#mlqc wallpapers
xingxueyue · 1 year
BaiQi SP First Love Live Wallpaper
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These calls and moments accompany Victor’s S2 CH 45-48 Karma, and feature S2 Victor and MC, but don’t contain any spoilers from the S2 storyline~
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⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for contents yet to be released on the global server! ⌚
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Victor’s Post: To my surprise, a certain someone actually grabbed my hand and purposely broke the sandcastle just for the sake of “reviving old memories.”
MC: Hehe, it’s been so many years. I’ve learned not to cry anymore, you see!
Victor: Hmm, that’s really impressive.
MC: A certain someone said he wouldn’t repeat the same mistake, but now he has broken- my- sandcastle- again——
Victor: ...just state your conditions for making amends directly.
MC: It doesn’t matter, anyhow, Vic gēge needs to compensate me with a pudding tomorrow.
Victor: I can compensate you with more.
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【1st Call】
Victor: You sent me ten angry furry cat stickers in a row… what happened again?
MC: Sob, sob, sob, I just went through an “extremely tragic social demise.”
Victor: [sounds so amused LOL]  A rare sight; even dummies have moments when they feel embarrassed.
Victor: What happened?
MC: During the meeting earlier, I was screen-sharing my phone and accidentally revealed my wallpaper. Everyone burst out laughing…
MC: AHHHHHH, thinking back on it even now, I still feel so embarrassed.
 Victor: If I remember correctly, a certain someone recently changed her wallpaper into a new photo of mine.
Victor: [you can practically collect the teasing dripping from his voice in a bucket LMAO]  I don’t think I’m that unseemly, am I?
MC: It’s not that you’re unseemly… it’s just that, I’m just feeling a little embarrassed, you know!
Victor: Who was the one that excitedly sought out Goldman for the best HD version after seeing the cover photo I took for LFG last week?
Victor: She even kept bragging about how she was the one who styled my outfit, so she needed to keep this meticulously crafted masterpiece as her personal collection.
MC: Well, what I said wasn’t untrue. The photo did have my fair share of contribution!
Victor: It was more than just a contribution. The direction of my hair grooming and the cosmetics that ended up plastered on my face was all thanks to your involvement.
MC: Hehe, well, the final result of the photo was absolutely flawless, wasn’t it?
Victor: If the photo is flawless, why do you feel embarrassed about it?
MC: Hm…? Oh… Victor, you’ve misunderstood. I actually changed my wallpaper yesterday…
Victor: [sighs helplessly] …the speed at which your heart changes is truly remarkable.
MC: The new wallpaper I switched to was your new photo. How can you blame me for having a change of heart!
Victor: I don’t remember taking any new photos recently.
MC: That’s true. You don’t remember taking any new photos because it was last night when I couldn’t resist taking a sneaky photo of you while I was putting the cat ear headband on you. 
Victor: …what did you say?
MC: Even though it was a photo of your back, everyone still seemed to have recognized you…
Victor: So, when you said you went through an “extremely tragic social demise,” the main protagonist of the incident was actually me?
MC: Well, I guess you could phrase it like that too?
Victor: [HOLY SHIT THE ALARMING SEXY TONE-DROP x1]  This issue won’t be dropped so easily. I suggest you think of a reasonable compensation proposal as soon as possible.
Victor: [x2]  If I don’t get an answer by tonight, don’t blame me for being a heartless capitalist and claiming for damages according to my own term.
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【2nd Call】
Victor: What’s up?
MC: I’ll be off work soon. How about I come to LFG later, and we can grab some free food from the cafeteria?
Victor: Is the menu at Souvenir no longer able to satisfy your cravings?
MC: How could that be! CEO Victor is already so exhausted from work, I can’t bear to make you cook all the time~
Victor: If memory serves, a certain someone was clamoring about having two puddings this morning.
MC: Hehe, okay, I’ll be honest~ The braised pork you brought me from the cafeteria last week was so, so delicious. It’s constantly been on my mind ever since.
MC: I really wish I could hire this chef with a hefty salary and have them handle the catering for [MC’s Company Name]’s company meals!
MC: After all, it’s really challenging to arrange delicious and nutritious work meals for everyone when we’re filming on location.
Victor: You probably can’t afford this person.
MC: Even though you’re Victor, you cannot underestimate others casually!
MC: Our company’s financial report for the past quarter is really impressive~
Victor: Since you’re talking so big, have you made up your mind about poaching the chef with a high salary?
MC: I’m considering it. If we can have this level of braised pork on the filming set, I think everyone would be ecstatic to the point of fainting~
Victor: I think the only one who would be ecstatic to the point of fainting is you, the dummy boss.
Victor: So, how high of a salary are you planning to offer to lure him away?
MC: Hmm… we definitely need to offer a salary higher than LFG.
MC: Can you give me an approximate idea of his monthly salary? Just a rough estimate is fine. I still must respect LFG’s business confidentiality.
Victor: He receives an annual salary, and the amount varies each year. But you already know that.
MC: …!
MC: Victor, did you personally cook that braised pork yourself?!
Victor: Could your uptake be any slower?
MC: Sob, sob, sob, how I just knew that taste was so familiar!
MC: But who would’ve guessed that besides French cuisine, your home-style dishes are so-freaking-delicious too!
Victor: …you really do excel in sweet-talking. Apart from braised pork, what else would you like for dinner tonight?
MC: Do you know how to cook dishes like hot and sour fish soup, sweet and sour pork, Pecking duck, shrimp stir-fried with Dragon Well tea, Laziji, and hot dry noodles?
[Tidbits]: Laziji is a dish of Sichuan cuisine, a variety of spicy chicken, to be more specific. The dishes MC mentions here are actually part of different provincial cuisines in China, which is why MC asks if Victor knows how to cook them 😂🫠
Victor: ...I asked you to decide on tonight’s dinner, not quiz me on dish names.
MC: Hehe, I’m just really curious to know where your culinary skill reaches its zenith~
MC: But now that I think about it, these dishes can be quite troublesome. Let me think of some simpler options…
Victor: The person who is eagerly waiting to eat doesn’t need to fuss about the trouble.
Victor: It’s just that a certain dummy with big eyes but a small stomach always gets enthusiastic when ordering, but never manages to finish her food, leaving a pile for someone else to help with.
MC: Since we shouldn’t let food go to waste, why not borrow CEO Victor’s stomach for that purpose?
Victor: My stomach capacity is also limited, so out of the dishes you mentioned, choose three for tonight’s menu.
MC: Then I really need to ponder over it carefully...!
Victor: Sure, you can think it over while getting ready to come downstairs, and then we can go together to buy the ingredients.
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xinyuehui · 2 years
MLQC & Love And Deepspace dynamic wallpapers for PC!!
(Only for windows currently unfortunately)
EDIT 2024 JAN: If it no longer works, check out my new tutorial.
Was anyone gonna tell me that Paper Games did their own official dynamic wallpapers or was I supposed to find out myself?
(open link in browser and delete href.li/ from the url if it does not open)
I've attached some screenshots for my non-Chinese speakers!
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That's about it, it's pretty easy to navigate, just click around 🖱️🖱️
If all fails, restart computer, that should fix 99% problems (IT helpdesk no.1 advice ╰( ̄ω ̄o)) If it still doesn't work, uninstall and install again
What it looks like irl:
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Side note: I've made mobile lock screen for Love and Deepspace, it's just a video you can download (●'◡'●)
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cheriiris · 1 month
— 𝘪𝘤𝘰𝘯 x wallpaper —
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endless-season · 1 year
(it's an) egg.
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egg - every day you cause me pain and suffering. i am peeling at my yellow wallpaper
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riri-journal · 2 years
2021, February 5th.
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arabella-77 · 6 months
Live2D Gavin & Kiro's Karma [MLQC CN]
When MLQC CN release the new SSR Karmas with the theme "Love & Iron Throne - History of Destruction of Power" , from the title itself, we've already knew that there will be a sad epic story. But still I swoon and so happy to see this Live 2D edit.
Gavin's live 2D wallpaper edit by : 境容_live2d
Source : link
Kiro's live 2D wallpaper edit by : Cheese Party_ 
Source : link
Oh my man really hot in this theme, and keep me swooning. The level of his sexiness, and his hand make my brain stop working LOL 🤣🤣🤣.
I don't care whether it sad ending or happy, as long as the story is good.
English sub : translated by me.
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bortbytingen · 1 year
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Since I've had a recent obsession with MLQC, I wanted some wallpapers for my phone. After some searching and I couldn't find ones that fit my screen (without the lock screen clock being in the middle of their faces), I designed/edited a couple myself. Thought I'd share.
I obviously don't own the right to MLQC or any of the characters. Despite that, please like, or preferably reblog, if you save any of the wallpapers.
The wallpapers are made in Medibang and Picsart.
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
Chapters 15-1 Gavin Wallpapers
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Through the fog and clouds, I kept falling like a bird with a broken wing.
The fog dispersed.
I was stuck between grey walls with countless threads scattered around.
I tried to escape.
A drop of scarlet blood slid off my arms.
Suddenly, the world began to shake.
The grey walls collapsed bit by bit.
A fierce wind tore at the threads.
A broken shade appeared right before me.
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acrispyapple · 2 years
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MLQC: Limited Daily Top-Up Rewards
Schedule: May 23rd 05:00 - June 3rd 23:59 PST
You can receive [Pop-up Admission Tickets] and multiple rewards when you top up to a certain tier daily. Use [Pop-up Admission Tickets] at the shop to redeem exclusive ER Karma [Lucien: Fall Feelings], [Gavin: Galloping Wind], and ER Combine Item [Memory Starlocks].
Please claim the rewards manually on the event page.
The top-up EXP you obtain during this event period will also be added to the long-term Total Top Up Rewards Event.
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lys-lilac · 3 years
Sunset evening? Checked.
Straw hat? Checked.
My boys smiling? Checked!
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The artists really have done wonders... I appreciate them all! :D
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xinyuehui · 3 months
Hello there! do you still have an older version of evolwallpaper? I was late to the party and I can't install it properly anymore T_T
Hi anon, unfortunately I no longer have the old .exe 😩 I checked weibo, other users in China are having problems with it as well, my conclusion to this is that it's a broken app full of bugs, probably got nothing to do with regions (ノへ ̄、)
Babe because of your ask, I spent good 5 hours tonight trying to debug it, because I insist we all get the dynamic wallpapers!!!
Original guide // Deepspace PC guide
By the end of this tutorial, we should have a video like this applied to our computer wallpaper:
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There's Nikki, MLQC, Deepspace and The Perceiver wallpapers.
New guide:
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Same step as before, download this but don't install yet!
The following was actually hidden in their Q&A, you'll also need this for it to run, download the runtime version.
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After you install the .NET Framework 4.8 go ahead and try to install the PAPERWALL .exe
→ If it works, great! We solved the problem!! 🎉 (You can skip to the section on the bottom on how to use the app)
→ If you get this error message, ugh congratulations, this is where I tried about 67 solutions for hours just so you don't have to
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It's weird, because at this point, the thing have successfully installed on your local drive but it won't run.
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Let's go back a step, if you open the .exe again, take note of where it's at on your computer. For me you can see that it's in the C drive, I presume it'll be the same for you.
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Find the folder, open it
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Open the app
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→ If it works, great! We solved the problem!! 🎉 (You can skip to the section on the bottom on how to use the app)
→ If you get the same error message, read on:
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If the images haven't loaded in the 1.0.1 version it will most likely going to crash when you try to do anything on it, so read on:
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Let go back to the C drive
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We are gonna move this somewhere else, if you have a hard drive, paste it to your hard drive, if you have another drive on your pc, you can move it to the other drive. BUT DO NOT MOVE IT TO YOUR DESKTOP!!!! Because we practice good computer hygiene 🙏
Once you've moved everything away, open it back up and try to install it again in your new file location
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→ If it works, great! We solved the problem!! 🎉 (You can skip to the section on the bottom on how to use the app)
→ If you still get the same error message, I will send my portfolio to Paper Games to be a software developer in their office and write a new app
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Once you get it running *fingers crossed* move the entire folder back to your C drive if you moved it to your hard drive, unless your hard drive is plugged in all the time.
If for whatever reason you get the "access to the path is denied" error message, try the right click and select the "Run as administrator" option.
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For easy access:
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Go onto your desktop, or wherever you want to access it from quickly and paste shortcut!! Remember it's the shortcut!!
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How to use the app
The UI has changed a little since the original one, but it's easy to navigate.
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Change the language to English, it should reboot the app
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From here it's self explanatory
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For good computer hygiene you might want to double check where the wallpapers are stored and change directory if needed.
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If you're like me and have 2 monitors, this is what it'll look like with the wallpapers applied and the game opened, looks like I need a 3rd monitor for Shen Xinghui ⭐
(Desktop icons should show up, I just don't have icons on the desktop)
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If you still have problems, check your PC specifications against the following that were recommended on the official site:
System: Windows10 or above
RAM: 1024MB or above
Processor: 1.66Hz Intel i5 or above
Graphics: HD Graphics 4000 or above
DirectX: 10
Secret third thing: you might be able to run it and have the lovely wallpapers but it suddenly goes glitchy or black screen... that's because of the faulty app, I've seen people mention it on weibo, it's not just you 😔
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Feel free to drop me an ask with images if you still run into problems, hope this helps, until next time~ (✿◠‿◠)
Check out this tag for already answered questions #/wallpaper woes
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kiroz · 4 years
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cjinjinx · 3 years
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⚡ : Shaw Lockscreens
Like/reblog if you save/use
Don’t repost please
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maishadisha · 3 years
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Look at how cute he looks...Love you Lucien
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arabella-77 · 9 months
Gavin Live Wallpaper [MLQC CN]
This is really killing me! Too much sweetness and the art is so beautiful! 😘💙
Gavin Live Wallpaper from MLQC China Qixi event. Edited by 芝士派对
【这是七夕送给您的第六份礼物】 ~惊喜未完待续~ 芝士派对_的微博视频
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