#mais Dan e Sigourney
ireneead · 7 months
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You KNOW Egon's thinking, "Shut the fuck up, Venkman!"
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sobreiromecanico · 2 months
Alien: Remulus: primeiro trailer
Não tenho exactamente a certeza de ainda existir algo de interessante para dizer no universo ficcional de Alien.
Certo: o filme original de 1979 é um marco no cinema de ficção científica (será talvez o meu segundo filme preferido do género, e eu nem sou muito dado ao cinema de horror), com a excelente realização de Ridley Scott, o argumento muito coeso de Dan O’Bannon (numa autêntica lição de show, don’t tell), um elenco brilhante e os designs de H.R. Giger, Chris Foss e Ron Cobb. Enfim, uma tempestade perfeita, um relâmpago capturado numa garrafa: é um filme irrepetível. Há uns anos, a propósito da estreia de Alien: Covenant, tive a oportunidade de ver o filme original numa sessão especial organizada nos Cinemas UCI do El Corte Inglés, e é incrível como à data um filme com quase 40 anos continuava a ter tanto impacto e a ser tão poderoso em termos visuais quando visto no grande ecrã.
(admita-se que ver Alien numa sala de cinema imediatamente antes de ver Alien: Covenant não faz nenhum favor ao segundo)
Talvez Aliens, a sequela que James Cameron realizou em 1986, não fosse exactamente necessária, mas o Cameron dos anos 80 e 90 sabia como fazer uma boa continuação: desenvolveu a Ellen Ripley de Sigourney Weaver de forma muito interessante (e confirmou-a como ícone) e mostrou um pouco mais daquelas criaturas e daquele futuro de forma muito inteligente, sem no entanto revelar demasiado - certo, há uma rainha, mas as origens das criaturas continuam a ser um enigma. Alien 3, de David Fincher, é um exercício de frustração com excelentes ideias; Alien: Resurrections, de Jean-Pierre Jeunet, é igual mas em pior.
Dos Alien vs Predator não falaremos.
Prometheus terá sido talvez a maior desilusão que tive numa sala de cinema: um trailer muitíssimo promissor, uma campanha de marketing inteligente, e um filme esteticamente imaculado com um guião pedestre, no qual toda a gente só faz disparates. Certo: em Alien também há asneiras em barda, mas a tripulação da Nostromo não era composta por cientistas, mas por camionistas. E para lá das desventuras da tripulação em Prometheus, Ridley Scott - demonstrando que nunca é boa ideia regressarmos aos sítios onde fomos felizes -  pareceu desaprende a lição do filme original, e decide explorar as origens do space jockey e do xenomorph. Desnecessário, tão desnecessário, mas o pior ainda estava para vir com Alien: Covenant, quando Scott decide dizer que afinal aquela criatura foi obra de um andróide paranóico com complexo de Édipo e ilusões de grandeza. Assim se dá cabo de um belo mistério.Enfim, não estou particularmente entusiasmado com Alien: Romulus. É certo que não se trata de uma sequela, mas de uma história que, no contínuo narrativo, passar-se-á entre os acontecimentos de Alien e Aliens (enquanto Ripley e Jones andavam à deriva no espaço, portanto), mas o trailer não dá grande indicação de que possa haver aqui novo chão para pisar - parece-me um mero slasher naquele universo, ainda que com facehuggers muito irrequietos. Dito isto, é muito provável que o vá ver ao cinema, mais por diligência pessoal para com o cinema de ficção científica, e com expectativas baixas. E com a sensação de que se talvez fosse mais interessante ir buscar outra história de ficção científica e horror para o grande ecrã. Por exemplo, Dead Space. Até porque algumas das imagens do trailer fizeram-me pensar mais na USG Ishimura do que na Nostromo, na Sulaco ou na colónia LV-426...
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alexlacquemanne · 3 years
Harry Potter et la Coupe de feu (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) (2005) de Mike Newell avec Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Michael Gambon et David Tennant
The Beatles : Eight Days a Week (2016) de Ron Howard avec John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Elvis Costello, Whoopi Goldberg et Sigourney Weaver
Good Morning, Vietnam (1987) de Barry Levinson avec Robin Williams, Forest Whitaker, Bruno Kirby, J. T. Walsh et Chintara Sukapatana
Atout cœur à Tokyo pour OSS 117 (1966) de Michel Boisrond avec Frederick Stafford, Marina Vlady, Henri Serre, Colin Drake et Jitsuko Yoshimura
Place publique (2018) de Agnès Jaoui et Jean-Pierre Bacri avec Agnès Jaoui, Jean-Pierre Bacri, Léa Drucker et Héléna Noguerra
Pauline détective (2012) de Marc Fitoussi avec Sandrine Kiberlain, Audrey Lamy, Antoine Chappey, Claudio Santamaria et Anne Benoît
The Blues Brothers (1980) de John Landis avec John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, James Brown, Cab Calloway, Carrie Fisher et Aretha Franklin
Kaamelott : Premier Volet (2021) d'Alexandre Astier avec Alexandre Astier, Franck Pitiot, Thomas Cousseau, Jean-Christophe Hembert et Anne Girouard
Vénus et Fleur (2004) de Emmanuel Mouret avec Veroushka Knoge, Isabelle Pirès, Julien Imbert et Frédéric Niedermayer
Thor : Ragnarok (2017) de Taika Waititi avec Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Hiddleston, Tessa Thompson, Cate Blanchett et Idris Elba
Garçon ! (1983) de Claude Sautet avec Yves Montand, Nicole Garcia, Jacques Villeret, Rosy Varte, Dominique Laffin, Marie Dubois et Bernard Fresson
The Grand Tour Saison 4
The Grand Tour présente… Lochdown
Psych Saison 1, 2, 3, 4
Voyances et Manigances - T-R-I-C-H-E-U-R - Qu'il parle maintenant, ou se taise à jamais - Esprit es-tu là ? - Neuf Vies - La Maison hantée - Shawn chez les super-héros - Champ de bataille - Souvenirs, souvenirs - La Guerre de l'étoile - Coup de soleil - Poker menteur - Avis de meurtre - Jeu, Set et Meurtre - Esprits féminins - Les Nouvelles Stars - 65 Millions d'années plus tôt - Un médium de trop - Trop facile pour être possible - Petit… mais costaud - Un plat qui se mange froid - Les Petits Génies - Recherche nounous désespérément - Chasseurs de primes - Un mort au pied du sapin - Mariage en sursis - Fashion victimes - Une nuit au musée - Chasse aux fantômes - La Folle Soirée de Shawn - Le médium qui tombe à pic - La Chasse au trésor - Henry les bons tuyaux - Au pays de l'or noir - Comme sur des roulettes - Haut les mains ! - Noël au balcon, tout le monde en prison - Six pieds sous la mer - Sale temps pour Lassiter - Au feu le médium ! - L'Enfer du vendredi - Plus menteur, tu meurs - Mardi 17, le retour de Jason - Une soirée avec Mr Yang - Mission Canada - Famille, je vous aime - Presque cent dollars pour un shérif - Petits Arrangements avec le Diable - La Peur des balles - Meurtre à Bollywood - À qui le tour ? - La Nuit du Loup-Garou
The Crown Saison 2
Une mésaventure - La Compagnie des hommes - Lisbonne - Beryl - Marionnettes - Vergangenheit - Matrimonium - Chère Madame Kennedy - Pater familias - L'Homme mystère
Le Coffre à Catch
#36 : Une lueur de catch d'espoir de catch - #37 : CM Punk vs. John Morrison - #38 : Bobby Lashley DÉFONCE LA CAGE ! - #12 : Le Push de CM Punk + Bsahtek le Bikini ! - #39 : VINCE MCMAHON "Est-ce que tu viens de m'appeler Vince?" - #40 : Randy Orton le somnifère du catch
Columbo Saison 2, 6, 13
Le Spécialiste - Les surdoués - Deux en un - Face à face
Brooklyn 99 Saison 7
Chasse à l'homme - Capitaine Kim - Pimemento - Le Championnat Jimmy Jab 2 - Debbie - La Méthode Jake - Le Discours - Le Casse à l’envers - Dillman - Amiral Peralta - Le Casse de toutes les fêtes - La Rançon - Noir, c'est noir
Doctor Who Saison 5
Le Prisonnier zéro
Chapeau melon et bottes de cuir Saison 5
La Porte de la mort - Le Retour des Cybernautes
The Rookie Saison 3
Tel père, telle fille - Alerte enlèvement - Le Garçon d'honneur - Nouvelles recrues - À cœur vaillant - Opération infiltration - Le Jour J
What If...?
Et si... Captain Carter était devenue le premier Avenger ?
Brokenwood Saison 7
Le garrot et le vinklebraun - Un bien-être qui fait mal - Une matinée de chien
Undertaker : l'ultime défi
En proie au doute - Rédemption - La fin d'une ère - Vaincre ses démons - L'heure de vérité - L'Undertaker raconte
Dark Side Of The Ring Saison 3
Becoming Warrior
La Cloche
#64: SummerSlam 2018, Puis Direction Le Japon! - #65: Braun Strowman Encaisse!
Kaamelott Livre II, III
La voix céleste - La restriction - Mater dixit - Le temps des secrets - Les drapeaux - La morsure du Dace - La conscience d'Arthur - Le rebelle - La rencontre - Always - L'anniversaire de Guenièvre - Les volontaires II - Le Guet - Spangenhelm - Le jeu du caillou - Les pigeons - L'oubli - Saponides et détergents - Perceval chante Sloubi - Les affranchis - Le dialogue de paix II - Silbury Hill II - Le repos du guerrier II - La Poétique première partie - La Poétique deuxième partie - Cryda de Tintagel - Le déserteur - La Fête de l'Hiver II - Le Tribut - Alone in the Dark - Le Justicier
Cat's Eyes Saison 2
Joli piège - Mélodie d'amour
Alors on s'aime ! (2019) de Flavia Coste avec Loup-Denis Elion, Daniel Russo et Corinne Touzet
Strip-tease pour OSS 117 de Jean Bruce
San-Antonio chez les "gones" de Frédéric Dard
24 Heures du Mans - 1951-1957 : Le Triomphe du Jaguar de Denis Bernard et Christian Papazoglakis
Tout feu, tout flamme de Richard Castle
Le meilleur des Super-Héros Marvel : Daredevil
La Guerre des Gaules de Jules César
Les vieux fourneaux Tome 1 : Ceux qui restent de Wilfrid Lupano et Paul Cauuet
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madlitparanormal · 5 years
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Ouija Session
Sigourney and I were hanging out last night and after some wine and rants we decided to pull out the Ouija board. What we received was something truly creepy.
Abe in Lice Hell returned for a few minutes. We talked of course about his lice. I asked Abe why he always came to us and he spelled out “beauty”. Sigourney asked, “because you think we’re beautiful?” The planchette shoved to Yes. According to him, he was an entomologist in Europe and has a bug fetish. Of course, Abe is an interesting character and also a liar.
Neil is Gay — we didn’t hear much from Neil. What we did find out was he was supposedly murdered in a hate crime (for homosexuality) in the mid 1400s. After that we lost Neil.
Dan appeared and we spoke with him for quite awhile.
Are there any spirits that wish to speak with us?—the planchette pushed quickly over the “Yes” in the upper left corner of the board.
What is your name? “D-a-n”
Dan when did you die? “2017”
That’s so recent. “Yes”
How did you die? Dan spelled “Car crash. Uber.”
Uber? Were you a driver? “No”
An Uber driver hit you? “Yes”
Did it hurt? “Yes”
Are you in heaven or hell? “Limbo”
Is limbo scary? “No”.
Is it uncomfortable? “No”.
Are you happy/satisfied? “No”.
So you’re not in pain but you feel as though something is missing? “Yes”.
Dan then spelled out, “t-e-x-t”
Sigourney and I looked at one another. Text? Like Texting? Texting and driving?? The planchette quickly and repeatedly circled “yes”.
After that we lost Dan.
I decided to look into Dan’s story and I discovered that a man named Daniel Kopa was in fact hit and killed by an Uber driver in June of 2017. Neither Sigourney nor I had seen this news article before. The Uber driver was sentenced to 200 hours community service and $5,000.00 in reparations he had offered. He was remorseful and it is believed that the incident was indeed an accident.
If the Dan we spoke to was Daniel Kopa, May he Rest In Peace and May his family find peace in their loss.
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iffltd · 6 years
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Tom Skerritt as Dallas   John Hurt as Kane   Veronica Cartwright as Lambert   Yaphet Kotto as Parker   Harry Dean Stanton as Brett   Ian Holm as Ash   Sigourney Weaver as Ripley
Director Ridley Scott
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pre-production and concept art
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Chris  Foss
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Jean Giraud, “Moebius”
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H. R. Giger
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Ron  Cobb
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storyboards and concept illustrations by director Ridley Scott (also known now as “Ridleygrams”)
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 the film in selected frames         
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starring   Tom Skerritt   John Hurt   Veronica Cartwright   Ian Holm   Yaphet Kotto   Harry Dean Stanton   Sigouurney Weaver
written bt Ron Shussett  Dan O’Bannon     cinematographer  Derek Valint   music by Jerry  Goldsmith     edited by Terry Rawlings   production designer Michael Seymour   costume design  John Mollo  concept artists  Ron Cobb   H.R. Giger   Chris Foss   Jean Giraud   produced by Walter Hill  David Giler  Gordon Carroll   Ivor Powell   Ronald Shussett   visual effects  Brian Johnson   Nick Adler   directed by  Ridley Scott   released by 20th Century Fox
Making    A   L   I   E   N
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professional / fan art - movie poster one-sheet style
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this is the third in a series of “comprehensive” visual essays on several great the movies;  the first two installments, STAR WARS (1977) and 2001 A Space Odyssey (1968), are available somewhere in my archives  (though I may reblog them soon)
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g1903k-blog · 4 years
Hayranı Olacağınız 10 Parliament Sinema Kulübü Filmi
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Parliament Sinema Kulübü, 90'lı yılları çocuk veya genç olarak yaşamış herkes için apayrı bir yere sahiptir. Parliament Sinema Kulübünü Hatırlayalım...
Parliament Sinema Kulübü hangi yıllarda yayınlandı? Hangi kanalda gösterildi? Parliament Sinema Kulübü'nde hangi filmler yayınlandı?
Pazar gecelerinin vazgeçilmez sinema keyfi olan Parliament Sinema Kulübü, Star 1 ile hayatımıza girip geçen yıllarda Inter Star ve Star TV adlarını alan Uzan Ailesine ait farklı adlardaki aynı kanalda yayın kuşağı olarak sürdürülmüştü. 1992 yılında Sinema Kulübü adıyla yayına başlayan yayın kuşağına Parliament'in isim sponsoru olmasıyla adını hafızalara kazımış ve 90'lı yılların unutulmazları arasına girmişti. Parliament Sinema Kulübü, 1997 yılında tütün mamülü reklamı yapıldığı gerekçesiyle RTÜK kararıyla yayından kaldırılınca efsanenin adı Sinema Gecesi olarak değiştirilip yayın sürdürülmüştü... Zamanla yayın kuşağına karşı duyulan ilginin azalması ve televizyonda film yayınlamanın maliyetinin artmasıyla tamamen yayından kaldırılmıştı. Star Tv'nin Doğuş Grubu tarafından satın alınmasıyla nostalji olarak yeniden yanına alınan sinema kuşağı 32 haftalık gösterimin ardından yeniden bizlere veda etmişti ancak hiçbir zaman Parliament Sinema Kulübü'nün o 90'lı yıllardaki tadını verememişti... Pazar gecelerinin vazgeçilmesi olan ve 7'den 70'e herkes için büyük keyif olan Parliament Sinema Kulübü ilk olarak 2 Şubat 1992'de Batman filmini yayınlamıştı... Devamında Polis Akademisi, Mad Max, Gandhi, Geleceğe Dönüş, Hayalet Avcıları, Kedi Kız, İkiz Kan gibi filmlerin de dahil olduğu yüzlerce filmi izleyiciyle buluşturmuştu. FilmOku.Com olarak, tavsiye film arayışında olanlar için Parliament Sinema Kulübünde yayınlanmış yüzlerce film arasından en iyi IMDb puanına ve en iyi Rotten Tomatoes değerlendirmesine sahip filmleri sizler için listeledik. Karşılaşacağınız tüm film öneri listeleri arasında en nostaljik ve en özel olanına hazır olun.
İşte karşınızda Hayranı Olacağınız 10 Parliament Sinema Kulübü Filmi!
1- Batman (1989) 1- 1- Batman Dönüyor (1992) 2- Mad Max 3 (1985) 3- Gandhi (1982) 4- Geleceğe Dönüş 2 (1989) 4- 1- Geleceğe Dönüş 3 (1990) 5- Rüya Takımı (1989) 6- Hayalet Avcıları 2 (1989) 7- Yaralı Yüz (1983) 8- Cehennem Silahı 3 (1992) 9- Teldeki Kuş (1990) 10- Sıkı Dostlar (1990)
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Ve yayınlanma tarihleriyle sıralanmış Parliament sinema kulübünde yayınlanan filmler listesini, baş rollerindeki oyuncularıyla birlikte altta bulabilirsiniz... İyi seyirler dileriz. 1-Batman (1989) Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson, Kim Basinger 2-Polis Akademisi 5 (1988) Bubba Smith, George Gaynes, G.W. Banley 3-Vahşi Arılar (1978) Michael Caine, Katharine Ross, Richard Widmark 4-Aile Aranıyor (1989) Glenn Close, James Woods 5-Mad Max 3 (1985) Mel Gibson, Tina Turner, Angelo Rossito 6-Firefox Harekatı (1982) Clint Eastwood, Freddie Jones 7-Maxie (1985) Glenn Close, Mandy Patinkin 8-Micki + Maude (1984) Dudley Moore, Amy Irving, Ann Reeking 9-Gerçek Adalet (1989) James Woods, Robert Downey, Jr. 10-Gandhi (1982) Ben Kingsley, Candice Bergen, Martin Sheen 11-Ölüler Giyinmez (1982) Steve Martin, Rachel Ward 12-Bizim Gibi Casuslar (1985) Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd, Steve Forrest, Donna Dixon 13-Geceyarısı Av (1988) Robert de Niro, Charles Grodin, Yaphet Kotto 14-İkizler (1988) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Danny DeVito 15-Geleceğe Dönüş 2 (1989) Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson 16-Muhteşem Manzara (1984) Jamie Lee Curtis, Patrick Swayze 17-K-9 (1989) Jim Beiushi, Mel Harris 18-Nehir (1984) Sissy Spacek, Mel Gibson 19-Ejderin Yılı (1985) Mickey Rouke, John Lone 20-Wanda Adında Bir Balık (1988) Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline 21-Nikita (1990) Anne Parillaud, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Tcheky Karyo 22-Cookie (1989) Peter Falk, Dianne Wiest, Jerry Lewis 23-Ay Çarpması (1987) Cher, Nicolas Cage, Olympia Dukakis 24-Derinlik Sarhoşluğu (1988) Rosanna Arquette, Jean Marc Barr 25-Özgürlük Çığlığı (1987) Kevin Kline, Penelope Wilton 26-Meraklı Komşular (1989) Tom Hanks, Bruce Dern 27-Rüya Takımı (1989) Michael Keaton, Christopher Lloyd, Peter Boyle, Stephen Furst 28-Şehin Parlak Işıkları (1988) Michael J. Fox, Kiefer Sutherland 29-10 (1979) Bo Derek, Dudley Moore, Julie Andrews 30-Aşk Denizi (1989) Al Pacino, Ellen Barkin 31-9½ Hafta (1986) Mickey Rouke, Kim Basinger 32-Parador Üstünde Ay (1988) Richard Dreyfuss, Sonia Braga 33-Madencinin Kızı (1980) Sissy Spacek, Tommy Lee Jones 34-Sınır (1982) Jack Nicholson, Harvey Keitel 35-Bıçak Sırtı (1982) Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young 36-Kazara Turist (1988) William Hurt, Kathleen Turner, Geena Davis 37-Daima (1989) Richard Dreyfuss, Holly Hunter, Audrey Hepburn 38-Ölüm Tarlaları (1984) Sam Waterson, Haling S. Ngor, John Malkovich 39-Kaçık (1987) Richard Dreyfuss, Barbara Streisand 40-İçimde Biri Var (1987) Dennis Quaid, Martin Short 41-Hayalet Avcıları 2 (1989) Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver 42-Doğruyu Seç (1989) Danny Aiello, Ossie Davis 43-Kedi Kız (1982) Nastassja Kinski, Malcolm McDowell 44-Yaralı Yüz (1983) Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer 45-Sıcak Vücutlar (1981) William Hurt, Kathleen Turner 46-Kasabanın Cadıları (1987) Jack Nicholson, Cher, Michelle Pfeiffer, Susan Sarandon 47-Güverte (1987) Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell 48-Fotomodel (1983) Nastassja Kinski, Rudolf Nureyev 49-Altın Göl (1981) Henry Fonda, Jane Fonda, Peter Fonda 50-Yarasa*21 (1988) Gene Hackman, Danny Glover 51-Vahşi Orkide (1990) Mickey Rourke, Jacqueline Bisset 52-Eskisi Gibi (1980) Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase 53-Bir Yaz Gecesi Seks Komedisi (1982) Woody Allen, Mia Farrow 54-Evine Hoşgeldin, Roxy! (1990) Winona Rider, Jeff Daniels 55-Güzel Hayalet (1988) Daryl Hannah, Peter O'Toole 56-İş Başında (1990) Charlie Sheen, Emilio Estevez 57-İkiz Kan (1991) Jean-Claude Van Damme 58-Makas (1991) Sharon Stone, Steve Railsback 59-Paramparça (1991) Tom Berenger, Bob Hoskins, Greta Scacchi 60-Cadılar (1990) Anjelica Huston, Mai Zetterling 61-Neden Ben? (1990) Christopher Lambert, Kim Greist 62-Kickboxer 2 (1991) Sasha Mitchell, Peter Boyle 63-Vahşi Orkide 2 (1991) Nina Siemaszko, Wendy Hughes, Tom Skerritt 64-Çapraz Ateş (1991) Dennis Hooper 65-Öldüren Ateş (1991) Armand Assante 66-Venüs'te Buluşma (1990) Glenn Close, Niels Arestrup 67-Zehirli Sokaklar (1991) Wesley Snipes, Chris Rock 68-Vahşi Denizde Savaş (1992) Robert Urich, Ali MacGraw 69-Oxford Blues (1984) Rob Lowe, Ally Sheedy 70-Bahara Kadar Bekle, Bandini (1989) Joe Mantegna 71-Gremlinler 2 (1990) Zach Galligan, Phoebe Cates 72-Büyük Hesaplaşma (1990) Ray Sharkey 73-Gizli Enerji (1987) Hume Cronyn, Jessica Tandy 74-Karanlık Adam (1990) Liam Neeson, Frances McDormand 75-Hassas Yavru (1990) Johnny Depp, Amy Locane 76-Karanlık Melek (1990) Dolph Lundgren, Brian Benben 77-Kral Ralph (1991) John Goodman, Peter O'Toole 78-Kayıp (1982) Jack Lemmon, Sissy Spacek 79-Beyzbol Delisi (1992) Tom Selleck, Ken Takakura 80-Batman Dönüyor (1992) Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito, Michelle Pfeiffer 81-JFK: Kapanmayan Dosya (1991) Kevin Costner 82-Orman Ateşi (1991) Nastassja Kinski, Rudolf Nureyev 83-Postacı Kapıyı İki Kere Çalar (1981) Jack Nicholson, Jessica Lange 84-Başkalarının Parası (1991) Danny DeVito, Gregory Peck 85-Belalılar 2 (1983) Jackie Gleason, Mac Davis 86-Sapık 4: Başlangıç (1990) Anthony Perkins 87-İnsan Gibi Yaşa (1983) Sean Connery, Kim Basinger 88-Görünmez Adamın Maceraları (1992) Chevy Chase, Daryl Hannah 89-İntikam Meleği (1989) Richard Young, Ben Cross 90-Sonsuz Kaçış (1992) Michael Oberlander, Richard Sporn 91-Son İzci (1991) Bruce Willis, Damon Wayans 92-Dolunay (1993) Mario Van Peebles 93-Yaşamak İçin Öldür (1994) Jeff Wincott, Michael Ironside 94-Cehennem Silahı 3 (1992) Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci 95-Geleceğe Dönüş 3 (1990) Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson 96-Malcolm X (1992) Denzel Washington, Angela Bassett 97-Lady Dragon (1992) Cynthia Rothrock, Richard Norton 98-New York Polisi (1993) Chad McQueen, Mia Sorvino 99-Yakuza Savaşçıları (1991) Brandon Lee 100-Doğum Günü Dört Temmuz (1989) Tom Cruise 101-Teldeki Kuş (1990) Mel Gibson, Goldie Hawn 102-Cyborg Cop 2 (1994) David Bradley, Morgan Hunter 103-Kickboxer (1989) Jean-Claude Van Damme 104-Af Yok (1986) Richard Gere, Kim Basinger 105-Dehşet Tuzağı (1994) Jerry Trimble 106-Süper Çocuk 2 (1994) Stephen Furst, Ted Jan Roberts 107-Sıkı Dostlar (1990) Robert de Niro, Joe Pesci, Ray Lilotta 108-Kobra Harekatı (1994) Todd Jensen, Frank Zagarino 109-Düşler (1990) Akira Terao, Martin Scorsese 110-Ay Harekatı (1994) Michael Paré, Billy Drago 111-Kickboxer 5 (1994) Mark Dacascos 112-Havana (1990) Robert Redford, Lena Olin 113-Malice (1993) Alec Baldwin, Nicole Kidman 114-Cyberjack (1994) Michael Dudikoff Read the full article
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ESSAY: Are the ALIEN Films Dinosaur Movies?
NOTE: This essay contains spoilers for the film ALIEN: COVENANT (2017, Dir. Ridley Scott)  
At first glance it’s a question that appears to be a total non sequitur. After eight films and countless comics, novels and video games there has never once been any indication that the Xenomorphs – the genetically engineered, black skinned, bio-mechanical, shape-shifting “perfect organisms” at the heart of the ALIEN franchise - are dinosaurs, let alone a product of terran evolution. Even the Xenomorphs’ most direct literary antecedent, the Coeurl from A. E. van Vogt’s 1939 short-story “Black Destroyer,” is decidedly mammalian – feline to be precise – in nature.  
Nevertheless these facts apparently were not enough to give scholar W.J.T. Mitchell pause while writing his groundbreaking cultural study of dinosaurs, The Last Dinosaur Book (University of Chicago Press, 1998), in which he posits that…
“Ridley Scott’s ALIEN films are an exception to this rule in their adherence to the most pessimistic logic of dinotopia. The initial discovery of the petrified alien creature is presented as a paleontological find. The space travelers descend into the fossilized belly of an ancient subterranean dragon, a vaulted, cavernous labyrinth supported by enormous ribs. Their presence revives the dormant eggs waiting in the giant womb, and unleashes the rebirth of a monster whose blood is not merely cold, but composed of metal-eating acid. The reborn monsters are ‘body-snatchers’ who breed by using human bodies as temporary wombs until they are ready for their ghastly and deadly ‘birth.’ The monsters are regarded as a potentially valuable military technology by the intergalactic corporation financing the expedition. The alien, it becomes clear, is actually the ‘monstrous double’ of the very corporate state that wants to exploit its power.” (p. 38-39)
When Mitchell uses the term “dinotopia” he is not referring to the acclaimed series of illustrated novels by writer/artist James Gurney. Rather he means any fictive world in which dinosaurs and humans are imagined as coexisting. The “rule” of such imaginary realms, which Mitchell observes here, is the often inherently violent conflict for survival which dinosaurs and humans appear to be perpetually engaged in. Moreover, in most instances it is the humans who emerge triumphant: “Dinotopia seems to require a happy ending for mammals, no matter how arbitrary.” (p. 38) The ALIEN movies then are an exception to this rule in that the human characters always loose. Oh true, there may occasionally be survivors of encounters with the Xenomorphs, but as was the case with the series’ early protagonist Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) survival is no guarantee of a happy ending.*
But even if this is true, it is an idea still predicated on the notion that the ALIEN movies are somehow dinosaur films. How could this be? The screenplay for the original ALIEN (1979, Dir. Ridley Scott) was written by screenwriter and director Dan O’Bannon (1946-2009) who openly acknowledged on multiple occasions that he owed the idea for ALIEN to a number of different cinematic, sequential and literary sources; one of the most significant film influences being the 1958 sci-fi film IT! THE TERROR FROM BEYOND SPACE (Dir. Edward L. Cahn) about a reptilian humanoid extraterrestrial that sneaks adored an Earth bound spaceship departing from Mars and subsequently begins picking off the human crew one by one until they can eventually blast it out the airlock (Valaquen).
But while ALIEN may borrow IT!’s narrative structure, the film’s thematic elements come from none other than American horror icon H.P. Lovecraft. O’Bannon was a huge devotee of Lovecraft and even wrote and directed several films based on Lovecraft’s stories with ALIEN owning much of its affect to Lovecraft’s seminal 1936 novella At the Mountains of Madness about an Antarctic expedition lead by a team of paleontologists/geologists who subsequently stumble upon the ruins of a prehistoric alien city buried in the ice. Exploration of the city leads to the shocking discovery that these aliens were probably responsible for the creation of human life and the horrifying revelation that the synthetic shape-shipping monsters, called Shoggoths, which did them in are still alive and on the prowl. Of all the films in the ALIEN series it is PROMETHEUS (2012, Dir. Ridley Scott) which makes the greatest use of the themes of “cosmic horror” found in Lovecraft’s novella (McWilliam, 531-545), but nearly all the films – even 2004’s ALIEN VS. PREDATOR (Dir. Paul W.S. Anderson) – owes a slight debt to this story.      
As maybe evident from the occupation of the protagonists, Lovecraft scholars are largely in agreement that H.P.’s primary influence for writing Mountains was his reading of contemporary paleo-fiction beginning with Katherine Metcalf Roof’s now painfully obscure 1930 short-story “A Million Years After” about a revivified dinosaur egg (Joshi and Schultz, 11) as well as classic Edgar Rice Burroughs’ works including 1914’s At the Earth’s Core (Fulwiler, 64) and 1918’s The Land that Time Forgot (Debus, 79), as well as John Tain’s 1929 novella The Greatest Adventure about an Antarctic expedition which discovers a lost world of mutant dinosaurs created by an ancient technologically advance race (Price, 141 & Debus, 77-78). As in Lovecraft’s Mountains, the scientists in Tain’s novella discover that the ancient race which created the mutant dinosaurs ultimately wiped themselves out when their experiments lead to the cultivation a deadly parasitic spore – a plot point which leads us back around to latest installment in the ALIEN franchise; ALIEN: COVENANT.
Considering this lineage it is now possible to draw a line directly linking the ALIEN movies to paleo-fiction thus further legitimizing Mitchell’s claim. While the fact remains that the Xenomorphs are not dinosaurs in even the loosest sense of the term, it is possible to argue that they are still influenced by the kind of stories we tend to tell about dinosaurs.
On this latter point I am reminded of Joshua Bellin’s provocative book Framing Monsters (Southern Illinois University Press, 2005) which argues that the ALIEN and JURASSIC PARK film series both play off American cultural anxieties concerning the fear of infertility among the ‘right’ kind of people (i.e. white, patriarchal, heterosexual, married couples) in the face of the illicit and unregulated explosion of offspring among the ‘wrong’ kind of people whether that be “clever [LGBTQ] girls” who have figured out how to reproduce in a “single sex environment” as in JURASSIC PARK (1993, Dir. Steven Spielberg) or the black-skinned “super-predators” of ALIENS (1986, Dir. James Cameron) ruled over by their matriarchal Queen who Bellin sees as an embodiment of WASP boggart that is the unwed African-American welfare mother (Bellin, 106-136).
Whether one agrees with Bellin’s analysis or not depends on how convincing one finds his arguments in which case I would encourage those interested to seek out his book, but personally I do find them convincing insofar that I see both the ALIEN and JURASSIC PARK franchises as promoting a narrative which celebrates the archetype of the hetero-normative nuclear family while figuratively and literally demonizing – be those demons dinosaurs or extraterrestrials – those who by choice or circumstance do not wish to confine their future to the American dream of a married life in which the husband works and the wife remains in their white picket fenced home with their two kids and a dog. Indeed, those who reject such a lifestyle are either naïve workaholics – such as Claire Dearing of JURASSIC WORLD (2015, Dir. Colin Trevorrow) – who only need to be shown the folly of their ways and given the opportunity to redeem themselves by accepting the role of foster-mother to the children whose lives their refusal to be responsible parents has imperiled, OR they are mad scientists who, in an almost textbook example of the feminist interpretation of the myth of Frankenstein, have decided to try and take the process of baby-making into their own hands and as a result created something unnatural and monstrous.
This once again leads back around to the new film ALIEN: COVENANT which pushes this latter idea to the furthest limits it has ever been since James Whales’ classic BRIDE OF FRANKENSTIEN (1935), with its revelation that the Xenomorphs are the creation of PROMETHEUS’s sociopathic, sexually frustrated and now possibly gay (or at least bi) android David who has given rise to such horrors as a byproduct of his angst over his inability to [pro]create.  
As Mitchell noted it does appear that, in the end, the alien – and dinosaur – are indeed actually the “monstrous double” of the very systems of social indoctrination and control which surround our everyday lives. And even more troubling, according to the ALIEN films, they’re winning.      
Bellin, Joshua. Framing Monsters (Southern Illinois University Press, 2005)
Debus, Allen A. Dinosaurs Ever Evolving (McFarland Press, 2016)
Fulwiler, William. “E.R.B. and H.P.L.” in Black Forbidden Things, Edited by Robert M. Price (Starmont House, 1992)
Joshi, S.T. and David E. Schultz. An H.P. Lovecraft Encyclopedia (Hippocampus Press, 2004) 
McWilliam, David. “Beyond the Mountains of Madness: Lovecraftian Cosmic Horror and Posthuman Creationism in Ridley Scott’s Prometheus (2012)” in the Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts Vol. 26, Iss. 3 (Idaho State University, 2015) 
Mitchell, W.J.T. The Last Dinosaur Book (University of Chicago Press, 1998)
Price, Robert M. “About The Greatest Adventure” in The Antarktos Cycle 2nd Ed., Edited by Robert M. Price (Chaosium Inc., 2006)  Valaquen, “Alien and its Antecedents” (Feb 26, 2015) at Strange Shapes: https://alienseries.wordpress.com/2015/02/26/alien-and-its-antecedents/
* The ALIEN films are particularly notorious for ending on what seems to be a positive note only to pull the rug out from under the characters in the sequel. ALIEN ends with Ripley seemingly having survived her encounter with a Xenomorph only for the sequel, ALIENS, to reveal that she has been in hypersleep for 57-years with everyone she’s ever known and loved having died. ALIENS then ends with Ripley being granted a surrogate family in the form of Newt and Hicks only for ALIEN3 to open with the revelation that Newt and Hicks were killed while in hypersleep. PROMETHUS likewise seems to end on a somewhat positive note with Shaw having survived and it is only in ALIEN: COVENANT that we learn that Shaw was subsequently murdered and experimented on by David. COVENANT actually breaks with tradition by ending on an overt downer; it is clear in the film’s closing moments that Dany and everyone else onboard the Covenant is doomed.         
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italianaradio · 5 years
Ghostbusters: edizione speciale per il 35° anniversario
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/ghostbusters-edizione-speciale-per-il-35-anniversario/
Ghostbusters: edizione speciale per il 35° anniversario
Ghostbusters: edizione speciale per il 35° anniversario
Ghostbusters: edizione speciale per il 35° anniversario
Ghostbusters, l’imperdibile classico amato da tutti torna per il suo 35° anniversario con due edizioni da collezione imperdibili. Fan e appassionati della saga di fantasmi e sovrannaturale più divertente della storia del cinema si preparano a festeggiare il ritorno in home video del primo leggendario capitolo di Ghostbusters, arrivato al suo 35° compleanno. Per l’occasione, Universal Pictures Home Entertainment Italia realizza due imperdibili edizioni speciali da collezione in uscita il prossimo 12 giugno, per rendere ancora più ricca la propria collezione: verranno realizzati infatti lo Steelbook 4k Ultra HD e l’incredibile Ghost Trap limited edition, che contiene il disco del primo iconico film in formato Blu-ray all’interno di un pack che ogni appassionato desidera.
L’edizione Steelbook 4k Ultra HD comprenderà inoltre la collection dei due film in formato Blu-ray ed un intero disco di contenuti bonus totalmente inediti, per un totale di 5 imperdibili dischi per rivivere al meglio la saga di acchiappa-fantasmi che ha appassionato e divertito i pubblici di tutto il mondo, in tutta l’alta definizione del formato 4k Ultra HD. Per i collezionisti più sfrenati, sarà inoltre disponibile l’esclusiva Ghost Trap limited edition, che contiene il disco del primo iconico film in formato Blu-ray all’interno di un pack a tiratura limitata che ogni appassionato desidera possedere. Assolutamente da non farsi sfuggire! Per celebrare al meglio l’anniversario, a Los Angeles si terrà un evento dedicato proprio al primo film di Ghostbusters, a cui parteciperà il fan club di Ghostbusters Italia.
Sia Ghostbusters che Ghostbusters II sono diretti e prodotti da Ivan Reitman (Polpette, Stripes – Un plotone di svitati), e scritto da Dan Aykroyd (Papà ho trovato un amico) e Harold Ramis (Molto Incinta). Ai film hanno partecipato tra gli altri Bill Murray (St. Vincent), Dan Aykroyd (The Blues Brothers – I fratelli del Blues), e Sigourney Weaver (Aliens – Scontro Finale), Rick Moranis (Tesoro mi sis ono ristretti i ragazzi), oltre a  Ernie Hudson (la serie televisiva “Oz”) e Annie Potts (la serie televisiva “Quattro donne in carriera”). Ghostbusters ha raggiunto la ventottesima posizione nella classifica dei film americani più divertenti di sempre stilata dall’American Film Institute.
Per un giugno tutto a tema Ghostbusters, non mancherà in edicola in tutta Italia PLAYMOBIL Special 1/2019. In regalo con il magazine sarà disponibile il personaggio originale Dr Raymond Stantz con zaino protonico. Le 36 pagine del magazine ci faranno scoprire il mondo Ghostbusters: prima la presentazione del team degli Acchiappafantasmi e dei loro nemici; a seguire un fumetto dove si assiste alla caccia e alla cattura dei terribili fantasmi che hanno infestato il parco di Manhattan. Non mancheranno divertenti giochi da fare in compagnia degli amici sfidandosi con curiosi indovinelli e un gioco da tavolo. Completano il tutto 2 magnifici poster da collezionare, assolutamente da non perdere!
Ghostbusters: I cittadini di New York sono nel panico. Chi li salverà dall’invasione ectoplasmatica? Il loro destino è nelle mani di tre sgangherati studenti universitari in parapsicologia che, muniti delle loro strampalate invenzioni, daranno vita alla Squadra Acchiappafantasmi, il pronto intervento per spiriti e spiritelli. E allora si salvi chi può!
Ghostbusters II: Ormai sono famosi, le armi sono diventate più potenti e l’esperienza davvero non gli manca. Sono tornati per combattere “la melma che si nutre di vibrazioni maligne” e per salvare il mondo. Questa volta il pericolo si nasconde nella culla di un bambino innocente, il figlio di Dana, che improvvisamente inizia a muoversi da solo per le strade di New York. La donna capisce che l’Entità Soprannaturale è tornata per tormentarla e allora non le resta che chiamare gli Acchiappafantasmi!
Commento ai fan per il 35esimo anniversario
6 rarissime scene eliminate e mai viste, inclusa le richiestissime scene di Fort Detmerring!
Include inoltre dei take non lavorati della sequenza di Central Park Bums
Video di presentazione del 1984 in cui Bill Murray e Dan Aykroyd presentano un rullo del film agli espositori!
Pubblicità televisiva di Ghostbusters + scene tagliate
Commento al film per il 30esimo anniversario
“L’Oprah Winfrey Show: Cast di Ghostbusters II” del giugno 1989
Un raro teaser trailer non finito che contiene l’intera pubblicità per il film!
“The Real Ghostbusters – Pitch episodio pilota” – A Fan Restoration
Chi chiamerai?
Una retrospettiva su Ghostbusters – Acchiappafantasmi
Tavola rotonda col regista Ivan Reitman e con Dan Aykroyd
Video musicale “Ghostbusters”
Galleria dei poster del film
E molti altri contenuti speciali originali!
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
Ghostbusters: edizione speciale per il 35° anniversario
Ghostbusters, l’imperdibile classico amato da tutti torna per il suo 35° anniversario con due edizioni da collezione imperdibili. Fan e appassionati della saga di fantasmi e sovrannaturale più divertente della storia del cinema si preparano a festeggiare il ritorno in home video del primo leggendario capitolo di Ghostbusters, arrivato al suo 35° compleanno. Per l’occasione, […]
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
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ohbafukuhito · 6 years
Best 1980's Films:The Highest Grossing Films Of The 1980's
Before Harry Potter was everyone's favourite wizarding geek and 'Hogwarts' was something you got from messing around with pigs. . Before Harry Potter was everyone's favourite wizarding geek and 'Hogwarts' was something you got from messing around with pigs. In the DeathStar when Luke is trying to escape with Darth Vader:. Dr Egon Spengler: I blame myself. Dr Egon Spengler: I blame myself. . like the sound of it. Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom Trailer. . . Dr Ray Stantz: Well, no sense in worrying regarding it now. Raiders where to buy a hoverboard of the Lost Ark Trailer.
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Indiana Jones and also the Temple of Doom (1984) $179 millionHarrison Ford, Kate Capshaw, Jonathan Ke Quan. Who knows? In a thousand years, even you may be worth something. There is always mixed review about this film but don't forget film evolution takes place is stages and also the last time Batman was about the screen, big or small prior to this, was those super camp 1960's T. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) $245 millionHarrison Ford, Karen Allen. . You must have the Force around you here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. It has to be about the rope bridge when Indie tells Short Round which he is cutting the rope bridge and to hold on so they really don't plummet with their deaths. For those of a younger generation that know Murphy through films like 'The Klumps" and "Holy Man" and wonder how this guy could have made it as a possible actor. . You ever dance using the devil within the pale moonlight?Bruce Wayne: What?Joker: I always ask that of my prey. You ever dance with all the devil inside the pale moonlight?Bruce Wayne: What?Joker: I always ask that of all my prey. Ghostbusters (1984) $238 millionBill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Harold Ramis, Rick Moranis, Ernie Hudson. E. . . . .
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theultimatefan · 6 years
'Ghostbusters' Activities Abound At Wizard World Comic Con Winston-Salem, August 3-5
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Wizard World Comic Con Winston-Salem will be Ghostbusters Headquarters for fans of the classic movie franchise, with a stream of activities during the inaugural event, August 3-5 at the Benton Convention Center. In addition to the Smoky Mountain Ghostbusters fan group, who will be on hand with a massive presence, fans can take part in special programming, photos with a giant inflatable Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, replica Ecto1 vehicle and more. The celebration is part of the lead-up to the 35th anniversary Ghostbusters Fan Fest presented by Wizard World, June 8-9, 2019, at Ghost Corps headquarters on the famed Sony Pictures Studio Lot in Culver City, Calif. Some of the Ghostbusters-themed activities at Wizard World Comic Con Winston-Salem include: • Photos with a giant inflatable Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and Ghostbusters Logo • Play the first two episodes of GHOSTBUSTERS VR: NOW HIRING for the Sony PlayStation 4 at Wizard World's Gaming area • Smoky Mountain Ghostbusters fan group booth with: Ecto1; life-size Vigo the Carpathian painting; proton pack and other gadget demos; History of Ghostbusters Video Games and Pinball challenge; "GBTV" music video, cartoon and movie clips; ESP card challenge for prizes; Ghostbusters Playmobil set raffle; Ghostbusters snacks and candy • Panels including: Slime Time Trivia; Life in the Ghostbusters Fandom; Real World Haunting & Ghost Stories; Creating Ghostbusters Gadgets; and more • Kids Zone GB activities include: Story Time; Dance Party; Arts & Crafts; Tools of the Trade Next June, Ghostbusters Fan Fest presented by Wizard World will be the ultimate celebration of the film, which starred Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Harold Ramis, Rick Moranis and Ernie Hudson and was directed by Ivan Reitman and written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis. For the 35th anniversary, fans will participate in exclusive panels, meet the Ghostbusters creators, talent and crew and experience Ghostbusters augmented reality and virtual reality games. Wizard World Comic Con events bring together thousands of fans of all ages to celebrate the best in pop culture: movies, television, gaming, live entertainment, comics, sci-fi, graphic novels, toys, original art, collectibles, contests and more. The ninth event scheduled on the 2018 Wizard World calendar, Winston-Salem show hours are Friday, August 3, 4-9 p.m.; Saturday, August 4, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sunday, August 5, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Kids 10 and under are admitted free with paid adult. Wizard World Comic Con Winston-Salem is also the place for cosplay, with fans young and old showing off their best costumes throughout the event. Fans dressed as every imaginable character – and some never before dreamed – will roam the convention floor and participate in the famed Wizard World Costume Contest on Saturday evening. For more on the 2018 Wizard World Winston-Salem, visit http://www.wizardworld.com/comiccon/winston-salem. About Wizard World (OTCBB:WIZD) Wizard World, Inc. (www.wizardworld.com) produces comic, gaming and pop culture conventions across North America that celebrate the best in pop culture: movies, television, gaming, live entertainment, tech, comics, sci-fi, graphic novels, toys, original art, collectibles, contests and more. A first-class lineup of topical programming and entertainment takes place at each event, with celebrity Q&A's, comics-themed sessions, costume contests, movie screenings, evening parties and more. Wizard World has also teamed with Sony Pictures Entertainment to find the next generation of movies as well as to engage in a number of strategic initiatives. Additional initiatives may include an augmented touring schedule of Wizard World shows, fixed-site installations, curated e-commerce, and the production and distribution of content both in the U.S. and internationally. Fans can interact with Wizard World at www.wizardworld.com and on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and other social media services. The 2018 Wizard World convention schedule is available at: http://www.wizardworld.com/comiccon.
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Critique#4 : Wonder Woman
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Puisque l'industrie du divertissement semble avoir décidé que le mois de mars est dédié aux Femmes, et qu’il n’y a rien à se mettre sous la dent avant la fin du mois d’avril, j'ai voulu dédié cette critique à l'une des plus anciennes et plus grandes héroïnes de la bande-dessiné : Diana Prince alias Wonder Woman.
Sortie le 07 Juin 2017 dans nos contrées, Wonder Woman est à l'heure actuelle le plus gros succès ce que l'on nomme le DC Extended Universe (Man of Steel, Dawn of Justice, Suicide Squad et Justice League).
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Le film est un tel succès qu'une suite a été annoncé quelques semaines après sa sortie. À l'origine prévue pour Juin 2020, la date de sortie de Wonder Woman 2 est prévue pour le 1er novembre 2019.
Le Synopsis (Non-officiel) :
Diana, fille de la reine Hippolyte, est l'héritière de la culture guerrière des Amazones. Elles vivent sur Thémyscira, île isolée du monde des Hommes, suite à leurs rebellions contre le Dieu de la guerre : Arès.
La vie de Diana va prendre un nouveau sens lorsque Steve Trevor, espion de la couronne Britannique, amène la Première Guerre sur son île et bouleverse son monde. Contre l'avis de sa mère, Diana part pour le monde des Hommes pour mettre fin à la guerre et découvrir la part de divin qui sommeil en elle.
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Réalisation, Casting et Bande-son:
Le film a été réalisé par Patty Jenkins. La réalisatrice est connu pour avoir fait Monster (sortie en 2003 avec Charlize Theron). Elle était en lisse pour réaliser Thor : Dark World (sortie en 2013) mais Marvel Studios préféra Alan Taylor. L'actrice Nathalie Portman a été tellement contrariée de ce désaccord artistique qu'elle décida de ne plus tourner dans aucun film du MCU.
Celle qui aurait dû faire un film du dieu viking des écuries Marvel se retrouve à réaliser les films de la championne de dieux greco-romains des éditions DC. L'industrie du cinéma possède un ironie assez plaisante.
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Pour ce qui est du casting, le rôle principal est tenue par Gal Gabot. L'actrice est apparue dans plusieurs films de la saga Fast and Furious et incarna la princesse amazone pour la première fois dans Dawn of Justice en 2016.
Chris Pine incarne Steve Trevor, le second rôle important du film. Son personnage va retrouver un certain sens de l'honneur et du courage grâce Diana. Connie Nielsen (Gladiator, l'Associé du Diable) et Robin Wright (House of Cards, Forest Gump, Princess Bride) jouent respectivement la reine Hippolyte et le général Antiope qui font figures de mentors pour notre héroïne.
Dans les rôles secondaires, j'ai apprécié la prestation de Lucy Davis qui interprète la secrétaire de Steve Trevor : Etta Candice, ainsi que celle de Saïd Taghmaoui dans le rôle de Sameer, un allié et ami de Steve. Parmi les antagonistes du film, nous retrouvons l'une des plus ancienne adversaire de Wonder Woman : le Dr Poison incarné par Elena Anaya
Et Arès dans tout ça? Je ne peux pas vous parler de l'antagoniste principale du film sans vous gâcher une partie importante du scénario alors je vais poursuivre et je vous laisse la surprise pour celles et ceux qui n'ont pas encore vu le film.
La bande-son est signé Ruppert Gregson-Williams. Un travail agréable dans l'ensemble mais pas aussi marquant que le thème que Hans Zimmer et Junkie XL ont crée pour Wonder Woman dans Dawn of Justice ("Is she with you?").
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Le scénario a été écrit par Allan Heinberg, assisté par Zack Snyder et Jason Fuchs. C'est un scénariste de comics que j'apprécie particulièrement. Il est le créateur de la série Young Avengers pour laquelle il reçu le prix de la Meilleur Nouvelle Série en 2006. Si le film a des faiblesses, ce n'est certainement pas dans son écriture que vous les trouverez.
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Polémique autour du Film:
Il y a eu plusieurs polémiques autours de ce film. Mais je pense que l'Histoire retiendra seulement deux d'entre elles. L'une assez légère venant d'un public peut-être un peu trop enthousiaste de voir afin un film de Wonder Woman sur grand écran. L'autre concernant le passé de l'actrice principale, Gal Gadot, et ses "engagements politiques".
Lorsque le film est sorti en salle beaucoup ont soupirés : "Enfin une Figure Féminine Forte a avoir son propre film". Je peux comprendre que certain(e)s trépigné(e)s d'impatience. Le personnage de Wonder Woman a été crée en 1941 et appartient à la génération de l'âge d'or au même titre que Superman et Batman mais, même si la super-héroïne a eu droit a plusieurs séries télé, il a fallu attendre 75 ans pour la voir enfin sur grand écran.
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Alors oui, je comprends l'enthousiasme que ce film a pu susciter. Mais, dire que le cinéma n'avait jamais eu de figure féminine forte avant elle, c'est un peu exagéré ! C'est à croire que personne n'a jamais entendu parler Ripley, interprêter par Sigourney Weaver, dans Alien; de Black Mamba (Uma Thurman) dans Kill Bill; de Katniss Evederdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) de la saga Hunger Games ou de la Princesse Leia (Carrie Fisher) de la saga Star Wars...
C'est une bonne chose que Wonder Woman soit afin considéré comme une figure forte de la culture populaire mais il ne faut pas que ça se fasse au détriment de celles qui l'ont précédées sur le grand écran.
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Tout le monde n'a pas partagé l'engouement des fans occidentaux. Entre ses 18 et 20 ans, Gal Gadot a servi dans l'armée de défense d'Israël en tant qu'instructrice (le service militaire est obligatoire à cet âge là en Israël). En 2014, elle a manifesté son soutien aux victimes israéliennes et aux soldats de l'armée d'Israël via Twitter. Les engagements politiques de l'actrice ont valu au film d'être boycotté dans plusieurs pays du Moyen-Orient (Liban, Qatar, Algérie, Jordanie et en Tunisie).
La production de Warner Bros Pictures a largement compensé en conquérant le public chinois lors d'une avant-première à Shangaï le 15 Mai 2017 (trois semaines avant la sortie dans les salles américaines). Ce qui explique peut-être comment le film a engrangé 821,9 Millions de Dollars au Box Office Mondial en moins d'un mois après sa sortie. Plaçant Wonder Woman au top du Meilleur Film racontant l'Origin Stroy d'un super-héros (titre longtemps détenue par le film Spider-man de Sam Raimi sortie en 2002). La princesse des Amazones n'a pas gardé bien longtemps cette place puisqu'elle a été détrôné par Black Panther en février dernier. Wonder Woman est actuellement toujours en deuxième position.
Pour ma part, je ne connaissais ni l'actrice et encore moins ses engagements politiques jusqu'à son apparition dans Dawn of Justice (et n'étant pas un accros des belles voitures, je n'ai jamais vu un seul film de la franchise Fast and Furious). Ce qui m'intéresse dans cette polémique, c'est la stratégie de communication dont ont fait preuves les producteurs, en misant sur le marché chinois pour anticiper les pertes que pouvaient causées le boycott du film. Le cinéma est un art, mais il ne faut pas oublier que c'est aussi une industrie.
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Le Scénario :
Pour une fois, je vais faire simple. Le scénario se divise clairement en trois actes (la mode des Blockbusters de Super-Héros actuels sont souvent en quatre actes avec les scènes post-générique qui préparent aux prochains films.). À la manière de Captain America : the First Avenger sortie en 2011, le film Wonder Woman est un flash-back.
Dans le premier acte, nous découvrons la jeunesse de Diana, son éducation martiale et la relation qu'entretiennent les amazones avec les Dieux de la Grèce Antique, notamment Zeus.
Le rôle des amazones est explicite : protéger l'Humanité de Arès, le dieux de la guerre. Le but que va se fixer notre héroïne est de se préparer à l'affronter. La reine Hippolyte préfère que sa fille reste loin du monde de Hommes parce  qu'ils sont facilement corruptibles. Mais l'arrivée accidentelle de Steve Trevor sur Thémyscira, et des soldats allemands vont perturber le vie des amazones et de Diana. Après une bataille sur la plage, les amazones interrogent l'agent britannique qui expose le contexte de la Première Guerre Mondiale. Malgré le désaccord de sa mère, Diana décide de quitter son île et d'accompagner Steve Trevor pour mettre fin à la guerre en tuant Arès.
Même si la structure de ce premier acte semble très classique, la découverte de Thémyscrira et les prouesses athlétiques des guerrières amazones ont de quoi vous émerveiller. L'héroïne vous apparaîtra comme une femme naïve mais aussi plein de sagesse. Elle parle plusieurs langues et a étudié la philosophie. Pour Diana et les amazones l'harmonie et la paix viennent avec l'étude des langages. L'humour du film est plus subtils que les blagues auxquelles les autres blockbusters de Super-héros nous ont habitué. Il est parfois un peu misandre mais dans l'ensemble bien dosé. En ce qui me concerne, le seul bémol est la blague/remarque à propos de "L'Encyclopédie de Cléo" qui passe difficilement, même après plusieurs visionnages.
Le premier acte s'achève sur une scène en Allemagne où le Dr Poison offre un gaz au Général Ludendorff qui lui donne des capacités surhumaines.
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Le deuxième acte démarre avec l'arrivé de Diana et Steve à Londres. Ayant toujours vécu sur son île, la princesse amazone est vierge de toutes les conventions sociales, et la mettre en scène dans un Londres du début du vingtième siècle donne un enchaînement assez cocasse. Elle s'extasie à la vue d'un bébé, prend Steve par la main en voyant un couple se balader sans comprendre que c'est le signe d'une relation amoureuse. Et la séance de shopping pour lui trouver des vêtements plus "convenable" que sa tenue de guerrière se transforme rapidement en calvaire pour Steve et sa secrétaire Etta Candice.
La scène dans la ruelle est révélatrice du personnage. En plus d'être un bon clin d'oeil du film Superman de 1979, elle définit très bien le caractère de notre héroïne. Là où Clark Kent faisait semblant de jouer le benêt maladroit pour cacher ses pouvoirs, Diana assume complètement sa nature guerrière. Elle ne se cache pas, s'il faut agir elle le fait. C'est un moment important pour le spectateur car à cet instant, nous comprenons que malgré toute sa gentillesse, Wonder Woman trouve sa place au cœur de la bataille et pas dans une soirée mondaine.
Malgré le désaccord avec les généraux londoniens, Steve et elle vont se constituer un petit commando (un peu comme dans Captain America : the First Avenger) pour empêcher l'Allemagne de remporter la guerre grâce à un nouveau gaz mortel. Plus Diana va se rapprocher de la ligne de front, plus elle sera confrontée aux horreurs de la guerre et perdra de sa candeur. Sa colère et sa tristesse atteindront leurs limites à la fin de l'acte lorsque les forces allemandes testent leur nouvelle arme sur des innocents.
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Ainsi s'amorce le troisième acte. Le film possède toutes les scènes de guerre que vous avez déjà vu auparavant. La bataille dans les tranchées, le village occupé à moitié détruit, une mission d’infiltration dans un vieux château... C'est en toute logique qu'il s'achève dans un aérodrome. C'est un classique et donne lieu à une scène avec Steve Trevor qui n'est pas sans rappeler Casablanca.
Le groupe se divise, Steve et son commando partent détruire le gaz pendant que le duel entre Wonder Woman et Arès s'engage. Au fur et à mesure du film, en prenant confiance en elle et en sa mission, notre héroïne voit ses pouvoirs augmenter jusqu'à atteindre un niveau divin qui lui permet de résister au Dieu de la Guerre. Mais c'est en acceptant de croire en l'humanité, malgré tout les drames qu'elle a vu durant son périple, qu'elle arrive à surpasser Arès.
Le film s'achève à la fin du flashback, et nous comprenons implicitement pourquoi la Wonder Woman que nous avons vu dans Dawn of Justice semblait cynique et détachée du sort de l'humanité. Elle vu trop d'horreur, les Hommes qui ont continués à s'entretuer après la Première Guerre Mondiale malgré tout ses sacrifices. La photographie, que Batman à retrouver pour elle, lui rappelle sa rencontre avec Steve Trevor et pourquoi elle était venue dans notre monde. Le film s'achève avec une Wonder Woman bien décidé à reprendre son rôle "d'Ambassadrice de la Paix".
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Alors, on regarde ou pas?
Outre le schéma classique de la "Quête du Héros" cher à Joseph Campbell, Wonder Woman aborde plusieurs thèmes intéressant aux travers ses personnages secondaires. Le droit de votes des femmes avec la suffragette Etta Candice; le personnage de Sameer est devenu soldat car le racisme ordinaire de son époque l'a empêcher d'accéder aux planches et de devenir comédien; et Chief, l'amer-indien qui accompagne Steve et son commando, parle des conséquences de la colonisation sur son peuple avec Diana.
Pour votre culture cinématographique, faites abstraction de toutes les polémiques qui entoure le film. Regardez au moins une fois ce film et découvrez par vous-même pourquoi Wonder Woman fait désormais partie de l'Histoire du Cinéma.
N'hésitez pas à m'écrire pour me donner votre avis sur ce film. À bientôt pour la prochaine Critique Héroïque !
Peter Baker
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takenews-blog1 · 6 years
Feminine Celebrities You Didn’t Understand Had been Tall
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Feminine Celebrities You Didn’t Understand Had been Tall
With regards to actresses and feminine celebrities, it’s straightforward to imagine their peak… particularly simply primarily based on what reveals and movies you’ve seen them in. When watching our favourite stars carry out in televisions sequence and flicks, it’s onerous to inform precisely how tall they’re, since there’s one thing about being on display that basically makes them appear smaller. However should you ever met these girls in individual, you’d most likely be completely shocked to seek out out their actual peak. Take a look at this record of feminine celebrities you may not have identified are literally actually tall.
(Photograph by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Photos for DGA)
No, Jane Lynch’s peak as Coach Sue Sylvester in Glee wasn’t simply because she was highly effective and even just a little scary at McKinley Excessive; she’s really very tall in actual life. And in line with the actress herself, it’s one thing most individuals don’t notice about her till they’ve had the prospect to satisfy her in individual. “I don’t have actual lengthy arms or legs. It’s not till I get up that folks go, ‘Oh, my God. You’re tall!’” Jane instructed Extra in an interview. “I assume I wasn’t creepy tall. Quite a lot of it needed to do with the way in which I introduced myself.” Um, nothing about Jane is creepy in any respect, in order that makes whole sense.
(Photograph by Kevin Tachman/Getty Photos for amfAR)
At 5’10”, Charlize Theron has undoubtedly towered over her male costars greater than as soon as. She’s been open about the truth that being tall hasn’t all the time helped her get the roles she’s most concerned about taking up in her profession. “Jobs with actual gravitas go to folks which are bodily proper for them and that’s the tip of the story,” she mentioned in a controversial interview with GQ in 2016. “What number of roles are on the market for the attractive, [expletive], gown-wearing, eight-foot mannequin? When meaty roles come by way of, I’ve been within the room and fairly folks get turned away first.”
If you watch Mandy Moore on This Is Us, you’re most likely means too busy sobbing to understand how tall she is… however in actuality, at 5’10”, she’s really an inch taller than her late onscreen husband, performed by Milo Ventimiglia. Despite the fact that she wasn’t all the time loopy about how tall she is, she’s mentioned that her mother is the one who helped her notice that being tall was factor. “She jogged my memory to embrace what I used to be given and stand tall with my shoulders again,” Mandy mentioned her mother would inform her when she wished she was shorter. “I assume the grass is all the time greener.”
(Photograph by Dan MacMedan/Getty Photos)
You most likely final noticed her in the latest Star Wars installment as Holdo, and perhaps you even seen that there, she stood tall, however Laura Dern is definitely very tall in actual life. At 5’10”, she tends to command the eye of any room she walks into, however let’s be actual: she’s Laura Dern. She’s a legend. Even when she was quick, that may occur! She hasn’t addressed her peak very a lot publicly, but it surely ought to undoubtedly be one thing she’s happy with. In spite of everything, who doesn’t wish to develop as much as be Laura? We want her to star in, like, each film from now till the tip of time.
(Photograph by Juan Naharro Gimenez/WireImage)
Identical to Jane Lynch (and plenty of different ladies on this record), Sigourney Weaver is six toes tall, and he or she’s admitted that being tall can take quite a lot of braveness… and quite a lot of reminding your self to not examine your self to those that are smaller. “Being tall has a significant impression normally,” Sigourney has mentioned previously. “It takes some braveness to be as huge as you’re – to stay as much as it and never be intimidated by the swish tiny folks.” We’d say that Sigourney has undoubtedly discovered a option to stay as much as being six toes tall, even when many individuals don’t discover her peak straight away after they watch her in her films.
Standing at 5’11”, Nicole is available in one inch taller than her nation singing husband, Keith City, however that doesn’t appear to trouble her… although it might need when she was youthful. When speaking to The Solar in 2011, Nicole revealed that in class, the opposite children known as her Storky due to her peak and for the reason that boys have been a lot shorter than she was, they have been among the many cruelest. “I want I had identified I’d develop into extra assured about my seems to be,” Nicole mentioned, including that she was already 5’10’ at 13 years previous. “It made me very self-conscious. I had no common boyfriend and no severe relationship till a lot later.”
At 6’three″, Gwendolyn Christie is made for the roles that made her well-known in Sport of Thrones and Star Wars. And apart from the roles she’s gotten due to her peak, Gwendolyn has additionally discovered a number of totally different advantages that include being tall. “You may get to the bar simpler,” she instructed Harper’s Bazaar. “You may catch the bar individual’s eye, and mouth what you need, and by the point you’re there, you’ve acquired it. I’m like a human plow. I even have a selfie-stick arm. To get the identical angle as I get with my selfie arm, you’d want a crane.”
(Photograph by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Photos)
Julia Roberts is 5’9, and also you’ll discover that there isn’t a lot of a peak distinction between her and the vast majority of her male costars. Up to now, she’s mentioned that she’s “too tall to be a lady,” stating that as an alternative, she’s someplace “between a chick and a broad.” She additionally mentioned in an interview that folks first seen her peak after Mystic Pizza, after they couldn’t assist however make feedback about it. “Daily for per week after Mystic Pizza got here out, folks got here as much as me and mentioned, ‘I believed you have been six toes tall,’” Julia mentioned. “To me, I’m common peak. I’m five-foot-nine.”
You could not have guessed that this Grammy-winning singer has towered over most of her boyfriend, but it surely’s true — Taylor is a stable 5’10”, which is why she wore cowboy boots so usually at first of her profession. When she was youthful, Taylor was fairly self-conscious about her peak, and in her music, “Start Once more,” she even sang about an ex-boyfriend who didn’t like when she wore excessive heels as a result of it made her taller than him. Today, although? It looks like she’s actually embraced what makes her totally different, and you may catch that lady in heels anytime.
As a result of your entire Kardashian household is so small, you would possibly assume that Khloe doesn’t have a lot peak to her, both — however that’s undoubtedly not the reality. Though Kim and Kourtney are on the low finish of 5 toes tall, Khloe is definitely 5’10”, and being totally different from the remainder of her household is one thing it appears she’s come to like. “I don’t like after I can’t put on excessive heels in shoots as a result of my sisters are quick,” she’s admitted previously. “I’m tall, I really like excessive heels and I embrace it!” She ought to embrace it, as a result of with legs like hers, it’d be a disgrace if she missed out on heels!
Six-foot-tall Tilda Swinton is understood for her androgynous look — one thing her peak helps her accomplish. She even instructed a narrative throughout an interview with The New York Instances about how her peak usually causes her to be mistaken for a person. “The opposite day, I used to be going by way of the airport safety and I used to be searched by a male safety guard.” she mentioned. “I’m very sometimes called ‘Sir’ in elevators and such. I believe it has to do with being this tall and never sporting a lot lipstick. I believe folks simply can’t think about I’d be a lady if I appear to be this.”
Being that her husband, Ryan Reynolds, is 6’2″, it’s onerous to consider that Blake Vigorous is definitely extremely tall… however in actuality, she’s 5’11”. Sadly, although, it doesn’t sound prefer it’s considered one of her favourite qualities about herself. “I really like actually excessive heels, so it turns into an issue typically,” Blake admitted whereas speaking to Entry Hollywood in 2012. “I simply really feel like large … you don’t wish to really feel like the person.” It’s onerous to think about somebody who seems to be like Blake feeling something lower than attractive, so we hope her peak is one thing she’s discovered a option to embrace by now!
(Photograph by Christopher Polk/Getty Photos for Turner)
In case you hadn’t already guessed, Allison Janney is one tall girl. She’s six toes tall, and he or she’s even mentioned that she loves the benefit her peak typically provides her in her profession… although it wasn’t all the time that means. “I felt like my profession began late and I believe it was due to my peak — and perhaps a few of my confidence points,” she instructed NPR in 2014. “I used to be enjoying 40-year-old ladies after I was 20. I didn’t get thought of for ingenue roles. Possibly I simply wasn’t prepared, however issues began taking place after I turned 38… I believe my peak most likely did have one thing to do with it — however [my height] additionally helped me in sure components. It’s made me undoubtedly extra of a personality actress by way of my love of doing comedy.”
(Photograph by Kevin Winter/Getty Photos)
Despite the fact that the previous first girl stands tall at 5’10”, you may not have realized it as a result of her husband, Barack, is definitely 6’2″… in order that helps. What her peak doesn’t assist, although, is avoiding getting acknowledged in public. “There are occasions after I do disguise it up,” she mentioned throughout an look on Reside! With Jimmy Kimmel in 2012. It’s just a little onerous as a result of I’m so tall, so that you see folks simply sort of me simply because I’m so tall. After which it’s such as you, ‘Oh, it’s you!’ However from time to time I attempt to sneak out… however I don’t get to do it that a lot.”
Despite the fact that she’s a member of the royal household today, Kate Middleton — who proudly stands at 5’11 — used to get made enjoyable of when she was youthful as a result of she was so tall. In reality, in line with what a former classmate has mentioned in regards to the Duchess of Cambridge, it feels like she had a reasonably tough go of it. “She had run right into a pack of bullies who diminished her to an emotional wreck,” the classmate mentioned. “She was the outsider who was most likely too good for her personal good. It didn’t assist that she was so tall and self-conscious about her eczema.” Marvel how these bullies really feel as we speak?
It appears becoming that Uma Thurman is 6’zero″, contemplating how robust she’s been over the course of her profession (and particularly not too long ago) — but it surely wasn’t all the time one thing that she was very happy with. In reality, as she instructed The Solar in 2012, as a young person, she actually struggled together with her peak, and solely not too long ago has she been in a position to embrace it. “Was my peak a difficulty? At practically 6 toes tall, with massive toes, in fact it was!” she mentioned. “When you get a job, you’ll really feel totally different about your self and set up your personal id. It took me till about 35 to stroll with out being self-conscious.”
You could not have realized it, however Gwyneth Paltrow is definitely very tall. She stands at 5’9″, but it surely’s one thing she’s simply been in a position to disguise since her new fiancé, Brad Falchuk, is definitely taller than she is. However although Gwyneth is all about loving herself today, sadly, she struggled loads together with her peak when she was in highschool. “I’m sort of a gangly lady, but it surely was loads worse after I was a young person,” she’s mentioned. If solely that self-conscious teenager had realized who she was destined to develop into when she grew up — perhaps then she would have been just a little simpler on herself!
Even supposing she’s a card-carrying member of the six-foot membership, American Idol star Jordin Sparks isn’t about to let anybody get in the way in which of her embracing her true peak — as she made very clear in a Twitter rant a number of years in the past. “Sure, I’m actually tall,” she wrote in 2014. “Sure, I nonetheless get nervous earlier than I carry out. Sure, I’m mad as hell in regards to the BRICK WALLS I’ve to maintain breaking four music.” Luckily, since she shared these phrases, her profession has solely grown. And now that she’s anticipating her first child, we will’t wait to seek out out if her peak is one thing she’ll move on to her youngsters.
You could not have seen, however comic Aisha Tyler is definitely six toes tall. And for her, that peak didn’t are available an sudden progress spurt — she’s been tall for her complete life, whilst a baby. In her e-book, Self Inflicted Wounds: Heartwarming Tales of Epic Humiliation, she wrote, “For one factor, I used to be terribly tall. In third grade, I used to be virtually twice as tall as a number of the different children.” That needed to be actually onerous, but when anybody made enjoyable of her, we have now a sense they’re regretting it after seeing the place her life has taken her as an grownup.
Though being six toes tall is one thing that Geena Davis has lastly managed to return to simply accept about herself, it wasn’t all the time that means. Whereas speaking to ESPN in 2015, she admitted that she was “tall from minute one,” a thought that consumed her pondering in her childhood. “My fantasy was to take up much less area on this planet,” Geena mentioned. “I discovered this fairy story a few princess that was 1-foot tall, and I wore that e-book out. That’s all I wished, to be petite and enticing. I used to be afraid I’d by no means cease rising.” Luckily, she did, and when she went to Sweden to check at 18, she lastly realized that there are individuals who discovered her peak enticing.
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filmovida · 7 years
Rispondendo a quella che sembra una richiesta di aiuto, l’astronave Nostromo sbarca su un pianeta sconosciuto. Attaccato da una creatura aliena durante la perlustrazione, uno dei membri dell’equipaggio viene riportato a bordo per essere curato. Ed è l’inizio dell’orrore.
E’ il 1979 quando esce Alien, cambiando per sempre la percezione del film di fantascienza e dando inizio ad una saga che è arrivata ai giorni nostri, oltre ad ispirare più o meno direttamente diversi film (Life del 2017 ne è quasi un remake, peraltro con un finale molto simile a quello che avrebbe voluto originariamente Ridley Scott).
In uno spartito sostanzialmente già visto (il soggetto ricorda moltissimo film come La cosa da un altro mondo del 1951, Il pianeta proibito del 1956 e Terrore nello spazio di Mario Bava del 1965, mentre le uova che ospitano la creatura aliena rimandano ai baccelli dell’Invasione degli Ultracorpi del 1956), il regista Ridley Scott (qui al suo secondo film dopo il bellissimo I Duellanti) cambia radicalmente la tonalità fino a creare una sinfonia innovativa: Alien è in realtà un horror thiller di ambientazione fantascientifica, un film cupo, claustrofobico, con una fortissima tensione che accompagna lo spettatore già dalle prime sequenze. Essenziale per mantenere un costante senso di inquietudine è la magnifica regia di Scott, che alterna lenti piani sequenza ad improvvise accelerazioni in concomitanza alle letali apparizioni dell’alieno, inserendo nella prima parte anche riprese disturbate che anticipano di 21 anni The Blair Witch Project. Geniale è poi l’idea di mostrare pochissimo il mostro alieno, ripreso solo di sfuggita per quasi tutto il film (solo nel finale lo si vede interamente): l’atavica paura di ciò che non si conosce, che non si vede perché protetto dalle tenebre, rende ancora più terrificante la creatura aliena.
Alien riprende lo schema classico che l’horror ha mutuato da Dieci piccoli indiani di Agatha Christie: l’equipaggio viene via via decimato quando si trova isolato, immerso nella semioscurità di una nave spaziale spaventosa come un bosco industriale al crepuscolo, con angusti corridoi che sembrano rimandare ai vicoli della Londra vittoriana dove colpiva Jack lo squartatore.
La grandezza di Alien si basa moltissimo anche sull’aspetto visivo: la scenografia, il design, gli effetti speciali sono strepitosi, ma è soprattutto grazie a H.R. Giger (disegnatore del mostro e del pianeta alieno) ed al suo personalissimo e angosciante mondo artistico ispirato a H. P. Lovecraft, che il film riesce ad essere così disturbante e allo stesso tempo affascinante. Importante è poi il contributo, mai invasivo, della musica scritta da Jerry Goldsmith: una partitura che privilegia il lato sperimentale a quello sinfonico, che utilizzando sia strumenti tradizionale come i violini che elettronici come l’echoplex,  instilla magistralmente una sensazione di isolamento ed estraniazione.
Per quanto riguarda i personaggi, tre risultano straordinariamente incisivi: Ripley (Sigourney Weaver), archetipo dell’eroina cinematografica moderna, nella quale convivono forza, determinazione e sensualità, Ash (Ian Holm), anello di congiunzione tra HAL di 2001: Odissea nello spazio ed il film che Ridley Scott girerà dopo Alien, ovvero Blade Runner, ed infine il mostro alieno, vero protagonista nonostante non si veda quasi mai, verso il quale nel finale il regista ci spinge quasi a provare un sentimento di empatia. Soli una contro l’altro, Ripley e la creatura appaiono semplicemente due esseri viventi che cercano solo di non morire, riconoscendosi reciprocamente nel primordiale e naturale istinto di sopravvivenza che li unisce.
VOTO: 5 stelle
Alien (USA, 1979) – REGIA: Ridley Scott. SCENEGGIATURA: Dan O'Bannon FOTOGRAFIA: Derek Vanlint. MONTAGGIO: Terry Rawlings, Peter Weatherley. MUSICA: Jerry Goldsmith. CAST: Sigourney Weaver, Harry Dean Stanton, John Hurt, Ian Holm. GENERE: Horror, Fantascienza. DURATA: 117’.
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