#lyle wainfleet x human reader
byunpum · 11 months
Not sure if you do the recoms but if you do can you do a short story with the recoms being softies for thier medic reader?
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Avatar Masterlist
Ahhh just imagine that Y/N would walk into the room where the whole recoms team meets. You would walk in with a gentle smile. Humming your favorite song. This would automatically get the attention of the recoms.
Their tails would start wagging sideways in excitement. Of course, they would try to hide how excited they were with your presence. I think Zdog and Lopez wouldn't mind coming up to you and showing you how excited they are by your presence.
It was quaricth's turn to be attended to by you. You would notice how his little ears would flop back as you were checking his vitals. And his pupils would dilate, and he would become more anxious."Everything okay?" you would ask. As you watch as his gaze doesn't leave you. "No…just… Did I tell you how pretty you look today?" quaritch would speak, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear. "Y-yes…" you speak, blushing.
After tending to them all, you used to spend time with them. Lyle would sit next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. Moving you more on his body, so he could stroke your hair. Leaning in from time to time so he could smell your scent.
This behavior was not only when you were alone with them, but they had begun to make it public. At mealtimes, they would insist that you sit with them. Saving your space, sometimes even your food.
If you met one of them in the corridors of the base, they would smile at you and as you passed them. Their tail would tap you on the back, in a playful way. Or when General Ardmore was talking to you, discussing the new protocol.
You would feel a hand on your upper back. Mask would caress his hand on your back, leaving some massages. You look up, meeting Mask's gaze. He would give you a smile and look forward again. You move closer to him. You felt protected by his side, and that was a good thing. Because General Ardmore was somewhat intimidating.
The other doctors would see this behavior as strange. It was well known that the recoms were not very friendly with the team of doctors and scientists. But only with you, they would turn from lions to adorable kittens around you.
They would literally ask you to be the only person to attend to them. Becoming playful around you, smiling out loud. This would leave the other doctors with their mouths agape, as they stood still in a corner somewhere. If any of them tried to say anything, they knew it would go badly.
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ikranwings · 1 year
fanfics coming soon
these are stories that are coming up not one shots but full on stories with multiple parts
1 chapter four for whats meant to be
2 chapter one for change of heart lyle x reader
3 Chapter one for lovers fate a mansk story
if you would like to be addeed to the taglist of any of these let me know in my ask box.
if your already a part of the taglist for miles and tilor you dont have to worry about requesting to be added to it
you can also request to be added to the everything tag
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puddle-nerd · 7 months
2023 Avatar 12 Days of Kinkmas Masterlist
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Here is my masterlist for the lovely @neteyamsyawntu's Avatar 12 Days of Kinkmas prompts. Hope you like them, you beautiful people
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Prompt #1 - Cockwarming (Neteyam)
Prompt #2 - Titty Fucking (Miles)
Prompt #3 - Stockings (Spider)
Prompt #4 - By the fire (Ao'nung)
Prompt #5 - On an ilu (Lo'ak)
Prompt #6 - Thigh Fucking (Lyle)
Prompt #7 - Under the blanket (Tonowari)
Prompt #8 - Tail Play (Tsu'tey)
Prompt #9 - Xenophilia/alien genitalia (Lo'ak)
Prompt #11 - Breeding (Rotxo)
Prompt #12 - Kuru Play (Jake)
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Colonel's orders!
Summary: Lyle doesn't show up for your date, Quaritch rectifies the situation.
Human!Miles x gn!reader, Human!Lyle x gn!reader
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It was an odd situation you had to admit. Lyle and you? No one would have seen it coming, well no one except your roommate.
"He's a dog y/n! You're a fine piece of ass and he's sniffin!" She called to you as you got ready by the mirror. Her head didn't even pop up from her data pad as she chewed on her pen.
"What the hell does that even mean Kim?" You didn't have time for her nonsense warnings. Your own shift had run late and if you didn't leave now he'd be waiting. You just wished your hair knew that.
"Means what it means." She said crossing her arms. "You shouldn't go. AND if you do I'm not clearing out so there'll be no hanky panky" You rolled your eyes. Cheep as RDA was you were lucky in your station to only have one room mate to deal with. She could be a pain in the ass but at least she kept her side tidy.
"I have no idea what your saying half the time." You grumbled mainly to yourself, having a last once over in the mirror before heading out.
"If your not back by 0900 I'm inviting Prager over!" You wished the sliding mechanical doors were capable of slamming as you left.
She was one to talk about your taste seeing as she'd been making her way through the military types. Still in some ways she was right. You'd never seen them as your type before but Lyle had been a special case.
You were a jack of all trades, often flitting from task to task in where ever they felt you were needed. Your primary work load was in mechanics, which was where you met him. Lyle clearly wished to jump the queue and reckoned it was a 50/50 he'd get to the top of the order or blacklisted. His cheesy pickup lines and obvious eyeballing would have normally pissed you off but for some reason you'd found it charming.
Maybe it was his sincerity? He certainly seemed to find you genuinely attractive and was not shy about expressing it. Maybe it was the lack self seriousness he displayed? Or maybe it was simply that no one else had shown this much blatant interest in you in a while.
There were no games with him. He was clear in his intentions from the beginning. Before you'd even finished fixing his gun mount on the craft, he'd set up a date. You appreciated the straight forwardness greatly. You often found people difficult to read and wished more would be as blunt at times.
So here you were, outside the hanger leaning against the wall in your nicest causal clothes. It was a miracle you'd made it on time, better than that you were a couple of minutes early! You used the time to catch your breath, peering at your reflection in the glass.
You looked nice. It was hard to look special with what little you'd brought with you but still the effort was clear. Anyways he'd still be in his camo so he'd be a hypocrite to think you'd not bothered to dress up.
Not that dressing up was necessary, you were only going to an observation deck. It was technically out of bounds for yourself but with him as escort it would be allowed. As he told it, that catwalk had the best views of the night sky. You quite looked forward to seeing it, would be a change from the lower levels you tended to work in.
Minutes ticked by slowly. Muscular men and women in military gear filed past, looking at you with confusion as you waited. You kept your eyes down, hoping not to draw too much attention. Wouldn't want to get kicked out before Lyle even got here.
Your feet started to ache. Looking down at your watch again you noted how late he was. 15 minutes wasn't so bad, maybe he'd needed a shower first and had just forgot to message you. You rocked back and forth on your heels, staring out at the moving crane in the hanger.
30 minutes was understandable. Something must have come up and made him late. If it was work then of course he wouldn't have been able to message you and let you know. The timer lights had gone out leaving the hall dim. You slumped down now, sitting on the floor. Might as well rest a little while you waited right?
45 minutes. The cranes had stopped now, the large hanger bay stilled. Whatever workers left must have gone off to their own beds through other exits. You hadn't seen another soul in the last half an hour. Was he just not coming?
55 minutes was your limit. You could feel the frustration rising in your throat. It constricted as your chest spasmed, threatening to start you sobbing. You held the flood gates, your eyes only glassy, you wouldn't cry here.
You felt stupid for falling for what ever trick he was playing. A prank amongst his friends maybe? All watching on CCTV at the poor sod he'd tricked into thinking he liked them. Fuck them, they wouldn't see you cry. You were gonna walk back to your room like nothing was wrong and let your roommates vicious tongue say it for you.
You stood, stretching out your aching muscles, your back giving a satisfying pop. You moaned a little in the empty space as you reached high in your stretch. Then you heard someone clear their throat.
You glanced over to see the Colonel himself eyeing you. You yanked your arms down fast, adjusting your clothing that had crept up.
"Sir!" You straightened, mind racing. What could you say to excuse your being here? Did he know his own men well enough to mark you as an outsider here?
"Shouldn't you be..." He began.
"Yes! sorry sir! I was waiting for someone and..." You cut him off, trailing off with a half hearted laugh at the end there. You weren't hiding you emotion well, you could hear a manic edge to your tone. Well fuck it, your evening couldn't get worse right?
"I think I've been stood up, sir." You met his eye when you said this tears threatening to spill. This was the first time since the mandatory safety briefing you'd seen him this close. You'd done well the last few years, making yourself indispensable on base, never needing to leave its safe walls. Nor having to be in the presence of the Colonel who you'd found so frightening before.
He didn't seem so scary now. Emotions quickly passing across his admittedly handsome face. Though it was marked heavily by deep scarring he was very agreeable up close. He seemed to soften a moment, an easy smile gracing his lips.
"By one of mine? Now that won't do darlin" You blushed at the pet name, eyeing him nervously as he reached a hand out to you. You took it gingerly, staring down at his rough hand clasping your own. Then your eyes drifted to his biceps, wow he was huge.
"Colonel Miles Quaritch." He drawled out, laughing a little. Your eyes shot back up to his, busted.
"Uh, y/n, sir!" You squeaked out. You tensed as he pulled your arm in, hooking it through his own. You followed his movements, allowing him to walk you through the doors off limits to yourself.
"Gave you my name for a reason there darlin'. Just Miles will be fine." You just nodded to him, the whole situation rapidly getting away from you.
"Now what had my no good dog promised you huh?" he turned his head to you, flashing a brilliant smile. You settled against him, content he wasn't going to yell at you and happy to be closer to his muscles.
"The stars." You spoke, more steadily this time, a dreamy hint touching your voice. You'd never seen them so clear as the first night you arrived on Pandora and had been squirreled away ever since. "We were going to go look at them."
Miles hummed to himself, leading you to an elevator on the far wall. An assistant had made to approach with paper work, he shot him a look you couldn't see. The man almost jumped, fumbling with the papers before scampering off. Maybe a little apprehension on your part was warranted.
He seemed a little lost in thought as you entered the lift together. Maybe mulling over who's place he'd taken tonight. Part of you wanted to keep it a secret, after all he did seem annoyed you'd been left waiting. Maybe Lyle deserved what ever his Colonel would do however. Likely be better than your plan of never helping him again.
The lifts sliding doors brought him back. Charming smile slipping back into place as he stepped out with you.
"You'll be wanting a mask for this spot." He removed himself from your side, stepping ahead to the evopacks hanging on the wall. He took one down turning to you.
"After you." He placed the mask over your head, drawing you in close as he adjusted the straps. He tucked hair off your face, hands tracing down to tilt your chin up with his finger. Your breath caught in your throat, he was close now, his eyes darting to your lips. If it wasn't for the glass between you, you'd have felt his breath. He smirked down at you before pressing the seal, it hissed startling you back to reality. Where it didn't seem like your Colonel wanted to kiss you.
You hadn't realized quite how hot you'd become until the door hissed open and the cool night air hit you. It was refreshing, not so cold as to be uncomfortable.
"Up here." Miles lead the way climbing the ladder first and taking your hand when you reached the top yourself. He pulled you up sharply making you bump against his broad chest. He held you there a moment, hands on your elbows, before stepping back.
"Well, there's your stars." He smiled and you raised your head up.
No earthly sky could compare, not even the old photos of desert skies. Millions of pin prick lights, splashes of blue and purple nebula, another moon and the huge expanse of Polyphemus.
The night here glowed brilliantly. You couldn't help the glee that bubbled through you. You jumped a little, waving your hands trying to disperse the feeling. It was so beautiful, beyond anything you'd expected from your brief glimpse.
You twisted back to Quaritch, suddenly bashful from your display. He was simply smiling back at you from where he'd decided to sit. You joined him, flopping onto your back to better take in the view.
"As promised?" You turned your head to his, stars sparkling in his icy blue eyes. You grinned at him.
"Better!" You shuffled closer pressing your head to his shoulder. You wondered briefly if that'd be okay but he didn't move. You stayed like that for a time, letting him speak. He'd apparently learnt a bit from navigation, important out in the field so he said. He pointed to clusters, constellations changed quickly on a moon planet but certain groups could be spotted and used to navigate.
You told him about your fear of the forest. That you'd known a friend who died their first day out there. That you'd found every excuse to stay inside since. He listened, nodding to himself. You supposed he understood, he'd seen first hand what was out there, though he'd chosen to fight it.
When you began to yawn he suggested you go back. Ever the gentleman it would seem, he took your hand. Helping you up then escorting you back. You protested lightly, that you could return yourself but he wouldn't have it. Taking you right to your room door.
"Well y/n, it's been a pleasure." He raised your knuckles to his lips, leaving a soft kiss. You giggled a little, debating a curtsy when you noticed the time. 1100 and as expected your darling roommate had left the customary warning of her sock on the floor.
Miles caught your sudden change of expression, quirking a brow at the sock you glared at.
"Sorry...uh my roommate... she has company." You fumbled. It wasn't against any rules or anything but it felt like grassing her up to the big boss. He paused a moment before he caught your meaning, barking a laugh at the situation.
"Now wouldn't it be funny if I just..." He trailed off before quickly opening the door. You barely had time to react before you saw a half dressed Prager flail and fall onto the floor. Your roommate was no where in site, likely in the bathroom.
"Private!" Miles half yelled, causing him to scramble to his feet and salute. You couldn't help but laugh at him standing there in his underwear, beet red.
"You have a field mission at 0600, best get some shut eye soldier." Miles voice was light hearted, filled with humor at the situation. Regardless Prager scooped up the rest of his clothes before running off down the hall, babbling out 'yes sirs' and 'sorry sirs'.
You turned to look up at Miles, still giggling. He smiled back down at you before his face relaxed a little. He looked at you more seriously then, before his hand raised to cup your cheek. He was close again, this time you could feel the heat radiating off his skin. He stooped a little, leaning closer to you. You felt his lips brush against yours before...
"Colonel, sir?!" Miles leaned away, hand leaving your cheek, he turned to who ever called. You didn't even need to peak around him to tell, Lyle. What was he doing here now? You were still upset about him leaving you waiting like that, but he'd come to you?
"Ahh, this the date then?" He turned back to you, face tight in a forced smile. You felt your face flush, mind still reeling from the almost kiss.
"uh yeah... Lyle." He jogged into view around Miles now, red faced and out of breath. You looked at the floor, not wanting to meet his eyes incase it got you tearing up again.
"Aww y/n I..." He started, struggling to speak through his panting.
"This is my bad." You turned to Miles as he interrupted. His face and voice giving a casual impression that didn't reach his body language. His muscles were tensed. You could see his fists balled, white knuckled.
"I'm afraid my Corporal here was pretty behind on paper work and I'd insisted it be done by tomorrow. Fair to say I ruined your evening, you have my apologies." He tipped his head before marching off.
You felt you should say something but what? What do you say to your higher up who almost kissed you in front of your date. You turned to Lyle, his breathing more steady now.
"How about a rain check? Happy to show you that spot another night." He smiled sweetly, dimples forming. You remembered why you'd been so taken by him before, he really was a good looking guy.
"Yeah, rain check" You returned his smile, watching as his eyes lit up at the chance for a do over. "but your boss beat you to that date." You added laughing at his shocked expression as you entered your room.
"Wait he what?!" He shouted as you closed the door. Kim had reappeared and was grinning from ear to ear.
"Details. Now." You rolled your eyes playfully as she dragged you to sit on her bed.
The next morning you worked bellow an engine block. Trudy had complained about something leaking and was unwilling to let anyone but you touch her baby.
Your mind was still racing. You wanted to see Miles again but at the same time you still had a date promised to Lyle. It wasn't cheating right? You weren't 'dating' dating? He was just gonna take you out, no reason you couldn't think about someone else. Chances were he was playing the field too, no harm right?
"Knock knock" You heard someone tapping the metal and slid out from under it. Lyle stood above you offering a hand to help you up. He pulled you up and into a quick hug, before pulling back to grin at you.
"What?" you asked, the cheeky look still spread across his face.
"Someone cleared both our schedules for the rest of the day." He somehow smiled wider before scooping you up and spinning with you in the air. You shrieked, laughing as you balanced yourself holding his firm shoulders. He placed you gently back down, giddy smiles shared between you both.
"Must have made a very good impression on the boss. Maybe need to have him run into you more often." He winked slinging an arm over your shoulders. You blushed, he'd really gone and given you both a full day off? Lyle tugged you closer, kissing your temple and leading you out the hanger.
"We're gonna have so much fun!" He beamed. You smiled back, enjoying the feeling of being smushed up against his broad chest.
Unbeknownst to you Miles watched seething from the catwalk above.
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nervousd · 1 year
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━━━ : © NERVOUS.D
#SYNOPSIS— being the ex lover of human Lyle Wainfleet and meeting yandere! Recom! Lyle Wainfleet
#WARNING(S)— yandere behavior, obsession, fixation, unhealthy thoughts, unhealthy fixation, stalking, personality crisis(?), delusion/illusion(?)
#CHARACTER(S)— Recom! Lyle Wainfleet
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When he first woke up he was confused, the last thing he remembered was signing papers to a project the RDA offered. They promised a large sum of money and what type of man would he be to deny that? To deny you that? It was more than enough to buy a house and settle down with you once he rotates back to earth with you. Or at least that’s what was suppose to happen. No— fate had other plans for him.
Turns out he’s been dead for sixteen years and recently brought back from the dead by project Phoenix. He felt invincible— he cheated death. Who else can brag about that? He was comfortable with who he became— sure it felt odd to look like the enemy but he got over it. He wasn’t them— no he was human on the inside; something you struggled to accept.
It took him quite a while to remember you, far too occupied with his new body and meeting the rest of his old comrades. It comes up quick— like a flash of thunder. He stills completely, pupils slitting as his tail laid flat unmoving. His teammates were confused from his sudden change of demeanor. It only took a second before he shouted your name running to any poor labcoat, he pestered them about your whereabouts. If you were still working for the RDA or rotated back to earth. To his surprise you were still working for the RDA— he was thrilled.
You were escorted to him, oddly confused from the unexpected summon. You were given no details but to accompany them quickly. When the doors open you were met with a na’vi with military gear on. Tail waggling and eyes brightening as they caught on to you. “Buttercup!”an endearment your ex boyfriend often called you. Your breath hitched as you stared up at him, eyes wide like craters. Unknown to him he didnt catch sight of your horror stricken face as he scooped you up in his arms laughing.
You were horrified to say the least— this na’vi had similarities of your ex boyfriend who died sixteen years ago. They had the same face, same goofy smile— everything. But it wasn’t him— this wasn’t him. You struggled agaisnt his embrace, clawing and screaming as you trashed. He placed you down, confused by your erratic behavior. The wheels in his head clicked, understanding why you were behaving like this. He placed a hand over his chest claiming that he was your boyfriend— that he is Lyle Wainfleet. They transferred his memories into this body in case anything happened to his human body.
His ears flattened agaisnt his head when he saw you shook your head “Lyle Wainfleet died in battle— he’s dead. You’re not him, you can talk like him, you can quack like him but you ain’t him. So who the fuck are you?“ You stormed off without another word with anger written in your face. You left him there with ears pinned down and tail droopy. His comrades tried cheering him up, claiming you’ll come around and accept him. But you didn’t— not once did you come back to him. If anything you ignored him— no matter how hard he tried, it was like he was invisible to you.
His heart ached for you, it wasn’t the same without you. You— the one person he adores and loved didn’t want him. Sure he is a clone but he still is the same man. He’s still the man you once fell in love with. He’s certain he can make you see him for who he is now. At one point he couldn’t understand why you weren’t accepting of him— unless you had fallen in love with someone else. Cue the stalking and questioning anyone around you. With his new size he was able to intimidate others for information regarding any new lovers or any drastic changes.
There were whispers that you were interested in another man— someone that isn’t him. He was furious when he heard of this, tail lashing behind him, a low rumble in his chest. He tracked the man down, teeth bare as he snarled. He was small— weak. He didn’t deserve you, he couldn’t protect you like he could. His comrades were behind him as they jeered and bullied the poor guy. Lyle was doing the right thing— this was his mentality now. If he can’t have you neither can anyone else.
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onskepa · 5 months
Can we get a neteyam x human reader?? She's lyle's daughter, also human and made friends with spider. When lo'ak comes to save him, he wants to take her with him but she can't just leave her dad here
You can end it however you want
Hellooooooooooo sweetie~!!
So I hope you dont mind this being a short one, but its a good one! Enjoy~!!
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“Do you ever think we might see them…?” Young spider asks his sister at arms, Yewn. The young girl thinks about the question and shakes her head. “I don't think so, they are dead for a long time. It is like Jake said, good riddance” she replies. 
Both lay down on top of the old lab shack, staring up at the night sky. 
“They were bad guys, and killed a lot of the na’vi…” Spider says, convincing himself of certain feelings. 
“Exactly. So stop thinking about our dads, I bet they won't even care if they do come back from the dead” 
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“Kid, you won't last another day if you don't eat, '' Lyle Wainfleet says. He bends down looking rather tired and slightly annoyed. 16 year old yewn just stared at him as if he was the worst shit on the entire planet. To which he is in her eyes.
“Fuck off” was all she says time and time again.
“Shut up, don't call me that. You have no right to call me that!” yewn yells at him in anger. A lot was happening in such a short time. Her friends were attacked and held hostage, went to help, spider’s mask broke, stayed behind to help him, only to be taken and be separated from him.
The room is cold, colder than the labs. Everything was so lifeless. She hated it.
But there is nothing more she hates, than the man, or dreamwalker in front of her.
“If you don't eat, you will die, '' Lyle tells her again. And again, yewn just hisses at him.
“Good, I would rather die than confess anything to you or that old bitch!”
Lyle rolls his eyes, hopefully quaritch has better luck than him.
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Her plan was cut way too short. Spider took the lead in showing the recoms how to climb, run, and jump through the big vines and floating mountains. Spider was a true expert in that field, so yewn stayed a little more behind. By adding more pressure to the weak points of the vines, the goal was to tear some down but the recoms would step on them by their own body weight. Spider was doing the same, the plan was to have them all step in a weak vine so that they can fall to their deaths. 
Obviously that didn't work. 
Lyle was quick to catch what she and spider were doing. While he did not report to Quaritch what they were quietly doing, lyle took it upon himself to straighten the kids out. 
“If you want us dead, it will take a lot more than that” he tells Yewn. And yewn would take note of it. Next time, she will do better. 
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“Getting the hang of it now” Lyle says as he flies on his ikran with yewn. The girl missed flying up high in the sky. The thrill of doing amazing tricks, how nete-
No, while Yewn is still in the human's custody, no thoughts of him will appear in her mind. Anything can happen and they can use whatever she accidently shares against her. 
Besides, there is something else occupying her mind and her full attention. 
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“Come on bro! We have to get them, they are still on the ship!” Lo’ak pleads to neteyam. It didnt take much to convince the older brother, nodding eagerly, both head deeper to the ship to find their friends. All the while trying to avoid enemies all around. 
Quietly they climb up some pipes and hide, lo’ak points downwards to see spider and yewn being shoved somewhere. 
“We get it! We are going, fucking bastards” spider cusses at the humans behind him. Him and yawn look really annoyed, but oddly compliant. Taking the chance, the brothers jumped and began to attack the humans. 
Yewn and spider were surprised to see them but quickly catched on. Fighting as well, the four managed to take down the humans around them. Taking the weapons, neteyam, lo’ak, spider and yewn were armed and ran for the edge of the ship. 
“Come on, come on! We are almost there!” neteyam yells, shoving yewn forward until bullets were being shot. 
“GO GO GO!” spider yells, he and lo’ak jump first into the sea. But yewn and neteyam couldnt in time. 
“Yewn get back over here!” 
Neteyam turns to see a false avatar, his gun pointing at him. 
“I won't tell you again, come here now!” the fake shouted. Neteyam looks down and sees yewn shaking. Was it fear? Hesitance?
She was close to taking a step forward but neteyam stopped her. 
Yewn looks up at him, ready to cry. 
“Are you insane!? Lets go, he won't hurt you again” neteyam burgers her, shifting her closer to the edge but yewn fights back. “No no! You don't get it! I can't just leave him!” Yewn shouts. Her fear and desperation growing. 
“Yes you can, he hurt you!” neteyam shouts back. But yewn only looks back at lyle, their eyes making contact. Yewn knows he is silently pleading to go to him. That part yewn is afraid of. To go back to lyle means to go back to those horrid conditions the general had her go under. 
“No! I just cant leave him like this-” 
“And why the hell not?!” 
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“Hey lyle-” 
“You know, you can call me dad if you like…” recom lyle informs yewn in an awkward way. Yewn looks up at him, almost in a disapproving look. There was a few seconds of silence before Yewn walked on the other side of the room, not continuing what she was going to say. 
Lyle walked over to see what she wanted to tell him. “Hey, im sorry, I thought that it-” 
“Would be easier for me? Think again, you are just forcing yourself. I will never call you dad. You don't deserve that title. Not now, not ever fuckface” Yewn states with disgust in her tone. Lyle sighed, hanging his head low. Just when he thought where was progress, he took 5 steps back.
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“He is my dad….and I just cant leave him….” Yewn cries out to neteyam. This was massive news to him. But he concludes that staying in the massive prison was messing with yewns mind. Making her think things that are not true. 
If they weren't in such a situation, lyle would hug her and say sweet words in her ear. Finally yewn accepted him, but now there is a problem that lies between lyle and yewn. Just one bullet should be enough to take down that savage boy of Sully’s. 
“YEWN!” he calls to her, his daughter turns to look at him, her eyes distraught, not knowing what to do. 
“Please yewn, we are so close! Come on, he is not your dad! He is dead! I won't let you be surrendering to him or any evil sky demon!” Neteyam shouts loud enough for Lyle to hear. And it is ticking him off. 
Neteyam guide yewn close to the edge, their hearts racing. To calm her as he leads her to the edge, he places his hand on her shoulder, urging her more to jump. Neteyam can finally save her!
Yewn was looking down at the sea, her ears ringing. Could she go? Could she leave lyle and-
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Aaaaaaaaaaand that is it for this one! Hope you all enjoyed this one! Until next time! See ya!
Yewn = express convey (a thought or feeling)
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Lyle being your flirty gym buddy headcanons
inspired by @xandy-toady17 and their HC on Lyle being the type to flex his muscles during sex 🫣
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* Lyle is a total gym rat, the man loves his muscles and he knows the ladies do too
* Definitely one to focus on muscle building and cardio to feel the burn, no pain no gains and all that
* 100% drinks protein shakes every day, which is what he has instead of coffee in the morning
* Lyle probably got fit before he got into the marines so when he joined he was already a pretty stacked guy and it made him feel above the other newbies
* Loves his gym buddies and pushes them toward their goals via encouragement and tough love
* Will swap someone’s weights out without them knowing so they finally get to that next step in their workout plan
* This man’s mental health is influenced by how much he works out so he’s pretty adamant about working out as much as possible (without over doing it) because when he doesn’t work out he feels weird
* After getting his first time card punched and being reloaded into a new, bigger, stronger body he’s even more determined to work out
* You catch him shirtless and flexing quite often and whenever you see him looking so seriously at himself in the mirror you can’t help but snort
* “Falling in love with ourselves in the mirror are we big guy?” You call out as he turns around and flashes a toothy grin
* “Well Short Stack, I’m on the menu if you’d like a taste for yourself.” He smiles suggestively and follows with a “You know my mama told me not to cross anything off until I’ve tried it. Just so happens I have a free evening tonight.”
* You pause for a minute and bring your hand up to your mouth while making a point to check him out. You catch a glimpse of his tail swaying from side to side (which is what he does subconsciously when he’s anticipating something)
* You let a small flirty smile dance on your lips and you lower your voice to sound sexier and his tail picks up it’s pace. “I’m gonna have to pass on that one Champ, as tempting as those biceps are”
* His lips form a quick frown but he plays it off “Whatever, you’re missing out!” You let out a laugh and walk around him, tugging his tail as you step away. “Missing out on what? Protein powder?” You give a sharp pull on his tail before dropping it and walking away. He lets out a deep groan and tsks to your back.
* Calls after you smugly “Hate to see you leave but damn do I love to watch you go.” Which causes you to let out another laugh.
* Lyle is pretty adventurous when it comes to fitness so when he catches you doing some yoga poses after sitting at your desk for a few hours he asks if he can join you. You stop in the middle of a stretch and look at him confused. “Yeah I guess if you want to?”
* Lyle takes it surprisingly serious and follows your movements exactly. Lyle joining you for yoga/ stretching becomes a common occurrence during your day to day operations in the shack.
* This ends up turning into a way for the both of you to bond and he always comes back each morning with new poses he found from old databases. You always expect him to say “Syke! Can’t believe you thought I’d do pussy shit like yoga” but he never does. Instead he looks forward to it, and not just because your ass looks amazing in your poses.
* Eventually he gets you involved in more physical activities like cardio and some light weightlifting, which you didn’t have much experience with.
* He was an awesome teacher though, patient and always reassuring you that you didn’t have to push through the discomfort if it got to be too much. He made sure you always did your stretches and even snuck away a foam roller from the gym for you to keep at the shack.
* The moment that his attractiveness hit you the most was when you were on the foam roller rolling it down your upper back when he put his hands on your waist and guided you back up as you almost slipped off. His hands were huge compared to the size of your body and you did your best to hide your flustered expression
* If he could smell your arousal he certainly didn’t show it and you were thankful not to have any smart ass comments about how sexy he was. In fact he helped you up and said “You did a really good job today, I’m really impressed with how much progress you’ve made!”
* Of course your muscles would ache after each session and you’d be a little shaky in the legs but Lyle was always there to support you (literally). He make sure you’d stay hydrated, give you massages to the most painful muscles, and always encourage you to take it slow and cool down after each workout.
* After one particularly hard workout with you lifting a new record for yourself he starts hyping you up. “Hell yeah Short Stack! Show them how it’s done! One more, you can do it! Oorah!” You let the weights fall to the floor and give him a big smile, proud of yourself for accomplishing your latest goal.
* “You did awesome, pretty soon you’ll be able to kick my ass if I’m not careful.” He starts picking up the equipment and putting it back into it’s temporary home. “Why don’t you hit the shower, a hot soak will probably make you feel pretty good. I’ll make us up some grub”
* You bit your lip and stare at his muscles back. Damn he really was handsome and that avatar body was doing him all the favors. You had grown so close and you’ve seen a completely different side to him over the past few months that you finally give in.
* “Why don’t you come join me instead?” You see him pause and his ears twitch a bit at the tips. He stands up and turns toward you. “Uhh you wanna pass that by me again?” Now is your moment to either put up or shut up and you make the leap.
* “I said, why don’t you” you point at him, “come take a shower with me” you move your finger so you’re pointing at yourself. He seems unnaturally stoic for a minute but then he bring a hand up to his face and laughs as he drags his palm across his cheek. “If I would have known that getting you to work out with me was all it took to see you naked I would have done that from the start!”
* He strides over and picks you up and throws you over his shoulder, his huge hand resting on your ass. Your face was flushed not only from the work out but the sudden proximity you found yourself in. What did I get myself into you think as Lyle opens the bathroom door.
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lostboysmate4ever · 1 year
I would love to see a Poly relationship with these three guys with y/n!
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byunpum · 1 year
Byunpum, you’re literally in the top tier of my favorite writers on Tumblr! ☺️💓 So I have an idea, Z-Dog goes into heat for the first time while eating lunch with fem,human! Reader, and storms away to isolate in her room. Reader is baffled and hurt, so when she goes to Z’s room to confront her, Z starts hissing and screaming at her to get out. Reader won’t leave, insisting on getting an answer about what happened 🙈😇❤️‍🔥
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Pair: Z-dog x Fem reader ( human reader!!!<3)
Warning: none. Teasing, Heat, misunderstanding
Note: This is my first request from zdog and I'm nervous (^3^)// She sooo aHhHhAHAHAHAASDFGHJK and @blueberryera omg thanks, your sooo sweet, I send you virtual hugs and kisses.
Something was happening to her and she knew it. Ever since she woke up that morning, just getting up was making her grumpy. And it was a strange kind of grumpiness, nothing had happened to cause her to have a bad time. If not, it was a moodiness caused by the feeling of neediness… needing… lack of attention. She decided not to give it any importance, maybe it was a side effect of this new avatar body. So she decided to go about her day as normal, doing her chores. Filling his routine rounds with lopez, and going to the gym to clear his mind. Everything seemed under control until lunchtime came.
Z was quite happy, she was going to get to see you. Usually during the week you didn't have time to spend time together, and lunch was the perfect time. She had the afternoon off and you had 3 hours off. You two had met the same day she woke up in this avatar body. You were one of the doctors in charge of the avatars. You quickly paired up, it was something you couldn't control…it just happened. Z walks into the dining room, and all the grumpiness she's been trying to control all day comes rushing back like a big wave. When she sees how Lyle is sitting next to you, with one hand on your shoulder. Pulling your whole body into him, she swears she could see the thumb of his hand make circles on the bare skin of your arm.
She walks quickly to the direction you were facing, sitting down abruptly next to you. The thump on the seat was loud and startled both you and Lyle. Both of the two had not realized that Z was approaching. "Love…how are you?" you speak, pulling away from lyle closer to her body. Resting your head on her arm. As soon as Z was in your sight, all your attention went to her, and that was something she loved about you. You can feel how tense Z-dog is, and it surprises you. She is usually relaxed and very affectionate with you. You miss her not hugging you and giving you kisses on the top of your head. "I'm fine" speaks Z, her tone was dry. As she began to touch her food, everyone at the table gave her a few glances. You settle closer to her side, crossing your hand on her arm. Seeking more of her warmth, but you feel Z pull away and move her arm for you to let go. "Y/N…baby let me breathe" Zdog says, still with a cold, dry tone. You feel a pain in your chest, she was never treating you like this. Lyle turns to take a good look at her friend, she had actually told you that.
"Zdog…are you okay? Why are you acting like that?" asks Lyle, The woman laughs out loud…it's a ironic smile. You knew that smile. "I said I was fine!!! right…" the woman speaks, as she continues to eat. Everyone lets the event pass, but you are still a bit disconcerted. You move away from her a bit, focusing now on trying to regain your appetite. Time passes quickly, and at no time does Z turn to look at you. You can see how she is talking to Lopez, and to Miles. He even speaks to lyle again. But to you…it seemed like you were a ghost to her. When there was a moment of silence and everyone in the group was busy. You take the opportunity to move closer to her, placing your hand in the palm of her hand to squeeze it. Trying to get her attention. Z tensed as she felt your touch.
"I have the afternoon free…what do you want me to" you start to speak almost in a whisper, but Z interrupts you. Getting up from her seat, causing her to push you away. You watch as she leaves the room, you swear you've heard her hissing. This was bothering you, she wasn't like that with you. You had done something wrong…it couldn't be because you were talking to lyle, you always talked to lyle. Why was she despising you so much. Everyone at the table goes silent, as they begin to look at you. You decide to get up and go see what was going on with her. It had to be something serious, maybe she was sick and felt a little unwell. Or she just wanted to be alone. Still you go to the rooms to see if she was there, and to your good fortune there she was. The door was slightly open, and you poke your head through the doorway.
You can see how Zdog is lying face down on the bed, with her hands spread out. She looked like a starfish…as she whimpered and whined. "Love?" you speak as you watch as zdog's tail lifts up and does a quick wag. "Leave me alone…pleaseeee" it's almost a cry of pain and frustration. You got a little chuckle out of it, because it sounded like a little girl fighting. "Z you have to explain to me what is wrong with you…are you? Did I do something wrong?" you ask watching as the woman turns sideways, making a sort of ball with her body. Looking up, her pupils were dilated and her ears were moving back.
"You…you haven't done anything love…I just want to be alone" she speaks, hugging her body tighter. You move to the edge of the bed, sitting up to stroke her hair. "I'm not going anywhere…and you know it" you speak, as you watch Z look up. And giggles a little, she has to give up she doesn't need to argue with you anymore, she knows you won't leave her side. And she liked that about you, you never leave her. "Now…may I know what's wrong with you? After all I am your doctor" you speak tenderly, you don't want to upset her, you know she is frustrated about something. The behavior is very noticeable, and the avatars can be unpredictable, as they don't know how to control this new body.
"I feel…bad, It's not health…it's mmm" she tries to explain how she feels, but at the same time she feels ashamed to tell you how she is feeling. You guys have never gone this far before, just heated kissing sessions. Just that…but now she needed a little more. "Are you in pain? Or is it discomfort?" you speak, Z takes a deep breath. She hated it when you spoke like a doctor, you sounded too professional for her. "No…it's a need" she looks at you with wide eyes, intently waiting for you to understand. It takes you a moment to understand, but you take the hint quickly. Blushing and pulling your hand away from her hair, which you had been caressing for some time.
"Really? But it's kind of painful" you wait for her to answer, because you were getting nervous. Z gets up and sits on the bed. Crossing her legs. "I…this need started this morning, I thought it was normal. I always feel this way…but this time it's different. It bothers me" Z says, waiting for you to say something that might help her. As if what's happening to her is some kind of disease. You swallow hard, and settle closer to her. You can see her get excited, and make room for you to be more comfortable. Apparently the attitude she had moments ago in the dining room was due to the presence of male figures, she became defensive.
"You're in heat Z" you drop the bombshell without warning, taking the girl by surprise. "In heat? How's that?" this was really getting on her nerves. "Yes, in heat…like some animals do. Navi females also go into heat, it almost always lasts 1-2 weeks. Then it goes away. You are in mating season" you speak, seeing how Z is looking at you surprised and confused. She starts stroking the back of her neck, and takes a deep breath. You try to comfort her, taking your hands to caress her fingers. "And is there anything you can do to take it away? A pill, treatment?" she asks. "mmm no, it's a natural thing. Like a monthly period…it just has to pass. Or you have to mate with someone." You speak, catching the woman's attention with your last words. "Mate with a male" you speak, you watch as Z settles in and you feel her tail flick at you. That displeased her a bit…why did she have to be with someone other than you. You watch as his demeanor changes, so you decide to explain. "The female navi body has to fulfill that need, it's kind of annoying. If she doesn't have a partner…she has to relieve herself alone" you speak.
"And… couldn't I be with you? Couldn't you help me?" her voice sounded a little sassy, and you were getting nervous. "ahh I, I, I guess…I don't know" you speak, trying to pull away from her, but you feel the grip on your hands grow stronger. Moving her hand to your forearm, making a quick movement so you could move. Causing you to now be positioned in her lap. "I'd like it to be you…to help me feel good. Would you like that?" says Z, placing her hands on either side of your hips, squeezing your soft skin. You could barely speak, biting your lower lip trying to stifle a moan that was threatening to come out of your mouth, when you feel the tight squeeze Z had given your ass. "Answer me baby…you want to help me?" she speaks, sniffing a little at your neck leaving several wet kisses. You swallow hard, moving your hands over her chest. "Yes…yes I would" listening as Z let out a little smile, shit…she had planned this whole thing.
P.S: I love it when I get requests for recoms, there's not a lot of work on them.
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milequaritchsslut · 1 year
𝙃𝙤𝙬 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙩 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙢𝙤𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙢𝙖𝙣’𝙨 𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙙𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙚𝙭
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𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝗠𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿, 𝗝𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿, 𝗧𝘀𝘂’𝘁𝗲𝘆 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿, 𝗟𝘆𝗹𝗲 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿, 𝗧𝗼𝗻𝗼𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗶 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿.
Warnings: Sex obviously, moaning, yelling, fighting, Angst
Jake sully
- He’s rutting into you, his large palms holding both your hands above your head. And then he hears it, his head shooting up right away at that name. “The fuck you’d just say?” He’d growl out as he grits his teeth. “I-it just slipped out, m’sorry jake” you pleaded as your eyes stared up at him. You could tell how furious he was, not even at you. He was more jealous of the man who had been in your fantasies.
- “you’ve been fucking him huh?” He’d ask in a gruff and tough voice as he stares down at you with a death glare. “I’m sorry Jake…” “Get out” pointing to the door as you stand to leave.
- He’s heart broken you were his mate, and then you do this to him? What kind of woman would do that to such a kind and honest man?…
- Tsu’tey is a softie when it comes to his mate so when he hears you call out another man’s name during sex he’s heart broken. He’d stare at you in surprise and shock as his movement come to a complete halt. “What?” He’d ask, already knowing the answer. “You are cheating on me y/n?” He’d ask as he tries to hold back his tears.
- He’d stand up and try to process what just came out of your mouth as he sucks his tears back in. “Leave y/n” he demands opening the flap to his hut. Walking out in an aura of shame you could hear him sniffle back his tears as you walked towards your own hut.
- “What’d you say darlin?” He’d ask in a small smirk, watching how your face drops right away. He gazes upon your frightened state, he wouldn’t say anything. Just scanning over every movement you make. He enjoys seeing you squirm under him, realizing that you got caught. The fact your so scared of him definitely amuses him. “I-I’m sorry miles…” you’d say, scooting away slightly as you watch him come closer. “You been fucking another guy?” The room feeling suffocating as his words come out.
- “Your that horny you can’t keep your legs shut?” He asks in a mocking chuckle as he looks down at you. He’s not going to show you any emotions other then maybe a bit of shock, and anger. He’d force you off the bed and throw your clothes in your face as you’d walk out of his room.
- He doesn’t get over you easily, he watches you around the base. Just thinking about what a great man you lost. He notices your stares and the way you talk about him when he’s not around. But he doesn’t tell anyone about it, just tells people “it didn’t work out” when they’d ask.
- He’s star struck when he hears you moan another guys name. His mind can’t process it, like it takes him a full minute to realize what you just said. “W-what?” He’d ask, hoping it wasn’t what he thought it was. Hoping it was just his mind playing tricks on him, but when you begin to apologize profusely his face drops. His heart breaks at the thought of you fucking another man.
- “I can’t believe you y/n…” he’d say in heart break as he looks down at you. Disappointment drowning his face at the moment. You were his girl, his partner who stands by him. And then you went behind his back and did that? His heart just breaks the more he thinks about it.
- “Just leave” he’d say, motioning his head to the door. He lets his thoughts drown out your apologies and anything else you were saying.
- Words cannot describe how in his feels this man is when he hears you. His eyes widen and a frown pops up on his face instantly. He tried to deny it as much as he possibly can, repeating nonono in his head a million times as he pulls out of you. But eventually all that sadness slowly turns to disgust and anger. “You are sleeping with another man?” He’d ask in a firm and disgusted tone. You’d slowly nod as you look away in embarrassment and guilt.
- “You are disgraceful” he’d shoot at you, a frown of disappointment growing on him as he stares down at you in disgust. He was the chief for gods sake, and you cheated on him? Of all Na’vi? His voice would turn angry right away, having a firm and stern voice as he tells you to get out.
- His heart secretly aches when he sees you leave, the love he had for you sinking into him deeply. Watching his mate walk out the door, as he looks down at his palms, swimming in his own sorrows. All the things you guys had shared, all gone in an instant. All because you were a dishonest woman, a disgusting one at that.
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puddle-nerd · 6 months
Use Me
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Summary: The funny thing was that had you been asked an hour ago if you’d ever thought you’d be in this situation, you’d have said no. (Recombinant Lyle/Human Female Reader)
Prompt #6 (Thigh Fucking) for Avatar12DaysofKinkmas2023.
Story Tags: No use of Y/N, Thigh Riding, Female Reader, Interspecies Sex, In Public, Size Difference
Added Update: The lovely artwork I used in my banner (I found it on Pinterest) belongs to @thevanityofthefox 🤍🩵💙💜❤️ Thank you for such wonderful depictions of Lyle
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Your naked body was situated upon his clothed lap, your hands cupping the back of his bare neck and your lips sealed to his as his tongue danced with yours. His large, blue hands were gripping the curve of your buttocks firmly, moving you leisurely back and forth over his thigh as he wanted, listening to you whimper and moan from the stimulation of rubbing your bare cunt over the rough material of his workout trousers stretched taught over his muscular thigh. Lyle pulled back with a chuckle and then bounced his leg, making you release a whine before you shuddered in pleasure.
The funny thing was that had you been asked an hour ago if you’d ever thought you’d be in this situation, you’d have said no.
You were a human soldier working for the RDA and had been off duty so you’d decided to go to the gym to make sure you didn’t allow yourself to go soft, what with the lower gravity, if you ever got rotated back to Earth (you hoped you didn’t because there really wasn’t anything back there for you). Wearing a tank top over your sports bra and some knee-length leggings in your favorite color, you’d gone for using the human-sized treadmill first to warm yourself up, blasting your music in your headphones to get yourself pumped up.
Across the way, on the more Na’vi/Avatar-sized side of the gym, was one of the recombinants – Lyle… Wainfleet, you thought his name was; like you’d come to know of his routine, he was lifting weights and he was shirtless, letting all those lean blue muscles of his torso and abdominals out on display, shimmering with a light sheen of sweat. Normally, it took a lot more to get you hot and bothered but there was just… something… about this particular recombinant that just did it for more easily than any human man had attracted you ever before. Maybe it was that humorous smirk he always seemed to wear when you saw him and the jokes, he always seemed to rattle off that had you fighting off a smile. Maybe it was seeing all those beautiful stripes, especially all over his scalp leaving his braided neural queue as a striking focal point amongst all that built sapphire muscle or the several tattoos decorating his skin. Either way, you always found your eyes drawing towards him whenever he was around.
And if the sudden current grin adorning his lips was anything to go by, he knew you were staring right now, too.
Until he looked up at you and stuck his tongue out, bracketing it with his index and middle fingers suggestively.
You stumbled upon the treadmill, ducking your face away from him as you cunt clenched in want and quickly spread your feet to stand on the side rails before you made an idiot of yourself and faceplanted on the machine and possibly bloody up your face. You cringed at your slight blunder and decided to try to slink away, turning off the treadmill as quickly as it would let you.
Only to nearly run into a blue wall of muscle.
You quickly took out your earbuds, craning your neck to see Lyle peering down at you with a wide smile. He laughed, ���Aw, don’t hide yourself, baby. I like it when you stare at me. Makes me feel all tingly.”
You flushed and shook your head in amusement. “Sure you don’t need a medic for that?” you shot back teasingly, stepping around his body with a full body shiver as you noticed his hip bones peeking out at you from the waist of his trousers. You licked your lips, eyes lifting back up to his golden gaze as you added jokingly, “Might wanna get checked for a rash or oozing or something.” Only to yelp as his tail swatted at your backside in retaliation. “Excuse you, sir.” Lyle groaned, “Yeah, that does it for me, doll. C’mere.” You squeaked as Lyle scooped you up into his arms before he sat on a nearby bench, depositing you onto his lap, your legs straddling his thighs. You bit down on your lower lip and grinned up at him, enjoying the feel of his huge hands settling upon your hips rather possessively.
“Hi,” you murmured.
“Hi, baby,” Lyle replied, wiggling his eyebrows. “So… I don’t know if you realize this but I am really into you. Want to help me break my new in?” You raised your brows at his offer and bit down on your lower lip harder before you replied, “So, uh… I’m interested in this offer but, uh, it’s been a while. Before you fuck me, you’re gonna have to prep and stretch me first before I’ll be able to take something at least twice the size of a human.” He hissed as you palmed the front of his sweat pants, feeling his cock hardening in anticipation. “Think you’re up to the challenge, sir?”
The recombinant smirked, replying enthusiastically, “Yes, ma’am. Thank you, ma’am.” Lyle quickly lifted you off his lap like you were nothing more than the weight of a feather – and he was almost twice your size so maybe you were comparable to a feather to his strong muscles – and stripped you eagerly, right there in the middle of the gym before laying you down onto one of the benches and lifting your legs to rest upon one of his shoulders so he could kneel in front of you. Quickly sliding his sweat pants down, he pulled out his hard cock and stroked himself as he took in your naked body with a beaming grin. “God, you’re so fucking hot,” he purred, his tail and ears twitching in building arousal. He quickly bent down and kissed you hungrily, gripping your backside and sliding his cock between your thighs. You reached out and cupped the back of his tattooed neck as your tongue battled his, moaning as he squeezed your ass and thrust his length up against your sopping entrance to increase your excitement. “Fuck, baby. You’re getting so wet for me, ain’t ya?”
You nodded, your breath coming in stuttered gasps as you begged, “Yes. Oh… god… Feels so good. More, please.”
Lyle bit down lightly on your shoulder and moved faster between your squished thighs. “Yeah, baby,” he grunted against your skin. “Keep moving… just like that. Make a mess all over me when you cum.” You shivered and whined, speeding up your movements as the coil in your belly tightened. “That’s it,” Lyle purred, his tail wrapping around your calf, his fingers digging into your ass. “That’s my girl. Cum for me baby. I want you to soak my pants.”
In retaliation, you reached out and tugged on his neural queue when it dropped over his shoulder, making him cry out and grind up against your clit harder, cum splashing over your belly and tits in glowing blue goop. “Fuck, Lyle,” you whined, your slick trickling out of your cunt as you hit your peak, saturating his cock and his clothing.
The recombinant laughed breathlessly.
“Damn, baby, I feel like a virgin again,” he joked.
You met his grin with your own replying, “I mean… technically you kinda are. Wanna go change that?”
𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸
Originally Posted: 19 December 2023 Word Count: 1,212
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ball0fhoney · 1 year
Part I ~ Taste of a Virgin
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⇑ his little ears teehee
~ Recom Lyle x Human! Reader
Content: soft and gentle sex, oral sex, both of you are more of less virgins, you're very nervous about it and Lyle does his best to calm you and make it enjoyable
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❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
"I'm scared Lyle."
You whimpered out as you laid naked in front of him on the bed. Your hands were holding onto pillow above your head, gripping it tight. The sheets were scrunched up, partially covering your thigh and the lights were dimmed, creating a calm and romantic atmosphere.
"Don't worry sweetheart, it's my first time too, well, at least as a recom."
He let out a chuckle after that and leaned over to get closer to you while supporting himself with his hands. You gripped your pillow even harder and squealed, thinking how painful it'll be when he penetrates your virgin human pussy.
"Hnng, okayy- but wait, do it this way."
You turned around in a doggy style right under him as he was leaned over, embarrassed for showing him your sweet ass. Lyle blushed as it struck him how attractive and hot you looked from behind. If he could he'd jump you right away, but didn't because he cared about you and didn't want to hurt you or make your first time traumatic.
Instead, he leaned back and pressed his hand on your ass cheek while kissing your lower back. You shivered at his gentle touch and flinched your back. His hands were actually warm and soft but strong too. He sensed how scared and tense you were so he moved his hands down over your thighs that were squished tight together to relax those tense muscles.
Lyle brushed his hands over them, making you a bit more relaxed but the thought of him penetrating you haunted you. He's so big, it'll never fit in, you thought. He decided to take it a step further so he lowered his head down to lick your virgin pussy, shoving his head between your cheeks. You jumped at that feeling and backed away.
"Hhuhh, uh actually do it this way- "
You turned on your back again with a nervous chuckle, red in your face. Lyle found that kind of behaviour very cute. He even had to spread your legs open for you. You decided to cover yourself along with him with a blanket, you were still getting used to being exposed like that. This way you felt more calm.
He went with it, anything to make this moment special for you. You could feel his hot breath and big hands wrapping around your skin under the blanket. All you could see on the other hand, was his lower back sticking out of the blanket and tail wagging happily. Lyle has always reminded you of a doggy. Suddenly he pressed his raspy tongue over your lips and you gripped tightly onto sprawled sheets. He started licking, separating your lips and dragging his tongue over your clit.
It made you gasp, surprised how good it felt. You wanted more and waited for him to drag his tongue up over it again. He picked up a pace and sometimes even dug in depth to prepare your hymen.
You whimpered and closed your eyes because it felt so good. Lyle's ears twitched at soft sounds escaping your mouth, giving him an approving sign that he's doing a good job. Your pussy at last started to drip and Lyle sucked up your juice.
You felt the feeling of pleasure building up and didn't want to lose it so you reflexively pushed your hips even more, down on his face. Lyle moved his hands up to your hips, locking you in a fixed position while proceeding to rub on your clit intensely.
It made you gasp for air and moan out loud. You whimpered out his name giving him a sign that you're nearing to finish.
"L-Lyle, I'm-"
He understood without needing to hear the rest and slid one of his hands up your body, cupping your boob and playing with it. This definitely made you edge so you arched your back as you were ready to cum.
Lyle slid his hand even further, this time over your collar bone, with your neck between his thumb and the rest of the fingers. You felt the warmth and heaviness of his arm over your body and his other arm digging into your hip as you came. He licked you up clean after that and you exhaled in relief and pleasure.
His head popped up on the other side of the blanket, facing you as it hanged freely down his shoulder. You looked up at him with dazed expression on your face and smiled happily. He smiled back and dropped his head carefully on your stomach without taking his eyes off of you.
To him, you looked mesmerising especially now after he made you cum, all exhausted and happy. Also, you tasted delicious but he didn't say it so that he doesn't ruin the moment if you perhaps found it a bit too extreme.
He would let you know that some other day for sure. You two stayed like that for a bit, then he got up with his arms and leaned up front, casting a shadow over you as his braid slid down his shoulder. He was ready for part two. And what about you?
Stay tuned for part two... :>
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Colonel's orders!
Summary: Quaritch contends with his crush on Lyle's partner. Meanwhile they struggle with their work load.
Gn!reader x Quaritch, Gn!reader x lyle
No warnings yet, though there will likely be some in future chapters.
Chapter 1
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Chapter 2
Exhausted was an understatement. You were beyond that now. As far as you were concerned it had been 72 hours since you'd last slept. The brief nap the day prior barley counted, you slept for less then an hour. You'd been overworked before but this was a whole new level of stress. Without the constant stream of broken equipment you'd have passed out where you stood.
Currently you found yourself staring blankly at a broken data pad. Hardware was more your specialty but you were available so it fell to you. The irritated scientist hovered close by. Talking angrily about the importance of their work. Like it was somehow your fault they'd broken the damn thing.
To your relief Lyle popped his head in. His imposing wall of muscle cast a shadow over the scientist. They swallowed thickly before scuttling off, mumbling about getting the pad back soon.
"Aw buttercup, you're working too hard. Take a break with me." He smiled down at you. You tried to return the smile but your mouth just twitched. You groaned, suppressing a yawn as you gazed up at him. He shone in the artificial lighting, a fluorescent halo.
You'd been jittery, dropping tools and getting confused all afternoon. You'd been glad to do a more screen based task at first but now the numbers shifted and danced on the screen. Your body refusing to sit still kept flinching and kicking.
"Promise, I'm almost done. I'll come find you when I'm free." You managed to smile properly this time. Lyle looked skeptical but agreed. Leaving you with a kiss on the cheek before he strode out, causing the scientist to flinch out of his path.
More hours passed and you found yourself needed on several more jobs. Currently you were under the link unit, pulling out wires and circuit boards. Something was catastrophically wrong and you'd need to remove and reinstall the lot to even begin to solve the problem.
Dr Augestine had requested, well more demanded that you be the one to fix it. She didn't have much faith in anyone else and you'd proven reliable so it had to be you. The scientists had cleared out since you'd arrived. You think your irritable attitude had sent them scurrying off.
Though you found yourself floating outside your body now. Unable to feel the exhaustion or anger of before. You watched your hands fumble to complete the task on autopilot. You remained that way until you heard someone calling your name. You moved to pop up but misjudged the distance. Your head whacking the machine with a loud thud.
"Y/n?" Miles rounded the side, looking down at you with a frown.
"Sir?" You weakly saluted, struggling to focus on him. He tripled in your vision, wobbling and blurring. It honestly made you rather queasy.
"Lyle says you've not called up. Or back to the dorms for that matter." He looked at you, expecting some kind of answer you supposed. You didn't catch a question however so you just continued to stare blankly at him.
He sighed heavily before squatting down to your level. You'd forgotten how handsome he was up close. Sun kissed skin, icy blue eyes and all muscle. His hard features set in a worried line as he stared back at you. Your eyes could hardly keep focus on him, any of the hims for that matter.
"When was the last time you slept?" He looked deep into your eyes. You could only imagine how puffy and ringed they'd look now. They certainly felt heavy, it took so much effort to just keep open.
"Yesterday." You responded after a long hesitation. It was technically true, you'd had that 'nap'.
He scoffed at that, shaking his head lightly.
"Liar." You gaped, opening your mouth to object. He held his hand up to you, silencing your outrage. You snapped your mouth closed as he looked back to you. A playful expression crossed his face.
"Alright then, you'll do fine at my little game then." He smirked. Your furrowed your brows in confusion. A game?
"I want you to close your eyes, for a whole minute." He grinned.
"That's stupid." You responded, frowning back to him.
"Then should be easy. Close your eyes, that's an order." The humour left his face then. He held the stern expression. You sighed, rolling your eyes but followed his instruction.
You sat there slumped against the machinery, eyes closed as he counted. He'd barely made it to 15 before Miles noticed you'd nodded off. He knew you would, though maybe you'd be stubborn enough to hold off longer.
You looked so peaceful now. Eyes still puffy and almost bruised looking. Your expression was serene though. Miles hadn't thought the next part through however. He'd gotten you sleeping but what was he to do with you now.
Augestine wouldn't be a problem. He outranked her on pretty much everything these days. Her attitude with Parker had seen to that. So it'd been easy to move you off her order and onto his and he'd ordered you off duty. From his system he could tell how long it'd been since you'd actually slept.
He couldn't leave you slumped on the lab floor, no matter how content you looked. You'd be rather sore once you'd awaken and if the scientists returned and woke you before you'd fully rested? Well he wasn't going to let them find put what he'd do.
Only option left seemed to be removing you himself. You barely stirred as he leaned forward. Gently maneuvering your legs over one arm and pulling you close to his chest. In one quick motion he stood, cradling you to him.
He paused a moment but your breathing remained steady. You were so deep in sleep now, even his steps didn't cause you to stir. He wouldn't deny it to himself, he was enjoying this. Your form pressed up against him, hand splayed on his chest. You were so warm and soft, he felt like he was short circuiting.
He wanted to avoid people, scared the noise would wake you. Although seeing people eyeing the two of you did amuse him. They were so blatant in their stares, although they scattered when he looked. You looked like his like this and the idea that they'd think that made him giddy. Though the reality of things soured his mood. You weren't his, you were Lyle's and he'd likely not enjoy the rumors that were bound to spread.
He passed by the windows, bright beams of light shone through as dusk approached. It was beautiful and soon the stars would be out. Miles thoughts were back to your 'date'. God he wished he'd just kissed you, claimed you then before Wainfleet had the chance.
The last weeks he'd seen the two of you together were torturous. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you in. Playful kisses shared whenever you both had time. Hell he'd had the misfortune of coming into the mess hall when you were sat in Lyle's lap infront of your friends. He'd deliberately been changing Wainfleet's schedule since then. It was petty and it didn't work well anyway but he'd felt vindicated.
He hated overhearing the other marines talking about you. Zdog and Ja were especially egregious. Constantly teasing him about his pretty new partner. Making lewd remarks about your appearance or sexual jokes. Hell even ever stoic Mansk had got in on it.
It was only made worse when you actually met them. You'd come up to meet him and the whole squad had been there. You'd greeted Miles first, smiling so sweetly it made him ache. Then off you strutted to Lyle's side. He'd had the audacity to kiss you right there. Plastering you onto his body while he lent against the table. You'd flushed hearing his friends whistle, burying yourself in his bicep as you two left.
You wriggled in Miles arms, pulling him back to the moment. Grumbling you shifted, nuzzling your face deeper into his chest. The light rays made your skin glow. He relished the feeling, you pressing yourself in closer to him.
All too soon you were at your dorm room. He knocked but your roommate was out. Miles let himself in and carried you over the threshold to your messy bed. Crouching low to lay you down as gently as he could. You groaned again at the loss of heat, he could sympathize, not wanting to let you go yet himself. You tugged the arm still over you down and to your own chest. Your arms wrapped round his thick bicep. pinning him there.
Miles wanted to stay, to let you cuddle up to him. God just imaging you curled up on his chest was too much. It was wrong, you were spoken for and he was your boss, not to mention how much older he was. This wasn't just disrespectful to Lyle, it was disrespectful to you. If you had your senses you'd never have let him do this much. He had to leave before he made things any worse.
Untangling himself from your grip proved a struggle. Your eyes fluttering open a little as he finally managed to pull away.
"Miles?" Your spoke dreamily. Not quite awake as you looked dazed up at him.
"Shh, back to sleep." He whispered down to you, taking the last chance to tuck hair off your face.
"mmm... yes sir..." Your murmured, burying deeper into your pillows and tugging a pillow into a hug.
The heat rushed to Quaritch's face. He was jealous of a god damn bit of fabric. His heart quickened at your words though, he liked hearing you call him that.
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go-river-flows · 1 year
In which Wainfleet gets punched by a science puke
So in Part 6, at the end of the chapter Norm punches Lyle Wainefleet after literally learning how to throw a proper punch. And I read a comment from @sleepilysworld who apparently found it hilarious that Norm is already throwing hands. SO, I'm writing a little side story about Wainfleet’s reaction/POV.
Photo found on Pinterest. Not mine.
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Wainfleet’s POV
I was hanging around Trudy’s Samson, cleaning the interior to my dismay. I was already grumpy due to being the science pukes security guard. I am under Quaritch’s command and even though I looked up to my commander, I was annoyed to hell and back when he told me to be a cleaner as well. It wasn't my job dammit. I wanted to go to the gym to destress, but Trudy was watching me like a hawk. 
Finally when I finished polishing the assault rifle, with Trudy’s approval I ran to my Commanding officer’s little gym corner, peeking in to see if he was in so I could sneak in some sets, but Quaritch was in, to my own irritation. Quaritch was in the middle of a bench press when he noticed movement at the door, racking the weight, he looked up to find no one there. I had already left, to go to the bigger gym inside Hell’s Gate, always busy with other soldiers. Walking through the hallway, I entered the gym looking around to see which equipment was free. 
  Looking over some equipment, I saw a familiar blue sweater with someone wearing an ugly-ass shirt at the punching bags. I smirked as some stress was relieved just seeing her, I walked toward that direction, knowing exactly who it was. Stopping a few steps away, I was greeted with the sight of (Y/N) in a pair of body hugging leggings that accentuated her legs and ass, I admit I stared at her ass for a bit. The perfect sight as she stood by a tall Science puke, as he was going ham on the punching bag.
“What up cutie,” I greeted (Y/N) the corner of my lips curling up, watching her figure tense up as she turned around, but so did the guy next to her. Norm. To my surprise he took a few steps toward me, his brows furrowed in annoyance and eyes with frustration. Without saying anything he decked me right in the jaw catching me off I stumbled back and landed on my ass, clutching my jaw with my left hand. My ear was ringing so I didn't hear that some people had gathered, their laughs laced with amusement. 
“...You don't talk to a lady like that!” I managed to catch the tail end of the voice in front of me. Followed by two pairs of footsteps retreating out of the gym. Hands reached down grabbing my arms to pick me up, I turned to find Fike and Lopez trying to stifle their laughs.
“Shut it, you two,” I cursed out, rubbing my jaw, thinking that my jaw was probably broken. To be honest it scared me a bit, it was a solid punch, and unexpected at that. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't impressed, even though I was still in pain.
“Ay man, that was solid. That science puke did you dirty like that,” Lopez laughed aloud, now clutching his side.
“Aw, is the little soldier sad?” Fike mocked in a baby voice. I shoved him away, making my way out the gym. Speed walked in the direction of the science department, I turned the corner and stopped when I saw (Y/N), Norm, Jake and Grace. Tucking myself back around the corner waiting for them to lead the way. When they started to move, I quickly walked behind (Y/N) about to reach out to her wrist but she was quick to react, stopping and turning in one swift motion. She looked up at me, the corner of her lips quirked a little. She tilted her head, her soft hand reaching out to my chin, guiding it to my right. I think I melted a bit though I was still a bit peeved. No one had been gentle with me in a while being a soldier and all.
“It doesn't look broken, just a bit red. Just put some ice on it, you’ll be fine,” her voice was surprisingly soft and comforting. With every ounce of will, I tried not to melt into a puddle. She removed her hand and then walked away, leaving me frozen in the middle of the hallway, trying to figure out what the fuck was going on.
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onskepa · 5 months
Sneak peek: Yewn
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Yewn sat on a metal table, playing with her songchord in defeat. She lost count how long she was held against her will. The only thing keeping her held down was spider, and even then she can only see him for a few minutes a day, or weeks. 
Gently brushing her fingers against an indigo color bread, she thinks back to her friends. Mostly neteyam. Yewn misses him terribly. She wonders what he is doing. Does he miss her? Yewn does. Is he safe? Are the others safe? Yewn hates that she doesn't know anything. 
Yet each day, her hope dies a little. Every day she is forced to be with her “dad” lyle wainfleet. A clueless bald idiot who thinks he can worm his way into her life. She is strong. Yewn knows she is strong, just gotta hold on a little longer. 
“Yewn?” speak of the skxawng.
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Lyle Wainfleet x Human Reader x Zdog
Okay so this is the smut that follows my Showering with Lyle (Gym Buddy Edition) fic, I know quite a few people asked for this so I hope you enjoy. This is actually a series with my original fic being Lyle being your flirty gym buddy which was inspired by @xandy-toady and their Lyle fic and they also made me realize how hawt Zdog is. I know that @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed loves this series so extra thanks to them!
This is smut minors DNI. Fic includes: nsfw scenes, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, piv. Reader is female and is referred as she/her. Let me know if I should tag anything else
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* When the squad got back to the house it was pretty late at night. Several of the recoms grabbed a bite to eat, cleaned up, and went right to bed. Lyle stuck around the kitchen the longest, waiting for everyone to leave so he could have a few minutes with you. You had been thinking about potential places ever since he left and couldn’t think of a good place you would have private time so you were hoping Lyle had one in mind.
* "I think my room is the best bet, I mean Z's going to be there but she's a heavy sleeper. Besides she's going to hit the shower anyway." You agree and follow Lyle back to his room, sneaking through the door before the other recoms can hear your footsteps. Lyle proceeds to strip down to his boxers and turns on a small dim lamp by the bedside before turning off the main light.
* You strip down and Lyle scoops you up and carries you to the bed not wasting any time. His hands are rough and travel over your body as he leaves kisses and bites on your chest and neck. Lyle lies you on your back and his hands go to take off his boxers before he covers you with his body and rubs his dick against your heat teasing you. He reaches under his bed and pulls out a bottle of what you're assuming is lube.
* "You call that foreplay?" Zdog's voice cuts through and Lyle lets out a groan before he pulls back and looks at his roommate. "Yeah, I do, got a problem?" Zdog huffs and sends Lyle an irritated glare. "Have you seen what you're packing? You can't just stick your shit up there like that. You're going to hurt her." Zdog walks farther into the room and turns the lock on the door. You felt a bit self-conscious being naked in front of both of them so you grabbed the pillow from behind your head and use it to shield yourself while the two recoms bickered at each other
* "I'm not going to hurt her, butt out man." Lyle turns his head back toward you and Zdog takes the opportunity to land a slap to the back of his head. That seemed to make Lyle even more irritated and he lets out a hiss in her direction. "Fuck off Z, I'm serious." Zdog is unfazed and decides to make herself comfortable on the edge of the bed next to you, one giant hand coming to rest on top of the pillow covering your body.
* "So am I Wainfleet. I know you got interrupted earlier but don’t get lazy. Men only want to get their dick wet and they never give a damn about the woman they're with. If you don't want to warm her up then I will." You felt your face heat up and you squirmed a tiny bit under her weight.
* You played for both teams happily and on more than one occasion wondered what a night with Zdog would entail. It was hard to find other queer people on the base and you had formed a semi-flirty but friendly relationship with each other. You didn't want to assume that she was into you just because you also happened to be attracted to women, so you never pursued anything more than just a friendship.
* "Stop trying to cockblock me! Just because you have the hots for her doesn't mean shit, I got her first." Lyle leaned forward and roughly grabbed Zdog's hand from the pillow. With an angry growl, he pushed it back onto her lap. In retaliation Zdog lifted her hand up and pushed it into Lyle's forehead, forcing him to back up a bit. Zdog's ears tilted back and she growled back at Lyle. "Stop being a selfish ass and maybe I wouldn't have to get involved!" When Lyle started to flash his fangs you decided to pipe up before things got worse.
* "Not to pick sides or anything, but she does have a point. I don't think I could take you right now." Your face was warm and you could feel the heavy stares from the pair boring into your skin. "Not that I don't want to though! I've just never taken something so big before." Your voice trailed off and you wondered if you should have said anything at all. Zdog removes her hand from Lyle's face smugly and her tail swishes side to side in satisfaction.
* Lyle's tail on the other hand thuds angrily into the bed and he scrunches up the bedsheets in a fist. "Is that what you want then?" You nod your head sheepishly and grip the pillow a bit tighter as if it could protect you from their prying eyes. Lyle lets out an exasperated sigh and moves his way off the bed to make space for Zdog to position herself. "Why don't you make yourself useful and find a towel for cleanup?" Zdog pipes up. Lyle glares daggers at her but pulls on his boxers and leaves the room momentarily.
* Zdog stands up and trails one hand from your chin to the edge of the pillow closest to your pussy, a gleam in her eye. "I know you're feeling a bit shy right now, but I'm going to need you to move this." She leans down playfully and places a kiss on your collarbone and whispers, "You might want to keep it close by though. In case you need something to bite down on later." You squeeze your legs together but do as you're told and remove the pillow. "Good girl, now why don't you turn yourself this way?" She motions for you to turn your hips towards the side of the bed.
* You do as you're told and Lyle walks in a minute later with a towel and what looks like an old t-shirt. He walks over to you still looking mildly irritated. "Lift your butt up, I'm going to slide this under you, okay?" You push your legs into the edge of the bed and prop yourself up high enough for Lyle to get the towel under you. As he pulls his hand out he takes a second to grab your ass.
* It was Lyle's turn to sit on the edge of the bed this time as Zdog nestles herself onto the floor between your legs. She takes your lower legs and throws them over her shoulders and when you're settled in she takes her warm hands and grasps the outsides of your thighs. "You ready?" You nod your head as Lyle puts his hand on your chest and slowly pushes you down into the pillows. His fingers made their way to your nipples and he traced little circles into them, teasing you enough for a moan to slip out.
* Zdog's mouth was hot and wet and when it made contact with your pussy you let out a small cry, your hand making its way to your face. Zdog gives you a few licks and kisses before sinking her teeth into your thigh, eliciting another needy cry. Lyle grabs your hand away from your face and pushes it above your head and moves to capture your other one all while Zdog's mouth consumes your core. With both of your arms secured in Lyle's fist and your legs forced open around Zdog's head you felt utterly helpless and that seemed to turn you on even more.
* Zdog starts to suck and gently lick your clit while she brings one of her hands to your slit, her fingers rubbing against the sensitive skin. She slides a large finger in knuckle deep and you jerk your hips involuntarily into her mouth. Lyle takes his other hand and pushes your hips back down while Zdog's other hand grips your thigh tighter. Lyle leans down against you on the bed and you could feel his laugh against your skin. "I don't think so. You're the one who asked for this, there's no backing out." His hand on your hip trails up and his fingers roughly pinch your hardened nipple. Your breath comes out as a hiss and Zdog takes that as a sign to sink her finger in even farther.
* The two of them seemed to pick up on each other's work and they began to alternate their touches in a way that quickly overstimulates your senses. When Zdog adds another finger your eyes fluttered close and a loud moan sneaks its way out of your mouth, which causes Zdog to smirk into your pussy. Lyle grabs your chin and turns your face toward him, a smug smile on his lips as he brushes his thumb against yours. "If you're already making this much noise I wonder how much louder you're going to be when it's my turn." As if it was her cue Zdog starts pumping her fingers faster against your gspot and you feel your legs start to tremble.
* You squeeze your eyes shut in pleasure but Lyle grabs your chin firmly. "You're going to look me in the eyes as you cum, you hear me?" You open your eyes obediently and Lyle watches your pleasure-hazed eyes go in and out of focus on his face. Lyle was still salty that Zdog felt the need to butt into his personal business but with all things considered maybe it wasn't such a bad thing after all. He felt his dick get hard again at the thought of how tight you're going to be after all this.
* Zdog slows her pace as she senses your climax gets closer, her methodical movements enough to drive you crazy with lust. You were so close and she was just toying with you now, taking her time to make your insides ache. "Please." You let out a whimper, pulling your arms against Lyle's fist as if you could reach out for Zdog's face and pull her closer to your heat. Zdog pulls away and lets out a laugh as she looks at your begging face. "Hmmm..." She slowly pumps her fingers and watches you squirm beneath her. "Please!" You whimper again and try to dig your legs into the back of her shoulders to bring her closer. "Mmm... Look at you, so cute yet so needy... I think it's Lyle's turn now." She removes her fingers and stands up, her body heat leaving you chilled and wanting.
* Before you could argue Zdog's already wiping her face on the t-shirt Lyle grabbed and moving away from you. Lyle scoops you into his arm and pulls you further onto the bed, angling you so he can get fully on the bed below you. He strips off his boxers and positions himself between your thighs, his dick resting on your stomach. Zdog grabs the bottle of lube from the floor and hands it to Lyle as she makes her way toward the top of the bed. Lyle wastes no time and covers himself from tip to base, pumping himself in his hand a few times to make sure his dick was completely lubricated.
* Lyle leans over you, his bare torso glowing in the low lights and you found yourself staring. He hesitates for a minute and glances at your small body beneath him. He wasn't sure if missionary would work with the size difference but he was going to try anyway. "Ready when you are Short Stack", he gazes down at your flustered face and finds himself smirking. He glances up at Zdog who was sitting on her bed watching with a smug smile. She had her fun and now it was time for Lyle to get his. When he was sure she wasn't going to interrupt this time he lowers his gaze to you. You make eye contact and nod your head wrapping your small hand around his wrist and tugging him down over you.
* Lyle does his best to shift his weight so he's not smothering you and lays a few gentle kisses against your neck and shoulder before sliding his hips back. He uses one hand to hold himself up and the other to guide his cock to your entrance. He pushes his tip into you and moves his hand to your side, fingers gripping harshly into your skin. His breathing hitches and so does yours as you feel the stretch from his member. Lyle's ears flatten against his head as his eyes squeeze shut. Your face reaches to about his chest and you reach up with your hands to run your fingers along his sides.
* Lyle remains stationary, almost frozen except for his tail that's swaying from side to side again. Without thinking you reach out and grab it, tugging softly like you normally do to tease him. Without warning, Lyle's hips snap up into yours and you're filled almost to the brim with his girthy dick. You let out a cry and dig your fingers into his side with the sudden movement. You couldn't tell what was more noticeable at the moment, the burning tightness you felt from being stretched or the immense heat in your core caused by the friction against your clit.
* Lyle realized what he did and suddenly draws back his hips leaving only the tip in. "Shit, I'm-" You cut him off by tugging on his tail again, this time a bit rougher. Lyle lets out a deep groan and his hips buck instinctively into you again but this time he doesn't pull back. When his hips stop moving he adjusts the arm he's leaning on and then slowly pushes himself even deeper inside you. The sensation was so powerful you forgot how to breathe for a moment and clawed helplessly against his side, your mouth hanging open in a silent cry. Lyle bottoms out against you and you're seeing stars. You feel the corners of your eyes get damp and you let go of Lyle's tail in order to wipe them.
* Lyle looks down at you, watching your movements carefully in case you needed him to move. Except after you dab your eyes you bring your hand up to his nipple and give it a tug while biting your bottom lip. Lyle lets out a groan and makes eye contact with you. He might have been hurting you, but damn you were not backing down. You were so needy and he filled you so good, the pain turning into its own kind of pleasure. With your encouragement and little touches, Lyle began thrusting into you. He went slowly at first but with each moan and cry you made he found it hard to hold back and ended up thrusting needily into your heat.
* His cock hitting your cervix filled your eyes with tears again but you didn't bother brushing them away this time. You were too busy holding onto his sides, your nails digging into his soft flesh which brought out groans and low growls from Lyle. The pain and the pleasure started to blend together and you felt yourself approaching your climax again, just praying that he wouldn't stop his assault. Lyle felt you flutter around his cock and his ears titled back against his head as he tried his best not to nut inside you. He was going to make you cum first and cum hard if it was the last thing he would do. He reached down and wrapped a hand around your throat, just tight enough to make you notice.
* Your mouth fell open in a loud moan and you brought both your hands up around this forearm and made eye contact with Lyle, your tears glistening on your face. Lyle picked up his assault and went even faster as his fingers tightened a bit more around your delicate neck. You were so overly stimulated right now you could do nothing but moan and grasp his arm desperately. Your legs shook and you felt your core tightening as you got closer. It was any moment now and Lyle could feel you get tighter with every stroke.
* This was the moment he went all out and started slamming his hips into yours. He felt you clench hard around him as you let out a breathless cry but he didn't stop, he kept fucking you through your orgasm. And when he couldn't control his orgasm anymore he let himself finish inside you, grunting and grinding into your sensitive cunt until he was empty and you were a mess.
* He pulls out and watches his seed slowly leak out of your slit. Just for good measure he took his fingers and pushed his cum back inside your leaking pussy, satisfaction evident on his face when you throw your head back against the pillows. He leans down and presses a kiss against the corner of your eye before grabbing the towel under you and pushing it against your pussy so you could clean yourself up. Lyle looks at Zdog who was now lying down on her bed, her head propped up on her hand. "You're welcome by the way." Zdog tuts playfully and Lyle throws a pillow at her face. "Yeah, whatever."
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