#miss kelley
lets-get-saucy · 3 months
Collecting Strays - Kelley O’Hara X Reader (platonic)
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Summary: Miss Kelley is known for making friends with younger players and taking them under her wing. When she notices you, a rookie at Gotham, are having a bad day, she does what she can to make you feel better, adding you to her collection of younger players she looks out for.
Warnings: slight angst  
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It had been less than a month since you signed with Gotham. Just a few short weeks ago your mom had helped you move in to your new apartment and get set up in this new city. At first everything was fine. You seemed to fit in well with the team making a few friends with your fellow teammates.
One in particular was Kelley O’Hara. One your very first day with Gotham, Kelley took you under her wing, showing you around, giving you tips during training, and just being a supportive teammate.
Normally, you were excited for practice but today you just couldn’t muster up the energy to even try to seem excited to be there. First, your coffee had spilt in your car leaving you un-caffeinated. Then, you couldn’t stop shivering as you walked outside to the training pitch. The wind was blowing in your face making you even colder despite the training jacket you had on. The sky seemed to get greyer and greyer as training went on. You also weren’t playing as well as you could.
At the end of practice you took a deep breath, not wanting your teammates to see you cry. Showering as quickly as possible and throwing on clothes, you quickly made your way out of the changing room trying to avoid conversation.
Today was just a hard day, your teammates didn’t need to know that.
You were halfway out the building when a hand on your shoulder stopped you.
“Hey kid,” Kelley said turning you to face her, “what’s up? You’ve been off all day.”
You try to shrug off Kelley’s hand, not bothering to take your eyes off the floor.
“Nothing’s up, I’m just having an off day,” you lie.
“That’s not going to work with me kid,” Kelley crossed her arms in front of her.
Still not looking up you just shrug in response.
“Come on, your gonna come over to my place,” Kelley demanded pushing you towards the door.
“Kelley, really I’m fine I just want to go back to my apartment,” you try and pull away from her.
“Spending an hour at my apartment wont kill you,” Kelley said practically dragging you to her car.
That’s how you ended up on Kelley’s couch, hot chocolate in hand watching some random show.
“So, you want to talk about it yet?” Kelley ask, once you finish your drink setting down.
“No, not really,” you say, turning your attention back to the tv.
Kelley lets out an exaggerated sigh, causing you to roll your eyes.
“I told you early, I’m fine.” Looking over Kelly arches an eyebrow, causing you to sigh this time. “Okay, it’s my mom’s birthday and I miss home and I miss my dog and I really wish I could be there celebrating with everyone and I love it here but…”
Kelley cuts you off “woah, take a deep breath,” pulling you into a hug you burry your face in her neck wrapping your arms around the older woman.
You hadn’t realized you were crying but now it felt like you couldn’t stop.
“I miss home,” you whimper in Kelley’s embrace.
“Shh, I know,” she says rubbing your back. “I know.”
You don’t know how long you to stay like that. With you practically in Kelley’s lap letting it all out as she runs her fingers through your hair and rubs your back, holding you until you calm down.
Once she notices your sobs had stopped Kelley pulls back slightly, wiping your tears away.
“I know its hard,” she says her thumb stroking your cheek. “I wont lie to you and tell you it gets easier. In this profession, you’re always going to miss something. Birthdays, holidays, weddings, but you get so much more and make so many amazing memories and travel to new places, it’ll make it worth it. I’m sorry you miss home but just know this team is here for you. I’m here for you.”
Fresh tears make its way down your cheeks and you whip at them with your shirt sleeve. “Thank you Kelley. Not just for today but for being there for me even when I first joined the team.”
“Of course” Kelley smiled pulling you in for a hug. “Now how about we get some ice cream, ice creams guaranteed to make anyone happy.”
You laugh for probably the first time today, “okay.”
It had been a few hours since your breakdown to Kelley but you were still in her apartment. A knock at the door startled you both. Kelley rolled her eyes when a familiar voice called out. You could tell that a few people were outside, namely Rose and Sonnett, but you couldn’t tell who else.
At first you had thought Kelley had invited them over but when someone knocked Kelley rolled her eyes mumbling how some people just wouldn’t leave her alone as she went to open the door. You knew her annoyance was fake though when Jenna walked through the door Jenna launched herself at Kelley. Kelley picked her up spinning the younger girl around. Rose and Sonnett followed behind walking into Kelley's apartment. You smiled in greeting to your teammates.
Sonnett and Rose made their way into the living room, saying quick hellos as Kelley sat Jenna back down on her feet.
“You guys ate ice cream without us,” Sonnett frowned when she noticed the two empty bowls on the coffee table.
“Ice creams for invited guest only,” Kelley said following Jenna and Rose into the living room.
“I’m hurt Miss Kelley,” Sonnett placed a hand over her heart pretending to be offended.
“What are you guys watching,” Rose said sitting down between you and Sonnett.
“Just some trash reality tv show,” You said causing Kelley to scoff.
“First, they barge in then you insult the tv shows I watch.”
“We should watch a movie,” Jenna interrupts as she squeezes herself in between Sonnett and Rose.
“I agree,” Sonnett picks up the remote, looking for a movie to watch.
“You guys know this is my apartment, right?” Kelley is still standing, her hands on her hips looking at all of you.
“Please Miss Kelley? That show was boring,” you stick out your bottom lip, giving Kelley the best puppy-dog eyes you can.
“Sonnett, look what you’ve taught her,” Kelley gasp causing the room to laugh. “My sweet innocent baby calling me Miss Kelley.”
Kelley pinches your cheeks, swatting at her hands trying to get her to stop as the others laugh at you two. “I’m not a baby,” you pout.
“You’re one of the youngest on the team, of course you’re a baby,” Kelley says finally sitting down next to you pulling you into her side.
You cross your arms sinking back into the couch.
“Does that mean I’ve been upgraded Miss Kelley?” Jenna ask leaning forward to look at Kelley.
“Ugh not you too,” Kelley groans covering her face with her hands.
“Shh guys, Sonnett picked a movie,” Rose said kicking her feet up on the coffee table.
The movie started and everyone was quite watching as the opening credits came on the screen.
“Wait!” Jenna stood up from the couch, walking to the kitchen. “We need popcorn.”
After the movie, Sonnett, Rose, and Jenna started getting their things together.
“Thanks Miss Kelley for letting us crash your place,” Jenna said pressing a kiss to Kelley’s cheeks.
“Yeah yeah,” Kelley said taking empty bowls to the kitchen.
A chorus of byes followed as the other women made their way out of Kelley’s apartment, leaving just you and her. You grabbed the remaining bowls from the coffee table, taking them to the kitchen.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Kelley said taking them from your hands.
“It’s okay, it’s the least I can do since you let me stay here all day,” you shrugged.
“If I remember correctly, I had to drag you to my car earlier,” you roll your eyes at Kelley’s response.
You lean against the counter as Kelley loads her dishwasher, “about that, how am I getting to my apartment?”
“Why don’t you just stay her tonight and I’ll drive us to training in the morning?”
You try to come up with an excuse but you don’t have one and you don’t really want to be alone right now any ways.
Nodding, your wrap your arms around yourself, “okay, thanks.”
“Yeah its no problem,” Kelley says giving you a soft smile.
Now that a few hours had gone by you realized you weren’t sad anymore, or as sad. Kelley had succeeded in taking your mind off things. You didn’t realize how desperately you had needed the company. If you hadn’t come over to Kelley’s you would have probably gone back to your apartment after practice and spent all day crying in your bed.
“No Kelley, I mean thank you, for today,” you admit. “I really needed this.”
“I know kid,” Kelley says pulling you in for a hug.
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henrysglock · 5 months
Quick post for anyone who might worry that Ms. Kelley got caught in the "this character of color has half a name" trap:
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Her name is Marsha! Marsha Kelley.
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pearlypairings · 10 months
Clarke x Kelley ☁️ please!
Lostyyyy, it's our pet project for the adorable staff members in the Hawkins school district :P
☁️ Some nice fluffy lines from the extra e club for ya hehe:
Scott noticed the faint blush at the apples of her cheeks, as she separated the dark curls of her hair out of her golden hoop earring. He hadn’t noticed how sweet she looked until now, the dark shade of lipstick accentuating the curve of her lips. Her smile was kind and warm, like the words she shared earlier about her students still struggling at home.  It made Scott tap his fingers under the booth table, nerves getting the better of him. He realized for the first time in a long time that the durable wall he’d built after his heartbreak had finally collapsed. The remnants of his protection lay in dust before her feet. His heart may have decided for him—she could be the one to change his mind about love. And that made his pulse beat even faster all under his wrists. “What is it?” Wanda tipped her head back upright, leaning her chin over her fist to examine him more closely.
Thanks for the ask my beautiful fellow writer<3 you've helped me post a ton of that 200K words this year!
Ask me more please, I'm loving this!
200K Celebration WIP Ask post
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thatgirlinpink · 2 years
I'm sorry but the most unrealistic thing about stranger things is the ASIAN guidance counselor/therapist come on
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hypertechnica · 6 months
straight up refusing to acknowledge star trek: generation’s existence. it didn’t happen
you mean to tell me, after an entire series and SIX movies dedicated to the triumvirate found family, kirk immediately goes missing, and then dies alone 80 years later because of time travel nexus bullshit?
bones and spock never see him again??? ever???
no. kirk, spock, and bones retire and grow old together. they’re married. they have 2 cats and love to play 5d chess with multiverse time travel. that’s the ONLY canon i accept
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misskelley · 1 month
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We will def need a “bitch” at the Olympics and we won’t have Kelley.
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bisexualbuckleyy · 2 months
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everyone say thank you to her right the fuck now
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swordsonnet · 5 months
two things about lena kelley:
1. she says "i'm afraid i won't be able to join you at the [pub]". what if she literally can't leave the OIAR building?
2. she says gwen doesn't "have what it takes" to do lena's job. that could just be a jibe at gwen's work ethic, sure, but what if there's a deeper meaning to it? what if there's another, less mundane requirement to be a manager at the OIAR?
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dailybrittanysnowpics · 3 months
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The more things change the more they stay the same
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subterraneanna · 9 months
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S4 E2 — It's supply day at San Pablo, but when committee meetings hinder Curley's order, he makes an unexpected ally and ties up Mirror!Spock along the way. Thanks to @peridotsarelongterm for the suggestion:
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The full cowboy crossover series
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arson-is-the-answer · 3 months
scary rubber clown monster that has been sighted at the scenes of multiple murders, needs an envelope of a name and address to know who to kill next.
gwendolyn bouchard: can he even read?!
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lets-get-saucy · 2 months
Miss Kelley warming up yesterday 🧎‍♀️
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bookstoresmp3 · 10 months
there are 2 issues with this uswnt: 1.) vlatko. 2.) not enough lesbians
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kellohara · 10 months
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buckttommy · 3 months
Edy Ganem stop being queerphobic challenge level: IMPOSSIBLE.
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misskelley · 1 month
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The Kelley Ohara Era is coming to a close
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