#maybe future Merlin is a sort of apparition that can only act if his old body lets him. he talks to past him like a ghost or demon even
bisaster-energy · 9 months
Merlin but Merlin loses it when Arthur dies and instinctively starts a time loop and every time Arthur dies it automatically resets...for angst purposes it could stay tragic..no matter what he does to change the past kilgharra was right. no one can change their destiny nor can they escape it. or by starting this time loop at all he's doing is preventing the rise of the once and future king so by staving off Arthur's death he's actually preventing anyone from ever really living again. a never ending story with one character aware of the narrative but powerless to change it. a puppet with a brain but no autonomy to put it to use. A tragedy of his own making instead the one prophesized
#so that it doesn't work on the first try maybe morgana remembers and interferes or#maybe future Merlin is a sort of apparition that can only act if his old body lets him. he talks to past him like a ghost or demon even#so what he's saying directly contradicts kilgharra or gaius so present merlin probably distrusts him like crazy#merlin becomes another old annoying person in his own ear#who he doesn't even know if he can trust#OR he ends up sending arthur back by accident and arthur is in the past trying to fix shit#and this CHANGES something because now there's warnings of a great ending of all things coming for Camelot and by extension albion#and arthur knowing about Merlin's powers after keeping his knowledge to himself (cos he died RIGHT after learning about the magic)#finally understands the burden merlin had without having to try and understand based on Merlin's summary of an explanation alone#he understands morgana and mordred even nimueh like he GETS it gets it#anyway time goes on canon events are rewritten and the 'great evil' rips a giant hole in space and time and it turns out#future merlin was the cause. because he was smashing alternate realities to pieces looking for arthur is desperation#not knowing where the hell he even sent him breaking any known laws of time and space and reality consequences be damned#arthur cannot kill merlin. he cannot do it. not even for Camelot#so this can be angsty too like merlin loses himself completely in the search for arthur (paralleling the og timeline where Merlin ends up#singularly focused on Arthur's safety instead of his true mission)#and it literally swallows him and their entire known world up#or they get through to him. arthur AND past merlin. seeing that past him was able to diverge from the set path. live more for himself#than just arthur or for the sake of camelot be a PERSON outside of that. and have knowledge that he DID change arthur's mind.#not just as a useless deathbed confession but as something that actively changed and SAVED albion redeemed him of the mistakes he made and#proved that arthur is the man the KING he told every antagonist he was#future merlin sacrifices himself to destroy the black hole he made and it's like that future never even was.#just a bad nightmare you can't really remember.#just thinking about Merlin god bless#bbc merlin#fic ideas
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deadlydollies13 · 7 years
The Potion Master’s Grace ch. 16
The rest of the night: before dinner, during dinner, and after dinner, Severus and Phoebe talked continuously. Who could blame them? They had seventeen years to catch up on.    But they both acted as if it was still seventeen years ago, all flirty and touchy and young. Grace had never seen her dad smile so much. Though the adults thought Grace and Luna were busy elsewhere, they were always watching. It was their new-found mission to get Severus and Phoebe together because there was no denying that they had chemistry. But, just like young love, it would take time, and they’d need a little nudge here and there.
   They called it Operation Soul. Because Severus and Phoebe were soul mates, get it? Yeah, definitely not original.    “Do you think this is your dad’s first girlfriend?” Luna whispered in the other room as they watched Severus and Phoebe on the couch.    Grace wanted to laugh, but then stopped herself and paled. Was this Severus’ first girlfriend? She had never heard of him speak of any other girls besides Lily— and we know how that ended— and Phoebe. Severus was her dad, the wise one who would guide her through her many (well, let’s hope not) relationships; through heartaches and happiness. It wasn’t supposed to be her and Severus venturing through first relationships together!    “Grace? You okay? Hello?” Luna snapped her fingers in front of her face and broke Grace from her trance.    “I have no idea,” she said in a panicked whisper. “I mean, maybe they kissed? Once? But like…”    Luna held her hand up, “Stop right there.” She peered behind the wall from where they were sitting on the staircase to spy some more, “They sure are awfully touchy. I think my she’s touched his arm least twenty times in the past hour.”    “Ah, young love. Throwing flirty hints shamelessly hoping he’ll make the first move.”    “Can’t we just give them a plate of pasta and have them go at it like Lady and the Tramp?”    Grace snorted, “I’m not sure that’s how these things work.”
   After graduating from Hogwarts, Phoebe had gone into the medical field and became a Healer at St. Mungo’s. It didn’t surprise Severus; she had always been good with people and had such a caring personality. Then she became an aunt when her sister Pandora had Luna. Phoebe had watched over Luna when her parents were off researching something for the Quibbler and started Luna’s love for fashion by buying her magazines and teaching her how to sew and even getting Luna her first sewing machine.    When the accident happened and Pandora died, the whole dynamic of their family changed. Xeno slowly started to lose his marbles and it wasn’t healthy for Luna. The poor nine-year-old had lost her mother and started talking about things like Nargles; creatures that didn’t exist.    She knew it was selfish, but she couldn’t bare to stay there anymore. Luna was a spitting image of Pandora and Phoebe’s heart broke every time she looked at her, and Xeno became an empty shell of his former self.    So she packed up and moved to New York City and got a studio loft in Manhattan. She works at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry teaching a class on basic healing charms and potions that any witch or wizard can master without a Healer’s assistance and other health basics; something that wasn’t taught at Hogwarts but was definitely needed. Evidently, when Phoebe arrived, she was sorted at Ilvermorny as well and belonged to the house of Pukwudgie, which is said to favor healers.    “When I first got to New York City, it was very magical,” she said sipping her tea. “I spent the first month exploring; seeing the sights finding the best places to eat, shopping, seeing Broadway shows. Now it’s just very crowded and loud.”    “At least you didn’t stay stuck in the same place forever. Most everyone we went to school with is still living in the same town, or a town close by. Some have never even left England except to go to Hogwarts.”    “Well, look at you!” she slapped his knee. “Last I saw, you were living in Cokeworth on Spinner’s End. And now you have Prince Manor.”    Severus shook his head, “Snape Manor. My father forced my mother to sign the deed over to him before she died, so he renamed it and practically looted the place.”    “You’ve come a far way yourself, Severus Snape. Lost that cute Midlands accent of yours, though.”    Before Severus could come back with calling her the pot that called the kettle black, Grace walked in, “Wait, what accent?”    “See? Now, look at what you’ve done!” Severus said covering his face.    “Your dad’s from the Midlands and for the seven years I knew him, did not sound like that! The manor life has changed him,” Phoebe teased.    “No way, shut yer bake!” Grace immediately dropped her synthetic British accent for her original Northern Irish.    “Oh my god, you’re Irish!” Phoebe’s eyes widened.    “Aye, I’m from Northern Ireland,” which came out as Norn Iron with her thick accent. “I lived in Ballycastle, which isn’t far from Belfast. Then when I was taken from my ma and da, they sent me to London and told me to drop the accent if I ever wanted to get adopted. Said it made me look ‘undignified.’ So they taught me how to say ‘now’ instead of ‘nigh,’ but honestly, it really hurts to annunciate ev’vrything.”    “Say ‘situation,’” Luna said from behind her.    “Situation,” but it came out sit-chi-ay-shun.    “How come you’ve kept it a secret?” Severus asked.    “How come you kept it a secret? Did���n even know where yer from? An’ it’s gonna stay a secret! Not even Dray knows.”    “Grace, you can’t keep this from him. He’s your boyfriend!”    “You have a boyfriend?” Phoebe asked Grace but was overpowered by the conversation between her and Severus.    “I mean, I’m sure he’ll find out eventually. But what am I gonna say? ‘Hey, this is my actual voice, sorry I faked one for the past five years’? An’ don’t look at me cause you know yer right, I hate when yer right!”    “You do the same thing, you know,” Luna added.    “But I do know I’m right. I know Draco, and he likes you for you. Even if you were a mass murderer, he’d still like you. And please don’t become a mass murderer,” Severus smirked.    “Wait! Draco Malfoy?” both Severus and Grace nodded. “Your godson,” she pointed to Severus, “is her boyfriend?” she pointed to Grace, and they both nodded again. “Oh my god! It’s fate! Written in the stars!”    “Oh dear Merlin,” Severus pinched the bridge of his nose.    “Shut up, Sev! It’s only fate that Grace and Draco are together, and you adopted Grace, and my niece and your daughter are best friends, and they brought us together!”    Severus couldn’t help but be amused by Phoebe. She had always been this eccentric. One of her favorite subjects in school was Divination, and she was always trying to tell Severus’ future, like reading his palms or his tea leaves. He’d just roll his eyes and go along with it.    The four of them sat for a while longer, talking about anything. Phoebe asked the girls about school while the two teens bombarded her with questions about America.    “Is New York City really as magical as it is in the movies?” Grace asked.    “I mean, yeah. At first, it’s a bit overwhelming, but you get used to it.”    “I bet the food is much better there.”    “Oh yeah, compared to places like New York and Philadelphia, the food here sucks.”    “Ooh! I know what Philadelphia is, it’s where they signed the Declaration of Independence!”    “Nerd,” Luna turned to Grace.    “Nothing wrong with being a nerd, Grace. You’d probably love the Smithsonian Museums in Washington D.C. There’s the American History Museum, the Natural History Museum, the Air and Space Museum, and all of the monuments. And right around the corner is the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum which is so fascinating.”    “They have an entire museum dedicated to the Holocaust?”    “Yes, and it’s huge. It’s morose, but filled with so many resources and footage and artifacts.”    Grace looked at Severus, “Dad, I have to go to America!”    “You’ve created a monster,” he said to Phoebe; she just smirked.    “There’s so much to see there!”    “Yeah, Mr. S!” Luna cut in.    “C’mon, Sev! You, out of everyone, definitely need a vacation!”    And that’s when Severus realized it: he was the outnumbered sex now. Three girls to one guy. Who did he have? Draco and Rolf when they came over? But they would take the sides of Grace and Luna, of course. There was a serious lack of testosterone in the house, save for Grace’s cat Cas, but Severus was pretty sure he was fixed, so he was downright screwed.    “Fine, fine! Maybe, I don’t know!” Severus finally caved under the pressure, and he knew he’d later regret it. He was just, for perhaps the first time in forever, glad the new school year was approaching so they’d give all their attention to that. Until then, Severus just knew he'd have to get over his fear of flying.
   They talked some more until Phoebe glanced at the clock, “Holy shit, it’s almost midnight!”    “Oh yeah, I suppose it is,” Severus agreed, a little disappointed. “I guess you’ll be going back to the States tomorrow.” Severus, ever the child at heart, was horrible at hiding his true emotions. He was an open book, always being able to tell how he felt by his voice or facial expressions. And there wasn’t anyone who could read Severus better than Phoebe.    “I mean… I don’t have to go home right away. At least, not until Xeno comes back from wherever the hell he is,” Phoebe shrugged. She had better self-control when it came to her emotions. Plus, being proficient in Occluding her mind helped as well. But it was how her voice went an octave higher that gave her away, and the light blush across her cheeks.    Grace waited by the staircase while Luna made her way to the apparition point at the edge of the property, leaving Severus and Phoebe at the doorway.    Phoebe was the first one to break the semi-awkward silence, “I’m kinda really glad they sent that letter. No matter how much of a heart attack it gave me.”    “Me too. I hope it didn’t interrupt anything important.”    “Nah, just binging Glee.”    Severus smirked, “Grace watches that too.”    “That’s an amazing kid you have there, Sev.”    He shrugged, “She made herself amazing. I just make sure she stays that way.”    “Mr. Dad,” Phoebe mumbled. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”    “I’ll be here.”    “And get some sleep,” she leaned in and kissed him on his cheek before turning and following Luna. “Goodnight, Sev!”    Severus couldn’t help his dumbfounded smile and the redness creeping up to his cheeks. He placed a hand over where she kissed him, still being able to feel her soft touch, “Goodnight, Feebs.”    Severus closed the door and made his way back inside, stopping in front the staircase where Grace was sitting.    “Soooo?” Grace pressed.    “So what?”    “Aren’t you happy she’s back?”    “Of course I am, I missed her. But you and Luna went a bit far by getting her here under false danger.”    “You two didn’t look very cross with us while you were about two centimeters close on the couch, though.”    “I honestly have no clue as to what you and Luna are up to,” he narrowed his eyes, she just smiled innocently, but he could see the mischievous look in her eyes.    “Me?” she pointed to herself. “Up to something? Why I never!”    “I don’t know if I should be mad at you or hug you for what you did.”    “Hmmm, how ‘bout a hug?” she stood up holding her arms out.    “Manipulative little brat,” Severus pulled her close. He wasn’t mad at her at all, actually. He never was mad at her, just shocked she even did it. Honestly, he could thank her a million times for giving him a shot at a second chance with Phoebe. But, he couldn’t let her know that, that would only encourage her more to play matchmaker. He had it from here on.    “You know I just want you to be happy, dad.”    “I am happy. You’ve been the best thing that’s happened to me in years, Grace.”    Grace fought back the tears threatening to form in the corners of her eyes, “But you just look really happy with her. And you deserve that; you deserve each other.”    “Grace…” But she turned and made her way upstairs before he could continue.    “Night, dad. I love you,” she called back.    “I love you too, Gracie.”
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