#messilandre melina
fancyfade · 1 year
my first four swtor OCs (Tank, Lycaea, Aereinys, Messilandre) are all insufferable because it's important for women to be insufferable
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fancyfade · 2 years
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[image: two screencaps from the SWTOR login screen. we see a mirialan (humanoid with green skin and long black hair) wearing a white tunic with one short sleeve and 1 long sleeve, some brown straps on her arms and brown trim on where one part of the tunic crosses over to the other. next is a cathar (cat like alien) wearing a white strapless dress with white sleeves (that don’t connect to the dress and kind of look like a strap wrapped around her arms a bunch) a very thin white scarf/straps wrapped around her neck a bunch, and a pointy gauntlet. end image]
self indulgent swtor OC time
messilandre got pragmatic master armorset, nehari got xoxaan’s armor. unsure if i’ll dye nehari’s, but messilandre always wears white so she’s staying
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fancyfade · 3 years
Anyway more OC parent details
I already thought of Messilandre (Mirialan Jedi Knight’s) here (link). They have a pretty developed relationship and Messilandre’s relationship with her mom got changed significantly since I started her character -- initially she was just like given up to be a jedi and raised in the order. here her mom wanted to have a kid, messilandre was raised both with her mom and with the jedi. her dad didn’t magically come back to life though he’s still super dead (Dead when she was a young kid, right before Meera, her younger sister, was born)
Lycaea’s dad is a lot more fleshed out than her mom right now, because initially her mom started the story dead, but I might change that since I’m running through a version of her mom with my friend to see how she acts. It would be interesting to bring her back (like IDK she either faked her own death, was left genuinely assumed to be dead and decided never to make her way back to the empire) and then Lycaea confronts the fact that she’s a person, not like some... idealized amazing because she’s not my shitty dad 
Tai also already has a pretty fleshed out parental figure, because he’s in Lycaea’s family. His mom (Lycaea’s stepmom) is a sith sorcerer, and his mom married Lycaea’s dad. when Tai and Lycaea were living together in the same house they could not stand each other. Raihon (Tai’s mom) doted on Tai and definitely ignored lots of his flaws (well “””Flaws””” which in this case means not being super tough -- he did have other flaws but they weren’t considered flaws in the empire) so she blames herself for his presumed death on korriban for pushing him to go too soon. the two of them (lycaea and tai) have a half brother Patrus who GTFO’d from the empire and any fighting drama as soon as he could, which makes him the smartest of the three
aereinys’s parents don’t have any backstory yet other than they had to have either been estranged from their families or exiled from chiss space or both, because otherwise i can’t imagine their clans being totally okay with a newborn chiss baby being raised in an imperial orphanage. even though the chiss are allies with the empire i still don’t think they’d be like “Hmm this sounds like a good idea”
and also cuz i talked to my friend about that they said maybe aereinys’s parents got in political trouble but i haven’t thought of what kind yet
harin so’s parents also have yet to be given personalities or names. though zie does have a sibling with a somewhat developed personality. I know that Voss seemed kind of fatalistic  so whatever career harin so’s parents had, zie presumably also would have been expected to have (IIRC Bas-Ton’s son says he is going to run the teahouse and its implied like that’s what he has to do. But if you die he’ll put aside tea and avenge you). They also presumably were in the military at one point because IIRC military service is mandatory for voss.
but yeah besides that I Got nothing
Tank’s mom is pretty well developed because she’s one of the toons I Play most on. Tank was raised by mom 1 (shree’a), a twi’lek who used to be a bounty hunter, and mom 2 (Deex), a DX assassination droid that got disconnected from the network and found by mom 1 on nar shaddaa.  tank’s biological dad is either dead or just out of the picture; I really haven’t decided yet. Shree’a stopped being a bounty hunter after she got tired of it and Deex didn’t really care, she was just following Shree’a around, so the two of them started being security for various ships on heavily pirated hyperspace lanes. That’s where Tank grew up -- moving from planet to planet, hanging around mostly her moms and being homeschooled while seeing the galaxy.
nehari’s mom is kind of underdeveloped; currently her mom owned a store on nar shaddaa and died when nehari was 15. Nehari’s main memory of her mom is not very positive, it’s seeing her being pushed around by people with combat skills or paying up protection money. the main takeaway nehari got was that she never wanted to “let” herself be in such a position of weakness and if she wasn’t going to be able to live regularly she should just go ahead and join the dudes who were pushing everyone around. not really much to go off there. her dad was.... also either dead or out of the picture before nehari was born.
xareesh was raised by two moms again, one a swordsmith and one a swordswoman. she also had two brothers, 1 older and 1 younger, and one sister, but none of them have very developed personalities oops. So far the older brother was kind of overprotective of her but eventually chilled out. Most of her family is also probably dead, because her backstory involves the city she was living in being raided and a lot of people die. Xareesh then wanders the galaxy depressed-like looking for work where she can fight pretty much anywhere, which is pretty much the only way she’d wind up working with the empire
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fancyfade · 4 years
I think I was talking to my friend earlier and was like “I should do a tumblr post for my OCs alignments” but then forgot to so anyway
with classic DND alignments
Saeyt Doraz (aka Tank) Twilek Republic Trooper:  Tank is the epitome of Chaotic Good. It’s really amazing she hasn’t been kicked out of the Republic Army because if someone tells her to do something morally objectionable but as an order she’s like “I’m sorry but are you aware that that’s wrong? Anyway I’m hanging up my comms now goodbye”. Tank likes to think of people as mostly good, but also isn’t naive enough to let people who might be dangerous in a position where they could hurt others. She’s more risky with herself though.
Messilandre Melina Mirialan Jedi Knight: Messilandre definitely starts the game closer to Lawful Neutral but eventually levels up to Neutral Good. But beginning game: Messilandre likes things to be clear and reasonable. She doesn’t like surprises, unclear expectations, or unclear instances of which side people are on. She’s unforgiving with her enemies in most cases, which is what takes her off the “good” tier at first -- she is not opposed to killing say, a Sith Lord who is trying to surrender, because in Messilandre’s mind... well, they’re gonna escape or kill more people anyway. This earns some well deserved “What the fucks” From her party members.
Harin So, Voss Jedi Consular: Even though Harin So can come off as kind of cold or unempathetic, Harin So stays in the “good” section for zir tenure in the game. Zie does get people killed, but it’s more of due to not being omniscient/attempting to call Terrakh Morrage’s bluff when he’s not bluffing, rather than any malice or calculated decision to let people die. Harin So has low sympathy for people zie believes got themselves into that mess -- like the Black Sun smugglers who were dying after trying to smuggle noetikons -- but zie still helps.
Taimen Kor, Sith Smugger: Tai definitely starts off his adulthood in the neutral (in between good and evil) asshole side, but by time the game starts he’s decidedly chaotic good. As a smuggler, Tai doesn’t have a ton of respect for the laws -- and why would he, after growing up and seeing how they were used in Imperial Rule? Tai thinks people should just try to help each other even if it cuts into profit margins, which winds up making him a kind of shitty smuggler.
Lycaea Archeliou, Togruta(ish) Sith Warrior: Lycaea’s probably chaotic neutral, maybe chaotic good later on enough. Lycaea will generally pick the helping, or at least not hurting, people options in game, but it isn’t until Jaesa starts her lightside Sith crusade and Vette starts a stealth campaign against some empire slave camps* that lycaea is involved in actively trying to make things better when they don’t just come across her path. For the most part, Lycaea needs to see things and people to care about them.
Xahaiyarishin, Kaleesh Bounty Hunter: True Neutral. Xareesh has a moral code she follows and she’s generally consistent with it. She doesn’t go out of her way to hurt people and she has hard codes against fighting people who can’t defend themselves, but if you’re like... a soldier she believes is a worthy combatant? You are definitely at risk of being killed by Xareesh for money. Like Harin So, Xareesh is fairly unsympathetic towards people she thinks made shitty decisions with the intent of profiting from them, the only difference is Xareesh doesn’t help them she’s just... “you made your bed now lie in it.” example yalt or whatever who betrays Nemro for money. She’s like “What did you *think* would happen? *shoots*”
Aereinys Trin, Chiss Imperial Agent: At the start of her plot, Aereinys is the true imperial ideal for an imperial agent, meaning Lawful Evil. People who are the empire’s enemies, even if all they’re doing is you know, not wanting to be subjugated by the empire? Sorry, but murder (or however she’s been told to deal with them). People who might blow her cover? She analyzes the options for the least subtle, most efficient way of resolving it, but murder is definitely on the table. Someone she was told to kill? Murder again it’s amazing how versatile a tool that is! She does not question the Empire until it hurts her personally, which is very human but also... Yikes ™. then she skews towards a LOT more chaotic, her faith is completely shaken, she wants to kill every Sith and Imperial Agent involved in her brainwashing but is terrified to do so. Outwardly she follows orders, inwardly she plots revenge.
Nehari Racin, Cathar Sith Inquisitor: Nehari was initially concpetualized as a chaotic evil character because when I created her character I was like “wait do I have a darkside one yet? *rolls up stereotypical dark side char*” After her character got more honed... well she’s definitely still evil, but she isn’t as stereotypically chaotic evil. Nehari (like any good Sith) believes that power justifies itself and the only point of having power is to get more of it. She actually may be going through some character growth, though. I think she realizes exactly how phony the sith rhetoric (and rhetoric she didn’t realize she was agreeing with earlier) is when she becomes a sith, because so many sith are only strong in comparison to people weaker than them. her actions change here and she becomes a lot less of a bully, which is probably the first time anyone’s ever had THAT happen on korriban.
*ok this  part with vette isn’t canon BUT ITS CANON TO ME. Jaesa and Vette do stuff to try to make it less shitty for some people in the empire.
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fancyfade · 4 years
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Messilandre Melina by Fade31415
[image: a swtor fanart featuring Messilandre Melina, a greenish skinned mirialan with a heart shaped face and large red eyes. she has chin-length black hair and a padawan braid, and diamond shaped tattoos under her eyes. in the first pic, there is a close up of her face. she’s raising her lip and scowling slightly. the next pic shows two different outfits for her. one is a blue tracksuit with a tanktop, the other is a white jedi robe that goes down to her knees and elbows (instead of ankles and wrists) with a beige under tunic. end image]
I'm BOMB (Back on my bullshit) and playing SWTOR again
local jedi padawan would fight god if a reasonably persuasive goldfish asked her to
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fancyfade · 4 years
jaded (aerienys), kin (tank, messilandre), question (tai, lycaea)
Jaded :: Do they buy into the “happily ever after” ideal? What’s their standard?
LMAO did you just pick aereinys because you knew this answer would be no? Aereinys doesn’t think that happily ever after exists. she doesn't even think happily ever now exists. She is a very miserable person.
Kin :: What’s their role among their relations? Do they consider others family? 
Tank eventually winds up considering most of havoc squad save Vic like family, as well as the family that raised her (her two moms). 
for general relationship stuff: Tank naturally takes charge but not really in a (intentionally) bossy way. She’s of the opinion that if you want something to happen well you have to say it right? So she says what she wants and expects other people will too. If you’re shyer or more reserved she might come across as kind of steam-rolly until she gets to know your personality more.
messilandre: would eventually consider Lemda (her wife) and Kira and T7 like family. She has family by blood but has an awkward relationship with them for most of her teenage/ young adulthood, but they might repair their relationship later I haven’t thought that far yet.
For general relationship stuff: messilandre ALSO is naturally take-charge :P she winds up in an one-sided rivalry with Tank because of this (more of: Messilandre feels like Tank is stepping on her toes, Tank feels like she’s saying what she needs and messilandre is saying what she needs so everyone is doing what they need to do right?) She is pretty perfectionisty for both herself and her friends, leading to some friction.
Question :: How often do they feel doubt? What topics are they defensive about? 
Tai: Tai’s doubts are mostly in the physical realm - he is not the strongest fighter -- granted an objectively GOOD fighter, because he’s a video game protag, but not as strong as the other ones -- and if theres any way to avoid combat without sacrificing his morals or life, he will. He doesn’t want to get seriously injured again.
Tai is defensive about his past actions in the Sith Academy and on a less serious note, his pet stellar wriggler, waffles. I’m sorry, but if you have an issue with waffles you have an issue with him, good day sir! >:o
Lycaea: Lycaea’s doubts surface most often around Vitiate. Lycaea prides herself on her near invulnerability and does not feel threatened by most Sith -- she thinks she can just do what she want and say “Well power is the sith goal and since I am more powerful than you I am right” and her place in imperial society will be assured. But she’s afraid of vitiate, which she hates.
this is also what she is defensive about. you mention “Hey my lord, you looked kind of scared today” she will HATE you.
lycaea also doubts her actions often,but if you said so she would hate it. how long she stays with the empire, the fact that nehari leaves the empire before her when she viewed herself as more reasonable and less of an asshole than nehari.
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fancyfade · 4 years
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[image: two screencaps of just dialogue from SWTOR. the first is an ancient droid saying “the first blade. First Jedi weapon. From this beginning, lightsabers came.” the next is Master Yuon Par saying “Ah. The folds in the metal. The power cell chamber... these are lost techniques. Our lightsabers began here, with this.” end image]
i always find it amusing that harin-so gets the first blade plot when messilandre would be so insanely jealous over it. since messilandre is obsessed with lightsaber combat and special interested lightsabers for a while.
if harin-so ever tells her where zir lightsaber hilt comes from messilandre would be like YOU MUST LET ME SEE IT IMMEDIATELY
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fancyfade · 4 years
playing swtor to wake up... again
working thru my 2 jedi profile (Harin-So, the Voss Consular, and Messilandre Melina, the Mirialan Knight)
Messilandre’s backstory is pretty much exactly like in game. She only padawans to Orgus when the prologue starts. I need to think of who her master was beforehand. My assumption is they were an average master? Not super great, not super terrible. A lot of her early character is based on her extremely strong opinions and her misinterpretations of the Jedi Code.
Harin-So, if it doesn’t feel universe-breaking, was probably padawaned to Yuon zir whole time at the Jedi Order, because zie didn’t start until adulthood and has only been training for 6 years, probably only a padawan for four (since you need to apprentice beforehand, right?) this is also the only way to explain how zie speaks Dosh (Trandoshan language) because Yuon might have taught zir with the hopes zie would become friends with Qyzen. Otherwise, it’s a bit of a stretch for someone who was raised in a much less multilingual, more isolated area to speak that relatively rare language.
also notes while starting: a lot of Jedi are like “oh good you’re combat trained” when meeting the PC, which I think is an interesting bit of worldbuilding (and contrasting to the Sith) because there is never an “oh good you’re combat trained” in the Sith Academy. A Jedi can be many things but if a Sith can’t fight they’re gonna die.
anyway obviously Harin-So and Messilandre are combat trained :P (and Harin-So is an ex-Voss commando, so zie has quite a bit of experience, though not as much with Jedi weaponry)
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fancyfade · 4 years
Everyone is doing this meme... so why not me too?
The difference is I will be selfish and do ALL my four main force using OCs. Extremely long post coming up, I won't be offended if you don't read it.
it will be under the cut.
Force Sense (generic ability to connect with the Force)
Harin-So is by far my most connect-y with the Force OC. Zie can for the most part listen to the Force, but hates feeling like zie has to, though zie gets more confident in it the further zir plot goes on. Zie probably starts at 3 stars and end at 4 stars.
Early Messilandre thinks that the Force is just something you do to make your lightsabers better. Her main powers are in body-enhancement, like making yourself stronger and more acrobatic-y and fall resistant. She starts 2 stars and moves up to 3 stars though, as her perspective widens after Rise of the Emperor and she heals on Tython with Master Surro.
Lycaea is also three stars. Like a lot of darkside users, Lycaea views the Force as something she should impose her will on. You don't listen to what the Force is trying to tell you, it'd be like listening to what your toaster is trying to tell you (okay a bit simplified, but you get it – she views it as a tool). She connects to the Force through her anger and hatred.
Nehari. Kind of ironic that the one who is most powerful in terms of raw power (due to her ghost power-up) is the shittiest at connecting to the Force, but she is. Nehari is similar to Lycaea. She wants to use the Force as a tool. But she doesn't have as strong emotions as Lycaea does when channeling them. Nehari's a bit too fatalistic. She has a bitter streak but sometimes will wonder if there's any point to it.
Force Empathy (ability to know what other people are feeling. Easier with Force sensitives than civilians)
All of my OCs are terrible and knowing what other people are feeling. Harin-So is the highest at 3 stars, as aforementioned zir ability to listen to the force, but sometimes other people are just a complete mystery to zir.
Messilandre is 2. She's very independent and can kind of blitz forward without paying attention to how other people feeling at all at first, which makes her kind of insensitive.
Lycaea is also 2 stars, for the same reason on independence.
Nehari is the shittiest at it. For the most part, she doesn't care what anyone except the people who have somehow wormed their way into her heart feel.
Telepathy (what it says on the tin. Easier with Force sensitives than civilians)
Harin-So is the best at telepathy, but doesn't use it unless zie needs to, zie prefers to rely on zir brain than reading people's minds.
If she tried really hard, Messilandre post Rise of Emperor can probably read people's minds. But not beforehand. It's emotion-reading to an extreme that she can't do.
Neither Nehari nor Lycaea can read people's minds at all.
Thought Shield (What it says on the tin. It blocks both of the above skills.)
Having grown up in the Empire, Lycaea is the best at thought shield. She had to to survive. She has a killer poker face (well force sense, but you get it).
Harin-So is decent at thought-shield. Zie has a lot of Jedi discipline, but rarely feels the need to use thought-shield, so zie doesn't have the most practice.
Nehari is good at thought shield considering how little time she's spent practicing the Corce, but that still doesn't mean she's great at it. As with Lycaea, it is a depressing necessity.
Early game Messilandre has a frustratingly hard time hiding her emotions. She gets better at it as she grows up, and post Rise of Empire probably gets to around 2 or 3 stars.
Mind Trick (Ability to influence people’s thoughts. You know, the “These are not the droids you’re looking for.”)
Hey it's one Nehari's actually best at! Nehari is both powerful enough and comfortable enough enforcing her will on other people.
Harin-So will use Mind Trick as a last resort. Zie isn't super comfortable with it, but if zie thinks someone has crucial information and it's the only way to retrieve it, zie prioritizes zir mission (and in zir mind, the greater good).
Lycaea likely has never tried mind-trick, but would be able to dominate someone's mind if she tried. She isn't comfortable using it though.
Messilandre would not be able to do it at all
Force Stealth (Ability to mask your presence from other Force-sensitives)
Harin-So is the master at Force stealth. Zie can make zirself completely invisible (because zie's a shadow class) and disguise zir sense in the Force.
Messilandre is pretty good for not being a shadow. She can become invisible for brief periods of time (IIRC that's a sentinel ability) and mask her sense from most force sensitives.
Lycaea is here. She can mask her sense from most force sensitives but not her visual appearance.
Nehari lacks the subtlety required for this. Subtlety is not her strong suit.
Farsight (the ability to evoke visions of events happening in other places)
Messilandre might be able to do this once or twice, but never regularly.
No one else has any stars in this. Harin-So, despite normally being able to listen to the Force, can't do this. It comes across as too similar to the visions zie was supposed to receive as a failed Mystic, and zie learned to count on intelligence and skill for finding out what's going on far away or in the future instead of the Force long ago.
Force Meld (A technique where in battle a number of Force users join their minds together through the Force, drawing strength from each other)
Harin-So would be able to do this when meditating intensely.
Messilandre might be able to do it, but not well and always with more difficulty. (it would HAVE to be post Rise of the Emperor Messilandre, not pre).
And of course none of the Sith can do it. Opening yourself? To other people? For the common good?!
Precognition (Passive ability used in combat to have premonitions of where danger is coming from)
In combat, Messilandre is 5 stars. She is annoyingly quick and able to adapt to changing situations.
Harin-So is 4 stars. Better than the average Jedi, but not as good as Messilandre. Zie is still pretty perceptive to danger, though.
Lycaea is also 4 stars. It doesn't look like she's necessarily sensing danger a ton when she fights, because she appears not to hop around as much as Messilandre, but she just has a different style of defence.
Nehari is average at this. She lets her massive amounts of Force power carry her far more than she should.
Instinctive Astrogation (Ability that allows you to find a route through hyperspace without the help of a navigation computer or astromech droid)
Nehari is the only one who can even attempt this, because of her long hours pirating and flying in her ship beforehand and getting used to poorly traveled lanes.
Comprehend Speech (Ability to understand the spoken language of any sentient, though it does not necessarily mean you can speak said language)
Harin-So and Messilandre are 4 stars, pretty good but the 100 percent best at it.
Lycaea and Nehari are 3 stars and honestly they would be lower if I felt like they didn't need it for some parts in game (how does Lycaea understand broonmark? I highly doubt she learned Talzi. Same for Nehari and Khem – though she may have learned like the basics of sith in the academy she has barely had any time to study the language)
Animal Friendship (what it says on the tin)
All of my primary Force using OCs are SHIT at this so have a surprise Tai (my smuggler who flunked out of the Sith academy). He is the ONLY one who is good at this.
Tai is 5 stars.
Plant surge (Ability to channel life energy into plants)
No one can do this. RIP plants
Force Body (Ability to enhance your body, allowing you to jump mad heights, move super fast, survive otherwise mortal blows, etc.)
Messilandre and Lycaea are understandably tied for best. They each have their own strengths, Messilandre is quicker and can make herself stronger, but Lycaea can make herself temporarily lightsaber and blaster proof (like Satele Shan in the trailer).
Harin-So is actually fairly average at this. Zie was a decent combatant before becoming a Jedi and physically never needed the Force for it, and zie isn't the most jump-y either
Nehari is actually a fairly frail Force user, compared to the others.
Force Healing (what it says on the tin)
Harin-So is a fairly good healer, as is required of Jedi consular plot, but not the best. Messilandre is actually up here too, because the body is one of the areas Messilandre is confident at, even when it's not hers.
Lycaea is five stars ONLY IF IT IS APPLIED TO HERSELF. She can heal herself from great injuries, but for anyone else she's like... 0 stars. Maybe 1 after she leaves the Sith.
Nehari can heal on a technicality (her class allows some heal moves) but she's not great at it. Or good at all. But she can stop you from dying!
Telekinesis (what it says on the tin)
Lycaea and Nehari are great at telekinesis, especially in Force Crush or choke capacities. They are offensive. Harin-So is also 5 stars, but uses more like... rock manipulation or shields.
Messilandre is pretty good at it. Much better than average but not as good as the other 3.
Force Lightning
Did you say force lightning? Nehari is the bomb at force lightning! It's half of her offensive moves! (even though she's madness class, not lightning class, they still way over represent lightning abilities in it).
Lycaea has strong Force lightning, but doesn't use it much.
Harin-So would be able to manifest Force lightning, but not very well.
And Messilandre can't manifest it at all.
Pyrokinesis (Ability to burn stuff)
No one can do this because I didn't even know it was a thing.
Addition by me (not original meme)
Body Corruption (making other people sick or weak with the Force)
This is a lot of Nehari's fighting style, and of course she's great at it.
No one else of my OCs can do it successfully tho
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fancyfade · 4 years
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[image: a screencap of Messilandre Melina (mirialan jedi knight) and orgus din (human jedi master) standing on an open grassy field. Messilandre is in the foreground and looking up at something, Orgus is behind her and talking. He says “Normally, we make Padawans gather materials themselves -- but you’ve proven enough.” end image]
along the lines of the last post (link - messilandre’s lightsaber obsession) there’s no way in hell messilandre hasn’t been slowly amassing lightsaber parts (sans the crystals, which i think you have to get specially) her whole life.
she’d be like “wait let me run back to my room real quick -- “
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fancyfade · 4 years
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[image: a scene from SWTOR showing Messilandre Melina (green skinned mirialan) and Orgus Din (Human) in a wide open room with some red carpets and a table behind them. Orgus is walking towards Messilandre. Morgus says “Blast these Council meetings. I’d die of old age before my colleagues ran out of things to say.”  the camera pans to messilandre, who is furrowing her brows a bit. She says “I’d rather do something about problems than discuss them.” Orgus says “still, there are times when talking is exactly what’s needed.” end image]
ok so
if you followed me back during my SWTOR special interest phase (and have a really long memory for other people’s video game OCs) you know that 6 of my 8 OCs are autistic. Messilandre is one of them.
A lot of Messilandre’s early flaws and character is based on the fact that social interaction is a minefield to Messilandre. She desperately wants the masters of the jedi order to approve of her, and while she agrees with what she says here (action is preferable to talk), if orgus had intro’d it with a different thing that made her think he was of a different opinion, she probably would have agreed with him there too. this makes her come across as rather inauthentic to some people
but also it means if it looks like someone’s saying one opinion, and she agrees with them, and they say something she perceives as changing their mind (”actually talk is needed sometimes”) she’ll be like *surprised pikachu face* betrayal!
either way
early messilandre is characterized by “this is what a jedi should do” without necessarily understanding the reasons why jedi are supposed to do things. she’s kind of emotionally repressed because she misinterprets the code*. She’s unhappy but she thinks she’s doing what other Jedi do, so why isn’t she at peace?
*rather than the fandom interpretation of the code where it’s SUPPOSED to be emotional repression, Messilandre views it as the fandom does, but I view it as “don’t let your emotions rule your judgement, don’t become possessive”
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fancyfade · 4 years
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[image: screencaps of three various outfits at different angles for the same mirialan character (messilandre). the first outfit is a jedi tunic with a brown under-shirt and a green-ish overshirt that has a scale pattern. the greenish overshirt has a hood. the next ouftit is a croptop with no sleeves (But a hood for some reason). the top is greyish brownish and has blue trim. the last outfit is a white jedi uniform with a pale beige tunic and a white outer robe. the outer robe has a hood that is up.. end image]
various outfits for messilandre
the first is the outfit you get from playing tython. the second is a random drop that i thought looked pretty. the last is a synthweaving thing i made specifically because it looks closest to how I draw her outfit.
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fancyfade · 4 years
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[image: a series of screencaps from SWTOR, all featuring Messilandre Melina, a green skinned Mirialan with chin-length black hair. first, an off screen Darrin Weller says “Your former masters praise your combat skills. They say you’re becoming an expert duelist.” Messilandre spreads her arms confidently and says “I’ve never fought anyone I couldn’t beat, including my Masters.” the next screencap is in the fields on Tython, Messilandre is talking to someone off screen (and darth hexid is behind her) and says “i haven’t encountered a creater yet that could stop me.” the fourth shows master orgus din (a human with pinkish skin and short grey hair) saying “you held off all these attackers by yourself, with only a practice saber. Impressive.” messilandre gestures with her hands and says “the Force was with me, as usual.” end image]
(ignore darth hexid; she’s just there for heals)
intro messilandre screencaps.
the important thing is, messilandre has never come within spitting distance of modesty.
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fancyfade · 4 years
playing some swtor cuz bxp event
so far messilandre has been told not to confuse confidence with arrogance twice, and she hasn’t even made it to the jedi temple yet
(one from orgus, when she says “the force was with me, as usual” and he’s like “don’t confuse confidence w/ arrogance” and another from the exploration mission guy who tells you to fight droids to get training to assist republic troops. she says something about being ready for it or “if you’re looking for a leader i’m the gal to go to” and he’s like “confidence is good just make sure it doesn’t become arrogance”)
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fancyfade · 4 years
For the ships thing: SWTOR
tys for ask!!
Jaesa x Vette. 
favourite canon pairing
felix x harin so (my jedi consular)
worst pairing ever
corso x fem smuggler. he’s so overprotective and condescending >.
guilty pleasure pairing
lana x lycaea. I say guilty pleasure cuz they are SO morally incompatible, which lycaea finds out as they keep dating, so... it doesn’t really last.
a pairing you want to see more
lemda avesta x messilandre (really just bring her back TBH). like... the first romanceable female character and they just ignore her.
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”
well i dont’ think its popular on tumblr, but in other sections of hte fandom, male sith warrior x vette. especially since it seems as if the writers decide to infantilize vette or make her seem young or naive in need of male sw’s protection
favorite non-romantic pair
tank (my republic trooper) and jorgan. she ribs him so much. Or xareesh (BH) and mako. or kaliyo and aereinys (my agent). they really bounce off each other in the worst manner tho but its fun to imagine :P
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fancyfade · 4 years
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[image: a series of screencaps taking place in a nice outdoor place with deciduous trees and a stone temple (the forge). the screencaps feature T7 (an astromech droid) standing next to Messilandre melina (a mirialan jedi knight). First, Messilandre activates her lightsaber, which has a blue blade. next, she raises her lightsaber dramatically to the sky, and there’s a bit of light shining out the hilt. end image]
messilandre gets her lightsaber
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