mercityart · 2 years
All art and writing is mine, do not steal. View my art on other socials too. To understand the characters back stories pls view my character design/info charts. https://linktr.ee/Mercitycreeps
TW: these characters are mentally unwell individuals who don't typically have the means for therapy or medication, they aren't meant to be perfect, and just like so many other ppl they can be toxic and exhibit bad behavior such as self harm, possessiveness and so much more.
Toby- So Toby typically wears his hoodie as often as possible, of curse taking it off for showers and to wash it. There aren't many chances for you to wear his hoodie as much as you may wish you had more opportunities.
However, it would seem that day was your lucky day! Toby- had just came to your place after a mission, completely and utterly exhausted. It had been a while since the last time you had seen the man as he had been on a six week long job.
He was sent to gather some information in regards to the operator and what it may be or even possibly a tad bit more of its history. This job clearly didn't go the way the man was hoping.
Usually Toby would immediately be embracing you upon seeing his lover after a job well done. This time though... He simply walked straight into the kitchen, placing his hoodie upon the counter and grabbing a bottle of whiskey treaded into the bathroom without a single word, dark bags under his eyes and fresh bandages hinting at how he had not been caring for himself properly, if anything he had likely done the opposite.
It was clear that the man was in a absolutely terrible head space. You had followed him to the kitchen when he came in, watching him worriedly.
After he barricaded himself in the bathroom though there really wasn't much you could do so you left back to the kitchen to grab a snack and coffee, preparing yourself for a long night taking care of your unwell lover.
That's when you realized that he had left his hoodie on the counter. How could you not pass up the opportunity?
You had gone so long without the man's embrace or even his voice, and he had simply snubbed you upon returning home. You were desperate for his touch, his scent, his warmth.
You carefully put on the warm and welcoming hoodie, it was a bit dirty but you couldn't care less. It was two in the fucking morning and frankly you were touch starved and lonely, a bit hurt if you were being honest.
All you really wanted was to be in the man's welcoming strong arms. Sighing contently you snuggled your face into the sleeves, it smelt of him. That all too familiar scent of nature.
It was like being outside in a pine tree filled forest during a thunderstorm. You would be lying if you said that it wasn't soothing.
Oh so quietly you had grasped a cookie and mug of coffee/tea/hot chocolate and headed to the hallway.
You sat beside the doorframe silently, simply listening as Toby had been mumbling things to himself, or maybe even the hallucinations or delusions.
In such a delicate mood it truly wouldn't be a surprise if he was having a mental break and conversing with someone or something that wasn't actually there.
All you could do was be there for him. You sat there, only the mumbles of Tobias echoing within the home. That was until his mumbles were replaced by angry pained sobs.
You simply couldn't let sit there doing nothing but there truly was nothing much you could do. So you did the only thing you knew you could do and that was to try and ground Toby.
"Toby..? Baby.. can you hear me? Hey hey hey.. shh.. I'm right here. I'm here. You're not alone. Sweetheart..."
He couldn't properly respond to you but you knew from his little whimpers that he was starting to understand you slightly.
You didn't know what to say so you decided to hum to him, slowly beginning to sing a soft song to him (coma baby- Nicole dollanger). Slowly but surely his sobs turned into sniffles and the sniffles into sad breathing.
Upon you stopping after a minute or so the door carefully creaked open revealing the puffy eyed man. He stared down at your sitting form pressed into the wall snuggled into his hoodie.
He couldn't help but smile weakly, his voice shaky, cracking here and there when he says, "Are you wearing my hoodie..?"
Soft chuckling filled your ears, and he bent down to you, carresing your cheek sweetly. "Welcome home baby.." you state as you lean into his touch.
The man simply hums in response, wrapping a arm under your thighs and his other around your back as he picks you up to straddle his waist, swaying back and forth with you in his arms.
"You... You are so much more than I deserve.. I love you (y/n).." 
Tim- Oh dear gods, you are trying to give him a heart attack or something. Tim had gone out to grab some groceries as it was his turn to do so.
Getting some milk, bacon of course, stuff for pancakes, spaghetti and more. Stopping by a convenience store for some of his cigarettes and snacks and sodas/energy drinks for everyone.
He simply was not ready for what he was to come home to. It was around lunchtime and you had gotten there early from work, you were tired but you decided you wanted to spoil Tim a bit.
You had walked into Tims room looking for him but found him to be gone. He had been rather busy as of late so you took it upon yourself to clean up and organize his room a bit.
Throwing away any garbage, cleaning his ashtray by the window, washing the window of course as it had been tinted from the smoke. You picked up his dirty clothes into a hamper and placed his books, chargers, electronics, and magazines where they needed to be. You had also made his bed and swept.
You smiled at your work from the doorways happily, hoping this would make your lover less stressed.
You took the hamper to the washer and dryer, letting them do their thing as you went to clean up the living room and kitchen.
Oh boy was Tim a lucky man to have such a kind significant other to clean the home. Time flew rather quickly as you cleaned and so it was in no time at all that the clothes were all dried and ready to be folded neatly and put away.
So you did just that! You did stop for a small moment once you came across the mans red flannel. You just couldn't help it! It's freshly cleaned clothes!! So warm and cozy.
You slipped out of your clothes, placing the comfortable clothing over yourself happily.
Tim was a bit on the short side of the spectrum but what the man lacked in height he made up in width.
The rather chubby man was the best hugger so having his clothing wrapped around you was incredibly comforting.
The mans soft but incredibly strong body pressed into yours was all you could think of as you put away his other clothes. That's when you noticed how hungry you were.
You had spent all night and day working only to clean, forgetting completely to eat that morning so you took it upon yourself to make a meal for yourself and for whenever Tim would arrive home.
You put on a Spotify playlist that reminded you of your lover(I have one if you'd like a link) as you began to make some food, swaying contently to the music.
It was soon after that Tim had opened the front door, grocery bags in hand. He froze as soon as he heard the sound of Johny cash singing, the food sizzling and the scent wafting heavenly through the air.
He quickly removed his boots and headed towards the kitchen only to be met with the sight of you merely wearing your underwear and his favorite flannel swaying to the music.
His heart seemed to catch in his throat and he set the bags down on the floor, only caring about one thing as he approached you, his powerful arms wrapping around your waist as he rest his forehead on your shoulder.
"What do you suppose you're doing darlin?" He coos, gently swaying with you as you cooked.
"Mm, merely spoiling you my love." 
Brian- Oh c'mon now. You know this man would absolutely love to see you in his clothes. It's honestly a habit at this point. Though I suppose if need be let's remember the first time it happened.
You and Brian had been together for a few months by this point, both of you seated on the couch. You were not in a happy mood and frankly he was pissed off.
You two had been walking around earlier at the mall only to be approached by a group of people who immediately began saying some disgusting things in regards to you, accusing you of things that were blatantly untrue or not giving the full story.
Brian followed you as you hurried away from the group, but not before hearing a guy say that you were a cheating whore.
Brian trusted you of course however he's never had a lover be accused of such a thing so publicly so he had suspicions.
The air around you both was incredibly tense, the silence being broken by Brian. "So you mind explaining what all those people were going on about earlier?"
You had flinched, not out of any loudness or physical pain but Brian had never taken this tone with you, his voice was cold, it was the same time he'd take with a stranger he was wary of. This broke your heart.
"I don't know... I went to school with them. They were never very nice people..."
He sighs and grips his own hair, grumbling, clearly working himself up which was extremely uncharacteristic of him considering he was always so calm and levelheaded.
He never got worked up so easily. Right now though... He was clearly getting pissed and he was getting pissed quick.
"Oh yeah, I'm sure some absolutely awful people you haven't seen in years would just go up to us and call you a 'cheeting whore' right? Sounds so fucking logical. How about you tell me the fucking truth huh? Who you been fuckin? Hm?"
This left you absolutely speechless. How could he? Why would he? You never lie to him, you've never been yelled at by him, never fought, yet here you were now, having all of those things happen.
"I'm not lying to you hun! Please..! I wish I could explain everything but-..." Your voice catches in your throat, and Brian took this opportunity to yell.
"The fuck you mean by that?! I thought you trusted me (Y/n)!! Yet here you are lying and hiding shit from me!" He stood, his eyes narrowed, glaring into your (e/c) orbs.
"You are just like all the others." He spat angrily, fists clenched by his sides, gritting his teeth.
You completely lost it at that point, shoving your way past him, tears pouring down your face and you ran out of the cabin-like home into the pouring rain and dark forest, not caring where you were going or that you were getting scratched to holy hell by the branches, twigs, thorns and bark surrounding you.
You simply kept running, paying to attention the the fading voice of Brian yelling after your retreating form.
You didn't stop until you had your ankle caught on a root, being thrown down into a ditch where a stream once flowed.
Tears stung your eyes, unable to stop your sobs. You tried to stand, only to gasp in pain.
Upon looking back at your legs you found one of your ankles clearly broken and bloody, as it had been caught between two close tress upon your decent.
You grip at the leaves screaming out in pain and sorrow, head slamming into the ground trying to hide your fragile shaking form.
The rain pelted at your wounded body, the rushing of your heart in your ears and the wicked wind and rain deafening everything around you except for your painful sobs, completely masking the sound of rushed footsteps above you.
Said footsteps stopped upon the owner of the sound peering down at you. Brian jumps down hurriedly to kneel by your side.
"Dove... Oh sweet thing... Shh... I'm here.. I'm here..." His strong arms encase you, chin resting atop your skull, holding you oh so gentle, as though he was afraid to shatter you.
"I'm s s sorry....!! I just- I don't want you to view me d different...! I don't want you to leave me...!" He frowns at your words and cups your cheeks, pecking the bridge of your nose.
"My love.. I could never hate you.. tell me..."
He removes his Hoodie and moves to get your ankle unstuck as painlessly as he could. Once you were freed he instantly put the article of clothing on you, lifting you up into his arms as he carried you home, relaxing a bit once you had snuggled into him.
"I... I had a bad past... I was assaulted in middle school by my ex... He was the one who yelled at you... He...! I I didn't-!"
Guilt immediately filled Brian's chest as he hugged you tighter to him, anger towards the man who hurt you filling him, but you were top priority. "Shh.. my little angel.. you're safe now. I'm not going anywhere.. I will deal with that rat bastard later... Now... Let's get you patched up, hm?"
He smiles half-heartedly towards you, carrying you inside and to his room, setting you upon the bed.
He stepped back and went to the adjoining bathroom, collecting the first aid before returning to you. As he stood at the end of the comfortable mattress his gaze fixated on you lovingly, the sight of your tired firm, albeit hurt and sorrowful, was absolutely breathtaking as you were wrapped up in his clothes, that was oversized on your frame, you looked so sweet, so pure.
He vowed then and there he'd protect you with every waking breathe, and that night after addressing your wounds he showed you just how much he loves you, addressing any and all wants, needs and more.
Smothering you with his affection words, his touch so delicate as he held you, kissed you, pet you, anything you wished. 
(I apologise for any mistranslation in Liu, Sully and Jeff. I'm a bit rusty with my Spanish.)
Jeff- Jeff is a rather simple guy, often wearing the same hoodie daily, similar to Tobias. Though Jeff didn't just wear it for comfort or sentimentality, though that did play a role, it was mainly due to his severe dysphoria.
It hated his chest, even when binding it's hatred for his body was extreme, never feeling masculine enough, never flat enough.
It is extremely difficult to get this man to take off the article of clothing.
You had been having a extremely rough day, work sucked, you got stuck with a few asshole clients, someone dumped coffee on you, you got papercuts, you chipped a nail, etc.
All these seemingly small things were driving you to your breaking point and all you wanted was to go home and snuggle your dearest lover.
This clearly didn't go how you wished though as once you came home there's was a note in your refrigerator that says,
'I'm sorry but something important came up and I won't be home until at least the early morning. Please be sure to leave food out for smiley, smiles, and grinny. Thank you! -Love, Jeff.'
well that was it, that was your last straw, you began to cry silently, resting your head against the fridge trying to keep yourself calm, however this very clearly failed as you had lost complete control of yourself, everything being a blur.
All that you could really figure out from your blur of a memory was that you drank a little bit, took some ibuprofen for your headache, scrubbed your clothes and beyond that you didn't remember but it was clear to you that you had relapsed back into self harm as you say there in the bathtub, hugging your knees to your chest.
It was always the small things that really pushed you over the edge, never the big things, you hated it, you were getting better yet here you were struggling once more.
You knew that relapsing was apart of the healing process, it was an addiction after all.
The pain releases a certain hormone to numb the pain that gives a temporary euphoria but the aftermath is never worth the temporary fake peace.
You sat in the water for so long it had grown icy cold, you shook, fingers pruned from being submerged for so long.
You shakily got out of the tub staring into the mirror with a mixture of hatred, and sorrow however it was weighed down by a certain inner numbness that just crushed you.
You could hardly muster the energy to stand so you ignored the red lines, ignored the scabs n pain and instead of wrapping yourself up and getting dressed you climbed into your head, burying yourself into the comfort of blankets and pillows, staring aimlessly at the window imagining Jeff coming through and it all having been a dream, you two would be cuddling and you wouldn't be struggling.
You don't know when you fell asleep but you do remember eventually waking up.
Jeff had gotten to your home around four in the morning, having learned that he was safe with you he simply used the front door like a normal human being instead of a window or vent.
He was tired but as soon as he had entered the place he was on high alert. Something clearly wasn't right.
You never slept in total darkness, you always left a light on for him, there was always some sort of background noise. He was uneasy, the further he walked into the place the more tense he got until he spring into pure panicked worry.
The bedroom door was wide open, you always kept it at least halfway closed. The bathroom was the one place that had the lights still on so he approached it.
Peering in he expected to see you but that wasn't the case, the bathroom was empty, you having forgotten to dry the floor you drenched after getting out of the bath.
Speaking of the bath, you hadn't drained it either. Jeff noticed that the water seemed a bit odd, then he realized. Immediately he felt a sort of disappointment, he hated it, he knew the struggle, he struggles with it himself, but you had been doing so well.
He hated knowing you were hurting so much.
He drains the tub and dries the floor before heading to the bedroom, you were curled up tightly, eyes puffy and tired, cheeks dusted a rosy hue.
The man knelt beside your bedside, watching you with his icy blue eyes. Gently it reached out and gently shook your shoulder waking you. It was clear you weren't find if being woken but once you saw him your heart dropped into your stomach, and he felt the same.
"Mi amor... What did you do..?"
This broke you, gripping onto the sheets as soft sniffles escaped you. Jeffery wrapped his arms around your shoulders, rubbing circles on your back soothingly
"Está bien ahora mi amor... Estoy aquí contigo... Está seguro...Te tengo. escucha el latido de mi corazón..." He coos sweetly, calming you down.
"Breath... It's going to be alright. Here.." he stand up and removes his hoodie, going into the bedside table he takes out a first aid kit, carefully cleaning and bandaging your wounds.
After you were all patched up he clambers up onto the bed and tugs you onto his lap, pulling his hoodie over you as he sings Así es la vida to you trying to cheer you up, simply being there for you.
"I'm going to get a second hoodie to wear so when I'm not home with you, you can wear it and be held by me even when I'm not there."
He smirks, "I do expect to see you walking around all cute in it when I return~" he chuckles as you lightly hit his shoulder from him being a pervert.
Liu- Liu was having a rather boring day at work, a few piercings done, a small tattoo touch up, but other than that it'd been rather slow.
They did however hope that his next client would help his day not be so boring.
A surprise client had contacted them via email in regards to a chest tattoo that was very delicate and almost looked like lace in a way, it was a gorgeous piece to be completely honest.
He was hesitant though as the client did not come in for a typical consultation where he'd evaluate their skin and the design size to them, instead the client simply sent them a picture with their proprtions for the placement.
He didn't even know the client, well, they didn't know he knew the client. An hour passed and as he was setting up for the tattoo the bell to the shops door rang out.
They walked out, looking towards the floor as he was placing his jewelry back on to greet the client but was stopped in their tracks upon a all too familiar cheerful voice, "I'm ready whenever you are love!"
This made him look up instantly, seeing the perfect face that belonged to none other than his lover.
With this his jaw dropped, staring at his boyfriend in shock. "You ok hun?"
They shake their head slightly. "Yes! Ahem, I mean, yes, yes I'm ok. Shall we?" He steps aside for you to pass him and enter the station, him following close behind.
"Now... Do you know what you're getting into? The chest area can be rather painful as it's a thin layer of skin, I don't want you to not be able to handle this mi querido."
You simply smile at him. "Sweetheart, I'm alright, I can handle this. Please?"
Liu sighs dramatically, playing around with the bottle of ink. "No sé... me gusta el tatuaje pero I don't like hurting you mi amor."
They give you the puppy dog eyes. Damn that look, he knows you're weak to it! You look away, avoiding eye contact with him.
"Babe, I have been wanting this for a while, you and I have been working on it for months! I've been planning this for two years, at least! If you don't want to do it I could always go-"
"No no no ¡Te tatuaré! Por favor, don't go to someone else, I'll do it. Ok?"
You smirk at the fact you got your way, and you made him get all flustered. "Alright, alright. I'm ready."
He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Gracias a los dioses te quiero mucho... Alright, take it all off and I'll place the transfer."
He turns around in his spinny chair to grab his stencil, and once he turns back he's quick to avert his eyes. He knows a person's chest no matter the gender isn't sexual or innapropriate but it's a place he hasn't seen of you before and that just flusters him a bit, though on the outside he is calm and collected.
Liu scoots forward, pulling you toward him by your thighs as he places the transfer carefully in place, being meticulous to make sure it's perfect before he removes it.
The entire wall behind him was mirror so you could watch and see what he was doing and how it looked which automatically made you more excited, smiling brightly, it was beautiful, no, it was perfect.
Suddenly though, a ex worker of Liu's peaked into the room and Liu instantly grew protective, wrapping his coat around you and tugging you to his chest.
"Go away Jordan, you know you aren't allowed back here" they growl, brows furrowing, clearly pissed off.  Slowly he stood to his full height, towering over the other man.
"I suggest you leave on your own or I'm going to deal with you myself.." the man named Jordan quickly dashes out of the shop in a panic as Liu walked over to his stations door and shut it before turning back.
"joder eres caliente mi amor, you need to wear my clothes more often. You are absolutely ravishing."
His gaze narrows walking forward and he leans down close, trapping you a bit with his arms. "I could just devour you right now~" they back off and sit down.
"Now, lay back and let me work my magic."
Sully- Now Sully had known about Liu's little tattoo session with you, he was there after all, however he wanted to see it all for himself, have a first class seat to your adorable figure draped up in their clothes.
He had continuously offered his coat to you on numerous occasions, trying to get you to wear it but each time you simply denied the gesture.
He honestly thought he'd never get to see you in it, that was until a horrid night had come.
He was your protecter, your lover, your shield! How could this happen?!
Sully had been out for a late night walk, you had decided to go out with a couple of friends to a club, you had of course offered them to come along however, Sully didn't really enjoy the club scene anymore, sure as a teen it was fun but now it was rather drab, he prefers to drink and smoke in the solitude of his own home where can control who and what he's around far better.
Though if course without you home he grew bored quick and went for a midnight stroll as he usually did whenever he was alone with his thoughts.
This stroll didn't turn out as typical as he had hoped however. In the distance he could hear muffled voices, and the sound of something being dragged.
'probably some guy taking out trash or something like that..' he was thinking logically for once, ignoring the sounds as he stood beneath a tree, staring up at the starry night sky for a while, starting to get annoyed as the ruccus only got louder, he turns, wanting to yell for whoever it was to shut up, that is until a sight he wish he'd never see unfolds before him.
At first it was just three shadows darting out from the trees but then one of them was under the street lamp, the other two gaining on them quickly.
'(Y/n)..?' Sully tried to process what he was seeing, there you were, his lover, standing under a street lamp in the middle of the night, miles away from the club you were going to with two other people.
We're you cheating? Did you lie to him? Those thoughts were quickly erased from his mind when you stumble as the two figure had met you under the light, shoving you to the ground and you began to scream and fight, the men trying to silence and restrain you, one taking out a cloth from his pocket and trying to press it to your face.
Sully snapped out of it, completely and utterly enraged, moving out of his spot at lightning speed, tackling the two men, his body towering over them as he proceeded to bash their heads into the concrete, punching, hitting, whatever, so long as they were a bloody wreck.
He would likely have killed them had it not been for you wrapping your arms around his waist, crying into him.
His focus was very quickly directed to you, holding you close as he inspected you for wounds. Your clothes were basically destroyed, makeup cried off and streaked your cheeks.
He held you, hugging you tenderly to himself, burying his face into your neck before hastily wrapping his coat around you, lifting you up into his arms to carry you home.
Simply sending a quick anonymous call to 911 to inform them of the attackers lying in a unconcious pulp in the middle of the park.
Once home he sets you on the couch, grabbing a wet washcloth to clean you up and brushes out your hair sweetly. Smothering you with affection and worry.
He had patched any and all wounds he found upon you and got you some change of clothes. "Here, I'll take care of what you're wearing."
He tries to gently remove the coat but was surprised to have you pull away, gripping onto it tightly shaking your head.
"I I feel safe in this.." that sentence alone both broke and melted his heart. Oh goodness.
"Alright.. you change into the other stuff and you can wear that whenever you want or need, when you're done changing we can watch your favorite show, alright..?" 
(Apologies for any mistranslation, I am rusty with my Russian)
Helen- Oh sweet sweet lover, his little flightless dove. She absolutely adored you already. Certainly she could be rather cold and stoic but they truly do admire you so.
You could wear anything, you could even wear nothing and he wouldn't think any differently. To them even your "imperfections" are perfect.
Now, Helen rather loves capturing you within his art quite a lot, not to mention her rather large and elaborate wardrobe was chalk full of stuff.
She always has an outfit for any occasion, though her favorite style consists of light comfortable lounge clothing like sweatpants and sweatshirts or sweaters.
One day they had been in a bit of an art block, struggling to come up with something that's spark any passion to create.
Now, what better person to turn to for inspiration than one's own lover? So they immediately go and search for you.
Of course you were in the living room, comfortably snuggled up into the couch, looking towards him once they enter the room.
"Yes my love? Are you alright?" She nods and stares you down with his apatite colored eyes that always seemed to look straight through you.
"Could you perhaps help me with my art? I need something that will invoke my passion." You can't help but laugh softly at this.
" Of course, anything to help." Upon agreeing he is quick to have you follow her, bringing you to his room, they open the rather large walk in closet.
"You may help yourself to whatever you think could help in this room, a change of clothes a certain scenery, whatever it is, simply allow me to paint you."
And with that they left the room for you to prepare, and you felt you knew exactly what to do to ignite his artistic drive.
After a bit and you were finished preparing you called for her to come back in.
Helen opened the door, only to faulted and trip over his own feet a bit, his cheeks dusted a pink hue. "Oh... Oh моя роза. You are..." She steps forward, closing the door behind them as she makes her way over to you.
He delicately trails her fingers over you, gaze observing you like he was looking at a piece of art in a gallery.
"Absolutely breathtaking... ты выглядишь как ангел." He slowly moves away, taking their seat at the canvas as she began to paint.
Every now and then he stops to stare at you, clearly allured by you, spewing sweet words upon you whenever capable.
You sat atop their queen sized bed that had delicate silk draping tied to the intricate wooden end poles to be able to see everything, capable of being untied to allow for complete privacy.
You wore only your underwear and a baggy white sweater of his, contrasting beautiful with his crimson sheets.
You were posed in a laying down position on your back, leaning more towards Helen, gaze tilted to stare at the ceiling as you hands were placed delicately atop on another on the side closest to Helen and your legs were neatly bent in a subtle and simple way.
Helen was going to put his all into the piece and it would be hung above her beds headboard.
Jack(EJ)- Jack always was cold, blunt, almost seeming emotionless, so it's no wonder you questioned his love for you.
He thought it was obvious that he loves you but it honestly isn't all that obvious at all. You desperately had been trying to find some way to possibly get him riled up in any way possible.
You want him to show some emotion, that he does care and love you.
You've tried everything. You tried to smother him in affection, lay off on affection, hang out with other people more, dress up more, everything. You were so tired.
All you freaking wanted was a bit of love and affection, was that too much to ask? At this point you had given up, falling into a bit of a depressive episode.
Jack had been going out more often and you simply left when you needed to. You had just finished your experiment of giving him less love and affection, deducing it had failed only to now be the one being needy for affection.
It was late at night and Jack still wasn't back yet so you went and took a quick shower, you didn't really care about clothes at the moment due to Jack being gone so you decided to put on one of his hoodies overtop your nude form, climbing into bed, absolutely exhausted from poor mental health.
It merely a few hours later once you are awoken. Jack had come home after a successful harvest, preserving and putting his meals away into a separate fridge that had a better seel to prevent any scent leakage.
He had been gone most of the day and night, seeing as how you have been to distant he got into the habit of walking around more, looking for something, anything to distract himself.
Jack would be lying if he said he didn't miss your affection, in fact, he desperately craved it. You are his lover, his mate, he lives to protect you, he needs to be strong.
However, when you are away for so long he can't help but feel so lonely and wanting to be closer to you. He makes his way to the bedroom, careful not to make sound as he entered, not wishing to wake you.
You laid there peacefully, body tangled up in the blanket so snug, so sweet.
He made his way to the bed and lifts the blanket after removing his clothes down to his boxers, freezing up once he notices you are surrounded by his scent.
Upon closer inspection he found you were wearing his hoodie.
This set something off in Jack, something he didn't know existed. His arms wrap around you and he curls himself around your body, holding you close, desperately trying to smother you in his scent as he cloaks himself in yours.
Oh how he's missed you and your touch, how he loves to be near you, holding you, protecting you.
You wearing his hoodie was likely the best thing you could have done. To him it's a sign that you love him and are his.
Now he will likely leave his scented hoodies lying around for you to wear much more often.
For more scenarios and characters pls simply comment or send me it privately as an ask or message.
To support my content and view the characters design and info chart pls click the link to see my other socials. You can find art and writing most easily ln either insta, Tumblr or Twitter. https://linktr.ee/Mercitycreeps
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mercityart · 2 years
All art and writing is mine, do not steal. View my art on other socials too. To understand the characters backstories pls view my character design/info charts. https://linktr.ee/Mercitycreeps
Tw:these characters are mentally unwell individuals who don't typically have the means for therapy or medication, they aren't meant to be perfect, and just like so many other ppl they can be toxic and exhibit bad behavior such as self harm, possessiveness and so much more.         
Hobo Heart (he/it) - Oh gods have mercy upon me. This absolute sweetheart of a being is the most loving and kind lover you may ever find. He is extremely supportive of you in just about anything you do. He doesn't have a 100% grasp on everything humans do but he has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years so cut him some slack, he knows more than you'd think. He is much more hesitant when it comes to feelings but understands a bit more since the incident with CC. He is super protective of you. He knows all too well how fragile humans are, he doesn't want to see you hurt. You are extremely important to him, without you he'd be right back at square one, depressed, lonely, going through the motions of his day like a robot. He loves watching you, simply watching is such a relaxing activity for him. You are always keeping him on his toes, always finding ways to entertain him even without knowing it. Watching you try and reach things way too far for you to get, seeing you randomly make noises or quote things, you entering a room only to forget what you needed a second later, and even the way you are able to change subjects without finishing the conversation only to eventually loop back around however many times needed to finish it, somehow miraculously capable of remembering where you left off each time. You truly are a wonder too him; and he absolutely fucking loves it. He's probably the most stable and healthy of any of the slenderverse individuals, he gives you your space, he doesn't stalk you, he respects you and so much more. The issue comes with how much he fears you leaving him. He is obsessed with the idea that you will abandon him just like CC. This often leads to intense arguments on your love for him. He does not believe he can truly be loved. Not to mention how he can be critical of you due to not being human himself, not understanding you too awful well. Usually if things get really bad he will disappear anywhere from three days to almost a month. He does eventually come back and tries to make up for it the best he can. He tries to make your favorite meal and/or desert, makes a nest of blankets, pillows, stuffies, truly anything soft along with all your favorite things. He will try and make things as comfy as physically possible. Once you are home he will stand in front of you in silence, staring at the ground for a few minutes before walking over to you, taking your hands in his and looking guiltily into your eyes with his own icy crystal blue eyes before guiding you to the room he set up, spending his time apologizing and talking things out whilst telling you just how much he loves, adores, and cherishes you.
Nathan the nobody (he/him) - Nathan is a very cold and brooding individual. Getting his attention and affection is a almost impossible task in itself, and to gain his love? You'd probably have an easier time speaking to gods/goddesses than that. Yet somehow, you did it. He is still extremely cold, but once you get to know him you realize just how affectionate he is to you compared to others. He's very subtle typically, especially in public. He will stand a little closer, be sure he stands behind you to protect you, sneak you a little treat here and there. In the comfort of your own home however, he loosens up significantly. He is an absolute gentleman. He will draw you a nice hot bath, cook with you, help with chores, and if you are relaxing on the couch he'll sit nearby and pull you into him, gently rubbing circles into your side, and if he's sitting in a recliner you best bet he's pulling you over the side when you walk by and holding you on his lap, watching you with a gentle gaze with those gorgeous heterochromatic eyes. His favorite thing of all is laying his head on your lap whilst you play with his long gorgeous hair. In the mornings he gets up first to watch you rest peacefully, enjoying the calmness before taking a shower, saving hot water for you too in case you wish too shower in the morning. Afterwards he stands beside you as you both brush your teeth and groom your hair. Pleeeaaasseee brush his hair for him. He fucking loves it. Truly his main struggle that causes issues in the relationship is just how cold and distant he can be. He's very critical and blunt, so you best have a heart of steel if you don't want your feelings hurt. He can be very cruel with his words, but if you even show signs of tearing up he immediately goes into panic mode, his brick wall completely crumbling and he is on his knees holding you close in an instant, apologizing and comforting you, spewing the sweetest words you've ever heard. He truly holds you so dear to his heart and he just can not bare seeing you upset or hurt in any way. If someone makes you upset or has caused you trauma rest assure that you will never see them again, he'll be certain of that. One of the most protective individuals you will ever meet. He will prevent you from running into stuff, helping you over puddles, protecting you from the rain and so much more. 
The puppeteer (he/him) - This mf. He is so freaking bipolar in his mood at first. He was a very depressed individual when he was alive but he was awesome at acting. At first he's extremely flirtatious and constantly tries to impress you, making it seem like he's a extremely confident individual. After a while though, his insecurities and fears show through, his walls crumbling the longer you stay by his side. He is so scared you'll find someone better than him, so scared you'll lose interest. His intrusive thoughts kick in, convincing him that you don't actually like him, that he doesn't deserve you, etc. Sometimes he just has to give in and be comforted by you, his arms wrapped around your waist or legs with his head buried into your stomach, desperately trying to seek out your love and affection, crying away his sorrows and fears into you. You are a huge support for him. You comfort him, you hype him up, you support him and so much more. He is so thankful for you and as such he tries to return the sentiment. If you are having a hard time he is the first to know and he will try his best to help you through it. He will wrap you up in the softest blanket he can find, holding you in his arms for as long as you need. If you need time alone he will give you the room to yourself but will wait for when you a ready, being sure you don't get hurt. He is very thorough and strict when it comes to your health especially mental health. He doesn't want you to end up like himself or the people he deals with on a daily basis. He loves you and wants to make sure you know this. He knows what it's like to be killed by a broken heart and a broken mind. You are such an amazing human, he simply can't imagine the shear amount of pain it would cause you if you were broken hearted. 
X-Virus (he/they) - Cody is such a weird scrungly mf. They are the very definition of trash panda. They are extremely easy to entertain, give him something shiny or even just a rock and he will be happy. They simply enjoy the smallest of things, and even collects bottle caps and monster tabs. He kinda just tries to exist the best he can, which is kinda difficult considering he puts himself in dangerous situations. You may feel more like their babysitter than his lover at times. They are a good person though, it's just that his version of romance is along the lines of dragging you through sewer tunnels to find the rat king. He likes bringing you random objects he finds, including pretty leaves. He has meeeega ADHD and ADD, a combo that is extremely chaotic, not to mention they have an anxiety disorder and insomnia that he "medicates" with caffeine and loud music. He simply craves chaos. This doesn't mean there are no calm or sweet moments between you two. They are a busy man, he does some pretty delicate work considering the dangerous materials they work with frequently. Whilst he works, if they see it safe enough, he likes having you sit on his desk whilst you both enjoy a nice beverage, preferably coffee or tea. The silence is nice, they feel safe with you. After working he can be pretty tired so expect lots of cuddles and mumbling later. He will exit their work room and go find you, hopefully you are either on the couch or your bed but if you are taking a shower or bath he will still join you, he has no shame. After all, (as I always say) nothing is innapropriate unless you make it innapropriate. They will wrap his arms around your waist, his head resting on your shoulder or back and sigh sleepily. He just wants to take a nice long deserved nap. He simply needs their much needed cuddle time with you during these times. 
Jason the Toymaker (he/she (bigender))- Jason is a absolute gentleman, clearly. He is extremely supportive and loving. Her issue however; he is a bit possessive. She does not want to be forgotten or have you "stolen away" from her. She treats you like royalty, giving you anything you want, just say the word and it's yours one way or another. She loves to spoil you rotten, your room likely is decorated with all sorts of stuffed animals, outfits, paintings and more, likely created by Jason's herself. He doesn't ask for much in return, merely that you give him attention every now and again. In fact, you likely have to help him set boundaries for himself. He respects your boundaries but he himself is such a people pleaser by nature that he has no boundaries set to protect him from toxic situations. Slowly but surely he prices his life into something that can be seen as healthy. Every now and then though, he snaps. If someone is flirting with you and/or making you uncomfortable he is immediately between you and that individual, all you can hear to know that shit is about to go down is the loud crack that radiates in your head, the sound of the individual breaking a bone, more specifically, Jason breaking that person's bone(s). He is not one for sharing and he doesn't like when others try and take something he holds extremely near and dear to her heart, erm, music box? Her favorite activity with you has to be when she is creating and you try and help her. She loves anything and everything you do, but the fact that you chose to help her with something she is so passionate about shows her just how much you must truly care for her.
Kagekao (He/it) - Kagekao is quite the interesting individual to be a lover to. He is very cryptic, always speaking in Japanese when he's saying something to himself, and if he's trying to tease you. He is extremely playful and teasing, not to mention a flirt. His main problem is commitment and taking things seriously. He has a tendency to flirt with other masc presenting/identifying individuals. Not to mention that whenever he's confronted about this issue, or any other issue for that matter, he simply does not take it seriously, shrugging it off. He does adore you though. You are his boyfriend, his significant other. He somehow fell in love with you, that's special to him. He will do almost anything for you. Need something? He's got it. You want a kitten? Bet, here you go. You struggle with rent but like to earn your keep? Alright, every hour of cuddling is $100, take it or leave it. He wants to make every aspect of your life, that isn't him of course, as easy as possible. If you allowed he'd have you living like a prince, constantly being tended to and living your life free of needing money and only having the best of the best. He loves pampering you. His favorite thing, other than teasing and annoying the fuck out of you is having you lay your head on his lap while he pets your hair. It's very intimate in his mind. You trust him enough to put yourself in a very vulnerable state. He could very easily end your life and you know it, yet here you were, allowing this demon if a man to pet you. He also loves having you draped over his lap, especially if he's in a meeting. He gets to show you off, his little boyfriend. He will allow you to rest your head on his chest while he rests his chin on his hand and the other hand gently taps a rhythm into your legs. He will likely keep his gaze on you most of the time, if not then he's watching the reactions of his client(s) or friend(s).
Jay Merrick(skully) (They/He) - They are such an anxious person. They constantly are worrying, add you into the mix and you'd phone is constantly blown up with questions about your whereabouts, if you are ok, where you are going and more. They fear for your safety; it's honestly pretty reasonable if you ask me considering how they watched their friend group fall to shreds, died, came back to life, watched their friends be tortured, killed, and revived by the operator and more. They are terrified you will get hurt, or worse, he'll get you hurt. They try his best and is actually pretty smart but unfortunately it would seems bad luck follows them everywhere they go. This should be no surprise though considering how they literally touched dried blood on purpose, got chased by Tim in his masked state, followed Brian into a tunnel, trusted Alex of all people and followed him into the woods, oh, and did I mention the Operator? Despite their severe paranoia and anxiety they truly are a absolute sweetheart. They constantly try and pull jokes and do what they can to make you smile. They are so proud to have you, and when you are around they practically radiate joy and confidence. How they managed to get you as their lover us beyond their comprehension. They love to sit with you and read, or scroll through YouTube while sitting close enough to touch, hell, y'all are probably already snuggled up as close as physically possible.
Alex Kralie (He/him) - He was such a good guy before marble hornets. After the Operator entered his life he just became so torn apart, he was broken, yet you, yes you, had came into his life and saw something worth loving. You helped build him back up again. He is forever grateful for your existence. You brought him joy, you brought him kindness and you brought him love. He truly does not deserve you. He will do anything for you, simply say the word. He can be a bit of a sarcastic asshole at times but he is extremely affectionate towards you, wanting little to nothing more than share time with you. He loves to wrap you up in a blanket, get you guys some of your favorite snacks and watch a good horror/psychological thriller film with you. He holds you close if you get anxious or scared, though at the same time his inner monologue is taking notes and criticizing they filming. Oddly enough he has a hobby of poetry and journaling. He loves showing you his newest journal entry and reads you the poems he wrote that inspired how he decorated the spread. He also likes to talk about emo fashion and music with you, often discussing how mcr was never an emo band and the fans simply shoved their way into the emo alternative culture by force. He loves to hear your take on things, listening to you talk about your favorite subjects and/or hobbies, not to mention special Interests. He may not understand everything too awfully well but he tries his best to support you, albeit with some snarky and sarcastic comments, but still supportive overall. 
There likely will be a part 3 to this as there are a few more characters I wish to introduce still, such as characters from EMH, Tribe twelve, whispered faith, MLanderson, darkharvest00 and so much more.
For more scenarios and characters pls simply comment or send me it privetly as an ask or message.To support my content and view the characters design and info chart pls click the link to see my other socials. You can find art and writing most easily ln either insta, Tumblr or Twitter. https://linktr.ee/Mercitycreeps
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mercityart · 2 years
---------------Ch.7 How you meet pt.2----------------
All art and writing is mine, do not steal. View my art on other socials too. To understand the characters backstories pls view my character design/info charts. https://linktr.ee/Mercitycreeps
Tw: these characters are mentally unwell individuals who don't typically have the means for therapy or medication, they aren't meant to be perfect, and just like so many other ppl they can be toxic and exhibit bad behavior such as self harm, possessiveness and so much more.
BIG TRIGGER WARNING!!!! This chapter brings of SA, SH, Su8c8de, drugs, alcohol, kidnapping, torture, and more. Please proceed with CAUTION!!!!
Please read some of the bios in regards to my version of the slenderverse characters to understand a bit more.
-------------------HOW YOU MET---------------------
Hobo Heart- You had been walking around in the middle of the night, stress having taken over you earlier so you had chosen to take a late night walk. Thankfully the town you lived in wasn't the most crime ridden so you weren't too awfully worried in regards to being at risk of anything, oh how wrong you would be. There you had been, calming yourself down to the best of your abilities, well, trying. Life hadn't been the kindest to you as if late and you were at your wits end.
The slightest of stressors setting you off with ease. As a matter of fact, the straw that broke the camel's back had actually been you accidentally spilling a little bit of your drink earlier. Now here you were walking the silent streets of the town you had been staying in on a chilly night. Now that you think about it, it was a little too quiet. You had stopped for a moment, something felt off, it was like you were being watched by someone. This clearly wasn't ideal and so you slowly began walking again, this time with a destination in mind; there was a small gas station not too far away, hopefully you can go there and grab a drink or/and snack along with a pocket knife they tend to sell up at the cashier counter.
That's when you began to realize you were being followed: a few meters behind you were the sound of footsteps, not just one but five sets of feet and they were picking up their pace. You try your best to keep your calm as you walk but they were gaining ground and fast, your fight or flight was desperately trying to kick in, taking all of your willpower to not panic and start running. Then the owners of the pounding footsteps spoke up, catcalling, grunting out disgusting comments as they tried to gain your attention in their clearly drunken stuppors.
You simply ignored them, entirely focused on reaching your destination that you could see not too far away from you, glowing neon lights beckoning you to safety. This was a fatal mistake however, the men had caught up to you and the supposed 'leader' of the group had grasped roughly into your wrist to the point it was painfully tight. Whipping around you tried to yank yourself away, the men circling around you as they jumped and hollered like idiots, now that you got a closer and unwelcome look at them they appeared to be college guys, no older that twenty-five and clearly were not just drunk but also coming down from a high judging by their tweeking, scratching at their arms a bit, twitching and fidgeting quite a bit, sniffing harshly at the air.
They were violent and unkind with how they treated you, jostling you around, shoving you to one another: they were inspecting you, gripping your face in cold callused hands as they spat grotesque comments in regards to your body. You were now in full panic mode, trying to remove their hands, screaming for them to leave you alone, to which they broke out in cackling laughter. They were quickly shoving you towards a alley close by, shoving you to the ground; you tried to scramble to your feet however two of the men had grappled at your arms and dragged you deeper into the space, your legs kicking wildly in front of you as you swing yourself in a panic, staring up at the night sky. As the men closed in on you a large midnight black feather drifted down in front of your face.
Suddenly the pressure of the men holding you and atop you were gone, the men were scrambling back in fear as they stared towards the entrance of the alleyway, the only way out. You didn't care only wanting to curl into a ball and disappear however your gaze instinctively searched for the source of the mens horror. There you spotted him. A figure stood atop a lamp post staring down at the men, you couldn't see what they looked like but you did see the humongous raven colored wings that stretched out behind him. The figure simply stepped right off the lamp post, touching the ground delicately as though it was as simple as walking down stairs.
Then you noticed the men backing up towards the wall behind you, tensing up as though readying for a fight, screaming at the large figure. Whoever it was didn't falter in their steps. Suddenly everything was moving fast, one if the men lunging forward like a rabid dog just to hit the ground in a heap. The initial shock of the action had you confused then there was so much blood and shattered ribs. The stranger had barely moved, but it was clear they had killed man, a bloody human heart set in their grasp, only staring down at the man that was dead. The other men were screaming in terror and rage, snapping the person back to their senses; stepping closer everything moved far too quick for your understanding, the men around you were all laying in a pile unsconcious, but not dead.
You stare in silent confusion and shock, the person wasn't in sight that is until you scooched back a tiny but and felt something hit your. Looking up there stood the stranger, vibrant almost glowing baby blue orbs staring back at you. That gaze took your breath away and suddenly you felt safe within them. The man had leaned over you as he seemed to be inspecting you; self-conscious of your current state you covered your aching body with the scraps left of your clothes that were strewn beside you. The man stepped around you to stand in front of your shaken form, crouching down to get closer to your level as he reached out slowly to take your hand in his, being extremely careful and gentle as though you were made of very delicate glass that was ready to shatter, wary of how you flinched at the initial movements. He helped you sit up a bit and he kneeled before you, removing his hoodie and wrapping it around your shoulders, zipping it up to hide your body. That's when you noticed his skin and hair.
He had pure white messy hair and dark skin that was almost black, however there was white bone markings all over his body, pure black wings neatly folded behind him as he watched you with those glowing blue eyes. He's beautiful. You watched him with wide shocked eyes, but you relaxed slightly with him, you felt the need to trust him as he helped you up. You didn't remember much, only coming fully back to reality as the red and blue lights of police cars and ambulances surrounded you, a officer stood before you as you were being patched and checked for any severe wounds that couldn't wait till the hospital. You were incredibly confused, holding tightly onto to front of the hoodie you wore. Wait- the hoodie. You were still wearing his hoodie.
You looked around only to see your savior in the trees watching from a distance before giving you a nod and disappearing into the night.
Nathan the Nobody- You were in quite the situation, dangling from the ceiling by your wrists bound together, each leg chained tightly to corners of a steel panel. You were exhausted, no clue how long you had been there or when the last time you had anything to eat or drink but you were starving, barely capable of staying conscious, both your mental and physical being having been torn to absolute shreds. You simply hung there, waiting for the next time those men would walk through the doors. You had been kidnapped, walking to work only to be dragged into a tinted out black vehicle and knocked out only to wake up where you were.
They had stripped you, shaved everything but your head and branded you. You still have no idea what the room you were in looked like, having been blindfolded and gagged, only being allowed to speak when they wanted you to respond to them. You had known though that you hadn't been alone in the room, key word, hadn't. For a while you knew there were at least eight others, being able to hear the distinct hums, grunts, cries and moans from them. Eventually however, the room grew more and more quiet, one by one the others had grown silent, and now no one will respond to your sounds.
You don't know if they were incapable of making sounds now or, if the worst happened as you hear the sound of something being hit when the men came, sounding like a body but... The sound has started to get more like hitting something stiff and hard, this thought made your stomach churn with nausea. Soon however, your head perked up slightly, hearing loud banging from outside the room, unsure of what was happening but it was getting closer. You tensed, keeping your head hung low as you waited, expecting the men to enter the room to use you for their sick and twisted games, whether that means them waterboarding, hitting you with a baseball bat, stabbing, hitting,
punching, or even worse things when they were in that mood. Something was off though, the men were screaming, something wasn't right but you couldn't do anything considering your current state. Then everything grew eerily quiet before the door was slammed open making you flinch. There was a audible quick gasp by a voice you didn't recognize, making you raise your head a little bit in confusion before footsteps rapidly approached you causing you to tense in preparation for being hit, but the pain never came. There was the jingling if metal and then a click, one leg free, then another, you soon were being lowered to the ground however your legs were too weak to hold you whatsoever.
The person stepped in front of you, large scarred and callused hands unlocking the last restraint. Your body immediately collapsed forward, being caught delicately in strong arms, carefully being hoisted up to be cradled against his chest. You were far too broken to fight or complain, grateful for the kindness being offered to you. Then the gag was removed from your mouth to be replaced by a bottle of water. The man crouched down to support you against their legs as he helped you drink a bit of water, not too much though as it'd be dangerous in your fragile state. Then came the blindfold, you blinked against the dim lights that filled the room, eyes extremely sensitive however the person holding you prevented you from looking around.
"You don't want to do that, it's not worth it." Their voice was deep but very gentle, looking up you found yourself face to face with a person who had heterochromatic eyes, one being blue and the other green. You felt confusion bubble up within you, who was this person, what is happening, why do they not want you looking around? He seemed to notice your confusion and sighs, standing tall with you in their arms, that's when you got a glance at what he didn't want you to see. The room you resides in was covered in dry blood and fecal matter, a wall dedicated to objects of torture, mutilation and violation and there before the wall was nine square metal panels. You went limp in his arms as more shock settled into you, unable to even cry at the site.
The eight people you had listened to, had hummed to, had bled with were all hanging on their panels rotting away, rigor mortis having settled in a while ago. Organs, limbs, genitals and even muscle tissue were missing from them, it was absolutely horrific, and to make things worse, every single panel had a tally and counter. There was a section for blunt force, stabbing, drowning, shooting, burning, violating and more. You saw that out of everyone you had been there the longest at a total of 563 days. It was a wonder how you were alive, how you had all your limbs, when you get out you are definitely going to need intensive therapy.
The man looks away from you whispering a quiet "I'm sorry..." As he excited the room. Outside there was carnage, the men either being chained up by strange people or dead. "Oi, Nathan! Thanks for the tip. Wait- what... What are you holding...?" You stare as what looked to be a detective approached the man holding you, Nathan, before panic settled in around the detective.
"We need a medic!!!" Immediately you were bombarded by paramedics, nude form being covered with a blanket while they stabilize you as quick as possible, putting a IV drip in to hydrate you. The entire time however Nathan never left your side.
Puppeteer- It was a very sad day when you met him, you had been struggling for a long time. You were so tired, so so exhausted and just wanted to rest. You didn't want to die, no one really does, but it was to the point that it felt like the only option. So there you walked in the dead of night, mind so full and loud but also so full of nothing, emotions chaotic and scattered by yet you also felt so numb at the same time.
There was a constant state of numbness, incapable of feeling much else, only knowing that you were feeling a shit ton of feelings yet they were being overshadowed. You simply counted the days as the passed you by, putting on a smile for all to see as though you were the background character to your own play. You felt as though you were watching yourself from afar, incapable of shaking or slapping yourself out of the daze you were in day by day, but also far too exhausted to try, spending all your energy on your act, only to get home and immediately have the numbness take over full force, it was oh so cold in your chest even if you sat beneath the scalding water of your shower.
Soon though you found yourself staring at the busy roads of the bride you stood upon, back of your thighs resting against the concrete wall of the bridge as you stared up at the night sky. Everything around you felt like it was in slow motion as cars sped by, the world sounded so hushed when you were standing beside a bunch of vehicles speeding 75mph on a windy, became rainy, night. It was peaceful, you felt as though you could just let go, slip awake from reality into the blissful void of the moment, and you try.
You began to lean backwards, only supported by your thighs against the short concrete barrier, closing your eyes you fall back expecting to feel wind rush around your body as you fall but that doesn't come. You hover a little above the ground and your eyes snap open only to stare in shock as they meet a glowing golden gaze, matching golden strings wrapped securely around your body.
Suddenly the world was beyond loud and you felt so incredibly broken, bottom lip quivering. The man pulls you close and the strings remove themselves from you as the two of you collapse to the ground, him holding tightly to your sobbing form, finally allowing your emotions to spring free along with your tears. He held onto you the whole time, saying nothing but had hummed a sweet melody, lulling you to rest in his arms beside the road.
X-Virus- You were at the library when the encounter took place, searching for a particular book you had read as a younger teen. You paced up and down the aisles, you probably would have found it with ease had it not been for the library completely redoing the placement of everything and the computers being down. This you were stuck getting lost in the large expanse of bookshelves, meticulously trying to find what you had came there for, however you just only found yourself getting more lost, brows furrowed in confusion as you tried to make sense of the layout of shelves to hopefully find a section it would reside within.
As you stood there calculating a hand reached out, lightly tapping your shoulder to gain your attention. Upon turning to the hands owner you found a individual with messy straight hair and choppy layered bangs, wearing a large array of buttons, pins, patches and other accessories. "Oi, sorry to bother you doll, just couldn't help but notice a sweet thing such as yerself looking lost. Whatcha lookin for, if you don't mind me asking of course!"
The scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, cheeks dusted a light pink. He was clearly trying to put on a flirty tough guy act and failing, but he's cute so he gets the points. You can't help but chuckle a tiny bit at his attempt and smile, his confidence and energy was almost contagious to be completely honest, who is this guy? "Well, seeing as you are being so graciously generous," smirking at him you can't help but notice the shy look he's giving you, dang he's a cutie. " I'm looking for a specific book, but this place for all turned around and I can't find shit. Would you happen to have a clue on where (f/b) is?"
He immediately perks up at the mention of the book, almost excited as he bounces on his heels. "Aw man I love that book!!" The young man freezes up and anxiously fidgets in place. "Sorry... Uh, I got too excited. I know where it is, um, follow me." You felt bad that he got so upset at himself for getting excited so you reached out and tugged gently at his sleeve, making him stop in his tracks and look back at you in confusion.
"You know... It's ok to show you're excited and happy. It was nice seeing you like that! You should do it more often, I certainly don't mind it, it's sweet." His cheeks erupt into a pink hue and looks away in embarrassment, thanking you shyly as he led you to the book you were wanting, discussing it with you as you walked, finding out a bit about him, and that his name is Cody.
Jason the Toymaker- You were simply trying to find something to comfort yourself with at that moment, driving around in the rain aimlessly as you cried, blaring music, trying to find some sense if comfort; you had just been broken up with, over text nonetheless! Your coward of an ex had been caught cheating on you with a close friend of yours and you didn't want to talk, you just wanted to go home and process everything. In retaliation your ex had dumped you over text and left anything you gave them at your doorstep. You were exhausted mentally and physically, it was cold and rainy and you were beyond stressed prior to the breakup. So what did you do to cope?
Search for comfort items, some if your favorite treats, a nice new blanket and comfy hoodie along with a few bath bombs. As you drive you stumbled upon a store, you had heard about it before as it was quite popular thanks to the high quality toys, candies, stuffies and more. You turned into the parking lot and shut the vehicle off, checking yourself in the mirror but sigh considering you looked a mess, like a middle schooler who had their heart broken for the first time in a Disney film. There was nothing you could really do about this though so you just get out of your vehicle and walk to the entrance, getting soaked from the rain but frankly you couldn't care less, your chest felt so cold and numb from heartbreak the rain didn't bother you near as much as it should have.
Upon entering the store you could see it was lined top to bottom with all sort of knick knacks, a few toy air balloons dancing around the ceiling on a track just above a intricate train track that chugged along the shops perimeter. There was a rather large ferris wheel in the middle of the store that spun with a few stuffed animals. The walls were lined by toy type, color and stuffed animal species, the wall behind the cash register looked like something out of Willy Wonka; however, even with all these bright colors and happy vibes coming from the shop you were still so cold, sniveling softly as you looked around, trying to find something that would be perfect to cuddle up to or keep your mind occupied.
As you looked around hugging your shivering soaked form you didn't notice the opening and closing of the door behind the register and the shops owner making his way behind you, towering over you with his ridiculously tall form. He watched you, glancing at a few toys that moved to give her signals and glances, informing him of the sad disheveled soul that had wandered into her domain. You simply did not notice her whatsoever that is until you here a melodic voices from behind you coo, "Do you need any help my dear?"
You whip around, jolting as you looked upwards at the giant individual. He removes his hate and gives a polite bow, one hand behind her back as the other held the hat to his chest, standing up straight she reveals a beautiful Lily of the valley and hold it out towards you. "Now why the tears dove? A precious thing like you shouldn't be so distraught." She lightly placed the flower into your hands, leaning down to inspect you, tutting softly. "Now this just won't do at all. Come come, I know just what you need." He tugs you along to behind the counter, pulling out a tea set and already brewed chamomile tea from beneath the counter, pouring some into each cup, bringing out a jar of sugar cubes.
"How many precious?" He trills out sweetly. You hold up the number of cubes you want and he plops them into the cup, putting three cubes into her own and hands you your share. "Now sweet thing, what has you so glum, hm? Surely a darling like you has a lover to lean on in such trying times?" With that you sip the tea, shaking your head as tears began to cascade down your rosey cheeks, sniffling out, "Not anymore..." This automatically put her into protective mode, standing up straight. "Oh you poor sweet dove, how could such a tragedy happen?!
You poor poor dear, no wonder you have the eyes of a sad puppy, your little heart is all shattered. What criminal could do such a thing to you?" She leans down to your height, brows scrunched up in concern, a hand reaches out to your cheek and dabs away your tears to no avail as they won't cease their exiting your tear ducts. "T they cheated on me with my friend and- a and dumped me over t text..." He frowns and tugs you close in a comforting embrace.
"shhhhhhhh... It's ok. It's going to be ok little angel. You cry all you need, here, I have just the thing." He pulls away for just a moment, walking to the opposite end of the store before returning with a weighted human sized stuffed cat. "You need a companion to cuddle with. And no worries, simply enjoy a bit of tea with me till the rain slows and it's free, that's all I ask. Now, what's your name, love?"
Kagekao- You were at home late at night during a thunderstorm, the town's power had gone out due to the lightning so you were holed up in your room with a flashlight as you shuddered beneath a fort of blankets, sheets, pillows and more. What could go wrong? It was simply a thunderstorm, you were safe within your fort of comfort and solitude, thankfully you had a almost fully charged phone in hand as well, surely nothing terrible would happen, right? That was your logic, of course,
until a loud crash if breaking glass came from your living room. You were completely and utterly alone; weighing your options you slowly grabbed a dagger and creeped your way to the room in complete silence and darkness, the only light being from the street lights outside and passing vehicles. You peeked around the corner, body tensing to strike if need be but to your surprise no one was in sight. You don't relax but you do allow yourself to walk out into the open, surveying the damaged window that let rain and wind  pour in. "Did... Did something hit the window..? A branch???"
You were confused and anxious, unknowing of the entity sitting on your couch behind you. "私は雷雨が好きです、あなたはどうですか?" Freezing up you turn towards the distorted voice to see the being sitting there, his mask seemed to be smiling at you but you felt less than safe in that moment. "I... I'm sorry but.. I don't understand much Japanese..?" This simply made him laugh at you, a cackle that sounded like the screams of the damned. "Kekeke, あなたは非常にかわいいとハンサムな男の子です。 恥恥恥恥。You simply are such a entertaining little human. Hmm~" He rested his head against his gloves hand,
the other twirling a glass of what appeared to be wine. "Uuuh... Thank you? Wait- did you just call me cute???" You stare at him incredulously, is this guy for real?? Sighing you find it best to humor the being sat before you and so you walked over and say beside him, bat set beside you as you lean against the couches arm. "So you going to kill me or what man? I would rather sooner than later ya know. Or are you here for money cause if so welp- I ain't got none." This took him back for a moment it seemed as he grew quiet. "Hmm... No. You are funny, I like you キューティー. I think I'm going to keep you around for a little bit till you aren't so entertaining~"
his voice was light-hearted but the message made shivers go up your spine, you were dazed only to be snapped out of it once he offers you a glass of the wine. You take it carefully in your palm but when you go to thank him he's gone, only the glasses of wine and the broken window proof he ever was there. You felt you were in for a long bumpy ride.
Jay- Oh goodness what a cliche. You had been going for a nature walk, taking in the sights as you traveled. You had been wanting to move and explore for so long and you finally had, you'd been traveling all across North America and some other nations around the world and had decided to find a place to try and find stability in.
You remembered the views of Alabama and the prices, sure it wasn't a great place in terms of acceptance but you thought it'd make a great place to get a bit of experience for a temporary amount of time. It's not like it's be forever, and so you had rented out a cabin in the woods not too far away from Rosswood Park. You decided to start taking nature walks as you worked from home and made a surprisingly good amount of money but you desperately needed fresh air and changes in scenery so what better place than the woods of Rosswood?
The area was a relatively safe place, rarely anything bad happened in the town, save for the recent events of a few people going missing. Little did you know you were going to stumble upon one of the individuals caught up in the drama. You had been walking for some time when you had stumbled upon a odd cabin like area, there stood a person in their mid to late twenties filming, they looked rather anxious so you being the person you are you approached them.
"Hey! You ok? Are you lost?" This made them jolt up in surprise, they were clearly panicked and paranoid. You found yourself walking straight up to the side of them. "Hey, sorry! I didn't mean to startle you. It's just uh... You look a bit freaked dude, wanted to make sure you're ok, if you need anything or something."
They nod quickly in a repetitive motion as they stumbled over their words. "Uh! Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm good I'm ok, yeah uh, thanks but uh, you should really not be here, like reeeeeaaally shouldn't be here. So if you could just uh-" their gaze was wild, looking around in a frenzy, unable to focus for very long as they spazzed out a bit. "uuuuuh, yeah no. You clearly aren't doing so hot dude. I am not leaving unless you're coming with me, unless of course- you want me to call the cops and have them check on you?" You stick your hip out with your hand on it sassily, raising a brow at them.
"You... You are really stubborn." You laugh at this, "oh you have no clue dude. Come on, let's get you a snack or something, you're shaking like a leaf dude." They sigh as they follow you out of the park, all the while observing the area as you walked, they were extremely paranoid. They did however allow for light conversation as you walked. You did want to mention something to them but decided to keep your mouth shut in regards to the tall man In a suit considering how paranoid and anxious they were
 Alex- It was your freshman year of college and to be frank you had always loved theater and films, however you came from a really small school that didn't ever really cast new people in their plays so you stuck to band. This year though you wanted to try something new, you wanted to have fun. There were rumors going around about a guy wanting to create a movie and was having auditions for it during after school hours. This made your excitement grow a bit, you honestly didn't care if you got a role or not you just wanted to help out in any way, it sounded like a lot of fun, so you quickly made up your mind. After school you headed to the room that was on the flyer you found in regards to the film.
You saw a man with sweet puppy dog eyes and some cool sideburns, surprising considering little to no one can pull them off nowadays, standing outside the door fidgeting. You saw someone was in the room likely auditioning and so you waited out in the hall. After a bit the guy waiting out in the hall, Tim you think his name is walked into the room, being talked to by two other individuals you think. A bit later two men walk out, Tim and, Brian? Yeah, you think that's his name, a rather popular and social guy. He gives you a smile and nod as he passes and you lightly knock on the door, it was opened soon by a rather large man with glasses and a pouty lip, his facial structure rather soft and long, thick brows and light ashy brown hair that swooped. "Hi, I'm sorry to bother you Mr... Kralie is it? I um, I'm here in regards to the auditions and stuff.? I if you are to busy I can go or if you want I can come back another time! I-!"
He quickly raises his hands, laughing a bit. "Woah there, c'mon in it's no problem at all. Tell me a bit about yourself, excuse the camera, I'm recording auditions if that's alright." "Oh! Yeah, I don't mind um.." you follow him in, door closing behind you and you take a seat at the table anxiously fidgeting. "Alright, now, give me a bit of background on you. What's your name, who are you as a person, ok?" You nod, looking up at him, cheeks dusting a light pink. "Well.. my name is (y/n), I'm (y/age)." 
For more scenarios and characters pls simply comment or send me it privately as an ask or message.
To support my content and view the characters design and info chart pls click the link to see my other socials. You can find art and writing most easily ln either insta, Tumblr or Twitter. https://linktr.ee/Mercitycreeps
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mercityart · 1 year
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FINALLY!! I DID AAART!! Sorry for the long wait, I have been experiencing a huge art block and have been dabbling with other fandoms that you may see more of in the future. Hope y'all enjoy!!
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mercityart · 2 years
Oooh, I saw you asking for creepypasta requests a while ago! I'd love to see a fem or gn reader that loves to pamper Toby, like, lots of cuddles, looking up ways to calm him down whenever he has a bad episode, etc.
I just want him to be happy and cared for dammit TwT
oooooooo!! Absolutely! Hope this is what you wanted. This is a bit of a short chapter but I hope it lives up to your standards.
All art and writing is mine, do not steal. View my art on other socials too. To understand the characters backstories pls view my character design/info charts. https://linktr.ee/Mercitycreeps
Tw: these characters are mentally unwell individuals who don't typically have the means for therapy or medication, they aren't meant to be perfect, and just like so many other ppl they can be toxic and exhibit bad behavior such as self harm, possessiveness and so much more.
----Ticci Toby x reader who likes to pamper him!----
Ooooh dear. Oh goodness. Ok. Whooo. This man didn't think he could love you more than he already did but here you are proving him wrong in so many ways.
Toby fucking loves that you care so much about him and take care of him. He never really had a lot of love and care growing up so the fact that you are not only making up for lost time but also giving him extra is absolutely astounding to him.
He was already head over heels in love with you to begin with and you just had to show off. He is the type of lover who would pamper the fuck outta you and treat you like a deity. He'd protect you whatever the cost.
Toby is a bit anxious and hesitant at first. He's so unused to kindness and love it's sad. He associates bring cared for with something bad bound to happen. You being so sweet and caring automatically makes him think you are going to hurt and/or abandon him.
He never will truly get used to it but he does appreciate it so much. He feels so happy and loved by you, he couldn't have asked for anyone better and considers himself one of the luckiest people on the entire planet. However, he still has his bad days.
Toby struggles a lot both mentally and physically. He has hallucinations and delusions of his deceased sister frequently and he has moods that change do quick and drastic it can give you whiplash. He does try his best but without the right mental help for his issues he can't get to a decent constant. He has violent episodes not only to himself but to others and he feels terrible for it.
Tobias hates coming down from an episode like that, because he always seems he's hurt something or someone. He is super fucking strong, constantly working out and training, pushing his body beyond their limits so a bit from the man is no joke. He can cause some real damage.
The main issue is the one thing that can help Toby calm down involves physical contact with him, and getting close without getting hurt is extremely difficult in this state.
Toby needs to be wrapped up in a weighted blanket and hugged tight. The pressure helps him calm down, quite literally and figuratively weighing him to reality. Afterwards though is trying to convince Toby you aren't hurt. Which would be a absolute lie.
You are 10000% are going to be banged up pretty bad. Especially if he gets to you before you get to him. If he gets to you first you best hope his episode isn't very long. He truly does not mean to hurt you nor does he want to. He has little to no control or memory when he is like that.
Toby appreciates your help however he would prefer if you would hide and call Tim or Brian to help. They know how to handle him and can do it without getting too hurt if at all.
He tries his best to make up for it and wants to pamper you right back. He isn't great at helping people with mental health as it typically overstimulated him, he can't handle those situations and will either shut down or explode.
In order to try and pamper you he has set up a weekly "self care night". This is where you two will watch your favorite stuff, play your favorite games and eat your favorite foods! This also involves skin, hair, and nail care. It's a way to unwind from the stressful week and be intimate with one another. He honestly wouldn't be able to think of a better thing to do.
Speaking in regards to food however... Toby has a really bad eating disorder. Now, to many he looks healthy because of his super fit physique but to those that know him they know the only reason he's so fit is because he thinks exercise will make him weigh less, when in fact it's making him weigh more due to muscle weighing more than fat. He will eat little to no good whatsoever, meaning he's burning way more calories than he should. He isn't getting enough nutrients to be anywhere near healthy.
Now this is where you come in. He has a hard time telling you no, so if you decide to randomly take up culenary or baking he will force himself to eat anything you give to him. He loves your food and he loves you.
Tobias has a terrible self image. His confidence is very fake and can make him feel worse. This man, needs all the praise in the world. Hype him up. Especially if you two are cuddling or being any form of intimate, bring positive attention and praise to every part of him, especially parts he hates. He hates his nose, as he is native he has a very strong nose shape, a bump in the middle like his grandfather. He loves his heritage however... He was horrifically bullied for anything not eurocentric. He has super thick hair and it wasn't until after the first mental institution incident he cut it short. He felt that he had died and so he chopped his hair trying to really bring it home to him as he full heartedly believes his hair is an extension of his being, his soul.
Please put braids in his hair, play with it, twirl it, he loves it so much. He loves his hair and if you love his hair too that just makes it even more special to him. If you love any part of him he will love it more. In his eyes if you love something it must be special.
He does have one thing other than his hair that he loves and that's his eyes. His eyes shine a Amber color and he loves it so much. It reminds him of flames. If you look into his eyes it makes his heart flutter, you just are too precious to him. He can watch you, he can watch nature, he can watch the sun and moon. Truly, to him being able to see is one of the luxuries he loves most. He wouldn't trade being able to watch you smiling at the sunsets rays kiss your skin so beautifully for anything in the universe.
He loves the little things. The small moments are some of his favorite moments.
There are days however, even if the sun shines, he simply can't get out of bed. He is void of energy, having pushed himself too far physically and mentally. On days like this he just needs to be curled up and held by you. Rub his back and hum him a tune or sing him a song. Your presence makes everything more bearable in a way. He couldn't have gotten as far as he has without you. And for that he is so grateful.
For more scenarios and characters pls simply comment or send me it privetly as an ask or message.To support my content and view the characters design and info chart pls click the link to see my other socials. You can find art and writing most easily ln either insta, Tumblr or Twitter. https://linktr.ee/Mercitycreeps
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mercityart · 2 years
HEYYY!!!! Uhhh you're taking requests right? Could you do a toby x reader with a reader who has selective mutism? :DD
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yes, absolutely!! As someone who struggles with this, 100% yes. I'm sorry if it's not exactly what you want but I am going off of what I know and experiences so if you have it too pls note it may be different from your own experiences.
Reader is gender neutral btw unless said otherwise
Ticci Toby x reader(with selective mutism)
Why can't you hear me
Toby loves you, truly, however... In situations such as this he really doesn't know what to do. Here he was, crouched in front of you, desperately trying to figure out what you were trying to tell him, but he just couldn't grasp it.
He knows you can't help it but still he can't help but get irritated and as such he gets angry at himself, thus resulting in his tics to act out much more and acted in such a manner he seemed rude. His tone shifting to aggravation. "(Y/n)... You said you'd be ok coming here! What do you need me to do?!"
You say in silence, not willingly though. You felt like your walls were closing in, thought that the others were looking at you, judging you. You wanted to speak, honest; but every time you tried it was like your mouth just couldn't form words or sounds, as though someone's hand was lodge inside your thought, squeezing your vocal cords ever so slightly. Your heart was pounding a bit quicker. You know you promised Toby you would be ok, now here you were, unable to speak.
Tears well up in your eyes, grabbing your phone you mustered the energy to type a message and sending it to the anxious man in front of you. 'i'm sorry'. Tobias' gaze softened at this, his shoulders slumping downwards like two bags of wheat being dropped. Running a hand through his hair he tilts his head back whilst taking a few deep breathes. "It's not your fault. It's ok. Here..."
He stands and extends his hand out to you. Hesitating, you take his hand in yours, allowing him to lead you out of the cabin and into the forest outside.
Instantly it's as though a huge weight has been taken off your chest, and slowly but surely that imaginary hand begins to retreat from your throat. Carefully, Toby lifts you into the porch railing, carefully rubbing circles on your thighs, watching you intently, wishing to be sure you aren't uncomfortable with his actions.
The touch makes you tense at first but as the anxiety subsides you find yourself relaxing into him, focusing on the sound of birds and the rustle of leaves. Toby waits as long as you need, waiting for you to gain control again. This does take some time but once you feel calm and confident enough you shakily utter to Toby, "Thank you." To which he provides that sweet goofy lopsided smile of his before turning serious and full of guilt, his gaze fixated at the grass below him. "(Y/N)... I'm sorry I yelled at you... I- I know it's not your fault. I know you don't have control over it. You didn't deserve to be yelled at. I should have talked to you before bringing you to, I dunno, make a safety plan? Like, what to in that situation I guess."
Carefully and with the utmost delicasy you cup Toby's face in your hands, rubbing soft patterns on his temples with your thumbs, your fingertips tangling in his thick curly hair. Watching as he relaxed at your touch you press your forehead to his, being careful not to put your weight on him in case he accidentally headbutts you and you need to move back.
You two stayed like this for some time, simply enjoying one another's presence. Ultimately however, you had to return to the others. Knowing full well the cramped, loud cabin would return the unwanted squeeze of you vocal cords you decide to make a plan with Toby. If you need to communicate you'll text him, he may not be able to hear your voice but he can read what you have to say.
Upon returning inside you both are instantly met with chaos just as expected. Normally the cabin like home belong to Tim and Brian was very quiet and calm, however, they had decided that there should be a meeting in regards to the operator and those who opposed it but had to serve it. This invited quite a few strange and chaotic beings, the man in the floral button up being one of them, you think you remember him being called 'Habit'.
You returned to your respective spot on the couch where Brian now sat beside rubbing at his temples. You were thankful as Brian could understand your struggle in a similar way. Having earned the title of "hoodie" as somewhat of a alter ego he had developed selective mutism, though it's only because he had it growing up as well.
Toby proceeded to go about his day as normal, interacting with the others, but you could see him continuously glancing at you from time to time. He made certain no one fucked with you and your needs were met, constantly on standby in case you need anything.
-Toby is extremely protective of you during the times you find yourself unable to communicate.
-Tries his best to understand your struggles but truthfully, he is smart but very ditzy making it just more confusing every time he has you explain it.
-He gets irritated with himself very easily during the times you can't speak. He wants to help you in any way but he can't understand you. He knows there's nothing much he can really do to help and he can't stand it
-literally will fetch you pen and paper, at this point he carries a little blue notepad n pen in his pocket everywhere he goes in case you need it.
-He hates that you struggle with this seeing as it's often triggered by situations that make you anxious, stressed, scared, etc. Sometimes though, if it's triggered by a positive intense emotion he can't help but baby you just a little bit. It's just so cute that you're so happy. Especially if you do the little flappy hands and bounce to express that emotion.
thank you so much for the request, I hope this was at least halfway decent. If you want you can leave more requests. Also, you can read this on ao3 or quotev as well.
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mercityart · 1 year
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My bunny boy!! I drew in my tablet, turns out working on a phone might have been holding me back from making stuff not so stiff and now it's fluiiiid~ or pure luck. Either way
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He's just a little nakey, personally I don't find naked bodies as nsfw buuuut many people sexualize bodies so.
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mercityart · 2 years
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Sorry for the post hiatus. Had a huge art block. Spent all day trying to finish this price in time for the end of pride month!!
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mercityart · 1 year
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i know it's been a while! Sorry content is so slow, I promise I'll update as much as I can, pls send in bf scenario or headcanon requests!
ELEVEN HOURS AT LEAST BUT ITS DONE. This is my version of Toby! I hope y'all enjoy. The background itself took 8 hours... My wrist huuurrttts
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mercityart · 8 months
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just a lil guy floating in nothingness trying to produce arts n struggling. Is me. I am the lil guy.
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Recently got a diagnosis. I have Ehlor-Danlos Syndrome, a genetic connective tissue disorder, so it pretty much effects everything in my body.
Art had been difficult as of late, fingers dislocating more frequently, hands shaking, headaches, blurred vision just to name a few issues.
I'm sorry I'm slow with uploading but this stuff takes a toll, and as scary as it is, there may will come a day I won't be able to do what I love anymore. Please support disabled artists, this shit sucks.
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mercityart · 1 year
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happy Valentine's day!! This is for my boyfriend and girlfriend 🥰💘💖
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mercityart · 10 months
Commisions open!
Soooo I'm opening up a few slots for commissions. I oooonly use cashapp right now unfortunately.
I've never really done this before so sorry if it's weird, pricing and details will likely change in the future.
You can find my cashapp link in my bio with my other links!If you have any questions please ask!(or if you have any pointers please give, I have no clue wtf I'm doing.)
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mercityart · 2 years
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Couldn't pick just one to draw cuz they're both too fabulous. This is for a dtiys by the awesome artist infina.bread on insta.
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mercityart · 2 years
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Heeeyyy sooooo, it's been a bit. Good to see y'all. Sorry I was gone for so long, art block hit hard n life is y'know, doin it's thing.
Anywho, I know it's not much buuut take this lil cutie as a apology, I'm trying to get back into the swing of things I swear.
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mercityart · 2 years
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Day 5: beaten ft. Toby n his stepdad. I know I'm behind I promise I'm trying.Friendly reminder, Toby has had a fucked up life. We do not stan Toby's stepdad in this household.
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mercityart · 2 years
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Day 4: impaled ft. Brian! BIG TW!! More bl00d in this than any other post this far!! This is kinda how I imagine things actually going down, sorry it's late.
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