#lynus is precious and lovely
theshatteredrose · 3 years
I also need to write a series in Nexus where Lynus ends up counselling some of the other boys through their traumas because, let’s face it, they need a warm cup of tea and a comforting hug. And who better to give it than Lynus?
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Flower Crowns - Birthday One-Shot for TheShatteredRose
Notes: This is a birthday one-shot for @theshatteredrose‘s, happy birthday! You deserve only happiness and I wrote this fluffy thing for you! Part 2 of your gift should be done later today or tomorrow, idk really, but I think you’re going to like it~! Characters in this one-shot are not mine, they all belong to @theshatteredrose and the Guardian and Cosmos guilds respectfully. I claim no rights to any of these children, I just hope I wrote them correctly.
Happy Birthday!
The streets of Lagaard were in that stalemate time of the day where people were hiding in their homes or in the bars or restaurants that littered the streets. Most of the explorers were probably in the Labyrinth, and the sun was burning down against the cobblestones. It was stifling, all Axel wanted was a drink and to duck his head in a bucket of ice until he caught a cold.
Lynus was at the hospital for his prescheduled volunteer work to help Dr Stiles, and due to the fact there were so many explorers in the Labyrinth that day, Axel had a pretty clear theory that there was no lack of patients flooding in. Although he desperately wanted to visit and see if he could cut Lynus’ work short, just to make sure he didn’t push himself too hard, he reluctantly decided against it.
If there really were that many reckless explorers in the hospital like he figured, then they’d be busy all day, and Axel didn’t want to stop by only to get in the way of their important work. So, he decided to just take a walk to the bar and join Jhon and Tobyn for a drink. That would distract him for a few hours at least, a good distraction and nice company.
Before he could get even close to the bar, however, he found himself stopping, muttering to himself not to make eye contact before his head inevitably turned, eyebrow arching towards his hairline when he noticed his “rival” sitting beneath a tree just off the path, legs crossed like a child and a pile of flowers just in front of him.
“Simmons,” Axel called, unable to stop himself, “The hell are you doing?”
The blue haired landsknecht lifted his head, looking over at Axel like he hadn’t noticed him before and smiling brightly. Axel was half expecting him to climb to his feet and demand a fight, but that’s not what happened. Instead Simmons lifted up a string of flowers he’d evidently weaved together to make… a chain, it looked like.
“I’m making a flower crown,” he answered, “Kerri showed me. Wanna try?”
“Are you five?” Axel asked, before waving a hand, “Never mind.”
He set one hand on his hip and watched Simmons return to what he was doing. It seemed he had no interest in demanding a fight, which was great. Ever since he started hanging out around Rahas, the idiot had been a lot more docile and less enthusiastic about jumping Axel at every turn. He seemed to be entirely distracted with the dark hunter, which was A-OK in Axel’s opinion.
If he wanted he could just step past like he hadn’t seen Simmons at all, no harm done, but he just stood there, watching.
“That doesn’t look like a crown,” he decided to say, and Simmons gave him a look as if he thought Axel was an idiot.
“It’s not done yet obviously.”
Well that was annoying…
Axel strode over and plopped down, more out of pride than a legitimate desire to spend time with the other landsknecht, “Let me try,” he decided, picking up a few flowers.
“I’ve got a few already made,” Simmons revealed, picking up three crowns sitting beside him, “I’m planning on giving them to Kerri, Tiffany, and Gerald, but I guess I could make another to show you how.”
Somehow hearing that really irritated Axel.
Gerald wearing a flower crown though, now that was an amusing thought.
“Sure, whatever, I’ll just… give it to Lynus.”
Axel said it more as a passing thought, but now he really wanted to see Lynus in a flower crown. That would be amazing. What flowers would Lynus look cute in? Any flower, probably. Axel grabbed a few from the pile already set out, red, yellow, and orange, and for, he didn’t really know how long, an hour at least, he just sat there bent over with his eyes narrowed trying to make a flower crown.
His first few came out utter crap, and he dropped them in front of him before starting a new one, his fingers tinted a light green from the grass and the stems of the flowers, random petals stuck in his hair, though he had no idea how they got there, until he finally made the perfect crown. Perfect in his opinion at least, and he held it up with a proud smile before it turned smug and he presented it to Simmons.
“Check that out, I’m the flower crown king,” his smile turned and he blanched, because there were half a dozen crowns sitting around Simmons, yet another half made one in his hands.
“That one’s awesome! Are you giving it to Lynus?”
Axel dropped his hands to his lap, staring at Simmons, “What the hell, man?”
“Uh, Axel?”
He tensed and his head snapped to the side to see Jhon and Tobyn had been passing on the pathway, stopping when they’d noticed Axel there. Tobyn looked mildly ill, but Jhon appeared to be fighting laughter, and Axel bristled a little.
“Can I help you?” he asked, and Jhon cleared his throat, pointing to his head.
“Nice crown.”
“What?” Axel reached up, feeling the delicate petals of flowers and tearing the crown from his head before spinning on Simmons, “When the hell did you put this thing on me?!”
Simmons looked confused, shrugging, “Your fifth attempt I think. It was for motivation!”
“What are you doing?” Jhon asked with a chuckle, and Axel climbed to his feet.
“Showing him who the better flower crown maker is,” he said, as if that was a good enough excuse. Truthfully, he had absolutely no idea what he’d been doing, but he liked his crown very much and no one was going to take that pride away from him.
“You should put the crown you were wearing back on,” Jhon said, heavy amusement in his voice, “It was pretty.”
“Orange is definitely your color,” Tobyn added, and Axel turned, his cheeks burning.
“So I’m just gonna leave now,” he decided, “I’m bringing this one to Lynus.”
“Not surprised,” Jhon chuckled, “He definitely deserves a crown.”
“See, you get it,” Axel pointed at his friend, then turned, and Simmons scrambled to his feet.
“Oh, hold on!” he held out a flower crown made of little purple and blue flowers, and Axel squinted at it.
“I’m not wearing that,” he decided, and Simmons gave him that same look.
“Yours was the orange one, this is for Rahas,” Axel lifted his chin in a slow nod and Simmons smiled brightly, “I haven’t seen him today but I have to meet Gerald and my guild soon to head to the Labyrinth for today, so I can’t give it to him, but if I wait it might start wilting,” he seemed upset at the idea, and Axel rubbed his temple.
“What, you want me to take it to him?”
“Yea,” Simmons smiled again, and Axel took the flower crown, still squinting a little as Simmons turned and collected the rest of the flower crowns, handing two of them to Jhon and Tobyn without even pausing to think before waving a hand, “Bye!”
The three explorers watched him run off, and Tobyn turned, staring down at the ring in his hand before looking up at Axel, “That was weird.”
“No kidding,” Axel grumbled.
“I think it’s nice,” Jhon decided, setting the wreath of red flowers on his head and smiling, “How do I look?”
Axel rolled his eyes as Tobyn squinted and turned, “Well, whatever. I’m heading to the hospital to meet Lynus as he’s leaving. See you both at the inn.”
“What about the purple one?” Jhon pointed, “Want us to take it ahead?”
Axel looked at it before humming, “Nah, I’ll take it,” he decided smirking back at his friend, “I sort of wanna see Rahas’ face scrunch up when I tell him it’s from Simmons.”
“Wow,” Tobyn deadpanned, and Axel waved at them both before making his way through the streets towards the hospital.
He reached the steps just as Lynus was leaving, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his hand, obviously exhausted, but he smiled when his hand dropped and he saw Axel waiting for him as usual, his head tilting when he noticed Axel was holding his hands behind his back.
“Hey,” he greeted, stopping at the bottom step, “You look a tad bit suspicious like that.”
“Do I?” Axel grinned, shrugging and pulling the flower crown from behind his back, “I was hiding a surprise for you.”
Lynus stared at the wreath before looking up at Axel, “What’s that?”
“It’s a flower crown,” Axel said in a ‘duh’ voice, lifting the wreath and nestling it on top of Lynus’ head, a huge smile taking to his lips as red raged across the medic’s cheeks, “Yup, just as I suspected,” Axel hummed, taking Lynus by the hand, “You look like a queen with that crown on.”
Lynus blushed a bit darker and stuck his lip out like he’d been insulted, but he followed Axel when he wrapped an arm around his waist and dragged him closer, kissing him on the lips and setting his forehead against Lynus’ to see his soft smile.
“Thank you,” Lynus chuckled, “I didn’t think you were the kind of person to play with flowers.”
“Please, you know me better than that,” Axel chided, taking Lynus by the hand again and started to walk, leading his medic away from the hospital.
Lynus lifted a hand to the flowers and smiled, tilting his head to see the blue and purple crown in Axel’s other hand, “You made two?” he asked, and Axel held the second one up.
“Oh, no, this is for Rahas,” Lynus looked utterly bewildered at that, so Axel quickly continued, “Simmons made it,” he explained, “He’s heading into the Labyrinth so he couldn’t deliver it himself and asked if I could do it for him.”
“Oh, I get it,” Lynus smiled brightly, “That’s nice of you to do.”
“Well I’m a nice guy,” Axel reminded, and Lynus chuckled again.
When they got to the inn they headed for the tea room, and Axel arched an eyebrow when he noticed Jhon was still wearing the flowers in his hair, looking quite happy, though Tobyn kept glancing at him in slight irritation, like he couldn’t believe Jhon would be wearing something so cliché.
Axel’s eyes panned around and stopped when he caught sight of Rahas sitting on the window sill, leaning against the glass and just staring, brooding as usual. Axel was only surprised the dark hunter was actually at the inn for about two seconds before he called over to him.
“Hey, Rahas, catch,” the dark hunter turned his head, looking bored, eyes widening when the crown hit his chest and fell onto his lap, a few petals falling off and fluttering to the ground.
Rahas looked a bit sick, holding his hands up and squinting at Axel, “Gee… thanks…”
“It’s from Simmons, made special,” Axel said, and Rahas’ face scrunched up a bit like he’d been expecting, though he didn’t look as annoyed as Axel was hoping.
Just dropped his eyes and picked up the crown, “Oh.”
“You’ll have to thank him later,” Lynus called over, and Rahas dropped his head back with a sigh, looking over at Lynus.
“Did he make yours too?” he asked, and Lynus smiled.
“Axel made this one,” Lynus revealed, and Rahas hummed, setting the purple crown back down on his lap and folding his arms.
“You’ll have to wait to thank him until tomorrow,” Axel said, “Cosmos is in the Labyrinth for the rest of the day.”
“So what? Why would I care?” Rahas asked, snatching the flower crown from his lap and standing, “I’m taking a nap.”
“It’s almost dinner,” Lynus reminded, and Rahas left the room with a string of grumbles following him.
“That was really nice of Simmons,” Lynus hummed, and Axel shrugged.
“I’m better at making flower crowns,” he decided, and Lynus laughed, turning to him.
“Yes, of course, you’re much better at making flower crowns.”
Axel smiled, “Thank you, my queen.”
“Get a room,” Tobyn called, and Lynus laughed a little harder.
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theshatteredrose · 3 years
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Lynus reactions and expressions for Anon~
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theshatteredrose · 3 years
It’s probably just the pain killers, but I really, really need to write a story where the antagonist is an irredeemable bastard, who uses black magic and curses in every occasion and enjoys the suffering they cause, only to be be utterly petrified of Lynus.
Yes, terrified of Lynus.
Soft, fragile medic boy.
Not scared, not uneasy; terrified. There’s nothing more terrifying to a black magic user than someone who is completely immune to all their spells and curses. Not only immunity, but able to remove said curses/spells from others.
But also, there is nothing more terrifying than a benign, caring person getting angry.
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theshatteredrose · 5 years
A Gathering of Guardians: Prologue (Chapter 15) - Etrian Odyssey Nexus Fanfiction
AN: Ah, another really long chapter. Over 6 thousand words. It won’t end. Send help.
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Chapter 15:
Isiah made his way down the hallway that Axel had suggested to him. One side was a wall of windows that looked out over the main courtyard yard. The other wall was a series of doors. All shut for the time being. About half way down the hall, from what he could estimate, was a set of tall swinging doors. And they were propped open.
Pretty obvious that they led into the clinic.
He idly fiddled with the pockets of his coat as he stepped inside. He had to admit that he was slightly nervous. Only slightly, of course. He had been working in his dad’s clinic since he was born. Tharsis was all that he knew. To be working elsewhere was a significant change for him.
There was also the fact that Isiah had never really gotten along well with other medics. It had always been him and his father. Doing their own thing. Going at their own pace.
Isiah wasn’t exactly worried about working with Lynus. He had gotten to know him pretty well through their letters. And he appeared as harmless as a creampuff. He had also gotten to know Derek through their letters, too. So, it wasn’t those two he was apprehensive about.
He just hoped there wasn’t a staunch, by the books medic that would start shit with him. His father had dealt with that. And Isiah had, as well. It was incredibly agitating to have someone harping on you all the time.
Shaking his head to rid himself of that current thought pattern, Isiah stepped through the opened doors. In front of him was a large wooden desk with a few flies already scattered across it. To his left was another door, an office if he were to guess. And to his right was the medical bays. Eight beds. Four on each side.
And there were two beds with curtains drawn around them. One on the right wall, furthest from the door. The other on the left wall, second from the desk.
Hm. Appeared to have patients already.
The curtain from the bed furthest away suddenly moved to the side, and Lynus stepped out. He held a folder in his hand, to which he kept his attention upon as he idly drew the curtain close behind him. He paused for a moment to scribble someone into the folder as he absentmindedly walked through the bays.
Before Isiah had to announce himself in some way, Lynus lifted his head up and smiled. He wasn’t surprised in the slightest. Much like Nitish often was.
“Isiah. I see you’ve found the clinic,” Lynus said as he drew closer, his smile taking on a more apologetic slant. “Sorry for leaving so suddenly.”
“It’s fine,” Isiah replied with a slight shrug before he motioned toward the two occupied bays with a tilt of his head. “I assumed you were called away for a reason.”
Lynus glanced over out of habit, his smile faltering further as he nodded his head. “Yes. I have a couple of patients in my care right now.”
He obviously wasn’t going to say who they were (as if Isiah would know) and what thir ailments were. Which was fair. So, Isiah instead took another glance around the clinic, noting the equipment and necessary materials.
“Hm. Not a bad set-up, I have to admit,” Isiah said.
Lynus nodded his head as he folded the file shut in his hands and placed it under his arm. “I was surprised, too. I do hope the number of beds we have are enough, though. I’m also thinking about asking Villard whether I can turn one of the storage rooms into a library of sorts. To keep the reference guides within easy access.”
“Yeah, that would be a good idea,” Isiah said as his mind momentarily drifted toward the items and materials he had brought with him. “I have a few things of my own. I imagine that you do as well.”
“Ah… I brought half of my clinic, honestly,” Lynus uttered as an unexpected light flush appeared on his features and he idly scratched his cheek. He then coughed lightly and motioned to the door that was to the left of the entrance. “Moving on, this is the office. Villard initially presented it to me to use, but if you need a space of your own to work on a project, you’re more than welcome to use it, too. Only fair, since there are other medics who would know their guildmates better than I could.”
Isiah followed Lynus into the office and took another moment to inspect his surroundings. Large wooden desk that faced the door and window that looked out over the clinic. Bookcases already filled with books. A filing cabinet close to where the desk was situated. Not a bad looking setup either.
“You do have a point,” Isiah said idly. “But I do hope that my pack of idiots don’t get into too much trouble.”
Lynus offered a light laugh as he walked over to the desk and set down the file he had been carrying. “I hope so, too.”
A man with long brown hair and piercing golden eyes stepped into the office, he being the one who called Lynus’ name. He wore long purple robes, dissimilar to that of a runemaster however.
“Hm? Is something wrong?” Lynus immediately asked the newcomer.
But the man shook his head and turned his attention toward Isiah, which was rather unexpected. “No. I just sensed a different presence.”
Lynus made a noise of understanding and moved to step out from behind his desk to approach the two of them. “Then let me introduce you; this is Isiah, from Tharsis. Isiah, this is Oracle, leader of the Aurora guild in Armoroad.”
“Isiah, huh?” Oracle said before Isiah had the chance to respond. “So, you’re the Demon Medic. You sound fun.”
“Who told you that?” Lynus asked, exasperated.
The corner of Isiah’s mouth twitched into a half smirk. “It’s fine. The title doesn’t bother me. In fact, it’s frightened many a patient into compliance.”
Oracle folded his hands into the sleeves of his robes. “But threatening them has to be quite entertaining?”
Though the question was highly unexpected, and asked in a totally deadpanned manner, Isiah shrugged. “Sometimes. Especially if I’m in a bad mood. Other times, I just want them to get out of my office.”
“Hm,” Oracle hummed in thought for a moment before he nodded his head. “That’s reasonable, yes.”
Lynus uttered another sigh, which caused Oracle to turn his attention toward him. And in the same deadpanned manner, asked Lynus an equally unexpected question; “You’ve never had to kick out a patient? Or quite literally kick a patient?”
“No,” Lynus practically blurted out, somewhat taken aback by the question. “I mean, I’ve had my share of difficult patients. But I’ve never had to resort to…drastic measures.” He paused for a moment and idly dragged a fingertip over the braid near his left ear. A wince flittered on his face for a moment before his expression smoothed out. “Though…I have seen other medics at the hospital resort to such methods.”
“Oh?” Oracle murmured idly as he leaned forward, as if to get a closer look at Lynus. “You really are such a sweetheart, aren’t you?”
Lynus immediately blushed. “U-um. I don’t know about that,” he stammered.
“Please,” a new voice scoffed. “You are Lagaard’s resident sweetheart.”
The blush remained on Lynus’ cheeks, which seemed to enhance the pout that appeared when his gaze shifted toward the door. “Don’t you gang up on me, too,” he objected.
Isiah turned to look over at the door to see another man with short red hair and glasses. He wore a medical coat similar to Lynus. Though he was taller than Lynus was and appeared rather nonchalant.
“I would do no such thing,” the other man returned. “Derek would get protective of his adopted son, hm?”
It appeared as though Lynus tried to glare at the other man, but it was honestly a simple pout. He certainly didn’t have an intimidating bone in his body, did he?
“Purposely changing the subject; has Derek finished with his preparations of the hospital?” Lynus asked.
“Smooth transition,” the man joked in response before he shook his head. “No, not yet. He’s still fussy about getting it the way he wants.” He then turned to Isiah and looked at him curiously. “And I take it you’re Isiah?”
Isiah nodded. “That’s right.”
“I’m Darrell,” he finally introduced. “I work at the hospital with Derek.”
Aha, the name was familiar. “Ah, yes, he mentioned you, too.” Hard worker, had no tolerance for stupid explorers, more than willing to use unconventional methods to give healing to a patient. Whether they wanted it or not.
“Sounds like him,” Darrell replied with a shake of his head. “He’s such a dad, honestly. Though, he claims he doesn’t have any favourites, Lynus is definitely his favourite son.”
That brought a smile to Lynus’ face and he made no attempt to dispute the claim. In fact, it seemed to make him happy to hear it. He still had a light dusting of pink to his cheeks, though.
“Lynus,” another new voice interjected. “I have that book you wanted.”
Once again, Isiah turned to look over at the door of the office. This time, however, two figures appeared. One with white hair and glasses, about Darrell’s height. And with him was another youth, with orange hair and eyes the same shade of violet of Lynus’, and about the same height.
“Hm?” Lynus made a questioning sound before he brightened with realisation as the man with white hair handed a leather-bound book to him. “Oh, thank you. Yes, this will be useful.”
Lynus opened the book, seemingly prepared to flip through the pages there and then. He soon snapped the book shut, however, and offered an apologetic smile. “Sorry, introductions,” he said as he turned his attention toward Isiah once more. “Isiah, this is Simon and Remedy from Etria. The other medics I told you about. And this is Isiah of the Phaedron guild.”
Isiah turned his gaze toward the other orange-haired medic and arched an eyebrow. “Hm? Remedy?”
“Yes, a medic called Remedy,” Remedy instantly replied, his expression tired and his shoulders slumped forward in a sign of exasperation. “My mother was a psychic. And before you ask; Lynus and I aren’t actually related. We just look similar in appearance.”
Simon chuckled lightly into his hand. “He had been asked that a lot, you could say,” he explained before he turned to Remedy. “Though, to be fair, you two do look like brothers.”
“I guess,” Remedy said as he straightened his posture and sheepishly scared his cheek. “It doesn’t exactly bother me. I guess it’s just a nervous tic at this point.”
“Good, more medics,” Oracle unexpectedly stated as he also turned his attention to the two newcomers. “Have you two had to get violent with a patient?”
Simon gave Oracle a puzzled, yet somehow exasperated look. “That certainly was a random question.”
“And we’ve moved on from that subject,” Lynus quickly chided.
Oracle, however, shook his head, completely dismissing the disapproval. “I haven’t. Well?”
Oracle’s pointed stare was rather…piercing, causing Remedy to shuffle uncomfortably on his feet. “Um, well, I’ve haven’t had that many patients. I’ve mostly been out in the field. They’re pretty compliant there.” He paused with a wince. “Although…”
“Although?” Oracle pressed.
Remedy lifted his hands to sheepishly press his index fingers together in front of him. “I hate to admit this, but I’ve had to shoot a couple of them.” He immediately blushed a crimson red and scrambled to explain himself. “It’s medi-bullet! Don’t get any wrong ideas!”
Simon smothered an obvious snort of amusement. “Remedy has some gunner skills. Medi-bullet is a gunner’s skill where it’s basically a tranquilizer dart with medica infused within it,” he explained once again. “Allowing for you to literally shoot a patient.”
Oracle nodded his head in understanding. “Interesting,” he said in a total deadpanned manner as he regarded the white-haired medic. “Have you done such a thing?”
Simon shook his head. “No, fortunately.”
“He has some landsknecht skills, though,” Remedy added quickly.
“Yeah?” Darrell said, perking up in interesting. “I do, too. Used to be a landsknecht myself before changing to medic.”
It was always good to know that his fellow medics had weapons if they needed to defend themselves should the need arise.
“I have a few mace and driveblade skills myself,” Isiah revealed.
Oracle turned his piercing eyes in Isiah’s direction once more. “I don’t know what a driveblade is, but I assume it’s fun.”
Again, Isiah felt his lips twitch into a half-smirk. “Puts the fear of god in others.”
The guy reminded him of Kalan a bit. Kalan was a little bit sassier, though. He couldn’t help but wonder if the two would get along well with all their deadpanned snark, or become rivals. Should be amusing either way.
“Do you have a weapon of choice, Lynus?” Remedy asked.
Lynus immediately appeared uncomfortable by the question. His discomfort wasn’t overly obvious, but he did pale slightly and his hands fidgeted with the buttons on his medical coat. “Um…No, I’m not one for weapons, I’m afraid,” he admitted. “Axel wants to teach me some sword skills, though I’m reluctant. I…I’m just more focused on healing.”
“With such a protective guild and husband, he doesn’t need to use a weapon,” Darrell interjected quickly, somewhat protectively if Isiah was to be honest.
Oracle may have caught onto that, too, as he tilted his head to the side questioningly. He looked at Lynus for a moment before he righted himself. “I take it they can be rather violent?” he asked instead.
Lynus uttered a weak laugh. “Um, they can be…” he muttered.
“Rightfully so,” Darrell added protectively again.
“Hm,” Oracle hummed lightly. “Looking forward to seeing that.”
Isiah fell silent as the other medics speak with Oracle, indulging him in his odd questions. His gaze wandered over toward Lynus and he noted that he didn’t look as uncomfortable as before. His smile was placid, his expression gentle.
And yet there was something…vulnerable about him. Darrell’s protectiveness was blatant. And Isiah got the feeling that he would be willing to turn violent if he needed to. Honestly, Lynus reminded him a bit of Nitish; delicate and gentle, even in the face of adversity.
There was definitely something painful hidden behind Lynus’ outward appearance. Isiah was used to looking out for vulnerable people. He was surrounded by them, after all.
Well…he’d just have to wait to see what happened next. One thing he was fairly sure of, he was going to be fine working with these guys. The next few months should prove interesting.
… … … … …
Lynus leaned back into his chair as he idly rubbed his forehead with his hand. Before him sat two files. One was easy enough to deal with; Zalaph and his bout of bronchitis. The other was quite complicated. Zydon and his curse. He had a fever earlier that morning and his guild were rightfully worried. So, brought him to the clinic and refused anyone but Lynus to inspect him.
The fever was due to the curse. It was feeding off of his aura. So, in order to weaken the curse, Lynus needed to find a way to strengthen Zydon’s aura.
And Lynus knew a little about that.
Lynus felt the approaching aura before he heard the footsteps. He immediately recognised the presence, though he had only known him for about two days. But Nitish’s aura was quite beautiful, peaceful even.
So, while he couldn’t sense anything to worry about in his aura, Lynus placed his hands upon the desk and pushed himself to his feet. And he wandered from his office.
“Nitish? Something wrong?” Lynus asked just as the blond-haired runemaster stepped into the reception of the clinic.
Nitish shook his head and folded his hands delicately in front of him. “Not at all. I’m just taking a stroll to get a sense of my new surroundings.” He paused as he looked around the room. “So, this room is the clinic?”
Lynus nodded as he took a moment to glance around also. Thankfully, both Zydon and Zalaph had been returned to their rooms, under the watchful gazes of their significant others. So, the clinic was empty for the time being.
“Yes. It’s well equipped, thankfully.”
Nitish turned his gaze toward Lynus once more and offered him a small smile. “Un. I don’t know if Isiah had told you, but I have a few medic skills myself. As does Varuna.”
“Oh yes, he did,” Lynus said, brightening upon the memory. “Your specialist skills will be grateful beneficial. Though, I hope we won’t need to use the materials here all that often.”
“Yes, me, too,” Nitish immediately replied. His gentle expression soon shifted into that of unease. As if he was struggling with something internally. “Um…can I speak with you for a moment?” he finally asked as his hands fidgeted in front of him.
“Of course,” Lynus immediately replied and motioned toward his office. “Would you like to speak in my office?”
Nitish nodded his head and he followed Lynus into the smaller room. Nitish remained standing as Lynus closed the door behind him. He continued to fidget with his hands for a moment before he nodded to himself.
“Is something bothering you?” Lynus asked as he approached him.
“I don’t know how to begin,” Nitish stated as he stood facing Lynus completely. “But…do you remember the letter than Isiah sent you a little while ago requesting help for an ill guild member?”
Of course, he remembered that letter. How could he not?
“Oh, yes, I certainly remember that,” Lynus replied as his hand subconsciously raised to his chest, over his heart. “I felt the urgency in Isiah’s letter and knew immediately that the situation could soon turn dire.”
A pained expression flickered onto Nitish’s face. “Y-yes, that was true. Well, that patient was-”
“The one called Achyuta?” Lynus gently interrupted.
Nitish nodded his head. “Yes, that’s right. Did you sense something?”
“I sensed the healing of his lungs,” Lynus explained. “Signs of healing leave small imprints, as it were, on the spirit. They’ll heal, along with the scars on his lungs.”
“I see,” Nitish sighed, quite relieved to hear that. He straightened his posture slightly. “I just…wish to thank you, for what you’ve done.”
Lynus tilted his head to the side. “Hm? It was Isiah’s doing, really.”
Nitish smiled softly. “But you helped. You gave us light during those dark times. And I…”
The memories attached to his words were obviously quite distressing. So Lynus stepped forward and placed his hand on Nitish’s arm, gently interrupting him once more.
“It’s ok,” Lynus said. “You don’t need to use any words. I understand.”
“I’ve been wishing to write to you ever since,” Nitish said, becoming quite emotional. “But I don’t know what to say. I still don’t. I don’t know how to ever repay you.”
“You don’t have to,” Lynus interjected before he reached out with his other hand to gently touch Nitish’s other arm. He then looked into his eyes as he spoke in the most reassuring tone he could muster. “Nitish, listen, you’re one of the reasons why I dedicate myself to healing. Kind people like you, like Achyuta and like Roxbury, deserve to live long and healthy lives. That is my goal. For everyone to be free of suffering and to be safe. I don’t need any payment. Knowing how grateful you are is enough. Sincere gratitude is the best payment a healer could ask for.”
Nitish stared at him silently for a moment. Studying him. Studying his aura. Soon, he smiled softly and whispered in an equally gentle tone; “…Thank you.”
Lynus gave his arm a light squeeze. “You’re welcome. Are you feeling better?”
Nitish nodded his head. “Yes, I’m feeling lighter now.”
Lynus smiled in understanding as he released his hold on Nitish’s arms. The runemaster took a half step back to silently compose him. As he did so, Lynus took a moment to inspect his aura out of sheer habit. As he did so, his attention was drawn to Nitish’s left eye once more.
“Um, do you mind if I ask you about your eye?” Lynus asked before he had time to reconsider.
Nitish tilted his head to the side questioningly before realisation set in and he straightened. “Oh. I’m partially blind in this eye. It was the result of head trauma from childhood,” he explained.
“Ah, I see,” Lynus uttered as he raised his hand to gently touch Nitish’s forehead, the other leaning his head forward to allow him to do so. As he inspected Nitish’s eye, a slight frown tugged at his lips. “The scar tissue is quite old. I’m afraid, without major surgery, your sight won’t fully return.”
Nitish was quite curious to hear that. “Really? I never put much thought into it, to be honest. My sight has been like this for years. I’ve grown accustomed to it.”
Lynus lowered his hand to his side and nodded his head. “Honestly, any interference may make your vision worse. Well, since it’s not affecting your quality of life, there’s no need for anything intrusive.”
“Yes, that’s true.” Nitish smiled and placed a hand against his heart. “But thank you for taking an interest.”
But Lynus shook his head, his smile turning somewhat sheepish. “No. I’m just really nosy. Doesn’t help that I can see auras. I can see ailments in others they don’t even know about themselves. It’s still rather awkward walking up to someone in an attempt to give them medical advice.”
Nitish laughed into his hand. Good. He was peaceful and relaxed once again. The need to show gratitude must have weighed heavily upon his mind for some time. It was a relief for him to finally get it off of his chest.
Honestly, that only further justified the lengths Lynus had to go to, to find the necessary materials and information. He knew it would go to a good cause.
Nitish tilted his head to the side for a moment before a knowing expression appeared on his face. “Roxbury will likely wish to speak with you, too,” he unexpectedly said.
Lynus tilted his head also, and quickly noted of a growing familiar presence. “Ah,” he uttered as he straightened. “Then I'll tell him exactly what I told you.”
“Thank you,” Nitish said once more as he bowed forward slightly. “Goodnight.”
“I hope you rest well,” Lynus returned, which earned him another small smile from Nitish.
Without another word, Nitish turned and walked to the office door and let himself out. He left the door ajar behind him, however. He was likely to walk past Roxbury on his way to his new room, and was likely to encourage his guild leader to speak with him.
So, Lynus waited. If he could ease the burden of another, then that was what he would do.
A few moments later, Lynus felt Roxbury’s aura approach and his footsteps soon followed. Lynus stepped out of his office as Roxbury paused by the doors of the clinic. There was a sense of hesitancy in his aura, as well as a bit of guilt. As if he was worried about bothering him.
“Hello, Roxbury,” Lynus greeted warmly so not to startle the other man. “Inspecting your new surroundings?”
Roxbury jumped ever so slightly before he turned to grant Lynus a somewhat sheepish look. “Um, yes, you could say that,” he said as he stepped further into the room.
“Is there something I can help you with?” Lynus asked.
Roxbury didn’t immediately reply. He thought to himself for a moment, internally battling within himself to find the right words. “You mentioned something when we first met,” he finally said. “About me doing well.”
Lynus nodded. “You’re wondering how I knew about the injury to your side?”
Roxbury’s hand inched toward his side, where a scar was both physically and spirituality. “It’s not that. It just…I wanted to thank you for your help in easing that wound.”
“It was Isiah who did the work,” Lynus replied with a knowing smile. “I simply gave him the materials and support needed.”
“Yes, I understand that,” Roxbury insisted as his hand rested against his side and a soft, yet distressing expression appeared on his face. “Honestly, it’s not the injury itself that has me seeking to show gratitude. It’s just…”
Lynus might have some idea to what Roxbury was insinuating; he wasn’t just relieved that he was free of his injury. He was relieved because it meant someone close to him wouldn’t go to potentially extreme and dangerous lengths in effort to heal him.
Of course, he wasn’t entirely sure that was the case. But the distress in his presence…he had felt it somewhere before.
“Roxbury, you don’t owe me anything, you know,” Lynus stated in hopes of pulling Roxbury from his obviously painful musings. “And I assume that Isiah feels the same.”
“W-well, I tried to thank him, too,” Roxbury admitted as he idly scratched the back of his neck. He then sighed and shook his head in an exasperated, but somewhat fond manner. “But he won’t have it.”
Lynus had to smile. From what he knew of Isiah, he definitely appeared to be the type to dismiss any displays of gratitude. Not that Lynus could find it within himself to fault him for that. He did the same thing, after all.
“That’s because seeing you alive and well, seeing you with your family and guild is all the gratitude he needs.”
Lynus then stepped forward, and much like he did with Nitish only moments ago, placed a hand upon his arm and offered him a sincere smile. “Roxbury, listen; when a medic chooses a guild and chooses to heal a guildmate, they don’t do so out of obligation. They do it because they genuinely care for the members of their guild. Isiah loves and cares for you all. Even the ones he grumbles about. He did what needed to be done to help you. It’s what he does. What I do. I’m glad that I was able to help support him. But he was the one who healed you. I was simply an avenue he needed to reach his goal.”
Roxbury looked at him wordlessly for a moment, openly stunned by what he said. His expression soon softened and a gentle smile appeared on his lips. “Hah, I see. Honestly, what would we do without medics?”
“That’s something you won’t be finding the answer too anytime soon,” Lynus said as he gave Roxbury’s arm a light squeeze before he stepped away.
“I certainly hope so,” Roxbury said in earnest before he straightened his posture slightly and bowed his head in a similar way of Nitish. “Well, I’ll leave you be. Thank you for speaking with me.”
“Not at all.” Lynus’ response was immediate. “Feel free to drop by any time for any reason. Someone is bound to be here.”
Roxbury smiled again. “I’ll remember that. Well, goodnight.”
“I hope you’ll rest well in your new surroundings,” Lynus uttered once more and watched as Roxbury turned and stepped out of the clinic, immediately turning left to head toward his new dorm room to rest.
Lynus was about to return to his office when he sensed another presence. It definitely wasn’t a threatening presence. In fact, it was truly benign. And familiar.
“Hello?” Lynus said questioningly as he stepped out into the hallway.
From the right of the hallway, another figure emerged. Despite the array of golden dancer jewellery he wore, he was surprisingly silent in his movements. He also held a very sheepish expression on his face.
“Sorry if I appear as though I was eavesdropping,” Mahalah said as he approached Lynus. “I was just checking up on everyone.”
Lynus smiled comfortingly. “It's completely fine. I have that habit, too. Much to Axel's chagrin at times.”
Mahalah smiled in return, actually comforted by his words. His expression soon turned curious as he folded his arms across his torso lightly and tilted his head to the side. “You have quite the gift of speaking the right words, at the right time.”
“Hm? Do I?” Lynus asked as he rested his hand against his chest. “I was simply speaking the truth.”
Mahalah’s gentle smile returned. “That's why they're so appreciated.”
Lynus took a moment to study the other man before him. He had a gentle aura of his own. Very humble and warm. Yet, encouraging and understanding. “Roxbury is very important to you, isn’t he?”
“He’s my brother,” Mahalah immediately replied. “We’ve been together since childhood. His home life wasn’t the best. And he carries a lot of unnecessary guilt as a guild leader.”
Lynus felt a light sense of protectiveness appear in his chest. But he brushed it aside for the moment. “He truly has a gentle soul.”
“And a heart of gold,” Mahalah replied immediately again before he sighed and shook his head rather sadly. “That’s why I’m so protective. I need to let go, I know. But still…”
“Now, you don’t need to let go completely,” Lynus interjected before Mahalah could travel further down that thought path. “He still wants you in his life. Roxbury has a big heart. So big that he can share it with many people. Including you.”
For the third time that night, Lynus was stared at with an expression of surprise and curiosity. And like the other times, a soft, sincere smile was soon revealed. “…You’re right. Hah, you really are incredible at giving advice.”
It really was a habit now, wasn’t it?
“Well, my goal is to ensure that everyone lives long, happy lives,” Lynus stated.
“That’s a truly wonderful goal,” Mahalah said, his voice as sincere as his aura. “I’m glad that we agreed to join.”
Lynus nodded his head. “I’m glad, too.”
“I best leave you be,” Mahalah unexpectedly said. “I have a few more guildmates I want to check in on.”
“Of course.”
Lynus stepped to the side to allow Mahalah to move on his way. He knew better than anyone the need to ensure that one’s guildmates were safe and secure in their surroundings. Especially in new surroundings. He couldn’t help but read his presence again and that feeling of protectiveness returned. So, he called out to him.
“Mahalah, I hope you remember to look after yourself, too.”
Mahalah paused in his steps to turn and grant him a curious look. “Hm?”
“I'm a care-taker, just like you,” Lynus explained. “And I have the habit of neglecting my health for the sake of others. Just like you.”
Mahalah was silent. He appeared as though he wanted to refute that, out of sheer habit than anything more. But, instead, he sighed softly. “...I guess I can't deny that, can I?”
Lynus smiled comfortingly once more. “I'm afraid not. No offense to Isiah, but there’s definitely a few members of your guild that I want to mother.”
“I know what you mean,” Mahalah replied around a light chuckle. “They won’t make it easy, but do keep trying. They deserve it.”
“I will certainly try.” Lynus presented his promise by resting his hand over his heart. “Well, it’s getting late. Perhaps you should retire for the night. All those introductions were sure to have tired you out.”
Mahalah nodded his head before he gave Lynus a rather stern look, his hands on his hips. “You should rest, too.”
“I will. Once I finish something in my office.” Mahalah’s eyes narrowed at that and Lynus had to smother a laugh of his own. “Yes, really. I promise,” he said as he raised his hands in a pacifying manner. “Just a few more minutes.”
Mahalah laughed lightly once more, honestly amused by his response. “Alright. Just this once,” he joked in response before his gaze softened, “Goodnight.”
With another graceful nod, Mahalah turned and continued on his way. Out of sheer habit, Lynus watched until he could no longer see him, though he could still sense his aura. It was lighter now. More relaxed and comfortable.
He was glad.
Lynus turned to wander back into his office when another presence pulled him to a stop. His brow furrowed as he glanced down the hallway where Mahalah had disappeared in. Not a moment later another figure was seen.
“Villard?” Lynus questioned, somewhat surprised to see the elderly war magus roaming about. But perhaps he, too, was simply making a lap around the Sanctuary out of habit.
“Ah, Lynus,” Villard greeted in response. “Had a few visitors, I see.”
“Yes, I've had a steady stream of them lately,” Lynus answered politely. His interest was piqued when Villard came to a stop before him. “And what can I do for you, Villard?”
Villard folded his arms into the sleeves of his cloak. “I have a request.”
“I want you to accompany me to Iroys when we land.”
Lynus was taken aback by that. “Oh?”
Villard nodded his head again, but sharply this time. “Yes. You see, Roux, a good friend of mine, has a grandson who is very ill. It's not your conventional type of illness, either.” He paused for a moment as he shifted uncomfortably on his feet. “He was taken at a young age and forced to endure years of putting his health at risk for the selfishness of another. It has taken a great toll on him.”
Lynus felt a wave of nausea wash over him but he pushed it back. “I see.” He swallowed thickly. “You wish for me to meet him?”
“Yes.” Yet another sharp nod from Villard. “If you have any insight, it would be greatly appreciated.”
“I understand,” Lynus said as he forced a smile to his lips. “Of course, Axel will likely want to join us.”
Villard huffed out a laugh. “I expected as much. Very well, when we reach Iorys, I’ll escort you both. Until then.”
With nothing more to say, Villard turned and moved back along the hall from where he came. Lynus watched until Villard was no longer within sight before he raised his hand to his chest in an attempt to subdue the pain he felt. A sharp pain to his heart. No, it wasn’t a physical pain. He wasn’t experiencing a heart attack or anything of the sort.
His heart hurt because of memories.
“…the selfishness of another…”
Lynus shook his head and ventured back into his office. Only so he could put his research away for the timebeing. He just needed to be with Axel and his family for the moment. And to tell Axel that they, too, would be visiting Iorys with Villard.
And…he hoped that there was something he could do to help that person.
… … … … …
Maginia’s arrival to Iorys certainly wasn’t unexpected, nor was it unannounced. But it sure did surprise a lot of people when the large behemoth of a machine flew past the city in search for a suitable place to land.
Drayce was thankfully still awake when the flying city rumbled past. He couldn’t imagine what kind of shock and fear he would have felt to awake suddenly to the trembling and shaking of his surroundings. One earthquake was enough for him, thank you very much!
Everyone had already gathered into the dining hall for breakfast, though many members of his guild weren’t all that hungry. They were too nervous to eat. And honestly, Drayce couldn’t blame them.
They were anxious about joining Maginia’s voyage to Lemuria. While they were somewhat interested to see the mysterious island for themselves, they were also rightly nervous. They had niched out a rather suitable life here in Iorys, with an encouraging prince as their supporter, and awesome people to help should they need it.
They were also worried about…a certain member of their guild.
Drayce ventured over to where his grandfather stood by the window, looking out toward the large city of Maginia. “We’ll need to visit Ramus soon, won’t we?”
Roux nodded his head. “Yeah. From what I understand, Princess Persephone will wish to speak with him first. Best let them have their private conversation first.”
“And your friend? Villard?”
“Yeah, he’ll be there, too,” Roux answered, a serious expression on his face. “And, hopefully, that person would be there, too.”
Drayce looked toward the seating area of his guildhouse. To where his brother sat by the fireplace. In his wheelchair. A pillow behind his head as he dozed quietly. His expression free from pain. For a short while at least.
“You think they can help?” Drayce asked softly, his voice hitching in his throat.
“I hope so, my boy,” grandpa replied. “I hope so…”
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theshatteredrose · 5 years
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Someone take Picrew away from me :’3
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theshatteredrose · 6 years
It just occurred to me that finally, after all these years, Lynus is going to have a voice. I’m going to hear him speak in battle, hear what he says when he heals someone, or stumbles across something of note.
I’m so happy ❤^❤ I just hope that there will be a suitable voice option for him. One that suits him...
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theshatteredrose · 7 years
A Dream
I forgot to post this sooner, but I legit had a dream last night about Lynus. I have to share as it's really cute~
In my dream, Lynus was lamenting about being under Taksony's control and was wondering why it was happening to him and if he would ever experience freedom again. So sad and depressing ;_;
But then his future self visits him. Older with longer hair and sparkling violet eyes, future-Lynus tells his past self to keep holding on because he has a wonderful future ahead of him. And then shows him flashes of living in Lagaard with Axel as his husband and two beautiful sons. He also has so many friends waiting for him.
Dream ends with Lynus promising to himself to keep going, taking it day by day, truly believing that he will be happy. His future is waiting for him.
Like I said, too cute not to share, right~?
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theshatteredrose · 7 years
I wish Lynus was an official NPC for an EO game. He would be so lovely to talk to
It would be an absolute dream for me, too~!
He would own a clinic type establishment where he does research for the hospital. The guild is asked to help him out because he needs items/materials from the labyrinth. And in return he would make tonics for the guild, tonics that act like the recipes in EOU2 do like increasing wisdom and stats and walking to regain hp and stuff. You know what I mean. The further the guild travels into the labyrinth the stronger the tonics.
He could also make tonics to help with events in the labyrinth. Like a tonic to increase strength to allow the guild to break down a barrier. Or a tonic to throw at a foe to cause them to fall asleep on the field, allowing for the guild to slip around it without having to fight.
He would be so useful
Axel would need to be there, too, as his canon partner. Axel could offer tips and suggestions to the guild inside the labyrinth and stuff. He being the one to explain the use of a geo pole and such.
Of course there would have to be skits involving the two. Like Axel chiding Lynus for not taking care of his health or working too hard. And Lynus fussing over Axel when he comes back with a minor injury or scratch.
The guild will be able to sometimes team up with Axel during quests or something. They might even need him to break down a few barriers for them or something XD Probably even escort Lynus for a few of them as well so he could gather materials himself.
Also there has to be a major event where Lynus is kidnapped or something and Axel joins the guild for a floor to reach the boss and fighting the boss with them in order to get Lynus back. A sweet reunion of Axel and Lynus fussing over each other.
Ahhhh it would be so lovely I would die!
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theshatteredrose · 7 years
Hear me out; Axel doesn't know people are talking badly about Lynus until said medic has already heard the comments. Would he comfort Lynus first, or lecture/beat the shit out of the punks first?
Oh, Axel would definitely comfort Lynus first. Lynus always comes first, after all~ He would remind him of all the wonderful things he has done, all the people he had helped, and all the people he continues to help so selflessly. He would tell him how loved and appreciated he is, and how these punks obviously don’t have a fucking clue what they are talking about.
Those punks can run and hide all they want, Axel and the rest of the Guardians will find them. They will suffer the consequences of speaking badly about Lynus. They will regret even daring to look at Lynus the wrong way. They will learn to keep their big, fat, useless mouths shut.
If they want to get anywhere in Lagaard, they had better learn to play nice with the Guardians~
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theshatteredrose · 5 years
Alright!! just finished reading part one of CtS (the 46 chapter one) AND I LOVED IT.... I love this funky guild, and it’s nice that i’ll be able to recognize some of these characters more when you talk about them (i always found myself thinking “who’s that character? I wonder which portrait they have? they sound cool”) ... and I’d Die for Magnus
Ahhhh, thank you so very much~!! I’m so glad that you enjoyed it. CtS is my longest series to date and Lynus is my number 1 EO boy of all time. I love them all, however. And Magnus is indeed very precious :3
Thank you for reading~
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theshatteredrose · 5 years
I just binged pretty much your entire cease the suffering saga including the oneshots and the Q&A books and I love EVERYTHING but my angsty self must ask, how would everyone react if their SO's were LEGITIMATELY injured(like blood and unconsciousness, maybe wounded but conscious and in visible pain), either from the labyrinth or some nefarious human enemy(cuz with these good boys I imagine they must have enemies of all shapes and sizes).
Ah, angst. What would we do without it? :’D
They honesty do have a few enemies in the background. Some are jealous of their skill and fame, some are obsessed with certain members, others see them as potentially useful for their heinous schemes.
Axel/Lynus:Well, we’ve kinda seen how Axel and Lynus react to the other in serious pain or in a precarious position health wise. But if Axel should ever be unconscious with a serious injury, we all know that Lynus would essentially lose his shit and push his healing powers to the absolute max without any regard toward himself.
That in turn would cause Axel to panic because when he awakens, all healed and healthy, Lynus is the one unconscious and coughing up blood. Axel just scoops him up into his arms and takes him to the nearest healer that he can trust and pleads for their help. Otherwise, if Lynus was hurt in the labyrinth, Axel just slaughters everything that is a threat, including humans if necessary, run to Lynus, scoop him up into his arms and goes in search for another medic who can help.
Jhon/Tobyn:Out of the two, its Jhon who is likely the one to get seriously injured. To be expected in some way since he’s a staunch protector. But that doesn’t make Tobyn’s life any easier. If Jhon was seriously injured, Tobyn would just lose his shit. Silently violent and vengeful against the one responsible for Jhon’s injuries, and once they’re taking care off, he has an internal breakdown where he just wants to be near Jhon at all times. Sitting by his bed, not moving for hours if necessarily. He’ll have a breakdown later, likely crying into Lynus’ shoulder.
Now, if Tobyn was injured, Jhon would immediately panic and blame himself. Especially if Tobyn was hurt protecting him instead of the other way round. In this situation, it would reveal how strong and violent Jhon can be toward the one (monster or otherwise) who caused Tobyn’s injuries. Jhon is normally polite and friendly, some would say precious. But he does turn cold and aggressive when someone near and dear to him is hurt. If Tobyn was on the verge of death, Jhon would just lose his shit. And it would be terrifying to behold.
Shen/Magnus:Magnus is another person who would become cold and absolutely terrifying should Shen be critically injured. Shen is the one who keeps him grounded essentially, so should he suddenly disappear, Magnus would become completely lost in his grief and anger, just destroying everything around him in order to get the one responsible. The only other person who could pull him back would be Lynus. But that would be difficult as he would be busy trying to heal Shen.
Shen would also become lost should anything happen to Magnus. Anything at all; injury, illness, unconsciousness, whatever. He’s a warrior. Being on the battlefield is what he’s used to, what he’s known for. Waiting on the sidelines is not something he can truly do. He hates feeling helpless and useless. And that is what he would feel like should Magnus get hurt in anyway. Just wanders around like a lost sheep, basically. He’d go after the one responsible with a cool vengeance. But after that, he’s completely lost. I do see Hamza confronting him about it, which may result in Shen finally breaking down and crying into Hamza’s shoulder Q^Q
Lirit/Macerio:Oooh, Macerio is someone who would not be able to handle someone he cares for being hurt right in front of him. And if that someone was Lirit? Hate to say it, but Macerio would immediately become suicidal, especially if Lirit is in a very serious or critical condition. Someone will need to keep a close eye on him. Thankfully, it wouldn’t be all that hard as he’d want to stay close to Lirit, constantly apologising to him, even if it wasn’t his fault, after Lirit was placed in a bed in the hospital. It somewhat frightens Macerio and the others how much Lirit means to him, to the point where he just can’t see his life without him. Though, the others understand what he feels.
Lirit just goes into shock, I imagine. Having a panic-attack because he doesn’t know what to do in these situations. Everyone is supposed to be happy and healthy. Not like this. He’d want to stay as close to Macerio as possible, though he pays little attention to anything else that is happening around him. Though, if a human is responsible for Macerio’s condition, Lirit would be pissed. If they were in the labyrinth, I can see him callously singing that song that increases monster encounters (can’t remember the name at the moment), practically calling forth the monsters before he takes Macerio and runs away, hoping that either the monsters will attack the bastard responsible, or give them enough time to flee.
Hamza/Cedric:Ahh, Hamza. He acts cool, calm and collected now. But he wasn’t like that in his youth. And should something happen to Cedric right in front of him, well, he’d revert back to his reckless youth and do whatever is necessary to protect and save Cedric, no matter the cost to him. During times like these, only Cedric mattered. Nothing else. The others are a little surprised by his change in demeanour, from calm to outrageous reckless. We saw a hint of that in The Lost Key.
I just envisioned Cedric recklessly using his voice, singing to heal Hamza regardless of how painful it is for him to do so. Holding back his tears as he does so. He could lose his voice for good for all he knew, but he doesn’t care. Hamza has done so much for him while he’s been nothing but a dead weight. But Hamza won’t die. He won’t let him. If he has to sacrifice his voice to save him, then he will.
Simmons/Rahas:For Rahas, getting Simmons to safety is the first thing that crosses his mind. The second is revenge. Cold-blooded revenge. He’d go to any length to hunt the bastard down, be them man or monster. Hunt them down in a cold, calculating way. He’d kill them. Yes, goes straight to murder. He would feel no joy or satisfaction in doing so. It is simply cold revenge. Their punishment for daring to hurt Simmons. He’d feel no guilt or remorse either.
Simmons doesn’t really understand at first. Rahas is strong. He wouldn’t get hurt so easily, right? But when Rahas doesn’t move, doesn’t respond when Simmons talks to him, it finally sinks in. And he snaps. Simmons is a carefree, child-like young man, but he’s still a landsknecht. He still has above average strength. And it in this kind of situation when that full, unbridle strength is revealed. And he’s scary when he’s pissed. The best thing anyone can do is to let him go for the time being. He’s lost so much already. He lost his mother in such a traumatic way. He can’t lose Rahas, too. I imagine that only the words “he’s alive” will bring Simmons back from the madness of grief.
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theshatteredrose · 5 years
A Gathering of Guardians: Prologue (Chapter 3) - Etrian Odyssey Nexus Fanfiction
AN: Finally got this chapter done! Between the headaches and unreasonable heat, I didn’t think I’d be able to get this chapter done. It’s a long one, too. Anyway, let’s get back to what’s important; Lynus and his good boys :3 Enjoy~
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Chapter 3:
Lynus reached the door that led to Azure’s room and knocked on it lightly. He could feel his apprentice on the other side and there was a light sense of nervousness being emitted from him. He thankfully wasn’t scared or frightened. More likely anxious about their new environment.
A few seconds after Lynus knocked, the door opened a crack and Azure peered through. He soon relaxed, however, and took a step back to allow the door to open fully. And for Lynus to step inside.
“Just seeing how you are doing now,” Lynus said as he closed the door softly behind him. “Not overwhelmed by your new surroundings?”
Azure didn’t immediately answer. Instead, he briefly glanced around at his new room, prompting Lynus to do the same. The room was roughly the same size as the one that Lynus and Axel shared. If that was any indication, then perhaps all the rooms were the same. Large but comfortable enough.
“M-maybe just a little, but I’m ok,” Azure answered as his hands idly toyed with the hem of his shirt. “Having everyone so close is nice.”
“Hm, it is,” Lynus agreed. “Looking forward to visiting other cities on our way to Lemuria? I’m looking forward to visiting Tharsis.”
Azure perked up a little in realisation. “A-ah, your pen-pal?”
Lynus nodded his head and smiled as he recalled the letters he had shared with a medic that resided in Tharsis. “Isiah. That’s right. It’s sure to be a surprise for him.”
Unexpectedly, Azure’s eyes clouded over slightly and he peered off into the air before him. Lynus was immediately worried, but before he could ask him, Azure spoke, “Lemuria…is somehow familiar to me.”
Lynus furrowed his brow slightly. “Oh?”
As quickly as that unexpected cloudiness in his eyes appeared, they disappeared and Azure tensed. He looked surprisingly sheepish as he tightened his hands on the hem of his shirt. “I-I don’t know why, though.”
“That’s fine,” Lynus immediately reassured and reached out to offer his apprentice a comforting hug. “Maybe once we arrive, you’ll understand. Though I know it will be hard, try not to let it get to you. You’re safe here, with us, no matter what. Now, would you like for me to wrangle Chi-hung into staying with you or will you be all right on your own for now?”
Azure immediately returned the embrace but shook his head. “I-I’m all right,” he insisted. “Chi-hung is probably claiming his spot in front of the fireplace.”
Lynus chuckled. “Yes, I think so, too. Everything will be fine. We’re all together.”
“I-I know.”
After ensuring that Azure was comfortable and that he was truly fine, Lynus excused himself and saw himself out. He closed the door behind him before moving toward the next room. There were no name plaques as of yet, but he didn’t need them to know who resided in what room. Though, they’ll be sure to get together later and create their plaques for the sake of the others.
Upon reaching the next room, Lynus knocked lightly with the knuckles of his fingers. “It’s just me. I just wanted to see how you were settling in.”
The door immediately opened and he was greeted by Jhon, the blond-haired protector smiling warmly at him as he motioned for him to stay inside. Jhon had changed little over the last two years. Still polite, engaging, out-going, and still the very protective protector. However, thankfully, any white-knight tendencies he possessed have dwindled significantly.
“Ah, we’ve been expecting you, actually,” he said with a small hint of humour in his voice.
Lynus just smiled and stepped inside. He took a quick glance around the room and noted that once more it was very similar to the one that he now resided in.
“Gotta admit, the rooms are rather impressive,” Tobyn commented idly.
Lynus nodded his head and turned back to regard the two blonds. Tobyn had both changed a lot, yet very little. Outwardly, he’s still rather anti-social and tended to keep to himself. But he also more openly affectionate to others, especially to Jhon. And to Macerio, who he would admit he saw as his little brother.
The one thing that had both changed and not change – his sheer protectiveness of others. Now, however, he was far more willing to be as violent as possible to protect others. He was rather creative, too.
Axel found endless amusement in that.
“Yes, we thought so, too,” Lynus replied.
“A little…curious about how we’ll respond to Maginia taking to the skies, though,” Jhon pondered out loud, a sense of uneasy in his voice despite the polite smile on his lips.
Tobyn immediately frowned at the comment and folded his arms roughly across his chest. His defensive posture indicated that he, too, was rather uneasy about the prospect. “Cautious, you mean.”
“I am, too, to be honest,” Lynus replied as he casted a quick glance out of the window. “Hopefully, it’s somewhat similar to what it’s like being inside the Heavenly Keep. If not, we might find ourselves fleeing to Armoroad and taking a boat back to Lagaard.”
Jhon openly laughed at the prospect. “Hope it doesn’t come to that, but I agree.”
“Even so, I’m glad that you’re both settling in,” Lynus mused.
“Yes, we’re both fine,” Jhon reiterated with that polite, knowing smile of his.
“Don’t let us interrupt your rounds any further,” Tobyn added.
That was sarcasm in Tobyn’s voice, but there was also humour behind it. So Lynus sent him a playfully bemused look but said nothing in response. Instead, he uttered a quick farewell to the two, and left them to their own devices. They were probably curious to explore their new surroundings, also.
After closing the door to Jhon’s and Tobyn’s room behind him, Lynus crossed the hall to knock on another door. He managed to strike the wooden structure just once before the door was opened before him. Two figures.
“L-Lynus!” Magnus greeted him cheerfully, subtly excited.
Lynus smiled warmly at the blond-haired alchemist. Magnus had grown a lot over the last two years. He had become more confident within himself and while there were times where he was still nervous about using his full abilities, he was no longer crippled with doubt and fear.
Shen, himself, had also changed. Not much, mind. He was still silent, somewhat stoic and mysterious, but he was far more open and affectionate toward Magnus.
They had grown even closer after Shen had revealed their past connections. To think that Magnus was the one to had given Shen a medicine bottle to heal his injuries, unwittingly saving his life and giving him meaning. It was all very precious and sweet.
“Are you two settling in all right?” Lynus asked as Magnus welcomed him in.
As he stepped into the room, he immediately spied a certain ginger and white fluff ball curled up on the edge of the bed. Unsurprisingly, even Magnus’ kitten had decided to come along. Zanna had grown into a large, fluffy cat. She was happy to ride around on the shoulders of others, but especially the shoulders of Magnus and Shen. But she just adored sitting on Chi-hung’s back the most.
“The room is really nice,” Magnus replied. “And it’s…kinda nice to have everyone together like this again.”
Lynus smiled in agreement. It was. It was nice to have everyone together under one roof. They had moved together in one community back in Lagaard, but to have everyone even closer together once more was reassuring.
While they all loved Lagaard, loved the lives they had created for themselves, there was still a underlying sense of…stagnation. They were explorers, after all. Venturing through mysterious new areas, encountering new materials, helping more people.
That was all they enjoyed doing. It was what they were good at.
“It truly is. I’m glad to see that you’ve all settled in readily,” Lynus commented.
Lynus spent a couple more moments with Magnus and Shen, idly petting Zanna and just reassuring himself, and Magnus, that everyone seemed to be readily accepting of their new environment. Magnus, too, felt a little uneasy at the prospect of living in a flying city, but he was curious nevertheless.
After bidding the two a farewell or two so they could return to their unpacking, Lynus closed the door behind him and turned to venture to the one next door. As he moved closer, he realised that the next door was open just a little. It was a small invite to anyone who wished to pop their head in and say hello.
So that was what Lynus did. He gave a small knock with his knuckles before he pushed the door open. And he was immediately greeted by the sight of Macerio and Lirit who were sat on the bed, Macerio leaning against Lirit and Lirit with his arm around Macerio’s shoulders. It appeared that the two had been sitting and talking for a little while.
It was good to see that Macerio was far more comfortable in allowing Lirit to shower him with affection. The dangerous beat Edgewolf had been dealt with. The madness attached to the creature was over. He didn’t have to worry about that anymore. Honestly, Hamza had been worried of what state Macerio would fall into after his ‘meaning’ had ended. It was a fear that many of them held.
But there was nothing to worry about.
He was a member of the Guardians. A guild he saw as family. A guild who loved him in return. Of course, he would do whatever was necessary to stay with everyone. Stay with Lirit.
As Lynus stepped into the room, they both turned their gazes in his direction and smiled warmly at him. Neither surprised to see him.
“Hello, you two,” Lynus greeted as he idly rested his hand on the door handle while the other rested on his hip. “Settling in?”
“Of course,” Lirit replied as he kept his arms around Macerio, the other resting against his comfortably. “We were just talking about how nice it is to have everyone together, despite leaving Lagaard.”
“I’m actually surprised that Tiffany didn’t want to come,” Macerio unexpectedly commented, silently dismayed that he didn’t have a ‘rival’ to compete with and pick on.
Lynus tilted his head to the side. “Ah, you don’t realise?”
Macerio blinked. “Realise what?”
“She’s afraid of flying,” Lynus explained. “She won’t go anywhere near Petal Bridge or Heavenly Keep for that reason.”
“S-she is?” Macerio spluttered as he sat up straight, honestly surprised. “Damn it, I didn’t know. I could have teased the hell out of her.”
Lynus shook his head in fond exasperation. “Never mind. Maybe next time. For what I understand, Kerri chose to stay with her there. And with Binah also there, it appears as if Lagaard, and any up-and-coming explorers, are at the mercy of those girls.”
He almost felt sorry for them, honestly.
Macerio suddenly sat up straighter, a form of satisfaction on his face. “Ah, I just realised what this means!”
“I won’t be forced into playing matchmaker anymore!” Macerio sounded absolutely thrilled.
Lirit wrapped his arms around Macerio once more and pulled him close so he could nuzzle his cheek against his neck. “Aww, but you were getting so good at it.”
Lynus had to laugh. Macerio’s reluctant matchmaking attempts were nearly as notorious as the schemes of the famous Pinkettes themselves.
After seeing that the two had indeed settled in easily and didn’t seem to have any complaints or worries, Lynus decided to leave them to their own devices. He bid the two a quick farewell before he turned and stepped from the room. He closed the door behind him, however, to give them a little more privacy.
As he turned away from the door, the sound of another opening caused him to lift his head up. A smile soon reappeared on his lips when his gaze collided with that of a certain blue-haired sovereign. And with him, as per usual, was Zeryn, close behind him.
Their relationship was quite the surprise, the two from very different backgrounds, after all. But they’re very affectionate toward one another nonetheless. Zeryn certainly loved showing Topaz off.
“Ah, Topaz,” Lynus greeted as Topaz hurried over to him, excitement seen clearly in his aura. “I thought you’d be eagerly inspecting our new lodgings.”
“It can’t be helped,” Topaz replied, his excitement not waning a bit. “I’m just so excited to visit the city of Maginia, and of course, see what kind of relics and weapons they have in their possessions.”
Ah, that wasn’t surprising. “Of course,” Lynus said before he glanced over at the blond-haired highlander. “And, you, Zeryn?”
Zeryn smiled broadly, a sense of mischief in both his grin and aura. “Aye, looking forward to the sorts of fights I can git into. With Ol’ Cass here, I’m sure to find it.”
Lynus just had to laugh. Again, he wasn’t surprised by that, either. “I’d ask you to stay out of trouble, but knowing you it’s be a waste of breath. Do be careful, nevertheless.”
“I’ll keep him in line,” Topaz promised.
Although, it was more likely that Topaz himself would run off unexpectedly, lured away by the promise of something interesting, and Zeryn would be the one keeping him in line. Ah, but it was all right. As long as they had fun, that was all that mattered.
Lynus bid them a farewell and good luck before they parted ways. He then turned to the next room that was occupied with a familiar aura. This time, however, he didn’t even need to knock on the door himself. As he approached, it opened to reveal a certain red-eyed hexer.
“Ah, there you are,” Mahogany said, completely and utterly unfazed by his appearance. “I was wondering when you were stopping by.”
Honestly, his mothering methods were that notorious, it seemed.
“Hello, Mahogany,” Lynus greeted the hexer before him before he peered into the room to see a black-haired alchemist still in the process of unpacking. “You, too, Sardonyx.”
Sardonyx glanced over at him to offer a nod in return before he went back to his meticulous unpacking. Although rather stoic, and honestly having quite the fearsome resting face, Sardonyx was surprisingly awkward and flighty. He tried to maintain the cool and calm demure, but as soon as his friend Rubell did something ‘out of line’ or Mahogany wandered off in an airy state, his true personality was shown in a display of loudness and threats of violence.
Some say he had a split personality, but that wasn’t the case. He was just trying to keep his fiery personality hidden, something he had been forced since he was a child.
Mahogany’s dismissiveness of his outburst was actually good for Sardonyx.
“Everyone else seems to have settled in,” Lynus commented. “How about the two of you?”
“Our lodgings seem satisfactory,” Sardonyx replied as he set about getting the curtains to the right angle.
Mahogany idly nodded his head before he gazed at Lynus with curiosity. “Are you looking forward to meeting others?” he unexpectedly asked.
“Yes, I am, honestly.” A small smile, half playful and half serious, appeared on Lynus’ lips. “Though, I do hope you don’t face-plant in front of them.”
“And tell them they should be dead,” Sardonyx added, his voice terser than before because it appeared that the curtains weren’t cooperating with what he wanted them to do.
Mahogany shrugged carelessly. “Some things can’t be helped.”
Ah, so that meant Lynus was likely going to be the one to explain Mahogany’s quirks to anyone he fainted in front of. That should be interesting.
Upon realising that Sardonyx was increasingly getting angry at his room’s curtains, Lynus bid the two farewell and allowed Mahogany to close the door. A crush soon followed and Lynus shook his head. He would just assume that Sardonyx threw the curtains to the floor in frustration.
Leaving Mahogany to either talk Sardonyx down and join him in destroying that infuriating pieces of fabric, Lynus turned his attention to the next occupied room. The next two auras he was more curious about. Perhaps even more concerned about.
The next room was the new residence to Hrothgar and Gage. Hrothgar had…been through a lot. So had Gage. Hrothgar’s former guild killed by the demand of another, the red-headed protector himself left on his own, consumed with revenge and pain. Only to endure horrific injuries that resulted in him cursed by another into a sleep. While Gage, his highlander fiancé believed to have been killed along with his guildmates, had his memories sealed and forced to wander on his own.
It was honestly just sheer luck that Lynus and his guild had learnt of Hrothgar’s plight. They had discovered Wulfgar in the labyrinth. Healing him led to the discovery of Hrothgar and then of Gage himself.
Lynus shook his head to rid himself of those frightening memories. He was glad that Hrothgar and Gage were safe now. Though Hrothgar wished to honour the name of his guild, Beowulf, he was also an honorary member of the Guardians.
And as a member, the others were protective of him.
Lynus knocked lightly on the door and waited patiently. However, instead of someone opening the door for him, he received a verbally response.
“It’s open!”
Lynus immediately reached for the handled and twisted the door open. He immediately spied the room’s occupants on the bed, sat together closely, likely talking. “Sorry, it’s just me. Just checking in on everyone.”
Hrothgar looked over at him and smiled warmly. He made no attempt to move from where he was nestled against Gage on the bed, and honestly, he looked very comfortable. Lynus was more than relaxed with just speaking with them as they were.
“Ah, that’s fine,” Hrothgar answered. “We thought you would. In fact, Gage himself was about to head out to check the perimeters, right?”
Hrothgar turned to look at Gage, receiving a small smile from the other. “Can never be too cautious.”
“I know,” Hrothgar whispered as he leaned his forehead against Gage’s.
Lynus watched the two silently for a moment. Their affection for one another was heart-warming. And after what they’ve been through, it was more than reasonable.
“It’s nice knowing that we’re altogether and well protected, isn’t it?” Lynus finally commented.
Hrothgar turned to regard him with that friendly smile of his once more. “Is truly is. I’ll…miss Lagaard, but I suppose I need to do this. Make new memories elsewhere. Right?”
Gage suddenly hugged him tight. “Right.”
Hm, sounded good. Make new memories. Together. As they explore once more. Meeting new people. Perhaps even helping them.
“Well, I’m relieved that you’re both settling in,” Lynus said as he tightened his grip on the door. “I’ll leave you in peace now. I think we’ll be having lunch together later. I’ll see you then.”
“See you later, Lynus.”
Lynus softly closed the door, still smiling to himself.
Now, his next room to visit should be a truly interesting one. Honestly, he was surprised to learn that Canaan and Skylark, their winged companions, were to be adventuring with them. He was also very curious about in what context the name “Lemuria” was uttered within the Winged Ones’ ancient documents.
As he approached the door, he found it partly opened. Slightly worried, he knocked on the door and pushed it open. “Hope you don’t mind me intruding. How are you two fairing with your new surroundings?”
He paused when he noticed at the two Winged Ones companions out on the balcony of their room. Perched on the railing, talking quietly to each other.
Canaan glanced over at him before he hopped down from his perch and walked over to him, Skylark close behind. “We have much to grow accustomed to, I will admit. What strange beds you earthbound ones have.”
Hm? Oh, that was right. The Winged Ones slept in what they referred to as nest. They didn’t sleep in traditional beds, for they couldn’t get comfortable because of their wings.
“Oh, I guess they are,” Lynus murmured, feeling a little lost as what he could do to help them. “Are they unsatisfactory for you? I might be able to arrange for more blankets, if you like?”
Canaan glanced over at Skylark, and the ever quiet one, Skylark simply nodded his head at him. “Hm, more materials to make the necessary nests would indeed be preferable.”
They needed to figure something out. No need for any of them to be even remotely uncomfortable.
“Then I’ll speak with Villard the next time I see him,” Lynus pacified. “In any case, I’m pleased to know that you two will be traveling with us. The perfect opportunity for us all to see the world together.”
Canaan gazed at him silently for a moment before a genuine smile slipped across his lips and he nodded his head. “Yes, we are looking forward to it ourselves.”
Lynus returned the smile before he decided to excuse himself, allowing the two Winged Ones to find a way to get themselves comfortable in their room. He briefly wondered if he should search for Villard to tell him about the blankets request.
However, as he turned to venture to his next port of call, so to speak, a familiar presence pulled him to a stop. He glanced over his shoulder to watch as a certain silver-haired troubadour step from his room. When he gazed around idly, and when his eyes met Lynus’ from the short distance between them, his immediately brighten up.
“Ah, Lynus~” he cooed happily as he walked over to him hurriedly.
“Cedric,” Lynus greeted warmly. “Inspecting our new surroundings?”
Cedric sent him a wink. “Just poking about. I have to admit that I am surprised that Villard has managed to acquire such a place, even if the city of Maginia’s has only the half the population needed to actually be called a city.”
Lynus nodded his head as he turned to walk with Cedric, the two of them just moving without destination. “I had noticed the lack of inhabitants when we were guided through Maginia. I assume that there are a lot of empty buildings that the royal family is hoping to have filled, which in itself is the reason why they’re visiting other cities?”
“Spot on, as usual,” Cedric replied joyfully.
“Make sense, really,” Lynus commented as he tapped his cheek in thought. “And what’s more enticing to a business owner?”
Cedric hummed lightly as he folded his arms behind his back. “Hmm, what I’m looking forward to is meeting Villard’s other associates.” He peered at Lynus from the corner of his eye, a mischievous grin on his lips. “Especially if they happen to be any vulnerable strays involved.”
“Now Cedric, what are you trying to say?”
“Oh, I’m just so looking forward to you mothering others~”
Lynus had to laugh. “I thought so. I guess I can’t dispute that. I am interested in meeting those from Etrian who agreed to join Villard. Oh, speaking of Villard, do you mind if you could deliver a request for me?”
Cedric tilted his head to the side in curiosity. “Hm? What is it?”
“Our winged friends are unaccustomed to the beds of humans. They request a few blankets and materials to make nests for themselves,” he explained.
“Oh. Oh, yes,” Cedric said as his expression lightened with realisation. “I do suppose that would be more comfortable for them. I’ll take care of this for you.”
Hah, that was a relief. “Thank you, Cedric.”
“Not at all,” Cedric happily chirped. “Anyway, Rahas and Simmons are out in the courtyard, if you’re interested.”
Lynus turned his attention to his surroundings and noticed that he now stood outside just inside of the building’s foyer. And just outside, through the doors, he saw two familiar figures. “Ah, I see. I’ll just take a moment to see how they’re settling in.”
“Of course~” Cedric chirped again.
Lynus fondly rolled his eyes but made no attempt to respond. Instead, he turned to walk outside. And toward the two figures that stood close together.
“There you are,” Lynus said in a form of greeting.
“Hi, Lynus!” Simmons immediately greeted cheerfully, while Rahas simply nodded his head in return.
“Hello, Simmons,” Lynus replied, earning a smile from the blue-haired landsknecht, before he turned to regard the two. “Inspecting our new residence?”
Rahas folded his arms across his chest and looked around at their surroundings idly. “Looking for a new training spot.”
Lynus nodded his head in understanding before a smile crept across his lips. “Hm. I hope you didn’t sneak out the window to get here.”
Rahas sent him a sour look. “Please, I haven’t done that in years,” he insisted with an indignant sniff.
Simmons, however, looked confused. “You did three nights ago because you forgot your key.”
“H-hey, shut up!”
Lynus laughed to himself.
Rahas had mellowed out greatly over the last two years. When Ghali was found and adopted, when Simmons’, Shiki’s, and Gerald’s lives were threatened by the man that stole Sandra from them. Though he was still on the flighty side, he was no longer the Emo Brat. He was openly protective of what he referred to as his Little Family.
Hamza and Cedric often lamented the fact that they could no longer tease Rahas about being their token Emo Brat, but it was so obvious to everyone how relieved and proud everyone was of Rahas. Axel, too, was relieved. They had thankfully set aside their differences and were actually friends now. Something that couldn’t even have been imagined two years ago.
Simmons had grown a lot, too. He…didn’t have all his memories of what happened to his mother that terrible day. But he remembered enough. Lynus had honestly worried about how he would respond to the realisation of everything. Of his mother, of his father, of his own injuries and state of mind.
But Simmons was a surprisingly stubborn young man. It was likely due to the strong support he had of everyone. He also had a little brother he needed to look after. And he had been reassured that nothing like that would happen to him, to anyone he loved, ever again.
Rahas himself was the one to ensure that would happen.
Lynus suddenly felt a shiver of realisation race up his spine and he subconsciously straightened his posture, tensing. He immediately looked around at their surroundings, and soon narrowed in on one corner of the courtyard. A moment later two figures, familiar to him, appeared.
“Avith!” Rahas hissed, bristling like a feral cat, something he hadn’t done for at least a year. “Bastard, what the fuck are you doing here? How long have you been here?”
Avith just smirked that conceited grin of his as he casually ambled closer, Zalaph silently following. “Now, is that anyway to greet an old friend? I watched you lot wander on board. I would have greeted you then, buuuuut I didn’t fancy that redhead taking a swing at me.”
Rahas continued to bristle as he stomped over to where Avith was. Avith, for his part, seemed greatly amused by Rahas’ reaction to him. What followed was a lot of hissing and insults from Rahas, and Avith coolly retorting with sarcastic remarks, which in itself resulted in more bristling from Rahas.
Lynsu couldn’t help but just watch the scene before him. Simmons seemed as intrigued, not exactly confused, but watching carefully.
To think that Lynus used to be so terrified of both Avith and Zalaph. But now, after learning more about them, about what they, too, had endured because of Taksony, what they’ve both lost…Lynus wasn’t afraid of them. Perhaps uneasy, but not afraid.
In fact, he could say he was more curious. He questioned to himself why Avith would agree to help anyone on an expedition. Entering Maginia would limit his ability to visit other nations and continents, wouldn’t it? Unless he was in fact using the flying city for that very advantage?
One look at Zalaph, however, and he soon realised why. Avith wasn’t there to help. He was using as an excuse to help Zalaph. No, get help for him.
“Zalaph,” Lynus called out as he walked over to the hexer, ignoring the way Rahas was bristling and Avith was smirking. “How long have you had lung and raspatory problems?”
Zalaph turned to look at him. Though his face was stoic and gaunt as usual, he was obviously surprised and confused by Lynus’ question. The confusion in his aura indicated to Lynus that he, himself, wasn’t aware of the state of his health. That wasn’t something that was surprising.
So, despite everything between them, Lynus sent a questioning glance in Avith’s direction. He found the dark hunter now blatantly ignoring Rahas, instead looking at him in return. His expression was stoic, but his eyes were slightly narrowed.
“A week,” he suddenly stated, answering his unasked question.
Lynus nodded and turned his attention back to Zalaph. He raised his hand in his direction in order to concentrate on his aura. It honestly didn’t take him long to make a diagnosis.
Hmmm, acute bronchitis…
Because of his frail health, it was likely to last a week or so. Overwhelming him with too much medicine at once would only backfire on them. They would need to start as soon as possible, yet will have to take things slowly, too. Good thing that they were going to be travelling together for a while.
“I’ll make a treatment of honey and lemon for you,” Lynus said without waiting for a response as he lowered his hand. “You’ll need to take this tincture two times a day. That will need to be increased to three, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Now, follow me so I can start you on your first dose.”
The confusion and surprise in Zalaph’s aura only grew as he blinked at him. His gaze quickly flickered over in Avith’s direction. Lynus gazed over as well, carefully inspecting the outward blank expression on his face. His aura, however, was far more active. Relief was the most potent.
A simple nod of his head was enough to finish the silent conversation between the two.
So, Lynus was right.
“Lynus?” Rahas questioned, his face creased into a scowl and suspicion in his voice. “Are you-?”
“It’s fine,” Lynus interrupted with a reassuring smile. “I am a healer. I’ve taken the healer’s oath. I will help anyone in need, regardless of who they are. Besides, that is all in the past. Let us continue to look forward rather than back, yes?”
Rahas snapped his mouth shut, seemingly unable to reply. Avith, on the other hand…he seemed to be greatly relieved. Yet, there was also a sense of guilt. That same guilt as before, when they had met again in Lagaard two years ago to warn him of Taksony’s predecessor.
That was all in the past now.
“Follow me, Zalaph,” Lynus instructed gently. “I have a new office now, but I’m certain I can find the medicine necessary. Best start you on your new medication as soon as possible.”
Zalaph’s expression stayed the neutral blankness, but it was easy for Lynus to sense the unease in his aura. He glanced over at Avith again, who nodded sharply at him again. Though the motion was sharp, almost harsh, once again Avith’s aura revealed the truth.
So, somewhat awkwardly and strangely shyly, Zalaph moved to follow Lynus as he led him back into the interior of The Sanctuary.
“Now, not to worry, Zalaph,” Lynus said, offering comforting words. “We’ll have you back to health in no time.”
Zalaph continued to stay quite but he nodded his head nonetheless. His quietness was more the result of his illness, but it was partly from nervousness about the situation.
As Lynus led Zalaph around a corner, he was forced to a stop when something ran into his legs. Not enough force to knock him over, but enough to startle him to take a step back. A purely innocent aura touched him and he looked down to see a young child, no older than seven-years, peering up at him in curiosity in return.
Someone else promptly appeared from an open door, seemingly having been chasing the child in an attempt to catch him and stop him from hurting himself.
A young man with orange-hair and violet coloured eyes. He appeared to be that of a medic, the white medical coat evidence to that. However, he also had a gun holstered to his right thigh. But it was the other’s appearance that startled Lynus the most. He…honestly looked like a younger version of him.
He gathered the child up into his arms and uttered a sigh of relief. “There you are! Sorry about that; Nathan is far too energetic for his own good.”
Before Lynus could respond, the other man finally lifted his gaze to look at him. And as he did so, surprise flickered across his face.
“Oh, ah…” the other man spluttered, staring at him in surprise as well.
Hmm, curious…Was he the one Villard had alluded to earlier?
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theshatteredrose · 5 years
Welp so much for you not getting spoiled on who the final boss and post-game Superbosses. And I was trying so hard to not spoil you :p. Anyways yeah the Abyssal Princess is incredibly cheap especially if you don't know anything about her on the first go. I pretty much beat her using the broken double gunner combo. How far are you into the game now? (Also people drawing ar for you to show their support is absolutely precious!)
I’ve actually reached the end of Abyssal Shrine, so I know a bit about the Abyssal Princess, but haven’t faced off against her yet. I kinda rushed down there just to see Blót :’3 I’m happy to see him again, I tell you that~
I’m just roaming around in the game finishing off some quests and stuff. I’ll likely try to battle the princess tomorrow.
I’ve received such adorable fanart. It warms my heart knowing that others love Lynus as much as I do ♥♥
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theshatteredrose · 6 years
Hmm....take that scenario? The Quest for the Smile one? And /imagine it with your CTS boys/ >:D
Nuuuuu Q^Q
But, hmmmm...Perhaps Tobyn/Jhon with Tobyn as Character A and Jhon as Character B. Tobyn in a magical coma-like state where he can’t physically move, but his spirit can move about freely. Jhon can’t see him in spirit form because he’s terrified and beyond worried for Tobyn. Lynus and Mahogany can, but they don’t tell Jhon because that would scare him even more.
Jhon is frantically looking for answers and Tobyn is just trailing behind him in spirit form to watch over him because that precious protector is good at looking after everyone but himself.
Before the blanket draping scene, Tobyn can’t do anything but watch. Helpless, annoyed, absolutely frustrated. but then Jhon has to go into the labyrinth to perhaps gather materials needed to possibly wake Tobyn. But he’s so fatigued from worry that he fails to see a monster behind him. So Tobyn literally pushes him out of the way in time. Jhon is startled because someone pushed him? Who could have pushed him. It’s at that point that Tobyn learns how to interact with the physical world.
So he’s constantly watching over Jhon. Yes, even beating up anyone who dares try to take advantage of him in such a state. He’s also greatly embarrassed by how sweetly Jhon talks to him by his bedside while in a coma. But it makes him realise how lucky he is to have someone like Jhon loving him. 
Of course, Lynus and Co are able to find the cure to release Tobyn from his curse and Jhon is so overwhelmingly relieved!
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theshatteredrose · 2 years
Just reread the one-shot "subtly protective" where Lynus switches Axel's drink with that one guys and damndamndamndamn still one of my favorites, seeing Lynus get wicked protective of HIS landsknecht, just kill me I love it so much.
I knooooow~ That one was a lot of fun to write :3
Lynus is such a precious angel, but I truly need to write more fics where he's being subtly badass. He was awesome in "Curse of Darkshire Manor", he being the one to virtually free/rescue the others. I need to write more of those~
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