#love and deepspace pace x xavier
prettyobsessed · 2 months
Part 1: .𖥔 ݁ ˖ 💫Constellations of Affection💖.˳·˖✶
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☁︎/ pairings: Xavier / fem!reader
☾ / genre: romantic, fluff [sfw, safe for minors]
₊˚ / tags: safe for work, safe for minors, contains swear words, slight flirtations mentioned, fluff, romantic, sweet Xavier, angry Xavier, friendship blossoming, best friends to lovers, slow burn, continuation, fight scene, past relationship turmoil, self-improvement, drowning in work, hectic work life, kisses, hugs, super gentle
♡ / word count: 5.3k
Amidst the whirlwind of a bustling life, I find solace in the unwavering presence of Xavier, my steadfast friend and protector. Despite harbouring feelings for him, I guard my heart, scarred by past relationships. As our bond deepens, I grapple with the desire to reveal my true feelings. Will I find the courage to confront my fears and express my love to Xavier?
As I pull away from the hug, Xavier's arms remain wrapped around me, holding me close with a tenderness that fills my heart with warmth. His gaze meets mine, and in those kind eyes, I see a reflection of the love and care he has always shown me. "Thank you for staying,” I whisper, my voice barely above a soft murmur, but the sincerity behind the words is unmistakable.
𓍢ִ໋୧🍵 ⋅₊˚*ੈ♡⸝⋆·˚ ༘ *🔭୧ ˙ 
In the bustling city of Linkon, where neon lights danced upon the urban landscape, I found solace amidst the chaos in the form of Xavier, my steadfast best friend and protector. Xavier, a Deepspace hunter dedicated to protecting civilians like myself from Wanderers, became my protector and confidant after our first encounter on a bridge near Linkon City four years ago. 
Our friendship blossomed from then onwards, where we would escape the confines of our busy lives to gaze upon the stars, lost in the beauty of the night sky. Our nights are often spent together, stargazing from rooftops, sharing our hopes, dreams, and even secrets. Sometimes, Xavier would even take naps on my lap and give me gentle head pats, sending a flutter through my heart. 
Amidst our shared reveries under the celestial canopy, Xavier would playfully bestow upon me various endearing nicknames, but none resonated with me as deeply as being called Princess. Whenever the word slipped from his lips, the sweet and sultry timbre of his voice carried a softness and affection that enveloped me like a comforting embrace—making me feel truly cherished. 
His presence brought a sense of calm amidst the storm of my hectic life, a beacon of light in the darkness of uncertainty. I couldn't help but feel captivated by his mysterious aura, finding him irresistibly charming and attractive.
Yet, despite these intimate moments, our relationship never progresses beyond friendship.
Despite the blossoming of affection within me, I find myself paralysed by the fear of opening my heart once more. The scars of past relationships still linger, casting a shadow of doubt over my longing for something more with Xavier. I tread carefully, concealing the depth of my emotions beneath a carefully crafted facade, praying that Xavier won't decipher the hidden turmoil beneath the surface.
Every interaction with Xavier becomes a delicate balancing act, a choreographed dance of veiled glances and cautious words. I hold my breath, fearing that the slightest slip-up will betray the secret longing I harbor within. 
Yet, with each passing moment in his presence, the yearning to unburden my heart grows stronger, the desire to lay bare my soul to him almost overwhelming.
But the spectre of past heartaches looms large, haunting my every thought and action. I am burdened by the fear of repeating past mistakes, trapped by the dread of disappointment and heartbreak. And so, I remain ensnared in a silent struggle, grappling with the conflicting desires to both reveal and conceal the depths of my heart.
As a dedicated professional in the fast-paced world of the fashion industry, I often find myself immersed in a multitude of responsibilities. My days are characterised by a constant juggle of tasks, from meeting deadlines to surpassing expectations set by clients and colleagues alike. The pace is relentless, with back-to-back meetings, creative brainstorming sessions, and meticulously planned photoshoots demanding my unwavering focus and dedication.
Despite the chaotic nature of my professional life, Xavier remains a steadfast and unwavering source of support. His presence serves as a calming anchor amidst the turbulent waters of my daily routine. Whether it's offering a sympathetic ear during moments of stress or providing a reassuring smile to lift my spirits, his unwavering support is a beacon of light in the midst of my busiest days.
Xavier often frequented my apartment, and during moments of respite, I eagerly seized the opportunity to unveil my creations to him, transforming our time together into impromptu fashion shows. With each meticulously crafted garment, I sensed a subtle tension electrifying the air between us, prompting me to ponder whether it was merely the allure of the dresses drawing us closer or the unspoken emotions simmering beneath the surface.
There was a particular allure about skirts that seemed to captivate Xavier's attention. I recall one instance when I slipped into a mini skirt, his eyes lighting up with unmistakable admiration.
His excitement was palpable, and he couldn't contain his enthusiasm, clapping his hands in delight. Even as I changed into another outfit, he couldn't seem to shake the image from his mind, insisting that I don the mini skirt again for a closer look.
A mischievous spark ignited within me, nudging me to flirt back with him. Succumbing to both his charm and my own playful inclinations, I obliged, slipping back into the mini skirt and performing a slow spin that allowed him to drink in every detail.
As I stood before him, adorned in the mini skirt, I could feel his gaze lingering on me, his breath caught in awe. It was as though in that moment, the fabric of the skirt became a conduit for unspoken desires, weaving a silent narrative of longing and admiration between us. With a coy smile, I couldn't resist teasing him, suggesting that perhaps he was too enamoured with the mini skirt.
The tension between us felt noticeable, and I sought refuge in the familiarity of casual attire, hoping to diffuse the charged atmosphere and regain a sense of normalcy—though deep down, I secretly relished the idea of indulging his request.
Sometimes, after particularly hectic days at the office, Xavier kindly offers to give me a lift, his bike a welcome respite from the chaos of my workday. Even on days when Xavier himself seems exhausted, he always maintains a vigilant watch on the road, ensuring our safety as we navigate the bustling city streets together. 
Sensitive to my needs, Xavier never rides too fast, understanding my tendency to experience motion sickness. This consideration speaks volumes about his thoughtfulness and care, as he ensures our mode of transportation aligns with my comfort, sparing me the discomfort that often accompanies other forms of travel such as cars or taxis. Hence, I usually prefer taking the train—it offers a more stable and soothing journey, allowing me to arrive at our destination feeling relaxed and without any adverse effects. 
Despite the occasional setbacks, our bond only grew stronger, anchored by shared moments of laughter and quiet contemplation beneath the twinkling city lights. 
It was on one such evening, as we lay side by side on the rooftop of my apartment building, that Xavier posed a question that caught me off guard. He lay beside me, his thoughts growing louder with each passing moment.
"Can I ask you a question? What do you think of me?" His words hung in the air, laden with unspoken meaning, and I felt my heart race with uncertainty. His eyes danced in the moonlight, a shimmering reflection of his soul, seeking answers within the depths of mine. Caught off guard by his sudden inquiry, I searched for the right words to convey the depth of my feelings for him. But as I stumbled over my response, I found myself unable to articulate the truth that lay buried within my heart.
"Honestly?" I began, my voice tinged with uncertainty. “I think you're… amazing.” A nervous laugh escaped my lips as I struggled to find the right words. "Your selflessness, your love for animals, and your unwavering presence shines through in every action... whether it's kindness or lending a helping hand to a friend in need. You're a rare gem in a world full of ordinary stones, and I cherish every moment we spend together. 
Everything about you is so ho-“ I stuttered, the word "hot" lingering on the tip of my tongue, before quickly correcting myself. "Cool. Everything about you is cool. It's one of the many reasons why I admire you so deeply and… I’m really proud to call you my best friend.”
As I awaited Xavier's response, a wave of apprehension washed over me, my mind swirling with doubts and insecurities. But before I could question his reaction, he deftly changed the subject. "Haha," he chuckled softly, his words masking the disappointment that flickered in his eyes. "Best friend... I see," he echoed, his tone carrying a hint of resignation. Confusion clouded my thoughts as I tried to make sense of his words.
What was that. What is going on? Was I simply reading too much into it—into his reaction? Before I could seek clarification, Xavier changed the subject, his bright facade masking turmoil within.
"Let's go! It's getting late. I’m getting sleepy already," he remarked with a fake yawn, his voice cheerful despite the underlying tension between us. I nodded, the faint rumble of approaching trains echoing through the station, heightening the urgency in his words. As we boarded the train together, the worn fabric seats welcomed us with a familiar embrace, their faded texture a testament to years of commuter traffic. 
Xavier settled beside me, his presence comforting yet unnerving in the dimly lit carriage. I stole a glance at his reflection in the window, the soft hum of the train's engine creating a cocoon of sound around us. He rested his head on my shoulder, his breaths steady and rhythmic, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within me.
What did he mean by ‘Best friend…I see’? The question echoed in my mind, refusing to be silenced as I grappled with the uncertainty of our relationship. Did he also see me as more than just a friend? Or was I simply projecting my own desires onto a friendship that was never meant to be anything more?
The weight of my thoughts pressed heavily upon me as I journeyed home, the rhythmic sound of the train's wheels against the tracks serving as a backdrop to my inner turmoil. I wanted so desperately to reach out to Xavier, to confess the depth of my feelings for him, but the fear of rejection held me back, chaining me to the confines of my own insecurities.
And so, as the train rumbled onward into the night, I was left alone with my thoughts, grappling with the uncertainty of what tomorrow might bring. For better or for worse, Xavier had become an indelible part of my life, his presence shaping my world in ways I had never imagined possible. 
That night, as I lay on my bed, memories of my past relationship flooded my mind like an unwelcome torrent. Two years spent together, believing we were destined to be each other's forever, shattered in an instant when my ex-boyfriend cheated on me with my own best friend. Every whispered secret, every shared laugh, now tainted with the sting of betrayal—an irreparable fracture.
The bitter taste of betrayal tainted my perception of love, leaving me disillusioned and wary of entering another relationship.
My days became a relentless cycle of pushing myself to the limit, both physically and mentally. Yet, despite my outward transformation, the pain of betrayal lingered like a stubborn shadow, threatening to consume me at every turn. That day, I found myself unable to hold back the tears as they streamed down my face upon discovering the truth, each drop a poignant reflection of the depth of my heartache.
To escape the tormenting memories, I buried myself in work, immersing myself in tasks and projects with unwavering determination. I also poured my energy into crafting my own set of outfits as a hobby. But no matter how much I tried to distract myself, the ache of heartbreak remained a constant companion—a haunting reminder of the love lost and the trust shattered.
Yet, just when hope seemed all but lost, a flicker of light appeared on the horizon. That is, a year after the devastation of my past, I met Xavier. His presence breathed new life into my world, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of my despair. Little did I know, he would become the beacon of love and healing that I had long believed to be lost.
As I pondered back to Xavier's words, my eyelids grew heavy with fatigue. Soon, I surrendered to the embrace of sleep, diving into its depths.
Ever since then, life became a whirlpool—sucking me into its chaotic currents. It's my typical coping mechanism to bury myself in work, a futile attempt to escape thoughts of Xavier. Days blurred into nights filled with endless work and overtime, a relentless cycle that offered temporary distraction. Then, amidst the hustle, a familiar ping broke through the monotony—a text from Xavier. ‘Princess. U busy? I’m craving for soba noodles suddenly. Wanna eat 2gt?' his messages popped up one by one. Again, his simple words stirred a flutter of emotions within me, and I couldn't help but blush.
Xavier's persistent attempts to meet up tugged at my heartstrings, but I resisted, afraid to deepen my feelings for him and disrupt the delicate balance of our relationship. ‘Kinda tired tonight. Another day okie? Sorry🤍’, I replied, my fingers tapping out the message with a weariness that mirrored my exhaustion. Exhaustion weighed heavily on me as I left the office well past midnight. 
The city streets, usually bustling with life, now felt eerily deserted as I made my way to the train station. Boarding the train homeward, fatigue threatened to pull me into slumber. The train's bell-like chime jolted me awake as it announced my stop, piercing through the haze of fatigue that clouded my mind.
I alighted at my stop, the deserted train station casting eerie shadows in the late-night silence. Each step echoed off the empty walls, my weariness dragging me down like an anchor as I trudged wearily up the stairs. Thoughts raced through my mind, a tumultuous whirlwind of conflicting emotions swirling in the darkness of the night.
As I ascended to the top of the stairs, exhaustion bore down on my shoulders, threatening to engulf me. Abruptly, a figure emerged from the shadows, jolting me out of my reverie. Before I could react, we collided.
Nearly stumbling backward, my heart raced in my chest as I struggled to comprehend the situation. With a shaky hand, I reached out to steady myself against the railing. "Watch where you're going, dumbass.” The harshness of this rugged-looking stranger voice pierced the stillness, stirring a knot of anxiety in my stomach. It was a jarring encounter, snapping me out of my tired stupor and reminding me of the harsh realities of the world outside my bubble of work and avoidance.
“I’m so sor-“, my voice trailed off. As I strained to identify the source of the voice, a sense of dread crept over me. The intonation, the cadence—it all felt uncomfortably familiar. Oh no. With a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I peered closer, and there he was: Leon, his presence like a ghost from my past, haunting me in the dead of night. 
For a moment, I was frozen in shock, unable to comprehend how our paths had crossed again after all these years. But then, as his words registered in my mind, I felt a surge of anger rising within me, pushing aside the fear that threatened to consume me. “Wait… (your name), is that you?” Leon's voice cut through the tension, his tone filled with surprise and a hint of uncertainty. "Leon," I replied, my voice trembling with a mixture of anger and disbelief. Trying to ease the tension, I added, “I almost didn’t recognise you.”
But before he could answer, his demeanour shifted, his eyes softening with an emotion I couldn't quite place. “(Your name)…” he said, his voice tinged with regret. "I'm sorry." His unexpected apology caught me off guard, momentarily halting my rising fury. But as I struggled to process his sudden change in attitude, he reached out to grab both my arms, his presence, like a repulsive chill, sent waves of disgust through me.
“It’s been years and I still miss you,” he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper. "Can't we just talk?"
I recoiled at his touch, feeling repulsed by the memories of our tumultuous past flooding back. "No," I said firmly, my voice edged with apprehension. "We can't." But as I attempted to pull away, his grip tightened like a vice, his fingers digging into my skin with a disturbing intensity. "Please," he pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation and a hint of madness. "I really miss you."
In that moment, panic flooded through me, memories of past betrayal threatening to overwhelm once again as I attempted to break free from his touch. Leon's expression turned aggressive, his grip tightening on my arms as I struggled to break free. I attempted to flee from his grasp, but he wouldn’t relent. 
Leon's voice erupted into a furious crescendo, each word dripping with venomous anger. "Bitch! You think you're hot shit now? Who are you fucking now, huh?” His aggressive tone sent shockwaves of fear coursing through me, urging me to escape his tightening grip. Desperation clawed at my mind as I screamed for help, the haunting memories of our tumultuous past intensifying the terror of the present moment.
Summoning a surge of determination, I gathered every ounce of resolve within me, channeling it into a fierce effort to break free from Leon's suffocating grip. With a desperate lunge, I wrenched myself from his grasp, feeling the weight of his hold relinquish as I staggered downward, my heart pounding with the urgency of escape.
The reverberation of my voice in the desolate station amplified the intensity of my fear. I struggled against Leon's vice-like grip, panic coursing through me as I frantically scanned the empty surroundings for any sign of assistance. Yet, the late hour rendered the station eerily deserted, devoid of any potential saviours. In the grip of terror, my thoughts instinctively turned to Xavier, the one person I yearned to have by my side in that moment. The memory of his unwavering strength and protective presence ignited a flicker of courage within me. Drawing upon every ounce of resolve, I broke free from Leon's grasp, staggering backward in a desperate bid for escape.
“Get away from me!" I cried out, my voice trembling with a potent mix of fear and fury. As I darted up the stairs to get to the street and find help, my heart pounding in my ears, Leon's menacing presence loomed behind me. With a sudden, forceful movement, he seized hold of my hair, his grip unyielding and merciless—anchoring me to the ground with a jolt of pain and terror.
I found myself sprawled on the unforgiving ground, my arms instinctively forming a feeble barrier against Leon's relentless assault. With every ounce of determination I could muster, I unleashed a powerful kick aimed squarely at his groin. The impact sent shockwaves of pain through his body, doubling him over in agony, his knees crashing to the ground as a guttural cry escaped his lips.
Despite the adrenaline-fueled panic coursing through my veins and the tremors that racked my body, I persisted in my struggle against him, each futile attempt to break free intensifying the sense of desperation and urgency in the air.
Leon's face contorted into a menacing snarl as he regained his composure. He lunged towards me once more, but before he could reach me, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Xavier. With his imposing presence and determined stance, Xavier swiftly intercepted, closing the distance between us and Leon with remarkable speed. Without hesitation, he delivered a powerful punch to my attacker—his silhouette blurring with the force of his strike.
His usually gentle gaze now burned with an intense darkness as he confronted Leon, ready to protect me at all costs. 
“Fucking coward,” Xavier spat, his eyes blazing with anger as he delivered another forceful blow to Leon's face. “Don’t you fucking dare lay a finger on her again.” With each punch, Xavier's resolve only seemed to strengthen, his determination to defend me evident in the unwavering force behind his blows.
Xavier subdued Leon with practiced ease, pinning him to the ground. The weight of his authority was palpable in the air.
As Xavier continued to rain down blows upon Leon, the sound of fists meeting flesh echoed in the dimly lit space. It punctuated the tension with each impactful strike. It was a visceral dance of justice against brutality, a raw display of Xavier's resolve to protect me. The sight of Leon, bloodied and bruised, bore witness to Xavier's unwavering commitment to my safety.
Never before had I seen Xavier so consumed by rage. It was as though he had transformed into an entirely different person, his usual calm demeanour replaced by a ferocity that I had never witnessed before.
Leon, now all bloodied up, stared up at Xavier in shock and disbelief. His bravado shattered by the force of Xavier's righteous fury.
“If you’re anywhere near her or touch her again, I’m gonna make sure you won’t see the daylight,” Xavier warned, his voice carrying the weight of his conviction, leaving no room for doubt or negotiation.
With fear etched on his face, Leon scrambled to his feet and bolted in the opposite direction as fast as his legs could carry him.
With Leon's retreat, the tension in the air began to dissipate, replaced by a heavy silence broken only by the faint sounds of the night. Xavier's gaze lingered on the spot where Leon had stood, his expression a mix of resolve and concern.
Turning towards me, his face a portrait of pure concern, I could still see the remnants of his earlier anger simmering beneath the surface.
"Are you hurt?" Xavier's voice softened with genuine concern as he focused his attention on me, his hand reaching out to gently cradle my cheek. His touch was warm against my skin, a soothing balm to the chaos that had unfolded moments before. I shook my head, my breaths ragged as I leaned against the solid cement pillar for support. As I attempted to rise, Xavier's reassuring presence steadied me, his strong arms providing stability. Gratitude flooded through me, knowing that once again, Xavier had rushed to my aid, much like that pivotal night at the bridge.
"Thank you… Xav," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper, trembling with emotion as I met his gaze. "How did you know where I was?" I asked, my heart still racing from the intensity of the moment. Xavier's expression softened, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and concern. "I was worried about you," he replied, his voice gentle yet firm, a comforting hand supporting my back. “I just had a feeling something wasn't right, so I wanted to check on you. I'm relieved I found you when I did."
Despite the lingering rush of adrenaline, I found solace in Xavier's protective presence and his timely intervention.
Xavier's eyes scanned my face, his brow furrowed with genuine worry as he assessed my injuries. "We need to make sure you're alright," he insisted softly, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. Taking my hand in his, he effortlessly hoisted me onto his back, his actions speaking volumes about his commitment to my well-being. As we hurried through the quiet night together, Xavier bearing my weight, a sense of security enveloped me in his embrace. Despite the lingering fear and uncertainty, I found solace in relying on him for support, grateful for his unwavering strength and care.
"I can walk just fine, you know... You don’t have to carry me," I admitted sheepishly, a blush tinting my cheeks as I acknowledged my dependency, my face nestled between his shoulder and neck. Xavier's gaze shifted slightly as he turned his head, locking eyes with me in a reassuring manner. "I want to make sure you receive proper care. We're heading to the hospital to have your injuries checked," he explained calmly, his voice filled with determination to ensure my well-being.
“You’re so dramatic, it’s just a scratch!” I teased, trying to lighten the mood.
Xavier sighed and replied, "Ok fine, but let’s at least go to the nearby clinic?" I nodded in agreement, grateful for his compromise and his insistence on ensuring my well-being.
With each step, his purposeful stride conveyed his unwavering resolve to take care of me, easing my apprehension about seeking medical attention. The cool night air enveloped us as we moved forward, Xavier's presence providing a comforting shield against the uncertainty that lingered in the darkness.
After receiving care and ointments from the clinic, Xavier accompanies me all the way back to my apartment, ensuring my safety with his tender manner and attentive care. With each step, his strength supports me, his presence a comforting anchor amidst the swirling storm of emotions within me. As he guides me through the door, his touch is reassuring, grounding me in the reality of his protective embrace.
Once inside, Xavier assists me in removing my shoes and leads me to my bedroom with a confident, fluid grace. As he settles me onto the bed, his expression shifts between concern and determination, evident in the focused way he prepares to apply the ointment to my scratch.
"Wait," I interject, sitting up. "I'd like to shower first. I don't feel comfortable resting on my bed in my outside clothes."
Xavier nods understandingly, his eyes reflecting his unwavering support. "Of course. Would you like me to leave then?" he asks, gesturing towards the door with a gentle motion.
I pause, considering how to express my desire for his company. However, honesty prevails in my mind. “No, please stay," I reply, grateful for his presence. "Could you help me blow dry my hair after?" Xavier's surprise is evident, but a soft smile graces his lips as he realises I trust him enough to ask for his assistance. "Of course," he says, his voice warm with reassurance.
Stepping into the shower, the warm water envelops me in a comforting embrace. Thoughts of Xavier flood my mind, his timely arrival a beacon of hope in my darkest moment. Gratitude swells within me for his unwavering support, though questions about how he found me linger in the recesses of my mind.
Once refreshed and renewed, I search for Xavier and find him peacefully asleep on my couch. Bathed in the soft glow of the lamp, his expression is serene, imbuing the room with a sense of calm. Drawing closer, I marvel at the tranquility that surrounds him, his steady breathing a comforting rhythm in the stillness of the night.
Studying his features, I notice the gentle fall of his hair and the subtle curve of his lips softened in slumber. A small leaf rests atop his head, a whimsical detail that brings a smile to my lips. As I reach out to remove it, a droplet of water from my hair lands on his chest, causing him to stir and awaken.
Xavier blinks sleepily, his gaze softening with warmth as he focuses on me. “I-I’m sorry!” I stammer, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up my cheeks. "I didn't mean to disturb your sleep. There was a leaf on your head, and I simply wanted to remove it. Look!” I explain, holding up the leaf as evidence. He chuckles softly, the sound carrying a warmth that melts away any lingering tension.
"It's okay," he murmurs, his voice a gentle caress, softened by the lingering tendrils of sleep, yet resonating with a sincerity that soothes my unease. As he unfurls from his slumber-induced cocoon, the fabric of his shirt tautens, tracing the contours of his toned abdomen with a subtle grace. A delicate flush of warmth blossoms across my cheeks, suffusing them with a soft, ethereal glow, like the first blush of dawn.
With a quiet determination, Xavier rises to his feet, a stalwart figure against the backdrop of uncertainty. The ointment, a healing elixir, already nestled in his hand, ready to tend to the tender wounds etched upon my skin. His touch is gentle yet purposeful, each movement deliberate as he tends to my grazed cheek and elbows, a silent vow of protection and care woven into his actions.
“Now, where can I find your hair dryer?” Xavier asks, his eagerness evident in the sparkle of his eyes and the gentle curve of his lips. The dim light of the room casts soft shadows across his features, adding to his allure as he waits patiently for my response.
Guiding him to the location of my hair dryer, I make my way to the kitchen to prepare some refreshments. The aroma of chocolate muffins wafts through the air as they warm up in the oven, filling the kitchen with a tantalising scent. Meanwhile, I carefully brew a fragrant cup of green tea, the steam rising gently from the cup as it steepens.
Returning to my room with the refreshments in hand, I find Xavier already waiting. With a warm smile, I place the food and drink on my side table, gesturing for him to sit on my dressing stool while I settle onto the bed beside him. As he inspects the wetness of my hair, I can't help but notice the soft glow of the streetlights seeping through the window, casting a tranquil ambiance over the room.
Handing him the hair dryer, I set it to medium heat and watch as Xavier meticulously blow-dries my hair with the brush I provided. Each movement is executed with care and tenderness, his focused attention ensuring my comfort throughout the process. Xavier playfully teases me about the small leaf in his hair, insisting I placed it there, to which I respond with mock offense, playfully stuffing a chocolate muffin into his mouth. Laughter fills the room, muffled by the treat, as we enjoy this lighthearted moment together.
“All done,” Xavier announces with a smile as he switches off the hair dryer. 
Throughout the interaction, I can't help but feel a sense of warmth and affection for Xavier, grateful for his unwavering support and the comfort of his presence. The glimmer of streetlights seeps through the window, casting a soft glow on Xavier's features, particularly his blue eyes. In that moment, a tranquil stillness envelops my apartment.
As the sound of the hair dryer fades, I rise from my stool and move towards Xavier, who remains seated on my bed. I wrap my arms around him in a heartfelt embrace, my gratitude overflowing for his timely rescue. Overwhelmed by my emotions, I surrender to the warmth of the moment with Xavier. With a gentle kiss planted on his cheek, I convey the depth of my appreciation, cherishing this intimate connection between us.
As I pull away from the hug, Xavier's arms remain wrapped around me, holding me close with a tenderness that fills my heart with warmth. His gaze meets mine, and in those kind eyes, I see a reflection of the love and care he has always shown me. "Thank you for staying,” I whisper, my voice barely above a soft murmur, but the sincerity behind the words is unmistakable.
Xavier's warm smile softens his features, his eyes brimming with tenderness as he gently reaches out to brush a stray strand of hair from my face. "Princess, from this moment forward, I vow to protect you wherever life may lead," he murmurs, his voice a soothing melody that brings peace to my soul. Nestled in our peaceful embrace, cocooned in warmth and affection, I realise the depth of the bond between us. This connection is precious, a beacon of light in the darkness of uncertainty. 
With a contented sigh, I nuzzle closer to Xavier, guiding his head to rest on my chest, where he finds solace in the steady rhythm of my heartbeat. His arms around me are a sanctuary, offering solace and comfort in a world of chaos. And in that moment, I know with unwavering certainty that I am exactly where I belong. 
Moved by the depth of my emotions, I lift Xavier’s head to meet my gaze, cupping his chin with my hand, and without a word, I press my lips softly against his, sealing our love with a tender kiss. It's a simple gesture, yet it speaks volumes, expressing all the love and gratitude that fills my heart. As our kiss deepens, I feel a sense of completeness wash over me, as if I've finally found my home in Xavier's embrace.
Reluctantly parting, breathless and exhilarated, a sparkle in Xavier's eyes reflects the emotions swirling within my own heart. In the lingering sweetness of our embrace, I know that our love will endure, steadfast and true, through every twist and turn that life may bring.
—by prettyobsessed⋆˚✿˖°
Editor’s note: So sorry! Work has been so hectic, but I hope this piece that I wrote will make your heart flutter♡
It’s for my Xavier gurlies; those who love his gentle side. Will Part 2 show more of a darker side to him? Stay tuned! For a bad boy Xavier ✎ (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ༉‧
On a side, side note: I realise I enjoy writing slow burn scenarios. Do you guys prefer a fast-paced one instead? Feel free to let me know!
this content is copyrighted by @prettyobsessed. all rights are reserved. it is prohibited to replicate, imitate, plagiarise, or repost my content on any other platform without authorisation. translations are also not permitted unless proper credit is given🌷
162 notes · View notes
angelltheninth · 3 months
Love and Deepspace Men Having Sex to Fall Asleep Easier
Pairing: Zayne, Rafayel, Xavier x Fem!Reader
Tags: nsfw, smut, cuddlefucking, insomnia, cockwarming, reunion sex, creampie
A/N: This would be a good cure for insomnia, just saying.
Zayne gets home late and often frustrated so he can't fall asleep any other way then fucking that extra stress away. Won't be too rough on you since it is really late, or early morning depending on when he gets home. But if he doesn't fuck his cock into you he'll stay pent up all night and as a doctor he knows that's bad for him.
Rafayel won't be annoying to you, he'd rather go to sleep with a hard cock then bother you. If you offer to have sex that's a different story. Still wants it soft and slow, setting a pace that's almost like rocking you both to sleep, with him fucking you from behind, his arms wrapped around you and his face against your neck.
Xavier always has a bit more extra energy left when coming back from missions. Won't hurt if he doesn't spend it but he knows you'll both fall asleep faster when this is out of his system. Otherwise he might keep tossing and turning and the last thing he wants is to keep you up all night when he could finish inside you once and be done.
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shiningsuki · 20 days
The First Promise (ch. 3)
.༅。.。༅:*·゚゚· Book 1 of the STARRY WITNESS Miniseries
full series on AO3. xavier x mc. your first life together.
SYNOPSIS: You meet a boy like light itself who brightens your darkest days. He makes your last days outshine the rest of your short life by light years.
✧ CHAPTER 1 (AO3, Tumblr Preview)
✧ CHAPTER 2 (AO3, Tumblr Preview)
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Chapter 3 Preview *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
You grip Xavier’s hand like your life depends on it. Every step forward sends shockwaves up your legs. Within a few minutes, your chest heaves for air and your timid heart fights to keep up with the pace you set. 
So much for no physical exercise , you grumble to yourself. Xavier has no trouble following your lead, easily running slightly behind your side. You don’t dare risk looking behind you. The pounding footsteps shuffling on the sidewalk is evidence enough that those guards won’t let you two get away so easily.
You turn sharply around a corner and skid across the gravel. Your knees protest the movement but you keep pushing forward. You’re deep on campus now, passing by the main hall. Everything looks familiar, but your mind scrambles to find a place where they won’t find you.
Xavier cuts through a line of bushes and makes a beeline for a nearby auditorium. You recognize the tower but have never been in the building. The two of you cut another corner near the tower. This time, you risk a glance behind and see that the guards are just out of sight.
Xavier leads you through more shortcuts and you’re amazed at how quick he is to outmaneuver your pursuers. Once you make it to the entrance, Xavier firmly pushes you through the door before shutting it behind the two of you with a slam.
The sound echoes through the dark, empty building. Xavier motions for you to stay low and keep quiet. You follow him, sticking close to the wall. You approach a window when you hear a noise that sounds a distance away from the windowsill. Your back hits the wall with a quiet thud, briefly knocking the wind out of you. Xavier’s hand crosses over your body, holding you firmly in place while he faces the window, peeking through the closed blinds. 
Your eyes track his movement as you struggle to keep quiet from heaving in more air. You swallow, not realizing how close you two were until this moment.
Impossibly, time seems to slow down more. You both remain frozen for who knows how long before you feel Xavier’s arm relax.
“They’re gone.”
Read the full chapter here ✧·゚: *✧·゚:*
© shiningsuki on Tumblr and suki_dreams on AO3. all rights and permissions belong to the author. reposting without permission is prohibited. all depictions of love and deepspace are inspired and unaffiliated with official storylines and characters.
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skynapple · 1 month
Budding Romance | Ch. 17
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Love and Deepspace | Jeremiah x MC / slow-burn / friends-to-lovers | Themes: angst, guilt, fluff
warnings: none
Multi-chapter | A03 link
Beginning | <- Prev | Next ->
"Jealousy" Someone's jealous. It's not who you think.
A little after parting ways with Tara, the worried huntress off-duty continued to pace in front of the cafe. First she bothered to text Xavier.
[Tara told me what happened. Everything ok?] 
No response other than she could see that the message had been "Read."
She figured Jeremiah wouldn't respond either if he wasn't in good shape, but she reached out anyways, just to ask if he was ok.
Frustrated, she began wondering what to do. It was approaching high noon. There was no way to find his address, no way to track him, no way to find him. Then she thought some more, grabbed her phone and Jeremiah's keys, then went to the store.
She grabbed a few snacks and gimmicky get-well things, anything but flowers figuring he likely had enough of them around, and then went back to the shop. If he had a home address, it would be somewhere inside the shop, right? She felt a little guilty to be sneaking in, but she figured it was probably fine. 
Just being a good friend...right? 
The noon sunlight settled on the shop, she had already grown to love the way it lit up all the blooms. She wondered if he had favorites, if he named them, or if after the years it had become just a job to him, she wondered if he regretted not becoming a hunter, and secretly, she wondered if he even ever thought about her.
She set the snacks down and wondered where to begin. If all she needed was a home address, she decided to first look around for documents that might bear the address. She didn't want to snoop around things that were too sensitive. She wondered how it must look on the cameras. Sure, she could explain, but would he be very mad anyway? She didn't know his character enough to know for sure. Dread set in and for a few moments she stood paralyzed about what to do. 
As if the universe heard her tumultuous thoughts, a ping from her phone broke the silence and she looked at it quickly. It was from Tara.
Tara: [Hey! Xavier just sent me Jeremiah's address! Here you go!]
The girl felt relief wash through her. Next, thinking she could leave something behind as an excuse in case he did review the cameras. She headed towards the greenhouse, a gift from her haul earlier in hand. That door, too, had an antique lock. She found the key on the keychain with ease and laughed to herself that all these old fashioned locks were likely Xavier's idea. 
Vaguely she remembered seeing a small table in the back, so she headed that way and set the object down on it. As she did, she noticed a small frame. The image of a happy couple somewhere in the mountains, the man undeniably Jeremiah, smiling brighter than she'd ever seen him smile with her, arm around the waist of a much shorter blonde woman. 
The photo looked slightly aged, but was that just a filter effect? The woman was pretty, leaning in to him. The style of clothes she wore were what many would call retro. A bitterness set into her torso, suddenly regretting being here. The realization that no matter how close she felt to him now, there was always going to be her in the back of his mind. She wondered if he only felt like getting close to her to reminisce the feeling. After all, try as she might, the way he always hesitated was blatantly obvious. For whatever reason, he was holding back.
Images filled her mind of their most recent encounters, from needing to beg for the truth, to the night at the new bar he had seemingly been excited to take her to. Right whenever she thought they were having a moment in connection, he pulled away. It left a dark feeling in her mind that somehow, she just wouldn't be enough to break through.
Stop it.
She couldn't tear her eyes from the photo. If things hadn't ended tragically the way they did, then the woman in the photo would be his wife today. She knew that. Jeremiah knew that. None of this would be happening. If Jeremiah had been in need that earlier in the day, he had not bothered to reach out to ask, certainly not to her. Surely his wife would have known, or rushed from wherever she was from.
"You're lucky." She said, accidentally out loud, the sound of her own voice leaving a stinging sensation in her eyes. With all her mixed emotions, she locked everything up the way she found it, and headed towards his address.
His apartment complex was not far from the shop. It wasn't as nice as her and Xavier's, but it had a charm to it. In front of his door was a welcome mat with a funny saying, and next to it a small pot of beautiful flowers. Cute.
She knocked on the door, a bit loudly in case he was still asleep, also sending an emoji of a little bird knocking, just in case.
A few minutes later, the door opened in front of her, and there stood Jeremiah. Tara was right, he looked awful. Eyes red and glossy, dark circles under his eyes, and hair a mess. His thin shirt clung to his body as if he'd been sweating. She wondered just how long he'd slept for.
It didn't matter, he was standing on his own two feet in front of her and looked in one piece and  mostly ok.
"Oh...It's you." He croaked weakly.
Seeing him like this ignited a compassion in her that washed away all the bitterness from before. All she could think was how worried she was about him. 
"Jeremiah!" She exclaimed, her feet moving forward without her command as she threw her arms around him, then the anger and bitterness returned. "You're such an idiot. You should have called me." 
He accepted the embrace, but she could feel that it felt a little awkward. There it was again, that resistance she hated so much.
"I'm ok. I promise. You...didn't have to come all the way down here." He said, voice still weak, but there was depth and huskiness to it that she wondered was due to some kind of pain or simply from just waking up. Still, the hum of this new voice reverberated through her making her heart skip a beat.
"How did you even find me here?" He pulled away first –he always did– and moved aside to let her in and close the door.
"Tara had your keys. Long story." She wasn't quite ready to give them up, so she held up the snacks she brought up instead. "I brought you some things... I wasn't sure what you needed. I didn't know anything."
Not surprisingly, he didn't look at her. The redness in his eyes still betrayed no remorse.
The appearance was tidy, save for a jacket laid over the couch edge, but the air was slightly stagnant as if the AC had not been turned on in a while. The place was devoid of many plants. In fact, glancing around, she couldn’t pick out a single one. He took the grocery bag from her hand and walked over to the kitchen, placing it on the small table that was only wide enough for two people to be seated. It was a lot smaller than her own apartment complex layout.
As he started to open the bag of items, she pointed things out to explain.
"So this beverage has electrolytes. It’s super hydrating.These are good for protein... that's an ice pack, I had no idea if you had a good one but that's the brand I like. It’s actually soft. Was this the brand of vegetable chips you liked? I couldn’t remember. Oh, and those are just some pain meds. I wasn't sure if you had a fever or anything. Wait, you don't have a fever do you?" She reached her arm up to touch his forehead with the back of her hand. He let her do so, but she noticed he swallowed hard as she did.
“I don’t..." He shook his head, rubbing the bridge of his nose and then one of his eyes. "You really shouldn't have. I'm fine." As he went to continue removing items from the bag, the only things left were a few apples, a small flower shaped stress-ball that said ‘get well’ and a card that said the same, except she'd scribbled DUMMY in large print on the front. Suddenly embarrassed, she looked away, attempting to organize some of the things on the table.
"I can't believe you..." There was soft smile in his eyes that made her feel only slightly better, but then she noticed him thumb away a tear and she softened even more, aching with everything in her to know what was wrong. 
"Thank you." He was saying, voice on the edge of breaking. "'m sorry I worried you. I just... didn't sleep, that's all."
"I don't believe that for one second, Sir." She said sternly, mirroring the way he had occasionally called her ma'am.
The way his blinds were opened left no room for shadows, nothing to conceal the way his eyes darted away from her. ”I really just... didn't sleep. Also probably should have eaten something and stayed hydrated but that's besides the point.”
While she fully believed there was some truth in those words, the emotional state he was in told her there was something else wrong. 
"Are you seriously just not going to tell me?" She flicked his arm without hesitation. "Tara said you weren't responsive at all. If I didn't know you better, I'd say people probably thought you were out drinking. But... that's not true. Right?"
"Tara. My coworker. She was there yesterday and saw Xavier carrying you out."
“Oh... No, I wasn't drunk." He took a seat tiredly and rubbed his eye again. In silence, she expected an explanation that did not come. Instead, he went to open the hydrating drink she'd brought, downing a good amount before continuing. The moisture lended to a clearer voice as he spoke next. "I'm sorry. I'll apologize to your friend too."
She leaned against the table now in front of him, not sure what else to say, not wanting to leave. “Jer…" Gathering her courage, she lifted herself forward to caress his face in her hands, gingerly moving the curls from his forehead. "Tell me."
A tear slid down his cheek again, this time she caught it with her thumb. The sight of him so vulnerable threatened her own emotional state.
He took a shaky breath, and she could feel him lean into her hand, his own hands folded in front of him, shoulders limp against her touch. “Today’s…today's Lauren’s birthday. I'm supposed to go. I’m.. I just..."
“Lauren?” She hesitated, suddenly unable to get the photo that she shouldn’t have found earlier that was now burned into her mind. “Your ex?” It was probably too harsh a word, but she told herself it was true.
The tension was beginning to be suffocating, dust glittering through the blinds in the midday sunlight. As if reaching for strength, he reached up to brush his fingers against her arm still holding his cheek. Finally his voice sounded clearer and less shaky. 
“I don’t know know why it hit me the way it did last night. I usually go and pay my respects. But I...'m starting to wonder, if I should. It's been so long..." He trailed off.
She thought of her grandma, of Caleb, of how suddenly raw that wound could become at the mere mention, at a familiar scent, at the sight of something they once loved. She tried to bring herself back to a place of compassion against her threatening jealousy, although she couldn't imagine what it was like for him to lose someone he had wanted to spend his life with.
"Do you want some company?" She asked gently, stroking his hair again. "If it's the local area, I can pay respects to some family there too, and I won't be a bother but... If you want to, we can."
"Really?" He asked, voice low and quiet, in surprise.
"It's not too much trouble. I didn’t have anything else planned today."
"If... if it's not too much trouble."
"Go get ready then.”
They separated and he rose, straightening his shirt, then pointed out amenities for her use apartment. "Please, help yourself to anything. Give me a few. I definitely need to rinse off."
She watched him leave, his eyes misty as he walked away. For all the emotion in the moment, she couldn’t stop her overwhelming thoughts.
Did Lauren know about his secret work? Is this where they sat? Do the flowers remind her of him, is that why he doesn’t have any here? Did she hold his tears too? 
After a little while, he emerged, looking like an entirely different person. His hair had been styled, eyes now clear with the dark circles seemingly gone, wearing a slightly pink-tinted button down tucked into some dark pants. A musky floral scent of cologne wafted away from him, tickling her senses.
She wondered if he was dressing up for the location…or for his ex.
"Thanks for waiting." He said, grabbing a jacket from the small coat closet, and she didn’t catch him secretly grab another, just in case. 
“Am I…underdressed?” She said, coming off more sulking than she intended.
“Not at all,” He replied, following with a compliment to her style, saying she always looked good. It was the one time she wished he wouldn’t have.
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