#mostly cause I changed a huge aspect of a later storyline and it affects this part
hawkfurze · 1 year
Almost finished with drawing the last few pages of CH2 of TSOO and realizing I really need to get to finishing the CH3 script
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goldenkamuyhunting · 3 years
Tell me if I'm being crazy here but I was just wondering if you feel like the Ogata in the anime is an inaccurate representation of the Ogata we get in the manga? And if you feel the same as me why may that be? I really can't nail it but it's bothering me watching him in it. Like they missed the point of his character.
...in itself all the characters are inaccurately represented in the anime.
There are some problems that come with the anime adaptation:
- the first is not really a fault of who creates the anime, merely a consequence of the anime being a different medium. As a result some things can’t be delivered in the same way as the manga.
For example this is one of the spread pages in which Noda plays with the contrast between what happens in one half and what happens in the other half.
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On one side we’ve Sugimoto and Asirpa eating warm food together, safe and happy, on the other we’ve Ogata being shown alone (although we know there’s people around him) about to freeze to death and in a poor shape.
You can’t just get the same effect on the anime.
We see a similar trick also used in a scene that seems to foreshadow the ‘cat alliance’. In this three panel we see Edogai’s cat and then, below his panel, two panel showing Wildcat Ogata and Tiget Kiroranke exchanging a nod as they turn at the same time.
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You just can’t get the same effect in the anime but the anime didn’t even made an effort as it didn’t show the cat falling on the ground (or better, it’ll show it but later on) but just Ogata first and Kiro after, both clearly looking at Hijikata without turning, Ogata’s expression different from the original (change of expressions is a point in which I’ll dig later).
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...and the same goes for other ‘manga only’ ways to show things. For example the manga can use a swirling shade to imply that Ogata is actually in turmoil despite looking calm on the outside.
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The anime wouldn’t be able to do such thing without making the draws looking weird. Of course some anime would find different ways to drive home the same concept (from a certain music to moving the whole swirling to the background or things like that)... but Geno tends to miss those details.
Anyway this might seems minor, many believe they don’t notice this sort of details... but actually most of those details are meant to pass below your conscious radar, and give you a determinate feeling without you quite realizing it. They shape the background of your opinion on the characters or of their relations or of the themes of the story.
- another problem is something for which the adaptation can be partly blamed and it’s the matter of cutting scenes. We should probably split the anime adaptation into the three series because they had different fates.
A premise. Out of late anime series have started being created for being 12 episodes series for commercial reasons. I won’t get into details on the why but this affected GK as all its series are 12 episodes and, to fit all the amount they decided to fit in 12 episodes, cutting scenes was mandatory in many cases. You just wouldn’t manage to put everything in them.
Plus, many anime series aren’t created to cover the whole storyline but just a part of it, using the anime series merely as a way to promote the manga (and likely, originally GK was planned to be a mere 12 episodes series).
Now, in GK case...
The first series adapted most of the story. There were however some relevant cuts that affected the series, the main one being how they completely removed Umeko from the plot something that hugely affected Sugimoto’s characterization but also, will come to bite back in future series with the result it’ll affect Sugimoto and Asirpa. Another notable cut was the Barato arc. They recovered it in the OAD, but if you don’t watch the OAD but just the anime, you’ve a great hole in the plot development. If the series has stopped at 12 episodes and had been merely a promotional mean for the story it wouldn’t have been a big deal but we know ultimately it continued. I would also say in some points it felt a bit rushed... but again, it could have worked for a promotional series... while it feels pretty bad for an ongoing one.
The second series was... a mess. It cuts left and right without really paying care to connect well the various parts of the story. Parts of the cuts had a reason to be, as some scenes seemed hard to transpose in an anime (think Anehata), others though were just cut so that they would fit in the 12 episodes quota all the plot that was missing to cover the story up till Abashiri, when the series would have benefitted greatly if they had stopped sooner instead than making a mad rush for Abashiri that translated in a cutting fest. They then recovered the Shiraishi arc, the giant snake arc, the boss Wakayama arc, the Anehata arc in 3 OAD (but we still miss the Lighting bandit arc and the fake Ainu arc), but it’s worth to mention some of whose OAD clearly weren’t planned, as they can’t connect anymore with the series which cut them in such a way they can’t be reinserted anymore.
The third series tried again adapting everything except the Sekiya arc and the Koito past arc. Overall though, despite those two cuts, they tried to adapt the most they could and at a decent pace, which allows the third series to come out as the best of the 3.
Result of this all?
The characterization of most of the characters, especially if you watch only the anime series without the OAD (or with the OAD but not placed in the order in which the manga storyline would have placed them), suffers of a lot of cuts that are instead important for their development.
Ogata is, of course, among the ones affected.
Some cuts are small, for example here we see him explaining that he’s not just randomly escaping, but that he has assested the situation and a retreat was the smartest thing he could do.
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The same goes here, with Ogata again analyzing the situation and planning countermeasures as well as taking care of their weaknesses (warning Nikaidou to hide his binoculars).
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And the same goes here
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Ogata is even capable to point out that Hijikata’s plan might suceed at first but not in the long run, which shows a capacity of analysis of the big picture.
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Plot wise this kind of cuts are meaningless, they don’t change the story but, character wise, they rob Ogata of one of his main characteristics, observing a situation, analyzing it and being fast to come up with a valid course of action.
You’ll find many cuts through the anime series and they touch various aspects of each character.
Sometimes those cuts affected lines exchanged between characters so that the relationships felt different because some things were just left unsaid.
Other cuts affected the boxes explaining things, for example in the anime we aren’t told why Ogata eats snow but we’re supposed to figure out on our own, or how the bear could sneak up without Ogata and Nikaidou noticing or how Ogata learnt during the war that he had to avoid hitting vital parts to slow his pursuers down and so on.
Then there are the HUGE cuts, the one I mentioned before, that involved plot threads (Umeko) or entire arcs, or had arcs placed in OAD that not everyone saw or that don’t well connect with the anime.
The Barato Arc and the Anehata arc both involved Ogata significantly, so not seeing the OAD affects the understanding of the character.
The fake Ainu arc being cut stripped Ogata of a lot of scenes, among which Sugimoto’s stubborn refusal of Ogata’s logical theory (those Ainu are fake) as well as didn’t show how Ogata saved Sugimoto’s life by shooting to a fake Ainu who was about to kill Sugimoto, returning Sugimoto’s favour (Sugimoto saved him while they were in Edogai’s house).
The Lighting bandit arc in the manga worked well to tie with the fact Ogata was a child born from parents who didn’t love each other. The anime kept Ogata’s backstory (and animated it mostly rather well) but it felt less strong since it lacked the frame of the Lighting bandit arc... and the worst part is we lost this bit.
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The constant cutting of Umeko from the plot ended up causing the scene in which Sugimoto replied to Asirpa he was searching the gold to take care of a friend’s widow and Ogata pointed out how that widow was the woman Sugimoto loved and also realized how Asirpa was crushing for Sugimoto. The lack of this bit affects how we read the whole scene on the ice in Karafuto.
The fact the anime decided to skip the Anehata arc, changed the reunion between Ogata and Tanigaki making Ogata’s reaction to the death of Tamai and Co and to the discovery of how they actually died weaker and even deprived us of Sugimoto’s recurring ‘don’t trust Ogata’ to Asirpa who instead trust him, affecting how the relations were presented. This cause the relationship between Sugimoto and Ogata to look much better than it was.
Also, they removed Ogata’s presence once they were in the blind bandits house. He entered in it with Sugimoto but then the anime decided to have him disappear and left Sugi to handle it all when in the manga Ogata was there to help.
- another HUGE problem are the transposition choices. The biggest fault of the first series is to tend to present the character from a distance or from behind, hardly showing us their expressions. The Japanese voice actors (sorry I hadn’t tried out the dubs), expecially Tsuda Kenjiro, Ogata’s voice actor, do try their best but sometimes you just need to see the faces to get a feeling of what they’re feelings.
Look at this manga scene in which we see Ogata’s expression trice.
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Do you know what they showed us in the anime? This.
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Basically the anime put entirely on Tsuda Kenjiro the burden of delivering to the viewers Ogata’s displeased and suspicious feelings. Only Tsuda Kenjiro was instructed on keeping Ogata mostly toneless so, while he’s still an awesome actor and there are differences in his performance that give out what Ogata is feeling, they don’t come out as obvious as the visual of the manga, especially to a not Japanese viewer. It’s not a choice to keep Ogata mysterious, it’s a specific problem of the 1st anime series which does it with many, many characters, Sugimoto and Asirpa included because drawing and recycling such a scene takes less effort than animating all the panels that were in the manga.
It’s a problem mostly of the first series though, as the two following series were more expression friendly but... but the expressions they showed in all three series were often different from the ones used in the manga. Look at how in this scene Ogata is serious, I’ll say worried in the manga since his face is shadowed and as he understands something might be up but he has no idea what he is, but he clearly doesn’t like this development...
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...while he grins in the anime, his face well light as if he’s having the best day of his life.
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Then when he’s proudly showing off what he knows in the manga he smiles...
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while in the anime he feels down.
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Smiling with his eyes raised...
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...versus not smiling with his eyes lowered.
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...and so on and I don’t even know why they felt the need to change the various characters’ expressions (yeah, it’s not just an Ogata’s problem) as there’s simply no reason to do it.
On an interesting  note the anime chose to expand some fighting scenes. Ogata’s first fight with Sugimoto is longer, as Ogata manages to swing his bayonet a little before ending up on the ground (which is detrimental of Sugimoto who’s WAY more amazing of a fighter than him as Sugimoto can fight on par with Gansoku and Ushiyama) and felt the need to stretch the confrontation with Tsukishima too.
In the manga Tsukishima just kicks Ogata, Ogata notices Tsukishima is taking then gun and then tosses himself behind the stuffed people as he was still in that room. In the anime Ogata is in the room with the stuffed bear instead. Tsukishima kicks him behind it but then Ogata manages to spring out the room and go hid behind the stuffed people in the other room.
On another note, when in Edogai’s house Ogata is being beaten up by a soldier in the manga it’s shown he’s trying to protect himself with his arms while in the anime he seems to remain there completely still... and the anime put a sudden focus on Ogata’s eyes to switch at Sugimoto attacking the soldier and, at the same time pushing him away from Ogata, as if Ogata knew that he wouldn’t die there because Sugimoto was there to cover up for him, where in the manga there’s no emphasis on Ogata’s eyes and the two scenes are cut by how one has to turn page... plus Sugimoto hit the soldier so that he fell above Ogata so it’s clear Ogata wouldn’t have managed to glimpse Sugimoto.
 - Lastly yes, they missed the point of many of his interactions. For example the anime makers said they believed since Ogata’s mom kept on making the anglerfish nabe, it was because Ogata liked it, a sign she liked her son... when, according to the story, she kept on making it because it was his father’s favourite dish and she had gotten mad. In Karafuto they downplayed Asirpa’s efforts to have Ogata say citatap and hinna and completely missed how Ogata was allucinating her as Yuusaku...
(I mean in this scene is pretty obvious there’s a parallel between the two so I’m not sure how the anime missed it)
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...and the anime seems to put more focus on how the lynx and Ogata’s tracks superimposed than on how Ogata is now walking on a different path from the lynx... just to list some of the things that came to my mind.
For more I’ve a couple of tags in which I compared the episode transposition and the manga one in details or a little more vaguely.
So, long story short, anime Ogata can’t help but give a different impression compared to manga Ogata.
He misses part of his story, his interactions are different, his expressions are changed, scenes that were meant to deliver certain things aren’t there so of course he seems another person.
It’s not done specifically to him though, as everyone suffered about this.
The anime, in his attempt to make the story simple and more... ‘shonen’ friendly has taken away much of the grey concepts for a more black and white picture which influenced also how situations were presented.
But well, while I’m not satisfied, part of this is done to market the show to a wider audience so it’s kind of a forced choice.
(On a sidenote it’s worth to remember that the anime adapt the volume version of the story which differs from the mangazine version in some relevant points. So not all the changes are completely made up by the anime.)
I hope it helps. Thank you for your ask!
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traincat · 7 years
Do you think that Johnny/Daken's canonical relationship was at least semi-abusive or at least really unhealthy? I see a lot of people really liking it but their interactions in that comic book gave me a lot of red flags :/
Oh yeah, 100%, this is not a healthy relationship in canon. I think my thoughts on that have always been pretty upfront? I know I’ve never written it happy or healthy lol. Not to knock anyone shipping it, everyone should ship what they want and besides I ship this (not in terms of wanting a happily ever after or for them to necessarily even interact again, but more in terms of where’s the 30k dirtybadwrong smutfest), but yeah, I think it’s more than fair to say that in canon this is messed up from start to finish, as one would expect from a relationship between Johnny, who Just Wants To Be Loved, and a master manipulator like Daken.
I’m going to break it down with pictures because otherwise I have to work on fic who doesn’t love a deep read. While, for the record, I don’t believe Daken ever had to use his pheromone powers to get Johnny to sleep with him, he canonically uses them to influence several people in Dark Wolverine #75 alone, and at least one of them sleeps with him as a direct result, so sticking a consent warning on everything. Long and picture-heavy exploration underneath:
Dark Wolverine #75-77, the beginning:
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So right off the bat, we’ve established that Daken uses people to get things. We’ll get into where Johnny plays into this in a moment, but it’s just an important thing to remember in general re: this particular story.
During an Osborn’s Avengers board meeting, Daken baits Bullseye into shooting him with an arrow:
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(There’s a pattern here: first, there’s Barry, the guy you see in the first set of panels I’ve posted. Then, there’s this agent. If there’s an unseen third person who sleeps with Daken over the course of this story, well, it’s definitely Johnny.)
Anyway, the next time we see the arrow Bullseye shot Daken with is later on in this issue, when the Fantastic Four crash a party:
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Shooting a cute guy through the thigh and then blaming your coworker! The start of every classic romance, am I right. So already we’re not off to a great start here.
Daken later shows up at the Baxter Building to ingratiate himself into the Fantastic Four’s midst – by baiting Ben Grimm into beating the hell out of him. It seems like a weird strategy, but it’s very effective. (It’s heavily implied that most of the baiting involves Daken purposefully using his powers to push Ben into a rage – but the verbal component does involve Daken suggesting Ben is sexually attracted to Johnny. And then Daken’s head meets the floor, repeatedly.)
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Anyway, it’s a REALLY good move to get Johnny’s sympathy, which is pretty freely given, but most importantly Johnny doesn’t like when the people around him engage in ultra violence, and frequently attempts to be the peacekeeper:
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In addition to Johnny being a soft touch, he’s also by far the easiest target if Daken plans to get close by getting into bed with one of them. Reed and Sue are married – not that he wouldn’t do it on that basis alone, but if he wants to stay in their good graces beyond the immediate time (and we see later that he does), well, that’s going to cause drama. With Ben there’s I think both the physical aspect of Ben being a huge rock guy and the fact that Daken has more fun pushing Ben’s buttons in other ways. Johnny’s the obvious (and prettier) choice.
The Four and Daken talk:
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So let’s look at these two panels: Ben, Sue, and Reed are all expressing skepticism, but Johnny’s silent. He’s just watching Daken. His body language is pretty attentive – he’s leaning towards him and listening. In the last panel, Daken looks back at him.
When Daken and Reed’s plans against Norman Osborn go south, the Four are “forced” to abandon Daken and flee on their own. I say “forced” in quotation marks because I suspect that Daken’s “go on without me” moment is as big of an act as everything else – a way to make Reed feel indebted to him as he nobly lies in the rubble and waves them on to do their noble work. Johnny, notably, is very upset at the idea that they’ll have to leave Daken behind:
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Re: the “keep your voice down” scolding, I think another thing that plays into how easy it would be for Daken to get Johnny to do whatever he wanted is the fact that the group to this day very much treats Johnny as the baby, a role he’s alternately clung to and rebelled against. To have Daken – older, mature, appearing just this side of dangerous – take him seriously (or act like he does, anyway) would be pretty heady for him.
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So that’s where this first storyline ends: with Reed feeling indebted to Daken and Johnny, if not involved with him already (unlikely, given the short period of time, but not impossible), then at the very least emotionally invested in him and receptive towards him.
So now we open with Daken #1, where Daken is having sex with a model backstage at a fashion show:
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(NOT TO BE THIS WAY BUT I think this kind of attitude is something Johnny’s into in the bedroom. But really I mostly included this panel as an example of how Daken talks during a sexual encounter – since we never actually see Johnny and Daken together in a sexual context, I’ve decided to use Daken’s other encounters as a kind of proxy to read the mood.)
After some sexually charged dialogue between Daken, a few other models, and the designer, he receives a phone call from Johnny:
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We only see Daken’s side of this conversation, but there’s a flirtatious edge to it – “What would I have done? Oh, Johnny.” Daken’s also pretty in control of the conversation: it’s light but firm teasing and then “we’ll have to talk about that later.” (because Daken has to go kill a bunch of people.)
In Daken #3, Daken fakes his death. He texts Johnny “call me” right before Johnny stumbles upon the scene of the crime, knowing of course that when Johnny does try and call his phone, this will happen, and Johnny will think he was murdered:
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So now Daken has another card in his hand: Reed feels like he owes Daken a debt. Johnny feels like he wasn’t there to help Daken when Daken needed him and is sick with guilt to the point where the others comment on it.
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Friendly reminder that Johnny Storm doesn’t like himself very much at the best of times, which I’m sure a character who prides himself on reading others as much as Daken does must know. 
But of course Daken’s not actually dead, as he reveals to the Fantastic Four when he reappears in the Baxter Building and appear to rescue Franklin from an unknown attacker. (In reality, Daken orchestrated the attack in the first place.)
Johnny reacts emotionally, calling Daken a jerk for letting them think he was dead. Daken gives them a speech about only being able to trust the Fantastic Four, and wanting to change: “Eventually, when the time is right, I’ll come out as myself. Then, maybe, people will be able to accept me without the past hanging over my head.” Again, it’s a really good speech to hook Johnny, who often doesn’t fit with the celebrity persona he’s cultivated. And who likes men.
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Next we see Daken and Johnny in Johnny’s bedroom, where Daken is changing into some of Johnny’s clothes. The sexual connotations are obvious here: Daken’s doing up his pants, while Johnny’s seated on his bed, legs spread. But also important to note is Johnny talking about when he thought Daken was dead, because we’re going to come back to that near the end of Daken’s series when Daken rather cruelly twists that sentiment around.
In Reed’s lab, meanwhile, Ben disapproves of Daken’s presence, calling him “a real bad apple” and citing that it’s strange that the attackers from earlier ran off before they could ID them. (Likely because there were no other attackers and Daken was using his speed and powers to create the illusion.) Reed and Johnny both brush off Ben’s concerns by teasing Ben over his discomfort with Daken hitting on him. Daken, meanwhile, obtains a weapon (albeit one Reed states won’t kill anyone) from Reed, so he won’t have to pop his claws and reveal his identity.
The next scene is upon the Baxter Building roof, while Daken is preparing to leave. Johnny’s notably changed clothes – before he was in his uniform, now he’s wearing casual clothes and he’s barefoot.
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“He got what he came for” is a pretty obvious double entendre – the weapon from Reed, sure, but also sex with Johnny. This implies that the other members of the team know about the nature Johnny and Daken’s relationship, and that Ben disapproves. Johnny appears pretty sad about Daken leaving – the slumped shoulders, the barely there answers, the fact that he won’t look at Ben.
After a brief moment alone with Daken on the roof, Daken leaves and Johnny goes inside, and:
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Reed, meanwhile, starts to believe they’ve been conned, while Daken reveals to the audience that he stole from Reed’s lab. So I think ultimately, whether or not Daken was attracted to Johnny (and I think he genuinely was attracted to him: later, while in a coma, Daken dreams of Johnny, and in the dream Johnny tells Daken he’s very glad he’s here), this whole relationship was about the manipulation of Johnny to help further Daken’s goals and that he preyed upon Johnny’s yearning for love and affection and to be taken seriously in order to forge a stronger bond with the Fantastic Four. Once he gets what he needs, he drops Johnny and leaves.
Much later, at the end of Daken’s series, he returns to the Baxter Building with his healing factor fried. When Reed offers to try and help him, Daken angrily rebuffs him, and then turns on the charm:
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The face of a man who sees his ex hitting on his brother-in-law. Johnny, recently returned from the dead himself, attempts to talk to Daken:
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“Real people stay dead when they die, Johnny” is a cruel mirror of “When I thought you had died… I was so sorry.”
To rub salt in the wound, Daken later says this to Reed during his big last battle, right before he drugs Reed and throws him from the Baxter Building’s roof:
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“So we take on partners, and when we get tired in life we take on a life partner. Their siblings being an unwanted complication.” There’s a non-zero chance Johnny heard that, considering he’s the one who swoops in to rescue Reed last second. (Daken also murders several people outside the Baxter Building; Johnny comments later that he still has their blood on his uniform.)
That’s the end of the road for their interactions so far, but yeah, I would classify the relationship as unhealthy and deeply manipulative at the least, which is something I’d really like to address in a longer fic at some point because it does interest me (look at this whole thing I wrote, obviously it interests me), especially from Johnny’s perspective on things. Also I maybe want him to find out retroactively that it was Daken who shot him with that arrow in this first place.
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comicteaparty · 5 years
April 1st-April 7th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from April 1st, 2019 to April 7th, 2019.  The chat focused on Stomp! by Brodnork.
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Stomp! by Brodnork~! (http://stompwebcomic.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PDT), so keep checking back for more! You have until April 7th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. What do you believe is in the box Silvergammel gives Stomp at the beginning of the story? Do you believe the box will open soon, or will it still be a while? What do you think will happen when it does open?
Hi! I was just caught up in setting up my April Fools gag on twitter that I completely forgot this was happening today
ironically yours is the gag that reminded me of the date cause i super had to double check i was tagging the right account on twitter cause i was so confused XD
Haha thats fair
It's actually a super convenient time for this sort of discussion, seeing as a chapter just ended and it's on a small hiatus for a bit.
QUESTION 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 4. How do you think Tandrad and Inkcrest are doing? What do you think happened in regards to the Hooligrin paying a visit to Tandrad ominously? What role might Tandrad have to play in the story?
1) my favorite scene this time i think is when they go to the moon and defeat the queen. i enjoy the humor that shes just so flat out fed up with them no amount of revenge is worth it. i just also love the simple aesthetic changes as well cause despite being simple, they really convey that feeling of alienness. 2) i mean the devil's advocate is the obvious choice. maybe its not tho. maybe its the deus ex machina that will save the die. like baby pictures of the hooligrin that can be used as blackmail. i feel itll still be a while before it comes into play, and i feel too stomp himself probably forgot about it. as for what will happen when it opens, probably some sort of epic fight whether related to the box or not. i also feel like silvergammel might not even know for sure whats in the box despite thinking stomp would like it.
3) Still Clomp because he's the cool one who has a dorky hat and sunglasses and i just like his overall joking sort of laid back attitude about everything. but mostly, hes the cool one. 4) Tandrad and Inkcrest are probably fine, but the theme park owners? probably not so much. Mostly becuase the Hooligrin can only be a bad influence on tandrad and probably said, "im your friend and i say you should murder them." but i think tandrad is gonna appear as an antagonist again next alongside the hooligrin and stomp will have to convince tandrad theyre still friends. then tandrad will betray hooligrin and hooligrin will curse them all while going for plan c.
Ooh, i like those theories about the box
QUESTION 5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?
QUESTION 6. What aspect of the world-building have you liked the most? What future role do you believe the aliens might have to play? Further, do you think Comp will learn to control his psychic powers?
5) im a huge fan of this more recent page, especially the last panel http://stompwebcomic.com/comic/214. i just adore the lighting effects on this page between the red and the glow. and i love the details on how the sword emerges with all the kind of partical spray. it definitely feels like a magical sword and like something truly amazing is happening. 6) ive really enjoyed in general just the world history. like the pirates, the hiss clickers, the alien war. i really love how this stuff is informing present day events while not being completely about it either. it makes the world feel super fleshed out without overriding whats going on. as for the aliens, im not sure theyll be coming back unless hooligrin makes even more "friends." but i do think comp is gonna pick up those psychic powers. just in the greatest time of need. hell show everyone how he can bend a spoon just like in the matrix.
Thanks, Im actually pretty proud of that panel but I was worried it wouldn't have the impact I wanted
This is really cute so far! It feels pretty slice-of-life-y
Thanks! I guess it sort of is slice of life, seeing as Stomp's life kinda involves going on adventures regularly
Rey first thought is this an enormous amount of work and that should always be celebrated
QUESTION 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?
QUESTION 8. What do you think the Devil’s Advocate is? Who is the Hooligrin’s boss and why do they want it? Do you think Hooligrin does know where it is? How will this storyline continue to affect Stomp and company?
Stomp and the Uncle
Omgosh they are hilarious
My fav scene was the part with the rotten eggnog and he keeps saying random things like I do when I’m tired
“You’ll never take me alive.”
QUESTION 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention?
QUESTION 10. Of the adventures Stomp has been on so far, which one is your favorite? What did you like about it specifically? Also, which adventure played out in a way you didn’t expect?
7) the characters i probably enjoy seeing interact most are stomp and chomp. they really have such opposite attitudes about adventure, life, and the amount of safety precautions each will take. and i enjoy seeing that contrast be played around with and how inevitably, stomp is usually dragging chomp on adventures to. 8) the devil's advocate is clearly a device that just points out all the flaws in your argument. hooligrin's boss wants to use it to become the best politician in the world by weeding out all their bad arguments and understanding their political opponents better. but more seriously, probably something to summon a demon. and ya know blah blah get all that demon power to rule the world. i think hooligrin thinks he knows where it is, but i def dont think what he thinks is the correct location. and inevitably hooligrin is gonna have to go back to plan a cause stomp is the only good lead
RebelVampireLast Friday at 8:19 AM
9) i love how consistently the world design generally is. like the tree designs consistently look the same, the hiss clickers, and just like the fuzzy quality to all the creatures makes them all feel like they belong in the world. it really helps make the world feel like a cohesive and unique place all its own where characters are actually living. 10) I liked the moon adventure the most i think. I like how the shopping cart was used, how one of the main characters was tied in, and i just generally liked how the queen was defeated. cause it was sad and hilarious. as for adventures that played out in a way i didnt expect, thatd definitely be the treasure hunt one. mostly cause i thought theyd at least find something worthwhile. instead it was just danger and more danger. and yet, they were still happy cause yaay exciting adventures. plus, ya know, a flying shopping cart.
QUESTION 11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.
QUESTION 12. What do you think Cigast was up to in the mine in regards to collecting all the crystals? How do Cigast and Silvergammel supposedly know each other? What consequences will there be for Stomp failing to stop Cigast?
11) i think the comic's strength is its world-building and how it ties the world into the story. as i mentioned in an earlier question, i just really enjoy how the story makes the world feel like an actual place where characters are living. i also feel theres really a good balance in how the world is presented, as there are tons of relateable things and parodies that help connect you to the world. but even so, they are able to remain unique. but generally, theres just a lot of character to the world that feels as much a part of how the story unfolds as the rest of the story elements. 12) honestly i kind of think cigast is working with hooligrin in some manner. like not directly persay, but maybe a coworker or hooligrin's black market magic dealer. so i think stomp's failure is gonna spell trouble for stomp later in the next confrontation with hooligrin. cause if i go with my theory on cigast, then cigast is probably giving stuff to hooligrin to use. as for how cigast and silvergammel know each other, maybe they were buddies in college but then cigast went down the dark path and silvergammel didnt want to be buddies anymore and it was very sad.
Thanks for your comments about the world!!
QUESTION 13. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
QUESTION 14. Do you believe Silvergammel will actually tell Stomp his stories are fake? How might this affect Stomp? Do you believe Stomp should continue adventuring anyway despite the danger? Should everyone let him?
13) im looking forward to just seeing their adventures in general. i really like learning about the world they live in. but im also looking forward to stomp overcoming people's beliefs he cant go on real adventures. 14) i feel like maybe hell go for an inbetween. like say "well some of the stories arent real." mostly cause silvergammel already putting it off, so i dont trust him to for real tell stomp. but i feel this could go one of two ways. stomp will go on a big huge adventure to prove everyone wrong, or stomp will get depressed and go on a reluctant adventure. but in the long run, yeah, i think stomp will continue adventuring. not that he shouldnt be dissuaded, but stubborn is as stubborn does
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Stomp! this week! Please also give a special thank you to Brodnork for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Stomp!, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://stompwebcomic.com/
Brodnork’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Brodnork
Brodnork’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/A561YF0
Brodnork’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Brodnork
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comicteaparty · 5 years
February 25th-March 3rd, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from February 25th, 2019 to March 3rd, 2019.  The chat focused on AntiBunny: The Gritty City Stories by Vincent Davis aka Vinnie D.
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on AntiBunny: The Gritty City Stories by Vincent Davis aka Vinnie D.~! (http://AntiBunny.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PST), so keep checking back for more! You have until March 3rd to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 3. Who or what do you think “Dark Pooky” is? Why does “Dark Pooky” refer to Pooky as Ptolemy and what does the supposed missing gap of 50 years have to do with it? What do you think “Dark Pooky” has intended for Pooky?
QUESTION 4. What is the mysterious glow that surrounds Penny that only Agent Wesson and Agent Smith/Ed can see? Unrelatedly, do you think Penny will fix the robot she found? How will either of these scenarios affect her and the other characters’ futures?
Hi everyone. I'm the author of AntiBunny. I'll just be quietly reading here and gathering feedback. I really appreciate this opportunity to hear some in depth thoughts on my work, and as always I invite you to draw your own conclusions.
Are there navigation arrows somewhere I'm not seeing?
theyre on the right side bar
Ahhh, thank you
QUESTION 5. What do you think happened in Pandora’s past that made her so well-known but ultimately got her killed by Agent Wesson? Do you believe Mulligan will get his revenge at the end of the day?
1) im picking two scenes cause i can and nobody can stop me. the first scene i really liked was the warehouse confrontation with the bomb. i liked pooky both got some answers but also basically went "nope im out yo." the combination worked for me and made it both humorous and narratively satisfying. the other scene i liked was the scene where hannibal is waiting in the hospital and just casually talking to mulligan without realizing who he is. then mulligan reveals himself in the most crass way possible. again, i just like the combination. its funny, but narratively satisfying since i kept wondering when wed get to see penelope's dad ever since he was mentioned. 2) penelope. Idk. theres just something i really like about penelope. She's go this good sense of optimism and faith, but shes not overbearing or crazy. And even if she's not some rebellious sleuth or fighter or anything, the comic shows that her words have the power to change things just as much the fighting and other elements. 3) Well given a scene that was part of nailbat's story, Pooky is pretty obviously involved with enchanted forest. I imagine some boss type figure. And Pooky might be some prized experiment somehow? like the next step in bunny evolution or something like that. but maybe pooky had like the longest incubation period known to all sapient kind. As for what dark pooky intends, more evil science. I mean you don't get to be called dark pooky if you do the good science.
4) I'm not sure I have good theories about the glow. Like, maybe again, another part of dark pooky science somehow. Like a desire mutation that is a signal for the next stage of evolution. As for the robot, yes, i think penny will. and I'm really looking forward to it considering who that robot is. I think it's really going to be an emotional rollercoaster for everyone. 5) well given superheroing is a thing in this world, probably that or something. maybe not superheros but like a step down. like neighborhood watch on steroids. or maybe a group of detectives. i think pandora discovered something she shouldnt have though, which put her at odds with agent wesson. as for mulligan's revenge, nah i highly doubt it. more just because i think someone is going to get to agent wesson long before he does. and narratively speaking, i think mulligan's arc will be more about putting his kids first and revenge second.
QUESTION 6. Do you believe that Pooky will once again become a successful reporter? What trouble might Pooky’s pursuit of this cause? Alternatively, what good might come of it?
QUESTION 7. Who do you think Agent Wesson works for? Also, what do you think happened to Agent Wesson after the bridge explosion, and what consequences will that have for the story?
6) I don't think Pooky is gonna rekindle that journalist career. Mostly because if Pooky lives to see the end of this story I will be very surprised. However, I think Pooky's pursuit will change the world regardless and force humans and rabbits alike to confront ugly truths about themselves and the world theyve created. Cause that seems to be a heavy theme and Pooky has shown to know how to work the media to drive that message home. 7) Enchanted Forest. And Agent Wesson is probably alive and probably plotting some hardcore revenge against Pooky. Agent Wesson will also bide time and wait until we've basically forgotten the character and then blamo, everything is ruined, sad times are had, etc. etc. etc. It will not be a good time
QUESTION 8. Do you think Penelope will manage to testify against Mr. Huge, or will she inevitably be silenced by the many obstacles in her way? In the meantime, what do you think Auntie Fae is up to? How will this affect Penelope?
QUESTION 9. Do you think that the characters will be able to change Gritty City and/or human-rabbit relations for the better by the end of the comic? Of the characters, who do you think has the highest chance of doing so and why?
8) I think Penelope will manage. Shes the determined sort who will probably persevere. Although I also feel that her testimony wont matter and that inevitably the bad guy will win. As for Auntie Fae, I'm not sure besides being racist. Although I actually think she has a bigger agenda then the characters realize quite yet. In the sense that theyll think she just wants to get rid of rabbits when shes up to bigger things. like helping out evil scientists or something. 9) I think they'll change relationships for the better but not by much. Change is a slow, slow process and the more you try to force it, the less it usually works. But that's okay and I think whatll maatter is just changing the hearts of even a few ppl. Like what happened with Nailbat because I found Nailbat's story was really strong because of that aspect. Even though Nailbat was just one person, he changed some people lives and also had his life changed. If I had to pick someone who would actually instigate change, then Penelope. Cause Penelope is a badass with words insofar and really seems to leave an impact on all the people she interacts with.
i haven't been able to get through the archive yet, but right now my favorite scene is when we first see penelope street preaching. i don't know why, but I like the idea of this stalking amy-rose-type turning out to be something completely different
my favorite character so far is juju. gets introduced as a witch, and immediately gets herself trapped in a doll. love her.
QUESTION 10. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
10) a lot of stuff. like im really looking forward to the robot being fixed, to pooky exploring the dark pooky stuff more, seeing penelope more, and so forth. theres a lot of really great threads that are building up and id love to see them start paying off and how cause im sure itll be epic! in general, while it took me a bit to get into it, i really enjoyed the comic once i did and the story started to show its hidden depths.
I just want to pop in and say that I did make it partially through the archive this week, but probably won't have time to finish, and thought Penelope was a very cute character. I paged through a bit of the later pages too and loved seeing how the art/craftmanship progressed.
((I don't know what the policy is on critique in these segments, so I will definitely strike this from the record if it's not appropriate @RebelVampire , but when the story started alternating between the Pooky storyline and the Nailbat storyline every other page is when I started to lose focus and eventually dropped off reading because it was too confusing to keep track of the story. I think these storylines would benefit from not being mixed in the archives. I definitely know the challenge of spending time fixing old stuff versus using that time to move forward, but if you decided to migrate the story to a PHP-based solution in the future instead of static HTML, archive curation would be a factor I'd strongly recommend considering.))
@Delphina critiques are allowed as long as theyre constructive, respectful, and dont become the predominant topic of the conversation. so in my book this one is fine.
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about AntiBunny: The Gritty City Stories this week! Please also give a special thank you to Vincent Davis aka Vinnie D. for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked AntiBunny: The Gritty City Stories, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://AntiBunny.com/
Vincent Davis’ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AntiBunny
Vincent Davis’ Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/U6U7CGJG
Vincent Davis’ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AntiBunny
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