arminsumi · 7 months
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taintedcigs · 8 months
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“you should never say ‘who’s there?’ don't you watch scary movies? it’s a death wish.” —ghostface!steddie x reader ♡
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Thanks for the ask!
Alright, here's what I got:
Having volunteered at the orphanage, he can pretty much handle kids of all ages  
^That said, he has no interest in having any kids of his own (though he did consider adopting at one time)
It took him a lot of mental preparation to handle noble gatherings, given he had been carrying the family name and reputation ever since the fire
Knowing where the Moriarty plan was going to go, Albert made the most of the time he could spend with William and Louis, lest he never see either of them again.
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gatheredfates · 11 months
I've been meaning to mention this for a while, too! I've seen people comment on my post aesthetics/layouts and asking if they can use/steal them. That is totally fine by me. If you'd like a banner like the one I did for Azuma, let me know! All I need is a vague idea of what your character is like and I can do it up in Canva. It takes two seconds and brings me joy.
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lopsidedtreetrunks · 8 months
Personally, I'm stuck between the two. Idk which I'd prefer: new parents struggling at xmas or everyone panicking bc alison goes into labour during the xmas celebrations
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blkkizzat · 2 months
been thinking, do you guys like the use of "y/n" in fics or no? does it take you out of the experience? for me it doesnt bother, although i do read "y/n" as "yn" in my head and not my name but it doesn't take me out of the experience cause the overall work is still written in second person. i'd have to use more pet names in works more which wouldn't always work for the fic depending. also i do like using "y/n" as sometimes the fic calls for more emphasis or a shift in dynamics/familarity if you go from using their first name or last name to an actual pet name.
ill think about it. but i might start using it less, but as of now i still favor using it.
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ask-shane · 2 months
What do you think of Brazil? I'm Brazilian and wanted to know your opinion about my country, hihi
brazil has great beaches and food, from what i've seen. i wish i knew more about it beyond that though. i bet it has a lot to offer.
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well, i guess i could just ask you. what about brazil do you want more people to know about?
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iflybae · 7 months
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multifandomthoughts · 2 months
Hi!! Roommate AU & I didn’t mean to turn you on with Mista for the trope mix up game? (Only if you want to!!)
Roommate AU/I didn’t mean to turn you on
As the doorknob to your apartment shakes, you realized that it only meant one thing: your roommate was back early. It wasn’t unusual for you to dress so skimpily while nobody was home, in fact nine times out of ten you got away with it. That being said, usually your roommate was gone for longer periods of time. You had an unspoken rule that you didn’t discuss your personal lives, however that didn’t mean it didn’t intrigue you.
Scrambling back to your own room, you do your best to cover yourself up. His steps were silent, so looking over your shoulder mid change, all you could see was his face, broken out into a blush. “Oh my god Mista, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you would be home this soon. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable…”
“You mean you didn’t mean to turn me on? There was nothing uncomfortable about that to me, now we need to have a little chat about the way you’re dressed around me.” Mista puts his arm around your shoulder, leading you deeper into your room. The door closes, and you know this is going to lead to an exciting experience.
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creepincrawl · 6 months
iiAammm biting the wall youurrr artis so prettyyyttyt how how do you do that speedpaint plspls🙏🙏
eerrm dude the wall paint is bad for u! watch out!!
ALSO ive been meaning 2 like record and edit some process vids. maybe with me talking and saying funnuy quips. idk how many ppl would actually be interested in that tho
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mouthfullofmunson · 4 months
I’m really focused on this blog and I want to constantly post and I’ve got a bunch of stuff planned but I really want to write a single mom x Eddie series!
I know we’ve all read a single mom x Eddie series and they are popular for a reason because they are always so cute!
I’m not sure if you guys are tired of them or not but I’d love to write one and I’ve really been brainstorming about it!!
So if you guys are interested, let me know!
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voigtvirremade · 6 months
OC + Random Associations
tagged by @cetra, thank you lovely!! tagging @avallachs @habit @kirnet @astarien @wrymbloods @dekarios @alexios @calenhads @dekariosgale and anyone else who wants to do this
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Animal: Elk. Stags that are antler locked with one another.
Colors: Green, brown, muted reds
Month: January
Songs: April to Death by Flower Face, Station Waggin by Pretty Balanced, Here I Dreamt I Was an Architect by The Decemberists
Number: 17
Plants: Rabbits foot fern
Smells: Leather, campfire, musk lol
Gemstone: Leopard skin jasper
Time of day: Sunrise
Season: Autumn
Places: Alleyways lit by fire lanterns, a dry forest,
Food: Stew
Drinks: Ale
Element: Earth
Seasonings: Bay Leaves
Sky: Overcast but not foggy or rainy, just cloudy
Weather: Crisp chill
Magical power: I suppose super strength??
Weapons: Greatsword
Candy: Toffee
Method of long distance travel: Wagon
Artstyle: Hellenistic (Boxer of the Quirinal, The Dying Gaul/Dying Gallic Trumpeter, Nike of Samothrace............. Faun Barberini..............)
Fear: Losing control
Mythological creature: Minotaur
Piece of stationary: Sheep parchment
Three Emojis: 🦌⚔️🌱
Celestial body: Jupiter
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Animal: California Condor
Colors: Black, red, gold
Month: August
Songs: I'm Your Man by Mitski
Number: 6
Plants: Venus Fly Trap
Smells: Wine, apples, patchouli, frankincense
Gemstone: Smoky quartz
Time of day: Midnight
Season: Summer
Places: Banquet halls, ball rooms, a stage, the House of Hope
Food: Pig roast, pomegranates
Drinks: Wine
Element: Fire
Seasonings: Basil
Sky: Sunset
Weather: Dry and hot
Magical power: Shapeshifting
Weapons: A bow, with both gold and lead tipped arrows :)
Candy: Orange chocolate
Method of long distance travel: Flight
Artstyle: Academism and Italian Baroque
Fear: Never being free
Mythological creature: Scylla
Piece of stationary: Quill
Three Emojis: 🍎🔥⚜️
Celestial body: A moon
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dmercer91 · 7 months
do we want a quinn au
i’m thinking someone’s bsf/sister who’s in a relationship but the player asks quinn to watch over her while she’s in van for work and they play for a different team
and it’s sort of a forbidden love thing? maybe??
talk to me
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jinlias · 1 year
why can i just see yeji getting pissed no one was listening to her and makes a scene at dinner?
“i’m sick and tired of your adolescent attitudes. These are our jobs, i am your boss, if anything, i own you.” and it’s just her leaning over her end of the table, eyes just as threatening as her voice as you all stared in shock. “I hope after today you will learn to obey me.”
1 ‘ after today ’ meaning all the times she sabotaged and threatened you all today.
“what the fuck is wrong with you?” ryujin scowls, to which yeji cracks her neck and inhales deeply.
“what is fucked is your inability to see this for what it is. it’s not a dream, it’s a job, an occupation, it is a responsibility. and your actions have been costing us millions of dollars for weeks”
bile rises up your throat and your body feels heat all over, the near accident she just happened to save you from. how you were running home because all of the sudden the cameras in your poor parents’ home had stopped working?
she was deranged.
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palialaina · 5 months
So, the mines might actually be cursed? Is... is this a moment where Elouisa might be right?
So, Hodari asked me to read a letter from a sibling of his, that said he should go back home, where his family was. And he told me he came close to it when Leta died, but Najuma begged to stay because Leta apparently really loved Bahari Bay.
So he stayed, and they've eked out a living so far, but he mentioned the mine might be cursed and like...
I don't know. Considering Flow and the reemergence of humans, curses don't seem too far fetched? So I decided to ask Elouisa if she knew of any way to get rid of something like that.
And then I spent the next few hours trying to find the most elusive Proudhorn ever
Yes, I gave up. Maybe Hassian can help me in a bit, but I needed a break.
And then I came home to a bunch of stealth delivered gifts with no names! I feel like some Majiri are being Sneaky at me because I remembered something about... a Solstice celebration, I think. That involved giving gifts.
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I'm pretty sure I can blame this one on Jel. And the glasses that came with it. It's cute, but honestly, when I mentioned liking plushies, I should have specified small. It's adorable, but it's so big! I can't cuddle that in my sleep!
...I wonder if I could make a mock tea party with this one and the ormuu that Hekla gave me a while ago? Hm. I've been thinking about rearranging my house. My bedroom is getting kind of cramped.
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Someone delivered wallpapers to me. So now I have a pink house instead of a blue one, pawprints on my bedroom walls, and I changed the pumpkins for holly and mistletoe (Both not edible. At all. Don't eat these plants. Or let pets eat them. Bad juju-LI)
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I bet these are Tish's fault. I want more of the big one! It's nice to have a rug to stand on in my kitchen, that's for sure.
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And this had to come from EInar. My very own froggy bucket! The red is a bit much, but you know, if it was from Einar, I can't help but appreciate it. He's not majiri or human, so he doesn't get emotions, but he's sweet and he tries.
I'm thinking of rearranging everything on my home plot, from the house to the garden and on. It feels like it's time for a shake up, and maybe I can buy another harvest home and make a guest house, instead of having a guest room off to the side? Or maybe I can abandon my maze idea and make a big guest house? Both sound like fun, so maybe I'll spend some time later (after getting these dumb proudhorn antlers) redoing my home from scratch.
Oh, and I did find all those stormseeker medallions! One popped up in the same place as an emberseeker medallion, under that mini mine near the beach. I still think there's something special about that place... I just wish I knew what...
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dapg-otmebytheballs · 7 months
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Going on a binge, you guys want anything?
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