#steddie moodboards
taintedcigs · 6 months
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i knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss series by @andvys ♡
steve is slipping through your fingers and you desperately hold onto him not realizing that his heart isn't yours anymore, or is it?
160 notes · View notes
munson-memories · 9 months
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I know eddie isnt a bassist sshh
1K notes · View notes
mysticmunson · 1 year
in the cards
eddie munson x reader x steve harrington
summary: after a mundane game of go-fish, steve makes a proposition that changes your friendship.
word count: 7.1k
warning: SMUT, minors go away shoo, dumbification
quick shoutout to @lilacletter for being amazing and letting me talk about the fic way too much!
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Playing Go-Fish wasn’t the most exciting thing in the world, but the game barely persisted as Eddie and Steve conversated. After their shifts at work, they met at yours and Eddie’s apartment, the typical meeting spot since Steve tried to avoid his house like the plague when his parents were home. 
A mixed set of diamonds and spades sat in Eddie’s hand as he tapped his foot, tapping the pad of his fingers against his pursed lips. His collection on the table was growing, but still slightly behind the one before him. 
“Are you even listening to me?” Steve huffed, his elbows on the table as the other eyes flicked up in his direction, rolling on their way. Placing the game face down, he leaned forward, motioning for his friend to continue.
“She couldn’t even remember my name when she was leaving, man! And not even in a good way!” Steve groaned, throwing his cards down and rubbing his palms against eyes, slouching down in the wooden chair of the dining room table. 
The date he had had last week was eating him alive ever since he pulled away from Mary’s house. They both knew what they were going into when she offered him to come over while her parents were away. What he didn’t expect was for her to forget his name, still getting it wrong when he reminded her as she sent him off with, “See ya, Cleave.”
“What kind of name is Cleave? Do I look like a Cleave?” Steve questioned rhetorically as Eddie smirked, holding back a laugh as he nodded. “What? Never had a girl forget her name before, hotshot?” 
“Yeah, asshole, I have.” Eddie scoffed, rubbing the corners of his lips, “It was just one bad time, Mary is bland anyways, find someone you actually find interesting. Have a connection with.”
It was true, Mary had been a fairly desperate choice after a few dry weeks, bumping into her at the mall. He hadn’t seen her since high school, even then she would just come to his house parties to drink and head out with a member of the football team. He knew he could never forget her as during junior year, she threw up into his grandma’s vase and cried, running to a friend's car with the vase in arms.
“It shouldn’t be this difficult to get laid.” Steve sighed, pushing his chair to stand, sauntering over to the fridge to grab two beers. The wooden drawers were littered with Chinese food menus, appliance instructions, and loose change, but in the depths was a silver bottle opener. 
He firmly flicked the cap back, repeating the motion for the other bottle before tossing it back into the unknown. The tops scraped across the granite counters with a sharp noise, wincing as he put them into the garbage pail. Entering the dining room, he held the drink towards Eddie as he accepted.
“Not difficult to get laid, difficult to get laid good.” Eddie stated, shrugging and taking a sip. The bubbles tickled his throat as he coughed them away subtly, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. 
“Since when are you the sex expert?” Steve grumbled, not enjoying the turn of events that this conversation was bringing forth. He fell to his seat, slumping as he threw his head back, taking a long slip.
It seemed like days ago that Eddie would ask Steve for advice on your guy’s sex life, paranoid that he would be shit at it and scare you away. He’d always assure him it wouldn’t, he had known you longer than Eddie, and it would take much more than awkward touching to get rid of you.
Now, it was more than days, weeks, or months ago. You two had been together for over two years, moved in together, and ironed out the major sex concerns. But Steve had never had to vent like this to him and his ego was bruising like a peach.
“Since I’ve had a girlfriend for almost three years and you can’t even get a steady hook up.” He snapped, rolling his eyes as he gathered all the cards in a pile, straightening them into a deck. The soft cracking of the paper hitting one another filled the room as Eddie began to shuffle, seeing quick splashes of red and black amongst the white sheets. 
“Whatever, maybe it’s cause I like trying kinky shit unlike some people!” Steve retorted, but was only met with a laugh that Eddie couldn’t hold back for even a moment. The boy's eyebrows scrunched as he looked at him expectantly, hoping for an explanation of his abrupt humor, “Oh what, you’re some King in the bedroom now?” 
After he stopped needing frequent advice, Eddie didn’t talk about sex that much, aside from the typical joke or banter. Steve figured it could be due to his friendship with both of you or that Eddie finally relaxed into the intimacy, but part of him always wanted to know the details. 
Sure, it was nosey, but everyone is nosey, especially when two of your closest friends start dating. You two were a bit of an odd pair, anyone with Eddie was as his rough exterior could juxtapose with your gentiler one. When Eddie would ask about how he should initiate sex or suggest something, it made Steve’s mind wander. He kept it under a fair amount of control, but he saw the fictional visuals as he made suggestions. He knew you both well, so well that sometimes he was convinced he was the puppet master of your sex lives for the first few weeks. 
Once you two had gotten closer, the chats stopped, with any questions towards Eddie being met with, “No complaints.” Short, but effective, and unfortunately, nothing to add onto. He tried to ignore it, focusing on his own issues, but it practically taunted him. He’d see a used condom in the trash when using the bathroom or notice the way you shivered when Eddie dragged his fingers against your bare skin, even in the most innocent of areas, shooting you a wink.
“I doubt that you wanting to try shit is prohibiting your action and King is debatable.” Eddie mused, resting his ring clad fingers against his gray shirt, the condensation from the glass lingering to darken the fabric. 
Finally, more than just blanket statements, he could work with this banter. 
“So just sometimes a King? Sometimes a disappointment like your old chum?” Steve joked, running a hand through his locks, working through a single knot that must have come from a kid pulling on his hair at work. Apparently kneeling to the bottom row to organize nature documentaries was a contact sport.
“I do what I need to do. And then some.” Eddie replies, but his friend can see the smile he’s trying to suppress before his lips meet the bottle again. So Steve nods for him to continue, putting his ankle against his opposite knee, giving him full attention.
Eddie doesn’t look over until he becomes painfully aware of the silence, seeing awaiting eyes. He liked having something private that no one would know or understand, seeing each other in a raw way completely enticing to the other.  
But part of him wanted to spill his guts, share every detail with precision and description. He was never one to bite his tongue, constantly having a new topic to discuss or argue about. He could trust Steve, probably more than anyone, and you trusted Steve a lot too.
“We’ve done a lot, she forgets my name and her own a lot. It’s… something else, man.” He sighs, relinquishing the sharp breath behind his teeth, curling his toes from inside his boots. 
“In a Cleave way or a good way?” Steve jests, not enjoying the slight awkwardness lingering, that Eddie cackles at, shaking his head.
“Good way, don’t think we would’ve lasted this long if she called me Freddie.” He laughs, one that Steve returns, “She goes dumb a lot, so it’s not unusual.”
The riot quieted as Steve tried to make sense of Eddie’s comment. You weren’t dumb, not by a long shot, you had managed those boys out of trouble more times than they could count. 
“Ya know, turns into an airhead, can barely talk, starts blinking slower, and just mumbling.” Eddie explained, “But sometimes, it gets really loud. Cries and drools a lot too, basically have to carry her cause her legs get too shaky.” 
Silence hung for maybe a moment before Steve laughed, making Eddie look up at the boy before him who rubbed fingers over his eyebrows. His eye roll was noticeable, even behind the stray hairs that fell as his head moved and the fans blew cold air. 
“What’s so funny, Harrington? Don’t believe me?” Eddie grimaced, annoyed at his friends behavior and trying to ignore the shot to his self esteem. His sexual experiences started years after Steve’s, it’s why he went to him in the first place after you two got together. 
As time went on, you made him feel relaxed about wanting things or experimentation, so much so that he didn’t feel a need to talk about it with anyone, but you. Steve would rant or rave about his newest find while he chose to hold his cards a bit closer, especially as you got more vulnerable with him. 
After your first few times together, he noticed you couldn’t fully relax into it like he could. There was a subtle rigidness to your form, as if your body could decompress, but you were holding back. When you revealed you wanted him to place his hands around your neck, he was nervous, but tried gently. 
He watched as your eyes went blank, breathing leveling out, and body molding to his against the mattress. His thrusts kept their harsh pace as he talked you through your orgasm, finishing himself not long after. During after care, he mentioned it and watched bashfulness cover your face.
“I don’t want you to feel like you have to have my hands around your neck to fully relax, baby.” He confessed, your body against his as he cupped your cheek, “Let's just keep trying different things and see what you like best, okay? I just want you to enjoy it.” 
The next few times were spent experimenting with positions, dynamics, and role play. It wasn’t until you stopped trying to force it that it happened. You had a particularly rough day, crashing into him with neediness that you usually tried to suppress as he led you to the bedroom. 
The same hazy gaze coated your eyes as he fucked you, the sound of skin against skin filling the room as you squeaked in response to his grunts. When Eddie noticed, he encouraged it, being gentle vocally to help you succumb to the pleasure you were craving. It made you feel weightless and made him feel like a hero. It became addicting, the dynamic of letting him care for you as you let the day melt away.
“Whatever man.” Steve commented, his lips meeting the bottle as he drank it halfway, burping quietly into his fist. 
“I’m not lying, jackass!” Eddie raised his voice, not indicating anger, but in frustration and his typical rowdiness. His brown eyes bore into his companions as they go from playful to complex. 
“Prove it.” Steve retorts, solidifying his stance at the opposition. Eddie had no reason to lie, but he couldn’t imagine you so defenseless. So helpless. 
Eddie opened his mouth to reply until his eyes widened, eyebrows disappearing behind his unruly bangs of brown. His reaction made Steve’s stomach drop, if the instigation was overstepping a boundary he had been blind to, but how were you supposed to react to this sort of proposition.
The gears within their head slowly churned as they stared at one another, pursed lips and nodding slowly and subtly. Downing the rest of his beer in one swing, Eddie let out a loud breath as the bubbles trailed down his gut. 
“Okay Harrington, if she agrees, join us.” Eddie decides, truly unsure on whether you would find the idea enticing or strange. Feeling a bit of both of those emotions, the boys shook their hands on it before letting their arms fall to their sides. 
That was 3 weeks ago. 
Steve figured you had opted against it, cringing at the idea of him becoming sexually involved in your relationship, but you nor Eddie were acting differently. You all went to dinner as normal, Steve came over every few days, all the mundane things that occurred prior to the conversation over cards.
When the days of radio silence fizzled to background noise, he concluded that it wasn’t going to happen, that the perverted thoughts that crept in his mind would remain there until they vanished. But with Eddie’s added details, it only enhanced the imagery, seeing everything when he closed his eyes. 
As he tied his shoelaces, sat on his bed in jeans and a sweater as he prepared to do last minute adult stuff, like going to the post office. Robin had been away at band camp for two weeks and asked him to write letters, most he forgot to send, but he was determined to make at least one get there before she came home and ridiculed him. 
His bedside table phone startled him, securing the knot before grabbing the green handle, almost knocking over the candle his mom got him for Christmas years ago that he had only lit once. 
“Yello?” Steve chimed, pressing the phone to his shoulder as he adjusted the watch on his wrist. He kept forgetting to puncture another hole in the leather to make it more snug. 
“Harrington, what’s up, man?” Eddie let out a breathy chuckle from the opposing end, making Steve check his calendar across his room. He usually came to their place on Tuesdays after his longest shifts and on the weekends, but he panicked that he forgot an event.
“Uh, just hanging out, ‘bout to head to the post office.” He hums, pressing his lips to a line, preparing himself for the scream he’s about to receive when Eddie reveals whatever he may have forgotten, “What about you?”
“Cool.” Eddie cuts his friend off, clearing his throat, “Remember that conversation we had like three weeks ago? She said yes, I told her you’d appear on a random day, I didn’t want her to be nervous.”
The thud within Steve’s stomach must have been picked up on the opposing line, his fingers halting their work at picking off the plastic covering of the coil connected to the phone. The only thing making him know this was real was Eddie’s grainy breathing in his ear through the shitty speaker. 
“I’ll be right over.” He declares, putting the phone down harsher than intended, standing up quickly to grab his box of condoms from his bedside drawer. His anxiety riddled brain begins to overanalyze, how many condoms do you bring to a threesome? What if they all break as he puts them on and has to do a walk of shame to the gas station to get more? What if you’re allergic to latex and have a bad reaction?
As he made his way to his car, he felt himself clam up as the worst outcomes infiltrated. What if this is a joke? Eddie luring him over, just to laugh at his anticipation to watch his girlfriend get fucked. He could tell the whole town how Steve Harrington is a cuck, a lustful heathen watching young women get pleasured. But then he rationalized that, who would Eddie tell? He had a loud mouth, but most tuned him out and he didn’t hang out with many people who would actually give a shit.
They were his best friends, they shit on him, but never intentionally made him feel bad. You had seen him at some of his lowest points, only providing comfort and a joke to lighten the mood. It would be a complete contrast to the girl he’s known for years.
His car pulled into the apartment complex, waving at the guard reading a newspaper who stood post daily. His typical spot beside your car was open as he backed in, placing his hand on the passenger seat to look behind himself, easing into the compact space. His car jolted to a stop as he turned off the engine, remaining in his seat belt for a moment, unable to believe he was here for this reason.
On autopilot he approached your door, softly knocking as he rocked back and forth against your doormat. The black font spelled Welcome, recalling how you dragged him along to buy furniture and decor for your place when you moved in.
“Hey man.” Eddie smiles, swinging the door open and letting his friend in. Steve nodded and slipped off his shoes, noticing the sound of running water from the bathroom, “You still wanna do this right? If not just say the word, I don’t want to fuck up-”
“I wanna do it.” Steve assures a bit too firmly, face reddening which makes Eddie laugh, going to the couch and sitting down. Steve followed, grabbing the blue throw pillow and placing it in his lap. 
“Alright, here’s the plan. She’s in the shower and still doesn’t know you’re here. She’s had a few rough days at work and needs to destress, so I’m gonna get her started and make sure she’s in a good headspace before you come in.” Eddie explains, more serious than most saw of him, “I’ll signal you, thumbs up or down for which direction this is heading. If she doesn’t want to today, just head out like normal, but if she does, don’t hesitate to back away during it. Neither of us will be offended, if she gets upset, it’s just because she’s in a headspace and I’ll handle it, nothing’s gonna change our friendship.”
Steve nodded as Eddie spoke, feeling more relaxed at his reassurance, comforted at his thought into it and how he accounted for everyone. He could tell Eddie was a bit nervous as he bit at his lip, playing with his rings by twisting them back and forth, the skin beneath becoming the shade of a strawberry. When the water turned off, he gave Steve a nod before walking down the hall to the bedroom, leaving the door open just an inch. The bathroom was connected, meaning you wouldn’t notice the opened door or Steve, just Eddie sitting on the bed nonchalantly. 
“Hey pretty girl, c’mere.” Eddie cooed, signaling you over in just your towel as you opened the door, hair down and dry as you washed it the day previous. 
Pulling your body close to his, you melted to his embrace, relishing in his soft shirt and strong arms. You had never felt comfort like how you did with Eddie, that peace could be contained in such an eccentric package. His lips pressed lightly against your damp skin, down your collarbone to your shoulder.
Tossing your head backwards, you barely noticed as he slipped off your towel, letting it fall down into a heap of beige. He met your lips with his, cradling your cheek with his palm, twisting to let you lay against the blanket. Yanking off his shirt quickly, he met you again, his tongue slipping behind your teeth. 
With your thighs at his sides, he rubbed his jean clad crotch against your bare cunt, making you mewl into his mouth. He scooted down between your legs, rubbing soothingly against your plush skin.
He could have gone all in, eating you out like he was starving, but he knew something more effective at this moment. He was delicate, pressing gentle kisses to your lower lips until you whimpered. He sucked on your folds, avoiding your clit to keep you needy, seeing your hands clench at your sides.
The salacious sounds flowed into the living room where Steve sat, keeping his gaze on the door for his signal, but his cheeks became crimson. It felt like an invasion, hearing two people pleasure each other, even though he was invited. He had been in this home more times than he could count, but he noticed the chips in the paint on the wall or the small stain in the carpet as he tried anything to avoid thinking of you spread out. 
“Eddie, please.” Steve heard from the bedroom, followed by the squeaking of the mattress and the male voice shushing you. He tried to rub some pain away from his crotch, biting his lip at the brief relief, but yanking his hand away as he heard your moans get louder until you cried out. 
It went quiet as Eddie’s upwards thumb came into view, the reality officially settling in as Steve approached the door. Stepping inside, he saw you naked on all fours upon the messy bed, facing the right side of the bed. His breath hitched at the sight, your eyes already spacy and only focusing on your boyfriend who stood with your chin in hand, wearing only a pair of black boxers. 
“Now sweetheart,” He began, summoning Steve over, “Are you going to be a good girl for our guest and me?” You nodded fiercely, only aiming to make him happy in this blissful state, making him chuckle as he dropped his grasp. “Alright, get him started.”
Steve wasn’t entirely sure what that meant, but you apparently did, sitting up and pulling off his sweater. You were at eye level when you looked the other way, waiting for the approval of your partner before you met your best friend's lips. The kiss was tentative, his movement hesitant as he felt someone watch, but he soon fell into the touch.
He held your cheek, deepening the kiss and stepping closer. Your mouth was minty and warm as his tongue crossed the border, exploring the uncharted territory he had fantasized about. Your hands reached his belt, undoing the metal buckle and unzipping his jeans. Your palm rubbed against his growing erection, making him moan into you before biting your lower lip.
With a small trail of spit, you pulled away and moved to the floor to sit on your haunches. Yanking his trousers and underwear to the floor, you averted to Eddie, taking his remaining clothes off. You licked your hand to gently tug at Steve’s cock as your mouth was occupied with your boyfriends length. 
Their groans almost harmonized as they got harder under your touch, finding power within the submissiveness. A firm hand came to your head to push the cock further down your throat, gagging briefly as you sucked in a breath through your nose. Switching the placement, you felt Steve twitch when your lips met his tip, swirling your tongue around the smooth skin. 
“Fuck.” Steve whispered, his stomach clenching as you bobbed your head, your hand moving in a similar motion against Eddie. He found too much pleasure watching his girlfriend blow their best friend, but it made him hard and it only increased as he realized how much consensual power he had in the scenario.
He grasped your wrist, moving it so he could move lower, squatting beside you. As you reached the end of Steve’s dick, Eddie yanked you off as you squeaked, his hand threaded into your hair. He made a soft tsking noise, shaking his head with a shit eating grin. 
“On the bed.” He instructed, assuming your previous position on all fours as he sauntered behind you, grabbing a condom from the bedside table. He nodded at you as you began to suck Steve’s dick once more.
Eddie stroked himself inside the plastic and slid his head through your wet folds, watching the tip get shiny. He smirked, pressing into your cunt as you moaned, a low vibration surrounding your invaded throat. When you came up for air, Eddie laughed to both you and Steve’s surprise. 
“Now, now, don’t be shy. Tell Stevie what you’re really thinking about,” Eddie taunted, watching embarrassment flood to your face as Steve looked downwards in confusion, meeting the man's eyes next, “Are you gonna tell Stevie? Hm?”
Looking back at Eddie with a wobbly lip, Steve felt his heart twist and subconsciously brought his hand to your cheek to rub it soothingly. Steve wasn’t used to seeing his friend be a bit of a dick, mocking and belittling you, but there was still so much care. And you clearly enjoyed it, finding peace within the world he made for you behind the wooden door and concrete walls. Eddie laced his fingers into your hair, smirking as you looked up at the man before you.
“Go on, tell Stevie how you’ve been dreaming about his balls in your mouth.” Eddie taunted as his friend grew a cheshire smile, biting his lip to prevent his own laugh. 
“Want ‘em, baby?” Steve lured, moving closer with his erection by your face as he lazily stroked it, blossoming red. All you could muster was a whine, launching forward to suck on one of his most sensitive places.
Stars appeared before Steve as your hand moved to jerk him off as your mouth went to work beneath it. Eddie’s thrusts picked up momentum with a smack to your ass, rubbing the skin tenderly as you moaned.
“Fuckin’ loves it, man. Practically begs for my balls.” Eddie musters out, flicking his gaze up as both held condescending smirks, “Loves when you press them on her face or… on her pussy.” With his last words, Eddie pressed them against your folds, clit feeling his warm skin as you cried out. 
Shortly after, Eddie pulled away, tilting his head to signal their partner away too. When he got a good look at you, Steve really realized what Eddie meant. Your eyes were glossy, lips hanging open and doing whatever you were instructed. He was snapped from his daze when a condom flew at his chest, fumbling to grab it before it hit the ground.
Eddie held up the box, showing the sizing that was a match for Steve’s, so he opened it, putting it on with a grunt as he felt sensitive. You laid down horizontally on the mattress, Eddie by your head and Steve by your feet. Eddie hadn’t come yet, but pulled away the condom, knowing he was about to enter your mouth. 
“Hey, look at me.” Eddie commanded gently, squatting to meet your eyes as you looked in a haze, “Focus for a second, baby.” Steve went stagnant, releasing himself from his grasp and rubbing small circles on your hip. 
“Now, your hand stays on my thigh at all times, okay?” Eddie asks, awaiting your nod. Giving head in this position, him above you with your nose covered by his skin, was glorious, but made him anxious. He didn’t play around when it came to things like this, knowing how ditsy you can get and the lack of oxygen it can cause if you couldn’t signal him.
“I want you to tap my thigh once for Yes or Good, then twice for No or Bad. If you need to call Yellow or Red, smack me as hard as you can.” He instructed, smoothing your hair back from your forehead, “I need to hear you say it, pretty girl.” 
“Once for yes, twice for no, smack for red.” You whispered, reaching behind you for his hips and he grabbed your wrists. 
Giving you a warning glare, you slinked them down, resting them on your warm tummy. 
“If your hand leaves me or you don’t respond, Steve and I both pull away.” He addressed, making you whimper, “It won’t happen if you do those two things.”
Nodding, you sniffled subconsciously, looking into your devoting boyfriend's eyes with a small smile. He stroked your cheek sweetly for a moment, kissing you upside down, mumbling a sweet ‘I love you’.
While Steve had never seen this side of Eddie, he knew it had to have existed as you were a fairly emotional person. It wasn’t anything abnormal, you just felt things intensely in general.
He kneeled on the bed, glancing at your face and observing as he slid himself inside. He knew that as soon as he heard your moanful gasp, that it would remain on repeat in his brain far longer than it should. Inching himself in with a shaky breath, he held onto your plush hip, relishing in the soft noises leaving your mouth.
Straddling over your face, your hand resting on Eddie's thigh, he pushed his tip inside your lips. He moaned at the vibrations around his cock as you made muted noises, biting his own lip and clenching his eyes. 
The pleasure you felt was all consuming, feeling full by your best friend and the warmth of your boyfriend on your face with the rest of him using your throat to get off. Spit pooled to the top of your mouth, coming down your chin, feeling Eddie’s thumb rub some on your lips. 
Eddie’s hand went down to squeeze your breast, toying with the nipple to evoke shivers. Your brain had drifted away, senses overloaded to a state of bliss beyond comprehension as they utilized your body for what they desired. When Steve’s fingers reached your bundle of nerves, your legs began to shake, whimpers struggling to surface.
Hands from both ends stroked your soft skin gently, attempting to calm you down. But  part of Eddie was losing his mind, watching you be pleased by another man, but a part of him couldn’t look away. His gaze lingered at your cunt being filled, but Steve’s eye’s couldn’t tear away from seeing the outline of Eddie’s cock through your neck. 
“Hand. One warning.” Eddie grunted after your hand had fallen to your sides, too immersed in your head to remember the one rule instructed to you. The muffled squeak could be heard as it flew back to his tattoo, gluing itself to the detailed ink. 
The squelching of your arousal was filling the room, Steve throwing back his head, pushing some of his brown locks away. The position was good, but he wanted more, letting his hands flow from your hips to your knees.
In a swift motion, he bent them, holding your thighs down to fuck you deeper, making sure his balls hit the bottom of your pussy. Eddie laughed as you yelped, taking an opportunity to thrust faster down your throat, making you gag. 
Maybe there should have been more shame in how much pleasure you received from being manhandled, especially by two people, but their gentle touches felt far more erotic than anything else. 
Starving off an orgasm, Eddie slowed down, making the strokes longer, nuzzling down to the hilt. His mouth hung open, eyes fluttering for a moment before opening in front of him to see Steve, who looked at where the two of you met. When Steve looked up to see Eddie’s blissed out grin, he blushed, lips parted slightly. 
As Eddie relished in the pleasure, he felt your hand beginning to slip before falling to the sides, giving you a few seconds to see if it was an accident, before pulling away abruptly. Steve noticed and backed away too, softening his gaze at your bashful and frazzled demeanor. 
“No, wait, please.” You mumbled, throat growing slightly raw as you tried to sit up, but Eddie walked to the side, dragging you to sit up by your armpits. He can see the way your thighs are clenching, adjusting in discomfort with wide eyes. 
“We’re gonna try something else, okay?” He soothed, rubbing your cheek with his thumb before kissing you. Steve felt himself growing weaker as he neared his end, cock blossoming a bright red, and opted to take a seat on the bed. Eddie had turned away to grab a fresh rubber, “Get on top of him, baby.”
After receiving the instructions, you followed them by straddling Steve and kissing him. The hormones were flowing with more intensity as you ached for an orgasm while he hoped he’d at least last a bit longer. 
“Fuck her, Harrington.” Eddie’s voice boomed as he approached, his knees on the bed as he went behind you. Without hesitation, Steve angled himself to your entrance and slid his tip inside. You gasped between kisses, sinking down on it with little resistance as due to the gravity and his hands guiding your waist.. 
Meeting your hips halfway, Steve moaned at the feeling of you on his cock and Eddie watching with a stoic expression. You threw your head back as a wave of brief pleasure coaxed you, not quite at your peak before getting closer. 
Through the movements, Eddie reached to his drawer, pulling your preferred lube choice and put some onto his hand. He grabbed himself, making sure his length was well covered and dragged his damp finger against your other hole. He felt your body shutter at the delicate touch, this being something fairly new for you both, and never doing it at the same time as classical penetration.
A loud gasp sent your lips away from Steve’s, making his brows furrowed in confusion until he saw your boyfriends focus downward. Steve hushed you, holding your head against his neck to let you cry out, body tensing at the sudden sensation of the man behind you. 
“I know, sweetheart, I know. You’re doing so good.” Eddie assured, being as delicate as he could as he inched his way inside. Every vein and ridge felt so prominent within the canal of your holes, closing your eyes to focus on the way they both felt. 
Your barely audible cries made both men feel guilty, Steve stroking your hair and Eddie rubbing your back. The safe word or colors hadn’t been utilized, so they knew they weren’t going over any limits, but the tears falling down your cheeks weren’t easy to witness.
He reached a point where most of himself was inserted in your ass, beginning to thrust subtly to test the waters, putting a few drops of lubrication to where you connected for some extra help. 
“You’re okay, honey, we gotcha.” Steve moved his hand between your bodies, finding your clit to rub small circles against the needy bud. The pleasure helped ease the ache from both men inside, nails digging into his tan shoulder. It was a few minutes later when you finally mewled, the sensitivity of your body finally meeting the pleasure they were proposing, feeling their tips reach a point inside you.
“There she is, there’s my girl. Doin’ so good, baby.” Eddie praised, holding your hips still to let him control the pace, also giving his friend more leeway to thrust up into you. The spurts of satisfaction became more frequent as all three of you grew more comfortable, gaining a rhythm. 
“Feel so good, sweetheart, fuck. Better than I imagined.” Steve blurted, resting his forehead against yours as his hands multitasked between your chest and between your legs. 
The sensation was overstimulating, penetrating the most intimate of places with pain and pleasure. The world around you seemed to turn to television static, aware of it, but with no concept of what truly was going on. 
With your cheek pressed against Steve’s cheek, your mouth hung open to release small squeaks, a few tears still trickling as the pain slowly subsided. You curled your toes that were pressed against the comforter, a reminder of your physical presence. 
The reminder must have not been clear enough as both men pulled out abruptly, the sudden emptiness startling you with a whimper that was quickly hushed. Eddie sat against the pillows, pulling your back to his chest, pressing a few short kisses to your neck and lips with small words of encouragement. 
Yanking your legs across, you were spread out against Eddie’s lap as he re-entered your ass, the insertion much quicker than before, making you wincereleased a sob. Eddie tilted your face towards him, hushing you calmly. Steve moved towards you on both knees, preparing to slip inside, but became transfixed on your glistening pussy. 
His mouth met your cunt, lapping up your messy arousal from your puffy folds. Shivers ran down your spine as you focused on his tongue, balancing with the ache of Eddie’s cock inside. Steve’s mouth reached your clit, slipping two fingers inside to curl upwards, finding a familiar spot that made you moan.
“Don’t come yet.” Eddie commanded and felt your body tense against him, nodding with a bitten lip. He would typically make you verbally agree, but he knew the whole situation was fairly intense, so he wasn’t going to get hung up on minor details.
“Didn’t think you’d be so cruel, Munson. Especially not with this cute little cunt.” Steve smirked, rising back to his knees as his mouth glistened with your arousal. 
The vulgarity falling from his lips was due to comfort, realizing he could also join Eddie in the game with boundaries. He watched his friend roll his eyes with a laugh while Steve slid in quickly, making you gasp. 
There was a hitch in your throat, coughing it through as you tried to regulate your breathing. The new position had you more revealed, Eddie’s hands holding your knees far apart and propositioning you completely exposed to their guest.
“Kiss please.” You mumbled, attempting to get closer to Steve’s face, which made him laugh. 
“You have two cocks inside you and still need more?” He sassed, instantly regretting it as your face fell and Eddie glared, “I’m just kidding, baby, c’mere.” His lips met yours fast, absorbing every second of passion between you both. 
Eddie kissed along your neck, still ignoring the jealousy he had over your exchange with their friend, but reminding himself he knew you like no one else did. Like how he knew it took a lot for you to ask for specific things when you were vulnerable, something he’d definitely need to mention to Steve.
A burn began to strike in your lower gut, broiling as they increased their movements, the sounds of wet skin hitting one another as your slick and the lubricant covered both of them. Steve’s thumb met the bundle of nerves between your legs again, ruthlessly swirling the pad of his finger against it with no mercy.
The pleas from your mouth didn’t commute as your jaw fell open, a shaky hand attempting to ease some of the pressure below, but they only increased their intensity. They could see you falling apart with little regard, their own balls tensing at the approaching orgasm, but they weren’t done with you yet.
“Off please.” You mumbled to Eddie, his brows furrowed in concentration, catching your gaze as you rested your head on his shoulder. 
“No baby, not tonight,” He whispered, which ignited a whine that he quieted, “You’re being good sweetheart, just not tonight.”
Steve wondered what you were referencing, but found it pointless to question now as Eddie wasn’t allowing it. He glanced down to see himself slotted between your legs, a glistening mess that made his stomach clench. A deep moan left your stomach as you began to shake, crying out at the overstimulation and feeling yourself losing control. 
Eddie’s ring clad hands seared into your hip, attaching his lips to your neck as Steve leaned in to snatch your lips. The kiss was fierce, desire overcoming all of you in mere moments as the finish line came in sight. Your boyfriend groaned and threw his head back as he came, body shaking as the tightness of your ass strangled him. 
Somehow Steve managed to get you to finish before him, his fingers moving quickly against your clit until you cried out, letting himself release. He shivered against your chest, your nipples grazing across his damp skin, trying to use his free hand to hold himself up. 
The whimper you released was inevitable as Steve slipped out, rolling to his side, and Eddie pulled out. The emptiness was jarring as you tried to come back down to Earth, a mixed set of emotions encompassing you as the boys helped you lay down, molding between them. 
As the intense huffs subsided, your eyes fluttered open to see two sets of brown ones looking at you with affection. Eddie’s calloused thumb came to your cheek, wiping the stray tears that had slipped, and Steve’s firm hand rubbed your hip. 
“You feelin’ okay, baby?” Eddie asked, tilting your head up, knowing eye contact can sometimes be difficult for you after intense sex. He can see your hazy look, blinking blankly and nodding slowly. “Let’s get you cleaned up then you can sleep, okay?” 
The question didn’t need an answer as he pulled on his boxers, lifting your body up and carrying you bridal style across the hall as Steve picked up his boxers from the floor. He sat on the edge, stretching his back that he thought was pulled after the intense climax, but the exhaustion waved over him instead. Rubbing his eye lids, he lost track of time in his own daze, hearing the squeak of the bathroom door open. He looked up, Eddie smiled and raised his eyebrows quickly with you in his arms. 
“She about fell asleep in there,” Eddie chuckled, “Stay the night, man. It’s getting late.” He told Steve, bending down to snatch his discarded shirt and put it on your body. Steve nodded, scooting back to his original placement on your right while Eddie went to your left. 
The rustling made you squeak, just on the brink of slumber, nuzzling into the both of them. Hushing you, they both maneuvered the shirt onto your body, opting to forgo the panties due to your sensitivity. Your soft snores vibrated against Eddie’s chest, your bottom against Steve, as they laid on their backs.
“What did she want off?” Steve asked, breaking the silence, his friend looking over at him in confusion, “Towards the end. You said she was still good, but not now.”
A blush settled on Eddie’s cheeks, looking down at you and kissing your head. A laugh threatened to form as he tried to word it as clean as possible.
“She wanted the condoms off.” He replied, watching Steve’s eyes open wider, rubbing a hand on his face with a small sigh of disbelief. “We only do it every once in a while, for obvious reasons, but she usually asks for it when she’s small.” 
“She’s gonna kill me.” Steve mumbled, making Eddie laugh with a yawn cutting him short, now yawning as well. He wasn’t sure what the morning would look like, but he didn’t have the energy to think about it, he was going to enjoy what the night had brought him.
He needed to start playing Go-Fish more.
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hi! thank you for reading, mwah!
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steddielations · 2 months
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Let Me Be Your Good Night
Steddie | Explicit | Complete
“You can turn around, Steve.”
“No, it’s fine. I won’t look, I’ll just go,” Steve offers, still facing the door and so apologetic, “I’ll keep my eyes closed and we’ll forget this ever happened.”
Eddie sighs. “You have to open your eyes, man. You gotta get me out of these.”
Steve’s curiosity makes him turn faster than he can even think.
“Get you out of what— oh.”
Eddie’s not just standing naked at the kitchen bar, he’s handcuffed to it.
Or, Steve interrupts Eddie’s hookup and comforts him through a subdrop after. That's how it starts at least.
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They're just having some fun.
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steveseddie · 2 months
never could be sweeter than with you
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steddie | rated: t | word count: 23k | tags: 5+1 things, eddie munson lives, but gets put on house arrest, steve keeps visiting <3, good uncle wayne munson, sharing clothes, sharing a bed, smoking, fluff, hurt/comfort, getting together, first kiss
“Good morning, Mr. Munson, is Eddie home? Um, that’s a stupid question, of course he’s home.” Steve chuckles nervously. Steve. That’s Steve at Eddie’s door. “Is he awake?”
“He’s awake, son, but I gotta warn you, he’s in a pissy mood today,” Wayne’s gruff voice replies.
“Wayne!” Eddie protests loudly.
“Just telling it like it is,” Wayne throws over his shoulder. “You still wanna come in?” He asks Steve.
“If that's okay, Mr. Munson.”
God, he’s so polite. Eddie hates that he finds it endearing.
“Please call me Wayne, son.”
Eddie doesn’t even get a chance to try and make himself look somewhat decent. Right away, there’s the sound of the door closing and then Wayne walks back into the living space with Steve in tow, looking perfectly put together in his neat polo shirt and blue jeans.
Eddie is still in his fucking pajamas, for fuck’s sake. 
or 5 times Steve visits Eddie and lies about why + 1 time Eddie catches him in the lie
read the rest of never could be sweeter than with you on ao3
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rogueddie · 6 months
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Modern au set during the lockdowns where Steve, bored out of his mind, decides to try and make a new friend with notes on his window. Eddie is the one to reply.
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longlivesteddie · 2 years
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The one where Steve started spending time with Eddie and fell in love with his silliness.
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thefreakandthehair · 8 months
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@eddiemonth prompt, oct 15th: Ren faire | Knights of Cydonia - Muse | Committed And how can we win, when fools can be kings? Don't waste your time, or time will waste you.
Robin stands off to the side with Nancy and watches as Eddie and Steve fight side by side with faux swords against the evil King, the antagonist of the Renaissance Faire’s overarching storyline who's brought together unlikely allies: elves, knights, and peasants fighting as one.
Steve’s medieval outfit, thrifted mainly by Eddie and Robin with a few suggestions from Nancy’s closet, is convincing enough but Eddie? Eddie’s gone all out. Elf ears with gold cuffs applied with an industrial adhesive. Green and beige fabrics fashioned into a shirt with golden embroidery painstakingly stitched into woodland and patterns along his sleeves. Brown leather pants found at a steep discount while thrifting for Steve. A crown made of greenery and medallions tied from his forehead into the back of his hair.
It’s as impressive as it is excessive.
Nancy nudges Robin gently, a light tap of her shoulder against Robin’s, and gestures with her chin towards Eddie. 
“How the Hell are his ears still on?” 
Robin laughs and shrugs as Steve lands a pretend blow and Eddie beams at him. Perhaps there's something healing about fighting a villain and winning without true, mortal stakes.
“No idea, I just hope that whatever glue he used has an easy solvent. I’m not sitting in the E.R. with him and his elf ears.”
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imfinereallyy · 3 months
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“Fuck, I Think I Love You.” written by: @oh-stars
Art by: me <3
Description: First piece other than the playlist. Full collage art created for the projects cover. For the @strangerthingsreversebigbang event.
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taintedcigs · 8 months
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“you should never say ‘who’s there?’ don't you watch scary movies? it’s a death wish.” —ghostface!steddie x reader ♡
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imjustagirl22 · 2 months
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~ Steddie x reader moodboard 💛
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steddieasitgoes · 5 months
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@steddiemas Day 27: Keeping Warm
Tags: Steve Harrington Has A Crush On Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson Has A Crush On Steve Harrington, Power Outage, Game Nights
wc: 424 | Rating: G
Read on ao3 | ao3 collection
╰┈➤ The pro to having a big house is that it’s perfect for hosting friends and family for any and all occasions — like an early Christmas party, Steve gets forced into hosting by freshmen, his platonic soulmate, and the loud metalhead who has been steadily worming a way into his heart. 
The con of having a big house is that it’s impossible to keep it warm without power — which usually isn’t a problem unless some idiot plows into the power lines sending the entire neighborhood into a blackout in the middle of one of the coldest Indiana winters in the last decade. 
At least that’s what Steve and everyone else is learning today as they scramble around the Harrington house, closing blinds and raiding closets for blankets and spare jackets. With the kids and Robin on recon duty, Steve and Eddie manage to get a steady fire going in the fireplace. 
Still, it takes ages for the temperature to rise, during which Eddie bemoans the fact that he’s at risk of hypothermia which sends Robin into an anxiety spiral that’s only broken after Dustin and Erica explain to the both of them that hypothermia doesn’t work that way. 
Once that’s settled, they set up camp in Steve’s living room along with a hoard of board games Eddie raids from the closet under the stairs that hasn’t been opened in years. 
Clue. Monopoly. Jenga. Scrabble.
A deck of cards, even Uno. 
Steve didn’t even know his family owned all these games, and yet Eddie kept pulling more and more out from the depths of the closet.
 The rest of the night is spent in total chaos. Shouting and laughter. Threats and yelling and a thirty-five-minute debate over Scrabble only end when Dustin finds an ancient dictionary tucked away in Mr. Harrington’s office. 
There are sore losers and sore winners and maybe, just maybe a hint of cheating. Steve feels no remorse for the handful of Uno cards shoved deep in his pockets and judging by the shit-eating grin Eddie throws his way when Steve catches him skimming from the bank during a game of Monopoly, well he’s not the only one pushing his luck. 
Despite the change of plans, it ends up being one of the best nights Steve’s ever had. And if Eddie happens to fall asleep on the couch cuddled up behind him “for warmth” while the others are sprawled out on the floor, well, Steve’s not going to complain. 
After all, he wouldn’t want Eddie dying of hypothermia or anything. 
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steddielations · 3 months
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Wrap Me Around Your Finger
Steddie | Explicit | Complete
“Hey, it’s fine.” Steve’s hand twitches like he wants to reach out assuringly, but can’t because Eddie’s boner is right there. “That… kinda happens when I do this with the guys on the team too. Just part of getting a massage.”
“The whole team, huh?” Eddie feels delirious as he blurts out, “Slut.”
Before he can clap a hand over his stupid mouth, Steve laughs and shoots back, “Virgin.”
Or, Eddie gets worked up when Steve rubs his sore muscles, but Steve doesn’t mind.
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munson-memories · 10 months
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Knight/medieval! Eddie
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rogueddie · 4 months
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Steve and Robin working on a cruise ship together, where celebrity besties Eddie and Nancy decide to take a holiday together. Both Steve and Robin have a moment where they look at each other like they're idiots- Steve adores Nancy's books and Robin listens to Corroded Coffin with the party.
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