#made on a lil shitty art program lol
basoogil · 7 months
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this happens every time they explore a new planet with flora
i had a VERY short amount of time to finish this lol, so apologies for the low quality. hopefully the messiness gives it a little charm though :)
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smolspoopy · 3 years
Also, is there any sort of archive for your old Undertale ask blog? It looked fun lol
O H GOD U FOUND THAT DGDGHDEBEEHSH UHHHHH no sadly I lowkey deleted it a while back. I thought i was hot shit when i made it, my goal was to answer every ask with a lil animated response made using a shitty art program on my mom's kindle fire
I then realized my 16 yr old hubris
but I do have some of the lil animated answers saved!!!
O Kay so get ready for a bunch of O L D art from back in 2016,
(Someone asked how many puns sans could fit into a sentence, this is one of my favorites from back then uwu)
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(I have no idea what the context was for this one but it had something to do with ketchup)
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(Sans was asked to pick between Paps and Toriel and as someone who is both an avid soriel shipper and a lover of well written sibling relationships I couldn't choose)
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(I have no idea what the context for this one was but goop gaster is always some good content 👌)
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(These are from when I introduced the other aus into the ask blog. My portrayals of some of them were v influenced by the standard fandom take on their characters so im kinda ehhh about some of the answers I did for them back then, but that just shows that I've developed I guess.)
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(This one is hella old but it was one of my first posts to kinda gain some traction so I might redo it someday who knows ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯)
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Aaaand that's about it!! It's hella weird to look back on, since I'd like to think I've moved on to better characterizations of some of the characters (but idk at the v least im trying shdhsh)
I might have to do a couple redraws of some of them for old times sake :^)
But I hope u enjoyed this lil throwback to my youth
💕 it took me 4 years to openly admit that I simp for sans undertale💕
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crusty · 4 years
Bro how did you start out animating? I want to start doing animation and I really admire you. Like what are things you wish you knew earlier or some cool tricks idk you’re awesome
I got flipnote studio for the dsi back in 2008.... I was maybe 10 or so... and just. Got hooked on it 🥺🥺 it took me around 5 years to figure out the program and in that time I improved my art drastically and took animation and digital media classes offered at my high school (thank god) which allowed me to learn photoshop and adobe flash (now adobe animate), which I was able to learn quickly bc of my experience with flipnote, which is a very simple animation program. I took classes for maybe 3 years or so before I graduated high school and enrolled in an animation program in college, and I was able to learn more about the history of animation, the process of pitching, storyboarding, psychology of compositions, adobe animate/after effects, and 3d max... I dropped out of this program due to my mental health getting really bad, but now that I'm in a much better place I've been thinking about getting back into it!
I definitely am not full on professional level yet, but I do have a healthy amount of experience with programs, and animating just comes naturally to me! Thank you so much for appreciating my skillz 🥺🥺 sadly due to work and time restraints I'm not able to put my true skills out there bc. Well. Animating is.. a lot.
There are many tools and websites online as well as classes that can get you started with learning Adobe Animate/Photoshop/After Effects and Encoder, which are all great programs for beginners!! You can either purchase the software (which. I do not recommend its horribly expensive even with student discount) or you can.... acquire the software through.. totally Legal means :))
Once you get started with it I would recommend watching as many flash tutorials as you can on youtube, theres SO MUCH SHIT at your disposal guys. Like. Wow. HOLY fuck??
I am currently learning how to use TV Paint, which is a more professional software with a lot more shit than flash, however it is not a vector based software! It is a raster or bitmap based software, similar to photoshop, which means you dont get cool and handy infinite scaling, bezier curves, etc all the cool line editing shit you can do in most vector based programs like Clip Studio provides or Adobe Illustrator.
As for Flash/Animate tips and tricks..... I like to do the shitty line bubbling/boiling technique for certain scenes, which basically calls for whatever character or object I'm animating to be made into a symbol, set it as a Graphic, and then double clicking the symbol to get into its personal animation timeline, extend the frames about 3 times and set each one as a keyframe without deleting the whole image, select the entire image with a marquee tool and click a little button at the very bottom of your tool bar called SMOOTHING (it's got a lil squiggly line 😌) On the first keyframe, leave the image how it was, second keyframe SMOOTH IT, and the third keyframe SMOOTH IT a few times.... playing the symbol now you will get... a shitty boiling effect..... that plays automatically for every instance of the symbol :) it's how lazy asses cheat animation LOL
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ALSO TWEENING IS YOUR FRIEND.... I've seen people use it seriously and not as a joke (like I do) but got. When you just need to shit a piece out. Tweens got your back...
Anyways I hope this was somewhat informative, if you guys actually care about this I may consider making some kinda Animation tutorial video ?? Maybe...
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danisnotofire · 7 years
hey im going to orientation in a few days and im rly nervous abt starting college, i was just wondering if you had any tips or any ~advice~ bc im like, lowkey freaking out ((also i also stage manage and i love musicals and astronomy (sry i was snooping around your about page)))
hey!!! ok i am so so so sorry this took so long lol i actually just went back to school myself to help out with a pre-orientation program and we’ve been having like 17 hour days so i’m Exhausted and haven’t had a lot of time to really give a thoughtful answer (UNTIL NOW). some of this is gonna sound cheesy, but this is Emma Danisnotofire’s Official Real List of Pro-Tips for College, so if it’s on here it’s true. that being said, i go to a medium/small school (4,000 students) in the middle of fucking nowhere, so some of my experiences are gonna be a lil different. most still apply. 
first off, it’s TOTALLY OKAY that you’re nervous. i know when i went i was highkey freaking out even more bc everybody else seemed to be just excited and i felt like i was the only one actually losing my mind from how scared i was. i didn’t sleep at all the night before i moved in. being scared is fine. you’ll probably be scared for awhile after you get there, too, and that’s absolutely okay. i remember it took me a solid few weeks for me to stop feeling nauseous from nerves whenever i woke up. i promise i promise this will go away. you will settle in and you’ll make friends and you’ll figure out where everything is and how things work, i PROMISE. 
second, once you get there, don’t be afraid to talk to people!! i know that sounds super cheesy and unhelpful, but seriously. talk to your orientation leaders!! they’re usually upperclassmen and 99% of the time they had to APPLY to get that position, and it’s because they’re so so excited to meet you!! i’m a mentor for this pre-o program (it’s arts-focused), and we all had to apply, and every single other mentor is super passionate not only about the arts but about making sure the incoming freshman feel comfortable and happy and at home right off the bat. we want to like you!! talk to us!!! talk to each other!! at my school, (bucknell), orientation is actually pretty fucking legendary (it’s 5 straight days of just. nonstop activities), so getting to know your group is always nice. good conversation starters include: compliment something they’re wearing/have done, mention pets, ask about what classes they’re taking. that’s usually where i start when i’m talking to my kids!! 
okay, now for some Actual Tangible Advice. most of this is actually taken from when i gave my friend natalie some advice about college, but it’s still applicable to you!! i’m putting it under a readmore bc It’s So Very Long, I’m Sorry, I Really Hope This Helps/Makes Up For Me Not Answering For So Long
-if you can, get a microwave. if you can’t, it’s nbd because there’s probably one in your dorm somewhere. but it’s really nice not to have to put on shoes/socks to go make ramen at 3am
-INVEST IN GOOD SOCKS!!!! srsly omg you’re never gonna wanna go anywhere barefoot, and dorm heating/cooling can be tricky. i treated myself to a 5-pair box where they’re all different classic art pieces. they’re GORGEOUS and super nice for when i can’t find my flip-flops.
-also, if you have birks. bring them. they are also good for sliding on when u really have to pee in the middle of the night and can’t for the life of u find anything else. also everyone i know wears birks casually (i have a 20 dollar pair of fake ones from american eagle lol)
-OLD NAVY HAS FLIP FLOPS 2 FOR 5 DOLLARS. they make the BEST shower shoes and also they come in so many lit colors they’re the bomb digs. these are also good if you don’t have a pair of birks
-if your dorm doesn’t have it already (most dorms don’t) BUY A SCREEN FOR YOUR WINDOW!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY if u hate bugs you do NOT want them coming in when all u want is some fresh air. my roommate last year brought one to school bc i didn’t even think about it and it was a LIFESAVER.
-if you can, get one of those febreeze scent things you plug in. if you aren’t allowed, there’s this thing called a scentsy that basically melts wax and it makes your room smell SO. GOOD. idk how much they cost but honestly you will be thankful you have it if you can get it (candles work too but most dorms don’t allow candles)  
-you don’t need a huge plastic shower caddy!! you can get a softer one and then hang it on a hook outside the shower or loop it around the shower knob. they’re probs better than a big hard one bc they won’t fill up with water and you can stash it easier. (i went with a big plastic one and it’s a hassle lol). however, if you already got a big plastic one, that’s cool too bc sometimes they come with a removable second smaller caddy, and that’s good for putting your phone in outside of the shower to play music.
-lofting your bed is super nice bc it gives you a little more privacy from your roommate (and privacy is so so so rare in college, esp in a dorm). it’s also nice bc if you’re up there and a friend walks into your room (which is bound to happen with dorm living, which is where i’m assuming ur living as a first-year) they won’t immediately see you, which gives you a few seconds to get ur shit together before they see you.
-HOWEVER!! there are a few downsides to lofting ur bed. the major one is that it’s a pain in the ass to not only get up there, but also to lug your laptop/charger/snacks/etc up there, and once you’re up u probably aren’t gonna wanna come down. also, i don’t know if you drink, (which btw totally cool if you don’t!!), but there was definitely one time where i was too drunk to climb into my bed (i know, i know, several bad choices were made that night and i regret all of them), but thankfully my roommate last year was a fucking goddess though (a definite Mom Friend) and pulled all my sleeping stuff down to the floor lol. it’s rare that something like that happens, but it’s definitely something u wanna take into consideration.
-college is infinitely emotionally taxing. face masks and shower bath-bombs (you put them on the floor of your shower and they slowly dissolve and release whatever scent they are) do LOADS to make u feel better. face masks are also good bonding with friends!! 
-some other self-care college tips: cafes will usually have either hot apple cider in the fall, or you can get steamed milk with vanilla in it and it’s very soothing and gentle and calming. i got it a lot when i was sick just bc it was warm and not difficult to stomach. 
-also baking. if you get a few friends and bake something, it is 1) bound to be hilarious and 2) everyone who walks by will love you. we once made cinnamon buns, except instead of individual ones we made one big disgusting MegaBon, and we still talk about it to this day. it’s the name of our group chat lmaooo
-you can literally never have too much storage. plastic bins, crates, etc. never too much.
-you will leave college with so much more stuff than what you came with. holy shit. you will also get so many t-shirts??? see above. you’ll need storage.
-college is also the definition of ‘Everything is Happening All The Time’, and ur probably gonna make friends who try and do Everything. it took me super long to internalize the fact that it’s okay to like, say no to doing something and take a nap instead. not all the time, sometimes its good to force urself out of your room, but you can stay in on a saturday every once in a while! it doesn’t matter. 
-that being said, do try and go out of your comfort zone a little!! i was definitely not the type to do this in high school, but these days i’ll sometimes go to frat parties!! they’re actually really fun when you go with friends (and always go with friends!!!). it doesn’t even necessarily need to be parties either. audition for a capella. stage manage a show. do a club sport. there’s so much you can do!! (i actually didn’t follow my own advice here last year, i was too terrified to do a lot of things. i did theatre though, which ended up taking up most of my time anyway, but i still wish i had done more, hence why i’m doing this program right now! don’t be like first-year me. be better!)
-HOWEVER here are some (frat) party tips: girls can usually get into parties much easier than guys can, but either way don’t try to go out until around october/late september. the first few weeks back are for upperclassmen catching up with friends . go with a group, and STAY with your group. please. no girl left behind. they usually only serve shitty beer, and ofc you should keep your eyes on it the whole time. if you put it down, just go get another one instead of picking that one up again. also, invest in a shitty coat/gross pair of shoes specifically to wear to the frats. the floors are gross, and you’re probs gonna end up storing your jacket behind a trash can in the winter bc it’s too fucking hot inside the room to keep it on. (is this coat thing just a bucknell thing?? this might just be a bucknell thing). 
-more drinking/etc/stuff: know your rights. RAs are not allowed to look through drawers/open closets when doing room searches, so if you have wine or anything, make sure it’s hidden in somewhere they’re not allowed to touch.
-THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT: if someone has drank too much, BACKPACK THEM. get them into bed while wearing a filled up backpack. it prevents people from rolling over and choking on their vomit. i cannot emphasize how important it is for you to backpack someone. if you can, stay with them to make sure they’re okay. also, don’t be afraid to let them throw up before they go to bed. it helps. they’ll usually feel better. 
-if you can, get a job that lets you sit down. receptionist, librarian, etc. these are the best, bc sometimes you’ll get the  chance to study or get paid for doing nothing. also? receptionist looks SUPER good on a resume. also? money is nice.
-LOCK YOUR DOOR!!!!! I LEARNED THIS THE HARD WAY WHEN SOME WEIRD SENIOR BOY WALKED INTO MY ROOM DRUNK AT 3AM AND WOULDN’T LEAVE. also, you’ll make friends in the first week that you won’t necessarily want to be friends with later on, but they won’t get that message lol. again, lock your door (learned that the hard way, too)
-for future semesters, if you can’t get into a class right away it REALLY helps to email the professor!!! seriously, 9 times out of 10 they are more than happy to let an extra person in, because there are always students who drop the class within the first week or two. that’s how i got into astronomy my first semester, and i’m now a teacher’s assistant for it. so. really, it helps.
-the best way to be better friends with people is to just, get meals with them. honestly. make a group chat with some people and whenever ur getting dinner or lunch or whatever just throw out a ‘hey anyone wanna get food with me??’ text. 90% of the time someone will come with you.
-speaking of meals tho, ik this is the number 1 thing people tend to say, but it’s tRUE. nobody cares if you eat alone. it too me SO LONG to internalize this, but it’s totally fine to do!! it’s actually really nice sometimes, you can bring homework or your laptop and get some work done. it’s not even with meals, either! you can study alone! you can walk places alone! you can go to the gym alone! i was always terrified of being seen alone bc i thought people were gonna think i didn’t have friends or w/e dumb thing my anxiety had me feeling, (i still struggle with that lmao) but in reality you just look independent and cool!!! also, it helps to be content in the fact that you have friends and it doesn’t matter if people THINK you don’t.
-get a reusable water bottle. i got a plastic one for like 12 bucks, and i use it DAILY. if ur walking a lot, it helps keep you hydrated. also, it gives you something to do in class. also, you can personalize it with stickers and stuff (you can do the same with a laptop case). i p much take mine with me EVERYWHERE.
-this was also hard for me to internalize, but u gotta remember the fact that it’s okay not to be who u were in high school. like, i gave up some of the things i was into in high school in favor of some other things, and it took me awhile to figure out that i wasn’t like, betraying anyone, if that makes sense?? like, i started going to frat parties and actually having FUN at them??? (something i NEVER would have been into in high school, but here we are).
-also, grades are very different in college. i freaked out when i wasn’t getting a 4.0, because that’s who i was in high school, but then i kinda put it in perspective. i ended with a 3.67, which is still dean’s list. you’re not going to be perfect, bc chances are you ended up at a school with people on kinda equal intelligence levels as you. don’t freak out. 
okay that’s pretty much it!!! i can def come up with more stuff tailored to certain things/etc if you want me to talk more about this stuff!!! i love giving college advice and talking and helping people feel better about this whole thing bc i know it’s hard and scary
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goldenscript · 7 years
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meet jeon wonwoo
he’s actually a really great artist like his parents got him a lil blank note book with yknow crayons and stuff and he used to go ham on it like all the time
as he grew up, it became his outlet to getting thru life bc even as a kid he was pretty intimidating and it wasn’t like he was very outgoing anyway so it affected the way other kids treated him
they always shunned him, telling him to go away and often equated him to that kid from the ring when it came out so he just stayed away from people and lived in his own bubble
art was a companion that could never shun him
however art also became a detrimental coping mechanism so excessively to the point where he was often doodling instead of completing his schoolwork so the only way his teachers could think to get him out of this mindset was reprimanding him for it
of course, it had an opposite effect
he continued to do as he pleased, becoming a lot more stubborn in the time that he was ostracized by his peers for not finding enjoyment in the same things as them and the older he got, the more this mindset became ingrained in him 
no matter what art was an important part of his life and no one was going to take that away from him
inevitably, wonwoo found interest in different forms of art from paint to colored pencils
but his ultimate favorite art form was graffiti
there was a united front about the way other graffiti artists in the ways each of them made their art their own, formulating their own stories without establishing an actual face
the artist was who they made themselves out to be. not rumors or stories about a boy who had no friends aside from the paintbrushes held between clenched fingertips 
and for him, he became someone more than just that weird looking grudge boy kid
he was someone.... he belonged somewhere
throughout high school, he developed a persona called jeon. given that’s his last name, he formulated this just for the sake of vaguieness and cuz he couldn’t really think of anything else LOL
so jeon is someone who battles his demons with a stare, kinda like medusa but he doesn’t turn them to stone. he turns them into paintings
he memorializes them for what they really are- mean people, demons, scary stuff only little kids dream of and for the most part, they become a hit to his graffiti buds and for anyone who is everyone (though those who aren’t in the graffiti community have no actual clue that this cool dude is wonwoo even if they share a surname)
this goes on for some time, even into wonwoo’s final year of high school where he’s graduating cuz mingyu, his new bff and only friend, encourages him after he told the older boy how he wanted to go to the city for school and it motivated wonwoo to spread his wings from his small town and wander ya know?
around the time when he’s integrating into college life with mingyu and their other friends scoups and vernon, he actually continues jeon throughout seoul city in subtle ways though not many people recognize it
anyway, with being in college, his maternal aunt sends her son aka his cousin, jeon jeongguk over just to experience some of the college life. she wanted wonwoo to show the younger jeon how college is beneficial even for misfits like himself (passive aggressive way of going abt it but wonwoo is just like “ok whateves”)
although it makes mingyu whiny that they have to lug around a kid who’s only two years younger and just as lanky and tall lol, wonwoo doesn’t mind showing his cousin around the city and letting him touch his stuff and eventually jeongguk discovers wonwoo’s sketchbook snippets of jeon and he gets all “??? what’s this??” finally an interest piqued in their time spent together and wonwoo lets him in on the secret after seeing how into the art his cuzzo is
as wonwoo explains the piece, jeongguk is so immersed and interested, he actually gets into the whole bit, wanting to do his own kind of art form bc he’s always enjoyed doodling and well, wonwoo can’t resist so he agrees to teach his cousin the craft
they go out to the tunnels near this abandoned train, just spraying around but enjoying themselves as twilight breaks and it’s nearly pitch black (though they have flashlights to help them out), jeongguk makes up a persona called kookie
he says he’s kind of like jeon but the art he memorializes highlights the good possibilities, that there’s light in darkness and he turns around those shitty monsters so they can be happy 
it’s cute really and wonwoo loves it cuz his cuzzo is happy too
unfortunately, there’s a patrol cop on the prowl trying to get his mitts on people like wonwoo and he sees small lights emitting from the tunnels and the two get caught tho wonwoo is quick to shut his light off, shutting guk’s off and telling the younger boy to run until he’s a safe enough distance that wonwoo feels relieved 
they decide not to go out for a while, hoping to avoid the same situation they suffered thru
but guk’s not done. he has more to add, and well, bc he went alone, he nearly gets caught before he sprints off and calls his cousin in fear and panic bc he doesn’t know what to do and fuck he rlly doesn’t want to go to jail or something 
and well, wonwoo can barely register his actions before he goes to the very tunnel and makes it blatantly obvious that he’s the one “defacing” the wall and he gets the blame for “kookie” 
he gets put on community service duty, forced to clean up the “vandalism” and set a 700 dollar fine that he knows his family can’t pay
of course his family doesn’t want to help, only wishing for him to learn from his mistakes and be an adult so he gets a job at the local convenience store and although he isn’t allowed to talk to jeongguk, his younger cousin feels awful, trying to keep in contact with wonwoo despite having to cut all ties with him
and that small convenience store is where you and him meet actually
it’s your second year at the university like wonwoo and as part of your work-study program, you decide to take up a position at the nearby convenience store since it’s close to your dorm and you really didn’t want to work at the sporting goods store on campus
going there, wonwoo is at the register, looking pretty bored and when he sees you, his eyes go a little wide before he asks if you’re y/n bc he’ll be training you and you agree only flushing a little bc wow he’s pretty cute and holy shit he looks intimidating (well at least until he starts trying to “train” you)
to say the least, wonwoo is only a little flustered by you bc holy shit you’re so nice to him
you don’t care if he’s too quiet or too shy sometimes and if anything you make it blatantly obvious that you like talking to him and he doesn’t get that at all
but bc of this mild confusion from him, it’s a steady burn for you two actually get to know one another but like most burns it’s an ache that soothes the coldest of hearts and it’s exactly that for him
you two will talk about your majors and what you like and he gets happy when he hears you gush about art especially pieces that obviously mean something 
don’t get even him started when you say you like banksy work and even these subliminal pieces you catch on the street aka his cuz he actually didn’t realize how mini jeon pieces would catch anyone’s eyes and yeah he gets unbelievably happy to see you talk about it with wonder
it’s really cute bc your training goes on for two weeks and he’s made it an unconscious effort to walk you to the dorms after closing
even afterwards, he still continues to walk you 
he can’t explain why even when you ask but it’s something he does and he continues when you make no moves to protest against it and he can’t help but smile to himself abt that
for some reason, he can’t get you out of his mind 
maybe it’s the nice gestures or the fact that you like his art or something but there’s something about you that gives him this swell of emotion he hasn’t felt since he created jeon tbh
you’re so new and different to him and for all the kindness you show him he’s truly grateful 
he isn’t sure how to express it tho especially when even talking to you is still new for him so he actually asks his friends for help
seungcheol told him to just let you know how he feels 
(wonwoo: hell no)
vernon: ummm.... idk bro 
(wonwoo: (-: thanks.... Bro)
(wonwoo: you punk what the-)
the ironic part: so, one day when you two are working together and it’s nearly time to go, it actually begins to rain and this moment where he shrugs off his leather jacket and drapes it above your heads as you wait for the rain to cease beneath the thin canopy, you look up at him with those fluttery eyes and his breath just catches in his throat and you glance at his lips, biting at yours with conflict in your eyes and suddenly-
you kiss him
you just do it after you release your lip
and he’s all red in the face trying to make sense of it before you start apologizing and he has to stop you, practically dropping his jacket on you which he apologizes profusely over
“d-dammit, i’m sorry god i’m a klutz... that kiss just rlly got to me cuz i wanted to kiss you and you just kissed me and holy shit did i just say that am i still talking why am i still tal-”
you hop on your tip toes and peck his lips once more and smile “well i’m glad i kissed you, wonwoo... i rlly like you” 
and he’s just in awe like wow YOU LIKE HIM TOO and naturally y’all go out on a date but one insecurity about him that he still hasn’t mentioned to you is the fact that he got busted for graffiti and that’s why he’s at the convenience store
he always danced around the subject so now that you two have become even closer, he finds it hard to admit to his crime bc before it never mattered when no one else really mattered to him as much as you do...
it really upsets him when that cop who busted him sees him and starts messing with him in front of you on your date together and although you’re confused he actually doesn’t tell you anything about it
no phone calls, no texts, and when he calls in sick from work that following weekend, you’re determined to figure out what happened
so you hunt down mingyu and ask him where wonwoo is, he tells you where the dorm is bc he knows that you mean a lot to wonwoo if he was that upset abt you knowing why he was working so when you get there you use mingyu’s key and searching for wonwoo who’s hiding in his bed 
not that he’s noticed you yet
his hair’s a mess and he actually looks paler than usual 
you can see in his hands are holding a black leather bound sketch book and he’s doodling away, possibly trying to cope and you sigh
when he hears your voice, he freezes up, trying to burrow away in his blankets until you stop him and try to get him to open up to you bc dammit you care so damn much abt him and him trying to push you away will only bring you back trying to smash that damn shell of his harder
until finally he relents and tells you abt what happened and you just hug him, telling him to move over and you lay beside and ask why he didnt want you to know that
and yeah he’s surprised you’re not condemning him to hell like so many other people have but he can’t help but cling to you as he replies “it’s not the most optimal thing you tell your significant other yknow”
you shrug, giving him a squeeze
“Well you can tell me anything and i’ll accept you, wonwoo. i promise” 
from then, he’s a lot more open with you tbh
he’ll show you sketches about jeon and you make him tell you every story he has about those ones just because you love to hear his voice
you don’t really mean to be so forceful with him but it takes prompting for him bc he gets so scared that you’ll reject his ideas but when you don’t he gets so confident and happy, he’s like a puppy 
on your dates he likes to doodle on napkins and you collect every single one
one time he just doodles a mash potato monster and you kept it in a scrapbook with the rest of the doodles and he just giggled at the sight
on your anniversary he actually drew an companion for jeon named miss jae. although she wasn’t battling monsters, she helped him with her powers of support and light 
as a surprise he actually took you out to a different spot and graffiti’d the two together and it was just the sweetest thing ever 
it’s his way of saying “i love you” and even when you complain that you have no super talent like this he still grins and says “yes you do. just say that and i’m all yours” 
(he’s a closet greaseball y’all)
the rest of the boys were rlly happy to see how happy you made wonwoo, even inviting you to one of their shows where you discovered yet another talent of his 
and you couldn’t help but gush about him bc of it
sometimes to people at the store, to his friends, to his mom (who loves you btw), and basically anyone who listens 
even when he’s begging you to stop with pink cheeks, you just grin up at him and say “no way. you’re amazing and everyone should know it. EVERYONE”
those are the times he likes to shut you up with a kiss 
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newwaveshxt-blog · 6 years
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10 for 10: lil daydream
for our first post we covered artist lil daydream. to anyone who is fortunate enough to listen to him for at least even one track will quickly catch on to one thing: he’s good. in fact, he’s so good, he records, writes, mixes, and produces the majority of his own music. this has resulted in a style that is greatly influenced by the autotuned-crooning of lil uzi vert, young thug, and travis $cott, but has been morphed and shaped into a niche entirely his own. his music is not earthly, to fully understand it, one must travel to outer space. his beats feel spacey, yet elegant, and at the same time, he knows how to turn up the heat to 100 and dial in bangers such as smoke!, a frakcija-produced heater. he is at his best when he has a beat he can sing on, with beautiful melodic tracks such as lock & load, or raf!, a collaboration with fellow north county cohort unotimestwo, who we have covered before. recently we got to interview daydream for the debut of our interview series, 10 for 10.
the following questions we asked him were the following:
1) What part of san diego are you from, and how has this influenced you musically and personally?
growing up as a kid, i moved around a lot. my father was in the military so i've been everywhere. But when we came to san diego it was the same time i was tryna figure myself out as a kid. it was like 7th grade. so i really started getting into fashion and other shit, like rap and skating. We used to skate everyday after school cuz our school had an after school program and i remember me and the homies would all just skate, kick it, and rap. We all listened to hella music so that's really how i found my homies. I gotta lot of memories in the hills, good and bad. But it definitely made me grow up, and i try to put that in my music. So North Daygo is home, i'm from the hills. the north side coming up, just wait.
2) How long ago did you start rapping and what inspired you the most to start?
ever since i was little, i was a writer. wrote a lot of poetry and kinda got addicted to it because i realized i really could express myself however i wanted to without any worries. So i really didn't even start out rapping, i was just writing some shut down and tryna make it sound cool. but my pops has always been a big music head so he always played rap around me, even when i was little. so i kinda combined the two. i wrote and recorded my first actual song like sophomore year on this shitty as mic for like guitar hero or some shit, that shit was trash haha. i'm just a lil dude who always got a lot of shit on my mind, so i'd rather just get it all out and express rather than keep it in. I never really write anymore, especially not as much as i used to. i honestly just get in there now and just go. but it's cool because i think that phase really played a big part of me developing into what i am now. i've really just been inspired by the things that's happened to me and how've they effected me. Expressing myself through "lil daydream" is really the most freedom I've ever had, at least that's how i feel.
3) What inspired “lil daydream”? why did you pick this name specifically?
I've had a bunch of names. but daydream is really just a fantasy. designed to be an alternate reality. paradise. nightmares. Daydream is every emotion and feeling ever felt but just twisted perfectly enough that it brings euphoria. i named myself because that's how i feel when i make my art, daydreaming. it's a whole another universe. i really just wanna make things that will be remembered.
4) Who are you biggest musical influences?
super old fall out boy, lil when they first came out. uzi. carti.
5) describe your style of music, in your own words.
i hate putting a label on my style. because i feel like i can do a lot. i try not to make every song sound the same as an artist because i wanna see what i can create. but if i really had to describe it, it's like "Rebel Without A Cause".. but more dark, with lots of boof, thoughts, princesses, and imagination.
6) What is your favorite song to date and why does it stand out to you?
my favorite song? ever? nah i don't have one. i gotta a lot of unrealeased shit i really like but nah, not a favorite song.
7) who would you most like to work with in the future and why?
definitely uzi. carti. always wanted to do a song with pete wentz. travis scott.
8) What has been your biggest challenge during your career? what has been the biggest obstacle for lil daydream to overcome?
i'm really hard on myself, not with music, just with everything in general. i'm a perfectionist. so i really want everything to always sound just like it does in my head when i try to create, but its not always that easy. my material that i use is all real, so sometimes i know that i can say some things that affect certain people around me a certain way, and i've been dealing with that since the start. that's definitely been the hardest part, the critique outside the music. i try to not let it get to me.
9) Who are your favorite people to collaborate with, and why?
don't really do alot of collabs, i'm always myself. Vlone life lol. but really. i really only see and fuck with the people i keep close to me and my family. Kinda figured out i can't trust a lot. but that's just me. i've done a few collabs though, usually all from the northside though. I've gotten a lot of requests but i try and stay in my own universe for the most part.
10) shameless promo plug
Just wanna thank THENEWWAVE for interviewing me, this was lit. nightmares dropping soon, sorry for the wait i promise it's dropping soon. Shoutout KG aka SPREE, shoutout all my lil homies, shout out my family, northside we here. follow me on soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/lildaydream1600 ... follow me on twitter and instagram @lildaydream1600 <\3
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