#mc was going to be a blonde asshole so you know
vroomian · 1 year
bout to give in and start doing the desert themed epic fantasy comic I've been dreaming of since i was a kid. mc is a girl pretending to be a boy, who fell into a fantasy world where there's something something magic system based around marriage and she was gonna end up betrothed to a war lord (also a woman) and it was gonna be enemys to lovers but also a bisexual harem, because 'wife' is not a gendered term, it's a certain role in a magic system (basically a magic battery and not a pleasant position!) and the girls missing uncle was going to show up so it turns out magic portals are a family issue and and
just. can't stop my brain from bringing it upppppp
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jerzwriter · 4 months
A Different Fate - Final Chapter
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OMG, it took me entirely too long to complete this, but I'm so happy now that it's done! I am so, so grateful to the anonymous (to you, not to me 😉) donor to the Write for Gaza project, who requested I finish this by the end of January. Well - I did it! And thank you so, so much - I can't tell you how much it means!
A Different Fate - Series Masterlist
Book: Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (past)
Featuring: Tobias Carrick, Sienna Trinh
Rating: Teen
Words: 3,700
Category: Short-Series/AU/Lost Love
Summary: Ethan's first attempt to talk to Casey didn't work out, but now, with Tobias & Sienna's help, will it finally work out? Or will they have to resign and accept their fate?
A/N: When I started this, it was supposed to be a one-off, and now, I'm finally done after 5 parts! It's funny how these things take on a life of their own. I know a few of you have been very anxious for this to post, and I thank you for your extraordinary patience. I hope you find it's worth it in the end! @choicesjanuary2024 Day 23 - Hope Ethan x Kaycee Masterlist | My Full Masterlist
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The bus jolted forward the moment the light turned green, jostling its passengers around like dolls—every passenger except for Sienna Trinh. Growing increasingly impatient with her “charge,” she sat firmly in place, arms crossed defiantly before her chest.  
“This is a stupid idea!” She said, slapping a startled Ethan’s arm across the bus aisle.
“Don’t oww, me!” She fired back. “You blew my advice off yesterday, and look how well that went. Maybe you should listen to me now.”
“I know,” Ethan droned. “But this is different.”
“Si, I have to agree with Ethan on this one,” Tobias said, his face twisting as he realized his words. “Shit! It hurt more than I expected to say that.”
“Thanks, pal.”
“Don’t mention it,” Tobias smirked. “Si, he can’t do this right now. He’d have to ambush her at work, and you see how well that went. We have a plan in place; it will be fine.”
“Normally, I’d agree with you, but I’m done tempting fate with these two. Something always goes wrong.”  
“Look, the bonehead has put it off eight years. It can wait another eight hours to ensure it’s done right.”
“You know,” Ethan interrupted, “it might be helpful if the two of you wouldn’t talk about me like I wasn’t here.”
Sienna turned to him, brow raised. “It would be great if you didn’t need the two of us here to make sure you don’t blow it!”
“She makes a point,” Tobias nodded, pleased with Ethan’s exasperation.
“Can we stick to the point?”
“The point is, you’ll speak to Kaycee tonight.”
“Yeah, after your date,” Ethan chuckled ruefully. “
“It’s not a date!” Tobias spat. “You know damn well I’m just going to the party with her to get that asshole Douglas off her back.”  
Ethan shot a half-doubtful look.
“Really?” Tobias said incredulously. “I’ve been rooting for you two since she left Boston, and this is how you treat me? Trust me, Ramsey, all Kaycee wants is you, and the last thing I’d ever want is to have you as a metamour.”
Sienna’s nose scrunched. “A meta-what?”
Tobias waved her off with a chuckle. “Trust me, Si, you’re better off not knowing. Now, stop worrying. I’ll take Kaycee to the party, give the creepy doctor a few death stares, and after a drink or two, I’ll mention you’re in town, play wingman, then you swoop in for the grand finale. We’ve got it under control.”
“Yeah,” Sienna rolled her eyes. “With you two at the wheel, what could possibly go wrong?”
“I’m coming!” Kaycee clumsily rushed across her apartment to answer the door, slipping into her silver heels along the way. She opened the door breathless but stunning nevertheless. “Hey,” she smiled.
A grin spread across Tobias’s face; he had forgotten how well Dr. MacClennan cleaned up. With her long blonde curls cascading over her shoulder, barely skimming the bodice of her strapless ice-blue gown, she looked more like someone who spent her day posing for Vogue than saving lives in scrubs.
“What do you think?” she grinned.
“What do I think? If this is how you look for a fake date, what the hell do you do on real ones? How many heart attacks have you been responsible for, MacClennan?” 
“Shit!” She said with a stomp of her foot. “I screwed up! I shouldn’t have brought you tonight!”
“Oh, why?”
“I should have invited Dr. Douglas himself! If I knew cardiac arrest would be the result, well, that would be one way to be rid of him.”
Tobias burst out laughing. “I forgot just how wicked you could be.”
Slipping an earring in, she winked. “I’d feel guilty about it ten minutes later. Not guilty enough to start CPR, but guilty all the same."
"Well, I'm happy to provide a less lethal way of getting rid of Dr. Jackass.”
She grabbed her clutch off the side table and looked at Tobias, casually leaning against the door.   She swore he hadn’t aged a day, still wearing that signature confident swagger as well as he wore his dark, tailor-made suit. She crossed her arms and shook her head disapprovingly.
“What?” He asked, checking his attire to see if something was wrong. “Do I not clean up as well as you?”
“Too well. If word gets out that I’m dating you, no one will ask me out again. They’d be afraid of the competition.”
He chuckled softly, visions of Ethan in his mind. “Well, let’s hope it won’t come to that.”
Stepping to Kaycee’s side, he offered his arm. “Shall we?”
“Let’s go!”
The party was exactly what one would expect to cap off the career of a renowned doctor from one of the top hospitals in the world. The rooftop ballroom’s floor-to-ceiling windows provided a panoramic view of the City’s famed skyline; fairy lights scattered throughout the room illuminated it with an ethereal glow. Warm notes from the piano wafted through the air, competing with the gentle hum of convivial chatter as tuxedoed waiters distributed flutes of  Dom Perignon. Tobias and Kaycee were on a mission and played the part of an enamored new couple so well that they earned envious stares, not only from Dr. Douglas but from several others as well. But as much fun as that was, Tobias couldn’t get his mind off his primary goal of the night: getting Ethan and Kaycee together. He looked at his watch. She only wanted to stay two hours, and they were about to hit that mark.
“Hey,” he whispered, “Wanna take a spin around the dancefloor before we blow this joint? Make this look legit?”
Wordlessly placing her empty champagne flute on a passing waiter's tray, she took Tobias’s hand and led him to the dancefloor. Ironically, finding the most privacy they’d had all night. 
“Dancing was a good idea,” she said. “Everyone knows I wouldn’t leave a party without dancing... and it’s not like you’re a stick in the mud that would refuse me.”
“Kacyee, it would be difficult for anyone to refuse you.”
“Yeah,” she smiled sadly, “You’d be surprised.”
“I don’t know about that. For Christ's sake, you used to get Ramsey to dance back in the day. I thought only an act of God could accomplish that!”
Kaycee’s body tensed, and her feet seemed to forget what they were supposed to do. As she stood still on the dance floor, Tobias looked her in the eye.
“I’m sorry, did I overstep?”
Kaycee shook her head and continued to dance. “It’s been so nice seeing you, but it takes me back, and sometimes, that can be hard, you know?”
“Yeah, I do. It takes me back, too, but is that such a bad thing? We had some good times.”
“Ha! It all depends,” she chuckled. “Do you have a time machine? Because I’d be happy to go back, but only if I could write a different fate.”   
“I can’t do that,” he sighed. “Not the time machine part, but... maybe I can help with the different fate.”
Her brow furrowed. “What?”
“Come on,” he said, taking her hand. “Follow me.”
Kaycee remained silent as they ran down the plushly carpeted hall. But, when they found an empty banquet room, she wanted answers.
“OK, we’re alone now. What’s going on?”
“I want to talk to you about Ethan.”
Kaycee shook her head, throwing her hands in the air in frustration.   
“We did that. We had that conversation at dinner the other night. We don’t need to do it again.”
“Did we have that conversation? Because as far as I remember, I didn’t tell you that he was here.”
“He’s what? He’s here... like in New York?”
“I’ll do one better,” he smiled. “He’s sitting at the bar in the lobby.”
Her eyes narrowed, and Tobias wasn’t sure if he saw shock or anger flickering in them.
“You told me he was in Boston. You said he refused to come with you!”
“He was. Or at least I thought he was. But when I got to my hotel that night, he was there.”
She crossed her arms smugly. “So he came to attend the conference. Right?”
“Nope. He didn’t come for the conference. He came here for you.”
“For me?” Her voice cracked. “He came here for me. Yet he’s been in town for two days and hasn’t reached out to me once.”
“Well... about that. He did. He stopped by Langone yesterday and sort of heard you tell Dr. Douglass that you had a thing... for me.”
Kaycee felt her stomach drop. “No!”
“No, no, no, no! He doesn’t really think I want you, does he?”
“Hey, don’t act so disgusted!” Tobias said defensively. “Believe it or not, most people would kill to get with this... but Ethan knows you’re not one of them. I can’t give you a time machine, but you can give yourself a second chance.”
She remained silent, her heart beating faster as she stared out the window into the night.
“Tobias, it’s taken me eight years to say his name without crying. To recall our time together and feel whistful, not just sad. I’m content with my life here, and if I open that door and it slams shut once again... I don’t know that I could take it.”
“Kaycee, you’re right. Eight years have passed, and a lot has changed. Like you – you’re not a young, wide-eyed resident anymore. You have a brilliant career that can only be attributed to one thing – and that’s you. No one could dare say you made it because you were involved with him. You love each other. Why keep denying it.”
“He loves me?” She asked. “He used those exact words.”
“Well, he didn’t actually say the words, but... why would he say them to me? Why don’t you give him a chance... to say them to you?”  
“But Tobias,” she said with a quiver in her voice. “What if... what if it doesn’t work?”
“But Kaycee... what if it does?”
Boston and Philadelphia had skyscrapers for sure, but neither city could hold a candle to New York, and right now, Kaycee couldn't be more grateful to the town she now called home. Sixty-eight floors, she thought, taking a tentative step into the elevator. Sixty-eight floors stood between her and the lobby, and she hoped they’d stop at each one.
Standing in the back corner, she relied on the walls to keep her upright as passengers piled in. She needed time. Time to think, to decide what she’d say, to breathe.... sixty-eight floors should have given her the time she needed to center and gain a semblance of composure. But it went by in an instant, and when the elevator doors began sliding over, all she could do was watch in horror.
Her head was spinning, and her mind was lost in a cloud of confusion. Ethan was waiting in the lobby... for her? It couldn’t be real. Tourists and locals alike chatted happily about their evening plans as they stepped out, a direct contrast to Kacyee, who stood frozen in fear. Only the elevator operator’s gruff voice brought her back to reality.
“Ma’am, are you getting out?”
She turned to him, then back to the door, and considered returning to the grand ballroom. But something inside her stirred. Tobias was right; she was no longer playing the part of the ingenue, filled with hope and naivete that were somehow both her greatest strength and weakness. No, she was a big girl now, and whatever happened when she walked through that door... she’d be able to handle it.  
“Ma’am," the man repeated with increased irritation. “Shall I close the doors?"
“Uhm. No," she said, standing upright and dusting off the front of her gown. “No. I’m getting off here.”
The world seemed to move in slow motion as she stepped into the lobby. If this were a movie, Ethan would be waiting across a crowded room, their eyes would meet in an instant, and the credits would roll as soon as they shared a perfect kiss, one that left no doubt that they were destined for happily ever after. But real life seldom ran so smoothly, as Kaycee was about to confirm. She looked all around, to the left and the right, but no sign of him. She walked the perimeter of the room, even just outside, and still... nothing. Tobias said Ethan would be at the bar, so she returned and hopped on a stool to wait and wait. She was patient at first, but five minutes passed, then ten. Her fingers began to rap against the rich mahogany countertop when it reached fifteen, and by twenty? By twenty, she had enough.
Standing up with a weary sigh, she chastised herself for opening that door even a crack. You should have learned by now, she thought as she headed toward the exit. She was almost outside when she saw Tobias coming off the elevator. She turned on her high heel and headed his way. Why lambast herself if she could lambast him? He didn’t see her coming and reacted with surprise when he felt the shove on his shoulder.
 “He’s here, huh? He’s waiting for me at the bar? Well, guess what? He didn’t show!”
“Kaycee,” Tobia started, but she wouldn’t allow him to speak.
“No! Don’t Kaycee me! This is precisely l why I didn’t want to get my hopes up! This is how it always ends with us... either he walks away, or he doesn’t show... and I swore I wouldn’t put myself in this position again!”
“Kayce, if you’d just let me....”
“NO! No, I don’t want to hear what you have to say because all that matters is that he’s not here! He’s not here, and....”
Her breath hitched when she felt a tap on her shoulder.
“Is that....” she whispered.
“You know,” Tobias smirked. “You might want to turn around.”
She turned around slowly, and just like that, life was imitating art. A feeling of warmth surrounded her the moment their eyes met. He may have aged a little, but she’d know him... she’d know those eyes... anywhere.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, handing her a single red rose. “I stepped out to buy this from a street vendor. I thought it would be a nice touch.”
With her heart racing, she lifted the flower to her nose and inhaled its fragrant scent.
“And that took twenty minutes?” she grinned, putting Ethan at ease.
“Well, I also needed to go to the men's room. It took more than one glass of Scotch to get up the nerve to offer you an apology that could make up for eight years.”
“Ethan,” she whispered, at a loss for words.
“Well, this is the shittiest rose ceremony I’ve ever seen, and I’ve had to suffer through many an episode of The Bachelor,” Tobias observed. He pat Ethan on the back. “Nice touch, a little cheesy, but not bad for you.”
“You can go now,” Ethan grumbled.
“I was planning on it,” Tobias nodded at Kaycee, then looked Ethan in the eye. “You two can take it from here. Don’t fuck this up.”
“Can we?” Kaycee asked once Tobias was gone. “Can we take it from here, or will one of us mess it up somehow?”
“Well, there’s only one way to find out,” he smiled. “Why don’t we go someplace and talk.”
She couldn’t remember leaving the hotel lobby or how they decided where they would walk. All she knew was they ended up strolling along Central Park West, a comfortable distance between them, as she chattered aimlessly about nothing at all. Anything to avoid an awkward silence or, worse yet, an awkward conversation. While Kaycee faced straight ahead, Ethan couldn’t keep his eyes off her. She was as beautiful as he remembered, perhaps even more so. He was afraid if he took his eyes away, she’d disappear, and he wouldn’t allow that. Then, even in the dim streetlights, he saw her starting to shiver, and without missing a beat, he removed his jacket and placed it over her shoulders, bringing her to a stop.
“I’m sorry,” he said, taking a half step back. “You looked cold.”
“Yes,” she smiled nervously. “It is... it is getting cold.” She motioned to a food truck on the edge of the street and smiled. “I’d suggest we get coffee to warm up, but I know that wouldn’t meet your standards.”
“Is that what you want?” He asked. “Go. Go sit on that bench, and I’ll get us some.”
“You’re going to drink coffee... from a food truck?”
Ethan shrugged, a smile tugging at his lips. “I have to start living a little sometime. Tonight sounds like the perfect time to start.”
He walked away, and Kaycee hollered after him. “Wait, you didn’t ask how I wanted my coffee."
He turned around with his hands in his pockets and utter confidence. “At this hour? Decaff. Definitely, decaff with a splash of milk, preferably almond, but if they don’t have that, plain milk will do. And Splenda, two Splenda... even though you know they’re not good for you.”
A slow smile spread across Kaycee’s lips. “You... remember.”
“Yes,” he nodded. “I remember everything.”
“Well, I take three Splenda now,” she winked, and he felt his heart flutter.
“Go sit,” he smiled, and she all but skipped away.
She watched his silhouette in the ethereal light, still attempting to convince herself this was real. But she had to believe it was true when she felt the steaming hot cup in her hand. She watched with anticipation as Ethan took a sip from his cup and couldn’t help but laugh when he tried to contain a grimace.  
“Oh, it’s funny,” he smiled. “Do you enjoy watching me suffer?”
“No,” she whispered, gently taking his hand and placing her coffee on the bench beside her. “No, I think we’ve both suffered plenty, and I don’t want either of us to suffer anymore.”  
The touch of her hand impacted him more than he could have imagined, and he found himself unable to speak. He turned to her with tears in his eyes, just managing to mutter her name before pulling her into a tight embrace. Kaycee buried her face in his shoulder, taking in the warm, familiar scent she used to know so well. One of Ethan’s hands was entangled in her curls, while his other arm pulled her as close as he possibly could. They stayed there a long while, silent and amazed at the reality – both had assumed if this day were ever to come, it would be filled with fireworks. An explosion of passion that couldn’t be felt miles away. But the reality was different. It was warm, safe, comforting, a loving embrace each had desired for so long – it wasn’t fireworks, it was coming home.  
“I can’t believe you’re here,” her voice cracked. “I can’t believe you’re in my arms.”
“I’m trying to believe it myself,” he said, pulling back to gaze into her crystal blue eyes. His hand cupped her chin, his thumb tenderly stroking her cheek. “You’re so beautiful. What kind of fool am I depriving myself of seeing this face for so long?”
Kayce reached up to take his hand, gently placing a kiss on it. “Then, shall we try to rectify that now?”
“We could. If that’s what you want.”
Kaycee sat back with a smile so gentle and warm Ethan didn’t need words to know her answer. She reached up and messed up his hair. “How did we screw us up so badly? I mean, I can blame it on being young and stupid, but you didn’t have that luxury.”
Laughing, he took her hand. “You may have been young, but you were never stupid. You knew so much more than me. I know there’s no fairy godmother that will show up with a magic wand, and I know we will still have things to work out. But the thing I know most of all is that I love you. I love you with all my heart, and I’ve wasted too many years without you by my side. I’m determined to put an end to that as soon as I can.”
“You love me,” she sighed. “Well, that’s good... because I love you. I love you so much.”
Ethan reached over and embraced her, letting out a joyful groan as he lifted them to their feet. She held on tight as he spun her around, stopping to gently put her back down. They stood face-to-face, a world of memories crossing their minds as they gazed into each other’s eyes. Time and distance had done nothing to them; their love remained the same. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers, lighting a flame that had flickered but never extinguished. It was more than a kiss. It was a promise, a silent vow that was a testament to their love, which had never, ever died.
“We can’t screw this up, Ethan,” she said as they broke away. “If we’re going to do this, I want this to be forever. I can’t lose you again.”
“Good!” He grinned brighter than she had ever seen. “Because I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Ethan offered his arm, which she gladly accepted, nuzzling her head into his shoulder as they started to walk.
“So, where are we going?” She asked.
“Well, I do have a hotel room nearby.”
Kaycee playfully nudged him. “A hotel room? Mister, I have a whole apartment, and it’s quite nice! You know, your girl did all right for herself!”
“Oh, I’ve kept tabs on you. I know you did.”
“Then let’s go!”
As they walked to her apartment, they passed the café Kaycee had dined in not too long ago, and she told Ethan the story of that night. How two estranged lovers had come together, and he professed his undying love. She relayed how she was trying to listen in on their conversation, but in the end, she didn’t need to since the young man yelled it out for all to hear. The crowd applauded, and she secretly paid their bill. It was straight out of a movie.
“I’m glad you got to see that,” Ethan smiled. “You always loved a happy ending.”
“Mmm-hmm,” she agreed. “And now, I’ve got one of my own.”
(Yep that last part was from Part 1. 😊)
Thanks so much for reading!
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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daytaker · 2 months
Tea Time
In which MC and Satan accidentally travel to a pocket dimension simulacrum of the underground labyrinth in the demon lord's castle.
Ship: None (MC & Satan, not MC/Satan) Word Count: 2.6k CW: Choking Set in the Nightbringer timeline.
You can find it on AO3 by clicking here.
(Author's note: Just as a heads-up, this is a very "early on in the game" version of Satan. He is mean. He is violent. He is mean and violent towards MC. I keep the tone light but I figured I should be a bit explicit about what you'll find below the cut.)
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Record scratch. Freeze frame. Perfect.
So...yep. That’s me. I’m the one on the left, running for my life through a torch-lit labyrinthine corridor, being chased by a three-headed devil dog. Now, it might be a cliche, but we’ve already done the record scratch bit, so I might as well go all out:
You’re probably wondering how I found myself in this situation.  
Well! Let me direct your attention to the other individual onscreen. On the right, has black horns, a fur mantle, and murderous intent written all over his face. This charming person is Satan. Yes, that Satan. But also, no, not really that Satan. For this story to make any sense, you’ll have to take my word for it that Satan is, in fact, a skinny blonde kid who looks like he's in his early twenties. 
Suspend your disbelief for me, please.
So what happened was this...
I spilled some tea on a book lying haphazardly on the floor of Satan’s room. It was an accident, of course, but try telling him that. I was bringing him tea in bed because he was griping in the group chat about his headache and I’m a very considerate attendant and friend, when suddenly the whole room shook.
Now, I never did figure out why that happened. Maybe Cerberus was acting up. Maybe someone ate Beel’s custard again. Maybe there was an earthquake! I don’t know if Hell has those, but it might be a possibility. The point is, the room shook, and I shook, and the teacup shook, and the tea inside the teacup shook, and it all poured out onto a book on the floor. I hardly noticed it, since the only drops that didn’t land on the book had scalded my hands, meaning I was a bit distracted, but Satan sure did. I don’t know if that headache of his had been exaggerated or if he was so angry that he didn’t care about the pain, but before I even found a place to put down the teacup and tend to my burns, he was out of bed and in my face.
It was scary. I’ll admit it. Satan scared me. Back in my own time, I’d always had the hardest time feeling like I was “getting to” him out of all the brothers. Even Lucifer had clear enough motives and something resembling a moral code that I felt like I could follow. But Satan was different. Always different. He put me on edge with his cynicism and short temper, and he carried himself with a haughtiness that devolved into irritation whenever he felt someone was doing something stupid.
Still, we’d gotten to a point where things were at least friendly between us, and I sometimes got the feeling that he was trying to play-act the sort of easy friendship I’d formed with Mammon and Levi and the rest. But it never felt…authentic. I appreciated the gestures–book recommendations, shopping trips, things like that. But he was never really comfortable, so I was never really comfortable. I guess, more than anything, I felt sorry for him. 
…It makes me feel like an asshole to admit that to myself.
That’s Satan from my time, though. This Satan… Where do I even begin? Trying to explain would be tedious, so I’ll just continue with the story and let you figure it out yourself. To recap, this was the situation: I’d spilled tea on his book, but the expression on his face made me feel like I’d been caught killing a kitten. Horror. Disgust. Disbelief. But most of all, rage.
His hands were on my throat before I could get a word out. So we’re back to where I was before this little tangent, when I said: Satan scared me. I was scared. Part of me knew that this wasn’t actually going to be how I died. I’ve been assaulted and almost killed by demons too many times to count. Maybe I should have been used to it by now. But the panic that set in when I couldn’t get air to my lungs, and when I looked into his green eyes, clouded over with fury, and when I felt his hot breath on my face, like I was staring down a raging bull–
You don’t get used to that.
My eyes were watering and my chest was burning and I was clawing at his hands, and as darkness swept over us, I thought that maybe I really was going to die like this.
But then, the hands were gone, and I fell onto my knees, sputtering and wheezing as my pulse thundered in my ears. It was only after a few seconds of steady breathing that I realized my hands were touching a cold stone floor. Wiping my eyes, I looked up. I was in a dark hallway lit with only torches, with divergent pathways splitting off in a variety of directions. It was musty, and damp, and my skin felt clammy, but there wasn’t anything new about this place. Not for me, at least.
“What happened?” Satan’s alarm seemed to have overridden his anger for now. He looked up and down the hallway, peeking down a few of the off-branches, before turning to me again. “What did you do?”
I made a weak attempt at answering, but the instant I inhaled to speak, my throat stopped working, and I burst into a frenzy of dry coughs, gripping my burning chest and neck.
Satan tsked and turned away from me uncomfortably, looking the hallway up and down again. Something seemed to catch his eye at the same time that I caught my breath.
“I don’t… know what happened, but…” I wheezed, and Satan cast me a sharp glare over his shoulder. “I know where we are. This… is the labyrinth… under the Demon Lord’s castle.”
There followed a fresh fit of coughing, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t playing it up somewhat at this point. I wanted him to feel bad. I wanted to see some flicker of guilt on his face. The Satan that I knew was at least capable of that.
“Would you stop that?” was all this one said to me. “I have a headache. And I know where we are. I lived here for a year, or did you forget?” He reached down and picked something up from the shadows by the wall. It was the tea-stained book. He turned and held it out for me to see, silently gloating in this evidence that, whatever had happened, the tea fiasco was related, so this whole thing was really my fault.
Satisfied by my silence, he approached the nearest torch and held the book up to the light. "Mysteries of the Demon King's Castle," he read off the cover. "Now equipped with easy-to-use pocket dimensions, giving you a fully immersive experience– dammit !”
He stopped reading and hurled the book down the hallway, out of sight.
“...I didn’t realize pocket dimensions were unlocked with tea,” I muttered sullenly. “Why did you leave a book with transdimensional charms on it lying on the floor?”
I thought it was a sober, reasonable question, but based on what I could see of Satan’s face, he disagreed. As he turned on me, he suddenly seemed taller than I remembered, so much so that he blocked out the torchlight. “Are you saying this is my fault?”
I couldn’t see what kind of face he was making in the dark, and I was glad about that as I backpedaled somewhat. “I’m… I’m just saying there’s fault to go ‘round!”
That didn’t seem to do much to quell his mounting annoyance. I wasn’t entirely sure what he was angry about at this point. The spilled tea? The wet book? The pocket dimension? The suggestion that he might be partially responsible for our current predicament? All I knew was that there was a dark energy stirring around him. It wasn’t out of control yet, but I took note and stepped back.
“...This is stupid,” he finally mumbled. That illusion that he was taller than before had ended, and he was the same stature as always as he walked in the direction he’d tossed the book. “I’ll get us out.”
I stayed where I was, rubbing my sore neck, and stared into the darkness after him. The sound of footsteps slowed. Everything was silent.
Then the sound of footsteps picked up again. Rapidly. Satan was running back in my direction, and chasing him was–
“Cerberus?!” I was running before I had time to think I should be running. “What’s he doing here?!”
“Shut up!” Satan said rather unhelpfully. Then he made a sudden turn, and I nearly tripped over my feet skidding to a stop and running after him. I made a grab for his hand, just to have something to keep us from being separated in the dark, but he hissed like the touch burned him and pulled it free again. 
Now, I was starting to feel pretty angry too.
“Why are we running?” I snapped between pants. “Isn’t that your dog?”
“Lucifer’s,” was his terse reply. “Stop following me. If we split up, at least one of us will live.”
“Are you being serious?” I struggled to keep up my pace while giving him a look of appropriately scathing incredulity.
Satan didn’t appreciate my expression, because he refused to look at me. He kept running, eyes trained forward, gritting his teeth. “I don’t know! I need a minute to think! So shut up!”
Fed up with him, I picked up my pace with the last of my flagging strength and shoved him bodily into a crevice. He was so shocked that for a few seconds, while he was reattaching his jaw to his skull, I was able to take his own advice and assess the situation clearly. No running like a lunatic. No accusatory jabs. Just me and my thoughts… And that was all I needed.
It was incredibly simple. Cerberus was here because Cerberus wasn't really here. This pocket dimension was designed for the book it came with, so it goes to figure that the creatures living in it were little more than illusions.
“How dare you–?”
Satan had recovered his senses and looked ready to lunge at me, so I sidestepped out of the crevice and into the path of the other beast.
“Wind and fire, heed your master’s call!” I shouted. The wind began to whip fiercely around me as the torches blazed. I never got tired of this. It was badass every time. But I didn’t have time to appreciate the theatrics. Cerberus had just rounded a corner and was loping towards me, all three jaws snapping. “Vile illusion! I cast you back into the darkness!”
The wind blew so violently that I could barely keep my balance, and from the sound of a thud and a hissed “damn!” behind me, it seemed like the wind was even less considerate of Satan. But in front of me, the gale seemed to blow the image of Cerberus away. The wind rushed, the torchlight blazed, and in seconds, the creature had vanished completely.
The air settled down and the torches dimmed to their usual brightness. In the absence of the howling wind, every sound was intensified. My heavy breathing. Satan’s heavy breathing. His voice behind me when he rasped, “What…?”
“It wasn’t real,” I answered breathlessly. “Just… an illusion.”
“What…did you do?”
I turned around to face him, only to find him on his knees, fists clenched on his thighs. I wilted somewhat. I hadn’t meant to draw power from him, but he was right there, and the illusion had been so intense…! 
“I…guess I had to borrow some of your power to banish the illusion. It- It wasn’t intentional…” I started to stammer out the best excuse I could pull from my ass, but then he looked up at me. His eyes flashed dangerously, his teeth were bared, and the sound he made was more like a snarl than a voice.
“This is my body! You can’t use it! You can’t, you can’t, you can’t! I’ll kill you!”
As enraged as he was, he was too weak to do much about the situation. I mumbled an apology, taking a step back. Satan kept muttering curses under his breath, head bowed, and before long, I’d pushed his words out of my mind. It wasn’t like this was the first time one of the brothers threatened to kill me, and it wouldn’t be the last.
Fatigued from my own burst of mana output, I shut my eyes, slid down the wall, and sat on the floor, running a hand through my hair as I exhaled. We would be fine now, I reassured myself. Satan would blow off his anger, and we’d figure out some way out of here. Leaving a pocket dimension should be relatively simple. Even if that failed, at the very least, Lucifer or Solomon would figure out how to rescue us. Right… All we had to do was…
I didn’t remember falling asleep, but then again, who does? When I woke up a short time later, stiff and sore against the stone wall, I was alone in the hallway.
My voice echoed in the stone passage, and I reflexively shuddered. How many creepy things have chased me down these halls? Sure, this one wasn’t the real thing, but… what else besides Cerberus might be waiting in the wings?
It took some courage for me to shout louder. “Satan!”
I groaned. Loudly, too, just in case he could hear it. That bastard. My head reeled as I forced myself back to my feet. There was no way he would have just walked off into this maze without me, was there?
…Was there?
A nervous knot was growing in my stomach. “Satan, if you can hear me, you’d better say something!”
The voice came from directly behind me, and I shrieked. It was an ugly shriek, and it was loud, and when I turned around indignantly, I saw Satan. That asshole. He stood watching me with an irritating expression of self-satisfaction, and in his hand, he held the damn book that started all of this in the first place.
“So you’ve decided not to kill me?”
It was a stupid thing to say, and I knew it wouldn’t do anything besides annoy him, but I was embarrassed and I wanted to wipe the smug smirk off his stupid face.
It worked.
“Don’t you ever get tired of asking such irritating questions?” he snapped. “I was going to tell you I’ve found a simple way to get out of this nightmare.” He started thumbing through the pages, which smelled strongly of green tea.
One haphazardly sketched pentagram later, we were both standing in Satan’s room. A quick glance at my D.D.D. confirmed no time had passed during our little excursion to the illusory labyrinth. Thoroughly drained, I sighed and plopped down onto the floor with a bump. Three precariously stacked books proceeded to fall and hit me on the head, one after the other, like this was some sort of Looney Tunes skit.
“Careful!” chided Satan, steadying the stack. “You’ll start an avalanche, and I don’t have the patience to deal with that today! I have a headache.”
As I stood up, he flopped down on his bed, his back facing me. I stared at him for a few long seconds, then sighed. I could no longer repress a smirk.
“Want me to get you some tea?”
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This was something I wrote while I was developing Let's All Be Shadows. It's a little sillier tonally. While I'm finishing Chapter 19, I figured I'd post this here, since I realized I hadn't done that yet.
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peonierose · 4 months
Losing Game
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Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Bryce Lahela (M!MC) x Luna Auclair (F!OC)
Rating: Mature / Angst 
TW: Mental Health
Words: 1,000+
Summary: Bryce comes back from visiting his father in prison. Though he didn’t tell Luna. Will things work out between them? Or will they drift further apart?
A/N: If you haven’t read the first part you can catch up on Part 1 here
Sidenote: If you want to listen to some music, I got you I created a list on Spotify for all four parts. Here’s the list for Part 2 🥰
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I parked the car in the garage and shut off the engine. I got out and felt the night air surrounding me.
It’s so much quieter now that the engine is off. Only the sound of the ocean and cicadas can be heard.
When I walked out I could hear Luna in the kitchen singing along to a song on the radio. It’s from the eighties I think.
When she heard me come in, her whole face transformed into a beautiful smile. Her blue-green eyes lit up like the stars. I hate that those starlit eyes will go out.
”Hey handsome I’ve missed you,“ Luna walked towards me and leaned against my chest smiling at me.
I smiled but it didn’t reach my eyes.
Her smile dimmed and she looked at me. She scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion.
But I just needed a minute to settle down. I opened the cabinet where we kept the strong stuff.
I opened a bottle of scotch. A gift from Ethan and Hayley. Who knew this is exactly what I need right now? And pour myself a drink.
I knocked it back like it was water and poured another round.
”B what’s wrong? You’re scaring me a little,“ she pulled her pink sweater closer around herself.
”I went to see my dad,“ I took a sip of my second glass of scotch.
There’s pain and confusion in her eyes. I hate seeing it there. She straightened her shoulders and looked me square in the eyes.
”What? Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve gone with you!“ She said, coming closer. She put the glass out of my hands and placed it on the kitchen table.
”This is something I needed to do on my own. I just didn’t want anyone to come with me, since I didn’t even know if I’d have the guts to go inside,“ I admitted.
”B no one and I repeat no one would have judged you,“ her voice getting soft.
I sighed in frustration.
”Don’t you get it? I wanted to go alone…I…“ I ran out of words and shoved my hands through my hair.
I’d rather throw my glass against the wall, to see it shatter, like my heart is shattering right now. I sighed and leaned against the kitchen counter.
Luna sat down in one of the kitchen chairs. Her hands were placed over her stomach.
And I felt like even more of an asshole. I didn’t want to add any kind of stress to her. But damn it if my emotions aren’t a raging tornado inside my chest.
”I didn’t mean to keep it a secret. I needed answers. Peace. Solace. Closure. I needed something,“ I said and I could tell Lunes was mad and disappointed in me. Her eyes display everything.
”I’m just sad you didn’t tell me, Bryce. I’d be the last person to judge you. I love you. We’re getting married. We’re having twins for god's sake. I feel like you excluded me and that hurts,“ she breathed hard and I could see her pulse kick up.
The vein at her neck throbbed. Meilani is already worried about Lunes' pregnancy and wants her to be more careful and avoid any stressful situations.
I let out a breath I was holding in and sat next to her.
”I didn’t mean to hurt you. But I know how much you’d want my parents at our wedding and in our children’s lives. I tried getting some closure for myself. I wanted to get a feel for what they’re like now! I didn’t want you to get the wrong idea about them. Like some fairy tale,“ I said it and instantly regretted it.
She snorted.
”Look if you don’t want them in our lives, okay fine. But don’t treat me like an idiot. I might be blonde but I’m not stupid. I can form my own opinion. Thank you very much. You’ve kept it pretty close to what your parents have done, and that’s your right. But sometimes it feels like I don’t know you or at least not everything. Sometimes it feels like I’m on the outside looking in,“ her voice getting smaller by the second.
I wish she’d scream at me or throw things. This quietness is almost unbearable. It’s killing me. It’s different. Seeing her this quiet isn’t something I’m used to seeing.
I want to reach out my hand and touch her, but I let my hand fall to the side. I don’t think she’d welcome my touch right now.
I breathe out just to have something to do.
This is our first real fight. And so close to the wedding too.
God, what a mess I created. I reached for the glass with the drink.
And take a sip. Feeling the alcohol burn down my throat. Exactly what I needed.
”Lunes…“ I started.
She stopped me.
”Don‘t. I get that this is very personal and it’s painful to talk about. But you could’ve told me. I would’ve respected it if you said you’d want to go alone. But not saying anything? And then just drop that bomb on me? Not fucking cool Bryce!“
I sigh and put my head in my hands. She’s saying my full name instead of B. Which tells me she’s pissed and she has every right to be.
It will take some time for Luna to forgive me and get over the fact that I lied.
”I don’t even know why we’re fighting about this,“ I said and she didn't say anything to that.
”We’re fighting because we don’t keep secrets from each other Bryce. Yes, our relationship isn’t perfect. But you’re usually not a liar Bryce.“
I flinched as if she slapped me and didn't respond to her. We’re both raw from the words we exchanged. Feeling every single quiet and soft whisper, and it’s like a blow to my body.
She sighs.
”I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that. I’m mad and sad…pregnancy hormones suck.“
We both smile at each other, but then we get serious again. We both look away. The distance between us grew by the second.
Luna fumbled with her hair and I stared off into space not sure what to say.
A lump formed in my throat again, making it difficult to swallow past it.
”I get it. It was an asshole move. But I didn’t know what to do,“ I say, my voice almost breaking at that.
Luna's face crumbled at the pain in my voice.
”Oh B,“ she murmured and I leaned on her shoulder and cried again.
She held me tight until I leaned my forehead onto her shoulder.
”Your sweater is all wet,“ my voice gruff as I wiped away some tears.
She waved me off.
”I don’t give a rat's ass about my sweater. What I do care about is you,“ she cupped my face into her hands and gave me a gentle kiss. One full of emotions. What she couldn’t say with words, she conveyed with her kiss.
When we broke apart I could see that some traces of pain were left in her beautiful blue-green eyes.
Reminding me that I was the one who put that pain there. I hung my head in shame.
”I didn’t mean to blindside you like that Lu,“ I whisper.
She sighed against me.
”I know. It hurt me and I guess…I’ll need some time to get over it. I can understand why you did it, but I’m hurt you didn’t tell me,“ she said.
I looked up at her.
”What now?“ I asked her. Completely baffled. I have no idea what to say to that.
She shrugged, distancing herself from me. Not just physically but emotionally as well, which hurt more than if she flung any objects or words at me.
I’ve never felt more apart from her than now. As if I tried to grasp her hand and it slipped out of reach.
Luna rubbed her head.
”I don’t know B. Maybe we should just go to sleep?“ She asked hesitantly as if not sure where we stood.
I nodded. Nothing is resolved. But I couldn’t be alone. Not tonight.
As much as I craved space from everyone and anyone, I’m still selfish because I wanted her next to me.
To feel her soft skin beneath my palms. To caress her body.
We walked upstairs. The whole room was tense. We silently got into our sleep attire.
Lunes put one of my Stanford t-shirts on, the ones she used as a sleep shirt, as I got in some sleep shorts resting low on my hips.
Sliding the comforter aside we got into bed. The ceiling fan was on full blast.
Even though we’re still unsure of the whole situation. One thing is for sure. Our love is still strong and it won’t die.
Later in the night, I woke up to find Luna snuggled into my side. Clutching my hand close to her cheek.
I smiled down at her. Trying to extract my hand to envelop her in my arms. She stirred slightly and saw how she was clutching my hand close to her.
”Sorry I…“ she tried to scoot away.
But I don‘t let her.
”Lunes. No matter what happens my love for you is never in doubt,“ I pulled her closer.
I felt her nod more than I could see it.
We held hands and fell asleep. We still have ways to go, but I know we’ll be alright.
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PLEASE READ: idk if I was just half asleep or if I hit some sort of character limit, a chunk of the story is missing and it won’t let me add it. Please read the version I reblogged with the rest of the story. Sorry 😩
So @hogwartslegacyreactions had a hilarious idea about various characters seeing their future with MC in a crystal ball. I loved the idea and (with permission) wrote a oneshot about Leander Prewett (he’s the least likeable to me)
It’s late, I’m tired, I didn’t proof read, I’m gonna hope it’s fine
Leander Prewett sat in a worn, yet comfortable arm chair. He was holding a small red haired girl, and another ran up and crawled into his lap, shoving a storybook into his hands.
Two hands rested on his shoulders, then someone kissed the top of his head. He looked up and saw…
“You don’t have to shout, I’m sitting across from you!” The grumpy slytherin girl glared.
Leander stared at her in shock. With white blonde hair and cold blue eyes, she had the look (and disposition) of an ice Queen.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer. Are you done yet?”
“Uh. I don’t think that was right, let me try again.” He focused on the crystal ball once more.
He saw himself standing at an altar, a tear running down his cheek as he looked at his bride approaching. And that bride was Elle.
“I think it’s broken.” Leander shoved the ball towards her.
“It can’t be broken, dumbass! Let me try.” He watched her as she focused on the crystal ball, curious to see if she got a similar vision. Based on the way her eyebrows shot up and her jaw dropped open, he was guessing she did.
Elle shoved the ball back towards him. “Perhaps you’re right, this one isn’t working properly.”
“You saw it too, didn’t you?” He asked.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” She barked.
“I think you do.”
“No! Just write something down so we can turn our assignment in.”
“Divination is stupid anyway.” She snatched the paper from his hands and gave it to Professor Onai before storming out of the classroom.
Leander looked up and saw Professor Onai giving him a knowing smile. His cheeks turned pink and he quickly gathered his belongings and headed out the door.
“You’re shitting me!” Garreth gasped.
“No, I’m not. I’m guessing she saw the same thing the way she reacted.”
“Is that why she’s looking at you now?”
Leander looked towards the Slytherin table. “Yes, but I don’t think it’s an expression of love, more like hatred and violence.”
“Maybe you should try to get to know her! Imelda and I are very happy. Opposites attract, and all that.”
“I don’t think she’d agree to that, I’m pretty sure she hates my guts.”
“Then perhaps you should pick on Sallow and Gaunt less.”
“I don’t know. I don’t see us ever tolerating each other.”
“I guess we‘ll find out eventually!”
“No fucking way!” Sebastian gasped.
“And I know that smug bastard saw it too. He was trying to get me to admit it.”
“Personally, I don’t hold much stock in divination and crystal balls.” Ominis said, eating a sandwich.
“Maybe if you could see one you’d feel differently.” Sebastian smirked.
“Asshole.” Ominis grumbled.
“So what are you going to do about it?”
“What do you mean?” Elle frowned.
“I mean are you going to try to get to know him, or spend time with him?”
“Ew.” Elle wrinkled her nose.
“Come on, it could be worse! You could’ve married Ominis!”
“I don’t know why I put up with your abuse.” He glared.
“Because you loooove me.” Sebastian snickered.
“I’d rather marry Ominis. You know what? Ominis, will you marry me? Change the course of the future?” Elle clasped his hand and batted her eyelashes.
“As flattered as I am to be your plan B, I’ll have to pass.”
“What?! You’d be lucky to marry me.” Elle playfully shoved him.
“I mean no offense, I just don’t intend to marry anyone and drag them into the fuckery that is the Gaunt family.”
“You know what? I’ll take the bullet. I’ll marry you, Elle.” Sebastian grinned.
“I think I’d rather marry Prewett.”
Elle was studying in the library when a shadow covered her book.
“Mind if I join you?” Leander asked.
Prewett sat down and she huffed. “That wasn’t an invitation to sit down!”
“I think we need to talk about what we saw.”
“And I think you should fuck off.”
“Could you try being less aggressive for once?”
Elle loudly shut her book, causing nearby students to jump. “What do you want from me?”
“I told you, I want to talk about it.”
“About what, exactly?” She crossed her arms and glared.
“About our marriage and our children!” Prewett said a bit too loudly, making everyone turn and look at him.
“Would you shut up about that?! Divination Is stupid.”
“But we both saw the same thing! That has to mean something!”
“You want to talk about it? Fine, we’ll talk about it. We’ll talk about our adorable red-headed children and our cottage by the ocean and our dog!”
“Oh, I’d like a cottage by the ocean, that sounds lovely.”
“Look, I’m just saying we both saw it, and it wouldn’t hurt us to try to be friendly to one another. Well, perhaps friendly is pushing it. I’d take anything besides hatred at this point.”
“Oh my god can we just drop it?! Because sitting here with you having this conversation is not winning you any points with me.”
“Fine, be difficult. At least I’ve made an effort!” Prewett got up and left in a huff. Thirty seconds passed before Garreth took his place,
“Don’t waste your time, Garreth.” She said without looking up.
“Hello to you too! You have no idea why I sat down. Maybe I have questions about our homework for muggle studies, or I need ideas for a date with Imelda, or perhaps I just enjoy your sunshiney company!”
“Is it any of those things?” Elle smirked at him.
“No, but I wanted to seem mysterious.”
“I have no desire to spend time with Prewett.”
“He’s not a bad guy!”
“Then why did he threaten to shove Ominis’ head in a toilet?!”
“To be fair, Ominis started it.”
“He hates Slytherins. I am one, in case you haven’t noticed.”
“Look, Elle, Prewett’s really rattled about what he saw. He’s trying to understand it and wants to at least get to know you a bit.”
“Yes, but I don’t!” Elle said, full of frustration.
“Don’t make me do it.” Garreth said with a sly smile.
“Do what?”
“Oh you know EXACTLY what I’m referring to.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Fine, allow me to remind you. I took the fall for you in potions class when you nearly blew up half the classroom. I’m officially cashing in my favor.”
“Come on, anything else! I’ll let you copy my homework!”
“Nope. One date with Prewett.”
“Absolutely not! You didn’t say anything about a date!”
“May I remind you that I got detention for a month?”
“Ugh!” Elle put her head down on the desk.
“He’ll pick you up at seven! Wear something nice!” Garreth grinned at her as he left.
“She agreed?!” Prewett was dumbfounded.
“Sort of.”
“What does that mean, sort of?”
“She owed me a big favor and I cashed in.”
“I don’t know, Garreth. It’s pointless if she doesn’t really want to be there.”
“Mate, if you’re waiting for a day where she’s going to willingly agree, it’s not happening. Go on the date.”
“Um, you’re welcome, by the way! I told her you’ll pick her up at 7, wear something nice!”
“There!” Imelda put the last pin in her hair.
“Thank you, Imelda.”
“Just so you know, I’m on your side with this. Prewett can be an ass.”
“Yes, well your boyfriend cashed in on the favor I owed him for this so I’m going to try to get through it with an open mind.”
“Alright, here are the shoes. Try not to break your neck.”
She took the nude colored spikey heeled shoes from Imelda with a raised eyebrow.”Are these shoes, or a weapon?”
“Garreth is a lot taller than me. Prewett is tall too, so they’ll give you a boost.”
“Are you sure about this dress?” Elle looked at herself in the mirror self-consciously. The dress was royal blue with a flared skater skirt, much shorter than anything she owned.
“Yes, you look stunning!”
“Thanks for your help, Mel.”
“Of course! Let me text Garreth and see if Prewett is here yet.”
“Holy shit.” Sebastian whispered to Ominis as they approached the Slytherin common room.
“It’s Prewett! He’s here with a bouquet of roses! Poor sod.”
“Oh dear. I don’t see this ending well. Perhaps we should just go to the undercroft.”
“And miss this, are you kidding?!” Sebastian gaped. “I just wish I had popcorn.”
“He’s here. Are you ready?” Imelda asked Elle.
“I suppose.” She and Imelda went downstairs and she opened the common room door. She was surprised to find Prewett standing there with a bouquet of roses. “Oh fuck.”
“I’m sorry?” Prewett raised his eyebrows.
“Sorry, I just…wasn’t expecting…thank you, they’re lovely.” She blushed a deep shade of crimson and took the flowers.
“I’ll put them in some water in our room.” Imelda said with a grin.
“Thanks, Mel.”
“Are you ready?” Prewett asked, looking as nervous as she felt.
“Sure, I guess.”
“Have her back by midnight!” Imelda said gleefully before slamming the door.
“Um, you look lovely, Elle.” Leander said quietly.
“You don’t have to say that.” She blushed.
“Why? I meant it. You look very nice.”
“Oh! Um, thanks.” She felt even more nervous.
“Shall we?” He extended his elbow and she looked at him like he was crazy. She hesitantly took it, surprised at the firm muscles in his arms.
“So where are we going?” Elle asked as they began walking.
“I thought maybe we could grab some dinner, there are a couple of nice restaurants in Hogsmeade.”
“Alright.” Why was she so nervous?
Prewett froze and exhaled before turning to face her. “Look, I’m just going to come out and say it, I’m super nervous since we’ve never really spent any time together and you hate me and Garreth sort of made you come.”
“I don’t hate you.” She replied.
“I dislike you, but I wouldn’t call it hate.” She grinned at him.
“I suppose that’s better than hatred.” He smiled in return.
“And technically I could’ve told Garreth no. He couldn’t force me to do it. Also, there are much worse things for him to have cashed his favor in on.”
“What exactly did he do to collect such a big favor from you?”
“Oh, I nearly blew up the potions classroom. I wasn’t paying attention and grabbed the wrong ingredient. He took the fall for me.”
“Wow, he was already in enough trouble with professor Sharp.”
“I know, but he leaned over and whispered ‘I’ve got this, I won’t get in nearly as much trouble as you.”
“I’m pretty sure Garreth could blow up the school and get away with it.”
They stopped as they saw Ominis and Sebastian. “Oh, hi guys.” Elle said nervously.
“Elle. Don’t tell me you’re seriously going out with this jackass.” Sebastian said, looking at her like she was crazy.
“Don’t start, Sallow.” Prewett glared.
“Can’t you just go out with one of the girls from your fan group?”
“Hello, Ominis.” Elle said, quietly squeezing his hand while the other two boys bickered.
“Hello, Elle. You smell lovely.”
“Thanks, it’s something that Imelda sprayed in my hair.”
“-oh SCREW YOU, Prewett!”
“I’d better intervene.”
“Do try to have a good time.” Ominis smiled.
“HEY! JACKASSES!” They both stopped and looked at her. “Sebastian, stop acting like an asshole. Prewett, stop letting him rile you up. Let’s go before my feet begin bleeding from these death traps masquerading as shoes!”
“Fine. But I’ll be waiting up for you.” Sebastian glared.
“You really don’t have to, I don’t think Prewett intends to murder me, and also we both know I could take him down in a heartbeat.”
“Hey!” Prewett protested.
“Let’s goooo.” Elle practically dragged him along.
“You couldn’t take me down in a heartbeat, I think-AUGH!” Prewett’s legs were swept out from under him.
Elle extended her hand to him. “What were you saying?”
“That was a cheap shot!”
“Ok, fine, you’re prepared now. Go on, attack me.”
“I don’t want to attack you, we’re supposed to be going on a bloody date!”
“Ugh, fine.”
They walked in silence until they got out of the castle. They began walking the path to Hogsmeade since it wasnt too far, and a nice evening. There was a group of Gryffindor girls who giggled and whispered as they passed. Elle stuck her middle finger up at them.
“You just make friends wherever you go, don’t you?” Prewett said sarcastically.
“I stand up for myself. Unlike you, I don’t have a legion of fans. Quite the opposite. I can’t blame them, knowing my family, but still, I won’t let them push me around.”
“Why does that matter, your family?”
“Don’t pretend like you don’t know.”
“I don’t, actually. To be honest, I’m not sure I even know your last name.”
Elle gaped at him. “We’ve been in school together for seven years! How self-absorbed are you?!”
“Well I don’t know EVERYONE’S last names!”
“Selwyn. Elle Selwyn.”
“Oh. OH!” Prewett’s eyes widened. “Um, yes, I’m familiar with your family.”
“Wonderful.” She said sarcastically as she stomped ahead of him.
“My family would kill me if they knew I was going out with a Selwyn girl.”
She whipped around to face him. “That! That is the exact reason I’m treated differently! And why Ominis is treated differently! Because people like you hear our last names and assume the worst! You know what, forget it.” Other people on the path to Hogsmeade were giving them strange looks and making a wider path.
She pushed past him and headed back towards the castle. “Elle, wait!”
“No. I have no interest in getting to know someone who has already made a thousand assumptions about me.”
“Don’t act so self-righteous! You’ve made assumptions about me too!”
She turned around with a venomous glare. “Have I been incorrect? Did you not immediately feel differently towards me? Perhaps a bit nervous for people to see you with me? Leander Prewett, the golden boy and Elle Selwyn, the venomous snake!” She turned around and began leaving again.
“My god, would you stop yelling and being angry with me for five minutes?!”
“Excuse me, did I hear you say you were Elle Selwyn?” An older woman asked.
“What’s it to you?!” She snapped.
The old woman gave her a wicked smile. “A Selwyn girl would fetch me a pretty penny.”
Elle’s eyes widened and just as Prewett shouted at her to look out, he was struck over the head and knocked out.
Prewett bolted upright with a gasp. “Elle!” He began frantically looking around and realized his arms were bound at the wrist. “ELLE!”
“Quit your screaming, she’s fine.” The old woman glared at him. “So you’re a Prewett boy? Not worth quite as much, but I imagine your family would like to keep you alive.”
He finally saw Elle’s small form in the corner of the cell they were in. It was fairly dark but he could see the rise and fall of her chest. “Fuck! Elle!” He tried his best to make his way over to her, but with arms and feet bound, it was difficult.
“What did you do to her? What the fuck did you do?!” He was trying not to panic, but they were both bound and wandless.
“She’s fine, but you won’t be if you don’t shut your mouth!” The woman stormed out and he heard a door slam, leaving them in almost total darkness.
“Oh my god. Oh my god! FUCK!”
“I thought Gryffindors were supposed to be brave?” Elle mumbled.
“ELLE!” He crawled over by her as she slowly sat up.
“God, Prewett, my head is pounding, would you stop screaming?!” It was then that he noticed she had a head injury too.
“Are you alright?”
“Bloody fantastic!”
“Can you get my shoe?”
“What?” He blinked at her.
“My shoe! Can you get it?”
“You’re worried about the shoes? I’ll buy Imelda new ones.”
He scrambled over to her and used his hands to the best of his ability to get her shoe off. “This isn’t easy, you know!” He got her shoe and awkwardly handed it to her as best he could.
“Come here, as close as possible.”
“I don’t think now is the time to-” He looked at her furious expression and silently scooted over.
“Luckily Imelda seems to like shoes that double as weaponry. Pull your wrists apart the best you can, it’ll cause the rope to stretch.” She attempted to use the heel of the shoe to cut through the rope to no avail. “Fuck. Ok, I have another plan, but you won’t like it.”
“What is it?”
“I’m fairly certain I can cast a wandless severing charm, but you might get cut.”
“Since our other option is to be stuck here, I suppose it’s worth a shot. Just…try not to cut me.”
“Right. Ok. Hold still.” She took a deep breath. “Diffindo.”
Prewett let out a small yelp, but his hands were free. “I think you cut my arm.”
“Sorry, now undo the ropes on my hands.”
He scooted behind her and undid the ropes as best he could with his trembling hands. Once her hands were free, she started on the ropes at her feet.
“Hey Elle?”
“What?” She looked up and he was staring at her. “What?” She repeated herself.
Leander pulled her face to his and kissed her, which was a lovely moment until she slapped him upside the head. “Not now!”
“So later, maybe?” He smiled.
“We’ll see how it goes. Untie your feet.”
He got the ropes off his feet and looked to her for direction. “Now what?”
“Try to locate our wands.”
Prewett got up and walked to the bars of the cell. “I think they’re on that table. Any chance you know a wandless summoning charm?”
“I can try.” She walked up beside him. “Accio!” Nothing happened at first and she swore. She took a deep breath and tried again. “Accio!” This time her wand rolled off the edge of the table to the floor. “Ugh!”
“Where did you learn wandless magic?” Prewett asked.
“There’s a book in the restricted section. Accio!” It rolled closer.
“You’ve been in the restricted section?!”
“You haven’t?” She asked.
“No, it’s restricted! It’s in the name!”
“So is the forbidden forest, but I go there all the time. ACCIO!” Her wand rolled forward enough for her to pick it up. “YES!” She let out an excited giggle before summoning Leander’s wand.
“Alright, I don’t know how many people are out there or what to expect, so stay behind me.”
“Shouldn’t I be in front of you?” Prewett asked.
“Well, I’m a gentleman, and a gentleman always protects his lady.”
She wrinkled her nose in disgust. “Just stay behind me.” She blasted the lock off the door. She removed her other shoe and held onto it. Prewett followed close behind.
The door flew open. “What the hell-”
“STUPEFY!” Elle sent the woman stumbling backwards. “Incarcerous!” Magic chains wrapped around her. “Do you see my purse?”
“What’s it look like?”
“A purse! It looks like a bloody purse! I don’t imagine there’s an abundance of them in here!”
“No need to take my head off! Here it is, and my phone.”
“Text someone and tell them we’re in danger, quickly!”
Leander sent a quick text and put his phone in his pocket. “Alright.”
She began moving forward. “Hey, don’t you want your bag?”
“A gentleman carries a ladies bag!” She shouted back to him as she pushed the door open. He sighed and followed along.
They found themselves in a large, dusty looking room. “Where are we?” Prewett asked.
“I’m not certain, but I think it’s some sort of ruin. There’s a lot of dirt and crumbled bits around.”
“You’re not supposed to be in here!” A voice shouted. They were quickly swarmed and began firing spells.
Prewett thought he was making pretty good progress until he looked and saw Elle had taken down twice as many enemies as him. He saw one coming up behind her that she didn’t notice. “ELLE! BEHIND YOU!’
Elle turned around and slammed the high heeled shoe she’d been holding into the man’s face. It gouged him in the eye and he was screaming. She depulsoed him out of the way and acted like it was nothing.
Prewett, on the other hand, promptly turned around and threw up. Luckily it was on a dark wizard who’d been sneaking up on him, so it was a good defense. The man swore loudly and Prewett swung the purse and knocked the man out cold. “My god, what do you keep in this purse?!”
Leander looked around and realized it was quiet. He turned around and watched Elle pull the shoe out of the man’s face. The eye was still attached and she gave an annoyed sigh and plucked it off. Prewett turned around and vomited again.
“Jesus, I didn’t know you were so squeamish!”
“You ripped that man’s eye out of his head!”
“He’s dead, what does he need it for?!”
Prewett let out a small chuckle. Then a louder laugh, which turned into a full on knee-slapping laugh.
“Fuck, you’ve lost your marbles.” Elle swore.
“I’m sorry, it’s just- we were going on a DATE and somehow we ended up here and you just ripped a man’s eyeball out! I keep waiting to wake up but it hasn’t happened yet!”
He was still laughing when Elle slapped him across the face. “HEY! Laugh when we’re safe! We need to keep moving.”
Little bursts of laughter were still spilling out of him as they went onward. Elle tripped and fell, letting out a string of curse words.
“Elle!” He helped her to her feet and she had tears streaming down her cheeks.
“FUCK, I think it’s broken!” She was holding her left foot up and her ankle was at an angle it definitely shouldn’t be. Prewett gagged and she shouted “DON’T YOU DARE THROW UP ON ME!”
“I’m ok, it’s alright. Do you have any potions?”
“No, I didn’t think I’d be needing them!”
“Right. Ok, I’ve got an idea. Climb onto my back.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Would you rather walk on a broken ankle?!”
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cssns · 1 year
We’re back, y’all!!! Please help me welcome @spartanguard to the CSSNS23!!!
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What’s your Tumblr?
How long have you been in the CS/OUAT fandom?
A looong time--I watched the show live for its entire run, but didn't become super active until fall 2014 (4a).
When did you start shipping Captain Swan?
I don't know that I can fully pinpoint a moment, but sometime during 3A. (And my answer to that changes constantly, haha)
What drew you to this event?
The same thing that drew me to OUAT in the first place--I love seeing different takes on fairy tales/fantasy, especially against the backdrop of the real world, and love seeing what new adventures we can all take Emma & Killian on.
What inspired your topic?
So I've technically been working on this story since 2015. IIRC, there was a mirror-image manip going around of Colin on set, which brought up the theory of two Killians in my friend group. Which prompted one of them (I believe it was @kat2609) to send an anonymous ask regarding the shenanigans that Killian and his double/twin could get up to. (Note that this was long before the Wish Realm was even thought of, so well before there actually were two Killian Joneses in canon.) I kind of ran with the idea at the time, but then hit some dead ends when the 5A storyline resolved different than anticipated. It sat for a very long time until I finally came up with a workaround sometime last year. and now it's almost done!
If you would like to share a snippet/sneak peek/summary of your fic or artwork, please use the space below.
"I'm disappointed in you." The man almost sounded sad.
"As I told the asshole in the diner, you don't know me." He groggily sat up to stare the man down; a sheriff's badge gleamed from where it was hooked to his jeans, below crossed arms and a stern glare.
"I know you plenty well, pirate." He'd been called many things, but that was a new one. "How could you do this to Emma?"
Who? "Who the f*ck is Emma?" Something weird was going on, but his brain hurt too much to process it.
"I the f*ck am Emma," came a feminine voice from the hallway, followed by the clack of boot heels as she approached. The sheriff ran in her direction, stopping her before she came into view.
"Emma, hold on; I have to tell you something."
"Dad, what's going on?" His vision was blearier than he thought if he hadn't noticed that the man was old enough to have an adult daughter.
The rest of their conversation was too quiet for him to hear, so he slumped back against the concrete wall and glanced around the station.
The sheriff came back, followed by his daughter. Ooh, now there was a sight. A gorgeous blonde came into view, a vision in a red leather jacket. Now why wasn't she at the bar last night? A much better bedfellow she would have made.
Until he saw that she, too, wore a sheriff badge. Law enforcement was an immediate turnoff.
She wore a concerned look on her face as she slowly approached his holding cell. It seemed as if she was studying his face, searching for something. But she must have come up empty, as relief flooded her features, followed quickly by confusion.
"That's not him."
What are you looking forward to most about participating in this event?
Seeing all the great stories and gorgeous art everyone comes up with!
I’m so thrilled that Kaitlyn is back participating again this year! Her MC featuring Killian’s evil twin will be dropping on Wednesday July 5! Everyone go say hi and welcome her back!
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silverstoryteller · 5 months
Here we go, part one of my Dark Rise readthrough! Beware, as this series will include spoilers for both Dark Rise and Dark Heir. I have read the Captive Prince trilogy, so I was already pretty sure I'd love it once I did read it, but I put it off for a while until I was ready to get into a new fandom. (And also until the second book came out.) I did manage to avoid almost all spoilers going in; I knew from reviews that there was a twist at the end, and knowing Pacat, it was going to be a good one. Ditto, the romance: I knew there was a dark-haired protagonist with a bitchy blond love interest and that their names were Will and James but, crucially, not which was which. I also had the cover of the sequel to go off of, which did influence my theories just a bit.
So, knowing the above plus the summary of the first book, I made a pre-book prediction: The twist was going to be that the supposed Chosen One was going to turn out to be the big bad, or related to him, and that it would turn out he was aware of this the entire time. And yeah, I was pretty much spot on, wasn't I? It's a testament to Pacat's skill as a writer that by the time I got to the twist, it still surprised me that I turned out to be right. I had been leaning more toward Will being related to the Dark King, not being him. I wasn't sure Pacat would actually go that far, but oh boy, I loved being wrong!
This post will cover the Prologue and the first chapter.
First of all, the map is very nice. I did notice there’s no indication of Bowhill on it, which, I realize it’s likely outside the bounds of this map, but I’d still like an indication of which direction it's in, but oh well.
Confession time, the first time I read this book, I vaguely remembered that one of the main couple was named James, but I got it in my head somehow that that was the name of the MC, not the bitchy blond LI. So I read this entire prologue under the impression that James was the protagonist, and all I thought was, ‘Wow, Pacat sure is bold, introducing a flash forward that shows her MC being a total asshole. I figured he’d turn out to be an edgy bad boy by the end, but this is a lot more than I was expecting!’
Then I got to Chapter One and Will’s introduction and, ‘Oh, nevermind, I’m just dumb.’
I did catch on during my first read that James was formerly with the Stewards, so I wasn't shocked when that was revealed later.
“He said the words like there was a system of honor in the world, like all you had to do was appeal to a person’s better nature and goodness would prevail.” I bet that's exactly what smol James tried to do when he got kicked out of the Hall, and now I'm sad.
‘“The boy’s alive.” James felt hotly resentful that it made him stop.’ I do wonder why, at this point, James seems invested in a boy he hasn’t even met yet. Is he that invested in Simon's plans at this point? I have a half-baked theory about it, but I’ll talk about that in one of the later chapters.
Chapter One
Will! <3 Despite my pre-book prediction, I got taken in by Pacat’s misdirection pretty early on, so a lot of his sneakiness in the early chapters went right over my head. Look at him, saving a stranger from a totally random accident that occurred because somebody didn't do their job right, I’m sure it's a coincidence that tying the ropes was Will’s job and that's the part that just so happened to break and lose all of Simon's cargo. What a sweet boy! (No, but seriously, he must have felt so guilty that he almost got an innocent person killed.)
Also, I found myself thinking about the details of barges during my first readthrough, and I realized that, hey, I’d never once wondered about how they stopped river barges so they didn't run into the docks in the 1800s in my life, but now I know, and that's neat! I love it when authors flex about all the research they did before writing their novel.
“Accidents were common on the docks. Just last week Will had seen a plodding draft horse shy unexpectedly as it pulled a barge along the canals, breaking its ropes and overturning its boat.” Pacat's got me so paranoid now that I'm half convinced Will caused this accident too.
Hey, are we ever going to find out what's up with the mirror, or is Will literally just hallucinating his past life onto a convenient surface?
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groupiewhoreee · 1 year
can I please have some hcs for hanoi rocks? i almost don't find content about them 👉🏻👈🏻 👉🏻👈🏻 👉🏻👈🏻
hii! yes, of course. i don't listen too much nor know much about the band besides razzle and vince neil, but yes of course! thnx for u req. 🫶🏽💕
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Michael is.. can get a bit more serious and only a tad bit goofy during sex, and seems to become like an animal during sex as well. He gets very involved, too involved. He likes to pull ur hair, grope anywhere he can touch, whisper sweet nothingness into ur ear.
Big thigh dude, has a thing for gripping ur thighs, leaving hot kisses there, holding onto ur thighs while he drives. Loves to eat you out while his head is in between ur thighs.
Has a big thing for his hair getting tugged? I- I don't know. He just likes it I guess. Your fingers tugging at the small locks of his blond hair.
Likes to get submissive once in a while with you. Loves being called baby boy, or good boy. Likes to call you mommy and mistress. He loves to be edged and beg for you to let him cum.
You in white lingerie will make him feral, absolute feral. He likes to see you with it under clothing that it's noticeable in. Gets a boner from it.
RAZZLE (Nicholas Charles Dingy)
Isn't much of a serious dude. He's quite goofy. He likes to smile at you, make eye contact but laugh afterwards. Makes jokes during it to make you giggle. He's never serious unless he isn't in a good mood. He'll laugh when you fall off the bed or make an weird noise.
Has a serious thing for somewhat roleplaying during sex? He likes to roleplay with you no doubt. He doesn't know why it just turns him on.
Breeding kink. Nothing else said.
Loves public sex. Yeah, he does like the bed sometimes, but people being able to see how he fucks ur pretty pussy is what he likes better. He did it under a table once with you and in a movie theater.
You in purple or red lingerie gets him going. He can't help but pop one.
NASTY SUICIDE (Jan Markus Stenfors)
He isn't as wild as Michael, but he is wild. He willingly open to trying new crazy things with you during sex no matter how weird the position is. He is a goof during sex as well. He always makes fun of you in a funny way to make you laugh. "What the fuck was that noise? Pipsqueak." Stuff like that.
Very serious about car sex. He loves it because he can play love songs during sex, and people can see you when the windows aren't fogged up yet, and its a cramped space.
Likes seeing you on ur knees begging for him to fuck you. He loves it, and it makes him seem as the dominant one. He likes to be in control with you.
Has a big big bdsm kink. Nuff said.
Can't help but buy all the lingerie you want, because he gets so turned on by it. Red or black preferably.
A big sweetheart during sex, and a big goof too. He loves to make eye contact then see you laugh and smile. Always making sure ur okay and alright with what he is doing. Making sure it doesn't hurt as much. He loves you and makes it as sensual as possible.
Can get a bit possessive during sex. And what I mean is he will mark you up too the point a crime scene just happened on ur neck. Loves how he can get you to moan his name out. It lets him know you can't live without him and how he treats you.
Has a thing for pulling your hair and tugging it. He likes to just hold ur hair. He doesn't know why, he just has a big thing for doing it to you. Your head like hurts from it but you don't say anything because you love him, and don't want him to get all anxious.
Also has a breeding kink. Loves to just fill you up.
White or black lingerie, it just has an effect on him like nothing else. He gets turned on so much when you showcase it to him.
Sami isn't an asshole during sex, but he is very chill about it and is somewhat the chill one. He isn't serious, only a tad bit goofy and tries to make sex non boring. He is very much not as wild as the others, but he for sure can get a bit frisky. He likes to crack jokes and smiles.
Loves public sex as much as anyone in the band. He can't help but get in trouble because you two are getting it on in a restaurant, under a table. You two are banned from restaurants, and only gets an exemption to go to one because its a band thing.
Lives for you teasing him, When you don't take ur clothes off as quickly and do it slowly, he goes feral. He gets so hungry its no joke. He doesn't say anything nor show it, but he is like a starving dog.
You tugging his hair>>>>
Red lingerie.. when you wear it he gets all frisky and can't help but tear it off you.
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dollyyyhouse · 2 years
Hello guys! This is Satan's ver. of the Cheating! Au, thanks so much for the support it makes me so happy to see all the sweet replies 💓
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"Get the fuck out of my room! We're through, you fucking asshole!" You pushed the demon out of your bedroom, you were in tears and your throat was sore from all the screaming you were doing. Never before have you been this upset, what your now ex-lover had done to spite you was something beyond horrible. Not being able to handle what he had done; you decided it would be best to break off the relationship with him but it quickly turned sour.
"MC, I really am sorry! I was just mad—" you shoved him even harder than before, " Just mad?! Just mad, so you decided to fuck someone else just to make me mad?! Do you know how stupid you sound?" You caught a glimpse of his face, it was heartbreaking to look at the man you loved so dearly almost in tears but what he had done to you was unforgivable. Never before did you think Satan, the Avatar of Wrath would go this far in order to satisfy his sin. This was your breaking point, he had gone too far.
The more you thought about it the more it made you want to punch him but at the same time you just wanted a genuine hug from him. You knew this wasn't a kiss and makeup situation, yet you still yearned for it to be. All of this started a few weeks ago when Satan and you got into a big argument over petty comments, you had compared him to Lucifer a few too many times and everything blew up. He was not entirely at fault for this messy breakup, you should've just bit your tongue at times but he also should've controlled his temper better. You could deal with his wrath and pettiness most of the time but what he had done with that succubus in the bed the two of you sometimes shared was beyond what you imagined he would do as revenge,nothing was going to be the same between the two of you after this.
"MC! Please listen for one minute, I'm sorry for what I did. No matter how angry I was it doesn't justify me cheating on you." He softened his voice, he was now speaking in a calmer tone than usual. You stopped pushing against his chest and allowed yourself to rest your head and hands against where you were previously pushing. "You don't have to forgive me, you shouldn't forgive me for what I've done. But—...I just want you to have peace of mind as much as possible in this mess."
Grasping his shirt, you began to sob into his chest like a baby. You were growing tired of how much crying you were doing, it felt like it was non-stop 24/7.
"Satan.. we're never going to be the same." You managed to push out a few more words, "I know, it'll be okay." You took a deep breath and mustered up all of your remaining strength to push him as hard as you could out the door. Luckily you caught him off guard, managing to lock the door. Never ever did you imagine your relationship with Satan would turn into this, it felt like it was only yesterday when you confessed to him behind RAD. Months later, you were screaming and crying over him and his actions. You didn't know what you were going to do now, you still lived with him and had to eat dinner with him.
You collapsed to the floor, exhausted from everything that happened. If only you could just curl up into a little ball and erase yourself from existence. On the other side of the door, the blonde hair demon whispered a bittersweet, "I love you." It truly was a bittersweet relationship.
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fairy-tale-writer · 2 years
Wakeup to Pleasure Rook x Reader
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Prompt: Rook found the only way to wake MC up in the morning is to tease her in the bed but if she wants to cum she had to get up and get dressed and he will let her cum
Reverse uno with Leona? Silver?
The door let out not a creak as it was opened. A blonde man with a feather in his hat slunk into the room before softly closing the door behind him with the softest click. He crept over to the bed where a maiden laid, asleep under the soft cover of a duvet.
He stepped carefully with expertise knowing which specific boards creaked and which groaned. At last the hunter arrived to the bedside; the girl completely unaware of the hunter above her.
He reached out and gently took a hold of the fold of the thick blanket. Peeling it back revealed the seductive body to him like a present being peeled open.
The hunter grinned at the delicious dish before him; laying on their side wearing only an oversized shirt twisted and pushed up to their breasts. The tiny panties they wore was a gorgeous purple see through lace allowing him to see their well-groomed mound.
The hunter took his glove in his teeth and freed his long, slender hand. Calloused finger tips brushed against their hip trailing up their side to settle on a fold of their shirt.
The maiden moved and his hand retreated watching with baited breath as they shifted onto their backs. The hunter waited, completely silent until he heard the gentle breathing continue.
He pinched a fold of the shirt and pulled up until their lovely bare breasts were revealed, nipples like hardened strawberry gumdrops. The man leaned down to gently press a kiss to the left nipple watching as it twitched and grew.
Lips wrapped around the nipple, their tongue pressing to the side and sucked. One of the most delicious, unrestrained moan slipped from the lips of the maiden--no, goddess beneath him.
His finger tips glided down their belly, their fingertip grazing the skin until it arrived to the hem of the panties. Two fingers slid under the fabric and pressed against the bundle of nerves.
"Kyah!" A sharp gasp escaped the goddess, their toes curling into the sheets.
The hunter let his fingers trail lower until they arrived to the source of wetness. He hummed a chuckle as he pressed in his fingers with a satisfying squelch.
"Nh!" The noises were truly beautiful; no filter to cover any of the pleasure.
Despite the nearly painful tightness in the hunter's pants, he knew the pay off would be sweeter if he kept his hands away. He shifted his arm allowing his fingers to push in deeper comfortably.
The warmth and wetness around his fingers was just greedily sucking them in deeper. He could hear the desperation in their breaths as the walls tightened around his fingers.
The maidens eyes fluttered open, gazing down at the mans lips sucking around her breast. She moaned as she felt the long fingers inside her press onto a sensetive spot.
"Rook...please...I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum!"
Rook Hunt grinned slurping loudly on purpose. She pressed her head back against the pillow and closed her eyes feeling the knot in her stomach tighten. Before it could be undone Rook completely pulled his fingers out.
"Bonjour Mistress (Name)." Rook kissed her softly.
"You asshole! Make me cum!" You demanded.
"I will--once you get dressed for school." This was a consensual every day occurrence between you and Rook. You struggled to get up out of bed in the morning whether it be from motivation or simply because you overslept.
So Rook created a very lovely way to wake you up that was better than breakfast in bed. You pulled yourself out of bed and went to the bathroom. As tempting as it was to relieve yourself then and there, it ruined the point of this romantic game.
You got dressed in your uniform but left your panties behind in the bathroom; not like you would need them anyways.
"How would you like me to service you, mistress?" Rook purred. His eyes were ablaze with lust, his cock throbbing in his tight pants.
"To get on your knees and finish what you started." Your hands trailed down from your hips to grab the fabric of your skirt.
Rook eagerly collapsed to his knees in a hurry, no doubt leaving bruises on his knees. He was like a puppy; eager to please and fetch. If you wanted an orgasm he would make you cum until you saw stars. If you told him to not cum he would eagerly go for hours of torture just to please you.
If you wanted someone's heart delivered in a box; he would deliver.
"Good boy." You pinched the fabric and teasingly raised the front of your skirt up.
Your pussy was well shaven and clean, dripping wet with his earlier denial. He had denied you orgasm and now he would willingly finish the job.
He leaned closer and nuzzled at your clit brushing his nose against it. Rook knew he had to keep his hands on his knees and not touch himself or you.
He pressed a kiss onto your clit before sticking out his tongue and moving down to lap at your wet petals. The hunter lapped against them licking and sucking the dew off of them before diving in for a deeper taste.
You shuddered, your toes curled into the rug below you.
"Ngh! G-Good boy...I love when you shove your dirty tongue into me. Nh-doesn't it feel good to taste me?" You moaned.
Rook nodded with a hum making you shiver. He slurped and lapped harder pulling away to suck at your clit for a few seconds before returning. It was like he was trying to smother himself with your pussy; the sweet, addictive taste just pulling him in like a collar and chain.
"Don't stop! I'm close!" You moaned.
Rook aimed his attention to your clit humming as he lapped and sucked at it until he heard you gasp. He moved his mouth back to your core eagerly lapping at your cum splashing against his face.
He kept licking you clean until the only fluid left on you was his saliva.
"S-Stop! It's too much!" You panted pushing his head away.
Rook pressed a kiss against your inner thigh before licking his lips searching for any more of your cum. You smirked down at him and pressed your foot against his buldge.
Rook whimpered feeling your toes curl around his leaking head; his pants soaked through.
"Did you not cum?" You asked rubbing your sole against him. Rook threw his head back with a moan.
"Oui! Oui! Mistress! I didn't cum! I won't cum without your permission! Please let me cum! I want to use your foot to cum!"
You smirked and pressed harder making the hunter crumble with an unfiltered moan. To most it may have sounded fake, like he was starring in a bad porno, but Rook's reactions were genuine.
If you didn't keep his mouth busy he would ramble and moan like a whore.
"I'm bored, get off yourself." You sighed.
"Yes! Madamosille! I love you! I love you! So much! So kind! So caring!" Rook spoke completely in french as he grinded himself harder against your foot.
"Cum, I don't want us to run late." You ordered.
With a beautiful moan of pleasure, Rook came hard cumming inside his pants. It felt so blissful and yet so painful at the same time. He opened his forest green eyes, blurry from bliss as a drunken smile spread across his face.
He wasn't able to get himself together until you had finished slipping on your socks and shoes and ties your bowtie.
"Let's go get breakfast before Rook scolds us." You raised the hunter up and gave him a gentle kiss on his cheek, "Thank you for waking me up."
"I love you so much, (Name), of course I would do anything for you." Rook smiled.
"Anything? Then don't change your pants at breakfast." You winked.
"You are a minx in the most amazing way possible." Rook purred pulling your hand to his lips to smother every inch in kisses.
Sure enough Vil found out about Rook's soiled pants and was not happy...
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transfemstarscream · 1 year
I've actually been thinking about this for a while in the context of games. this might be a long ask, I'm sorry.
so recently there was this game released, it's called Forspoken, the MC is a homeless WoC from New York who is chased by the law and the local gangs with the only thing she has to her being her cat, which gets taken away from her at the beginning of the story. She gets isekaid into a fantasy land and is understandably bewildered by this, but most people take issue with her being constantly angry, selfish, not trusting, and swearing a lot. Yea I wonder given her backstory why she's like that.
Now I won't deny that the story of this game is overall mid. The game is overpriced and performs poorly on PC. But do I hear any of those things when I see most people criticize the game? No! They just talk about how much they hate the MC. But!
Another game that released recently is Hi Fi Rush. The main character is brash, rude, overconfident, selfish, and flirts with other characters in a very cringe manner. The game even has a trailer with a similar marvel-like dialogue forspoken's teaser had. But people praise this character! They argue it's bc the game is more cartoony and plays on their nostalgia but I watched a gameplay and I absolutely hated the MC. I'm betting the reason is rather, even if subconsciously, because he's a white dude.
He even has a female sidekick who's a (blonde and blue eyed...😟) WoC. She's smart, inventive, and objectively a better character. But if she was the MC I bet people would have found a way to hate her as well. There's simply no way to win. At this point I just feel like people don't want to see women in leading roles. Because let's be real, while Forspoken's story isn't a masterpiece it is also leagues above most popular JRPGs (Xenoblade I'm looking at you). But those games mostly have men in their leading roles don't they now. When I look up popular female characters in games, most of them are silent protags, them being a woman is a (gasp) reveal! or they are simply side characters. if she is named as a loved mc it's likely that her role in it was controversial. This honestly depresses me. These people have no issue with women's writing when they're little above fanservice or even just there to titillate them. They literally just hate women speaking out or being their own characters.
Sorry for the long rant been feeling someway about this kind of fandom misogyny for a long while <3
don’t ever feel bad for sending long asks! i love reading your thoughts.
i’ve only watched brief clips of forspoken along with learning the basis of the plot so i can’t speak my mind on how the game plays out. the protagonist did catch my eye, though; she seems unique, and a cool candidate for what is essentially a isekai protagonist. i knew the basis of the game’s plot, and although i wasn’t immersed, i was curious.
frey—the protagonist—is interesting, in my eyes. i don’t think the chosen bits of dialogue shown off in trailers and teasers do her justice; she’s not always throwing “well, THAT just happened” one-liners. she gets angry, justifiably so, because being transported to a whole other world when you just want to reunite with the one most dear to you is going to be frustrating. it’s going to be infuriating having things thrown at you and you just have to accept it.
now, i think criticism towards the game is justified. overpriced, like you said—and performs poorly for its price. the game doesn’t stick out amongst its genre. but frey is probably one of its redeeming factors? i’d say she absolutely is. it’s reasonable for her to be not the most accepting of her situation—she just wants her cat back! it’s a simple motivation, but a meaningful one because of her situation before all of this happened. a lot of hate targeted towards her doesn’t feel complete in what it dislikes. they just dislike her because… uh. uhm. the game is cringe and she’s an asshole. 1/10
i don’t know a lot about hi-fi rush so i can’t go too deep; all i know is i saw a trailer for it and didn’t care for it nor the aesthetic it’s going for. but the male protagonist is reminiscent of every cocky, flirty in a slightly obnoxious way male character i’ve seen a hundred times so i am surprised to see a lot of praise for him? maybe he’s not so bad but… what’s unique about him. everything i see him praised for, i see frey derailed for. if the argument is that the game is cartoony and nostalgic so it works in his case, then that’s hilarious.
i pity female characters because there’s just absolutely no way reception can be normal about them. female protagonists are treated as inherently controversial, or “special”: they can never be truly relatable, or just be. a female character will be subjected to sexualization regardless of any factor (and i mean any factor, because creeps are dedicated to showing pride in being creeps). i don’t doubt the female sidekick in hi-fi rush is already popular amongst an annoying subculture of people who cannot engage with female characters without pornographic lenses.
like female characters cannot ever be. blame is placed onto their writing even when it’s absolutely not the case. people will find any reason to hate them; if she’s nice she’s boring, if she’s mean she’s annoying. audience is dedicated to enforcing the belief that a woman’s worth is tied to her relationships with men—because that’s where a lot of “criticism” of female characters stem from. they can never just be.
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inertflouride · 2 years
Turmoils Of You- Part 11
When will this end.
Jake's pov
My ears start ringing as soon as MC signals me. "I have to escape. I have to escape" keeps repeating in my head like an infinite loop of asterisks in Java. Except one can terminate that loop. The one which goes on in my head isn't going off. And I know it for a fact that it actually will not until and unless I get out of this shithole.
Hannah is safe. Relief. But what about Richy? Where is he and why didn't MC mention him? Something is not right.
Had the circumstances been different, I'd been in Colville already by now, let alone this maze for a cave. But I have a score to settle, especially with this asshole who made my life a living hell. And not just my life, the FBI is doing a great job at that. He made my sister's, her family's, her friends' and the girl I loved's life a living hell.
So no, I won't just escape like dog with its tail is between its legs. I'm going to wreck this bastard's whole remaining life.
I keep rummaging my way through each path of this tunnel maze, trying to find him. That's when the idea of checking the stream hits me. I went through the fucking effort of making the camera in this cave public for what?! So fucking stupid, Jake.
I open the stream and find a guy, maskless, looking down in his phone. Oh so he's comfortable enough now to remove his mask? Great. Fucking great.
I rush towards that camera location. I have seen this place before. I know where he is, finally. I feel heavy adrenaline rush through my skin as I get closer to his location. I'm going to kill this bastard today. I'll make him beg me for his life.
"What the fuck-", I see a blonde haired guy spilling... petrol? all over the place. Then he goes ahead and tosses the can with his foot, taking out a lighter from his pocket. Oh not so soon bastard.
I rush towards him but before I can reach, he throws the lighter down and blaze fills the place, making me jump back in terror. Holy smokes. The guy crouches down and holds his head in his arms. As much as the scene is pitiful, I find an opening in the scorching ambers and get in it. I hold his bicep with disgust, my nails digging in his skin and jerk him to look at me.
I feel like someone placed a blow on my face when I see him. When I finally see his face. Finally ending this long going mystery.
Richy. Richy Fucking Rogers.
"Hah, so it's you. Come on now buddy, let's get you out from here", I pull him up and make my way out. I wait for an opening patiently before rushing in. Trust me, burn blisters are THE worst.
I take him out with me and fall back, looking at how the whole place gets devoured by the fire. Had we been a little later, and I mean in seconds, we'd have burnt ourselves to ashes. I do not loosen my grip on his bicep and pull him off to a distant part of the cave before pushing him in front of me.
"So it was you? The whole fucking time, it was you, you fucking bastard?", I shout at him, aggressively raking my fingers through my hair. He does not look up, rather his head goes down even more than it could be humanly possible.
"Hah, of course it was you. It makes so much sense now. A fake fucking death. Acting like the whole good guy. Cooperating your best with MC. Daniel's car, fuck. You tried to fucking kill him? No scratch that, what did you do to Hannah this whole while. The ropes, duct tapes, canned food and-", I try to continue but that's when my guts decide to empty up and I rush to a corner to puke.
"I didn't do anything wrong with Hannah, trust me. I had my reasons. Please, just let me die. I can't live with this guilt", I hear the blondie say but since I'm too busy opening my guts out right now, I let him be.
Once I'm sure I don't have more to puke in me is when I wipe my face with the sleeve of my hoodie and walk towards Richy. He looks upto my face, his cheeks sunken and eyes dark.
Nah. No pity today. I roll my sleeve upto my elbow and throw a blow on his cheek. Richy staggers behind from the sudden bash and falls down. I fist his collar and pull him back up, again throwing a punch on his face, this time squaring his jaw. And again. And again. And again. Until my breathe huffs and he is in no condition to stand up.
No Jake, this is not enough. I kick him in his ribs finally and move away in disgust.
"Why are you stopping? Go ahead. Kill me. I don't wanna live. Please. I'm begging you. Kill me or let me die", the blondie voices with desperation, but not enough desperation to make my heart melt.
"No my dear friend", I spit at him, "You are going to live through everything you've done and you will face the consequences of it. The only difference is now you'll also live with the physical pain I've put on you."
"You can't do this to me. Please. I'll do whatever I can to help you, just let me die", he agains pleads meekly at me, his hands joining as he begs down to me.
"Oh no no no Richy, get up. We're going to get you to meet your friends. Come on now, get up", I pull him up via his bicep as my nail painfully goes into his skin there, "we're going to save me, just play along or else, I'll take you to Jessy. She would love to see you now, wouldn't she?"
I hear sobs from him, just like Hannah did when he carried her to this mine. Karma's a bitch. Rightfully said.
I take him to the Terrandale opening where I see two FBI agents on guard. Hmm, interesting. "Okay bud, you're going to get in there, tell them how you're the kidnapper who tried burn himself to death and how somehow managed to escape after freaking out. Also, tell them there isn't anyone in here", I order him and let go of his arm.
He sobs and begins to move forward when I grab his arm again and twist him towards me, glaring right into his eyes. "If you try to outsmart me, I'll get back to you and trust me, it won't be pretty."
He quickly nods and sniffs his way to the guards. The moment he appears, they quickly aim their... Oh, so they got a machine gun for me this time? Wow. So they aim their lasers on his head and the weakling succumbs under the pressure and falls on his knees, his tears in full swing now.
I roll my eyes at the drama before me. Thankfully, this isn't Duskwood Police instead of FBI, so the drama is cut short. One of the officers approaches him and Richy starts with the story I dictated previously. Hmm, guy's a good liar, no doubt.
After everything, he is taken by one of the officers while the other stays. I wait for the pair to disappear before the second officer gets close to the mine in curiosity.
Well, someone did say that curiosity killed the cat.
The moment he gets in, I pick up the broken iron rod from the stair set in here and swing it at his head. The guy collapses and once I kick him and ensure he's out, I wear his clothes and take up the machine gun in my hand. Oh and no, I'm not leaving my clothes here, so I pack them up in my bag.
I move to the enemy's base, I know it sounds stupid but what better place to hide than the lion's den, especially when I am dressed like one. But all things apart, I wish to check on Hannah one last time, to assure myself that she's out of danger. No, she won't be 'okay' for a long time, not after all that she has gone through. She'll be in therapy...
And in jail.
So this is the only chance I have to meet her. Might as well grasp it when I can. I take out a fake beard and a wig and put them on. Yeah, as someone on the run you do have weird stuff on you.
On my way, I come across many agents sanctioned at various parts of the mine, but that doesn't make my stride falter. Instead, I grip my machine gun and walk, looking them in the eye as I move past them, exchanging nods too.
Finally I reach the Grimrock. Holy shit, they got a frigging helicopter for me? Guess who came prepared. Though, mostly I'm honoured. They invested so much in me, the reverence and respect touches my soul. Too bad I can't pat my appreciation towards them by hacking their Cyber Division. Never mind, I'll spare them this time.
Towards the corner I see the Duskwood Police force assembled like ants amongst beetles. I mean with FBI here, why bother showing? Fuck it. I want to get out of here, this is too suffocating.
I see Hannah seated on a camping chair, a rug sprawled over her shivering form. I see her cheeks hallowed out slightly, her eyes blank and staring in emptiness. It pains me to look at her like this until I realise how she smiled everyday for 10 years after witnessing Jennifer's death. Somehow, she always manages to smile and fool everyone, oh so beautifully concealing her inner darkness. I guess it runs in the blood.
I see someone pouring coffee and grab a cup from them, moving towards Hannah with it. I take a deep breath and put my hand over her shoulder, pushing the cup in her hands. She looks up at me and nods her head.
"Are you okay? Do you need something?", I ask her, controlling my voice from trembling.
She again nods her head though I know it for a fact that she didn't listen to a word I said. I deeply sigh and look at her for a few seconds, not knowing what to do with her. She returns back to staring, this time it's the coffee.
I click my tongue with resignation and take in her one last time before I bid her adieu. "Just, take care okay?"
She looks at me blankly, until suddenly her gaze widens. Okay that's my cue. I start of speed away from her before she spews out something stupid which would jeopardise my facade. I rush out, not technically, and nobody seem to care much.
Until I move past the Director of Criminal Division. Mhm, impressive. This dude is here too?
"Where are you heading to, Agent?", he questions me, making me stop dead in my tracks. Ugh, I so not want to have this dialogue.
I turn back and press a salute, my posture attentive. "Good evening sir, I-"
"Sir, we have a situation. The hacker has fled. The Duskwood police force went into the mines and neither could they find the hacker nor the criminal's body", another agents cuts me off and reports, panic resonating in their voice. Well, good for me.
"Argh fuck me. That punk again manages to flee. We're the fucking FBI, yet the most we have caught onto till this date is his damn half burned hoodie?", the director cusses at the agent, pulling his hair as he does.
"But sir didn't that hoodie gave us his DNA? Like it was helpful sir wasn't it?"
"Shut up you fucking moron. Get out of my sight and tell the agents to go ahead with Plan B", the director barks, totally pissed over again douched by the 'punk'.
I slide away, not wanting to be in the radar of this grumpy balloon. Okay, evacuation time.
"I'm telling you, I am the killer. Believe me! Alan, you need to believe me. I fucking did all this. I am Jennifer's killer. I am Amy's killer. I am Hannah's kidnapper", I hear Richy's wails from behind me. Ugh, why can't I run off to my MC in Colville in peace!
"I even met the hacker", he fesses up, now screaming at the Duskwood Police chief.
So he has chosen death. Cool. I would love to serve it, scorching and spine wrecking.
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justcallmefox89 · 2 years
Love Island: Ex in the Villa - Chapter 2
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It’s time for the Islanders to learn some juicy secrets, and Eòin finds out what his ex really thinks of him.  Finn makes waves in the Villa, and does junior producer Ethan have a soft spot for Eòin?
Features a mainly bisexual cast and a male MC.  NSFW: brief mention of sexual positions/acts
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I stare at Ethan blankly.  “I don’t understand.” 
He signs and scrubs his hands through his hair, making the blonde strands stick out every which way.  “Vanessa thought that if you knew Suresh would be here you’d walk.” 
“Of course I would have wal-” I abruptly stop talking as something Suresh said comes back to me.  “Suresh said he was scouted by the production team-.” 
Ethan squirms guiltily and won’t meet my eyes. 
“Are you serious?” I hiss.  “You purposely went looking for him after I agreed to do the show?” 
“Ok, real talk?”  He looks over his shoulder to make sure there’s no one loitering around to overhear us. “When Kassam and your manager approached us about someone in your group appearing on the show, you were the production team’s unanimous last pick.” 
“Then we saw videos of you preforming, and it blew most of us away. You fucking come alive on stage, Eòin.”  Ethan looks at me earnestly.  “We showed everyone’s audition tapes to a few test groups, and they loved you.  You’re so different from the normal contestant on Love Island, and people were eating that up. Vanessa still wasn’t convinced so she went looking into your group’s dating histories.  Your relationship and breakup with Suresh had the most potential for drama… that’s why Vanessa eventually gave the green light for you to be on the show.”   
I stay quiet, absorbing this new information. 
“I knew about the agreement the lead producers made with your manager, and that you weren’t entirely keen on being here or looking for love so I didn’t think Suresh being here would be that big of a problem.  I thought we’d get a few shouting matches for the cameras and that would be that.  I didn’t expect you to totally shut down.”  He takes a deep breath.  “I’m sorry, Eòin.  It was an asshole move on our part to spring this on you.  And I understand if you want to leave the Villa.  I can help you work out a plan that gets you eliminated without breaching the contract your management team signed.” 
“Ethan!  Get Eoin’s ass in here right now!” Vanessa screams from inside the Villa. 
“Think about it,” Ethan whispers, taking my arm and leading me inside. “You don’t have to decide right now. And whatever you see on these tapes, try not to let it get to you.” 
Everyone is already seated when we enter the Villa, and Ethan motions for me to go sit by Suresh as he takes his places next to Vanessa behind the cameras. Suresh is sitting in a large, overstuffed chair and I have to squeeze in next to him, halfway sitting on his lap.  He wraps his arm around my waist and tugs me close to his side. 
 “I missed having you next to me like this,” he murmurs in my ear, his warm breath ghosting over my skin and causing me to shiver.  I inhale the warm scent of his sandalwood and amber cologne, still familiar to me after two years apart.  I’m still trying to decide if I should respond to him when Vanessa begins playing the first interview. 
Alfie appears on screen, smiling affably at the interviewer. 
“What made you audition for Love Island?” Ethan’s voice asks from somewhere out of frame. 
“I’ve been single for a while, and I thought it might be a bit of a laugh.  Who wouldn’t want to spend a summer in the Villa?” Alfie laughs. 
“What will make you stand out from the other Islanders?” 
“I’ve got the bod and the bants.”  Alfie jokingly flexes.  “I know I come off as a joker, but I’m serious about looking for love here.  I’m ready to meet my person and settle down, maybe adopt a pet together.  Introduce them to my family and friends, build a life.”  
“How did you last relationship end?” Vanessa asks.
Alfie’s expression darkens.  “She cheated.  There was no going back after that.  I can’t be with someone I can’t trust.” 
“You seem to have some pretty strong feelings about cheating.” 
“I would never do that to someone,” Alfie says, staring directly into the camera.  “I never want anyone else to hurt the way I did.”   
The screen blacks out. 
“I rate that.”  Eddie offers Alfie a high-five.  “You’re a stand up guy.” 
“Absolutely,” Finn agrees, slyly looking towards me.  “Too bad Suresh doesn’t think like Alfie, huh Eòin?” 
I stiffen as everyone looks towards me and try to squirm out from beneath Suresh’s arm.  He merely holds me tighter.  I struggle for another moment then give up, unable to move his much larger bulk. 
“Shut up.”  Suresh scowls at Finn.  “You don’t know what happened.  There are two sides to the story.” 
“You cheated, don’t see how there’s two sides to that,” Kat goads him. “I’m willing to bet Eòin didn’t screw around on you, he doesn’t seem the type.” 
“He didn’t.  But I had my reasons.” 
“They must’ve been some pretty damn good ones.  If I’d had a beauty like Eòin in my bed every night you wouldn’t find me out sniffing around someone else.  I would have made sure he fell asleep every night exhausted and very, very satisfied,” Finn purrs, biting his lip and sending a seductive look my way.
Suresh growls and begins to stand up. 
“Sit down!”  Ethan glares at him and begins the next tape. 
“Alright, can you tell us your name and where you’re from?” 
“The name’s Dana, and I live in Manchester.” 
“And what do you do for a living?” 
“I’m a bartender.” 
“Have you ever hooked up with a customer?” Vanessa asks. 
Dana grins and winks at the camera.  “A lady doesn’t kiss and tell.”  She giggles.  “But I’m no lady.  I’ve had a few steamy encounters with some people who’ve come into the bar.” 
“What made you audition for Love Island?” 
She shrugs.  “Sun, sand, and a Villa full of hotties?  What more could a girl ask for?  I’m ready to have the summer of my life.” 
“Do you think you’ll meet someone special this summer?” Dana smirks and holds up a handful of pictures.  “Who knows?  But you can bet I’ll be getting up close and personal with a few of these hotties.” 
“Anyone caught your eye?”  “This one.”  Dana holds Suresh’s headshot up to the camera, then jokingly fans herself with it. “That smolder is giving me the fanny flutters for sure.” 
I internally scream and try to unobtrusively turn my head to look at Dana. She stares straight ahead, refusing to meet my eyes.  I look up at Suresh; he has a cocky, shit-eating grin on his face.  I run my hand over his hip and down his leg, reaching down to viciously pinch the delicate skin of his inner thigh. 
“Fuck!” he shouts, nearly jumping out of the chair.  He quickly settles down as everyone stares at him in confusion. “You are such a brat,” he angrily whispers in my ear.  “What did you do that for?” 
“Because you haven’t changed at all,” I snap back.  “You’re still a smug ass-bag who’s willing to flirt with anything that has a pulse.” 
Kat’s interview has started to play during our short exchange. “You seem to think you’ll have your pick of partners in the Villa. Why’s that?” 
Kat seductively runs her hands over her curves.  “No one’s been able to resist yet.” 
“I can see why.”  Ethan’s voice holds a note of appreciation. 
“You should’ve had me come in as the bombshell.”  Kat winks at the camera. 
“What do you do for a living?” 
“I’m dancer at a club… I’ve always loved the spotlight.”  A quick video of Kat dancing flashes across the screen; the boys all sit up a little straighter and lean forward, Finn even lets out an impressed whistle.
I fucking hate it here.  
Vanessa clears her throat.  “You’ve had a look at the other Islanders, any of them look like they might be worth your time?” 
“Hmm.  This one has a fantastic body.”  Kat holds up Alfie’s picture.  “But this one is a total worldie.  We’d make a hot couple.”  She flashes Eddie’s picture.  “But this one… he’s my type on paper.  I just know he’s a bad boy, and if I get a chance I’d love to get naughty with him. 
I roll my eyes as she finishes by showing Suresh’s picture to the camera.  A hint of a smile starts to creep onto his lips, but it quickly fades when he looks down and sees me glaring at him. 
“Ohh, that’s my boy!”  Dana claps as Eddie appears on screen.  He puts his arm around her shoulders and tucks her close to his side, grinning. 
“Can you tell me your name and where you’re from?” 
“I’m Eddie and I’m from Gloucester, England.  But I spend a lot of time in London due to my job.” 
“And what do you do for a living?” 
“I’m a model.”  Eddie gives the camera a mega-watt smile and runs his hand through his hair.
“So are you here for love or to further your career?” Vanessa asks. 
Eddie tilts his head to the side, pondering the question.  “I mean, I’d love to make a connection in the Villa, don’t get me wrong.  But if being here gives my career a boost at the same time, I’d consider that a bonus.” 
“You’re an attractive guy,” Ethan says.  “I can’t imagine you have trouble getting a date.” 
Eddie shrugs boyishly.  “I’ve dated my fair share, but I just haven’t been able to make a real connection.”   He stares soulfully into the camera. “That’s what I’m looking for… my forever.” 
Suresh makes a noise that indicates he’s as unimpressed with Eddie’s interview as I am. 
Ethan passes Eddie a handful of pictures.  “These are going to be your fellow Islanders.  Any first impressions?” 
Eddie smiles as he looks at Dana’s picture.  “This one looks like tons of fun.  The girl next door type that you can take home to mum.  But this one… I know she’d keep me on my toes.”  He shows Kat’s headshot.  “And he’s gorgeous.  Definitely my type on paper.  He’s got that mysterious, sensitive thing going one.  I’d love to see what he’s all about.”  Eddie taps my pictures with his index finger.
Suresh stiffens next to me, and I can hear his teeth grinding together. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Eddie staring at me over Dana’s head. 
“Hey, hey, hey all.  Let’s get this thing started.”  On the screen Finn plops down into the chair and smiles broadly. 
“You’ve got an… awful lot of energy,” Vanessa comments. 
Finn shrugs and spreads his hands wide.  “That’s me.  What you see is what you get.” 
“And you’re from Dublin?” 
“Born and raised, darlin’.” 
“You’re going to be this season’s bombshell; how do you feel about that?” 
“I’m ready to get in there and stir things up.  They won’t know what hit them.” 
“What are you looking for this summer?” 
Finn strokes his beard and looks up at the ceiling in contemplation. “Someone to keep me on my toes, and who can match my energy.  I need a big personality to keep me interested.  And sexual compatibility is a must.” 
“So you’re just here to hook up?”  Ethan sounds disgusted. 
“Not only.”  Finn winks at him. 
Ethan tosses the pack of pictures to him. 
“Ohh.”  Finn’s eyes widen as his peruses them.  “So many beauties this season.  This one looks especially naughty.”  He holds up Kat’s headshot. He shuffles through a few more pictures, then stops on one in particular and grows quiet. 
“Someone catch your eye?” Vanessa inquires. 
Finn studies my picture intently.  “There’s something about him.  He’s got the looks, absolutely… but there’s something else there too.  Not my usual type, but he could be an exception.” 
Suresh frowns and moves a little closer to me.  I roll my eyes and unsuccessfully try to shove him away. 
Why is he so fucking heavy?! 
“Tell me a little about yourself, Eòin.  Where are you from?” Ethan prompts. 
I cringe as I watch my on screen self.  I’m picking at my sleeve and fidgeting in the chair, obviously uncomfortable. 
“Edinburgh originally, but I’ve spent the past few years in the States.  For my job.” 
“And what is it you do for work?” 
“Uh… I’m in a band. Vocals and rhythm guitar.  Piano sometimes, if the song calls for it.” 
“You’re a musician?  For real?” Dana asks excitedly. 
“Don’t look it,” Kat mutters. 
Finn stares at me with wide eyes.  “I thought I recognized you!  I saw that first YouTube video, man.  Almost made me cry.”  He shrugs as everyone stares at him in surprise.  “Hey, I can be sensitive too.” 
“What YouTube video?”  Suresh looks at me. 
“What’s the name of your band?” Interview Ethan asks. 
“Blood and Honey,” I answer.  “We’ve been together nearly ten years now.” 
“Your group has blown up in the States, isn’t that right?” Vanessa interrupts. 
I nod hesitantly.  “We’ve had a fair measure of success there the past two years.” 
“Your acapella cover of “Dancing on My Own” has nearly seven million views on YouTube.  How do you feel about that?” 
My interview cuts to the music video that first got the band noticed. I stand alone in the middle of a club, a lone spotlight on me, the camera focused on my face.  I’m paler than usual, my eyes ringed by smeared eyeliner as tears streak down my cheeks. 
So far away but still so near
The lights come on, the music dies
But you don't see me standing here
I just came to say goodbye
I'm in the corner, watching you kiss her, oh
And I'm giving it my all
But I'm not the guy you're taking home, ooh
I keep dancing on my own 
I flush in equal parts pride and shame and keep my eyes on my lap, not wanting to see my castmates’ reactions.  My voice flows into the room, low and powerful, drenched in emotion. The lack of instrumentals and pain in my voice make the song haunting, the lyrics resonating with anyone who has ever had their heart broken.  The video abruptly cuts back to my interview. 
“In interviews your bandmates have said that this song was recorded after a particularly bad breakup,” Vanessa says.  “Is that true?”
I nod reluctantly.  “We recorded and filmed  this a few days after I found out that the person I had been with for two years had cheated on me.  Music has always been my way to express myself, so this was a good way to purge some of that negative emotion.”
“And did you love you ex?” 
“More than anything.”  I smile sadly. 
Vanessa goes in for the kill.  “How would you feel if you ever saw him again?” 
“That’s enough!”  Suresh quickly stands up, nearly dislodging me from my seat. 
Vanessa pauses the video and smirks at him.  “Afraid of his answer?” 
Suresh scowls.  “We’re here for a fresh start.  I don’t see the point in constantly bringing up the past.” 
“Good point.”  She arches one manicured eyebrow at him.  “Let’s move on to your interview.” 
He pales and looks as if he may be sick.  “I don’t think that’s necessary.  I can answer any questions my castmates have.” 
“Why don’t you want them to see it?  Do you have something to hide?” 
“Yeah geezer, let’s see it!” Alfie heckles, Eddie and Finn cheering in support. 
Suresh glares at her helplessly but eventually sits back down next to me.  Vanessa grins smugly and beings playing his interview. 
“Please Eòin, don’t take this seriously,” Suresh urgently whispers to me.  “I was just playing up for the camera.  I didn’t mean any of it.” 
I ignore him and keep my eyes fixed on the television.
 “How do you feel about your ex being in the Villa?” 
“It’s all the same to me.”  Suresh leans back in his chair and raises his shoulders in a cocky shrug.  “It might be nice to see him again.  We always had explosive chemistry… if you know what I mean.  I wouldn’t mind getting another taste of that.” 
I scoff and shoot Suresh a disgust look.  
He stares straight ahead, ignoring me.
 “Why did your relationship end?”  Ethan sounds tense. 
“We just had a difference of opinion about some of my extracurricular activities.” 
“Nothing against Eòin, he was great.  But outside of his job he was so shy, he never really put himself out there, and I needed someone with a little more fire.  He was sweet and everything, but after a while I got bored,” Suresh says matter-of-factly. 
“What the fuck?” I whisper, noticing everyone giving me pitying glances.   
Suresh tries to reach for my hand.  “I promise didn’t mean it, Eòin.” 
I snatch my hand away and shake my head at him. 
“Some people like a partner who’s sweet,” Ethan continues the interview. 
“I’m with Suresh,” Vanessa breaks in.  “That gets old after a bit.  And people like that can be so cringe.” 
Suresh chuckles and nods in agreement. 
“Ohh, sounds like there’s a story there,” Vanessa purrs.  “What was the cringiest thing your ex ever did?” 
“Fuck, there’s so many, just take your pick.”  Suresh smirks.  “He’d travel for his job or back to the States to visit his family sometimes, and he’d always have flowers, or my favorite meal delivered to my office a few times while he was away.  Stuff like that’s cute for a bird, but a guy?  You have no idea how much shit my mates gave me every time he did that.”
“I can only imagine.” 
“The worst was my first birthday after we got together.  We’d been dating for about a year at that point. He put together this huge party… rented out a club, invited my mates, all my family, everyone.” 
“I don’t see what’s cringe about that,” Ethan says sharply. 
“No, that part was great.  It was the part where he got out his guitar and serenaded me in front of everyone that was cringe.  Nobody outside of a rom-com is interested in something like that.” 
“Oh my god,” Vanessa laughs.     
I put my head in my hands. 
I had no idea he felt that way.  He always acted like he loved those things. 
“I guess I don’t see the cringe.  A lot of people would love big, romantic gestures like that.”  Ethan sounds furious.  “You ex sounds like a sweet guy who put a lot of thought and effort into trying to make you happy.  And you just shit all over him on national television.  This interview is over.” 
The TV screen goes dark, and everyone sits in silence, unsure what to do.   
“Eòin, please, I just need a chance to ex-”  
“Shut up, Suresh!” I shout, jumping to my feet.  “You are such a scum sucking bastard.” 
A phone chimes. “Uh, I got a text,” Dana say awkwardly.  “Islanders, it’s time to get to know your knew partners!  Please head to the firepit for the couples quiz. #CouplesGoal  #FirstTest.” 
“Alright people, let’s move it!”  Vanessa ushers us to the firepit and directs us to sit in our couples.  
“Eòin, we need to talk when this challenge is over. Please?”  Suresh pleads. 
“Choke and die, fuck-face.”  I keep my eyes locked on the firepit. 
Quizmaster Finn clears his throat and holds up a stack of notecards. “First challenge of the summer, beautiful people!” 
“I love a good quiz.”  Dana wiggles in her seat.  “Never won one before though.” 
Eddie wraps his arm around her waist, and she smiles up at him. “First time for everything, babe. Got a good feeling about us.” 
Suresh’s hand brushes against mine, and he peeks over at me out of the corner of his eye. 
“Touch me again and I bite that hand off,” I snarl.  He quickly jerks his hand away. 
“This questions are absolute sauce.”  Finn smirks. 
“The naughtier the better, right, Eòin?”  Suresh tries to drag us back into the spotlight. I cross my arms over my chest and scowl at him. 
“Oohhh, you want some custard for that pie, Suresh?” Alfie jokes. Everyone laughs except for Suresh. 
“Well I’m pumped to get to know you all better,” Alfie says. 
“Anyone in particular, my man?” Finn asks. 
“That’d be telling geezer!”  I notice Alfie quickly glancing my way, and so does Kat.  
“My man here’s playing his cards close to your chest, Eòin!”  Finn teases. 
Kat giggles.  “He ain’t your man, Finn.  You’re new here, but back off him, yeah?” 
“Can’t make any promises about that, he’s not a back lookin’ fella is he?” 
“I love this sexy pirate guy already.”  Alfie pretends to swoon. 
“Let’s see if you still feel that way tomorrow after I couple up with one of your partners,” Finn says, cocky. 
Eddie frowns.  “You gonna keep bringing that up, bro?” 
“Gotta keep you boys on your toes.”  Finn shrugs. 
“Shall we start the quiz, then?” 
“Let’s do it!  Kat and Alfie, you’re up first!  Alfie, what is Kat’s job?” Finn asks.
“Club dancer!  All the way,” Alfie answers confidently. 
“Yes!” Kat cheers and throws her arms around him. 
“Show us some moves girl!” Dana urges. 
Kat brings Alfie to his feet and sexily dances with him, balancing on the balls of her feet as she drops down in front of him. 
“Did someone sprinkle some dancing juice on me?”  Alfie busts out a few moves of his own, giving Kat a sexy dance in return, showboating to everyone else. 
Kill me. 
“Bonus points for Alfie and Kat!” Finn announces. 
Kat runs a hand over Alfie’s broad shoulders.  “I love a man who can move.” 
“Alright Alfie, what is Kat’s favorite sex position?” Finn asks. 
“Bet this is spicy.”  Suresh smirks. 
Alfie looks unsure. 
“We do need and answer, Alfie.  Don’t make me unpack my egg time,” Finn teases him. 
“You actually packed an egg timer?” Dana asks. 
“Never travel without it.” 
“That’s hilarious,” she snickers. 
These people are fucking weird.
“Need a runny yolk on my eggs.  Bit of Finn-formation for you all there.  If anyone wants to make me brekkie at any time.”  Finn winks at me. 
“When I make breakfast it’s going to be better than a boiled egg,” Suresh says confidently. 
“Two boiled eggs?” Dana quips.  The two laugh, grinning at each other. 
“Finn-formation is jokes,” Alfie says. 
Eddie smacks his shoulder.  “Quit stalling, bro.” 
“Kat’s favorite sex position is… Doggy?” Alfie ventures. 
Kat shakes her head.  “Reverse cowgirl all the way!” 
“I’m sure it’d be a booty-ful sight.”  Finn looks her over appreciatively.  “Alfie, what’s Kat’s biggest turn on?” 
“Yes!  I know this one.”  Alfie pumps his fist in the air.  “Tonguing the inside of her ear.” 
“Yum, waxy,” Eddie says, grimacing, giving voice to my thoughts. 
Kat blows him a kiss.  “Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it.  Sends me wild every time.” 
Finn re-takes control of the game.  “Well, let’s see how well you know Alfie then.  What does Alfie think his best physical feature is?” 
“He’s got more than one.  But after seeing his moves, I’m going to say his bum.” 
“Close.  My quads. Never skip legs day, boys.”  Alfie imparts this sage wisdom with a serious nod.  
“Kat, what is Alfie’s party trick?” 
“Juggling?  Just don’t juggle your eggs over too many baskets, babe,” Kat warns. 
“I wish I could juggle,” Alfie moans.  “But no, it’s impressions.” 
I’m shocked.  Shocked, I tell you. 
“Yes, Alfie!  Love people who can do impressions!” Dana exclaims. 
“Seems like you’re struggling a bit, Kat,” I observe, studying my nails.  She turns her nose up at me and scoffs. 
“Final chance to pull it back, Kat,” Finn says.  “What is Alfie’s biggest turn on?” 
“I reckon he likes it when a girl gives his tongue a little nibble.”
“Like one of the face-suckers from the movie Alien?” I ask, confused. 
Eddie raises his eyebrows.  “I reckon you’re the only one who’s into that, Kat.” 
“Maybe one of you lucky boys will find out,” she purrs, looking over each guy in turn. 
“That sounds pretty tasty,” Alfie concedes.  “But it’s having sex in weird places.” 
Finn’s jaw drops.  “Wow. Wasn’t expecting that.” 
“What sort of places?” Dana asks. 
“Anywhere that’s a bit different.”  He shrugs.  “Train, castle, rubber dinghy.”  
“Always rubber up, people,” Dana chirps. 
“Could be anywhere.  An empty beach after a cheeky skinny dip.”  Alfie cuts his eyes to me.  “What do you think, Eòin?” 
Kat scowls.  “Sounds like my boy’s got a bit of a wild side.  I’m into it,” she says before I can answer.
 “Alright.  Over to Dana and Eddie.”  Finn shoots some finger guns at them.  “Dana, how many siblings does Eddie have?” 
“Only child, right?” 
“Nailed it, babe.”  Eddie beams at her. 
“You’ve defo got only child vibes,” Finn agrees.  Bet you were always first to the last slice of pizza.” 
“Way off.” 
“I like getting what I want in fairness.” 
“I think you might be getting plenty of what you want in the Villa.” Kat shoots Finn a sultry look. 
Dana looks shocked.  “You know you’re partnered up with Alfie, right?” 
“It’s day one and we all need to get to know everyone, don’t we?” Kat responds, unbothered. 
“The quizmaster awkwardly moves on, so…  Dana what is Eddie favorite sex position?” 
“No idea, so I’ll go with my fave.  Spoon-humping?” 
I look up from picking at a loose thread on my board shorts.  “Eh?” 
“Love spooning.  Love humping. Put ‘em together.  Win win,” she says cheekily. Kat laughs. 
“I can’t quite picture it,” Finn says.  “Maybe you could give us a demo?” 
Dana snorts.  “Yeah, nice try.” 
“I call it side doggy.  But it’s my fave too!” Eddie chimes in. 
“No way!”  The two hug... it seems like things are heating up between them. 
“Last one, Dana… what is Eddie’s biggest turn on?”
“He told me earlier I’ve got great legs.  So I’m going to go with legs.” 
“I’m a leg man myself,” Suresh informs her, his voice low and playful. 
That’s news to me. 
“I’m a leg man too,” Eddie says.   
“Smashed it, Dana.  Alright, let’s see if Eddie was listening like you were.  No pressure, man,” Finn says. 
“I thrive under pressure, bro.” 
“What does Dana think is her best personality trait?” 
“Easy.  Being kind.” 
Dana frowns.  “Being funny.” 
“Yeah, girl’s got jokes,” Alfie says approvingly. 
“What is Dana’s job?” 
“Erm… teacher?” 
“Dude it was literally in the interview we just watched,” I mutter. 
“Way off,” Dana says.  “I work in a bar.” 
Alfie laughs.  “What were you saying about pressure, geezer?” 
“Last up, what is Dana’s party trick?” 
“I told you this one!”  She elbows Eddie in the side. 
“Give me a minute, it’ll come to me.” 
“I’m off to get Finn’s egg timer.”  Alfie stands up. 
“Tap dance!” Eddie shouts. 
Dana looks at him in disappointment.  “Nope.  I can put my entire fist in my mouth.” 
“Looks like Eddie’s got his entire foot in his mouth right now,” Alfie cracks.  Everyone giggles except for me and Eddie. 
“We can’t all know our partners like I do.”  Suresh attempts to put his arm around me. 
“Eat shit,” I growl, moving away from him. 
“You tell him,” Dana cheers me on. 
“And you’re only coupled by default, geezer,” Alfie reminds him. 
“It’s not how it ends; it’s how it starts.  And I hope we get a new start here in the Villa.”  Suresh casts a soulful glance my way. 
“Your Finn-tastic quizmaster will be the judge of that!   Time to see how well you know each other then.  Suresh, what is Eòin’s favorite sex position?” 
I glare at Suresh as he pretends to think it over.   
“I’ve always called it stand and deliver.”  He shoots me an arrogant smile.  “I’d be standing and holding him up with his legs around my waist.”
The rest of the Islander’s wolf whistle and cheer.
“Based on the look Eòin is giving you, I’m going to assume that’s correct.  Swiftly moving on, what is Eòin’s biggest turn on?” 
“Oh, there’s a fair few that I remember that I remember well, but the biggest one is…” 
Dana catches my attention and rolls her eyes, clearly indicating she’s over Suresh’s cockiness and thinks I should be too. 
“Eòin always enjoyed a little pain with his pleasure.” 
“Nice!”  Alfie gives me a flirty look as Kat pouts. 
I grit my teeth and stay silent, thoroughly unhappy to have the finer points of my sex life publicly aired like this.   
“Final question, Suresh.  Why would you cheat on such a great guy?” Finn asks. 
“Is that supposed to be a joke, mate?”  Suresh frowns. 
Eddie worriedly looks between the two men.  “Is that actually the question?” 
Finn chuckles.  “Nah, I went off script.  Just wanted to know really.” 
“What a joker!”  Alfie joins in on the laughter. 
“The actual final question.  What is Eòin dream date?” 
“He always liked new experiences that pushed him out of his comfort zone.  Like when I took him on that hot air balloon ride for his birthday.” 
“Baller!”  Kat looks at Suresh with renewed interest. 
“I was terrified the entire time, you idiot,” I snark. 
Suresh arches an eyebrow at me.  “I remember us being all over each other the entire date.” 
“Bet the balloon wasn’t the only thing full of hot air,” Alfie comments. 
“Jesus Christ Alfie, we don’t need a running commentary on everything that’s said!  And you,” I point at Suresh.  “I was hanging on to you because I thought I was going to plummet to my fucking death.” 
“Okaaaay,” Finn says.  “Time for a question about our mysterious bad boy.  Eòin, what is Suresh’s biggest turn on?” 
Time for some payback. 
I languidly smirk at Suresh, running my index finger over my lower lip.  The glint in my eye must give me away because the cocky grin immediately fades from his face.  
“Eòin, no.” 
“You mean you don’t want me to tell everyone how much you loved it when I ate your ass?”  I innocently widen my eyes.  “Then I probably shouldn’t mention how I used to put you on your hands and knees and use my tongue and fingers in your ass to edge you until you cried and begged to cum?” 
Suresh glares at me, his face red with embarrassment, as the other Islanders shout and catcall us. 
“Damn.”  Finn whistles.  “Maybe I’ll get to experience that tomorrow… if I couple up with you.  Boys, make the most of your couples tonight.  It may be your last.  Finding out these saucy details has me even more excited to get to know your gorgeous partners.” 
Kat gives Finn sex eyes, clearly thinking she’s the favorite for tomorrow’s recoupling. 
“So that’s the end of the quiz then?” Dana asks. 
“But the start of the drama…” Kat murmurs. 
Everyone breaks into groups as we leave the firepit, awash with nerves and whispering excitedly about how tomorrow’s recoupling drama will unfold.  I try to slip away without being noticed, eager for some time alone. 
“Hey, Eòin!”  Alfie jogs after me.  “Can I grab you for a quick chat?” 
“Sorry to be that guy, Alfie.”  Finn hurriedly joins us.  “But there’s something I need to tell you asap, Eòin.  Mind if I jump in first please, fella?” 
“I do mind, mate.  I’ve got things I need to tell Eòin too.  Didn’t get a chance to chat since we were only coupled up briefly.” 
“You didn’t seem to miss me that much once you had Kat crawling all over you,” I say flatly.  Alfie winces. 
“Well I want Eòin alone to say what I have to say,” Finn insists. 
“I guess it’s up to him then,” Alfie says. 
“That is it is.  If you want to play it say you could just have a quick chat with both of us here,” Finn offers.  “Or if you want to get to know us properly, we could have a longer chat somewhere more private?”    
“Let’s do that!”  Alfie urges me.  “Especially with tomorrow’s recoupling coming up.  Your choice though, Eòin.” 
“Whatever gets rid of you fastest,” I say under my breath.  I raise my voice.  “Alright, Finn.  You’ve intrigued me.  Let’s head to the terrace.  I’ll talk to you after Alfie.” 
“I’ll find you, Eòin,” he assures me.  “You’re not easy to miss.” 
“Proper chuffed.  I’ve been hoping for some alone time with you since I first saw you, Beour.”  Finn offers me his arm and leads me towards the terrace.  Alfie winks at me as we leave. Finn and I take our seats on the intimate, plant-filled terrace.  I touch the soft petals of a nearby flower and steal a glance at the Islanders in the garden below.  
Finn scoots closer and grins at me coolly.   “What a view this is!”  
I nod awkwardly.  “Yep. It’s pretty up here.” 
“I was talking about you, Beour.”  Finn wraps a lock of my dark hair around his index finger and lightly tugs on it.  I feel the flush creeping over my cheeks and look down at my toes. “You have no idea what that cute little blush of yours does to me,” Finn murmurs in my ear. 
“Oh,” I squeak.  “Well, you got your wish… we’re somewhere private.  What’s on your mind?” 
“Well obviously I need to get to know everyone before I tomorrow.  But you caught my eye first.” 
I glance at him skeptically.  “Uh-huh.” 
“I mean it.  I haven’t got you figured out yet.  You don’t seem like the type to come on a reality tv show, but here you are. You’re gorgeous, talented, successful. But I get the feeling no one has even really taken the time to get to know the real you… all your secrets dreams and desires.” 
I scoff.  “And you want to be the first?” 
“Is that so strange, Beour?”  Finn’s blue eyes meet mine, his gaze tender.  “That I’m interested in you?  Because it’s true Eòin… I find myself wanting to know everything about you. What your laugh sounds like, how you look when you wake up in the morning, every little thing that brings a smile to that beautiful face.” 
I feel my defenses wavering, slowly being drawn in by this charming Irishman.  An unsettling thought flits through my mind.  “What about Dana or Kat?  Did either of them catch your eye?” 
“You’re all stunning.  It’s going to be a tough call tomorrow,” he hedges. 
And there it is.  Stupid Eòin. Stupid, stupid, stupid. 
“You’re not leaning towards anyone yet then?” 
Finn leans away from me, noticing the sudden detached tone in my voice. “Not yet.  I’m going to take it as it comes and see who I have the best connection with.”
 “Hm.  Well you made quite an entrance.  It doesn’t seem like you’re afraid of stepping on the other boys’ toes.” 
He chuckles.  “Nah, you’ve only know each other for a minute.  Well, you and Suresh a bit longer.”  He pauses.  “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”   
“I see.”  I cross my arms.  “Let me guess, you don’t want to get in the middle of our drama?” 
“The exact opposite.  It kinda turns me on.  There’s something a bit saucy about cracking on with him watching.” 
“I’m leaving,” I mutter, standing up and stalking towards the door. 
“What?  What’s wrong?”  Finn hustles after. 
I turn to face him.  “I don’t know what your deal is, and I honestly don’t care.  Going after someone just because you get off on making their partner jealous is skeezy, Finn, and I’m not going to let you use me like that. You’re better off trying that fuckboy shit on Kat, she’s stupid enough to fall for it.”   
The terrace door suddenly bursts opens.  “Oi, oi!  Couldn’t wait any longer,” Alfie says.  “I’m ready for our chat, Eòin!  I got us a spot on the bean bags.” 
“Yeah… let’s go.”  I give Finn one last dirty look before I allow Alfie to lead me away.
I exhaustedly slump down onto a bean bag next to Alfie while Suresh and Kat steal jealous glances at us from across the pool.  I rub the bridge of my nose, trying to hold back frustrated tears. 
I just want to go home. 
“That quiz was jokes wasn’t it?” 
“Uh-huh,” I drop my head into my hands.
“I keep imagining you in that sex position…” Alfie blushes.  “Wait, that came out weird.” 
I raise my head and look at him. “Whatever.  It’s fine.” 
“So you and Suresh, huh?” 
“I’ve always clashed with cocky alphas like him.” 
“You and Finn seem to get on,” I change the subject. 
Alfie nods, smiling.  “Sexy pirate boy?  Yeah, he’s a vibe.  Gives it out, but knows how to take it back.  Unlike your ex… He’s got some big competition in the Villa.  All the boys are bringing their A game.  But you’re handling the ex-lephant in the Villa like a pro.” 
“Not uh, not into puns are you?” Alfie asks, scratching the back of his neck. 
“Not bad ones.” 
He clears his throat, a little embarrassed.  “But seriously, you’re doing really well.  If my ex was here I’d be swimming for the mainland.” 
“We kinda went through the same thing huh?”  I think back to his interview. 
“Yeah… it was rough.” 
“How are things with Kat?” I ask.  “You two did pretty well on the quiz.” 
Alfie’s expression brightens.  “Pretty sweet.  She’s got sass and chat.  I like that.” 
“She’s your type then?” I ask, keeping my tone neutral. 
“She’s not my typical type.  Pretty different from people I’ve dated in the past.  How about you?  Anyone caught your eye?” 
“No,” I say bluntly. 
“Really?” he asks in surprise.  “I couldn’t take my eyes off you when you walked in.” 
“And yet you were perfectly happy to be paired up with Kat.” I flick a piece of lint off my boardshorts.  “The two of you have been cuddled up all afternoon.” 
“You can’t tell me you don’t see me taking cheeky glances at ya when Kat isn’t looking.” 
Why are men always so fucking disappointing? 
“Is that supposed to make feel special?” 
Alfie looks panicked.  “I’m just saying you seem cool.  I got butterflies when we first chatted.  Plus I’m into your favorite sex position!  I was gutted with how the first coupling ended.  I really wanted to stay coupled up with you.” 
I roll my eyes.  “K.” 
“But I’m sensing you may have some chemistry with Dana.  And you and Suresh clearly have unfinished business.” 
Suresh hears his name and looks over moodily.   
“I’m into you and I think we click,” Alfie continues.  “But maybe it’s easier if we’re friends for now. What do you think?” 
“Ok?” I reply, wondering when in our conversation I gave him the impression that I was even remotely interested in him. 
“What the…?”  Kat screeches, storming around the pool towards us.  “Are you for real?” 
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spadecentral · 2 years
Hey, I’ve got that Obey Me Teen MC brainrot too aksjshdhdhd There’s a particular prompt that’s been on my mind lately and I’d love to see what folks who make headcanons like you would make of it. Never sent a request like this so sorry for this is too long and/or all over. Tw though for abuse mention!!
Tl;dr: I’d be really interested to see what your headcanons for a situation where a teen!MC, who has an asshole dad and is used to fighting him for younger siblings despite being terrified of him, (at least initially) associates Lucifer with their Dad too strongly and it shows through their constant fight-or-flight responses. Like, fighting him like their lives depend on it when one of the brothers is in trouble for something but then running/hiding whenever they themselves are in trouble for something.
It’s based on the fact Canon!Lucifer is uncannily similar to my abusive dad in every single way (dw tho my little siblings and I are safe). I know that’s pretty heavy, so feel free to disregard! Was just curious enough to get it out there lol
🥊 Fight or Flight | Lucifer
>> requested: yes >> a/n: none
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>> masterlist: pact maker >> summary: Teen!MC Associates Lucifer with their Abusive Dad, which triggers a fight-or-flight response >> reader prns: they/them >> warning(s): LESSON 6 SPOILERS; mentions of being hurt; scene of being hurt
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“MC!” Luke’s voice rang in the underground tomb when they and Beelzebub came down.
MC noticed a big, heavy-looking book in Luke’s hands, the boy standing in front of the row of demon brothers. Lucifer was livid. This wasn’t good. This was horrible.
Immediately, MC rushes to the blonde angel. “Luke, you’re okay, right?”
“Yeah but—“
​​“MC. Do you happen to know why an angel is in our basement, and holding the grimoire?” Lucifer’s voice ran cold through the slightly damp room.
MC disregarded it as best they could as they checked on Luke. Only after they were 100% certain he was okay did they turn to the eldest brother. They moved the young blonde to stand behind them and put a protective arm out for good measure.
“You are not going to harm Luke.”
“MC. He’s holding the GRIMOIRE.”
“Don’t you dareuse that tone with me.” Lucifer seethed, stalking up to MC. He expected the teenager to back down, seeing their nerves act up and their fingers pick at their nails. “Stop this nonsense and let me deal with the angel by myself. I’ll give you and Beelzebub both a suitable punishment later.”
“I will fight you.” 
Four words were all that came out of their mouth. Four words that made Lucifer lose control. His authority had never been tested—to this extent—and especially not in his own house.
When Lucifer lunged for MC, they instinctively swung and hit his jaw. They turned around as fast as possible and picked up Luke before tossing him into the arms of Beel. “ Don’t let go of him until I te—!”
Their sentence was cut short by Lucifer, who had picked them up and sent them flying into the wall in a fit of rage.
That one noise alone stopped all motion.
The only thing heard was Luke’s desperate cry of MC’s name.
Blood seeped down over the side of their face. In an ever so excruciatingly slow manner, MC opened their eyes.
“MC I—“ Lucifer started.
But at the sound of his voice MC felt wide awake and scrambled to their feet.
“Don’t— don’t you touch me.” They wavered on their feet as they tried to remain upright.
“Human, you should really—“ Mammon started.
“Shut up!” They yelled, before clasping their hands over their mouth. Swiftly, MC ran in the other direction, up the stairs, and out of the basement.
Lucifer wanted to go after MC, but as soon as he took a step in their direction Beel—with Luke on his shoulders—, Mammon, and Satan were all blocking his way up.
“We think it’s best if you take some time away from them.” Beel said, his voice as monotone as ever, even though it did have a slightly angry twinge to it.
After some push-and-pull, Lucifer went up to his office with the three following closely behind, not allowing him any close-contact with MC.
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For mostly the rest of MC’s stay at the Devildom, they would avoid Lucifer as much as possible. Even more than before. They’d try to avoid talking—or even looking—at him at the table. They’d take new routes to their classes if it meant avoiding the eldest brother. And even tried so hard to forget that Lucifer existed that they don’t even use his name anymore. They want nothing to do with him and will try to stay as far away as they possibly can.
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i gave up
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sevendeadlymorons · 3 years
How about a request were Satan is stress out from cooking duty and Mc gives him a helping hand by fucking him on the counter to help him relive some stress from cooking.😺
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Oh and I presume this is meant for M!MC?? If not I’m sorry aha...
Also for the second anon, thank you, love. I’m happy you love my work x
M!MC Fucking Satan on the Counter in a Cat Maid Dress
It was just you and Satan that night
The boys had decided to go out for dinner but you and Satan were busy that night so decided against it
Instead, you two planned to have a lovely dinner together, all alone
But since it was just the two of you that night, you thought you could switch it up a little
You’d recently been seeing cat maid outfits on Akuzon ever since Levi had asked to use your phone for ‘research’
So knowing how much Satan loves cats, you impulsively bought it; a big brown box appearing at your door the very night you two happened to be alone
You grinned and rushed into Satan’s room, bursting through the door with the dress over your arm
“You gotta wear this for our date!”
The word ‘date’ slipping out of your mouth made you blush a little so you’re thankful he skipped over it
He stated at you, confused and baffled as in one arm was a black dress with an apron and in the other a pair of cat ears and a tail
You gave him puppy eyes as you tried your best to look disappointed
A small chuckle escaped his lips as he walked forward to grab the clothes off of you, examining them in front of him
He sighs and smiled, nodding in confirmation to your request, to which you smile happily and kiss his cheek then rush back out thd room to get ready for the dinner
A few hours pass and you’re sat in your room on your phone, hearing the pots and pans of Satan preparing the food
You wonder if he’s currently wearing the outfit you gave him
A smile creeps on your face as you imagine him admiring himself in the mirror with his little cat ears and tail on
You couldn’t stop the curiosity from arising as you wander downstairs into the kitchen to see Satan leaned against the counter, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose...
In a maid dress and cat ears
You feel the blush spread to your ears as you look over him, the dress coming slightly over his knees as the pink, knee high socks with cat patterns on it were on full show, the apron frilly and white and a little red bell collar around his neck
But he looked so stressed as he continued to pinch the bridge of his nose and massage his temples, leaning his head against the cupboards
You frown and walk up to him, watching the stress on his face practically disappear as he sees you
“Are you doing alright?”
You ask, still frowning as you press yourself up besides him on the counter
He chuckles and nods slowly
“Just slightly stressed is all”
He looks over and smiles, a light blush covering his cheeks, perhaps from being caught wearing this ridiculous dress
You smile back and reach for the ears of his costume, stroking his hair and petting the fake ears, watching him blush even harder at your delicate touch
You trail your hands down from his head to the bell on his neck, giving it a little flick and hearing it chime
You hadn’t even noticed it, but you’d gotten up from the spot besides him and is now standing right in front of him... Leaned in close with your knee between his legs
You look up at him, slightly shocked but at this point, just from the look of him was turning you on like crazy...
You bite your lip gently and lean in, catching his lips in a kiss as your hand finds its way back towards his hair, wrapping your fingers in it and twirling strands of his blond hair around your finger
You press yourself up to him, feeling his body against yours and hearing the slight ‘tink’ of his bell as you accidentally hit it
You suddenly lift him up and place him on the counter, hearing him gasp as you lean in to whisper in his ear
“Then how about... I help you de-stress?”
You purr and feel him shiver, his legs wrapping around your waist subconsciously as he leans in for more kisses, his legs squeezing you desperately
You feel yourself getting more aroused as his arms travel to your neck, wrapping around you to pull your head closer to deepen the kiss
You grab his face and caress his cheek, slipping your tongue in and subtly going to pull down his underwear from underneath the frilly black dress
You chuck it aside after he allows you to pull them off and you break the kiss, listening to him whine as you spread his legs and lift up the dress; his cock hard and on show for you to see
You smirk and look up at him as you jerk him off, palming yourself with the other hand as his eyes watch you whilst you do it
You slip your cock out of your jeans and let them fall to your ankles, stroking yourself so he can see; watching his own cock spring up in excitement
You pull him forwards so his ass is touching your crotch and you start to lick your fingers, salivating them so you could stretch him out before pounding into him
You slip one then two fingers into him, stretching out your fingers inside of his asshole until he’s moaning in your ear, the sensation wet and new to him
You take your fingers out after readying him and you position yourself over his hole, his face lewd and ready for you
You quickly kiss him as you slip easily inside, his ass smoothly taking you whole as you thrust in and out of him, a few moans escaping from both of your lips as you touch each other’s bodies
You gradually begin to pound in to him, the sound of the bell around his neck and his lustful cries the only things you could hear
He leans his head on your shoulder and pants as he feels your cock throb inside of him, the length of you filling him up and making him want to cum already
You mess with his ears and neck, sucking lightly on him as you grab his thighs to fuck into him harder, hearing loud slapping noises from your balls hitting his ass
He grabs his dick and starts jerking himself off, his head now hitting the cupboards behind him as you pound into him mercilessly, the grip of your fingernails leaving indents in his skin
His cries were ecstatic as he grabs a chunk of your hair and pulls you into a passionate kiss, exploring your mouth as you fuck him without a care in the world
You felt yourself getting closer; deciding to take longer strokes whilst you explore more of his body, feeling his inner thighs and pinching his nipples to make his orgasm more extreme
His body jolts and he starts to thrusts his hips into your strokes, feeling close already and desperately wanting to cum for you
You play with his tip as you take your last couple thrusts, emptying yourself inside of him and saying his name through your climax
You kept going until he soon after finishes, shooting his load onto his chest as parts of it dribbles onto the clean counter
You pull out and stroke his thigh one last time before kissing his cheeks and assisting him off the counter, his legs still shakey as he finds himself leaning back against the counter once more
“Feel better?”
You laugh as you face him, supporting him slightly so his legs don’t give out
All he could respond with was a sigh and a weak nod as he fixes up his dress and signals you to grab his boxers for him
He turns back to the counter after fully recovering and cleans up the mess he made with a towel, then finally starts to cook what he came down to make
You come up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist, playing with his tail and humming in his ear
He laughs and allows you to stay as he cooks the dinner you were sharing for your date
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
I'm saying this with my whole chest... I already know this has been done but this is my version
Twst hot takes: who'd they be irl school setting
Riddle is the teachers pet and snitches on everyone. Definitely an emily, was a bitch in hs and now works as a nurse/doctor now, "they say it all the time though... I thought it meant friend or something"
Trey either adopts you as one of his kids or is the senior thats has a freshmen s/o
Cater is a wannabe regina george, hops on trends, will cancle everything and anything, switches aesthetic often, sends SS on snapchat, "you wouldn't know who they are.. they're soo under ground" it's the fucking Beatles, "oh that on tiktok song", "don't wanna talk abt it 😥"
Ace post shit like "females these days😐... follow me on soundcloud", Will peak in highschool, thinks he exudes black air force energy but has dirty white van energy, "when 69 gets outta jail he's gonna get killed no cap 🤓", "cardi b isn't black either 🤓", wears burger King crowns, "dababy", "this song be bussin bussin for real sheesh"
Deuce is a teen drama bad boy that is just misunderstood, "nobody understands me", was bullied, left, came back and is the leader of a gang now, ironically he wants to either go into the army or become a police officer
Leona acts like he's from the streets but is from a gated community and dad is the mayor, thinks everyone hates him but is really popular, likes to use his status as mayors son to threaten ppl
Ruggie leeches of leona, the 'ol begging ass plate, always eating
Jack is the asshole dude bro, means well, 100% signing up for the military, used to be the no fun friend
Azul "if you didn't like me at my worst and can have me at my best", "what he cheated on me with vs me", "#gatekeep #gaslight #girlboss"
Jade is the fake friend, blackmails ppl, everyone thinks he'll threaten to blow up the school
Floyd is the kid that know matter how many complaints the school gets the teachers can't do anything
Jamil unpopular twin, wird kid that wears hoodies in 80+ degree weather, emo phase, forced to help kalim, gets his license and everyone switches up
Kalim the popular twin, "if you're homeless just buy a house", doesn't study cuz he was partying and copies off of jamil, doesn't know he's the favorite
Vil does part time modeling and make sure you know abt it, "take me back 😩", got popular on tiktok for doing nothing, will become a family blogger
Rook is the "where's my hug at?" Guy, saves everyone photos, "rookhunt took a screenshot of your story"
Epel is the homophobic gay kid, thinks he's the 'alpha male', responds to ppl calling him with "cry abt it", two faced
Idia is a neckbeard borderline incle, tier 3 pokimane sub, bought gamer girl bath water, down bad, "females only play the Sims and minecraft while I play dark souls and csgo", nice guy switch up
Ortho wants to be like his big brother but he doesn't know how deep it goes
Malleus will double text you and will do "am I annoying you 🥺" when you don't respond in 5 sec, "i don't fuck with anybody at school", I'm 14 and this deep, "mix your three most recent emojis"
Lilia is both the "seinor with a freshmen s/o and where's my hug at guy"
Silver is a pot head (don't @ me)
Sebek would be the homophobic and racist kid but is biracial and comes out as gay later on
Mc would be roger from American dad rando twsted guy: "if I walk through this door it's gonna be you?" Mc: "*wearing school uniform*There is a 99% chance that yes it will be me" rando twst guy: "ok *opens the door to see Mc in the concealer office looking over a file* Mc: "are you my 2 o'clock? please have a seat"
Grim is the schools unofficial mascot
Crowley the new principle that acts like he's been there for years
Crewel has sex with his students
Trein is the teacher your parents be like "he's still teaching?" He also wants to retire but the and makes it known he wants to
Ashton is either the gym teacher that means well or is the teacher that's married but is fucking another teacher/students
Sam graduated 5 yrs ago but has nothing better to do and hangs around school, if you have the money he'll buy it for you, "hey kid you wanna buys some drugs?"
Cheka is a sticky iPad kid, "my mom let's me eat those" when you have hot chips, cheka: "yeah my mama and daddy be fighting naked sometimes" twst guy: "okay where your parents at?, "my mom said I can play on your computer", "you got games on your phone?"
Chen'ya is the kid that skips school to hangout with friends at a different school, "they go to a different school"
Neige also modles but is more successful at it and has the brunette and blonde friendship but in reverse with vil
Farena is roger doofenshmirtz situation with leona, "why do these new aged kids stay in their rooms all day?", "i wanst the favorite! You were"
Not gonna lie..... a lot of this I didn't understand (JFC HELP I'M BECOMING MUCH MORE OF A BOOMER WITH EACH PASSING DAY)
also.... pls..... I-I wanna be Trey's freshman gf koljgkjgflk
thank you for sharing!
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