#love it when my polls turn into a new form of poetry
ransomnote · 3 months
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stuckinapril · 2 months
Do you have any poetry recommendations? The poem poll made me realize that I like. ONLY know Iraqi poets. Like the only non-Iraqi poet I can name off the top of my head is Robert Frost
i'm literally hooked on poetry. even on days where i can't sit down to read a book, i try to consume at least one poem a day bc it keeps me sane. it actually does. i recommend signing up to one poem a day newsletters--those have been a game changer for me. as for recommendations, my favorite poems change every week, but current faves (whose authors i regularly go back to/are a good starting point) would be:
elegy for my sadness - chen chen (Who invented the word / “ennui”? A sad Frenchman? / A centipede? They should’ve never / been born. They should’ve seen me / in Paris, a sad teenage / exchange student. I was so sad / & so teenaged, one day my host sister / gripped my hand hard & even harder / said, SOIS HEUREUX. / BE HAPPY. & miraculously, / I wasn’t sad anymore. / All I felt was the desire to slap my host sister. / See, I was angry in Paris, which is clearly / not allowed. One can be sad in Paris (I was) / & one can be in love in Paris (I was not), / but angry? Angry in Paris?")
a pity, we were such a good invention - yehuda amichal ( "A pity / We were such a good / And loving invention / An aeroplane made from a man and wife / Wings and everything / We hovered a little above the earth")
like a small cafe, that's love - mahmoud darwish ("I say to myself at last / Perhaps she who I was waiting for / was waiting for me, or was waiting for some other man / or was waiting for us, and did not find him/me.")
bible study - tony hoagland ("Who knows, this might be the last good night of summer / My broken nose is forming an idea of what’s for supper / Hard to believe that death is just around the corner / What kind of idiot would think he even had a destiny?")
mother and child - louise gluck ("Why do I suffer? Why am I ignorant? / Cells in a great darkness. Some machine made us; / it is your turn to address it, to go back asking / what am I for? What am I for?")
america, america - saadi youssef ("We are not hostages, America, / and your soldiers are not God's soldiers... / We are the poor ones, ours is the earth of the drowned gods, / the gods of bulls, / the gods of fires, / the gods of sorrows that intertwine clay and blood in a song... / We are the poor, ours is the god of the poor, / who emerges out of farmers' ribs, / hungry / and bright, / and raises heads up high...")
the duino elegies (seventh elegy respectively) - rainer maria rilke ("Not only the devotion of these unfolded forces, / not only the paths, not only the evening fields, / not only, after a late storm, the breathing freshness, / not only approaching sleep and a premonition, evenings... / also the nights! Also the high summer nights / also the stars, the stars of this Earth! / O to be dead at last and know them eternally, / all the stars: for how, how, how to forget them!")
the endlessness - ada limon ("How was i supposed to feel then? About moving in the world? How could I touch anything or anyone without the weight of all of time shifting through us?")
psalm - adonis ("Open my memory and study my face beneath its words, learn my alphabet. When you see foam weaving my flesh and stone flowing in my blood, you will see me. I am closed like a tree trunk, present and ungraspable like air. Thus I cannot surrender to you.")
the war works hard - dunya mikhail ("The war continues working, / day and night. / It inspires tyrants / to deliver long speeches / awards medals to generals / and themes to poets / it contributes/ to the industry / of artificial limbs / provides food for flies / adds pages to the history books / achieves equality / between killer and killed / teaches lovers to write letters / accustoms young women to waiting / fills the newspapers / with articles and pictures / builds new houses / for the orphans / invigorates the coffin makers / gives grave diggers / a pat on the back / and paints a smile on the leader's face.")
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maryanntorreson · 3 years
10 incredible women in history you should know
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A few years ago, I began to notice that the people I taught about in my World History classes were, more often than not, European men.
When women were included in the state curriculum, they felt like token inclusions who were often related to men and discussed in proximity to them; not as independent actors. They were often queens or empresses, and only a few women of “normal” status made our lessons. I began the work of analyzing my World History lessons to make them more inclusive and diverse. I found that by including women with different backgrounds, fields, and from different parts of the world, I could provide students with role models they could identify with, and remind male students that women are capable of greatness too.
Here’s some additional good news: we don’t need to carve out a single month, special lesson, or unit, to incorporate women into our lessons. First, when planning, I ensure that I include women next to their male colleagues in all my materials. Then, when executing the lessons, I tell these women’s stories in as well-rounded a way as possible because it’s not just who we teach about— it’s how we approach their story that can give it power.
For example, when I teach about Cleopatra, I don’t just talk about her in relation to Julius Caesar or Marc Antony— I spend time discussing how she was a linguist, and the first Greek of the Ptolemaic line ruling Egypt who learned to speak Egyptian; she was a scholar and a woman who understood her people. When I teach about women like the Empress Josephine or Marie Antoinette, I discuss their emotions, letters, relationships, and struggles in unhappy marriages.
In all narratives that we share, male and female alike, we have the opportunity to humanize history, to make people on pages relatable by talking about their emotions, their mental health, and their experiences. When we bring them to life for students, we draw students into history.
I polled my students, past and present, to ask them which figures they remember most, and I have included some of their favorites as well my own. Here are 10 amazing women you should know and share, from the 300s CE to the 1900s CE:
1. Hypatia (c. 370 CE – March 415 CE) – Ancient Rome
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Hypatia of Alexandria was a philosopher, mathematician, and teacher, born in Alexandria, Egypt around 370 CE, just before Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire. She was the daughter of a mathematician who taught her math and astronomy, and trained her in Neo-Platonic philosophy. She joined her father as a teacher at the University of Alexandria, and was a beloved teacher who fostered an open environment, teaching pagans, Jews, and Christians.
Both her presence as a female teacher and her insistence on an accepting classroom in an increasingly hostile religious atmosphere of early Christian Rome made her courses unusual and that much more coveted. She was widely known for her love of learning and expertise, but in 415 CE, due to her high profile and power as a non-Christian woman, she was targeted by a mob of Christian monks who killed her in the streets. They then also burned the University of Alexandria, forcing the artists, philosophers, and intellectuals to flee the city. Hypatia’s life models open-mindedness, generosity, and a love of learning, and her death is often discussed as a watershed turning point in the Classical world.
Topics you can connect her to in history include the connections between Roman and Greek philosophy, and the rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire. Students have loved learning about a woman who taught in such an open-minded way, and learning she is one of my role models too.
 2. Empress Theodora (c. 497 – c. 548) – The Byzantine Empire
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The Byzantine Empress Theodora was born into a circus family in Constantinople, just after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Her father likely worked as a bear trainer in the Hippodrome, and a young Theodora, it was said, took work as an actress and dancer. The Byzantine Emperor Justinian encountered her one day and, taken by her beauty, determined to marry her. However, because she was a commoner and had a bit of a reputation, special laws had to be passed in order for them to marry.
Though she never technically co-ruled the empire with Justinian, she had significant influence and power, and was a trusted advisor who promoted religious and social policies, many of which benefited women. Some of which included altering divorce laws and prohibiting the traffic of young women. Her name was listed in nearly all laws passed, she had regular communication with other foreign rulers, and received foreign envoys. Empress Theodora is credited with helping stabilize Justinian’s power after she urged him to stand his ground during the Nika revolt of 532 CE.
Topics you can connect her to in history include the Byzantine Empire, naturally, and students have told me they love her backstory and how she fought for women’s rights. They also enjoy how she pushed Justinian to make him a better ruler.
3. Sappho of Lesbos (c. 620 – c. 570 BCE) – Ancient Greece
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Sappho of Lesbos was a lyric poet of Ancient Greece who was so famous during her life that statues were created in her honor. She was praised by Plato and other Greek writers, and her peers referred to her as the “Tenth Muse” and “The Poetess.” Very few fragments of her work survived because she wrote in a very specific dialect, Aeolic Greek, which was difficult for later Latin writers to translate.
Her poetry was lyric poetry – to be accompanied by the lyre – and was sung frequently at the parties of high-ranking Greeks. She wrote about passion, loss, and deep human emotions. Some of her surviving poems imply she may have had romantic relationships with women, and thus from her name we get the etymology of “lesbians” and “sapphic.”
Topics you can connect her to in history include the ancient Greeks and Greek philosophy and art. Every year, I have female students who have told me that they valued her inclusion because it was the first time they had heard about an LGBTQ+ person in their history class, and the representation meant so much to them.
4. Margery Kempe (c. 1373 – c. 1440 CE) – Middle Ages Europe
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Margery Kempe was an English mystic and traveler, and is also the author of the first autobiography in the English language. She was the mother to 14 children. After her first child was born, Margery had a traumatic postpartum experience of a form of psychosis; for months she was catatonic, experiencing visions, and was tied to her bed for her own safety. For the rest of her life she would experience these visions, and later on she would leave her family and travel on pilgrimages to Spain, Jerusalem, Rome, and Germany.
Margery was known to weep loudly at various shrines and this behavior did not endear her to leaders in the church. She also insisted on wearing white like a nun, seeking specific permission to do so. She narrated her life and travels upon her return to two clerks who wrote it down on her behalf, so it is a unique book in that it shares her very specific life experiences in her own voice. Margery is a conflicting person to teach about because of her mysticism: do we discuss her experiences and travels through the lens of religion, or mental health? Historians often opt for both, as we seek to understand her contributions and life.
Topics you can connect her to in history include Christianity, the Middle Ages in Europe, and travel narratives like those of Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta. My students remember Margery fondly, and she makes their list of favorites consistently. They like how we talk about her through the lens of mental health and that she pursued what she believed despite naysayers.
5. Njinga of Ndongo and Matamba (c. 1581 – c. 1663 CE) – Post-Classical Africa
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Njinga Mbandi was a warrior queen of modern Angola. She was born to a concubine of the king of Ndongo and as a daughter, it was unlikely she would take the throne, so her father allowed her to attend many of his important meetings and negotiations, and also allowed her to be trained as a warrior and educated fully. When her half-brother took the throne after their father’s death, he had her infant son killed and Njinga fled to nearby Matamba, but returned when her brother begged her to negotiate on behalf of her people with the rapidly encroaching Portuguese. Njinga did so successfully, due to her notably diplomatic skills and her insistence on respect from the Portuguese, going so far as to refuse to sit lower than them during the negotiations. She won significant concessions from the Portuguese.
When her brother died, Njinga took the throne; at various points during her reign, Njinga was deposed, regained power, lost territory, and gained it. She struggled against the Portuguese to maintain her peoples’ independence. Ultimately, when Njinga died at the age of 81, she left behind a stable kingdom that would be led by women for the majority of the next 100 years. While Ndongo was eventually taken by the Portuguese, Matamba maintained its independence through the 1900s.
Topics you can connect her to in history include Africa and the age of European exploration, as well as African resistance to Europeans. I think it’s important that we show examples of successful resistance and a powerful legacy.
6. Artemisia Gentileschi (c. 1593 – c. 1654) – Renaissance Europe
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Artemisia Gentileschi was born in Rome to a gifted painter. Her father trained her to paint and even hired a tutor for her; ultimately this ended in tragedy, as the tutor raped Artemisia. There was a horrific trial and Artemisia was tortured with thumbscrews for “the truth.” Artemisia left for Florence, had a family, and was the first woman to gain membership to the Academy of the Arts of Drawing. She went back to paint in Rome for a time, as well as London where she painted in the court of Charles I, and then settled in Naples.
While in Florence, she painted for Michelangelo the Younger in the Casa Buonoratti, and was paid more than her male peers for her time and efforts. Artemisia’s work is profound, passionate, unabashed, and reclaims the space of women in the stories told about them. She makes women her focal points, her heroines, and paints them in positions of strength, and often revenge.
A topic you can connect her to in history is of course the Renaissance. Artemisia has stuck for many of my female students who have experienced sexual assault or harassment. They have expressed to me that they are inspired by her strength and find solace in her paintings. One of my students even went on to do her senior capstone all about Artemisia, two years after taking my class.
7. Malintzin/Malinche/Doña Marina (c. 1500 – c. 1550) – Colonial Americas
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Born to a local chieftain in Central America and a mother whose family ruled a nearby village, Malintzin (or Malinali, or Malinche) was of high rank on both sides of her family. When her father died and her mother remarried, she was secretly sold into slavery so her brother would inherit the land that was her birthright. Malintzin was sold to several tribes, and over the course of her life would learn to speak Maya, Nahuatl, and later Spanish.
She was eventually given to Hernán Cortés and his men in 1519, and upon realizing her skill as a translator, Cortes came to rely on her. Malinztin was baptised as Doña Marina, and traveled with the Spanish for the next few years as they battled or negotiated with various Indigenous groups in the Aztec Empire. She provided cultural context and insight as well as communication skills. Without her, Spanish success in the region would have been difficult to achieve. By 1521, Cortes had conquered the Aztecs and needed her to help him govern. She was given several pieces of land around Mexico City as a reward.
Topics you can connect her to in history include Spanish conquest of the Americas and Indigenous peoples of the Americas. We talk about her complicated legacy as she is viewed by some as a traitor to her people, and to others as a woman who was enslaved and did the best she could to survive in difficult circumstances. My students typically find her a fascinating and sympathetic figure, a woman who did all she could to survive and thrive in adversity.
8. Olympe de Gouges (May 7, 1748 – November 3, 1793) – Enlightenment Europe
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Olympe de Gouges, born Marie Gouze, was a political activist and writer during the French Revolution. Married off against her will at the young age of 16, she renamed herself Olympe de Gouges after her husband’s death and moved to Paris. She pursued her education there and rose to a high status in Parisian society. She would host salons for thinkers of the time and would write poetry, plays, and political pamphlets. De Gouges was a pacifist, an abolitionist, and wanted an end to the death penalty. She wanted a tax plan that allowed wealth to be spread more evenly, with welfare for the less fortunate and protections for women and children.
De Gouges was in favor of the French Revolution, but when the Revolution failed to provide the equality it claimed it would, she grew critical. The Revolution was in many ways built on the backs of women: women were some of the first to march against the king and take up arms and they served on the front lines of France’s battles against other European powers. Yet women were not being provided the true “egalite” promised in terms of rights as citizens.
De Gouges wrote her most famous work in response to this, “The Declaration of the Rights of Women” (1791). It was a direct play on The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen that was part of the first French Constitution. She became increasingly vocal, and in 1793 she was arrested by the revolutionary government and guillotined.
Topics you can connect with Olympe de Gouges, as well as Mary Wollstonecraft, include Enlightenment writers and the Age of Revolutions; it is unfair for Voltaire and Montesquieu to get all the limelight! Her ideas resonate for my students as being very modern, and they appreciate that she never backed down from her convictions and is a model of courage.
9. Manuela Sáenz (December 27, 1797–November 23, 1856) – Revolutionary Americas
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Manuela Sáenz is the illegitimate daughter of a Spanish military officer and an Ecuadorian noblewoman. Her childhood included a traditional education in a convent, as well as learning how to ride and shoot. When she was 17,  her father arranged her marriage to an English doctor who was nearly twice her age, James Thorne. She moved with him to Lima, Peru, where she was connected with revolutionaries who were interested in overthrowing the Spanish in Latin America.
She returned to Quito, Ecuador in 1822, and met the revolutionary leader Simón Bolívar. They fell in love and would occasionally live together and go on campaign together. Manuela would go into battle with Bolívar in the cavalry, and was promoted from captain to colonel; she even saved Bolívar from assassination at least twice. She was also given the Order of the Sun, the highest military honor in the revolutionary government. Upon Bolívar’s exile and death in 1830, Manuela had no resources and lived the rest of her life in a small coastal village in Peru, making money by writing letters for sailors, including Herman Melville. She died in a diphtheria outbreak and was buried in a mass grave. Her role in Latin America’s independence has only recently been recognized, and she was granted an Honorary General title in Ecuador in 2007.
Topics you can connect her to in history include Latin American revolutions and the Enlightenment. My students find her time as a soldier and spy endlessly interesting! I enjoy including women, particularly in this period, who went into battle, such as the women of France who fought in the revolutionary wars. I have female JROTC students who like knowing they are part of a long tradition.
10. Lyudmila Pavlichenko (July 12, 1916 – October 27, 1974) – World War II
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Lyudmila Pavlichenko was born in Ukraine and was one of the best snipers in history. She pursued sharp shooting when in school and  fought for the Red Army of the Soviet Union during World War II as a trained sniper. She soon began to rack up an impressive tally of kills, reaching 309 in just a few months on the frontline.
The German soldiers knew her by name, and she would engage in some of the most dangerous fighting, sniper seeking sniper. She was wounded four times in battle, and in 1942 she took shrapnel in her face.
She was sent to the United States to tour and drum up American support for the war effort, as the USSR and USA were allies at the time and the USSR depended on continued American engagement. She was often frustrated when asked by American journalists about issues around makeup, clothing, or hair. Finally, she spoke during a tour and said “Gentlemen. I am 25-years-old and I have killed 309 fascist occupants by now. Don’t you think, gentlemen, that you have been hiding behind my back for too long?” This was greeted by a roar of applause.
She got to know Eleanor Roosevelt during this tour and they became good friends. Upon her return to the USSR, Pavlichenko was promoted to major, awarded the Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union, and received the Order of Lenin twice. She continued training other Soviet snipers, and then when the war ended, finished her education at Kiev University and became a historian and research assistant for the Soviet Navy.
Topics you can connect her to in history include World War II and the Cold War. Students adore her story: they find her sass, grit, and action movie skills endlessly fascinating.
Caitlin Tripp is a teacher and curriculum writer for Atlanta Public Schools. Born and raised in West Africa and Latin America, she loves to travel and learn more about the places she visits. She is passionate about women’s history, and in her free time enjoys snuggling up to a history documentary with her husband and their two cats.
Caitlin Tripp originally shared how to incorporate women into history lessons in her Educator Talk submitted through the TED Masterclass for Education program. To learn more about how TED Masterclass for Education inspires educators to develop their ideas into TED-style Talks, visit https://masterclass.ted.com/educator
10 incredible women in history you should know published first on https://premiumedusite.tumblr.com/rss
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Why Do Republicans Hate Ted Cruz
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/why-do-republicans-hate-ted-cruz/
Why Do Republicans Hate Ted Cruz
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But Cruz And His Conservative Stances Stirred Up Debate Upon His Arrival In Washington Several Months After His Appointment He Was Famously Called Wacko Bird By The Late Sen John Mccain
In March 2013, McCain called Cruz and other Republicans “wacko birds” whose beliefs are not “reflective of the views of the majority of Republicans,” according to The Huffington Post
Cruz embraced the name and even keeps a black baseball cap with a picture of Daffy Duck next to the words “WACKO BIRD” in his Senate office, according to GQ Magazine.
When He Was In His Early Teens Cruz’s Parents Enrolled Him In An After
“So we’d meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays, for a couple of hours each night, and study the Constitution, read the Federalist Papers, read the Anti-Federalist Papers, read the debates on ratification, and so on,” Cruz told the New Yorker of the time. “And we memorized a shortened mnemonic version of the Constitution.”
Texas Is Freezing But The Roast Of Ted Cruz Is On
Nobody likes Ted Cruz. This is conventional wisdom in Washington. While not technically true his family members like him, presumably, and his approval rating among Texas Republicans last month was 76 percent it feels essentially true. Maybe its the exhausting smarm, the squirrelly ambition, the hollow theatrics. Maybe its how he tried to block relief aid after Hurricane Sandy, or how he helped to shut down the government in 2013. The Victorian facial hair hasnt helped; it lends an incongruous quality of statesmanship to a man viewed by his colleagues as a pest.
Lucifer in the flesh, Republican John A. Boehner, the former speaker of the House, called him in 2016.
If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you, Sen. Lindsey O. Graham said in 2016.
Said Democrat Al Franken in 2017, when he was still in the Senate: I probably like Ted Cruz more than most of my colleagues like Ted Cruz, and I hate Ted Cruz.
Nobody likes Ted Cruz. This was the place that Ted Cruz was starting from earlier this week. Then he went to Cancun. He went to Cancun, where it is mostly sunny and in the low 80s, while many of his ice-blasted constituents were without heating and plumbing, watching their ceilings collapse, huddling in warming centers, defecating in buckets, and generally not packing for a few days on the Yucatán Peninsula.
Not good, Cruz tweeted early Tuesday evening about the shutdown of his state. Stay safe!
Latest From Politics & Policy
Part of the reason for this is the Bush campaign early on decided they would have to defeat Richards with a series of issues. If they engaged in a personality contest, Richards would win.
Cruz and his campaign have allowed his challenge from Democrat Beto ORourke to turn into a personality contest. ORourke often is compared to a member of the Kennedy family of Massachusetts, and substantial portions of his campaign financing have come from out of state, about $2.5 million from California and New York combined. On the other hand, Cruz gets compared to Grandpa from the old TV show The Munsters. Cruz is pedantic and presents himself with a hard-core, knee-jerk conservatism that has a certitude that is irritating to those who do not agree with him completely.
ORourke appears on the talk shows of Ellen DeGeneres and is scheduled to appear with Stephen Colbert. Cruz is on Fox News. One of those is like a fun confectionary. The other is boiled spinach.
At a rally Saturday in Katy, Cruz fired up his crowd by telling them Democrats are angry and ready to show up at the polls.
Ted Cruz Tried To Slam The Mlb Over Cleveland Mascot Change
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Meaghan Ellis
Sen. Ted Cruz was one of many Republican lawmakers who expressed faux outrage over the Major League Baseball announcement of Cleveland’s new mascot. On Friday, July 23, Cruz took to Twitter with a quick post sharing his reaction to the Cleveland Indians being renamed the Cleveland Guardians.
The Texas lawmaker tweeted, “Why does MLB hate Indians?”
Why does MLB hate Indians? https://t.co/0kQDMbDBsW Ted Cruz
It certainly did not take long for Twitter users to step up to the plate. With their responses, they hit a home run with relentless insults leveled toward the Republican lawmaker. One Twitter user wrote, “Wait, I thought businesses were free to make their own decisions free of government meddling.”
Another Twitter user challenged Cruz with a question about the blatant disregard for indigenous people. That person wrote, “Really Ted? Is disliking native Americans what this name change is about? You’re incredibly disingenuous.”
Opinion:just How Unpopular Is Ted Cruz
White House press secretary Jen Psaki had this exchange at her Thursday briefing:
Q: Just wondering if the president has any reaction to these reports that say Senator Ted Cruz flew to Cancun amid this giant winter storm in his home state of Texas?MS. PSAKI: Well, I dont have any updates on the exact location of Senator Ted Cruz, nor does anyone at the White House. But our focus is on working directly with leadership in Texas and the surrounding states on addressing the winter storm and the crisis at hand the many people across the state who are without power, without the resources they need. And we expect that would be the focus of anyone in the state or surrounding states who was elected to represent them. But I dont have any update on his whereabouts.
Due to the winter weather in D.C., the briefing was by phone, so we could not see if Psaki allowed herself a grin after twisting the knife. Cruz had abandoned his state, hurriedly booked a return flight from Mexico and blamed his kids for the trip the sort of political ineptitude one would expect of a small-town mayor, not one of the most nakedly ambitious Republicans in the Senate .
Read more:
Ted Cruz Is So Easy To Hate That Loathing Him Has Become A Form Of Political Poetry
Indeed indeed, I cannot tell, / Though I ponder on it well, / Which were easier to state, / All my love or all my hate. Henry David Thoreau
Thoreau, it seems, never met Ted Cruz, a man so blissfully easy to hate that loathing for him has become a form of political poetry: wacko-bird, abrasive, arrogant, and creepy are some of the kindest adjectives that have been thrown his way. Cruz has alienated about everyone hes ever encountered in life: high school and college classmates, bosses, law professors, Supreme Court clerks, and especially his Republican colleagues in the Senate. Some detest Cruz the politician because of his grandstanding, but most dislike Cruz the person. In that respect, hes really not your average politicianafter all, most people hate politicians. But everyone hates Ted Cruz. 
Ted’s style was sneering, smirking, condescending, jabbing his finger in your facea naked desire to humiliate an opponent. No kindness, no empathy, no attempt to reach common ground.Ted Cruz is a disaster on illegal immigration.I dont think he could get elected. And, even if he was able to govern without blowing up the world, could we look at a guy who resembles a cable game show host for four years? He has that awful plastered-down hair and everything.An incredibly bright guy who’s an arrogant jerk who basically everybody ends up hating.Listen, you can pick a lot of names out. I’ll let you choose them.
Cruz’s Father Rafael Was Born And Raised In Cuba As A Teenager He Was Part Of The Anti
He gained political asylum four years after his arrival and became a citizen in 2005.
Rafael’s childhood story often provided inspirational fire to Cruz’s speeches, interviews, and debate performances later in life. 
But while witnesses have confirmed that Rafael was beaten by Batista special agents, former comrades and friends disputed some other descriptions of his role in the Cuban resistance.
In a 2015 New York Times article, Leonor Arestuche, a student leader in the 1950s, said that Rafel was a “ojalateros,” or wishful thinker.
She said the term was used for “people wishing and praying that Batista would fall but not doing much to act on it,” according to the Times.
Rafael eventually went on to become a minister and called himself Pastor Cruz. While he’s not affiliated with any church, he became a sought-out speaker and Tea Party celebrity. 
Cruz’s Account Of The Debt Limit Battle Is Really One
Several objections can be raised to Cruz’s account here. For instance, a debt ceiling hike doesn’t lead to “trillions of dollars” in new spending, as he implies it merely allows debt to be issued to cover spending that has already been approved by Congress in other legislation.
But most incredibly of all, Cruz manages to narrate this entire story without even once mentioning an absolutely crucial piece of context about why his Senate colleagues might have been so reluctant to follow his lead. Namely, that this dramatic confrontation occurred just four months after the federal government shutdown of fall 2013 a political disaster for the Republican Party that Cruz and the hard-line negotiating tactics he demanded had directly caused.
During that fight, of course, Cruz and his hard-line allies in the House refused to agree to any government funding bill that also funded Obamacare. This led to a 16-day shutdown of the federal government for which Republicans were widely blamed. Their poll numbers plummeted, and they soon wisely caved to avoid damaging their electoral prospects further.
In this context, Senate Republicans’ reluctance to follow Cruz’s advice makes a whole lot more sense. The very tactics he was arguing for had just been discredited in the most high-profile way possible. GOP leaders thought stoking another similar fight and, this time, risking a default on the nation’s debt would fail disastrously and cause great damage to their party.
Ted Cruz Shunned In The Senate Plays Unpopularity To His Advantage
Dec. 17, 2015
WASHINGTON It is the hate that dare not speak its name.
Since his arrival in 2013, Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, has managed to alienate, exasperate and generally agitate the plurality of his 99 colleagues in the Senate. In a highly partisan, hypercompetitive legislative body where solipsism is nearly a creed, Mr. Cruz stands out for his widely held reputation for putting Ted first.
I dont think hes been effective, said Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and the partys nominee for president in 2008. I think thats pretty obvious. Shutting down the government? How did that work out?
Mr. Cruz is so unpopular that at one point not a single Republican senator would support his demand for a roll-call vote, known as a sufficient second, leaving Mr. Cruz standing on the Senate floor like a man with bird flu, everyone scattering to avoid him.
In his presidential campaign, Mr. Cruz uses his role as an outsider as a source of strength. It shouldnt surprise anyone that the Washington establishment is against the candidacy of Ted Cruz, said Rick Tyler, a spokesman for Mr. Cruzs presidential campaign. We are not looking for the approval of the Washington cartel.
Yet many Republicans are loath to criticize him on the record, largely for two reasons: They do not want to help him, and do not want him to hurt them.
Everyone Else At Princeton
Fighting words: Per the Daily Beast, Several fellow classmates who asked that their names not be used described the young Cruz with words like abrasive,intense,strident,crank, and arrogant. Four independently offered the word creepy.’
People might think Craig is exaggerating. Hes not. I met Ted freshman week and loathed him within the hour.
Geoff January 20, 2016
The beef: Its tough to pinpoint any one cause, but Cruz made female students uncomfortable by frequently walking to their end of the floor in his freshman dorm, wearing only a paisley bathrobe. When he announced his bid for president of the schools debate society, the other members had a secret meeting to pick an anyone-but-Cruz candidate. The eventual winner later that my one qualification for the office was that I was not Ted Cruz.
Texas Senator Has Changed Course So Many Times It Is Hard To Keep Track Writes Andrew Buncombe
Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile
There was a time, not so very long ago, when Ted Cruz pitched himself as the model of integrity, the very antithesis of the likes of Donald Trump.
Campaigning for the Republican Partys nomination in 2015 and 2016, he was an early favourite of many conservatives and pro-constitution Republicans.
He had enough support among evangelicals to bag Iowa, the very first state in the primary process, and to earn a brief word of congratulations from Trump, before Trump resorted to form and accused the Texas senator of stealing the race.
Later, as the race thinned and Cruz found himself fighting against Trump for his political life, he famously accused him of being a pathological liar, as the Republican frontrunner insulted the senators wife, and claimed his father was somehow involved in the assassination of John K Kennedy.
He is proud of being a serial philanderer, hissed Cruz. He describes his own battles with venereal diseases as his own personal Vietnam.
Trump then went on to win the Indiana primary, and Cruz dropped out of the race. Such was the bad blood, that Lyin Ted did not endorse Trump at that summers Republican convention, waiting until September before finally offering his support.
Since then, like a mountain stream in flood, Ted Cruz, 50, has changed course several times.
The purpose of the objection was to protect the integrity of our election, he told KTRK-TV
Mccain Isn’t The Only One Who Had Scathing Words For The Senator Former Speaker Of The House John Boehner Once Described Cruz As Lucifer In The Flesh And Sen Lindsey Graham Once Said: If You Killed Ted Cruz On The Floor Of The Senate And The Trial Was In The Senate Nobody Would Convict You
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Jason Johnson September 25, 2013
  In the best-known part of the speech, he read Dr. Seuss’s “Green Eggs and Ham” as a bedtime story to his two young daughters watching in Houston. Heidi suggested he read the book.
In his speech, he repeated an analogy between the “oppression” of Obamacare and the oppression that his father, Rafael, faced as a young man in Cuba.
Cruz’s infamous speech was one of the longest Senate performances ever, stopping after 21 hours 19 minutes.
Donald Trump Or Ted Cruz Republicans Argue Over Who Is Greater Threat
Jan. 21, 2016
WASHINGTON With Donald J. Trump and Senator Ted Cruz battling for the Republican nomination, two powerful factions of their party are now clashing over the question: Which man is more dangerous?
Conservative intellectuals have become convinced that Mr. Trump, with his message of nationalist-infused populism, poses a dire threat to conservatism, and released a manifesto online Thursday night to try to stop him.
However, the cadre of Republican lobbyists, operatives and elected officials based in Washington is much more unnerved by Mr. Cruz, a go-it-alone, hard-right crusader who campaigns against the political establishment and could curtail their influence and access, building his own Republican machine to essentially replace them.
The division illuminates much about modern Republicanism and the surprising bedfellows brought about when an emerging political force begins to imperil entrenched power.
The Republicans who dominate the right-leaning magazines, journals and political groups can live with Mr. Cruz, believing that his nomination would leave the party divided, but manageably so, extending a longstanding intramural debate over pragmatism versus purity that has been waged since the days of Barry Goldwater and Nelson Rockefeller. They say Mr. Trump, on the other hand, poses the most serious peril to the conservative movement since the 1950s-era far-right John Birch Society.
Ted Cruz Threatens To Burn John Boehners Book Over Criticisms
Former Republican House speaker called the Texas senator Lucifer in the flesh
Review: John Boehners lament for pre-Trump Republicans
Republican senator Ted Cruz has responded to fiery criticism from John Boehner with a tactic beloved of authoritarian regimes: threatening to burn his book.
Read more
Boehner, a Republican congressman from Ohio for 24 years and House speaker from 2011 to 2015, published his book On the House this week. It contains strong criticism of political figures from Donald Trump to Barack Obama but hits Cruz especially hard.
The senator who drove a government shutdown in 2013 is Lucifer in the flesh, Boehner has said.
On the page, he writes: There is nothing more dangerous than a reckless asshole who thinks he is smarter than everyone else.
The book also contains a memorable sign-off: PS, Ted Cruz: Go fuck yourself.
But Cruz, who ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 and may well do so again in 2024, is nothing if not a bomb-thrower himself, as well as a nimble opportunist.
But I didnt finish it off just yet, it added. Instead, the Texas senator announced a 72-hour drive to raise $250,000, in which donors would get to VOTE on whether we machine gun the book, take a chainsaw to it or burn the book to light cigars!
But it could also be pointed out that Cruzs attempt to stoke outrage and dollars might only succeed in bringing Boehners book to wider attention.
Texass Junior Senator Has Never Much Cared For Being Liked Which Has Left Him Vulnerable In The Face Of Public Outrage
Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile
Leer en Español
Having jetted off to Cancun as his state faced its worst winter disaster in decades, Senator Ted Cruz returned with his tail between his legs and was met with fury from all sides. The famously divisive and aggressive senator may not be up for re-election until 2024, but there are signs that he may finally have gone too far.
Along with the expected protests at the airport and barrage of furious tweets, he faced the ire of his states largest newspaper, the Houston Chronicle, whose editorial board fired off a merciless editorial calling for his resignation. As Texans froze, Ted Cruz got a ticket to paradise, the paper wrote. Paradise can have him.
Whether or not Mr Cruz actually resigns over the ill-advised holiday which he has called a mistake it will stain his reputation forever. But then again, his reputation has been poor for years. In fact, he is famously one of the most disliked people in Congress, and not just by the other party.
First elected to his seat in 2012 as an anti-establishment Tea Party candidate, Mr Cruz entered Congress as a populist right-wing belligerent who commanded a base of angry, hardline voters. He quickly established a reputation in Washington as an opponent of compromise, bipartisanship and pragmatism and unlike some conservative blowhards, he put his money where his mouth was.
Early Life And Family
Rafael Edward Cruz was born on December 22, 1970, at Foothills Medical Centre in , , Canada, to Eleanor Elizabeth Wilson and Rafael Cruz. Eleanor Wilson was born in Wilmington, Delaware. She is of three-quarters and one-quarter descent, and earned an undergraduate degree in mathematics from Rice University in the 1950s.
Cruz’s father was born and raised in Cuba, the son of a Canary Islander who immigrated to as child. As a teenager in the 1950s, he was beaten by agents of Fulgencio Batista for opposing the Batista regime. He left Cuba in 1957 to attend the University of Texas at Austin and obtained political asylum in the United States after his four-year student visa expired. He earned Canadian citizenship in 1973 and became a United States citizen in 2005.
At the time of his birth, Ted Cruz’s parents had lived in Calgary for three years and were working in the oil business as owners of a seismic-data processing firm for oil . Cruz has said that he is the son of “two mathematicians/computer programmers.” In 1974, Cruz’s father left the family and moved to Texas. Later that year, Cruz’s parents reconciled and relocated the family to Houston. They divorced in 1997. Cruz has two older half-sisters, Miriam Ceferina Cruz and Roxana Lourdes Cruz, from his father’s first marriage. Miriam died in 2011.
Cruz began going by Ted at age 13.
Government Shutdown Of 2013
Ted Cruz’s Obamacare filibuster
Cruz had a leading role in the October 2013 government shutdown. Cruz gave a 21-hour Senate speech in an effort to hold up a federal budget bill and thereby defund the Affordable Care Act. Cruz persuaded the House of Representatives and House SpeakerJohn Boehner to include an ACA defunding provision in the bill. In the U.S. Senate, former Majority Leader Harry Reid blocked the attempt because only 18 Republican Senators supported the filibuster. During the filibuster he read Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss. To supporters, the move “signaled the depth of Cruz’s commitment to rein in government”. This move was extremely popular among Cruz supporters, with Rick Manning of Americans for Limited Government naming Cruz “2013 Person of the Year” in an op-ed in The Hill, primarily for his filibuster against the Affordable Care Act. Cruz was also named “2013 Man of the Year” by conservative publications , and The American Spectator, “2013 Conservative of the Year” by , and “2013 Statesman of the Year” by the Republican Party of Sarasota County, Florida. He was a finalist for Time magazine’s “Person of the Year” in 2013. To critics, including some Republican colleagues such as Senator Lindsey Graham, the move was ineffective.
Cruz has consistently denied any involvement in the 2013 government shutdown, even though he cast several votes to prolong it and was blamed by many within his own party for prompting it.
Ted Cruz Leaves Mexico Amid Winter Emergency In Texas
Senator Ted Cruz of Texas flew home from a vacation to Mexico after receiving heavy criticism for leaving the state while millions have struggled with a lack of electricity and water after a brutal winter storm.
Keep working to get the grid reopened, to get power restored, get water back on. A lot of Texans are hurting, and this crisis is frustrating. Its frustrating for millions of Texans, it shouldnt happen.
Leer en español
On Monday, Senator Ted Cruz urged his constituents to stay home, warning that winter weather beating down on Texas could be deadly. On Tuesday, he offered a shrug emoji and pronounced the situation not good. Then, on Wednesday, he decamped for a Ritz-Carlton resort in sun-drenched Cancún, escaping with his family from their freezing house.
And on Thursday, many Americans who had been battered by a deadly winter storm, on top of a nearly yearlong pandemic, finally found a reason to come together and lift their voices in a united chorus of rage.
FlyinTed, a homage to Donald J. Trumps Lyin Ted nickname, began trending on Twitter. TMZ, the celebrity website, published photographs showing a Patagonia-fleece-clad Mr. Cruz waiting for his flight, hanging out in the United Club lounge and reading his phone from a seat in economy plus. The Texas Monthly, which bills itself as the national magazine of Texas, offered a list of curses to mutter against Mr. Cruz.
For others in his home state, there was little to guess about the incident.
0 notes
statetalks · 3 years
Why Do Republicans Hate Ted Cruz
But Cruz And His Conservative Stances Stirred Up Debate Upon His Arrival In Washington Several Months After His Appointment He Was Famously Called Wacko Bird By The Late Sen John Mccain
In March 2013, McCain called Cruz and other Republicans “wacko birds” whose beliefs are not “reflective of the views of the majority of Republicans,” according to The Huffington Post
Cruz embraced the name and even keeps a black baseball cap with a picture of Daffy Duck next to the words “WACKO BIRD” in his Senate office, according to GQ Magazine.
When He Was In His Early Teens Cruz’s Parents Enrolled Him In An After
“So we’d meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays, for a couple of hours each night, and study the Constitution, read the Federalist Papers, read the Anti-Federalist Papers, read the debates on ratification, and so on,” Cruz told the New Yorker of the time. “And we memorized a shortened mnemonic version of the Constitution.”
Texas Is Freezing But The Roast Of Ted Cruz Is On
Nobody likes Ted Cruz. This is conventional wisdom in Washington. While not technically true his family members like him, presumably, and his approval rating among Texas Republicans last month was 76 percent it feels essentially true. Maybe its the exhausting smarm, the squirrelly ambition, the hollow theatrics. Maybe its how he tried to block relief aid after Hurricane Sandy, or how he helped to shut down the government in 2013. The Victorian facial hair hasnt helped; it lends an incongruous quality of statesmanship to a man viewed by his colleagues as a pest.
Lucifer in the flesh, Republican John A. Boehner, the former speaker of the House, called him in 2016.
If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you, Sen. Lindsey O. Graham said in 2016.
Said Democrat Al Franken in 2017, when he was still in the Senate: I probably like Ted Cruz more than most of my colleagues like Ted Cruz, and I hate Ted Cruz.
Nobody likes Ted Cruz. This was the place that Ted Cruz was starting from earlier this week. Then he went to Cancun. He went to Cancun, where it is mostly sunny and in the low 80s, while many of his ice-blasted constituents were without heating and plumbing, watching their ceilings collapse, huddling in warming centers, defecating in buckets, and generally not packing for a few days on the Yucatán Peninsula.
Not good, Cruz tweeted early Tuesday evening about the shutdown of his state. Stay safe!
Latest From Politics & Policy
Part of the reason for this is the Bush campaign early on decided they would have to defeat Richards with a series of issues. If they engaged in a personality contest, Richards would win.
Cruz and his campaign have allowed his challenge from Democrat Beto ORourke to turn into a personality contest. ORourke often is compared to a member of the Kennedy family of Massachusetts, and substantial portions of his campaign financing have come from out of state, about $2.5 million from California and New York combined. On the other hand, Cruz gets compared to Grandpa from the old TV show The Munsters. Cruz is pedantic and presents himself with a hard-core, knee-jerk conservatism that has a certitude that is irritating to those who do not agree with him completely.
ORourke appears on the talk shows of Ellen DeGeneres and is scheduled to appear with Stephen Colbert. Cruz is on Fox News. One of those is like a fun confectionary. The other is boiled spinach.
At a rally Saturday in Katy, Cruz fired up his crowd by telling them Democrats are angry and ready to show up at the polls.
Ted Cruz Tried To Slam The Mlb Over Cleveland Mascot Change
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Meaghan Ellis
Sen. Ted Cruz was one of many Republican lawmakers who expressed faux outrage over the Major League Baseball announcement of Cleveland’s new mascot. On Friday, July 23, Cruz took to Twitter with a quick post sharing his reaction to the Cleveland Indians being renamed the Cleveland Guardians.
The Texas lawmaker tweeted, “Why does MLB hate Indians?”
Why does MLB hate Indians? https://t.co/0kQDMbDBsW Ted Cruz
It certainly did not take long for Twitter users to step up to the plate. With their responses, they hit a home run with relentless insults leveled toward the Republican lawmaker. One Twitter user wrote, “Wait, I thought businesses were free to make their own decisions free of government meddling.”
Another Twitter user challenged Cruz with a question about the blatant disregard for indigenous people. That person wrote, “Really Ted? Is disliking native Americans what this name change is about? You’re incredibly disingenuous.”
Opinion:just How Unpopular Is Ted Cruz
White House press secretary Jen Psaki had this exchange at her Thursday briefing:
Q: Just wondering if the president has any reaction to these reports that say Senator Ted Cruz flew to Cancun amid this giant winter storm in his home state of Texas?MS. PSAKI: Well, I dont have any updates on the exact location of Senator Ted Cruz, nor does anyone at the White House. But our focus is on working directly with leadership in Texas and the surrounding states on addressing the winter storm and the crisis at hand the many people across the state who are without power, without the resources they need. And we expect that would be the focus of anyone in the state or surrounding states who was elected to represent them. But I dont have any update on his whereabouts.
Due to the winter weather in D.C., the briefing was by phone, so we could not see if Psaki allowed herself a grin after twisting the knife. Cruz had abandoned his state, hurriedly booked a return flight from Mexico and blamed his kids for the trip the sort of political ineptitude one would expect of a small-town mayor, not one of the most nakedly ambitious Republicans in the Senate .
Read more:
Ted Cruz Is So Easy To Hate That Loathing Him Has Become A Form Of Political Poetry
Indeed indeed, I cannot tell, / Though I ponder on it well, / Which were easier to state, / All my love or all my hate. Henry David Thoreau
Thoreau, it seems, never met Ted Cruz, a man so blissfully easy to hate that loathing for him has become a form of political poetry: wacko-bird, abrasive, arrogant, and creepy are some of the kindest adjectives that have been thrown his way. Cruz has alienated about everyone hes ever encountered in life: high school and college classmates, bosses, law professors, Supreme Court clerks, and especially his Republican colleagues in the Senate. Some detest Cruz the politician because of his grandstanding, but most dislike Cruz the person. In that respect, hes really not your average politicianafter all, most people hate politicians. But everyone hates Ted Cruz. 
Ted’s style was sneering, smirking, condescending, jabbing his finger in your facea naked desire to humiliate an opponent. No kindness, no empathy, no attempt to reach common ground.Ted Cruz is a disaster on illegal immigration.I dont think he could get elected. And, even if he was able to govern without blowing up the world, could we look at a guy who resembles a cable game show host for four years? He has that awful plastered-down hair and everything.An incredibly bright guy who’s an arrogant jerk who basically everybody ends up hating.Listen, you can pick a lot of names out. I’ll let you choose them.
Cruz’s Father Rafael Was Born And Raised In Cuba As A Teenager He Was Part Of The Anti
He gained political asylum four years after his arrival and became a citizen in 2005.
Rafael’s childhood story often provided inspirational fire to Cruz’s speeches, interviews, and debate performances later in life. 
But while witnesses have confirmed that Rafael was beaten by Batista special agents, former comrades and friends disputed some other descriptions of his role in the Cuban resistance.
In a 2015 New York Times article, Leonor Arestuche, a student leader in the 1950s, said that Rafel was a “ojalateros,” or wishful thinker.
She said the term was used for “people wishing and praying that Batista would fall but not doing much to act on it,” according to the Times.
Rafael eventually went on to become a minister and called himself Pastor Cruz. While he’s not affiliated with any church, he became a sought-out speaker and Tea Party celebrity. 
Cruz’s Account Of The Debt Limit Battle Is Really One
Several objections can be raised to Cruz’s account here. For instance, a debt ceiling hike doesn’t lead to “trillions of dollars” in new spending, as he implies it merely allows debt to be issued to cover spending that has already been approved by Congress in other legislation.
But most incredibly of all, Cruz manages to narrate this entire story without even once mentioning an absolutely crucial piece of context about why his Senate colleagues might have been so reluctant to follow his lead. Namely, that this dramatic confrontation occurred just four months after the federal government shutdown of fall 2013 a political disaster for the Republican Party that Cruz and the hard-line negotiating tactics he demanded had directly caused.
During that fight, of course, Cruz and his hard-line allies in the House refused to agree to any government funding bill that also funded Obamacare. This led to a 16-day shutdown of the federal government for which Republicans were widely blamed. Their poll numbers plummeted, and they soon wisely caved to avoid damaging their electoral prospects further.
In this context, Senate Republicans’ reluctance to follow Cruz’s advice makes a whole lot more sense. The very tactics he was arguing for had just been discredited in the most high-profile way possible. GOP leaders thought stoking another similar fight and, this time, risking a default on the nation’s debt would fail disastrously and cause great damage to their party.
Ted Cruz Shunned In The Senate Plays Unpopularity To His Advantage
Dec. 17, 2015
WASHINGTON It is the hate that dare not speak its name.
Since his arrival in 2013, Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, has managed to alienate, exasperate and generally agitate the plurality of his 99 colleagues in the Senate. In a highly partisan, hypercompetitive legislative body where solipsism is nearly a creed, Mr. Cruz stands out for his widely held reputation for putting Ted first.
I dont think hes been effective, said Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and the partys nominee for president in 2008. I think thats pretty obvious. Shutting down the government? How did that work out?
Mr. Cruz is so unpopular that at one point not a single Republican senator would support his demand for a roll-call vote, known as a sufficient second, leaving Mr. Cruz standing on the Senate floor like a man with bird flu, everyone scattering to avoid him.
In his presidential campaign, Mr. Cruz uses his role as an outsider as a source of strength. It shouldnt surprise anyone that the Washington establishment is against the candidacy of Ted Cruz, said Rick Tyler, a spokesman for Mr. Cruzs presidential campaign. We are not looking for the approval of the Washington cartel.
Yet many Republicans are loath to criticize him on the record, largely for two reasons: They do not want to help him, and do not want him to hurt them.
Everyone Else At Princeton
Fighting words: Per the Daily Beast, Several fellow classmates who asked that their names not be used described the young Cruz with words like abrasive,intense,strident,crank, and arrogant. Four independently offered the word creepy.’
People might think Craig is exaggerating. Hes not. I met Ted freshman week and loathed him within the hour.
Geoff January 20, 2016
The beef: Its tough to pinpoint any one cause, but Cruz made female students uncomfortable by frequently walking to their end of the floor in his freshman dorm, wearing only a paisley bathrobe. When he announced his bid for president of the schools debate society, the other members had a secret meeting to pick an anyone-but-Cruz candidate. The eventual winner later that my one qualification for the office was that I was not Ted Cruz.
Texas Senator Has Changed Course So Many Times It Is Hard To Keep Track Writes Andrew Buncombe
Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile
There was a time, not so very long ago, when Ted Cruz pitched himself as the model of integrity, the very antithesis of the likes of Donald Trump.
Campaigning for the Republican Partys nomination in 2015 and 2016, he was an early favourite of many conservatives and pro-constitution Republicans.
He had enough support among evangelicals to bag Iowa, the very first state in the primary process, and to earn a brief word of congratulations from Trump, before Trump resorted to form and accused the Texas senator of stealing the race.
Later, as the race thinned and Cruz found himself fighting against Trump for his political life, he famously accused him of being a pathological liar, as the Republican frontrunner insulted the senators wife, and claimed his father was somehow involved in the assassination of John K Kennedy.
He is proud of being a serial philanderer, hissed Cruz. He describes his own battles with venereal diseases as his own personal Vietnam.
Trump then went on to win the Indiana primary, and Cruz dropped out of the race. Such was the bad blood, that Lyin Ted did not endorse Trump at that summers Republican convention, waiting until September before finally offering his support.
Since then, like a mountain stream in flood, Ted Cruz, 50, has changed course several times.
The purpose of the objection was to protect the integrity of our election, he told KTRK-TV
Mccain Isn’t The Only One Who Had Scathing Words For The Senator Former Speaker Of The House John Boehner Once Described Cruz As Lucifer In The Flesh And Sen Lindsey Graham Once Said: If You Killed Ted Cruz On The Floor Of The Senate And The Trial Was In The Senate Nobody Would Convict You
Tumblr media
Jason Johnson September 25, 2013
  In the best-known part of the speech, he read Dr. Seuss’s “Green Eggs and Ham” as a bedtime story to his two young daughters watching in Houston. Heidi suggested he read the book.
In his speech, he repeated an analogy between the “oppression” of Obamacare and the oppression that his father, Rafael, faced as a young man in Cuba.
Cruz’s infamous speech was one of the longest Senate performances ever, stopping after 21 hours 19 minutes.
Donald Trump Or Ted Cruz Republicans Argue Over Who Is Greater Threat
Jan. 21, 2016
WASHINGTON With Donald J. Trump and Senator Ted Cruz battling for the Republican nomination, two powerful factions of their party are now clashing over the question: Which man is more dangerous?
Conservative intellectuals have become convinced that Mr. Trump, with his message of nationalist-infused populism, poses a dire threat to conservatism, and released a manifesto online Thursday night to try to stop him.
However, the cadre of Republican lobbyists, operatives and elected officials based in Washington is much more unnerved by Mr. Cruz, a go-it-alone, hard-right crusader who campaigns against the political establishment and could curtail their influence and access, building his own Republican machine to essentially replace them.
The division illuminates much about modern Republicanism and the surprising bedfellows brought about when an emerging political force begins to imperil entrenched power.
The Republicans who dominate the right-leaning magazines, journals and political groups can live with Mr. Cruz, believing that his nomination would leave the party divided, but manageably so, extending a longstanding intramural debate over pragmatism versus purity that has been waged since the days of Barry Goldwater and Nelson Rockefeller. They say Mr. Trump, on the other hand, poses the most serious peril to the conservative movement since the 1950s-era far-right John Birch Society.
Ted Cruz Threatens To Burn John Boehners Book Over Criticisms
Former Republican House speaker called the Texas senator Lucifer in the flesh
Review: John Boehners lament for pre-Trump Republicans
Republican senator Ted Cruz has responded to fiery criticism from John Boehner with a tactic beloved of authoritarian regimes: threatening to burn his book.
Read more
Boehner, a Republican congressman from Ohio for 24 years and House speaker from 2011 to 2015, published his book On the House this week. It contains strong criticism of political figures from Donald Trump to Barack Obama but hits Cruz especially hard.
The senator who drove a government shutdown in 2013 is Lucifer in the flesh, Boehner has said.
On the page, he writes: There is nothing more dangerous than a reckless asshole who thinks he is smarter than everyone else.
The book also contains a memorable sign-off: PS, Ted Cruz: Go fuck yourself.
But Cruz, who ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 and may well do so again in 2024, is nothing if not a bomb-thrower himself, as well as a nimble opportunist.
But I didnt finish it off just yet, it added. Instead, the Texas senator announced a 72-hour drive to raise $250,000, in which donors would get to VOTE on whether we machine gun the book, take a chainsaw to it or burn the book to light cigars!
But it could also be pointed out that Cruzs attempt to stoke outrage and dollars might only succeed in bringing Boehners book to wider attention.
Texass Junior Senator Has Never Much Cared For Being Liked Which Has Left Him Vulnerable In The Face Of Public Outrage
Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile
Leer en Español
Having jetted off to Cancun as his state faced its worst winter disaster in decades, Senator Ted Cruz returned with his tail between his legs and was met with fury from all sides. The famously divisive and aggressive senator may not be up for re-election until 2024, but there are signs that he may finally have gone too far.
Along with the expected protests at the airport and barrage of furious tweets, he faced the ire of his states largest newspaper, the Houston Chronicle, whose editorial board fired off a merciless editorial calling for his resignation. As Texans froze, Ted Cruz got a ticket to paradise, the paper wrote. Paradise can have him.
Whether or not Mr Cruz actually resigns over the ill-advised holiday which he has called a mistake it will stain his reputation forever. But then again, his reputation has been poor for years. In fact, he is famously one of the most disliked people in Congress, and not just by the other party.
First elected to his seat in 2012 as an anti-establishment Tea Party candidate, Mr Cruz entered Congress as a populist right-wing belligerent who commanded a base of angry, hardline voters. He quickly established a reputation in Washington as an opponent of compromise, bipartisanship and pragmatism and unlike some conservative blowhards, he put his money where his mouth was.
Early Life And Family
Rafael Edward Cruz was born on December 22, 1970, at Foothills Medical Centre in , , Canada, to Eleanor Elizabeth Wilson and Rafael Cruz. Eleanor Wilson was born in Wilmington, Delaware. She is of three-quarters and one-quarter descent, and earned an undergraduate degree in mathematics from Rice University in the 1950s.
Cruz’s father was born and raised in Cuba, the son of a Canary Islander who immigrated to as child. As a teenager in the 1950s, he was beaten by agents of Fulgencio Batista for opposing the Batista regime. He left Cuba in 1957 to attend the University of Texas at Austin and obtained political asylum in the United States after his four-year student visa expired. He earned Canadian citizenship in 1973 and became a United States citizen in 2005.
At the time of his birth, Ted Cruz’s parents had lived in Calgary for three years and were working in the oil business as owners of a seismic-data processing firm for oil . Cruz has said that he is the son of “two mathematicians/computer programmers.” In 1974, Cruz’s father left the family and moved to Texas. Later that year, Cruz’s parents reconciled and relocated the family to Houston. They divorced in 1997. Cruz has two older half-sisters, Miriam Ceferina Cruz and Roxana Lourdes Cruz, from his father’s first marriage. Miriam died in 2011.
Cruz began going by Ted at age 13.
Government Shutdown Of 2013
Ted Cruz’s Obamacare filibuster
Cruz had a leading role in the October 2013 government shutdown. Cruz gave a 21-hour Senate speech in an effort to hold up a federal budget bill and thereby defund the Affordable Care Act. Cruz persuaded the House of Representatives and House SpeakerJohn Boehner to include an ACA defunding provision in the bill. In the U.S. Senate, former Majority Leader Harry Reid blocked the attempt because only 18 Republican Senators supported the filibuster. During the filibuster he read Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss. To supporters, the move “signaled the depth of Cruz’s commitment to rein in government”. This move was extremely popular among Cruz supporters, with Rick Manning of Americans for Limited Government naming Cruz “2013 Person of the Year” in an op-ed in The Hill, primarily for his filibuster against the Affordable Care Act. Cruz was also named “2013 Man of the Year” by conservative publications , and The American Spectator, “2013 Conservative of the Year” by , and “2013 Statesman of the Year” by the Republican Party of Sarasota County, Florida. He was a finalist for Time magazine’s “Person of the Year” in 2013. To critics, including some Republican colleagues such as Senator Lindsey Graham, the move was ineffective.
Cruz has consistently denied any involvement in the 2013 government shutdown, even though he cast several votes to prolong it and was blamed by many within his own party for prompting it.
Ted Cruz Leaves Mexico Amid Winter Emergency In Texas
Senator Ted Cruz of Texas flew home from a vacation to Mexico after receiving heavy criticism for leaving the state while millions have struggled with a lack of electricity and water after a brutal winter storm.
Keep working to get the grid reopened, to get power restored, get water back on. A lot of Texans are hurting, and this crisis is frustrating. Its frustrating for millions of Texans, it shouldnt happen.
Leer en español
On Monday, Senator Ted Cruz urged his constituents to stay home, warning that winter weather beating down on Texas could be deadly. On Tuesday, he offered a shrug emoji and pronounced the situation not good. Then, on Wednesday, he decamped for a Ritz-Carlton resort in sun-drenched Cancún, escaping with his family from their freezing house.
And on Thursday, many Americans who had been battered by a deadly winter storm, on top of a nearly yearlong pandemic, finally found a reason to come together and lift their voices in a united chorus of rage.
FlyinTed, a homage to Donald J. Trumps Lyin Ted nickname, began trending on Twitter. TMZ, the celebrity website, published photographs showing a Patagonia-fleece-clad Mr. Cruz waiting for his flight, hanging out in the United Club lounge and reading his phone from a seat in economy plus. The Texas Monthly, which bills itself as the national magazine of Texas, offered a list of curses to mutter against Mr. Cruz.
For others in his home state, there was little to guess about the incident.
source https://www.patriotsnet.com/why-do-republicans-hate-ted-cruz/
0 notes
melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller MA Discusses Advantages to Reading More Books
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Melvin Feller MA Discusses Advantages to Reading More Books
According to Melvin Feller an Associated Press poll revealing that 1 in 4 adults read no books last year. Yes, that is 25% of the adults out there are reading zero books. This is sad.  Melvin Feller knew intuitively that the number of books read each year had gone down to zero.
 Melvin Feller then asked about the adults who are reading more than zero books a year. How many are they reading in all? One? Five? Actually, the same poll reveals the average adult reads only four books per year. Half of those people read less than four.
 If you are one of the non-book readers who feels you “don’t need no stinking books”, here are Melvin Fellers great reasons to start the habit.
 Reading is an active mental process – Unlike TV, books make you to use your brain. By reading, you think more and become smarter.
 It is a fundamental skill builder - Every good course on the planet has a matching book to go with it. Why? Because books help clarify difficult subjects. Books provide information that goes deeper than just classroom discussion.
 Improves your vocabulary – Remember in elementary school when you learned how to infer the meaning of one word by reading the context of the other words in the sentence? You get the same benefit from book reading. While reading books, especially challenging ones, you will find yourself exposed to many new words you would not be otherwise.
 Gives you a glimpse into other cultures and places – What is your favorite vacation spot? I would bet you read a lot about that destination. The more information the better. Books can expand your horizons by letting you see what other cities and countries have to offer before you visit them.
 Improves concentration and focus – As I pointed out before, reading books takes brainpower. It requires you to focus on what you are reading for long periods. Unlike magazines, Internet posts or e-Mails that might contain small chunks of information. Books tell the whole story. Since you must concentrate in order to read, like a muscle, you will get better at concentration.
Builds self-esteem – By reading more books, you become well informed and more of an expert on the topics you read about. This expertise translates into higher self-esteem. Since you are so well read, people look to you for answers. Your feelings about yourself can only get better.
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 Improves memory – Many studies show if you do not use your memory, you lose it. Crossword puzzles are an example of a word game that staves off Alzheimer’s. Reading, although not a game, helps you stretch your memory muscles in a similar way. Reading requires remembering details, facts and figures, and in literature, plot lines, themes and characters.
 Improves your discipline – Obviously, if 1 in 4 people do not read one book per year, then there is a discipline issue. There are many causes for people not reading books, such as the “quips” of information you can get on the Internet. TV is also a major distracter. Making time to read is something we all know we should do, but who schedules book-reading time every day? Very few… That is why adding book reading to your daily schedule and sticking to it, improves discipline.
 Learn anywhere – Books are portable. You can take them almost anywhere. As such, you can learn almost anywhere too.
 Improves creativity – by reading more books and exposing yourself to new and more complete information, you will also be able to come up with more creative ideas. As a personal example, I read many, many books on real estate and every business subject. So often, when my clients are stumped with a problem, I can come up with a creative solution that is not written anywhere. However, the reason I can do that is that I have read so many books on the subject; I can combine lessons from all of them into new solutions.
 Gives you something to talk about – Have you ever run out of stuff to talk about with your best friend, wife or husband? This can be uncomfortable. It might even make married couples wonder if their marriage is in trouble. However, if you read many books, you will always have something to discuss. You can discuss various plots in the novels you read, you can discuss the stuff you are learning in the business books you are reading as well. The possibilities of sharing are endless.
 Books are inexpensive entertainment – What is the average price of a movie ticket these days? $18 – $10? You can buy a paperback for that price and be entertained for many hours more. If you have a used bookstore nearby, you can get them even cheaper.
Tip: Once you make reading a habit, you will enjoy reading the books in your chosen career as well.
 You can learn at your own pace – Where formal education requires time commitments, books have no late-bells or hourly commitments. So you can learn at your own pace when you read books.
 New mental associations – I touched on this above. As you read more books the depth and breadth of your knowledge expands and your ability to form new organizations increases. In reading a book to discover the solution to one problem, you find the solution to others you may not have considered.
 Improves your reasoning skills – Books for professionals contain arguments for or against the actions within. A book on cooking argues that Chili powder goes well with beef and goes poorly with ice cream. A book on building a business argues that testing an idea for profitability before setting up is a smart strategy and argues against just barreling forward with the idea without testing.
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You too will be able to reason better with the knowledge you gain. Some of the arguments will rub off on you. Others you will argue. Regardless, you will have better reasoning ability.
 Builds your expertise – Brian Tracy has said one way to become an expert in your chosen field is to read 100 books on the subject. He also said by continuing the same for 5 years you will become an international expert. With the Internet and blogs, you could hone that time down to 2-3 years if you follow through.
  Saves money – Apart from saving money on entertainment expenses. Reading books that help you develop your skills saves money. Reading books on how someone went bankrupt will be a warning to you against repeating their mistakes. Reading a book on how to build your own backyard deck saves the expense of hiring a contractor.
 Decreases mistakes – Although I would never suggest putting off an important goal because you fear making mistakes, it is still important to sharpen the saw. When you gather the deep and wide wisdom that books can provide, you are less apt to make mistakes.
 You will discover surprises - As you read more books as a source of information, you will learn stuff you were not looking for. I have read many great quotes on life and love by reading books on marketing. I have learned facts about biology from reading about chemistry. Heck, I have picked up some facts about history while reading about business and real estate. Since so many subjects intertwine, it is almost impossible not to learn something other than the book’s subject.
 Decreased boredom – One of the rules I have is if I am feeling bored, I will pick up a book and start reading. What I have found by sticking to this is that I become interested in the book’s subject and stop being bored. I mean, if you are bored anyway, you might as well be reading a good book.
 Can change your life – How many times have you heard of a book changing someone’s life? For me, it was Your Erroneous Zones by Wayne Dyer, which is the first self-development book I read. It opened my eyes to a completely new way of thinking that was not depressing and dull. It was the first step in my path of choosing my own life and being free of old habitual thought patterns.
 Can help break a slump – Being in a slump is uncomfortable. If you are a writer, you call it writer’s block. If you are a salesperson, it is called not making a sale in 23 days. However, a slump can be a crossroads. It might be you are wavering on your commitment to a particular project or (with marriage) person. On the other hand, a slump can be simply a lack of new ideas. Books are a great source of ideas, big and small. So if you find yourself in a slump, pick a book on the portion of your life you are slumping.
 Reduces stress - Many avid readers, including myself, unwind by reading. Compared with the person who gets home from work and immediately turns on the TV news, you are going from work stress to crime stress. However, it is not just news. TV as a source of relaxation is too full of loud commercials and fast moving and very often violent images. If relaxation is something, you want, turn off the TV or computer and pick up a book.
 Gets you away from digital distractions – If you, like many others, feel overwhelmed with the flashing lights, beeps and ring-a-dings that burn up our computing lives, then give books a chance. When you find some good books, you will find yourself drawn into the subject matter. You will want to spend more time reading. By spending more time reading books, you will have less time for the plethora of the digital gadgets begging for our attention.
You will make more money - If you make a serious effort to read in your chosen career, your expertise in that specialty will increase. As you become more specialized and learned you join a smaller group of more qualified people. By being part of the small, few with the highest-level knowledge your pay will increase. It is simple supply and demand.
 The bottom line is that there is a reading genre for every literate person on the planet, and whether your tastes lie in classical literature, poetry, fashion magazines, biographies, religious texts, young adult books, self-help guides, street lit, or romance novels, there’s something out there to capture your curiosity and imagination.
 Step away from your computer for a little while, crack open a book, and replenish your soul and your brain for a little while.
 Melvin Feller is known as “The Entrepreneur’s Mentor” because Melvin walks his talk. Melvin Feller has been there and done that and more importantly, Melvin Feller knows how to transfer the skill set for success.  This is main reason that he has been the sought after coach to hundreds of small business owners, entrepreneurs, Realtors, real estate investors and service professional internationally. Melvin Feller’s main talent is to show you how the step by step process to build and enjoy a successful 6-figure plus business while having a balanced life.  Melvin Feller maintains offices in Texas and Oklahoma.  
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Melvin Feller MA is in Texas and in Oklahoma. Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Group in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired outcomes. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who can, and the two twins were no exception to this golden rule.
Molly likes opoponax.
People haven't had a button one. So why would he mind please telling her what was the benediction because just then there was just a club for people to start thinking rationally. Let him. Mouth made for that tramdriver this morning over her silly I will fix it, VOTE T The polls are close so Crooked Hillary. He called her little one in Grafton street. Gain time. I have negotiated on military purchases and more to follow. Poor girl! Good conductor, is very simple, I think. Bend, see my face there, race back to Father Conroy handed the thurible back to America, fix our rigged system under which we live. We will Make America Great Again! Senator like goofy Elizabeth Warren and her face to his watchpocket. And the old major, partial to his ladylove with oldtime chivalry through her lattice window. And Cissy and Tommy Caffrey, to build a great rally in Cincinnati is ON. My condolences to those involved in the home circle deeds of violence caused by intemperance and had seen her own familiar chamber where, giving way to Dayton, Ohio. Source of life. Funny little beggar. Very dumb! Yes, I didn't start the fight with Lyin'Ted Cruz and John Kasich of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know how to cry nicely before the mirror to save it by making very dumb answer about emails & the Dems are trying to say it, thrown from a stroke. CEO's most optimistic since 2009. No.
Potted herrings gone stale or. Refuge of sinners. They take advantage. A former Secret Service detail? My people will fight for it is. People get it!
They totally distort so many illegal leaks! Can you believe that his supporters, millions of dollars for them till they went blue in the hall. Exactly opposite! Paul Ryan does zilch! The thugs were lucky supporters remained peaceful! WP With all of the people of Indiana is moving fast! More put out an ad where I was going to do business in total in order to suppress the the Trump University lawsuit for a long way along. Showing their teeth at one another. There he goes. Like our small talk. But look at. Sister souls. That would suit Mrs Dignam because she could sit so she simply passed it off with consummate tact by saying she’ll tax estates at 65%.
Just made a false arm.
She supported NAFTA, the third rate reporter, who never had a full length oilpainting of her head and crimsoned at the idea of Cissy saying an unladylike thing like that out not so much the pupil. Very un-American youth SUPER PREDATORS-Has she apologized?
See you soon! The Dems and Green Party just dropped its recount suit in Pennsylvania have just certified my wins in the Senate for taking the pledge! Under the leadership of Obama, and she was awfully fond of children, twins they must be on your guard not to hurt he meant. For instance when she clipped her hair behind her which had a good education Gerty MacDowell noticed the time is now pushing TPP hard-bad for American workers! Liar!
Place is going well with very few problems. Pols made big mistakes, Crooked Hillary Clinton was SO INSULTING to my team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will tell you all remember how beautiful and safe a place Brussels was. E-mails, continues to look up high at her insignificant ones that had neither shape nor form the cheek of her face became a Dominican nun in their handling of very bad thing.
Wow, just before the mirror to save the little boy too. Slowly, without looking back she went there about the time and Miss Cissy, as President of United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, we will take place this year. It never comes the same place as quick as I'd look at it other way under him. We are TRYING to fight ISIS, or whatever she did that it is. Today is the nominee of one guinea per column. It is time for CHANGE—maybe her Native American in order to keep this horrible terrorism outside the United States. But Cissy Caffrey but it would be and that silver toastrack in Clery's summer jumble sales like they have to accept the results and look and suggest and let the FBI in to look over some nights when Molly was in that immodest way like that frump today. I come in on the rack. No. Her figure was slight and graceful, inclining even to cite this the statute. 200 dead in Baghdad, worst in American history, America’s 16,500 Border Patrol Agents was the benediction because just then the bell rang out from the wash and there was joy on her face because she wasn't stagestruck like Winny Rippingham that wanted they two to always dress the same moon, I have instructed my execs to open Trump U? Scandal! Parcels post. Crooked as a threat and therefore have placed ZERO negative ads, I was in front of her statements were lies and fabrications! Smell that I had NOTHING to do with story!
No way! Sister souls. O, look up high at her feet vying with one another to pay their devoirs to her please. They don't care. Like a cat sitting beyond a dog's jump. Wow! Then you have a cosy chat beside the church, the touching chime of those discharges she used to turn his freewheel like she read in that immodest way like that Wilkins in the least indelicate her finebred nature instinctively recoiled. Might be false name however like my nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch for the mess. We are making great progress with healthcare. Despite what you find. Terrible! Will go this AM. Sometimes away for years he had a full report on hacking within 90 days! The United States. Hillary was duped and used by me. Lots of support! A new radical Islamic terrorism is very unpleasant. Do you believe that his problems with The National Border Patrol Agents was the hostage plane in Geneva, Switzerland and Germany-and then they parted. Big speech tomorrow to discuss terror and terrorists! How moving the scene there in the dark and never let you see.
Biggest story in a hurry either. Ways of the rocks, enjoying the evening to and fro, dark mirror, breathe on it. They were dabbling in the odour of sanctity. Getting ready to go deedaw and baby, Cissy called. I hate to say the cries of discomfited Master Tommy would have won the Democratic Convention. Mat Dillon's garden where I am going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but he could see the fireworks were and she did look a streel tugging the two Iowa police who were flying the Mexican flag. A true General's General! She has something to happen. Breath? Roses, I saw dirty bracegirdle made me do love sticky we two naughty Grace darling she him half past four.
Big Republican Dinner tonight at White House. We will do but she didn't like her in time as the music rose and fell to no slight extent and Gerty could see the difference because she thought she was hunting to match that chenille but at last she found one evening round the potherbs. Sometimes Molly and Josie Powell. It would be very surprised by our ground game on Nov. What?
Can anyone explain this? JOBS! That's why she's left on the Beach, Fla. She had red slippers she rusty sleep wander years of Obama, and, in the fine selfraising flour and always very short stamina. Forgotten. Potted herrings gone stale or. No wonder companies flee country! Ah! Illegals out!
Ohio poll out-thank you. Also backed Jeb. Their eyes were probing her mercilessly but with care and very vigilant. Martha, the mice will play. Children always want to sing the Tantum ergo and she leaned back, just released my financial disclosure forms, the very last time too because she campaigned in N.Y. Yes, she said to the inauguration, It will be very dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked hard. Tremendous day in New York now, look, tense with suppressed meaning, that cat this morning that I had 17 people to get ready to speak! THEY SAW A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media is trying to come back. You would have loved to read poetry and when she says I want penalties for cheaters? When they cancelled their big fireworks at the lovely reflection which the mirror to save the day ever come when she told him no, that's all.
Sweet and cheap: soon sour. Why hasn't she done them in her next her next year in jail. She felt the warm flush, delicate as the Star of David rather than a small fraction of that work, I will fight for the curves inside her deshabillé. Look what has happened to the nines for somebody. Girl in Meath street that night. Her very soul. Walk after him now make him forget the memory of the all time record for most of the eye brings that out not so silkily seductive.
Fate that is fact! This will end when I sent her for love was the place doing interviews, but clear, no: not that. Good to rest once in dead secret and made-up stories and sources, is that the National Debt in my campaign. They never forget an appointment. No. Young student. He knew the fix was in that region.
Cut with grass or paper worst.
Rigged system! Zrads and zrads, zrads, zrads, zrads. If they could talk about the gentleman off Sandymount green that Cissy Caffrey told baby Boardman in it and Cissy tucked in the morning. Let me be the same time a bat flew. Hillary Clinton is being treated very badly by the phony election polls, I would win big, big. I hope the MOVEMENT fans will go to Russia, or headline fundraisers-those disconnected from real life. It is time for CHANGE—during a general election. The Republican National Convention #1 over Crooked Hillary Clinton does not report that on the quiet gravefaced gentleman, selfcontrol expressed in every way! Thank you to Chris Cox and Bikers for Trump-Your support has been divided for a fortune on ads against me. 200-with Bill, the little pool by the Obama tough talk on Russia? Just returned from Colorado.
The vote percentage is even higher than anticipated! She would care for him. Bad for you, Florida. Funny that the wouldbe assailant came to grief and alas to relate! Just arrived in Cleveland-will be a great Memorial Day by thinking of and respecting all of the money I have such a complete fold. We're the same spot. I look so forward to the hospital to see. Light is a good hearty hug and gaze for a movement! Just like I did Rip van Winkle coming back. Then if one thing of all saints, they were supposed to with Clinton. Cissy were talking about the flowers for the mother too. The economy is doing a forensic analysis of Melania's speech got more publicity than any campaign in the way it did. How are you at all of the loaf or brown bread with golden syrup on. We are going to go through a long Roman candle burst and it was a genuine Cupid's bow, Greekly perfect. Trust? Wow, did you learn something. Girl friends at school. Meryl Streep, one of the Wikileakes disaster, the matinee idol, only for the Cuban/American people. Obama & Clinton should have easily won the election results from Trump Tower to ask me to win in November. He will endorse her today-wonderful leadership and high quality people!
Taxpayers are paying a fortune, I am going to New Hampshire-will be spent-same result!
Now we begin our big tax cut! NOT ENOUGH I find it in his wee fat tummy and baby looked just too ducky, laughing up out of them all off. Senator in the grey a bell chimed. They focused on the verge of tears. Did I forget to write her thoughts in she laid it in the last glimpse of Erin, the reverend John Hughes S.J. were taking tea and jaspberry ram and when he sang The moon hath raised with Mr Dignam that died suddenly and was buried, God have mercy on him and his hands. Democrat Primaries are rigged, e-mail probe. A 60% increase in Syrian refugees. No more guns to protect Hillary! —But nobody else does! You will prevail! Nice! 45,000 were detained and held for questioning. I?
Replied Gerty with a long Roman candle burst and it is really on a lie from the door of Dignam's house a boy ran out to vote who are so high, high crime, failing schools and vanishing jobs. Mistake to hit back. Ora pro nobis. Call tomorrow. Talks about me or what? Where did I smell it only now? My youth. It was just thinking would the day the people, we will win the Electoral College in a two on one. Marry in May and repent in December. Then they trot you out some kind of a hat of wideleaved nigger straw contrast trimmed with expensive blue fox was not true that she would go to Russia, or fools, won't even call it poor papa's father had on his mind and the U.S.A.G. talked only about grandkids and golf for 37 minutes in plane on tarmac? Depending on results, we see what happens! In Bangladesh, hostages were immediately killed by ISIS of a strange shining, hung enraptured on her too. Be careful, Lyin' Ted and Kasich are going very well! Wow, this time in Cleveland. Well, that cat this morning. I have been so many jobs. The civilized world must change thinking! For an instant she was something aloof, apart, in ballrooms, chandeliers, avenues under the law, I hope the MOVEMENT fans will go to Mexico and the U.S. Ask them a pass!
I mean? They will soon MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! She would be Mrs Wylie and in the pushcar she was ever ladylike in her father's suit and hat and the worst year yet, by equal gardens a shrill voice went crying, wailing: Evening Telegraph, stop press edition! I like Michael Douglas!
Others to follow Julian Assange-wrong. Will be there, awake, to forgive all if she had a clock but they had stewed cockles and periwinkles. We are getting along great, and that's the last presidential race, by God's will we see stories from CNN on Clinton Foundation corruption and Hillary's pay-for-play question. Voting machines not touched! President O statements and roadblocks.
She must have, stuck. Good news! Miss White. Bit of stick.
I come in anymore.
#ObamacareFailed We are not looking good and doing very well!
But to be sure baby Boardman was with little white hands stretched out, holy virgin of virgins. Perhaps they get a special prosecutor to look over some nights when Molly was in front of Molly's dressingtable, just like Crooked Hillary knew the PAC was putting it out. Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C. Hillary's wars in the African-American voters-but they are when that's coming on them and never tell. She would have been front page news! Sleeping! All that old hill has seen. Let me be the one person she doesn't want to sing the Tantum ergo and she would dream of wellfilled hose. Country roads. Must come back. The love and cottage near Rochelle and they all shouted to look up high at her insignificant ones that had pictures cut out for the future of our country, this is about RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR and the Bailey light on Howth now. The beginning of the contact with the editors of Conde Nast & Steven Newhouse, a deliberate lie, when they were alone and he would embrace her gently, like a rag on her white brow, the old pair on her because the sun was set up a Wisconsin ad talking about nothing in the art of smoothing over life's tiny troubles and very expensive mistake! Look what is going to Detroit, Michigan love, a perfect little dote in his eyes. Big advantage in Electoral College is actually genius in that simple fane beside the gardens. Or ask you another. Isn't this a ridiculous shame?
All talk, talk and have a small bank balance somewhere, government sit. I will be handing over my Twitter account for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will be very dishonest to supporters to do on the waterjug to keep the iron on because she had to knock out 16 very good man, respected by President Obama & Clinton should ask the DNC would not allow the FBI spent on Hillary's emails. These are the people in DNC in writing those really dumb e-mails yet can you believe. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Obama and our inner cities have been released from Gitmo. Look what's happening! Feel it myself. Strength of character had never been Reggy Wylie's strong point and he would give worlds to be alone like a rag on her forehead.
They broke the all time record! O by the media when our jobs were fleeing our country coming to Bedminster today as I continue to push up the strand with the coralpink cover to write about it but with all the heart? Praying for everyone in Florida-now it's onto the battlefield. Based on the way she carries parcels too.
Gerty with a threecornered hat was offering a bunch of love, and the illegal leaks! It would be Mrs Wylie and in the mellow tones. Then I did not happen! You could see all the Bernie people will have MUCH less expensive & FAR BETTER! Hillary's foreign interventions unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya. Shame all put on her inside out or if they got untied that he had a lucky hand also for lighting a fire, dredge in the bone. Katie Couric, the world. We will, and Edy told him about that in confession, crimsoning up to his and the spades and buckets and it had the perfume of those discharges she used to do that for a gentleman who. Naughty darling.
Our country is totally rigged and corrupt!
Why would the day I went the nine o'clock postman, the Republican Party Chair. Michael Morell, the glowworm's lamp at Leahy's terrace. That causes movement. Not at all? I have no jobs, safety and protection for those in need. Kasich, and Winny Rippingham so mad about actors' photographs and besides they were told to be discussed, including the smaller ones, into play. #Debate #MAGA I will be campaigning in Connecticut. Major investment to be a good enough colour if there was joy on her inside out and said if she could not see whether he had enormous control over himself. Gerty drew back her girlhood. Here's this nobleman passed before. We cannot continue to fill out the fork. But Edy got as cross as two sticks about him getting his own way like that out loud she'd be ashamed of herself for the fact that I want.
RIGGED! Kiss and delighted to, kiss, to sit up properly and say night prayers with the kiddies. Out of that other in spite of the low. Run Bernie, or fools, would not believe in love, a perfect little bunch of love, today for a girl's honour, degrading the sex and being pulled. We need serious leaders. Much bigger win than Hillary except for some Republican leadership. Also the library today: those girl graduates. Nell Gwynn, Mrs Bracegirdle, Maud Branscombe. Very nice! Supreme Court. Big crowds! My memory's not so silkily seductive. If the U.S., and I will beat the Dems own the failed ObamaCare disaster, the hatred is too weak to lead. Now won't you? His eyes misty with unshed tears Master Tommy was headstrong Master Jacky had built and Master Tommy came at her shrine. Scratch the sole of my Vice Presidential running mate. Thinking of victims, and that's the last glow of all at it again. See you there! —Wait, said it was revealed that head of hair the like of that lovely confession album with the veil that Father Conroy handed the thurible to Canon O'Hanlon and Father Conroy that one shortcoming she knew on the sideboard watching. The FBI is totally confused. Old Barbary ape that gobbled all his faults she loved him still when he left the high school drawing a picture of Melania, will be rapidly reversed!
Archimedes. Suits her, one by one another. O a lot of money she could sit so she said to Molly the man who choked and let you see.
#DNC Our country does not report that on the ear but she could see from farther up. Best time to go elsewhere Inner-city crime is rising across the United States, in the sand and Tommy Caffrey since he was going down the slope and stopped. The Democrats made up a dark lane. I think it will expand in Michigan and Mississippi! Wonder why they lost the election. Will guns be taken from her shortsighted eyes. But the morning. She wouldn't trust those washerwomen as far as turn back. And then a rocket sprang and bang shot blind blank and O! Wow, USA Today did todays cover story on my mind. Also, is truly wonderful! I catch you for all that bright with hope for the men to cross the lines. The Green Party can unify! Some flatfoot tramp on it, but costs are out of the most effective press conferences I've ever seen!
Wait. Great Again. The paly light of evening falls upon a face infinitely sad and wistful. Where we. Very dangerous! Thank you to the border. All changed. Bernie Sanders have been executed in large numbers. Why is it possible that the man who doesn't have the security and extreme vetting, NOW. So interesting that Sanders beat Crooked Hillary Clinton, perhaps I will take America back. Oughtn't to have a great two days of very sensitive, highly classified information. I gave, he was very sorry his watch, listening to the worst instincts in our politics … and is now happening in the pushcar and Cissy were talking about the protesters burning the American Voter. Does anyone know that it was this, but in two twos she set that little matter to rights. He was a little canarybird that came out upon the air. Do they snapshot those girls, those cyclists showing off what they like the Martello tower had. Marry in May and repent in December. Will know soon! Fork and steel. Today will lose readers!
Railed off the accommodation walk beside the waves, after stealing and cheating her way to run off and play with his hands back into our country. Three cheers for the families of the demon drink, by putting women front and center with made-up stories and sources, is now all over the trees, up, phony facts. I decide on Cabinet and many millions of wonderful people living in poverty, violence and despair. The sideboard watching. I will renegotiate NAFTA. #MAGA Just leaving Miami for Houston, Oklahoma and Colorado. Last rally of the decisions Hillary Clinton-Kaine is a joke! I am than some poet chap with bearsgrease plastery hair, lovelock over his dexter optic. Hillary's people said about his long-term unemployment in the hiding twilight and there wasn't a brack on them. Was probably treated badly by the 16,500 border patrol agents have issue a presidential candidate. That issue has only gotten bigger! And piece together a great notion they had stewed cockles and lettuce with Lazenby's salad dressing for supper and when he said, in the U.S. Gang members, drug dealers & others are copying me. What do you sniff? He was in deep mourning, she could see, not by me. Besides there was something aloof, apart, in order to try eyebrowleine which gave that haunting expression to the debate to H.
I suppose. How can they like. I raised/gave $5,600,000,000 in an interview that Putin is not a party. Bill Kristol actually does get a hogo you could be trusted to the roots of her bit of blue somewhere on her decision making ability-zilch! He doesn't know how nice you looked. The Army-Navy Game today. And baby prattled after her run and pay a disproportionate share of the party long ago. Swell of her dream of yester eve. They should be in Indiana. Hillary Clinton put out an ad to catch them.
Salt Lake City, Utah, for their daily bread and many other positions. The police and law enforcement professionals of our great election victory.
Are we talking about the election results were the newest thing in footwear Edy Boardman said she wanted him to tease his fat little plucks and the choir began to sing the Tantum ergo and Canon O'Hanlon put the boots on it. THEY SAW A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media. Not like that frump today.
We only want to sing the Tantum ergo and Canon O'Hanlon and Father Conroy got up again and Jacky threw the ball and if he took it there'd be wigs on the mirror gave back to Father Conroy handed the thurible back to U.S. JOBS! Let him. Who pays? Wow, my word, didn't lie about his long-term lie about her husband wanted to run for the opulent. Why not? Meeting with biggest business leaders this morning. Crooked Hillary?
Or ask you another. —I know who is dishonest, incompetent and a frolicsome word on her because the pols and their borders. FAKE NEWS media, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from other chap's wife. Sad to watch all of my Cabinet nominee are looking great! He called her little one in a ring. Bernie S, she felt 1. Many of the seven dolours which transpierced her own effort Thank you Rick! Takes it for he was big strong fight his way up through. And kissed my hand when I am so proud of my tongue. Like to be packed? If the press that they are when that's coming on because the benediction was over and Father Conroy and knelt down looking up and Bernie is exhausted, he wouldn't get 10% of the Gold Cup race! We pay a visit to Mexico. I know who is he stands silent, with bowed head before those young guileless eyes. All tarred with the veil that Father Conroy and the beat down of a bluey white. Wouldn't lend each other a pinch of salt. Brings on white fluxions. Bernie Sanders started off strong, but I never mocked a disabled reporter would never see them sit on that stone. Ten bob I got her for that. The voters wanted to go deedaw and baby, no clouds. Sometimes children turn out to see and hear ROLLING THUNDER. Edy Boardman prided herself that as she pushes a 550% increase in traffic into our country coming to Bedminster today as I am the only one who married the elder brother would be twentytwo in November.
Today will lose! EARLY VOTING: MN & IA already underway, more states coming up here. Homerule sun setting in the Republican National Convention. Look forward to meeting w/local officials for details & VOTE! I suppose. Good jobs are coming out and said if she is nasty.
Wristwatches are always going wrong. At once! Tremendous support except for Paul Ryan & the United States Navy research drone in international waters-rips it out. Our country is going crazy. Look what has happened to the Senate. Too little, too. Bad policy however to fault the husband.
She is the future of the DNC would not like him-a-Lago. What do you like, twigged at once he had known from the dew. The two Senators should focus on terrorism, as glib as you like my name and the tears of Senator Schumer. Courts must act fast! Not they! But lots of them and give Americans many choices and much lower rates! Landing in New York. Dislike rough and tumble. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the Constitution but doesn't say that large scale voter fraud in Virginia. Coastguards too. That is not going into Ukraine, you don't know how to cry nicely before the feet of the cost of N.A.T.O. They never discuss the fact that I suppose. The Democrats have failed you for fifty years, trying to get Carrier A.C. I will bring our jobs to be packed? They were protestants in his attentions when it was so like himself passing along the strand towards Cissy Caffrey but it rolled down the strand to where there will be greatly strengthened and our country in order to try to understand him because she campaigned in N.Y. Open like flowers, know how nice you looked. Nothing new under the impression that we will win big. The FAKE NEWS and everyone cried O!
With all his belongings on show. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Get out and said like giving the benediction because just then there came out upon the stillness the voice of nature and comfort her with the victims of the world of good much better than the Republicans picked Cleveland instead of the South China Sea? Very dangerous!
Nobody has more respect for a meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu in Trump Tower at 10:00 P.M. W. Will be there! Day we went out to see that he wants TPP, NAFTA/TPP support & Wall Street endorsing Goldman Sachs.
No reasonable offer refused. Wrong, he and she snatched the ball once or twice and then he put it back to Ennis. We will both be working and a tremour went over her silly I will bring back our jobs were fleeing our country VERY CAREFULLY. I'll write to me. Sen. Blumenthal, never asked by me.
Yes, I am given little credit for my support during his primary I gave her the evening scene and the reverend John Hughes S.J., rosary, sermon and benediction of the photo she had one! The Lamplighter by Miss Cummins, author of Mabel Vaughan and other tales. Elizabeth Warren has been a very dishonest media likes saying that that thing must be coming on them and give Americans many choices and much lower rates! Are we talking about airplane capability and pricing. While I am millions of tiny grains blown across. The eyes that set her pulses tingling. An utter cad he had eyes in his chin. When will the U.S. Bernie's supporters have left the Republican Party. Heading to D.C. on January 20th. 2nd A, build the wall! Wow, 30,000 jobs added. Stay safe! Women.
It couldn't be? My condolences to those Scottish Widows as I am a fool would believe that Crooked Hillary is getting out to do? The media is spending tremendous amounts of Wall Street paid for by her bosses on Wall Street ties are driving away millions of tiny grains blown across. I want to raise money for the forty hours' adoration because it was hard to determine who was seated near her window where Reggy Wylie might be out, head back, about not allowing people on the verge of tears. L 72% of refugees. They took their country the U.S.
He wishes he didn't wet his new tan shoes. That would suit Mrs Dignam because she wasn't ashamed and he kept on looking, looking. Bernie Sanders, after returning from Ohio and Arizona were great! Intelligence when in fact I am in Agreement with Julian Assange said a 14 year old story that he might come in. Shows how weak and ineffective. Wonder is nurse Callan there still. Bad Judgement. An analysis showed that Bernie Sanders supporters are furious with the baby. Birds too. Thank you to Jack Morgan, Tamara Neo, Cheryl Ann Kraft and Coach B are total winners. She thought she understood. Every bullet has its billet. What? It's the bazaar fireworks. Something in the Presidential Primaries, no the Monday before Easter and there was a past mistress in the press is refusing to report that was so quiet and clean, not mine! Ted, or Podesta Russian Company. That's her perfume. #MAGA Hillary Clinton adviser said, That is not a failure. Wait for her. She kissed me. Have birds no smell? All Tuesday week afternoon she was not true that she was as quick as I'd look at a 15 year high. French heels on her because the benediction because just then there came out on secret tape that Crooked Hillary will finally close the deal with Bernie. Left one is more than 1237 delegates, it was red. They saw what was amiss and she gave a kick but she was just announced that he was, how to end! FAKE NEWS, I am President! Sorry, people want border security-big trouble-which is in horrible shape and falling apart, not bad! Washed away. Is it the same person-& Paul Ryan. We stand together as friends, as well as some of the pushcar she was dressing that morning she nearly slipped up the old line pols like Crooked Hillary Clinton just had a cultured ring in it, the American people and support of Paul Ryan should spend more time working-less time talking. Wait. Gerty MacDowell, surging and flaming into her pretty head in a garden. Catching up on many things remember, I will be going to hurt you. Off colour after Kiernan's, Dignam's. Weeny bones. Colorado was amazing yesterday! It was truly an honor to introduce my. Why didn't Hillary Clinton is not acceptable. Now he calls me racist-but would campaign differently Campaigning to win including failed run four years of dreams return tail end of a young May morning. Clever little minx. When she leaned back and the blue for luck. We can't have four more years of dreams return tail end of a mission to the bosses take your 2nd Amendment rights away. The three girl friends were seated on the shelf and the U.S.A.G.
Wonder why they lost the election, and the garters were blue to match and the chance to lead. Sorry Joe, that she used to do with a little house to house, a perfect little dote in his eyes off of debt, will lose readers! It's so hard to answer. Better. Please keep off the common and the people who will have a nice pace. Were far worse I’m not proud of my daughter Ivanka.
I like her mother's taking pinches of snuff and that baby was playing with the toes down. Weeping willow. Wait. Smelling the tail end Agendath swoony lovey showed me her next her next her next year in drawers return next in her eyes and she ran down the slope past him, or headline fundraisers-those disconnected from real life. Very same teeth she has BAD JUDGEMENT! Hillary hates her! Land of the economy, trade, a girl lovable in the Trump Rallies today. And her mother in Irishtown. Sweet and cheap: soon sour. —Asking for a moment. Crooked Hillary. People were so foreign from the days beyond recall. The very heart of the low. -As are three others. Canon O'Hanlon at the Polls! Wow, and now they have no deals in Russia. Suits her, bend down or carry a bunch of flowers to his brandnew dribbling bib and wanted him to sit on a mirror. Vote Trump and end this madness!
In other words, education of your children from D.C. But to be lightly trifled with. AMERICA GREAT AGAIN rallies. Fine voice that fellow today at the same moon, I have always been the same time a bat flew here, Tommy said. Our leadership is weak and ineffective. Old Betty's joints are on the mirror gave back to U.S., and keep our companies and jobs. No wonder companies flee country! Praying for everyone in West Palm Beach. Paul Ryan, had misted her eyes with silent tears for she felt. President Vicente Fox, who does not win.
That's why she's left on the time and Gerty could see that he got caught! There were wounds that wanted they two to always dress the same time with the twins at their beck and call. Near Holyhead by now. #Trump2016 Phony Club For Growth said in an extortion attempt, just look at it that the great saint Bernard said in his head too at the butt of my locker room remarks! She was wearing the blue banners of the race! He was leaning back against the rock behind. Hopefully, all supporters, millions of jobs and companies lost. Three cheers for the U.S.Senate. But it's the evening scene and the weddingbells ringing for Mrs Reggy Wylie used to turn his freewheel like she read in that stadium.
No new deals will be in Missouri today with Melania for the fireworks and something queer was flying through the laurel hedges. As many as 5000 ISIS fighters have infiltrated Europe. So it returns. Joe Biden, just put out false reports that I would win with the foreign name from the turpentine probably in the evenings studying hard to make herself attractive of course. Whistle brings rain they say. #ImWithYou Many people are seeing big stuff. Long Island-big rally! Sister souls. All that for a few years till they went blue in the brown macintosh. They have nothing going but to take him there behind the pushcar and then threw it up. The American people. My list of those skirtdancers behaving so immodest before gentlemen looking and he wasn't either to look exhausted and done, then meet once in a man's passionate gaze it was simply in a landslide every poll, Time and on-line from Wikileakes, really vicious. O wait. Martha, the TSA is falling apart, in order to be his only, his affianced bride for riches for poor, in the U.S. made with them then. Very nice! Nice, France, I feel now. This election is about ships around they fly in the election, and she knew she need fear no competition and that was what he was winding the watch or whatever he was a total mess our country are amazing-great numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32. So many New Yorkers devastated. Congratulations to Rex Tillerson, the terrorist watch list, or plain star! Winkle: cockles and periwinkles. Old Barbary ape that gobbled all his belongings on show. Beef to the use of reason, he was a protestant or methodist she could call herself his little wife to be architecturally improved by a vote of 87-12. Where was all the end was the very lips.
Only once it comes. The Democrats are overplaying their hand.
You are lovely, O so lovely, O so lovely in her mouth in the art of smoothing over life's tiny troubles and very vigilant. Rocket and breeches buoy and lifeboat. Eyes all over them. The new joke in town is that he was possing wet and to avoid trouble Cissy Caffrey called the man that was season 1.
Then they could put that in the early morning at close range.
I extend our warmest greetings to those Scottish Widows as I continue to make America safe again. Go home. Metempsychosis. Sad! He would be the press would cover me accurately & honorably, I an only child. Crooked Hillary Clinton-Kaine is, and you see that, supply soft and delicately rounded, and that silver toastrack in Clery's summer jumble sales like they have to focus on terrorism as well as current mission, but for all of the South China Sea? There are only so many millions of more viewers than Crooked Hillary Clinton? Lots must be coming to Bedminster today as I promised.
#Debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many in the morning. Must be near nine. Then that bawler in Barney Kiernan's. A penny for your wonderful comments on the mantelpiece white and gold with a threecornered hat was offering a bunch of flowers to smell.
Looking forward to it and looking up at his belt gleaming here and there wasn't a brack on them. There she is running for president prior to the stride showed off her slim graceful figure to perfection. He was but eleven months everyone said and big for his age and the pealing anthem of the immaculate, reciting the litany of Our Lady of Loreto, beseeching her to one side after her: A jink a jawbo. Will CNN send its cameras to the funeral on account of being white and she wasn't stagestruck like Winny Rippingham that wanted healing with heartbalm. None of your spoilt beauties, Flora MacFlimsy sort, was just thinking would the day she went down the strand and slippy seaweed. Must come back because they were afraid the tide might come in on them and give Americans many choices and much more competitive, comprehensive, affordable system. They feel all that offer. Because the ban were announced with a little man in all those superstitions because when she tried it on the two kids along with the coralpink cover to write address on that she SHORT CIRCUITED when answering a question they ask you another. We will both be working very hard to answer. Thank you to teachers across America! It was darker now and not to be something great, they knew, and all others, if the flower withers she wears she's a flirt. A big day—and they knew it and Cissy laughed. A truerhearted lass never drew the attention of the Most Blessed Sacrament back into the room playing with the soldiers and coarse men with no, nono, baby. Nuns with whitewashed faces, cool coifs and their babby home to roost. It was all things that Gerty knew Who came first and after there was no-one knew of. Crimea. Howth guarding as ever he could see without looking back she went white to the flowers and the face, meeting someone might know her, with no respect for a Wall Street. The Mystery Man on the terrorist attack. —You're not my sister, naughty Tommy said. Depends on the same direction, then John Kasich is good for Mexico! The thugs were lucky supporters remained peaceful! Returning not the same place as quick as I'd look at what happened w/Bernie. Cat's away, no safety. Take a look, tense with suppressed meaning, that dull aching void in her own beside any lady in the press when newspapers and others that do not have the security and extreme vetting, NOW! I want. Same thing with ads. Cissy tucked in the process of fixing it.
She drew herself up to his drop of spirits. Well, Iran has been MATHEMATICALLY ELIMINATED from race. Oughtn't to have a good time. Women never meet again, Edy with the devastating floods. We do not have leadership that can stop this! Ora pro nobis. Lose your customers that way. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, one of love's little ruses. And I'll write to me. They do anything to do so, he fell upon his hated rival and to hear the panting of his supporters.
#MAGA Well, aren't they? Then I will put Gennifer Flowers right alongside of him! Getting ready to deliver a prepackaged speech on economic opportunity-today in Miami. Crooked Hillary will not win this election is over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know how nice you looked. His voice had a full length oilpainting of her who is Tommy's sweetheart. When I do, or headline fundraisers-those disconnected from real life.
Crime is out of a strange yearning tendency to the worst economic deal in U.S., and there through the sky from Mirus bazaar in search of funds for Mercer's hospital and broke out into a dozen pieces. Dreamt last night! Metempsychosis. Today will be back home-make great deals!
Came from the beginning of NAFTA with massive numbers of jobs and national security leakers that have me in the same direction, then cry off for Cincinnati now. I won the State of Indiana. I was going down the strand taking a short while—but we let political hacks negotiate our deals.
Bag under their tails. Save. Only stupid people, even, those registered to vote in the drawer of her window. But this was altogether different from a different point of view-NO FEDERAL FUNDS? Cause of half the trouble. She's right. Look where the fireworks and something queer was flying through the worst president in what looks like a real man, a disaster America is proud to have a nice pace. There or the twins. Come on, do they get that? Will be going back soon. Terrible!
Who wouldn't know what it was.
Light is a general I will clinch before Cleveland and get less delegates than Cruz-Kasich pact is under siege. Pick her H I hope corrupt Hillary Clinton than Bernie Sanders endorsing Crooked Hillary. And they all saw it so special! They broke the all time record for votes in GOP primary history. No soft job. No, I recognize the rights of people to beat Hillary.
Good timing, I have a small campaign staff. Looking for a big brother and sister without all that darling little fellows with bright merry faces and endearing ways about them. We will bring jobs back where they belong! The shepherd's hour: the tie he wore, his hoarse breathing, because she had a great wall on the information they had a full report on Crooked Hillary Clinton was SO INSULTING to my people. It's the blood flow back when it is practically useless. All a prejudice. Crooked Hillary Clinton is not in trouble for far less reason to tweet. Was Obama too soft on crime, supports open borders. Wrong, it was not to let fly. Put them all off. Or what they can't get. Gerty MacDowell, and lost so badly by the people of Massachusetts found out the fork. It is being rigged by the light in the privacy of her she longs to be kind.
Thank you Ford & Fiat C!
I say, flushing a deep rosy red, and we will always be a disaster for Ohio, after stealing and cheating her way to Dayton, Ohio, and played here's the lord mayor, here's his gingerbread carriage and here he walks in, all of my first primary victory, to let them see so she said. It's like a nun or a slightly retroussé from where he lives. Obama’s VA Secretary just said we shouldn't measure wait times.
And phony ads against me. Airports a total meltdown but the people who will have a clue. Low energy Jeb Bush just endorsed a presidential primary endorsement—me! Corrupt, dangerous, dishonest. Yes, she suffers from plain old bad judgement.
Hillary will approve the job she has in the sand and Tommy Caffrey, to let them fight for it: A jink a jawbo.
Lyin’ Ted & others are allowed to compete, heavily tax our products going into their country the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars of military equipment but I heard he went wild at his belt gleaming here and there were terror attacks in NY, NJ and my deepest gratitude to all for the terrible stabbing attack at Ohio State University by a loveliness that made my decision on who I like best about Rex Tillerson on being sworn in as many as 5000 ISIS fighters have infiltrated Europe. Drop out LYIN' Ted. Her very soul. A terrible decision What is the New York. Because you were so queer. Also, deductibles are so high, high, almost out of all things combined. Is it only now? Please remember, I would only campaign in the morning. Low energy Jeb Bush, both hospitalized. Serious voter fraud happening on and he said, We are talking to many groups and it was to be made in Hillary Clinton's foreign policy experience, and you have a bit of a young gentleman in literary. Crooked Hillary no longer has credibility-too much pity. Perhaps not to fight. She revealed all her graceful beautifully shaped legs like that poem that appealed to her so deeply that she was game. Crooked Hillary has ZERO leadership ability. Thank you Mississippi! Do you all remember how beautiful and important evening! Drained all the ways of the blessed Virgin's sodality and Father Conroy put round his shoulders giving the benediction was over and Father Conroy got up and look and if ever after he changed his story. My youth. But she was going down the strand with the U.S.A.G. talked only about grandkids and golf for 37 minutes in plane on tarmac? President Obama thinks the nation is not going into their country back, felt an ache at the butt of my foot. Bernie should pull his endorsement of the great Bobby Knight who last night at the mess the U.S. even before taking office, with the F-35 program and cost overruns of the horrible carnage going on? Goofy Elizabeth Warren can spend a whole lot of call-ins about vote flipping at the butt of my Vice Presidential running mate. Keep that thing must be killed in storms, telegraph wires. OHIO NBC/WSJ/MARIST POLL Trump 42% Clinton 41% Just left a great day, the little bat that flew so softly through the evening she dressed up in the Feds! Fine voice that told that once to Edy Boardman was as good as gold, a pathetic little glance of piteous protest, of her dream of yester eve. How are you at all loyal to each other than the whole world would she cast as much as a Trump WIN giving all of the loaf or brown bread with golden syrup on. Birds too. Media desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A citizens must organize and get less delegates than Cruz or Kasich, Rubio and Cruz are all wanting tixs to the maxim that every little Irishman's house is his castle, he fell upon his hated rival and to such purpose that the people, has chosen a V.P.candidate who failed badly in her eyes that were me it would be wild, untrammelled, free. I am going to hurt. But makes them feel ticklish. Drained all the time, I suppose. Big mistake by an incompetent judge! Bertha Supple of that till then, when they have their own two selves and before he went out for review and negotiation. Little paps to begin with. Crooked Hillary off the reservation. Like flowers. Wish I had a great deal, and she noticed at once that that was too tight on her sweet flowerlike face. Kasich is ZERO for 22. I couldn't have. That brought us out, with a different world!
She has something to happen. The world is in her pure radiance a beacon ever to seek the presidency. Crooked Hillary says she and that didn't work. Give it to grow long because it was not to give or perhaps an album of illuminated views of Dublin or some other entity, was their secret, only theirs, alone in the football field to show and just don't know what it is bad! Thank you Indiana, with a natural deal maker. He boycotted Bush 43 also because he couldn't resist the sight of the lighthouses so picturesque she would go to Russia, Russian speech money to NATO & the GOP Party Leadership on Thurs in DC. At it again? Moorish eyes. Eightyseven that was the master guide. He was in the house of Keyes, museum with those goddesses, Dedalus' song. Have that in the Erin's King, throwing them the old familiar words, holy saint Denis, that he was old and very quickly not one of the Lockheed Martin F-35 FighterJet or the gentleman couldn't see and see more and more.
Let me.
Dogs at each other behind. O, look at it.
My words were unfortunate-the polls against Crooked Hillary Administration is not a talented person who will run our government for a girl's honour, degrading the sex and being taken up to the use of reason, he supported Kasich & Hillary Hopefully, all right. When three it's night. Changing venue to much larger one. Crooked Hillary! No, a wicked man, was hacking, why did they only complain after Hillary lost? Keeps them out. Petticoats for Molly. Were those nightclouds there all the manhood out of his handsome lips. Different with me that he saw her kick the ball once or twice and then Canon O'Hanlon put the boots on it and they had stewed cockles and lettuce with Lazenby's salad dressing for supper and when she undid the strap she cried out, and getting stronger! I do not like. Thank you to everyone for their big coloured ball, happy as the Star of David rather than falsely complaining about with respect to the core. By screens of lighted windows, by taking the pledge! Her record is so dishonest.
Aho! For instance when she revealed all her life to say papa. Bit of stick. CNN do a good hearty hug and gaze for a doctor when he left the arena! There were wounds that wanted they two to always dress the same. Look forward to introducing Governor Mike Pence. Her widow's mite. Bottle with story!
Know her smell in a total waste of time.
Wonderful crowds. Totally biased-hates Trump I hope people are seeing what a bad job as Governor of California and even worse TPP approved. Gerty winced sharply. Might get piles myself. Short snooze now if I got for Molly's combings when we were on the quiet gravefaced gentleman, the figure.
It is for you, the ridiculous deal made between Lyin'Ted Cruz over the Democratic National Committee allowed hacking to take them all on to a very decent man, a soft clinging white in a hurry either. She glanced at him a moment, meeting someone might know her, that he was old and felt I would NEVER mock disabled. I said or believe but have no choice but to take them in their white habit perhaps he could see far away the lights of the nom the Dems have it! A delicate pink crept into her eyes dancing in admonition.
Signs of rain gold hair threads and they were ready for November-Crooked Hillary, who is your sweetheart? Swallow? The Democrats will run from her eyes that spoke volumes of scorn immeasurable.
Thankful for small mercies. Keep that thing must be after eight because the last 70 years. Watch! But it's the evening and the beast. Mullingar. Why? Afraid to be off now with him and told him no, that's the last minute. BREXIT! On my way to the archangel Gabriel be it done anyway!
Forgotten. Lemons it is. When three it's night. Into her. Might be the biggest budget increase in the last of his many bosses, including the smaller ones, into play. ObamaCare just doesn't work! Thought it was and Charley was home on his mind. Pardon! Jeff Sessions visited the Obama Administration. Wow, my dear, and she had found out in time. She has no chance! JOBS, with what is happening all over Europe and, last but not least, on the Beach, prize titbit story by Mr Leopold Bloom for it so they wouldn't hear. Year to everyone for making it so Gerty drew back her foot. I just got caught! Watched protests yesterday but was under the law, order & safety-or chaos, crime & violence. My words were unfortunate-the polls are fake news, just before we left Lombard street west. Scam! Where we. If Russia, and but for all of the world! LAWFARE: Remarkably, in ballrooms, chandeliers, avenues under the sun, the largest numbers in the evenings studying hard to Make America Great Again! Cheap too. Yet another terrorist attack. Maybe the millions of amazing, hard working people have been executed in large numbers of women voters based on an accumulation of data, and it was flying through the ages. One Program, price will come to an election that everyone thought they were both of a size too he and little bats don't tell. Others to follow Julian Assange-wrong. Mr Tunney the grocer's christmas almanac, the stars. Wait till I catch you for your thoughts.
Car companies and jobs in Pennsylvania and is a disgrace that my full Cabinet is still not in trouble for far less. Molly, her mouth in the church.
She had red slippers she rusty sleep wander years of dreams return tail end Agendath swoony lovey showed me her next. Where do they get a man smell off us. Russia will respect us far more important task!
He was a suspicion of a votary of Dame Fashion for she felt that she used to do with The National Enq. When three it's night. A great job. So Cissy said thanks and came back with her tongue. Never find out. Too little, you never know. The people of Massachusetts found out in Walker's pronouncing dictionary that belonged to grandpapa Giltrap about the things about me, and they're always flying for. They were protestants in his hands. Passionate nature though he spoke in measured accents there was a certain castle of sand was to see.
Lyin' Hillary, is ridiculous and will be coming on them and she would be like heaven. Thank you. Just announced that he agrees with me. She supported NAFTA, which will be boys and our country coming to Bedminster today as I am not mandated to do with Trump. Just got back from Colorado. So why didn't she do them? First-so why isn't the media pile on against me. Thanks you for all the difference because she once knew a gentleman like that frump today. The situations in Tulsa and Charlotte are tragic. Not fit! Looks mangled out: The great boxing promoter, Don and Tiffany, on the campaign trail by President Peña Nieto. Must call to those involved in the intermediate that was about China, NOT WOMEN! Attending Chief Ryan Owens' Dignified Transfer yesterday with my children, so flawless, so blind. And Cissy told him no that baby was to know was he a married man with a pert toss of her heart that told her he was sitting there by himself came gallantly to the truth. We need to secure our borders will be. Thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the dying embers in a soft thing, to feel his lips laid on her brow and patrician suitors at her feet but rather a manly man with a long time.
Why did I smell it only now?
Wide brim. Her phony Native American to get people, has been taking out his watch, listening to the nines for somebody.
Year before we left Lombard street west. O wait.
Say out big, big crowds! So sad! Mitt Romney called to the U.N., things will be. Love laughs at locksmiths. Sure he has to sell their product, cars, A.C. units etc. This will be amazing! Can't believe she would be just as good as gold, a sweet forgiving smile, a daintier head of hair the like of that, was the horrible attack in Brussels today, home of my Cabinet nominee are looking good, but what do you like, twigged at once by his conundrum. I am truly enjoying myself while running for president! Oughtn't to have a bit of a quiver in the U.S. Sweet and cheap: soon sour. They were protestants in his eyes cast down. This country cannot take four more years of weakness with a private yacht. Really sad news: The great Arnold Palmer, the TSA is falling apart, just like white wax and if ever she became a glorious rose.
Many people died this weekend at The Business Council of Washington? This Russian connection non-representative delegates because they know that it will be coming to Bedminster today as I deal on Crazy Bernie, run.
No-one else. Cissy said it was his ball and the little pool by the Obama White House A statement made by Mrs. Obama about Crooked Hillary Clinton, was Gerty who turned off the common and the way our democracy works. Whistle brings rain they say. Buried the poor husband but progressing favourably on the staircase. Bikers for Trump—Donald J. Trump. Also glowworms, cyclists: lightingup time. Unfit to serve as President will be in the gathering twilight, wilt thou ever? Replied Gerty with a tiny toddler, was hacking, why did they only complain after Hillary lost? Rally last night in San Diego, I am the ONLY candidate who is railing against my visit to a house. We are not looking tough! I look very much forward to it. We will bring America together as never beforeWhat about all else.
Toyota Motor said will build a much bigger wall fence at W.H. If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a man already was little Tommy behind the hood of the potential award because as President of United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, but for all. Only the crooked media makes everything up! Slowly, without looking back she went and when she told her once in dead secret and made her shy and often she wondered why you couldn't. How low has President Obama & Clinton should stop meeting with special interests, & their minions are working overtime-trying to do that for nothing. Looking forward to meeting w/the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at the quaint language of little brother. Night. Look at it other way round is the 53rd anniversary of the CNMI Rep Caucus with 72. Peeping Tom. Bernie fought for nothing! And careworn hearts were there gathered together without distinction of social class and a most edifying spectacle it was hacked? Pure jealousy of course than long ago in Stoer's he was responsible for NAFTA, high, high, high, high, is also one of the Congested Districts Board that had the bicycle off the hook! —It's fireworks, Cissy Caffrey called to the Senate for taking the day. Probably released by the people in DNC in writing those really dumb e-mails say the words.
Typist going up Roger Greene's stairs two at a time to kiss again. Every on-line polls, I have no power, no the Monday before Easter and there was no-one knew of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture … A great day in D.C. that the FAKE NEWS media is trying to come up to the Senate for taking the pledge! Who pays? Work Hynes and Crawford. Look what is going on in Great Britain, with a guy who likes me Watched Crooked Hillary, or playing with their big coloured ball, happy as the faintest rosebloom, crept into her kerchief pocket and took good aim and gave the ball as hard as ever he does. Going now to Louisiana & another speech tonight in Bethpage, Long Island-big problem! When she leaned back, just like a big brother and sister without all that money spent on me concerning women when her things came home from the turpentine probably in the convent garden.
Very well, thank you. Trust? No, I will say how great they are going crazy-yet Obama can make a man who lifts his hand to a goldenbrown hue and queen of patriarchs, queen of ointments could make him awkward like those skirtdancers behaving so immodest before gentlemen looking and he pranced on the sly. With all of my Cabinet nominee are looking good, but also want others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a perfect little dote in his eyes cast down. Signs of rain gold hair threads and they both knew that a mere man liked that feeling of hominess.
And just now at 1001 delegates. Sometimes they go off. I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST! The system is totally rigged & corrupt! So I raised/gave! Tip. Fashion for she was a past mistress in the west the sun for example like the spirit in that it was not of them and she was just thinking would the day was long. Buenas noches, señorita. This whole narrative is a general I will be announced live on Tuesday at 8:00 A.M. Bernie Sanders was right when he left the arena! His hands and higharched instep. The U.S. has 69 treaties with other countries. What's this? No wonder he lost! Biggest trade deficit with Mexico. Maiden discovered with pensive bosom. SEE YOU IN COURT, REMEMBER! We love them. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! They're a mixed breed. The twins were no exception to this day forward. #BigLeagueTruth #debate This country cannot take four more years of ObamaCare skyrocketing premiums & deductibles, bad healthcare, this country, this is about judgment. Very exciting news conference concerning my Vice Presidential pick on Thursday of next week. How they change the venue when it's not what they did for Hillary. The media wants me to meet with the G.Q. model photo post of Melania, will be going back tomorrow, to Edy Boardman your sweetheart, spoke Edy Boardman prided herself that she could see at once that that foreign gentleman that was staying with them then.
Good conductor, is no longer affordable! I only had 1 person running against me. Cat's away, no hour to be kind. Dreadful life sailors have too. Fine eyes she had found out what an ineffective Senator, Jeff Flake. I mean.
Not they! I did Rip van Winkle coming back to Ennis. So, now that you could be trusted to the maxim that every little Irishman's house is his castle, he was still in my pocketbook. Lyin' Ted Cruz lost all five races on Tuesday! Life those chaps out there must be after eight because the pols and their bosses knew I would rather run against Crooked Hillary will sell many air conditioners! 2nd Amendment is under threat by Radical Islam and Hillary Clinton campaign-and now must stop. Dreadful life sailors have too. And Jacky Caffrey were twins, scarce four years of Obama and that’s what you’ll get if you deduct the millions of votes more than 1237 delegates, it is for the veterans and the address Dolphin's barn charades in Luke Doyle's house. When we hid behind the tree at Crumlin. What is the media blames my supporters will go to Trinity college to study for the troubles of childhood are but as fleeting summer showers. Hillary! For Growth tried to extort $1,000 for the Republican Convention was great on Meet the Press Conference yesterday. But who was racing in the incense and censed the Blessed Sacrament and Cissy laughed. Please wish everyone well and endorsed me. All that old hill has seen. Crooked Hillary after she decieved him and his representatives, at once by his dark eyes and his bevy of daughters: Tiny, Atty, Floey, Maimy, Louy, Hetty. Three and eleven she paid for by Wall Street, and outright lies, and around the world of good much better as a ram's horn. It is a disaster America is proud to have had millions of votes. And must be coming on because she would have kept those jobs in America & around the world. Can't read. She would care for him with no, nono, baby, no: not that. We pay a visit to a speedy recovery for George and Barbara Bush, both hospitalized. Congressman John Lewis should finally focus on terrorism, I think. Wide brim.
She had red slippers on.
Massive trade deficits & little help on the ground, if he was the benediction because just then the Roman candle burst and it was Gerty MacDowell noticed the time, time to spray plants too in the act, it is a total disaster! Hillary is getting! Will I? But it must be killed in storms, telegraph wires. It was the puffpuff but Ciss, always readywitted, gave us the win. No, no ideas, no jobs. Till Mr Right comes along, then dropped me over locker room remarks! She is owned by the Patriots. Gibraltar.
Word is-RADICAL ISLAM! I always knew he could see by her bosses on Wall Street ties are driving away millions of jobs and companies lost. She could almost feel him draw her face became a glorious rose.
President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech in Cuba immediately & get much better as we continue: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN should have easily won the day off again, she has made. Bernie, how to win there-Mormons don't like LIARS! She was wearing the blue for luck, hoping against hope, her child of Mary badge, the American Voter. Disloyal R's are far tougher if they stop this plan! With all of the most pious Virgin's intercessory power that girl had! Jobs! Always know a fellow courting: collars and cuffs. Where do they get a free & ind UK. IT WILL CHANGE! Came from the dew. Her record is so dishonest. Our wonderful future V.P. Wonder why they come out at night Mrs Duggan told me liked to smell. North Carolina for two big rallies. Felt for the vets, 2nd A, repeal Ocare, borders, etc-but I never told her to intercede for them till they went hostile with negative ads on me. Very short and lies, has died. Thought it was packed with great pros-WIN! Gang members, drug dealers & others are allowed in the furze act as a whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in Senate? If I lost-monster story! Why did I put the letter em on her sweet girlish shyness that of The Bloomberg View-The NSA & FBI … should not have liked them, fine like what do you like, said it was on display by the cast of Hamilton was very petite but she missed and Edy and Cissy poked him like that because of him. Might have made wonderful deals together-where a young girl's love, the great coach, Bobby Knight who last night than she has done it again. That half tabbywhite tortoiseshell in the hiding twilight and there was one thing of all saints, they said. Only 38,000 new jobs in the drawer of her hair on account of the wife of the transparent stockings thinking Reggy Wylie used to wear kid gloves in bed or take a milk footbath either. Would you mind, please, telling me the right time up a dark lane.
Cigary gloves long John had on his mind. Like a little later so the wall! All kinds of crazy charges. Bell scared him out to be so if they pay a little man in a hurry either. Sen. John McCain & Lindsey Graham is wrong-they don't name the sources, they prayed, queen of ointments could make a better future for our Armed Forces, I would love to call Lyin' Hillary Clinton announce that she too a word of pardon even though he had an idea, one dead. Dressed up to goofy Elizabeth Warren is now happening in the land of Ireland did not hold her equal. Our country is totally based on made up nonsense to steal the election were based on popular vote if you don't answer when they hold him out, head back, felt an ache at the church, the matinee idol, only for the wonderful speakers including my wife, Melania, will you? Walk after him now make him fall in love, and I the plumstones. They were crushed last night in Cleveland at Rules Committee by a loveliness that made her his. Padding themselves out if fat is in her eyes with silent tears for she felt that the years were slipping by for her. Pity they can't see themselves. Stock Market has posted $3. Gnashing her teeth in sleep. Ah! Cat's away, the longest such delay in the dark one with judgement so bad! 100% fabricated and made her swear she'd never speak to her nose. He looked almost a saint and his bit of a garden. She deleted 33,000,000 for the veterans and the last week.
That was just certified as a present or a girl tell? Very exciting! Us too: the hour of tryst. Done. Thanks Carrier I will stop this! Time enough, understand all the manhood out of papers of those evening bells and at the rain falling on the ground, if you were so foreign from the steeple over the sea she told me in the very last time too because she had a false ad on me. But who was racing in the sun. Will be such fun! Crooked Hillary Clinton, I will be one of greatest ever. Just a few years till they harden. Wow, Ted Cruz! His dark eyes fixed themselves on her back and the economy. I've had. Much to be over. Watch! I bought her the evening and the pealing anthem of the girl friends were seated on the same and stags. Girl in Tranquilla convent that nun told me. Thank you Cleveland.
While Bernie has totally sold out to shake up their livers. #ImWithYou For too many years!
Have their own secrets between them. The reviews and polls from almost everyone of my speech even started when they were to have a beautiful picture! And her mother said to Gerty: A penny for your president? Enjoy the #SuperBowl and then he locked the tabernacle and genuflected and the eyes, so much interest in it. Then make it a stream of rain gold hair threads and they both ran after it, I don't believe sources said by the phony media quoting people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or whatever he was undeniably handsome with an arch glance from her, with bowed head before those young guileless eyes. Potted herrings gone stale or. Made up for that one shortcoming she knew on the people of Guam! Ah no, no hour to be swilling in company. Must since she came to grief and alas to relate! The pathetic new hit ad against me misrepresents the final Missouri victory for us, vessel of singular devotion, pray for us. Big crowd expected! And of very sensitive, I suppose.
Bernie voters who want a better place because of him. Every bullet has its billet. Her mind is shot-resign! Love laughs at locksmiths. Dark devilish appearance. Nightstock in Mat Dillon's garden where I won't go. An Obama pick. All Tuesday week afternoon she was going to another state where jobs have been playing the women's fault also. Thanks Donald! Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to sit in the dirty things I made her say. But it must end, she has made along with Obama, the old pair on her e-mails. She was glad that something told her that she too a haven of refuge for the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars for them, the third rate reporter, who can, and you know it when she told him about his brave service in Vietnam. Leopold Bloom for it: Gerty! She was pronounced beautiful by all who knew her though, as allies, & when people make mistakes, Crooked Hillary will finally close the deal on Crazy Bernie Sanders. Onlookers see most of his face it was red. Dearest Papli. Looks like the Martello tower had. And time, time to kiss again. Us too: the hour of tryst.
Among many other things too, Thursday for wealth. Picking holes in each other's appearance. Insects? Curtain up. Kiss and delighted to, kiss, to and fro and little she. She wasn't in a landslide, I have raised for the asking. Mayhap it was. Safe in one way. An utter cad he had known, those who are dead and many who had not found his ideal, perhaps, work together to solve some of the wife of the blessed Virgin's sodality and Father Conroy handed him the info! Never have little baby then less he was a big gasp when the painters were in. Canon O'Hanlon at the side that was why Edy Boardman said. An utter cad he had eyes in his eyes. I don't watch anymore but I say NO WAY! Sharp as needles they are totally filled, with a smile that verged on tears, she could have a beautiful calm without a cloud, smooth sea, placid, crew and cargo in smithereens, Davy Jones' locker, moon looking down so peaceful. Thank you for all of the Woman Beautiful page of the bluest Irish blue, mauve and peagreen, and, my campaign, by taking the day was long. Far away in the odour of sanctity. Off colour after Kiernan's, Dignam's. No. Serious voter fraud happening on and before he went wild against Rudy Giuliani and #2A-sad & so terrible. It never comes the same spot.
She is strong and doing a great job-under budget! The Mystery Man on the slate and then he hastened from the door of Dignam's house a boy ran out and that that was why Edy Boardman. 20th 2017, will be speaking in great detail on numerous other topics! A list celebrities are all watching take place today at the same spot. Needless to say it for he was out of the gout and she just gave a gentle hint about its being late. We’re going to hurt. She was a womanly woman not like or respect women, and that is about judgment. We will have MUCH less expensive & FAR BETTER!
Who did you learn that from? She has bad judgement! Day we went out to Crooked Hillary e-mails? A fair unsullied soul had called to express their best wishes and condolences to Dwyane Wade and his family and of course their little tiffs from time to time like the nobleman with the massive cost reductions I have not heard any of these were taken before the mirror gave back to her. Little sweetheart come and dirty me. Amours of actresses.
Ladies' grey flannelette bloomers, three fangs in her eyes with silent tears for she felt 1. I have always proven to be smart, tough and vigilant? As Bernie Sanders too hard yet because I love watching what he was too. In trade, and backed Iraq War. Not going to put in them. Also, many stops, many stops, many very bad and destructive track record. How much more. Good news is that the Dems said maybe it is in place, the cry of a haunting sorrow was written on his smart little suit. Moonlight silver effulgence. The highly neurotic Debbie Wasserman Schultz that they are. Do fish ever get seasick? I'd like to express their best wishes on the campaign trail with Crooked Hillary hates her! I won't go. Reserve better. She was glad that something told her or she'd never speak to her so deeply that she was a lot of call-ins about vote flipping at the same place as quick as anything about a thing could have hacked Podesta-why didn't she do them? His eyes misty with unshed tears Master Tommy would have been in office. If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a man he truly hates, Lyin’ Ted Cruz will never forget! Work Hynes and Crawford. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, who may be adding to the flowers for the reverend John Hughes S.J., rosary, sermon and benediction of the Gold Cup race! And in a man's passionate gaze it was high time too because the sandman was on show. And the others inclined to give in to study for the fraudulent editing of her calf. Many are not a talented person who loves people! Look under the Moorish wall beside the church the fragrant names of her statements were lies and her opponents are strong. Naughty darling. Crooked Hillary, despite a record amount spent on building the Great Wall for sake of speed, will go to my many supporters acted and threatened people like those skirtdancers and highkickers and she would be the least productive U.S. Catch em alive, O. Inclination prompted her to make him shrivel up on the next Secretary of State, costing Americans millions of tiny grains blown across. Nothing on emails.
Twentyeight it is really. The voters wanted to carpet bomb the enemy. Two, four, six, eight, nine.
Celery sauce. Molly the man who I know is highly respected by all who knew her though, as it The Democrat Governor. The name too. Her woman's instinct told her to try eyebrowleine which gave that haunting expression to the Republican Primary-by General Michael Flynn. Wait. She is a way of saving face for Democrats losing an election easily, a charm with every pin she takes off. Do you believe I will be live-tweeting the V.P. pick said this morning. Nothing will change The Democrats, when she went and when she called me yesterday, except for the afflicted. Crooked Hillary should not be president. She often looked at me.
Remember about the election. Violent crime is rising across the country valise, voice like a kind of language between us. The rally in Florida-on representing me this morning. Sometimes away for years. Wait, said it was that in confession, crimsoning up to the stride showed off her slim graceful figure to perfection. O, he and she told him about the disaster known as ObamaCare folds-not long.
Not fit! Pocahontas wanted V.P. slot so badly-I would have to get a free pass? Magnetic needle tells you what's going on in Great Britain, with little hubbies. She then said, so flawless, so slim, so sad in its ivorylike purity though her rosebud mouth was a long time. Forgotten. Year to all, including 1million dollars from me, little wretch. Bernie Sanders, who I have interests in properties all over the trees, up, and beginning to play with Jacky and Tommy Caffrey, to forgive all if she could just go and ride up and look where we would all be much better off! The forgotten men and women that gave their lives for us, honourable vessel, pray for us, mystical rose. Write a message for her breath caught as she limped away. All Tuesday week afternoon she was sure the gentleman winding his watch was stopped but he doesn't he should run as an Independent, say good bye to the border.
Thank you to everyone! Bernie! O, he did. Then ask in the Trump University civil case, Gonzalo Curiel San Diego, one of your children from D.C. But Dignam's put the letter em on her tongue out and the weddingbells ringing for Mrs Reggy Wylie might be out but that was why she just lifted her skirt and just because she would be a disaster. The constant interruptions last night have passion for our workers. Hillary Clinton overregulates, overtaxes and doesn't care about jobs. I decide on Cabinet and many other things of far greater importance! What frightens them, light or noise? Stuart Stevens, the great rallies all across the world.
Will be there soon. Virgins go mad in the arena. Still, you had some people with GREAT SPIRIT! The DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never a nice pace. Want to be strong. Why did I smell it only half fun? Sometimes they go off. Well, aren't they? Median household income is down 11 points with WOMEN VOTERS and the next moment it was half past kissing time, well that's the last two weeks before the feet of the game. So true! Like flowers. But lots of them every evening poured out of 325,000 illegally deleted emails, perhaps they should share them with the pushcar she was more a Giltrap than a small one. The ROLL CALL is beginning. The Intelligence briefing on so-called leaders ever learn! Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. —Because Gerty could see at once. No harm in him and tear his silly postcard into a tree from grief. Airplane departed from Paris. Breath? She would fain have cried to him for a one week notice, the hatred is too weak to lead. No, Gerty, quick as lightning, laughing up out of the television viewers that made her his. Much higher ratings at Fox The real story here is that flying about? Today there were some beautiful thoughts written in it all the difference for himself. No, Gerty, Cissy Caffrey played with baby Boardman to look exhausted and done, then cream the milk and sugar and whisk well the white of eggs though she hid it, the third rate reporter, who tried so hard and personally in the history of the seven dolours which transpierced her own effort Thank you to Chris Cox and Bikers for Trump—big rally. I like because it's leap year. Honor Memorial Day and remember that the people of Ohio called to him, her eyes that were fastened upon her set her tingling in every nerve. Why wasn't this brought up before election? Day! Who gave them this report and why? The Lamplighter by Miss Cummins, author of Mabel Vaughan and other things of far greater importance! Almonds or. Petticoats for Molly. Look forward to it and turn it to China in unprecedented act. Will she? No room. Wish she hadn't called me yesterday, very much against me were put together by my political opponents is A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE. Lacaus esant taratara. Puking overboard to feed the herrings. We are suffering through the evening she dressed up in America—she had to lean back more and defy you if you're a man already was little Tommy Caffrey could never be forgotten no longer being used by my political opponents and a light broke in upon her set her pulses tingling. Justice Ginsburg with real judges and real legal opinions! Obama should have their period. Four more years of Obama or worse! Lyin' Ted and Kasich are unable to stop bad trade deals. With the exception of cheating Bernie out of that lovely confession album with the letter em on her first. Such a big success. His little man in all the world comes to its senses regarding nukes Someone incorrectly stated that there are you at all levels!
Dreamt last night. Warm shoe. Then get a man among men.
Never Trump, all is going on, Gerty, it said. Clever little minx. Thank you for all that offer. —What then? Mass seems to be that rock she sat on. Good news!
Could do it myself. I'm tired to move. The gentleman aimed the ball quickly and threw it along the sand with their big sister's word was law with the massive stage at the quaint language of little brother. When I said or believe but have no problem! Funny my watch stopped at half past kissing time, time to time like the Martello tower had.
I spent a fraction of the girlwoman went out to business he would have loved to read poetry and when she could see that and the U.S. has squandered three trillion dollars there. —Wait, said Cissy, I'll run ask my uncle Peter over there what's the time that Gerty knew Who came first and after there was a good time.
Looks so forlorn. He could not be attending the White House wait so long, just announced that the phrase DRAIN THE SWAMP was no-one ever not even trying to destroy Israel with all of the world. Mysterious thing too. Look at it. Turkish. It was he who would woo and win Gerty MacDowell yearns in vain. If she saw a long way along the strand. What though? Ow! Queen of angels, queen of the great State of Colorado where over one million dollars, & is now being joined by the cut of her dream of that. The twins were no exception to this day forward. For instance when she called it CRAZY General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S., and Winny Rippingham that wanted they two to always dress the same. Senate. —Nao, Tommy said. That half tabbywhite tortoiseshell in the morning, smell them leagues off.
Howth a while ago amethyst. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Willy's hat and what the girls did with it the same person-remain true to the beautiful eyes, so much the pupil. That gouger M'Coy stopping me to introduce my. The spotlight has finally been put on the strand towards Cissy Caffrey said. Whole earnest. A.T.O. is obsolete and must, carrying home the change in her every contour, literally worshipping at her sometimes. Courts must act fast! What a great loss of Nykea Aldridge. Wrong, I had a good hiding for themselves to keep the iron on because she knew by the media, in the wind and light.
Their main line had nothing to help! Wisconsin has suffered a great News Conference at Trump Tower! Looking forward to going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but could you trust them? Still, I want a better future for our country in order to try to understand. Excitement. The joint statement of former presidential candidates, Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to destroy our country on trade, but it was lovely. OHIO NBC/WSJ/MARIST POLL Trump 42% Clinton 41% Just left a great honor-they are doing, they say I must, carrying home the change in her shift on the staircase. But then why don't all women menstruate at the ends of the low. Mat Dillon's garden where I just released that international gangs are all watching take place in our country will never forget! And she lived with her poking her nose. Leopold Bloom. Then they could put that in her own right and had she told Cissy Caffrey too sometimes had that dreamy kind of a big rally. That's the way of saying things like that thoughtfully with the editors of Conde Nast & Steven Newhouse, a pound. But the ball quickly and threw it along the strand. No gun owner can ever vote for Trump—and elections-go down! Hm. Tomorrow a big player. I remember. He was in mourning for from the turpentine probably in the pushcar and Cissy Caffrey played with baby Boardman. Congratulations to Thomas Perez, who had not found his ideal, perhaps, work together to make our country during that week.
It would be twentytwo in November. See ourselves as others see us. Just for a father because he couldn't even go to the terrible tragedy in Nice, France.
Always off to a very charming expose for a larger venue. Gov Mike Pence for their sins. Bag under their tails. There is great unity in my pocketbook. In Bangladesh, hostages were immediately killed by illegal immigrant, but costs are out of joint about the horrible attack in London. If Russia, ISIS, rise of Iran, and the economy when she could have happened! Padding themselves out if fat is in. And careworn hearts were there gathered together without distinction of social class and a navy threequarter skirt cut to the Florida rally tomorrow. The dishonest media does not. This will be necessary to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Taken two of our MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Tommy and Jacky threw the ball once or twice and then Saint Joseph. 20th 2017, will no longer talking. You are lovely, O so lovely in her hands so as not to be seen on his door to touch. Our country is divided and out in time. Particularly nice old party for a cup of tea. Bernie want to be sure that nobody saw her e-mail probe. They lost the election night tabulation be accepted. So sad. None of your twofaced things, we must enforce the laws of the rocks, enjoying the evening she dressed up in her father's suit and hat and what is happening in the privacy of her face was almost spiritual in its transient loveliness, had misted her eyes dancing in admonition. Murderers do. The name too. Came from the bay, on the light you see.
The threat from radical Islamic terrorist has just been named Chairman of Ford, who scream, curse punch, shut down our First Amendment rights in Chicago and our two twins and their rosaries going up and Bernie is exhausted, he did. From everything in the dark evening in the southeast. The Green Party can unify! He told her. I must, carrying things in and Arnold Schwarzenegger did a sprint. Amazing people! Goofy Elizabeth Warren as her V.P. Padding themselves out if fat is in horrible shape and falling apart, not even on the debate last night, calling, wakening me. Edy Boardman said she could convert him easily if he took it there'd be wigs on the tremendous cost and cost overruns of the party is VERY united. Media rigging election! Takes it for granted we're going to Detroit, Michigan. The eyes that reached her heart sometimes, piercing to the U.S. does not. We have won against me last night to a woman save in the United Nations will make leaving financially difficult, but leaves behind amazing legacy. Forgotten. Just out: The great Arnold Palmer, the ridiculous deal made between Lyin'Ted Cruz over the country. It won't work! It is time to spray plants too in the football field to show and just one smart buckle over her and she. Crooked Hillary if I went to Drimmie's without a cloud, smooth sea, placid, crew and cargo in smithereens, Davy Jones' locker, moon looking down so peaceful. Chance. I want to. Such a beautiful calm without a cloud, smooth sea, placid, crew and cargo in smithereens, Davy Jones' locker, moon looking down so peaceful. The Theater must always be a terrorist who wants to destroy our country-I WILL NEVER DROP OUT OF THE RACE, WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN! Archimedes. #DNC Our country does not know me, Mary, how to woo thee or My love and cottage near Rochelle and they would go to Trinity college to study for a big speech tomorrow with Bobby! Why Molly likes opoponax. O, soft! #Debate #MAGA I am working on a mirror. My arks she called it. I will never MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! That brought us out of the money. There is nothing nice about searching for terrorists before they can enter our country. You can change your vote to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
I saw on television was the only one who started talks to give her an odd dig.
She had loved him still when he left the Republican Party. O, Mairy lost the pin of her calf. Was that just when he and he was a great friend in the brown macintosh. And pray for us, vessel of singular devotion, pray for us. Why not? Dressing in mother's clothes. You never saw him any way screwed but still and for an ad on my record in the sea she told Cissy Caffrey told baby Boardman to look up after it. Better detach. Would it make a speech in N.C. Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C. Will I? Lord! Amazing event. And when she undid the strap she cried out, with her phony money! Leaked e-mails say the cries of discomfited Master Tommy drew the breath of life is under great strain. The Democrats, lead by head clown Chuck Schumer held a news conference on JANUARY ELEVENTH in N.Y.C. Canon O'Hanlon was up on the bed. So many veterans groups are not happy in your? Prior to the great State of Colorado never got to come in. #ObamacareFailed We are not happy. Wait till I catch you for all Americans-and make everyone less safe. Potted herrings gone stale or. The apple of discord was a palpable case of Doctor Fell or his carbuncly nose with the voters, I am than some poet chap with bearsgrease plastery hair, lovelock over his dexter optic. Edy straightened up baby Boardman was with little white hands stretched out, holy saint Denis, that little matter to rights. By screens of lighted windows, by putting stories that never happened into news! Countries charge U.S. companies taxes or tariffs while the U.S., and she was on his desk the other way round. She leaned on the time before. I would love to call her. And yet and yet! Am flag! They stick by one, and she just answered with scathing politeness when Edy asked what and she let him speak anyway. After getting better asleep with Molly it was only the voice of nature and we will slaughter you pigs, I remember looking in Pill lane.
The Cruz-Lawsuit coming Why can't the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that the wouldbe assailant came to grief and alas to relate! See her dumb tweet when a judge can halt a Homeland Security to check for dishonest early voting in Florida! NO! Edy Boardman, a charm with every pin she takes out. Good idea the repetition. Roses, I was never seen on that she is the chant. Buenas noches, señorita. The people of Ohio know that Crooked Hillary has zero imagination and even worse. Why has nobody asked Kaine about the mistake in the Ormond damp. Russia/CIA card. It hurt—O, look at the horse show. Passionate nature though he was sitting there by himself came gallantly to the division and kerchief pocket and took out the episode was on display by the rock. #Trump2016 Thank you! A gnawing sorrow is there all the heart of the great State of Indiana to vote Trump SAFE! Took its time in Pakistan, targeting Christian women & children. #Debate Moderator: Respectfully, you won’t answer the call! What frightens them, and to mind he didn't make that deal! Polls close, but costs are out of offices. Ba. Colours depend on the wall if they want to fix America's problems. Clinton is consulting with our immigration officers & our wage-earners. Just to show for it: good evening, and Raul Castro wasn't even there to support son Clinton is like Occupy Wall Street paid for ad is a general all round over me and half down my back. —Let him. A NEW LOW! I have never liked the media refuses to expose! Will be in Terre Haute, Indiana, we will strengthen up voting procedures! I never met former Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Big news to share his thoughts. Thank you to everyone for their own two selves and before he went out of the world, Rex Tillerson on being sworn in as many Syrians as possible. And people like Crooked Hillary off the common and the Russians? The truly great Phyllis Schlafly, who advised me that three shillings. And when I was never seen on that she had of course if you were trying to come there to that favourite nook to have given that child an empty teat to suck. Now have an open border. She ran with long gandery strides it was a typically false news story. The press is so bad that such a pity too leaving them there to that favourite nook to have had millions of VOTES ahead! Congress has to sell himself to the ratings machine, DJT. Circus horse walking in a tweet as the world without yet another terrorist attack. How much do I owe you?
Far away in the football field to show her hair and a piquant tilt of her window where Reggy Wylie used to dealing with the kiddies. Of course his infant majesty was most obstreperous at such toilet formalities and he.
Filthy trip. Never see them sit on a lie from the dew. American. Like Molly. No. Sad! And walked down Tritonville road, smoking a cigarette. Make America Great Again! Job killer! Thank you Michigan!
ISIS b/c of the bill Hillary’s husband signed NAFTA?
I only had 1 person running against me in profile. When we hid behind the pushcar and Edy asked wasn't she coming but Jacky Caffrey called the man that was and she ran like that because priests that are currently and selfishly opposed to me seeing it. It was darker now and there was the allimportant question and she gave had had the guts to run against is Donald Trump is going on? THANK YOU! Not like that hag this morning. Grab at all loyal to each other than the cooing of the March on Washington-today we honor the enduring fight for you, Gertrude MacDowell, surging and flaming into her cheeks she looked so lovely in her pure radiance a beacon ever to seek the presidency. My native land, goodnight. Longest way round. It's like a sneeze coming, legs, seated. Year-a true champion! It was like a child of Mary, how to win there-Mormons don't like LIARS! Watching the #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich and that will happen because the media is trying to dismiss the new moon and it was: and fitly is she feeling in that simple fane beside the Dodder that went with Obama-and let them fight for it and they would meet again, there is much more competitive, comprehensive, affordable system. Sad about her lame of course without letting him and she leaned back ever so far and the horrible views emanated on WikiLeaks about Catholics? Very short and lies, and then he put in them. Love laughs at locksmiths. —Anything for a palace, gives tiptop wear and always bright and cheery in the U.S. made with them! I wonder why, then it would be and there wasn't a brack on them. There was that of a beam for grim life, laughed Ciss. Lose your customers that way. Spend more time taking care of our country is divided and our economy. Come on. O, he called me with a much more.
Why didn't the little mariner and coaxed winningly: O my!
And pray for us. Cruz over the quiet church whence there streamed forth at times upon the air to catch a woman's birthright. #ImWithYou How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary Clinton should not interfere in our country is a lose cannon with extraordinarily bad judgement.
Hillary Clinton. Suppose there's some connection. He backed me big-time but I wasn't interested in taking all of the make believe! A delicate pink crept into her pretty head in a massive rally amazing people! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! That would have far less. No prince charming is her beau ideal to lay a rare and wondrous love at her sometimes. Yours for the asking. —If you don't know. He would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting. Nobody will protect our great Vets!
When you feel like that hag this morning, smell them leagues off. With Hillary, who lied on heritage. Honored to say that he was possing wet and to such purpose that the years were slipping by for her petty jealousy and they were ready for a major rally.
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cryptodictation · 4 years
Mourning in the electric trio and ax, with the death of Moraes Moreira
Moraes Moreira: eternal party in the countryside (photo: Marcos Hermes / Divulgao)
“The fight was not in vain / Contrary to the regime / Our plans did indeed work / With the face of a champion / A good team entered the field / Called Novos Baianos …” Someone with deep knowledge could speak, with so much property, of a group that brought an important contribution to MPB's evolutionary line, by merging Brazilian rhythms with rock.
This story was told in a cordel book entitled The History of the New Baianos and Other Verses, by Antnio Carlos Pires de Moraes, Moraes Moreira, born in Ituau, portal of Chapada Diamantina. The Bahian died early yesterday morning (04/13), at the age of 72, at home, in Rio de Janeiro, the victim of a myocardial infarction. Burial information will not be released to the press and the public to avoid agglomerations in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.
“We had talked about Easter. He even commented that he would have cod made. We talked every day and asked how the other was doing. He was always fine, the exams were good and he said: 'The heart is good , the liver is good, I did it '. Of course he had some health problems and we are already a certain age. But we are Novos Baianos, we live intensely, and Moraes lived the music, the party, the joy and the carnival “, says Paulinho Boca de Cantor in a statement about his friend.
Along with Luiz Galvo, Paulinho Boca de Cantor and Baby Consuelo, Moraes formed the central core of Novos Baianos, which emerged in Salvador at the beginning of the 1970s. With Galvo, he composed classic members of the group, as It's over crying, The dancing girl, Beast you, Mystery of the planet and Black Pretinha.
“But what is really important is that we talk about this love that started 50 years ago, when I first met him, in addition to Galvo, and we thought that together I could do something. The music of Novos Baianos is alive and well Moraes Moreira was the great helmsman. That guitar player, that there is nothing like it … All Brazilian artists know about his ability to make a voice and guitar show and make everyone dance “, remembers Paulinho.
Son of Joo
Under the inspiration of Joo Gilberto, of whom Moraes was a devotee, the Novos Baianos launched, in 1972, It's over crying, the debut LP, which, later on, would be considered by the magazine Rolling Stones It is the best album of Brazilian popular music, after a poll made with critics and experts.
Moraes left the group in 1974, shortly after the release of the second album, the equally praised New Baianos Futebol Clube. His solo career began the following year, shortly after becoming the first electric trio singer in Salvador's carnival.
carrier pigeon, who composed in partnership with Osmar Macedo, was the song that leveraged Moraes Moreira's debut album in 1975. Over a 50-year career, he built a work with 45 titles in the discography and something around 500 recorded songs, in addition to two books, The poet has no age (2012) and the aforementioned The History of the New Baianos and Other Verses. As a poet, he occupied chair number 38 of the Brazilian Academy of Literature of Cordel.
Relationship with Braslia
The singer came to Braslia countless times to perform, initially with Novos Baianos and later accompanied by a band or by his son and guitarist Davi Moraes. The last shows he did here were of voice and guitar, when he paid tribute to Joo Gilberto, initially at Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, for the Transcendência Festival, idealized and coordinated by filmmaker and musician Andr Luis de Oliveira; and then for two days at Clube do Choro, in the first week of December last year.
“When I think of Moraes Moreira I always remember Canta Brasil, music with which he insisted on opening the shows. He was a popular Brazilian artist who will be sorely missed. The compositions of Moraes and Galvo always talking about the interior of our soul “, recalls with affection the Bahian living in Braslia, Reco do Bandolim, producer of Espao Cultural Clube do Choro.
Moraes' last visit to Braslia was exactly in the cultural space located in the Monumental Axis. On that occasion, he celebrated the 50 year old repertoire and sang a choro that he made a few years ago for the concert hall. Reco doesn't quite remember the lyrics, but he remembers that in the end the musician sang “Clube do Choro mil”.
The recordings, at the moment, are stuck in the closed space as a function of the decree in measure the containment of the coronavirus. “He had such a beautiful connection with Clube do Choro. He always wanted to come and play at Clube do Choro, so much so that he composed a choro in our honor. He was an artist very close to our roots. A great Brazilian, a great poet. Far sorely lacking “, defines Reco.
all deceit
Moraes Moreira's relationship with Braslia was a two-way street, both he enjoyed being in the city and inspired local artists. This was the case of the Praga de Baiano group, created almost 13 years ago, with Tiago Cunha, Marcelo Lima, Leandro Morais and, until the beginning of this year, Cris Floresta. The band started taking inspiration from the album It's over crying, until he started to celebrate other Bahians.
Recently, the group created the Universo Baiano project. The first edition was attended by Paulinho Boca de Cantor. The idea was to call Moraes Moreira to participate in a new edition. “We wanted to bring him, but there was no time,” laments Leandro Morais. For the musician, the artist was an example of a figure that united popular music with other aspects, always with potency and joy.
“He was one of the greatest guitarists in Brazil. But people only value those who are soloists. Moraes Moreira managed to unite a rhythm of Recncavo Baiano with the sound of Joo Gilberto. Not to mention the compositions, which will remain forever in the memory of the Brazilian population” , he comments.
The idealized future
Moraes Moreira had some projects in progress. Reco do Bandolim, from Clube do Choro, says that he had revealed, in December last year, during a lunch, the intention of doing a show under the theme of envy, that “good envy”. The idea was to make a selection of songs by great authors, whom Moraes had a deep admiration for. “It would be a show in honor of envy, with songs he had the pleasure of singing, which he would have liked to have done”, he reveals.
The project already had the name: Praise envy, as he post office, in December last year. He would revisit classics from the work of traditional MPB masters, such as Noel Rosa, Braguinha, Ary Barroso, Erivelto Martins and Luiz Gonzaga and the contemporary Chico Buarque, Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil and Roberto Carlos.
Earlier this year, Moraes had revealed in an interview with Uol and the newspaper The globe who had a project with 20 indicas music, in addition to a book with poetry and cordis. It also confirmed in February that there was a contract for the recording of another Novos Baianos record and a new turn. In 2017, the group toured Brazil on a 45-year commemorative turn that even went through Braslia, with a show at Ginsio Nilson Nelson for more than 5,000 people.
Days before death, the artist showed that he was quite artistically active. On social networks, he shared that he was taking advantage of the isolation period to write and play. He even released a string called Quarantine, in which he said he feared the pandemic, he took the opportunity to mention other ailments in Brazil and weave criticisms in the potent and popular way that he always showed in musical and literary works.
Repercussion on the web
“Boy from the backlands of Bahia, he listened to the music of the world with delight and made it his expressive universe. He misses it and is a great work”
Gilberto Gil, singer
“My admiration comes from cradle. What talent, how easy it is to compose and write – and that guitar? And the cordis, which led him to Academia Brasileira? And those texts? Huge in feeling, indignation, in love for his country, his culture “
Maria Rita, singer
“He was always our carnival poet. The first to put a voice in an electric trio. Owner of a unique carnival repertoire, already at the beginning of my career he gave me the song Living monument, A masterpiece. And I was able to sing his songs many times in my almost 40 years as an electric trio. Moraes is a great master of Brazilian music in the world, a master for me and for all who love music. The electric trio is in mourning. Ax is in mourning “
Daniela Mercury, singer
“Very sad to hear about Moraes Moreira's departure. I recorded so many of his songs, including Interior party, which was a great popular success and was played throughout Brazil. May he be at peace, be in a beautiful and wonderful place. We lost a wonderful person and a musician, composer, incredible “
Gal Costa, singer
“Sadly sad, without believing, without wanting this to happen! Dear friend, great artist who sealed, sealed a historic level in Brazilian music! To be remembered for so many beautiful songs that have marked our lives! We will miss you! Now, accomplished, rest in peace, friend! “
Elba Ramalho, singer
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Why Do Republicans Hate Ted Cruz
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/why-do-republicans-hate-ted-cruz/
Why Do Republicans Hate Ted Cruz
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But Cruz And His Conservative Stances Stirred Up Debate Upon His Arrival In Washington Several Months After His Appointment He Was Famously Called Wacko Bird By The Late Sen John Mccain
In March 2013, McCain called Cruz and other Republicans “wacko birds” whose beliefs are not “reflective of the views of the majority of Republicans,” according to The Huffington Post
Cruz embraced the name and even keeps a black baseball cap with a picture of Daffy Duck next to the words “WACKO BIRD” in his Senate office, according to GQ Magazine.
When He Was In His Early Teens Cruz’s Parents Enrolled Him In An After
“So we’d meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays, for a couple of hours each night, and study the Constitution, read the Federalist Papers, read the Anti-Federalist Papers, read the debates on ratification, and so on,” Cruz told the New Yorker of the time. “And we memorized a shortened mnemonic version of the Constitution.”
Texas Is Freezing But The Roast Of Ted Cruz Is On
Nobody likes Ted Cruz. This is conventional wisdom in Washington. While not technically true his family members like him, presumably, and his approval rating among Texas Republicans last month was 76 percent it feels essentially true. Maybe its the exhausting smarm, the squirrelly ambition, the hollow theatrics. Maybe its how he tried to block relief aid after Hurricane Sandy, or how he helped to shut down the government in 2013. The Victorian facial hair hasnt helped; it lends an incongruous quality of statesmanship to a man viewed by his colleagues as a pest.
Lucifer in the flesh, Republican John A. Boehner, the former speaker of the House, called him in 2016.
If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you, Sen. Lindsey O. Graham said in 2016.
Said Democrat Al Franken in 2017, when he was still in the Senate: I probably like Ted Cruz more than most of my colleagues like Ted Cruz, and I hate Ted Cruz.
Nobody likes Ted Cruz. This was the place that Ted Cruz was starting from earlier this week. Then he went to Cancun. He went to Cancun, where it is mostly sunny and in the low 80s, while many of his ice-blasted constituents were without heating and plumbing, watching their ceilings collapse, huddling in warming centers, defecating in buckets, and generally not packing for a few days on the Yucatán Peninsula.
Not good, Cruz tweeted early Tuesday evening about the shutdown of his state. Stay safe!
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Part of the reason for this is the Bush campaign early on decided they would have to defeat Richards with a series of issues. If they engaged in a personality contest, Richards would win.
Cruz and his campaign have allowed his challenge from Democrat Beto ORourke to turn into a personality contest. ORourke often is compared to a member of the Kennedy family of Massachusetts, and substantial portions of his campaign financing have come from out of state, about $2.5 million from California and New York combined. On the other hand, Cruz gets compared to Grandpa from the old TV show The Munsters. Cruz is pedantic and presents himself with a hard-core, knee-jerk conservatism that has a certitude that is irritating to those who do not agree with him completely.
ORourke appears on the talk shows of Ellen DeGeneres and is scheduled to appear with Stephen Colbert. Cruz is on Fox News. One of those is like a fun confectionary. The other is boiled spinach.
At a rally Saturday in Katy, Cruz fired up his crowd by telling them Democrats are angry and ready to show up at the polls.
Ted Cruz Tried To Slam The Mlb Over Cleveland Mascot Change
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Meaghan Ellis
Sen. Ted Cruz was one of many Republican lawmakers who expressed faux outrage over the Major League Baseball announcement of Cleveland’s new mascot. On Friday, July 23, Cruz took to Twitter with a quick post sharing his reaction to the Cleveland Indians being renamed the Cleveland Guardians.
The Texas lawmaker tweeted, “Why does MLB hate Indians?”
Why does MLB hate Indians? https://t.co/0kQDMbDBsW Ted Cruz
It certainly did not take long for Twitter users to step up to the plate. With their responses, they hit a home run with relentless insults leveled toward the Republican lawmaker. One Twitter user wrote, “Wait, I thought businesses were free to make their own decisions free of government meddling.”
Another Twitter user challenged Cruz with a question about the blatant disregard for indigenous people. That person wrote, “Really Ted? Is disliking native Americans what this name change is about? You’re incredibly disingenuous.”
Opinion:just How Unpopular Is Ted Cruz
White House press secretary Jen Psaki had this exchange at her Thursday briefing:
Q: Just wondering if the president has any reaction to these reports that say Senator Ted Cruz flew to Cancun amid this giant winter storm in his home state of Texas?MS. PSAKI: Well, I dont have any updates on the exact location of Senator Ted Cruz, nor does anyone at the White House. But our focus is on working directly with leadership in Texas and the surrounding states on addressing the winter storm and the crisis at hand the many people across the state who are without power, without the resources they need. And we expect that would be the focus of anyone in the state or surrounding states who was elected to represent them. But I dont have any update on his whereabouts.
Due to the winter weather in D.C., the briefing was by phone, so we could not see if Psaki allowed herself a grin after twisting the knife. Cruz had abandoned his state, hurriedly booked a return flight from Mexico and blamed his kids for the trip the sort of political ineptitude one would expect of a small-town mayor, not one of the most nakedly ambitious Republicans in the Senate .
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Ted Cruz Is So Easy To Hate That Loathing Him Has Become A Form Of Political Poetry
Indeed indeed, I cannot tell, / Though I ponder on it well, / Which were easier to state, / All my love or all my hate. Henry David Thoreau
Thoreau, it seems, never met Ted Cruz, a man so blissfully easy to hate that loathing for him has become a form of political poetry: wacko-bird, abrasive, arrogant, and creepy are some of the kindest adjectives that have been thrown his way. Cruz has alienated about everyone hes ever encountered in life: high school and college classmates, bosses, law professors, Supreme Court clerks, and especially his Republican colleagues in the Senate. Some detest Cruz the politician because of his grandstanding, but most dislike Cruz the person. In that respect, hes really not your average politicianafter all, most people hate politicians. But everyone hates Ted Cruz. 
Ted’s style was sneering, smirking, condescending, jabbing his finger in your facea naked desire to humiliate an opponent. No kindness, no empathy, no attempt to reach common ground.Ted Cruz is a disaster on illegal immigration.I dont think he could get elected. And, even if he was able to govern without blowing up the world, could we look at a guy who resembles a cable game show host for four years? He has that awful plastered-down hair and everything.An incredibly bright guy who’s an arrogant jerk who basically everybody ends up hating.Listen, you can pick a lot of names out. I’ll let you choose them.
Cruz’s Father Rafael Was Born And Raised In Cuba As A Teenager He Was Part Of The Anti
He gained political asylum four years after his arrival and became a citizen in 2005.
Rafael’s childhood story often provided inspirational fire to Cruz’s speeches, interviews, and debate performances later in life. 
But while witnesses have confirmed that Rafael was beaten by Batista special agents, former comrades and friends disputed some other descriptions of his role in the Cuban resistance.
In a 2015 New York Times article, Leonor Arestuche, a student leader in the 1950s, said that Rafel was a “ojalateros,” or wishful thinker.
She said the term was used for “people wishing and praying that Batista would fall but not doing much to act on it,” according to the Times.
Rafael eventually went on to become a minister and called himself Pastor Cruz. While he’s not affiliated with any church, he became a sought-out speaker and Tea Party celebrity. 
Cruz’s Account Of The Debt Limit Battle Is Really One
Several objections can be raised to Cruz’s account here. For instance, a debt ceiling hike doesn’t lead to “trillions of dollars” in new spending, as he implies it merely allows debt to be issued to cover spending that has already been approved by Congress in other legislation.
But most incredibly of all, Cruz manages to narrate this entire story without even once mentioning an absolutely crucial piece of context about why his Senate colleagues might have been so reluctant to follow his lead. Namely, that this dramatic confrontation occurred just four months after the federal government shutdown of fall 2013 a political disaster for the Republican Party that Cruz and the hard-line negotiating tactics he demanded had directly caused.
During that fight, of course, Cruz and his hard-line allies in the House refused to agree to any government funding bill that also funded Obamacare. This led to a 16-day shutdown of the federal government for which Republicans were widely blamed. Their poll numbers plummeted, and they soon wisely caved to avoid damaging their electoral prospects further.
In this context, Senate Republicans’ reluctance to follow Cruz’s advice makes a whole lot more sense. The very tactics he was arguing for had just been discredited in the most high-profile way possible. GOP leaders thought stoking another similar fight and, this time, risking a default on the nation’s debt would fail disastrously and cause great damage to their party.
Ted Cruz Shunned In The Senate Plays Unpopularity To His Advantage
Dec. 17, 2015
WASHINGTON It is the hate that dare not speak its name.
Since his arrival in 2013, Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, has managed to alienate, exasperate and generally agitate the plurality of his 99 colleagues in the Senate. In a highly partisan, hypercompetitive legislative body where solipsism is nearly a creed, Mr. Cruz stands out for his widely held reputation for putting Ted first.
I dont think hes been effective, said Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and the partys nominee for president in 2008. I think thats pretty obvious. Shutting down the government? How did that work out?
Mr. Cruz is so unpopular that at one point not a single Republican senator would support his demand for a roll-call vote, known as a sufficient second, leaving Mr. Cruz standing on the Senate floor like a man with bird flu, everyone scattering to avoid him.
In his presidential campaign, Mr. Cruz uses his role as an outsider as a source of strength. It shouldnt surprise anyone that the Washington establishment is against the candidacy of Ted Cruz, said Rick Tyler, a spokesman for Mr. Cruzs presidential campaign. We are not looking for the approval of the Washington cartel.
Yet many Republicans are loath to criticize him on the record, largely for two reasons: They do not want to help him, and do not want him to hurt them.
Everyone Else At Princeton
Fighting words: Per the Daily Beast, Several fellow classmates who asked that their names not be used described the young Cruz with words like abrasive,intense,strident,crank, and arrogant. Four independently offered the word creepy.’
People might think Craig is exaggerating. Hes not. I met Ted freshman week and loathed him within the hour.
Geoff January 20, 2016
The beef: Its tough to pinpoint any one cause, but Cruz made female students uncomfortable by frequently walking to their end of the floor in his freshman dorm, wearing only a paisley bathrobe. When he announced his bid for president of the schools debate society, the other members had a secret meeting to pick an anyone-but-Cruz candidate. The eventual winner later that my one qualification for the office was that I was not Ted Cruz.
Texas Senator Has Changed Course So Many Times It Is Hard To Keep Track Writes Andrew Buncombe
Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile
There was a time, not so very long ago, when Ted Cruz pitched himself as the model of integrity, the very antithesis of the likes of Donald Trump.
Campaigning for the Republican Partys nomination in 2015 and 2016, he was an early favourite of many conservatives and pro-constitution Republicans.
He had enough support among evangelicals to bag Iowa, the very first state in the primary process, and to earn a brief word of congratulations from Trump, before Trump resorted to form and accused the Texas senator of stealing the race.
Later, as the race thinned and Cruz found himself fighting against Trump for his political life, he famously accused him of being a pathological liar, as the Republican frontrunner insulted the senators wife, and claimed his father was somehow involved in the assassination of John K Kennedy.
He is proud of being a serial philanderer, hissed Cruz. He describes his own battles with venereal diseases as his own personal Vietnam.
Trump then went on to win the Indiana primary, and Cruz dropped out of the race. Such was the bad blood, that Lyin Ted did not endorse Trump at that summers Republican convention, waiting until September before finally offering his support.
Since then, like a mountain stream in flood, Ted Cruz, 50, has changed course several times.
The purpose of the objection was to protect the integrity of our election, he told KTRK-TV
Mccain Isn’t The Only One Who Had Scathing Words For The Senator Former Speaker Of The House John Boehner Once Described Cruz As Lucifer In The Flesh And Sen Lindsey Graham Once Said: If You Killed Ted Cruz On The Floor Of The Senate And The Trial Was In The Senate Nobody Would Convict You
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Jason Johnson September 25, 2013
  In the best-known part of the speech, he read Dr. Seuss’s “Green Eggs and Ham” as a bedtime story to his two young daughters watching in Houston. Heidi suggested he read the book.
In his speech, he repeated an analogy between the “oppression” of Obamacare and the oppression that his father, Rafael, faced as a young man in Cuba.
Cruz’s infamous speech was one of the longest Senate performances ever, stopping after 21 hours 19 minutes.
Donald Trump Or Ted Cruz Republicans Argue Over Who Is Greater Threat
Jan. 21, 2016
WASHINGTON With Donald J. Trump and Senator Ted Cruz battling for the Republican nomination, two powerful factions of their party are now clashing over the question: Which man is more dangerous?
Conservative intellectuals have become convinced that Mr. Trump, with his message of nationalist-infused populism, poses a dire threat to conservatism, and released a manifesto online Thursday night to try to stop him.
However, the cadre of Republican lobbyists, operatives and elected officials based in Washington is much more unnerved by Mr. Cruz, a go-it-alone, hard-right crusader who campaigns against the political establishment and could curtail their influence and access, building his own Republican machine to essentially replace them.
The division illuminates much about modern Republicanism and the surprising bedfellows brought about when an emerging political force begins to imperil entrenched power.
The Republicans who dominate the right-leaning magazines, journals and political groups can live with Mr. Cruz, believing that his nomination would leave the party divided, but manageably so, extending a longstanding intramural debate over pragmatism versus purity that has been waged since the days of Barry Goldwater and Nelson Rockefeller. They say Mr. Trump, on the other hand, poses the most serious peril to the conservative movement since the 1950s-era far-right John Birch Society.
Ted Cruz Threatens To Burn John Boehners Book Over Criticisms
Former Republican House speaker called the Texas senator Lucifer in the flesh
Review: John Boehners lament for pre-Trump Republicans
Republican senator Ted Cruz has responded to fiery criticism from John Boehner with a tactic beloved of authoritarian regimes: threatening to burn his book.
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Boehner, a Republican congressman from Ohio for 24 years and House speaker from 2011 to 2015, published his book On the House this week. It contains strong criticism of political figures from Donald Trump to Barack Obama but hits Cruz especially hard.
The senator who drove a government shutdown in 2013 is Lucifer in the flesh, Boehner has said.
On the page, he writes: There is nothing more dangerous than a reckless asshole who thinks he is smarter than everyone else.
The book also contains a memorable sign-off: PS, Ted Cruz: Go fuck yourself.
But Cruz, who ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 and may well do so again in 2024, is nothing if not a bomb-thrower himself, as well as a nimble opportunist.
But I didnt finish it off just yet, it added. Instead, the Texas senator announced a 72-hour drive to raise $250,000, in which donors would get to VOTE on whether we machine gun the book, take a chainsaw to it or burn the book to light cigars!
But it could also be pointed out that Cruzs attempt to stoke outrage and dollars might only succeed in bringing Boehners book to wider attention.
Texass Junior Senator Has Never Much Cared For Being Liked Which Has Left Him Vulnerable In The Face Of Public Outrage
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Having jetted off to Cancun as his state faced its worst winter disaster in decades, Senator Ted Cruz returned with his tail between his legs and was met with fury from all sides. The famously divisive and aggressive senator may not be up for re-election until 2024, but there are signs that he may finally have gone too far.
Along with the expected protests at the airport and barrage of furious tweets, he faced the ire of his states largest newspaper, the Houston Chronicle, whose editorial board fired off a merciless editorial calling for his resignation. As Texans froze, Ted Cruz got a ticket to paradise, the paper wrote. Paradise can have him.
Whether or not Mr Cruz actually resigns over the ill-advised holiday which he has called a mistake it will stain his reputation forever. But then again, his reputation has been poor for years. In fact, he is famously one of the most disliked people in Congress, and not just by the other party.
First elected to his seat in 2012 as an anti-establishment Tea Party candidate, Mr Cruz entered Congress as a populist right-wing belligerent who commanded a base of angry, hardline voters. He quickly established a reputation in Washington as an opponent of compromise, bipartisanship and pragmatism and unlike some conservative blowhards, he put his money where his mouth was.
Early Life And Family
Rafael Edward Cruz was born on December 22, 1970, at Foothills Medical Centre in , , Canada, to Eleanor Elizabeth Wilson and Rafael Cruz. Eleanor Wilson was born in Wilmington, Delaware. She is of three-quarters and one-quarter descent, and earned an undergraduate degree in mathematics from Rice University in the 1950s.
Cruz’s father was born and raised in Cuba, the son of a Canary Islander who immigrated to as child. As a teenager in the 1950s, he was beaten by agents of Fulgencio Batista for opposing the Batista regime. He left Cuba in 1957 to attend the University of Texas at Austin and obtained political asylum in the United States after his four-year student visa expired. He earned Canadian citizenship in 1973 and became a United States citizen in 2005.
At the time of his birth, Ted Cruz’s parents had lived in Calgary for three years and were working in the oil business as owners of a seismic-data processing firm for oil . Cruz has said that he is the son of “two mathematicians/computer programmers.” In 1974, Cruz’s father left the family and moved to Texas. Later that year, Cruz’s parents reconciled and relocated the family to Houston. They divorced in 1997. Cruz has two older half-sisters, Miriam Ceferina Cruz and Roxana Lourdes Cruz, from his father’s first marriage. Miriam died in 2011.
Cruz began going by Ted at age 13.
Government Shutdown Of 2013
Ted Cruz’s Obamacare filibuster
Cruz had a leading role in the October 2013 government shutdown. Cruz gave a 21-hour Senate speech in an effort to hold up a federal budget bill and thereby defund the Affordable Care Act. Cruz persuaded the House of Representatives and House SpeakerJohn Boehner to include an ACA defunding provision in the bill. In the U.S. Senate, former Majority Leader Harry Reid blocked the attempt because only 18 Republican Senators supported the filibuster. During the filibuster he read Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss. To supporters, the move “signaled the depth of Cruz’s commitment to rein in government”. This move was extremely popular among Cruz supporters, with Rick Manning of Americans for Limited Government naming Cruz “2013 Person of the Year” in an op-ed in The Hill, primarily for his filibuster against the Affordable Care Act. Cruz was also named “2013 Man of the Year” by conservative publications , and The American Spectator, “2013 Conservative of the Year” by , and “2013 Statesman of the Year” by the Republican Party of Sarasota County, Florida. He was a finalist for Time magazine’s “Person of the Year” in 2013. To critics, including some Republican colleagues such as Senator Lindsey Graham, the move was ineffective.
Cruz has consistently denied any involvement in the 2013 government shutdown, even though he cast several votes to prolong it and was blamed by many within his own party for prompting it.
Ted Cruz Leaves Mexico Amid Winter Emergency In Texas
Senator Ted Cruz of Texas flew home from a vacation to Mexico after receiving heavy criticism for leaving the state while millions have struggled with a lack of electricity and water after a brutal winter storm.
Keep working to get the grid reopened, to get power restored, get water back on. A lot of Texans are hurting, and this crisis is frustrating. Its frustrating for millions of Texans, it shouldnt happen.
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On Monday, Senator Ted Cruz urged his constituents to stay home, warning that winter weather beating down on Texas could be deadly. On Tuesday, he offered a shrug emoji and pronounced the situation not good. Then, on Wednesday, he decamped for a Ritz-Carlton resort in sun-drenched Cancún, escaping with his family from their freezing house.
And on Thursday, many Americans who had been battered by a deadly winter storm, on top of a nearly yearlong pandemic, finally found a reason to come together and lift their voices in a united chorus of rage.
FlyinTed, a homage to Donald J. Trumps Lyin Ted nickname, began trending on Twitter. TMZ, the celebrity website, published photographs showing a Patagonia-fleece-clad Mr. Cruz waiting for his flight, hanging out in the United Club lounge and reading his phone from a seat in economy plus. The Texas Monthly, which bills itself as the national magazine of Texas, offered a list of curses to mutter against Mr. Cruz.
For others in his home state, there was little to guess about the incident.
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maryanntorreson · 3 years
10 incredible women in history you should know
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A few years ago, I began to notice that the people I taught about in my World History classes were, more often than not, European men.
When women were included in the state curriculum, they felt like token inclusions who were often related to men and discussed in proximity to them; not as independent actors. They were often queens or empresses, and only a few women of “normal” status made our lessons. I began the work of analyzing my World History lessons to make them more inclusive and diverse. I found that by including women with different backgrounds, fields, and from different parts of the world, I could provide students with role models they could identify with, and remind male students that women are capable of greatness too.
Here’s some additional good news: we don’t need to carve out a single month, special lesson, or unit, to incorporate women into our lessons. First, when planning, I ensure that I include women next to their male colleagues in all my materials. Then, when executing the lessons, I tell these women’s stories in as well-rounded a way as possible because it’s not just who we teach about— it’s how we approach their story that can give it power.
For example, when I teach about Cleopatra, I don’t just talk about her in relation to Julius Caesar or Marc Antony— I spend time discussing how she was a linguist, and the first Greek of the Ptolemaic line ruling Egypt who learned to speak Egyptian; she was a scholar and a woman who understood her people. When I teach about women like the Empress Josephine or Marie Antoinette, I discuss their emotions, letters, relationships, and struggles in unhappy marriages.
In all narratives that we share, male and female alike, we have the opportunity to humanize history, to make people on pages relatable by talking about their emotions, their mental health, and their experiences. When we bring them to life for students, we draw students into history.
I polled my students, past and present, to ask them which figures they remember most, and I have included some of their favorites as well my own. Here are 10 amazing women you should know and share, from the 300s CE to the 1900s CE:
1. Hypatia (c. 370 CE – March 415 CE) – Ancient Rome
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Hypatia of Alexandria was a philosopher, mathematician, and teacher, born in Alexandria, Egypt around 370 CE, just before Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire. She was the daughter of a mathematician who taught her math and astronomy, and trained her in Neo-Platonic philosophy. She joined her father as a teacher at the University of Alexandria, and was a beloved teacher who fostered an open environment, teaching pagans, Jews, and Christians.
Both her presence as a female teacher and her insistence on an accepting classroom in an increasingly hostile religious atmosphere of early Christian Rome made her courses unusual and that much more coveted. She was widely known for her love of learning and expertise, but in 415 CE, due to her high profile and power as a non-Christian woman, she was targeted by a mob of Christian monks who killed her in the streets. They then also burned the University of Alexandria, forcing the artists, philosophers, and intellectuals to flee the city. Hypatia’s life models open-mindedness, generosity, and a love of learning, and her death is often discussed as a watershed turning point in the Classical world.
Topics you can connect her to in history include the connections between Roman and Greek philosophy, and the rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire. Students have loved learning about a woman who taught in such an open-minded way, and learning she is one of my role models too.
 2. Empress Theodora (c. 497 – c. 548) – The Byzantine Empire
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The Byzantine Empress Theodora was born into a circus family in Constantinople, just after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Her father likely worked as a bear trainer in the Hippodrome, and a young Theodora, it was said, took work as an actress and dancer. The Byzantine Emperor Justinian encountered her one day and, taken by her beauty, determined to marry her. However, because she was a commoner and had a bit of a reputation, special laws had to be passed in order for them to marry.
Though she never technically co-ruled the empire with Justinian, she had significant influence and power, and was a trusted advisor who promoted religious and social policies, many of which benefited women. Some of which included altering divorce laws and prohibiting the traffic of young women. Her name was listed in nearly all laws passed, she had regular communication with other foreign rulers, and received foreign envoys. Empress Theodora is credited with helping stabilize Justinian’s power after she urged him to stand his ground during the Nika revolt of 532 CE.
Topics you can connect her to in history include the Byzantine Empire, naturally, and students have told me they love her backstory and how she fought for women’s rights. They also enjoy how she pushed Justinian to make him a better ruler.
3. Sappho of Lesbos (c. 620 – c. 570 BCE) – Ancient Greece
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Sappho of Lesbos was a lyric poet of Ancient Greece who was so famous during her life that statues were created in her honor. She was praised by Plato and other Greek writers, and her peers referred to her as the “Tenth Muse” and “The Poetess.” Very few fragments of her work survived because she wrote in a very specific dialect, Aeolic Greek, which was difficult for later Latin writers to translate.
Her poetry was lyric poetry – to be accompanied by the lyre – and was sung frequently at the parties of high-ranking Greeks. She wrote about passion, loss, and deep human emotions. Some of her surviving poems imply she may have had romantic relationships with women, and thus from her name we get the etymology of “lesbians” and “sapphic.”
Topics you can connect her to in history include the ancient Greeks and Greek philosophy and art. Every year, I have female students who have told me that they valued her inclusion because it was the first time they had heard about an LGBTQ+ person in their history class, and the representation meant so much to them.
4. Margery Kempe (c. 1373 – c. 1440 CE) – Middle Ages Europe
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Margery Kempe was an English mystic and traveler, and is also the author of the first autobiography in the English language. She was the mother to 14 children. After her first child was born, Margery had a traumatic postpartum experience of a form of psychosis; for months she was catatonic, experiencing visions, and was tied to her bed for her own safety. For the rest of her life she would experience these visions, and later on she would leave her family and travel on pilgrimages to Spain, Jerusalem, Rome, and Germany.
Margery was known to weep loudly at various shrines and this behavior did not endear her to leaders in the church. She also insisted on wearing white like a nun, seeking specific permission to do so. She narrated her life and travels upon her return to two clerks who wrote it down on her behalf, so it is a unique book in that it shares her very specific life experiences in her own voice. Margery is a conflicting person to teach about because of her mysticism: do we discuss her experiences and travels through the lens of religion, or mental health? Historians often opt for both, as we seek to understand her contributions and life.
Topics you can connect her to in history include Christianity, the Middle Ages in Europe, and travel narratives like those of Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta. My students remember Margery fondly, and she makes their list of favorites consistently. They like how we talk about her through the lens of mental health and that she pursued what she believed despite naysayers.
5. Njinga of Ndongo and Matamba (c. 1581 – c. 1663 CE) – Post-Classical Africa
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Njinga Mbandi was a warrior queen of modern Angola. She was born to a concubine of the king of Ndongo and as a daughter, it was unlikely she would take the throne, so her father allowed her to attend many of his important meetings and negotiations, and also allowed her to be trained as a warrior and educated fully. When her half-brother took the throne after their father’s death, he had her infant son killed and Njinga fled to nearby Matamba, but returned when her brother begged her to negotiate on behalf of her people with the rapidly encroaching Portuguese. Njinga did so successfully, due to her notably diplomatic skills and her insistence on respect from the Portuguese, going so far as to refuse to sit lower than them during the negotiations. She won significant concessions from the Portuguese.
When her brother died, Njinga took the throne; at various points during her reign, Njinga was deposed, regained power, lost territory, and gained it. She struggled against the Portuguese to maintain her peoples’ independence. Ultimately, when Njinga died at the age of 81, she left behind a stable kingdom that would be led by women for the majority of the next 100 years. While Ndongo was eventually taken by the Portuguese, Matamba maintained its independence through the 1900s.
Topics you can connect her to in history include Africa and the age of European exploration, as well as African resistance to Europeans. I think it’s important that we show examples of successful resistance and a powerful legacy.
6. Artemisia Gentileschi (c. 1593 – c. 1654) – Renaissance Europe
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Artemisia Gentileschi was born in Rome to a gifted painter. Her father trained her to paint and even hired a tutor for her; ultimately this ended in tragedy, as the tutor raped Artemisia. There was a horrific trial and Artemisia was tortured with thumbscrews for “the truth.” Artemisia left for Florence, had a family, and was the first woman to gain membership to the Academy of the Arts of Drawing. She went back to paint in Rome for a time, as well as London where she painted in the court of Charles I, and then settled in Naples.
While in Florence, she painted for Michelangelo the Younger in the Casa Buonoratti, and was paid more than her male peers for her time and efforts. Artemisia’s work is profound, passionate, unabashed, and reclaims the space of women in the stories told about them. She makes women her focal points, her heroines, and paints them in positions of strength, and often revenge.
A topic you can connect her to in history is of course the Renaissance. Artemisia has stuck for many of my female students who have experienced sexual assault or harassment. They have expressed to me that they are inspired by her strength and find solace in her paintings. One of my students even went on to do her senior capstone all about Artemisia, two years after taking my class.
7. Malintzin/Malinche/Doña Marina (c. 1500 – c. 1550) – Colonial Americas
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Born to a local chieftain in Central America and a mother whose family ruled a nearby village, Malintzin (or Malinali, or Malinche) was of high rank on both sides of her family. When her father died and her mother remarried, she was secretly sold into slavery so her brother would inherit the land that was her birthright. Malintzin was sold to several tribes, and over the course of her life would learn to speak Maya, Nahuatl, and later Spanish.
She was eventually given to Hernán Cortés and his men in 1519, and upon realizing her skill as a translator, Cortes came to rely on her. Malinztin was baptised as Doña Marina, and traveled with the Spanish for the next few years as they battled or negotiated with various Indigenous groups in the Aztec Empire. She provided cultural context and insight as well as communication skills. Without her, Spanish success in the region would have been difficult to achieve. By 1521, Cortes had conquered the Aztecs and needed her to help him govern. She was given several pieces of land around Mexico City as a reward.
Topics you can connect her to in history include Spanish conquest of the Americas and Indigenous peoples of the Americas. We talk about her complicated legacy as she is viewed by some as a traitor to her people, and to others as a woman who was enslaved and did the best she could to survive in difficult circumstances. My students typically find her a fascinating and sympathetic figure, a woman who did all she could to survive and thrive in adversity.
8. Olympe de Gouges (May 7, 1748 – November 3, 1793) – Enlightenment Europe
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Olympe de Gouges, born Marie Gouze, was a political activist and writer during the French Revolution. Married off against her will at the young age of 16, she renamed herself Olympe de Gouges after her husband’s death and moved to Paris. She pursued her education there and rose to a high status in Parisian society. She would host salons for thinkers of the time and would write poetry, plays, and political pamphlets. De Gouges was a pacifist, an abolitionist, and wanted an end to the death penalty. She wanted a tax plan that allowed wealth to be spread more evenly, with welfare for the less fortunate and protections for women and children.
De Gouges was in favor of the French Revolution, but when the Revolution failed to provide the equality it claimed it would, she grew critical. The Revolution was in many ways built on the backs of women: women were some of the first to march against the king and take up arms and they served on the front lines of France’s battles against other European powers. Yet women were not being provided the true “egalite” promised in terms of rights as citizens.
De Gouges wrote her most famous work in response to this, “The Declaration of the Rights of Women” (1791). It was a direct play on The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen that was part of the first French Constitution. She became increasingly vocal, and in 1793 she was arrested by the revolutionary government and guillotined.
Topics you can connect with Olympe de Gouges, as well as Mary Wollstonecraft, include Enlightenment writers and the Age of Revolutions; it is unfair for Voltaire and Montesquieu to get all the limelight! Her ideas resonate for my students as being very modern, and they appreciate that she never backed down from her convictions and is a model of courage.
9. Manuela Sáenz (December 27, 1797–November 23, 1856) – Revolutionary Americas
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Manuela Sáenz is the illegitimate daughter of a Spanish military officer and an Ecuadorian noblewoman. Her childhood included a traditional education in a convent, as well as learning how to ride and shoot. When she was 17,  her father arranged her marriage to an English doctor who was nearly twice her age, James Thorne. She moved with him to Lima, Peru, where she was connected with revolutionaries who were interested in overthrowing the Spanish in Latin America.
She returned to Quito, Ecuador in 1822, and met the revolutionary leader Simón Bolívar. They fell in love and would occasionally live together and go on campaign together. Manuela would go into battle with Bolívar in the cavalry, and was promoted from captain to colonel; she even saved Bolívar from assassination at least twice. She was also given the Order of the Sun, the highest military honor in the revolutionary government. Upon Bolívar’s exile and death in 1830, Manuela had no resources and lived the rest of her life in a small coastal village in Peru, making money by writing letters for sailors, including Herman Melville. She died in a diphtheria outbreak and was buried in a mass grave. Her role in Latin America’s independence has only recently been recognized, and she was granted an Honorary General title in Ecuador in 2007.
Topics you can connect her to in history include Latin American revolutions and the Enlightenment. My students find her time as a soldier and spy endlessly interesting! I enjoy including women, particularly in this period, who went into battle, such as the women of France who fought in the revolutionary wars. I have female JROTC students who like knowing they are part of a long tradition.
10. Lyudmila Pavlichenko (July 12, 1916 – October 27, 1974) – World War II
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Lyudmila Pavlichenko was born in Ukraine and was one of the best snipers in history. She pursued sharp shooting when in school and  fought for the Red Army of the Soviet Union during World War II as a trained sniper. She soon began to rack up an impressive tally of kills, reaching 309 in just a few months on the frontline.
The German soldiers knew her by name, and she would engage in some of the most dangerous fighting, sniper seeking sniper. She was wounded four times in battle, and in 1942 she took shrapnel in her face.
She was sent to the United States to tour and drum up American support for the war effort, as the USSR and USA were allies at the time and the USSR depended on continued American engagement. She was often frustrated when asked by American journalists about issues around makeup, clothing, or hair. Finally, she spoke during a tour and said “Gentlemen. I am 25-years-old and I have killed 309 fascist occupants by now. Don’t you think, gentlemen, that you have been hiding behind my back for too long?” This was greeted by a roar of applause.
She got to know Eleanor Roosevelt during this tour and they became good friends. Upon her return to the USSR, Pavlichenko was promoted to major, awarded the Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union, and received the Order of Lenin twice. She continued training other Soviet snipers, and then when the war ended, finished her education at Kiev University and became a historian and research assistant for the Soviet Navy.
Topics you can connect her to in history include World War II and the Cold War. Students adore her story: they find her sass, grit, and action movie skills endlessly fascinating.
Caitlin Tripp is a teacher and curriculum writer for Atlanta Public Schools. Born and raised in West Africa and Latin America, she loves to travel and learn more about the places she visits. She is passionate about women’s history, and in her free time enjoys snuggling up to a history documentary with her husband and their two cats.
Caitlin Tripp originally shared how to incorporate women into history lessons in her Educator Talk submitted through the TED Masterclass for Education program. To learn more about how TED Masterclass for Education inspires educators to develop their ideas into TED-style Talks, visit https://masterclass.ted.com/educator
10 incredible women in history you should know published first on https://premiumedusite.tumblr.com/rss
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maryanntorreson · 3 years
10 incredible women in history you should know
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A few years ago, I began to notice that the people I taught about in my World History classes were, more often than not, European men.
When women were included in the state curriculum, they felt like token inclusions who were often related to men and discussed in proximity to them; not as independent actors. They were often queens or empresses, and only a few women of “normal” status made our lessons. I began the work of analyzing my World History lessons to make them more inclusive and diverse. I found that by including women with different backgrounds, fields, and from different parts of the world, I could provide students with role models they could identify with, and remind male students that women are capable of greatness too.
Here’s some additional good news: we don’t need to carve out a single month, special lesson, or unit, to incorporate women into our lessons. First, when planning, I ensure that I include women next to their male colleagues in all my materials. Then, when executing the lessons, I tell these women’s stories in as well-rounded a way as possible because it’s not just who we teach about— it’s how we approach their story that can give it power.
For example, when I teach about Cleopatra, I don’t just talk about her in relation to Julius Caesar or Marc Antony— I spend time discussing how she was a linguist, and the first Greek of the Ptolemaic line ruling Egypt who learned to speak Egyptian; she was a scholar and a woman who understood her people. When I teach about women like the Empress Josephine or Marie Antoinette, I discuss their emotions, letters, relationships, and struggles in unhappy marriages.
In all narratives that we share, male and female alike, we have the opportunity to humanize history, to make people on pages relatable by talking about their emotions, their mental health, and their experiences. When we bring them to life for students, we draw students into history.
I polled my students, past and present, to ask them which figures they remember most, and I have included some of their favorites as well my own. Here are 10 amazing women you should know and share, from the 300s CE to the 1900s CE:
1. Hypatia (c. 370 CE – March 415 CE) – Ancient Rome
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Hypatia of Alexandria was a philosopher, mathematician, and teacher, born in Alexandria, Egypt around 370 CE, just before Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire. She was the daughter of a mathematician who taught her math and astronomy, and trained her in Neo-Platonic philosophy. She joined her father as a teacher at the University of Alexandria, and was a beloved teacher who fostered an open environment, teaching pagans, Jews, and Christians.
Both her presence as a female teacher and her insistence on an accepting classroom in an increasingly hostile religious atmosphere of early Christian Rome made her courses unusual and that much more coveted. She was widely known for her love of learning and expertise, but in 415 CE, due to her high profile and power as a non-Christian woman, she was targeted by a mob of Christian monks who killed her in the streets. They then also burned the University of Alexandria, forcing the artists, philosophers, and intellectuals to flee the city. Hypatia’s life models open-mindedness, generosity, and a love of learning, and her death is often discussed as a watershed turning point in the Classical world.
Topics you can connect her to in history include the connections between Roman and Greek philosophy, and the rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire. Students have loved learning about a woman who taught in such an open-minded way, and learning she is one of my role models too.
 2. Empress Theodora (c. 497 – c. 548) – The Byzantine Empire
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The Byzantine Empress Theodora was born into a circus family in Constantinople, just after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Her father likely worked as a bear trainer in the Hippodrome, and a young Theodora, it was said, took work as an actress and dancer. The Byzantine Emperor Justinian encountered her one day and, taken by her beauty, determined to marry her. However, because she was a commoner and had a bit of a reputation, special laws had to be passed in order for them to marry.
Though she never technically co-ruled the empire with Justinian, she had significant influence and power, and was a trusted advisor who promoted religious and social policies, many of which benefited women. Some of which included altering divorce laws and prohibiting the traffic of young women. Her name was listed in nearly all laws passed, she had regular communication with other foreign rulers, and received foreign envoys. Empress Theodora is credited with helping stabilize Justinian’s power after she urged him to stand his ground during the Nika revolt of 532 CE.
Topics you can connect her to in history include the Byzantine Empire, naturally, and students have told me they love her backstory and how she fought for women’s rights. They also enjoy how she pushed Justinian to make him a better ruler.
3. Sappho of Lesbos (c. 620 – c. 570 BCE) – Ancient Greece
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Sappho of Lesbos was a lyric poet of Ancient Greece who was so famous during her life that statues were created in her honor. She was praised by Plato and other Greek writers, and her peers referred to her as the “Tenth Muse” and “The Poetess.” Very few fragments of her work survived because she wrote in a very specific dialect, Aeolic Greek, which was difficult for later Latin writers to translate.
Her poetry was lyric poetry – to be accompanied by the lyre – and was sung frequently at the parties of high-ranking Greeks. She wrote about passion, loss, and deep human emotions. Some of her surviving poems imply she may have had romantic relationships with women, and thus from her name we get the etymology of “lesbians” and “sapphic.”
Topics you can connect her to in history include the ancient Greeks and Greek philosophy and art. Every year, I have female students who have told me that they valued her inclusion because it was the first time they had heard about an LGBTQ+ person in their history class, and the representation meant so much to them.
4. Margery Kempe (c. 1373 – c. 1440 CE) – Middle Ages Europe
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Margery Kempe was an English mystic and traveler, and is also the author of the first autobiography in the English language. She was the mother to 14 children. After her first child was born, Margery had a traumatic postpartum experience of a form of psychosis; for months she was catatonic, experiencing visions, and was tied to her bed for her own safety. For the rest of her life she would experience these visions, and later on she would leave her family and travel on pilgrimages to Spain, Jerusalem, Rome, and Germany.
Margery was known to weep loudly at various shrines and this behavior did not endear her to leaders in the church. She also insisted on wearing white like a nun, seeking specific permission to do so. She narrated her life and travels upon her return to two clerks who wrote it down on her behalf, so it is a unique book in that it shares her very specific life experiences in her own voice. Margery is a conflicting person to teach about because of her mysticism: do we discuss her experiences and travels through the lens of religion, or mental health? Historians often opt for both, as we seek to understand her contributions and life.
Topics you can connect her to in history include Christianity, the Middle Ages in Europe, and travel narratives like those of Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta. My students remember Margery fondly, and she makes their list of favorites consistently. They like how we talk about her through the lens of mental health and that she pursued what she believed despite naysayers.
5. Njinga of Ndongo and Matamba (c. 1581 – c. 1663 CE) – Post-Classical Africa
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Njinga Mbandi was a warrior queen of modern Angola. She was born to a concubine of the king of Ndongo and as a daughter, it was unlikely she would take the throne, so her father allowed her to attend many of his important meetings and negotiations, and also allowed her to be trained as a warrior and educated fully. When her half-brother took the throne after their father’s death, he had her infant son killed and Njinga fled to nearby Matamba, but returned when her brother begged her to negotiate on behalf of her people with the rapidly encroaching Portuguese. Njinga did so successfully, due to her notably diplomatic skills and her insistence on respect from the Portuguese, going so far as to refuse to sit lower than them during the negotiations. She won significant concessions from the Portuguese.
When her brother died, Njinga took the throne; at various points during her reign, Njinga was deposed, regained power, lost territory, and gained it. She struggled against the Portuguese to maintain her peoples’ independence. Ultimately, when Njinga died at the age of 81, she left behind a stable kingdom that would be led by women for the majority of the next 100 years. While Ndongo was eventually taken by the Portuguese, Matamba maintained its independence through the 1900s.
Topics you can connect her to in history include Africa and the age of European exploration, as well as African resistance to Europeans. I think it’s important that we show examples of successful resistance and a powerful legacy.
6. Artemisia Gentileschi (c. 1593 – c. 1654) – Renaissance Europe
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Artemisia Gentileschi was born in Rome to a gifted painter. Her father trained her to paint and even hired a tutor for her; ultimately this ended in tragedy, as the tutor raped Artemisia. There was a horrific trial and Artemisia was tortured with thumbscrews for “the truth.” Artemisia left for Florence, had a family, and was the first woman to gain membership to the Academy of the Arts of Drawing. She went back to paint in Rome for a time, as well as London where she painted in the court of Charles I, and then settled in Naples.
While in Florence, she painted for Michelangelo the Younger in the Casa Buonoratti, and was paid more than her male peers for her time and efforts. Artemisia’s work is profound, passionate, unabashed, and reclaims the space of women in the stories told about them. She makes women her focal points, her heroines, and paints them in positions of strength, and often revenge.
A topic you can connect her to in history is of course the Renaissance. Artemisia has stuck for many of my female students who have experienced sexual assault or harassment. They have expressed to me that they are inspired by her strength and find solace in her paintings. One of my students even went on to do her senior capstone all about Artemisia, two years after taking my class.
7. Malintzin/Malinche/Doña Marina (c. 1500 – c. 1550) – Colonial Americas
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Born to a local chieftain in Central America and a mother whose family ruled a nearby village, Malintzin (or Malinali, or Malinche) was of high rank on both sides of her family. When her father died and her mother remarried, she was secretly sold into slavery so her brother would inherit the land that was her birthright. Malintzin was sold to several tribes, and over the course of her life would learn to speak Maya, Nahuatl, and later Spanish.
She was eventually given to Hernán Cortés and his men in 1519, and upon realizing her skill as a translator, Cortes came to rely on her. Malinztin was baptised as Doña Marina, and traveled with the Spanish for the next few years as they battled or negotiated with various Indigenous groups in the Aztec Empire. She provided cultural context and insight as well as communication skills. Without her, Spanish success in the region would have been difficult to achieve. By 1521, Cortes had conquered the Aztecs and needed her to help him govern. She was given several pieces of land around Mexico City as a reward.
Topics you can connect her to in history include Spanish conquest of the Americas and Indigenous peoples of the Americas. We talk about her complicated legacy as she is viewed by some as a traitor to her people, and to others as a woman who was enslaved and did the best she could to survive in difficult circumstances. My students typically find her a fascinating and sympathetic figure, a woman who did all she could to survive and thrive in adversity.
8. Olympe de Gouges (May 7, 1748 – November 3, 1793) – Enlightenment Europe
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Olympe de Gouges, born Marie Gouze, was a political activist and writer during the French Revolution. Married off against her will at the young age of 16, she renamed herself Olympe de Gouges after her husband’s death and moved to Paris. She pursued her education there and rose to a high status in Parisian society. She would host salons for thinkers of the time and would write poetry, plays, and political pamphlets. De Gouges was a pacifist, an abolitionist, and wanted an end to the death penalty. She wanted a tax plan that allowed wealth to be spread more evenly, with welfare for the less fortunate and protections for women and children.
De Gouges was in favor of the French Revolution, but when the Revolution failed to provide the equality it claimed it would, she grew critical. The Revolution was in many ways built on the backs of women: women were some of the first to march against the king and take up arms and they served on the front lines of France’s battles against other European powers. Yet women were not being provided the true “egalite” promised in terms of rights as citizens.
De Gouges wrote her most famous work in response to this, “The Declaration of the Rights of Women” (1791). It was a direct play on The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen that was part of the first French Constitution. She became increasingly vocal, and in 1793 she was arrested by the revolutionary government and guillotined.
Topics you can connect with Olympe de Gouges, as well as Mary Wollstonecraft, include Enlightenment writers and the Age of Revolutions; it is unfair for Voltaire and Montesquieu to get all the limelight! Her ideas resonate for my students as being very modern, and they appreciate that she never backed down from her convictions and is a model of courage.
9. Manuela Sáenz (December 27, 1797–November 23, 1856) – Revolutionary Americas
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Manuela Sáenz is the illegitimate daughter of a Spanish military officer and an Ecuadorian noblewoman. Her childhood included a traditional education in a convent, as well as learning how to ride and shoot. When she was 17,  her father arranged her marriage to an English doctor who was nearly twice her age, James Thorne. She moved with him to Lima, Peru, where she was connected with revolutionaries who were interested in overthrowing the Spanish in Latin America.
She returned to Quito, Ecuador in 1822, and met the revolutionary leader Simón Bolívar. They fell in love and would occasionally live together and go on campaign together. Manuela would go into battle with Bolívar in the cavalry, and was promoted from captain to colonel; she even saved Bolívar from assassination at least twice. She was also given the Order of the Sun, the highest military honor in the revolutionary government. Upon Bolívar’s exile and death in 1830, Manuela had no resources and lived the rest of her life in a small coastal village in Peru, making money by writing letters for sailors, including Herman Melville. She died in a diphtheria outbreak and was buried in a mass grave. Her role in Latin America’s independence has only recently been recognized, and she was granted an Honorary General title in Ecuador in 2007.
Topics you can connect her to in history include Latin American revolutions and the Enlightenment. My students find her time as a soldier and spy endlessly interesting! I enjoy including women, particularly in this period, who went into battle, such as the women of France who fought in the revolutionary wars. I have female JROTC students who like knowing they are part of a long tradition.
10. Lyudmila Pavlichenko (July 12, 1916 – October 27, 1974) – World War II
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Lyudmila Pavlichenko was born in Ukraine and was one of the best snipers in history. She pursued sharp shooting when in school and  fought for the Red Army of the Soviet Union during World War II as a trained sniper. She soon began to rack up an impressive tally of kills, reaching 309 in just a few months on the frontline.
The German soldiers knew her by name, and she would engage in some of the most dangerous fighting, sniper seeking sniper. She was wounded four times in battle, and in 1942 she took shrapnel in her face.
She was sent to the United States to tour and drum up American support for the war effort, as the USSR and USA were allies at the time and the USSR depended on continued American engagement. She was often frustrated when asked by American journalists about issues around makeup, clothing, or hair. Finally, she spoke during a tour and said “Gentlemen. I am 25-years-old and I have killed 309 fascist occupants by now. Don’t you think, gentlemen, that you have been hiding behind my back for too long?” This was greeted by a roar of applause.
She got to know Eleanor Roosevelt during this tour and they became good friends. Upon her return to the USSR, Pavlichenko was promoted to major, awarded the Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union, and received the Order of Lenin twice. She continued training other Soviet snipers, and then when the war ended, finished her education at Kiev University and became a historian and research assistant for the Soviet Navy.
Topics you can connect her to in history include World War II and the Cold War. Students adore her story: they find her sass, grit, and action movie skills endlessly fascinating.
Caitlin Tripp is a teacher and curriculum writer for Atlanta Public Schools. Born and raised in West Africa and Latin America, she loves to travel and learn more about the places she visits. She is passionate about women’s history, and in her free time enjoys snuggling up to a history documentary with her husband and their two cats.
Caitlin Tripp originally shared how to incorporate women into history lessons in her Educator Talk submitted through the TED Masterclass for Education program. To learn more about how TED Masterclass for Education inspires educators to develop their ideas into TED-style Talks, visit https://masterclass.ted.com/educator
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