#michigan experimental music
holy-heathen · 10 months
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sundogs & weekends on the moon. the debut album by deegeecee.
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darktripz · 3 months
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lukeywritesstuff · 5 months
jack being in love with quinn’s best friend and maybe he finally gets the girl
Brothers Best Friend
Jack Hughes x Reader, Quinn Hughes x Platonic!Reader
Description: Mr. Jack Rowden is in love with his older brothers life long best friend.
Note: Jacks pov because sometimes I just like writing male pov. Also if I miss any ndtp boys ignore it there’s too many for me to remember them all 😍😍😍.
Warnings: fluff, angst, cursing, brotherly banter and fights, underage drinking, no Covid off scene sex.
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Ever since we were kids Quinn has had this best friend, Y/N, ever since they met in like 2011 they’ve been best friends. They met when our babysitter brought Quinn, Luke and I to a park and since then the girls spent every day at our house after school, and since about 2014, I’ve been borderline in love with her. Her hair, her eyes, her smile, her body, her style, everything. Even things that have changed over the years due to growth and experimentation with fashion. I love it all. And yes I know. She doesn’t do it for me or any other men. But it still makes me happy to see her so confident and happy.
Fast forward to 2020, Quinn and I just bought our lake house, and us, Luke, Trevor, Cole, Matt, Alex, and Y/N have been here for a week. Since the season for us just ended we’ve just been relaxing and resting before we get partying and having fun.
The first weeks of summer consisted of me hanging out with the ndtp guys of my year, Luke with some of his friends and Quinn with Y/N, Brady and Josh. Then when we all got more comfortable within the living situations we started by bringing in alcohol and starting smaller parties with Luke only being 17 sometimes we’ll send him to our parents for a weekend because yeah I’m underage too but partying at 19 is better than partying at 17. At least I’m legal in SOME countries nearby and a legal adult too so I’m responsible for myself.
The first few parties were quite uneventful, until we decided to actually incorporate the lake and have a ‘lake party’ instead of a ‘pool party’ so when everyone showed up in swimsuits, it turned into a horny haven. This wasn’t the first time I saw Y/N in a bikini, but I guess with the alcohol in my system I had the courage to stare more and actually talk to her and get her to ‘dance’ with me.
The music was loud and sexual, her ass was against my crotch as we danced (grinded) on each other. The party was in full swing and everything just felt amazing. Until the next morning… I woke up to my arms around a naked y/n, and a massive hangover between my ears. My head pounded and my ears were ringing, but there was a gorgeous girl in my arms so I can’t complain.
Mid August, when all the partying is done, and we relax for a few weeks before going back to our respective cities where we play hockey and/or go to school. I’m sat on a devils beach chair with y/n on my lap, Luke’s on a Michigan one, Quinn’s on a Canucks one, Cole’s on a USA one and Trevor I guess bought a Ducks one for some reason and he’s on that.
Ever since that summer, the summer of 2020, THEE summer of 2020, i haven’t been happier. I have my dream girl, my dream job, any parents, siblings and friends are all healthy and happy with where they are in life and my life is honestly perfect right now and as I said, I can’t be happier!
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mifhortunach · 8 months
Horror Short Films You Can Watch For Free - Right Now!
Just a 'small' post collecting some less well known horror short films that you can find mostly on youtube & vimeo! All worth a look!
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SUNGAZER 9min, 2020 (You'll have to log in to vimeo to watch this one!) "A short, wordless horror film about the terrors lurking just beyond the veil of reality." - Or, a man waits, and performs a ritual. Wicked atmospheric, manages to really paint a world despite the run-time. Looks great as well. [TW: flashing lights, body horror, harsh noise]
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The Color Out of Space 5min, 2017 "A meteorite, strange vegetation, a colour: an experimental take on H.P. Lovecraft's spiral into madness, shot with a vintage camera on truly unique LomoChrome 16mm film." <- All accurate! Eerie little film.
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My House Walk-through: 12min, 2016
Short, sweet, and unnerving!! The person who made this has done a tonne of other (more classical) 'internet horror' shorts, but this is a really wonderful & understated piece. Visually it feels very PT inspired, but its even more about atmosphere and repetition. Worth checking out the making of as well, pretty much the whole thing was done practically!! [TW: unsanitary conditions, blood]
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Possibly in Michigan 12min, 1983
Cecilia Condit mostly does weird, dreamy short films. They have a kind of cake with a worm inside feeling, if you get me; things are rotting inside. This one is a cannibal musical! [TW: cannibalism, unreality, insects, murder, animal death]
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The Black Tower 23min, 1987
More unsettling than scary. A man finds himself followed by a mysterious building. I really love how this one gets built up visually. The most like a tma episode out of all of these, or something out of Blue Jam. You can read more stuff about it here! [TW: unreality, talk of mental institutions, disordered eating]
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Heck 29min, 2020 If you've seen any of these, I think it'll probably be this one. Its the short that originally inspired Skinamarink. I personally kind of prefer this. Digitally gritty and mean. [TW: Same warnings as skinamarink for the most part, there's a kid in danger, a little body horror].
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Juliet in Paris 18min, 1967
Juliet moves to Paris for college, is lonely, and keeps losing blood. Kind of a vampire thing? But also not a vampire thing. Vibes and vignette heavy.
[TW: blood, animal death, self harm]
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Dawn of an Evil Millennium 20min, 1988 (in 3 parts!)
A palette cleanser! Getting a honourary nomination through me hearing about it on a found footage podcast (lol). A trailer for an 18hr movie that doesn't exist; staring demons, 'olds mobiles', space-travel and cops. Deeply 80s, kind of ooey-gooey, pretty fun! [TW: some vomiting, a lot of fake blood gets splashed about]
Thanks for reading!
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theangrycomet-art · 9 months
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Loontics Unleashed: Tunnel Vision
The latest band climbing up the charts in Acemtropolis, they are one of the first non-human bands to gain recognition (as well as notoriety) in recent years after winning a record label with Acme Records in 2068.
They're technically a rock band, though they tend to explore genres.
They are scheduled to preform at the 2774 Basherball Championship halftime show, despite the more recent threats sent to them.
Lore Below:
Don't mess with any of the band member's equipment ESPECIALLY their instruments. Jax get's particularly nasty when her guitar is touched.
Dakota Frog
performer name: Lily Pad
lead vocals/bass
Writes most of the songs with Jax
in charge of choreography
Descendant of Michigan J Frog
used to suffer from severe stage fright so she could only sing in front of one person at a time
luckily she's conquered this fear with Tunnel Vision
cool headed though she isn't above getting into mischief
Jesse Rabbit (Rodger/Jessica Rabbit descendant)
Performer name: Dust Bunny
Speaks several languages-> translates their songs
Drummer/ male vocals
Descendant of Rodger and Jessica Rabbit
clutsiest of the group, he does the least amount of stunts during their shows
smooth talker- he manages their contracts and ensures they get paid fairly
acts dumber than he is so people underestimate him
Marcy the Martian
Performer Name: Asteroid Bebe
Proper Title: Crown Princess Mihl’ah Tyr'ah,
Keyboardist/ rapper
sound engineer with Jax
Daughter of Empress Tyr'ahnee and Commander X2, cousins with Melvin
though polite and well-meaning, she is regularly impeded by her short temper (this has improved as she has found an outlet through thier music)
initially visited Earth as a culture study
she's perfectly content to chill on earth for the next century or two
tranlsate's their songs into Martian, giving them a LARGE fandom amongst the Martian Empire
Jacqueline “Jax” E Coyote
performer name: Sandy Lane
9 string guitar/ lead vocals
sound engineer with Marcy
Writes most of the songs with Dakota
See Link^^^
protective over her bandmates, she's usually the one to tell people off if they are crossing a line
Tech's sister
2769: Sour Candy (the love song/bittersweet album going over the highs and lows of a relationships)
Tug a War
Heart Murmurs
Eat it Too
Mind over Matter
(I love you, Lady!) Buh bye!
Ladies and Gents
Double Blind Date
My Demons are my Angels
rock cover of “Hello my Baby”
2770: Don’t worry, this is Just a Test (experimental album)
No Martian’s were Harmed in the Making of this Song
What is this thing?
Pliers and Wires (the diffusing bomb song)
Murphy’s Law (The Disaster Song)
Self Destruct Button
Never Have I Ever
Never again
Gravity (thou art a heartless bitch)
No Sounds in Space
2772: Open Season (the angry album) 
Count the Teeth
Leash Laws (This Bitch Bites)
Playboy Bunnies (Bad Hare Day)
Bring back the Noise (I hope you Croak)
Four Digits are All I Need (to Slap You)
Swallowing Honeybees
Pelt on the Wall
Feather Duster 
Dynamite in my Piano
2773: Insurance won’t Cover This (direct callout to how the comet situation was addressed)
What’s up, Doc?
Second Skin
You wanna put what in my what?
Arm Cast
Scalpel to the Forehead
Surgery won’t fix This
The Bone Doctor
Empty Vase
Blow my Chest Clean Off
Hospital Fees
2774: Highlighter Pack (dedicated to the Loonatics)
Start your Engines 
Let’s Jet
On my Radar 
Eye of the Storm
TNT’s the New Ibuprofen 
Dodging Bullets, Throwing Stones
Lab Safety
Highlighter Pack
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dustedmagazine · 8 months
Listed: Jad Fair
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Photo: Brian Birzer
Jad Fair’s music has been described as “art punk,” “primitive rock,” “naive pop,” and “experimental,” though none of those labels quite capture what it is. Never encumbered by the conventions of songwriting or technical virtuosity, or the idea that an instrument should be tuned, the guitarist/singer/visual artist always made the music that felt most natural. It’s not an experiment, he has said. It just is.
In the mid 1970s Fair started Half Japanese with his brother, David. In 1980 they released their famously audacious debut, a triple album called Half Gentlemen/Not Beasts. It was a raw explosion of teenage boy id. The brothers, both on vocals, indulged obsessions (girls, mostly) over discordant guitars and drums that bubbled and burst like boiling water.
Half Japanese has released many records since, in addition to the mountains of music that Fair has put out over the years, solo and in collaboration with Daniel Johnson, Yo La Tengo, Teenage Fanclub and many others. Over the course of 2021 he released two albums a week on Bandcamp, and then started making music with singer/songwriter/multiinstrumentalist Samuel Locke Ward. They just released their second record, Destroy All Monsters about which Dusted’s Margaret Welsh wrote that “In its warmth and sincerity, Destroy All Monsters straddles a strange line: It impersonates flimsy holiday novelty but resonates on a deeper level. Here are some of Fair’s favorite records.
It’s difficult to just choose 10 albums. There are so many albums that I love.
The Shaggs — Philosophy Of The World
I first heard Philosophy Of The World in 1979. I was given a cassette of it and immediately took to it. It was like no other album I’d heard. The music and lyrics are so sweet and sincere. I was very pleased that I was asked to do cover art for the release of The Dot Wiggin Band’s album Ready! Get! Go!. When I saw Dot’s band perform I was surprised to see that the musicians were reading music. I asked Dot about it and was told that the music for the Shaggs was written out.
The Modern Lovers — The Modern Lovers
In 1974 I read an interview of Jonathan Richman in Andy Warhol’s Interview magazine. I was impressed with what Jonathan had to say. When the Modern Lovers album was released I sent away for it and was floored by it. It’s a super fine album.
Spider John Koerner — Some American Folk Songs Like They Used To
Spider John Koerner is one of my favorite folk musicians. It’s a shame that very few people have heard the album. I think it’s his best.
Lord Invader — Calypso Travels
I’m a huge fan of calypso music. Lord Invader is a great calypsonian. I love the way he sings and his band is top of the top.
The Stooges — Fun House
I grew up in Michigan and when I was a teen, most of my favorite bands were from Michigan. Michigan had The MC5, The Stooges, Question Mark and the Mysterians, Destroy All Monsters and Motown. I felt I was living in the best state for music.
Daniel Johnston — Hi How Are You?
In 1984 my band Half Japanese had a tour with a stop in Austin. Daniel’s manager (Jeff Tartakov) gave me a cassette of Daniel’s album. During the tour we played it over and over in the van. I know many amazing musicians. What’s rare is a musician that is also a fine lyricist. Daniel was one of the best. He was a genius, and I was so lucky to have worked with him.
Bob Dylan — Basement Tapes
I like the relaxed feel of the songs. Bob Dylan and the Band were such a great match. Super fine songs and super playing.
Howlin Wolf — The Complete RPM and Chess Singles
In the early 1970s, I bought a lot of albums of Howling Wolf. It’s hard to beat Howling Wolf as a performer. He had power and charisma.
NRBQ — All Hopped Up
NRBQ is my favorite band. When I lived on the East Coast I would go to see them anytime they had a show in Maryland or DC. Definitely the finest live band I’ve seen.
James Brown — Live At The Apollo
It’s hard to pick just one James Brown album. He released so many great albums. Live At The Apollo has James in top form. It’s a brilliant performance. It’s star time!
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meadow-dusk · 9 months
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Young at Canterbury >> by John Gray for The Michigan Daily, 09 November 1968
"Neil Young, former singer/composer/guitarist for the vanished Buffalo Springfield, appears this weekend as a solo performer at Canterbury House. Many respected critics view the Springfield in retrospect as one of the best American bands of all time, and now Young, with an anticipated album, is doing some nice stuff on his own.
In case you didn’t know it yet, the Buffalo Springfield made two of the most beautiful albums ever produced before they broke up this year. They’re both on Atco, and they’re called Buffalo Springfield Again and Last Time Around.
The Springfield was an amazing group – all of the members were (are) superbly talented musicians, and they all worked together, submerging themselves into their songs, blending their talent into something more than the total of their individual performances. Most groups are dominated by one or two lead men who make it or break it – like Morrison’s Doors or Lennon and McCartney’s Beatles. Every once in a while, a group comes along that’s all good but the members just can’t work together right – like the Blues Project or the experimental band on Super Session. It takes just the right people in the right combination, and the Springfield had it.
Neil Young was a standout in the Springfield. He wrote, sang, and produced some of their best songs. And now, like the other members of the group, he’s finding himself as a single, discovering and pointing out his strengths – and weaknesses.
Young is at the Canterbury House tonight, and if you haven’t seen him yet, you should try to catch the show. He’s doing songs off the Springfield albums and off his own as-yet-unreleased album with nothing backing him up but his acoustic guitar.
It’s a strong temptation to say that he made a mistake going out on his own (this is his first gig). He sounds so alone – his voice doesn’t seem to be made for solo performance. You get the feeling that you’re listening to a stereo album with one speaker disconnected. You wanted the bass and drums, you can almost feel the song calling out for a background, a bridge that can’t be made on an acoustic guitar.
But at the same time there’s a very elusive quality to Young’s work that gets lost in a background, that surprises you when you get used to him enough to really feel for it. He’s somehow very close, very real – his imperfection, like Dylan’s adds to his brilliance, but in a different way. Young seems innocent, questioning, and his songs strain with his voice, never quite attaining the brilliance that you know is in them, but suggesting and outlining it so well that it doesn’t really matter.
Young is at his best on his simplest songs, notably “I Am a Child” off Last Time Around. But even on this, the feeling that there’s something missing, something that would make it perfect, remains. Maybe it’s just that he isn’t used to solo performing and hasn’t ironed out his act enough, or maybe it really is a quality of his music that it needs a complex interpretation to counterpoint the melodic brilliance.
Young is a recording artist, and his album, created with a backup in the familiar studio atmosphere, promises to be an event. But it’s fulfilling, it’s nice, to listen to him in person, to hear the musical sketch (not a rough draft, but a study) working itself out in front of you.
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randomvarious · 11 months
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Today's compilation:
Vhutemas Archetypi 1986 Industrial / Avant Garde / Experimental / Neo-Classical
Well, it's not spelled exactly the same way, but, according to the Museum of Modern Art's website...
VKhUTEMAS is an acronym for Vysshie khudozhestvenno-tekhnicheskie masterskie (Higher state artistic and technical studios). Established in 1920 in Moscow as the successor of SVOMAS (Free state art studios), it was conceived as a specialized institution that would prepare qualified master artists, professors, and directors to work in both industry and higher education. It aimed to fulfill the state's goals for efficiency and production by linking art with politics. The curriculum of VKhUTEMAS was similar to that of the Bauhaus. First-year students were required to complete the basic course, which covered subjects including color theory, construction, and art history, providing both an artistic and a political education. Other concentrations included metalwork, woodwork, textiles, and architecture.
Now, two things here: one, VKhUTEMAS did not last very long; it shut its doors in 1930, so, this isn't any kind of collection of music by artists who were actually enrolled there. And two, that entry on MoMA's website makes no mention of music being part of the school's curriculum, either. However, given this terrific album art that depicts some classical-looking statues, as well as the release's name itself—Vhutemas Archetypi—I think it's pretty damn safe to assume that this album was made with that VKhUTEMAS school in mind.
And, really, what better way to sonically reflect the linking of things like art, architecture, and politics than through the genre of industrial music, which has a history of both utilizing tools of all kinds as instruments and incorporating the noises that those tools generate into the music itself?
Now, while I can certainly appreciate the freeform experimentalism of industrial artists, I'm definitely not remotely a fan of the music's subversive, abrasive, and generally unsettling nature. However, when industrial stuff does get combined with other genres that I do enjoy, there's an increased chance that I'll end up digging the product.
So, while I hated listening to the vast majority of this mid-80s avant garde industrial comp, I still actually do have a highlight for you all; and it's barely a highlight, but I dig its uniqueness nonetheless. Hunting Lodge is a group from Port Huron, Michigan, and in '85, they put out a 12-inch EP called Tribal Warning Shot. Appearing on this particular comp along with that release's title track is another song from it called "Soul-Vac," which isn't just an industrial tune, but an electro-industrial tune.
Now, maybe you've heard the term electro-industrial before. It's its own subgenre of industrial music that became popular in the 90s, after electronic body music—a form of industrial dance that took root in the 80s, and is referred to as EBM for short—died out. Electro-industrial is known for using hard and gritty beats, scratchy and often modulated vocals, and tends to be more intricate than EBM as well.
But that's actually not the electro-industrial that I'm referring to here. What I'm referring to is a literal hybrid of electro music—the hip hop-adjacent, Afro-futuristic dance music of the 80s that was pioneered by people like Afrika Bambaataa—and industrial music. That's what "Soul-Vac" is: a strange brew of a grainy electro beat with metallic clanging of some kind very prominently laid over the top of it. It's certainly not the greatest thing in the world, but it deserves some points for being a bit different, at the very least.
So, outside of the album art, that one song is the only thing that I can say that I genuinely like about this release. But people with far weirder tastes than mine will probably enjoy this one way more than I do, since it has legendary industrial acts like Laibach, SPK, and Lustmord on it.
Anyway, I don't think that I'll ever end up acquiring the taste for industrial stuff, but at least I managed to find one cool tune in this batch, which is why I always give a chance to music that I myself don't expect to particularly enjoy.
Hunting Lodge - "Soul-Vac"
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rivetgoth · 2 years
3, 5, and 14
Thank you!!!
3. Name five artists you wish more people knew about
Ohhh man there's a lot but the first ones that come to mind are
Severed Heads (super classic experimental industrial act formed in the late 70s, really really unique sound that people sometimes call "industrial elevator music," really uncanny and creepy with bizarre themes and just a big emphasis on computerization and surrealism -- they are one of the most evocative bands for me in the world and I wish they got as much attention as the big name industrial acts)
Indradevi (super small dark electronic Cambodian folk pop fusion band with a lot of drum and bass influence, one of the most unique bands I've heard and just so fun and high energy and magical and an AMAZING live show)
Patriarchy (recent gothy electronic band that have been called "snuff pop" for their crazy ass lyrics and visuals, one of the sexiest bands I've ever seen just fucking oozing with sex appeal, lots of kink and eroticism and sensuality with a really fun sound)
Street Sects (I CANNOT BELIEVE these guys don't get more attention, their music is fucking amazing, super unique blend of hardcore and industrial/electronic with some crazy ass vocals from a super talented theatrical frontman, amazing live show and just so fun and creative)
DIN (I have been vibing super hard with this project recently, really really interesting recent electronic music that kinda evokes scattered dreamlike 80s shopping mall Possibly in Michigan surrealism at its best, they only have one EP and one LP out and it's all exclusively on Bandcamp with very little promotion so I get the obscurity but they are very good I have been suuuper vibing with them recently)
5. Name some bands you wish you had seen before they broke up.
Ahhaha the curse of liking lots of old bands lol. I guess this is kinda cheating/not quite the exact answer but probably my biggest "if I could go back in time" answer would be seeing the Ogre/cEvin/Dwayne lineup for Skinny Puppy, that would be the fucking dream. That, or late 80s-era Ministry, when Chris Connelly and Paul Barker and Bill Rieflin and everyone were still active in the band (or alive, in Bill's case, RIP). There's a lot of older industrial and goth bands I'd have loved to have seen that I most definitely will never be able to, especially due to a decent amount of the members having passed. Just being able to stand there and witness the early formation of these genres would have been so cool...
Ohhh, and I'm not sure if they're "officially" broken up or just sorta MIA, but I would fucking kill to see CAROLINER live! AHH.
14. What was the last playlist you made about or for?
NGL I actually don't make playlists allllll too often, I've never been good at making lists of music, I feel like it breaks my brain to try to remember everything and I just get overwhelmed, but my most recent playlist I've been working on (that I'm pretty proud of so far) has been my, er... well... you can listen to it and take a guess about the theme :)
[Music Asks]
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twnenglish · 1 year
50 Most Popular Women In The Entire World
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Who are the world's most popular women? Women, like males, are rising in every industry. To help you get to know the world's 50 most popular women, we've included a peek at their careers. Their life journey can teach and put things in perspective.
50 most popular women's names and rankings
1. Oprah Winfrey
On January 29, 1954, Oprah Gail Winfrey was born in Kosciusko, Mississippi. She deserved first place because she was born to a poor young mother.
Although coming from a poor family, she presents and creates TV shows. She writes, acts, and donates.
2. Cher
Cher was born May 20, 1946, in El Centro, California. The media calls her the "Goddess of Pop"—an American actress, singer, and TV personality.
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After almost 60 years in showbiz, she has a large following. Her constant experimentation with her appearance set her apart from her peers, making her work never boring.
3. Lana Del Ray
Lana was born Elizabeth Woolridge Grant in New York City on June 21, 1985. She is mainly known for her words, but she also performs well and has created several CDs.
In 2011, her debut track, Video Games, went viral. Her net worth exceeds $30 million.
4. Rihanna
Robyn Few know her real name, Rihanna Fenty. She was born on February 20, 1988, in Saint Michael, Barbados. Her Instagram following is huge. The singer's first two albums, 2005's Music of the Sun and A Girl Like Me, launched her career. She now has $300 million and 92.4 million followers.
5. Kendall Jenner
Kendall Nicole Jenner was born November 3, 1995, in Los Angeles. The list was incomplete without Jenner. Kendall's famous.
Model with over 153 million Instagram followers. Keeping Up with the Kardashians made her famous.
Forbes lists her 16th among top-earning models. She's worth $45 million.
6. Lady Gaga
Gaga's birth name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta. Her 2008 debut album, The Fame, showcased her talent. The singer was at conflict with her family since she was a teenager, thus her personal life was a mess.
However, she and her mother reconciled and have a great connection. She is worth $320 million.
7. Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber's inclusion in the world's 50 most popular women seems puzzling. Talent management recognized the Canadian singer-songwriter in 2013. The youngest solo male act to top the charts in 47 years, the singer became a teen idol.
8. Britney Spears
Britney Jean Spears was born December 2, 1981, in McComb, Mississippi. Besides acting, she sings, dances, and writes. Since 1992, much of her entertainment work has been critically acclaimed.
The 2008 album Circus was her breakout. Her fame has made her a media target and involved her in several incidents. She is valued over $60 million.
9. Selena Gomez
On July 22, 1992, Grand Prairie, Texas, welcomed Selena Marie Gomez. She is a famous singer, actress, and composer. The Disney series Wizards of Waverly Place made her famous.
It's also Emmy-nominated. She was Miley's contemporary on Hannah Montana before the programme. She is close to Taylor Swift and has worked in music since childhood.
10. Adele
Adele On May 5, 1988, Laurie Blue Akins was born in London. English singer-songwriter. Hometown Glory, penned by her at 16, was a smash on her debut album, 19.
Her second album, 21, was much more successful. She divorced Simon Konecki in 2019.
11. Madonna
Madonna August 16, 1958, Louise Ciccone was born in Bay City, Michigan. She became the Queen of Pop after going from Michigan to New York City to dance.
Madonna was her breakout album. After that, all of her albums were lauded, and everyone understood she was unstoppable. She's worth $850 million.
12. Beyoncé
Beyoncé On September 4, 1981, Giselle Knowles Carter was born in Houston, Texas. She sings, acts, writes, and directs. She has competed in singing and dancing since childhood. She has worked with Jay-Z and Sean Paul.
She has 166 million Instagram followers. In 2019, she was the highest-paid celebrity.
13. Jennifer Lopez
On July 24, 1969, New York City birthed Jennifer Lynn Lopez. She's been in movies and recorded songs. The most powerful Latin actress, she was the first to charge $1 million for a film.
Few know she excelled in sports as an undergraduate. She's worth $400 million.
14. Katy Perry
Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson was born in Santa Barbara on October 25, 1984. Her 2008 album One of the Guys made her famous despite her 2000 debut.
Her three subsequent albums were well-received, making her famous worldwide. Her Instagram following is 113 million, and her net worth is around $330 million.
15. Shakira
Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll's real name. Barranquilla, Colombia, was her birthplace. She dances and sings. Media calls her the "Queen of Latin Music."
She debuted at 13. After her 1991 and 1993 albums failed, she succeeded. She worked in English and Spanish.
16. Nicki Minaj
Nicki Minaj was born Onika Tanya Maraj-Petty in Saint James, Trinidad and Tobago, on December 8, 1982. Pink Friday, her 2010 first album, topped the Billboard 200.
Her second album also made the Billboard Hot 100 top five. After her back-to-back victories, she kept climbing mountains and is now worth $80 million.
17. Miley Cyrus
Miley Ray Cyrus was born in Franklin, Tennessee, on November 23, 1992. Few know that her parents named her Miley after her childhood nickname Smiley since she smiled a lot.
18. Kim Kardashian West
Talking about popularity requires mentioning the Kardashians. Kim was born October 21, 1980, in Los Angeles. She has over 200 million Instagram followers.
She founded KKW Beauty and KKW Fragrance. She has also starred in great films. She is worth $780 million.
19. Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie Voight was born June 4, 1975, in Los Angeles. She is well-liked worldwide, and the media routinely praises her work. In 1993, she debuted in Cyborg 2.
2014. She married Brad Pitt. They divorced. She has achieved much professionally, but her personal life is unfulfilling. Her estimated wealth is $100 million.
20. Paris Hilton
Born February 17, 1981, Paris Whitney Hilton. Paris, granddaughter of Hilton Hotels founder Conrad Hilton, hails from a wealthy New York City family.
Paris, her 2006 record, made her famous in New York. In 2012, Forbes labelled her the most overexposed celebrity due to her scandalous personal life.
21 . Lindsay Lohan
American actress Lindsay Dee Lohan sings. Ford Models signed three-year-old Lohan, who was born in New York City and raised on Long Island. After appearing on Another World at 10, she made her film debut in Walt Disney Productions' The Parent Trap.
Lindsay Lohan, the "Mean Girl," was a 2000s favourite. Health and personal concerns reduced her popularity. She returned to small and huge screens to amazing acclaim. Because some people binge-watch "Mean Girls," she remains among the top 50 most popular ladies on the internet.
22 . Michelle Obama
Former First Lady Michelle Obama is a lawyer, social rights activist, and role model. "Becoming Michelle Obama" topped the NYT Best Sellers list when she began writing and speaking to share her views. She inspires millions worldwide.
The first black First Lady. In her four main projects, she has advocated for healthy families, service members and their families, higher education, and global adolescent girls' education.
In 2010, she founded Let's Move! to fight childhood obesity. Let's Move! aims to reduce childhood obesity in a generation.
Mrs. Obama and Dr. Jill Biden created Joining Forces in 2011 to encourage Citizens to help service troops, veterans, and their families through wellness, education, and employment.
In 2014, Mrs. Obama launched the Reach Higher Initiative to encourage American youth to continue their education after high school, whether at a professional training programme, community college, or four-year college or university.
Mrs. Obama and President Obama launched Let Girls Learn in 2015 to help girls worldwide stay in school.
23. Katy Perry
Katy Perry is a TV judge and singer-songwriter. Since 2008, Forbes has recognised Katy as one of the highest-earning female musicians.
Katy Perry was born Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson in Santa Barbara, California, on October 25, 1984. Her cartoonish aesthetic and catchy, sexually suggestive melodies made her popular.
Southern California raised Katy Hudson, middle child of two travelling born-again Christian ministers. She sang gospel and church hymns since the Hudson family disallowed secular music. She played guitar as a child and launched a music career with a Nashville Christian record label, but her gospel-influenced Katy Hudson (2001) album failed to sell.
24. Kim Kardashian
Kimberly (Kim) is an American media personality, socialite, model, businesswoman, producer, and actor. Since 2017, Kim has focused on her own businesses, KKW Beauty and KKW fragrance. She was reportedly 2015's highest-paid reality TV star.
25. Sandra Bullock
Sandra Annette Bullock was born in Arlington, Virginia, near Washington, D.C. German opera soprano Helga Bullock (née Helga Mathilde Meyer) was her mother. Her father, Alabama-born vocal teacher John W. Bullock, was German. "Gravity" and "The Proposal" star Sandra Bullock made her money over three decades.
One of Hollywood's biggest stars, her films have grossed about $5 billion worldwide. In a young-focused industry, Bullock has landed some of her biggest roles beyond 50. She reportedly received $20 million upfront for "The Lost City," starring Channing Tatum, in 2022.
26. Christina Aguilera
Christina Aguilera is a Grammy-winning singer-songwriter. She sold over 75 million records worldwide. Aguilera is the third female artist and fourth overall to achieve five Billboard Hot 100 No. 1s throughout three decades (1990s, 2000s, and 2010s).
Her six Grammys include one Hispanic Grammy. She is the only under-30 performer on Rolling Stone Magazine's 100 Greatest Vocalists list.
She got the People's Choice Awards' first Music Icon Award in 2021. Aguilera has been Yum! Brands' Global Hunger Relief global spokeswoman since 2009. She has raised almost $150 million for the World Food Program and other hunger relief groups.
27. Jessica Alba
Jessica Marie Alba was born in Pomona, California, on April 28, 1981, to Catherine (Jensen) and Mark David Alba, an Air Force veteran. Her parents are Mexican and Danish, Welsh, English, and French (with Spanish and Indigenous Mexican roots). Her family moved to Biloxi, Mississippi, when she was a baby. Her father's job returned the family to California after three years. When Jessica was nine, they moved to Southern California from Del Rio, Texas. She started attending acting classes at twelve, despite wanting to be an actress since five. She was represented nine months later.
28. Fergie
Fergie is an American singer, songwriter, rapper, and actor. Black Eyed Peas made her famous. "London Bridge," "Glamorous," and "Big Girls Don't Cry" from her debut solo album, The Dutchess, topped the Billboard Hot 100.
29. Pamela Anderson
"Home Improvement" (1991–1999), "Baywatch" (1989–2001), and "V.I.P." star Pamela Anderson (1998-2002). After appearing on the jumbotron at a Canadian sporting event wearing a Labatt's Beer t-shirt, British Columbia native Anderson rose to fame in her early 20s. Labatt's executives hired Anderson as a spokesmodel after being captivated by her beauty. Hugh Hefner of Playboy magazine approached Anderson shortly after she became a beer spokesmodel.
The Pamela Anderson Foundation supports animal, human, and environmental rights activists. The Pamela Anderson Foundation supports environmental education and protection.
30. Betty White
American actress and comedian Betty Marion White lived from January 17, 1922, to December 31, 2021. One of the first women to work in front of and behind the camera, she was a pioneer of early television and entertainment. She worked over 70 years.
White's career spanned more than 80 years, longer than the average American lifespan and several show business geological epochs. In 1939, RCA debuted television at the World's Fair and promised to "unify the life of the nation." White would persevere over the decades, defeating the odds of a cruelly unpredictable business where even genuine stars shine brilliantly for a few years, burn out, fade away, and earn their residual payments.
31. Kristen Stewart
Kristen Stewart, a top-earning American actress, was born in Los Angeles on April 9, 1990. Kristen Stewart's parents are John Stewart and Australian Jules Mann Stewart. Kristen was born into a stage management and filmmaking family.
She is from an award-winning entertainment family. BAFTA and SAG nominations. She is the only American actor to receive a Cesar.
The Twilight Series, featuring Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan, was released in 2007. Kristen's movie performance wowed everyone. The film did well financially and commercially.
32. Ciara
On October 25, 1985, American singer, songwriter, dancer, actor, model, and businesswoman Ciara Princess Wilson was born. Her 2004 debut studio album, Goodies, featured Petey Pablo. Four singles from the album followed: "Goodies" (with Petey Pablo), "1, 2 Step" (with Missy Elliott), "Oh" (with Ludacris), and "And I." "1, 2 Step" and "Oh" both reached at number two on the Billboard Hot 100 and ranked within the top five in the UK, while "Goodies" topped both charts. The album garnered two 48th Annual Grammy nominations and triple platinum recognition from the RIAA. "Lose Control" by Missy Elliott and "Like You" by Bow Wow, both number three Billboard Hot 100 hits, featured Ciara. "Get Up" (with Chamillionaire), "Promise," "Like a Boy," and "Can't Leave 'em Alone" were hits from Ciara: The Evolution, her 2006 second studio album (featuring 50 Cent). The US number-one album was platinum.
33. Hillary Clinton
Hillary Hillary Rodham Clinton, originally Hillary Diane Rodham, is an American lawyer and politician who was Secretary of State under President Barack Obama from 2009 until 2013. Chicago, Illinois, was her birthplace. While her husband, Bill Clinton, was president, she ran the White House from 1993 until 2001. As the Democratic Party's 2016 presidential nominee, she made history.
Hillary Rodham Clinton was a tough and realistic leader, an ardent proponent of social justice and women's rights, and a tenacious and clever politician as First Lady, Senator, presidential contender, and Secretary of State.
34. Aniston
Jennifer Aniston. Friends made her famous as Rachel Green. Jennifer Aniston is a top-earning actress. Her estimated $300 million value is enormous. Bruce Almighty, The Break-Up, Marley & Me, Horrible Bosses, and others have earned Aniston money. She's one of her generation's most popular actors. Before becoming famous, Aniston worked in theatres and odd jobs.
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dresmire · 2 years
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September 2022 Most Jammed Albums/EPs:
Each month I will be posting the 10 albums that I found myself frequenting the most! Some will be new releases, while others may be backlist titles. I enjoy being able to look back over time to see which music held my attention. Let me know if any of these are among your favorites…or if you happen to give any a listen through…let’s talk music! In alphabetical order:
Acranius - Mercy Denied: Slam/Brutal Deathcore from Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. 2022.
Amigo the Devil - Everything is Fine: Murder Folk from Austin, Texas, USA. 2018.
Cradle of Filth - Midian: Symphonic Black/Gothic Metal from Ipswich, Suffolk, England, UK. 2000.
House of Harm - Vicious Pastimes: Post-Punk/Darkwave from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 2020.
JMSN - Priscilla: Neo-Soul/Dark Alternative R&B from Detroit, Michigan, USA. 2012.
Nylist - Divine Vision Torn Apart: Experimental Downtempo Deathcore from Canada. 2022.
Ramirez - Tragedy of a Clown: West Coast/Cloud Hip-Hop from San Francisco, CA, USA. 2022.
Sonja - Loud Arriver: Heavy/Rock Metal from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. 2022.
Toadeater - Bexadde: Post Black Metal from Osnabrück, Lower Saxony, Germany. 2022.
Walknut - Graveforests and their Shadows: Atmospheric Black Metal From Moscow, Russia. 2007.
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jpbjazz · 4 months
"If you stay with Bud too much, you'll always sound like him, even if you're doing something he never did."
- Andrew Hill
Né le 30 juillet 1931 à Chicago, en Illinois, Andrew Hill était le fils de William et Hattie Hill. Hill avait un frère, Robert, qui était chanteur et violoniste classique. Protégé de Earl Hines, Hill a commencé à jouer du piano à l’âge de dix ans en autodidacte. Enfant-prodige, Hill avait fréquenté l’University of Chicago Experimental School sur la recommandation du compositeur dejazz Bill Russo, qui l’avait référé au compositeur d’origine allemande Paul Hindemith. Hill avait étudié avec Hindemith de façon informelle jusqu’en 1952.
Hill était encore adolescent lorsqu’il avait commencé à jouer dans des groupes de Rhythm & blues. À partir de 1952, Hill avait accompagné des musiciens de jazz en tournée comme Charlie Parker, Coleman Hawkins et Miles Davis. Au cours d’une entrevue accordée en 1964 à Leonard Feather, Hill avait commenté ses débuts de la façon suivante: "I started out in music as a boy soprano, singing and playing the accordion, and tap dancing. I had a little act and made quite a few of the talent shows around town from 1943 until 1947. I won turkeys at two Thanksgiving parties at the Regal Theatre.’’ Les soirées étaient commanditées par le journal Chicago Defender, pour lequel Hill travaillait également comme camelot.
Après avoir appris à jouer du blues en 1950 avec le saxophoniste Pat Patrick, Hill a obtenu son premier contrat professionnel trois ans plus tard avec le groupe de Paul Williams, tant comme pianiste que comme saxophoniste baryton. Au cours des quelques années suivantes, Hill s’était produit avec plusieurs grands noms du jazz, dont certains avaient exercé une profonde influence sur lui, dont Joe Segal et Barry Harris. En 1961, après avoir fait une tournée avec la chanteuse Dinah Washington, Hill s’est installé à New York, où il avait travaillé avec Johnny Hartman et Al Hibbler. Par la suite, Hill s’était établi brièvement dans le comté de Los Angeles, où il avait joué avec le quartet de Roland Kirk ainsi qu’au Lighthouse Café d’Hermosa Beach.
Même si Hill avait fait ses débuts sur disque comme accompagnateur en 1954, il avait établi sa réputation dans le cadre d’enregistrements comme leader pour les disques Blue Note de 1963 à 1970 qui mettaient en vedette de nombreux musiciens du post-bob comme Joe Chambers, Richard Davis, Eric Dolphy, Bobby Hutcherson, Joe Henderson, Freddie Hubbard, Elvin Jones, Woody Shaw, Tony Williams, Kenny Dorham, Roy Haynes et John Gilmore. Hill était d’ailleurs particulièrement apprécié par le co-propriétaire de Blue Note Alfred Lion qui le considérait comme son dernier protégé. Parmi les premiers albums enregistrés par Hill pour Blue Note, on remarquait ‘’Point of Departure’’ et ‘’Black Fire.’’
Durant cette période, Hill avait également collaboré à des albums de Henderson, Hutcherson et Hank Mobley. Hill avait d’ailleurs composé trois des cinq pièces de l’album ‘’Dialogue’’ de Hutcherson enregistré en 1965.
À partir des années 1960, Hill avait travaillé de moins en moins comme accompagnateur, et s’était concentré sur ses propres compositions, ce qui avait eu pour résultat de limiter son impact auprès des amateurs. Après avoir rempli un poste de compositeur en résidence à la  Colgate University de Hamilton de 1970 à 1972, Hill avait entrepris une carrière d’enseignant en Californie.
Après avoir continué de se produire en concert et d’enseigner dans les écoles publiques et de service social, Hill avait travaillé comme professeur-associé de musique à la Portland State University de 1989 à 1996. Durant son séjour à Portland, Hill avait établi un camp d’été intensif en jazz, tout en continuant de se produire sur scène, d’animer des ateliers et de travailler comme musicien-résident à la Wesleyan University, à l’Université du Michigan, à l’Université de Toronto, à l’Université Harvard, au Bennington College ainsi que dans d’autres institutions scolaires.
Après être retourné à New York dans les années 1990, Hill avait fait un retour comme pianiste, chef d’orchestre et compositeur. En 2000, Hill avait publié ‘’Dusk’’, un album qui comprenait une série de chansons basées sur l’ouvrage ‘’Cane’’ de Jean Toomer, publié initialement en 1923. Grandement acclamé par la critique, l’album avait été sélectionné parmi les meilleurs disques de l’année par les magazines Fortune , San Diego Union Tribune, Philadelphia Inquirer, JazzTimes et DownBeat.
En 2003, Hill s’était également mérité le prestigieux prix danois Jazzpar Prize. Certaines des sessions non publiées de Hill enregistrées pour Blue Note dans les années 1960 ont été rééditées. Une des rééditions les plus notables comprenait la publication de l’album ‘’Passing Ships’’, un enregistrement en nonet qui précédait la publication de son album en big band de 2002, ‘’A Beautiful Day’’, de plus de trente ans.
En 2004, Hill a aussi fait une apparition sur l’album ‘’SOLOS: The Jazz Sessions.’’ Le 21 février 2006, Hill avait également publié un nouvel album pour Blue Note intitulé ‘’Time Lines.’’
Andrew Hill a présenté sa dernière performance publique le 29 mars 2007 à la Trinity Church de New York. Atteint d’un cancer des poumons, Hill est mort à sa résidence de Jersey City, au New Jersey, le 20 avril 2007. C’est dans le cadre de son séjour au Lighthouse Café d’Hermosa Beach que Hill avait rencontré sa future épouse Laverne Gillette, qui était à l’époque organiste au club Red Carpet. Après s’être marié en 1963, le couple s’était installé à New York. Laverne est morte en Californie en 1989 à la suite d’une longue maladie. Trois ans plus tard, Hill avait épousé à Portland la danseuse et professeure Joanne Robinson. Le couple s’est établi à New York en 1995. À partir de l’an 2000, Hill vivait avec son épouse à Jersey City, au New Jersey.
En mai 2007, Hill était devenu la première personne à recevoir un doctorat honorifique posthume du Berklee College of Music. Hill a également été nommé ‘’Jazz Master’’ par la National Endowment for the Arts en 1988. Hill étant trop malade à l’époque pour venir chercher le prix lui-même, c’est son épouse qui en avait pris possession en son nom.
Principalement influencé par Thelonious Monk, Bud Powell et Art Tatum, Hill avait déclaré au cours d’une entrevue accordée en 1963: "Monk's like Ravel and Debussy to me, in that he put a lot of personality into his playing [...] it's the personality of music which makes it, finally.’’ Selon Hill, il était extrêmement difficile de s’affranchir de l’influence de Powell. Il avait précisé: "If you stay with Bud too much, you'll always sound like him, even if you're doing something he never did." Quant à Tatum, Hill l’avait qualifié de père de tous les pianistes modernes.
©-2024, tous droits réservés, Les Productions de l’Imaginaire historique
‘’Andrew Hill.’’ Wikipedia, 2024.
‘’Andrew Hill.’’ National Endowment for the Arts, 2024.
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notladylikes · 5 months
┊ ✧ 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 ▸ brief information.
┊ ✧ 𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞 : faceclaim :  victoria pedretti . age :  twenty-nine . occupation:  former child star / bartender / owner of eclipse . birthdate :  january 12th . birthplace :  san diego, california . current location :  los angeles, california.  species :  human . race :  caucasian . sexual orientation :  pansexual . verse :  slice of life. / horror.  themes include : repercussions of her actions, becoming something better, narcotics anonymous, am i going insane?, owning up to your issues, former child star, revenge porn .
┊ ✧ 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐫𝐚𝐞 𝐣𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : faceclaim :  alexandra breckenridge . age :  thirty-seven . occupation:  former veterinarian / local medical professional. birthdate :  september 12th . birthplace :  denver colorado . current location :  swanford, connecticut .  species :  human . race :  caucasian . sexual orientation :  pansexual . verse :  human experimentation / cause and effect . themes include : how did we get here?, struggling to remember, striving to forget, blackout moments, blood on my hands, chemically induced amnesia .
┊ ✧ 𝐜𝐚𝐢𝐭 𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 : faceclaim :  emma mackey . age :  twenty-seven . occupation:  manager at a music store / lead singer of the re-awakening . birthdate : october 31st . birthplace :  phoenix , arizona . current location :  new orleans, louisiana . species :  human . race :  hispanic . sexual orientation :  pansexual . verse :  slice of life . themes include : loneliness, abusing alcohol + redemption, living life on the edge, music as a form of therapy.
┊ ✧ 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐳 : faceclaim :  lindsey morgan . age :  twenty-seven . occupation:  auto mechanic / shop owner / illegal street racer . birthdate :  may 30th . birthplace :  little rock, arkansas . current location :  santa fe, new mexico  species :  human . race :  hispanic . sexual orientation :  pansexual . verse :  slice of life. / drama. / crime. themes include : growing up poor, adrenaline junkie, found family, making something out of nothing, late night thrill rides .
┊ ✧ 𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐚 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬 : faceclaim: kate siegel. age : thirty-four. occupation: investigative journalist . birthdate : november 2nd. birthplace : hartford, connecticut . current location : bridgeport, rhode island . species : human. race : caucasian. sexual orientation : heterosexual. verse :  horror. / paranormal. themes include : mental illness, the monster you made of me, insomnia, the tragedy of family, learning the truth .
┊ ✧ 𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐞𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞 : faceclaim:  hannah john kamen . age :  thirty-three . occupation:  black market smuggler . birthdate :  september 18th . birthplace :  lower city, new brunswick . current location :  lower city, new brunswick.  species :  cyber modified human . race :  mixed  . sexual orientation :  pansexual . verse :  crime. / cyberpunk. / dystopian.  themes include : helping the helpless, crime does pay, on death's door, making connections, sleeping in back rooms, ripper doc shenanigans.
┊ ✧ 𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐧 : faceclaim : naomi scott. age : information here soon. occupation : lawyer in training. birthdate : information here soon. birthplace : information here soon. current location : manhattan, new york species : human. race : indian. sexual orientation : bisexual . verse : familial guilt. / drama. themes include : making something out of nothing, striving for the best, sibling drama, goody two shoes, the golden child .
┊ ✧ 𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐬 : faceclaim:  maisie richardson sellers . age :  twenty-six . occupation: film-maker / videographer . birthdate :  november 8th . birthplace :  detroit, michigan . current location :  san diego, california .  species : human . race :  black american . sexual orientation :  homosexual. verse : slice of life. / drama. themes include : identity crisis, becoming relevant, making something out of nothing, disappointing her parents.
┊ ✧ 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐲 : faceclaim:  samara weaving . age :  twenty-nine . occupation:  grave robber / black market organ salesman . birthdate :  april 11th . birthplace :  roanoke, :virginia . current location :  roanoke, virginia  species :  re-animated human . race :  caucasian . sexual orientation :  heterosexual . verse :  supernatural. / drama.  themes include : family disruption, what have i become, loss of self, necromancy, we play with dead things .
┊ ✧ 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲 : faceclaim: riley voelkel. age: twenty-nine. occupation : deputy at the local police department. birthdate: july 11th. birthplace: woodridge hollow. current location: woodridge hollow/verse dependent. species: human. race: caucasian. sexual orientation: bisexual. verse: crime. / drama. / horror. themes include : drinking to cope, what have i done?, picking up the pieces, relying on family, something's coming for me, darkness rises .
┊ ✧ 𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐰𝐬𝐨𝐧 : faceclaim:  michelle dockery . age :  thirty-six . occupation:  con-artist . birthdate :  december 2nd . birthplace :  new haven, maine . current location :  new york city, new york.  species :  human . race :  caucasian . sexual orientation :  heterosexual . verse :  crime. / mafia / drama. themes include : following in her father's footsteps, losing her children, toppling the organization, becoming your own boss .
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sorchanitua · 8 months
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Assistant/Associate Professorship in Contemporary Music Studies
Deadline: December 15 Length/Track: Tenured, tenure track Description: “Our ideal candidate will be a specialist in contemporary music, broadly defined to encompass musical experimentalism, music and technology, and vernacular and popular genres. We are open to applicants whose expertise extends from the present to engage historically with earlier periods as well as those whose work…
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kuciradio · 1 year
Top 5 Indie Albums of 2022 You Probably Missed
by K. Chastain
A college radio DJ reviews some of the hidden gems of underground alternative rock released this year.
1. Sophia Bel - Anxious Avoidant
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Michigan-born Québécoise artist Sophia Bel released her debut album this year, Anxious Avoidant, which showcases her soft and emotional vocals over a genre-spanning folk-rock landscape. Focusing on the themes of love, attachment, and the desire for connection amidst the difficult circumstances of a pandemic-afflicted world, Bel's intricate lyrics evoke the intimacy of a diary entry yet maintain a professional level of polish. From the spacey, synth-heavy hit “You're Not Real You're Just A Ghost” to the softer, folk-influenced ballad “I Won't Bite,” every track on this album has something a little different to offer its listeners. With its candid, youthful approach to the weighty topics of love and missed connections, Bel is able to deliver a mature and emotional story in a colorful, radio-friendly package.
2. SASAMI - Squeeze
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An artist of many talents, Los Angeles-based SASAMI presents us with an intense yet beautiful collection of songs on Squeeze. Released earlier this year, SASAMI’s sophomore album draws inspiration from softer folk sounds while incorporating the heaviness of metal and hard rock. Capturing the power and brooding darkness of the nu-metal genre while maintaining a faithfulness to the melodic and narrative elements of country, Squeeze fuses these genres in unexpected and beautiful ways. From the power ballad “The Greatest” to the lamenting, chaotic “Sorry Entertainer,” SASAMI showcases her range of expression on this brilliant release.
3. Yumi Zouma - Present Tense
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New Zealand-based collaborative project Yumi Zouma has released their seventh album, Present Tense, this year. Embodying their dreamy, shoegaze-inspired sound, this album is easy for new listeners to approach. From the catchy, hopeful track “In The Eyes of Our Love” to the softer and more dissonant “Astral Projection,” there is a delicate and pensive rhythm that runs throughout this album. Fans of their previous instrumentals will not be disappointed, as Yumi Zouma consistently delivers the dreamy sound they have become well-known for. The evolution of their music is evident in the experimental direction of some of their new tracks, as in the simplicity of “Razorblade” and the beautifully layered “If I Had the Heart for Chasing.”
4. Momma - Household Name
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The Los Angeles rock outfit Momma returns triumphantly on the album Household Name. Drawing clear influence from 90's rock, this album delivers catchy and driving garage rock sounds with underlying poppy, upbeat melodies. The hit “Medicine” shows off the band's capacity to craft grooving, memorable riffs, while the more confessional “Rockstar” is vulnerable yet empowering in its lyrics about the beginning stages of forming a band. The album also slows into more tender, introspective tracks like “Brave” and “Rip Off.” Equal parts melodic and brash, this album brilliantly touches on the moodiness of decades past without losing its originality. 
5. Carla Geneve - Learn to Like It
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Carla Geneve, who hails from Western Australia, brings us some of the most beautifully crafted lyricism of the year on her debut full-length album Learn to Like It. Weaving an intricate narrative from start to finish, each track immerses us in the gritty depths of our emotions while delivering a consistently clean folk-inspired sound. Some of the tracks, such as the high-energy “Dog Eared,” opt for the use of grungier electric guitar, while the softer ballad “The Right Reasons” sounds acoustically raw and real. The album thoughtfully explores themes of isolation, self-discovery and the desire for connections, which figure prominently on tracks like “Brisbane” and “Brighter than Blue.”
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starfxckersinc · 10 months
the timeline is p much that Curt released Gimme Danger in 1974, then makes a few experimental albums with Jack (like 2 more) and is finished with Berlin by 78. then he drifts for a while being fucked up on shit & living in a daze/part time with Mandy until like 1980, when he has another psychotic breakdown & is hospitalized long term. he goes into hiding & falls further & further into alcoholism & being a hermit while living in a cabin in Michigan just writing songs & fucking around. then right before he’s about to kill himself Jack finally decides he’s had enough of this shit bc the grunge wave has started & everybody’s crediting Curt as a major influence so Jack is like yo get out of this hole & rejoin society & they release a tape of raw/barely edited acoustic songs (with some backing piano played by Jack) called Curt Wild: The Lost Tapes & it fails miserably but becomes an indie classic and everybody eats him up and Eventually he bonds with a bunch of grunge & alt bands & starts an actually successful music career in the post-grunge scene (with softer/more expansive alt bc he can’t do the scream shit anymore) & then he almost dies and then he doesn’t and then he’s a legend. And he gets back together with Brian like multiple times before they finally level out. Nobody is happy abt this
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