#masc presenting julie I adore
catlover4536 · 5 months
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Coming here to say masc presenting Julie is one of my favorite Julie ideas out there and that, of course, I needed to make a femme presenting Frank to compliment @cyanwyrmy and their wonderful Julie!
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sillypuppetsposts · 5 months
Can we have some headcanons of how Frank Frankly would act if them were a suitor of yours (that is, of the reader)? please and thank you
a/n ;; OHH,,, FIRST REQUEST *breakdances* also please, i’m assuming reader is meant to be masc or enby presenting since frank is gay ^^ Because i am feeling enby atm since I am gender-fluid! Also, Y/n is described as being a lively and happy person,, :)
tw / cw (?) ;; swearing (they curse at wally a couple of times), marriage (OMG COMMITMENT😰😰), wally being a little shit! :) plus, (maybe) some horror and arg elements so be cautious! also mentions and hcs of poly frank x eddie x reader :3
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Tsundere alert!!!!
Anyways, they aren’t as affectionate as the other puppets. But, that’s okay! You know they’re your friend, and they love you and your other friends as well.
Little did you know…
Frank was more confused when they were feeling these strange feelings, they would get red in the face whenever you complimented them or gave them gifts of any sort. And they would sweat and get flustered when you would hug them or slightly touch hands.
As You know, they are the grumpiest neighbor. So, someone acting super affectionate towards them (besides Eddie and Julie) made them feel so, special.. <3
They go to Eddie first, asking him why they feel this way. But, Eddie is kinda… oblivious to attempts at this stuff, so he just thinks your being extremely kind to Frank. So, our Eddie pookie was not too much help 😭
So, they go to Julie. And, Oh, she tells them what they’re feeling alright.
“Wait. You feel strange around y/n? How?” | “You get butterflies in your-oh. OH! OH MY GOSH FRANK! YOU LIKE Y/N!!!” “Of course I do, Y/n’s my friend?” “… Frank, I mean you like them, romantically.” “oh. oh.. OH!”
So yeah, that’s how they figured out they liked you.
And, now they are definitely planning to court you… because of course they are.
“Hello, Y/n. Would you like to go butterfly watching with me?” “Oh! I would love to, Frank!!”
They plan this out, he asks you to go butterfly watching with you, and ask you about courting you.
(Which, may I add, Is so stinking cute like wtf where can I find a love life like this..I have no maidens erm… ☹️)
So, when you guys were walking towards a small hill a little bit away from the neighborhood. They decide they’ll ask you on the hill.
So, when. you reached the top they waited for you to be distracted, and got on a knee and… well, courted you.
It was adorable and you were blushing when you realized what was going on.
Oh goodness.
Cutest couple ever! Like everyone thinks you two are adorable!
Everyone thinks it’s cute because your guy’s trope is basically opposites attract!
Wally being a little shit, and third wheeling, but distracting you and Frank gets annoyed 😭
“what do you even see in him?” —frank, questioning your friendship with Wally. “He makes me laugh :)” — You, who thinks he’s a silly guy
You like to play office with them and Julie
They don’t like it because Julie always kicks down their desk after they go bankrupt 😭😭
you sleep in the middle of frank and eddie because if you don’t you end up falling off the bed because eddie is a rowdy sleeper
“how did you end up on the ground, dear?” -frank, worried “i rolled off” - you, who got fucking pushed off the bed when eddie was having a dream
when you, julie and frank were catching butterflies on a hill, they tripped, and rolled down like a tube, so when julie started to sprint on all 4s, you hopped on her back and acted like a cowboy trying fetch a stray sheep…
Frank is still traumatized about that til this day…
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emeritus-fuckers · 10 months
Hello this is for the matchup event<3 I'd like to matched up with a ghoul please and I hope y'all have a lovely day<3
I'm transmasc who presents mostly masc I'm queer and acespec. Personality wise I'm a pretty big clown, I cannot take a single thing seriously unless needed. Despite that I am frequently described as a loner, I have PTSD and do have quick and drastic changes in mood if triggered so I can be perceived as unstable. I also have anxiety and depression. Otherwise I'm pretty calm and relaxed, much preferring to stay in and relax than do anything that exciting.
Hobbies wise I'm a total nerd I love videogames (specifically sandbox, open world survival craft management games generally 'softer' games) and I draw digitally. I also garden frequently and watch way to many shit tv shows for the drama of it. My favorite video games currently are oxygen not included, Splatoon 3, and subnautica. I also love comic books and quantum physics drama (yes I love the drama it is surprisingly delicious)
This post is a part of Match-up Event. The Event ended on July 15th.
Your match is... Aether
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You two go around and mess with others (Sodo) together. He doesn't take anything seriously either.
Unless, of course, it comes to your mental health. As goofy as he is, he notices your mood changes.
And if it gets bad, he will scoop you up and take you some place safe so you can slowly chill out.
He's there with you the entire time. If you want to be held, he's holding you. If you want space, he's just gonna sit in the same room, just far enough for you to be comfortable. And if you don't want attention, he'll just chill around, but still won't leave the room.
What I'm saying is, he adapts to whatever you tell him. But he will not leave you alone.
He'll do his best to cheer you up. Tells you dumb stories, comes up with stupid jokes and pick-up lines... He's 100% willing to make an idiot out of himself for your sake. Whatever helps.
He does his best to keep all your potential triggers in mind and prevent anything from happening. He's goofy, but he's very serious when it comes to his feelings towards you.
Absolutely loves the idea of staying home to cuddle with you. Adores it.
And he's a big buff guy! He loves holding you close! Just look at his arms and tell me they don't feel welcoming.
Aether's a gamer and you can't convince me otherwise.
Leave him alone on Mineraft for a night and you'll wake up with a so fucking many things that should not be logically possible to make in one night.
He's just... so good at games automatically? It does not make sense, honestly.
Lets you win, though.
You know how there's this meme that if you can't beat a game, you get your sibling? Well, you get Aether and he somehow gets it done within three attempts.
Carries your stuff while you garden. He's not very good at handling plants, but if there's something heavy, he's gonna carry it behind you like a very excited puppy.
Watches shows with you and gossips about the characters with you like it's real.
All in all a totally fun guy for you <3
Written by Jez.
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