#most of the future pokemon need a lil more Design put into them. stop making them Existing Pokemon But Metal
icys-junkyard · 1 year
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If I could bother this dinosaur, I would
Suicune was my childhood favorite legendary! It might still be, even. I still have my old Pokémon Crystal cartridge and GBC, though my old save is lost to time as the game's internal battery died.
While some folk may consider Walking Wake to be kinda wonky, I think it's kinda cool! Nice to see an old favorite get some attention. It's 11'6" and has a huge mane, fluffy feets and two loooong tails. What's not to love. Though it makes me wonder about the resurrection story of Suicune, Raikou and Entei. Apparently, they aren't one-off legendaries if they have ancient forms... Perhaps the modern trio is a double resurrection in a sense, the 3 martyr Pokémon themselves AND the ancient species (but now in the shape of the Pokémon that had died). Two for one deal on Ho-Oh rezzes.
Also you can totally go full Zorua and just hide in its mane.
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starlightsruby · 5 years
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Ohh my god so yesterday I went on a drawing spree to not only do full body designs (and some edits) to fusions ive already created, but also managed to make three new ones!  I’ll be making more fusions in the future for sure but for now i thought id post all the ones i have with a lil description for all of them in order under the post:
Taglist:  @notveryglittery @quantumducky @ajdraws0430 @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @spacedouterri @warnadudenexttime @sanders-sides-rebloger@emospacegeekvirgil @colorfulcollectordragon-2f8ee55c   @theultimatemomfriend(message me if you wanna be apart of the list)
Logill (logan/virgil)- Logill is sorta the frantically nervous type who will check his car 10 times over because oh my god the statistics of me leaving something in that car is way too high- With Virgil’s frantic energy and Logan’s expansive knowledge on everything he tends to be someone who walks (if not hugs) the safe side. He also acts as a mum friend in the kind thats like please wrap up when you go out because the temperature could very well go to- (and proceeds to then pull up a weather report telling you what time it will get cold ect) if hes not a worry wart hes sassy and snarky as hell. Likes to be called Gill.
Detcon (deceit/patton) stealing this from the original post here-  I went with the idea that since patton hides his sadness with jokes and smiles, then this fusion is basically the idea of lying to yourself that nothing is wrong and blocking out the world to live in your own fantasy. The two pupils means that both sides are always aware of whats going on, which ever however is the bigger one is the one your talking to/is in control. the sleeves are now arms and can speak, they act as deceits way of making sure that all that Patton hears is nothing but positive words and will even cover his ears to censor anything that decit doesn’t want Patton to hear. While patton might be the one your always talking to upfront, decit is ALWAYS monitoring what your saying to him and when he needs to step in.
Rotom (roman/patton) yes i did base their names off the legendary pokemon rotom, i couldn't pass the joke afnbkjasfn. Rotom is a very energetic fellow, loves to give people bear crushing hugs and in a good summary is the one who screams parkour and jumps from a table onto the sofa crashing into everything. He is so bubbly and excited and is eager to do any challenge. He’s also super compassionate and loves to show affection to others making sure they’re always ok- even if he gives them a heart attack by backflipping off of something dangerous-
Rocetton (roman/deceit/patton) this chaotic fusion hoof. they are sort of simular to detcon with the idea of protecting themselves but sort of the idea with them is, instead of taking something by force because they need it to survive or to keep safe, they just do it because they can. The thing with Rocetton that makes them so chaotic is that you have two sides who are clearly impulsive and the only one who is the ‘sane man’ of the trio reallllly has some backward morals. So you’re going to get quite a handful of this fusion. They might be happy and all expressive but they will get m a d if you do anything to stop their fun. They fuse mainly for themselves as a comfort and while for them they feel safe and looked after for, for everyone else its a real struggle to keep on par with them. 
Virton (virgil/patton) this cutie is someone who keeps to himself and bundles himself in blankets to feel safe. While they speak softly and politely to everyone around them, the monster mouth on their neck is the one that is more cautious of strangers and will respond negatively. Virton takes a while to trust people but when he does he will cling to you like a koala and love you to peices. 
Virmon (roman/virgil) copying again from the original post-  Virmon is a fusion between roman and virgil but with virgils personality being more dominant out of the two. Mainly inspired by ouran host club with the whole ‘lonely prince’ act tamaki had to do.Virmon is still a dramatic boi but a bit more guarded, He has a presence to him that screams i am in control dont mess with me. However if he gets close to someone he shows his more bratty/i need attention side (virmon: i-its not because i want your attention baka *kicks leggy up in the air) He doesnt like being around too many people but is a great actor so you’ll never see his nervousness. Also he has two hands on both wrists, most of the time the two hands are always entwined as both roman and virgil use it as a comfort that the other one is there. 
Creviet (roman/deceit) OHO this boi is also a handful, but more that creveit acts like a child, he loves to have the attention on him. He loves to dress up and put on a show for others, he also loves to show his affection to others like rotom (especially to patton) the cutie has self esteem issues however and can feel nervous if people are bored of him or dont want to be around him. He can sulk and throw fits at times but he generally means well and just wants to be loved. Also he’s got so much energy in him that everyone else tire out trying to keep up with his pace. He can be a bit bratty at times and be too much but a kiss to the cheek or a pat to the head can calm him down, even if for a few seconds before jumping back up like nothing happened.
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