#mm: ftf.
the-owl-house-takes · 6 months
If we talk about the Morning Mark, then in his AU Boscha hasn't outgrown the school bullying phase there and behaves as arrogant as in teenage years and teaches the same to her daughter. But the fact that she was invited to Luz's quinceanera means that during these three years she at least apologized, otherwise Willow (and Amity) wouldn't have been able to tolerate her there and opposed her invitation. And everyone would listen to them and wouldn't invite her. But she's there.
And the authors like MM simply ignore this kinda obvious development (which can be seen even in the FTF) to make a stupid evil villian to their stories.
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edalynn · 6 months
Mm will never not be frustrating to me because he’s proved he can come up with good ideas. Some of his earlier Boscha comics and his ideas for what was going on on the Isles in s3 before ftf came out were interesting. Not perfect, but legitimately interesting. But he’s obsessed with playing it safe and fitting into both canon and what’s popular in the fandom, and if he makes anything that doesn’t fit that mold, 9 times out of 10 it’ll be a one off joke.
Yeah, honestly that's fair. I feel like I lived in a fever dream or was hallucinating because I SWEAR, like I SWEAR TO GOD, he used to make Skarlow comics WAAAY back in the day, S1, beginning of S2, and idk if I'm just making it up because I saw someone else do it and registered it as MM or WHAT, but if I'm right I will never not be disappointed in the way he dropped it for h/l just because it's popular. Fandom is for exploring other possibilities, AUs, etc. But he ONLY creates stuff that's explicitly canon or based on POPULAR fanon (even if it's bad or shitty).
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transportbranche · 5 months
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ivystorm1 · 7 months
MM is about how you should reach out to other people, UE is about how other people should reach out to you, and FTF is about how you should check in on yourself
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postsofbabel · 9 months
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autisticsupervillain · 10 months
FTF Calculations: Thermite Grenade melts Tiger 1 Armour (CoD WW2)
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(Screenshot from The Frost 1's Historical Inaccuracies video on YouTube)
The player character uses a Thermite Grenade to melt through the armour of a Tiger 1 tank (which, no, would not be possible in real life). Using the Tiger 1's Wikipedia page as a source, we can determine the size of the whole. Tiger Armour is 100 mm, or 10 cm, thick and, using the engine as a reference, we can determine that the hole has an area of 50 cm. This gives the hole a volume of 19896.75 cubic centimeters or 0.01989675 cubic meters.
The Tiger 1's armour is made of maraging steel, which has a heat capacity of 420 J/KG, a melting point of 1,370 °C, and a density of 8,050 kg per cubic meter. This feat takes place during the Battle of Hill 400 (in which there were no Tiger 1 tanks but nevermind that) and while I could not find any information on how cold it was during that fight specifically, I could find temperatures for winters in Europe around that time tended to hang around in -10 °C, so I'll use that as the ambient temperature.
Putting all of this information into the formula: HeatCapacity * ( ObjectMass * ( ( MeltingPoint + 273,15 ) - ( AmbiantTemperature + 273,15 ) ) ) gets us an end result of 67 kilojoules (Wall Level)
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chro2019 · 1 year
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‏‎پروژکتور نورپردازی اسمارت مدل FTF-020-WN-C38-K1-ee-fff🇺🇸 پك ٢ عددي اسمارت با قابليت اتصال به موبايل و تنظيم نور و رنگ دلخواه قابليت اتصال به الكسا و كنترل صوتي مناسب براي نورپردازي بيرون منزل كاملا ضد آب ٢٥ وات روشنايي از ٢٥٠٠ لومن ابعاد 146*90*32.5 mm مصرف برق A++ قيمت ۱۳٠٠.٠٠٠ت #پروژکتور #ویدیو #ویدیو_پروژکتور #ویدیو_پروکشن #پروکشن #پروژکتور_اسمارت #پروکتور_هوشمند #واردات_لوازم_خانگی #لوازم_برقی_خانگی #لوازم_بزرگ_خانگی #لوازم_ریزخانگی #لوازم_غیربرقی_خانگی #حراجی_لوازم #اف_خورده #تخفیفات #جهیزیه #کابینه #عروس #جهیزیه_عروس #اقساط #کمپانی_چرو #تامین_قطعات #پشتیبانی_کالا #شرکت_بازرگانی_تجاری_چرو #بازرگانی_چرو #چرو #chro #companychro‎‏ (در ‏‎شرکت بازرگانی تجاری چرو‎‏) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm_t-DQo8KD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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whambamcamblog · 5 years
Strolling into the party, Cameron looked around in awe, squeezing Miles’ hand. “This place is incredible. Let’s make Thomas get married here,” he joked, taking in the architecture and decorations and overall... extravagance that the venue exuded. “My parents got married here,” he commented, although he knew Miles already knew. “So they’re going to be all over each other tonight. Levi’s going to be to busy running interference on the various men whose lives he’s ruined and/or is currently ruining, but I think we should make it Ava’s job to police their PDA. She should work for her place in NYC tonight.” @milesxmccarthy
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dommebelleg · 4 years
FtF: "You look beautiful, Mistress," Shea said, having walked up behind Belle, "Delicious too."
Belle smiled, turning to face Shea. “Mm, thank you, pretty girl. You look... absolutely stunning,” she observed, reaching out to frame Shea’s slim waist. “My beautiful girl.”
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ryansfabray · 5 years
Ftf (6.30) Beau sucked in a breath, leaning his forehead against Ryan’s shoulder, his arms wrapping around her slim waist. “I think we have one more to go, Miss... don’t know how we’re going to top that, but I have a feeling we can,” he said, glancing out the window she was pressed up against, his mouth still filled with the taste of her from when he’d been on his knees for her before filling her with his cock.
What started out as something hard and fast turned into something a little slower due to their bodies being so worn out. She held on to him as her body was still in the aftermath of her most recent orgasm. Their bodies were covered in sweat and her entire apartment smelled like sex, not that she was complaining. “Mm. I think we can do anything we set our mind to,” she said with a smirk as she pushed him back until he was falling back onto the bed. She climbed on top of him, straddling his waist until she was sinking down onto him. “Oh, fuck,” she moaned. The new positions allowing him to hit spots that had been neglected up until now. “Fuck you feel so good.”
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submissivelynick · 6 years
Ftf: "Nick? You still awake?" Jackson whispered, sitting in the corner by the adjoining wall.
[FtF] “Mm? Jack? Is that you?”
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Ftf: had switched from Sam to the next, peering around the table he smiled at Xavier "nice to really get to meet you, Sir" he said as he licked and kissed greedily at the others cock.
FtF: He’d been focusing on the game at hand, not really expecting anything, so when Emrys’ mouth came to enjoy his cock, he jumped a bit, biting his lip to muffle a groan. “Mm... same to you, Emrys,” he murmured, spreading his legs a little to give him more room.
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transportbranche · 5 months
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dommateolopez · 7 years
FtF: First kiss me - please, sir. Then tell me who you think I was. And I'll tell you who I think you might have been.
FtF: Demanding boy. Mm-mm. We’re waiting for the list, despite my curiosity. No cheating.
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nostalgicphile · 7 years
Do you know what the story was with that deleted MM kiss scene? Scripted? Why decision to delete?
The MM kiss was not scripted - David and Gillian wanted that take. Chris chose not to use it because he wanted to "preserve" the first kiss on the lips for something they could play with in FTF. (I actually agree with the decision not to use the MM kiss...though it's cool to see the outtake.)
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plusblog874 · 3 years
Extended Clip For Mac 10
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Shooting a 45 ACP Ingram MAC 10 full-auto sub-machine gun in the back yard. Nice little gun demonstrated by High Powered Armory in Youngstown Ohio. Cobray & TEC-9 Magazines - FTF Industries Inc specializes in MAC Cobray RPB SWD Parts & Accessories, AR15/M16 & AK47 Parts and accessories, Tactical Automatic Knives, Advanced Technology ATI Shotgun Stocks, Gunsmith's Tools & other very unique items.
Extended Clip For Mac 10.2
Extended Clip For Mac 10.6
Extended Clip For Mac 10.7
You can fine-tune the location and duration of a clip in your project by moving the clip’s startpoint or endpoint, or an entire frame-range selection, in small increments at once. Choose one of the following methods, depending on how you like to work.
Using the fine-tuning controls:
Using this method extends or shortens a clip in one-frame increments.
Choose iMovie > Preferences, and then click Browser at the top of the preferences pane.
The iMovie menu appears in a light gray bar across the top of your computer screen.
Select “Show Fine Tuning controls.”
In the Project browser, move the pointer over a clip, and then click one of the blue fine-tuning (double-headed arrow) buttons that appear at either end of the clip.
An orange selection handle appears.
Drag the selection handle to increase or decrease the clip’s duration one frame at a time.
As you drag, an indicator (+1, +2, -1, and so on) appears to show you how many frames have been added or removed.
You can extend or shorten a maximum of one second at a time, which means up to 30 frames for 30 fps projects and up to 24 frames for 24 fps projects. To shorten or lengthen a clip by more than one second, repeat steps 3 and 4.
Using the Clip Trimmer:
Using this method extends or shortens a clip in intervals of one-tenth of a second.
In the Project browser, move the pointer over a video clip, and then choose Clip Trimmer from the Action pop-up menu (looks like a gear) that appears in the lower-left corner of the clip.
The Clip Trimmer appears, with the selected clip outlined in yellow. The dimmed frames are those from the original video clip that aren’t currently used in your project.
In the Clip Trimmer, do either of the following:
Drag the handles at either end of the yellow clip selection to set a new startpoint and endpoint.
Move the handles one frame at a time by placing the pointer near the handle that you want to adjust, and then holding down the Option key as you press the Left Arrow or Right Arrow key.
Move the entire yellow selection box to the left or right by pressing the Left Arrow or Right Arrow key, or by clicking within the box and dragging. Using this technique, you can change which video frames are selected without changing the duration of the selection.
Click Done.
Using fine-tuning on the fly:
In the Project browser, do any of the following to extend or shorten a clip. To extend a clip, there must be unused portions of the clip available:
Move the pointer near the end of the clip you want to adjust, and then hold down the Command and Option keys. When an orange selection handle appears, drag it.
Move the pointer near the end of the clip you want to adjust, and then hold down the Option key as you press the Right Arrow or Left Arrow key.
To move a selected frame range, press the Right Arrow or Left Arrow key to slide the frame range to the right or left.
The MAC-11A1 without a magazine and the stock folded
TypeMachine pistol Submachine gunPlace of originUnited StatesService historyIn service1972–presentUsed bySee UsersProduction historyDesignerGordon Ingram(1)Designed1972 prototype was in development in 1964 and 1965ManufacturerMilitary Armament Corporation Cobray Company RPB, SWD Inc. Jersey Arms Leinad MasterPiece ArmsProduced1972–presentVariantsMAC-11A1 MAC-11/9SpecificationsMass1.59 kg (3.50 lbs)Length248 mm (531 mm stock extended) (9.76 in/20.90 in)Barrel length129 mmCartridge.380 ACP, 9x19mm ParabellumActionStraight BlowbackRate of fire1200 /min(2)Muzzle velocity980 ft/sEffective firing range
50 meters (.380 ACP)
70 meters (9×19mm Parabellum)(3)
Feed system16 or 32-round box magazine(1)(4)SightsIron sights
The Ingram MAC-11 (Military Armament Corporation Model 11) is a subcompact machine pistol/submachine gun developed by American gun designer Gordon Ingram at the Military Armament Corporation (MAC) during the 1970s in Powder Springs, Georgia.(5)(6) The weapon is a sub-compact version of the Model 10 (MAC-10), and is chambered to fire the smaller .380 ACP round.(6)
This weapon is sometimes confused with the Sylvia & Wayne Daniels M-11/9, its successor the Leinad PM-11, or the Vulcan M-11-9, both of which are later variants of the MAC chambered for 9 mm Luger Parabellum cartridge.(7)(8) Cobray also made a .380 ACP variant called the M12.(9)
The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) considers MAC-11 variants such as the Leinad PM-11 to be part of the 'MAC-10 class pistol.'(10)
Like the larger M-10, the M-11 has open sights with the rear pinhole sight welded to the receiver. These sights are for use with the folding stock, as using them without the stock is nearly useless because of the initial jump of the weapon due to its heavy, open-bolt design. The M-11A1 also has two safety features which are also found on the Model 10A1. The charging handle rotates to 90 degrees to lock the bolt in the forward position thus preventing the weapon from being cocked. The second safety is a slider which is pushed forward to lock the trigger, which in turn pins the bolt to the rear (cocked) position. This prevents the weapon from discharging even when dropped, which is not uncommon with an open-bolt design.
Semi-automatic, Cobray MAC-11/9 with 32-round magazine and suppressor.
The rate of fire of the M-11A1 is one of the biggest complaints on the firearm. Listed as approximately 1,200 rpm (rounds per minute),(8) the MAC-11 is capable of emptying the entire 32-round magazine in less than two seconds, which many users view as a drawback.(11) Rate of fire will also vary depending on the weight of bullets used. The gun also has a selector switch that allows it to fire only one round at a time in the semi-automatic mode.
Noting the weapon's poor accuracy, in the 1970s International Association of Police Chiefs weapons researcher David Steele described the MAC series as 'fit only for combat in a phone booth.'(12)
The M-11 is the least common version in the MAC family of firearms. At the MAC-11's high cyclic rate, extreme trigger discipline is required to discharge short bursts, which are required for combat effectiveness. Without proper training, the natural tendency of the inexperienced shooter is to hold down the trigger, discharging the entire magazine in little more than two seconds, often with poor accuracy due to recoil.
Sound suppressor(edit)
A specific suppressor was developed for the MAC-11, which used wipes as baffles, instead of the reflex baffles that Mitchell Werbell III created for the MAC-10. Though wipes are less durable than reflex baffles, they had the advantage of proving quieter for the MAC-11. The suppressor is 224 mm in length and is covered with Nomex-A heat-resistant material.(1)
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MAC-type submachine guns and semi-automatic pistols were first manufactured by the Military Armament Corporation, and later by RPB Inc., Sylvia/Wayne Daniel Inc.,(13)Cobray, Jersey Arms, Leinad, MasterPiece Arms,(8) and Vulcan.
South Korea
Taiwan: Used by Special Forces
United States
Philippines:Used by Special Forces
Venezuela: Known to be used by the Cuerpo de Investigaciones Científicas Penales y Criminalísticas (Scientific Penal and Criminal Investigations Corps).(14)
Malaysia:Used by Special Actions Unit, Royal Malaysian Police Specific by the VIP bodyguard personnel team
See also(edit)
^ abcHogg, Ian (1989). Jane's Infantry Weapons 1989-90, 15th Edition. Jane's Information Group. p. 117. ISBN0-7106-0889-6.
^'MAC-11 RPM'.
^'MAC Ingram M10 / M11 (USA)'. Weapon.ge – Modern Firearms Encyclopedia. Retrieved 11 June 2011.
^'Operation and Maintenance Manual: Military Armament Corporation'(PDF). Military Armament Corporation. pp. 2, 5, 28.
^Frank Iannamico. The Mac Man: Gordon B. Ingram and His Submachine Guns. p. 103. ISBN978-0-9823918-1-5.
^ abJack Lewis (2004). Assault Weapons. Krause. p. 76.
^Jones, Richard (2009). Jane's Infantry Weapons 2009-2010. Jane's Information Group. p. 139. ISBN0-7106-2869-2.
^ abcRobert E. Walker (2012). Cartridges and Firearm Identification. CRC Press. pp. 216, 241, 322. ISBN1466502061.
^Jerry Lee (2011). The Gun Digest Book of Guns & Prices 2011. Gun Digest Books. p. 235. ISBN1440235430.
^Lou Raguse (14 January 2021). 'New warrants in Idd's case reveal car search and investigation of possible link to brother's case'. MSN News. Kare 11. Archived from the original on 14 January 2021. Retrieved 14 January 2021. And they found a backpack on the passenger side that had ammunition and 'Leinad PM-11 high capacity pistol.' The BCA calls it 'a MAC-10 class pistol,'
^'Ingram MAC Model 10 / M10 and Model 11 / M11 submachine guns (USA)'. Official site.
^Jack Lewis (28 February 2011). Assault Weapons. Gun Digest Books. pp. 79–. ISBN1-4402-2400-5.
^Iannamico, Ian. 'Manufacturing History of Ingram-MAC Type Firearms'. Small Arms Review. Chipotle Publishing, LLC. 20 (1): 104.
Extended Clip For Mac 10.2
Extended Clip For Mac 10.6
Randal Stepan, Nolan Wilson, Gary Reisewitz. Mac-10 Cookbook. Arkansas: Desert Publications, 1989.
Extended Clip For Mac 10.7
External links(edit)
Wikimedia Commons has media related to MAC-11.
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=MAC-11&oldid=1000239503'
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