#long-term relief
healinggateacup · 11 months
As we age, managing pain becomes essential to maintaining a high quality of life. Seniors often encounter various discomforts, making finding safe and effective pain management solutions crucial.
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blackjackkent · 24 days
Astarion is waiting in camp with a business proposal. It's really pretty ill-timed on his part (I feel like his timing has often ended up being pretty bad, with Rakha), because she has had the worst day she's had in a while.
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"You know, I feel a connection between us. Like we're two souls walking the same path. Every step we walk trails blood. Killing is an instinct for us. I respect you for that. I would keep the murders in our own camp to a minimum, but otherwise, we're very much on the same page."
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Rakha has spent the last several hours desperately battling that murderous instinct long enough to keep herself from filleting Isobel like a fish, and she is not in the mood to hear this. Generally speaking, she feels a certain connection with Astarion around their shared involuntary need for blood - but this is a stark reminder that their opinions about that need are growing ever more different.
"What are you getting at?" she growls.
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"I just worry that we're not considering all our options when it comes to our uninvited guests." He's trying to sound casual and it's not working at all. "How many people are infected with them, do you think? Hundreds? Thousands? And they're not just goblin trash - there are powerful people in the worm's thrall. Whoever's waiting for us at Moonrise Towers controls it all. But if we can take that control from them, imagine the power we'd wield."
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So that's what he has in mind. To usurp control of the parasites rather than cleanse themselves. Rakha dignifies this with a brief consideration, then dismisses it. Her focus is on freeing herself of the parasite and wreaking vengeance for it. "I'm getting this thing out of my head," she says flatly. "End of story."
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He clicks his tongue disdainfully. "A pity. I thought you had more ambition than that. Still, we're not there yet. Maybe you'll see the light yet."
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sneezarify · 10 months
There are very few sneezing triggers that could ever be sexier than the allergy sprays that you put up your nose and then squirt.
Watching and allergic person trigger sneezes from their own meds is too much for me.
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chikinan · 4 months
also a note I've been reading through the immediate help proposals and I might be donating to the firefighters directly instead.
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end-orfino · 4 months
It just all feels more pointless now. I think i lost some of the spirit. I dont know if its temporary or how to get it back
#found myself less passionate about my ocs and their stories and about making them real one day#but not in a good way#its not letting me go of my perfectionism or whatever instead its just like. whats the point. theyre not that good anyways#theyre as in the stories#im increasingly aware of the plot holes and the parts that are kind of held together with string in order to make the plot make sense and--#--im not sure if anyone ever could get as passionate about them as i was?#especially since like. *i* dont feel as passionate abt them as i said.#my main baby my main oc project that i cherished and hoped to make real in some way now feels like i should keep it private.#the other one that i was hoping to make into my first long term project remains unfinished plot-wise and i dont feel motivated to work--#--on it further#the one that i think has an alright plot that i could share is just kinda in the bg#and also i always felt like i was good at like...symbolism...metaphors...parallels...this kinda stuff#i felt like my stories were something you could dig into#now it feels like i overestimated them#and theyre actually painfully simple and just. idk. feels like theyre not that good#maybe its because i recently didnt have time to work on them?#and fell into a fandom that has a painfully not-deep story where i also often feel like other ppl in the community dont want me there#maybe i gotta get away from that lol#but it doesnt feel like its gonna help. idk what will.#all of this isnt giving me any relief its just making me feel empty and like i thought too greatly of myself#bcs i still want to Make things and stories and now i just feel like im lacking at that??
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storybycorey · 1 year
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blueish-bird · 2 months
sorry if I don’t remember your name or conversations/experiences or basic things about myself, every few weeks my brain gets factory reset and I have to relearn how to be alive
#lighthearted but also serious bc what is going on here buddy#been feeling weird as hell these past few months#like I can remember some stuff… but it doesn’t feel normal to forget the names of anyone I haven’t seen/heard the name of in a few days#or forget about basic interests and personality traits and experiences and feel like a blank slate every day#idk like ultimately life goes on and I’m happy to live in the moment but it would be nice to understand why my brain is doing this#just thinking#meposting#I think my brain just. does this sometimes when I’m stressed. which is annoying#I recall (lmao) feeling similar during earlier parts of life so this isn’t *new* it’s just unexpected and much more disruptive as an adult#I’m feeling better about it than I was. after like. acknowledging it. bc my mind has not always felt like a sieve it isn’t always this bad.#whatever#I’ll tag as dissociation just in case it’s related/reminiscent and ppl don’t want to see that#dissociation#me and her go way back… haven’t seen each other in years though#she wasnt all bad! coping mechanisms can provide relief and a sense of safety#and as far as coping mechanisms go it’s not the most unhealthy. though it ranks high in ‘socially stunting’#I kind of miss the distance sometimes to be honest everything’s just So Much all the time#I’m so solid now#so stuck in the ruts of capitalism#fuck capitalism#I wish my imagination didn’t feel so dulled#sorry I love talking#and I don’t miss dissociation when I feel mentally present because I feel so Here with the people and things I love but rn?#it’s like a lose-lose bc I am not Here nor am I untethered. I’m heavy yet hold nothing#I enjoy being dramatic/poetic about it — I feel pretty fine. I just hope this isn’t a permanent and/or long-term state of existence.#like it makes me awful at my job I went from remembering a solid amount of the student body’s names (built up over a few years) to. like 5.#overnight it felt like. like Stressful Thing happened and I went to work and I couldn’t remember anyone’s names.#can’t believe I have to start from fucking scratch AGAIN I’d be better off quitting and working at a different school#bc at least then my lack of knowledge/remembering is justified rather than strange and seemingly rude#I’m getting better now but at the beginning of this it was blue screen in my brain all the time
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theheadlessgroom · 2 months
In turn, Randall squeezed her hand back, as he drew in a deep breath. Despite his best efforts, clinging to the notion that his parents would at the very least be understanding once everything was laid out on the table for them, seeing that Emily really meant him no harm and that they truly were in love, there was no denying that growing cold pit in the bottom of his stomach, worsened only by her suggestion. A part of him sort of wanted to (however lamely) protest, instead suggest they save it for another day, and just enjoy themselves for now...
...he knew, in his heart, she was right. They would have to tell them at some point, and it was better to do it now rather than later; Randall had never been one keen to lie to his parents, and he knew the guilt of keeping such a massive secret from them would eat him up from the inside out. Thus, it was just better to get it out of the way-for both his and Emily's ease of mind.
"You're right," he sighed, as he brought her closer, wrapping his arm around her as he nodded, "They...they do deserve to know. I'll, uh...I'll give them a call in a little while, tell 'em when I'll be home, and that you'll be with me. We'll...we'll tell them together."
He punctuated this with another loving kiss, this one pressed to her cheek as he reassured her, "It'll be alright, Emily."
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jordanshenessy · 2 months
I’m just gonna vent a lil so idk you can keep scrolling if u want lol
Hahahaha my periods been going on for more than two weeks and I’m feeling like massive chronic fatigue and nausea and and anxiety as well ( bc of my moms situation) and idek if my doctor called today bc I was sleeping bc yk FATIGUE like on top of fasting too (cuz it’s been more than two weeks) and on top of it all…I think I forgot to brush my teeth today 😃 today? Yesterday? Idk time has no meaning
And you might say hey tasfia why not just go back to work then, you had a proper sleep schedule, you had a proper eating schedule, and physically you were better but see MENTALLY I WAS DYING SO MAYBE JUST BE QUIET DAD
And it’s not like he’s telling me bc he wants to, he literally NEEDS someone there bc there’s no one to sub bc my ta just never shows up. It’s like Russian roulette with her and that gives me so much anxiety bc I’m responsible alone for 8-10 little kids running rampant. And that’s actually not my problem at all either. It’s bc we’re so understaffed that we don’t have any spec ed so if I’m dealing with the spec ed kids in my class no teaching and learning with the other kids is actually going on. I NEED someone else to help with the spec ed kiddos.
So it’s like I might as well just quit??? Bc either way they’re not learning anything like ughhhhh it’s such a stupid situation and the kids don’t deserve any of that but like there’s not enough ppl and hiring is a whole mess and ughhhhhhhhh
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causeimanartist · 1 year
Hi, I just wanted to send you some hugs and appreciation from Germany! I'm usually very shy when interacting online, so I hope my message doesn't make you feel awkward or uncomfortable, I just don't have much practice interacting this way... (Also I apologize in advance for the length of this message!) I discovered your blog just a short time ago and have been binge-watching it :) I have to say, I fell totally in love with it (especially your Bruce art). Your blog is a place filled with beautiful art and kindness. My job (I'm an EMT ) can be pretty exhausting and sad sometimes. Sometimes, you just can't stay detached from a tragedy you witness, you get insulted and screamed at for parking your ambulance on a street, get verbally or physically abused by rude or intoxicated patients or you are just exhausted from having many transports or emergencies in a row without a break, food or water. That's why I treasure every moment I have where I can just curl up somewhere, be it back at the station or just in the seat of the ambulance and let my mind come to a rest scrolling through tumblr and watch a bit of beautiful and funny content. Blogs like yours are my ray of sunshine on some bad days. You are a very nice person, and your blog spreads happiness and love through amazing art and wholesome interaction. I just want you to know that what you do is important! I hope I don't make you to feel pressured, because your mental health and personal life is still the more important thing! I just wanted you to know that people like you are a reminder sometimes, that there is still so much kindness out there and that's a big reason for me to go to work with a smile on my face every day regardless of all the negative things. Thank you for spreading so much joy. I wish you all the best for the future!
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I don't think I have the right words to express how much this ask means to me. I teared up reading it, I'm tearing up now. Just, thank you so much for your kind words. I'm so happy and so so honored that my art can bring happiness to you and others. The fact I can bring even a small bit of light into the world is incredible
Thank you, dear dear anon
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prudencepaccard · 3 months
didn't get cast in ensemble. they did cast a girl at callbacks I literally taught the harmony to though. fucked up
#spent a year thinking about the audition#have actively waited for an opportunity to audition for at least seven years#show on my radar for at least 14#love to be good enough at the audition that they call you back and then have them be like#actually never mind we don't want your voice even with the other voices.#we have no place for your body on stage with the other bodies#this is what I was afraid of. this is why as soon as it was announced like two years ago this might be produced I was as#stressed as I was excited.#it's not about ego or rejection it's just about getting to do a dream there aren't many chances to fulfill. I just get fixations you know?#rehearsals start tonight without me!#only thing helping me hold onto my sanity is an inside source telling me that the director is horrible#it's hard for grapes to be sour enough for me to not to hurt bad bad bad#but it takes away a little bit of the grief#as does the fact that a friend has the kindness to try and comfort me like that#mensch behavior#I have othr things to look forward to this was just high stakes you know#not a lot of chances. dependent on others to provide chances. autistic hyperfixation on little scraps of the score#most passionate out of anyone who auditioned for sure#and I'm not even bad#I fucked up at callbacks a little but I was hoping they wouldn't be insane about it#but holding my breath until I could get the relief of knowing I was in#which would also have been incredible news in other ways too––being in any show has been a long-term goal and I would be like okay I've hit#that milestoone and should actually invest in a headshot#but I guess not!!!!!!#going to try and not be angry at myself though#I'm good and will throw myself into my work#which I have much to do of and talent to apply to
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you can't tell me what do to
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myplasticadversary · 1 year
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mejomonster · 11 months
Every time I go on a dating app I feel hopeless -.-
#rant#genuinely frankly i would probably do better at speed dating im person but that doesnt exist here#i go on app. i see poly partnered people looking for another partner. i do not seek to be that#i almost talk myself into just trying to be friends in case They know someone id like before i realize#thats a bit convoluted. i see one person actually just looking for friends like me and feel relief#and maybe i could make a friend but i want love i want romance and is pursuing that instead primarily#exactly why im a great friend whos been single for years? i see several men who absolutely did not read#rhat im fucking nonbinary. i see a person whos single and wants only hookups so my demi ass is out#i see a single person with no fucking hobbies jn common who i dont personally find aesthetically appealing#i see someone hot finally and immediatelt wonder what Red Flag theyre unavailable i must be subconciouslt clocking into#ah. yes. theyre oceans away making our chances of intimate long term commitment slim unless we both are significantly interested#and they give one word answers indicating theg dont want to chat. which us the only way i have to build a connection for now.#and then i wonder if im picky cayse im noticing incompatibikities. or cause no one compatible is around on my app#or is it self sabotage? or would Dating a red flag be sabotage?? or am i too demi to fucking do this i fucking hate this#i dont even know if id like someone in 5 months IF they were compatible and single. and then rhe chances of them liking me thay long?#well lers just say ive not yet had a partner ever say they liked me back. i mean theyve lied for several months. then come clean rhat#they never actually liked me and i was just convienient so :/#i am so tired. i hate dating apps. i could probably self sabotage in 1 minute tho and message a married poly person#who cannot therefore marry me and who i cannot be the primary priority of. then i guess that would be self sabotage#cause id So clearly be letting myself crysh on someone unavailable wooh. -.-#jm so so tired man. i jusr wanna crush kn someone. kiss someone. bang regularly for decades.#oh and id Reallt like to fall in mutual love. the awful state of things? mt parents suggested to me#i get with someone i dont like romanrically and just make myself have a relationship#cause i guess they have no faith in me finding mutual love. which ngl makes me so incredibly sad even rhey dont believe i can
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dingusships · 1 year
bigass vent over general life things
things in general are really not great i don't really have any optimism for the future or making a life for myself. like i don't really have any drive or ambition to look forward or work towards anything good/meaningful because as time goes on there are going to be really bad life events that i just don't think i can keep facing anymore. and theyre going to be worse. i'm just dragging along life solely on the basis that i was plopped here to just Exist and that's my task at hand that i'm reluctantly upholding. just exist until it's over
#when i say 'i'm 25' 'i'm going to be 26' it does not feel right coming out of my mouth. i do not feel just 25 or 26 i feel far far older#mentally and physically#when i'm around other people my age i just feel on a completely different plane of experience from everyone else#idk. i've always been a naturally anxious and socially stunted person & def have some kind of lingering trauma that keeps me from connectin#w people. but also having no family members or relatives anywhere near my age (~17 yrs older than me at the least) while i was growning up#probably did something to me as well. my entire life has just been witnessing family members decline and die like dominoes over the course#of 25 years. like i know all about end of life care and legal paperwork and shit like that. i know what grief is like and#seeing how it affects people. i know the stages of dread and worry and numbness & guilt-ridden relief that comes with being terrified 24/7#for an ailing family member over the course of years. knowing what it's like to grieve people who arent dead yet but you know it's coming#and then when the inevitable happens it's horrible. but also you're so exhausted from the strain that you're mostly numb. and then you feel#a sense of relief that the worst is over they're not suffering anymore you don't have to dread it anymore. which obviously makes you#question if you're some kind of deranged asshole for feeling that way. idk#25 for me has been a very eye-opening age where i'm fully realizing how fast time passes. i thought i was at around 18-20 but i was really#just first becoming aware of it.#i know how to view the world from that lens bc that's all i know. i only see life as a preparation for the end#instead of a beginning. or at least see it as a beginning at this current point in my life#covid/lockdown has definitely been a source of mental drain on me as well. the constant fear and paranoia of getting sick AND what sort of#long term consequences i could have due to getting it twice. and what i could have if i get it more than twice#add that with the general social and political climate right now and it's just...so very bleak. home life is bleak & outside world is bleak#vent
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adamsvanrhijn · 1 year
harming my eardrums with earbuds but it's better than the alternative
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