#md scotland
Bride is said to preside over the different seasons of the year and to bestow their functions upon them according to their respective needs. Some call January 'am mios marbh,' the dead month, some December, while some apply the terms, 'na tri miosa marbh,' the three dead months, 'an raithe marbh,' the dead quarter, and 'raithe marbh na bliadhna,' the dead quarter of the year, to the winter months when nature is asleep. Bride with her white wand is said to breathe life into the mouth of the dead Winter and to bring him to open his eyes to the tears and the smiles, the sighs and the laughter of Spring. The venom of the cold is said to tremble for its safety on Bride's Day and to flee for its life on Patrick's Day. There is a saying:--
‘Chuir Bride miar ’s an abhuinn
La na Feill Bride
Is dh’ fhalbh mathair ghuir an fhuachd,
Is nigh i basan anns an abhuinn
La na Feill Padruig
Is dh’ fhalbh mathair ghin an fhuachd.'
Bride put her finger in the river
On the Feast Day of Bride
And away went the hatching mother of the cold,
And she bathed her palms in the river
On the Feast Day of Patrick
And away went the conception mother of the cold,
Another version says:--
'Chuir Brighid a bas ann,
Chuir Moire a cas ann,
Chuir Padruig a chiach fhuar ann.' (?)
Bride put her palm in it,
Mary per her foot in it,
Patrick put the cold stone in it,
alluding to the decrease in cold as the year advances. In illustration of this is-- 'Chuir Moire meoirean anns an uisge La Fheili Bride is thug i neimh as, ’s La Fheill Padruig nigh i lamhan ann ’s dh’ fhalbh am fuachd uil as,' Mary put her fingers in the water on Bride's Feast Day and the venom went out of it, and on Patrick's Feast Day she bathed her hands in it and all the cold went out of it.
Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1, by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], at sacred-texts.com page 172
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anne-adler · 3 months
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Okay so…. I’m here. 🥰
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scotianostra · 1 month
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7th of May 1865 saw the birth of Jessie MacLaren MacGregor in Edinburgh.
MacLaren MacGregor was one of the first women to be awarded an MD by The University of Edinburgh, along with Elsie Inglis she was instrumental in setting up the Muir Hall of Residence for Women Students in Edinburgh, and a Hospice on the Royal Mile, a nursing home and maternity hospital for poor women.
Jessie was a student of Sophia Jex-Blake at the Edinburgh School of Medicine for Women and was one of the first women to undertake a medical degree at the University of Edinburgh, after the barriers to women qualifying as doctors were removed by the University.
She took her Bachelor of Medicine degree in 1896, achieving first-class honours in every subject in the curriculum, passing all her professional examinations in the shortest time possible, and being awarded the Arthur Scholarship. 3 years later, she took her MD (Doctor of Medicine), winning a gold medal for her thesis on the comparative anatomy of the auditory nerve.
In 1905, for family reasons, she left her practice in Edinburgh and emigrated to the Denver, Colorado, USA, but in 1906 sadly died at the age of 42 of acute cerebral meningitis.
A wee add on to this post, the actual first women to be awarded an MD was Margaret Anne Bulkley, better known as Jammes Barry. Margaret was born a female and lived as ne in her/his childhood, on entering the Universityof Edinburgh and the years after, James Barry is the name he/she used. Barry lived as a man in both public and private life, at least in part in order to be accepted as a university student, and to pursue a career as a surgeon. Barry's anatomy became known to the public and to military colleagues only after he death and a post mortem examination., for 58 years Margaret lived as Barry.
Barry had a destinghished career as an surgeon in the Britsih Army, reaching the rank equivelant to a lieutenant. After it became public The British Army, seeking to suppress the story, sealed Barry's service records for the next 100 years.
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movingnortharchive · 1 month
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11:15 at the train station | Dundee, Scotland, March 2024
📸: Olympus Trip AF MD + Kodak Ultramax
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medicaldoctordana · 2 months
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pityroad · 11 months
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the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, on 35mm // April 2023
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his-eternal-hell · 1 year
I hate this house. The house I grew up in. My childhood home. My parents home. There's a depressive mood that lingers in every room like a bed smell, the smell so disgusting it leaves you with lasting depression days after being there. I can't put my finger on it. All I know for sure this house isn't good for my mental health. I've only been here five hours and already feel like I'm going insane. The depression slowing creeping into my soul, into my mind. I hate this house!
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bikinikillarchives · 1 year
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Le Tigre announce 2023 tour!!! touring for the first time since 2005. tickets on sale on Friday the 27th at 9AM PST/ noon EST. link to tix & new merch.
photo by Leeta Harding, 2004.
05-27 Philadelphia, PA - Union Transfer
06-01 Barcelona, Spain - Primavera Sound Barcelona
06-03 London, England - Troxy
06-05 Manchester, England - Albert Hall
06-06 Glasgow, Scotland - Barrowland Ballroom
06-08 Madrid, Spain - Primavera Sound Madrid
06-09 Porto, Portugal - Nos Primavera Sound Porto
06-11 Paris, France - Le Trianon
06-14 Amsterdam, Netherlands - Paradiso
06-16 Berlin, Germany - Huxleys Neue Welt
06-17 Hamburg, Germany - Markthalle
07-01 Oakland, CA - Mosswood Meltdown Festival
07-03 Vancouver, British Columbia - Commodore Ballroom
07-06 Seattle, WA - Paramount Theatre
07-07 Portland, OR - Roseland Theater
07-09 Los Angeles, CA - The Greek Theatre
07-15 Chicago, IL - The Salt Shed
07-17 Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre
07-18 Millvale, PA - Mr. Smalls Theatre
07-19 Baltimore, MD - Baltimore Soundstage
07-21 Toronto, Ontario - History
07-22 Montreal, Québec - L’Olympia
07-24 Boston, MA - Royale
07-28 New York, NY - Brooklyn Steel
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quordleona03 · 1 year
8 shows for your mutuals to get to know you better
I was tagged by @marley--manson
Blake's 7 - I once described my relationship with Blake's 7 as like the one you might have with your first girlfriend. You came out together! You two were the first lesbians each of you had ever met; You share so many lesbian firsts together. You split up before you were even going to uni, you may not see each other very often now, but there's still that sweet, sweet, unforgettable first attachment. That was me for Blake's 7. The first show I ever wrote fanfic for. The first show for which I had a proper fannish obsession. The first show for which I ever spent three days weeping and writing obsessively after I was left in a state of misery and shock after the fourth season finale . I have a complete set of B7 DVDs sitting on the shelf above this computer. I haven't actually watched them but sometimes I offer them flowers.
2. Doctor Who. This was my very first convention - the Doctor Who 20th Anniversary Con at Longleat, Easter weekend 1983. My parents asked me what I'd like to do for Easter, and were more than a little startled when I told them, but they paid my train fare and my con membership and let me go and I had my very first experience of fandom standing in those queues. I have dipped into and out of Doctor Who since I first watched Tom Baker flaunt his ever so long scarf.
3. Star Trek: TOS - and the original four movies. I watched these without as much obsession, but - I read James Blish's novelisations, I still have a collection of the good Trek novels on my shelf, I once organised a group reading of the Price of the Phoenix at a slash con, I have written Spock/McCoy fanfic (it's the Mirror episode, mostly) and I have been to K/S cons. I quite like DS9 and ST:tng too - I've written fanfic for tng - but Star Trek before it needed a TOS label was the first fandom I got to share with friends in person, as opposed to friends I knew by post and fanzine and at cons.
4. Cagney & Lacey. I loved this show. So did my mum. This is the only fandom I ever shared with my mum, and we loved it the same way: two kick-ass women who were best friends and also the only two women cops in their precinct. I was not conscious enough of racial issues in the US at the time I was watching it to be conscious that the New York Cagney and Lacey moved in was very unexpectedly white at all times, but I'm afraid I would see it now. On the other hand, if anyone can point me at *good* recordings of the episodes I would love to watch them again - my mum had the complete set recorded on VHS tapes and, well, gone with the dinosaurs and my late mother's estate.
5. The Professionals. Such a British show. Written and aired well before the anti-drunk driving campaigns, Bodie and Doyle and Cowley drink to excess, show no signs of being drunk, and then drive fast cars and wave guns around after drinking to excess. I wrote Bodie/Cowley fanfic for it because at the time I discovered the fandom, it felt like every Bodie/Doyle story and then some had already been written (and were still being written) but also because I really adored the way Gordon Jackson and Lewis Collins interacted with each other. Cowley and Bodie were both ex-soldiers doing a secret-police job: Doyle was a former cop transferred to CI5: the best fanfiction written covered the brutality and the danger and the kind of personality that thrived on it. The political viewpoints expressed by Bodie, Cowley, and Doyle were so far from being mine that it felt reckless to write them, and I enjoyed that: but the background to the story - 1970s UK/London - was so close to my real life (1980s/1990s Scotland/SE England) that it felt sometimes impossibly easy to write.
6. House MD I had been vaguely aware that Hugh Laurie had moved to the US and was doing a show about a doctor in an American hospital and I was entirely uninterested - US doctor/hospital series (with ONE exception) had never appealed to me. And then I saw a poster, at the bus stop, on my way home. It is a rule that anything she see advertised on public transport is bad, but I looked at the unshaven and somehow agonised face of Hugh Laurie, whom I remembered well from quite other series, and I though: Okay, I'll give this a go, and I watched one episode - somewhere in the first season, I do not recall which one, oddly enough: and I was hooked. I never wrote much fanfic for it, but Greg House and his coterie of characters - Wilson, Cameron, Chase, Foreman, and Cuddy - and to a certain extent the later ducklings - were formidable ingredients for story telling. I own every season on DVD.
7. The West Wing. I have been a politics nerd for most of my life, and a friend who was aware of this tempted me into watching an early episode of TWW (it may even have been the pilot episode) by telling me it was a drama about politics - not so much about elections, but about the behind-the-scenes work that makes politics. I watched it from season one, and I own every season on DVD.
8. M*A*S*H I became obsessed with MASH in two phases - first one about twenty years ago, which sparked a period of about five years writing fanfic: and again, I'm not sure why, in lockdown - suddenly the characters walked back into my mind and I started writing MASH fanfic again. Who to tag, who to tag: @jaelijn @topshelf2112-blog @cplredberet @blistersonmefingehs @bbjkrss-blog (but don't feel obliged unless you want to)
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tealin · 2 years
Dr Edward Adrian Wilson
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“Words must always fail me when I talk of Bill Wilson. I believe he really is the finest character I ever met – the closer one gets to him the more there is to admire. . . . Whatever the matter, one knows Bill will be sound, shrewdly practical, intensely loyal and quite unselfish. . . . I think he is the most popular member of the party, and that is saying much.” 
— Capt. Scott, in a letter dated 22 Oct 1911
He was christened Edward, and his family called him Ted – the fifth child, eventually of ten, of Dr. Wilson of Cheltenham.  Even in early childhood he showed an aptitude for natural history and drawing, and his father encouraged both, allowing him to roam all over the Cotswolds and South Wales, observing animals, collecting specimens, and sketching them.  He attended Cheltenham College where he was secretary of the ornithology branch of the Natural History Society, then was accepted into Cambridge to follow in his father's footsteps into medicine.  This he did, his very hard work interspersed with regular rowing practice and at least one illicit pre-dawn excursion for trout fishing, but his gruelling work ethic and compulsion to push himself to his limit eventually backfired: while a trainee at St George's Hospital in London, he came down with tuberculosis.
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At first it was thought that he needed simply a break from work and smog, so he went to stay with friends in Norway for a while. However, with mountains to climb and vistas to paint and miles of rugged countryside to be tramped over, this only gave young Wilson a greater opportunity for exertion, so he was sent to a sanatorium in Davos, Switzerland, where the medical staff could limit his range. Being cooped up sent him into a depression, but the enforced rest gave him the opportunity to correspond with a young lady he had met in London, Oriana Souper, and their relationship grew from kindred spirits to something rather more substantial.
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He returned to England much improved in health, though his doctor advised he resign himself to a quiet life. Of course this was eschewed. “I can't bear people who always take for granted that one's main object is to save up one's health and strength, eyesight and what not, for when one is sixty. How on earth can they tell whether one is going to reach thirty?” Wilson threw himself back into medical studies and got his MD. In the midst of this, he was encouraged to apply for the post of Junior Surgeon and Zoologist on the upcoming Discovery Expedition. Despite his reservations – aside from his health, he and Oriana had got engaged, and he didn't think his artistic skills were sufficient to be considered in that capacity – the decision-makers liked him and offered him the post. He took it.
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The Discovery left London in August of 1901, three weeks after Edward and Oriana were married.  Wilson was well-loved by his crewmates, who enjoyed his wry humour as much as his drawings, and it was here he got the nickname “Bill.”  Wilson himself was particular friends with Ernest Shackleton, and both got along well with the expedition's commander, Robert Falcon Scott.  So when Scott set out to push into the continent's interior, it was Wilson and Shackleton he took along. 
To keep a long story short, by the time the three returned to the ship (all with scurvy), Wilson was better friends with Scott than with Shackleton.  The latter was in such bad shape that he was invalided home, while Wilson and Scott stayed another year.  When the Discovery finally returned to civilisation, the friendship between Wilson and Scott had been firmly cemented.
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To celebrate their reunion, Dr and Mrs Wilson embarked on several years travelling up and down the country investigating causes of a disease afflicting red grouse. Shackleton invited Wilson to join him on his Nimrod Expedition; Wilson said he was busy. However, on one trip to Scotland he reconnected with Scott and they started devising plans for another trip to the Antarctic; on another he met Apsley Cherry-Garrard, who he would recommend to that expedition.
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Once again the Wilsons parted, when the Terra Nova left Cardiff in June of 1910, though they had a brief reunification between South Africa and New Zealand before being parted for real in November. This time Dr Wilson was head of the scientific staff, and as the eldest member thereof, was dubbed Uncle Bill. As before, he was rapidly beloved by all who sailed with him, perhaps even more so than on the Discovery since he was nine years wiser and kinder. His friendship with Scott also made him the communicator between the young scientists and the sometimes aloof leader – if you wanted to say something to Scott, it was much easier to relay it through Wilson. His talents as confidant and peacemaker – and also, probably, his involvement in selecting the scientific staff in the first place – were largely responsible for the first year of the Terra Nova Expedition being remarkably convivial.
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One big reason Wilson had been keen to go south again was to acquire some Emperor penguin embryos, which could only be done while the eggs were being incubated in the winter. On the Discovery Expedition, they located an Emperor rookery at Cape Crozier, on the western end of Ross Island; when conditions prevented them setting up base there in January 1911, it necessitated a midwinter journey the following June. Wilson and Cherry-Garrard had already planned to do this together, and agreed Bowers was the obvious choice for the third. They set off a few days after the Midwinter feast and endured five weeks of almost unimaginably arduous conditions, culminating in a hurricane-force blizzard on Wilson's birthday which blew their tent away. Miraculously, they made it back to base mostly unharmed and with three whole Emperor eggs. It was this journey that gave Cherry the title for his book, The Worst Journey in the World.
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A few months later, they were on the trail again, this time partly retracing the route travelled by Wilson, Scott, and Shackleton in Discovery times, as they trekked to the South Pole. On top of his services as an experienced and capable sledger, Wilson also contributed sketch after sketch of the mountains up the Beardmore Glacier, often battling through snowblindness to do so. To no one's surprise, he was selected for the final Polar Party, and of the three journals kept by that party, his is the least bothered by finding they'd been beaten to their goal – “We want the Scientific work to make the bagging of the Pole merely an item in the results,” he had written to his father in 1909, and this attitude was more than just a pose.
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Things started going wrong even before they turned back north.  Taff Evans had injured his hand in modifying their sledge and disclosed this after leaving the Pole, when infection had already set in.  Wilson, as doctor, tended it as best he could, and the frostbites that Evans was prone to.  Then Wilson himself strained a tendon in his leg, which took several days to recover well enough to get back in harness.  Evans' condition kept deteriorating, and despite Wilson's best efforts, he died at the bottom of the glacier.  When they failed to find the warmer temperatures they were expecting back at sea level, it was Oates' frostbite that took Wilson's time and attention – that was also revealed too late, and got worse quickly.  On March 11th, Scott “practically ordered Wilson to hand over the means of ending our troubles to us, so that anyone of us may know how to do so. Wilson had no choice between doing so and our ransacking the medicine case.”  Oates let Antarctica do the dirty work for him, and eventually the remaining three decided to do the same, but not before pushing themselves as far as they could go.
Even after the remaining three were pinned down by a blizzard, Wilson was determined to go on, being prepared to make an attempt with Bowers to reach the next depot and bring back some food and fuel – a round trip of 22 miles for two men already at the limit of their endurance.  Both seemed to expect they would die on the way, which may explain why they never left – leaving Scott to die alone would have been a greater strain on them morally than the journey would have been physically.  Wilson kept his equanimity to the end: Scott wrote a very moving letter to Oriana, apologising for getting her husband into this mess and telling her of the “comfortable blue look of hope” in his eyes, “and his mind is peaceful with the Satisfaction of his faith in regarding himself as part of the great scheme of the almighty. I can do no more to comfort you than to tell you that he died as he lived a true brave man – the best of comrades and staunchest of friends.” 
Sources Cheltenham in Antarctica by D.M. Wilson (great-nephew) and D.B. Elder The Last Letters by the Polar Party, ed. Heather Lane, Naomi Boneham, and Robert D. Smith
A note on the drawings: The pages you see here span about a year and a half.  Wilson is my favourite, so I get worked up about getting him right, and then can't draw at all.  What I ought to do is take him to the pub and unwind, but what I actually do is give up and take another stab a few months later, usually in a situation bereft of reference.  Despite all this, in retrospect I think some progress has been made...?
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tubul-taylorsversion · 5 months
my forever fixations (changes will be added.)
sitcoms (b99, modern family, bbt, himym, the office, friends, HOUSE MD)
benedict cucumberpatch and martin freeman (sherlock bbc, lord of the rings, the hobbit etc.)
ghosts&vampires&blood&sadists&gore&darkacademia&haunted places (frankenstein, jekyll and hyde)
english schoolgirls in the not creepy way (wild child, enid blyton boarding school books)
harry potter
neil gaiman (coraline)
true crime
granada holmes
star trek and star wars in no particular order
taylor swift and old washed up rock bands
pheobe effing bridgers
gracie abrams
kill her, freak out - samia
therese dreaming and maya hawke
raft of medusa
nerf guns
spy kids
peppa pig and ben and holly and gaston and nanny plum
emma chamberlain's fashion choices
the grisly origins of fairy tales
101 dalmations' original cruella deville.
horrid henry, captain underpants and phineas and ferb
evermore and folklore
lore by aaron manke
crime podcasts
the history of mad hatters
interesting things to research about
indian royalty history
Elizabeth Báthory (the blood countess)
agatha christie and miss marple
puzzle solving but i'm terrible at it (i’m awesome, i’m trying to be humble)
a deepening disgust at mortal fascination with each other.
Lockwood and Co.
The sisters grimm
Land of stories
middle grade horror and fantasy books
my instagram threads account
tumblr shitposts
tumblr in general
pjo (ex induced)
scarlet and ivy
young adult dark fantasy without romance (check point 46)
my goodreads account
ada lovelace
franz kafka, virginia woolf.
my spotify playlists (ethel cain i love u)
joan of arc
rosalind franklin
ted ed videos
witch hunts in scotland and salem.
zoroastrian burials
sherlock and watson
my pinterest
amrita shergill
old disney shows
cricket and india's victory in WC in '83
jhansi ki rani
my childhood tv shows
my yt history
video essays
shane and ryan (watcher or buzzfeed unsolved)
chronically online
jude bellingham
Carlos sainz
a dreaded feeling of separation.
Elsa Schiaparelli
the kelly
aux en provence
my artemis fowl phase
harry potter
ryan reynolds and john krasinski
adam sandler movies and similar genres of shitty comedy
cobra kai and the karate kid
spiderman variants
bucky and the falcon
charlize theron
vintage watches
conde nast traveller
benedict cucumberpatch
kristy thompson from the bsc
anne with an e
mr brightside
the sixties, thirties and twentys
maggie smith (downtown abbey and loewe campaigns)
jane birkin
youtube fan edits
stranger things
the irregulars and haunting of hill house
gossip girl (fallacies and legacies)
meryl streep (mammia mia and the devil wears prada)
julie andrews (the sound of music, the princess diaries)
vintage movies
youtube short films and billy joel
the prisoner of azkaban
fred and george weasley and kili and fili
gandalf > dumbledore
margaret - ldr and jack antanoff
alicia and janet (the enid blyton cinematic universe)
sharon tate
my halloween blog 'gore'
arch digest house tours
new york because i'm just a girl
Star Trek
the matrix
kill bill, fight club, dr. evil, ocean’s 11
The KJO cinematic universe
Nepo babies
Tim Burton
The Addams Family
Mathematics x 2
Conspiracy theories
Ethical research
female serial killers
elizabeth bathory
my spotify playlists
billy joel - piano man
youtube edits
peppa pig & ben and holly
horrid henry
lost childhood animated tv shows
enid blyton boarding school books
british sitcoms (outnumbered)
house md
characters most like me list on charactour/ openpyschometrics.
the 2 IT zoya akhtar movies
special certain bollywood
teams in red - man united, carlos sainz in Ferrari and RCB.
Formula 1, Tennis, Football & Cricket
Batman&Alfred (Christopher Nolan version duh!)
Dark Knight’s aesthetic
old marvel and DC movies
Superhero Comics
Richard Feynman
Haunted castles
Halloween and Halloween costumes (the only right answer is switching between batman and darth Vader or my Pinterest board)
LEGO (lotr, Harry Potter, marvel and DC lego)
Batman, iron man, and dr strange
ford v ferrari
shang chi
fight club and kill bill
Zack and Cody and phineas and ferb captain underpants
Karate kid and kung fu panda
karen from outnumbered
philomena cunk
Mercedes, Sebastian Vettel being a nerd and super awesome with pit overtakes, Brocedes + 2019 rookies and Maxiel
2012 grid and 2023 george russel t pose, twitch quartet
Good food and masterchef australia
black swan
Cool nepo babies (case in point romy mars (director of the tiktok vodka pasta video & Gracie frikking abrams ily)
F2 and f3
Horror movies
SHITTY COMEDYYY movie genre I.e. the hangover, grown ups, etc.
How to train your dragon (i had a dragon dinosaur phase so this is justified)
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scotianostra · 5 months
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18th January 1782 marks the death of the Scottish Physician and philosopher John Pringle,
Sir John Pringle is one of three men who are named the "father of military medicine"
John Pringle led a varied life. Though a career in commerce beckoned, his life would lead a different path, he went first to be educated at St Andrews University and then to Edinburgh for a year before being sent to acquire commercial experience in Amsterdam.
One day, when visiting Leiden, chance and an inquisitive mind led Pringle to the lecture room of Herman Boerhaave, it inspired him to abandon his future in commerce and become a medical student. Compared with today, medical education was then extremely brief and, two years later, in 1730 Pringle qualified MD and returned to Scotland to set up practice in Edinburgh.
As well as practising medicine Pringle was known for his interest in moral philosophy and in 1734 was appointed Professor of Pneumatics and Moral Philosophy. However it was his medical abilities that earned Pringle his in history. In 1742 he was appointed as hpersonal physician to the Earl of Stair at Fladres who put him in charge of the military hospital.
Pringle was a careful and methodical man who believed that prevention was better than cure. He insisted on sanitary measures that reduced the rate of typhus and dysentery, diseases which killed more soldiers than actual battle, and pioneered the concept of hospitals in the field as neutral territory. In 1745 his services were recognized by the Duke of Cumberland who appointed him 'Physician General to His Majesty's Forces in the Low Countries and beyond the seas'. Pringle was subsequently elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. He had resigned his chair at Edinburgh but returned to Scotland where he witnessed the Battle of Culloden in 1746 and compared the varying degrees of morbidity in the forts which had been built to subdue the Highlands.
After another sojourn overseas with the army he settled in London in 1749 and carried out various experiments on putrefaction, recommending the use of ammonia whenever it occurred. He continued his interest in typhus (or 'gaol' or 'putrid' fever) and wrote the work for which he is primarily remembered, Observations on the diseases of the Army. This was first published in 1752 but ran to several editions. He was appointed physician to both King George III and Queen Charlotte, a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London and, in 1772, President of the Royal Society. The King acknowledged his work by awarding him a baronetcy in 1766. In 1778 Pringle retired as PRS because of declining health and returned to Edinburgh but, feeling that the city had deteriorated since his youth, returned to London where he died a year later.
There is a monument to Pringle in Westminster Abbey, as seen in the pics, it reads;
Sacred to the memory of Sir JOHN PRINGLE, Baronet, who was at an early period of life Professor of Moral Philosophy in the university of EDINBURGH: afterward physician to the ARMY, to the PRINCESS OF WALES, to the QUEEN and to KING GEORGE III. President of the ROYAL Society; member of the ROYAL Academy of SCIENCES at Paris etc.etc. His medical and philosophical knowledge, his inviolable integrity, and truely Christian virtues rendered him an honour to his age and country. He was born in SCOTLAND in April 1707 and died in LONDON in January 1782.
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movingnortharchive · 2 months
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from the front seat, top deck of the bus
Dundee, Scotland, December 2022
📸: Olympus Trip AF MD + Kodak Ultramax
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findlayccarter · 1 year
High Tide - Kick and Prance (Runner)
Dir: @rossrjohnston Prod: @kat.tweedie DoP & Edit: Eathan Currie Talent & Choreo: @hannah_collins01 Location: @mellerstainhouseandgardens MD: @alexportersmith-blog
Now that Ethan has finished the edit for the their mini passion project film I thought I'd talk about the experience of working on the shoot with them.
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I got an opportunity to work with High Tide quite last minute, but I was keen to get involved because I thought it would be good to learn from a company that do a mix of commercial and art films. Also I wanted to meet Ethan, who I think it primarily a cinematographer but also does editing. Something I'd be keen to do in the future, because as much as I love editing, I like the pressure/stress of being on set and having to act on impulse sometimes. Ethan also told me that they work with Davinchi most of the time, which was reassuring to hear.
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It was a 6am call time which was a shock to the system and I didn't know what we were doing until we were on the car ride down to the borders. Ethan and Alex had wanted to create something like this for a while and it worked with needing some music based work to show on a show reel - as well as working and showing off a location:
Mellerstain House is a stately home around 8 miles north of Kelso in the Borders, Scotland. It is currently the home of George Baillie-Hamilton, 14th Earl of Haddington, and is designated as a historical monument.
It was a truly stunning house and the weather was perfect creating a-lot of light beams through the windows and meaning that my job as runner was very limited in terms of doing any fill lighting etc. A lot of the work I did was just fetching and carrying stuff and helping in any small way as possible like holding the camera. The camera, weighed a ton and really made the URSA handheld setups look pathetic.
There wasn't a lot of technical aspects that I was able to pick up on, however here's a list of things that I noticed there: -
The gimbal setup seemed like a bit of a nightmare even for someone who was used to it - definitely need to have play around with one in the future.
Ross (director) and Ethan (DOP) clearly had worked alot together so there was good chemistry. But I noticed that there was alot of problems that occurred that would be resolved very quickly. I think it showed how much they had planned it out and both had a very similar and clear mindset of what to get.
Lenses - the lens was fairly wide the whole time, I want to say it was a 25. There was very few lens changes, I think there was only one and it was only for a shot of Ross being the other tourist.
Producing - Kat was great and really organised the whole day. Even though there was a time constraint and it wasn't completely stress feel, they did not seem like they were stressed at all. The whole shoot was under control with well managed breaks and other commitments in between.
Wireless monitor - I wish the screen academy had these, the setup for it was so much easier and it made the playback and reviewing so much faster. I've learned to hate plugging BNC cables in.
Overall it was a great experience seeing everyone work, and the whole setup of High Tide was something that was very appealing to me. A small but varied group of people who worked together seamlessly and worked on projects that they all enjoyed and on top of that get paid for. To me it really seemed like the perfect job to be in. I hope that they reach out again and I have the opportunity to work with them.
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pityroad · 10 months
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from the bottom of the Wellgate // Dundee, Scotland, May 2023
Olympus Trip AF MD + Kodak Ultramax 400
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brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Events 5.7 (after 1930)
1930 – The 7.1 Mw  Salmas earthquake shakes northwestern Iran and southeastern Turkey with a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent). Up to three-thousand people were killed. 1931 – The stand-off between criminal Francis Crowley and 300 members of the New York Police Department takes place in his fifth-floor apartment on West 91st Street, New York City. 1937 – Spanish Civil War: The German Condor Legion, equipped with Heinkel He 51 biplanes, arrives in Spain to assist Francisco Franco's forces. 1940 – World War II: The Norway Debate in the British House of Commons begins, and leads to the replacement of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain with Winston Churchill three days later. 1942 – World War II: During the Battle of the Coral Sea, United States Navy aircraft carrier aircraft attack and sink the Imperial Japanese Navy light aircraft carrier Shōhō; the battle marks the first time in naval history that two enemy fleets fight without visual contact between warring ships. 1945 – World War II: Last German U-boat attack of the war, two freighters are sunk off the Firth of Forth, Scotland. 1945 – World War II: Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm Keitel signs unconditional surrender terms at Reims, France, ending Germany's participation in the war. The document takes effect the next day. 1946 – Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering (later renamed Sony) is founded. 1948 – The Council of Europe is founded during the Hague Congress. 1952 – The concept of the integrated circuit, the basis for all modern computers, is first published by Geoffrey Dummer. 1954 – Indochina War: The Battle of Dien Bien Phu ends in a French defeat and a Viet Minh victory (the battle began on March 13). 1960 – Cold War: U-2 Crisis of 1960: Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev announces that his nation is holding American U-2 pilot Gary Powers. 1964 – Pacific Airlines Flight 773 is hijacked by Francisco Gonzales and crashes in Contra Costa County, California, killing 44. 1986 – Canadian Patrick Morrow becomes the first person to climb each of the Seven Summits. 1991 – A fire and explosion occurs at a fireworks factory at Sungai Buloh, Malaysia, killing 26. 1992 – Michigan ratifies a 203-year-old proposed amendment to the United States Constitution making the 27th Amendment law. This amendment bars the U.S. Congress from giving itself a mid-term pay raise. 1992 – Space Shuttle program: The Space Shuttle Endeavour is launched on its first mission, STS-49. 1992 – Three employees at a McDonald's Restaurant in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, are brutally murdered and a fourth permanently disabled after a botched robbery. It is the first "fast-food murder" in Canada. 1994 – Edvard Munch's painting The Scream is recovered undamaged after being stolen from the National Gallery of Norway in February. 1998 – Mercedes-Benz buys Chrysler for US$40 billion and forms DaimlerChrysler in the largest industrial merger in history. 1999 – Pope John Paul II travels to Romania, becoming the first pope to visit a predominantly Eastern Orthodox country since the Great Schism in 1054. 1999 – Kosovo War: Three Chinese citizens are killed and 20 wounded when a NATO aircraft inadvertently bombs the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, Serbia. 1999 – In Guinea-Bissau, President João Bernardo Vieira is ousted in a military coup. 2000 – Vladimir Putin is inaugurated as president of Russia. 2002 – An EgyptAir Boeing 737-500 crashes on approach to Tunis–Carthage International Airport, killing 14 people. 2002 – A China Northern Airlines MD-82 plunges into the Yellow Sea, killing 112 people. 2004 – American businessman Nick Berg is beheaded by Islamic militants. The act is recorded on videotape and released on the Internet.
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