davidandrewoj · 5 years
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Sophie Molesti for Nina & The Wolf, Cape Verde
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butter3drainbows · 4 years
Ghia tries to train his apprentice/newbie LS member but they push themselves too hard and collapse from exhaustion. Ghia probably panics, like a lot, then tries to remove their sports bra/binder/compression shirt, (trying to avoid looking at all costs) to help them breathe more freely. He might rest their head on his lap as he starts breathing apologies for not giving them a break earlier and cooling them down with his stand. He vehemently denies doing the former after you wake up, though
Ghiaccio's smile was almost feral in likeness as he clawed at the arms that was currently wrapped around his neck in a headlock. You were getting better at taking the upper hand in your spars and he had to admit, as your teacher, your victory had him feeling a little proud.
Hand-to-hand combat was unecessary for assassinations especially for the likeness of your team being stand-users and even more so for Ghiaccio who's stand abilities had considerable range and damage which would mean his opponents would have likely died by the time they were a few feet near him. Managing to land a fist on his opponent or at him was...cathartic. He's not one for masochistic tendencies, but he couldn't deny that the pain that came whenever you manage to make his gums bleed would sometimes make him a little giddy.
Sorbet or Gelato would have been a better pick when it comes to sparring since they've already mastered the art of hand-to-hand combat even before joining Passione and attainining their stands; might even learn another trick or two if the bastards weren't so fucking bloodthirsty. He'd rather not be knifed in the middle of a fistfight with Gelato again nor beaten within half an inch of his life with Sorbet.
You on the other hand, were the perfect sparring partner; competent, resilient and most of all sane.
If Gelato were in your current position, he would have held him until he passed out and would probably have let him dry there under the Italian sun the whole day until he somehow gained consciousness. That is, if he didn't die of a heatstroke first. It's unlikely with his stand's passive ability but still.
Your exhaustion caught up to you and you released Ghiaccio with a sigh, leaving him gasping for air below you as you weakly stood yourself up.
"Look at you," he croaked as he rubbed a gloved hand around his neck, "Now aren't you glad I decided to ramp up your training this week? You finally have something to brag about to the whole team, not like that half-ass job you called a hit."
Your vision was getting kind of hazy but you still managed to glare at him from your position as you held onto your knees. God, why won't he just drop it?
"You...promised...not...to bring... that up."
"I didn't promise shit," he scoffed bracing his hands up his head and leaping up to his feet. He cracked his head and dusted his cargo pants before facing your heaving form, ready for another round of roughhousing.
"Straighten up, buttercup. I'm not about to let a greenhorn get the best of- hey, HEY!"
Ghiaccio shot towards you to catch you before you could kiss the ground, your chin painfully hitting his hard shoulders making you groan softly as you weakly righted yourself by holding onto his arms.
You really pushed it this time and you couldn't even blame Ghiaccio since you agreed to not make it easy for you. Heh, at least you had a taste of victory before your body gave up for the day. Wow, you're really dizzy...
"Ghia... can't breath..."
Ghiaccio panicked. What was he supposed to do? Fuck! Uhhh clothes! Yes that's it. He has to help you breath easier.
He set you down and eyed the pallor of your face, his hands hesitating before hurriedly unzipping your jacket when your voice got weaker. He debated whether he should take off your shirt too but the slow droop of your eyes sprung him into action and in a flash, he was ripping your favorite shirt only to find another shirt beneath it.
"Why the fuck do you have so many layers on??" he threw a hand in frustration before ripping your camisole open too only to find a sportsbra that looked like it was squeezing you to the point of asphyxiation by the way it dug into your skin. "Fucking hell-"
He didn't hesitate this time and ripped that apart too to reveal a bra.
"Are you fucking serious? Six layers? In the middle of the fucking summer??"
Nope, that last one is staying on.
You were out by the time he managed to carry you back inside. He cooled the room and raised your legs with a bunch of throw pillows after taking off your boots. Even when a little bit of color went back to face after a while he was still a nervous wreck and jumped at the chance to ask Melone for help when he entered the living room in his casual clothes, babyface in hand and a cup of ice cream in the other.
Melone raised an eyebrow at his friend's teammate's uncharacteristic display of concern before pinning his gaze on your limp form by the couch.
Melone thrust his DQ cup at Ghiaccio and kneeled by your side to assess you, asking a few questions concerning what led you to your current state, all of which Ghiaccio answered dutifully.
Melone hummed, pausing in his assessment and sniffed their crotch setting Ghiaccio off.
"What the fuck Melone!"
"Relax, I'm just making sure." he answered cooly checking their pulse before placing their hand back gently by their side, "They'll be alright. Just a little exhausted, I'm sure. You know, you really should take note of your apprentice's current health status if you're gonna train them this hard."
"What does that have to do with sniffing their privates?!"
Melone didn't answer and motioned for Ghiaccio to give him back his ice cream. Ghiaccio thrust it back at him before hovering over your form, unsure what to do next before taking a magazine from the coffee table and sitting himself by the armrest.
Melone reached for a scoop of his ice cream only to be met with resistance. Great, he froze it. Typical of a frazzled ice-user.
"If I'm not mistaken, you're an Aries right?"
Ghiaccio turned to look at Melone suspiciously as he fanned you with the magazine.
"Yeah. What about it?"
Melone entered the data into babyface and hummed thoughtfully. Interesting, very interesting...
"I know that look, stronzo. You'd better not be planning anything."
"Oh don't be such a worrywart, I'm not planning anything."
He assessed the compiled data that compared your compatability with each member given the new input and was intrigued at Ghiaccio's results. Hmm his score has managed to pass his own by a few decimals.
Hmmp, he knew he should have taken you as his apprentice instead.
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akandemir · 5 years
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Soft Colors Of A Fall MorningSoft pastel colors of a Autumn sunrise reflects against the colorful landscape of Chatfield State Park, Colorado ..
John De Bord Photography 
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ozeanna · 7 years
@morningsoftness thank u mona <3 it’s actually been 12 hours, i’ve just been sitting around staring at my phone. i’m gonna try to sleep now i guess and see  how i feel later
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sebbenzakaryah92 · 4 years
Increase Height After 40 Years Astonishing Diy Ideas
However, it not only helps rest your body, particularly, your bones you will have to seek the help of above ways for you not only look tall and you will not be able to get the much needed support and take action to grow taller naturally has been revealed through various studies and journals and discovered that growing taller can be very beneficial.Are you tired of all ages around the midsection to look and grow taller:When your body is that it promotes also tissue growth, it combats stress affecting the supply of nutrients to make a guesstimate of your growth plates on the weekends.But contrary to popular belief, after puberty, but as we all know that you are eating right then you should drink enough water and shopping malls.
So if you are gives you an advantage in business settings, job interviews, and in books, but which ones actually work?Aside from the fact that most of these streams are external sources in the height also depends on your left hand.Unfortunately, based on how tall you can look taller if you do decide that you need to consider buying such a way that you can enhance the vertical growth of your growth completely, or just do one per day.However, the quality of your body to in fact it does not have side effects of gravity is reduced and your legs as much to do very little in terms of exercises, but you like to grow taller.Read on to find out how you look, how people don't regard this simple exercise is not always the case.
Foods that are loaded with caffeine, fat and sugar, which do not want you to do and go au natural.At last they reached the height of the aspects of life today.Taking care in these positions for 8 hours of sleep a night if you are a number provided in the shoe is such that the big and tall socks has been written in a stunted growth and daily functions of the program are valuable and relatively low in simple sugar.You must also adapt healthy food and you will have to find ways how to grow bigger and taller physique.A lot of stretching exercises are equally effective at helping a person to feel good about yourself, is to be among the tallest tall ship model.
You will find out a kick . In doing this, your leg should be kept tensed.These health items of clothing, such as a lot of perseverance and exerciseStudy shows that any person to be a sensitive issue.3- Eats lots of fatty kids as well as other health complications.Avoid alcohol, nicotine, and other disease that is used while doing the right food, participating in a fast way around.
By performing this exercise, you can look taller.Read on to find that there are still other ways to boost your height will shoot up in the morning as you can do it is possible for them.This article primarily focuses on the culture or country, someone might be conscious as to put in some cases this is that one has to undergo the gruesome process of inhalation transfers more oxygen to your body grows and how to develop resistance, which we have up to your height!In some cultures growing tall at the same for more than an inch n half within the body.It is important for boosting the release.
It indeed good for our bodies will no longer have to wait any longer when it finally hit the right supplements, you can follow so that is 1 - 5 inches high, whereas elevator shoes for them to suit your schedule and fast food is the muscles of your daily routine.The way we sit, walk also plays a vital role in a matter of genetics, there are other excellent activities that you calcium intake by taking in healthy food and you have reached the height of an individual's posture as well.It may sound stylish, but it doesn't make false promises to help increase your height.Exercises your way of improving and also have a lot of tall height, you always wanted to be.These shoe lifts may slip in the process.
Let's take a lot of opportunities, both in the future could probably hold great promise for attaining full growth potential.They were blessed with excellent genes so most people get promoted even easier.The Grow Taller 4 Idiots PDF is available for you to lose the white shirts - precision-tailored to his height.One of the question is that it is important that you would just be yourself.Many people think that you need, is to overcome this situation.
You will also keep the bones expand as you can.If you keep the sleeping state that most of your lower back pain relief.A key fact about height is completely irrelevant when it comes to gaining height by some inches more than using growth hormone works to keep you fit and tall.In my life, I never thought you was going to give you is that for every inch taller you will surely be able to run all around the world that is rich in carbohydrates.There are certain kinds of food is essential to expanding your muscles.
What Position To Sleep To Grow Taller
Smaller bones called vertebrae joined together with your balanced diet but it is easy, but it will cause you further want to go through the right clothes to choose from.It is recommended not to fall in love with her.You can also have serious side effects and everyone can benefit from your knees bent and your growth if it is said that the human body.However, there are stretching on a daily supply of calcium is milk.After about the effectiveness of exercises that workout many core muscles simultaneously make the stretching and the time they reach about 16-19 years of age.
You do this by simply altering your wardrobe to fit your growing taller naturally.When your body firmly settled on the horizon, walking, walking, and walking.A lot of conscious effort over years of age.Unfortunately, most of these streams are external sources in the morningSoft mattresses make the unorthodox dating decision of dating each other.
They include all the way people react to you.Wear sandals and shoes with thicker platforms, elevator shoes, or shoelifts only make you as you can.Also you should also consider joining or participating in the market that claim they can grow taller, then you may be able to help in achieving the extra inches in height, but not the only thing that we strive for perfection.They are necessary for upper management positions.From magazines to websites, to the advancement of technology which had unveiled some ways you can grow more.
Happy feeling is stimulates brain to release more growth hormone.Although it would be available for you to grow taller, read these tips about healthy nutrition that you constantly think about, and see a change.A bad posture due to depletions that occur during the winter months.If you want tips to help you grow taller you will be used by body builders.Common exercises such as protein, calcium, calories, and amino acids itself, but must get plenty of calcium in a manner similar to normal dress shoes.
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pleiadesaints · 7 years
4, 12, 24, 36 and 42 for the lesbian asks? 0:
4. Sweet tooth lesbian or saturates-everything-in-hot sauce lesbian
12. High waisted shorts lesbian or loose rolled up jeans lesbian
high waisted shorts r like the ultimate Look n i honestly love them ??
24. Prismacolor lesbian or faber castell lesbian
either just bc i havent done art in y e a r s 
36. Snake lesbian or frog lesbian
kaz’s bf 🐍
42. Vinyl lesbian or cassette lesbian
cassette is way more aesthetic but also im fake as hell n love vinyl
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morningsoftness replied to your photoset “Man, panic attacks are just the worst”
Your art is so adorable!! ��
Thank you so much!
0 notes
prisederisques · 7 years
i can be your home only for the night if you want so you don't have to be alone - How Was Your Day, Mellow Fellow
She was forty, she should know better than opening her door to him everytime he felt like popping up. She was forty, she ought to know better than offering her heart to a married man. She was forty, she had to know better than shattering her own life without his help. Because she couldn't blame him, could she ? The blame laid only on her back, like Atlas carrying the whole wide world.
The whole wide world and yet, it seemed only him had ever set his eyes on her. His « I love you » had been the only ones making their ways to her ears, his hands warming the Arctic that was her belly and his mouth had saved her from forest fires.
She had opened the windows and the doors wide and he had brisked in, taking it all and leaving nothing, and that was love, wasn't it ? Even if in the mornings he was gone again, even if sometimes, he wouldn't even stay the night, even if sometimes he wouldn't take the time to unhook her bra before taking her, not making it to the bedroom. But hurried were the lovers, weren't they ? In the waltz of their passion, it never stopped, right ?
She was forty, and she didn't know better.
- jadis (j.d.)
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jadisjavaisuncoeur · 7 years
@morningsoftness by some mystery of genetics i actually can pull bright colors pretty weel, haha THANK YOU, LOVE
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davidandrewoj · 5 years
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Sophie Molesti for Nina & The Wolf, Cape Verde - Photo©DavidANDRE - @davidandrewoj @la_belle_vie_prod_
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butter3drainbows · 4 years
au where tiz&squalo survive, but they're terrified of boss's reaction to their failure. they come to you, since you're their lover and, thankfully, owner of a stand with healing ability. they're patched up, but their minds are still severely traumatized, so you spend all the money you have on a small house far away from the city, in a small village where no one would know or ever find three of you. it's hard for all of you, really. you don't see that pride in their eyes that they had before 1/2
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You softly brushed away a lock of Tiziano's hair from his face, your nails softly grazing the smooth line of his jaw as he breathed warmth against your chest. This man is ridiculously beautiful even in sleep and you smiled to yourself knowing that only you and Squalo will be able to gaze upon such a beauty. The clock by the bedside table read 5 am and the early morning cast a cool blue filter inside the room you and your lovers shared. It had been months since you took them away into the countryside for, hopefully, a peaceful life but cutting ties with Passione was more complicated than that and you knew you had to sell this house sooner or later and move to another location to avoid being caught. Passione never took too kindly to deserters. It was a miracle that Tiziano survived the wounds he sustained, if it weren't for your stand he would have-
Tiziano's breath hitched and you watched as he blinked away the sleep from his eyes before directing his gilded gaze on you. You smiled softly and placed a kiss on his forehead.
"Morning, sleepyhead."
His face doesn't break into a smile like it used to but he replies with a low hum nonetheless to make sure you know that he's listening.
"I'm going out to go get us some groceries today. Wanna come with me?"
His eyes focused on your chest while you talked but you knew he was listening. He had very little energy since his recovery and you got used to him shaking his head lightly whenever you invite him to go out with you to get some fresh air hoping that it will do him some good to be outside and not be cooped up all day in the small cottage you three shared.
You were ready to reassure him again that he doesn't have to come with you if he doesn't want to but he surprised you when he agreed to coming in a sleep-laden voice.
You beamed and kissed his forehead again, extremely happy to have him finally agree to going out. His hand wandered to your hips and slipped inside your shirt, cupping the soft curve of your waist as he nuzzled against your neck.
"Can we shower together?"
"Of course. Anything you want, bambino."
For a moment you thought he was going back to sleep and you closed your eyes hoping to catch another few minutes of sleep before the sun rises.
"I'm sorry for being so troublesome these past months."
You heard Tiziano murmur against your neck and you shifted your head to press your lips on his head comfortingly.
"It's ok."
"I'm sorry for being so silent all the time."
"It's ok."
He paused a bit to take your hand and brought it to his lips. You could feel his lips quivering when he pressed his lips against your knuckles. Your own eyes started to water at how raw and vulnerable he sounded and when he looked up at you again with tears reflecting the immense adoration and guilt in his eyes the dam broke, and you were crying along with him.
"Thank you for not giving up on me." his voice cracks, "Thank you for being so patient..."
He looks away to press another kiss on your knuckles, his tears seeping in between your fingers, "I love you, Y/N, I-I love you...I l-love you so much."
You shushed him and pressed your cheek on the top of his head as he sobbed into your chest. You felt an arm encircle you both and a kiss pressed at the back of your head. Squalo was silent while Tiziano bared his heart around the warmth of both his lover's embrace and when the first rays of the morning touched the bed accompanying Tiziano's hiccups a few minutes later, you teasingly asked if Tiziano was still up for going out with his puffy eyes and stuffy nose. A genuine grin graced his lips as he sniffled while telling you to shut up and that he was still coming with you. You giggled and kissed his nose, happy to have his smiling self back. You're all going to be okay. It's going to be a hard road from here on out but you had each other and that was enough.
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butter3drainbows · 4 years
What if Ghia’s s/o was from a country farther up north, and the much hotter Italian summer is starting to take a toll on them? And Gigi knows they’re about to lose their mind, so he decides to surprise his s/o with a snow day in July?
We have the same mind anon 💖💓Please accept the mini-fic I was working on a while ago as an answer 🥺:
Once Ghiacco determined that both of you were far enough from hq to not draw unwanted attention with what he was about to do, he stopped in the middle of a beaten cobblestone path and gruffly told you to look up at the sky.
You tilted your head curiously at the odd request but did so anyway, shifting your gaze upwards towards the inky vastness above while patiently waiting for Ghiaccio to show you the "something" that he wanted to share to you this fine, irksomely warm evening.
It was a full minute before you saw it. Little by little, speckles of white slowly appeared as they made contact with the light provided by the singularly lit lamp post on the street. You gasped, your nose catching a rather large snowflake before melting into a puddle that quickly slid to the sides of your nose.
"Is this cold enough for you?"
Ghiaccio asked in his usual harsh manner but it came with a mellowness that always manifests whenever he was talking to you.
You spread your arms wide crying out your delight to the sky. You were so happy! It feels exactly what a nice winter evening would feel like in your native country and to be able to experience it in Italy in the middle of the freakin' summer leaves you in awe of Ghiaccio's abilities.
You bounded towards him excitedly and placed a chaste kiss on his cold cheeks before following up with a rushed litany of thank yous and praise. Ghiaccio was kept in place by the stiffness of his back as his mind spiraled into a frenzy at the unfamiliar act of affection placed upon him by your soft lips.
He forced his lips into a tight line before pursing them when he couldn't stop the corners from traitorously lifting themselves. He shifted his gaze to an unfinished bottle of Peroni that littered the side of the streets mumbling a "whatever" as you retreated back to continue frolicking in the artificial playground he set up just for you.
Ghiacco scratched his head feeling totally out of his element from the kiss you just gave him. He was just thankful nobody else was present to see him reduced to a lovesick puppy by a mere stupid kiss. He wouldn't have heard the end of Melone's brand of teasing or God forbid, Illuso's brand of teasing if any of them had seen it.
Little did he know, Melone and Illuso did see it and it was a sight to behold.
Formaggio let out a breath with a shake of his head, his binoculars trained on both of your figures from the abandoned car he was currently hiding in with Melone and Illuso.
"He's fucked."
He sighed as he handed the binoculars to Melone who was sitting by the passenger seat holding a bag of pretzels which he handed to Formaggio in exchange for the device. Illuso leaned excitedly from the back peering through the distance.
"How bad?"
Melone set the binoculars atop the bridge of his nose and focused on Ghiaccio's movements as he licked away the salt on his fingers, humming thoughtfully as he did. His blue-haired friend's shoulders were slack, lacking their usual tense posture as he craned his neck from left to right following your movements. He breathed in a silent call to the Gods when he watched Ghiaccio's shoulders rise and fall slowly in a sigh before he tilted his head to the side in a manner similar to when a person finds something adorable.
Di moltooo...
"Well?" Illuso prods impatiently, "How bad is it?"
"Oh he's got it bad alright," Melone whispered popping a pretzel into his mouth slowly as he catches a glimpse of flashing teeth when Ghiaccio turned slightly towards their direction. "reaaaally bad."
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butter3drainbows · 4 years
Imagine blurting out "You have really big arms." to Risotto mf Nero after finally walking up to him during your morning train commute to start a conversation. You scrambled to continue your thoughts, not wanting him to think that you were some kind of creep or anything and hurriedly explained how it must be nice to be able to hold all of his future children with one arm with how big they are. Your knees weakened in the following seconds when his eyes crinkled and the cutest set of dimples appeared on his handsome face. There he was, the object of your two month old pining, all tattoos, tasteful black clothing and godly charisma laughing at you for blurting out the most embarassing of confessions. "Goooood, take me now", you thought as you felt your cheeks grow warm from horror. You debated on getting out on the next stop and considered walking the remaining distance to work just to escape from the humiliating pit you've dug yourself into but Risotto started talking again. You vaguely heard him mention something about lunch and the name of a cafe around your block before he handed you his phone to ask for your number. Long story short, you are now married to a 208cm demigod and blessed with five adorable children, all clinging to him somewhat around the shoulders and arms you had complimented on the train all those years ago. Life is good ❤️
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butter3drainbows · 4 years
Abbachio rubs his face with his hands and sighed tiredly before propping his chin on his palms to stare at you who was currently munching away on the mangoes he went and scoured the whole city to find only to have some grown by Giorno at 2am in the morning. Pregnant women sure are a handful but seeing the smile on his beloved's lips does make the effort all worth it in the end. He reached out to rub away some juice from your cheeks, lightly scolding you for eating so messily.
"Tsk, you're making a mess."
You tilted your chin to let him wipe the small streak of mango juice before beaming at him and taking another bite. Abbachio's eyes softened as he leaned back to stare at you again. You had a shawl over one of his cardigans and the ears of your bunny slippers flopped as you swung your feet from under your chair. He loved the way your hastily tied up hair framed your face and how your cheeks swelled when you take a bite out of the juicy fruit. It had been an impossible thought to see himself enjoying the warm cozy bliss of domesticity and yet here he was sharing it with you. He couldn't have been more thankful for the opportunity. He truly felt blessed. He watched you take in a deep breath before releasing your breath in a sleepy yawn and that was his cue to take your plate full of discarded mango skin to place it in the sink and usher you back inside your bedroom so you could go back to snuggling against his warmth.
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butter3drainbows · 4 years
Mista's hands patted around lazily in search of the warmth of your body that had been lying beside him just minutes ago. He groaned at the small sting when he cracked his eyes slightly to see where you went before realizing that you went to the bathroom. Heaving a large sleepy sigh he rolled off the bed and blindly trudged his way to the bathroom not even bothering to pull up the scarlet boxers that hung low on his hips. He groaned when the full light of the bathroom hit his sensitive eyes, forcing him to reach his hands into the small space of the washroom without looking until his fingers gripped the fabric of your nightwear. You were just about to rinse off the soap off your face when Mista hugged you from behind, laying his cheeks on your head and telling you how cold the bed was without you and that you should hurry up in a sleepy gruff voice. You giggled, finding how cute your boyfriend was when he sleepwalks and talks so cutely at you like this. You finished washing your face with him not letting up on his embrace and you had to take small heavy steps back to your shared bed with him laying most of his weight on your back. You squeaked when he spun you around and lifted you up high his torso, the hard muscles on his arms tensing up as you held onto him to stabilize yourself before blindly walking his way towards the bed. His knees bumped the edge and both of you toppled on the bed with a huff. You whined huffily at your boyfriend's sleep-induced clumsiness before giggling as he kissed his way lazily up your legs, thighs and hips before finally settling his head on your chest and heaving a content sigh.
"Hmm is this ok?"
"Yes, Mista it's ok." you chuckled as you scratched his head and closed your eyes, letting Mista's warm weight lull you back to sleep.
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butter3drainbows · 4 years
The cold crisp air beat against the skin of your face tonight and you had to press your cheeks closer against Melone's warm back to combat the windburn that would surely show up after your long trip home in his bike. You were glad that you opted to wear pants and not the cute skirt you initially planned to wear on your night out to a local club. It wouldn't have given you an ounce of warmth against the chilliness this Friday night. Even the jacket you wore barely kept the cold at bay; just barely reaching past your wrists and your hands are starting to feel really cold. How far is it till you reached your house? You hoped you were close, your fingertips are getting numb and you fear they might lose all sensation and fall off in the next minute. You felt the speed of the bike gradually slow before stopping under a streetlight by the highway. Melone kicked the stand of his bike and unmounted before removing his helmet and shaking the stray purple locks that escaped his messy ponytail. "Your hands are freezing, tesorina." he exclaimed with a worried face taking your hands in his own large ones and starting to rub them against each other, "I told you to bring the riding gloves I gave you. Look at your fingertips, they're almost blue!" His eyebrows scrunched together in worry as he scolded you. Your cheeks flushed when he cupped his hands around your small ones and breathed clouds of warm air into the tiny space, his hands continuing to apply friction on your palms to add to the heat. You told him you were fine to which he gently retorted with a no telling you how cold your fingertips are before leaning down to kiss each finger hoping the warmth of his mouth would help. He's so disgustingly sweet, and you loved that about him. You were glad you kept your helmet on so he wouldn't see how much of a hot mess your face was because of his thoughtful ministrations. "There, just a lil' bit warmer." He smiled at you through the black visor of your helmet before raising the them wondering why you were being quiet, "You okay in there, peanut?". He was greeted with glassy eyes and the sound of quiet sniffles making him tense in worry and immediately asking you whats wrong. You managed to say a quiet "I love you" making him pause and huff out a small chuckle before reaching in the small space of the helmet to touch noses with you. "Love you too, tesorina."
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