is no communication. Westlie adopts Lizzie while Morgan loses herself to jealousy, The Horrors, and revenge. Westlie and Lizzie find comfort in each other and kill her to save London. Very "you were my brother, Anakin".
Modern Beach AU: I really just want to see Lizzie in a dolphin swimsuit and Arthur Faire in a playboy mansion. No changes to the plot. Jamison surfs.
Alaska AU: Correspondence is real and there are more bears.
Steel Chair AU: In Chapter 13 Jamison happens to be walking by the Faire mansion and saves the three of them by decking Arthur with a steel chair.
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iamthepulta · 1 day
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@harvestar The Myra questions are going to take some thinking so I wanted to focus on the fun Jamison ones. xD
8) Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
Oof. Jamison has, I think. Guns aren't exactly common in New Winchester, but they're not uncommon either. There's the occasional range in back of the gentlemen club - (a misnomer, truly, because most of the gentlemen are there to cheat on their wives and drink cheap mushroom wine, but this is the Reach) - and he enjoys the time taking potshots at empty bottles while onlookers make bets. Jamison's sole motivation is to have the skill when the need arises though, which appears more and more likely as threat after threat against their newspaper arrive in the mail.
Which make it all the more bitter when the night arrives and there's no warning and no chance to aim. Just sunlight and blood.
19) What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
SHIT that's a good question. Externally, it's probably something super mundane like pouring his milk before his cereal. In reality, I think it's that Jamison isn't as good a communicator with his partners as he is with other people since he simply... forgets. I like to imagine it doesn't destroy his relationships though, because that means there's hope for me. lolol
33) In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
It probably depends on what he's being criticized on. He's introspective enough to improve on most small things, like fern care, and not tossing his suit jacket over the chair; but when criticized about life-defining moments, he leans defensive and self-deprecating, but realistic. He definitely blames himself for his first wife's death; he's just functional because he (rightly) blames the Glorious and the Crown more. If you criticize his business or how he operates though, he'll get defensive.
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iamthepulta · 6 months
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Westlie and Morgan Faire POV: You have a sister.
(Ah! Absolutely wild over this picrew! I want to do some of the side characters like Theo, Charlotte, and Elizabeth.)
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iamthepulta · 18 days
Actually making progress on Chapter 31 today and slowly getting back into the vibe of writing. :3 I'm excited.
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iamthepulta · 29 days
physically unwell about Westlie comparing possession by Arthur to a collar/chain and possession by Morgan to being in orbit.
something something Your body and mind are not your own they exist to serve but only for Righteousness something something Galatians and Ephesians something something codependency something something Morgan putting her back together For the life that I live in the flesh I live by the faith of the [REDACTED] who loves me and gave herself for me galatians 2:20
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iamthepulta · 29 days
offhandedly my greatest mistake was nicknaming the AU the Lizzie-Westlie AU and casually shortening it to Liztlie AU. Someone mistook it for a shipping fic for understandable reasons and I lost 2 years of life.
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iamthepulta · 7 months
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iamthepulta · 1 year
i am not going to rank SSkies foods at 11:42pm
i am not goinG to rank SSkies Foods at 11:42PM
i am nOT goingG to raNk SSkieS Foods at 11:42 PM
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iamthepulta · 2 months
Spent the evening rereading Chapter 27 because I just wanted hardcore fluff and the three of my beloved OC children did indeed deliver.
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iamthepulta · 2 months
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UGH. GENIUS. @harvestar
I think he would be more normal!!! Like, maybe not Dad of the Year, but Westlie goes "Dad I want to fly." And he DOESN'T mock her for six months. He might even have healthy communication skills and go, "Congratulations on passing your exam, Westlie." but maybe that's too far. xD He definitely breeds puppies in his spare time, lmfao. ((Oh my god, Fulfilled!Arthur and Jamison have discussions about genetics on their days off. skldjglgjs))
High-key this Arthur also ships Mary and Westlie and that's Westlie's point of contention instead of him being a shithead. The idea of which made me spit tea at 8am
I kind of want to write this AU au. xD
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iamthepulta · 2 months
I keep enjoying chapters of the Liztlie AU because I change little bits of my writing, or I experiment with style, or I love the new personality the characters get to show, so a lot of the chapters are 'my favorite chapter' when they come out. And then I finish writing some scenes with new personality and new motifs and new styles and it's just- Yes. This is my favorite chapter.
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