#luffy down again... omg nami save!!!!!
hauntingblue · 4 months
Sanji is actually so lucky he has pudding...
#oh the intro is back again... i guess the last one was special#luffy is so weak now also..... how is he gonna fight anyone now if he doesn't eat#nami witnessing the horrors once again.....#sanji knowing he left luffy beaten up for an army of a yonkou!!! to find.....#is luffy just gonna fight them all.....#omg luffy turning around to not eat the syrup....#she is still having children..... damn those are young#nothing excedes our children's happiness... what do you know about that judge#the talking food..... singing well.....#luffy telling nami to hide.... he is going to fight them all... and he hasn't even eaten yet#oh he cant even get up.... omg i cant watch this... i cant see him like this... god take all his pain and give it tenfold to blackbeard....#nami just like pleading for luffy to save his life alfhksjdksje girl save me girl#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 809#omg luffy us now teeth twinning with baby sabo <3#omg sanji being vulnerable with pudding is actually so good... literally the only one he can count on#oh so sanji thinks luffy won't win..... mmm....#nami must also be in such a state.... sanji is a traitor luffy is half dead and wont accept help and she is also in danger#luffy down again... omg nami save!!!!!#luffy and nami team up.... has this even happened before... as in like a fight.... not like just helping like before#pudding just crying bc of sanji..... thats like the one act of pity he has got in like decades bc he just wont tell anyone what happened#sanji should have kept that mask on i cant take him seriously with that face#omg a hug...... omg sanji what are you saying..... nami and luffy disappearing as he says he will marry pudding AAAAAHHAHAHAAHH#THAT ENDING#OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOD#episode 810#ajdhajdhsk when he goes back to his crew what happens with pudding then. what then.#it is DOOMED since the start
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swanjiwi · 17 days
Swanjiwi's One Piece re watch journey
I love how Luffy doesn't have to think even a second about Nami killing Usopp. He just knows she wouldn't do that the minute he heard Johnny say it
Sanji not giving a flying fuck about everything else the moment he saw Nami again 💀💀💀 And then he wasn’t being just a dumbass and unlike the rest he realized she wasn’t alright and had to think for a moment
"A reason for me to stay here? There is one. He's (Luffy) staying here." Zoro, you're so loyal, I need someone like that in my life
(I'll add this here because he can be such a little shit)
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Nami remembering the happy times with the crew ("I honestly felt like always being with them, if it were possible")
I still think it's weird that Sanji didn’t have heart eyes for Nojiko until Usopp said she's Nami's sister
> EPISODE 35-36
Luffy’s just going past the Fishmen "I'm Luffy. I'm taking a walk." And then Hachi just said "Have fun"💀
Bellemere ;;;;;;;;;; Their story is so important to me
It's really heartbreaking thinking about when Nami said that it was easy to solve something with Arlong because money solves everything. And her believing he wouldn't break their promise...
She was just a child when they made that promise, and she kept on hoping, kept on believing in the possibility of buying the village's freedom...
And she had to grow up so fast. On Arlong Park she talks differently trying to appear like she's bigger, stronger and older, but in the end she's so young and trapped in something she never imagined and no one prepared her for it. She is so strong, but it all comes crumbling down...
And then she goes to face Arlong, and she cries... and her face.... :((((((
Sanji is so fcking weird, I need a word or two with Oda
I can't help crying after the hat scene. Nami's VA did an amazing job. It just makes me cry more, and of course, the significance of Luffy just entrusting his hat to someone else....
For some reason, i think the different angles for the part when the four are walking to face Arlong is funny
> Episode 38
Moomu is so cute :(( I'm so sad
Sanji, you're so cool... sometimes
Them: "the only way to save Luffy is by defeating the Fishmen"..... Guys, Luffy is literally going to run out of air before you are able to do that 💀
This is the first time Zoro and Sanji have relied on each other
> Episode 39
Without thinking very hard, I can only remember two times Sanji has cared openly about Zoro and that's here bc Zoro’s wounds are still fresh after fighting Mihawk, and then in Sabaody when they are escaping and Zoro is still very weak because of Kuma... Them in Wano could count, but Sanji wasn't very vocal about it
I still think it is so cute how Hachi goes inside to find his swords
Sanji understands everything around him so well.... and then he stills throws himself into the water knowing Fishmen could kill him easier there💀 "Marimo I know you are worried and i know the situation is dire but you are injured so I'll jump there to my death to save Luffy" And then again, it's because he understands everything so well that he knows there weren't better options
> Episode 40
I love Sanji’s fighting style so much. It's very entertaining
> Episode 41
"Please die with me" Nami 😭😭😭
"If he (Luffy) loses, then you will all die." I know that's the truth, but why would you say that Sanji 🥲
Nose.... Jaw?
> Episode 43
Nami's pen stained with blood falling to the ground.... and then "USE!?" followed by Luffy destroying Nami's map room... This episode is so important to me
Sanji is so dumb omg
Of course Zoro cares a lot even when there are times when he doesn't show it, but i think i realized that after he said to Nezumi "Don't ruin people's fun when they're finally happy". I took that, and after that, for the next thousand episodes, I just assumed he cared even when he said he didn't
> Episode 44
Nami is such a brat when she's with Nojiko and Gen, i love her. It's not like she's not her genuine self with the Strawhats but her role there is different there (and it makes sense she would act more like a kid with her sister and Gen (who is practically a parent figure))
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Sanji and Zoro talking normally, thank you (they literally didn't properly meet each other until that moment.) We don't get many moments like these between Zoro and Sanji (like, both of them talking this way) 1. Here... mmmm ???? 2. Wano? I could count some other moments but it's not them peacefully talking...
"My deepest conveniences
Deepest concussions
Deepest com-
I'm impressed that Sanji is actually with women... and they are there with him because they want to. The second time is in Fishmen Island with the mermaids
The different reactions to Nami steal everyone's wallets. Usopp and Zoro thinking about how she's still a thief (therefore a bad person that could betray them again (but you're all literally pirates now, who cares💀, its better for you if she knows how to steal something from time to time)) and then Luffy loving it and Sanji supporting women's rights and women's wrongs (Oda could've just leave Sanji to be like that but he had to adhere to the time's funniest joke which was being a fucking creep I guess 😒)
The village's screams going from "You thief!" to " Take care" and "Come back anytime" 😭😭😭😭😭
To end, two screenshots of Nojiko because she looks very cute
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mybabydenkikaminari · 9 months
Episode 4 (OPLA)
-Koby trying to help Usopp
-Nami trying to save Luffy
-Helmeppo still being a bitch
-My poor Koby being unable to help Usopp
-Usopp touching Kaya's arm 
-Usopp staying in her room after the slap (which I am glad that they didn’t change) because he is worried about her safety
-Buchi getting worried about Sham (in the manga and anime they also care about each other)
-The house chase was a very good change in the arc of Kuro, I like it more this way
-Also Nami worrying about Kaya it’s nice way to show that she is starting to have hope
-Usopp babe you gave her that tea once, it’s not your fault
-Baby Zoro doing the exact same pose that big Zoro was a very nice touch
-The father not being an asshole to her daughter it’s a nice change
-Roronoa Zoro being the dramatic goofy ball that he is
-Koby's marine sense being on point with Kuro giving him the creeps
-Coby screw you to Helmeppo
-My poor Koby getting his heart crush by the same Helmeppo
-Luffy throwing up on Helmeppo 10/10
-Nami cheering up Kaya, it’s nice too 
-More girls in the dojo is nice
-Koby comforting Lufffy meanwhile he is throwing up (your crush is still showing!!)
-”Hey haircut” then proceding to punch him
-Zoro getting lost again
-Kaya being the brave girl that we all know and love
-Usopp protecting the girls
-Luffy answering I am made of rubber to the fact that he is a very very stubborn bitch
-Kaya getting worried about Usopp and checking him as soon as she could
-”You didn’t plan for that, did ya?”
-Usopp brining Kaya down the stairs, so fucking cute
-Luffy’s look to Nami, “I won’t the bet babe”
-Luffy hugging the other two and both of them not being ready for it (also the little Zoro kick so fucking cute)
-Another complain is what happened with Merry’s body? I am fine with him being dead but he deserved more respect!!
-Kaya grabbing Usopp hands to talk with him 
-THEY KISS!!!!! WE DID IT BOYS!!!! OMG, YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! Kaya and Usopp are canon babeeee, they are so cute together I am so fucking happy!!! I have waited so long!!
-”They do know I’m the captain, right?” “Let them have this moment”
-Zoro getting himself in the hammock with his beloved sword
-Usopp doing his flag with a smaller nose, he is so precious and dumb
-Usopp and Luffy fighting over who is the captain, that poor brain cell that they share being beaten up
-Nami starting to laugh, like a real laugh and everyone following her
-Luffy and Usopp hugging each other
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peaceshire · 9 months
Curious about your takes (if any) on ZoLu? (zoro/Luffy) it’s maybe the only strawhat ship I like outside of Franky and Robin
OMG I'm so upset right now because this ask reminded me of a specific Zolu doujin that I LOVED, and that basically formed all my headcanons for that ship ... and I CANNOT FIND IT !!! I should have saved it, nooo ... But to summarize it, basically Luffy just gets horny one day and looks at the crew like "Hey, one of you. Let's have sex." And of course everyone quickly finds a way out of it except for Zorro (its early crew, so I think only Nami, Usopp, Sanji and Zorro are present). Zorro is like ... what the hell why me? And Luffy is just too brutal, like he really does a number on Zorro. The rest of the crew is like ... dang, RIP ... thanks for your sacrifice LOL Then, some time later, it happens AGAIN and AGAIN everyone comes up with excuses and the job of working out their captain's sexual urges falls to Zorro again. (You can see where this is going!) Basically, it becomes Zorro's job. Its rough on his ass, so at first its a pain, but slowly he starts to REALLY enjoy it, and before he knows it he's really down bad for Luffy. He's fallen in love (and become a total slave to his dick, too.) ANYWAYS I don't remember how the doujin ended LOL But I really like that idea for how something may start up between the two of them. Basically just Luffy being very matter of fact about his sexual needs. He doesn't see it as a big deal. And it doesn't start like a big deal to Zorro, either- but eventually he catches feelings. I def think Zorro falls first, and probably for a LONG time its pretty one-sided (romantically, not sexually.) But I think eventually, they could end up on the same page! And Zorro will be so relieved and happy ... <3
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infranuz · 3 years
HIII can I request a nami x fem reader where reader is meeting namis crew for the first time and they think reader is just a friend of namis until they see them be reaalllll close like hand holding, lots of hugs and maybe a kiss ;D
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a/n — AAA MY FIRST NAMI REQUEST TYY <33 I love this imagine so much omg thank you for requesting this anon!! (Not proofread!!)
pairing — Nami x Fem!Reader meeting Nami’s crew for the first time and them finding out about Nami’s beautiful girlfriend!! <33
tw — implied sexual intercourse (just for one part)
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After the straw hats saved yet another country they deserved a small vacation which lead to Nami picking out an island she knew well enough. It was hard to convince Luffy until she brought up the countries special dishes and deserts immediately sailing for the island after the captain gave the order.
Nami remembered she once had docked at that island for treasure reasons to which her surprise she ended finding something even more valuable than gold. Nami had found a woman like no other, she was extremely beautiful, she had a kind heart and was as strong as previous pirates she had encountered. At first Nami had decided to use her for her abilities but later she ended up saving her and realized it would be far too cruel to use such a kind hearted woman.
After some weeks spent there both grew closer to each other and ended up in the bed after having too many drinks. Both surprised with the outcome, they decided to start a relationship which no one knew about until that very day.
Nami seemed to be a rather “greedy” woman but needles to say she did have a heart deep inside, a heart for a very special person. Once they finally got to the island Nami immediately got off heading to the old restaurant that your family owned . Of course because so many years had passed since they last saw each other it was somewhat difficult to recognize how they looked.
“Hello ma’am I’m looking for a woman named Y/N, she works here.” Nami said looking at the woman in the reception. “Of course, hold on a moment please” she turned around and went to the back to call her lover. From the same way the woman left another lady came out heading straight to Nami. “Nami!! Is that really you?!” You shouted not caring about the others around her.
Nami immediately opened her arms to her girlfriend ready for the hug. Both had been waiting so long to meet each other again immediately embracing each other. “I’m so glad you’re okay!! After those two years without hearing about you made me worry” Nami smiled knowing how her lover cared so much for her. “I’m sorry I made you worry, but at least I’m here now..”
The couple decided to go out to their favorite spots to catch up before heading to the Sunny so the crew could meet her girlfriend. “I’m back” Nami shouted catching everyone’s attention. “I want you guys to meet someone” she announced with you behind her.
“Nami! Who is that behind you?” Chopper immediately asked after seeing you behind her. “This is Y/N, my-” Her sentence was cut off my Sanji’s typical shout. “NAMI-SWAANN” Sanji came running down.
“Sanji-kun!” Nami glared at the man returning her gaze to you . “Apologies Y/N, this is my crew” she continued “Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji-kun, Chopper, Robin, Franky and Brook” She finished pointing at the creepy living skeleton.
“Nice to meet you all! I thank you for taking care of Nami” you bowed as a sign of respect towards the crew. “Is there meat here?” Luffy asked out of the blue. You stared at him dumbfounded but laughed it off, “Of course! We have our special meat dish which I’m sure you’ll love” You smiled sweetly at him. “Follow me, I’ll show you at the restaurant” taking Namis hand you lead the way.
This didn’t go unnoticed by the crew specially Sanji to which he thought was rather weird but shrugged it off thinking it was something two friends would normally do. But oh boy was he not expecting the surprise coming his way. The crew enjoyed the meal served by you everyone complimenting your cooking skills. Another interaction that set the crews and Sanji’s suspicion out was when you were feeding Nami with your own fork like couples would normally do.
The others may have just found it as a friendly interaction but not Sanji. All the small interactions happening kept bothering Sanji. Not in a bad way, in a suspicious way. Until the final interaction would make everything clear, before setting off to another island Nami hugged you and pulled you in for a parting kiss which immediately shocked everyone. Both bid a goodbye and set off, meanwhile everyone stared at Nami “EHH?!” Was Luffy’s, Usopps,Brooks and Choppers reaction. Robin and Franky laughed it off already knowing while Zoro didn’t seem to care.
For the rest of the day Nami was questioned about her relationship with you. Of course they didn’t seem to understand (Luffy) but either way didn’t care because Nami was still Nami even if she loved you. Sanji was surprised the most, of course like the gentleman he is he respected your relationship, quite happy that Nami had someone that loved her and cared for her.
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© zorosoup
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alkhale · 5 years
Hello hello miss!... Uh, I think that's how you identify??? If not, please tell me!!! I don't wanna misgender you on accident or something Q-Q Anyways, I've been reading Memo, and I! Really love Hoku, and the way she interacts with the world, and her relationships with everyone, it's just really well written. Plus, she sounds REALLY pretty and I'm weak for that. That aside, are you up for getting ideas for Memo!AUs people've had, or headcanons? If not it's cool, just wanted to ask :> ~ Vira
omg u good, dw anon. 
I’m guilty of already having a lot of AU ideas for Memos and I might just start a story on AO3 for a collection of them so they don’t clutter the actual story or I can go more in depth or explore some other things hahaha. I’ll start putting them in little omakes and stuff, but Memos chapters have been hella long so I’m worried about overbogging stuff but y’all seem chill with these crazy counts so i hope u don’t mind
- School AU, this one’s just fun shenanigans and I love modern AUs. School Council President Sabo, Ace being Ace, Hot teacher Shanks, for some reason Kid and Hoku both have the same art class in basic architecture and metal welding because he’s a grease monkey and Hoku likes designs. Straw Hat crew in school, Brook’s a popular soul musician. Franky and Robin are teachers. 
- MODERN AU. I have so many ideas i wanna hash out for different Modern AUs, hahaha, i’m so attracted to these and was this close to writing it out instead as its own kind of story but Memos won over. 
ASL+Hoku living together and their daily life (together its HASL like hassle and that’s exactly what it’s like with these idiots)
Started to live together once Ace and Sabo were in their third year of high school, it’s been awhile now. (Hoku’s family passed away when she was young, Garp was doing marine work stationed in Hawaii and took an interest in her but before he could find her, she went to live with ‘someone else’ until he managed to shove her in with Luffy, she’s technically an emancipated minor)
Ace is a construction worker/part time fire fighter and picks up all sorts of odd jobs and errand runs.
Whitebeard took him in on several occasions when stuff happened. Ace is super close to the group even though they’re lowkey high profile crime bosses. Marco’s a doctor underground and professional, Thatch is a chef (whitebeard’s crew always sends gifts and visits and hooks them up with deals at random places)
“Ace! Can you call Marco? I think Hoku’s anemic again.”
“I swear to god, put down that phone he’s going to give me all those pills and I don’t wanna pay the hospital bill–”
“But it’s free.”
“God damn it.”
Sabo works for a high fashion brand design/political activist group (somehow these two meshed and Dragon runs both so)
Hoku and Luffy are students almost finishing up with high school. 
Sabo is designated most put-together-has-his-shit-ready, if you can’t find your paint brushes Hoku, ask Sabo. Ace, Sabo put ur laundry away already. He’s usually in charge of meals and making sure the bills get paid. (Their apartment is spacious but a little dingy and random stuff breaks or falls apart but Ace and Hoku are really handy and always fixing shit)
Ace can only make pasta and grilled foods. He’s great with the barbecue. Luffy can’t cook. Hoku cooks pretty damn well but she’s clumsy in the kitchen so she tries to cook before Sabo or Ace get home and they scream something about her cutting off a finger and needing stitches again
House is always decorated with flowers or something nice like a painting or photos or tapestries. Hoku always does that.
They have a small garden plot by the apartment complex. Hoku and Sabo take care of it. Ace and Luffy eat from it a lot and run out animals trying to steal the tangerines from the tree Nami’s adopted mom gave them as a house warming gift.
The three of them fill out a lot of her pages in her sketchbooks and easels. “Is that Sabo again?” “Yeah, he fell asleep reading and he looks too perfect so I wanted to draw it.” “That kinda pisses me off.” “Me too, we’ll do something about it when I finishl.”
Her art classmates are always super eager to see her stuff and ask about the hot older guys in her drawings and please ask them to model. Hoku relents. Ace comes in to model because he gets paid. That’s a story for another day.
Hoku has regular poker nights for awhile now with a group of people Ace and Sabo didn’t think about (they always thought it was the girls or some friends like their friend group) until one night Luffy goes to hang out with the others and they’re like?? Hoku??? and Luffy’s like?? Hoku doesn’t do poker nights with us you dummies.
This sends them into a panic attack and Sabo has Hoku’s location at all times because he did something permanent to her phone (Hoku does not know this) and they visit (stalk) her at one of her poker nights. Find out its in some weirdly shady fancy club body guarded by a bunch of ridiculously macho looking guys (it’s actually Daz, Vergo and some others) They stake out and froth at the mouth, nearly dying when they see Hoku walk out surrounded by GIANT MEN DOUBLE HER SIZE AND AGE, HOKU HONEY, WHAT? It’s Crocodile and Doflamingo, usually Mihawk, and sometimes Jimbei comes.
Hoku’s like ?? I’ve played poker with these guys for forever. (They’re big crime syndicates and totally into illegal business and Sabo knows this and Ace is ready to murder) but apparently Hoku weaseled her way in and she’s a good player so they have fun and like gambling with her. They always suggest taking her to Vegas with them because they’re high rollers but Hoku’s always like nah i got school and work.
Sabo and Ace after herding her home try to convince her to stop meeting with them and Hoku’s just like lmao no and takes out huge wads of cash from her pockets. “They’re ridiculously rich and I win a lot.” They also pay for a lot of good food and Hoku’s not about to pass that up. (She sneaks leftovers for Luffy all the time ((but the older men already know and usually just have shit boxed up for her anyway))) 
“But they’re older men and dangerous!”
“It’s not like I’m going on a date with them. It’s just gambling.”
“You like older men!”
“Oh, yeah, huh.”
Law and Kid are classmates and Luffy and Hoku hang out with them a lot when its not with their crew and Ace and Sabo are always like cant you hang out with better people. Kid and Law never feel welcome in their house but Hoku’s just like dw if they bother u i won’t talk to them and then they get upset and yada yada. Doesn’t stop Ace and Sabo from being super mean looking and scary. Kid and Law are hard to ward off, unfortunately.
Law’s studying to be a doctor, well on the way. Kid’s a mechanic and works at a shop and does street racing. Hoku wants to design a car interior for him.
People always say Sabo seems like the prim and perfect gentlemen of the three and he’ll make a good husband and they just laugh and Hoku tells Koala and she laughs because they always wave their hands and say nah nah, Sabo’s secretly the most sneaky and lowkey scary/sadistic/a tease out of all of them, don’t let the pretty face fool you
(and he really is, sometimes he makes Hoku beg for the pretty cakes he brings home from work from clients because he thinks its cute when she’s trying to reach them over his head)
Shanks is a famous traveler/explorer, always known for doing crazy stuff and his team of explorers climb mountains, explore caves, travel all around the world and take beautiful shots and Hoku and Luffy always tune in. Shanks saved Luffy once from a freak accident and he’s his hero and Hoku has such a hopeless crush on him.
Modern AU where Law is Luffy’s partner in college for a project and he goes to Luffy’s house. Hoku’s a TA for Shanks and stupidly stupid for him and Law meets her and feels things.
Modern AU where Strawhat crew goes on a road trip.
Monsters AU. Hoku’s a ghost.
Hanahaki AU. Red flowers.
Marines AU.
Genderbent AU.
Some other ones but i gotta go finish that essay i mentioned hahaha, hope these were fun! the modern HASL one ran away with me
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551-552: "The Battle Is On! At Conchchorde Plaza!" and "A Surprising Confession! The Truth Behind the Assassination of Otohime!"
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I knew that scumbag Hordy was behind Otohime’s assassination! Oh, I only wish I’d been a fan while these chapters were being released so I could have made a bet with someone. Then again... everyone reading at that time probably knew too. I mean the flags were vast and red.
As soon as I saw the title for 552 flash up, I thought, “Yes. This is it. Hordy is gonna confess.”
Was not disappointed.
And that wasn’t all. The reveals kept coming. The circumstances of the assassination? Check. Madame Sharley’s family? Check. 30,000 hidden human slaves? Double check. Plus, I finally know what Noah is (yes, it is a “what” and not a “who”). And it is currently being controlled by Decken who has finally gone off the deep end.
Why Does Hordy Look Like He’s About to Judge Someone on a Talent Show?
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Have to say, I forgot to mention something in the last post. Neptune brought up an inconvenient truth about the Fish Roids. Those rad pills that grant you super strength? They come packed with horrendous side-effects. Namely: they take years off your life.
Maybe that’s why Hordy has snow white hair now as well as a water shoot attack that can fell buildings and destroy royal army squadrons.
Episode 551 served pretty much to build Hordy’s threat potential as a villain. And boy it was done in quick time. By the end of 551, he had strung up Neptune, decimated the royal army, the royal ministers and had defeated all three princes.
I kind of hate Hordy’s guts right now, so it was nice to see the islanders so concerned for their beloved king, shielding children’s eyes as the execution convoy flew past. Neptune’s guard tried to take a stand, but Neptune told them to run, not to die a meaningless death. See, that’s the difference between a good king and Hordy (I refuse to call him a king. He ain’t crowned yet). Neptune cares for his people and they respect and care from him in turn.
At the plaza, Hordy’s Head Goons assembled. Brave islanders climbed the walls because they wanted to rescue Neptune. They had prime seats for the upcoming show.
By the time they had scaled the fence, Hordy had cleared out the royal guard and installed himself on a giant pink beanbag throne. Neptune was trussed up to a St Andrew’s style cross. No idea if there’s any symbolism there, but Andrew was called a “fisher of men”. Maybe it’s just the whole martyrdom thing. Being willing to die for the peaceful ideals of Otohime. Or maybe Oda just thought, “Yeah.... saltire crosses. That’ll do.”
One poor soldier tried to pull off a suicide attack. If he could just take out one of the Head Goons before the princes arrived, it would aid the rescue effort. But the merciless hype machine ground its gears and the solider became fodder for Hordy’s power up. 
It was an impressive power up. Just the normal water shoot bullet but ramped up to eleven. BOOM! It blasted through walls, buildings, rock formations and only lost momentum miles away at Mermaid Cove. I thought, “This guy really is a scumbag. He’s just wreaking havoc and destroying things because, lel, this is fun and I have the power now.”
Then the princes arrived. I finally remember all of their names! Fukaboshi, Ryuboshi and Manboshi. Better late than never. The spectators on the wall cheered. The princes were here! King Neptune would be saved! Hurrah! The princes declared, “WE WILL SAVE YOU, FATHER!”
I felt like Madame Sharly. I could see what was coming a mile off.
Fukaboshi, because he’s going to become king someday and be fucking excellent, gave another good speech. “Why don’t you understand, Hordy Jones? You people are the weakest on this island [Hordy was triggered by this]. The other islanders were trying to ignore the history of discrimination by humans and to forgive the murder of their hero and their queen who died at the hands of a human [oh, Fukaboshi...]. They endured their pain to change their future and sign their names. Why can’t you appreciate the boldness and kindness of their decision?”
Because he’s Fishler, that’s why. You can’t reason with Fishler types. You could say, “Well, remember that chap Whitebeard? He was an alright human, wasn’t he?” and a Fishler would shriek, “NO, HE WAS JUST PRETENDING! WHITEBEARD WAS FAKE NEWS!” Or, “Have you ever been to the surface, Fishler?” and they would reply, “NO, BUT I DON’T NEED TO.” (I think Hordy has because he’s a pirate, but the attitude’s the same).
I don’t know why they talk in caps. But 
Now, the annoying thing about Hordy’s goons beating down the princes was that those boys are actually no slouches. Were it not for the Roids, they could easily have kicked ass.
But Hordy claimed they would never lose, as the had been, and I quote, “given great power from above.” From above? As in the surface? Now that’s suspicious. Who has been supplying these Fishmen with Roids? I half expect Vegapunk to be involved somehow.
At any rate, the Head Goons showed their stuff. Roided up, they were faster, stronger and crushed the princes. And they were strung up alongside their dad.
And It Gets Worse
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No, not just because of the crowd of Hordy’s followers baying for blood.
Back at the Sea Forest... the fight between Jimbei and Luffy had been off-panelled.
This, I think, is weird. We did not get to see Luffy in a mangled, defeated state. We never got to see Sanji, Nami, Chopper, Robin or Franky. All we heard was Jimbei saying, “Phew, he gave me a hard time,” before he escorted Shirahoshi back towards the palace.
Except that didn’t work out because they thought a balloon version of Neptune was the real thing and were netted and dragged off to the plaza. (I am suspicious of the lack of Luffy, so I kind of hope this is a roundabout scheme from Jimbei. Schemes wouldn’t work with Luffy but maybe Jimbei’s clever enough to steer him in the right direction and count on Luffy being Luffy to sort things out in the end).
Hordy was pleased at the special delivery of Jimbei, Shirahoshi and Megalo. Before that, he didn’t want to kill his hostages until Shirahoshi was lured to the plaza. It’s her power to call Sea Kings that he feared most and other than Neptune, she is the one he wants dead most. It was also the only reason he teamed up with Decken. (Now it makes sense! I thought Hordy only wanted a way into the palace.)
The poor audience of islanders on the walls, though... they were distraught. It was like a quadruple whammy of gut punches. First Neptune, then the princes, and now Jimbei and their beloved princess Shirahoshi. I mean, I’d wager Jimbei is almost as much of a legendary figure as Fisher Tiger nowadays. To see him brought so low must be truly shocking (still hoping it’s a ploy).
Now Hordy’s only concern is what the Strawhats will do. He guessed they’d return to the palace, free Zoro, Usopp and Brook. But he had some surprise guests waiting for them...
Yes, that’s right! 30,000 human slaves Hordy caught! Plus another 70,000 armed thugs (fodder for Strawhats). “One hundred thousand outlaws together!” he crowed. I guess this proves Hordy can perform basic addition.
I mean, there were a few female and child slaves along with the male ones, but they would be taken care of later. And I don’t think he means given a hot meal and a roof over their heads. :|
Madame Sharly Steps Up
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This is when the episode got Extra Juicy.
Madame Sharly stepped up, spoke up and got Hordy so wound up he snapped and went completely off the rails in public.
“You fools are a dishonour. Horsing around in public. You kids have no class at all. Don’t push your luck. I just wanted to say one thing to you since you’re at the height of your glory: a man will destroy Fishman Island.”
“Wasn’t it me you saw?” Hordy said, modestly.
Bad news, Hordy. “No. The man who will destroy it is Strawhat Luffy. I can’t tell what he’ll do specifically. But it is not you. The one who will determine the fate of Fishman Island is not you, Hordy Jones.”
Let’s just say this news was not received positively.
As Madame Sharly is another legendary figure in Fishman Island, her not backing Hordy’s rise to power was disastrous PR. Even the goons were freaking out. “Omg, that means Hordy will never gain control of Fishman Island. Her predictions are accurate!”
The Hordy stepped up and slapped the crap out of Madame Sharly.
Forget what I said last post about not wanting Luffy to come and sort shit out.
Get down here now because this guy needs taken down a peg.
I was so enraged by Hordy’s obvious threatened response to Madame Sharly that when he revealed she was ARLONG’S SISTER (WTF??) I barely heard it and had to rewind and watch it again. He also bare face admitted to her he was only using the Arlong Pirates name to unite people under his banner. 
Properly triggered by Sharly’s lack of support, he went on a mad, Roid-Rant, yelling that HE was the ONLY ONE who could take over Fishman Island. His scheme is ten years in the making! He had the power to do it. ONLY HIM. OH, AND BY THE WAY, YOU KNOW THAT QUEEN YOU ALL LOVED SO MUCH?
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I think this is Hordy’s biggest mistake. Some of you guys in the comments for the last post talked about Luffy sorting out Fishman issues not being a problem because would Hordy really have many supporters to resent Luffy?
After this, I am convinced he won’t have any. Because those islanders on the wall? They were enraged.
While Hordy had his villainous, “YES, IT WAS ME!” moment, a flashback revealed he did pay a human to be involved in the assassination. At first, I thought Hordy just paid the human pirate to shoot her. Was shocked but no surprised to learn that he hated Otohime so much that he wanted to pull the trigger himself. The human accessory only set fire to the petitions.
Hordy has gone so far off the deep end with the lack of Sharly support that he forgot that triggering Shirahoshi has geological scale consequences.
“Don’t you think she was annoying?” he said straight to Shirahoshi’s face. “She begged everyone not to seek revenge against humans but to be friends with them instead. She was bugging me because she’d almost accomplished her goal. I wasn’t satisfied with just killing her. [No of course you weren’t...] To me, your mother was someone who deserved death. I came up with the idea to make the best of her death, that would allow me to stoke the fire of hatred towards humans, that Fishmen citizens once had, and destroy the islanders’ stupid dream once and for all! I’d frame a human for killing her. You were all fooled exactly as I hoped. She was worth killing, right, Shirahoshi? She wasn’t killed by a human. She was killed by me. I, a kinsman, did it.”
I thought the earthquakes would start and the Sea Kings would begin, slowly, to stretch it out over several episodes, to swim towards Fishman Island. 
But no.
The twist was even better!
Shirahoshi turned to Hordy and said, “I already knew.”
Honestly, I was as shocked as Jimbei. Even Hordy was dumbfounded. 
I cannot wait to find out how Shirahoshi knew. I mean, if she knew and didn’t tell anyone, that’s a pretty big ball to drop, you know?
Oh, and I forgot to mention this guy...
Decken: King of the Incels
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This is some next-level creepy madness, let me tell you. Especially when the news only a couple days ago reported that some incel just shot up a yoga studio because “women”.
I mean, Decken has a neckbeard and is even wearing a Fedora. It’s like Oda had a vision of the future and turned it into a pirate because the reality was just too weird.
Anyway, Decken has also gone off the deep end, and has adopted a: “If I Cannot Have Her, Everyone Will Die” mindset. To achieve this, he has brought to life an ship called Noah built by Fishmen “a while ago” (hmm.... seems older than that, but I’ll run with it.
I’m half thinking Noah could it be one of those Pluton-like weapons because the ship is half the size of Fishman Island, apparently. Great for ramming into a protective bubble and killing everyone in it, eh? Woo hoo! What a great guy!
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*whistles innocently*
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justm3h · 6 years
Thanks @pointvee I’ll remember you fondly in death.
Oh man we are off to a good start with that cover hello VIVI DARLING.
Mad respect Sanji, no tricks for you. But I would have loved to have seen you in the suit.
And AYYYYYYY Nami gets a little stronger by stealing Zeus. Of course.
Sanji back to being dead or alive. And IS NOW WORTH MORE THAN ZORO. YOU DID IT BOYO!! But bad luck about the name...
Holy shit Luffy, hahahaha kiddo plz. That’s absolutely a miss print, missing a zero to be sure. You can’t just go down in price after beating Katakuri.
Noooo don’t remind me about Jinbe! I want him back already!
Ahhh look at this page full of people! Can’t wait to see them all again!
Ugh I could have done without Akainu tho.
And what hero’s entrance. Look at that smile, the light and sunshine of my life.
Plz be nice to my child, he likes Luffy too.
Hey Helmeppo nice to see you too. Shhhh I just love Coby more I’m sorry not sorry.
Wait wasn’t Law involved with the Rocky Port incident? LAW AND COBY HAVE MET??? EXCUSE ME LET ME GO SCREAM MORE. Ot3 I may have you just yet.
And he protect all the civilians be still my heart.
Omg Coby please, you are very bad at pretending he’s a foe. With you’re serious face and then tears. AND HIS GLASSES OMG CUTIE BOY
And fuck I see that Weevil image. ... and that big head line of Dr.Vegapunk.
I am shock how much I had though of Coby geeking out with the people Luffy has saved and it’s happening , but I thought it would be Vivi. Lol
And we see all the Yonko! HEY SHANKS BAE!
Of fucking course.
I’m emotionally drained.
I’m so fucking happy.
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hauntingblue · 2 months
Oden's prophecy of young pirates coming to save wano becoming yamato's hope for his freedom.... and him becoming oden because of it.... it's just so good... on the other side luffy taking ace's spot for liberating yamato... I think I hauve covid
#the spades pirates in wano to save children... omg... deuce.... i have heard so much of you....#yamato complaining about how eveyrhing is his father's fault and ace getting violent...#it is so sad that in the end it was (partially maybe) his father's fault... if not roger then whitebeard..... maybe both#the hibiscus flowers..... rouge....#yamato telling ace he talks too much about luffy.... omg.....#NAMI TELLS TAMA LUFFY LOST ACE TOO!!! AND LUFFY CAME BACK TO WANO BC ACE SAID HE WOULD!!! OMG...... THE LINGERING.....#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1014#pink haired samurai is still alive and kicking... hell yeah....#ODEN WAS THE SECOND COMMANDER FOR WHITEBEARD??? OMG???#whitebeard dealing with his rebellious son ace akshaksjak.....#ace wanting to save wano for his husband and child but wb wouldn't let him bc he is still caught up about his ex husband's death... complex#TEACH GO TO HELL!!! FUCK YOU!!! DIEEEE!!!!#they can't put luffy crying about ace dying here again.... tama feeling bad about yelling at luffy....#YAMATO KNOWS ABOUT THE D????#big mom wants robin.... i mean of course.... curious about pudding and her third eye.... we will meet again i guess...#PONEGLYPH!!!! kaido little borther to mom...... god valley.... rox.... i remember.... she gave him his power omg...#episode 1015#ace face down smiling after whitebeard beats him up reminded me of ace dead smiling. hell on earth this is my last straw. goodbye.#the animation <3 ace i love you <3 yamato you are great <3#omg... little ASL with the big pirates saying he will become pirate king omg...#PAUSE!! ACE HEARING GOOD THINGS ABOUT ROGER AND SAYING HE SOUNDS NICE THIS IS CRUCIAL TO MY ACE LORE OMG#yamato didnt say who it was... did ace really die not thinking his father was good this is my roman empire... critical hit to my brain#yamato made aces vivre card.... should i end it all for realsies this time....#his cunty skate boat 😭😭😭😭 i could cry#he really is looking like a beautiful dead wife this episode.... yamato......the vivre card omg..... NOT THE FLASHBACK ENOUGH#THE TRANAITION BETWEEN ACE FALLING OFF LUFFY AND HIM FALLING TO THE GROUND OMG AKFBSKDNDKSKLWKWNSKWK NOOOOOO#OH FINALLY THEY ARE ALL THERE TO FOGHT BIG MOM AND KAIDO!!! FUCK YEAAHHHHHH a good drag for the mugis for good measure#episode 1013
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hauntingblue · 2 months
I loved this movie about nami and her ex situationship reconciling and also anti capitalism
#i have one question are the episode 0 of movies just fanservice am i reding this right. also zoro looks jealous and petty#can they in like love action make zoro chastize sanji bc he is an ally and not just letting him sound jealous and petty like i enjoy both#but clarificaiton sometimes you know. like sanji stop that its dehumanizing and disrespectful also i want you#why are they worried about money when they are in a casino. nami was great at playing cards wasnt she#franky and luffy bonding sumo time.... nami gets the title hell yeah lmao i have been saying she is the strongest#omg the children sellong flowers... dont tell me luffy is going to defeat capitalism in this movie. hell yeah#i was gonna say cant believe they let luffy bet but he does have good luck tho. the stomach ache lmao#sanji is so stupid akdjsksks the guy who likes pain also....don't let sanji think too much about it omg the golden dust....#zoro is going to be executed sanji and luffy are unlucky and all of them are broke and in debt. damn. how are you broke as a pirate even#nami and carina ex situationship talking about trusting each other again looking at the sunset... exactly#that was such a nasty betrayal and nami trusting her again so easily and fast like damn.#also what is the cp0 koala and sabo doing there like damn. jesus even#also what is absalom doing there....#and WHO let luffy infiltrate. FRANKY GOT IMPALED!! gold is really malleable and not resistant and strong like this is getting me out of it#sanji got a cleaning man fit instead of a cleaning lady fit so why is usopp wearing one ajdjaka.... i mean he is the crews babygirl....#also second movie where zoro gets kidnapped. the peoples princess.#omg they are in the pipes. also why is there pipe for the entry of seawater in a boat. maybe i don't know enough about boats#franky getting luffy out of the fan.... cradled like baby jesus for an instant#omg they have been bamboozled BY CARINA?????? OMG AGAIN??? NAMI!!!! OH NVM!!! WHAT???#luffy didnt know they were doing all this cause he would have fucked it up akshaua him being thrown half dead out of the tower ahsuakaia#this reminds me of super mario wii where bowser turns into a bigger bowser when you kill it. damn#also another good guy turned villain because of tragedy. two in a row#the kid with the metal pipe omg... sabo is coming#i heard hikken and the voice was so similar i wondered why ace was there.... for a millisecond he was there..... 😞#the red hawk and everything..... should we all kill ourselves.... omg carina didnt betray her actually#tesoro dumb asf for taking nami look how he is going down after that lmao didnt expect gear fourth tho. damn#still thinking about how gold isnt that strong so this shouldn't be necessary but alas shonen be shonen. luffy saving namis gf too <3#talking tag#watching one piece#watching one piece movies
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