#lorcan & lysander.
rewritingcanon · 1 month
nextgen characters when you loyalty test them (prompt is third person calling them up saying “hey you probably don’t remember me but we met at the bar last night ☺️” 💀)
teddy: “im 46, married with two kids” (liar)
victoire: “are you trying to loyalty test me? be so fr rn”
albus: (cutting off person) “ewww who is this?🤢 SOMEBODY SMELL LIKE SHITTTT”
james: (immediate hang up)
lily: “erm ok what the flip”
rose: “i have never even been to a bar in my life 😡” (liar)
hugo: “i have never even been to a bar in my life 🤔” (truther)
scorpius: “….you have reached the voicemail!!” (he’s clearly hyperventilating when he’s talking) “scorpius is very sorry! um! scorpius cannot get back to you right now! please leave a message ok thank you ok bye!”
lysander: “how dare you?? how about you come talk to my girl instead and keep the same attitude?” (impersonating lily) “stop talking to my man bitch ✋🙄”
dominique: “lol WHAT 😀”
lorcan: (genuinely thinks this person just wants to be friends)
roxanne: “now im gonna hold your hand when i say this…”
fred: “girl im so sorry but they really played you like this”
louis: (has already failed the loyalty test once before) “oh NAH”
molly: “i sorry i dont english” (hangs up)
lucy: “wait ft me rq i need to screen record this for video proof this is happening to me”
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hp next gen au info (in age order until after Louis)
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James, Albus & Lily=Hinny kids
Victoire, Dominique & Louis = Bleur kids
Roxanne & Freddie = George x Angelina kids
Molly & Lucy = Perciver kids
Rose & Hugo = Romionie kids
Frank & Alice = Nannah kids
Lorcan & Lysander = Luna x Rolf kids
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Next Gen Health
James - ADHD, Anxiety, Cyclothemia
Albus - Autism, Dyspraxia
Lily - PCOS, Bulemia
Teddy - Seasonal Effective Disorder
Victoire - Dyslexia, Anxiety
Dom - ADHD, Bipolar
Louis - Bulemia, OCD
Rose - Dyslexia, Endometriosis
Hugo - Autism, Dyspraxia, ARFID
Roxanne - Anorexia, Dyslexia
Fred - Tourette’s
Molly - BPD, Endometriosis
Lucy - Anxiety, Dyscalculia
Scorpius - Depression, OCD
Alice - PCOS, Anxiety
Frank - Tourette’s, OCD
Lorcan - Schizophrenia
Lysander - OCD, Autism
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evil-swan-witch · 12 days
Random next gen memes I made
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ameliathefatcat · 1 month
Please reblog and tell me what house you have them in
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hpshipbattles · 16 days
The main - Luna Lovegood
Marauders era - Regulus Black
Next gen - Lorcan Scammander
Game - (sorry, don't know any)
Death eater/ministry official - Barty Crouch Jr
Miscellaneous - Horace Slughorn
Random - Grant Chapman, Lysander Scammander
Gee I wonder what subfandom this persons from /lh I will also say, the person right before you also submitted Luna.
(rules and submitted characters)
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shinobi-illuminator · 21 days
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Cursed Child redo
Just started over from scratch since our new bad guys are from the Lovecraftian school Miskatonic in the US. Plus, give us some Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff rep!
James Sirius Potter: Eldest son of Harry and Ginny. A braggart who is proud of the legacy he holds and wants to be the best-- especially in Quidditch! As a result he assumes the other houses are not the best and he picks on others like Albus and Scorpius. As a result of this bullying, Albus lashed out and cursed off his eye. Harry was furious, but Albus narrowly escaped getting expelled and was punished through alternative means. James was beside himself, he wasn't always like this. A combination of pressure to be perfect and his closeted homosexuality were something that was weighing heavily on him. Then his father went on a mission to the US to uncover the secrets to a strange school called Miskatonic University where allegedly students of a wizard or muggle background were enlisted together. But something wasn't right, students and aurors alike were going missing.... and Harry Potter hasn't returned either. James enlisted himself under Ilvermorny's exchange program in hopes of finding his father. However the cocky Gryiffindor was going to be in for something much bigger than mere kidnappings.
Albus Severus Potter: Middle child of the Potter family. Albus was worried about what house he'd be sorted into. Gryffindor or Slytherin. But the hat noticed how much the young boy would over think about everything and spat him out in Ravenclaw. Albus was stunned and felt unsure, nothing was going to plan and he worried if something was wrong. Feeling lost too he befriended Scorpius Malfoy. Despite their families complicated history he found Scorpius to be a good emotional rock in his life while they both related to things not going to plan. Eventually they embraced their house despite the earfuls they got from their families. One day Albus had heard about a portrait that was left empty. That portrait was of Severus Snape, dubbed hero of Hogwarts much like Dumbledore and immortalized. His painting was supposed to be a sign of good luck now that the curse on Defense Against the Dark Arts class was lifted. Feeling the need to meet one of his namesakes he tested fate and introduced himself to the painting hoping Snape would appear. At first he was disappointed and was about to leave when suddenly a voice told him to stay put. Snape finally came into his frame. He was amused that Harry had named one of his sons after him, even with a middle name. Albus would confide in Snape's portrait and share his thoughts and troubles to him. In time he saw Snape more like a father than Harry. He was easier to talk to and relate to. He battled with worries that he wasn't living up to his father's expectations. Snape softened up around him and would give him words of encouragement, especially after he accidentally cursed off Jame's eye. As soon as his father went missing-- followed by his brother, Albus felt the need to rescue them both to prove himself. But he would not be going alone.
Lily Luna Potter (Lily-lu for short): The youngest of the Potter family. Taking after her granny, Lily loves to make friends and saw the good in just about everyone she meets. Her best friend being the demi-giant Hibiscus Hagrid. At home she acts as the peacemaker to try and sooth the heavy arguments James and Ablus get into. The results are mixed, given that she's the youngest and seldom anyone listens to the youngest of the family. That is until she plays her wizard lute. She quickly found she had a talent for music and this would make everyone in the room feel better. She can't stand conflict and feels music helps a lot. With her brothers going abroad to find their father she and her friends are now faced with the equally scary task of uncovering students from the US trying to body snatch hogwarts students.
Teddy Lupin: So of the late Remus Lupin and Tonks. Godson to the potters. In his youth he'd frequent between his grandma's domain and the Potters. Until his grandma's untimely death, Harry and Ginny took Teddy as their own. He became a sort of foster big brother to James, Albus, and Lily. He was chill and liked making others laugh, but he knew how to settle conflicts over a nice batch of chocolate. He graduated from Hogwarts and is now the head of Hufflepuff house acting as a TA for the new Professor in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Trocar the vampire. During his time at Hogwarts he fell in love with Victoire and upon graduation they're now engaged to be married soon.
Hibiscus Hagrid: Daughter of Rubeus Hagrid and Olympe Maxine. The two half giants were on and off again until after the conflict of the wizarding war blew over and they got married. Hibiscus was one of the only half giant students going to Hogwarts. Her mother would fly back to France for her school and Hagrid would still tend to the beasts on the castle grounds. Hibiscus like her papa loved animals. When trying to find a familiar she couldn't pick one and ended up with 5. 2 cats, 2 owls and a toad. Seeing as Hagrid's house is close by she'd always trade out her critter between classes. That way no one feels left out. She'd always make time to have tea with her papa and soon Lily-- or Lily-lu she'd nickname her would come along. One day she discovered a dragon's egg in a poacher's camp and it hatched. Unsure of what to do she kept the little dragon in her pocket, seeing as it was the size of a salamander at the time. She'd feed it marshmallows to help keep her belly full for classes. She named the dragon Willow.... and Willow was getting bigger. She dreaded the day she'd have to turn the little orphan dragon loose.
Rose Weasley: Daughter of Hermione and Ron. Being the daughter of the minister of magic, she expected nothing else than to be in the exact house her parents were in. To her horror she ended up in Slytherin. She about had a fit, but the hat dubbed her worthy as one and she was ushered into her house. Rose thought this was the worst thing ever and worried how her parents would react that their witty girl didn't get into Gryffinfdor. But as it turned out she found some of her cousins there too. She became friends with Erin who helped her adjust and see things from a different point of view. Slytherin house was very different from what is was in the past. Where as she heard stories about pure blood extremists she found very clever and insightful people. Perhaps not all Slytherins were bad.... But her prejudice flared up when she saw her cousin befriending a Malfoy. She'd shout and tell Scorpius to back off thinking he was going to send Albus down a dark path, but slowly found that wasn't the case. Once again Rose began to contemplate that in her fears of finding bullies she ended up being one. She eased up on her temper and found a healthy spot to be in over time. But as soon as her uncle Harry went missing she turned to her father. Ron was once the Watson to Harry's Sherlock, they were a great team until Ron got into an accident and a dark wizard got away. He stepped down to recover and would work with his brother at Zonko's Joke shop. Once his leg healed Ron felt like he had the fight taken out of him. Was he just slowing everyone down? Should he just be a stay at home dad and watch the kids? The man was in a state of doubt and it sparked some tension in his and Hermione's marriage. Rose worried if she screwed up it would make her parents get divorced. It wasn't true, but it worried her to death. Something her little brother didn't seem to catch. Still she got word about Harry going missing and told her father she, James, Albus, and Scorpius had to go and find him. Ron was hesitant to get his daughter and nephews involved, but he vowed he'd watch over them and bring back Harry Potter. He could finally prove himself he wasn't an old fart who lost his spark.
Hugo Weasley: Son of Hermione and Ron. The scruffy joker of a boy became fast friends with his cousin James. He'd act as his hype man at every turn. But when he wasn't in James's shadow he was tending to his house elf friend, Yo-yo. After his mother freed the house elves from bondage, there had been a new generation of house elves who were born free and wore clothes like the wizards and goblins. Yo-yo couldn't get a wand-- didn't need one really, but he wanted to go to Hogwarts like all the other wizards. So Hugo had him hide in his book bag so he could see what wizard life was like. Hugo despite being a touch naive himself felt the need to protect Yo-yo. This would get them into danger sometimes.
Scorpius Malfoy: Son of Draco and Astoria. Scorpius was the first Malfoy in generations to end up anyway else but Slytherin. Given his family's reputation Scporius is used to having people assume the worst in him. But seeing as he got sorted into Ravenclaw he was hoping to prove everyone wrong. And to kick it all off he befriended Albus. The two got into Astronomy and would spend hours at night trying to spot the constellations in their dorm. Scorpius was cool headed and clever and as soon as Harry went missing he jumped at the chance to help his best friend. He has a crush on Rose, but it's gonna take some time before she'll like him back.
Griselda Trelawney: Daughter of Sybill Trelawney and Omar Amid. Her father died when she was little and her mother supposedly saw visions of something dreadful befalling Griselda. From her two colored eyes, the star birthmarks on her back, even her beauty mark. All of these were supposed to be signs for different outcomes. As a result it left her with a lot of depression. No one could tell if her mom was telling the truth or was just old and senile. She confided in her partner Dominique who could somehow pull her out of her funk and be happy for once.
Hilda Longbottom: Daughter of Neville Longbottom and Hannah Abbot. Being the daughter of the current Herbology teacher and the Land lady of the Leaky Cauldron, Hilda became a feisty Gryffindor. She was aware of folks poking fun at her softy of a dad-- despite him slaying Nagini-- and would sick her cane toad familiar at students she felt needed to be taught a lesson. She didn't care if she got detention, she had 0 tolerance for bullying. Hugo has a huge crush on her.
Lysander and Lorcan Scamander: Sons of Luna Lovegood and Rolf Scamander. Arguably the new Weasley twins in spirit. Despite being sorted in different houses the twins act in sync almost like stoners. Being related to the famous Newt Scamander they both gravitate to the care for magical beasts. They want to be wizard vets when they graduate.
Molly and Lucy Weasley: Daughters of Percy and Audrey. Also fellow Weasley's who got sorted into Slytherin. Molly is their current prefect and head girl, she sets strict rules and expects everyone to follow them. Her twin Lucy, being a fellow prefect is more lax about the rules and even encourages them to be broken. This results in massive heated debates between the two sisters.
Erin Chang Campbell: Daughter of Cho Chang and a Muggle, Mr. Campbell. Erin was a quiet girl who was gifted with potions. She helped befriend Rose while she got situated at Slytherin and showed her Slytherin wasn't so bad to be in.
Victoire, Dominique, and Louis Weasley: Victoire is a Ravenclaw graduate and fiance to Teddy Lupin. She acts as an assistant for Minerva McGonagall. She's an animagus who can turn into a swan. Her siblings and cousins would joke she's the swan princess from Swan Lake. Dominique is a Gryffindor senior and is transitioning from girl to boy. Currently dating Griselda. And Louis is a werewolf. He accidentally got bitten by his father but tries to not let that hold him back. Best friends with Jahnu.
Freddie and Roxanne Weasley: Son and Daughter of George and Angelina. Two cunning pranksters who are trying to bring some fun back into Gryffindor. They befriended Peeves and are on the lookout for their uncle's ghost who apparently haunts around the clock tower. They hope to find him so their father can have some closer.
Harbeth and Apus Finnegan: Sons of Seamus Finnegan and Lily Moon. Both are of Irish and Korean decent. Apus loves food and wants to work at Honeydukes when he graduates. Biggest of all he wants to add more flavors from Korea to his confections to make brand new wizard candy. However his confections still have a lot of progress to go. When they're food, they're really good-- when they're bad things tend to go BOOM. Harbeth is his designated taste tester, often accident prone but willing to try-try again. Both are on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. Both have a tendency to raid the Hogwarts kitchens while no on is looking.
Freya Onai Wood: Daughter of Oliver Wood and best keeper in Ravenclaw's Quidditch team.
Jahnu Thomas: Son of Dean Thomas and Parvati Patel, best quiddich player for Slytherin house and rival to James.
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katisfania · 2 years
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Tina Goldstein wedding picture.
Lorcan and Lysander Scamader found the old family album. They now think their grandma is a princess.
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 2 years
Hi, just out of curiosity, what do you think is the birth order of the entire third generation?
Well, I don't have it all figured out but I'll show you what I got.
In red there are the ones we canonically know.
1998 - Edward Lupin - April
2000 - Victoire Weasley - 2nd of May (technically it's canon that she's born in the early 2000s, could be 2001, but seeing the timeline of her relationship with Teddy, it's basically canon that she is born in the year 2000)
2002 - Dominique Weasley
2003 - Molly Weasley - we know she is at least one year older than Albus and Rose because Percy is at the platform in the Epilogue but not with them and if it was Molly's first year it would be weird. For how I built Percy and Audrey's story in my head, they marry after Harry and Ginny but have a kid before them
end 2003/2004 - James Potter - I don't have the exact date but James is an April aries, it's a hill I'm ready to die on (also if Ginny got pregnant in July 2003 then she could end cleanly her career with the Harpies without having to stop mid-season)
2005 - Louis Weasley - I was half tempted to put him in James' year but he isn't there in the Epilogue with James and Harry and Ginny already have the perfect two years-two years gaps with their three kids so I wanted to change it a bit
end 2005/2006 - Rose Weasley - she gives me autumn vibes Idk why
end 2005/2006 - Albus Potter - he gives me winter 2006 vibes, I kind of like the idea of Albus being born on Valentine's Day actually but it's not a headcanon set in stone at the moment
2007 - Lucy Weasley - She is the most up for debate. I really see Percy and Audrey waiting a bit to have another child, yet I keep thinking that Percy would have the trauma of the big age gap between him and Charlie. But I also really like the idea of one of Percy's kids growing up with one of George's.
2007 - Fred Weasley - I know everyone gives him James' age but George is not in the Epilogue, I don't understand the logic of mentioning Percy but not George if George was there. Also, the George in my head has some very tough years after the war and his relationship with Angelina is really messy for some years
end 2007/2008 - Lily Potter - I don't really have a specific month but she gives me warm vibes, maybe June (Harry and Ginny are both born right before being too young and having to go in the younger school year, so in my head, none of the Potters can be born between September and December. Yes, I am crazy but if you think about it long enough it starts making sense)
2008 - Hugo Weasley - Everybody always assumes that he is Lily's age but we technically don't know. In TCC he's not shown to be sorted when Lily is, but the idea of Hugo and Lily being in the same year is so rooted in my brain at this point that I usually just go with it
2009 - Roxanne Weasley
+ Bonus:
2010 - Lorcan and Lysander Scamander
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t1oui · 3 months
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albus potter headcanons
first of all, his middle name isn't severus, it's either arthur (after ginny's dad) or rubeus (after hagrid). (not remus, b/c that's teddy's middle name.)
albus is closest with their mum, before but especially after their parents divorce (which happened when they were 13)
uses he/they pronouns, doesn't really have a preference for which one is used more
runs on sarcasm
if there's a betting pool about a relationship in hogwarts - louis and lysander, for example - albust runs it. the only one he didn't run was the one about him and scorpius.
he and scorp start dating in 4th or 5th year, probably the end of 4th.
albus plays seeker for the slytherin quidditch team
they don't smile a lot, but when they do, it's usually around ginny or their friends.
people think he's really cool, and james and lily have no idea how he does it.
they're pretty close with their uncle percy
he's best friends with scorpius, but also with three other girls (ocs) named aubrey, ciera, and danna. danna and ciera are hufflepuffs and aubrey is a slytherin. aubrey and ciera are a year younger than albus, scorpius, and danna.
he also really likes luna, his godmother, and goes to her house for tea quite often during the summer
his best subject is defense against the dark arts, which is kinda awkward when harry's the teacher. his second best subject (and his favorite) is transfiguration, which is still taught by headmistress mcgonagall.
(even though they're not a gryffindor, she still adores them, and albus has tea with her sometimes, too)
albus fell for scorpius first
albus looks up to draco, and spends a lot of time hanging around at malfoy manor, usually in the garden with scorpius
they love flowers and gardening, just like their uncle percy's friend penelope.
after this mutual interest is found out, penelope helps albus redo the garden at his mum's house.
he loves magical theory and often reads about/researches it on his own time.
albus despises anyone who makes any blood-supremacist comments at all, ever. voldy is dead, guys, come on.
albus, lily, and ginny are pretty quick to figure out computers, phones, etc. albus eventually gets tired of james and harry struggling and the three of them bond over albus helping them with the internet.
doesn't like people calling him "al" or "allie" without permission. (the only people allowed to call him al whenever are his friends and his mum. the only people who call him allie are aubrey and lysander, and lysander is on thin ice for it.)
would give up the world for his friends and family, because secretly, he really, really cares.
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
next gen characters and their favourite parent 🫣
victoire: fleur but maybe only by a margin (very close, bill should not take it personally that victoire just specifically admires fleur more because they are more similar in character, she really loves her dad)
dom: bill because he let her get tattoos before she was 18 and he will brush her hair in the morning when she’s too tired to do it herself
louis: fleur because their mother would never allow louis to leave the house looking ugly and they really appreciate that
molly: percy, because they are similar in person and when he gives her approval it just makes her feel more satisfied yknow
lucy: audrey because her mother lets her get away with more stuff than her dad does, so she feels more comfortable being goofy with her than her dad
fred: george because his love language is irritating people and george will just give the same energy back without any qualms
roxanne: angelina, she feels they have a greater understanding between them and she goes to her mother for advice more often
james: ginny, he is the definition of a momma’s boy who would always go soft on her
albus: ginny, even though he feels he’s more similar to harry, sometimes ginny just saying shit as it is gives him a rare sort of calm he appreciates
lily: harry, she loves making her dad interested in anything and everything shes interested in and he’s always genuinely listening to her
rose: no. she genuinely has no preference she loves her parents the same. she is very consistent in her love for them
hugo: contrary to rose, it honestly depends on the day. ron will sneak him toffee and hot chocolate late on a saturday evening and hugo will deem him the favourite parent, the next day hermione buys him a squishmallow and she is
teddy: …andromeda
scorpius: even though he would rather keel over than ever think of liking one parent more than the other… he was closer with astoria growing up (due to their likeness she could bond with him easier), but obviously as scorpius grows up he gets closer with his dad, and he’ll have more experiences with him than he ever had with his mother.
lysander: rolf because he takes lysander all over the world to pursue his interests in geology. rolf will be trying to tame some swedish serpent whilst lysander is inspecting the pebbles in its cave and thats a normal father-son bonding time for them
lorcan: luna. lorcan has been illustrating for the quibbler since he was 13 because luna genuinely doesnt believe there is any other artist that can perfectly mirror the complexity of peculiar fantastical creatures as her son (it’s literally a stick figure)
alice: neville. she’s a daddy’s girl who has her dad wrapped around her finger. i mean, he loves her so much that he forgives her for hating gardening
frank: hannah. she forces him to help her fold the laundry with her and he hates it, but he still loves her (forcing him to help her with her chores just so she can spend more time with him, i see you hannah)
delphi: voldemort 😻😻 (she needs therapy immediately)
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correcthpnextgen · 10 months
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Lorcan Scamander
Casted with Rudy Pankow
- Son of Luna Lovegood and Rolf Scamander
- Twinbrother of Lysander Scamander
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Will you do a next gen ranking? Your least to favorite and why??
I love all of the next gen, but this ranking is my own personal thoughts on each of the characters. It’s a mix of my own thoughts of the characters and what I see in the fandom.
I have written the least about Teddy in any of my stories. I think he’s funny and smart, he loves his family and sees the Wotter kids as his younger siblings. He loves deeply and cares so much for the people that matter to him.
He sees Victoire as his little sister and I could never ship them together, which is why you’ll never find me shipping them.
She’s the oldest grandchild of her grandparents and always carries so much on her shoulders. She loves her younger siblings more than anyone in the world, but because of her parents and the unsteady relationship she has with them, she runs away the second she can. She does abandon her siblings, but that’s the last time she ever walks away from them. She loves Dominique and Louis so much, that she ends up naming Louis her only daughter’s godfather when he’s 13.
The pair of them are kind of weird, Luna is their mum and Rolf abandoned their family when they were young to find another adventure. They’re great friends with James/Freddie/Roxanne and a year older than Scorpius/Al. They both have wild love lives, Lorcan and Dominique have many ups and downs, while Lysander makes quite a few mistakes that end with him and Becca having their own happily ever after.
I adore James, but he’s a bit of an idiot. He loves his friends above all, he loves his family, and he sees them as the same. Betraying James is losing the most sincere and genuine person in the world. He is a bit of partier, but also a lightweight that always makes bad decisions, and he also says things that are either extreme hurtful or able to win anyone over.
So James is a bit tricky and depending on who in the family and how old they are, they either adore him or hate him.
She’s the gossip queen, and also the family pariah. She made one bad decision in her life and faces the consequences the rest of her life. But it makes her stronger and helps her clear her head of the trivial matters and she prioritizes those that will support and love her. She has a falling out with her parents worst than Victoire and leaves the second that she can.
Dominique stands up for herself and I admire that in her. She adores Louis and does everything she can to help take care of him, even when he doesn’t need it, because that’s what Victoire taught her.
She also made one mistake in her life that she pays the consequences for the rest of her life. She loves her family but has a hard time talking to them and she struggles with her self image. She works so hard to build herself that she burns bridges within her family. But even with that in mind, she will do anything for those who care for her.
The youngest grandchild of them all and a spoiled princess. Growing up in a house of all boys, she’s a daddy’s girl and knows who to work it. She is a brat, but she does come down to earth, she’s very much like her Grandfather James and that does become her downfall while at Hogwarts. After she grows from her experiences, she does mellow out and become more aware and considerate of those she thinks matters in her life.
She’s smart and funny and talented, but not everyone wants to be her and it takes her a long time to realize that.
Drama follows this boy and he can’t quite figure out why, even though he knows it’s all on him. He lets James and Rose take care of him until he’s thrown in situations that they can’t and is forced to grow up and come to reality. He can be jealous and manipulative, but also the sweetest and kindest and most heartfelt person in the world to those he loves. He knows that he sticks out like a sore thumb, so he works as hard as he can to make himself seen and heard.
So sweet and kind with trouble following right around the corner. James may be the oldest grandson but Freddie has been holding up his own little circle of cousins since the moment he was born 12 hours later. He loves loudly and openly once his girlfriend allows it 😂🙄 and he is the first after Victoire and Teddy to bring a baby (twins) into the family. He goes from child to man in a short period of time and he finds that he likes himself more as a father and husband than anything else.
She saw death taunt her at 2 years old. She almost missed out on her life and now she loves it to the fullest, she loves deeply and passionately, she cares as much as she can. Her family means everything to her, and she makes a big family with the person she loves the most in the world, even if it took a bit of rollercoaster for them to make it work. Lucy is her ride or die and that will never change.
She almost lost her sister three times in her life and it’s effected her. She finds love young and never turns back. She’s the first to cry in any situation and while everyone around her teases her, she can’t help it, she has so many emotions that she can’t keep them all in. She’s so much fun to write and became one of my favorites early on.
He’s the youngest grandson, he’s quiet and sweet and smart. He’s autistic, but still an active participant in the family, just managing to find a spot a bit more in the background. He falls in love once and nothing will ever make him fall out of love. All little kids love him just for being as blunt and honest as they are. He’s an artist and uses his art to express himself as well as he can.
I adore Hugo, he’s so smart and funny and good. He does have some prejudices he has to work through, but it’s more of just understanding and getting to know people that are different than him. He has ADHD and dyslexia, but he never lets anything slow him down, he works so hard at Hogwarts to be the best he can and it carries on the rest of his life.
So sweet and kind, so precious, this boy really turns around his family name. He’s so smart and charming and he falls so hard for Rose. They get together at fifteen and never look back. He really manages to take everything his parents gave him and taught him and puts it to good use. He is a ride or die to Rose and Al, and his loyalty and love for others puts him so high on this list.
Rose has been my favorite next gen character since I first read the epilogue. Ron and Hermione were my first big ship (big reason why both of their kids are so high up) and I just adore Rose. She smart and funny, she loves deeply, she cares to the point of breaking, definitely a mother hen to her younger (and sometimes older) cousins. She falls in love with Scorpius and that’s that, fifteen or not who cares. Rose is a character I saw myself in at eleven, but now she just a breath of fresh air to write about.
Final Thoughts
I really don’t like doing ranking posts like this, it’s like asking me who my favorite childhood pet was. I love all of these precious characters and the way that I write them, they all come together for each other when needed and they all love each other too. The Weasleys and friends all see each other as family, and I don’t like to put one under or over the other in a ranking. This list really just comes down to how much content I’ve written for each character.
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hp next gen headcanons
Hugo granger-weasley, Lorcan scamander, and Lysander scamander are best friends.
Hugo is a Hufflepuff, Lorcan and Lysander are Ravenclaws.
I imagine their conversations are very interesting. They're very relaxed, chill people. Very much the opposite of Rose, Scorpius, and Albus.
I think they'd be very nice people to hang out with. Hugo is quiet but not shy, just inquisitive. Lysander is the "louder one" but even so, he's not even loud. he's just louder than Lorcan and Hugo. He's a lot like Luna, very weird and proud of it. I think Lorcan is very quiet because he is shy. But I also think he's really imaginative.
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evil-swan-witch · 9 days
Lily: Time for plan G.
Ellie: Don’t you mean plan B?
Lily: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Hugo: What about plan D?
Lily: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Lorcan: What about plan E?
Lily: I’m hoping not to use it. Lysander dies in plan E.
Lucy: I like plan E.
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ameliathefatcat · 20 days
Bit about the few headcanons I have for Rolf Scamander
He was born in 1982 and started Hogwarts in 1993
He’s the son of Solomon ‘Sol’ and Maxine Scamander and grandson of Porpentina ‘Tina’ and Newton ‘Newt’ Scamander
He’s a descendent of the Goldstein family 
He has a younger brother named Jonathan ‘Jonny’ who’s four years younger than him
He’s Jewish
His Hebrew name is Rafael Dov
He was sorted into Hufflepuff
His best friend is an of mine that I made in middle school Daniel Dolium (I’m redoing his story)
He’s an animagus, capuchin monkey
He knew about Luna when they were in school as ‘the weird girl in the year above him’ but actually got to know her as adults
For the record Luna didn’t convert to marry him
He’s a pescatarian 
His and Luna’s twin boys were born in 2013
His favorite food is fresh fruit
That’s all
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