#manufacturers produce
yore-donatsu · 1 year
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“This script sucks...”
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hey-hamlet · 5 months
Indentured for Life au
What has natsuo been up to since he was freed ? What have the other quirkless people done after realease ?Also how have some heroes(Like hawks) and hero students reacted to finding out that the organizatorom they served was using slave labor
Natsuo is catching up on his schooling! He's in an accelerated program and, thanks to an embarrassingly small amount of settlement money from the government, he has his own shitty little apartment in a barely tolerable area. He loves it to pieces. He isn't used to living alone, so it gets pretty lonely, but some of the other workers live close by and they come hang out pretty often. Izuku visits a lot too! He's aiming to be a nurse. Some of the others have gotten work in hero agencies for costume repair (its. ethically strained, but its the only work they know and they are happy to do it, as long as they are getting paid a fair wage.) and some others are working in activism and quirk discrimination charities.
As for reactions?
His hands were still shaking. He'd been retching uncontrollably for what felt like hours, his hands shaking as he torn himself out of his costume. How many times had he been grateful for the hand stitched seams on his costume being gentler on his wings? For the warm leather on his googles that had already been shaped for his head, with hand written instructions for leather care tucked into the box. Fuck - he'd thought they were old fashioned for the note, not locked in a factory without so much as a fucking printer. He needed to make a public statement, the faster the better. He had to say something loudly because the HPSC had time to write his statement for him. Just. Just when his hands stopped shaking.
His PR team must be having a field day. Endeavor's own son, recovered from one of the factories? The man himself with nothing to say? What could he say? That he'd kept his mouth shut so his youngest son had a chance at overtaking All Might, that his youngest son could help where he failed? Ha - that'd go over well. He hoped Natsuo knew he still had a college fund. Still had a credit card in his name, a bank account his father put money in once a month, for when he was finally free. Maybe he'd take it, if it was from Fuyumi.
Iida Tenya
His brother had been upset that week. He'd come home early, corralling his parents into a meeting room and not leaving until they'd found a new costume supplier and a public statement beyond repute. He hadn't known why, not until the news story had broken that morning. Tenya had been lost, staring at the television until he was late for his train, only arriving to class minutes before the bell. He'd always wanted to be a hero. But - could he? Knowing what he knew now, about the organization he'd have to answer to?
His mother had screamed when she'd seen that footage of Deku, All Might carefully breaking the metal cuff around his throat. The nerd had only smiled weakly, like seeing All Might wasn't everything he'd ever wanted. He was so thin, his hands covered in small cuts, burns and blisters. He wanted to feel upset, that Deku had ruined his hero costume too - but. It was his fault. He was the one who told those fuckers Deku was quirkless, after auntie had so carefully not commited to putting anything down on paper. He and the idiots had trailed All Might once, before they knew that's who Yagi was. They'd seen the buildings, the lady with the collar. They'd put it out of their minds because they hadn't had a choice. No closure, just a creeping unease that would sneak up on them at night. Deku had been in one of those factories. Deku had been making the blast proof mesh on the palms of his gloves, the sweat wicking fabric of his winter costume, the thick tread of his combat boots. Katsuki stared up at the blank ceiling and tried not to think any more.
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silentreigns · 4 months
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Pray for your Mick Schumacher mutuals because they have bro driving a car powered by an engine notorious for failing
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appri-dot · 3 months
I should probably babble abt me n my friends lethal company world concept hcs so silly...
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cherubdulce · 8 months
im really considering doing charm or pin commissions? The idea of it is really lovely and I think I would be capable to produce that? 🩷
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TP316L-7.96mm*4.6mm Stainless steel electropolished tube for making chromatographic column,inner diameter testing with plug gauges
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katisconfused · 1 year
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You know, I at least understand some level of why people want to use AI to write them things. I am not a very good writer, I rarely have enough of a cohesive idea of what I'm trying to make to turn it into a coherent story. I am sympathetic to ex, people plugging a prompt into a program to generate something like a fanfic (especially one containing triggering content) they can't legally/reasonably commission, assuming it just stays on their hard drive vs being posted alongside legitimate writing.
But this is baffling to me.
Like the reason I found this was I was scrolling through notes on this post, full of reblogs of people responding to the prompt. Writing prompt posts with decent amounts of notes literally hand you dozens of free short stories on whatever the post is about. Someone, usually several someones, has completed the task for you already! ...But instead you clog the notes up with your entry courtesy of The Homework Machine™️.
Idk something about that is just an exceptional illustration of how making art has been warped into this mindless "Create Content™️" action. Making more similar stuff ceases to be a "wow two cakes" situation when people are just filling the table with a bunch of cheap bland store bought cakes that push the ones acting on inspiration further back.
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shinkai-kaiju · 4 months
are makeship plushies even good? as in, quality. ive never heard anything bad about them (ill be honest i havent heard ANYTHING about them) but im always annoyed by the fact that they ONLY do campagins you cant just go "hi heres the money make me 100 plushies" and they seem to have a rerun thing but only for particularly sucessful plushies...
If they are, i wonder if theres a reputable maker out there like them that'll REALLY get the job done right off the bat no campaigning needed...
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imperialchem · 5 months
Foaming Mastery Unleashed - Premier Water Foamer and Defoamer Manufacturer in Vadodara, Gujarat, and India
Imperialchem takes pride in being your trusted Water Foamer Producer in Vadodara and a leading Foamer Manufacturer in India. Elevate your processes with our high-quality Water Foamers and Defoamers, manufactured with precision and innovation. Choose Imperialchem for excellence in water foam control, setting the standard as the Water Foamer Manufacturer in Vadodara, Gujarat, and across India. Trust us to redefine your foaming needs with expertise that transcends expectations.
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solitarelee · 1 year
People will be like "please buy from my shop to support a struggling queer artist" and I'll want to but the sizes will only go up to 2x.
Like I know it's their manufacturer, not necessarily their fault, but. They could also have found a manufacturer that went to larger sizes. I don't even have much difficulty finding indie designers that go up to 5x these days; clearly those manufacturers exist. There's enough that it can be quite literally all I buy.
It's just surreal and weirdly irritating to hear "please help me," go to help, and then get hit with the "no, not you."
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sdpolytech · 7 months
Why is Spun Polyester Yarn the Preferred Choice for Textile Industry in India?
In the intricate tapestry of the textile industry in India, one thread stands out as the preferred choice for manufacturers seeking durability, versatility, and quality: Spun polyester yarn. As we unravel the reasons behind its dominance, we discover why producers, such as SD Polytech, a leading yarn manufacturer Delhi, continue to play a pivotal role in this fabric of success.
Exceptional Strength and Durability
Spun polyester yarn is renowned for its remarkable strength and durability. In the demanding landscape of the textile industry, where fabrics endure constant stress and strain, this yarn emerges as a reliable choice. Garments and textiles crafted with it exhibit superior resistance to wear and tear, ensuring longevity and customer satisfaction.
Versatility in Applications
Spun polyester yarn producers in India cater to the diverse needs of the textile industry. From fashion apparel to industrial fabrics, this yarn seamlessly integrates into various applications. Its versatility makes it an ideal choice for a wide range of products, allowing manufacturers to explore creative avenues without compromising on performance.
Color Retention and Vibrancy
The vibrancy of colors is a hallmark of quality textiles. Spun polyester yarn excels in color retention, ensuring that fabrics maintain their original brilliance even after multiple washes. This characteristic is crucial for the fashion industry in India, where vibrant and long-lasting colors are synonymous with the cultural richness embedded in textiles.
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Resistance to Wrinkles and Shrinkage 
In a country with diverse climates like India, resistance to wrinkles and shrinkage is paramount. Spun polyester yarn provides textiles with excellent shape retention, making it well-suited for garments that need to withstand varying environmental conditions. This resistance enhances the overall appearance and wearability of the final product.
Cost-Effective Manufacturing
Efficiency and cost-effectiveness are key considerations for textile manufacturers. Spun polyester yarn producers in India like SD Polytech, align with these priorities. Its availability in bulk quantities and the ability to integrate seamlessly into modern manufacturing processes contribute to streamlined production, minimizing costs without compromising on quality.
Environmental Sustainability
As environmental consciousness grows, Spun Polyester Yarn's eco-friendly attributes become increasingly significant. Its production process consumes less water compared to natural fibers, and its durability reduces the frequency of replacements, contributing to a more sustainable and eco-conscious textile industry.
In essence, the prevalence of Spun Polyester Yarn in the textile industry in India can be attributed to its exceptional strength, versatility, color retention, resistance to wrinkles, and cost-effective manufacturing. SD Polytech and other spun polyester yarn producers in India play a crucial role in weaving success for textile manufacturers, providing them with a thread of excellence that strengthens the fabric of India's rich textile heritage.
Also, Read:
The Advantages of Using Polycotton Knitted Yarns in Textile Manufacturing
The Rise of Yarn Manufacturing in India: A Historical Perspective
Originally Published by: https://sdpolytech.blogspot.com/
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tubetrading · 8 months
Saucy & Spicy: A Culinary Adventure Through Global Hot Sauce Varieties
When considering the enhancement of our gustatory experiences and the incorporation of a piquant element into our culinary creations, hot sauce emerges as an unparalleled gastronomic ally.  The aforementioned piquant condiment has undergone a transformation from its modest origins as a mere spicy accompaniment, to assuming a pivotal role within many culinary traditions worldwide.  In this gastronomic exploration, we will embark on a journey into the realm of spicy sauces, examining the huge array of distinct variations that captivate palates across the globe.  From the top Hot sauce supplier in Qatar to the leading Hot Sauce manufacturers in India, as well as the companies involved in hot sauce packaging, let us embark on an enticing exploration that is bound to evoke an insatiable desire for further indulgence.
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A Spicy Affair in Qatar:  Hot Sauce Supplier in Qatar
Qatar, a nation renowned for its vibrant cultural heritage and penchant for delectable gastronomy, has not remained immune to the pervasive influence of the hot sauce trend.  The Hot sauce supplier in Qatar like Modern Food Products has acknowledged the increasing demand for piquant condiments in the area and has carefully curated an impressive assortment of hot sauces to meet the refined preferences of the residents.
The Qatari hot sauce scene exemplifies a harmonious amalgamation of conventional and global tastes, catering to the preferences of both indigenous inhabitants and foreign residents within the nation.  The hot sauces frequently derive their inspiration from Qatari spices, incorporating elements such as cumin, coriander, and diverse chilli peppers to achieve an optimal combination of spiciness and taste.
Spicing it Up:  Hot Sauce Manufacturers in India
India, is renowned for its multifarious cultures and culinary traditions, with a storied past intertwined with the consumption of piquant cuisine.  The Indian population exhibits a profound affinity for piquant tastes, which manifests in their fondness for condiments with a high degree of spiciness.  The hot sauce producers in India have capitalised on the cultural affinity for spicy flavours and developed a diverse selection of hot sauces tailored to various taste preferences.
Indian hot sauces frequently incorporate regionally procured components such as an assortment of chilli peppers, garlic, and spices, yielding a profusion of diverse and intense flavours.  These condiments not only impart spiciness to culinary preparations but also augment the overall flavour profile, rendering them a favoured option among both conventional and contemporary consumers.
Exporting Spice:  Hot Sauce Producer and Exporter
The consumption and popularity of hot sauce transcend geographical boundaries, making it a widespread cultural phenomenon with a global reach.  Producers and exporters of hot sauce play a crucial role in facilitating the global distribution of these piquant condiments, thereby enabling individuals to partake in a rich tapestry of flavours originating from many cultural traditions.
Hot sauce makers and exporters frequently engage in collaborative efforts with local farms and suppliers to procure the most recently harvested ingredients for their sauces.  The dedication to maintaining high standards of quality and authenticity guarantees that anyone with a passion for hot sauce from all over the globe may fully appreciate and experience the genuine characteristics of the specific places where these sauces are produced.
The Spice of Packaging:  Hot Sauce Packaging Company
The significance of presentation extends to other domains, including the realm of hot sauces, where it holds particular relevance.  Packaging firms specialising in hot sauce, like Modern Food Products, play a pivotal role in enhancing the visual attractiveness and desirability of these piquant condiments for consumers.  The inclusion of creative bottle designs and visually appealing labels enhances the overall hot sauce experience, introducing an element of excitement to the package.
These companies prioritise the dual objectives of aesthetic appeal and practical efficacy in their packaging, with a particular emphasis on retaining the flavour and temperature of the hot sauce.  Consequently, individuals who possess a deep appreciation for hot sauce are presented with an alluring packaging that establishes the foundation for the forthcoming journey of intense spiciness.
Final Thoughts:
Hot sauce serves as more than a mere condiment; it represents a cultural phenomenon that surpasses geographical boundaries.  The involvement of several entities, including the hot sauce supplier in Qatar, the Hot Sauce manufacturers in India, and the Hot Sauce producers and exporters, collectively contribute to a global gastronomic exploration that consistently stimulates the sensory experience of taste.  Furthermore, it is crucial to acknowledge the indispensable contribution made by hot sauce packaging firms in effectively presenting these piquant delicacies in a visually appealing and captivating fashion.
In our ongoing exploration of the varied realm of hot sauces, we are engaged in an unceasing pursuit to uncover novel gustatory profiles and wholeheartedly embrace the sensation of spiciness.  Whether individuals are in Qatar indulging in the regional spices, immersing themselves in the dynamic hot sauce culture of India, or appreciating the diverse culinary options worldwide, it is evident that the fondness for hot sauce transcends borders, fostering unity through the shared experience of consuming piquant flavours.
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omegasmileyface · 9 months
in tumblr's usual "become passionate enough after learning something that contradicts a previous thought that you lean as far into it as conceptually possible" style, ive seen a couple people who have been adding to discussions about how fast fashion causes people to misunderstand the process and expected value of creating clothes (true) by saying that it is an explicitly bad thing that it is possible to buy clothes for under $20 (no. what?)
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apollo-cackling · 9 months
so many discussions I've seen require a premise of "okay let's assume we live in the world of platonic ideals" to which my only response is like. we don't?
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spushii · 9 months
I love that sorta stuff as much as the next guy but I can't help but wonder if television programs like How It's Made contributed to this weird insanely prevalent misconception in a lot of modern adults that most or all of the cheaply manufactured stuff you can get in day-to-day life is produced by machines with minimal human intervention.
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
AD 2009 is such a good podium oh my god, I think I will post a lot :)
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