#maneskin fictino
oro-e-diamanti · 8 months
CYOA - Part One
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Masterlist | Taglist
Word count: 980
Warnings: none
A/N: Hope you enjoy the start of this! Get voting and decide how the story will continue!
“This is the worst fucking idea,” you mumble to yourself as your best friend drags you into the main arena, clutching your wrist in unparalleled excitement.
“I did not just hear you say that because this is, in fact, the best fucking idea in the world and when I tell you that you’ll share my opinion in about…” Bella trails off to check the clock on her phone. “... twenty minutes when they’re done playing their first song, I mean it.”
The world around you seems to explode with sound as you realise just how many people are gathered in this place. The arena is filled with excited chatter, some sort of playlist put up to provide somewhat unnecessary background music to get everyone even more hyped, and your head is spinning with the amount of awe-inspiring outfits around you.
Bella did her best to help you out, knowing fully way this isn’t exactly your scene and you barely even heard of the band you’re seeing, but you almost feel like an invisible wallflower next to the mass of short skirts and seethrough tops and harnesses adorning various body parts. Even if the dress and the fishnet tights and the bold lipstick are already a novelty to you.
“Yes! Barrier spot!” Bella chimes, once again pulling you with more strength than necessary.
“Barrier… on the sound desk?”
She holds back on rolling her eyes, just barely. “If you looked closely, you’d see that we’re not here to be excited about the sound desk but about the little stage behind it. We’re way too late to get anywhere towards the front in this crowd, but we’ll be first row for the acoustic set in the middle of the show.”
You nod along, only halfway following what she’s talking about but trusting her anyway. She’s been to a number of Måneskin concerts - and has told you the ins and outs in incredible detail, whether you asked for it or not - and you know she’ll make sure both of you will have a good time.
And you do.
You only recognise about three songs in the whole set, but you soon find it doesn’t matter in the slightest - in fact, a few minutes in you’re sure no one would even think of you as a complete newbie anymore. You dance, you shout along to lyrics you don’t know, you let Bella twirl you around during a slow song.
What at first looks like an annoying spot to stand turns out to be a blessing in disguise. While crew members keep politely asking to be let through as you’re right next to where the barrier opens toward the sound desk, it is also the very way that the singer and guitarist (“Damiano and Thomas!” Bella screams into your ear.) pass as they enter the little secondary stage for their acoustic set. And you’d be damned if you don’t see Damiano send you a wink as he passes you by. Your attempt to catch Thomas’ eye too - just as gorgeous as the singer, simply in a different way - goes undetected as his attention seems to be solely trained on his guitar.
And while you find that a bit of a shame, you can’t deny you enjoy watching him and Damiano up close, if just for those few songs. Maybe you wish you could have seen the other two (“Vic on bass! The one behind the drums is Ethan, it’s so annoying he’s so far back because he’s so fucking pretty!”) quite as intimately.
The evening goes over much too quickly. You don’t even have to admit it, liking it after all, the band, the crowd, the atmosphere, because Bella can see it all over your face.
“Told you!” she squeals. “Told you that you’d love it!”
You simply let her hug you, accepting her overwhelm of emotions, happy to share a moment that is so important to her, even if you’d never quite gotten into… fandom like that. She spins the both of you around a little, just enough for you to spot something on the floor, in front of the barrier, where people are moving away and making their way outside the arena. Bella barely notices you breaking the hug and walking around her to pick it up, already engrossed in her phone.
“Ooh! Brand new information!”
You don’t pay her much attention as you flip over the item in your hand, but she continues.
“According to, uh, my sources, there’s a good chance they might turn up at a certain club later. And with “them” I mean the band. Obviously. And with “a certain club” I mean the club we’re definitely going to be heading to asap. What do you say?”
It’s a pass. An AAA pass - access all areas. A female name on it, no photo. Someone seems to have lost it.
And now you’re in for a decision.
Option A: The pass really isn’t your problem. Someone’s lost it and someone will come find it again. You drop it on the floor and decide to go with Bella’s plan. You’ve had a good night so far, you might as well keep up the energy and go out, right?
Option B: Someone might get in trouble for loosing their pass and it kind of makes you feel bad to have it in your hands and not help out. No one at the sound desk reacts to your attempt to get their attention, so you decide to go up to the front of the room and wave down a security guard to hand it over. He has to take it, doesn’t he?
Option C: As soon as Bella sees the pass in your hand, you can see in her eyes that she wants you to do one thing and one thing only: Make the most of this unlikely opportunity and sneak backstage. What’s the worst that could happen?
Taglist: @wonderlandishell @writingmaneskin @myleftsock @dianachudova @cheese-toastie-11 @Ursulalurks (won't let me tag you, I'm sorry)
31 notes · View notes
oro-e-diamanti · 8 months
CYOA - Part Two
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Masterlist | Taglist
Word count: 830
Warnings: none
Previous choice as voted by you: Someone might get in trouble for loosing their pass and it kind of makes you feel bad to have it in your hands and not help out. No one at the sound desk reacts to your attempt to get their attention, so you decide to go up to the front of the room and wave down a security guard to hand it over. He has to take it, doesn’t he?
You wave the pass in Bella’s face. “One second. I’ll just give this back to whoever it belongs.”
It seems like an easy enough feat - waving down one of the people working at the sound desk, explaining the situation, handing it over, but it’s just your luck that none of them seem to hear you. Or realise that it’s them you’re calling for. Or care at all. You’re not sure which one it is, but it doesn’t really matter, because no one reacts and you’re still stuck with a pass and a growing conscience of wanting to do the right thing.
“Right,” you sigh. “I’ll head over to the front and see if I can wave down a security guard. You can go ahead if you want, I’ll meet you outside.”
You can sense that Bella is about to protest, but you don’t give her the chance as you weave through the crowd leaving in the opposite direction that you’re heading. People are still hovering along the barrier, unwilling to leave and accept it’s over or hoping to get one of the security guards to hand them one more pic or setlist from the stage. Two girls seem to be in a pickle over who gets to keep a drum stick that both of them apparently caught at the same time.
“Excuse me!”
No reaction whatsoever. Obviously.
“Hello, sorry, excuse me, please?” you try again, walking closer to where a security guard is watching over the entrance to the backstage area. Holding the pass in your hand, you wave it a little until he gives you enough attention to actually look at the piece between your fingers. As soon as his eyes fall onto the name, he exhales in relief.
“Fucking finally, where the hell have you been?” He doesn’t give you time to answer or even understand as he gently takes your arm and slightly drags you into the backstage area. “Everyone’s been looking for you, they need you backstage asap, hurry up now, no time to lose.”
You find yourself willing to protest as you’re more or less deposited in an area you would never even be able to have a look at from the public view, but your voice fails you and by the time you turn around, the security guard had vanished and in an instant, dozens of people were swarming all around you, important tasks at hand, places to be, sweeping you along before you even realised what was happening.
In the near-ish distance, you can hear the security guard yelling at someone to “break it off” and stop fighting or he’ll “take the stick for himself and throw both of them out”. Seems like something else, something that is actually part of his job, has him distracted fully.
That wasn’t the plan, you tell yourself, and you desperately need to leave right now, leave the pass lying somewhere people can find it and disappear back where you belong. You’ll have a funny story to tell when you find Bella again and that’s it.
You just about spy a free space on a side table in the corridor you’re in when you realise you’re too late. And not just that - you’re in trouble.
“That’s the one,” the security guard, who has come back with a with a whole entourage in tow, points at you. You spy more security personnel and a rather flustered woman. “She snuck backstage with her pass.”
Oh, no. This is bad. More than bad. Much more. Horrible, even.
All of this is a big misunderstanding, you want to shout, but what are the chances they would believe you at all? You take a deep breath and a look around you. Trying to figure out the options. To your right, further up along the corridor, you see a figure walking, tall, a man, you don’t get a good look but he seems familiar, then he pushes open a fire escape door and leaves. At the end of the corridor, you see a bend around a corner and several doors just out of sight from the people behind you. You can’t tell from where you’re standing what is written on the doors, but you could hide in one of them until the coast is clear.
What do you do?
Option A: Follow the stranger to the fire escape door. It’s obviously not alarmed and, by all rules, it should lead outside. You don’t quite know where outside, but you can probably take it from there, right?
Option B: Run down the corridor and take your chance on one of the doors. You’re not quite sure what rooms are available to you there, but they could hold a good hiding place, just for now.
Option C: Turn back towards the security personnel and attempt to explain the situation. There’s a good chance they won’t believe you and you might be banned from the venue forever, but at least then you tried.
Taglist: @wonderlandishell @writingmaneskin @myleftsock @dianachudova @cheese-toastie-11 @Ursulalurks @defnotgracee @mateobneun-rattattui @lifeofa-fangirl
(Crossed out means I can't tag you for some reason)
22 notes · View notes