vr-1 · 2 years
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Lo verde crece y lo maduro se pudre 🍃 ❄️#invierno2022❄️ #phothograpy #winteroutfits❄️ #focuslife #withoutfear #goodvivesonly #greateful #modeon https://www.instagram.com/p/ChU-TtZOBjQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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katkembley · 2 years
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I’ve been thinking of you always.
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taevisionceo · 1 year
Hello friends 😊😊 That's all for today Good evening / night See you later
In my "Home Station"
Feelings in the heaven... I wake up with the stars... You're living always in my mind... MY LOVE IN YOUR HEART M@rgo feat Mode One
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wildzero1999 · 1 year
can anyone else just not see the text theyre typing when theyre making posts
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kaixatriplesix · 2 years
Nếu đã suy nghĩ quá nhiều thì hãy để não nghĩ về những điều tích cực. Nếu đã không thể có một tình yêu như mọi người bình thường thì hãy ít nhất hãy yêu bản thân như mọi người bình thường. Nếu đã thích nhiều thứ thì hãy cứ làm đi, không quan trọng số lượng, kết quả, hãy cứ làm thôi. Hãy chăm sóc tốt cho cơ thể, vì nó xứng đáng. Hãy yêu thương những người trong gia đình đầu tiên, vì họ xứng đáng. Hãy tận hưởng cuộc sống này như thể ngày mai bạn sẽ ra đi vĩnh viễn. Bạn bè sẽ có những người mang tính tạm thời, nếu không còn đi cùng nhau, trân trọng quá khứ và rời đi trong im lặng, biết ơn những người vẫn đang đi cùng mình.  Cuộc sống là một chuỗi những cảm xúc, có vui, có buồn, sưu tập những cảm xúc ấy để vẽ nên bức tranh muôn màu cuộc sống, hạnh phúc vì được sống. Luôn tin vào bản thân, nhưng hạ cái tôi, lắng nghe, nếu cảm thấy nói ra những lời khó nghe, bình tĩnh, dừng lại 10 giây, thở thật chậm, im lặng, để mọi thứ trôi qua, biết ơn vì bản thân đã làm thế. Cảm ơn bản thân một lần nữa.  Hà Nội, 14 tháng 11 năm 2022, Mất ngủ, chiêm nghiệm, tỉnh, biết ơn và trân trọng mọi thứ. Thương yêu gia đình và cuộc sống nhiều hơn. Việt Dũng.
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444names · 9 months
towns and cities in both the republic of ireland and south korea BUT excluding "h"
Abbey Abbeyrang Abric Abrin Abristoo Aburnelis Acasslay Adeonstles Aesan Agalan Aggus Agock Aguntiogue Aigurnfor Ailconbon Aisslane Amnam Ampyeck Andown Angdon Angimon Anglegue Ankidge Apopo Apoqua Ardford Aretty Arnam Ateenon Ateenvoree Aullastow Ausejon Avangan Bacen Baeju Bailma Bairroe Balbon Baleaustlen Balinbrin Ballack Ballaggyeon Ballan Balle Balled Balleelgen Balleryeon Balletown Ballier Ballies Ballieunine Ballim Ballimstoe Ballin Ballis Ballogee Ballongder Ballounlin Balls Ballston Balltumsam Ballus Bally Ballybore Ballyclod Ballyga Ballygard Ballyjan Ballylas Ballylongju Ballyma Ballynague Ballyneen Ballyr Baltinju Baltor Baltys Bandung Bangjumbet Bansuir Barry Bawlestown Bayan Beaggyeon Begang Begocknon Begyeon Belan Bellang Beltowne Bergure Blannyan Blastleent Bliannisbuk Blinry Bofins Boollyclow Boseju Branacasan Brate Briff Brissintim Brock Brumnaslin Buamp Bubla Bubladfin Bublinam Buksteragu Buyeon Bwollan Béall Carbal Cardfen Carey Carnarri Carriell Carrit Carriterst Carry Cascroe Caseok Caskeen Cassand Castletran Castoe Castown Casunling Caulspitty Ciallyla Ciamyan Cilculliff Civock Clack Clactur Clagra Clalle Clang Clangjine Claskermann Cleckrag Clian Cliestown Clinastel Clinewtown Clock Cloeung Clogo Clogord Clomon Clond Clong Cloodewon Clougue Cloungyeon Clourn Clourt Clous Cloylard Clurri Cnockman Cobel Colelly Colgyane Coman Comeara Congdeon Congown Contbridge Coomakeslay Coomitim Coote Coree Corgu Courry Cries Croman Cromeers Crosam Crossmord Crout Crovints Culard Curboft Curne Daebelculla Daill Damgry Dampary Darva Delan Doode Doodes Doong Drang Drateenses Dridlen Drock Drood Dross Drossmore Drumbel Drumord Drumovilda Drumurs Dunce Dúnacaul Edmormong Enamp Eongaklaguk Ernaewong Eumkeel Eungbuk Falveelle Fedmous Forman Framseon Freen Furcollyon Furet Furry Gakert Garoire Garridgead Garry Gater Geationju Geonaju Getood Geupseock Gijan Glinala Goksan Gollise Gormisron Gormo Gorown Gorryknon Gortbrossax Gosker Grang Gransan Gungju Gwangsangan Gwomany Gwongi Gyang Gyeon Idgeon Iksaggla Iltown Inagane Injeon Innisong Innyallen Inseon Ireekstown Janewan Jangaklong Jangi Jannaskilla Jeong Jeonnitrot Jikste Jineystown Jings Jintown Jockan Judim Keixna Kiend Kilcodeon Kildan Kildcas Kildoncrity Kildton Kilemonbu Kilen Kilermor Kilferood Kilfin Kilfing Kilfinseon Kilfwaw Killa Killas Killemyvan Killsan Killy Killyo Kilmall Kilmeare Kilmell Kilminden Kilmon Kilmory Kilmu Kilmulsan Kilmun Kilnanju Kilstong Kilstown Kiltown Kiltyforeek Kines Knocard Koreastle Labragap Ladaeig Lascrosack Lassangju Leddeona Linan Lindang Linroe Liseusk Litrat Littaneyre Logum Logyan Longney Loomore Loong Mackmarna Maklogore Mallone Marry Meastown Meensan Merry Meste Midge Milculebrum Mitasky Modeon Mollenna Morkeent Moung Mourry Muiwoo Mulintuam Mulleong Mullitinaga Mullysaney Mulsane Munce Murne Nagan Namel Namyan Nangsok Nastlecknay Nesunt Newballa Nockraire Nogujeon Norring Nurráirí Oegson Offall Oindon Olycung Petoad Pillary Pills Pogyeon Porooldcast Porrang Promaller Prossbrid Pyeon Pyerneg Quaittemar Ragarvan Raigort Rangburel Rangne Rannigan Rastle Rasundroe Raterfor Ratow Reseone Riddy Rivoy Robworryle Romoy Ronaylan Rootee Roseonvord Rowkee Ruselgappo Saclouiry Sanlon Sapyeongju Scoobirt Scoot Seolene Seonbridge Seone Seumly Seung Seusk Seylin Sinew Skesung Slarrand Sokstown Spamcon Spare Spettleison Spidgeon Spite Stleela Stongork Stown Swaylin Taekpo Tainstobel Tastier Tastown Teeltown Timord Tionack Tonampiter Toodastown Tumkeeksam Turne Turry Uingseon Uncen Vilennagard Villenna Vilwawn Wacklood Wayane Wayannaggle Weldy Yeomailes Yeone Yeong Yeongay Yeongtown Yeonn
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mensajeroseis · 1 year
if i was a wizard id cast 2000s video game cheats. *flicks wrist gayly* big-head-modeon
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puedes mencionarme los finales donde yui se venga/mata a los diaboys? y si es así, donde puedo conseguir las imágenes de todos los juegos ^-^
Bienvenida y gracias por preguntar!
Antes que nada quería disculparme por la demora, tumblr tiró el borrador de esta respuesta a la basura y tuve que rehacerla (´-﹏-`;)
Bien. En realidad no hay muchos finales en donde Yui arremeta contra los diaboys ya que por lo general suele ser al revés: ellos matan a Yui de maneras horribles.
Pero si la memoria no me falla, existen dos finales en el que ella mata y/o daña a uno de los chicos:
⚜️ Shu Sakamaki, Brute End. More, Blood: después de arrepentirse de haber entregado a Yui en los brazos de Yuma, Shu la recupera y le promete que nunca volverá a abandonarla. Pero Yuma (que a lo largo de la ruta de Shu parece estar recordando su pasado con él) termina desapareciendo.
Esto hace que Shu se aislé aún más que antes abrumado por la culpa, haciendo que Yui se pregunte por qué le ha prometido que no la abandonaría si está dejando sola constantemente. Y en un intento desesperado por recuperar a Shu y volver a tener su atención, Yui inicia la búsqueda de Yuma.
Pero para su desgracia, él nunca aparece.
Por esta razón e impulsada por una sensación de abandono y soledad, Yui toma una decisión drástica: engaña a Shu-san diciéndole que finalmente ha encontrado a Yuma y que está encerrado en la mazmorra de la mansión por su propia seguridad, ya que suele ser bastante impulsivo.
Guía a Shu hasta allí; lo apuñala, lo encierra y encadena. De esta manera, se asegura de que Shu nunca vuelva a dejarla sola, afirmando que estarán juntos para siempre ✨Yui Yandere #modeon✨
⚜️ Kanato Sakamaki, Brute End. Lost Eden: incapaz de controlar el gran poder demoníaco que su padre Karlheinz le ha dado (poder que, en suma, no quiere), Kanato está más descontrolado que nunca. Tanto así, que sus hermanos consideran matarlo para evitar la destrucción del Mundo de los Demonios.
En esta ruta en particular, aparece Seiji (el padre de Yui) con la intención de ayudarla a huir (o al menos eso parece). Pero antes de que siquiera pudiera hacer algo, Kanato lo asesina.
Esto quiebra a Yui que pierde la cabeza por completo (ya que Kanato a lo largo de esta ruta la trata como basura, culpándola de su situación y todo lo que ocurre a su alrededor). Por lo que va al Edén y lo apuñala de muerte con una daga de plata.
Pero Kanato, justo antes de morir, la ataca y la mata, diciendo que la llevará con él hacia donde sea que vaya.
Kanato y Yui mueren, Kino obtiene el poder que tanto desea y mata al resto de los diaboys.
Por otra parte, el tema de las imágenes un tanto difícil. Por ejemplo, estos dos finales no tienen un CG (imágen del juego). Eso varía de final en final y por lo general, los Manservant y Brute End son los que menos imágenes tienen.
Pero si quieres verlas, te dejo este blog que es un blog de traducciones y tiene todas las imágenes de todas las rutas en dichas traducciones. Es uno de los pocos blogs que pone los CG.
Espero que te haya sido de ayuda y una vez más, ¡disculpa la demora! ♡˖꒰ᵕ༚ᵕ⑅꒱
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tomoevo4wo4 · 7 months
914:パチンコパチスロドットコムがお届け:2023/11/06(月) 17:27:09.76 ID:PfPFUbtS0今後の京楽 ■1月スマスロ7RIDERS ■2月e仮面ライダー電王 ■3月Pまどか☆マギカ3※新枠+ラッキートリガー搭載予定 https://ameblo.jp/modeone/entry-12827582963.html 916:パチンコパチスロドットコムがお届け:2023/11/06(月) 17:28:06.23 ID:FgLiVE0a0>>914P機なのに新枠なのか思い切った事するな 915:パチンコパチスロドットコムがお届け:2023/11/06(月) 17:27:46.96 ID:PfPFUbtS0まど3ラッキートリガー搭載ってことはライトミドルかね 917:パチンコパチスロドットコムがお届け:2023/11/06(月) 17:29:16.15…
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Innuos Pulse Mini: An Overview
The new Innuos PULSE series is designed for the Innuos experience whether you wish to mostly play music from streaming services like Qobuz or TIDAL or whether you are just looking forward to creating another zone in your home to build your connection to your main music server. The Innuos PULSE Network players are available in two different modes:
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On Standalone mode, the Innuos Sense app can be used to play streaming services, Internet Radio and music on a NAS to a multitude of audio systems. In this mode, the network player plays a crucial role as the centre of your audio system and this is how it enables you to use the Sense app along with other streamers on your network. There are innumerable advantages coming from all the features of the Sense App including:
Managing the TIDAL and Qobuz albums both at the same time with albums kept on a NAS for a unified Music Library Internet Radio with easy preset creation Searching tracks playing on Internet Radio / Radio Paradise on Streaming Services Fast Search Integration via Streaming Services and music on a NAS Easy creation of playlists from multiple streaming services and music on NAS Integration with BBC Sounds, Spotify Connect and Airplay connectivity based on the provided Logitech Media Server platform Curated and Configurable Smart Mixes based on your music
Home Screen widgets on the app are meant to offer access to your favourite features at the touch of a button. Endpoint ModeOn Endpoint Mode, the Innuos Pulse Mini Network Players establish a connection with a main Music Server, no matter it's an Innuos Music Server, Roon Core, HQ Player or any Logitech Media Server-based server. The PULSE will then show as a zone on the respective music server app and that app can be used to browse and listen to music on the Pulse Network Players. Check out more about the product on jaguaraudio.com.
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ciaokhou · 1 year
perihal rezeki
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Pagi ini, kami ikut jalan sehat. Itung-itung membayar kewajiban olahraga yang idealnya seminggu tiga kali, tapi jadi dua minggu sekali, wkwk. Gapapa, semua pencapaian itu meaningfull loh ibuukk *another gamau salah modeon XD
Di jalan ke arah finish, tiba-tiba mendung. Rombongan terakhir kebetulan tinggal aku, Abi, dan Farhat. Tapi bukannya mempercepat langkah, kami malah bincang-bincang ngomongin pasar, masjid, dan ayam, sambil ketawa-tawa. Sampai di atas jembatan, Abi berhenti. Ada bapak tua yang jualan keset rajut untuk kamar mandi. Abi jongkok, terus tanya-tanya harga dan lihat-lihat seakan tertarik. Pikirku waktu itu; Ngapain nih Abi, mau beli keset? Orang keset di rumah juga masih ada, masih pada bagus.
Lepas tanya-tanya dan bincang-bincang singkat, Abi beli 4 keset yang padahal di rumah kami kamar mandinya ga sampe 4. Setelah ngedumel bertanya kenapa-kenapa yang hanya dibalas senyum dan 'ya gapapa nak', kami jalan lagi menuju finish dengan tentengan kresek isi keset.
Heran aku. Untuk beberapa hal, kadang Abi ga berfikir panjang kalau mau beli ini itu. Ga pake tawar-tawar, walaupun menurutku harganya ga logis. Langsung aja gitu keluarin uang, basa-basi sedikit, bilang makasih, dah selesai. Aku yang kadang ngeluarin uang 2000 buat tukang parkir yang datengnya suka tiba-tiba aja, kadang mikir panjang._.
Tapi terus, di hampir 500 meter menuju finish tiba-tiba hujan, agak deras. Dan Abi keluarin keset itu dari kresek, terus kasihin ke aku dan Farhat satu-satu. Kami lari sambil jadikan keset itu payung untuk kepala kami. Selepas sampai finish, Abi bilang:
"Alhamdulillaah, kesetnya memang rejeki kita kan"
Jadi, hari ini alhamdulillaah Allah hadirkan Bapak penjual keset untuk kami beli. Uang kami, jadi rezeki untuk si Bapak. Dan keset itu akhirnya, jadi rezeki kami. Kami jadi nda terlalu kuyup kehujanan pagi ini. Abi hari ini seakan ingin mengajarkan, kalau konsep rezeki tidak selalu muluk-muluk perihal sekian bilangan, atau sebesar usaha. Tidak basah kuyup pun, rezeki yang harusnya disyukuri.
Hehe, gitu dulu aja. Kalau kalian gimana? Sudah bersyukur dengan rezeki yang hari ini Allah datangkan?
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Bonus pict foto keset yang mulai hari ini, akan menghiasi lantai depan kamar mandi rumah kami, hehe. Ya gasemua juga langsung dipakai jejer-jejer. Bisa jadi yang lain rezeki keluarga lain. Bisa jadi juga, rezeki kamu? Xixi😁
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katkembley · 2 years
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Playful mode: ON!🔥
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taevisionceo · 1 year
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urduhindipoetry · 1 year
Itel A23 Pro_Open Version (5'' FWVGA Bright Display | 8GB+1GB Memory | Smart Face Unlock | 2400mAh Battery | 2MP Rear Camera | Selfie Camera)_Sapphire Blue
Itel A23 Pro_Open Version (5” FWVGA Bright Display | 8GB+1GB Memory | Smart Face Unlock | 2400mAh Battery | 2MP Rear Camera | Selfie Camera)_Sapphire Blue
Price: (as of – Details) Itel A23 Pro_Open Version (5'' FWVGA Bright Display | 8GB+1GB Memory | Smart Face Unlock | 2400mAh Battery | 2MP Rear Camera | Selfie Camera)_Sapphire Blue1GB RAM with 8GB ROMSmart Face Unlock2400mAh Battery with Smart Power modeOne Sim is Jio locked
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anantradingpvtltd · 1 year
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] From the manufacturer Secure your life Speedy face unlock, Smartphone Security For unstoppable life 2400mAh big battery Makes your life brighter Bright 12.7cm (5.0) FWVGA display Upgrade your life Upgrade your life with Android10.0(Go edition) and Dual active 4G volte 1GB RAM with 8GB ROM 2400mAh Battery with Smart Power mode One Sim is Jio locked [ad_2]
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thehustleisinu · 2 years
STOP Giving Girls FREE ATTENTION – Rest In POWER Rest In Peace To Alan Roger Currie, a legend in the dating space. Please support him below: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AuthorAlanR… Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/modeone4ever/ Books (Amazon): https://www.amazon.com/Alan-Roger-Cur… Patreon Supporters Page: https://www.patreon.com/modeone PayPal Donations:…
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