#moslem charity
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al-kol-eleh · 9 days
Life Magazine 3/1948
Since Britain issued the controversial Balfour Declaration in 1917, about 7,500 British, Arabs and Jews in the Holy Land have been killed in political conflict. Of these about 1,700 fell in the 100 days after the evil and unworkable "partition" decision was recommended by the U.N. General Assembly. A civil war of like magnitude and duration in the U.S. would carry off 140,000 people. How many reproaches one might heap on how many heads (including our own) for all the blundering, the narrow prejudices, the petty partisanship, the ignorant goodwill which helped to shed that blood! But let us, at this moment of Easter, leave that part of the past in its grave. History will make its reproaches. But can we make a better history for the Holy Land? Perhaps not at once. Even more may die in confused, transitional clashes between embittered, frightened Jews and exultant, ungenerous Arabs. Zionist extremists may feel that force always pays-forgetting that they have not decisive force. Communists may stir up violence for their own ends. Nevertheless a new situation-not easy, but relatively hopeful-was created by the U.S. last week when it proposed that the recommendation to "partition" Palestine and set up a tiny sovereign Zionist state be reversed. Hopeful-if all concerned meet it with clarity, with charity, with courage.
The Peacemakers-Hope arises, first of all, from the credits of the past. Just after World War I there were in Palestine 80,000 Jews. Today there are 650,000. A few are illegal entrants whose citizenship should now be recognized. Many are refugees from the most brutal persecution campaign in human history, in which six million of their kin were slaughtered. Many are high-minded persons who chose voluntarily to settle in the land of their ancestors. They wanted to create a new culture in the tongue of the Bible, a culture based upon a substantial, modern community, earning its daily bread in the sweat of its brow on farms, in factories, on the sea, in shops, in laboratories and in studios. Many did not really care about a sovereign Zionist state, wanting only freedom and good relations with their Arab neighbors, both Christian and Moslem. It was above all the controversy about the Zionist state which spoiled those relations. Yet the Jewish community has grown. It has conquered and made many a patch of desert to flower, organized efficient industries, exterminated disease, given employment to Arabs as well as to Jews, helped hold the line at El Alamein against Hitler's hordes, produced interesting art and music, created in Jerusalem a fine university. For all this the Jews deserve much credit. The British, too, deserve some credit, for it is doubtful that so many Jews would be there had the British not given them, on top of the Balfour Declaration, armed protection for more than a quarter of a century. And some Arabs deserve credit, too-lowly Arabs who often sheltered hunted Jews and forward-looking Arabs of distinction like Fawzi el Husseini, a cousin of the feudal, extremist ex-Mufti of Jerusalem. Repenting of his terrorist days, Fawzi el Husseini spoke out for Arab-Jewish conciliation and was murdered by his cousin's men. Other Arabs like him live on, waiting for a chance to speak. And there is California-born Judah Magnes, president of the Hebrew University, who in season and out has called for conciliation and opposed the partition of Palestine. He has heaped on the heads of Jewish terrorists and their condoners a wrath as fiery as that of an Old Testament prophet. He calls to mind another contemporary enemy of narrow nationalism and partition, Gandhi, who also defied terrorists of his own blood. The spirit that animates Arabs and Jews like the late Fawzi el Husseini and the still-living Dr. Magnes is Palestine's prime hope for peace.
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infokuliah · 8 months
LANGSUNG DISALURKAN, Call/WA 0818-0997-6887, Charity For Moslem Banda Aceh,
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"KLIK https:/wa.me/6281809976887, Sedekah Pembangunan Mushola, Sedekah Pembangunan Masjid, Sedekah Untuk Penghafal Al Quran, Sedekah Untuk Masjid, Sedekah Untuk Membuang SialSejak dahulu, Maninjau merupakan pusat pendidikan di Kecamatan Tj. Raya. Disamping sekolah berlandaskan keagamaan, Maninjau juga menjadi pusat pendidikan formal sejak tingkat Taman Kanak Kanak sampai Sekolah Menengah. Maka berdirilah Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau (YPIM) yang bergerak untuk Pendidikan anak di Maninjau. Dengan semangat pahlawan Hj. Rasuna Said maka didirikanlah juga TK & SD Rasuna Said.Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau (YPIM) bertujuan : 1. Mendedikasikan diri untuk membantu anak-anak menjadi diri mereka yang terbaik 2. Berkomitmen untuk membantu semua masyarakat maninjau terutama generasi mendatang menjadi orang yang berkarakter kuat.secara islami dan nasional.Untuk itu kami butuh partisipasi terbaik anda dan kami dapat melayani sepenuh hati dan memberikan yang terbaik untuk masyarakat. Informasi lebih lanjut bisa langsung menghubungi nomor di bawah. Terimakasih YAYASAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM MANINJAU (TK & SD RASUNA SAID) Jl. H. Udin Rahmani No 134, Maninjau,Kec. Tj. Raya, Kab. Agam, Sumatera Barat Rekening Mandiri a/n Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau : 1030010841944 Call / WA 0818-0997-6887 (Ibu Daisy) “Mohon Bantuan Share ini sebagai bantuan amal ibadah” #InfaqPembangunanMasjid, #InfaqPembinaanMasjid2023, #TabunganInfaqDiHalmahera, #TabunganWakafIndonesia, #SedekahTabunganAkhirat, #SedekahPembangunanKelasSekolah, #WakafUangUntukPembangunanMasjid, #WakafUangTunaiDiPalangkaraya, #WakafUangKolektifDiBaytAlFaqih, #WakafUangManfaat"
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zooterchet · 8 months
East Asian Politics:
China: Ally of Britain, the United Kingdom, and the British Commonwealth; essential for rare earth minerals, linguistic forms of business (charity housing, with wealth, the foods and banks trade, hotels and tong), and inventors of universities (triads).
Taiwan: Chinese-Jews, those that have bred out Promethean gene, trained Cantonese Anglican, as Flying Dragons, MI-6 operatives (accountants, Jewish, and bankers, Arabic, for food sources, hectares of crop); covers as Presbyterian, Mossad, or Lutheran, "Kraut" (demi-Yiddish).
North Korea: Chinese Prometheans, mixed with Chinese criminal, Korean. Led by Bruces, the Kim family. Essential stopgap, against South Korea, rogue Chinese exiled for their abuse of labor; Gaullic aligned, instead of Frankish; Moslems, "chinks", and their offspring, out of the Middle East, Babylonians and Mesopotamians, such as Sumers (economists, those creating unemployment, through farms; division of labor, slavery of the classes under wage, out of plantation theory; the priesthood and clergy, of "temple", Freemasonry and Synagogues and "The Lodge", Turks and Palestinians and Khans).
Japan: Chinese evasion of courts, led by Tibetan exiles, those taking terms of food, luxury, and residence, and blending them in tool and form; French by myth, actually low Viking, from Austrian travelers, from 9th century BC, Marco Polo often blamed due to confused calendar of Christ. Origin of Bruce/Noble blend and weapons theory, the perpetual machine, munitions tooling, such as the forge, for swords, or the locking ratchet, for bullets.
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shevani-djakaria · 9 months
LANGSUNG DISALURKAN, Call/WA 0818-0997-6887, Charity For Moslem Banda Aceh,
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"KLIK https:/wa.me/6281809976887, Sedekah Pembangunan Mushola, Sedekah Pembangunan Masjid, Sedekah Untuk Penghafal Al Quran, Sedekah Untuk Masjid, Sedekah Untuk Membuang SialSejak dahulu, Maninjau merupakan pusat pendidikan di Kecamatan Tj. Raya. Disamping sekolah berlandaskan keagamaan, Maninjau juga menjadi pusat pendidikan formal sejak tingkat Taman Kanak Kanak sampai Sekolah Menengah. Maka berdirilah Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau (YPIM) yang bergerak untuk Pendidikan anak di Maninjau. Dengan semangat pahlawan Hj. Rasuna Said maka didirikanlah juga TK & SD Rasuna Said.Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau (YPIM) bertujuan : 1. Mendedikasikan diri untuk membantu anak-anak menjadi diri mereka yang terbaik 2. Berkomitmen untuk membantu semua masyarakat maninjau terutama generasi mendatang menjadi orang yang berkarakter kuat.secara islami dan nasional.Untuk itu kami butuh partisipasi terbaik anda dan kami dapat melayani sepenuh hati dan memberikan yang terbaik untuk masyarakat. Informasi lebih lanjut bisa langsung menghubungi nomor di bawah. Terimakasih YAYASAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM MANINJAU (TK & SD RASUNA SAID) Jl. H. Udin Rahmani No 134, Maninjau,Kec. Tj. Raya, Kab. Agam, Sumatera Barat Rekening Mandiri a/n Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau : 1030010841944 Call / WA 0818-0997-6887 (Ibu Daisy) “Mohon Bantuan Share ini sebagai bantuan amal ibadah” #InfaqPembangunanMasjid, #InfaqPembinaanMasjid2023, #TabunganInfaqDiHalmahera, #TabunganWakafIndonesia, #SedekahTabunganAkhirat, #SedekahPembangunanKelasSekolah, #WakafUangUntukPembangunanMasjid, #WakafUangTunaiDiPalangkaraya, #WakafUangKolektifDiBaytAlFaqih, #WakafUangManfaat"
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birohajiumroh · 9 months
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LANGSUNG DISALURKAN, Call/WA 0818-0997-6887, Charity For Moslem Banda Aceh,
KLIK! https:/wa.me/6281809976887, Galang Dana Online Di Abu Dhabi, Galang Dana Kitabisa Di London, Galang Dana Pembangunan Masjid Di Istanbul, Galang Dana Masjid Di Bangka Belitung, Galang Dana Indonesia Di Al Jasra, Open Donasi Pembangunan Masjid Di Palembang, Open Donasi Pembangunan Sekolah Di Banten, Open Donasi Pendidikan Di Jakarta Selatan, Open Donasi Pengabdian Masyarakat, Open Donasi Renovasi Masjid Di Makkah
Sejak dahulu, Maninjau merupakan pusat pendidikan di Kecamatan Tj. Raya. Disamping sekolah berlandaskan keagamaan, Maninjau juga menjadi pusat pendidikan formal sejak tingkat Taman Kanak Kanak sampai Sekolah Menengah. Maka berdirilah Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau (YPIM) yang bergerak untuk Pendidikan anak di Maninjau. Dengan semangat pahlawan Hj. Rasuna Said maka didirikanlah juga TK & SD Rasuna Said
Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau (YPIM) bertujuan : 1. Mendedikasikan diri untuk membantu anak-anak menjadi diri mereka yang terbaik 2. Berkomitmen untuk membantu semua masyarakat maninjau terutama generasi mendatang menjadi orang yang berkarakter kuat.secara islami dan nasional
Untuk itu kami butuh partisipasi terbaik anda dan kami dapat melayani sepenuh hati dan memberikan yang terbaik untuk masyarakat. Informasi lebih lanjut bisa langsung menghubungi nomor di bawah. Terimakasih YAYASAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM MANINJAU (TK & SD RASUNA SAID) Jl. H. Udin Rahmani No 134, Maninjau, Kec. Tj. Raya, Kab. Agam, Sumatera Barat
Rekening Mandiri a/n Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau :1030010841944Call / WA 0818-0997-6887 (Ibu Daisy)
“Mohon Bantuan Share ini sebagai bantuan amal ibadah”
#DonasiBahanBangunanPembangunanKelas, #DonasiUntukMasjidDesa, #DonasiBarangBangunanUntukSekolahIslam #DonasiPembangunanMusholaSekolahTahfidz, #WakafUangUntukPembangunanMasjid, #DanaAbadiPendidikanDiDoha, #DanaAbadiPendidikanDaerahDiDubai, #DanaAbadiUmatDiAlexandria, #DanaAbadiYayasanDiLuxor, #DanaAbadiUntukPembangunanKelasDiSamarinda
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TABUNGAN SURGA, Call/WA 0818-0997-6887, Charity For Moslem Abu Dhabi,
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KLIK https:/wa.me/6281809976887, Wakaf Pendidikan Islam, Wakaf Pendidikan Di Maninjau, Wakaf Uang Produktif, Donasi Anak Asuh Online, Tabungan Surga Untuk Sekolah Tahfidz "Wakafkan Ilmu, Bangun Generasi Unggul: Bersama Menuju Pendidikan Berkualitas!"  Ilmu adalah investasi paling berharga yang bisa kita berikan kepada generasi mendatang. Di Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau, kami telah berkomitmen untuk memberikan pendidikan berkualitas kepada anak-anak kami. Namun, jumlah siswa yang ingin bergabung semakin meningkat, dan kami butuh bantuan Anda untuk menciptakan fasilitas yang sesuai. Dalam wakaf program pembangunan kelas baru di TK dan SD Rasuna Said, Anda adalah mitra dalam membangun generasi yang unggul. Setiap ruang kelas adalah peluang untuk mentransformasi impian menjadi realitas, memberikan anak-anak kemampuan untuk berpikir kritis, berkolaborasi, dan beradaptasi dengan perubahan. Dengan wakaf ilmu, Anda menjadi bagian dari perubahan yang membawa dampak jangka panjang bagi masyarakat. Anda tidak hanya memberi akses pendidikan, tetapi Anda juga memberikan alat yang diperlukan untuk mengatasi tantangan masa depan. Bergabunglah dengan kami dalam perjalanan ini, karena bersama-sama kita bisa menciptakan generasi unggul yang siap menghadapi dunia. Semoga Allah memberkahi kita semua. Mari berikan wakaf terbaik anda: Rekening Mandiri a/n Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau :1030010841944 Untuk Konfirmasi : 0818-0997-6887 (Ibu Daisy) YAYASAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM MANINJAU (TK & SD RASUNA SAID) Jl. H. Udin Rahmani No 134,  Maninjau, Kec. Tj. Raya,  Kab. Agam, Sumatera Barat “Mohon Bantuan Share ini sebagai bantuan amal ibadah” #DonasiPembangunanMasjid, #DonasiPendidikanSumatraBarat, #DonasiPendidikanIslam, #DonasiPendidikanTahfidz, #DonasiPenghafalQuran, #wakafnontunaidialfaqa, #wakaftunaionlinedialbithnah, #wakaftunaiproduktifdisweihan, #wakaftunaidijakartapusat #wakafonlinediselangor
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karamel12345 · 9 months
TABUNGAN SURGA, Call/WA 0818-0997-6887, Charity For Moslem Padang,
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"INFO > https:/wa.me/6281809976887, Donasi Untuk Guru TK Sumatera Selatan, Donasi Untuk Guru SD Palembang, Donasi Untuk Anak Asuh Aswan, Donasi Untuk Anak Asuh Online PalestineQS. Ali Imran ayat 92لَنْ تَنَالُوا الْبِرَّ حَتّٰى تُنْفِقُوْا مِمَّا تُحِبُّوْنَ ۗوَمَا تُنْفِقُوْا مِنْ شَيْءٍ فَاِنَّ اللّٰهَ بِهٖ عَلِيْمٌArtinya:Kamu tidak akan memperoleh kebajikan, sebelum kamu menginfakkan sebagian harta yang kamu cintai. Dan apapun yang kamu infakkan, tentang hal itu sungguh, Allah Maha Mengetahui. Allah memerintahkan umatnya untuk berwakaf atas Sebagian harta yang kita miliki. Kami akan bantu salurkan Sebagian harta anda tersebut dan langsung menjadi pahala untuk anda.Donasi sekarang untuk membangun kelas dan mushola baru. Setiap rupiah Anda berarti1Rekening Mandiri a/n Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau : 1030010841944YAYASAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM MANINJAU (TK & SD RASUNA SAID) Jl. H. Udin Rahmani No 134, Maninjau,Kec. Tj. Raya, Kab. Agam, Sumatera Barat Call / WA 0818-0997-6887 (Ibu Daisy) “Mohon Bantuan Share ini sebagai bantuan amal ibadah” #WakafProduktifUntukPembangunanMasjid, #WakafProduktifUntukPembangunanSekolah, #ShodaqohJariyahUntukPendidikanAnak, #SedekahJariyahUntukPendidikanAnak, #SedekahJariyahPembangunanSekolahIslam, #PenerimaWakafUang, #PenerimaWakafTunaiOnline, #HibahWakaf, #HibahUntukYayasan, #DanaHibahUntukSekolahSwasta"
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fionafloating · 9 months
LANGSUNG DISALURKAN, Call/WA 0818-0997-6887, Charity For Moslem Banda Aceh,
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"KLIK https:/wa.me/6281809976887, Sedekah Pembangunan Mushola, Sedekah Pembangunan Masjid, Sedekah Untuk Penghafal Al Quran, Sedekah Untuk Masjid, Sedekah Untuk Membuang SialSejak dahulu, Maninjau merupakan pusat pendidikan di Kecamatan Tj. Raya. Disamping sekolah berlandaskan keagamaan, Maninjau juga menjadi pusat pendidikan formal sejak tingkat Taman Kanak Kanak sampai Sekolah Menengah. Maka berdirilah Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau (YPIM) yang bergerak untuk Pendidikan anak di Maninjau. Dengan semangat pahlawan Hj. Rasuna Said maka didirikanlah juga TK & SD Rasuna Said.Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau (YPIM) bertujuan : 1. Mendedikasikan diri untuk membantu anak-anak menjadi diri mereka yang terbaik 2. Berkomitmen untuk membantu semua masyarakat maninjau terutama generasi mendatang menjadi orang yang berkarakter kuat.secara islami dan nasional.Untuk itu kami butuh partisipasi terbaik anda dan kami dapat melayani sepenuh hati dan memberikan yang terbaik untuk masyarakat. Informasi lebih lanjut bisa langsung menghubungi nomor di bawah. Terimakasih YAYASAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM MANINJAU (TK & SD RASUNA SAID) Jl. H. Udin Rahmani No 134, Maninjau,Kec. Tj. Raya, Kab. Agam, Sumatera Barat Rekening Mandiri a/n Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau : 1030010841944 Call / WA 0818-0997-6887 (Ibu Daisy) “Mohon Bantuan Share ini sebagai bantuan amal ibadah” #InfaqPembangunanMasjid, #InfaqPembinaanMasjid2023, #TabunganInfaqDiHalmahera, #TabunganWakafIndonesia, #SedekahTabunganAkhirat, #SedekahPembangunanKelasSekolah, #WakafUangUntukPembangunanMasjid, #WakafUangTunaiDiPalangkaraya, #WakafUangKolektifDiBaytAlFaqih, #WakafUangManfaat"
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saturdaysschiyo · 9 months
LANGSUNG DISALURKAN, Call/WA 0818-0997-6887, Charity For Moslem Banda Aceh,
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"KLIK https:/wa.me/6281809976887, Sedekah Pembangunan Mushola, Sedekah Pembangunan Masjid, Sedekah Untuk Penghafal Al Quran, Sedekah Untuk Masjid, Sedekah Untuk Membuang SialSejak dahulu, Maninjau merupakan pusat pendidikan di Kecamatan Tj. Raya. Disamping sekolah berlandaskan keagamaan, Maninjau juga menjadi pusat pendidikan formal sejak tingkat Taman Kanak Kanak sampai Sekolah Menengah. Maka berdirilah Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau (YPIM) yang bergerak untuk Pendidikan anak di Maninjau. Dengan semangat pahlawan Hj. Rasuna Said maka didirikanlah juga TK & SD Rasuna Said.Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau (YPIM) bertujuan : 1. Mendedikasikan diri untuk membantu anak-anak menjadi diri mereka yang terbaik 2. Berkomitmen untuk membantu semua masyarakat maninjau terutama generasi mendatang menjadi orang yang berkarakter kuat.secara islami dan nasional.Untuk itu kami butuh partisipasi terbaik anda dan kami dapat melayani sepenuh hati dan memberikan yang terbaik untuk masyarakat. Informasi lebih lanjut bisa langsung menghubungi nomor di bawah. Terimakasih YAYASAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM MANINJAU (TK & SD RASUNA SAID) Jl. H. Udin Rahmani No 134, Maninjau,Kec. Tj. Raya, Kab. Agam, Sumatera Barat Rekening Mandiri a/n Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau : 1030010841944 Call / WA 0818-0997-6887 (Ibu Daisy) “Mohon Bantuan Share ini sebagai bantuan amal ibadah” #InfaqPembangunanMasjid, #InfaqPembinaanMasjid2023, #TabunganInfaqDiHalmahera, #TabunganWakafIndonesia, #SedekahTabunganAkhirat, #SedekahPembangunanKelasSekolah, #WakafUangUntukPembangunanMasjid, #WakafUangTunaiDiPalangkaraya, #WakafUangKolektifDiBaytAlFaqih, #WakafUangManfaat"
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#sudan #peace_for_sudan #stop_war
In the midst of conflict and devastation in Sudan, a single water well stands as a symbol of hope and resilience. Constructed by our Muslim charity organization, this well has provided much-needed clean water for a community in crisis.
But our work is not yet done. Despite the challenges of war, we are determined to bring more life-sustaining resources to the people of Sudan. With your support, we can build two more water wells at a cost of 500€ each, bringing a vital source of clean water to those in need."... Your generous donation can make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by this devastating conflict. Together, we can bring light and hope to those in need, showing that even in the darkest of times, our compassion and humanity shine through.
So, please, join us in our mission to alleviate suffering and support the people of Sudan. Every donation, no matter the size, will bring us one step closer to our goal of providing clean water to those in need." 💧✨
#donateforacause #donate_water #free_palestine #legitimate_charities #peace_in_sudan
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sofaidblogs · 2 years
Build a mosque or support Dawah
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 If you wish to support Dawah, MATW Canada stands close to you to gather your donation. As a active or non-practicing Muslim, you need to worship God SWT. Our organization offers you an opportunity to build a mosque through this Moslem charity. we have a tendency to are very attentive to Muslim peace and comfort, and operate our work on the idea of priority. There are many reverted Muslims round the world who need academic establishments to be told and recite the holy Quran. we would like to build a masjid with the help of our respectable donors where needed. MATW Moslem Projects- build a place of worship God SWT guarantees to gift a target paradise who helps build a mosque in Duniya. each non secular and freshly reverted Muslim expects a prayers home near . However, there are lack of nearby mosques in geographic area and plenty of different places. Let' create almighty Allah pleasant to us by finding the crisis. tiny house of prayer – West Africa does one have $10000 for donation to our Muslim charity? If yes, then you'll get a beautiful sadaqah jariya. we are going to build atiny low place of worship in geographic area containing quite 100 folks at a time. Community house of prayer – West Africa $15000 is nice enough to create a community masjid in West Africa. Around one hundred fifty people will pray there at a time because it are 150sqm. giant house of prayer – West Africa The additional you increase your donation, the larger mosque will be. $20,000 will allow us to deliver a 200sqm building to the underprivileged Muslims. Grand house of prayer – West Africa If you wish to assist additional folks with al-Qur'an education and Jumua prayer, $25,000 will allow us to build a 250sqm place of worship that may accommodate quite 250 people. Moslem mission Support Our team is decided to unfold messages of the Quran across the planet specifically in remote areas. $150 are an honest quantity for the team management. present a Quran $10 will let us gift a Quran to a Muslim and provides him/her an opportunity to be told and browse Allah’s message.
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guildworks · 7 years
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JACQUELINE; BLOOD and LIGHT Dusk on oldskool overdosed Narcan cartel corners filling with beautiful blood and light. 📿 GUILDWORKScompanies strives socially and culturally to serve, spiritually resource and economically strengthen our interconnected Human communities while simultaneously catalyzing social change. ⭕️ Built to embrace developing-world and underserved communities, including growing urban indigenous populations in our major metropolitan cities, GUILDWORKS creates, produces & sells art|music|video for/ and to assist artists, patrons and participants worldwide, empowering diaspora, native and contemporary roots communities. Profits from website purchases sustain working fellowships, and mentorships through leading-edge digital platforms GUILDWORKS offers through its CulturalPreneur business. ⭕️ SO BUILD WITH US! ⚒ (www)guildworksdeXgnHYVE.global GUILDWORKScompanies; Humanity is Our Business 🏷 #christian #abrahamic #moslem #humanity #God #NYC #design #street #black #igers #socent #socialEnterprise #SOcialGood #culturalEntrepreneurs #blacklivesmatter #faith #indigenous #ethical #charity #native #music #art #city #urbanphotography #startup #staywoke #ferguson #digitalartprints #policebrutality @riversidenyc #boston @brepairers @pacific.southwest @humansofnewmexico @humansofny @alejandro.alvarezperez (at Ladino, Jacqueline NP)
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infokuliah · 9 months
LANGSUNG DISALURKAN, Call/WA 0818-0997-6887, Charity For Moslem Banda Aceh,
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"KLIK https:/wa.me/6281809976887, Sedekah Pembangunan Mushola, Sedekah Pembangunan Masjid, Sedekah Untuk Penghafal Al Quran, Sedekah Untuk Masjid, Sedekah Untuk Membuang SialSejak dahulu, Maninjau merupakan pusat pendidikan di Kecamatan Tj. Raya. Disamping sekolah berlandaskan keagamaan, Maninjau juga menjadi pusat pendidikan formal sejak tingkat Taman Kanak Kanak sampai Sekolah Menengah. Maka berdirilah Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau (YPIM) yang bergerak untuk Pendidikan anak di Maninjau. Dengan semangat pahlawan Hj. Rasuna Said maka didirikanlah juga TK & SD Rasuna Said.Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau (YPIM) bertujuan : 1. Mendedikasikan diri untuk membantu anak-anak menjadi diri mereka yang terbaik 2. Berkomitmen untuk membantu semua masyarakat maninjau terutama generasi mendatang menjadi orang yang berkarakter kuat.secara islami dan nasional.Untuk itu kami butuh partisipasi terbaik anda dan kami dapat melayani sepenuh hati dan memberikan yang terbaik untuk masyarakat. Informasi lebih lanjut bisa langsung menghubungi nomor di bawah. Terimakasih YAYASAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM MANINJAU (TK & SD RASUNA SAID) Jl. H. Udin Rahmani No 134, Maninjau,Kec. Tj. Raya, Kab. Agam, Sumatera Barat Rekening Mandiri a/n Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau : 1030010841944 Call / WA 0818-0997-6887 (Ibu Daisy) “Mohon Bantuan Share ini sebagai bantuan amal ibadah” #InfaqPembangunanMasjid, #InfaqPembinaanMasjid2023, #TabunganInfaqDiHalmahera, #TabunganWakafIndonesia, #SedekahTabunganAkhirat, #SedekahPembangunanKelasSekolah, #WakafUangUntukPembangunanMasjid, #WakafUangTunaiDiPalangkaraya, #WakafUangKolektifDiBaytAlFaqih, #WakafUangManfaat"
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histoireettralala · 4 years
Saint Louis in his time.
“The tendency of Christendom is to fall back on Europe. The crusader spirit falters. The key to this change of attitude is to be found in the very prosperity of the West. The rise carried the flow of Christians in the East and the same rise carries the ebb in Europe. At the end of the 11th century, the too rapid demographic growth of Christendom could not be absorbed by Europe and this juvenile Christianity, where young people were deprived of land, women and power, was unleashed in internal violence. The first wave of savage feudalism could not be stopped by the peace movement. The Church diverted it against the  Moslems and as the Spanish Reconquista was insufficient to absorb the surplus of men, lusts and energy of the Latins, it directed it towards the East. But, in the middle of the 13th century, internal prosperity reached its peak in the West. Land clearings and the "agricultural revolution" are reducing famine. There is no longer any general famine in the West.
Advances in the rural economy have fostered social progress. Even if the seigneurial system encloses men in a tight network, the number of emancipations increases, and if the air of the city does not make as free as a German proverb says, the urban boom welcomes men in the cities, revives crafts and trade, including distant trade, textile production knows a spectacular progression, the construction industry is going very, very well, and stone is increasingly replacing wood. The share of money in trade is skyrocketing and the masters of currency minting high value coins, the silver "gros". The XIIIth century was the century of the return of gold minting, disappeared since Charlemagne in the West. Saint Louis is the first king of France who will beat gold coin, the Ecu, in 1266. Prosperity forces the lords to grant liberties and imposes limits on violence. The doctrine of limiting war to just war, and confining it to limited periods, brings peace from an ideal to a reality. To the protection of the widow and the orphan it is advisable to add that of the merchant, and as the new society secretes the poor also in great numbers, it is necessary to bring them, by the multiplication of hospitals and leprosaria, a solicitude which , ambiguous, oscillates between charity and confinement. Alongside the Church of the guilds and corporations, the nascent state gives a taste of the Welfare State. Saint Louis will stand out in this area.
The city also brings new cultural needs and the means to meet them. Schools multiply and, in the XIIIth century, teach a growing share of young city dwellers. They are no longer limited to future clerics, but also welcome more and more lay students. It is mainly boys who now know how to read, write and count, but there are also female school teachers. Teaching corporations are formed, which will monopolize the general name of university, creating in Christian society at the time of Saint Louis a new power alongside the Reign (Regnum) and the Priesthood, Knowledge (Studium), embodied by the universities. Universities give a second life to Latin, the international language of knowledge, a Latin most often forged, scholastic Latin, but, even in university colleges - despite the regulations - the use of the vulgar language is making rapid progress. Vernacular languages ​​become literary languages. Under Saint Louis, the administration of the kingdom of France begins to write in French, and he is the first king of France whom we can hear speak in French. Theater is reborn, it leaves the Church and takes the city for stage. The festivals spread in the street, mixing with the scholarly liturgies the more or less pagan rites of a campaign which invades the city, Carnival fights and represses Lent, a fabliau of 1250 carries the imagination in a new country, very far from christian asceticism, the land of Cocagne. Art, always at the service of God and the powerful, seeks, beyond the manifestation of power, to satisfy more and more widely shared aesthetic tastes, attracting heaven to earth as much as it elevates the earth toward heaven. The triumph of the stained glass window floods the churches with colored light, the sculpture shows a "beautiful God" in Amiens and makes the angels smile in Reims. Gothic style is a celebration. On earth as in heaven,the  values ​​remain deeply Christian. The terrestrial gardens - where one can, thanks to love, pick the rose - are the renewed echo of the Garden of Eden where Eve picks the fatal apple. The earth is no longer just the reflection, eaten away by sin, of Paradise lost; man, made in the image of God and collaborating here below in the divine work of Creation, can produce and taste there goods which will flourish in Paradise found at the end of time: science, beauty,  well acquired wealth, lawful calculation, the body that will resuscitate, even laughter, long suspect in the eyes of the Church, begin here below, by the work of man, their eternal career. Christianity seems to lose, in the XIIIth century, its barbaric varnish. The judgment of God fades, trials by ordeal are prohibited by the fourth Latran Council (1215), but are slow to disappear in practice. If the proof by fire, water, red iron, disappears quickly enough, we the judgment by the duel, by "tokens of battle", form of ordeal the warriors prefer, will not be extirpated until much later . Saint Louis will strive against trial by ordeal without success.”
Jacques Le Goff, Saint Louis, Folio Histoire, P. 61-64
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shevani-djakaria · 9 months
LANGSUNG DISALURKAN, Call/WA 0818-0997-6887, Charity For Moslem Banda Aceh,
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"KLIK! https:/wa.me/6281809976887, Galang Dana Online Di Abu Dhabi, Galang Dana Kitabisa Di London, Galang Dana Pembangunan Masjid Di Istanbul, Galang Dana Masjid Di Bangka Belitung, Galang Dana Indonesia Di Al Jasra, Open Donasi Pembangunan Masjid Di Palembang, Open Donasi Pembangunan Sekolah Di Banten, Open Donasi Pendidikan Di Jakarta Selatan, Open Donasi Pengabdian Masyarakat, Open Donasi Renovasi Masjid Di MakkahSejak dahulu, Maninjau merupakan pusat pendidikan di Kecamatan Tj. Raya. Disamping sekolah berlandaskan keagamaan, Maninjau juga menjadi pusat pendidikan formal sejak tingkat Taman Kanak Kanak sampai Sekolah Menengah. Maka berdirilah Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau (YPIM) yang bergerak untuk Pendidikan anak di Maninjau. Dengan semangat pahlawan Hj. Rasuna Said maka didirikanlah juga TK & SD Rasuna SaidYayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau (YPIM) bertujuan :1. Mendedikasikan diri untuk membantu anak-anak menjadi diri mereka yang terbaik2. Berkomitmen untuk membantu semua masyarakat maninjau terutama generasi mendatang menjadi orang yang berkarakter kuat.secara islami dan nasionalUntuk itu kami butuh partisipasi terbaik anda dan kami dapat melayani sepenuh hati dan memberikan yang terbaik untuk masyarakat. Informasi lebih lanjut bisa langsung menghubungi nomor di bawah. TerimakasihYAYASAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM MANINJAU(TK & SD RASUNA SAID)Jl. H. Udin Rahmani No 134, Maninjau, Kec. Tj. Raya, Kab. Agam, Sumatera BaratRekening Mandiri a/n Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Maninjau :1030010841944Call / WA 0818-0997-6887 (Ibu Daisy)“Mohon Bantuan Share ini sebagai bantuan amal ibadah”#DonasiBahanBangunanPembangunanKelas, #DonasiUntukMasjidDesa, #DonasiBarangBangunanUntukSekolahIslam #DonasiPembangunanMusholaSekolahTahfidz, #WakafUangUntukPembangunanMasjid, #DanaAbadiPendidikanDiDoha, #DanaAbadiPendidikanDaerahDiDubai, #DanaAbadiUmatDiAlexandria, #DanaAbadiYayasanDiLuxor, #DanaAbadiUntukPembangunanKelasDiSamarinda"
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