#mortuus the opossum
1nsomniacwriter · 3 years
Remus gets everyone a pet as a thank you
Part 6 of my Intrulogical Library au
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Remus finds out that the others got him accepted so he congers pets for them as a thank you.
Logan was waiting for Remus after his appointment. The others were waiting around the corner. Remus walked out looking like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He threw himself into Logan’s arms and thanked him for convincing him to go to therapy. Logan laughed at this and hugged Remus back. Mortuus had walked off to go see Virgil and Janus.
“I take  it the session went well?” Logan said.
“I went wonderfully and you were right by the way,” Remus said.
“Me not being able to work everything out on my own.”
“Ahh. Do you feel comfortable talking to me about what you two disused?”
“Not yet. Eventually I’m sure I will but not today.”
“I understand. So something happened while you were talking to Emile.”
“What happened? Is everyone okay?”
“What happened is good Remus.”
“Really? Then spill.”
“Thomas accepted you.”
Remus froze.
“Please don’t be joking.”
“I am not. Patton decided to talk to Thomas about accepting you. That’s why he needed to talk to all of us. We all went and talked to Thomas about everything and you have been accepted.”
“Oh my god! Thank you!”
The next moment Remus tackled Logan to the ground and was crying.
“I didn’t think this would ever happen. Thank you so much. All of you.”
“Wah? How?” Roman said as everyone came around the corner.
“If I had known how much it would mean to you we would have talked to Thomas sooner,” Patton said.
“Welcome to the light sides Re,” Janus said.
“We aren’t really light or dark anymore are we,” Logan said.
“No, we're just sides,” Remus saids with a grin.
“We did it. We all got accepted,” Virgil said.
Esatic laughter came from all three ex-dark sides. Janus and Virgil pulled Remus into a group hug as they jumped up and down chanting ‘We did it! We did it! We did it!’ shocking the ex-light sides. Just how much did being accepted mean to them. 
“I’ve gotta go make you guys gifts. I’ll be back by dinner,” Remus yelled and ran off.
Remus threw open his door holding it open for Mortuus who had gone running after her owner. Remus pet the marsupial and set to work after all they deserved the best for giving him the best gift possible. He created the carriers first. After all he couldn’t have the animals running around now could he.
Since Virgil already had a spider, Parva which was Latin for small, Remus made a snow white ferret with red eyes he named Nix which was Latin for snow. After all what better pet for the not so secretly mischievous sides. Next was Janus’ who would be getting a speckled king snake named Sibium which is Latin for hissing. Next up was two parakeets for Roman one purple and one green. The colors chosen to represent who Roman cared for most or at least in the green ones case he hoped he cared for the most. The purple one was named Apollo and the green one Avis which is the word bird in Latin. Next was a crow for Logan named Corvus because what is better than a raven named raven. Last was a small hedgehog named Acuta which just so happened to be sharp in Latin.
Worn out from creating the animals Remus passed out on his bed after eating a slice of lemon bread he now kept in his room and drinking a small glass of lemon juice. He woke up ten minutes before dinner and gathered up the carriers. The others were in the living room waiting for Patton to finish dinner. All heads turned to Remus as he walked in.
“Can you all come here for a minute?” Remus asked.
Everyone gathered around Remus and jumped when Avis let out a loud chirp.
“Remus what did you make us?” Janus asked.
“Pets,” Remus chirped.
“Are you serious?” Janus said.
“Yep. Now first up Patton,” Remus said opening the carrier and holding out Acute, “A hedgehog because you won’t be allergic. As long as she doesn’t get mad she makes for an awesome cuddle buddy. I named her Acute.”
“Thank you Remus. I love her,” Patton said, taking her.
“Next we have Apollo and Avis for Roman. I’m not taking them out because parakeets are hard to catch,” Remus said holding out the carrier.
“Oh my god I’m teaching them disney songs,” Roman said, taking the birds.
“Next we have Virgil the Virgil with Nix the ferret,” Remus said holding out the white ferret.
“Oh my god Remus thank you,” Virgil said as Nix draped herself over his shoulders.
“Now we have Logan with Corvus the Raven,” Remus said, letting the bird out.
He landed on Logan’s shoulder, “Thank you Remus.”
“Lastly we have JanJan. I made you a speckled king snake named Sibium,” Remus said, taking the snake out and allowing it to wrap around his neck, “None will attack each other either.
“Remus,” Patton said, petting Acuta, “Thank you.”
“It’s nothing compared to what you did for me Patty-cakes,” Remus said with a grin.
“This is quite thought full Remus,” Logan said.
“Do you like her?” Remus asked nodding towards the raven.
“She will make a wonderful companion. Thank you Remus,” Logan said.
“And you Jay? What do you think of Sibium?” Remus asked.
“I don’t love him,” Janus said.
“I’m glad,” Remus said.
“I love Nix Re,” Virgil said.
“I’m glad and Ro?” Remus asked.
“They are beautiful,” Roman said.
“I’m so glad you like them,” Remus said with joy written across his face.
“How about we watch a couple episodes of Young Justice and play with our new pets?” Logan suggested.
“Please?” Remus cried.
“Why not,” Virgil said, grabbing the remote and moving to the couch .
“Fun fact: our digestive tract is nine foot long and connected from our mouth to our annus which we actually developed from,” Remus chirped out of nowhere.
“Why do you know that?” Virgil asked.
“Fucked if I know but I think it’s cool,” Remus said flopping down next to him and Mortuus curled up in his lap.
“Care to elaborate on the last bit?” Logan asked.
“Sure красавчик (pretty boy, Russian). So when an embryo cell starts developing your ass forms first. When an embryo develops deuterostomes a mouth called blastopore and that ultimately becomes your ass,” Remus explained.
“I’m going to ask again why the ever loving fuck do you know this?” Virgil asked.
“I don’t know it was in a textbook a read awhile back,” Remus said.
“How about we just watch Young Justice?” Patton asked.
“Of course Padre,” Roman said, taking the remote from Virgil and pushing play on the first episode.
A few minutes in Remus muttered along with Robin, “You're overwhelmed. Freeze was underwhelmed. Why isn't anyone ever just whelmed?”
Logan smiled fondly at the DC nerd.
“I forgot dinner!” Patton cried and leapt up to go turn off the stove.
Everyone laughed and Janus went to help Patton plate the, thankfully, unburned food and bring it to everyone in the living room. It was the perfect end to a wonderful day.
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1nsomniacwriter · 3 years
Remus gets to talk about something he enjoys without being censored
Part 4 of the Intrulogical Library AU
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A week after the debate that landed Remus in therapy, Logan, Virgil, Roman, Janus, and Remus were watching Justice League Dark Apokolips war while Patton was refusing to watch because of the extreme violence in the movie. Seriously it was one of the most bloody and violent animated movies Patton had ever seen. Just the beginning almost made him vomit. Multiple people got ripped in half or killed in a horribly violent way. Though from what Remus had told him the plot was good. Whenever he watched it Remus was sure to warn Patton.
“Hey Pat?” Roman called.
“What do you need kiddo?” he asked.
“Marvel or DC?” Roman asked.
“NOOOO! We don’t ask that question!” Virgil cried while Janus shook his head no rapidly.
“Why not?” Roman asked.
“Remus is a DC nerd,” Janus stated like the answer was obvious.
“So?” Roman says.
“He reads the comics religiously. His favorite show to date is Young Justice but he can’t stand season three. He hates when Aquaman is called useless but people switched up on that opinion when Jason Momoa played him.  Not to mention his rants about Marvel and DC,” Virgil said.
“Ah,” Roman said.
“Do you have a favorite DC ship?” Patton asked.
“Wally and Artemis,” Remus said without hesitation.
“They are adorable,” Logan said like he was stating a fact.
“Still pissed about the ending of season two,” Remus grumbled.
“Would you like to rant about DC?” Logan asked.
“Would I ever,” Remus said a rare gleam of joy.
“We would all like to hear you,” Patton said, having noticed the gleam.
The smile on Remus’ face was enough for Patton to decide that he would ask Remus for his input more often because what they did to him really wasn’t fair. He deserved to be heard to. He needed to talk to the others and Thomas later about accepting Remus so his room would move and he could officially be one of the light sides.
As Remus rambled switching from show and movie as he talked. He looked so happy as the others asked questions that he excitedly answered happy to be listened to. Roman suggested that they binge watch Young Justice the following weekend with how much Remus loved the show they wanted to see it for themselves. The look Remus gave them was so happy that it shocked them just how much it meant to him that they would look into something he loved so much. 
“Who wants cookies?” Patton called as he took them out of the oven.
“What kind are they?” Remus asked.
“Lemon cookie,” Patton answered as he began to plate them.
Remus scrambled into the kitchen and took two cookies and shoved a third into his house. After swallowing his cookie he thanked Patton before asking if he could pick up black berries for Mortuus since he ran out and they are her favorite. 
“Could we meet her?” Patton asked.
“Yeah I wanna see her,” Virgil said.
“I wouldn’t love to see her again,” Janus said perking up at the thought of seeing the opossum he had helped raise.
“Alright. Logan wanna come with me to get her?” Remus said getting up.
“That sounds pleasant,” Logan said, rising to follow.
Ten minutes later they came back with Mortuus in Remus' arms while Logan carried her fruit. Once set down Mortuus rushed over to Virgil and Janus happy to see them. Remus laughed at the opossum's actions and sat down taking the bag of fruit from Logan. Virgil laughed as she nuzzled him before rushing over to Janus. She placed her paw on his scales making him laugh. 
“Mortuus come here prezioso (precious, Italian),” Remus called.
She rushed over and he placed her on his shoulder and walked over to Patton and Roman. Roman stared at her in shock. Patton cooed at how and commented on how cute she was.
“You trained her,” Roman said.
“Well yeah. It wasn’t hard for her to learn her name. I’ve had her since she was a baby. Mortuus has been riding on my shoulder since I found her,” Remus said.
“She is beautiful,” Patton said.
“Logan seems to like her,” Roman commented.
“Yeah. She adores him as well,” Remus said.
“How come she likes Logan so much?” Virgil asked.
“I bribed her with fruit,” Logan answered, tossing her a black berrie.
“That’s not fair. I helped raise her,” Virgil whined.
“You did?” Roman asked.
“Yeah. Jan and I were there when Remus found her,” Virgil said
The rest of the day was spent playing with the opossum, telling stories about Mortuus, and just goofing off.
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1nsomniacwriter · 3 years
Remus’ poor mental health comes to light and a gift is given
Part 2 of the library AU
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Logan followed Remus to his room and was welcomed into the exact opposite of what he expected. He had expected a mess like Roman’s room but ten times worse with unexplainable stains and mold. What he saw was the exact opposite. Sketchbooks were stacked on the corner of a desk and notebooks on the opposite corner. Painting supplies were put away and more disturbing things on a shelf above the desk. A book shelf adorned the far  right wall. Pictures from before The Divide hung around the room. The bed was made instead of a mess. A small fan rested next to where Remus’ head would be when he slept. Shades of green and gray covered the room. Nothing too dark as to not make the room seem smaller. 
“Different than you expected huh?” Remus asked.
“Far different,” Logan said.
“I’m a bit of a neat freak. The clean and organized space tends to help with my intrusive thoughts,” Remus explained.
“That makes sense,” Logan said.
“I’ve mentioned Mortuus but you’ve never actually met her have you?” Remus asked.
“No, I do not believe I have met your little companion,” Logan stated.
“I must rectify that,” Remus said in response.
Logan watched as Remus moved over to a mini fridge in the corner and got out a bag of assorted fruit. Upon hearing the noise Mortuus came running from under Remus’ bed and jumping at it. Remus handed her a strawberry and picked up the marsupial. He walked back over to Logan while cooing to the opossum.
“Logan met Mortuus,” Remus said.
“She is beautiful,” Logan complemented.
“Thank you,” Remus said and put her back down.
She walked over to Logan and peered up at him.
“You can pet her,” Remus said as he turned to his bookshelf.
Logan bent down and began to pet the opossum.
“How did she become your companion?” Logan asked.
“Janus, Virgil, and I found her when she was a baby,” Remus said.
“How?” Logan asked.
“Well it was five years ago…” Remus began.
“You love her quite a bit don’t you?” Logan said.
Janus, Remus, and Virgil were running through the darker creativity's side of the imagination having fun and just being idiots. Virgil was swinging from tree to tree with Remus while Janus watched. A noise caught the attention of the trio. Virgil losing concentration fell out of the air with a cry of shock.
“You okay spiderling?” Janus asked.
“I’m fine,” Virgil said getting up,
“What was that?” Remus asked, moving to the ground.
“I don’t know but let’s find out,” Janus said.
“But-” Virgil started.
“Yeah! Let’s go tata anguis(dad snake, Latin) I wanna know,” Remus cried.
“Fine,” Virgil whined.
“Sweet,” Remus said and ran in the direction of the noise.
That was where they found a baby opossum looking up at Remus. Remus fell for the small marsupial instantly.
“Oh can we keep her Janny,” Remus cried.
“I suppose but she is your responsibility,” Janus said.
“I promise. Your name will be Mortuus,” Remus said, picking her up.
A paw was placed on his nose and he made little noises of excitement.
“Far more than I love myself that’s for sure,” Remus said.
“That is… worrying,” Logan said.
“Nah,” Remus said, picking up a book, “I’m not that important.”
“Remus, Do you honestly believe that?” Logan asked, worried about the intrusive side.
“I mean yeah. My function isn’t that important and the creativity part could be given back to Roman,” Remus said flipping through the book.
“But you are important. You are important to us,” Logan said.
“If you say so,” Remus said with a shrug.
“Remus why do you think you are not important to us?” Logan asked hurt that the man he cared so deeply for thought he didn’t care.
“It’s not that I don’t think you care, it's more that I have a hard time truly believing you,” Remus said, putting the book up.
“Why is that?” Logan asked.
“I’ve been abandoned by too many people who I thought would always be there for me. There was you who I couldn’t have been closer to as children but you left me simply because I was now a dark side. I know Janus didn’t mean to but that month I spent alone while he started dating Patton still hurt. Virgil’s sudden hatred for me hurt worse than Janus. Virgil was like the brother I lost. Roman he left without a second thought. He hated me and scorned me for something I have no more control over than that of a child being possessed by an evil spirit. I hurt but I still missed him. It’s hard to trust that people do in fact care when you get pushed to the side as often as I do,” Remus explained.
“I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you Remus,” Logan said moving forward.
“Don’t apologize for something I have already forgiven you for Logan,” Remus said.
“I have an idea as to how I can prove I do care,” Logan said.
“And what would that be?” Remus asked.
“How would you like unlimited access to my library,” Logan asked.
“Are you sure?” Remus asked.
“Positive. You are more than capable of taking care of a book properly and that’s the only reason the others are forbidden from entering,” Logan said.
“You’re not fucking with me are you,” Remus asked beiging to basically vibrate in excitement.
“I am not,” Logan said.
“Holy Shit! This is better than reading about medieval torture methods,” Remus cried.
Logan smiled fondly at the excitement on the duke's face. If he had known how happy this would make Remus he would have done it sooner. Remus looked ecstatic and as soon as it completely sunk in that he had access to the biggest collection of books in the mindscape he squealed like an excited little girl. Logan laughed at the Dukes antics.
“Would you like to see the library?” Logan asked once Remus had calmed down.
“Yes please,” Remus said, his eyes holding stars.
“Follow me then,” Logan said heading to the door.
Remus scooped up his reading glasses and scrambled after the logical side. Nodding to their fellow sides when they moved past the common areas Logan pushed open to giant oak doors revealing his library. Oak bookshelves were everywhere books in every possible place. A chandelier hung from the ceiling and a roaring fire sat in the fireplace in the front center of the room. Comfortable chairs rest around it. A window seat where Logan could sit and fly through was at the far end. Remus spun in a circle taking everything in. This was a dream come true.
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1nsomniacwriter · 3 years
Remus gets a date with a hot nerd
Part 8 of my intrulogical library au
Logan finally asks out Remus
Remus couldn’t wait to get back to the mindplace to show Logan his new book 77 Shadow Street by Dean Koontz. He had read it digitally once before but really wanted to read it on paper back but it wasn’t in the library. When he had seen it in the book store window he had instantly gone and bought it. He was practically vibrating with excitement. 
“We’re home!” Remus yelled bursting through the front doors.
“I made lunch,” Roman said, walking out of the kitchen and pressed a kiss to Virgil's cheek.
“Do you know where Logan is?” Remus asked, clutching his new book to his chest practically vibrating with excitement.
“Living room. Could you go get him for lunch?” Roman asked.
“Yeah sure thing frate fault de-al meu (foul brother of mine, Romanian),” Remus said and ran towards the living room.
“Wait! What did you just call me?” Roman yelled after him.
“I’m not telling,” Remus yelled back.
“Ah Remus I see you all have returned,” Logan said looking up from Watchers.
“Ohhh! You’re reading it!” Remus cheered happily.
“Of course I am. You recommend it,” Logan said like it was the most obvious thing in the
Remus smiled fondly before remembering why he came to get Logan, “Roman said to get you from lunch.”
“Of course. Let us go then,” Logan said.
He closed the book and walked besides Remus to the dining area. After everyone was seated Roman and Virgil brought out tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. They ate in silence for a  little before Roman broke it.
“Did you guys get anything cool while out?” Roman asked.
“I got a new book,” Remus said, his eyes lighting up.
“You did?” Logan asked.
“He was so excited when he saw it,” Janus snorted.
“Janny don’t be an asshole you know how long I have wanted this book,” Remus teased.
“Fuck off Re,” Janus taunted back.
“Keep the cursing to a minimum please,” Patton said.
“Yes Patton,” they said in unison.
“Thank you,” Patton said.
“What book is it?” Logan asked.
“77 shadow street by Dean Koontz,” Remus answered.
“I take it you would rather like this author,” Logan said.
“He does a good job at mixing genres. He never writes the same thing twice,” Remus said.
“You’re both nerds,” Roman said.
“Well at least we have a brain unlike some people,” Remus shot back.
“How about we don’t start a fight,” Virgil offered, already wanting to go take a nap.
“Virgil is correct, that would be extremely unhelpful,” Logan said.
“Fine,” the twins agreed.
“Remus would you be willing to read together in the library after lunch?” Logan inquired.
“I would love to,” Remus said.
As everyone finished eating Corvus flew over and landed on Logan’s shoulder while Mortuus came running into the room. 
“I see she loves you as much as I hoped she would,” Remus said reaching over and stroking the ravens head gently. 
“She is an amazing companion,” Logan said smiling.
“I’m glad you like her,” Remus said, scooping Mortuus up with one arm and holding his book.
The duo headed to the library and sat down. Remus took his usual chair and Logan letting his stunning wings fan out behind himself and sat on the window seat. With a wave of his hand Mortuus had fruit and Remus had a cup of lemon tea. Logan smiled fondly at the sight of Remus so content. A wave of his hand and Vitamin String Quartet began to flow through the room. They sat there reading in silence for a few minutes while Logan began to work up the courage to ask Remus out on a date.  
“Hey Remus?” Logan finally said.
“Yes tähtivalo (starlight, Finnish).” Remus answered.
“Do you have anything planned Friday night?” Logan asked.
“No. Why?” Remus asked curiously.
“I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me Friday night,” Logan said his wings rustling nervously.
“Really?” Remus asked excitedly.
“Yes really,” Logan said.
“I would love to!” Remus cheered.
“You mean it?” Logan asked, his excitement showing.
“Of course I do,” Remus said.
“Oh thank goodness,” Logan said.
“What time are we going to leave?” Remus asked.
“I’ll pick you up a five thirty if that is appropriate?” Logan says his wings puffing up in joy.
“Sounds perfect tähtivalo,” Remus said.
“What does that mean?” Logan asked.
“Starlight in Finnish,” Remus said.
A blush coated Logan’s face making Remus laugh. The evening until dinner was spent talking and laughing and, if, that evening after dinner Remus stole Janus and Virgil to rant about the fact that he had actually managed to score a date with Logan well Logan didn’t have to know that now did he.
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1nsomniacwriter · 3 years
Remus goes to therapy and Patton talks to Thomas
Part 5 of the Intrulogical Library AU
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After hours of arguing it was agreed upon that Remus could have his therapy sessions in the library because Remus felt safe there and it would be easier for him to talk about everything there than it would in Emile’s office. In thirty minutes Remus would be heading to the library not to read but for his session. He decided to put on an outfit that would bring him comfort.
Settling on a green jean skirt, a black hoodie with the words ‘Fuck of I’m reading’ scarwled across the front in green calligraphy, black tights, and combats boots Remus was ready because what is better than a comfort outfit when he was going to talk about his emotions which he hated to do. With a heavy sigh Remus rose from his bean bag and opened the door when Logan knocked. 
“Are you ready to go?” Logan asked.
“Yeah. Just let me grab Mortuus and Polypus,” Remus answered.
“Do you remember the octopus stuffed animal Roman gave me for my eight birthday?”
“That’s Polypus. It’s Latin for octopus.”
“How many languages do you speak?”
“Let’s see. I speak Italian, Russian, Romanian, Latin, Finnish, Portuguese, Norwegian, Scottish Gaelic, Japanese, and French. So ten.”
“That is extremely impressive.” 
“Thanks Lo.”
They stopped in front of the library giant oak doors.
“Thanks for walking me over here. I probably would have ditched and hid in the imagination if you hadn’t,” Remus said.
“Of course,” Logan said.
“Well I had better go in,” Remus said.
“Don’t worry. It’ll be fine. Patton called a meeting for Roman, Janus, Virgil, and I so I’ll see you later.” Logan said and left.
Remus took a deep breath and hugged Mortuus before shoving open the oak doors. He moved toward Emile who was sitting in front of Remus’ usual seat. A cup of lemon tea sat on the table next to Remus’ chair and a bowl of fruit sat in front of Mortuus pillow on the mantel. Remus set her down on the pillow and pulled Polypus out of his pocket. He sat down and waited for Emile to talk while fidgeting.
“Hello Remus,” Emile said after a moment.
“Hey Doc,” Remus said.
“So Logan finally convinced you to get help?”
“He made a compelling argument.”
“How did he manage to do that?”
“By explaining to me why he couldn’t help me himself since my mind was working against me making it impossible for me to believe he truly wants to help me. He pointed out that due to my abandonment and trust issues I have a hard time opening up and he can’t help if I don’t. He said that if I got professional help I might be able to open up more to him and the others so they could help me too.”
“So you have admitted you need the help?”
“For the most part.”
“Alright do you want to focus on your abandonment or trust issues first? We’ll work on your self esteem at a later date.”
“Could we start with my abandonment issues because they led to my trust issues?”
“Alright. We’ll use Young Justice since you understand the characters to explain. Now who would you say abandoned you first?”
“Roman. He left first and took Logan with him after we split into light and dark sides.”
“Would you say it was anything like when Jade left Artemis?” 
“I guess. She left for a different reason that Roman left me.”
“And why do you think Roman left you?”
“Because I had no filter or self control making me unbearable to be around. I was gross and loud. No one likes to be around someone like that.”
“Yet he loves to be around you now?”
“I wouldn’t say love more like tolortates my presence.”
“Then why would he now seek out your company?”
“I don’t know.”
“Alright I want you to compare your relationship to your brother to a DC familial relationship.”
“I would say he’s like Dick and I’m Damien,” Remus said after a moment.
“And why is that?” Emile asked.
“I guess it’s because despite how much we fight we still love eachother even if I don’t think he does at times,” Remus eventually said after thinking the question over.
“So you admit he does care?”
“I-I suppose” Remus said after a moment's hesitation.
“Okay now how do you feel about Roman and the fact that he is trying to get to know you again?” Emile asked.
Remus took a sip of his tea and thought over the question. How did he feel about Roman’s effort to be a good brother.
“It makes me happy but I’m still upset that he abandoned me in the first place and I don’t know how to tell him that it still hurts because I know he’s trying to do better and I don’t want to lose him again or sound ungrateful that he is trying,” Remus said after a few minutes.
“And that is a perfectly valid thing to feel Remus but I think you need to tell Roman that you are still upset,” Emile said and pet Mortuus, “You can feel this way. He left you because of something you had no control over but he’s not leaving again. I can promise you that. I can also guarantee he missed you too.”
It continued on like this. Emile picking apart Remus' feelings about everything happening with his brother and helping him understand why he felt that way. Meanwhile Patton was explaining to everyone that he wanted to convince Thomas to accept Remus. Everyone was on board so they rose up in the living room to find Thomas playing video games.
“Ummm… did something happen?” Thomas asked.
“Everything is adequate Thomas, we just wish to speak to you about Remus,” Logan answered.
“Okayyy,” Thomas said, pausing the video game and setting down the controller.
“Before we start I just wanted to say please keep an open mind Thomas,” Logan said.
“Alright? What’s going on?” Thomas said.
“We wanted to talk to you about accepting Remus,” Patton said.
“Wait… what?” Thomas said.
“Over the last couple of months we have spent more time all together and we as a whole think it would be best for everyone including yourself to accept Remus as a part of yourself,” Logan explained.
“Why?” Thomas asked.
“Because we were wrong about him, especially me,” Patton said.
“Patton,  my darling dove, I thought I said to blame yourself,” Janus said.
“Right sorry,” Patton said.
“Remus means no harm. He can’t control the thoughts,” Roman said.
“Okay. Can I talk to him before I decide?” Thomas asked.
“I was actually hoping to not have to bother him. He’s in a therapy appointment right now,” Patton said.
“Umm alright,” Thomas said rubbing his neck, “I think I can accept him but can you tell me about him?”
“Sure,” Roman said and sat down.
“He doesn’t have an opossum named Mortuus that Virgil and I didn’t help raise,” Janus said.
“He is multilingual and speaks ten langues,” Logan said.
“He is a huge DC nerd,” Virgil said.
“He loves octopie and used to want one as a pet but I think he is far happier with Mortuus,” Roman said.
“He loves to read and write,” Patton said.
“His favorite color isn’t jade green,” Janus said.
“He adores psychology,” Logan said.
“He started learning Latin right after the split as a distraction,” Virgil said.
“He can actually cook really well when he tries,” Patton said.
“His favorite flavor isn’t lemon,” Janus said.
“He is surprisingly organized because it helps with his intrusive thoughts,” Logan said.
“He likes to clean and blast music when his mind gets too loud,” Virgil said.
“He does the dishes every night because he likes to play with the bubbles,” Patton said.
As they listed things about Remus Thomas began to accept Remus. His room shifted to the lighter side of the mindscape. Things were going to be better and Remus would never feel left out again they would make sure of it.
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1nsomniacwriter · 3 years
Remus and Logan go on a date
Part 9 of the Intrulogical Library AU
Remus and Logan go on a date and Logan asks an important question.
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Remus was panicking. He had an hour till his date with Logan whom he had been in love with for the longest time. Janus and Roman were helping him get ready for the date because Remus didn’t know what they were doing but the other two did, having helped Logan plan the perfect date for the two. Roman had thrown a pair of jeans, a green v-neck, black leather jacket, and a pair of converse at Remus and told him to change.
“Are you two going to tell me where Logan is taking me?” Remus asked while Janus janked a brush through his hair.
“Nope,” Janus said, taking a hair tie from Roman and putting Remus’ hair up.
“Can I have a hint?” he asked.
“No. Now hold still so I can do your makeup,” Roman said.
Pouting Remus closed his eyes and allowed his brother to apply the blue eyeshadow. Janus began painting his nails a stunning sapphire and emerald. His usual earring was replaced with a sapphire from Roman’s collection. 
“Logan will be here soon,” Janus said.
“Fuck. Go. Go. Thanks for the help,” Remus said, forcefully sinking them out of his room.
A knock rang through the room and Mortuus rushed over knowing it was Logan. Taking a calming breath before opening the door and promptly froze because holy shit was Logan stunning. The logical side wore light blue jeans, a blue button down shirt under a NASA sweater. Logan held out a bowl of fruit and a faint blush on his cheeks.
“For Mortuus,” he offered.
“She’ll love this. Thanks мой звездный свет (my starlight, Russian),” Remus said taking the fruit and setting it down for the opossum.
“What does that mean?”
“What does what mean?”
“Mой звездный свет,” Logan said butchering the pronunciation.
“My starlight,” Remus answered.
A blush overtook Logan's cheeks and he held out a hand for Remus to take, “We should get going.”
“Then let’s go,” Remus said, taking his hand.
Logan led him to the imagination where the sun was just starting to set. Guiding Remus down the street they made small talk. Logan led him up to a huge aquarium. Logan looked at Remus nervously but calmed slightly when he saw the place.
“You did this all for me?”
“I had some help but yes. What do you think?”
“It’s beautiful.”
“Care to go inside and see the animals?”
The future couple walked inside and Remus practically vibrated from excitement. He couldn't believe Logan had done all of this for him. He wasn’t anybody important but Logan had created an aquarium with all of Remus’ favorite animals to make him happy so maybe to Logan he was somebody important.
“The plural of octopus is octopuses. The world ‘octopus’ comes from the Greek, októpus, meaning ‘eight foot’. The world's Greek roots means it’s pluralized as a Greek word, too, which depends on both a noun’s gender and the last letter it ends with. In this case, an -es is simply tacked on,” Remus told Logan as they walked past an octopuses tank.
“Fascinating,” Logan said, looking at Remus like he was the stars and the moon. 
They spent the next hour walking through the aquarium telling the other facts about the animals within and just enjoying themselves. Once they left Remus saw his favorite bakery in the imagination and dragged Logan over ordering lemon bread and a crofters cupcake for Logan.
“Hey the sun should be done going down by the time we’re done looking at everything. There is a beach I made not far from here where you can perfectly see the stars. Wanna go?” Remus remembered.
“I would love that,” Logan said.
“Here, try it,” Remus said, holding out the cupcake to Logan.
“It’s amazing,” Logan said with a grin, “Thank you Remus.”
“I’m glad you like it,” Remus said and continued to drag Logan to his beach.
They walked into black crystal like sand. The dark water looked stunning against the sand and with the stars reflecting off the water it looked like something out of a Brother Grimm fairy tale. Logan stared in awe. 
“You made this?” Logan asked.
“None of the others know about this,” Remus said snapping and a green and blue blanket appeared in front of them.  
“I’m honored that you showed me.”
“It seems fitting since I made it with you in mind.”
“Of course. I know you like the stars so I made somewhere where you can see them perfectly. I love the ocean so, beach.”
“It’s beautiful Cephy.”
“Like cephalopod.”
“That’s cute la mia stella splende(my star shine, Italian).”
“Are you going to tell me what that means?”
“Na. But it is Italian and space themed.”
“I shall figure it out.”
“I know you will. Tell me about the stars?”
“Are you sure? I tend to ramble.”
“I like hearing you talk.”
“Okay then.”
Logan pointed at different things and told Logan about all of them making Remus smile. He loved hearing Logan talk. After forty minutes Logan stopped talking and looked towards Remus who was more than happy to listen to him keep talking. 
“Why did you stop?” Remus asked
“I wanted to ask you something but I find that I am nervous to do so,” Logan responded.
“You can ask me anything LoLo. Cross my heart and stick a knife in my heart,” Remus said.
“That is not the phrase but that helps a little,” Logan said before shifting to look Remus in the eye, “Will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?”
“I wouldn’t say it’s an honor to date me but off course I would,” Remus said and threw himself into Logan's arms.
“Oh thank god I didn’t know if you actually liked me,” Logan sighted.
“Of course I do, in fact I’m so far in love with you it’s almost surprising,” Remus said.
“I love you too Remus,” Logan said.
“Did you know it only takes a person four minutes to fall in love?” Remus asked.
“I did not,” Logan said.
“Now you do,” Remus chirped.
“We should get back soon,” Logan said.
“In a second. I wanna do something first,” Remus said.
“What would that be?” Logan asked.
“Kiss you,” Remus said.
“I wouldn’t be opposed,” Logan said.
With that the new couple leaned in and shared the first kiss of many to come.
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1nsomniacwriter · 3 years
Logan naturally has a library. It is common knowledge that no one is allowed in. That is until Logan finds out that Remus is just as big a bookworm as he is. This will follow Remus gaining access to the library, Remus getting accepted, and just about everything that happens leading up to Intrulogical finally getting together and what happens after.
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1nsomniacwriter · 3 years
Remus and his fears
This is an Au of mine where Logan has a library that none of the other sides but Remus are allowed in without express permission. I call it the Library AU because all of the most important stuff in the AU happens in the Library. 
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It wasn’t common knowledge but Remus liked to read, a lot. He could spend hours with a book, be it fiction or nonfiction. He would read just about anything he could get his hands on. He, like most avid readers, had a favorite genre, obviously his was horror and surprisingly anything about psychology. All of his books were kept in pristine condition. He kept them away from anything that could damage his small collection. They looked well loved but were in almost perfect condition.
Remus much to his embarrassment needed reading glasses due to his eyes often over focusing. They were simple green and black frames that he kept with his books on his bookshelf next to his other prized possession, a small stuffed octopus with a mustache that had been the last gift Roman had given him before their falling out. He didn’t even let his pet opossum Mortuus, which just so happened to be latin for dead, go near the stuffed animal. 
One more thing that people didn’t know about the intrusive side was that he was a neat freak. His room was always clean, his weapon kept in place, and books organized alphabetically by the author. No one was allowed in Remus’ room and no one bothered to go in there besides Janus who was the sides best friend and the deceitful side wasn’t going to go blab about his best friends room.
All three things would come to light on January 26 of 2021. The sides were having a discussion about their greatest fears while eating lunch. Remus would accidentally reveal his secret with something he didn’t think anyone would know. It was such a simple statement but it would be the catalyst for the greatest thing to ever happen to him or Logan. It all started with a seemingly innocent question. 
“What about you Remus? Do you fear anything?” Patton asked, trying to include him in the conversation.
“I can think of a few off the top of my head. Why?” Remus asked.
Ever since Patton had started dating Janus he had done his best to include his boyfriends best friend in things which Remus thought was sweet and made him worthy of Janus simply because he was willing to deal with him to make the snake happy.
“What is the great Remus scared of?” his brother asked.
They had begun to mend their relationship after Putting Others First when Remus and Janus had been fighting and Remus had spent most of his time comforting Roman.
“Being abandoned. Being betrayed. Mortuus dying. Oh and I have abibliophobia,” Remus said.
“We're going to get back to you having abandonment and trust issues later but what does abibliophobia mean?” Virgil asked.
“If I am correct it is the fear of running out of reading material and I don’t think that is actually a real thing,” Logan said.
“Got it in one LoLo,” Remus chirped.
“You enjoy reading?” Roman asked.
“Enjoy? He is almost always reading,” Janus snorted.
“Hush before I don’t let you borrow my books anymore,” Remus teased.
“You wouldn’t,” Janus said.
“Wanna bet käärme?” Remus asked.
“I would not,” Janus said.
“What does that mean?” Patton asked.
“It’s finnish for snake,” Remus informed him.
“You are far smarter than we give you credit for,” Logan said.
“Thank you,” Remus said, flushing at the compliment.
The other sides look back and forth between the two nerds  trying to understand what just happened.
“May I see your collection?” Logan asked.
“Sure,” Remus said and got up.
Logan followed him down the hall leaving behind the confused sides.
“What the fuck just happened?” Virgil asked.
“Language kiddo,” Patton said at the same time that Janus said, “Language spiderling.”
“I think my brother is going to end up dating the main nerd,” Roman said.
“Oh my god,” Virgil said in horror.
“Our best friends are going to date,” Patton said.
“This isn’t going to end well for us,” Janus said.
“It’ll end wonderfully for them,” Patton said.
“Do you think Logan will let Remus into the library?” Roman asked.
“With how careful Remus is with his books I’d say it’s fairly likely,” Janus said.
They descended into silence as a squeal was heard and Virgil was handed a twenty.
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1nsomniacwriter · 3 years
FamILY Movie night
Part 10 of my intrulogcial library au
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Ever since Remus and Logan had started dating the others rarely saw the two. They were always holed up in the library being sickeningly cute or in the imagination going on cute or by other standards disturbing because apparently taming ‘evil’ animals for a circus is not normal. Anyways Janus and Patton were looking for the two as it was movie night and Remus turn to choose. He already had some cheese horror movie picked out so he, Janus, and Virgil  could make fun of the characters.
Janus banged on the doors to the library and a few seconds later Logan opened one wearing one of Remus’ big hoodies because none of Remus' jackets fit Remus so naturally they wouldn’t fit his taller boyfriend. Remus followed behind in one of Logan’s jackets. Remus’ reading glasses had slid down and he looked adorable with Mortuus in his arms and Corvus on his shoulder.
“Hey guys. Is it time for movie night?” Remus asked.
“Yep. What didn’t you pick?” Janus asked.
“A random horror movie. You, Virgil, and I are going to make fun of the characters like old times,” Remus said, moving Corvus to Logan’s shoulder.
“You know Patton doesn’t like horror movies, Cephy,” Logan said.
“Oh he will the way us ex- dark sides watch them,” Remus said, setting Mortuus down and running down the hall opossum falling.
“She’s like a dog,” Logan muttered.
“Leave it. Remus raised her from a baby,” Janus said.
The three follow after and see Remus dragging his brother and Virgil down the halls. Virgil is grinning and chanting ‘Time to make fun of idiots’ in a sing-song voice and Remus joins in. Roman groans in annoyance and Patton moves to the kitchen to make popcorn. Logan and Janus sigh in annoyance.
“Five bucks says Virgil and Remus have already started on a blanket fort,” Janus said.
“I’m not taking that bet.”
Sure enough a half constructed fort using comforts, sheets, chairs from the kitchen, the recliner, and couch was being built by the duo. Both wore onesies. Virgil was in his skeleton onesie while Remus wore a Stitch onesie.
“Holy shit,” Roman said, staring.
“We’re having a Dark Sides movie night,” Remus chirped as Virgil nodded.
Both were beyond happy. They hadn’t done one of these in forever.  Mortuus was scooped up by Roman who also had Avis on his head. Avis began to scream which irritated even Roman so he was taken back to Roman’s room. While Roman took care of Avis Remus and Virgil finished the blanket fort.
“I will never understand how you two do that,” Janus said, crawling into the fort.
“Just because you forgot how to act like a kid doesn’t mean we did Janny,” Remus said.
“I did forget you ass. I just know how to act age,” Janus countered.
“I call bullshit mister, I tried to ask Patton out with fifty frogs you had Remus help you catch. I had to stop you. You are just as much a child as Re and I” Virgil said.
“In my defence they weren’t really cute frogs,” Janus said.
“Of course they were. All frogs are cute,” Virgil said.
“Hey Re why did you give Patton a hedgehog instead of a frog?” Janus asked.
“Because they make good cuddle buddies and Pattycake needs a cuddle buddy for when he can’t cuddle you,” Remus said like it was obvious.
“Huh,” Virgil said.
The other three watched the trio of childish sides.
“Hey Janny,” Remus said.
“Dare you to bring Sibium out here,” he said.
“What do I get out of bringing my darling out here?” Janus asked.
“Ummmm…” Remus said.
“You can borrow any item of clothing you want from me,” Virgil butted in.
“Why are you offering?” Janus asked.
“Because I wanna see Sibium too,” Virgil said.
The three ex light sides watched the ex dark sides interact and act like a couple of children.
“Deal,” Janus said and went to crawl out, “You better have the movie set up by the time I get back.”
Remus crawled over to the TV turned it on taking the remote when Virgil offered it.
“What was that?” Roman asked joining them in the pillow fort.
“Jay needed to relax and what better way than joking around like we did back then,” Virgil said.
“Were you guys always like that?” Patton asked.
“Janus has closed off and decided that acting like he once did is bad. I don’t know why. I used to be the cuter vintage outfits, mostly dresses. I think he thinks similar to luce della stella (starlight, Italian), that you have to dress and act a certain way to be listened to and taken seriously,” Remus said.
“How do you-” Logan starts.
“He adores picking apart people's psychology; it’s why he and Emile get along so well,” Virgil said.
“Ah,” Logan said oh so eloquently.
“Sorry,” Remus said.
“Don’t apologize Remus,” Patton chirped and joined everyone.
“Did Remus psychoanalyze someone?” Janus asked to come back with Sibium.
“You and Logan to be exact,” Virgil said stretching over Romans lap.
“He said you used to wear vintage dresses. Why don’t you anymore?” Patton asked.
“I mean I do sometimes,” Janus said.
“You should wear them more,” Patton said.
“Both he and Virgil should go back to how they used to dress,” Remus said as he pushed play.
“Wait what did Virgil dress like?” Roman asked.
“He put effort into how he looked. He would do a full face of makeup, shit ton of jewelry, and full emo outfit,” Janus answered.
“Why did you stop?” Roman asked.
“You guys already picked at me for dressing how I do now multiply that by ten. I wasn’t risking it,” Virgil said.
“It looked cool,” Remus muttered.
“Oh yeah what about your old style?” Virgil asked.
“Huh?” Roman said.
“Dark Academia,” Janus said.
“Shush. I’m watching the movie,” Remus said.
“Liar you just don’t wanna talk about it. You looked cool Remus,” Janus said.
He slipped out of the lying as he relaxed more.
“Meh,” Remus said.
“You did,” Virgil said.
“How about thi,” Patton said, “Next week we go shopping in the imagination and buy you guys a whole new wardrobe of anything you want.”
Everyone agreed before Remus hushed them as he did actually want to watch the movie. The ex dark sides made fun of the characters the whole time. Patton hid in Janus' shoulder during the gory parts. Roman pretended to watch while hiding in Virgil while Logan made fun of the characters with the ex dark sides. As the movie rolled to an end and the last person was killed Remus put on Lilo and Stitch to calm down the other two. By the end of Lilo and Stitch the sides were passed out in the fort.
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