#me: i like R's story a lot but im not a big fan of how ill-explained the magic is
so far how i feel about doma is that YGO R is the doma arc for the manga with a lot of shared concepts between the two, but so far i think i like how R handled them more because it is so much more grounded in comparison, which is quite a feat but if anything could make R look normal it's doma
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crushedsweets · 9 months
I am so curious as to what you'd think about Nina and Hoodie as a duo. They've been two of my absolute favorites (even if Brian technically isn't even a creepypasta) since I was younger and I've always loved them as a sort of big brother/little sister pairing. They are so siblings to me I adore them. What are your thoughts on the sillies..
OHHH this is actually super interesting... but also im worried i do not have a lot to say because they won't mesh very well/very much. but i will try. not super realistic headcanons i think but what do i know... <3
brian isnt very present in my story, partially bc ik some mh fans dont like the crossover very much. and by time ninas in the story, i want him+tim to kinda separate from slenderman as toby and kate take over. he's still involved and coming around since he gets horrible slender sickness(but its from the operator) if he's away too long, but he doesn't live near or befriend most of the main cast..
nina is very present in my story because i love her and she is such a good and fun representation of the fandom yk. but brian is much more realistic and late 30s man, while nina is a very cartoonish early 20s girl. theyre on very different fields character and life wise...
BUUUUUUUUUT they would still meet of course.
she'd be bubbling around the entire cast, meeting people through jeff. people initially think she's in the same vein as jeff, natalie, and toby, with a LONG list of blood on their hands influenced by the operator, so they just don't think much about it. theyre mostly surprised by how cheery she is, but the proxies are the first to find out she's just... obsessed with jeff..... so thats very off putting. brian isn't fond of it.
nina would develop some light slender sickness(again, from the operator) just by being around jeff all the time, but the operator never infected her because he didn't see her as a worthy vessel. so, she would have to come to the proxies about it. if toby isnt in the mood or busy, she'd just have to hope brian/tim are around with some pills that'll soothe the pain
brian is more likely to help. with nina, he'd be quick to take on a more protective role, trying to console her as she cries on the couch holding her head whining about static.
initial convos would go smth along the lines of "do you want some coffee ? or uh kids like hot chocolate huh... maybe tea" "i'm literally in my 20s please tell me toby has weed somewhere" "that does not help with this pain i promise" "how would you know" "haha. water it is."
brian was a major stoner back in his early 20s and nina thinks its fucking hilarious. . . she'll try to get him to smoke with her but he's rlly not interested LOLLLL.... hes like 15 yrs older than her he thinks its weird .
again, he's not around a lot, but she's always happy to bump into him. she'd be squealing n shit 'HIII BRIANNNN how r u :3' and he'd just be like :) hey nina. and then never answer the 'how r u' bc he doesnt actually wanna sit and talk .
its a good change of pace. he's been through hell and back for well over a decade by this point, everyone around him is a sad sack of shit, and he spent a long time just. fighting to be an optimistic, cool guy to hang around . . but .... like.... um..... its hard to be that kind of person after all he's been thru. something about nina just forces that sort of like..... glee out of him . its not a huge difference where he's suddenly bouncing and giggling and whatever, he's still just Some Guy. but he'll be like :) lol .
mayhaps he'd catch her trying on toby's goggles and he'd offer to let her try on his mask. but nina would fake gag and be like 'no i dont want that dirty musty nasty sack on my head' and he'd be like ?????. then he'd say she can wash it and then try it on. which.. as an older sibling.... is the type of shit i'd do just to get my sister to do smth for me that i dont wanna do LMFAOOO. she might fall for it just cuz my dear nina is the ultimate fangirl
i dunno i kinda struggled with this one just cuz in my au, they wouldnt be all that close and the Type of characters they are don't mesh very well, but i am super fond of the concept and would love to try expanding on it more
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stardustdiiving · 3 months
What popular familial headcanons do you not like? If you're willing to share, of course
This post was specifically about parent / child interpretations of Zhongli & Xiao and Nahida & Wanderer ! which r my favorite genshin character dynamics and also involve my two category 5 genshin blorbos . Like obvious disclaimer I don’t have a problem with people liking said hcs but I have kind of a bad grudge against both bc I’m a bit polarized out of people just Really Really insisting on them whenever I talk / make fanworks about the characters ☹️ along with just really not liking the characterizations attached to both dynamics esp in how they handle Xiao & Nahida
Elaborating on both for fun & how I like to characterize them under the cut
I like Zhongli & Xiao as a form of character study where you kind of lean into the god/follower power dynamic and the way Xiao’s idea of duty/devotion blends with his internalized dehumanization. The idea is Xiao gives Zhongli a lot of power over him bc he wants to be devoted to Zhongli as a weapon more than a person while Zhongli is, used to being in a position of power but trying to navigate around this bc he wants Xiao to learn to exist outside suffering
Its not a very actively destructive dynamic for either of them but it’s kind of challenging Xiao’s dehumanization of himself and willingness to die/suffer for Zhongli out of a deeply engrained loyalty and devotion to him. I like zhongxiao (their ship) in the sense I think it can be fun to throw in very unbalanced complicated romantic feelings into this for added drama/ambiguity because I had my brain chemistry rewired by Pearl & Rose from Steven Universe when I was 11. I was so captivated by the idea of Pearl having such an intimate and tragic and self destructive devotion towards another woman it single handedly made me comphrend the fact I could gay
I’m just really not into the father/son portrayal bc I feel it’s just really awkward and weird to do any of the complicated emotional introspection or w/e I’m interested in doing w the dynamic through that lens. Also there’s only so many times u can draw zhongxiao and have people insist on interpreting it as father/son (?????? Soemtimes even while acknowledging i specific my work as romantic omg) before you just get kind of uncomfortable with it….im not a fan of the characterizations either…I feel ppl infantilize xiao a lot and EURFH idk it just makes me uncomfortable to think about bc of how I view the characters personally yk
Nahida & Wanderer I do enjoy exclusively platonically / even as found family, but I am a rare case of being a Nahida fan over a Scaramouche fan so it doesn’t do much for me when Nahida is reduced to being his mom/therapist/etc especially when a big reason I love hat radish is the way both characters compliment each other and make the dynamic a fun ground for mutual character study
I specifically don’t like her as a maternal figure because well. Nahida is a 500 year old child and I think this is important to her character & how she furthers the themes of Sumeru. The entire reason she’s neglected her entire life is bc she’s a child and the sages disregard the idea a child has any “useful” wisdom to offer them and feel emboldened to mistreat her because of that. Its that kind of mindset that we’re in conflict with throughout Sumeru. To have the Archon be a child who is still really smart and full of wisdom is like. Thematically sound to the story when the message is essentially don’t use wisdom/knowledge as a way to disregard people and seek only power/control. Its that exact mindset that Scaramouche, as an antagonist, is the cumulation of in the AQ
So to have him come to respect Nahida and listen to her is really sweet, and I think it’s additionally sweet when you lean into this kinda duality of Nahida being really wise and in a position of authority but also a kid, and Wanderer 100% rolls with it. (Especially given the fact Wanderer is established to have a soft spot for kids, I like imagining Nahida’s more childish qualities put him at ease and r something he actively likes about her—which is sweet when it’s her childishness that she was disregarded for yk) I think ppl struggle to grapple with that kind of contradiction of Nahida being a child on some level but not the same as an average human child, which is a shame bc that’s something I like seeing interpretations on
So with all of this in mind if I am viewing a character as a child where a big part of her character is it was wrong to disregard her as a God of Wisdom bc she’s a child, I don’t exactly find it really appealing or cute to have her dynamic with a character who is absolutely treated like an adult man in the writing be her parenting him and tending to all of his emotional angst 😵‍💫 the way it’s done esp with Scara being likened to an immature edgy teenager son here (which is kinda ooc to me) while ppl insist on Nahida being the mom feels very. Well. I am not really a fan of the idea of a female character being reduced to the mom friend and people being more willing to view a fictional adult male character as a “teenager” than the girl who again I feel is on a certain level written as a child? I and unfortunately it makes up maybe 70% of Nahida showing up in fanon NSJNDJCKDNND
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petrichorium · 2 days
i would like to hear about how you and Capitano came to be. and also what his kisses are like. aaaand. where he likes to grab you most :3c
answering these out of order bc the first is Lengthy so its going under the cut....... capitano kisses me sooooooo gingerly tbh he has to hold himself back so much. if hes not careful he'll go in for a quick peck on his way out and suddenly he's got his tongue down my throat in front of all his aides and every servant in the manor 😭😭😭 when we r alone its less about propriety and more bc he doesnt wanna overwhelm me so its always a game of me goading him into something heavier.
i think he is a waist grabber above all else....... very prone to putting two big ol hands on either side to set me somewhere (his desk, the edge of the tub, a balcony railing, etc) and just not quite letting go.............. also a frequent corset ripper bc those damn things just get in the way too much. likes to run his fingers up my spine to make my back arch while his thumb is pressed into my stomach n kinda squeeze. and ofc a huge fan of slinging an arm around my waist n throwing me over his shoulder ty.
The full capitano story is sooooo long and convoluted i fear LMFAOOOOOO and possibly subject to change when he actually shows up pfft but for now its the selfship where i dabble in the dynamic being kinda fucked up 🫣 he actually kills my first suitor and then subsequently the two husbands i have before he swoops in and basically pulls rank to marry me himself. there r "valid" reasons for all three of these he'd like to think he would let me be if i found a good man but clearly im incapable of it so he fancies himself a bit of a guardian ig......... have said this before but he has creepy prinecess/knight in shining armor fantasies n justifies uh. killing all the men who have ever touched me w that.
the first one is just a suitor like i said; we’re not engaged yet but it’s all but an arranged marriage bc my family is. Basically being strongarmed into it. The kill happens at a hunt—I genuinely don’t know Capitano at all at this point, and he has No idea I exist.
i have to make my suitor a cutesy lil embroidered handkerchief as like a token of my affection but im like Hell No bc my suitor is A Piece Of Shit so i give it to capitano instead, bc hes so high ranking that my suitor cant rlly complain and he gets a lot so it doesnt rlly mean much. orrrrr rather it Shouldn't but jokes on me, he actually sees me hand it off to his aide and hes kinda Immediately infatuated.
so much so that when my suitor approaches him just before the hunt to basically wheedle him into handing it off, he refuses—in fact this specifically sparks a Very specific delusion of like. viewing me as a damsel in distress pleading for help.
its not premeditated at all but once the hunt begins he overhears my suitor and his friends saying some Very Rude And Then Explicit Things Abt Me and hes like nvm u have chosen death. its a hunt, nobodys gonna think anything of a stray arrow……….
and then when he sees my reaction (thinking it was an accident; feigned shock but Clearly relieved), im kinda done for, the obsession has sunk in. he keeps tabs on me from then on.
the first husband i marry like a year after the suitor’s death. he’s a fatui officer, one of capitano's own men who commands guards at zapolyarny palace. capitano still has not openly expressed interest and is in a bit of a self-deprecating moment of not wanting to approach me, and this guy’s one of his underlings and is v sweet and seems very into me so he lets it happen. we get married and for many years we r genuinely happy.
but then he starts to stray……. capitano learns of this quickly. he’s got informants still reporting p much everything i and everyone close to me do, so hes told when my husband starts frequenting brothels and spending a bit too much time out of the house. unfortunately hes out on a campaign so he cant take care of things himself; hes forced to transfer my husband to the front lines and let the battlefield finish the job.
which is fine, tho it means i never know about the cheating and for a good few years capitano deems me still too much in mourning for him to make a move—bc, like, from my perspective the love of my life had a terrible accident on the battlefield yk. he’s solidly decided hes the only one who can be trusted and Intends to finally make his interest known……. but he waits too long. he’s sent on a campaign which drags on far longer than intended and when he returns ive remarried.
the ceremony happened literal days before he arrived, so rushed his informants didn't even have the time to warn him. this one is another fatui, but the kind that grates on capitano. one of pantalone’s top men—a slimy financier with a gross little grin and fingers in every pie. a man far too assured when he seeks out capitano as soon as he settles in, walks into his office with the confidence of someone who knows more than he ought to.
he offers to whore me out. capitano isn't even sure what the man would have demanded in return, because he's cut him down the moment the words come out of his mouth.
he begins planning before the body is even removed, determined not to make the same mistakes again. frankly he'd have begun courting me that day but he gives me a bit of time to mourn first; lets me move back into my parents' home, keeps tabs on me enough to know when i finally begin to emerge from my chambers and allow visitation from friends.
the first ball i attend is when he approaches me. and it's hardly proper, he knows, to express such obvious interest in a widow of a mere few months, but he thinks my second husband would have done this if he could so capitano has no guilt. the marriage is so rushed he actually can't even attend—he's sent off on campaign suddenly before the ceremony, and though he's only supposed to be gone for a month he insists it proceed without him, all too anxious for what might happen if he doesn't lock me down.
and then it's a slow burn After we r married i fear bc i am so weepy and volatile for very obvious reasons n once im over that ive convinced myself it's a marriage of convenience (that he approached me bc i know how to manage a household and won't be too eager for his attention like a younger, less experienced bride would be) and he's actually. rlly flustered and a bit timid around me tho nobody would Know it lmfaoooooo hes terrified of scaring me off & is actually pretty content just seeing me around his manor so its a game of us flitting around each other for a while..........
eventually i think i do confront him bc we havent. consummated the marriage and that kinda ticks me off ("i get that it didnt mean much to you but damn u dont wanna touch ur wife that badly???") and hes like O.O bc HE was just leaving me to my own devices bc he didnt wanna overstep. very cliched i kiss him he gets a "if we dont stop now i wont be able to control myself" moment and then the floodgates r opened......... frankly its like a belated honeymoon the way we do Not leave my chambers for like two whole weeks. many confessions from him at that time i am v much left in a daze of holy shit wdym hes been in love w me for yrs and still has that handkerchief from when i was like nineteen
n e way thats it,,,,,, JKHSBDFJHB so long im sorry but there u go!!!
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hayjeon · 5 months
hi everyone, i know it’s been quite a while.
i don’t even remember how to use the app/site well enough to find when the last time i posted a fic was (like, where did the time stamps go?!)
i bet this won’t come as much of a surprise to anyone who’s been following me for a while because i clearly went MIA for a few years. just wanted to pop back in and clarify a few things and let yall know i am alive and well 🫶🏻
i have, unfortunately, moved on from my ff writing era of my life. i’ve seen all your messages of support and reactions to my writing and constantly see the reposts and recs made in my email inbox, and i cherish each and every one of them and do miss yall very often. i am currently now working and traveling full time, and am just past the era in which i used to absolutely love bts/kpop. i’m actually now an avid ao3 dramione reader 😂 and have devoted a lot of my time to getting physically/emotionally healthier, furthering my career, and just pouring love into myself and everyone around me 🤌🏻
i still do love/listen to bts, but i’ve also been feeling like i’ve outgrown them a bit and no longer actively read bts fics myself 🥹 but to sometimes come back to my own blog and my homepage to see that other writers are still here and dedicated makes me feel so giddy and happy for them. watching bts grow from their boy in luv era when i first became a fan to the degree they’re at now and even when i stopped actively writing (probably when they started breaking into the US/english lyrics, or covid era) was such a big life landmark for me, and i will always cherish them in my heart for that. i will also always cherish this blog, that kept me actively writing, throughout uni, and actively creating content anonymously, for helping me through some hard times emotionally, physically, and mentally.
i don’t think i’ll be updating any of my wips: any writer out there who feels inclined to continue the stories, i give you full permission (pls don’t plagiarize!) and would hope that you drop a quick msg in my inbox when you post so i can read them (better than tags!) 🥰 would also be happy to share where i intended a lot of my fics to go plot-wise. i also deem it would be a disservice to a lot of you for me to release unfinished drafts, but im happy to share that as well to anyone who wants to pick it up, or just are curious where the plots went (lmk if ur into that?)
i will be keeping this blog up and active. anyone who wants to pop in and re-read anything: thank you for your continued support. feel free to translate, repost, use as inspiration, continue the stories yourselves, and do whatever you want. i’m sending these fics as a love letter to everyone who’s supported me thus far, and anyone new to the fandom (welcome! i know army has increased so much since i left) into the universe and all i can do is release them with a sense of peace and love, although it’s a bit bittersweet.
of course 😍 i love seeing them in my inbox so continue to ask away!!!
to conclude:
thank you to everyone here.
thank you to bts and hope for a quick and safe army service to all of them.
and happy new year 🫶🏻
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fillsta · 2 years
How to explain Les Mis characters to your friends
Enjolras 'Enjy dearest', 'Enj':
Angry blond boy. "Eat the rich". Either gay or aroace. His celebrity crush is Robespierre. He may or may not have a crush on a specific wine lover. Also Aaron Tveit. That's it
Combeferre 'Ferre':
The 'hot' scholar. Rly likes moths I guess. Wears glasses bc he's smart and smart ppl wear glasses. Has done nothing wrong, ever. We love him .
Courfeyrac 'Courf':
Everybody's friend. Flirty, fruity bitch. Round and lovable. Possibly in a relationship with either Combeferre or Jehan. Marius' own personal extrovert. Keeps the group together. Portrayed by the Mighty, the Fruity Fra Fee.
Grantaire 'R':
Likes to drink. A lot. Bi bitch, hopelessly in love with a certain blondie. Hold-hands-before-getting-shot-to-death kind of crush. Rly good at history and philosophy. Cynic. Also, fandom decided that he draws<3. Big hobo energy. Ask the fandom about the actor in the 2012 musical and they'll shed tears
Jean Prouvaire 'Jehan':
Ah yes, the softie. Love poetry and playing the flute. Most likely smoke weed. Plant parent. Gender unknown. We love their hippie bullshit. I don't remember the actor's name but he was kinda cute
Bahorel 'Baho':
The fruity gym bro. Enjoys fistfighting. Possibly Feuilly's bf. Man bun and beard. Studies law but doesn't want to be a lawyer. Doodles instead. Gavroche's idol. His celebrity crush is probably Dwayne Johnson or sth.
IwbavajsbJzkabzjsvs. We love him. He's pure and innocent. Orphan. Makes fans for a living. Really loves the countries of the world. Headcannoned as Polish. Enjolras' fav ho. Wears flannels. I'll stop here because oh boi I can go on for ages
Bald guy. Wholesome. He's also extremely unlucky and Victor made sure that's his only personality trait. Polyamoryyyy. His bf is Joly, his gf is Musichetta. It's just... Bossuet, you know?
Doctor? Yeah, did I mention he's a germaphobe? Poor guy. Eccentric asf. Carries a cane everywhere. Will wake up in the middle of the night to align his bed according to the earth's poles and shit. Yes, he has a bf and gf, as previously mentioned.
Gavroche 'Gav':
Best boiiii. Smol, like, 10-12 yrs old. Savage. Absolutely destroyed Enjolras when in an argument. Also managed to trick a skilled criminal once. Rip, he would have loved Minecraft. Eponine and Azelma's brother. Courfeyrac's instant son. Looks up to Bahorel.
Marius Pontmercy:
The Most Awkward Human Being. Like, fr. Courfeyrac's emotional support introvert. Possibly the only straight here but who knows??? Idk he's kinda close with Courf. Anyway Enj amd Ferre scare him. Especially Ferre. He somehow gets a gf??? Survived
Eponine 'Ponine' Thenardieur
Marius' side ho. Has a crush on him. Bit I think she's gayyyy. Or bi. There's no way she's interested in men only. Anyway, poor. Terrible household situation :(. Feminist. I hope she gets a gf in her second life. R had a smol crush on her but that was just a phase. She deserved better, like everyone.
Cosette Fauchelevent/Valjean:
Marius' main ho (how this guy manages to get bitches is beyond me). Cottagecore goth (is that a thing?). Adopted. Such a sweet gal. Eponine could also be her gf <3.
Montparnasse 'Parnasse':
Ah him. Okay this guy. He is s narcissistic but a good one. One day he looked in the mirror and said 'Wow im hot lets murder people' and so he did exactly that. Said criminal tricked by Gavroche. 'Dandy'. He's so cool I love him sm.
Azelma Thenardieur:
Poor girl doesn't get any development. She's just there. Survived. Is rly cool tho, trust me.
Jean Valjean:
Stole bread and went to jail for 19 years. Villain origin story. Then he stole from a child (which may or may not have been Feuilly but that's another story for another post) and he instantly went good. Became mayor and businessman. One of his employees died so he found her daughter and raised her. Survived for a while. Is supposed to be the protagonist lol. Wholesome grandpa
Inspector Javert 'Jav jav man':
Is his life's goal to arrest Valjean. I say enemies to lovers trope. Starts off as a bitch, tbh.
My poor girl deserved the world. Her bf got her pregnant and fled :(. She gave Cosette over to some strangers to raise her while she worked in a nearby town, sending them money for Cosette's expenses. That's a no no there but ok. Gets fired, becomes a prostitute, dies. So of any of you out there shame sex workers I'll choke u while u sleep.
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monstertsunami · 8 months
im so glad to see youre Also handling the finale well!!!!!!!!!!! <- coping
ok official thoughts under cut- spoilers, obviously
im not a big fan of shitting on shows like oh it woudlve been better if it was Like This Instead like. thats kind of dick behavior to me so prefacing with i DID like the finale it was good :3 i liked how most of it was executed ! and overall it was satisfying ! its really uncool to approach a story with hate in your heart and not even give it a chance. HOWEVER. i have devoted the past 2 weeks of my life to going fucking BONKERS about simon/(gol)betty so i do unfortunately have opinions on how they handled thaaat. like . i literally made a post abt this yesterday- moving on just isnt a good solution to their arc !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i get where it comes from and the message its trying to get across but its just . why ! whats with this therapy-ization of modern characters ! Every Slightly Unhealthy Couple MUST Break Up And Theres No Such Thing As Improving Relationships And Talking About Problems Or Rebuilding Together. AFTER EVERYTHING SHE DOES FOR HIM, JUST WHEN THEYRE BOTH FINALLY SANE AND TOGETHER AGAIN AFTER CENTURIES SHE JUST . GIVES UP . SIMON HAS MATURED, AND IS CLEARLY IN A PLACE TO LISTEN TO HER AND REMEDY HIS MISTAKES. BECAUSE HE ACKNOWLEDGES THE ISSUES ! THAT THEY HAD ! HE LITERALLY SEES THE PROBLEM AND IS LIKE OH MAN THAT WAS REALLY FUCKED UP OF ME . BUT THE SHOW DOESNT EVEN GIVE THEM A *CHANCE* TO TRY AND MAKE IT WORK AGAIN . I FULLY BELIEVE THAT THEY DID LOVE EACH OTHER! A LOT! SIMON JUST WASNT PERCEPTIVE THAT SHE WAS DOING SO MUCH FOR HIM AND IT LEAD TO BOTH THEIR DOWNFALLS- THAT IS LITERALLY FIXABLE. im just saying it wouldve taken one conversation MAX to fix this issue, AND GOLBETTY WAS CLEARLY READY TO TALK TO HIM?? LIKE HE ALREADY LEARNED HIS LESSON TOO . SO WHY . AUGH. "THE GOLBETTY BUS IS ABOUT HOW SHES MOVING ON TO A PLACE HE CANT FOLLOW" BITCH SHE IS A GOD OF CHAOS WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE MOVING ON TOO. LIKE HE IS LITERALLY ALL SHE HAS CONNECTING HER TO REALITY. SHES GONNA GO TO CHAOS GOD THERAPY? BITCH? IM NOT SAYING LIKE "IN A REGULAR RELATIONSHIP YOU *CAN* FIX HIM DONT GIVE UP KEEP SACRIFICING GIRL!" BUT NOT ONLY IS THIS IS VERY DIFFERENT BUT SHES NOT SACRIFICING ANYTHING ANY MORE . HES JUST FINALLY READY TO LISTEN. AND *THATS* WHEN SHE LEAVES. FUCK. OFF. AUGH. so overall umm i really liked all the golbetty scenes and . i thought they were really cool episodes :) i liked how a the rest of it was handled actually! and i will be wiping the conclusion of their arc from my mind :3
i will be posting gifsets/hq screencaps of my sexy big nonverbal wife on my sideblog @huge-wife later so keep . an eye out for that!!
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intertexts · 2 months
OK OK SINCE U ARE PRETTY FAR INTO PD NOW. I NEED TO ASK. DO U HAVE A FAVORITE CHARACTER. do u have a favorite moment. whos backstory are u the most interested in seeing. what are u excited to learn about the world . I AM PUTTING UR BRAIN UNDER A MICROSCOPE AND DISSECTING IT IVE GOTTA KNOW. what villains are u most afraid of. write me an essay on ur feelings about mark winters. etc etc etc etc WHATEVER U WANNA TALK ABT RN im standing in the middle of a field like a scarecrow and just SCREAMING at the sky
ok putting all of this under a cut because its so fucking long???
ok ok ok. lets see. they r all so so so good it's impossible 2 choose but also iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii really fucking like dakota dude..... i like him so much. so much. i will admit. i am a massive fucking fan of a character who stays silly. massive fucking fan of the emotional king dedede hammer that comes down when the silly guy drops the silliness. i love it when characters literally r incapable of processing their emotions. gebuinely i don't know what he put in that guy but it is cartoonish the way my neurons light up at him its not quite akechi from p5 levels of FUCKKK YEAH THIS GUY MY FUCKED UP LITTLE GUY!! but it is Getting Close!!!
whose backstory.... fuck. okay. Most interested in wiwi's backstory. of course. i AM really interested in vyncent's whole deal but i feel like his fucked up knife that possesses him (?????????) is slightly more of a specific thing than backstory. and i DO wanna know howww the jrpg protag isekai'd here but also like. consider... wiwi. also i wanna know if im right & ashe/ashes fucked up demon grimoire r responsible for his mom's death. ALSO I WANNA KNOW WHY MARK'S A LIZARD GUY.
FAVORITE MOMENTS SO FAR.... i LOVED the spirit world shit it was all so cinematic it was so lovely. usually im dogshit at like, visualizing descriptions in my head? but all of that was very much oh, yeah for sure, ive seen this cartoon! i know whats happening! that whole episode went hard as fuck. can't believe we got vyncent with a gun ashe going holy shit why am i fucking doing this imgonnadie william having a horrifying crisis over eating a fucking soul & dakota getting murked in one episode. & mal is just. on just. such a different level such a different world from Anything else they've experienced. its so good.
also i still really love the winding-down end of that amalgam island ep (5?) where they r exhausted & coming off so many huge emotions & stress & stuff & tide arrives.... that's really the scene that fucking hooked me i think. going ohhh yeah theyre just fucking kids and everyone at this table Knows theyre kids in a world where people will just fucking kill you. like,, yeah, it WOULD be fucked up if you were seventeen and ran into an island full of horrifying human and animal experimentation & abuse!! and theyre not playing it as a motw adventure where its just sillygoofy? ok. ok!! maybe these guys know where theyre taking it. like i can count on one hand maybe the amount of times ive been like "yeah im sure whatever the creators do will be good they've always done good & thoughtful work. i don't have to continually be delegating brain space to how im dissatisfied with this story." so i guess. i just like the show a lot!!
what am i most interested in about the world... ohhh man i love cape worldbuilding it's maybe like one of my favorite things. so i guess i'm interested in All of It?? in an overall probably-wont-be-answered-because-its-not-that-genre way i'd love 2 know what religion looks like in a world where JESUS IS A TRADEMARKED SUPERHERO & kids can come back from the dead. id love 2 know more ab the dynamic btwn politics & the cape world here thats always interesting? i really enjoy the approach they took 2 the kid heroes in the beginning, as in: these guys are literally still students they are not Supposed to be doing big hero shit. theyre not supposed to be doing teen titans or x-men shit & it is in fact a massive massive fuckup on their guardian's part when they Are in those positions. i'm a big fan of that i like it a lot more than the alternative. (unless yr like in a world like parahumans where there Is a narrative & in-universe reason why child & teen cape teams exist)
what villains am i most afraid of....... ok i kind of feel like being afraid of mal is like, being afraid of hurricanes or something. like sure i can be nervous about him but i can't fucking do anything if he's coming this way. so it's better i think to not think about it until it comes up & then pray. so i guess i AM really concerned about the overlord stuff. i dont know where it's gonna go but i know it'll be nowhere good & i know it'll end up getting people hurt. so.!!!!!!
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nicolloyd · 2 months
You just unlocked a distant memory of ninjago stories i remember very vividly but absolutely adoring, thank you for exposing me to them again!
(I will now proceed to reread all of them again)
P.S show ninjago watching movie ninjago is a total delight to this day i remember it very well, highly recommend 👌
I ADOOOORE lloydskywalkers i havent been able to find fics as good as these since 😢 i fell down a rabbit hole end of last year and became obsessed..
and YES show ninja watching movie ninja is soooo good i really love how they write fluff/slice of life its sooo neat getting to see ninja in their like daily lives,, i also really like terrorize yalls neighbourhoods and the fic where jay and lloyd go monster hunting in secret and all the one shots basically im a big fan of the oneshots they r really funny and i like their interpretation of lloyd a lot 😢😢
i do wonder where they went tho.. lloydskywalkers wherever u are i hope ur ok and will come back and finish the rest of ninjago 😭 i will eat up a dragons rising fic or a crystallized fic since harumi comes back
i do wonder wgat happened to them tho :')
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chihirolovebot · 8 months
idk if it’s ever been talked abt before but i was suddenly gripped by physicist in the love hotel thoughts like. what would be their ideal??? what would go down???
the love hotel is actually an insane concept but now i can’t help but think about it with physicist (and physouma, of course)
phys in the love hotel .... i dont think ive talked abt it before ? at least not at length . probably bc the love hotel is Slightly Weird to me , even if u hc the characters as adults which i do, there's still like . shinguuji, shirogane and iruma's which are just certified dr freakishness all over.
HOWEVER i think ive said before im a big fan of some of them. i love ouma's for character reasons and bc when i played the game i was a much bigger saiouma shipper than i am now ( not that i dont ship them anymore they just dont take up as much space in my head + i prefer kiiruma lol ) . i loved amami's , kiibo's, harukawa's, and momota's too :3
PHYS THOUGH . ok lets think. lets ponder together. we r those monkeys holding hands and spinning rly fast in a circle. you mentioned with physouma BUT i wanna quickly explore what a canonverse phys kamasutra event would look like, which would be with saihara.
i think it would be one of the events that kinda . border on romantic ? but is never explicit. definitely one of the more wholesome ones that would maybe revolve around them bonding or opening up to each other and ends with some slight physical touch ( which is sort of a big thing for phys ) like them resting their head on saihara's shoulder or them cuddling up in bed together and falling asleep. i think that could be kinda cute :3 as for the 'ideal' saihara would play for phys i can imagine it being maybe a childhood friend or a classmate they've known for a while, so they dont have to do the building blocks of building intimacy or small talk . which makes them anxious.
OKAY PHYSOUMA TIME. claps hands. the 'ideal' ouma would be playing would probably look different, since it's implied a big part of phys's initial attraction to him is trying to solve what makes his brain tick. they're a lot like saihara in that sense , and i feel like their love hotel event would take a similar form to the saiouma event in the game, with ouma playing like a phantom thief and saihara as a detective . very classic. but phys doesn't suit the role of a detective , exactly...
ok angsty thought . it's been mentioned that phys has passed through a few orphanages and foster homes so what if ouma as their ideal was another kid there . one who was super mysterious at first but is implied through phys's dialogue to have gradually opened up, and is now at the point where they have a fully trusting relationship. like phys makes comments on 'i'm so glad you opened up to me eventually' and 'i feel like getting to know you was such a puzzle... but i'm glad i stuck with it in the end! because it was worth it, for you.' AHHGHGHH sticking my head into a drain and screaming so my agony is reverberated throughout the entire street. just . so much emphasis on how phys's ideal for ouma is one where he trusts them entirely and their relationship is based on open and equal communication.
i can also see phys confessing and that being like the central kind of .plot point for lack of a better word. like the whole thing is kinda building up to it and ouma's getting progressively more nervous as he realises what they're getting at. i think he would try to evade it at first , do his normal tricks, but it risks the dream ending because phys's ideal of ouma is one that Doesn't Do That. so he very uncertainly relents and allows them to express how they feel . and at this point he's all I've Made A Big Mistake because its gotten way too emotional and intimate and theyre looking at him for an answer and it feels so real .
would he confess back or let the dream end . i guess it depends on how far in the story we are . sickening as it is. in a non killing game au i think he would confess . i think far enough into the story he also would , knowing that he cant and wont in real life because of what he plans to do in chapter 5 . but who knows ! who knows.
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sweet-luv-club · 8 months
The neon lights of a love hotel beckon you... Will you be staying for the night? ♡
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✎ navigation links coming soon! ૮꒰˵• ﻌ •˵꒱ა
. . . ♡ masterlist
. . . ♡ list of charas i can take requests for + how i would write them
. . . ♡ my tags!! saccha.txt = text posts┆saccha.png = mi art!!
🍓🌸🍓꒰ Saccha┆he/him/hole┆artist n writer!!! ꒱🍓🌸🍓
HIIIHIHIHI my name is Saccha!!! get it bc,.,, Saccha(rine) and… my blog name iz sweet-luv-club, YEAH U GET IT TJBGJHBG,,
JUST A LIL OVEREXCITED TRANSMASC PUP RUNNIN A LUV HOTEL ,, there r a lot of aesthetics i wanna b associated w/, this intro post will prolly change over time lol
i wanted tew stretch out ma writing skillz n i have a lot of ideas i jus wanna throw out in2 da world,, scenarios i hope ppl would also enjoy n such!! ♡♡♡ just wanted to pump out gender neutral x readers for the gayz tbh,,
as much as i love reading fempovs, i want 2 make food for other trans ppl like me ^w^ and also interact w/ other blogz!!! also sorry not sorry of my excessive use of colors and kaomojis lol!!
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dis blog is where i will dump all my horny ramblings about
★⋆ Degrees of Lewdity (mentioning this game alone should indicate i dont mind dead dove stuff hfbhg)
★⋆ Call Of Duty MW2 (im only a very casual fan tho lol look man im a porn blog my content isnt gonna be that deep!!)
★⋆ The Last Of Us (specifically joel content bc im feral 4 him but im also feral 4 ellie,, WRITING ABOUT THEM SEPARATELY THO OFC LMAO)
taking requests for each >w<)b !!!
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♡ ┆ stuff i will write ┆ ♡
★⋆ DRUMROLL PLEASE... THE MAIN REASON I WANTED TO MAKE THIS BLOOOG... transmasc reader content!!! 🎉🎊🥳 with warnings on what terms to be used on the naughty bits, ofc!!
with that being said.... ★⋆ DDLB :3 tee hee!
★⋆gender neutral reader stuff!! no pronouns other than 'you',
★⋆ if i write nsfw with GN reader, i'll have separate sections for when u have afab/amab anatomy and how characters i write with would interact with em !!
so the format would go like
˗ˏˋ ꒰ König with a chubby S/O ♥ nsfw!! ꒱ ˎˊ˗
♡ ┆ headcanon
if you have AFAB anatomy…
♡ ┆ headcanon for how he'd treat u with ur coochie, gender non-specific
if you have AMAB anatomy…
♡ ┆ headcanon for how he'd treat u with ur pp, gender non-specific
most of my fics/drabbles would be gender neutral unless stated otherwise !!
plz note!!! in cases like Ellie who is explicitly and canonically a lesbian i will also only write in fempov, everyone else i write about automatically becomes readersexual meaning theyre attracted to the reader regardless of gender, appearance, etc etc so for example if ur super mad i made your big strong masculine military man a cocksucker das on u, go cry ab it somewhere else thanks (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
★⋆ BIG GIRTHY AGE GAPS… but readers in my stories should always b regarded as 20+!!
★⋆ and ofc hand in hand with that comes a corruption kink BAHAHAHA and as a heads up i place a heavy emphasis on virginity !!!
★⋆ yandere/obsessive content bc im a sucker for it :((
★⋆ pet play/hybrid stuff… sometimes human but most of the time it comes w the reader having animal characteristics!! (ex. bunny reader, cow reader, puppy reader etc) ONLY LIMITED TO STUFF LIKE EARS/TAIL/WINGS THO and maybe heat cycle stuff bc im a sucker for that too
★⋆ A/B/O content and dynamics
★⋆ stepcest probably???
STUFF I WONT WRITE ABOUT... no cute format for these ones LMAO 'm just gonna lump all of them together
actual incest | zoophilia content (YES I KNOW DOL IS RIFE W/ THAT BUT I ALWAYS TURN OFF BEAST TOGGLES SJHDS) | scat/piss/basically any bodily fluid aside from CUM LMAO (i'd probably make an exception 4 squirt tho,,,, 👀) | gore
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das about all i can think of for neow heheh!! btw i may like and interact w blogs that have dark content or even the content i said i wont write, please be aware of that in case the posts i've liked show up :<<
i'll eventually come up w/ a list of characters im comfy with writing for, as well as a general idea of how i would write them for requests n such!! if the character u like isnt there, im still looking into how i would write content for them :>
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quirkle2 · 1 year
If you don’t mind tho, would you have any clue where I could ask about this talk of the LU fandom/Jojo going out of line? I’m oblivious to whatever happened and I’m curious
it's a bit of a complicated and long story, but some of it has to do with fans in general just being rly pissy about characterizations. i'm not pointing any fingers or listing any names bc it's not a One Person kinda problem, and some people don't even notice/see the issue and don't think it's an issue at all. in the grand scheme of things, this first issue isn't rly that big of a deal
(this might get long, and might bring up some anxieties for people, so this break is for anybody who wants to avoid mentions of fandom discourse, including past belittlement of furries, otherkin, and systems. stay safe)
reminder: this is just me clarifying info bc somebody asked! i am not trying to dredge up old mistakes
^ some of the things im talkin about are like . people babying wind. people turning wars into a comic-relief character that only knows how to creep girls out. people turning twilight into an emo cowboy that constantly cries about his girlfriend that's now in another realm or whatever. people simplifying wild into a crazy arsonist who doesn't seem to have a brain. people taking the "bitter" part of legend and exaggerating it So much that he's literally just an asshole to everybody all the time for NO reason other than that "he's the bitchy one"
personally this isn't nearly as annoying to me as some others find it. but i think the Bigger one, for me at least, is jojo herself
in this post, jojo makes fun of furries and otherkin, which i do not agree with. i don't have a problem w jojo not wanting twi to be "furry-like" but she drew the furry purposefully disgusting and stupid-looking to make fun of them. i don't know much about otherkin, but i know it's wrong to make fun of other people, especially when they aren't hurting anybody <3
and in this post, while explaining four's characterization in the comic, jojo put the word system in air quotes, as if to suggest there's something wrong with systems or that they don't exist or something. that stirred up quite a lot of suspicion and doubt in the fandom, and many systems obviously did not like that. i am not a system, so that's all i'll put here—a lot of systems posted their own takes on it when it happened
jojo has since edited both the tumblr post and the insta post to not have the word system in quotes. she explained herself and apologized here and here (this specific one is, i Believe, referring to past mistakes such as the ones above), but some people still are a bit iffy on that whole debacle (me included)
there might be more, but that's everything that i personally know of as to why the fandom has sorta gone bad. this next reason (sorta two reasons) is a personal thing and i don't rly hold it against jojo herself:
silly reason: i just like familial bonds and Close relationships in fiction, and lu does not cover that. they call each other "brother" from time to time but that's not enough dammit i want them to cuddle and i want time to be the father figure and i want them to live in a nice ranch house together happily ever after OKAY!!!! /silly
a more serious reason: linkshipping
i DO NOT agree with people belittling others for posting linkshipping, and this happens in lu All The Time and it's appalling. im not gonna get into the whole "but it's against her rules" thing bc i have some conflicted feelings abt that whole topic and this will get ridiculously long if i prattle abt that, but . people r getting bullied. people r getting singled out and Called Out and hated on and, in extreme cases, Driven Off The Platform bc they posted two silly little fictional men kissing. that's inexcusable to me
it's a bit more complicated than that, but i am of the simple opinion that u should Never police how other people have fun, and this is all fictional and we should redirect our collective hatred toward Real World Problems instead of wasting our time on arguing about whether or not these fictional elves should kiss <3
if i do make a new au and get away from this fandom, i hope to provide a safe space for Everybody, including linkshippers
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lunaremy · 5 months
Plasma Bomber?
oooh im so excited to answer THIS one
favorite thing about them
His backstory is both relatable and relevant to the environment of the story as a whole, and if anything, he's basically the ONE character that puts all the important aspects of being a mechanical lifeform into perspective. Either way, he's a great foil to our slightly-too-optimistic protagonists and he's the part of R1's story that makes it actually worth something. Even after R1, he's the point of reference I get to use when discerning just how difficult it might be for the dastardly bombers to get used to being alive again (spoiler alert it's very difficult).
least favorite thing about them
It's sort of an unofficial rule to me to not directly count the Konami Moments because it's redundant by now at best and almost harmful to me at worst, but I think it's weird how his mech was just a big gwinbee. To be fair, the team had lots of fun (it's there because one of the team members was a big twinbee fan) so it's not like an advertisement for twinbee or anything, but it was still odd. Not the worst thing to ever happen, though.
favorite line
Something something "let us do battle", my memory is poor but the way he worded it is a good insight into his character and general patterns. He has more lines I like but again, my memory is absurdly poor.
Hmm, probably Plasma and the other dastardlies? I think a unique bond could be formed due to their shared experience of, y'know, being dead a bunch. Seems to be suggested in canon even though we don't see much of them after the end of R1, but what we do see is adorable and precious for those guys (as they deserve to live like semi-normally after getting used by some old guy with megalomania or whatever)
WHITE. AND. PLASMA. PERIOD. Oh man, where do I start? It's like yin and yang, they're both fans of fighting for justice but it's SO vastly different for them, and then there's... I can hardly continue without stumbling over myself, but believe me! Probably one of my favorite ships of all time, I can write sad and serious moments with them but I can also write times where they just buy apples and are happy and alive together!!
Plasma/Magnet. I fucking hate this ship. Hope that explains everything!
random headcanon
Oddly enough, I feel like he likes sports a little. I feel like he would sit down and watch a tennis match. Not his favorite interest, but it's certainly a nice pastime for him when he's not busy training or at work.
unpopular opinion
I honestly just wish more people liked R so I could see other people understand him the way I do. This extends to a lot of characters, but yeah.
song i associate with them
Weirdly enough, even though there are a lot of sad songs, I don't have one?
favorite picture of them
plasma with da spoon
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raeygina-george · 6 months
Whole ask game for winry and alluka :3
I already did some asks for winry so i'm just gonna do alluka & if i have a good answer for winry i'll answer it twice
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
big fan of nanika's power system. me when all she's ever wanted was to be loved and she's blamed for everyone else's own greed!!! i am also a big fan of how alluka is like. locked up. i know that sounds really bad but im a big fan of like. 'princess locked in a tower' type stories.... she's also just really sweet
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Idk I wish she got more screen time I guess? Bc as it is she was just kind of like. A convenient way to fix the mc's mess & a good segway into the next arc. Which isn't bad by any means I just like her a lot so I think it would be cool if she showed up more
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I would put her in a lighthearted magical girl anime because I think she would have a blast and she deserves it
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
i/me/myself by will wood
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
hmmmmmmm............ i am also loved by everyone who sees me (words of a delusional man)
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
i love it when people give her fun outfits and a good relationship with kalluto. big sister alluka living her best life post-zoldyck torture is everything to me
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
not a big fan of when ppl use alluka as just like. a way to get killua and gon together if u know what i mean? like make her just be obsessed with killua's love life. i can see the train of thinking there but idk i mean i don't think most people are like super obsessed with their siblings love lives? and she's got more to her character than playing matchmaker
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
probably, but i don't think either of us are going to do the dishes...
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
yes! or at least i think so
11. Would you date this character?
no she is 11
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
she'd probably be really good at a bunch of random things. like she can't fight but she has a wide array of mostly useless skills that she taught herself to stay entertained
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
she's very ^-^ and <3 and :D
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
lolita! specifically like sweet lolita
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
don't have one lol. for winry,,, i mean edry is pretty good
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
pretty much all of them???? there r some im neutral on but in general im not a big fan of shipping her w anyone
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
i don't spend that much time thinking about shipping 😭
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
i admire her relationships with killua and nanika because. yeah. for winry i like her relationship with alphonse!
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
i can't really think of a specific one? alluka doesn't get much screen time & i think most relationships have interesting dynamics and are good in their own ways
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
gon AND nanika AND killua and honestly kind of leorio. i see her as having like. a kind of small but close family that talk often even if they're across the country
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
i love exploring her trauma. im reversing time and putting her back in that room and shaking her around
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
same thing as the asks from earlier; i like her having contact with kalluto & i don't like her being reduced to a love device
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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these two probably? i like the close ups where shes smilling and stuff but i also really like the world tree photo bc look at them they're having such a good time. & for winry its the pic i have as my discord pfp
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
may chang for sure (for alluka)
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
i saw alluka before i watched hxh so she was portrayed as like very sweet and happy, and for the most part my opinion hasn't changed but i did learn how the nanika thing works which brought so so so much more depth to her character
26. this was a free question so i'm talking about card games
i think if they were playing egyptian rat screw winry would lose. alluka seems like she would be scarily good at reflex-based card games & chess
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pieroulette · 1 year
I am thinking of posting a fan fiction but I don't really know how can I continue to finish it.. I once posted one but the account got deleted for some reasons.. I really wanna post that fan fiction because I personally think the idea is quite unique but I don't think anyone would actually be interested as it would be my first work on this account.. I have noticed you are a slow updater (no offense) how do you keep yourself motivated to finish your work for such long time period... BTW LOVE YOUR WORK AND HOLY MOLY LOVE SCAM PART 1 WAS SO UNPREDICTABLE when I was reading that I was like OMG OMG for whole time.. Can't wait for the next part :')
Hi anonnie ^^ THANK YOU SO MUCH IM SO SO GLAD TO HEAR U LOVE IT :(( and to answer your question, It would be quite a lengthy paragraph but I hope you'll bear with it!
It's totally normal to have doubts and overthink whether or not people will like your story or just in any other form of art. But if you don't take the first step, then nothing will happen. If you don't believe in yourself first then no one will. If you want it then you should go for it, I'm a firm believer in chasing after a chance than just letting it pass by like the fleeting clouds or butterfly just bcs you were afraid it might not work the way you want it to be.
And truly, it might not really work out for the first try and that people might not like your story but isn't that how everything and life in general works out? You gotta try again, again and again till you succeed. You won't always get everything in the first try and that's totally fine. But you don't always have to dwell on that on the negative side, just go ahead and try! Don't let it hold you back.
But in terms of being a writer, just reminding bcs just in case if it hits you someday—here's one thing you have to remember: it's quite complicated really but it's actually simple. Write it because you want it, not because people want you to write it (unless you accept requests obv) and not because they want it (for example, smut.) Yes of course, we write for people—in fact the final drafts is for the readers themselves—however, you write for you and because you love what you write, you'll keep writing even when no one does. That's the pros and cons of being a writer. Just do it.
And yes lmao, I'm a very slow updater since I would always plan everything and then delete it, the cycle keeps going on so yea 😭✋🏻 and to answer your question for how I can keep myself motivated to write for a long period is a whole lot of reasons..:
1) I wholeheartedly love to write. I love writing that's why I keep doing it. Even when it's so freakin painful bcs of how dry my English becomes sometimes, it's still fun.
2) feedbacks + compliments from readers (compliments aren't always that necessary tho, feedbacks r.) , they're that little doses of motivation fuel that keeps you going. They're necessary, sometimes you won't get them though. If I have to be honest to you, ngl I broke down when LOVE SCAM didn't got the feedback I expected bcs I put a whole lot effort in it and I had so much hope in it. Apparently I was this rlly rlly close to delete that fic but I changed my mind bcs why? Even though I was crying bcs of sadness at that time, I didn't do it bcs why?— I love to write. Even if no one likes that particular story, I still love it. I had this three thoughts in my mind that time:
"maybe it's just that awful, I can improve a whole lot more better next time."
"maybe it's just not their taste, I still love it though."
That's just how it is. Your mind is your greatest friend and enemy after all. But later guess what! There's still feedbacks though, so gratitude and mental resilience in general also plays a big role.
3) read alot! Articles, books, books bout writing, nonfiction, fiction, biography and almost anything. Find every little thing to keep you inspired. For me, I write for enha! So I watch their vids and their mvs, i actually had a writer's block on Nov and that I kinda lose the motivation to write—thats why you'll see there's two months gap from EP 9 and ep 10 ><
4) last but not least, this is my principle that I have been practicing for awhile now—consistency over everything. In writing, quantity is alot more important than quality. You gotta write everyday no matter how small. You can't improve on the quality if you don't first work on your quantity of writing everyday—you gotta make time for it! Write that chapter, writing sprint or just a tiny short draft of 50 word count. It matters alot, atleast you're still moving.
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commander-spaceboy · 2 years
Dinah and Cb for the ask game
omg,,,, my 2 faves!!! (besides purse lol)
Sexuality Headcanon: Dinah is Bi, but everyone thinks shes straight, she doesn't feel the need to talk about it though cause thats like,, her buisness you know?
Gender Headcanon: She/Her Female
A ship I have with said character: DinahWrench is my #1 like 5 eva
A BROTP I have with said character: CB and her are best friends (they say it in the updated There's me lyrics and it has me soooo ouhhgggggggggggg they,,,, r,,,, BEST FRIENDS!!!)
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A NOTP I have with said character: Dinahboose. CB is a very very gay man. and also they are just best friends!!!!
A random headcanon: Pearl and Dinah still had issues with eachother after everything was said an done with the racing. more precisely, Dinah was still upset that Pearl had gone with Greaseball willingly right after he had dumped her. She knew Pearl didn't see it as anything big in her mind but it really hurt her and it took a while for them to become friends again after.
General Opinion over said character: I LOVE DINAH. Shes the first one that I've cosplayed and the first one i drew (and i draw her a LOT lol), and she means a lot to me. I,,, like deff like her cause i relate to her like original story (being dumped er;noreorfe;jf;onfqerg) but Dinah just like,,, oughghhhh she means so much to me.
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay.
Gender Headcanon: He/Him Male,,,,,, (depending on how im feeling he can be trans though,,, as a treat.)
A ship I have with said character: Electraboose is my 1# for him but I also love Cheater boys, and I think RustedBrakes is silly sometimes too. Also Gb n Cb is rly funny too they get a spot up here too.
A BROTP I have with said character: Dinah!!!!!!! His girl bff 4ever!!!!
A NOTP I have with said character: Him and any Female character tbh, like I'm not a fan of calling a character gay n then sticking them w a woman 😭
A random headcanon: The components don't like CB very much, or like at all. He got their boss/girl best friend crashed, and he had a history of crashing people,, and they are just supposed to like him?? no way. Wrench eventually warms up to him but thats also cause Dinahs his bff and Wrench is like dating Dinah you know??
General Opinion over said character: Ohhh Caboose,,,, ohhhh Caboose. I luv him lots. He's like me fr!!! just a little guy who's just a little evil for fun, you know how it is,,,
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