#me: surprised pikachu.jpg
queen-scribbles · 10 months
WHOOPS, hit Wildfire in my general spotify mix, and am now drowning in Vexx/Rue feels :))))
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iero · 8 months
I respect everyone’s music opinions always, but when someone says their least favorite song by a certain artist/band is my absolute favorite song by that artist/band, I take it so personal.
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lesbienneanarchiste · 4 months
I think one of the funnier things about Alice and my headcanon "cast" for her is that the only person I picture is my one of my teachers from high school that I had a crush on that I THOUGHT was a comp het crush but later turned out to be babydyke recognition of future milf bc like a decade after I last saw her, she came out as a trans lesbian and her vibe was similar enough to Alice's that even tho she's American I still picture her when Alice shows up lmao
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lazywitchling · 7 months
Me, dropping a few dollars for a cd from a local band: “This is fun! Idk if the music will be any good or if I’ll like it, but it’s cool to have found a shop that sells music like this, even if there’s nothing specifically for me in this music.”
The cd: [has an entire song dedicated to theater crew and roadies]
Me: [surprised pikachu.jpg]
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mitskijamie · 11 months
in the sugar baby au when Jamie saw it was Roy he'd be like oh my god please hire me I want to fuck you so bad and then when Roy was momentarily surprised-pikachu.jpg he'd offer one time free because he waaaants it (Roy doesn't take the freebie of course, that would be unsporting, but every now and then Jamie offers again as really weird flirting)
JFJDKDK!!!!! Yeah ♥️
Jamie doesn't have super high expectations for the meeting because he figures no profile pics is an automatic red flag, so when he sees it's FUCKING Roy Kent he's so caught off guard and starstruck that he momentarily completely forgets to be a professional about it
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flameandignite · 2 days
Something about Weatherby's knowing look at the end of P1 tells me he and Elizabeth’s mother were rule breakers a bit.
Tbh it wouldn’t surprise me at all if Weatherby outgrew his rule breaking tendencies and was then [shocked pikachu.jpg] when Elizabeth started acting like his younger self and/or her mother
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focusfixated · 6 months
17, 28, and 30 for the ao3 wrapped ask!
thank you @hallo-catfish!
Favourite character to write this year?
it simply has to be izzy hands in when we fight about love (ofmd). that story is a straight-up character thesis, and i wrote it very much in the vein of that tim minchin quote where he's like "i genuinely think, if i get this, if i nail this, then that's it. end of argument." like if i got this izzy right, it would be the definitive version of the character that would be my flagpost for forever on.
it was also a deeply satisfying creative challenge to attempt to write a point of view character with unapologetically dislikeable traits who was also a very unreliable narrator, who was undergoing and resisting growth and change. writing from the point of view of someone lying to themselves, without defaulting to an omniscient narrative cop-out of "he was lying to himself, of course", was incredibly hard, but ultimately one of the most satisfying things i've ever done.
Favourite work you wrote this year?
WWFAL is a strong all-time contender, but it was also a very slow, difficult writing process that took nearly a year to finish, so i'm going to go with something that was quick, fun, and satisfying, and pick the soft animal of your body (good omens).
my favourite way to write - and the thing i think i'm best at - is writing from an image, translating a scene or snapshot into words, making a visual thing sensory and descriptive, and the best and most fun way to do that is to write something based on artwork, which is what i did for @chernozemm's piece here. writing this fic was delightfully fucking easy, and i loved the result.
Biggest surprise while writing this year?
maybe not a surprise in the process of writing itself, but in the form of a piece of feedback. i couldn't see this person's handle anywhere to tag them or reply to them, but the comment they left on their bookmark for when we fight about love really hit me.
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what surprised me about this comment was a) how fucking insightful a take on the whole story it was, b) how much it was actually an insanely accurate revelation about myself, and i hadn't even noticed. i wrote about self-actualisation as an empowering (if difficult) process. i hadn't considered it could be interpreted as lonely, or that izzy's resilience could be seen as isolating, instead of simply being one of his strengths.
but of course that's what i wrote. and of course, once it was laid out in a comment like that, i realised that's exactly what i think about myself & my experiences, and i was shocked-pikachu.jpg to discover that i'd been so obvious about it the whole time. so i guess i learnt something this year!
a03 wrapped ask
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frankensteincest · 10 months
no one told me moving to a coastal area where it rained significantly every day for a month straight and still rains at least once a week meant I’d have to deal with mold. surprised pikachu.jpg
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patchbadger · 9 months
Me having a depression break down and seeking support from people around me
All my friends: here let me tell you all about my depressing things happening and or do the opposite of supporting you right now.
Me surprise pikachu.jpg
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boozledorf · 2 years
pokemon scarlet picks the girl-haircut avatar game calls me "miss" [name] mom calls me "daughter"
surprised pikachu.jpg
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britcision · 2 years
The things that surprise my players often genuinely befuddle me, because it is All The Things I Explicitly Told Them I Was Doing
Eg: “NPCs aren’t automatically gonna do what you want when you want, I have this fun dice we can roll for their mood and they all have their own shit”
Players: yes excellent a dice!!
NPC: *does not give the players what they want when they want*
Or… “You guys are level 2, there’s people more powerful than you in the world so keep an eye out for that”
Players: yes yes very cool we can have mentors and older friends! Maybe even living family!
Player: Okay so I recognise this guy, he and my character go to the same arena and he’s several weight classes above me and I have never seen him lose a fight?
Me: Yup are you gonna go say hi to your arena buddy?
Player: I’m gonna go threaten him
Me: He… does not find you threatening?
Player: BuT i RoLlEd A 16!!!
They’re all super in favour when I tell them this is a game where their actions have consequences but the second those consequences apply to them personally suddenly that player never heard this “c” word before in their lives
Honourable Mention:
Me: Okay so you are in a gaudy library filled with gold and dragon statues, it is the main temple to the god of knowledge in the city
Player: Imma rip a page outta this book
Me: … okay so you remember I said your actions may have consequences
Player: Yeah but I hate this book
Me: Yup, I get that, but this action will have consequences.
Player: What about scribbling it out?
Me: Not at this table but there’s a spot in the corner you could get to
Player: nah fuck that I’m ripping the page out
Me: Okay so again, you are in the main temple to the god of knowledge. Defacing the books will have consequences. Still doing it?
Player: yup, totally, I’m level 5 now it’ll be fine
Me: I’m gonna make you say it you understand this action is Going To Have Direct Consequences?
Player: yup, there will be consequences but I just have to take this page I’m gonna keep it. Maybe they won’t know it was me
Me: They can locate the page. Wanna dispose of it?
Player: Nah it’s mine now
*next session*
Me: So the owner of the library covered in dragons and full of draconic script and imagery is looking for you, he is an ancient dragon
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boofblr · 3 years
listen. sometimes, herding dogs really do gotta herd
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iero · 5 months
My anxiety has been at an all-time high this week in what feels like years at this point, between my numerous panic attacks and the stress over my health and it's driving me up a wall... Like, I don't know how to deal with all this without it feeling like it's eating me alive...
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lost-in-the-fission · 4 years
with all the times vida opened an episode with an extremely graphic s*x scene you’d think i’d know better than to watch it while having breakfast
and YET
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widonotts · 4 years
clay to stone...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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phantomofthehoepera · 5 years
one of my friends isn’t answering any of my texts and I think he and my two other friends have started a separate gc without me so anyway I love living and being alive 
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