#mer vore
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When you’re a highly dangerous octopus who’s venom could kill 26 adults but your grouper bestie doesn’t care
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Mer Grian and scar, again :D.  idk have angst So Grian got very startled by something and Scar nomfed him. He’s doing his best to calm Grian down. I dunno if it’s working. >:p
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icedmetaltea · 11 months
Back on ma bullshit
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Tfw you're a dude who found what you thought was a weird fish like 10 yrs ago and you let it live in a fish tank for a yr or two before transferring it to a swimming pool and trying to keep it hidden aND ITS GROWN TO AN ENORMOUS SIZE WITH ZERO EXPLANATION, and after going through a whole Free Willy arc and getting the townspeople to see your fishy friend as a non-threat, said fish randomly develops a craving for human flesh and you nearly get nommed
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citrus-kiddo · 1 month
MER-BOYS!!! 🎣🦐
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Meet Jasper and Ace! They're nautical boyfriends, Jasper being a anglerfish and Ace being a mantis shrimp.
Jasper is a scary looking pred but is actually a sweetheart. He has two tummies, one being for digesting food (he's gotta eat afterall) and one for Ace, which is more like a flesh pocket rather than a functioning stomach. Since Jasper is somewhat blind, only being able to recognized him via Ace's colors. He likes to swallow Ace to ensure Ace is close and safe with him. He likes to lure and/or tease Ace with his light, knowing Ace has a love for shiny things.
Ace is feisty prey, taking no nonsense. He met Jasper by accidentally falling for the light but for some reason Jasper allowed him to camp out in his mouth, which is return for sheltering him Ace gave Jasper company. After a while, the two partnered up and rarely leave each other's side. Though being small, Ace is as protective as Jasper is with him, being able to pack a mean punch when needed. Ace goes out for treasure runs from time to time to add to his collection, but his favorite treasure is Jasper himself.
These two love each other very much :3
(pspspspsp.. @pineappleparfaitie .. lookie)
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gt-preys · 7 days
Giant flirty merman, that is all.
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sillylilprey · 4 months
I have a very weird relationship with mer preds
I have a huge fear of water, and I also have claustrophobia, but if you add those together + tum??? I love it so much my god
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 11 months
These aren't the best moments in his life (Surfer Dream pt 5)
I'm finally posting a fic again woooo :D
hero you go with a new part for surfer Dream au :)
Enjoy :]
TW: Safe/soft vore, unaware prey, fearplay, injury (mentioned)
It's been about 6 months since Dream went into a coma. Karl visited him three or four times a week, since he missed him very much and was very worried about him.
One of those days, Dream finally woke up from his coma, which pleased Karl and clearly Sapnap and Quackity. They were really relieved that he was able to wake up from the coma.
Due to health and safety reasons, Dream had to be hospitalized for another two months, which was fine with Karl as he was quite concerned about his roommate's condition.
During that time, Dream slowly began to be able to speak normally. It took him quite a while to do so, but with the effort, he was able to speak again without stuttering. In the end, he was allowed to leave the hospital, back home with Karl.
Dream walked out the door, heading towards the port. “Dream! Where are you going??" Karl asked as he quickly approached his friend. Dream let out a long breath, looking at him with a pout.
"Come on... I'm just going for a walk, you don't have to worry so much about me..." "Dream... You've been in a coma for six months, almost seven, plus two months of rehabilitation" He replied seriously while crossing his arms.
Dream let out another slightly annoyed sigh. “Karl, come on, I can't be locked up all the time. I'm just going to take a walk for three hours and come back, okay? Nothing bad will happen to me…”
Karl looked at Dream for a few seconds before sighing in defeat. "Okay, but if you haven't come back in three hours, I'm going to ask Sapnap and Quackity to find you and you won't come out for two weeks."
Dream thought about it for a moment before nodding. “Okay, deal. See you in three hours." he said before turning around and continuing on his way towards the port. Once there, he got on a small boat and headed out for a few miles into the ocean.
An hour passed and it seemed to Dream that he had gone far enough, so he stopped the boat. Not even five minutes passed when the sea began to move a little more violently.
‘Okay, maybe I should have listened to Karl…’ Dream stumbled backwards as a wave crashed into the boat. The sea was getting even more dangerous by seconds.
Much larger waves began to appear and crash against the boat. Dream tried to hold on to something but then, an unbelievably huge wave hit the boat, causing him to slip, hit his head on the ground and knock him unconscious.
Although before falling unconscious he could kinda see something light blue and gold, his sight eventually turning completely black.
Punz had only thought of taking a long swim by the sea, what he did not expect was to find a small boat being hit and pushed by the waves. With a sigh he approached the surface, sticking his head above the waves, watching the boat for a moment.
He narrowed his eyes, leaning a little closer, wanting to take a closer look. His eyes widened as they took in the only person in it.
The person was unconscious, which worried him a lot since the boy could die because of the state the sea was in.
Letting out another sigh, he picked up the boy in his hands and slowly introduced him into his mouth,swallowing him slowly and gently, since he didn't want to hurt him, or at least, less than what would have happened to him before he arrived.
Once he was sure the human was in his storage, he dove back in, swimming for the nearest shoreline.
Before he could move too far, a blue shark hybrid and a killer whale hybrid stopped him off, the shark grabbing him by the neck. “Where the fuck is Dream?! What the hell have you done to him!?” he said in a furious voice, baring his sharp teeth at her in a snarl.
Punz got nervous, who was Dream? Was he talking about the human he had found a few seconds ago? The shark grew impatient at his lack of response, tightening its grip on his neck a little more.
"Well?! Are you going to answer me!?" The other mer stepped in, trying to calm him down. "Sapnap please, calm down, you won't get anything like this..." Sapnap looked at his partner for a moment before letting out a sigh and letting go of Punz's neck. "Okay... Now, talk"
Punz looked at him a little bit nervous. “Uh.. That Dream.., has dirty blond hair and is wearing a green shirt...? Uh, if it's him... I found him unconscious so I decided to store him to keep him safe...”
Sapnap sighed at that. "Okay... I can tell you're not lying, but I don't trust you, understand?" he told him in a serious tone.
Punz nodded, flinching as a hand landed on his shoulder. “Calm down kid, he's just a little upset, it's alright, okay? Spend some time with us and you will see that he gets used to you.” Punz nodded again. "And what about you..?"
The orca gave a small giggle. "Me? don't worry about me, I do trust you, usually whale shark hybrids are really honest, besides you looked too nervous to lie, I think you're not good at that." "I guess..." The orca pulled him a little closer while drawing Sapnap's attention.
“Why don't we talk a bit on the way and get to know each other a bit?” He commented looking at both of them. Sapnap just shrugged, not really caring for the idea.
"Okay then, my name is Quackity and this is my fiancé, Sapnap." He says pointing at the shark. “My name is Punz…”
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vorish-wonderland · 1 year
Azul has been getting closer to you lately. He even feels comfortable showing his mer form to you... but when he does, when he sees your tiny self being held in his hands, he just can't keep his mouth from watering...
Includes: soft/safe vore, willing prey (also this is my first time writing smth like this so I'm not sure how good it'll be lol)
★✦Closer Than Ever Before✦★
You had known Azul was larger than a human when in his mer form, but... you had not known just how much larger he was...
You were about the size of the palm of his hand. It was just a bit scary, but at the same time, you felt... safe around him. Like he could protect you from whatever wished to do you harm.
"You look really pretty, Azul!" You happily told him. His blue eyes, his horizontal pupils, his wavy grey hair... Azul blushed a cerulean shade.
"Ah, uh, thank you (Y/N)..." He said, raising his tentacles out of the water to hide his face. "You... you smell nice. And I bet you taste even better-" Azul quickly stopped talking. "I mean... I-I only said that because I would be able to taste you if I held you in my tentacles! That's all!"
"Really?" You asked. "That's interesting." You sat down on Azul's hand.
"You think it's... interesting?" Azul asked. "...t-thank you."
There was a slight growling sound from somewhere below you, but you didn't hear it over the restless water.
"Could I see your mouth?" You asked.
"Eh-?! What?! Why... why would you want that...?" Azul asked. "...alright, I suppose..."
Azul brought his hands up to his face. You were amazed at just how gigantic he was. You placed your hands on his lips, trying to get a look at his teeth and the inside of his mouth. It would be just fascinating to see what's inside...
"Can you open your mouth, please?" You sweetly asked.
"With all do respect (Y/N) that is not a good idea." Azul quickly whispered.
"C'mon, it'll be fine!" You excitedly said. "It's not like I'm your prey or anything!"
You were wrong with that statement. Merfolk generally just eat anything that's smaller than them... and in the case of Azul, well, that includes humans. Humans like you. Exactly like you, actually. Specifically you. You look so small, so precious, so delicate, so... delicious... you would taste so good, you would fill him up instantly. Would it really be that bad if he just...
"Alright, I... I guess you can look inside." Azul blushed profusely. He nervously opened his mouth to let you see inside.
One of his teeth was as big as your head. You couldn't believe how small you were in comparison to Azul... his mouth was almost like some kind of squishy blue cave. You placed your hand down on his tongue for a second, just to see what it would feel like.
Azul quickly jerked his hands away from his mouth. He didn't want you to be inside of him, he didn't need more temptation.
"Hm? Is something wrong, Azul?" You asked. There was a certain look in his eyes, and you noticed a bit of drool escaping from his lips. "You don't look too good right now..."
There was another growl, a sound of anticipation, anticipation of a tiny squirming snack, hidden by the crashing of the waves.
You'd failed to notice Azul raising his tentacles up to where his hands were. You only noticed when he started wrapping them around you. Azul started breathing heavily as his tentacle slipped under your shirt, as he felt your bare skin- as he tasted your bare skin.
"You taste just as wonderful as I'd imagined, (Y/N)~"
"That's a weird thing to say!" You told him.
"I can't knowingly eat you..."
"Wait what-"
"Maybe if I close my eyes... pretend some poor little fish wandered into my territory..." He chuckled to himself. "Maybe that would help..."
Azul let go of you, and you fell into the water. He sank into the water, and what he had just said really hit you. Was he really going to...?
You heard something- no, someone, getting closer to you from beneath the water, and then-
The jaws snap shut around you.
"W-wait, Azul-!"
Before you could even say anything, he swallowed. He gulped you down along with the water that was in his mouth.
As the muscles all around you pulled you downwards, you couldn't help but feel a sense of... calmness, almost. The rhythmic beating of his heart...s, his steady breathing... even the way you were being pulled deeper felt strangely... comforting. You're not sure why.
You felt your feet enter an open space.
Oh, you're there already?
You were interested to see what awaited you... you've never been this excited to be eaten before (to be fair, you've never been eaten before)
Slowly, the rest of your body entered the fleshy blue cavern. The water you'd been swallowed along with sort of made it feel like you were in a very small personal pool. It was actually quite cold... he is cold blooded, you probably should've expected that.
"I did it..." Azul's muffled voice said. "I... I actually did it."
You placed your hand on the wall of pulsating, squishy flesh... you tried your best to move around and readjust yourself, but as you did, you heard what almost sounded like a moan of pleasure from Azul. Oh, he likes this?
"Wait, what am I thinking?!" He suddenly yelled. "I just ate them! I have to get them out!"
"No, wait!" You weren't sure if he'd even be able to hear you, with the thick layer of muscle between the two of you, but you yelled out anyways. "I kinda like it in here!"
"...you... like it...?" Azul asked. "In my stomach...?"
"Yeah, I... I-I guess..."
"I could... I could keep you in there a bit longer, if you'd like." Azul offered. "I'd certainly enjoy it- No, what am I saying?? I'm getting you out of there, (Y/N)."
The next day, Azul approached you in the hallway.
"(Y/N), a moment?"
"Oh yeah, sure."
The two of you entered an empty classroom, supposedly to talk about... you know, everything that happened yesterday.
"(Y/N)... you, um, you won't say anything about what happened yesterday to... anyone... will you...?" Azul awkwardly asked.
"Of course I won't." You smiled.
"Oh thank the Seven..." He sighed in relief. "I'm very sorry about what happened to you, by the way... I'm embarrassed I let that happen."
"No, it's fine!" You said. "It was kind of calming, y'know...? I could hear your breathing, and your hearts beating... there was a lot of ambient noise. It was nice!" You tried to explain.
"It was?" Azul asked, a hand on his chest. "I was actually considering asking... if you'd like to do that again sometime. I quite enjoyed it..." He whispered.
"Did I taste good?" You asked. "That's probably a strange thing to ask, but I'm genuinely curious."
"You were... y-you tasted very good, though kind of salty." Azul told you, a blush on his face. "Now, let's never talk about this in public again."
"Agreed." You laughed under your breath.
You had wanted to get closer to Azul.
And, well, safe to say you have... just not in the way you expected.
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tastyliltina · 8 months
Drew some stuff with @sindumpster ‘s boy mer!Jake and my mer!Chris. They’re friends. I love their snark. TwT
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blebsandgears · 1 month
Help me name my Lava Mer oc(pred)
(Feel free to add suggestions)
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da3dm · 1 year
Mer AU 1.1
Here’s the mer au!! I switched perspectives towards the end and I hope everyone enjoys it!
Some people who wanted to read this! @beckyu and @brick-a-doodle-do !
TW: Fear, Dehumanization (calling someone ‘it’), vore mention, mouthplay, intentional to unintentional fearplay, fear of dying, fear of being eaten
Word Count: 6.7k
Veiled Curiosity 1
A flash of emerald green scales darted through the reeds at the base of the reef, zipping around to collect whatever interesting shells he could find. The rather bubbly merfolk flitted about curiously, enjoying this brief adventure away from the other merfolk. He’d always found that place so…crowded. It was fun to make new friends, don’t get him wrong, but it could get overwhelming. Somewhat boring, too. Honestly, they wouldn’t like that he was away from them, out in the open gathering items the others thought were useless. He’d be told things about the shells and rocks not being necessary to his survival. Did he care? Nope.
What he so loved about these things was their individual uniqueness. Not a single one was the same, just like how every mer had a different tail and coloration. He couldn't possibly get over it, and so what if it filled his home with useless items? It was always so much more beautiful than leaving it blank, so much less lonely. Of course it always made him receive the strangest looks, bringing back a bag full of stones and shells, but it kept him out of trouble. Thinking back, the only reason they didn’t use more force in stopping him was that he used to prank everyone as a child and only stopped when he started collecting these things.
Today there didn’t seem to be many new ones in this reef though, which was quite disappointing. Usually the changing tides and storms would move the sand and bother the animals enough to bring some out, but he couldn't find very much. Not all too pleased, he swam more to the top and to the side of the reef, skirting the edge before finding a good piece of coral that let him hang his bag. He smiled and left it there, then turned to head down, sparing only a single glance at the trench nearby. It was somewhat of a threat, but he didn’t see any glow and he had no intention of going too close.
Rather, he simply swam to the sand and used his tail to brush at it, hoping to maybe unbury any cool new shells or pebbles. He’d learned this trick for hunting with small sea creatures, but he never really used it for that. Sure, every now and then, but never anything all that important. The action of this however, didn’t quite get a reaction he wanted. A ton of silvery fish darted out of the sand, their swarming spinning him, then dove into the trench along with several items he’d been looking for. He gave a whine and reached a hand out but didn’t dare actually approach that darkness.
That was the world of the leviathans, and despite being curious and explorative, even he knew better than to swim right into certain death. With a pout he instead settled down on the sand, sitting as he used his hands to now lazily search. He was quiet for a while, every now and then finding his eyes trailing back towards the trench. It was a tug of curiosity, urging him to investigate, but…if he went down there, too many things would go wrong. If he was attacked no-one would help him, and even if he came back fine they would never accept something so risky. What if he led a leviathan to them all?
He noisily sighed with his lips making a fun bubbly sound before he let himself fall sideways. His bright green eyes traced the edges of what might as well be called a death trap while he went limp on the sand, only the water currents moving him around. The sand shifted around him as it made his fins sway and he watched it, but was easily growing bored. He frowned and closed his eyes to get at least a little bit of rest. His pod had only just come back from the trip to warmer waters and he hadn’t gotten much rest. Most of it was his fault for swimming all over the place, but hey, he had fun.
Not much time had passed but he must have fallen asleep, because it seemed not even seconds had gone by before something heavy slammed into his head. He gasped in both pain and surprise, his hands going to clutch his head with a groan as he curled up, laughter serving as the background to this agony. Them?? Again??? What was so amusing about throwing rocks at someone?! It was his own bag, sure, but they full well knew what was inside it! He grit his teeth and took a deep breath before he pushed himself up slowly, only sparing a glance at his bag and its now scattered contents.
Putting on a mask of a smile, he looked at them while rubbing where it hit him and acting like it was the joke they thought it was. “O-oh hey! What are you guys doing out here…?” He didn’t really like acting so weak but at the same time, he didn’t want to cause more trouble. In the first place…there were three of them and one of him. Mainly only two really harassed him, but the third was almost more irritating with how they hid in the background smirking all the time. Honestly, he really didn’t hate a lot of things, but these three were an extreme exception. It was hard not to.
The one that always overtook the others so loudly, boldly approached him with crossed arms and an irritating smirk he wanted to slap right off their face. “I should be asking you that, Varazae.” He tensed just slightly at his entire name being used with that tone…especially since he preferred Vara. Just when you thought you couldn't hate someone more than you already did… “You're not supposed to be out by the trench. You reek, it'll bring all those predators right to us.” For someone supposedly worried about dangerous predators, the guy really didn’t seem all that bothered being close to the hole himself.
Vara eyed them but kept up that behavior anyway, wanting to just be released and allowed to slip by them all. “Oh, of course! I should've known better. I apologize.” He didn’t really like saying that either, but it wasn’t wrong. The creatures in there probably could smell him just hanging out up here like some sort of fancy treat offering itself up for dinner. Except when he moved to grab his bag, scooping everything back inside, a hand darted out and snagged the incredibly precious bag from him. Well that immediately got an honest response out of him and he jolted, reaching for that bag. His parents made that!
He received mocking laughter and froze, a pit forming in his stomach over what he’d just done. What would they do now? He’d just given them the exact response they wanted! The bigger mer twirled the bag haphazardly before taking a look inside, face twisting with disgust. “Geeeez, you really do only gather useless junk! And what’s with this bag?? It’s freaking ancient!” He shut the bag, tying it shut tightly, then hoisted it above his head. “Thought you might've at least had something extra in here…oh well, trash goes into the trash dump!” Another thing he hated were the nonsense insults, but he was distracted by something else.
The mer pulled that arm back, grew tense, then chucked it towards the trench. Vara didn't hesitate to shove himself away from the sand and swim after it, his arms outstretched to catch it…and he missed. Horror filled his every inch as he witnessed the most valuable thing in his life, sink into the trench. Obviously, he should leave it and live. Clearly. He dove. Speeding downwards to the tune of their laughter and taunts, he began to curse his horribly weak body, already feeling all kinds of aches. The only silver lining was seeing the strap just barely get caught on a shelf jutting out from the trench wall.
He beamed with relief and went right towards it…until a giant squid pushed itself out of one of the many gaps and tried to grab him. He tried to dodge, unable to retreat at first until he was then backpedaling. Even so, he kept one eye on his bag, searching for an opening, any opening, to get it…and the squid dislodged it from the wall. He cried out wordlessly as it sped into the darkness, but he couldn't chase after it anymore. Instead, he had to refocus on getting out of there! The tentacles were reaching for him and he was already struggling, so he hurriedly just grabbed one and proceeded to bite as hard as possible.
His teeth, sharp like every other merfolk’s, sunk into the soft flesh easily and the creature spasmed in pain momentarily, providing just barely enough time to race right back out of the trench. Of course those guys were still laughing, but he just bit his lip and soared out of the trench, rushing right past all of them. He’d made it mad and was being followed…wasn't hard to guess that much when he heard screams of fear but not pain even as he was passing the reef. Maybe biting it wasn't his best decision? Well he didn’t want to be eaten! Still, it seemed an awful lot like he was leading it to the rest.
When that occurred to him he sucked in a sharp breath and his brows furrowed in concentration. If he fled to the pod…he’d be in trouble. They’d punish him! He glanced back only to see the squid trying way too hard to chase him and regretted looking. Paling, he opted for trying to fit through small gaps, using his extra small body to his advantage and hiding every chance he got among the coral. Of course, he got cut and even zapped a few times, but like usual it was only light sensations and not enough to stop either side of the chase. This wasn’t improving his situation.
In the end, more afraid of being torn apart for a meal, he took some more narrow trips to get close to the pod but not enough to put them in danger. Now he inhaled deeply and shouted, “Help! A squid left the trench!” He needed the guards to help him! It was only desperation that was keeping him going as his breathing steadily became a harsh wheeze and he got slower. He’d always had a weak body, but now he was genuinely despising it for the first time in his life. No wonder they were always so mad at him for not trying to strengthen it! All of that wasn’t even the worst part of this considering the thing made no sound.
By either pure luck or worst nightmare, the guards intervened. They had spears and utilized the special mer magic they'd been training for years, one of them catching Vara tightly. He knew they were mad from the grip alone, but he could help but to turn and watch the fight, feeling a pang of sympathy for the creature as it got hurt. And yet when it escaped alive, he was disappointed. It had taken his bag! He could've gotten it back if that thing didn’t show up! Both his heart and mind were screaming even while he could hardly keep himself up, grief the only thought dominating his head.
The last connection to his parents. His parents who disappeared and no-one would say where. The only two people that hadn’t hated him for just being himself…and he’d lost it today. Never in his life did he think those guys would go as far as to throw something of his into the trench of all things, but…lesson learned. On that note, when he caught sight of those three perfectly unharmed, his blood immediately boiled. It was them. It was their fault. Tossing aside all fear of punishment, he lurched forward despite the iron grip on his arm, snarling and hissing as he swiped at them the moment they came close.
Everyone there was shocked by the usual docile mer trying to attack someone, but not so much as when he spat, “YOU! It was YOU! YOU did this! That was MINE! You KNEW that was mine! Give it BACK! I NEED it! I HATE you!” Vara wasn't the type to explode on anyone. Yeah he’d play tricks, but he wouldn't outright declare his hatred for someone and threaten their life so vehemently. This was the only time Vara wished he hadn't dulled his claws, desperately wanting to tear them apart…but mainly the one who actually did the deed. He was never going to forgive losing that bag.
The guard holding him eventually yanked him back and retrained his arms behind his back even as he writhed, growling with his now bloodied teeth bared on full display. “Varazae, what actually happened?” They sounded concerned, but he knew they'd ask the others the same thing and go by majority. It wouldn't matter to them that he’d lost something like that.
Even so…he hissed out, “He threw my parent’s bag into the trench! And the squid attacked me because of it!” There was still that desperate, shining hope that maybe…maybe they would give him his bag back? Surely, the guards could venture down after it and—
A sigh interrupted his thoughts. “I’m sorry Varazae, you need to let it go.” The guard looked at the other three, everyone there remaining way too calm for his liking. “And you three will be explaining why you thought that was a good idea. Now let’s go, none of us have finished settling back into the area, we need all the help we can get.” He felt empty. When the guard let go of him, he just stayed there, his tail hardly twitching enough to keep him there before he sank. He knew it. Material possessions were always seen as useless and something to abandon…clearly nobody would help the misfit get one back.
Everyone else just left him there, at this point used to not trying to force him to participate in working. He should just be grateful they feed him, really. And protect him. But if they really wanted to protect him, they would have gone into that trench for his bag…because now he was broken. His shaking hands rose to his chest, fingers interlacing as he bit back tears bitterly. Vara’s mind was a maelstrom of emotions, with absolutely none of them going in the same direction and dangerous thoughts building up. Something so simple shouldn’t have caused so much damage to him, but it had.
He squeezed his eyes shut and bit his lip, his entire body being wracked with grief and real rage. Except…he didn’t just remain there. After a time, he pushed himself back off the sand and made his way to his personal shelter. When he swam inside, it…looked exactly how he left it, but with more sand scattered about and some of his shells broken or missing. Usually he’d feel relieved by the sight and rush to relax on his bed while dusting off shells with his tail, but right now? He just felt so painfully empty. It wasn’t fair, they knew it wasn't too, but it didn’t matter. An item like that had no real survival value, and so it was to be abandoned.
It wasn’t even an hour later and he was at the trench, hands clenched and gaze sharp as he glared at the darkness. He was shaking. This was the place always made to be the most hostile of them all, why wouldn't he be? The only thing keeping him here, at the edge of doom, was his own despair. He didn't really have anyone important to him in the pod or the kingdom, no-one ever bothered to get to know him, and he would rather be somewhere else than trying to blend in with all their strange rules. So honestly? What did he have to lose after that one precious item being ripped from him?
Truthfully, he was on the verge of backing out when he heard something weird down there, but a water current pushed him forward until he wasn't over sand anymore, but a seemingly bottomless pit. This made him quite tense, but he merely took a deep breath and went for it, diving towards certain death for an inanimate object. No wonder the other merfolk thought he had problems. Still, he kept going, keeping his arms tucked in close while venturing into the darkness. It was hard not to outright flee back to the relative safety of the reef, considering this only looked like a death pit to him, but backing out now would be even worse.
The way down was slow and risky, with him keeping distance from the space that squid had appeared from earlier but sticking somewhat close to the wall. He didn’t need to add getting turned around to his list of problems. It was easier said than done as everything began to fade out, his own coloring slowly turning dull as the light that was supposed to be above him slowly vanished. This was…creepy. It matched the stories of the trench, of how it would drain all color and light from the world to trap you within its depths. He tried not to dwell on that too much though as it started to spook him.
Still…how was he supposed to find his bag in this darkness? He had to be getting deep enough to be at risk of meeting an adult leviathan at this point, right? Not the best thing to think of, but was his entire mission doomed from the start? His thoughts were spiraling only to be thrown out in an instant when the water shifted, pressure from something massive pushing him around roughly. He bit back a yelp, hands flying to his mouth to keep himself silent as he scanned the area desperately. Something was nearby! He had no clue what, but this wasn't the sort of movement he’d ever felt before, even with that squid earlier.
The water became displaced again, almost seeming to spin him as another motion took place underneath him. A dreaded thought entered his mind—he was being circled. Whatever this creature was had already found him. A shiver ran down his spine, but so much as when a deep growl vibrated through the entire area, shaking his entire body with the force. It was too hard to place the direction it came from, making his heart race as his breathing became short and shallow, tail flitting from side to side as he made attempts to flee only for the water itself to push him away.
Then a white glow lit up the area. It was a dim pulse at first, only to come back again and remain solidified. Before him were towering fingers tipped with claws that could skewer him without a second thought. They curled in towards him as he spun around…only to come face to face with a leviathan. He could have sworn his heart stopped for a moment, one of his hands raising to his chest defensively as he tried to back away. His try at leaving was stopped in an instant when he bumped into those fingers. Vara jolted away from the touch, his eyes instead locking with the ones far above him.
Nothing happening for so long might have made Vara question if he was actually in danger, but the massive creature had such an intense and unsettling gaze that he couldn't imagine it ever being kind. Then the fingers behind him flexed before attempting to close in on him, drawing a gasp out of Vara as he bolted upwards. Somehow this made it even worse, as he was brought to eye level with the constant angry glare…and a snarl that bared the sharp teeth leviathans shared with merfolk. He couldn't tell if that look was more frustration, anger, or hunger, but he wanted none of them.
He started to swim backwards at the same time it moved, rushing towards him with their jaws opening wide. Vara yelped, scrambling to avoid being eaten and assisted by the water displacement this time. He gasped a few times as he felt a rush of adrenaline, head spinning to try and find the giant, who kept turning their glow off. It was both frustrating and terrifying to be toyed with this way, treated as if this was some kind of sick game only meant to draw out the most fear possible. If he wasn't so panicked, he might have even gotten mad over it. But again, he felt the water move before ever seeing the danger.
A smaller glow lit up above him in a red color, and another one, a greenish tone, came from beneath. The white glow of his original pursuer pulsed again, almost like sending a message without words, and the other glows left. He didn’t exactly want to study that, but their scales lighting up made his head snap to it before he could even think it through. This also revealed another thing—there were more leviathans. This wasn't the only one hunting him but it looked like it was currently the biggest. Should he be comforted that it was claiming him from the others, or more scared?
He wasn't given much time before he saw the light pulsing once more, but coming from beneath him. The fang lined mouth was wide open underneath him as it gave another charge. Vara couldn't find a good way to escape the threat, the bright golden eyes narrowing as it got closer. But as if by magic the leviathan was slightly off and the water tugged him down, sliding right past the face as the eyes kept tracking him. He tumbled down its back haphazardly, trying to find purchase or at least remove himself from the current the large body created. With them going this fast, he was much too close.
But the leviathan changed directions, diving down with the glow only dimming rather than shutting off completely, and…he saw it. His bag! On one of the many spikes lining this massive creature, his bag had gotten solidly hooked, almost like it had been tied there. He would have celebrated, but now there was a fully different problem. Vara needed to leave and let it have his bag, or…risk trying to take it while avoiding being eaten. The decision seemed to have been made for him when it tried to come from under him again, using too much speed just like before. As much as he wanted it to shove him out of the trench…it was only tugging him down further.
Except this time when he went down, he tried desperately to take his bag back…but it was on the side fine, creating a battle against the currents he just couldn't win. He was too small, his body too weak. He began to curl up into himself, slowly just wanting to get out of this without being tossed around so painfully, for the leviathan to stop pushing him deeper. All of that was fine and dandy until it seemed to get the same idea and came charging down from above. Vara yelped again and tried to dodge the pull of the water, but his body was sore and definitely going to bruise…if he survived, that is.
The problem this time? The angle did pull him towards the surface, but it also yanked him directly into that massive mouth once combined with his struggling. He fought back a scream, his arms spreading wide in hopes of becoming too inconvenient to eat as the currents shoved him all the way back where he slammed into the throat. The leviathan made a choked sound, their mouth snapping shut and sealing him inside. Not too long after, Vara found himself being slammed against a hard surface by something much softer. The force made his vision swim, close to blacking out if this continued.
Whatever was pushing him—the tongue, he realized with a jolt—released him for a second only to shove him somewhere else. In this darkness he couldn't even tell where he was…until his hands slipped over an eerily smooth surface that his mind immediately registered as teeth. A chill went through him as he was fully pinned against it, only able to think that he was going to be bitten—torn apart while alive and turned into nothing but a snack—then it shoved him a bit harshly again. It hurt—every interaction with the levithan had only hurt so far and that was all he could focus on even when the pressure lightened.
Then a new development took place, a glow starting in the back of the mouth, from the throat, to illuminate the space he was in. He felt his heart skip a beat at being shown such a thing, eyes skipping all over the place. The glow was both comforting, as he could see what it was doing, and yet made it even worse. At the very least, it showed him that he was being pinned to the side of its mouth, the dangerous throat to his right while the deadly teeth were pressed against his back and his other side. Just lovely. Nothing like being trapped in the same place food went. At least the space was still full of water.
Although…with nothing happening for this long, he began to wonder what it was doing. He could feel the giant moving, but had no clue why he was still alive. What, did it not like his taste? He probably did taste more sandy, but he doubted that was a reason. The dark colored tongue then suddenly moved some, the apparently partially forked end wrapping around him and removing him from being along the side. He stiffened some and struggled just a bit, but he didn’t have any high hopes of being able to fight his way out of this. That didn't stop him from squirming when the muscle, somehow still slick in the water, started moving all over him.
He whimpered slightly and tried to push it away from him, this almost searching action making him feel way too much like he was being tasted of all things. It was unsettling him all over again, but he really didn’t have enough strength to even try to resist, and he was all too aware of this. His situation was made worse when the leviathan suddenly hummed, the tone unusual and borderline sounding like a wordless question, but his head was too busy spinning from being too close to the loud noise. They didn’t control their volume at all! The fact a thoughtless hum hurt him brought on another quiver.
 This carried on and he failed to notice the pressure changes before the mouth cracked open. Fresh seawater and light flooded around Vara along with it, both trying to shove him deeper inside and pull him out. In the end the latter won as the tongue pushed him out a bit roughly, sending him tumbling through the water with his arms flailing weakly. He was started by this action and glanced around, but he was so drained that his movements were way too slow. His body felt heavier than it should and the world wouldn't even stop spinning…he should be happy he was out, but he hardly felt awake.
The leviathan seemed to have the same sort of thought, the hands raising back up underneath Vara. The mer stared down at those hands before simply closing his eyes. So it was done toying with him? Did it just want to better see what he looked like when torn apart by using sunlight? He just gave up and kept his eyes closed, going limp even as he came into contact with the huge hands. Except…he could have sworn he felt the limb jolt under him. He could feel the hands moving but didn’t register any pain. This brought him to slowly open his eyes just to make sure, and found something strange.
In this light, the giant didn’t seem near as terrifying. The gaze was still just as intense, as if studying every last motion down to a strand of hair, but he could properly see the face without the shadows. Was it possible he could see concern? No, that wasn't right. It had tried to eat him. He couldn't have been released so simply, it wasn't possible. This leviathan must be planning something…right? He flinched when it opened its mouth, expecting to be shoved inside and finally slain, but instead words flowed out smoothly, “Are you dying?” It took him aback. There wasn't any worry in the tone at all, more bored, but the eyes had changed slightly.
Vara quivered, debating whether or not he should answer before it became too overwhelming and he just curled up tightly, his tail wrapping around his as his arms covered his head. It was still speaking too loud. It could still dominate him with a single finger…it didn’t even sound concerned with that question. Was it possible the thing just wanted something to mess with and he might get out alive? Or was this simply another part of the game? It must have started to become impatient, as a huff came from above him and the hands around him began to move.
“Fine, don't talk.” Vara almost screamed when the hands cupped around him next, expecting to be crushed or impaled…but instead found himself being half tossed away from the trench and towards the reef he’d started all of this from. He tumbled through the water yet again, trying to right himself but too dizzy and crashing into the coral instead. As he sunk, he gazed weakly at the leviathan to find it was out of the trench from the shoulders and up, those harsh eyes still on him. “...stay out of the trench.” The sound made him flinch again. “Something that isn't even a snack should know better.” The tone was still…so strange.
He was silent, but the leviathan took their anger with them as they turned and headed straight back down into the darkness, leaving Vara stunned, in pain, and alone. His mind raced. Did he seriously just survive that? It brought him back out of the trench? Why?? It made no sense! Even if he wasn’t enough to be a snack, like it had so rudely pointed out, even merfolk would eat the tiny crabs and fish the size of their fingers! He almost felt insulted, but…he was mostly unharmed and it hadn’t actually done anything to him. Did the leviathan…? He froze, a different thought interrupting him as he remembered something important. That JERK took his bag!
This day chose to be very strange. He was just minding his own business in the dark, trying to avoid the two young ones that had been following him lately, when something chose to smack his face. Usually he would have just let it keep sinking, but a flash of color from inside of it caught his attention, bringing him to gently reach up and catch it in his far too big hand. Well, this was strange. He’d never seen something like this before. It held what looked like miniscule seashells and rocks, but unless he risked breaking or losing it, he wouldn't know for sure. Did a mer lose this?
He was curious, swimming a bit higher in the trench that day…but he didn’t get all too far before several near accidents with the tiny item occurred. Giving a heavy sigh, he opted for very carefully tying it to one of his spikes, hoping it would stay there. He might have stored it if he wasn’t worried about accidentally eating the thing without noticing. Still, he continued upwards, spending just a little bit of time in thought. He’d been told of merfolk before…that they were fish with hair and hands. Honestly the description didn’t make a lot of sense, but he couldn't remember if he’d seen one when young.
Another factor…was everyone always told him they tasted really good. That when you see one, keep your lights off and eat it before it can bit back. Apparently, the tiny creatures were supposed to have some sort of power and would fight back. Honestly, it only reminded him of all these irritating squids. The creatures made him wish he’d stayed in colder waters, missing the orcas and occasional penguin if he left the trench…but down there, there weren't really any mer. All these other leviathans kept insisting he travel and find some, and so he’d left…but only to shut them up. He didn’t want to hunt a mer, and he wasn’t going back…he just wasn’t interested.
His thoughts were disturbed when he realized that there was a strange motion in the water, heading his direction. When glancing towards it tiredly, it was for his eyes to lock onto what must have once been a bright green tail. At first he was just going to leave it alone, wondering if it was a young leviathan…but it stopped swimming and started looking around way too strangely. It drew his interest. He quietly changed directions, slowly building up to be circling around the smaller, curious about them not seeing him at all. All leviathans could see nearly just just down here…so what was this about? He gave a quiet growl to question, but only got panic.
He got closer, even bringing his hands up under the small creature to find that even then, he went unseen. Now mildly concerned along with being curious, he made his lights pulse, trying to silently ask a question…but he got fear in response and no glow. Only when he watched how they reacted to his hands, and then turned around, did it fully register what this was. He’d just found a mer. No, that couldn't be right. He knew he was frowning and was probably looking like a threat, but he didn’t necessarily care. All those leviathans…had eaten these? Sure, it was bigger than a penguin, but…they looked the same as them.
It took him a moment, but before too long he faintly realized that it must be quite dangerous for them down here. He narrowed his eyes ever so slightly before gently trying to close his hand to grab them. There was a good chance if he didn’t, they'd die. But…the little thing bolted away from his hand, only striking frustration in the leviathan and making him scowl, gritting his teeth in a half growl. Irritated beyond belief by what was honestly a natural reaction, he gave up out of annoyance and forced himself forward instead, pretending to hunt them. Maybe he could just get the thing to go up to the surface on their own and be done with this.
He curved around to do it again when it didn’t leave like an idiot, only to catch sight of the familiar lights of the two that had been messing with him lately. Rather possessively, he flashed his lights in warning, claiming what he’d found and outright threatening them to not come closer. He was satisfied to see their lights vanish as the two left. He grumbled and dove underneath the mer this time, letting his lights pulse in warning so it could avoid him before he actually caught them. Except upon approach…their desperate movements did nothing to help them escape. Was it not scared?
He tilted his head slightly to avoid catching them, watching as it slipped past his face and out of sight down his back. Deciding this thing was rather incompetent, he kept his glow on, but dimmer than it had been. Maybe if it was aware the entire time, he’d be avoided? He tried it again, wishing it would just go up…but when he actually saw how the water forced them downwards, he groaned inwardly. Of course. Smaller creatures had a hard time swimming around leviathans…how he’d so easily forgotten that was a mystery, but at least he now had a general idea of what to do.
This time he came down from above, hoping the water would pull them again, but upwards instead…and that did happen…but not the way he wanted. He could see them struggling and wanted to hurry, but then they just disappeared? He didn’t realize what happened until he was suddenly choking. Well that happened. He coughed to get them out of his throat, but closed his mouth. Obviously attacking with his mouth would end this way…but he’d been trying not to touch them after how scared they’d been. He just wanted to chase them out of the trench, not actually eat them.
Still, to quell any movement that might cause an accident, he pinned them to the roof of his mouth and hurriedly switched directions, wanting to rush them out of the dark area. With that done, he went ahead and stopped pinning them…only for him to just slightly get a taste and immediately shove them away. Well he hadn’t been expecting that. It was actually quite pleasant, but…he pushed them a little, wondering why he wasn't getting any reaction. Usually you'd struggle, not just lay there…right? He lessened the pressure he was using, wondering if that was the problem, but nothing changed.
Was it confused, maybe? He went ahead and lit up again, knowing it would also bring light to the inside, hoping to help somehow. That still didn’t get a reaction. He stopped changing things for a little bit, but with still no change, he half mindlessly wrapped his tongue around them, curious about their somewhat unknown taste, but also hoping to be shown it was still alive. Well, considering it started to squirm, it at least wasn't dead…yet. Had he hurt the small thing? He was feeling just a tad guilty, but was also unable to stop licking at the mer. He knew why the leviathans would eat them, but didn’t understand it.
When it started to grow much brighter he lessened the amount he was pushing them around and hummed questioningly. Why were they so limp? He moved them around only a tiny bit more before he was at the top of the trench and chose to just push them out and take a look. It would suck if he’d scared them to death when he was actually just trying to help them. Seeing how weakly they moved, he reached over to catch them so they wouldn't sink back down…but they looked so lifeless. He found himself flinching against his will when the limp body touched him, but suppressed it quickly.
It was still alive, right? He moved his hands to bring the mer a little closer and inspect them, only to find the bright green eyes meeting his. After what felt like a staring contest, he calmly asked, “Are you dying?” He was concerned quite a bit, actually. It wasn’t unusual for him to do something stupid when frustrated, and this was definitely one of those times again. Although…they just curled up and wouldn't answer him, only sparking that frustration once more and making him cup his hands both under and over the mer. “Fine, don't talk.” He weakly tossed them towards the reef, not expecting them to tumble so badly.
He felt a twinge of guilt over how they stopped, but focused on being sure they were still opening their eyes. When the little green orbs locked onto his again, he decided to warn them, “...stay out of the trench.” He had no clue he was talking too loudly, but knew they were still scared. Maybe a joke would help? “Something that isn't even a snack should know better.'' He got nothing from it even after waiting so he turned away with a shaking head, diving back down into the trench. Why did he even try? Except as he was drifting back to his home in the dark, he had a new thought. Maybe he should have given that mer the item he’d found? Oh well, not like that’s why they were in the trench.
First time creating an actual au instead of a book! Also, first time I've done any mouthplay/vore writing so be kind to me QnQ
I'll either post the next chapter or do a diff au, depends on what my headache decides it can write :P
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Mers :D Uhh codboy and stuffs Grian design by tori owl fluff but im not going to @ em bc they aren’t a noms person from what I know. Background for this picture is, Grian was being used as bait to lure Ren and Doc as they destroy hunting boats. Scar Finds Grian instead and after getting fired at bites the chain off and takes Grian with him. Grian knows It’s safe but doesn’t like it. @thegoatvores 
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teal-fiend · 1 year
The ocean was vast and empty. It was hard to believe that anything existed underneath the barren sheet of blue that stretched over every horizon. 
We had been out here for far too long, in my opinion. the rations were running low, but more worryingly, my friend was growing more and more anxious by the day. He told me he had unfinished business out here that he needed to take care of. He said that it would only take a couple of days. It had been a week. 
When I suggested we turn back he brushed me off. Any day now. His eyes never left the water, watching our traps that would always turn up empty. Through many nights when he was asleep I considered just turning the boat around, but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Although my patience was growing thin. 
But then, when I was pulling up one of the traps, expecting to see nothing again, not even a single crab, not even the bait - but there was a glimmer, something that caught the light. Fish scales. 
It was beautiful. Glimmering green and purple scales, and the upper body of what looked like a human woman. But at the same time, it seemed alien and otherworldly. 
I called my friend over. He grabbed the rope from me and dragged the trap and the creature to the surface. 
The mermaid, it must have been a mermaid, it was so beautiful. It should be in a museum or an aquarium, it should be shown to people, people needed to know about this.
As I wondered at the creature, my friend opened the trap, removed the mermaid, picked it up, and started to swallow it.
“What are you doing-?” I tried to take it away from him but he motioned for me to stay back. I just gaped as he swallowed down the most beautiful thing i had ever seen, his stomach bulged grotesquely and the glittering iridescent scales and silky tail disappeared into his fleshy throat. 
Soon it was done and where there was once a rare and magnificent sea creature, there was just my friend with his full belly
He breathed slowly for a moment before clearing his throat and saying, “Okay, we can go back now.”
“Wait. That's what we came out here for?”
“Ah, yeah pretty much.” 
I was reconsidering this friendship.
“Sorry, we can get one for you next time if you want.”
I scoffed. “Absolutely not.”
He just shrugged, and we went back. 
Although what I didn’t tell him is the next week I went out to the same place. I had become obsessed with the creature that I had seen, that he had eaten. I wanted so badly to be able to have something that beautiful, to eat a treasure. I couldn’t get it out of my mind. And so I watched the waters, waiting for something to fall prey to my traps. Waiting to see that glitter underneath the surface but it never came
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nom-central · 6 months
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gt-preys · 23 days
Mermay just has me thinking of siren Billy and his little borrower in the aquarium. Maybe I need to make a follow up oneshot.
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jkknight98 · 2 years
Tidal Waves
See, I promised that I wasn’t dead or gone, I was just working on a story for you all. With the craziness of being a grad student, turning another year older, and being a responsible employee..its hard to sit down to write a story. But i hope you guys enjoy this one even if its way past may.
Warnings: Soft vore, Safe vore, gaslighting, manipulation, physical abuse.
All Tommy had ever known was Dream, and that Mer’s like him were bad, he had to be better than them. But what happens when two brother’s try to find a pesky human, and find a new baby brother instead?
Dream was the only thing Tommy had ever known, his face was the first he’d seen when he broke through the membranous skin of his egg,  holding him in his warm hands as he took his first breaths of air. He understood why he looked so different from him, he was a mer and Dream was a…human, a thing without the same scales and luxurious fins. Humans were boring, but he was the only family he had… especially since other Mer’s were dangerous. When Tommy learned to speak...English .. he asked Dream when he could meet another mer like him, it was boring to be in his tank alone and the man barely played with him anymore. That led to another one of his lessons for asking such a dumb question and Tommy was forced to eat just kelp for a month, but he did learn that mer’s were nothing but monsters. They could take the shape of humans and use some sort of hypnotic voice to lure those to their death, but Tommy wasn’t like those monsters, he was a good mer. He only sang when Dream said he could and let the man hold him to clean his scales, even if his fingers were rough on his delicate fins… he had forgiven the man when he accidentally tore a small portion and left a gap in the fin after all. 
It was only an accident.
“That fucking bastard,” Tommy flinched and hid towards the bottom of his tank as the blond man slammed his way into the room, green eyes blazing as he threw a bundle of papers onto the desk and trudged his way to the bedroom, not sparing a glance towards Tommy as he slammed the door. Tommy slowly moved towards the lid, barely able to see the bolded words at the top of the closest page. Treaty with Mers ends decades of bloodshed. What did the treaty mean? The door slammed open again as Dream came back to his desk, a large bag slung over his shoulder, panting harshly as he stopped before Tommy’s tank. 
The man leaned forward and placed his fingers inside, smiling slightly as the child swam up to cuddle the digit,” I’m going to be going away for a bit Tommy, do you remember Sapnap?” He smiled as Tommy nodded excitedly, he was the nice human that played with him for hours and gave him more shrimp than usual,” He’s going to come here in four days when I send him the coordinates, I have to leave for a while, but he’ll take care of you until I can take you back.”
Tommy whined and let out a sad chitter before correcting his mistake,” why do you have to leave…what am I going to eat before Sapnap gets here… there's no more fish or shrimp,” Normally when Dream left for a long while he left a wide variety of fish and shrimp for Tommy to both play with and eat while he was gone, he had to eat the last fish not too long ago...He had promised to get more, but he knew that Dream was just too busy at his human job.
This made Dream frown and the fingers holding him started to tighten,” are you complaining Tommy, and what did I tell you about not speaking English..,” The pressure got worse before the man dropped him fully,” No matter, you’ll be fine for four days, I’ll get you something big when I pick you up from Sapnap... Just hide in your skull if anyone else comes in here.” Dream walked away from the tank for the front door, taking one last glance at the small boy,” be good Tommy,” before shutting the door and locking it behind him.
Tommy could only give a low whine as he gently placed his hands on his tail, whimpering in pain that would definitely be bruised in the morning, he should have known better. He sighed as he moved to lay across the top of the skull in his tank, not ready to go inside it to sleep yet, he’s going to be the best boy for Dream and for Sapnap when he gets here. Tommy couldn’t help but yawn slightly to himself, maybe Sapnap will be early….the last time he saw him he got into a big fight with Dream…Maybe this means they made up and they can play again. This was his last thought as he drifted off to sleep…
Tommy couldn’t help but grumble as he pulled his tail tighter to him as he blew some bubbles, he couldn’t tell how many days had passed now, he couldn’t see the sun or use his sleep schedule since it was the only escape from his boredom. In his dreams, he could be swimming in a massive pool with shrimp and fish plenty, and singing with Dream again.
He jumped when a loud bang rattled the front door, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and swimming to the top of his tank in excitement, it took Sapnap long enough to get here. He called out happily when the door slammed open, but the happy trill was cut off when a group of men in dark suits entered the room, holding weird objects in front of them…and none of them were Sapnap. He quickly dived down to hide within his skull, peering out the eyehole fearfully as the men began to tear apart the entire apartment, emptying every drawer onto the floor and bashing open plant pots to search inside them. He had no idea what they could be looking for, he softly whimpered to himself when another pair of men entered the room and they just oozed predatory energy. The boy knew immediately what the two of them were when their faces turned in the direction of his tank, with a scattering of scales and slitted pupils eerily similar to his own when he saw his reflection, they were dangerous Mers.
The shorter of the two Mers snarled loudly as he kick over the tub that held umbrellas,” how did that bastard escape us, we've been tracking him for weeks,” The curly brown hair on its head almost seemed to curl tighter in rage, but Tommy was sure he was just imagining things in his terror, especially as the other one turned to stare at his tank before walking over. It had long pink hair that framed its face with intricate braids and its blood-red eyes were slowly scanning his home,” He can't have been gone long, there's not much dust on this furniture, search for anything that could point us to his trail… Techno what are you doing?” 
The now named Techno didn’t answer as he lifted a hand to place in the water and brought it to his mouth to taste, humming thoughtfully as he continued to scan,” Why did he have this tank still running when everything else is turned off.” Tommy had nearly burrowed himself completely into the sand in his skull hide, he remembered the stories of these monstrous Mers, they ate humans, and what would stop them from eating him!! He wanted to growl as the hand reached in to take his plants and other rocks out of the tank, those were his things and they had no right to take them. So when the pale fingers curled into the empty eye sockets and despite the lessons to not bite, he open his mouth wide and dug his teeth into the closest digit. He just as quickly released when a loud “HEH?!” echoed from outside the tank, and smiled to himself when the hand was pulled away from his hide and out of the water.
Techno looked at his finger in annoyance, whatever had bitten him within the tank didn’t break the skin, but the fact the thing inside bit him got on his nerves. Only something extremely stupid or brave would bite him. Wilbur was quick to stride over to look at his hand,” what would be dumb enough to bite a Mer, the tank is too small for one of those pistol shrimp, it's still salt water so not a stupid piranha…” Techno ignored him as he reached into the tank again to grip the sides of the skull and pulled it from the water, and felt his instincts flair in panic as it registered the distinctive shriek of a baby mer in distress. He quickly turned the skull in his hands and Wilbur was pressed to his side and staring at his hands,” is that a ??”
A quick shake led to a small red tail sliding out of one of the eye sockets, the older two Mers both winced at how thin the child was, it clearly hadn't been fed properly and its body was covered in old scars and bruising before the tail slipped back into the skull. Wilbur was quick to turn to the humans in the room hissing some orders at them while Techno gently turned the skull over so he could scoop more water into it, he didn’t want the child to dehydrate on him. He jumped and growled aggressively at his brother when the brunette shoved a glass of water at him,” That skull isn’t going to hold water as we travel back home, you're going to need to store the pup…you’re, unfortunately, bigger than me and they don’t need to be too compressed until we can look at their injuries,” Techno warily took the cup as the other glanced back at the tank,” when the fuck did that asshole find a baby…”
Techno looked at the skull in thought as he could now see a small pair of blue eyes staring back at them,” He’s not super young, but definitely past the infant stage… probably old enough to speak if he’s been taught.” Techno gave a soft croon to the child safe…safe... But the only thing he received was a low growl that made him smirk, this child had spunk… but spunk wouldn't keep him healthy. He lifted the glass high and quickly drained the salted water into his brood pouch, feeling the organ swell slightly and shove his formerly rumbling stomach aside, preparing to hold the child where nothing could reach them... Techno looked back down at the child again and crooned one last time before he tried to remove them from their hide, “this is probably going to terrify them if they've only been raised by a human. “ Safe…protector..safe.. Warm.
Tommy was terrified of the whole situation, the big Mers were using the sounds he wasn’t supposed to, and they were breaking the rules, which proved they were as bad as Dream said…But the sounds the pink one was making made his body want to relax on its own, and it took a lot in him not to chirp back in return to them…but he forced himself to growl instead. The fingers came back again and he went in for another bite, digging in his claws this time to increase the pain, but that made it easier for him to be pulled out of his skull and into the open air. He held firm while glaring at the pink-haired one, but shifted his eyes angrily at the brunette when they made that same calming noise at him, what a bastard. He flinched when he felt warm hands grab his tail, fully expecting them to crush his body, but they were gentle as they moved across it. He tensed up when the finger hit the space in his fin… he knew Dream didn’t mean to rip it, it was his fault since he jumped in the middle of cleaning, but the area was still very sensitive. The pink-haired mer snarled in rage, but seemed to stop when Tommy accidentally let out a whine of fear… what did this monster want with him?
Tommy got his answer when he was lifted over the pink-ettes face, and when the tip of his fins brushed against the lips, they opened wide to show sharpened teeth and the dark abyss behind them.
The child grew frantic when he opened his mouth, clamping tighter with its teeth and arms around his fingers as the tail tried to thrash away from him. Wilbur was at his side and tried to croon to the child like he had, telling them it was safe and to calm down, but it was useless. He only sighed and pulled away,” just get him stored quickly so we can get out of here, I’ll stand guard outside since there's nothing here for us to find,” and he stepped out with that,  giving a final look that was mixed with both concern for the child and envy that Techno got to store them. Techno could faintly hear him talking with the agents they had brought with them, but he turned back to the child as he lowered the fins into his mouth, using his tongue to protect the already damaged skin from his teeth. A burst of spiciness hit his tastebuds with every flick and it took a lot of self-control on Techno’s part not to hum, but he held it off as he lowered the boy further, gently slicking up the soft scales that almost flacked off; bad sign... Techno was going to rip this Dream character apart for what he did to this child, they were clearly underfed and mistreated probably since his hatching since the child didn’t understand mer. The more he lowered his hand, the more panicked the whines got, tugging at the formerly nonexistent heartstrings he had, and almost crooned when the little spitfire detached and began to verbally plead with him.
Tommy was terrified, his biting was not stopping the monster, would it even listen to him if he pleaded with it…there was only one way to find out. He pulled his mouth away from the scarred skin (noting sadly that his teeth left nothing but indents) and began to plead,” I’ll do anything if you don’t eat me…. don’t eat me…what did I do to you!!!” He swore the red eyes seemed to soften for a moment as the massive tongue paused in its tasting of his tail, and his heart rose as the giant hands shifted a bit, but he wailed as the new hold let the bigger mer push him further down its gullet. He didn’t want the bigger mer to see him cry, but as the heat of the mouth traveled up his body and could feel the clingy saliva left by the tongues swipes, he fell into an instinctive state of fear. He was so longer speaking English, but dissolved into the primal language his human “parent” tried to erase in him,” SCARED…PARENT… HELP….Danger!!
Techno’s eyes dilated as his instincts registered a fearful child, he wanted to take the process slowly to not scare the child any further, but he had to hurry them into the safety of his pouch away from the ‘danger’. He gave faster and faster swallows to shield away his new charge but kept his fingers around them until his knuckles knocked against his teeth, he needed to let the child go now. He rumbled softly when the child released another panicked whine as he pulled away, the tiny fingers scrambling against his skin until he was looking at his own saliva-drenched fingers. He gave the final swallow to pull the child from his maw and towards his pouch. Once his voice box was clear he began to chuff and click softly to the child, he could clearly feel the panicked twitching as they traveled down, doing his best to calm them by keeping his heart rate low and keeping his breaths shallow. He brought a hand down to his torso and waited, giving a soft huff when the warm weight dropped into his core, making him shudder as the unused organ tried to make sense of what was happening. But the more the child moved, the more the walls started to ungulate in soothing waves in tandem with his heartbeat, massaging the tense form inside while he hummed softly. He continued this until the child began to still, breathing deeply but no longer fighting against him, and almost seemed to lean into the touch of his fingers.
With a satisfied huff Techno moved to leave the crummy apartment, pausing long enough to tuck the skull into his pocket, he wasn’t going to leave the child's possession in this place. It also made him smile over their shared love of skulls. He gave a quick nod to Wilbur as he strode out of the apartment,” He’s calmed down a little bit, but we need to get some food for them, I wouldn’t know I was storing anything if he didn’t move.” Wilbur placed a gentle hand over his storage and gave a low thrum of safe as he felt the child press back, causing Techno to let out a deeper thrum of happiness at having His child and brother so close to him, the only thing that would make it better would be his father. Phil is going to be so happy to have another child to care for. He motioned for the few armed men that remained to get into the car,” take us to the nearest market and find me the freshest shrimp you can find.”
Tommy didn’t know what to think anymore as he floated in the mer’s stomach, all he could taste was salt water, not the bitter stuff that came out of him when Dream punished him for being too greedy. He whined as the walls gently brushed up against him again, the flesh was the softest thing he ever felt, even more so than the skin of his egg. He didn’t want to relax though, what if everything suddenly changed and it tried to hurt him, who cares if the giant Mers said it was safe; you can’t trust them. He couldn’t help but sway along with each step the mer took, listening to the sounds of their heartbeat and rumbling words around him, it was very humbling and almost made him feel like he was nothing compared to these things. Dream was right about that, he always said that Tommy was nothing like these things, and this being proven made him feel very small… He jumped when a sudden pressure rubbed against his side and the low rumble of a sound that somehow clicked in his mind as Guppy Safe. Why was it comforting him, and why did he want to chitter in response, it went against everything Dream taught him, but his body went against him. He opened his mouth and let out the softest chirp of Protector, it was a sound he made when he first hatched and Dream rarely allowed him to use it, and he flinched for the punishment he was used to receiving.
But instead of pain, the walls grew closer to him in a firm embrace as the mer let out the deepest and happiest sounding purr he had ever heard, the pressure returning to rub against his side. Tommy wanted to slap himself as he realized it was the mer rubbing its hand against him, acknowledging his existence… and praising him for using his chirps. The larger mer rumbled again and switched to using English to speak with him, which both relieved and saddened him somehow,” I bet that you’re hungry guppy, shrimp is your favorite right?”
Tommy couldn’t help his excitement as he pressed into the walls around him, swapping between English and happy chirps, and he grew excited when he heard the sound of swallowing. He swam around the small space and jumped when a weight dropped onto his head…It was a full shrimp! Tommy let out an excited squeal before chomping into his prize, not caring how messy he got as he enjoyed the meal given to him.
Maybe these big Mers aren’t so bad.
Sapnap was excited to see the little mer again, gently adjusting the package of sliced tuna in his arms as he ran for the apartment, this could be his only chance to feed the kid properly before he was forced to give them back to Dream. He didn’t like how the man was treating them, it was like having a child, not training an animal to be a guard dog like Dream wanted. He remembered that fight all too well when he promised to take the mer from him, but the threat of Dream “disposing” of his project made him back down, but here was his chance.
He paused when he saw the door to the apartment was wide open… almost looking like it was bashed in, he didn’t care about holding the tuna anymore as he rushed for the door, screaming for the kid. “Tommy? Tommy can you answer me, whistle if you can hear me!!” The only thing that answered him was the humming of an empty tank, fake plants laying next to it, but missing both the skull and little mer that hid inside it… that and the mess around the entire apartment just made his heart sink. Sapnap slowly raised his phone to his ear, not giving the person he dialed any time to answer as he spoke,” Dream… I think you're going to have a major problem.”
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