findingstony · 1 year
hiii, i literally don't remember anything bout it except that tony had been up for days and insists on drinking more coffee, the team are trying to discourage him, but he won't budge. then steve wakes up and goes to the kitchen, finds him there, and tony tries to just tell him to go back to bed but steve sees how the team is sending him looks so he just sighs and asks tony to go to bed and tony finally follows him to bed. the fic was more than just that but i just remember that scene
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idolcandy · 1 year
hiii! i love ur fics and I'm a goner about caslys, if you could write it like lysander distances himself from castiel cus of his crush, castiel gets mad, they argue, lys pisses cas even more, and then lys apologizes and they get together and cas is like super soft? not necessarily sappy, just soft lol. idk if any of that made sense, but honestly u don't have to do any of that, if it could be caslys is more than enough lol!! merry christmas!!!
Rating: G Ships: Castiel/Lysander Tags: Romance, Confessions
Lysander hasn’t answered his texts, which isn’t that strange in and of itself; he frequently misplaces his phone, lets it die, or simply disconnects for a while. What is strange is that he’s left Castiel on read.
Multiple messages, everything from a simple “hey,” to an attempt to arrange band practice, all ignored. This isn’t like Lysander, if Castiel had offended him or done something wrong, Lysander would be the type to tell him he was being rude. But radio silence is new.
Lysander can be the type to bottle things up and pretend he’s fine; he suffered in silence for a long time before sharing that his father was ill. But it was all internal, he never pushed anyone away. So, what’s changed?
What he’s about to do is petty, he knows it is, but what choice does he have? Castiel sends Lysander one final text.
To: Lysander From: Castiel Talk to me or I ring Leigh to find out what’s going on
The gambit works and it doesn’t take long for Lysander to send a response.
To: Castiel From: Lysander Can we meet at the park?
Castiel rarely goes to the park without taking the dog for a walk, but tonight the mood feels too serious for that, and Pancake stays huddled up in his bed so that he doesn’t get dragged out to an argument.
Castiel finds Lysander sat on a bench in one of the quieter spots in the park, far from the pathways where strolling dog walkers might pass him by. He’s slumped over, his gaze fixed firmly at his feet.
“Hey, are you going to tell me why you’ve been ignoring me?” Castiel demands, forgoing any greetings. He never was one for subtlety.
Lysander breathes a deep sigh and sits up straight. “I owe you an apology, I was wrong to push you away…” Lysander’s voice trails off there, seemingly searching for the right words.
Castiel scowls, “I’m looking for an explanation, Lys.”
Lysander nods in understanding but returns to staring at the ground as if his boots were the most interesting thing in the world. He pauses again but Castiel’s groan of complaint prompts him to speed up.
Still avoiding looking at Castiel, he rattles off a vague excuse, “I’ve been under some stress with family issues and- “
Castiel cuts him off. “Don’t give me that bullshit. I can tell when you’re lying, you’re not able to look me in the eye and lie.”
Lysander looks up at him, “I’m not lying.”
Castiel grits his teeth and turns his back on Lysander, almost retreating to let his anger out in private, but at the last seconds he turns back and unleashes it.
“Fuck you, Lys. I didn’t do shit to deserve this and you’re just going to sit there and lie to me? We’ve been through hell together and now you’re just going to cut me out of your life and you won’t even do me the decency of telling me why?”
Lysander still can’t look at him. He looks so small sitting there, staring at his lap like a naughty child who’s just gotten into deep trouble. And he has nothing to say in his defence.
The corners of Castiel’s eyes scrunch up as he tries to keep the tears at bay. “Do you really hate me that much?”
Lysander leaps to his feet. “I don’t hate you; I love you”
Lysander collapses into the bench, his face looks even paler than usual. It wasn’t meant to slip out like that. It was supposed to go unsaid, forever.
“Christ,” Castiel mumbles, as he puzzles over what to do. Eventually, he settles on taking a seat next to Lysander. “Well, that, uhhh, explains a lot actually.”
Lysander recoils from Castiel. He remains seated but his whole body curls away from Castiel in shame. His hands are trembling by now.
Castiel reaches up and lays a hand on Lysander’s shoulder. “Don’t freak out, I’m not mad.”
Lysander closes his eyes so he doesn’t have to see Castiel’s face. “Aren’t you disgusted though?”
“No!” Castiel’s grip on Lysander’s shoulder tightens. “Jesus Lys, no. Never.”
It’s then that tears start to roll down Lysander’s cheeks. So much that he’d bottled up, and hidden away for fear of rejection, fear of losing Castiel entirely, starts to come to the surface. Soon his head falls into his hands and the tears fall harder.
Knowing words are useless now, Castiel pulls Lysander into him and lets him sob against his chest. Instinctively, he presses a kiss against Lysander’s head, into a mess of white hair. At that, he feels Lysander’s body stiffen and his sobbing quietens down, but he doesn’t question the gesture.
What did that mean? It came from nowhere, a feeling he hadn’t recognised yet. With Lysander so morose, he was overcome with the need to quelch all the reasons for it, to have him and to hold him and kiss the pain away.
As Lysander lets the last of his tears run out in the comfort of Castiel’s gentle embrace, Castiel is left with questions more far-reaching than the ones he arrived with.
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