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This is more subjective than you can think.
First thing gender masculinity does not equate boyhood. Demiboy defines you’re partly a boy, not just aligning with it. Masc-aligned (masculine gender alignment) is meant to describe folks whose identity aligns with masculigender, sharing experiences with it or at least feeling it is an important part of their personhood. Examples: masculine-aligned demigirls and feminine-aligned demiguys. Read about: miagender, ideobinary.
Demigenders does not specify what it is the other partial part, for example demienby could be demigal demimaverique or demineutrois demiagender. A non-binary man could be classified as demiman, but there come identity narratives and we can not force them to identify themselves this way.
Other examples: someone entirely non-binary (abinary) but aligns with womanhood; a woman (fully female) that is unaligned/nonaligned; a male that is demimasc-aligned; an agenderstatic folk that is fluid-aligned. See cross-alignment, demi-galactian system. 
Reminder that an nb boy could be not masculine (unmasculine), so enby masc≠enboy. This masc nb could be transfeminine nonboy, in the same way a fem enby could be transmasc nongirl.
So in this post you learn:
manhood isn’t necessarily a masculine gender
gender alignment does not presume gender
gender expression/presentation haven’t to match gender
it’s misgendering to assume other people’s demi-identities
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sodafrog13 · 2 years
the mascenby urge to tear all of my creative endeavors to shreds with my bare hands
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