#mirae kpop
anastcie · 1 year
✿. mirae bf lockscreen's
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please don't repost 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 or 𝗿𝗲𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴
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sfixsun · 11 months
๑ mirae lee sangmin / khael layout
— like or reblog if you save ^.^
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mykpopplaylist · 1 year
Song recommendations: Letter K
Kill This Love by BLACKPINK
Knock Knock by TWICE
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atormenteada · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ᅠఎ ༚ ˙𓈒 𒂭 química mayor 🐰💗
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w-eons · 10 months
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   🧼ᵎ      ⿸    ﹑
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  @miobliss  ⿸    ﹑
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y-urios · 11 months
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➵     i don't wanna be somebody    📼   (⭒ ˘˘) ꙳  
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➵   just wanna be me, be me! ⌣   @miobliss(⭒ ˘˘) ꙳
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jenfaery · 10 months
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. 🥀. -‘๑’- 🪭 👠 . ⸝⸝.
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⌑  🕯️ ⏆ ❁  ∯ ˚ . ⁺
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haeivn · 11 months
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২   ☕️   ₊  @miobliss  ✸   ꜜ
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softkiseu · 11 months
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𓇼 🐚 🫐 𓂃 . ࣪ ˖
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@miobliss. 🫧 🎐 𓇼
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soneprincess · 9 days
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wontune · 4 months
❉ mirae ( dongpyo ) lockscreen ᰋ
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kpop-posts · 2 months
✰ dongpyo. ( mirae ) lockscreens
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nothanxxxxx · 1 year
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are we still in love ¿
like or reblog if you use or save | don’t repost
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justmochi · 11 months
when in doubt
pairing :: mira x wonwoo
word count :: 2.4k
synopsis :: mira visits wonwoo before his birthday
time :: july 16, 2023
warnings :: fluff
a/n :: surprise! they’re still together!!!
taglist :: @cafemilk-tea​​ @cixrosie​​ @moonlight-additions​​ @cosmicwintr​​ @astraw-astro​​ @succulentmom​​ @kimhyejin3108​​ @enhacolor​​ @alixnsuperstxr​​ @hybesunstone​​ @itzy-eve​ @choihaneul​ @strmiu @angie-x3​
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“Thank you, Unnie.” Mira waved goodbye to Sua as she shut the car door. When a wink was shot back at her, she couldn’t help but blush and stomp off to the elevators of her boyfriend's apartment.
While she waited in the elevator, she looked down at her gift bag and made sure none of her presents peeked through.
Baby blue wrapping paper stuck out of the top of the brown bag with twine wrapped around the handles carrying fake flowers. She was extra proud of herself this year since she made almost everything herself. If she wasn’t an idol, she definitely wanted to work with flowers and be a florist.
She poured all her love into his birthday present. And quite literally her blood, sweat, and tears. Now she just wanted to see how he liked it to finally feel like she completed everything successfully.
Mingyu beat his roommate to buzz her in, welcoming the petite girl before her own boyfriend. “I haven’t seen you in a while, how are you?”
“I’m doing good! And you?” Her voice always seemed to climb another octave when talking to people she hadn’t seen in a bit. She and Mingyu usually see each other when she meets up with Wonwoo.
Past Mingyu’s shoulders, she saw Wonwoo speedily walking to the front door where the two stood. 
“I was okay, but it seems like you’re gonna steal my friend away from me for the evening.” Mingyu got out of the way as if his member would knock him over like a bowling ball.
“You know that’s never my intention.” She chuckled nervously, hoping that wasn’t actually how he saw her.
Wonwoo motioned for her to come in, holding his hand out for her. She grabbed his hand, walking into their apartment while Mingyu shut the door.
“He’s joking, don’t worry.” He pulled her closer, looking at his roommate and catching onto his signs.
“I didn’t mean it. You’re always welcome here.” He bowed his head as if he was deeply sorry. “Go have fun. Just not too much fun.”
He led her back to his bedroom, hand in hand. “Don’t listen to him.”
She smiled, still a bit stiff as he shut his door behind her. She set her bag and his gift on his bed while opening her arms for a hug. “Thanks for letting me come on such short notice.”
He embraced her, holding her tightly and patting her head. “I will always make time for you. And I missed you.”
Mira wasn’t as busy anymore, but now he was preparing for his concert so she could only see him for a short amount of time. So they made it their goal to meet at least twice a month, while talking on the phone and playing games together the other time.
“I missed you more.” She sighed against his tall frame, patting his back to tell him to let her go. “I got you some presents.”
“But you didn’t have to get me anything.” He stroked her cheek.
She frowned, hoping that even though he wasn't expecting anything that he would still like it. “But I wanted to get you stuff. I think you’ll really like it.”
He nodded, kissing her forehead. “Then I’ll cherish it forever.”
She let go of him, sitting down on his bed while he joined her. He pressed his back against the pillows propped up as he crossed his legs. Suddenly she felt a lot of pressure as he watched her.
“You can’t judge, alright?” She was hesitant to reach in the bag, prepared to stall from how nervous she was. “Isn’t the bag cute? I assembled it myself.”
“It’s very nice, I love it.” He reached his hand out to play with the twine, his thumb running over the fake flower attached to it. “Can I keep it?”
“You can keep everything.” Mira reached into the bag, taking out the container she planned to give him first.
She had stayed up late last night making cupcakes, having enough for her members and at least two for Wonwoo. When she woke up in the morning, half of them were gone and she didn’t get to frost or decorate them, which almost caused world war 3 in the girls dorms.
When she saw the cupcake frosting all over the top of the container, she wanted to crawl in a hole. “It wasn’t supposed to look like this.” It probably got turned upside down in the car and she was upset that the cute presentation was ruined.
“Well, this was supposed to be your birthday
cupcake.” She opened the container, trying not to get frosting on her fingers. “But now it’s ruined.”
He scooted closer to her, taking the container from her. “It’s not ruined, it will just be a little messy to eat.”
“I’ll go get some napkins then.” She was saddened by the unfortunate circumstances, dragging her feet to the kitchen and collecting some napkins for the both of them. When she returned, she sat down and dug back into the bag to find the single candle she brought for him.
She stuck it into the cupcake as he held it in his hands, lighting the wick and singing him happy birthday without the usual spark in her voice.
He quickly made his wish, blowing out the candle and taking it out. She handed him a napkin as he took it out of the container, awaiting his reaction. She didn’t even get to try it herself yet.
He tried to eat it without making too much of a mess, but he ended up with frosting on the tip of his nose and the corners of his lips.
He widened his eyes and she felt her heart drop. “Is it bad?”
He shook his head while working on swallowing it to reassure her. “No no no, it’s really good.”
He held his hand under the messy cupcake, holding it out for her. She reached over to take a bite out of it, surprised by how sweet it was.
“See? Don’t judge a book by its cover.”
Feeling a sense of relief, she wiped her mouth with the napkin before doing the same to him. “I guess you’re right.”
“I am right. Cheer up love.” He finally got another smile out of her, splitting the cupcake with her and finishing it together.
They wiped both of their hands clean before moving onto his next present.
“Please keep in mind, I’m not a professional at this kind of thing.” She grabbed the tiny gift box, handing it to him and fidgeting with her cuticles as he looked at her. “It’s my first time doing something like this.”
Mira was nervous about his reaction, waiting for him to open the box. She used her hand to tell him to go ahead.
He pulled the lid off to see a crochet craft. It was a cat with a very long tail. He smiled wide, taking it out and watching it dangle in the air. “It’s cute. What is it?”
“It’s a cat bookmark. You can use the tail to mark your place. I made it myself.”
He chuckled to himself, feeling the texture of the yarn and imagining Mira doing crochet. “You made it yourself?”
She nodded. “I was going to get you a book but I haven’t read anything recently. I thought this would be cuter.”
“I love it.” He reached over to dig into his nightstand, finding the book he was currently reading in one of the drawers. He flipped to where his current, convenient bookmark rested, a brown sticky note that he had folded in half to adhere to itself.
Wonwoo used lots of things to bookmark his pages. Sometimes he’d use the free ones that the librarians always pushed towards you, or a paperclip lying around at the hybe building, or the metal ones that clipped to the top of the page that Mira wasn’t fond of because they put too much stress on the pages and damaged it, or a polaroid that captured stray cats in the neighborhood or a flower he passed by or the one he took of him and Mira holding hands, the resins one, and finally the habit she was trying to break him of, dog earring it. Because everything she encountered in life, whether it be an animal, a flower, a plushy, a butterfly, humans, ceramics, glass, or a book for that matter, she always treated it with kindness and gentleness. So naturally, it physically pained her to see him fold the page in on itself, and she herself felt like crying whenever she had to do it when her bookmark would come up missing, only to find out it had slipped in between the couch cushions or found that she was laying on it when she woke up the next day.
She wanted to get him something that had to do with what they both liked. Reading and cats. Not only that, she wanted to make it herself and actually be able to say that it was something she made. From scratch with her own two hands.
They both smiled seeing the cat ears stick out from the top of the book and the tail dangling from the bottom. “How long did it take you?”
“A couple hours,” She said, “This actually was the easiest one out of all your presents.”
“Thank you so much.” He set his book back in the nightstand, grabbing her hand and interlocking their fingers. She blushed, placing the gift bag in front of him after she gave him everything in the specific order she liked.
“You’re free to open the rest.”
He moved his hand through the bag, pushing the tissue paper out of the way as he grabbed another box. Her palms got more sweaty, subconsciously pulling her hand away before she could squeeze his hand any tighter.
He opened it slowly as if to tease her. He gasped when seeing the two long crochet cats with a silver ring attached at the top.
“These took a while. Dami had helped me on the other one because I was running out of time. And I got so frustrated that I almost gave up and went out to splurge on an expensive figurine for you, and I pricked myself with the needle sometimes. It was a mess.” She rambled on and on, hoping her efforts would be noticed.
“I was going to give you both of them, but then I was so proud of myself that I wanted to keep one for myself. So now we have matching keychains. Just pick whatever color you want.” She decided that the birthday boy could have first pick, secretly hoping he would pick the opposite of what she wanted since he resembled the other colored cat most.
“You should have the white one,” He picked it out of the box by the metal ring, smiling towards her. “Since you’re so bright and pure.”
“Then the white one I shall have.” She giggled like an idiot, a rosy blush on her cheeks leading all the way to her ears. He had picked the one she wanted for him, just as she predicted. “Where will you put it?”
“My bag, what about you?”
“I think I’ll put mine on my bag too.” She smiled, reaching for her purse and clipping it onto one of the straps.
He walked over to his backpack that he carried almost everywhere. He clipped it onto one of the zippers, smiling to himself and wanting to squeal from how cute and decorative it was. He sat close to her on the bed, rubbing his hand on her knee.
“It might not be big or expensive, but it took a long-“ Wonwoo interrupted her, pressing his lips to her so she couldn’t minimize her gift any further. Her once tense shoulders had relaxed, her hand landing on his chest as she kissed him back.
The kiss made her dizzy having it been awhile since they kissed that intensely. He rested his hands on her neck before pulling away, breathing each other's air in an attempt to catch their breath.
“I’m sure it took you a lot of time to make, I don’t doubt that. But because you made it, I’m gonna cherish it even more. I love it, Mira.” The heat rushed to her cheeks. She had a habit of looking away from him whenever she got flustered and he always took note of it. It’s what he liked most about saying endearing things to her.
But before she could drift her gaze, he pulled her into a hug. He wrapped his arms around her, trapping her arms as her head fit in the crook of his neck. She smiled even more, hooking her arms underneath him as she sighed in relief.
They sat there for a few in each other's arms, until his grip around her tightened. So much that it was suffocating. “Ow. Wonwoo, loosen up.”
He retracted his arms immediately, widening his eyes. “I’m sorry.”
She chuckled, grabbing both of his hands with hers. “You’re so strong.”
He looked down at their hands, sighing to himself. “You’re right. I love you like crazy.” He massaged his thumbs on her knuckles before one of his fingers rubbed over her ring finger.
Her lips turned into a frown, feeling her heart swell. She took her hand to turn his chin up to her before stroking his cheek, leaning in to kiss him gently.
The door swung open, Mingyu blowing air into his kazoo and pulling on the confetti popper. “Happy birthday!”
Wonwoo and Mira scattered from each other like they had gotten caught breaking the law. His roommate got embarrassed, realizing what they were doing and pulling the door to hide his face. “Oh sorry guys. Get back to what you were doing.”
“Get the hell out of here!” Wonwoo threw one of his throw pillows at the door, hitting Mingyu on the head.
Mira had covered her mouth, the hairs on her body standing up and wanting to die from the humiliation she just suffered.
“Once you’re done with that, come out and open your presents!” Mingyu shut the door, Mira snorting into her hand and looking at her boyfriend.
“I’m sorry.” Wonwoo had his face in his palms, falling back onto his pillow.
“It’s okay.” She snickered, getting on her hands and knees to hover over him. “Happy birthday, Wonwoo.” She pecked his hands over his face, waiting for him to remove them before kissing his lips.
“I wanna see you open your presents, come on.!” She backed herself on the floor, holding her hands out to pull him up.
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m-inas · 11 months
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mira ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ event
hello angels 🫶🏼 i’ve seen many people coming up with events so i really wanted to get into it while i’ve had the chance! i know this has been an event since i did sunset special but i’ve wanted to do something a bit different this time 💗 since we’re nearly at 300 i would like to say thank you for being generous and i have gathered more moots!!
how does mira work?
you’ll need to dm me your zodiac sign and i’ll give any random idol (the idol won’t have the same zodiac sign as you) and you’ll have to make a moodboard based off of that idol! if you decide to mention me that’s completely optional and make sure to use the hashtags “maya’s event” and “mira ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ the event”
what’s the deadline & more?
the deadline will be august 6th! there will be 5 places which will include runners up! the winners get the same prizes via my past event. (if that makes sense)
make sure to tag at least 3 or more friends to join and reblog 🫧
have a good day and if there’s any changes i’ll notify you guys!! 💗
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m00nbap · 11 months
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Can we still fall in love this summer?
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     🧦   ∗ ꙳  ◌    ↷   ✤ 
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