sleepylittleliar · 7 years
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Could this be a parallel and a clue? Maybe the twin/AD was trying to trigger the memory from Spencer while in the dollhouse? I fully believe AD/twin were a big part of the dollhouse.
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rosewooddrakes · 7 years
Okay, I’ve seen many people say that we can’t have all of the answers now because that would lead to us piecing the story together before the finale.  
Honestly, I think the entire 7B should have been treated like a finale. Answers early and jam packed. I wouldn’t at all have minded us piecing it together prior to the last episode. Personally, I would enjoy watching the answers play out in detail over 10 episodes a lot more than I enjoy being teased for answers and drowned in crappy dialogue. 
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lightsinthenightsky · 7 years
*Keep Reading for my predictions / unanswered questions *
First off, Thank you, Pretty Little Liars for the most entertaining show ever. Thank you to Sara Shepard, Marlene King, the Liars, the cast, crew, and fans for making this all possible. I never knew I would be so hooked to a show as much as I have with this one. I’ve invested so much time and dedication to this show and it made great bonding moments for my friends and I. I remember watching the first episode ever when I was only in 8th grade, 14 years old. It was an amazing journey to watch everything unfold and I am going to miss all the characters, their fashion styles, one-liners, and theory videos. It was one hell of an insane ride and I don’t know what I will do without this show now. I cried watching that last scene with the girls together because I knew that was the end of it all. I have learned so much from each of the characters. I was so attached to all of them and I hate that we won’t be able to see their lives continue. All good things must come to an end.
My Predictions were:
AD: Spencer’s Twin, Ezra, Lucas, Melissa, or Caleb
Helpers: Wren, Paige, and/or Jenna
Baby Daddy: Wren, Ezra, or Lucas
Spencer’s twin theory was one of my top predictions for this finale, as well as Wren as the baby daddy. So I am happy that I was right! I just wish that (instead of her being in London the whole time) they had related it back to the earlier seasons so this story could finally come full circle (like her there the night of the disappearance and in radley). I also wish that we got to see ALL the liars find out about the twin together along with an action packed yet heartbreaking reaction.
Here are my unanswered questions:
- Was Lucas the app developer who created the game? Was he paid by A.D. to do this? Was he the one who tortured Hanna?
- Where did AD take Jenna and if she knew about AD and ‘endgame’, why didn’t she say anything earlier?
- Do the rest of the Hastings family know about the twin? What was their reaction?
- What happened to the comic books???
- Why kill off Wren when he was Alex’s biggest helper and did he know his sperm was used to impregnate Alison since he was a sperm donor?
- How did Wren die? #WrenKingstondeservedbetter
- Did the girls ever find out that Wren was the father of the baby? (We only saw Alex whisper it to the baby, no reaction from the girls)
- Was AD rich? How did AD have enough money to do everything?
- What was Wren’s involvement/friendship with Cece? And what was Mona talking about when she mentioned his loyalties? Did she know about Cece?
- Who was Wren talking to when he said “I’ll take care of my end, you take care of yours?” and what was he taking care of? Was he drawing Mary Drake’s family?
- Melissa was always trying to protect Spencer, so what did she really know?
- Why didn’t we ever see Bethany Young’s face? Was her story ever finished?
-Why did Bethany Young wear that infamous outfit / alison bracelet? Was Bethany Alison’s twin? In Emily’s therapy session in Season 3, We see Alison literally screaming while standing in her grave while someone was hitting her with a shovel, which we know was Mona. Maybe everyone confused her body because they looked alike?
- Why did Jessica want Bethany Young to call her Aunt Jessie? Who was Bethany’s parents?
- Why did Eddie Lamb skip town when he was supposed to meet with Ezra?
- What was the tension between Eddie and Wren? Why didn’t Eddie trust him? What did he know?
- Why did Eddie Lamb recognize Aria? Why did Aria have an ID number already in the therapy sessions?
- What was the point of all the Alison masks that Ali made before her disappearance?
- Cece had a lot of friends and got kicked out of college, according to the flashbacks and we met her college roommate. Wren also had to make visitor’s passes for her. But according to her reveal, she was in Radley, wearing a bathrobe pretending to be Alison. So what is the real story?
- Did Cece lie about Toby’s mother’s death? The timeline of Toby’s mother’s death doesn’t make sense in Cece’s reveal. Example: Wilden would’ve been a baby cop, flashbacks don’t match age description mentioned (they looked like teens, and we know continuity is a huge deal in PLL)
- Bethany Young’s drawings were about the Dilaurentis family, so what is the significance of all of this since she wasn’t even part of the family? Why did she hate them so much?
- Was it Mary or Jessica who pulled Alison out of the grave since Cece called her mom? Did Cece Drake know about Mary Drake being her real birth mother?
- What happened to all the tapes? (Melissa’s confession / Bethany Young’s recordings)
- What did Maya know?
- The entire ‘night of the disappearance’ timeline?
This is all I could think of for now. These are my unanswered questions that we might never get answered. Remember, this is Marlene King’s vision for her show, and we must respect that even if it wasn’t entirely the way we (as viewers) thought it would be. After all, It was a lot of fun guessing who A was with everyone. :) The show is now over and I’m going to miss it so much :(
The End
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pllivegotasecret · 7 years
Who is this chick? Spencer’s twin has been around all along!!!! Meet A! Read on to see the first photos of A.
Sorry guys. I know that I haven’t posted in a while, but after hearing all of the Spencer twin theories, I had to post once again. At first I thought that it was another red herring, but then I found the girl in season 7! Do you remember Spencer’s crazy dream? It was in season 5. She had an exorcist like dream with the girl from “Dance Moms.” Later in the episodes, the girls go to Radley’s basement. In the basement, Spencer has a flashback about the dream when she looks at a girl’s photograph on the wall.
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At the time, I thought it might be a photo of Charlie.
Do you remember the scene after Aria’s parents’ wedding? We know that A was eating a piece of wedding cake, so we know that A was there. In the next episode, the liars are cleaning up from the wedding. Aria tells Hannah that the piece of cake she has picked up has lipstick on the fork. Does this mean that A is a girl? Or  is it another dude dressed as a girl. Or is A a dude dressed as a girl. Anyways, the next scene shows Aria going through her photos. She discovered that A was there,
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If you look at the photograph before it, you will see the girl. She looks a lot like Spencer!
In the Two Crows, when a guy plays Aria and Ezra’s song, there is a boy walking from the jukebox. It is actually a girl dressed as a guy. It is this same girl.
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Anyways, when Alli is in the hospital with the good-not-doctor, Archer, there is a scene where this girl can be seen smiling.It is our first good look at Spencer’s twin/sister. The girl looks a lot like Spencer. She looks a lot like Melissa, but she is definitely the girl in the photo at Radley. This is A! She has been seen in scenes all the way back to season 5.  I am glad to introduce you to A!. She is smiling because she finally has Alli. Look for her in more episodes. She is everywhere.
Please,  please, please do not copy this without giving me credit. Please retweet.
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PLL 7B Just-For-Fun Theory: Peter Hastings is Uber A! And The A Team is an Illicit Baby Trafficking Ring!!! 😱 (& Bonus: The 3 M's of. good Theory!) NEW & REVISED ADDITIONS V2!
So a lot of pll fans have been discussing Peter Hasting’s recent arrival back in Rosewood and wondering what he is still hiding.
We know he has Umpteen million kids.
My theory is: Peter is Uber A, and started the game merely to keep tabs on all of his damn kids, find out if there’s anymore out there, keep them out of trouble with typical teen issues like drugs (I’m Looking at You Spencer & Jason= the Spason Sibs, you’re welcome 😇), and avoid having to pay child support for all of them.
The GZL Evidence File 🗃:
1. We keep finding more kids this dude has had. We have no idea when this will end.
2. The Uber A mystery has to do with who’s kids are who’s. Who’s were Mary Drakes? Who’s Peter Hastings? Who’s a DiLaurentis in secret. Who’s a Hastings in secret. And who’s been adopted. Which kids were taken from their mothers in Radley… which seems to be an ongoing trend which brings me to:
3. Just how many babies have been born in Radley and why did they have a nursery there and then quickly take kids away from their mothers and adopt them out? We know Char and Bethany and Spencer were all Radley kids. We know AriA has been in Radley before but we dunno why. We know Mona learned some BIG secrets there. So did Cece/Char.
4. We know some of these kids grew up cray cray. Some were adopted out. They all have the common element of having problems with mental health or drugs.
5. Emily was forced to sell her eggs which were then stolen! Maybe this is how the A Team’s baby breeding program does things now to get and steal babies? Now that Radley is gone.
6. We know Ali was implanted with fertilized eggs while held against her will at Welby. It seems A had been planning it for a long time. Could this have happened to Mary Drake while in Radley? She had more babies than we knew, and how did she keep having them if she was a locked up patient in a facility which likely kept male/female living areas apart and would have rules against having sex in their rooms, etc. So maybe she was implanted with stolen eggs too. Were any of those parents in that generation of rosewood peeps unable to have kids?
7. Why yes: Ashley Marin seems a likely candidate cuz we know Hanna looks nothing like her. We also know Ashley has a murky past where she “got into some trouble.” But we still dunno this story. Maybe she sold her eggs while young like Em did and adopted Hanna and Hanna just doesn’t know yet. Maybe all the look alikes are related by blood?! All the blondes. Also Hanna might be adopted cuz hers doesn’t look a thang like her mama and we know there’s more there.
8. We know A has had some medical training and seems to be keeping tabs on a whole town of kids and orchestrating implanting woman and adopting out kids in secret! We know Veronica also may not have been able to have kids after Melissa… we got her story but look how her story has changed drastically from the many, many, many times Spencer has asked her about this!
Conclusion: Are we looking at weird secret baby breeding program done at Radley? We know Peter was the father of some of them. And nobodies parents are who they seem. We wonder if AriA was born to her parents and we suspect she has a connection to biological mental health issues and was a patient there, and we suspect she may even be related to Wren, who was a dr there who knew some big secrets. We know some doctors knew about babies being born in Radley… but there had to have been a LOT for it to cause Radley to build a nursery. And it seems no kids actually lived in the nursery! We have flashbacks but also look at the old fashioned dress of the nurses at Radley.
Just look at Bethany’s drawings of 2 kids being separated by an evil monster! And how she said Mrs D (or Mary) was a “liar,” and who coincidentally was on the board. Also her drawings of siblings being torn apart and mothers being thrown Off roofs and murdered to keep the secret. Even the dr doesn’t wanna talk. Also, the night Ali saw Veronica outside going thru things and they discussed Spencer not being herself, Veronica was going thru baby stuff! Maybe she had given the twin back long ago, cuz in their family album there’s THREE young girls, Spencer always been seen with one then Melissa. Spencer was just remembering a tale where Melissa defended her against a playground bully but Melissa doesn’t want to discuss it. I think Melissa was sworn to secrecy when the twin was given back early on for being violent and all kinds of evils, and Veronica had kept some of the baby stuff and started getting rid of during Spencer’s “troubling years on drugs” so she wouldn’t accidentally find something cuz she was a snoop remember! Also Paige and Aria are looking a lot alike these days too. Almost like Paige may be her evil Twinsie. What if what we are looking at is a town full of bred twins and the families who adopted them found issues with one and so thise were given back and kept secret and now all of those twins who were given up are growing up and ANGRY and banned together to get revenge? Hmmm. This may explain why there’s twin clues for the entire cast. And what if some of those parents were adopted twins too like Jessica and Mary dram… cuz like their wealthy family helped run and financially back the ring, each generation. Jessica was on the board. So, who could have started this? My guess is a young Grunwald and her husband who were one of Rosewood’s first adopted families having adopted 2 little blonde girls named Jessica and Mary. The twin story Ali told. And one of them went evils and had to be sent away to, where else? Radley! Where she became the next generation of mentally ill mothers to bear babies for the adoption ring. No wonder she’s so pissed! Wouldn’t you be? She was given up cuz the real evil sister set her up, and had to be locked up with no family and then who knows how many babies she had for the ring against her will. We know Marion was there too so could potentially be mom to some of these babies. We saw it happen to Ali recently and she was shocked. Had she not gotten out of Welby, she’d probably have had this happen a few more times to “earn her keep” there. SICK! Now I think the story of how this occurred with each family is different. Sometimes the good twin got to stay. Sometimes the bad twin tricked the parents and got the good twin sent off. And sometimes the bad twin came back to haunt the family and the town they didn’t get to grow up in, hence why it’s all such a confusing mess of who’s baby is who’s now. We don’t know as of last ep if it was Spencer’s evil twin she at the airport Ezra saw. She seems a bit different at times. And the summer she was all doped up and fighting with Ali, I think Ali knew. Ali was extorting money from Byron for a big secret and I doubt it was just the affair. She was already being hounded by her evil Twinsie and had to escape, so she needed money. Ali herself might be the evil twin too or had been before she returned to Rosewood to reclaim her life. What we see is a much kinder gentler Ali almost like a diff person. Her hair is different, she’s more quiet and less nosy. Ali got her good twin sent away and the bad twin staying to be the popular girl just like in the books. Ali was secretly fighting her twin at the same time Spencer was. We thought we had learned this was Cece her real life unknown sister, but that night when she snuck out of the Hastings and came back with a bloody lip she had fought someone she never named, not even when Spencer asked her while in Radley. Now those twins may have switched spots vying for Ali’s perfect life a few times, and I think the evil twin won out and then they were swapped back when the evil Ali died and the good Ali came back to reclaim her life she hadn’t had for a while. My big question is: where as these Twinsies hiding and who is helping them stay hidden, and pull all of this off? And do they know Ea other or not? Is it a twin war the discarded twins waged as an A Team (meaning: the BETTER twin, the A Grade twin) or is the secret Grunwald baby ring taking them back and caring for them and trying to keep them under wraps but having a hard time? Grunwald returns periodically to help these girls and we dunno why. We know she has a keen eye for teen bullshiz tho having ran a sorority! She may not be opposed to spanking kids when they get out of line. We know she saved All, and Ali, and Ali multiple times. Sometimes she looks at Ali as if trying to tell which Twinsie is which. And one of the Ali’s gets spooked by it while the other sees her as a helper not her keeper. I also suspect the Fitz/Fitzgerald foundation is involved in funding this secretly. It has to be some wealthy donors backing this thang! Also we’ve seen Ezra go evils too and there’s been times we viewers AND the liars have suspected he was evil… what we were seeing was Ezra’s Twinsie doing bad bad things! Some fans are speculating Aria's file says she was pregnant. If she was in Radley at one point she may have been. But I feel she was young when at Radley, either as an adopted kid born there like Spencer and others, OR she's had secret stays there since we've come to know her on the show (between the ages of approx 14-early 20's). It's possible her twin lived there or was sent back ir that aria is the evil twin in their fam and framed the other good twin to get her sent away. Cuz we've seen aria's anger, her sleep disturbances, her sketchiness, her lies, her dating older men, her indecision about those men, her missing pigtunia, etc. We've seen her go thru various rebellious style phases, etc. Aria and her twin have been secretly battling it out the entire series! Spencer's twin has made appearances as the drug addict ADHD one and desperately wants her family's approval. Ali's twin has replaced her sister. Jason's twin shows up whenever Jason is traveling. Mary did some things acting as Jessica who also came and went randomly. Hanna has undergone personality changes where suddenly she's super smart, vs. the shoplifting trouble maker. Caleb appears and disappears. Mona does too, sometimes without her signature nose beauty mark. Hmmm... 🤔
Now, who would be in charge of a secret baby breeding program where mentally ill women locked up were used to give birth and have a secret place to rear those kids till adoption? A Secret Society of Doctors and Wealthy Elites who could make a LOT of money doing this being Radley doors cuz who’s gonna believe a mental patient saying someone knocked her up and stole her babies? No one. And if a mother talked or did anything about it she got thrown off a roofsies! 😱. We know back in the old days of mental asylums and institutions, horrific tests and experiments were often conducted on patients who were used as unwilling guinea pigs.
We also know Radley has a secret underground passage… that likely leads to the church, where: babies taken out of Radley to be adopted could be picked up (& christened to get the “evils” out of them being born of mentally ill women… who were often seen back in the day as: possessed by demons! Mental health issues long ago were considered to be spiritual afflictions of possession, rather than a biological health issue).
We also know Human Trafficking doesn’t just include sex trade. It also has included funding illicit adoptions illegally. There’s many stories of adoption centers being busted for acquiring babies illegally! One only a few years ago looking like a normal adoption center but after a few babies turned out bad, and stories started, the center came under investigation. Back in the day I’m guessing that was more common and overlooked. But still illegal thus needing to be kept secret.
Also look at how there’s identical sets of “liars” around rosewood and nearby towns! Sara Harvey’s crew had a group of girls similar to the liars. We know there’s a multitude of blonde trouble makers in rosewood! Then we have the Gamma Zeta sorority sisters Grunwald looked after which had an identical set of looking liars. This was Cece’ gen. And now in rosewood there seems to be some “junior plastics” running around causing problems and all kinds of evils. While someone keeps tabs on them and tries to get them the truth!
A clue from @maliciousbuthot on twitter hinted this many times. This clue giver also said that Sara Harvey performed the implantation into Ali!
So I got to thinking: this all centers around babies, adoptions, and groups of girls who are identical sets to the liars. 🤔 We know Maddie from Dance Mom’s was cast as one of these “blonde Ali type girls.” Maybe her ghost was a Radley baby. And the ghost twins Ashley keeps running into. Lol. Who likely are the same twins from Ali’s Halloween twin story, come back cuz they’ve got questions for their mommy, who curiously looked a lot like a younger Grunwald in the story, which appears to take place in Aria’s family’s kitchen back in the 1950’s based on fans having dated plates and kitchen ware there. Also the nurses dress like something out of the 50’s.
What kind of secret society would be breeding babies for secret adoptions you ask? One running the town’s older elite. Like Grunwald’s generation. We suspect she is Ali’s mom and we know Mary was her aunt and had Radley babies. Peter may be a member of this org and helping facilitate this illicit baby ring! WEIRD!!! 😳
Maybe Peter Hastings is one of the illicit baby ring’s biggest sperm donors?! I think Byron may have been too. Maybe it’s how he got all that money. We know A team has major financial assets and resources. They’re connected to doctors and various clinics. They’re trained in medical procedures. They’ve got access to pharmaceuticals.
Face it: the A Team is an Illicit Baby Ring and secret society. The Baphomet symbolism would hint at this. Except there’s one problem with these babies: They don’t always come out without mental health problems cuz the mothers were mostly Radley patients!
COMING UP NEXT: How does Aria’s secret Radley File play into this whole thang? Is she the evil twin or does she have an evil twin? It seems maybe her evil twin is the leader of the twin team if the A team is a bunch of angry Rogue twinsies come back for revenge on the families who cast them aside. She alone seems to know what her file holds though by her reaction to try to keep so much secret. She was FREAKED out to see an Artificial Intelligence Twinsie staring back at her during A.D’s FaceTime calls. We don’t know who’s behind this computer AriA face, but what if it’s her evil twin and she knows unlike the rest she had one. Or maybe she has worked with her evil twin more than the others have with theirs and met her twin long ago? Or maybe her twin lives inside her? I firmly believe she’s worked with A many times before and is hiding something big. A secret Ali extorted Byron for. And why did Ali pick each of these girls? The probably wouldn’t have all been friends if Ali’s evil twin in the books needed new friends to keep her cover so invented her own crew of rag tag outcasts. And she kept saying there was a reason she picked each of them. 😉
A theory isn’t just a guess based on observing some clues. Every clue has to fit. And a theory must also determine Motive and Means and Method! I’ve done that here… but I’d like to see more theories a little more flushed out with the 3 M’s: Method, Motive, Means. What is the Motive for the crimes? What is the method used to carry them out? And does the suspect have the actual means (resources or know how) to carry it out? Cuz if not, it’s a theory by definition.
Or maybe some of these parents kids were stolen from are pissed and wanna keep tabs on their kids… except their cray cray cuz of their mental health problems. Which may be why there’s an A Team and a force trying to stop them. So who’s on who’s side? There’s a lot more I can add to this like Fitz foundation’s involvement and the rich family’s assets and connections… so stay tuned. If you like it, hit me up in the comments or chat or my twitter to let me know you’d like to see more of this theory.
And as always: Credit Me Bitches, or Else!!! And Reblog if you’d like more!
You’re welcome! 😘 -L
© 2017, Fleurdelissaswords
Additional Credits: G_Xoxo, Maliciousbuthot, PLLINSIDER, & various GZL members.
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PLL 7X16 is airing soon. We need ANSWERS Marlene
IF all the pre time jump questions are answered in the final episodes, Marlene King deserves a standing ovation.
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famousinloveseries · 7 years
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Paige's life will change practically overnight.
Bella Thorne is Paige Townsen.
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cancelmarlene-blog · 7 years
PLL Message to Marlene
I’ve listed the main things that bother me most about Marlene. Just to throw this in, I can’t help but notice how comfortable Marlene is with killing POC characters off her show. Maya, Shana, Nate, and Yvonne happened to be black characters that she killed off. To me, Marlene King is one of the worst tv show writers and I can not stand her.
Marlene King is known to be the head writer and the executive producer of Pretty Little Liars a popular teen drama show that’s been on the air for 7 years now. The show just wrapped up its last ever season this year. Pretty Little Liars has also been a trending topic on several forms of social media like Twitter and Facebook for several years. Yes, the show has been a big hit with its intense drama, steamy ships, and mystery. I’m going to skip the full introducing and get straight to the point of this. Marlene King should forever be referred to as the devil tv show writer. While Pretty Little Liars had many good qualities about the show like the incredible cast, the show also has several things that makes the show a disgrace. Let me just list some of the terrible things Marlene has done over the years.
1) Baiting: if you been a fan of this show since the beginning, then you probably can recall all the times Marlene has baited fans. For most of the shows running time, Marlene had spent a great deal of her time baiting the Emison fandom. I admire Emison fans a lot. They’re tough and they’ve also been patient since the start of the show. For those of you that don’t know Emison is the romantic pairing of Emily Fields and Alison Dilaurentis. Throughout the course of the show, Emison has shared a few kisses both in flashbacks and present time. However, they never had a serious relationship until the second half of season 7 which was the last ever season. I can understand Emison not being a real couple for the first 5 seasons but I can never understand Marlene baiting the fandom into believing Emison would happen. The show started out about Alison going missing on Labor Day weekend and the mystery of what happened to her went on for the first 4 seasons. After revealing that Alison was alive, she came back to Rosewood to stay in season 5. Marlene King would constantly tell the Emison fans that good stuff would happen. Marlene’s favorite words to say to fans has always been “wait for it.” For years Marlene has baited Emison fans when she’d only end up screwing them over. In the 100th episode of PLL 5x05 Miss Me x 100, Emison kissed and had sex. Fans wondered if they’d ever see Emison talk about their feelings that season but they never really did. However, Marlene kept telling Emison fans that good things would happen. I guess that’s why Marlene decided to have Emily and the girls turn against Ali, get her sent to prison, and have Emily get with Paige again. Marlene King had no shame when it came to queerbaiting the Emison fandom for almost seven years.
2) Romanticizing pedophilia: This is one of the main things that bugged me the most about the show. There’s a lot of paedophiles in the world of Rosewood Pennsylvania and nobody really seems to care. There’s a law in Pennsylvania that states that it is against the law for anyone over the age of eighteen to have sexual relations with a minor. Characters like Ian Thomas, Ezra Fitz, Wren Kingston etc apply here. All of these men were over the age of eighteen and had relationships with the liars who are all under age. Marlene really used the show to glorify the relationship between a student (Aria Montgomery) and her high school teacher (Ezra Fitz). A lot of people argue that the age shouldn’t matter especially on a television show but there’s no real way to defend this. Aria was sixteen when she met Ezra and he was 22-23. Ezra was the liars English teacher in high school and Marlene, along with her team of writers, romanticised the f### (excuse my language) out of this. News flash it is illegal for a teacher to sleep with their student. I can not believe Marlene actually spent 7 years glorifying this when it’s so wrong. What is that supposed to teach young people who watch the show? That it is totally acceptable for grown men to cruise underaged girls? Sorry Ezria fans but facts are facts.
3) Ignoring rape: Not only is this sad it’s also rather sick. Statutory rape is just one of the examples of rape on this show that Marlene and the other PLL writers glorify. Many of you are familiar with the character Toby Cavanaugh. He started out on the show as the town's outcast and was framed for the murder of Alison. He also spent a year in reform school after the liars threw a firecracker in the Cavanaugh’s garage which blinded his step-sister (Jenna Marshall). Eventually Toby grew closer to Spencer Hastings and that turned into another popular PLL ship known as Spoby. Anyway many of you PLL fans probably don’t remember that Toby was a victim of sexual assault. In the shows first season it was revealed that Jenna blackmailed him into having sex with her. They mention Toby being a victim for a brief amount of time but after awhile the show seems to ignore it and forget that it ever happened. In the shows final season (7) Toby again was a victim of sexual assault and Marlene king refuses to acknowledge that. Alex Drake was revealed to be the shows finale villain known as AD and is also Spencer’s evil twin sister. Alex tricked Toby into thinking she was Spencer by kissing him and even going as far as to sleep with him. Not once but twice. In episode 18 of season 7 Alex went to Toby’s cabin and tricked him into sleeping with her by making him believe she was Spencer. This is referred to as rape by deception. For those of you who don’t know the definition of rape by deception is: a crime where the perpetrator has the victim's consent but gets it by deceiving the victim or feeding them false statements and actions. Alex did it again to Toby in the series finale 7x20 ‘Til Death Do Us Part. Marlene wrote Toby a past sexual assault victim being sexually assaulted again to raise shock value. I can’t understand why Marlene felt the need to have Alex rape Toby. I don’t know if it was to make fans mad, raise shock value, or just to be funny. It was totally uncalled for. Using rape to hype up your shows mystery is just disgusting. Not only, that there are many interviews where Marlene jokes about Toby sleeping with Alex. There’s nothing funny about rape. Some of the other PLL writers like Bryan Holdman made jokes on twitter about Alex tricking Toby. Marlene King even referred to Toby’s rape as sexy. Sick, sick woman.
4.) Unfair treatment I couldn’t help but notice that the PLL writers seem a bit biased when it came to certain characters and ships on the show. It’s no secret that writers like Bryan Holdman, Oliver Goldstick, and Joseph Dougherty enjoy trolling fans but also show favoritism to certain characters. Often in times, the PLL writers favoritism get in the way of being professional. I also can’t help but notice that Marlene King is a big push over. In past interview, Marlene revealed that she DID NOT want all the main couples to break up during the time jump but the other PLL writers pushed her to do it. Last time I checked Marlene was the boss. In another recent interview it was revealed that Marlene considered doing a double wedding in the final with Ezria and Spoby. Again, the other writers talked her out of it and Marlene claimed giving Spoby a wedding felt “false” and that they had to earn it. Excuse me when I say this but I think Spoby has earned their wedding after the 7 seasons of drama and crap Marlene dumped on them. And for her to expect fans to be happy with the final is just upsetting. SHE is the main writer. SHE controls how the storyline goes. No PLL fans asked for love triangles, pointless love interest, Emily dating every girl who moves to Rosewood, or Toby getting raped by Spencer’s twin. If Spoby didn’t earn a wedding, then what exactly did Ezria and Haleb do to earn there’s? The final episode was completely unfair to Spoby fans and Marlene King knows that. Haleb ended the show married and with Hanna pregnant. Also, Haleb spent most of season 7 happily together and they had the least amount of drama and even got special treatment from every single PLL writer. Ezria (remember that student-teacher relationship I mentioned before?) they got a (2) proposals, a wedding and ended the show with them getting ready to go on their Honeymoon to Paris. (Excuse me isn’t that Emison’s thing?) Also, Ezria talked about adopting children. Now Spoby. What did they get for their final moments? Every single romantic Spoby moment was Alex. Toby lost his wife and as result, Marlene thought it would be a sexy idea to have Spencer’s twin rape Toby twice. Again, rape by deception people. Look it up. They were the only couple to not get any real romantic scenes or a single kiss since the time jump. The last time Spoby kissed was in 6x09 Last Dance and they were 18. Marlene even ruined the house Toby was building for Spencer. Perhaps I can understand not ending the show as a married couple but to say that they didn’t earn it? I ask Marlene to go rewatch her own show and look at ALL that Spoby’s been through and try to say that they didn’t earn a wedding or at least a better ending. Try telling the fans that they did not deserve to see their ship happy together one last time just like the other ship fans out there. Is that really fair game? Even Emison ended the show engaged with kids. Try telling me that's not unfair treatment.
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sleepylittleliar · 7 years
Has anyone wondered or questioned where A.D. has gotten all of their information from because this person sure knows a lot! Even that letter from Mary to Spencer goes wayyyyy back. Only a select few in Rosewood know as much info as A.D. knows about everyone. Whoever A.D. is, they're not new to the game.
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stupidamary · 7 years
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Ok Marlene, I get the joke. Now release the real finale. #pll #prettylittleliars #imarleneking #marleneking #whoisa #whoisad #ariamontgomery #spencerhastings #hannamerin #alisondilaurentis #emilyfields (presso Milan, Italy)
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cheserie-sere · 7 years
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"A questo punto mi chiedo a che scopo Marlene abbia deciso di fare tornare la Tanner. Verrebbe da pensare che c’entri qualcosa con tutto questo altrimenti non avrebbe senso. Ma alla carissima Marlene piace da morire confonderci e metterci sulla pista sbagliata. Si diverte così lei. Si diverte e si arricchisce. La prossima settimana si concluderà un’epoca. L’epoca del Troll. Siete pronti?" Leggi la recensione cliccando sul link in bio! cheserie.altervista.org #ashleybenson #freeform #ianharding #JanelParrish #lucyhale #marleneking #marydrake #PLL #pll7x19 #pllabc #PLLendgame #pllfandom #Pllitalia #pllteorie #PrettyLittleLiars #PrettyLittleLiarsitalia #sashapieterse #serietv #shaymitchell #teendrama #troianbellisario #tylerblackburn #followme #cheserie
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bbottone · 7 years
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Lucy Hale, Ashley Benson, Troian Bellisario, Sasha Pieterse, Shay Mitchell, I. Marlene King, Carter Jenkins of 'Famous In Love', Tyra Banks of 'Life-Size 2' and Eline Powell and Alex Roe of 'Siren' attend Freeform 2017 Upfront at Hudson Mercantile on April 19, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Dave Kotinsky/Getty Images) #HollywoodCiak #Freeform #FreeformUpfront #PLL #PrettyLittleLiars #FamousInLove #LucyHale #AshleyBenson #TroianBellisario #SashaPieterse #ShayMitchell #IMarleneKing #MarleneKing #CarterJenkins #TyraBanks #LifeSize2 #ElinePowell #AlexRoe #Siren #redcarpet #photocall #NYC #NewYork #followme @freeform
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More GZL Member #PLL Solo Theories from the Database! 2017
So I believe the finale is already airing on the east coast. The rest of the world hasn't seen it yet... UGH, THE WAIT! Anyhow Tumblr was being all glitchy last night about letting me add these to the GZL Master Batch so I had no choice but to add them here. It's a collection of member's own theories and past blog posts. Enjoy! CRYSTAL LYNN LAWYER'S "BETHANY HAS A TWIN" SOLO THEORY: If Bethany is still alive then she might look like either Charlotte or Alison and that could mean that she is also Spencer's sister too. Here are some examples why I think that it could be Bethany:  The night when Mona hit Alison on the head with a rock, instead of Bethany, maybe they could be twins. When Melissa was talking to Charlotte (that night), that could had been Bethany. I think that they are all related to one another, just like Uber A. D. could be related to someone on the show, like Spencer maybe.  ************** SHEENA CLAYTON'S "MELISSA IS AD" SOLO THEORY: Now im certain AD is Bethany OR Melissa! (Cite: @AKnowsAll à PLL clue handle has been dropping Bethany clues about twins and one twin starting with a "B" or clues involving the initial "B," 2017, Twitter) Melissa always said, she's been trying to protect spencer from. Day 1. AD never really hurt the girls. Not like Cece/Charlotte did.  AD was just messing up their lives, and trying to get them to admit shiz, and revealing secrets they didnt (already) know.  Remember when Mary referenced how Spencer and Melissa could be twins? ... I think Mary knows Melissa is in a Spencer mask, and thats why she stabs her in the promo. And why Mona knocks her out. But I think bethany is the crazy one and is helping. (Cite: @AKnowsAll mentioned blonde twins and how one is a "genius" but "the other is insane," 2017 Twitter) ******************* KKThanks "Melissa almost HAS to be AD...10 million clues and possibilities!":   This is long but I NEED you to read!!  I always thought it would be interesting Charlotte was Peter Hastings’s child and was jealous that Spencer got so much attention from Peter.. This is especially interesting if we consider the possibility that Charlotte knew that Spencer was adopted the whole time and yet got embraced by the Hastings family. Melissa and Spencer were always at odds too which is interesting since I always thought Melissa was Charlotte’s friend.. The first thing Charlotte said after Spencer introduced herself to Charlotte was “Melissa Hastings’s little sister!” And I have always believed that to be a clue.  Peter has been trying to protect his family from secrets that CHARLOTTE could potentially reveal and we never realized this. It seemed at the time that Peter and Jessica had a deal about ALISON.. But this could get a lot more interesting if their secrets revolved around the danger Charlotte presented. After all, when Jessicas initial secrets started coming out, interestingly enough the ones involving Spencer were about a girl dressed in Alis clothes, but NOT ALI. Those secrets came out of a sealed file she had with Jessica, but Charlotte had known the details of these secrets the whole time.  Back to my suspicion that Melissa and Charlotte had a friendship/ agreement situation.. Supposedly Melissa had no clue the girl she buried was not Alison, but a “stranger,” Bethany young. And Charlotte had no clue the girl she was hitting with a rock was Ali, not Bethany. Both of them swear that they did what they did to protect a relative (Charlotte claims Bethany was going to attack Jessica, Melissa claims she thought Spencer killed Alison and she buried her to protect Spencer). Melissa and Charlotte DEFINITELY at least know each other, and because of my strong suspicion that they were friends / working together, I must say it’s awfully “coincidental” that each of them ended up killing the other’s enemy. (But they said there are no coincidences in rosewood!) And if anyone doesn’t believe Melissa hated Ali on that level, don’t forget about the NAT video where she barged into Alis room the night she disappeared demanding where she was. She also had told Ian that same night that if he saw Alison again, someone would get hurt.  AND DEFINITELY don’t forget about the NAT club. Charlotte and Melissa were both linked to that club too. What was really going on with them that night? The first time Ali asked jason what the movie the club was filming was about (this was in “the first secret”), he said that if he told her, he would have to kill her. Maybe he meant it more than we knew. Don’t forget, Ian was Melissa’s boyfriend at the time and when he met up with Ali, he screamed at her about the videos, threatening that there were things about her and her family on there that could bring everybody down.  Charlotte has also claimed that EVERYONE wanted the videos back from Ali, “Spencer’s big sister the most.” Now I find myself wondering which sister of Spencer’s she meant, if not both of them. Most everyone I can think of who wanted those videos had a link to the NAT club. What exactly has the NAT club planned to do that night? Why was an emergency meeting called, by Melissa’s boyfriend, no less?  Also, considering that Melissa and Ian supposedly both wanted the videos back and Alison was the one who stole the videos, I find it intriguing that she demanded for him NOT to see her again, as I mentioned above, and even said that someone would get hurt if he did. Obviously I know she didn’t want him dating Ali anymore, but Ali was also the only chance they really had on getting the videos back. It could even be the real reason Melissa wanted to attack Ali. Maybe Charlotte’s real reason as well. This is even MORE likely when considering the fact that Ian eventually tried to kill Spencer because of these videos. He said “I’m doing this because I love your sister,” which is ANOTHER person mentioning Melissa wanting these videos back, badly… (Unless he meant Charlotte) I believe Melissa and Charlotte were in on the video motive together. I feel like Melissa and Charlotte both knew about A (Mona) and wanted to steal the game at this point.  Then, I think about the fact that NAT club members have been attacked and killed throughout these A games. And I wonder if Charlotte and Melissa didn’t have a reason / motive for turning on the NAT club and trying to get the videos themselves, way back “before it all started.” Is this the time Melissa has been referring to? Maybe, at the very least, they thought the other members of the NAT club found out too much about them. I also think Jason was drugged for a specific reason, almost as if to distance him from the others.  Supposedly our first A, Mona, believed that she had hit Ali, then later on admitted that she was the one who killed Bethany… Although technically, MELISSA killed Bethany. Maybe she just likes to cover for all her bosses.  When Mona was revealed as A, it was clear she had revealed herself to Spencer on purpose. She wanted to recruit Spencer on to the A team and if she refused, she wanted her to disappear; she would make her disappear, just like when Alison disappeared. Mona mentioned working for someone all the way back then on the A team, someone who always had a plan. This has been revealed to be Charlotte, but I get strong vibes Melissa was involved too. Don’t forget, Melissa showed up at the masquerade ball as the black swan. She claims that Mona blackmailed her into showing up to distract Jenna.  The problem is, that doesn’t make sense; it doesn’t add up. We have never learned of any plan that Mona had that Jenna stood in the way of, except dating Noel Kahn. Mona wouldn’t need Jenna distracted. But Melissa and Charlotte might have had a reason. The intention the whole time was for Mona to go to Radley. Maybe they wanted Mona in there to get answers about their family… Noel’s other girlfriend, Jenna, claims that Charlotte wanted that from her.. When the girls suspected Charlotte as A, they quickly got distracted and moved onto other options. The same has happened with Melissa. They could’ve worried that Jenna was onto them and their plans and therefore needed her distracted.  Mona took the blame for everything she had done as A even though supposedly she had a boss.. Charlotte. Later on, when wilden was killed, Mona tried to claim she did it, landing back in Radley, which seemed deliberate once again. Then it came out that Charlotte did it.. But did she? Or was she taking the blame for something uber A did? Part of Charlotte’s story that didn’t add up to me was that she killed wilden because he was never going to let Ali come back and tell her story. Charlotte would be totally screwed if Ali came back to town and told the story of how Charlotte nearly murdered her and left her for dead..  Also, wilden hadn’t been posing an actual threat to Ali, yet the motive behind his death supposedly was “making sure he could never hurt my sister again.” This sounds like something that makes more sense if they were referring to SPENCER. Wilden terrorized Spencer, even beat her up while dressed up as the queen of hearts on the Halloween train, the same costume Melissa wore, sneakily AGAIN, allegedly “protecting Spencer.” The story also makes a lot more sense if instead of occurring with Sara Harvey, it occurred with Melissa, and Charlotte and Melissa’s roles were reversed from the way Charlotte presented in her flashback/ story. After all, Charlotte did refer to Sara as a decoy.  I found it odd that Charlotte wasn’t around the night of the Halloween train, considering she was the one calling the shots. But if MELISSA was the one who wanted wilden gone, this would make some sense. Charlotte could have worried about being seen by wilden and maybe some others on the train. So Mona and Melissa show up in disguise and we are supposed to believe only ONE of them was working with Charlotte? If wilden knew what happened with Charlotte, I have a hard time believing he did not eventually find out what Melissa had done that night as well. And Melissa had more to lose by the truth coming out. Charlotte already knew she would probably just go back to Radley for killing and torturing people as opposed to getting arrested.  The night Garrett started telling Spencer more detail about the night Ali disappeared and cast doubt on the story the girls currently believed, wilden killed Garrett. Because he worried his involvement might come out? There’s video surveillance of wilden yelling at the other queen of hearts about this, just as Spencer was trying to get Aria so Garrett could talk to her to her face.  Also interesting, in Garretts flashback, we see Melissa calling someone frantically calling someone asking “what do I need to call the police to get your attention?!” We never found out who she was calling, but we did later hear allegations that Melissa called Charlotte to get her help with the videos. (Was that them saying part of the A motive outloud?) Melissa probably knew Charlotte and Wilden had a weird connection; maybe that’s why they included the remark about calling the cops.  Wilden seemed to believe the person in the other queen of hearts costume shared the exact same concern as he did about the truth coming out. This fits the profile for CHARLOTTE, but if I am right about him knowing what Melissa did, it works for her too. Conveniently, when the other queen of hearts was about to show her face, Mona’s RV computer gets hacked. When Spencer asks who the QOH was, Mona says “your sister” and I ALWAYS wondered if this meant that Spencer had more than one… Since she didn’t use Melissa’s name. And it turns out Spencer does have more than one. The jury is still out there for me on if there was a third QOH, Charlotte.  Either way, I believe Aria was drugged so that Garretts story would stop with Spencer. Conveniently, Toby had joined the A team around this time and was being used as a tool to make Spencer crazy and eventually this landed her in Radley. We know that Charlotte was on Ezra’s payroll, I bet she also provided him with info to make Spencer seem crazy also when she suspected him. But maybe the A team needed Spencer in Radley for reasons that go beyond her seeming crazy. I mentioned before that the A team’s games could “all lead back to radley” because answers about their family were in radley. Maybe they needed Spencer there to figure out some lingering unanswered questions they had.  When Spencer first went to Radley, I ALWAYS got a weird vibe from Melissa’s reaction. I felt that she was playing dumb/ faking when she showed up at the school looking for Spencer. I think she already knew exactly where she was. I also found her word choice interesting when she visited Spencer at Radley and she said she felt like it was her fault Spencer was there because Melissa was supposed to be in charge of her. Maybe it WAS Melissa’s fault Spencer was there on a much larger scale. Melissa seems a little bit more connected to Radley than what meets the eye, don’t forget wren also said that Melissa was the one to connect Mona with Charlotte back in the early A days.. And maybe she was.  Another thing that gets to me is that Melissa and Charlotte have both downplayed and/ or lied about how well they knew wilden. ALSO, Melissa refused to answer Spencer when Spencer asked if Melissa killed Wilden. A simple NO will usually do if you haven’t murdered someone and you’re asked if you did.. I think Charlotte covered for Melissa because Melissa knew a lot of secrets about her too so she “owed her.” Another Wilden/ Melissa / Charlotte link is the lodge fire night. At this point, Melissa and Charlotte both allegedly shared a motive again, they both wanted to find out if Ali was alive. This was the night Charlotte “used Sara as a decoy.” When asked if Sara was the other red coat, Charlotte said “when I needed her to be.” Does that mean that at other times, someone else was calling the shots?  This plan was likely contingent on Spencer’s safety, hence Toby double crossing Mona and taking Spencer outside. Charlotte wanted Spencer and the other girls to help her find Ali, and Melissa wanted to find out if Ali was alive as well, so that works.. But Charlotte and Melissa describe what happened at the fire differently. Charlotte claims she didn’t plan on the fire, Shana showed up and the plan went to hell according to her. But Melissa blamed the fire on wilden, and had been seen telling Jenna and Shana that “those bitches would be at the lodge” that night. I think Charlotte was working with Melissa and therefore DID know the fire was going to happen; that’s why Spencer was not inside. Melissa could have been “distracting Jenna” again; Jenna finding out Ali was alive would mean trouble for Melissa and Charlotte.  Melissa would make so much sense as AD. One might question why she would work with someone who staged her husband’s suicide note.. But Melissa could have been playing Ian. Married for love or an alibi? Maybe she was the one who married for an alibi because she didn’t want all her secrets coming out. And considering how well Mona did staging a scene at the bell tower back in the day, maybe Melissa enlisted her help faking Charlotte’s death. I’m bouncing between whether Melissa would still be working with Charlotte at this point or if she turned on her and actually attacked her, but either way she’s the perfect AD." Cites: KKThanks Tumblr: https://kkthanks.tumblr.com/post/160355130008/melissa-almost-has-to-be-ad10-million-clues-and *********************** KKThanks "COULD Caleb be A?!" I found motive... So “I had a bad thought.” Lol. As much as I usually am against the idea of one of the girls or significant others (besides Toby) being A, I couldn’t help but notice that one of the girls would have a HUGE motive to turn Mona into Alison, ie) making her call herself Alison, sleep in her “room,” wear her clothes, blonde hair.. BE her pretty much.  That girl is Hanna, because Mona caused her to have an identity crisis because Mona admitted to actively changing Hanna and making her become a new version of Alison. Hanna went through such a terrible time after that, and a lot of her problems were caused by Mona. And Caleb found out about this and he wasn’t pleased. WE SAW THIS. He lied to Hanna about the brain in Mona’s locker; he never came out and told her it was him who did it, and he acted like he found out about it by hearing other people talk. The note that Mona found with the pig in her locker greatly resembled an A note, almost as if the the person who had written it stole Mona’s game and was now beating her. We once saw an “A” ending with A hacking into the Radley computers to get Mona’s visiting privileges that. People jumped to the idea of assuming Wren was involved.. But maybe we were seeing somebody FIX what Big A had done. CALEB is the one who caused Mona to lose her visiting privileges. Maybe that angry scene between Caleb and Mona was a CLUE.  And maybe Hanna figured out by now that he is involved. Maybe this is why Caleb was able to hack in what seemed like very little time, to find the girls. Maybe he already knew where they were. After all, the dollhouse SUCKS for the girls, Mona especially since she has been there the longest. Maybe Caleb orchestrated this knowing that this unknown, mysterious “A” person would be blamed and nobody would suspect him. Like I said, it sucks there, but Hanna is OUT OF *JAIL* now at least which is where she was prior to this!  One thing Caleb did agree with Mona on was taking Alison down too which is why she was left in jail. When the girls tried to turn A in, A cleared out their phones of all things A related. This A seems to possess the same technological skills Mona did. Caleb OPENLY fits that category, and before Mona’s “DEATH,” this was acknowledged out loud when she asked for Caleb’s help with hacking. Caleb probably found more things to use against her by doing this. He needed the girls to think that “A” was to blame for the dollhouse, so he couldn’t have them turn over that evidence at this point.  Caleb never said that he stopped trying to take Mona down, so why do we assume he did? And Hanna obviously wanted to leave jail, and maybe she was willing to let Caleb do this if it meant her name would be cleared and even that she could leave jail. They showed her describing how awful it was in the finale for a reason. Tanner also said out loud in the finale that he suspected Caleb knew exactly where the girls were. Caleb does strike me as the kind of guy who would become A just to take the other A down for good. Could Caleb have stolen the game from Mona? And could Hanna be helping him? Didn’t Caleb wear a phantom of the opera costume once? The theme of Charles’s prom...  Another point: I wrote this BEFORE Caleb put a tracking device on Hanna’s car and then the girls learned that Charles had put tracking devices in their bodies. I didn’t miss this clue; it just hasn’t happened yet :)" Cites: KKThanks Tumblr: https://kkthanks.tumblr.com/post/138998263338/could-caleb-be-a-i-found-motive *************** No matter who ends up being correct here, GZL is having a party later in the group to either celebrate another win or mourn. Lol. HEY ITS PLL SERIES FINALE DAY! The very last PLL Day ever for fans... kinda sad. So let's make it special. Share some stories of fan friendships you've made over the past 7 years! I'll repost some of them.
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cecedrake901-blog · 7 years
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Sasha and Shay are together! #Emisonisendgame #Prettylittleliars #Pll #SashaPieterse #JanelParrish #ShayMitchell #AshleyBenson #TylerBlackburn #IanHarding #MarleneKing #AndreaParker
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serasvictoria · 5 years
Get to know me
Got tagged by @warmommy . Haven’t done one of these in ages so thanks!
Rules: Tag 9 people you don’t know or want to know better. Answer the provided questions.
Nickname(s): Mar, Marleneke
Starsign: Aries
What I’m wearing: A really old oversized shirt with a print of Harley Quinn, Battle Angel Alita leggings and bunny house socks.
Dream Job: Fulltime cat lady.
Favourite Quote: “They say that each night, when duties of state permit, she climbs, on foot, and limps, alone, to the highest peak of the palace, where she stands for hour after hour, seeming not to notice the cold peak winds. She says nothing at all, but simply stares upward into the dark sky and watches, with sad eyes, the slow dance of the infinite stars.”
Favourite Film: The Dark Crystal
Favourite Food: Endive mash
Dream Trip: I’d love to go to Japan one day!
Favourite Sport: Not a sports fan, but if I’d have to pick one I’m going to say ice hockey.
Favourite Song: PJ Harvey - Silence
Languages: Dutch, English, German and very bad French.
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: The ocean, vintage bookstores and forests in autumn.
What do I hate: Spiders. I have accidentally injured myself whilst avoiding them.
Favourite Book: It is next near to impossible for me to just pick one book so have five instead.
- Shirley Jackson - The Haunting of Hill House
- Jane Austen - Persuasion
- Tad Williams - Tailchaser’s Song
- Neil Gaiman - Stardust
- Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman - Good Omens
Random Fact: I can touch the tip of my nose with my tongue.
Do I get asks? Nope. I get messages sometimes, but the only ones I’ve been getting lately are about how hard it is to find gay porn on Tumblr now with links to where I can find it.
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Other blogs: Nope
Favourite Characters: Pretty much all the characters from Band of Brothers, The Pacific, Firefly, Pushing Daisies and Justified. There are loads more, but then the list would be endless so I’ll just leave it at that.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Patronus: When I did that Patronus thing on Pottermore I got a buzzard which is pretty cool.
Now as for the tagging, I tag @deathonyourtongue , @dianora77 , @acupofchar , @theladyigraine , @padfootwantsatummyrub , @schreiberpablo , @classicalcassiopeia , @true-trans-soul-blues and @thewintersoldierswife . And everyone else that feels like doing it of course.
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skamesp · 2 years
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