#aaaa im sorry for the late reply!!
i-ate-your-dog-srry · 5 months
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made you some frank frankly pixel art ! <33 will be doing your oc next :]]
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That's my puppet boy flipping out because of this beautiful art, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA <33333333333
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akinozetsubou · 4 months
It is so stupid to feel so horny and can't do much about it. Also it is stupid someone can hate being horny but alas here we are.
I mean it can be really inconvenient being horny all the time. On the other hand, there are people that doesn't feel horny at all and it's also inconvenient (hi there)
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cuteteacakes · 1 year
//if you were able to write on it, what would you put for your other self?
Oh man I forgot to reply to this xD;; BUT (omg my other self shhhh) I would write “Happy Birthday! I hope you know you’re loved by so many!” or something like that.  ;;u;;
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zerobaselove · 11 months
zb1 comforting you
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pairing: zb1 x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: mentions of family problems in hanbin's kind of?, lowercase intended, not proofread
notes: guys !! im back !! did u all miss me?? SORRYFKJDH but really i missed writing and being here and interacting with you guys so i hope to be more active again,, life has just been a lot lately aaaa i hope you're all well !
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jiwoong ;
to say you were having a rough day was an understatement. right from when you woke up things hadn't been going your way, it only continued to spill into your work day, and that's how you ended up in your break room, puffy eyes after a small breakdown. your supervisor had caught a glimpse of your state and told you to take the rest of the day off, which you happily accepted. you shot your boyfriend jiwoong a quick text, letting him know you were on your way, and you got a worried response. "everything okay?" it read, and you only sighed before replying, "I'll tell you once i'm home."
jiwoong had taken it upon himself after seeing your message to prepare an early dinner for you two. he couldn't help but worry that you weren't taking care of yourself enough since the promotion at your job and he wanted to help in any way he could.
soon enough you were coming through the front door, the smell of your favourite food immediately making your shoulders relax as you turned to see your boyfriend setting out cutlery for the two of you. "you can ramble to me after you get some food into you," he hummed, taking your jacket from you to hang up before joining you at the table. the sudden rumbling of your stomach at the sight of the meal in front of you brought out a chuckle from the both of you. "you really need to take care of yourself my love."
you sighed, knowing he was right. before you knew it you had both finished your meal and had found the both of you standing in the kitchen. "okay now, tell me about your day," he gave you a reassuring grin as you began to recite your less than ideal day to him. the boy listened intently, not interrupting you until you were finished. "okay," you breathed out, catching your breath, "i'm done, and now i just want to forget about it all."
without saying much jiwoong gave you a small nod and dragged you by the arm to the bathroom as he began to run a bath, "you need to relax," he smiled, "take a nice bath and don't worry about anything okay? and after we can watch any movie you'd like." your smile widened at the evening plans. "thank you jiwoong, for everything."
"you never have to thank me my love, ever."
zhang hao ;
you didn't frequently initiate skinship with zhang hao; it was more of his thing, he liked to initiate it and you liked to accept it. so when you wrapped your arms around his shoulders from behind while he was sat at his desk, he couldn't help but turn to you worried. he lightly grabbed one of your hands as he turned to face you. "is everything okay?"
you stood there for a moment in silence before shaking your head. by the response you gave, zhang hao could tell that you didn't really want to discuss what was wrong, and that was okay by him. instead he spun his chair around to face you, pulling you into his lap. you couldn't resist the urge to melt into his touch, leaning into his chest as your head fell into the crook of his neck.
"you're amazing you know that?" he used his hand that wasn't around your waist to card through your hair, "i am so proud of everything you've accomplished." you only lightly shook your head in return, causing hao to keep the compliments coming.
"i'm serious y/n, you don't give yourself enough credit, you should be as proud of yourself as i am." he pressed a kiss to your forehead, causing a smile to erupt on your face at the contact. he let a similar smile spread to his cheeks, "there they are," his hand had now moved to cup your cheek, "my lovely y/n"
"sorry for interrupting your work," yuo pouted, glancing to his open laptop. he simply shook his head with a small smile, "never be sorry for that, there's nothing i'd rather do then be here with you, especially if you need me."
hanbin ;
"hey, whats up?" hanbin asked. without much thought you responded with a "not much." but hanbin only shook his head in return. "no i mean what's wrong love, your eyebrow is doing that thing when you get overwhelmed and you're bouncing your leg which you only really do when you're anxious or stressed. so what's up?"
you didn't realize just how easy you were to read until that moment. not to mention how amazed you were at the fact that hanbin had picked up on gestures that you weren't even aware you were doing. you shook your head in denial before sitting and pondering a moment, "except i guess," you started. "it's just stuff with my family, you know how they are." he gave you an apologetic smile as he placed his hand on yours, rubbing small circles with his thumb to attempt to soothe you.
his question had opened the floodgates as you rambled on about your family and the unnecessary stress and frustration they had been causing you over the last week. you couldn't lie, it felt good to get it off your chest, especially to someone like hanbin who made you feel heard in times like this.
"how can i help?" he gave a small smile, now fully holding your hand in his. "you've already helped just by letting me ramble, bin." but he wasn't having the humble response. "i have an idea."
your brow cocked in curiosity as hanbin grabbed a jacket and his keys off the table, followed by grabbing your hand to drag you out the door. before you could even begin to question where you were going you were already in the passenger seat of hanbin's car and he had begun to explain his plan. "you need to get out, and a nice night drive where you can scream all you want is the perfect plan in my opinion." he smiled at you, handing over his unlocked phone.
"now pick something good, and scream your little heart out."
matthew ;
walking through your front door after work had to be one of the best feelings in the world; letting out a loud sigh as you placed your keys on the counter and took your shoes off at the door. "long day?" matthew asked from the couch, ushering you over to where he was sat. "long doesn't even begin to describe it," you sighed, letting your body sink into the couch, "but every day lately has felt long."
"d'you wanna talk about it?" his bright smile caused a tired smile to spread across your own face, "honestly not really, just wanna spend time with you." his arm immediately pulled you closer into his side and you couldn't help but lean into his frame, resting your head on his shoulder and letting your eyes shut for a moment.
"well that i can do," he chuckled, pulling you impossibly closer to him as he let his finger trace shapes on the exposed skin on your side. there was a comforting silence for a few moments before matthew had spoken up again. "oh, i wanted to show you," he started, grabbing his phone and opening his messages. "my mom sent me a bunch of pictures of me as a kid if you wanted to look through them with me."
a smile quickly spread to your face, matching his beaming smile perfectly, "i would love to," you sat up a bit to see his phone better. some photos came with elaborate backstories told by matthew, which helped distract from the long day at work.
"so wait, you thought you could fly," he eagerly nodded his head, "so you jumped off the couch?" a sheepish grin replaced the expression on his face, "listen, it's not my proudest moment." you let out a loud laugh, the first one in what felt like ages. "how do you always know how to make me feel better?" you asked, locking arms with the boy next to you. "i'm just great like that, comes naturally." you lightly smacked his arm as he ran his hand through his hair.
"thank you my matthew," you smiled, "anytime, my y/n."
taerae ;
you didn't realize how lost in thought you had gotten as you stood in your bedroom until taerae's arms were wrapped around your frame with no words. it was like he had just appeared, and yet you immediately wrapped your arms around him in return without a second thought.
"what's this for tae?" you questioned, your words slightly muffled as you spoke into his chest. "you just looked like you needed a hug," he said simply, squeezing you a little tighter to him. much like before, you quickly got lost in your thoughts again. everything had been catching up to you lately and you felt like you were sinking, unable to come up for air. but here taerae was, like the sun, a glimmer of hope, a breath of fresh air. or maybe an outstretched hand to bring you back to the surface. he was exactly what you needed.
everything hit you at once and without realizing it, you were silently sobbing into his chest. your hands gripped tightly at the fabric of his t-shirt as if to try and pull him closer, or maybe stop him from floating away. the sudden outburst caught taerae a little off guard, but he quickly recovered as he ushered the two of you over to the bed, letting you lay in his arms as the tears fell from your face.
"shh, it's okay, let it out," he lightly rubbed your back. you had never felt so safe and cared for as you did in this moment, and you were so thankful. he let you cry into his chest until you were ready to tell him what was wrong. every once in a while he would move a stray hair out of your face, and one of those times you looked up at him with your glossy eyes and he couldn't help but smile at you, "hi darling."
you sat up a little, closer to eye level now as you finally spoke up, "i'm sorry about your shirt," you pouted, noticing the large patch on the fabric from your tears, "it'll dry, i'm more worried about you." he held your hand in his, "talk to me baby."
you hadn't heard ricky come through the front door, brain too occupied with varying thoughts that left you as you were now, tears streaming down your face in frustration. so to say you were surprised at the sudden worried voice from in front of you would be an understatement. "are you okay? did something happen? did someone do something?"
you quickly shook your head and waved your hand in denial, the other hand coming up to quickly wipe away the tears that had fallen, thought it was too late for that. "nothing like that," you reassured the blond boy, "just stressed is all." ricky got quiet as he made his way to sitting next to you on the couch, turning to fully face you.
"y/n, you don't have to bottle all of that up you know?" he started, placing his hand on your cheek, wiping away the last few tears that remained. "you know i'm here to share your burdens." you couldn't help but smile at the gesture and words. it wasn't that you didn't want to tell him, you just didn't think it had gotten this bad.
your eyes darted around the room, struggling to look him in the eye, "i know, i just didn't want to put it on you," you started, finally letting your eyes land on the boy in front of you, "you have enough on your plate as it." your excuse only got a sigh and a shake of his head as he took your hand in his, fully encapsulating your hands.
"let me be here for you, i want to help, even if it's just being someone to listen." his words were comforting and his tone sincere, leaving you to sit for a moment in awe of how lucky you were to have someone like him in your life. "are you sure?" you breathed out, still worried about contributing to his own stressors.
"i've never been more sure of anything in my life. i will always want to be here for you. always."
gyuvin ;
"hi gyuvin," you mumbled as you opened the door, letting the boy in before turning your back to walk back to your room, assuming he'd follow. before you could get too far his arms were wrapped around you from behind, his chin placed atop your head. "gyuvin? not even gyu? what's wrong?" he spun you around to face him, a confused and slightly concerned look on his face.
you sighed, "i don't really wanna talk about it if that's alright." you looked to the floor, not wanting to see his reaction. due to your action, you missed the new, determined look plastered across gyuvin's face. he was okay with not talking about it, but that meant he had to be the best distraction possible because he hated seeing you upset.
he let you get to your room before practically tackling you onto the bed, peppering rather ticklish kisses over your face as his hands went to your sides, causing you to squirm. a loud laugh escaped your lips followed by a fit of giggles from the both of you. "stop that tickles!" you let out between laughs, nearly kicking the boy in the process.
it wasn't long before you were both sprawled out on the bed, gyuvin's long legs hanging over the edge as you both let a comfortable silence surround you. "gyuvin i'm supposed to be upset right now." you huffed, arms crossing in front of you as you sat up and faced the boy. it didn't last long though as he quickly pried your arms apart.
"and where has that ever gotten you?" he laughed, holding your arms to your sides, "you're home and the day is over, it's time to celebrate!" he was sporting his usual grin as he looked at you expectantly, a small smile cracking at your lips, quickly erupting into the widest smile you could manage.
"see, much better."
gunwook ;
"do you want me to call you?" the text read, quickly typing back a yes as you wiped the tears from your eyes and cleared your throat. gunwook always knew exactly what to say, and you needed his reassurance now more than ever. it was only a few moments before your familiar ringtone that you had set for him blared through the phone speakers.
"what's wrong?" he quickly asked, not even wasting time with formalities. you hummed in contemplation for a moment, not exactly knowing where to begin with the seemingly endless list of causes for your current state. "everything," you let out a sigh, frustrated at yourself for not being able to articulate your thoughts well enough. "okay okay, one step at a time," his calm voice through the speakers was just enough to settle your thoughts for a moment, "start with what's most prominent in your mind right now."
you let out a breath as you started recounting the many stressors you had been dealing with lately. gunwook often giving a hum or small response to assure you he was listening, but overall staying quiet minus some shuffling. you continued your rambles until you were interrupted by an unexpected knock at the door. "hold on wook, someone's at the door."
"you should probably get that," you could almost hear the smile coming through the phone as you open the front door, seeing the boy standing tall in front of you. "do you have to go?" he spoke into the phone, causing you to giggle, "yeah sorry, someone very important just showed up." you smiled as you hung up the phone, preferring to hug the boy in front of you.
the two of you eventually pulled away to sit on your bed. "you didn't have to come over wook," you breathed out, trying to hide the joy that filled you by having him here. "you sounded like you needed more than a phone call," he smiled, grabbing your hand to play with your fingers, "okay, you can continue." he smiled wide at you.
"i would, but suddenly it feels like everything is okay again."
yujin ;
this time of year was always the worst in school. all of these final projects seemed bigger than the year before and the work was piling up on top of needing to study. to say you were stressed was an understatement to an immeasurable degree. and now yujin was hearing about it.
"i just am so overwhelmed," you let out a sigh, finally catching your breath at the end of your rant. yujin felt bad, he knew you were taking on huge course loads this year and he wasn't always the best at advice, but he was going to try his hardest. "well i can help with your project if you'd like." he smiled, fiddling with the sleeve of his sweater.
you shook your head, insisting that you'd figure it out, even if it meant pulling a couple all nighters. "nothing i can't handle," you pushed out a rather dull laugh which only made yujin push a little more. "c'mon y/n, it'll go much faster if you have help." he tried to reason, "plus we can do it at my house and go for ice cream at that place you like down the road after."
you couldn't help but smile at the effort of the offer, "you've sold me." you beamed, "but only if you promise we will go for ice cream." he held out his pinky to you, interlocking yours together. "pinky promise."
and he did keep his promise, the two of you having finished just as the sun was setting. after the hours of seemingly endless work, getting to sit and watch the sunset with your dessert in your hand felt like the best reward you could ask for. "thank you yujin," you smiled to the boy, "i couldn't have done it without you."
he chuckled, taking a spoonful of his ice cream before replying, "hey it's why you keep me around."
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tojisun · 6 months
guess whos back sweetness? 🩷
with my leather jacket lovie rn.. he says hi lol he's making us dinner <3
woop woop we got together last week on dec 1 !! it was rlly cute cause he drove (biked??? transported????) us to an aquarium (my favorite aaaa) and asked me in front of the jellyfish enclosure !! he got us matching lil jelly keychains to celebrate :^)
i still remember him grabbing me by the collar of my jacket (which happened to be pink and very large on me) with both hands and pulling me in close just to sternly tell me to stop "running away from him" after i strayed away like 5 times LOL
but yes the rest of our time since then we're just cute dates nd him keeping me company at work lol... sorry I've been away for so long !! missed u all so so much <333
oh, and another thing: unfortunately i was wrong on my previous assumption ab him holding my wrist, it wasn't for a bracelet..
..it was for a pair of pink leather gloves with his + my initials in a heart on the wrist strap... where my pulse is... sobbing.....
im honestly screaming at home rn bc this is such a beautiful update im like SOBBINGGG
hi to him too!! (?)
omg i luv aquariums too!! n jellyfishes my absolute faves theyre so cuties yk?? CANT BELIEVE HE ASKED U THERE RAHH THATS SO LOVELY HHH
also? NOT HIM SCRUFFING U BC UR WANDERING SM 😭😭 thats so cute help
and omg no pls don’t apologize!! im (we’re) just so so happy that ur doing amazing <33 i miss u too :(( pls dont be a stranger yea? i love love talking to u (guys) 🥹🫶🏼
take care pink leather jacket anon teehee mwah mwah!! wishin u two the happiest days moving forward <333
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masternia · 2 months
First of all, bitch, I’m dying. FELIGAMI. I just love them so much?!! Ive been shipping the two since Gabriel Agreste when they had ✨that✨ tensioned eye contact AND the fact that the ship actually became canon? Please kill me. I will live for feligami. I will die for feligami. And I will kill for feligami.
What do you think will happen if felix ever saw ryuko without knowing her identity?
To answer ur actual question: I feel like Felix would no doubt instantly know it’s her yknow?? Like he’s superrrr smart. I could see it as the moment he see’s her he just knows. That’s the love of his life frfr plus he’s not blind like his sweet cousin 💀. But lets say he couldn’t tell, I think he would admire her as a hero bc she “reminds” him of Kagami. I don’t think he’d pull a Adrien switching up loving one or the other, switching from loving her civilian form then her hero form and back and forth. He found his girl, will stick to her, and admire Ryuko from afar in a healthy way 😌
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bxnnie-bxwl · 6 months
I love freddy so much he deserves to be silly!!!
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hyuckmov · 7 months
hyuck hyuck hyuck! we're really getting the redemption arc, i can't wait for part 3!!
alsooo, the dream that i talked about it was a veryyy domestic dream w/ hyuck's sister, a very cliche scenario of them visiting the amusement park together, but when i tell you i woke up crying because it was the cutest thing ever :(
HII ☁️anon !!! so sorry for the late reply... thank you sm im so happy you like the preview and the tone of heavier angst... i really hope the redemption arc works out and that the happy ending feels deserved
also AAAA that sounds like the loveliest dream :( no matter what universe i write hyuck in he will always always be so full of love, and rockstar hyuck is exactly that!!!!
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dorodoroart · 8 months
You're doing the lords work and I must follow 🤤
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im so sorry i replied to this late i for some reason havent checked my inbox until today alskdjlaksdjad thank you so much aaaa
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cafedanslanuit · 1 year
happy new year, allie! <3 i hope you have an amazing 2023!
sooo, could you recommend some blogs that also write AOT fics as good as yours? 👀 i still don't know how to find fics very well. thanks!
AAAA first of all thank you for the compliment! also sorry for the late reply i was trying to remember everyone because i haven't been active in a while so i might be forgetting some people :') but i did my best effort
@ofoceansandtombsanew (best mikasa writer out there and my bestie) @xokiddo (best porco content fr like i rec all her work) @alert-arlert (looove how they write porco, especially this one) @fierydiamond (her reiner pieces are chef's kiss) @blondeboyfriend (like, best zeke characterization i can't get enough) @plutowrites @6oldie @plum-pompadour @adalz (reading their work is like... like you feel you should've paid for it) @bokebelle (porco!!!!! such good work fr) @bibblelevi
and on ao3, DEFINITELY check out AlienShawty!!! my fave work from them is "Close To You", i can't begin to describe how GOOD it is. my favourite fic of all time, of all fandoms, of just-- everything
i KNOW im missing some people, coming back from my hiatus is messing with my memory, but well :')
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wwwkissu · 10 months
hello what's your favorite movie??? PLEASE WATCH DECISION TO LEAVE I watch it onc on the cinema and I want to watch it twice but it's already gone when I want to watch it again :(
thank you so, so dearly for asking me ;;!!!! i adoree film, cinema is the source of inspiration for my art, for what i ache to capture in volant whether written or visual. i enjoy fleeting, elegaic themes that coaxes the viewer by way of metaphor, tenderness, flitting waves of emotion, and the pain of bloody aliveness. for that, wong-kar wai is one of my fav directors :D i love fallen angels, in the mood for love, and chungking express. a soft spot for ashes of time
eeeek sorry for going on a tangent a little UAA if i had to choose just one movie that i absolutely love it'd be nope by jordan peele. just a perfect, gorgeous, thematically rich film that is beautiful to its core. others i love are the handmaiden, oldboy, get out, im thinking of ending things, parasite (that movie made me UPSET for a week or so after), aftersun, and angel's egg+ wkws stuff of course. lighter stuff i love are pacific rim and the first it movie.
my watchlist is sooo extensive i need to just sit down and watch a bunch of movies aaaa!!! decision to leave sounds soo good ill definitely be watching it soon >:) im interested by reservoir dogs, and i want to watch nowhere by gregg araki, the last black man in san francisco, ghost in the shell, lady vengeance (i want to complete the vengeance trilogy sm), and happy together.. thank you so, so much for reminding me, i'm so sorry it was gone so soon in ur theaters im a proponent for more long lasting releases.. i dont caree i dont want to blink and miss a film !! thank you so much for the ask, im so sorry for replying a little late but THANK UUUU THANK UU i love love talking about film so please always feel free to share your thoughts with me uaaa 🥹 thank you so much and i hope ur having an amazing nightt
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geminid · 10 months
superbright already got delivered today even though originally it said this saturday!!!!!! felt like a schoolgirl coming home giddy from work giggling while flipping through the pages. I adore the way it's formatted and all the digital pieces you've had up for awhile now look even better in print <3 dont think i could thank you enough for this ^^<33
aaaa sorry for the late reply but im so glad that you enjoy it! i do like how a lot of my pieces printed and i worked really hard adjusting over a hundred pieces for printing (i even had to turn on my ancient and dying laptop to retrieve files) so i really hope people can enjoy it. I hope the next time i can do something better with the knowledge i have now
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xnchxntmxnt · 2 years
,,, 500 AAAAAAAA!! long-awaited, v well deserved milestone omghasjam??? i think i met u just around when u hit 400?? :0 not sure not sure, v glad i got to meet u, will be here for all milestones in the future !! anyways,,, wah . CONGRATULATIONS AAAA
event,, event,, tumbles over . i feel like u know me well enough to know who i am req for but!! xiao, reader insert!! um, a song? would be angels like you - miley cyrus. the genre being,, uh,, angst. aha. ahahahahj. i think i'll leave the trope/au up to u !!
again again, cONGRATULATIONS? big milestone!! only bigger ones to come, yes? hugs u super tight then runs away
babe i am in love with the way you talk this is so animated i love it
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Angels Like You
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Character: Xiao
Warnings: College au, slightly suggestive content at the end (its nothing much tho), angst w/no happy ending/an open ending. Slightly ooc xiao bc i kinda made him an asshole im sorry (not really), not proofread & written during a bad writers block hit
Notes: i had such high hopes for this and then it died. but hey i do hope u like it ily babe <3 /p
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I know that you're wrong for me Gonna wish we never met on the day I leave I brought you down to your knees 'Cause they say that misery loves company
12:13 AM. 
You checked the clock again. Still, no text. 
No text for the last three days.
It wasn’t close finals. There wasn’t anything special going on. And your boyfriend, Xiao, has never been one for straight As and studying all day. 
No, he was probably out with his friend Venti again, or just ignoring you. 
In the beginning, it was easier to deal with. He was a probably busy guy! And then you saw how he typically lived—in his dorm 90% of the time, save class and food—and knew that wasn’t the case. And you knew there were some times he just didn’t want to talk to people. 
You were so understanding with everything. But for the last week, he’d done nothing but leave you on read or send one-word answers to all of your texts, never pick up the phone, and never texted you first. Even before this, he’d been spacey. And to a certain degree, you understood that, too.
But it was the bullshit excuses that ground on your last nerve. 
“Just not up to it,” he’d say. Or, “my phone wasn’t on”. Or he wouldn’t reply at all. And last week, when you confronted him about it, he wouldn’t tell you anything besides that. 
Sure, you’d gotten to the point of doubting how upset with all this you were. He needs his space, after all, and you didn’t want to be too overbearing. But he didn’t act like your boyfriend anymore, and your friends had been telling you for weeks it wasn’t worth the heartache if he wasn’t going to try talking it out. 
12:19 AM.
Xiao <3wanna come over for a bit
You sighed. No response to any of your previous texts, of course, but it was something. So, despite how late it was, you made your way over to his apartment. It wasn't far off-campus, so no big deal. 
You knocked on the door upon arrival and he let you in a few moments later. No hello, no kiss, just walked away. He grabbed something out of the fridge and asked if you wanted anything. You declined and sat on the couch. 
Xiao sat next to you, sitting his arm on the back of the couch. Not quite on your shoulders, but you hoped that’s where he was going. You’d missed him a lot, lately. “How come you asked me over?” you asked as he sat down. “Anything special.”
He shrugged. “Not really. Just haven’t seen you in a while, is all. Sorry it’s late.”
“I don’t mind.”
The two of you sat for a while—in silence somewhere between content and uncomfortable. He was never much of a talker, but for some reason, it was worse when the only noise was the neighbors across the hall playing music you could barely hear. 
“Hey,” he said, pulling his arm away from behind you to hold your face. He leaned in slightly, leaving enough room for you to pull away if you chose. Instead, you leaned in. The soda he’d been drinking mixed well with whatever chapstick he had on. When he kissed you like this, it was always soft but pleading for more. He never pushed, but if you agreed, it was a long night for you both. 
His hand slid to hold the back of your neck and he slowly kissed down the other side. “Do you wanna—” he found a spot behind your ear he knew you liked, and you gasped— “head back to my room?”
You thought for a moment, before nodding. Xiao smiled, planted one more kiss on your lips, and helped you up. 
Another day, you thought. Another day you could worry about all the things flying through your head. For now, you’d just enjoy your time with him.
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taglist (send an ask + what fandoms you wanna be tagged in)
@animated-moon @falling4fandoms @sirimirihiro @momoewn @kodzukoi
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haerinz · 3 months
hi hi omg I saw your post like the reply the the follow buttons disappearance ( It obvs wasn't there followed a while ago and completelyforgot) (anyway still thank you for your help omg) main reason for this ask is I got curious and checked your page (YOU HAVE SNOOPY AS UR HEADER OMG WHERE ARE THE SNOOPY GIRLIES FR) the second is I got curious and ofc the busybody I as scrolled down your page till I got to the riki fluff fic (the one w 800notes where y/n listened ti sketchers a billion times YK) (I forgot the title) and like wanted to read turns out I already did long ago I just reunited w ur account once again AAAA what type of coincidence is this why is this so long Im sorry u have to read all this but I wanted to share (plus snoopy🤗‼️) have a good day/night omg is there no word limit for these asks
OMG HI !!! i’m so sorry for answering this so late but i’m glad i could help <33 lol i just changed my theme but yess i love snoopy sm i’ll probably change it back eventually 🤭 i’m glad you found me again & thank you sm for reading ‘light up my world’ lol <33 in my head i refer to it as skechers too so DW you’re not alone 😅 TYSM & i hope you have a great day/night too 🫶🫶
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zurxmxru · 3 months
MARUUUU its almost me birthday im so excited :3!! i have,,,, no plans,,,,, for my birthday this year,,,, because all the people i planned to celebrate it with last year are all GONE 😭😭😭 they all left me waahhhh but its ok i have new people now but then again now i do not know what to do for my birthday do you have any ideas on what i should do,,,, :0
uggqhqggdhcj,,, why does my birthday have to be on march 31st why is it literally the last day of the month 😭😭😭😭 anyway hope ur doing good!! hope ur day was fun todayy :3
(im sending you an ask on ur main because we only ever talk about nijisanji en / vtubers and i forget you have a main sometimes💀💀)
Maybe an idea for your birthday since you probably have friends to celebrate it with is to maybe have a party so that you can hang out with them? 👀 I’m not rlly good at ideas like these so enjdnsjsjjdjje
my day is pretty alright!! As of writing this, I’m gonna hang out with some friends today so I’m excited!! Also happy very early birthday!! Hope ur doing okay too :’D
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move-your-elbow · 11 months
Hi Lou!
Between the portrait of a blank slate music video behind the scenes, genloss and a claymation video I watched my brain is full of ideas I don't have time for so I decided to bother you instead of doing anything :D
Hope your having a good day
HIIII so sorry for super late reply, i literally have not been on tumblr for. A While.
portrait of a blank slate was SICK tho oh my god, ted did such a good job on it i am Insane .. ALSO the entirety of genloss gave me so many fucked up ideas im just so !!! i love horror !!!! even started rewatching buzzfeed unsolved just for the Funky Stuff it involves
hope youre good tho and again so sorry for the late late reply im trying to be on tumblr more aaaa
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