outfit-pack · 6 years
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Requested by @lycansaurusrex !
Outfit Pack for a Hip Hop dancer OVA Akira Fudo from Devilman (OVA)
Since I didn't know if it was pre-amon or post-amon, I did both in a same set. Pre-Amon is the upper one, while post-Amon, is below.
I tried to grasp onto hip-hop fashion and tried to pick brandy and loose item, while trying to retain the original characters vibe but idk. The lightweight vest suited pre-Amon Akira in my head ! Open would be better tho ! I wasn't sure about accessories so... I just kept at it ! Feel free to add more though !
So yeah, hope this is to your liking !
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stardust-lightning · 6 years
Bunbun Cafe
Just a fluffy little story with some his OCs and Akira
Hope you enjoy the fluff!
Oh, Akira had no idea what Oli and Gabriel had in mind for his birthday, but judging from the giggles that Gabe was producing in the backseat and the thick blindfold he had over his eyes at Oli’s insistence, it’s that they have been both planning this for a while.
He himself couldn’t stifle his excitement as he bouncing a little in the passenger seat.
“We’re almost there, right?” Akira asked, probably for the tenth time since they’ve been driving.
“Don’t worry, we’re almost there.”
“You said that the last time I asked.”
“I’m serious this time.”
“You said that last time too.”
“Look, we’re gonna get there in a bit, I promise.”
Akira incoherently whined a little but still kept to himself as he gripped the door handle to control himself. He hadn’t been this excited in forever and it showed.
By God, he was the cutest thing.
“Is that it?” Gabe asked from the back seat, pointing ahead.
“Yup! Lemme park this baby and then we’re good to go.” Oli confirmed as he tried to parallel park the car into the parking space. It took some maneuvering but the car was finally in the line (with some of Gabe's help), and Gabe helped Oli guide Akira, who was still blindfolded, into the cafe. Akira was steadily getting more excited by the minute but he still had to keep the blindfold on.
“This way, love,” Oli gently told him as he and Gabe guided Akira to the left and into a small room. Oli sat Akira down on the floor and Akira felt himself at a short table of sorts. Oli and Gabe took their seats at his sides.
“Can I please take it off nowwwww?” Akira pleaded, his excitement the only thing he was feeling at the moment.
“Yes, you can.”
Akira didn't hesitate a moment before ripping the blindfold off. His eyes widened as he stated around the room, his hands on his mouth unable to keep his little gasp of surprise from escaping him. His eyes also started to feel a little watery.
The room was a cute little room where there were the walls were painted in a pretty pastel blue and pink. The table that they were at had a cutesy-theme tablecloth and had illustrations of little bunnies on the edges. There were other little tables similar to theirs all around the room with other patrons in attendance. The one thing that stuck out to him were all of the bunny-themed items like decals and such. The room was adorable and Akira knew exactly where they were: they were in a bunny cafe.
Akira thought he was going to cry, and boy, did he. He couldn’t stop the tears that started to roll down his face and his throat felt tight.
“A-Akira? Are you okay?” Gabe asked, worried with Oli displaying similar concern.
They waited a moment for Akira to calm down enough to speak. They watched as he sniffled and ran his arm through his eyes to rid some of the tears.
“I’m okay, I’m alright! I’m just really happy, is all,” Akira tried to soothe them as he laughed quietly, wiping some more tears away.
Oli and Gabe both calmed down a little as Akira started to breathe a little easier, his cute, soft smile lighting up the room.
“It's just, I've never been to a bunny cafe. I never thought that I would ever be in one.”
Akira felt something soft trying to get into his lap and so he looked down in mild surprise to find an orange Netherland Dwarf bunny trying to crawl into his lap. The bunny was a tiny thing, only about a few weeks old at most. Akira gently picked up the bunny in his hands, much to the adoration of Oli and Gabe, who thought this was the most precious thing. Gabe took out his phone and managed to get some pictures of Akira cradling this bunny in his hands, which made the bunny look even tinier. Another bunny, a gray lop rabbit, hopped to his side by his thigh, appearing to want to hop into his lap as well. Oli was closer to the lop bunny so he reached down to pet it, being pleasantly surprised as he found the older rabbit to turn and hop into his lap, reaching up to Oli’s chest. Oli took the opportunity to give the rabbit some attention.
“Gabe, you wanna hold this little one?” Akira asked Gabe, who was greeted with pleading puppy eyes and outstretched hands. Oli watched happily as Akira carefully placed the baby bunny in Gabe’s cupped hands.
“Ahhhhhhh, look at him, he’s so tiny! He’s precious!” Gabe bubbled, unable to contain his adoration for the cute bunny. He was a precious boy holding a precious bunny and, to Oli and Akira, he looked so adorable that it was almost unfair.
A young woman, presumably a worker, asked if they wanted to buy some snacks so that they could feed the rabbits. They all happily agreed, so Oli volunteered to go pick them up after handing the lop rabbit to Akira. He followed the woman out of the room, leaving Akira and Gabe with now three bunnies as a chocolate lop-eared friend came to join the party as well.
“So how long have you and Oli planning this?” Akira asked as he picked up both the chocolate bunny and the gray and placed them in his lap.
“Oh, for a few days now! I found this place online and Oli suggested we take you here for your birthday.” Gabe explained as he continued to gingerly hold and pet the little Netherland Dwarf, “Oli knew that you had always wanted to visit one of these, though is it true that you’ve never been to a bunny cafe?”
“Y-Yeah. Never had a chance to.”
“Well, we’re here now, so we’re going to enjoy ourselves and make sure that you’re always covered in these precious babies.” Gabe smiled warmly at him.
Akira wanted to cry again; he had dreamed of visiting one of these and the fact that he was here with the loves of his life made his heart really happy and soft.
Oli came back with some little cups of food and some hay for rabbits, placing them in front of Akira and Gabe as he took his place on the floor. Akira took some hay and offered some to the rabbits in his lap, with the gray one gladly munching on the hay. It was cute to watch its little nose twitch as it ate.
“You having fun, Akira?” Oli asked as the gray lop rabbit continued to munch on the hay before Akira offered the little bunny some lettuce.
“Yes, I love this! I love this so much!”
“Well you’re about to love it even more,” Oli gave him a smile, “Gabe, can you get the presents?”
Gabe perked up at the mention of his name.
“Yup! Just a sec’!”
Gabe reached over to the other side of the small table to reach into the bags that he had brought in with them and fished out a small present wrapped in blue paper with a white bow. Oli carefully took the rabbit out of Akira’s lap so that Akira could unwrap the gifts without worrying about frightening or injuring a rabbit somehow. Gabe then handed the gift to Akira, whose piqued interest was enough for him to grab the package and start to unwrap the paper. Gabe and Oli both smiled at the squeal of delight to find that the box contained the cutest sweater ever made and it had a dark-blue bunny face on a light-blue sweater. Seemingly in love with the sweater, Akira didn’t waste a moment to put the sweater over his head and found the material to be very soft and cozy, with a thick thread and high folded collar. Akira hummed at the new gift and beamed brighter than a ray of sunshine.
“That one was from Ryo. He saw that the other day and knew it would fit you well.”
“There’s still one more and it’s from both of us!” Gabe chimed in as he brought out another box, much bigger this time and wrapped in red paper with a bright pink bow on the corner.
“We saw these and we absolutely had to.”
“Knowing you two, that could be anything,” Akira remarked as he quickly unwrapped his present and looked into the box to find two small plush bunnies, one orange and one white with black spots. Akira let out another quiet squeal as he squeezed the two plushies, his voice unable to produce any coherent vocabulary at the moment. It was just enough that Akira was probably going to cry again but not before he noticed Gabe and Oli sharing knowing looks at each other with little smug grins like they were planning something that Akira didn’t know about.
“What are you two smiling like that for?” Akira inquired, curious.
“Should we, darling?”
“We should, dear,” Oli replied before they both scooted over so that they were directly on Akira’s sides, looking up at him and still having those smug smiles.
“W-What’s going on?”
“Happy birthday Akira!” They both exclaimed as they both simultaneously kissed Akira’s cheeks, pleasantly surprising Akira before leaving quick, little pecks on his cheeks, making Akira giggle at the attention he was receiving. Eventually, it was enough to make him cry a little, but the tears were ones of joy.
“T-Thank you… thank you both so much for this…” Akira happily thanked them through the tears, wrapping his arms behind them to draw them close and provided each a kiss on their heads.
This was certainly a birthday Akira wasn’t going to forget anytime soon. Getting to go to a bunny cafe with the loves of his life while being surrounded by bunnies was like a dream come true and Akira basked in every little second of it.
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rayadraws · 6 years
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Here it is! The Big Draw, aka a post celebrating the variety of OPM artists! 41 artists participated and I’m blown away by the skill and creativity represented here, wow. You guys are amazing and I can’t thank you enough for your participation! Look at all those different takes on our favourite egg and toaster, guys! <3
Of course, this post wouldn’t be complete without linking to the blogs of the respective artist, so you can check out more of their work! Note - some of the blogs might be NSFW.
Ametrineluckyfashion - Anjelzjelly129 - Avoyagetoarcturus
Baldyborg - Batneko
Caped-Ace - ChocolattNyo - Criscura
Dechanique - Destamtiunmart - Dibujos-de-la-orilla
Eldinkind - Egg-in-the-basket
Ganemi - Gladys_Sabin - Guardiandae
Hamtama - Hannahhasafact
Kairidoodles - Karymarang - Konorai
Lunaluleracascabelera - Lycansaurusrex
Mango-kimchy - Mayasonic - Mini-toaster - Molteniridium - Mwsouyuu
Nonick4Now - Nya94-arts
Rayadraws - Reptile-Ruler
Sarrart - Slushy-sash - Stupidprettycyborg
Thecruixe - The-Nysh
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danceswithunworldly · 6 years
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@lycansaurusrex he sure looks like your type
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thirstyforgenos · 6 years
tag game! :o
Rules: answer 20 questions and then tag 20 followers or people you wanna get to know better!
I was tagged by @rayadraws :3
Name: amanda
Nicknames: hmmm... manda, haku, thirsty (on here XD)
Height: 5′2″
Sexual Orientation: bi
Nationality: american
Favorite Fruit: cherries, strawberries, blueberries, all plz.
Favorite Season: summer for sure! (i’m with you on that raya)
Favorite Plant: geraniums
Favorite scent: chlorine, fresh cut grass, bleach, basements, cologne, coffee...
Favorite Colors: I always say rainbow to this... but I love a black/yellow combo.
Favorite Animal: kitties!
Tea, Coffee or Hot Cocoa: tea > coffee > hot cocoa
Average Hours of Sleep: 6-10.
Dogs or Cats: i’ve always been a cat person.
Favorite Fictional Characters: right now, genos! I can’t get enough of him. but you don’t really need me to tell you that ;) previously I was obsessed with dominic sorel from eureka seven
Dream Trip: I’m a homebody so the thought of traveling very far makes me uncomfortable. can I just bring the dream destinations home? lol
When Was This Blog Created: around the end of october of 2017
Number of Followers: 149 (???!! thank you!)
Random Fact: I just reached level 40 in pokemon go today!
Now it’s the time to tag people who absolutely will want to do this (right?)
@lycansaurusrex @fuckcaptchas @bakugous-cinnamon-apple @hoshibara-blog @boobstab @sadisticteeth @wateruonsensei @fujoshijunior @lovelyyandere
if I tag you and you don’t feel like doing it that is fine! or if you already did it you can tag me on your post! :P or if you are randomly reading this and think it looks fun please do it and tag me! :3
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st4rrmii · 6 years
4, 21, 29, 37, and 99
4:What do you think about most?Bold of you to assume I think at all. No really, with the state my living conditions are in right now I try not to think about things unless they make me happy, so I’d say friends/my so’s. (And Ryo)
21:Who is your celebrity crush?Oo honey I’ve got a few. Brendon Urie (mmmm god I love him), Cole Sprouse, and Dylan O’Brien, also Naya Rivera.
29:Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?Yep, I believe in both. I believe in souls, reincarnation and the underworld, I believe when someone dies their soul leaves their body, and if they have ‘unfinished business’ (as cheesy as it sounds) they stay roaming the earth. When it comes to aliens, I find it ridiculous to believe that the earth is the only planet in the entirety of space to have living creatures on it, no I don’t believe in the green, bug eyed aliens, but I do believe there are living things out there that we have yet to discover.
37:Do you believe in luck?Yeah kinda, I don’t believe in things like four leaf clovers being good luck, but I do believe in karma and that some people are just lucky while others aren’t *looks at my mom*
99:If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?Not to be a whole ass hippie, but jfc y’all the earth is dying because of us and only a quarter of us are doing something about it, when the other three quarters  a)don’t care to do anything about it b)don’t believe it exists c)are blaming it on china ffs. Y’all need to step the fuck up or else we’ll end up like the god damn dinosaurs.Also follow me on all my social media at lycansaurusrex and don’t forget 009 Ryo is best Ryo.Oh and Happy Halloween fuckers.
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stardust-lightning · 6 years
Bunbun Cafe
Oh, Akira had no idea what Oli and Gabriel had in mind for his birthday, but judging from the giggles that Gabe was producing in the backseat and the thick blindfold he had over his eyes at Oli’s insistence, it’s that they have been both planning this for a while.
He himself couldn’t stifle his excitement as he bouncing a little in the passenger seat.
“We’re almost there, right?” Akira asked, probably for the tenth time since they’ve been driving.
“Don’t worry, we’re almost there.”
“You said that the last time I asked.”
“I’m serious this time.”
“You said that last time too.”
“Look, we’re gonna get there in a bit, I promise.”
Akira incoherently whined a little but still kept to himself as he gripped the door handle to control himself. He hadn’t been this excited in forever and it showed.
By God, he was the cutest thing.
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stardust-lightning · 6 years
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Some art for @lycansaurusrex!
OCs Nyx and Gabe (the two on Akira's sides) belong to him
Just some cute, sleepy stuff ^^
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