#aereinys trin
fancyfade · 1 year
my first four swtor OCs (Tank, Lycaea, Aereinys, Messilandre) are all insufferable because it's important for women to be insufferable
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fancyfade · 3 years
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[image: first are two screencaps from SWTOR, each of Chiss OCs. on the left is Aerinics, a deep blue skinned chiss with dark blue hair that reaches her chin. she has a kidn of oval shaped face. on the right is Trin, a chiss with lighter blue skin and long black hair. underneath the swtor screencaps are two screencaps of the same OCs in a doll game. Aerinics is wearing a white tanktop, black gloves, and beige coveralls. Trin is wearing a beige flight suit and orange vest and a helmet. end image]
Okay, so finally hammering more about Aereinys’s parents (Besides “They died before the start of the game”)
Aereinys mom: Vaer'rini'csapla (Aerinics)
Aereiny’s dad: Shiat'ri'nuruodo (Trin)
Aereinys gets her name from a modified version of her mom’s core name + her dad’s core name. Her name is in the imperial naming system, because her parents died very shortly after she was born and she was raised in an imperial orphanage/state school dedicated to turning out “productive members of society” (aka soldiers/canon fodder).
Aereinys’s parents were hard to develop because a) they had to be dead very shortly after her birth and b) they had to do something to get themselves exiled from Chiss space, but not against the empire because they have to wind up in Imperial space. So I was stuck there for a while.
Trin was a pilot for clan Nuruodo, but he didn’t see a lot of combat (Nuruodo is the military clan according to my wiki stuff). He mostly moved things. And he often helped his clan move blackmailable material against the other clans discretely
Aerinics, Aereinys’s mom, was a mechanic who worked in clan Csapla. She often wound up repairing and maintenancing civilian crafts. Again she was mostly a civilian and did not see much combat.
Now for the part that @arcann helped me with tysm!!! (The suggestions on how they got exiled)
Her dad was  used by his house to ferry some blackmailable secrets between two locations. One one such trip, he was ambushed and lost them. A “true chiss” would have owned up to the mistake, or better yet, never lost his mission in the first place, but he didn’t. He confided in Aerinics who tried to help him cover up his failure, but they both got caught and exiled. They fled to Dromund Kaas, the capital planet of the Empire, because they thought it would be more familiar than the republic due to the Chiss’s allegiance with the empire.
okay back to my stuff so no one blames you for the angst that is about to follow
anyway Aerinics and Trin were mostly chilling in the empire, missing Csilla and not really liking the empire but hey they couldn’t go back. They each wound up working in the Imperial military, now her dad was seeing combat and her mom was maintenancing starships for imperial soldiers.
I’m thinking her dad was sent into a combat situation in his ship that looked impossible to win, but he did it anyway because a) he was being commanded by a sith, so if he refused he would have died no matter what, and b) good chiss follow orders, and even though he got kicked out he still regards himself as a good chiss. Aerinics goes off on the sith who got her husband killed with his poor strategy and the sith reacts by using a sith sorcery poison move on her in the force. She’s taken to the hospital and Aereinys (the baby she’s pregnant with) is saved but she isn’t.
The whole thing is kind of angsty and depressing, but they did need to start the plot dead, since I created her before I knew chiss were in their own little zone, so a lot of her backstory came with her initially having been raised like an imperial citizen (That’s also the initial reason she had the first name last name naming scheme, rather than the chiss naming scheme. I just didn’t know it existed, then instead of re-doing my tags for her I was just like “eh, i’ll make up a justification”)
I feel like this also works as a parallel to some Aereinys stuff, because she gets the scars on her face from getting force-lightninged by a sith after she tells him he’s making dumb decisions and going to get a bunch of imperial soldiers killed. If she put together what happened to her parents (There’s no way anyone would tell her that a sith fuckup and sith cruelty got them killed), she might have thought she had a chance to prevent what happened to her dad from happening to someone else. The encounter obviously leaves a poor taste in her mouth and leads to her deciding sith are mostly irrational and should stay out of imperial business. The full on hatred for the empire develops later, after she is betrayed by people she felt should have been trustwrothy.
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fancyfade · 3 years
Anyway more OC parent details
I already thought of Messilandre (Mirialan Jedi Knight’s) here (link). They have a pretty developed relationship and Messilandre’s relationship with her mom got changed significantly since I started her character -- initially she was just like given up to be a jedi and raised in the order. here her mom wanted to have a kid, messilandre was raised both with her mom and with the jedi. her dad didn’t magically come back to life though he’s still super dead (Dead when she was a young kid, right before Meera, her younger sister, was born)
Lycaea’s dad is a lot more fleshed out than her mom right now, because initially her mom started the story dead, but I might change that since I’m running through a version of her mom with my friend to see how she acts. It would be interesting to bring her back (like IDK she either faked her own death, was left genuinely assumed to be dead and decided never to make her way back to the empire) and then Lycaea confronts the fact that she’s a person, not like some... idealized amazing because she’s not my shitty dad 
Tai also already has a pretty fleshed out parental figure, because he’s in Lycaea’s family. His mom (Lycaea’s stepmom) is a sith sorcerer, and his mom married Lycaea’s dad. when Tai and Lycaea were living together in the same house they could not stand each other. Raihon (Tai’s mom) doted on Tai and definitely ignored lots of his flaws (well “””Flaws””” which in this case means not being super tough -- he did have other flaws but they weren’t considered flaws in the empire) so she blames herself for his presumed death on korriban for pushing him to go too soon. the two of them (lycaea and tai) have a half brother Patrus who GTFO’d from the empire and any fighting drama as soon as he could, which makes him the smartest of the three
aereinys’s parents don’t have any backstory yet other than they had to have either been estranged from their families or exiled from chiss space or both, because otherwise i can’t imagine their clans being totally okay with a newborn chiss baby being raised in an imperial orphanage. even though the chiss are allies with the empire i still don’t think they’d be like “Hmm this sounds like a good idea”
and also cuz i talked to my friend about that they said maybe aereinys’s parents got in political trouble but i haven’t thought of what kind yet
harin so’s parents also have yet to be given personalities or names. though zie does have a sibling with a somewhat developed personality. I know that Voss seemed kind of fatalistic  so whatever career harin so’s parents had, zie presumably also would have been expected to have (IIRC Bas-Ton’s son says he is going to run the teahouse and its implied like that’s what he has to do. But if you die he’ll put aside tea and avenge you). They also presumably were in the military at one point because IIRC military service is mandatory for voss.
but yeah besides that I Got nothing
Tank’s mom is pretty well developed because she’s one of the toons I Play most on. Tank was raised by mom 1 (shree’a), a twi’lek who used to be a bounty hunter, and mom 2 (Deex), a DX assassination droid that got disconnected from the network and found by mom 1 on nar shaddaa.  tank’s biological dad is either dead or just out of the picture; I really haven’t decided yet. Shree’a stopped being a bounty hunter after she got tired of it and Deex didn’t really care, she was just following Shree’a around, so the two of them started being security for various ships on heavily pirated hyperspace lanes. That’s where Tank grew up -- moving from planet to planet, hanging around mostly her moms and being homeschooled while seeing the galaxy.
nehari’s mom is kind of underdeveloped; currently her mom owned a store on nar shaddaa and died when nehari was 15. Nehari’s main memory of her mom is not very positive, it’s seeing her being pushed around by people with combat skills or paying up protection money. the main takeaway nehari got was that she never wanted to “let” herself be in such a position of weakness and if she wasn’t going to be able to live regularly she should just go ahead and join the dudes who were pushing everyone around. not really much to go off there. her dad was.... also either dead or out of the picture before nehari was born.
xareesh was raised by two moms again, one a swordsmith and one a swordswoman. she also had two brothers, 1 older and 1 younger, and one sister, but none of them have very developed personalities oops. So far the older brother was kind of overprotective of her but eventually chilled out. Most of her family is also probably dead, because her backstory involves the city she was living in being raided and a lot of people die. Xareesh then wanders the galaxy depressed-like looking for work where she can fight pretty much anywhere, which is pretty much the only way she’d wind up working with the empire
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fancyfade · 4 years
I think I was talking to my friend earlier and was like “I should do a tumblr post for my OCs alignments” but then forgot to so anyway
with classic DND alignments
Saeyt Doraz (aka Tank) Twilek Republic Trooper:  Tank is the epitome of Chaotic Good. It’s really amazing she hasn’t been kicked out of the Republic Army because if someone tells her to do something morally objectionable but as an order she’s like “I’m sorry but are you aware that that’s wrong? Anyway I’m hanging up my comms now goodbye”. Tank likes to think of people as mostly good, but also isn’t naive enough to let people who might be dangerous in a position where they could hurt others. She’s more risky with herself though.
Messilandre Melina Mirialan Jedi Knight: Messilandre definitely starts the game closer to Lawful Neutral but eventually levels up to Neutral Good. But beginning game: Messilandre likes things to be clear and reasonable. She doesn’t like surprises, unclear expectations, or unclear instances of which side people are on. She’s unforgiving with her enemies in most cases, which is what takes her off the “good” tier at first -- she is not opposed to killing say, a Sith Lord who is trying to surrender, because in Messilandre’s mind... well, they’re gonna escape or kill more people anyway. This earns some well deserved “What the fucks” From her party members.
Harin So, Voss Jedi Consular: Even though Harin So can come off as kind of cold or unempathetic, Harin So stays in the “good” section for zir tenure in the game. Zie does get people killed, but it’s more of due to not being omniscient/attempting to call Terrakh Morrage’s bluff when he’s not bluffing, rather than any malice or calculated decision to let people die. Harin So has low sympathy for people zie believes got themselves into that mess -- like the Black Sun smugglers who were dying after trying to smuggle noetikons -- but zie still helps.
Taimen Kor, Sith Smugger: Tai definitely starts off his adulthood in the neutral (in between good and evil) asshole side, but by time the game starts he’s decidedly chaotic good. As a smuggler, Tai doesn’t have a ton of respect for the laws -- and why would he, after growing up and seeing how they were used in Imperial Rule? Tai thinks people should just try to help each other even if it cuts into profit margins, which winds up making him a kind of shitty smuggler.
Lycaea Archeliou, Togruta(ish) Sith Warrior: Lycaea’s probably chaotic neutral, maybe chaotic good later on enough. Lycaea will generally pick the helping, or at least not hurting, people options in game, but it isn’t until Jaesa starts her lightside Sith crusade and Vette starts a stealth campaign against some empire slave camps* that lycaea is involved in actively trying to make things better when they don’t just come across her path. For the most part, Lycaea needs to see things and people to care about them.
Xahaiyarishin, Kaleesh Bounty Hunter: True Neutral. Xareesh has a moral code she follows and she’s generally consistent with it. She doesn’t go out of her way to hurt people and she has hard codes against fighting people who can’t defend themselves, but if you’re like... a soldier she believes is a worthy combatant? You are definitely at risk of being killed by Xareesh for money. Like Harin So, Xareesh is fairly unsympathetic towards people she thinks made shitty decisions with the intent of profiting from them, the only difference is Xareesh doesn’t help them she’s just... “you made your bed now lie in it.” example yalt or whatever who betrays Nemro for money. She’s like “What did you *think* would happen? *shoots*”
Aereinys Trin, Chiss Imperial Agent: At the start of her plot, Aereinys is the true imperial ideal for an imperial agent, meaning Lawful Evil. People who are the empire’s enemies, even if all they’re doing is you know, not wanting to be subjugated by the empire? Sorry, but murder (or however she’s been told to deal with them). People who might blow her cover? She analyzes the options for the least subtle, most efficient way of resolving it, but murder is definitely on the table. Someone she was told to kill? Murder again it’s amazing how versatile a tool that is! She does not question the Empire until it hurts her personally, which is very human but also... Yikes ™. then she skews towards a LOT more chaotic, her faith is completely shaken, she wants to kill every Sith and Imperial Agent involved in her brainwashing but is terrified to do so. Outwardly she follows orders, inwardly she plots revenge.
Nehari Racin, Cathar Sith Inquisitor: Nehari was initially concpetualized as a chaotic evil character because when I created her character I was like “wait do I have a darkside one yet? *rolls up stereotypical dark side char*” After her character got more honed... well she’s definitely still evil, but she isn’t as stereotypically chaotic evil. Nehari (like any good Sith) believes that power justifies itself and the only point of having power is to get more of it. She actually may be going through some character growth, though. I think she realizes exactly how phony the sith rhetoric (and rhetoric she didn’t realize she was agreeing with earlier) is when she becomes a sith, because so many sith are only strong in comparison to people weaker than them. her actions change here and she becomes a lot less of a bully, which is probably the first time anyone’s ever had THAT happen on korriban.
*ok this  part with vette isn’t canon BUT ITS CANON TO ME. Jaesa and Vette do stuff to try to make it less shitty for some people in the empire.
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fancyfade · 4 years
jaded (aerienys), kin (tank, messilandre), question (tai, lycaea)
Jaded :: Do they buy into the “happily ever after” ideal? What’s their standard?
LMAO did you just pick aereinys because you knew this answer would be no? Aereinys doesn’t think that happily ever after exists. she doesn't even think happily ever now exists. She is a very miserable person.
Kin :: What’s their role among their relations? Do they consider others family? 
Tank eventually winds up considering most of havoc squad save Vic like family, as well as the family that raised her (her two moms). 
for general relationship stuff: Tank naturally takes charge but not really in a (intentionally) bossy way. She’s of the opinion that if you want something to happen well you have to say it right? So she says what she wants and expects other people will too. If you’re shyer or more reserved she might come across as kind of steam-rolly until she gets to know your personality more.
messilandre: would eventually consider Lemda (her wife) and Kira and T7 like family. She has family by blood but has an awkward relationship with them for most of her teenage/ young adulthood, but they might repair their relationship later I haven’t thought that far yet.
For general relationship stuff: messilandre ALSO is naturally take-charge :P she winds up in an one-sided rivalry with Tank because of this (more of: Messilandre feels like Tank is stepping on her toes, Tank feels like she’s saying what she needs and messilandre is saying what she needs so everyone is doing what they need to do right?) She is pretty perfectionisty for both herself and her friends, leading to some friction.
Question :: How often do they feel doubt? What topics are they defensive about? 
Tai: Tai’s doubts are mostly in the physical realm - he is not the strongest fighter -- granted an objectively GOOD fighter, because he’s a video game protag, but not as strong as the other ones -- and if theres any way to avoid combat without sacrificing his morals or life, he will. He doesn’t want to get seriously injured again.
Tai is defensive about his past actions in the Sith Academy and on a less serious note, his pet stellar wriggler, waffles. I’m sorry, but if you have an issue with waffles you have an issue with him, good day sir! >:o
Lycaea: Lycaea’s doubts surface most often around Vitiate. Lycaea prides herself on her near invulnerability and does not feel threatened by most Sith -- she thinks she can just do what she want and say “Well power is the sith goal and since I am more powerful than you I am right” and her place in imperial society will be assured. But she’s afraid of vitiate, which she hates.
this is also what she is defensive about. you mention “Hey my lord, you looked kind of scared today” she will HATE you.
lycaea also doubts her actions often,but if you said so she would hate it. how long she stays with the empire, the fact that nehari leaves the empire before her when she viewed herself as more reasonable and less of an asshole than nehari.
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fancyfade · 4 years
also that cass chapter i just posted is just making me wonder if my aesthetic ™ is just names (or lack thereof) being super important for characters
cuz i did the exact same thing with aereinys (link but uh if you click that link be warned it’s explicit)
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fancyfade · 5 years
Swtor day seven: who are their closest friends? Do they have a lot or a few? Do they trust easily or does it take time.
Tank has a lot of friends. She makes friend s easily because she’s very friendly and genuine. Her closest friends are elara and aric, but she is also pretty close friends with yuun and forex on her crew. She Wants to be friends with vik, but clashes too much with his lack of moral compass.
Outside of her crew, she is friends with messilandre, tai, and Harin so. She also would be friends with felix if she met him.
In kotfe, she’s close friends with koth, decent friends with Senya and hk, and no longer wants to be friends with people who don’t align with her moral compass, so she doesn’t really care that she’s not close with Lana.
She trusts relatively easily, but also knows where Rhett boundaries of her trust end. Even if she thinks or hopes you are cool, if you might put people under her protection on danger, she would take precautions or not let you near them. Arcanns got a lot too much blood on his hands for her to think or hope he is not a threat when he says he’s on her side, but just for an example: even if she thought he was telling the truth, she still wouldn’t take him back to the alliance base, because her trusting or wanting to trust someone doesn’t mean she has the right to make everyone else trust them.
Tai is close to his entire crew, he loves them like family. He also is friends with the other republic pcs.
He is also friends with his old smuggling crew, whose names I forget. Rip me. They rescued him from korriban.
Tai trusts easily. Some would say way too easily, considering how many times he’s been stabbed in the back. But tai figures that he’d rather operate under the assumption that people are mostly good, even if he gets hurt for it. He figures that if he could learn how to be a good person, with his background, then there is hope for everyone.
Messilandre is more introverted than the other two guys, and she only considers teseven and Kira as close friends. She can’t stand doc or scourge, and rusk reflects enough of her negative qualities that he makes her uncomfortable eventually.
She winds up eventually befriending the other pub ocs, since that’s how their dynamic goes. She also gets closer to harin so when the two of them do the makeb plot.
After rise of the emperor, she and surro become friends while they are healing on tython.
Messilandre’s trust level is… Difficult to articulate? If you are not perceived as a threat and are on her side, she general doesn’t *distrust* you. But if you say stuff that puts her off or are associated with the empire, she distrusts the fuck out of you.
Harin sos closest friends are Felix iresso* and nadia (okay so zie is married to Felix, so not platonic, but your husband can be your friend). Zie is friends with holiday, zenith, and qyzen, and has no clue what to make of tharan.
Zie is also friends with the other pub side toons.
Zie trusts neither easily nor… Uneasily? Zie doesn’t assume the worst of people without given a reason but also doesn’t assume the best.
Harin so is introverted but not shy. Zie can come across as shy to people who don’t know zir well, because zie is relatively quiet and only speaks when zie feels zie has something to say. But zie’s not shy.
Lycaeas closest friends are vette and jaesa. She trust them a lot. She's not really friends friends with the rest of her crew. Quinn is a bit too pro empire, pierce too much of an asshole, and broonmark reminds herself too much of a younger, more bloodthirsty version of herself, but without any inclination to change.
She becomes acquaintances with nehari and ashara. She *tries* to be vaylins friend in kotfeet, though whether this works I have yet to think of.
Lycaea trusts seldomly, which she would phrase as a reasonable precaution for a sith. She, however, acts as if she has nothing to fear from other sith and trusts them fine, because acting as if you expect to get stabbed in the back just advertises that you think you are weak enough to stab.
Nehari has very few friends, both because she trusts seldomly and because she is difficult to be around due to being an enormous asshole. The closest friend she probably has is andronikos. Ashara is like... Possibly neharis only platonic friend (because nehari is in a relationship with andronikos) and also the one most likely to call her on her bs. Xalek is too "the sith are like gods that have not died" to be considered a friend, and khem also winds up more in a follow spot. They have a pretty uneven dynamic is what I'm saying.
Outside of her crew, nehari is friends with no one.
Xareesh prefers to have many friends, but is pretty alone at the start of the game. However by the end she considers blizz, mako, and torian close friends, and gault... Mostly just there, but whatever.
She is reasonably skeptical of the motives of most people in the empire and does not trust imperials or sith easily. She however doesn't distrust immediately mandalorians or people she regards as warriors.
Aereinys has everyone beat in terms of trust issues. She doesn't trust seldomly, she trusts not at all! Even the people she is closest to, which she regards as kaliyo and vector, she feels would betray her in certain circumstances.
She considers kaliyo, vector, and raina as close to friends as she is allowed to have.
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fancyfade · 5 years
Swtor challenge fifteen day three: name. How did you come up with their name? What is it in game? What do people call them? What do you call them?
Again, on my phone, so that is paraphrased.
Tank: I actually wanted to make tanks name “tank” when I first rolled her up, because I was just making her a cool buff lady and not very invested in plot or world building or things like “no one would name their kid tank for real, and very few adults would change their name to legally be tank”
Sadly, changing my plans was that the name tank walls taken on that server, so rather thang than add numbers or whatever, I added saeyt with the idea it would be her last name.
It wound up being her first name, as I eventually decided tank was just a nickname. Her first name was now saeyt and her last name doraz.
In game, almost everyone calls her tank. Itd be weird to call her by her first name (the exception being in professional settings, then she’s rank + last name).
In kotfe, though, she drops the nickname and just goes by saeyt. This reflects her mentally stopping calling herself tank, because she got that nickname with her oldbfriends (tam and shar kii) and can no longer get in contact with them or even know if they are alive. She is a bit reasonably angsty in kotfe
My second oc ever made (just doing this in order, because there is a progression) is aereinys. I think I based her name off or a starwars ized spelling of the Greek furies. I cannot remember for the life of me why.
It sound be noted that aereinys’s name does not follow chiss naming scheme. The reason for that is I made it before I knew what chiss naming scheme was :p the in universe reason is that as an orphan raised in the empire, she was given a name that fit imperial making scheme. It’s her parents “core names” (what people actually call the chiss in conversation) added together
She however does not even think of herself in terms of her name. She thinks of herself as “agent”. Everyone calls her agent. Even when her husband,vector, tries calling her by her first name (figuring you don’t call your wife “agent”) she gets uncomfortable and tells him not to, because she successfully depersonalizes herself a lot to do her job and not think of how miserable she is in th empire. “Onomatophobia” the control word, describes her pretty well. She is… Pretty miserable.
The third one lycaea, also involved me riffing from Greek words. Lycaea sounds vaguely Greek to me , and her last name is based off of archon (which iirc was leader or lord or something) and then with one of the ending schemes for Greek last names. The iou was the possessive, which iirc used to be used for women, which I hate, bit made sense for her relationship with her father, who was very controlling. But I threw out it changing based on gender when I realized I don’t think we see that elsewhere in star wars , so it was a bit universe breaking. Now it’s just a family name.
She is called lycaea by her friends, lord archeliou by her subordinates when she’s a lord, Darth indominus when she’s a Darth and with people who don’t know she’s the emperors wrath, and my wrath or wrath or lord wrath by the people who do.
She has very little attachment to her last name. I’ve yet to decide if she eventually changes it to be her mother’s last name, or just stops using any last name because of disconnection with both her parents.
Messilandre was my fourth, and when I realized that if I kept stealing Greek sounding names they’d all sound the same. I changed around the name Melissa and added an andre ending. Her last name is Melina, because alliterations are easy.
She calls herself messilandre and so do her crew . People unfamiliar with her might call her master melina when she’s a Jedi master.
harin so is where I started to actually think of how the names fit into the universe. Harin so is voss, so I analysed some voss names to see if I could find a common theme. They were to parts and some seemed to be two syllable first name, one syllable last name, so I used that Guernsey and tried on combos until I got one that seemed “voss-y” and not too similar to existing names.
Harin so is called Harin so both by people zie knows as friends and by zie zirself. Anyone who tries to call them master so instead of master Harin so gets corrected, because iirc you don’t split voss names like that.
Xareesh was made a similar way to Harin so, in that I actually looked at names of characters the same species and didn’t just pick random stuff. She was heavily inspired by xalek, except she chose the shortened version of her name rather than it being forced on her.
Her full name is xahaiyarishin, and she calls herself that and other kaleesh do too. Her bh crew calls her Xareesh.
Nehari is a similar scheme… Again. :p I looked up other characters of her species. I did the same three syllable ends in a long i scheme that juhanis name had. Her last name I can’t remember,I think I just picked something that sounded similar in theme to her first name.
Nehari calls herself nehari, people in her crew call her nehari or my lord or Darth nox depending on how formal they feel.
Tai, iirc, was modified from a sith name generator, because for the life of me I could not see a common theme in sith names or have a specific character in mind to riff off the name of .
His legal name is taimen kor, but he was only ever called by his full first name on dromund kaas. Out of everyone he knows, lycaea is the only one who still calls him taimen (which elicits the response from theron when he first hears it: “your real name is ‘taimen?’”
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fancyfade · 5 years
I’m bored in the airport so answering swtor question two on phone…
(Paraphrased, cuz IDK how to paste from phone)
Family : is your ocs family a large part of their story? Why or why not? Are they on good terms? Are any of your ocs related?
Tank: her family influenced her skills a lot, and in that way I guess you could say they influenced her story. Her mother taught her how to fight, and tank idolized the stories her mom told her about her (tanks mom’s) bounty hunting days,making tank crave adventure.
She also learned basic repair skills whether her “other mom”, a dx assassin droid that glitched off the dx network, got hurt. She is on great terms with her family and introduces havoc squad to her mom. When she disappears at the start of kotfe, aric and elara contact tanks mom for help due to the aforementioned bounty hunter skillsv Ugh I typed a bunch bit it was deleted stupid phone.
Messilandre: yes, messilandre’s family is a large part of her story in that her parents wanted her to be raised as a Jedi (because her father was a Jedi), so her story wouldn’t have happened without them. Bit during the story, messilandre never talks to her mom (only living family member at this time) or asks her for advice.
Messilandre has a lukewarm relationship with her mother, because teenage messilandre thought her mom was being over protective. Mom also thinks messilandre during chapter one through three has an overly simplistic view of republic vs empire conflict (since messilandre assumes killing the emperor and defeating high ranking dark council member will fix things.
Harin so: Harin sos family does not at the moment affect zir class story a ton. Zie has a younger sister who idolizes zie, and two parents who are (profession yet to be thpugt of). I guess Harin sos family is defined by their very average relationship and lack of closeness, because after flunking out of mystic school, Harin so feels as though there is nothing tying zir to voss.
When Harin so goes to voss for the plot, zie attempts to reconnect with zir family and introduce them to the crew and Felix (zir boyfriend). The parents are relatively cold and disapprove of Harin so leaving voss behind (and changing so much in the years zie has been away), but after a brief fight, zir sister winds up with a stronger relationship with zir than before, as she understands now why Harin so left and wishes she was brave enough to do that for herself.
Tai: tai is one of only two ocs who is related to another oc (the other one being the one who’s related to him, lycaea).
Tais mom, raihon, married lycaeas dad,kyros. The family he was raised in affected his backstory more than his class story. He was instilled with the suitable sith moral code, meaning he looked out for number one and was not opposed to hurting people if it would benefit him. He spent the past ten years learning to be a decent person, and would now rather die than treat people the way he used to.
He got along with hismom when he lived with her, but doesn’t think he would now. He assumes she’d prefer to believe he’s dead than to see how he’s changed.
He was terrified of kyros and kind of a jerk to lycaea and patrus (his and lycaeas half brother) when they all lived together. Post kotfe tai gets along with lyvaea, bit not pre kotfe
lycaea lived in same family as tai, so doing her here. Her family, however,Greatly affects her story. Her father was abusive to her and her half brother, and what kicks off her going to korriban is how she confronts him and her fears.
lycaea also comes to her stepmother, raihon, for help on a force related matter in the start of shadow of revan.
lycaea hated her father, has an uneasy truce with her stepmother, is protective of her half-brother, and eventually gets along with tai.
Nehari’s family mostly influenced who she didn’t want to be growing up. Hermom was a civilian with no combat skills, and when nehari saw her being pushed around by people working for the hutts, she knew she never wanted to “let” herself be in that position of perceived weakness.
Neharis family can’t influence her directly (aside from very far off ancestors, like kallig) because they are dead (and not ghosts)
Xareesh had two moms (one was a swordswoman, the other a swordsmith) and two brothers and one sister. Her older brother was a bit protective of her, which she thought was condescending, but not like he thought she couldn’t fight, he was worried she’d make the wrong decision. He eventually got told to chill about that by their swordsmith mom.
Her parents influenced her skills (especially the one who taught her how to fight with a sword :p) but fine directly impact plot into maybe kotfe (thinking her swordsmith mom is still alive and joins Xareesh’s band of kaleesh warriors in a support role).
Aereinys is mostly defined by her lack of family. Her parents died when she was just a baby, and she was raised in whatever the empire has for orphanages (I imagine a state school aimed at turning kids into “productive members of imperial society” so… Soldiers)
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fancyfade · 5 years
okay SWTOR post day 1
(in response to this post (link)
Tank: Before the class story, Tank was in wherever they train spec force officers (I get the idea they have more training than regular republic soldiers because a) Forex says so and b) when you talk to Jakarro after understanding him in Shiriiwook, you say something like “amazing what they teach you in spec force training”.) But before that, she was working with some other people her age, Tam Zaris and Sharr Kii, who she met on Nar Shaddaa.
On Nar Shaddaa, Tank pissed off some Hutts by telling their enforcers to fuck off when they were trying to collect “protection” money from some guys who weren't paying up. Things wound up escalating until she got a bounty on her head, she wound up laying low in the sector of Nar Shaddaa Tam and Sharr Kii were in. Sharr Kii wanted to fight the empire because her wound up being pushed around during that Togruta rebellion thing (IIRC mentioned on Imp Side Nar Shaddaa plot?), and Tank went along for the ride when Sharr Kii suggested going off planet and helping rebels against the empire. The three of them (Tam Sharr Kii and Tank) eventually wound up over their heads and a section of Republic troopers both noticed them and rescued them when they invariably got kidnapped. They were each offered a place in Spec Forces, Tank took it but Tam and Sharr Kii didn't, preferring to stay helping rebels directly wherever they existed.
Tai: Since I've been playing him a bit recently, people who read my tumblr posts about SWTOR probably already know that Tai used to go to Korriban. He was the only child of Raihon Kor, and due to her hopes that he would continue their family and keep making them look strong, she ignored some of his flaws in battle and was happy when he got picked to go to Korriban. Sadly, he was way less powerful in the Force and lightsaber combat than all of his peers, and lived mostly by sneakery and getting other acolytes killed by other people or beasts (in the instances where the ultimatum is “one of you will succeed, the others will die” by the teacher).
After about two years of this, his Overseer got sick of seeing acolytes who were obviously more talented than Tai dying because of Tai's trickery (even though by sith logic, they'd be too gullible to stay alive) so he took Tai out to the Valley of the Dark Lords and slashed him across his back and cut off all his limbs, leaving him for dead. Tai finally tapped the force for something impressive and stopped himself from dying, hanging on until he was rescued by a team of smugglers (a zeltron, Dahxa Lyshow, and a twi'lek, Hay’laya).
Hay'laya and Dahxa wound up getting Tai medical care and taking him off Korriban. Tai learned how much of an asshole he was slowly over the course of 10 years and became a person you might not mind hanging around. The three of them also wound up rescuing Oriah Sam after she was wounded in an Akul hunt, and Oriah and Tai sort of became rivals, as Tai didn't like Oriah's edge and Oriah didn't like Tai's pretentiousness (because he was pretentious for a while).
After coming into possession of another ship, Dahxa and Hay'laya suggested that Tai and Oriah could use it for a second smugglign vessel, since they'd already taught the two everything they needed to know. Unwilling to work together without the glue of Dahxa and Hay'laya, the two of them settled the ship's ownership with a game of cards. Tai won and started smuggler story shortly after
Messilandre: Messilandre was training to be a Jedi on various planets, occasionally following around her mother, a politician from Miral, as mom wanted to instruct her on the way of her mirialan heritage and the political situation of the world. As she got older, Messilandre grew apart from her mom due to her own interpretation of the Jedi code, and she wound up working in a more formal capacity as a guard for her on dangerous missions. Mom disapproves of her daughter tagging along as a guard, because Messilandre's dad died on a combat mission, and mom is a bit worried. Messilandre takes this to mean her mom doesn't understand the realities of being a Jedi (it's dangerous). They have a strained relationship.
Either way, not too long after her last mission with her mom, Messilandre gets sent to Tython to finish her training and the plot starts.
Harin So: Harin So was a Voss Commando (IIRC military conscription is mandatory for the Voss?) who got tapped for mystic trials due to strategic acumen that wound up a little “Hmm, can zie see the future?”-y. Harin So never had a vision while training to be a mystic or in the mystic trials, and eventually sort of “dropped out”. Feeling useless and disconnected from zir society, zie wound up sneaking off world to try to learn more about the wider galaxy. There, zie met Yuon Parr, who trained zir in the way of Jedi on Tython until the start of the planet plot.
Lycaea: Lycaea's exact pre-planet plot will be told in my Trials fancomic if I ever finish it. The main difference between what's implied in game and her story is that she is not forced into Korriban early – not because she did all of the proper training channels, which she didn't (that wouldn't mesh with the Baras dynamic you have at first), but because she was ignored for a long time due to being mostly togruta. Her father sees what he views as his last opportunity to get her into Korriban by contacting Tremel, who also dislikes her for the aforementioned reasons (and her being part sith part togruta). Her dad convinces Tremel that she has at least been instructed in the ways of thinking like a Sith, and therefore will carry on Tremel's ideology. A desperate Tremel accepts, and Lycaea starts her planet plot (plus other details, revealed in comic if it gets finished)
Xareesh: Xahaiyarishin was a warrior on Kalee who was the second-in-command in her town (married to the first in command, the war leader). At one point, her town got attacked by a group of Czerka thugs because they had something Czerka wanted. Xareesh was left as the only surviving warriors after she had successfully evacuated a decent portion of the civilians. She felt aimless and lost, having lost too many friends in the battle, and wound up falling into a depression and working as a bounty hunter, alone, because staying with the rest of the survivors was a too painful reminder of what had happened.
When she is aimlessly bounty hunting, that's when she gets contacted by Braden, Jory, and Mako, and makes her way to Nal Hutta. After hearing their proposal for the Great Hunt, she figures that it will somehow snap her out of this and make her feel worthy again.
Aereinys: Aereinys's parents were exiled from Chiss space for (reasons I'll think of later). They died before she was born, and she grew up in an Imperial orphanage (probably state run and focused on getting the kids to be good little soldiers). She joined the army when she turned 18, as was expected of her, and impressed recruiters for Imperial Intelligence. Her path from Intelligence to the start of the prologue is straight forward, she was just assigned there due to her performance in the Academy, as the dialogue implies.
Nehari: Nehari grew up on Nar Shaddaa as a storekeeper's daughter. She started scavenging scrap metal to sell to help her mom make ends meet, and when her mom died when she was fifteen, Nehari took over the business and ran the store for a couple years, before getting fed up with kicking up protection money to hutts. She figured that she could be the victim or the victimizer, and quickly started fighting back and establishing her own miniature criminal empire. She became a pirate and raided cargo from everyone – and got captured by the Imperials, where she was put into slavery as a punishment. That is how she gets to the start of the Sith Inquisi plot, where she's recently been freed to become a Sith or die trying.
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fancyfade · 5 years
Swtor challenge 15: day 9: rivalries
Who do they hate most? What's the fastest way for someone to earn their dislike?
Tank: it is pretty hard to earn tanks dislike or hate without doing something egregious like murder. Most minor stuff rolls off her. Even if you tell her you hate her and think she's stupid to her face, she'll be more baffled than offended (or think you're kidding).
In kotfe she hates valkorion most. I'm not sure in vanilla game, but it's probably whoever is getting away with the most deaths. She doesn't even *hate * tavus, she just thinks he's kind of tragic and an idiot.
Tai: tai hates himself most. (for what he did when he was in the empire). Though on joth, he hates the guys who were torturing the force sensitive kid the most. The fastest way to earn his dislike is to be a bad person, be offered a way to change, and then ignore or double down on your shittiness.
Messilandre : messilandre hates the emperor the most, but honorable mentions are herself (chapter three til kotfe), doc, scourge, and everyone who was involved in that trying to consume all life in the galaxy plot.
The fastest way to earn her ire is to ignore her boundaries (doc) or be completely convinced you're morally in the right when you're morally in the wrong.
Harin so hates vaylin in kotet (due to her attack on zir homeworld) and lord vivicar in chapter one (due to how he caused others but especially zir master to suffer). The fastest way to get harin so to hate you is to make it personal - come after the people zie cares about most.
Lycaea hates the emperor most of all (though she has plenty of hate to go around :p also hates baras and draag). The most effective way to make her hate you is to make her feel powerless and try to use her like a blunt instrument.
Nehari hates thanaton the most. It could be zash, because of her betrayal, but nehari never bought that zash was in her corner, so it was to be expected. Thanaton gets more hate because he succeeded for a while.
Nehari hates people who treat her badly, but especially if they get away with it for a while.
Aereinys's hate list is long, but at the top of it is keeper/the minister of intelligence. Even though it was the dark council who was intimidated by her (and I think keeper either acquiesced to or suggested the brainwashing in an attempt to save her life) she doesn't care. He's still the face of the betrayal for her.
The most effective way to get her to hate you is to turn her mind against her or try to control her.
Xareesh hates tormen the most. He force chokes one if her crew and she does not forgive those who treat her friends or family badly. It's the most effective way to get her to hate you
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fancyfade · 5 years
Swtor day 8: a companion? An npc? An oc? Somebody else? No one? Explain!
Tank currently has no romance options. I used to run her through jorgans romance, because I liked their teasing dynamic, but I realized later I can keep their teasing dynamic without them being romantically involved, and it winds up making tank look pretty unethical, since she's jorgans boss.
I might run her through koths romance once I get her replay to kotfe, but until I run her through it and find out if I like their dynamic, she has no romance options.
Harin so: harin so is happily married to felix iresso. Their relationship starts when it can in game, and it's just as adorable as it was there.
Messilandre: messilandre is happily married to lemda avesta. Unlike in game, lemda doesn't disappear from the face of the galaxy after makeb plot.
Tai: tai is dating thereon shan. (I have to play through his marriage dialogue to see how it goes, but I assume they'll get married eventually. But lemda never got any in game marriage dialogue so I already mentally wrote that dynamic in my head, without waiting for Canon).
Lycaea: lycaea has an on again, off again relationship with lana. She likes her and finds her attractive, but I think eventually they go their separate ways due to irreconcilable moral differences. Lycaea wants to believe lana is more like her than she is.
Nehari is dating and at least temporarily married to andronikos. I have to see how the romance goes on her replay to think if they stay married for long.
Xareesh winds up dating zuskhandia (an oc). Zusk is a kaleesh from xareesh's home town, one of the surviving non warriors who learned how to fight better after wards. She's about five years younger than xareesh (when they meet xareesh is 38 and she's 33) but a whole of lot angrier. She has zero patience for assholes, which xareesh appreciates.
Aereinys: aereinys has a brief fling with kaliyo and then winds up marrying vector (she never cheated on either of them, these were at separate times).
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fancyfade · 5 years
Swtor day 6: where is home? A place? A person?
(Skipping five until I get my laptop because how can I do outfits with no pics)
Tank: for tank, home has always been people she loves. She could care less about where she is, she and her moms moved around too much for her to think of any one specific place as her home.
But her home is NOT her ship. She hates travelling through hyperspace. Home is where people she loves are, unless they’re in hyperspace.
Messilandre: home is at first, the first temple she trained in (RIP me I need to think of where it was), then after the chapter one thru three and rise of the emperor, home is tython, because I imagine she spent a decent amount of time recovering with master surro there.
Harin so: for a while after zie leaves, home is still voss, but when zie comes back during chapter three, voss feels less like home. Zies changed too much. It wil always hold a special place in zir heart, though.
Tai: as with many smugglers, I imagine, tais home is his ship. He was raised on dromund Kass, but he never had the self assurance and autonomy he develops after leaving there.
And of course, his home wouldn’t be the same without his crew and his pet stellar wriggler, waffles.
Lycaea does not really have a home in a place. Where she grew up is only filled with bad memories, then even on her ship with her crew, she feels like a blunt instrument for baras.
With people, she doesn’t trust her crew enough for it to be them. She trusts jaesa and vette, but not quinn, pierce, or broonmark (even if she wishes she could trust some of the latter sometimes).
When she finishes her kotfeet character arc, she’s content with just defining home as a place she carries with her.
Neharis home is her ship. It represents freedom for her, she can be anywhere she wants in the galaxy and no one can stop her.
Xareesh’s home will always be kalee, even if she hasn’t been back there in a while (but she does try going back to kalee after leaving the empire). It was where she’d sad raised and where most of her happy childhood memories took place.
Aereinys does not have a home. She didn’t imagine she had one when she was raised on dromund kass, and she doesn’t think she can afford the luxury of getting tied down to one place with her job.
It also can’t be a person, because there is no person she really trusts. Even vector, she’s unsure what he’d do if it was between her and the empire (this may change in kotfe, but in vanilla game she’s unsure). Kaliyo she thinks is the only crew member who will definitely side with her over the empire, but she’s also aware of kaliyos history with her various partners, too aware of it to trust her completely either.
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fancyfade · 5 years
also misc thoughts
so all of my “team B” swtor characters, which i just mentally categorize as the last four I created, a couple months after the first four
all are older than “team A” and have previous jobs before their main ones
(listing age at the start of the game)
Harin-So is 28, and used to be a Voss Commando who had enough potential they thought zie might be a mystic, but zie flunked out of mystic school and never got a vision, and then became a jedi.
Tai is 30 and used to be training to be a Sith, before he got stabbed in the back and left for dead on Korriban. Now he’s a smuggler.
Xareesh is 35 and used to be a soldier on Kalee. her group of soldiers lost a really bad battle, from which she was one of the only survivors, and then she became a bounty hunter when she felt like she had nothing.
Nehari is 37 and used to be: (as a teenager) a thief, (as a young adult) a failed shop owner, (as a later adult) in charge of a moderately successful pirate leader in Hutt Space. her guys attacked the empire and got caught, beginning of sith inquisi story.
anyway that leads me to...... these guys all had careers (or in Tai’s case, attempted careers) before they started what they were really good at/ known for. nehari could practically work as a smuggler class and sith inquisi, and Tai as a really shitty Sith Warrior and decent smuggler.
also would Nehari as a pirate have had any interactions with Tai and his group of smugglers (he wasn’t in charge, he only got his own ship a little bit before main story) and must I draw those?
in contrast:
Tank 23 had a couple misadventures before starting training, but not a ton of stuff under her belt.
Messilandre 18 - literally jumps str8 from jedi training to jedi knight plot, as implied
lycaea - 25. spent a long time being not quite good enough for the sith academy (she was better than Tai, but Tai had the advantage of being a red sith) before starting sith warrior plot. so no real career beforehand
aereinys - 23. went straight from school in empire to soldier and spy training, then imperial agent class story
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fancyfade · 5 years
Swtor 15 day 10: what are your ocs sleeping habits like? Healthy? Terrible? Withsomeone else?
Tank I think has relatively healthy sleeping habits and is one of those lucky assholes who can go to sleep the minute her head hits... Not even a pillow. Just something flat.
She probably sleeps less well in kotfe due to the incredible stress of trying to sleep while an omnomnomicidal asshole is in her head.
Harin so is also blessed with healthy sleeping habits though those might be due to zir putting effort into it :p zie would be one of those people who winds down slowly and turns off zir holopad an hour or so before bed.
When zie is married to felix, the two of them usually sleep in the same bed for maximum snuggles.
Messilandre sleeps only when she needs to. She has a masochistic workout schedule due to her trying to stay in top form so the time so often, especially in hyperspace when there are no obligations to take care of and she can practice forms lomger, she'll meditate to heal her muscles faster instead of sleeping.
She only picks up this habit during chapter one and drops it for the most part sometime before kotfe.
Tai sleeps... Okay? Nothing to write home about. He also let's his stellar wriggler, waffles sleep on his bed. The bigger waffles grows, the more of a problem this will be for any partners.
Nehari sleeps a lot but poorly because she has depression. She'd probably wake up in the middle of the night and then go back to bed a couple times a week.
I think she and andronikos alternate between sleeping together and sleeping alone. Nehari values her space.
Lycaea never shares her bed with anyone, not even lana, because she dislikes the idea of letting her guard down around most people. She sleeps okay but not great. She doesng try to do anything to improve the quality of her sleep either. She usually stays up late but wakes up only a little after everyone else, so she's probably not getting the most sleep.
Aereinys, like lycaea, hates the idea of sleeping next to anyone due to trust issues, though she tries (and doesn't succeed). She sleeps in a very thoroughly locked room that vector has an override code for in case emergency (like the ship is falling apart and someone needs to get her so they can evacuate). Entering the override code will emit a loud noise and wake her up, though.
She generally gets to bed early and wake up early
Xareesh sleeps pretty well. Though with a sword by her bed, because better safe than sorry.
Actually to cap this off, I'll share who sleeps with weapons nearby then at all times :
Tank: alternates between "no" and "the only weapons I need are these guns *flexes*"
Tai:blaster under the frame of the bed.
Messilandre: not on her bed, but her lightsabers are in the same room as where she sleeps, which is on force grab range.
Harin so: same as messilandre, but in zir case it's not paranoia, but rather a jedi is never far from their lightsabers.
Xareesh: as mentioned above, sword next to bed
Lycaea: lightsaber on the floor under the bed but NOT under her pillow cuz that's a good way to accidentally decapitate yourself
Nehari: lightsaber nearby, but the only weapon she needs is the force.
Aereinys: blaster rifle under frame of bead and knife behind headboard.
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fancyfade · 5 years
Tumblr media
[image: a player character on SWTOR. she is a chiss with an oval face, scar over her left cheek and eye, black hair in a bowl cut, and orange cybernetic eyes. end image]
totally forgot i photoshopped a cyborg to look like aereinys (ie i made the skin blue), so here’s how she’s actually supposed to look, if anyone was curiuos
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