#lydia beaufort
aaronwarner · 19 days
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Maxton Hall: The World Between Us
S01E03: Exposed
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yennefervengerbergg · 29 days
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blackthornluce · 13 days
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Sonja Weißer and Damian Hardung as Lydia and James Beaufort in Maxton Hall — The World Between Us (2024).
-At least we're not alone. -No. We're not. I promise you that.
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teashh · 26 days
So I just binged Maxton hall and as a certified opinionated person- I have opinions. First let me start off by saying; this series is reminiscent of 2000s elite school tv. And I'm here to eat that shit up. But what this show does better than those series is this:
Each character is multilayered. Who starts off as the alleged mean girl (Lydia) is smart, intelligent, calm and quiet and understands the nuances of the relationships around her. James is a huge red flag but his red flag is his possessiveness and aggression. He has been nothing but a sweetheart to the people he loves and cares for which makes it easy to sympathise with him.
It does the studious girl trope really well. It doesn't go the "I'm not like other girls" route. In fact, most students have been very supportive and uplifting of each other. The hate we see toward Ruby is class difference rather than a gendered one.
And our previous Ruby Bell is a likeable character. She is strong. Opinionated. Doesn't back down from a challenge. And she knows what she wants and she goes for it. Not once have her priorities taken a backseat when she finds love. Which is such a cool thing to see. I was so scared she'd be another Elena Gilbert- helpless, self absorbed and what not. But she's actually caring and has self respect. Which is mwah.
Then we have our very own loser of the year, James Beaufort. He's protective of his people. But he definitely has some red flags he needs to work on. But he acknowledges when he's wrong. And we like that because a lot of red flags in series don't. Plus he's such a simp for Ruby Bell and we love to see it. Bro isn't ashamed to transfer quails and catch them AND make his friends work as well if his lady needs it.
Lastly if I had a nickel for every strawberry blonde character named Lydia who seems like the mean girl but is sweet smart and caring and VERY VERY intelligent; I would have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. (I'm looking at you Lydia Martin)
My favourite new look is James Beaufort in love. Bro looks like a puppy and I'm here for it. We need more loser men honestly.
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Maxton Hall uniforms deserve their own appreciation!!
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missroller15 · 23 days
honestly one of the most stand-out aspects of maxton hall (aside from cinematography, acting, plot, etc.) were the nuanced relationships for me.
specifically lydia and james’s sibling relationship, which i absolutely ADORED.
it felt so real because yes they absolutely loved and cared for each other but they were both still people w/ flaws, desires, wants, and i loved how the show touched on the fact that just because you care about someone a lot doesn’t mean you’ll never be angry w/ them at one point or another & what rlly got me was the fact that so much of their issues stemmed from their father, of course, but from the way they both had the one thing the other wanted.
lydia wanted her business, her credit. but most of all, she simply wanted her father to CHOOSE her w/o argument. to take HER out for the day or allow her to do the press conference or simply, allow her to lead and finish what SHE started.
while she doesn’t get that, she has what james wants and that’s the lack of heavy responsibility & expectations on her shoulders.
it’s truly tragic. while everyone expects so little of her, everyone expects too much of james and they’re both essentially screwed over.
so while she is sadly forced to bear very little for the business, EVERYTHING is placed on james by his father when it’s the last thing he wants. he doesn’t want to be the ceo of business he doesn’t rlly care THAT much abt, he doesn’t want to do what everyone says like a puppet. he wants to explore his true desires, learn who he is and love who he WANTS to love.
it’s kinda like lydia’s passions are clipped wings so they can’t take off and james’s are caged away so they have a chance to be free and explore.
bird metaphors my beloved.
so anyway yeah, can you tell i love their relationship dynamic? 🤭
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murasaki-cha · 25 days
Mortimer Beaufort: You're just a low class girl I can destroy at any moment that is probably trying her hand at gold diggig. How do you even sleep at night?
Ruby "#1 Beaufort Siblings defender" Bell: With your son actually
Mortimer Beaufort: ....
Ruby: And I have girls night with your daughter sometimes too
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confused-beany · 25 days
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tokyicons · 20 days
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smtsmtblablabla · 24 days
I already know that the moment Lydia tells James about the baby, he's going to get 100% full into protective brother mode, glued to her hip at all times and all of that. And Ruby will do anything Lydia allows her to and I can def see them getting closer on 2 season. But I really want her to tell the boys and them being by her side too. Building a community at moments like these, at her age and condition is soooo important, I want those dumbass playboys to be her little village.
Also, I kind of root for Cyril and Lydia now, he won me over a bit on the last episode, I want to see them interact more.
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aeh2611 · 27 days
The one thing I am kind of missing in the new Maxton Hall series are the platonic relationships.
I did enjoy that they spend so much time on Ruby and James (and I think it necessary since this is their love story), but if we do get further seasons with more episodes (fingers crossed) I want to see more of everyone’s friendships.
I want to see more of the boys: I want Cyril absolutely hopelessly in love with a girl that he cannot have and feeling as though his entire friendship group is falling apart. I want him feeling lost and helpless and I want to understand him and to empathize with him even though his actions are wrong. I want the backstory with Alistair’s family and I want to see him struggle with his non-conformity with what is expected of him in terms of his sexuality and how his friends love and support him through all of that. I want more Wren and James interaction. These two are supposed to be best friends. I want to actually see that and I want to see Wren feeling lost and alone because of Ruby’ and James’ new relationship and how he deals with that. And I want to see more interaction between all of them. I want to know more about how they got to know each other and what keeps them together. James’ friends and how they operate is crucial to understanding the story in further seasons and I actually wanna be able to see that.
But I also want to see more of the girls: I want to see Lydia be actually kind to Ruby and Ruby be the friend that she really needs. I want Lin to be there for Ruby. To pick her up and make her feel better when she truly needs it. I want them to have their little parties and love and support each other throughout all their trials. Beyond Ruby‘s family they are the group I always felt the most sympathetic towards and their camaraderie really enriched the story for me. Especially Ruby and Lydia slowly opening up to one another has to be one of the most wholesome relationships in this entire series.
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Maxton Hall
Ruby Bell had James Beaufort’s eye TWITCHING, dear I say. This man didn't know what to do with a woman like this. Sis completely GAGGED this man every time he tried it with her😂. Their little banter is just 🥰🥰. DRAWING HER FROM MEMORY 🫠🫠.
Lydia is a darling🤍. I don't like her with Cyrill and I also don't like her with the Teacher. We need a another one 😗. Love the sibling relationship 🤌.
Alister is that bitch💅. We ain't waiting on no man this year, despite Kash still being in the closet, don't string people along with half hopes and I don't see the reason to be mean about it in public.
Rip mama Beaufort🙏. I feel like she and Percy had something😏.
Fuck you Mortimer Beaufort😤🖕. In the last part of episode 6, I knew something bad had happened but I thought it was to him. I didn't expect the mama to check out.
Season 2...I'm waiting🙃.
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bookishjules · 22 days
anyway hands up if you're gunnin for a cyril redemption arc from asshat jock to doting boyfriend taking care of lydia and her baby while she's kicking ass and taking names
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aftgmostly · 9 hours
Never was there ever a sweetheart sister sweeter than Ember Bell. Want a Victorian Era dress with a deadline of two days? Sure thing. (Accidentally) Burned the dress they stayed up for HOURS to make? No problem. Sister has a super rich boyfriend now? No one's cooler than mom, dad and I. Upset over breakup and fight with dad? Come here you, here's a hug. Want to buy a stair-lift for Dad? Hell yeah, here's her contribution too. From the BURNT dress that she FIXED.
No sister sisters like the Ultimate Sister Ember Bell.
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Love you, sweetie.
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februerik · 14 days
based on all the book spoilers i've accidentally stumbled into basically saying we abt to be so stressed next season, i have sad thoughts about lydia
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rubyxjames · 2 days
My top 4 Maxton Hall characters:
Ruby Bell
James Beaufort
Lydia Beaufort
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