#mod ryuu can attest to the fact that i get genuinely upset if i miss the streams of the person who was streaming yesterday
Hmmmmmm... I had a rather long weekend, so is it alright if I request some domestic!Aku headcanons? What does he do in his spare time, what's his routine like, that sort of thing? 🔅
aaa im sorry for the wait!! i was busy yesterday with editing a video together for one of my classes…. and also having to watch a re7 stream,,, it was Important to me okay. aNYWAY HERE’S SOME HEADCANONS FOR YOU~!
🌟 akutagawa doesn’t really have a routine. he barely takes care of himself, not to mention not really having a consistent work schedule bc yknow he’s a criminal. its not exactly a 9-5 job. i imagine that his days kind of blend together—he easily forgets to eat food for days (he’s used to it, starving is nothing to him now), and sometimes he just Doesn’t Sleep. he’s an incredibly self-destructive person. 
🌟 that being said, the one thing he is consistent in is keeping clean. he’s used to being dirty and smelling bad, but he doesn’t like it. he also doesn’t like being away from his clothes for too long, so he’s a shower ninja. in and out in like .2 seconds and yet somehow completely clean.
🌟 Elitist Tea Drinker Akutagawa. he despises iced tea, thinks it’s an absolute sin. iced sweet tea is even worse. if you attempt to give him some he’d probably just dump the tea on your head. akutagawa only drinks Pure Natural tea brewed from leaves he probably spent like more than half his paycheck on. he also doesn’t like adding in anything to his tea since he think it taints it. 
🌟 he likes reading, even though he doesn’t find much time to do it. and he needs lots of time to properly read. growing up in the slums doesn’t exactly lend itself to High Education, so his reading skills aren’t very much up to par. he’s not almost illiterate or anything, he’s just… kind of slow. has to take his time. it frustrates him, but as we all know he’s extremely stubborn and forces himself to get through it anyway. it gets easier over time, at least. 
🌟 aside from the aforementioned reading, akutagawa doesn’t really do much in his spare time. the most he’ll do is run some errands or do some chores. he’s really busy most of the time anyways. 
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