#mal: >:[ lemme down
faerune · 9 months
whenever mal is mean to someone karlach puts her in air jail until she says sorry
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 7 months
Rewatching Shadow and Bone so here are some of my favourite little details that I haven’t seen loads of people talk about (this is almost definitely just part 1 so stay tuned)
The bird cage in Heleen’s office
The masks on stalls in the Ketterdam streets, including Komedie Brute masks, what look like the Jackal masks, and what I believe might have been a sun summoner mask
The song that Ravkan soldiers in Mal’s unit sing whilst they march in s1e4 is the Kerch drinking song Nina sings for Inej on the boat in Six of Crows
Matthias’ hesitation before saying “I feel nothing for you” and Nina replying “then I guess that makes you good at your job” is SO reflective of Matthias’ realisation that Brum didn’t have to drown the good parts of himself to do terrible things the way Matthias always did; Matthias had grown to admire Brum for what he believed was the ability to silence the good in himself in order to do what “must be done” because he found that so difficult to do, and acknowledging that Brum didn’t find those things difficult the way he did was one of the most important moments of being able to separate himself from the Drüskelle beliefs and begin to understand that what he went through was actually abuse and what’s implied to be at least similar to Stockholm Syndrome (I’ve written at length about this and if I get going I’ll never stop, so if anyone wants to know more lemme know and I’ll tag you in my post about it)
“Pomdrakon Players”, the group the Crows join to infiltrate the Little Palace, references Ravkan desert “Pomdrakon” where you soak raisins in brandy then set them on fire and try to grab them in the dark that Nina tells Matthias about on the ice
This isn’t an observation I just thought you’d all like to know that when I was watching the map room scene in episode 4 every time Alina said ‘Aleksander’ I repeated her in a stupid voice, which was really unfair to Alina because she doesn’t know but it was a genuine reaction and I stand by it because screw the Darkling
The comment that the Fjerdans don’t mark ash tress because they’re scared, I love that. I wonder if they pray when they mark trees, like they do when they cut them down? I personally got the impression that all trees were precious but ash trees were sacred when I read the book
The valve to turn out the lights in the Royal Archives Heist because all the lighting is gas powered!! Like I know this probably was just a thing we knew without really thinking about but it’s also really cool in that it reminds us about the class difference between the Crows and the others since, at least in the books, gas lighting isn’t as common to the Barrel as candles and bone lights are but is implied to be more common among the Merchants
Also not an observation but “you’re the quarter master, aren’t you?” “Yep” *wallop* will never not be hilarious and iconic
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the costume department for this show were goddamn miracle performers thank you for your service. I’ve banged on about the symbolism in the costumes before so I won’t now, but I have really only talked about s2 so I guess if you want more I could talk about s1
“No guns” *walking past Jesper* “no knives” *walking past Inej* “no weapons of any kind” *wait where’s Kaz* will always be fabulous
I genuinely have no idea how they did the Tailoring on Alina’s hair when Genya first does it for her but it is incredible like I don’t know exactly what changed but it just… I don’t know, it’s amazing
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Matchmaker Draconia (Lilia)
Inspired by this
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NOTE: I only write for female reader but everyone is welcome to read it!
Tall! Lilia referenced because Lilia should be allowed to change forms at will like the Bat King he is.
— ୧⁠(⁠^⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠^⁠)⁠୨
"Wait, for real? Lemme see!"
Malleus angles the book so the Child of Man can see the picture. He has to admit, the picture is very flattering. He hasn't seen Lilia's other form (the Tall Form, as Silver calls it) in a long time, but it's hard not to recognize the man. Sure, the hair is much longer, and his features are much sharper, but his eyes are still the same dark pinkish red, and his smile still holds the same chaos loving curve.
"Damn, Mally-o, your Daddy is hot!" (Y/N) whistles, eyes wide as she takes in the image.
"... Lilia does run a bit warmer than me or Sebek, but his temperature is not too much higher than a human's."
"No– oh, God, I can't believe– Hornton, I meant, like—" she waves her hands around, trying to find the words—"he's, uh, attractive. A total DILF."
"... a total what?"
"Oh, God." she groans, a heavy blush settling on her cheeks. "DILF stands for 'Dad I'd Like to Fuck'."
Malleus stares at her, then at the book, then at the silent walls of Ramshackle. Then back at her as it finally clicks.
"You want to bed my father?"
"Oh, God."
"I see," Malleus takes a hand to his chin, thoughts running through his mind while she hides her embarrassment with her hands. "And does your interest end there?"
"Oh, God, Hornton! Hornton, Mally, Malle-o, Mal-Mal, Horns-a-tron, please shut up," the Child of Man whines, still hiding her face.
"It's important, Child of Man. Does your interest in Lilia end in intercourse?"
"... no...?"
"No. I... Please don't tell Lilia, I'll literally die," she asks, finally showing him her face. Once he nods, she relaxes, and he's glad she trusts him so much to do so. "I really really like him. I might even, like... love him? Maybe? I dunno, I just get really happy when I'm with him and I keep thinking about him and just seeing him makes my day..."
Wow. Malleus was not expecting a full on confession, but it is not unwelcomed. Not when he knows Lilia feels the exact same for the girl, and both Malleus and Silver—Sebek hasn't noticed yet—have been wondering what could be done to get the bat fae to confess. They both know, Malleus more than Silver, that Lilia feels unsure thanks to the different lifespans, and that he feels like he'll steal her away from greater opportunities than "an old bat" (his words).
"That's great news, Child of Man!" he exclaims, smile growing at the possibilities presenting to him. "Lilia would be delighted to hear that, you should tell him."
"Absolutely not, are you crazy?!"
Ah. Yes. (Y/N) can be just as stubborn as Lilia when she wants. It takes an entire hour of them going back and forth before Malleus finally gives up and promises—on his horns—that he won't tell Lilia that she likes him. The rest of the night goes without a hitch, and the night air is refreshing as he waves back at her, laughing when she points at her eyes with two fingers and then at him before closing the front door. Malleus lingers for a second outside, before teleporting himself to Diasomnia.
(Y/N) had prohibited magic inside Ramshackle after Ace and Grim almost burned it down. She can't physically do anything if anyone decides to ignore it, but she's so well loved and respected that everyone adheres to the rule.
Also, Lilia, in one of his rare moments of showing his true capacity, had made very clear that he'd have a talk with anyone who broke the rule.
Speaking off, Lilia is the first thing Malleus sees when he finally gets inside the dorm's living room. The bat fae is sitting on the couch with his phone and a cup of tea, as he usually is when Malleus is at Ramshackle. At first, Malleus thought he was just making sure his charge was ok—fae tend to be protective of what and who they consider theirs—, but now he knows better.
"(Y/N) says hello," he starts, taking a seat on the couch right across his mentor.
"Yeah? That sweet girl," Lilia's smile is pleased, dare he say loving, and his eyes, still glued to the screen, soften. "How is she? How was your little study date?"
No matter how many times Malleus tells him that they're not dates, Lilia seems to be determined on calling their encounters as such. If the dragon had to guess, the same inhibitors that stopped the older man's romance did not matter—in Lilia's mind—if it was Malleus.
Too bad for him that Malleus does not see his Child of Man as a romantic partner.
"She's never been better, the break Crowley gave her is doing wonders for her overall well being," the break that Lilia—and Malleus, but mostly Lilia—threatened Crowley into giving her. "Today we went over History of Magic, and her brilliant mind got us beyond the necessary material quickly."
"I'm happy to hear that~"
"There was a picture of you on one of the books."
"Oh?" Lilia perks up. He most definitely knows what picture Malleus is referring, but the young dragon says it anyways.
"A picture of your other form."
"I have many other forms."
"You know which one."
The bat laughs, childishly showing his tongue, and Malleus can only smile. No matter the form, the man's teasing and mischief loving nature always shines. No wonder he's seen as the odd one for his lively disposition when Briar Valley prides itself in it's solemnity.
"She thinks you look really good in that form," at that, Lilia places the phone on his lap and gives his charge his undivided attention. What was that expression humans use? Hook, line and sinker?
"Said you are a DILF."
Then Lilia barks the loudest laugh Malleus has ever heard from the man. It's a mix of disbelief and delight, and it shakes his tiny body so much the phone falls on the floor.
"Did she really?"
"Yes," Malleus admits without guilt, for he is not revealing her feelings, only thoughts. You'd think she'd be more careful with her words after befriending both Azul and Malleus.
"A DILF, huh? I guess that form really has its own charm."
"She also mentioned your current form being just as attractive."
"What are you trying to do here, Your Highness?"
Malleus blinks innocently at the accusation, not at all bothered by the suspicious yet terribly amused gaze of his mentor. He gets up and nods respectfully at the man.
"Just giving you the tea, I believe. I'll retire now, Lilia. Good night."
He leaves with Lilia's laughter as a companion, but soon finds himself alone, no doubt the bat fae going to Ramshackle. Part of him feels bad for sending the tiny agent of chaos (Y/N)'s way. Part of him hopes they'll get closer to a confession after tonight.
What he knows for sure, is that it's time for him and Silver to stop watching and start acting.
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corpsebasil · 1 year
Prince of Fools -> complete chaos between reader and Nikolai
Warnings: daddy gets what daddy wants
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The enemy Grisha had almost gotten to the hallway you and Nikolai hid inside. They were hunting for you and the prince; the Grisha with the power to speak to animals, the Disney princess of Ravka, and Nikolai, the future king.
“Saints,” Nikolai cursed, his back against the wall with you pressed tight against his front. The Grisha were nearing, them with their advanced magic and wicked intent.
“Follow my lead.” You urged, and his eyes widened when you shoved his face into your chest seconds before the Grisha rounded the corner. “OH GODS!” You wailed, loudly, and Nikolai’s startled huff of laughter was warm against your skin. “THOMAAAAAS!”
“Thomas?“ Nikolai grumbled, but you only pulled your hood up and made loud sucking noises, rocking his head violently against you.
“OH…BECKY!” He cried, and you almost smacked him. Of all the names he could’ve picked— “LEMME TOUCH YOU! FEEL ME!”
You were half a second from bursting into laughter, your face hot as you resisted, tussling his hair violently. You could feel several sets of stunned, horrified eyes on the two of you, gawking at the sight of the deranged Ravkans in front of them.
“Do you think they need medical attention?” One whispered, eyes wide.
“Maybe an exorcism.” Other grumbled.
You almost choked when Nikolai picked you up and whirled you against the wall, growling like a feral beast. You could hardly breathe, your stomach aching with the urge to laugh, especially when he clutched your Kefta in both hands and said, “Daddy gets what daddy wants.”
That’s was enough. One of the Grisha gagged as they hurried along, claiming to have spotted the prince further, MUCH further, down the hallway. When they were well and gone, you panted for breath, letting out the loudest cackle of your life into the hallway. Nikolai clamped a hand over your mouth but grinned, his own face flushed with hysteria.
“Becky?” You whispered, raising your eyebrows. “Seriously?”
“You shoved my face into your tits.”
“I was going for authentic.”
Footsteps echoed close by and they turned, watching as Alina, Genya and Mal cautiously stepped out of the darkness of the hall. They’d been at the end of the corridor the entire time.
“I truly,” Mal began, shaking his head with the same level of horror that the Grisha had possessed. “Do not want to know whatever energy you two were just channeling.”
“We’re natural actors.” Nikolai bragged, slinging an arm over your shoulders. You turned your head and planted a loud, wet kiss against his cheek, making him curse and wipe at his face.
“I’m tired of your antics.” Alina said, but she was smiling, and she and Genya giggled as they looped arms with Y/N and let the group down the passage to the exit.
Do not ask I am two wine glasses in and found this hysterical
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Hi! Do you remember the ask where the player got into twst, saw vil/mal/azul and went "yoink! U R mine now"? I was wondering if you could write this scenario but for Lilia/Riddle/Epel (our short Kings hehe!) love you and your work, remember to drink your water!
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, obsessive behavior, obsession, stalking, murder, insecurities, poison, Lilia being... weird
Riddle Rosehearts/Epel Felmier/Lilia Vanrouge-”You are mine.”
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You aren't carrying him like a sack of potatoes
No, rather like a plank (that's how stiff he has become)
No one, and I repeat, no one has ever dared to do this kind of thing to him before
But then you were like “Oh lemme take this little person with me!”
Riddle doesn't dare to say something against this
You are the highest instance of power in the Queendom of roses after all
Inside he is swooning... which he questions himself
First of all, since when are his muscles so trained that he can hold his body like this for five minutes straight??!
Second of all, huh?
He hears “Can you feel the love?” in his mind whilst questioning if he lost his mind
This shouldn't feel so good!
Oh finally, you set him down!
But dear monarch... oh...
He belongs to you?
Did he just hear that right?
The is kneeling and swearing you everlasting loyalty
He will make sure that every traitor will lose their head after this... and I'm not talking about his unique magic
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Epels pride is already wounded enough from his height
And then perfection themselves just picks him up like a sack of apples
Epel is just wants to disappear... no??!
He likes it??!
Who is this and where is the real Epel??!
For some reason this feels soothing beyond imagination
The situation is weird in itself
You pop up and just take him with you
Never met him in person before as well...
At least they can't use you for abduction
Not that anyone would dare to do that!
They would rather sue Epel for being an annoyance and “stealing” your attention
And then, the magic words!
He doesn't even realize that you already set him down on the couch in Ramshackle
If you didn't know any better you would think that he ate Snow Whites Apple and is now in some weird state where he can just stare motionless into the air
Maybe you should give him a kiss? It saved Snow White as well after all...
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When you approached him and your motions told him what you were about to do he already jumped over your shoulder
Now, Lilia can be a creep (*sigh* he is one in the Self-aware au if I'm being honest...)
Him holding on tightly to the clothing covering your back, burying his face into into it? Yeah he just doesn't want to fall of...
Did you really think it would be this innocent?
He is freaking smelling your goddamn scent the entire time like a dehydrated person finding water for the first time in a long while in a desert
Lilia is in heaven
He is surrounded by you fully!
Your arms around his legs... his chest against your back!
I'm not going into more detail for obvious reasons
So you suddenly put him down in that dusty dorm
That place more than just dusty but ok Lilia, whatever floats your boat...
Lilia asks himself if he finally experiences something like “aging”
Did he just hear something weird because of declining hearing?
No, you really said it
He belongs to you!
Reader run!!!
You won't be alone for a second after this
Not that you were before but at least you now actually see your stalker companion
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South had returned, but that didn't really mean that he had found Spring. It could also mean that he had checked everywhere, found something that hinted towards her location, only to discover that it led him farther than he wanted to go alone.
Not because he was scared or anything, this 'wild raven' just preferred to keep an eye on them.
They gently grabbed his beak and playfully wiggled it with their hand. "Lemme write a note in case we're gone longer than we expected, wouldn't want the others to worry." They softly tell the bird, letting his beak go.
South shook himself in a display of mock annoyance at how he was handled, getting a chuckle out of his person.
They get up, lock their door, and take off their mask so they can see what they're writing. Then they grab a notepad from their desk as well as a pen, both were already there when they moved in to their room.
They usually used it to figure out a design for a carving, but today they were actually writing something in it. They flipped to an empty page and began.
I went out to look for Spring, sorry if I worried you! I didn't want to make her wait any longer, I have no doubt in my mind that she was in a worse state than I was.
Chances are, if you're reading this, it's been a few days since I left. Which means that either she's farther out than I thought, or her wounds are more extensive than I thought.
I promise she'll be fine, it just might take a bit.
Don't worry about me either! I'm taking some of my weapons with me, and even without shapeshifting I'm fully capable of being a threat.. Or a nuisance, depending on the situation.
I mean, I can cover for Scout after all.
Jokes aside, I'm sure I'll be back soon!
They had hesitated over how to sign off, briefly considering putting their actual name down instead before shooting that down on the off chance that someone wouldn't realize it was them. It was entirely possible around here.
Instead, they chose the less used nickname.
With that out of the way, they got up from their desk and grabbed their blankets from their bed, folded them, and put them in the bag along with their pillow. They made an amused metal note of this likely being another example of 'Hub instinct' as Mal called it.
Once everything was ready, they put their mask back on and tilted their head in a way to tell South to come to them. Which the raven eagerly did, landing proudly on their shoulder and being very careful to not put pressure on any of their wounds. They then closed the window, unlocked the door, and walked through with their bag.
Distantly, they hoped no one would follow them.
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forlorn-crows · 9 months
Bird's Eye View of the Way You Move
for my beloved @askingforthesun; happy birthday mal!!
Pairing: Swiss/Cirrus
Rating: Explicit
Tags: PWP, intersex Swiss (cunt/folds/dick/cock for his anatomy), cis Cirrus (cunt/clit for her anatomy), fingering, nipple play, frottage, vaginal sex, praise, dirty talk, petnames, h a n d s.
Words: 1708
Summary: But Cirrus can’t complain, won’t complain; every pluck of her nipples nudges her closer and closer to cumming—already—that she can’t help but keen as he flicks them again. Her hips twitch of their own accord, dragging her folds over his shaft. 
“Yeah, grind over my dick. Fuck you get me so wet,” Swiss groans. If Cirrus were in a different position, she’d no doubt see the wet spot on the sheets from his cunt. She’d probably lap it up too, beg him to smother her face with it. 
But she’s in no position to do that. Not yet, anyway. Not with him pinning her to his chest and dragging one of his hands down, down, down . . .
On AO3 or under the cut:
“S-Swiss, fuck, please baby,” Cirrus pleads, nails digging into her own thighs. Swiss just grins against her temple, pressing a hot kiss there as he grinds upwards again.
“But you look so good like this,” he rumbles. “Love to watch you squirm and drip for me.” Swiss has her perched just above his cock while he reclines against the headboard, Cirrus’ pert ass squishing into his lower stomach as he holds her against his chest. It’s the perfect angle for the multi ghoul to rut his cock along the slit of her cunt, bumping the head of it against her clit with each little hump of his hips. And his hands? His hands are everywhere; roaming the plane of her stomach, kneading at her tits, squeezing at her throat, slipping fingers into her mouth to pet at her tongue, and teasing over her mound, just above where she really wants it. 
Cirrus tosses her head back, long column of her throat exposed and raven-black hair falling over Swiss’ shoulder. She moans as he thrusts upwards again and takes each nipple between his fingers. 
“That’s it, sweetheart, just like that.” He tugs on each bud, making them stick out hard and pointy from her tits. “Fuck these are gorgeous. So pretty and pink when I get my hands on them.” And they are. Swollen and flushed from his endless attention. But Cirrus can’t complain, won’t complain; every pluck of her nipples nudges her closer and closer to cumming—already—that she can’t help but keen as he flicks them again. Her hips twitch of their own accord, dragging her folds over his shaft. 
“Yeah, grind over my dick. Fuck you get me so wet,” Swiss groans. If Cirrus were in a different position, she’d no doubt see the wet spot on the sheets from his cunt. She’d probably lap it up too, beg him to smother her face with it. 
But she’s in no position to do that. Not yet, anyway. Not with him pinning her to his chest and dragging one of his hands down, down, down . . .
He slips his fingers through her folds, sighing at their silky feel. He dips lower and spreads her slick over his cock, rubbing the underside with the flat of his palm and pushing the length of it against between her swollen lips.
“Oh ffff—” Cirrus cuts herself off with a whine. Her hand flies back to grip at one of Swiss’ horns, squeezing hard as she angles her hips for more friction. “Please, baby, more, need more of you.” 
"You have me all right here, don't you?" he hums. He rubs again, pushing the head of his cock firmly against her clit. 
"Clo—close Swiss close," Cirrus hisses.
She can feel herself starting to throb sporadically, little staccato spasms that threaten to make her thighs clamp together and pin his hand and dick there. She wants that sweet pressure inside her cunt that only Swiss knows how to give her, to clamp over his length as she falls over the edge.
Swiss, apparently, has other plans. "Why don't you rub that pretty little clit of yours, lemme feel you cum over me." 
“Fuck,” Cirrus exhales shakily, snaking a hand down to her sex. His tone isn’t particularly demanding, but she finds she doesn’t want to fight against his suggestion. She circles her clit, stiff and wet, gasping as the pleasure builds twofold.
"There's a love," he purrs. He tucks his mouth directly against the shell of her ear, nosing at her sweaty hairline. "You rub yours, I'll rub mine," he whispers.
"Seven hells," Cirrus shivers. She rubs, as she’s told. Brushing her fingertips against the head of Swiss’ cock with each tight circle. 
He rumbles appreciatively, own hand working himself over in long strokes that start between his wet folds, dipping inside to coat his fingers down to the second knuckle, and end halfway up his cock with thick fingers wrapped around. 
Cirrus digs her fingers into the base of his horn, back arching further so her pelvis tilts her cunt closer to Swiss’ hand. 
“Good girl, such a good girl for me,” he breathes. He milks a bead of pre from his cock, letting it well up at the tip. He sneaks it underneath her fingers, rubbing the silky head across her swollen clit in quick motions. 
Cirrus’ hand shakes as it falls away. Her thighs too, muscles jumping with each pass. “Oh Lucifer,” she chokes out. 
“Yeah, let it make you feel good, baby.” She whimpers as he presses harder. Grinds a little against it and wiggles her hips. He's still toying with her nipples too, alternating between fully palming each of her tits and pinching just at the buds. The hand not clutching at Swiss' thick horn moves to feel his cock swiping dizzyingly over her clit, the split swell of the head kissing across her fingertips. 
Cirrus damn near whimpers at the sound they make, a wet mess of precum and slick all creamy against their most sensitive parts. It’s sinful, and by Satan is it good. 
Swiss huffs a laugh at her hovering hand, breath tickling stray locks of hair against her cheek. “Take my cock, love. Take what you need, use me.” He gently guides her hand to hold him just under the frenulum, resting her fingers along the vein on the underside. “That’s it,” he praises gruffly, “just—shit—just like that.” Swiss drops his hand down to rub at his folds, pressing at the place where his sex splits as Cirrus twitches against the fat head of his cock. 
Cirrus’ hand is uncoordinated, but the friction is too sweet, too good to focus on being precise. It doesn’t matter, really, not with how sensitive she is. 
“‘M gonna cum,” she gasps out, stomach starting to clench. “Gonna—fuckplease.”
Swiss holds her flush to his chest and laps at the junction of her neck, feeling droplets of sweat well up under his tongue. He thrusts up against her, just a little, just enough that she clenches again and makes a gut-punched noise. 
Cirrus can feel the spurt of pre coat her clit, can hear how wet they both are as she goes stiff in his grip. 
Swiss nibbles her earlobe, pressing back to the edge of her ear, stubble scratching the nape of her neck. She feels the rumbly hum that runs through his chest more than she hears it. And his voice, equally as husky, cuts her straight down to the core:
“Cum for me, kitten.”
Like a rubber band waiting to snap, the tension inside her breaks, pleasure coming to a fine point and bursting under her fingers as she cums with a stuttered groan. Swiss grunts in her ear when she presses his length to her cunt, bucking against it as she rides out her orgasm with her head tipped back on his shoulder. 
“That’s it, fuck I can feel you throbbing,” he breathes, rutting into her hand. Cirrus yelps as the head of his cock flicks over her clit, legs twitching where they’re hooked around Swiss’ thighs. 
“Plea—oh put it in, put it in,” Cirrus pleads. Begs, really, moving her hand to grip the inside of his thigh with sharp nails and fisting her other hand into his hair, arching sharply so the wet tip of his cock presses at her still fluttering entrance. 
Swiss hisses and wraps his firm hands around her hips. He bites back a moan as she scoots further down, the head just barely dipping inside. “Thought you’d never ask,” he rasps, reluctantly pulling himself back out. 
With a grunt he throws her forward onto her stomach, hiking her hips up so her ass is perched in the air. Cirrus moans into the bed and spreads her legs without prompting. 
“Satanas, sweetheart, you’re so, so gorgeous,” Swiss sighs, running his fingers across the swell of her ass. He dips them between her folds, petting slowly. “So wet, all for me.”
“Baby, please,” she groans. She pushes back against his fingers, insistent. Swiss chuckles and appeases her, pressing two of his thick fingers inside, all the way in until she gasps. He scissors his fingers, a precursory stretch—not that she needs it, but she's panting with it anyway.
"Fit so perfectly here, don't they?" Swiss muses.
Cirrus fires back a raspy retort, despite the soupy state of her brain: "Your—fuck—your cock would fit better."
Swiss grins behind her back and his fingers retreat. She can barely whine before he lines up and sinks in with one smooth thrust, grinding on her when he bottoms out.
"Better, sweetheart?" She can tell his voice is strained, but it worms through her ears like honey nonetheless. 
Cirrus can’t even respond beyond a gurgled groan, already trying to fuck herself back onto his cock. 
“Hold on, hold on,” Swiss breathes, melting himself against her back and threading his arms underneath her stomach. He nuzzles her cheek, kissing up her jaw and capturing her lips with his. It’s soft, unhurried. “Love when I have you all to myself,” he whispers, rubbing their noses together. ”Lemme savor it for a second, hm?”
“Fuck,” Cirrus mumbles against his lips. “Feels so fucking good, though, Swiss.”
“Likewise, baby.” He gives her one last chaste kiss and a nuzzle before rising up some, hooking his chin over her opposite shoulder and gripping her a little tighter around her waist. The multi ghoul circles his hips, not quite pulling out to thrust, but not quite grinding either. 
“Please,” Cirrus whispers.
Swiss lets a rumbling purr resonate through his chest, wiggling his hips—those damn hips—once more. Then he pauses, and the anticipation hangs heavy in the air. 
“Love it when you beg for it. For me,” he growls, pulling out until just the head of his dick is sheathed in her cunt and swiftly thrusting back down to the hilt. Cirrus loses all remaining air in her lungs, punched out by the barrage of thrusts he gives her without warning, pinpointed exactly where she wants it. Her arms go limp at her sides, and she lets him pound her hard into the mattress. 
The next time she cums, she cums with Swiss’ name on her tongue, muffled by the thick fingers petting over it.
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Brutally honest thoughts on each character?
...*Each* character???? bruh thats so many, okay ill keep this short cuz im waiting for a haircut rn
well start with the vks cuz thats easy
Mal-started off strong and then just became...THE WORST, love hate relationship for her. shes my art block fix but also i hate her
Jay-i dont have strong opinions on him, he actually never stuck out to me other than 'obligatory jock dude of the friend group.' i wish i liked him more but im more attached to his fandom self over canon Jay
Evie-got boring after D1, i wish they let her keep her chemistry stuff, love her vibe but shes kinda boring to me. SHOULD'VE BEEN THE MC OVER MAL!!
Carlos- lots of lost potential with his tech stuff from the first book and movie. easily could've been an engineer or inventor but they just made him an animal lover and i got bored of that real quick.
Uma-my queen, my idol, can do no wrong i love her so much i WILL kill for her.
Harry-i love his dumbass so much YALL DONY EVEN KNOW I WANNA BITE HIM SO BAD
Gil-one of the few characters i felt actually...grew up? idk but hes one of the few characters were it actually feels like time passed for.
Dizzy-oooooooh honey, honey honey, sunshine baby, please, put the glue gun down.
Celia- they should've gone with her trailer persona. Her outfits are so bad and i wish she got better writing and designs, so much lost potential, also she should've been Jays pick.
Smee twins- why the fuck are they even here they had one line and no significance. also they should've had a Harry scene.
Ben-puppy boy, deserved to have doberman energy. got turned into a doormat by the writers and is unfairly hated.
Audrey-bitch queen, shes not a nice person and thats okay~ girlboss.
Chad- should've been the D3 villan they had that all set up in D2 with his weird ass attitude over Ben getting kidnapped on the isle.
Doug -....honestly gives me the ick, especially in D3, i HATE the long hair his actor had/has. gold is NOT his color and neither is pastel purple or green. he looked good in D1 but ICK for 2 and 3.
Jane- bby gurl, blue bird sweetheart. yeah she did some fucked up shit in D1 but she was an insecure 14 year old girl who got manipulated by Mal and other aks!!!
Lonnie- deserved so much better, shes Chinese why is she getting Japanese style stuff?!?! her plot in D2 didnt even do anything it just happened and no one cared and Jay just shoved his problems of girls playing roar onto her.
Beast- *inhale* i wanna kick his ass, and i could, lemme at him. how dare he force an entire kingdom on Ben at 16 when he didnt become king when he was 28(when he married Belle)
Belle- they took away her backbone, shes not Disney princess book worm and independent Belle. she just, lost the spark
FG- they turned her into a preschool teacher, GIVE ME MY OL COOKY FAIRY LADY BACK
Leah- *seething rage*
vk parents
Maleficent- fuckin love her, shes such a manipulative bitch and feels like a gone crazy version of a Maleficent made for kids. def not the mistress of all Evil but i love her nonetheless
EQ- shouldve been the head villain, SHE WAS THE FIRST DISNEY VILLAIN CMON! def not the same character from the animated movie but shes dramatic and sassy and i adore her.
Jafar- haha funny characature~ i wish he was more menacing like he had been. Jafar is not one of my fav villains so descendants jafar didnt exactly translate for me well.
Cruella- yeah they nailed her, no complaints about her. good design, good dialogue, good acting.
Hades- LEMME KICK HIS DEAD BEAT ASS, fucking 'daddy issues made you stronger' my butt. i hate his hair and honestly he doesnt fit the washed up punk design, he didnt deserve the speech at the end and didnt deserve to be forgiven by Mal.
Ursula- we only saw her tentacle and one line but she seemed spot on so yeah
Lady Tremaine- why the fuck was she nice in D3??? bitch is the EVIL stepmother.
Smee- spot on, i have words for his sons designs becuaee hes old not naturally white haired but hes chill, makes sense hed be a good parent, he never felt evil to me, just compliant
Facilier- such a vibe, his actor got him spot on, would've changed up his suit design but hes chill and i can see him being a family man(ignoring wicked world).
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{Maleficent with a s/o who brings home a stray kitten}
A few words from author: Hi there everyone! Welcome to my newest imagines! ^^
Lately I've been pulled back into my old Disney villain fixation, and so I just couldn't help but create something Disney related - and there's a high chance that Disney villains content will be a part of my page now ^^".
Well anyways, this idea for imagines has been stuck with me for a good while and I really really wanted to write it down- like seriously- and the first villain I chose for these imagines is our fave dark fae Maleficent who I love so so so much (ෆ ^ ﹏^ ෆ⁠).
But no need to worry, I plan on writing this idea with other villains too, so chances are that your fave villains aren't gonna miss out on this scenario ^^.
Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy reading these! :3
Settings: Written as Romantic focused
Genre: Purely fluffy and wholesome I'd say ^^
!TRIGGER WARNING!: None as far as I can tell!
Sidenote: Reader is written as gender-nonspecified
Well, that should be all I needed to say, bunny-boos, feel free to read now ^^.
Hope y'all will enjoy~ <3
♡。This may or may not come as a shocker, but Mal is actually pretty okay with pets.
♡。While it doesn't apply to all kinds of creatures, Mal does, in fact, enjoy the thought of having a little animal companion (like her precious Diablo). But it really depends on what type of animal it is.
♡。When it comes to kitties, you're in great luck, cuz Mal is much more of a cat person than she is a dog person. So, you're getting a free pass for bringing home a kitty as long as the kitten gets along with Diablo. ^^
♡。Though, actually, Mal really likes the idea of you having your own animal companion (like she has Diablo) and so, you probably might even get away with bringing home a pet of the kind that Mal isn't exactly fond of (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^ᵕ^).
♡。But that's a topic for another day (⁠ ^▽^ ⁠).
♡。Well, as I've already said, Mal has no problem with cats, and she approves of the idea of you having a pet. And what does that mean?
♡。That means that when you bring home the stray kitten with you, you're keeping it without a doouuubt!! \(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)/
♡。Like, Mal doesn't even protest or anything!
♡。She just frighteningly looms over you, watching as you stumble over your words in an attempt to explain why you brought the kitten with, only for her to answer with a simple "Well, alright then, you may keep it."
♡。And you're left standing there all shocked cuz- all of those intimidating glances and intense staring that got you trembling in your boots and then she just gives such plain reaction??
♡。Like- was she just messing with you or what??? And well, the answer is that... yeah, she probably did all that just to mess with you some... but only maybe... one can never really know for sure with Maleficent...
♡。Anyways- now you probably wanna know... how's Mal with the kitten?????
♡。Well, lemme tell you all about that, honey. Lemme pour the tea. (͡⁠°⁠‿⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)
♡。So, at first, Maleficent doesn't interact with the kitty much and mostly leaves that sort of thing to you. Not that she'd dislike the kitten, she just needs a moment or two to fully get used to it.
♡。Not to mention that Mal loves watching you interact with the kitty! She just finds it so endearing how you're caring for the little thing, how you're playing with it and gushing over it - It honestly makes her heart go: (⁠༎ຶ﹏ ⁠༎ຶ⁠)♡✧⁠*。(translation: she just melts).
♡。But eventually she does slowly start interacting with the kitten.
♡。Like, when the kitten wobbles up to her and asks for attention, she will acknowledge it and greet it with a: "Why hello there, {kitten's name}".
♡。And! Once Mal has completely warmed up to the kitty, she even kneels down to the kitty and pets it whenever it meows at her for attention! (⁠༎ຶ﹏ ⁠༎ຶ⁠)
♡。Oh, and speaking of the kitty's name, Maleficent respects whatever name you've chosen for the kitten and addresses it by the name. ^^
♡。Though, if the name is something... unusual... let's say something like "Prickles" or "Dirtbag", she might raise an eyebrow at the choice and she might think to herself that if the two of you ever have children, you, honey, are absolutely not getting to name them. Yeah... sorryyy(^▽ ^;⁠)
♡。Anyways! To spill more tea about their interactions! Mal actually may or may not have fallen in love with the kitten, and the kitten loves her just as much - sometimes you may be even wondering if it's your kitten anymore-
♡。Cuz like- once they're through the warming up phase, the kitty follows Maleficent everywhere! (And Mal lets the kitty follow her too)
♡。And it's either because it loves Mal so much, OR it's because of Mal's attire that she drags across the floor! Because the kitty loves to play with the ends of Mal's robes and constantly hops around after her, trying to catch it and tear it apart.
♡。And no, Mal has no issue with that, she actually encourages the kitten's playfulness and she very often kneels down to it and wiggles her long, slim fingers at the kitty to encourage it to play with her while she cackles. It's honestly so heartwarming to witness. <3
♡。Your kitten also likes to sit with Maleficent on her throne. Like, the little thing will come up to her throne, sit down and meow until Mal lets it join her at the throne. And most of the times she does pick it up and set it on the armrest that's currently not being taken by Diablo ( T﹏T).
♡。(Btw, don't worry, the kitten loves you just as much as it loves Maleficent, after all you're the first mama/papa/parent it had, so it's just as clingy with you <3)
♡。And now there's the question - what about Diablo? How does he handle the addition to the family?
♡。Well, at first he wasn't that happy about the kitten since 1. it was a cat, 2. he now had to share you and his mistress with that ball of fur.
♡。He was quite jealous at the beginning, but you and Mal made sure he was getting the same amount of attention and care as the kitten.
♡。And also, just a fun fact, Mal did tease Diablo about being jealous here and there, but only very subtly.
♡。Oh and Diablo did try to peck the kitten once with his beak, and he also did hiss at it and caw to intimidate the kitten a few times (but the kitten honestly gave 0 shits and if anything, it saw it as a game and hissed back and even tried to hit him with its paw).
♡。But then there was that one time when Diablo was getting comfortable on one spot and the kitten chose to bravely snuggle up to him and sleep. And that was it, Diablo was won over right at that moment.
♡。So, now the two are best friends, often found together with the kitty snuggled into Diablo while Diablo is covering it with his wing and looking out for possible dangers/disturbances <3.
♡。And you bet that when the kitty is big enough to handle his weight, Diablo is riding on the kitty's back if he doesn't feel like flying. :'3
♡。Oh and about the kitten and Diablo, both of them love snuggling up into you and napping which is something Maleficent adores to witness ( ^^) <3.
♡。It's just so endearing to find you, Diablo and the kitten all snuggled up together, breathing quietly with comfortable expressions on y'all's faces... One of Mal's favourite past times, in all honesty - AND ALSO, when it's especially cold in her castle, Maleficent likes to cover the three of you with a blanket (∩༎ຶ ﹏༎ຶ∩)~♡.
♡。Y'all are just so sweet and adorable together, I swear ( T﹏T).
♡。And well, I guess that's all I can share with y'all about this topic, folks ^^.
♡。Soooo, to sum it up somehow, you and Mal are a 10/10 couple with one ball of feather and one ball of fur for babies. ^^ <3
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thenwhatthefukcisthis · 2 months
Question for you if you'd like :)
How do you think Arthur and Eames are when off the clock? Either when with each other and/or alone?
(hoping “when off the clock” means when they are not stealing dreams and killing projections, here goes)
I feel like arthur is either a two hundred percent on or one hundred percent off person. I’m talking about forgetting to eat, sleep, shower trying to get a dream level right to the point of burn out and when he’s off he just. stops. drops off the grid. switches off the phone. flat out ignores the messages, allocating time only to himself and the people he cares about outside work (the main reason arthur was run ragged post-mal cause the people he cared about WAS work) ... I feel like he’s one of those hard working people who tends to stray off of work if they let go too much so he keeps self imposed work ethic for himself and in down time, turns to a tea slurping, cookie eating, couch potato of a man.
Eames otoh, is one of those people who are just able to multitask and chill at the same time. you can catch him playing poker at 9 and spilling ideas about latest inception at 8.45. So I don’t think he would switch off in the same way arthur does, but rather would spend his downtime doing odd hobbies or travelling or volunteering at dog houses and honing his craft.. yes he would sleep, he would indluge home made recipes but would also be seeing practising the latest form of forgery whenever he feels like..
what I’m basically saying is arthur and eames complement each other well they should be spending their down time together as much as they can :)
lemme know your thoughts too I LOVE to read them!!
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disneyanddisneyships · 10 months
@gyubby99 I had an idea
Summary: After Alastor cheated on Aponi, she decided to take a bit of revenge when Angel tells her the radio demon is in the audience of one of her performances.
Warnings: stripping, sexual content and context, innuendo, mentions of cheating and jealousy, lap dancing, mentions of Maturb*tion and Valentino
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I my head this is what Aponi is wearing.
Aponi put out her cigarette as she put on her makeup.
This was the first time she was performing since the scandal. And she had something big planned.
"Hey uh... 'poni?" Angel dust called as he walked into her dressing room.
"What's up angie?" Apono asked as she pulled her orange rove up a but more so she wasn't cold.
"Alastor is here," he stated.
Aponi halted the movements of putting on lipstick before she smirked.
Looks like her performance would have to be a little more risqué than originally planned.
"I'll be out in 10," she muttered.
Alastor took a seat in the shadows so he wasn't recognized.
He knew for a fact he'd be hate crimes for what he did to Aponi... she was one of the more loved demons on this side of town....
He already felt awful for cheating.... it was a mistake... he came here mostly to see Aponi considering he wasn't really "allowed" anywhere without Linda... she was.... bossy... or at leats that's the more polite term he'd like to use....
The lights turned off and alastor looked to the stage.
"Lemme hear you say 'Hey, Aponi'" Aponi held the microphone to her lips, her silhouette standing out against the orange light behind her.
The crowd called back, "Hey, Aponi!"
"Say, 'Hey, Aponi!'" She called out again,, a but louder.
The crowd went wild, "Hey, Aponi!"
Give me some!
As the beat dripped the lights went on, and alastor's eyes went wide at what she was wearing.
Black butterfly lingerie.
See me up in the club with fifty-eleven girls Posted in the back, diamond fangs in my grill Brooklyn brim with my eyes sittin' low Every boy in here with me got that smoke And every girl in here got to look me up and down All on Instagram, cake by the pound Circulate the image every time I come around G's up, tell me how I'm lookin' babe
Alastor looked around at all the demons, practically fuming as he saw how all of of looked greedily at her like she was an object.
Aponi danced.
Her moves more secual than Alastor remembered....
Aponi walked down to the floor of the club before sitting on a demon's lap, moving her hips to the beat.
Alastor clenched his fist around his cane as it broadcasted gunshot noises rather loudly.... not louder than the music however.
Boy this all for you, just walk my way Just tell me how it's lookin' babe, just tell me how it's lookin' babe I do this all for you baby just take aim And tell me how it's lookin babe, and tell me how it's lookin' babe Lookin' babe
Aponi then moved to straddle the demon she was teasing, murmuring the lyrics into his ear.
When she stood up, the demon's attraction was clear, his face gully flushed as he followed her with lustful eyes.
That's when alastor saw her look right at him, a small glare on her face before she walked back up to the stage, dancing on one of the poles.
Drop the bass, mane, the bass get lower Radio say speed it up I just go slower High like treble, pumping on them mids Ya man ain't never seen a booty like this And why you think ya keep my name rollin' off the tongue 'Cause when he wanna smash, I'll just write another one I sneezed on the beat and the beat got sicker Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor Like, like liquor, like, like, like liquor Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor Like, like liquor, like, like, like liquor
As the music played, other demons, including Mal, and Angel began dancing behind Aponi to the same choreography.
Alastor shrunk in his seat, his shadow along with him.
The lights went crazy with the beat, and Alastor gulped as he made eye contact with Mal on accident.
The glare she gave him was undescribably scary.
Beyoncé, Beyoncé? Are you happy to be in Paris? (Are you happy to be in Paris?) Beyoncé, Beyoncé? Beyoncé, Beyoncé?
The music went on, and Aponi walked off of the stage again, walking over to a different demon, this time a woman.
Driver roll up the partition please Driver roll up the partition please I don't need you seeing 'Yonce on her knees Took forty-five minutes to get all dressed up We ain't even gonna make it to this club Now my mascara running, red lipstick smudged Oh he so horny, yeah he want to fuck He bucked all my buttons, he ripped my blouse He Monica Lewinski'd all on my gown
Aponi sat on the lady demon's lap before taking a vodka bottle out of her hand and chugging it.
Alastor's eyes widened again.... his Lilly didn't drink......
To sya he was confused was an understatement.
He was snapped out of his thoughts however when Aponi kissed the demon.
Emotions of rage filled the radio star, and yet he knew if he acted on his feelings right now, it would not end well with Aponi.
Oh there daddy, daddy didn't bring the towel Oh baby, baby we slow it down Took forty-five minutes to get all dressed up We ain't even gonna make it to this club
Aponi stood up again walking round the room, before her wings appeared from her tattoo on her back.
She flew to the stage again, swinging her body on the pole with lidded eyes.
Take all (take all) Of me (of me) I just wanna be the girl you like, girl you like The kind of girl you like, girl you like Take all (take all) Of me (of me) I just wanna be the girl you like, girl you like The kinda girl you like is right here with me Right here with me, right here with me, right here with me, right here with me
The music blare din the club, making the place move as the bass of the music dropped over and over again.
Aponi layed down on the stage, arching her back so her body was visible in a sexual way.
The residents of the club whooped and hollered and whisled at her.
Alastor couldn't take much more of this......
Driver roll up the partition fast (partition fast, partition fast) Driver roll up the partition fast Over there, I swear I saw them cameras flash Handprints and footprints on my glass Handprints and good grips all on my ass Private show with the music blasting He like to call me Peaches when we get this nasty Red wine drip, talk that trash Chauffeur eavesdropping trying not to crash. Oh, there daddy, daddy now you ripped my fur Oh, baby baby be sweating out my hair Took 45 minutes to get all dressed up And we ain't even gonna make it to this club
The music somehow got even louder....
Alastor looked around the room again, only to see Valentino in his booth with a sleezey smile on his face as his hand moved quickly over his-
Alastor looked away quickly when he realized.
This was pissing him off....
How dare she do this?! She shouldn't show off her body, it's whorelike!
That's what he thought in his mind as his hands clenched together in anger.
Take all (take all) Of me (of me) I just wanna be the girl you like, girl you like The kind of girl you like, girl you like Take all Of me I just wanna be the girl you like, girl you like The kinda girl you like is right here with me. Right here with me, right here with me, right here with me, right here with me
Aponi sat up before moving her hair fully out of her face.
that never happened..... Alastor has never even seen her other eye and yet here she was showing it to loads of strangers.
Aponi kneeled as she moved her body up an down, earning even more cheers form the club-goers.
That when she opened her eyes and looked right at alastor with a smirk.
She walked over to him, and the spotlight shone down on them both.
Hello! Est-ce que tu aimes le sexe? Le sexe, je veux dire: l'activité physique Le coït. Tu aimes ça? Tu ne t'intéresses pas au sexe? Les hommes pensent que les féministes détestent le sexe Mais c'est une activité très stimulante et naturelle que les femmes adorent
Oh god... she was speaking in french....
alastor gulped as she sat on his lap with a smirk, pulling him Un closer to her by his jacket.
However when she got up, she pushed him back harshly with a glare, anger shining in her eyes as they glowed red as fire.
Take all Of me I just wanna be the girl you like, girl you like The kind of girl you like, girl you like Take all Of me I just wanna be the girl you like, girl you like The kinda girl you like Right here with me, right here with me, right here with me, right here with me
Alastor left before the song was finished, scared that Aponi might come to talk to him after.
As if.
She wouldn't waste her time.
Aponi sat in her dressing room, a vicorious smirk on her face as she took off all her makeup.
Revenge was sweet.
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~Child Of The Storm~
Nikolai Lantsov x OC
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Image by - @brokendreamtale2
Warnings- none
A/N- lemme know if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist!
Taglist- @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @sirisuorionblack @nadeleine123n @marauders-wife
Ch-46 ~Plots within plots~
“I’ll ask you again, priest. What is this? Why are my friends in custody? Why are they bleeding?” Alina asked, brimming with anger
 “These are not your friends. A plot has been discovered to bring the White Cathedral down around our very ears.”
 “What are you talking about?” 
“You saw the boy’s insolence today-” 
“Is that the problem? He doesn’t tremble properly in your presence?” Alina’s voice began to rise 
“The issue here is treason!” He drew a small canvas pouch from his robes and held it out, letting it dangle from his fingers. 
“Blasting powders, made by this Fabrikator filth with materials gathered by your supposed friends.” he spoke
“So David made blasting powders. There could be a hundred reasons for that.” 
“Weapons are forbidden within the White Cathedral.”
Alina arched a brow at the rifles pointed at them. “And what are those? Ladles? If you’re going to make accusations—”
 “Their plans were overheard. Stand forward, Tamar Kir-Bataar. Speak the truth you’ve discovered.” 
Tamar bowed deeply. “The Grisha and the tracker planned to drug you and take you to the surface.” 
“I want to return to the surface.” Alina spoke, her words brimming with resentment
 “The blasting powders would have been used to ensure that no one followed,” she continued, “to bring down the caverns on the Apparat and your flock.”
 “Hundreds of innocent people? Mal would never do that. None of them would. And it doesn’t make any sense. Just how were they supposed to drug me?” 
Tamar nodded to Genya and the tea that sat beside them. 
“I drink that tea myself,” Genya snapped. “It isn’t laced with anything.” 
“She is an accomplished poisoner and liar,” Tamar replied coldly. “She has betrayed you to the Darkling before.” 
Genya’s fingers clenched around her shawl. We both knew there was truth in the charge. 
“You trust her,” Tamar said.. 
“They were only waiting to stockpile enough blasting powder,” said the Apparat. “Then they intended to strike, to take you aboveground and give you up to the Darkling.”
 Alina shook her head. “You really expect me to believe that Mal would hand me over to the Darkling?”
 “He was a dupe,” said Tolya quietly. “He was so desperate to free you that he became their pawn.” 
She glanced at Mal.
”And what about her?” her gaze suddenly turned to Anaya. “She helped me escape the Darkling”
“They’ve all succumbed to his power. They are frightened by what he did. They fear him, and have thus given up their loyalty to him” the Apparat spoke
Alina furrowed her brows at Anaya but she refused to meet her gaze
 “Plots within plots,” the Apparat hissed . “You have a soft heart, and it has betrayed you.” 
“No, none of this makes sense.”
 “They are spies and deceivers!” 
She pressed her fingers to her temples. “Where are my other Grisha?”
“They have been contained until they can be properly questioned.” 
“Tell me they are unharmed.”
 “See this concern for those who would wrong her?” he asked of the Priestguards. “This is what marks her kindness, her generosity.” His gaze locked on Alina’s. “There are some injuries, but the traitors will have the best of care. You need only say the word.”
“Release them,” She commanded. 
The Apparat shook his head, his expression full of sorrow. “Our Saint is being weakened by those who claim to love her. See how frail she is, how sickly. This is the corruption of their influence.” 
A few of the Priestguards nodded
 “She is a Saint, but also a young girl governed by emotion. She does not understand the forces at work here.”
 “I understand that you have lost your way, priest.” The girl spoke 
 The Apparat gave her a pitying, indulgent smile. “You are ill, Sankta Alina. Not in your right mind. You do not know friend from foe.”
 “You will release them,” she repeated. “I will not warn you again.”
 A smirk flickered over his lips. 
“You will be escorted to your chambers so that you may spend the day in solitude,” he said. “You will think on what has happened, and good sense will return. Tonight we will pray together. For guidance.”
“And if I refuse?” she asked, scanning the Priestguards. “Will your soldiers take up arms against their Saint?”
 “You will remain untouched and protected, Sankta Alina, I cannot extend the same courtesy to those you would call friends.” he responded
“Do you know why I come here, priest?” Alina asked
He gave a dismissive wave, his impatience showing through. “It reminds you of home.”
 Her eyes met Mal’s briefly. “You should know by now, an orphan has no home.” 
She twitched her fingers in my sleeves. Shadows surged up the Kettle walls. It wasn’t much of a distraction, but it was enough.
 The Priestguards startled, rifles swinging wildly, as their Grisha captives recoiled in shock. 
“Now!” Mal shouted.
 He shot forward, snatching the blasting powder from the Apparat’s hand. Tolya threw out his fists. Two of the Priestguards crumpled, clutching their chests. Nadia, Anaya and Zoya held up their hands, and Tamar spun, her axes slicing through their bonds. 
The Squallers raised their arms, and wind rushed through the room, lifting the sawdust on the floor. “Seize them!” yelled the Apparat. 
The guards sprang into action. 
 Anaya advanced towards one of the guards, thrashing him to the ground as she slid on one knee.
 Mal hurled the pouch of powder into the air. Nadia and Zoya lobbed it higher, up into the master flue. 
Another guard rushed towards Anaya, but before he could throw his fist at her, she slid on her knee and went behind him. She then knocked his leg with hers, making him fall upfront.
For a moment, there was a hush, suspended silence, and then high above them,they could hear a dampened boom.
 A roaring sound rushed toward them. A cloud of soot and rubble billowed from the flue above. 
“Nadia!” cried Zoya, who was grappling with a guard. Nadia arced her arms and the cloud hovered, twisted, siphoned into the shape of a whirling column. It spun away and collapsed to the floor in a harmless clatter of pebbles and dirt. 
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ratsoh-writes · 6 months
Maverick didn't put Mal down until they were at their table.
[Lemme see!]
The flowers are pretty. White and pink peonies with green fir tree sprigs! Classy!!
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manystagesofmal · 4 days
Drabble: Photograph
Under readmore for length
"Who the hell did you piss off?!" Mal balked, her hand just inches from the tiny framed photo on her desk. The client looked up at her with crazed desperation, clutching at her own shoulders as if they would fall off her body.
"Why does that matter?!" the middle aged client barked back, glaring up at Mal with pure hatred. "You have to destroy it! This thing is ruining my life!"
Mal looked from the client in the chair across the desk, back to the framed photo. It was of another woman, smiling happily, against a backdrop of mountains on a sunny day. But Mal could feel something off from the photo with her fingers just inches from touching it. The photo was emanating heat as though it was on fire, there were slight vibrations in the air as though it was trying to shake off the frame it was trapped in. There was something very wrong with this photograph, it was too full of hatred. How does she even try to explain this to a client, who by the look of the cold sweat she was breaking out in, didn't want to hear it.
Mal opted to sit down and try a calmer approach.
"This won't be a simple job." she started. "If it's ruining your life, it's because it's actively trying to. Something is tied to it that is actually out to get you, no joke. So, I'm gonna need some context to get started."
"What the hell could you possibly need to know?!" the client barked again. "It's evil, it's trying to ruin me! Stop looking at it, it's lying!" Mal flinched at the sudden change of topic, and just opted to put the photo face down on the desk. Doing so instantly caused pain, like a static shock that raced up her entire arm, but it only lasted a second.
"Fine." Mal sighed. "Lemme put it to you this way. It's possessed." It was not, the actual explanation was going to be too lengthy. "If I don't know who or what is doing it, then trying to make it go away or destroy it is just going to make things worse for you." If looks could kill, her client would have murdered her several times over. Mal tried not to care. "Look, it's bothering you in ways I don't understand. If you don't want to go into the details, it's fine, but I can't do anything without any information at all. I won't tell anyone, I won't even charge extra for my silence. Who or what is trying to ruin your life so I can make them stop?"
The client hesitated, eyes darting to the picture to ensure it was still face down before releasing her shoulders to rub at her face in exhaustion.
"Kassandra Parr." she relented. "A... family friend. She died six months ago. Then this... appeared a week after she died, and... I can't get it to leave me alone! I can't burn it or throw it away or anything! I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do if I can't get rid of it!"
"Why would Kassandra Parr haunt you with a picture?"
The client immediately turned red in the face with anger, which made Mal sigh and pinch her nose.
"Have you tried appeasing her at all? Visiting her resting spot, making right what you did wr-"
The yelling caused Mal's Doberman pincher, Troy, to stand up and start barking and growling. "Troy, sit." Mal barked back, then she looked back at her client. "You too, sit down and be quiet! Or I'll throw you out!" The client looked outraged, but did as demanded.
"Alright," Mal decided, "I think I can handle destroying it. Severing a link of hatred this strong is gonna be costly, and I'm not just talking about money."
"I'll pay anything." the client growled, still staring hatred at Mal. "Just get rid of it."
Mal took out her work contract and a thick red book from her desk. "Read and sign here." she pointed to the contract, setting the book right next to it. "And put your other hand here as you do so and while I work. This is called severing, and it will cut the ties the haunting has to you completely. Doing so will have side effects, as seen in your contract. I can also show you the page in the book where it-"
"Just do it!" the client barked, slamming her left hand on the book and signing the unread contract with her right hand. So, Mal sighed and got to work. From her desk came a necklace of black pearls, a black ivory wand, and a container of salt. Making a salt circle on a bare spot on her desk, she placed the necklace in the center and the picture and frame on top of it. Tapping the center of the picture with her wand, she started speaking quietly to Kassandra Parr in Enochian.
The picture moved as Mal watched and spoke. The woman in the picture brought her hand up to wave, which made Mal stop. As she watched, her client walked into the picture beside the woman, the two were smiling and talking. Some happy news must have been shared as the two then made happy hand movements, hugged, and the client held the woman at arms length to say something. Then the woman was shoved down out of frame, not to be seen again.
Mal's blood froze at the sight, but she continued to work. Whatever story happened here, whatever these two had, it was ultimately none of her business. But her eyes remained fixated on the past version of the client in the picture, whose smile was that of relieved retribution. Eventually, the picture was faded completely to black before it and the frame crumbled to ashes on the counter.
"It's done." Mal assured, pulling the black pearls from the ashes. "Now, give me your left hand so I can see what the severing will do to you."
"...what are you talking about?" the client snapped, obeying anyway. Mal put the pearls in her hand, and then gave the client a very serious look.
"This is serious, so you're not going to interrupt me again." Mal insisted, focusing on the transferred energy from the black pearl necklace. "...So the good news is that the photo I destroyed will never bother you again. You're no longer tied to the hatred it was giving you. You will never see this picture again." Mal then gave a sigh as she translated the energies being given off. "The bad news is that she's going to find another outlet to torment you with. Her hatred and pain is strong, it's going to take more than this to ultimately get rid of her influence." She took back the necklace and started putting her tools away and cleaning up her desk. "I'd advise finding this woman's resting spot and making peace with a stronger professional than me. I can give you some names and numbers that can help. Until then, I advise to stay away from photos or anything that can make a photo or video. Otherwise, it's going to come back."
The client started to go red in the face again.
"Then, you did all of that for nothing?!"
"I did what you asked. If you want me to do more, it's going to cost more and take longer."
"I'm not paying you a cent, you haven't done anything!"
Mal held up the signed contract with a frown.
"Small claims say otherwise, but fine. I still have the ability to facetime on my phone. Do you? Wanna find out?"
The client balked, grabbed her purse, and stormed out. Mal shrugged, picking up her phone to set a court date and file a police report.
Of all things in this world of shadows, eldritch, otherworldly, and ungodly, humans continued to be the thing that surprised Mal the most. How evil they could be, how thoughtless, how vengeful and unyielding in the face of consequences. How shallow and vein, how quick to escalate, how quick to dismiss. And while humans were still the second more scariest things in this world, they were still among the worst monsters to exist.
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tmrrwppl · 10 months
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Jordan's out here liking posts where I briefly mention Adelle so lemme go off about Adelle and the verses Clari gets to interact with her.
In a couple verses, Clari just shows up completely broken in one way or another. In some she's pretty functional as an adult but still trying to keep herself together 24/7.
Regardless of verse tho: Adelle doesn't give her pity, but Adelle treats her like her own daughter (she brought Clari into this world all by herself and the vibes say she will absolutely threaten her bio mom about it if she ever gets the chance, either with violence or ripping her into shreds financially and burying her in court costs and CRIMINAL CHARGES).
And while Clari doesn't think she's worth much, Adelle repeatedly reminds her that she is. And she will not let Clari talk down about herself like, ever. She absolutely engages Clari's interest in sciences, and is basically like "Well you may have only taken Earth Space Science in high school but today we're talking about gene splicing, also watch me run experiments and ask me questions. But also please don't touch the acid, I don't want to find out if you can juggle it, dear." And Adelle just gives Clari grace and patience to learn.
And TO BE HONEST, Clari is scared SHITLESS of meeting Jordan's parents in the main verse canon, which is hilarious cause she literally meets Adelle and like 4 minutes later Adelle is stitching up her bullet wounds from the Party in Ep 4. This is also the same night Clari admits she definitely likes Jordan and kisses him so it's moving FAST but it's honestly wholesome (I love Jordan and Clari as a pairing and I will die on this hill defending these two).
In the verses where Clari basically moves in with Jordan/Jordan's fam (in lieu of finding Cas/Joining the Lair Dwellers/Post Canon, she is literally doing the MOST to be a good house guest because she doesn't EVER want to disappoint Adelle or Mal (Jordan's dad), or have them think she is mooching off them or whatever she gets in her brain.
Jordan's sister and Clari get along like a damn forest fire and honestly she even gets along with David who has foot in mouth syndrome a lot (it's Clari, she's just so easy to like most of the time, poor guy never stood a chance)
And-- AND-- After getting comfortable around Mal, he is absolutely her new dad and Jed can kick rocks cause Mal is the only adult male figure in her life that genuinely cares about her wellbeing (other than Roger, briefly, later on).
Edit from @bloodbulletsandbytes
"Only thing you got wrong is what Adelle would call her; darling, not dear :) And David also definitely still puts his foot thoroughly in his mouth most of the time, at least for a while XD"
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flameunquenched · 1 year
the sab brainrot is real. massive massive massive spoilers for season 2 of shadow and bone under the cut. you have been warned.
my overall expectations for s2 were low. really, really, laughably low. however, i have to admit, i came out of s2 (at nearly 5 am, so about 4 hours ago now, ahahahaha kill me) with some...cautious optimism about the potential future of the televised grishaverse. there were several things and changes i honestly loved, several that i hated, and a few i am very curious to see where it will go.
again. major spoilers beyond. if you've opened this read more, this is your LAST WARNING to refresh the page and carry on. if you read this before finishing the season and then come bitch at me, i am going to laugh at you.
the main change that i loved was the showing of the fact that merzost is a corrupting force. like. yes. that's what the books should have done to begin with if lb was at least a slightly better writer. merzost is warned time and time again to be this horrible, universe-breaking rule and yet, we still the darkling getting...no consequences for it in the books? now, granted, they were written as very, very limited first person by an incredibly unreliable narrator by a writer who, frankly, had no business writing in first person. so perhaps the darkling was being steadily corrupted by his usage of the merzost, thus leading to his increasingly, uh, ooc behavior throughout the books.
but, in the show, we got to see it. i LOVED the coughing and the steady weakening of the darkling. i LOVED seeing his increasingly crazed moments. the moment where he throws a mini-tantrum in his stolen room? yes please. loved it. loved it loved it loved it. even his cutting baghra's finger off and sorta tossing it at vladim (was that his name? idr) was just the chef's kiss of his increasingly spiral decline into madness.
i loved also that he had very little overall control over the nichevo'ya. am i probably spelling that wrong? sure. do i care much? not on 4 hours of sleep! 8D that moment in e8 where the nothing attacks alina and the darkling tries in desperation to stop it and almost can't? yeah, baby, we do love to see it. too much so in the books, the darkling is painted as this almost flawless character who is so incredibly strong, how can you stop him? but to see on screen the fact that he's breaking down in private, that he's struggling to control his dark children, that he's erratic and reckless? yes. and at the same time, we see him execute utterly incredible plans. the e7 bit where his grisha are steadily advancing and mowing down nikolai's army? that is how you show the fact that a character is ancient and ruthless and extraordinarily gifted in military combat.
i could rant at length about the darkling so lemme just move on to other things lol.
the crows absolutely stole the first half of the season. tbh, i kinda thought that the 'quest for the sword' was a bit contrived and very much a way to keep them in the general grishaverse plotline after the pekka rollins stuff had ended but the showdown between pekka and kaz was just magnificent. freddy carter, you massively talented bastard. you're gonna be one of the actors of our generations, i can already tell. i am strongly of the opinion that the crows carried the first half of the season on their collective shoulders and i for one would watch 5 seasons of just the crows killing people, stealing things, and all sorts of unresolved sexual tension between kaz and inej. give it to me. i will admit that the last couple episodes, especially where they showed up at the very end with the sword, made me eyeroll hard. deus ex crows was the phrase i used and i stand by it.
i loved that the king was killed in the fight at spinning wheel. get fucked you rapist cunt.
i honestly really enjoyed the altered ending. alina's decision to use merzost to revive mal was excellent. neither i nor my friend finn were expecting the last few minutes. like. holy shit can we talk about that coronation scene? the set up for s3 being jurda parem (if it gets renewed and now i kinda hope it does tbh) AND THE BEE. THE BEE. I SCREAMED, I LITERALLY WAS LIKE AAAAAAHHHH WHEN I SAW THE BEE.
i will be the first to admit that i despised kosrow with the intensity of a thousand burning suns but the setup was gloriously done. book fans will know immediately what is coming. fuck kosrow but kudos to the overall team for that delicious, tiny, two-second teaser. loved it.
we're not talking about david. nope. denial is a river in africa and i am swimming in it.
i really enjoyed the connection between alina and the darkling. i thought it was well done. the scene where baghra breaks it and severs the darkling's hand was just. urgh, the chills. i will admit that i disliked heavily the fact that baghra was kinda the plot donkey - ie the one who carries the plot and explains it but i see why they went that way. it was easier in the book for alina to sow hints of the mal/firebird thing ("mal's a bird?" jesper you absolute icon) whereas in the show, we don't really get her thoughts like that. i liked the sea whip bit. i am of the opinion that the whole 'morozova/black heretic/only one darkling' was handled...not necessarily poorly but i think the other characters should have been made more aware of that from the start and their reactions more obvious. in the book, that realization was just utterly shaking when it was delivered but here it felt hollow and lacking. idk maybe i'm just being overly critical. it's possible.
and also...mal! book!mal is probably one of my top five least favorite literary characters...ever. and yet, the show turned him around so beautifully! archie's performance was stirring, moving, commanding. his chemistry with jessie was off the charts and i honestly loved the ending for him. i love that he was not the one trying to hold alina back. i love that he wasn't afraid of grisha, that he didn't try to stand in the way of the nikolai alliance. everything i hated about mal in the books, they removed, including that gods awful affair he had with zoya. thank all the gods and saints for that.
so yes. cautious optimism. i had my doubts and there are things i did not like (david...oh david...) but overall, it was not anywhere near the absolute dumpster fire i was expecting. and hooo boy was i expecting.
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