#mun plays Skyrim
aeterna---amantes · 2 months
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Someone doesn't like the Thieves Guild armour. 🤣 He went scronch-
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Then there's Inigo
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I love this stupid game. 🤣
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artharakka · 10 months
Your art just absolutely never fails to hit! It's so inspiring and beautiful and gives the same vibes as playing Skyrim or Zelda BOTW for the first time (koska se on innostavaa ja kotoisaa niin kuin open world täynnä seikkailuja, yksityiskohtia ja tarinoita).
You are very skilled and inspire me to do more art and improve as well! <3
Oh thank you! 🧡 I just happened to tell in the previous ask that Skyrim is one of my comfort games, I love the rustic, detailed but not too bright and clustered atmosphere. So I really love this comparison and compliment 🧡
And gosh as a mostly self taught artist it really means a lot to inspire people <3 I wish you a lot of inspiration with your art!
(Ja kiitos myös suomeks 🧡 mua on aina innostanu tehdä ennen kaikkea tarinoita ja ihanaa jos mun kuvituksista tulee samanlainen fiilis kuin näissä maailmoissa kulkemisesta)
Here's a really small painting of Skyrim's Rift-like landscape, because it's my favourite hold
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pastballads · 13 hours
mun meme
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★  NAME:  Luan
★  PRONOUNS: He/Him/Dude/Bro/My guy/etc.
★  BEST EXPERIENCE: I... honestly can't think of any? I've had more bad experiences than good. Maybe I'd say when I finally found my footing with independent OCs with Izren and ended up buddies with Bear and his whole entourage of writing partners. I've joined up on Discord servers with people I write with in the past, but I've never had fun like we do on his server. Plus we play D&D!
★  PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Discord is my go-to if you wanna reach me. I use Tumblr IMs too, though with how they're about as functional as a Bethesda game, I often ask if we can move over to DMs.
I've got my Discord tab open 24/7 on both my laptops, plus I have the app on my phone. I lurk a lot. But nine times outta ten, I'm more of a reactive replier, almost always messaging back rather than messaging first.
★  MOST ACTIVE MUSE: Kouki, always. Getting into the mood with him is so stupidly easy. Put on any rock music, think about any series, play a video game, whatever- and there's always something that makes me do that Leo pointing meme and think "Hey, that gives me ideas for that white-haired little gremlin!"
★  EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS: I've honestly lost track lmao. Ballpark estimate is 11-13 years since I started around 2010 to 2013, with my intro to roleplaying being those ancient Quotev quizzes and the chatroom website Chatzy. If I remember correctly, my first actual RP was either in a Sonic chatroom or a Naruto chatroom. And I've never even watched Naruto- I was going on nothing other than the Fandom Wiki. You could even say that my cringe-worthy OC there was the first iteration of Kouki. Only reason I still remember that chat was one of my writing partners died of some terminal illness. Basically drowned in her own blood.
After that, I moved here to Tumblr. It started with Pokemon blogs... then Steven Universe (where I saw them actively out-toxic the MLP fanbase and drive them out of the fanbase)... then I was the sole Soul Calibur roleplayer... then I made a Skyrim OC based on the Kid Dragonborn mod... then I fell back onto Naruto and joined the fanbase here with more cringy OCs... made my other, still on-going Pokemon blog about eight-ish years ago... joined the JJBA fandom, which was and still is the best fandom I ever joined... then I joined the RWBY fandom... then the BNHA fandom... and now we're here!
I'm gonna cheat a bit and leave two of Bear's peeves, if only because he completely hits the nail on the head. There's just no better way to put it without rehashing things.
Excessive commentary blogging. Before it was just a lot of dash commentary that had me going 'eh'. But in recent years it's gone past that. I've become disenchanted with blogs that become largely commentary for whatever it is they're doing on Discord. All power to those Discord groups doing what they do! But it reaches a point for me that I don't really see them as indie, and it can feel insurmountable trying to interact with them if you're not entangled with their zig-zagging plotlines.
Blog hoppers. Because for a slow burner and long hauler like myself, they're the most impossible people to write with! Which is a shame, because a lot of the hoppers I come across do seem to have some writing talent to them!
Fandom RP events. When I was younger, I used to love the idea of these big events with their own plotlines and moving parts that anyone could participate in if they wanted to. Galas, holiday parties, festivals- stuff like that.
That lasted until 2018, when I kickstarted Bernadotte's original JJBA blog and brought back my long-running Pokemon blog. In the span of something like 5 months, eight separate RP events happened back-to-back in just the JJBA fandom alone. You can only try to participate and be entirely ignored for so long before it sours your whole outlook.
And I mean entirely. I remember writing twelve different starters that people asked for, responding to numerous open threads and starters, liking many different event starter calls, sending asks- the whole shebang. Not even once did I get anything back. If you enjoy fandom RP events, more power to you. But I've been burned too many times to even want to try.
★   PLOTS OR MEMES: Doesn't matter to me! Either way is great! Back in the day, I relied heavily on memes without any ideas for plot, just sending in whatever sounded like something my muse would say. Basically "Oops! All Memes!" Now? I put more thought into things. Overthink things too.
Receiving memes? I almost always ask if there was a reason or an idea driving my partners to send in that specific thing 'cause you never know, y'know? They usually do. But it really doesn't matter to me if they do or don't. I'm just happy to write with y'all.
★  ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: There's a little bit of me in every one of my muses! An example off the top of my head? Kouki is based on how I was as a kid his age. Corbin was inspired by my high school years, my love for old books and poetry, and my music tastes. My Pokemon OC was straight-up a self-insert when I started that blog. Tino came from my RWBY days and my absolute love for weaponry.
They've all got fragments of me in 'em!
tagged by: @dcviated Thanks bear! tagging: @pluviacuratio, @boomermania, @remunporium, @caestusvulpes, @fctedivided, @monmuses, and anybody else that wants to do it!
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jynxd · 7 months
🎮 — favorite video game(s)?
Mun meme | accepting
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I have always been a pretty avid gamer, so I have so many favorite video games! But I’ll give you my tops:
Skyrim: been a teen when it came out I got pretty hooked, and that addiction completely carried over into adulthood, considering I’ve played on 6 different consoles. And countless types of playthroughs. Even got the Skyrim/imperial logo tattooed on my leg.
Kingdom Hearts (the series but especially DDD/3D): As as bit convoluted as the stories can be at times, it’s games I’ve I enjoyed playing and/or watching people play. Also got a few tattoos for that.
Baldurs Gate 3: The newest on the list but I’ve enjoyed every second of the game and have gotten very into individual character stories, plus you can’t beat the character customization.
Final fantasy 14 online: Im huge into mmorpg’s, so getting to walk around as a little lalafell fucking shit up makes me happy. Lol
Other games: Sims 3/4, Dragon age, Diablo 3/4, borderlands (all but pre-sequel.)
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therapardalis · 6 months
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[Ship Suggestions Meme from @thestorycontinues.]
Hmm. How about… Han Solo, Nick Valentine (Fallout 4), and Vilkas (Skyrim)? ------------
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Hmm ... Han Solo is definitely an option ... he just happens to be the mun's first ever (or maybe second ever) crush, from before I really knew what a 'crush' was XD! RP-wise I've tried a couple of times but the other mun has left or it just hasn't worked out, but you never know what the future holds!
I don't know the other two at all - Nick seems a pretty cool dude, and from the reading it seems Vilkas is cast as the family nerd beside his jock brother? My my, who else do we know who's in that same trope?! Would have to play/watch their canon media before a definite opinion.
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lookbluesoup · 2 years
✔ :  What drew you to the character you currently play? What types of characters are you generally drawn to?
Also asked by @seasaltandcopper :3 I'll answer for Nahte and Lyrha since they're my two mains!
Nahte has been a comfort character for a long time, which I've rambled at length on before, here. Basically, he was built to appeal to the things I wanted and needed out of a character to inspire me, good and bad!
Lyrha is... well, for one thing, I've apparently got a fondness for sharp-tongued female characters with moxie. Going through all my fandoms there's Piper from Fallout, Jade from Dying Light, Serana from Skyrim, Alisaie from FFXIV, Vi from Arcane, and so on and so forth.
More than that she's sort of a sharp contrast to Nahte in that, while they both suffer trauma, Lyrha has caused a great deal of deliberate harm to people in her life. Nahte has always cared instinctively for strangers and wanted to help, but Lyrha learned to survive by taking from others and doing some really nasty things. It's a lot of fun to explore a character like this, who is having to face things she told herself were necessary only to learn that they aren't, and all the difficulties such a massive shift in worldview entails.
As for what I'm drawn to, man, I dunno! I have played noble queens and tyrants, sociopaths and bleeding hearts, free spirits and paragons of tradition. Freedom fighters and oppressors, warriors and peacemakers. I've got het and homosexual characters, cis and trans, I really... enjoy having a variety, honestly. It's more the depth of the character that interests me, I have a great many very dear OCs archived from previous fandoms and stories and some, like Nahte, get pulled out again and adapted to new settings. And I've enjoyed meeting a wide variety of other people's OCs in kind.
I guess I enjoy multi-faceted ones? Complex characters that have a lot of different angles to explore. If I had to pick specifics, I'd say the aforementioned flawed and/or traumatized kickass hero fighting for a cause. I also like tragic bleeding hearts who have lost everything and keep trying to do good anyway, rigid villains that will stop at nothing to get what they want, and characters who are their own worst enemy or even downfall. I really like exploring PTSD, so characters that address the complexity of that are also a draw, but I prefer to see them ultimately overcome their trauma in the end, even if that's a long road to get there.
Ask the Mun
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getsusekaii · 20 days
my url if that's okay!! <33
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Do I Follow Them?: yup yup!
Why Did I Follow Them?: i think u followed me first?
Do We Role Play?: i dont, but when???
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: yes? we should plot some day~
An AU Idea For Our Muses: idk much about skyrim beyond the funny glitches, so im down for any ideas~
A Song For Our Muses: uhm...idk. need to get to know ur chara more 
Do I Ship Our Muses?: i cant say yet
What I Think About The Mun: lovely. i love reading ur ooc posts
Overall Opinion:pretty graphics, adorable mun, and an interesting muse! i cant wait to get to know you both
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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songofsilentechoes · 3 months
Comfort food: I have quite a few that I like, but not much beats a home-cooked batch of chili.
Comfort drink(s): A nice cool glass of milk or hot chocolate is real nice.
Comfort movie(s): I think lighthearted and silly movies like Muppet Treasure Island are pretty comfy for me.
Comfort show(s): Technically a show since its a video podcast. But watching the Distractable podcast on Spotify does make my day go by faster.
Comfort clothing: Pajama pants and a flannel shirt that's too big for me.
Comfort song(s): It varies based on my mood. Sometimes I relax to songs I can sing to, like The Sound of Silence. Sometimes I relax to ambient music like tavern music or rainy day ambience.
Comfort book(s): I tend to re-read some of my DnD rulebooks when I'm relaxing and dreaming up characters and builds. The exact one depends on my mood and what system is relevant to me at the moment.
Comfort game(s): I play a lot of games, but for comfort games, I tend to return to different games. Sometimes it's something grindy and flashy, like warframe. Sometimes it's cozy and chill, like Stardew Valley. Sometimes I just mod skyrim or minecraft.
Tagged by: @aquatic-hybrid
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wolfdragon88 · 9 months
Zalgo: *streaming Skyrim* Best day ever :D
Strangeled Red: *be on a screen with him and smile*
Ben: maybe do nintedogs next for streaming or maybe give pokemon nuzlockes a try.
Silver: though I suggested play it normally before you try a nuzlocke. Nice if you to join us Steven
// mun speaks: Steven is his real name in strangled red just to let you known in cause your wondering who they referring too//
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abyssaldemise · 11 months
✎ _Pinned By:
More info ↓
♡ & ↻
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// ★— “ What does freedom really mean, when demanded of you by a god? ”
Now playing—
Roots - by In This Moment
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Independent Genshin Impact Roleplay Account not associated with miHoYo \ Hoyoverse. Independent non-cannon \ cannon portrayal of Twilight Sword Dainsleif.
Canon Writing ★
Former Twilight Sword and knight,
Cursed human of the fallen nation of Khaenri'ah.
Age 500
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Alternative Version ★
Dainsleif \ Dain
Homunculus, representation of death itself
Age; 500
Former Twilight Sword
Boughkeeper, protector of the ley-lines scourge of the AbyssDainsleif, Gold's [Rhinedottir] first creation— imperfect homunculus created from one of Irminsul's branches. Considered to be one of tree's chosen children. Given Irminsul's knowledge and memories of combat and strategic planning.
Cunning and strong, a dangerous warrior.
Task removing the abyss twin from their throne as leader of the Abyss. Lost himself to his goal for a time, regaining himself through the discovery of his sibling.
Considered evil— but is simply on his own side.
Sibling of the guardian of Irminsul, God of Knowledge the Dendro Archon.
"Ask it of me sister, and it shall be done— "
Enemy of Il Dottore
"Your crimes against Irminsul, won't go unpunished— Doctor."
Other aus;
Skyrim, grim reaper au
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DNI Mun Marks
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⚠️ Warnings ★
Dark themes \ Dead dove, Do not eat elements present.
Muse has questionable morals when it comes to fighting, open to torture— will not hesitate to kill anyone who gets in his way.
Evil Muse \ on his own side.
Muse doesn't equal mun!
Minors DNI!
Definitely can tone it down, if requested.
Profile picture by @ birdsofpasssage on Twitter
Layout made by me
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#GIRP #GenshinImpactRP #GenshinImpact
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About the Writer ★
Very friendly \ but very shy
You may call me Vapor
Tired busy college student, will try to be as active as possible, works from Monday to Thursday—
Your average alt cosplayer. Anime \ Manga enjoyer, who plays Genshin Impact.
NA server, open to play with mutuals only
Connect with me outside of GIRP, on Instagram at vaporstar_cos or on discord
Ask in dms!
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aeterna---amantes · 3 months
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teamlarl · 1 year
What video games do you play?
Wait is this a question for the mun or the muses?
Because for the muses it's pretty simple: they don't. Like pretty uniformly. I never give that trait to muses as a pastime.
For the mun: I like strategy games. Stellaris, EU4, CK3, etc. Also enjoy rpgs like Skyrim. Duh.
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ziinaak · 1 year
Not gonna rp with anyone under 21
Only gonna ship with [insert url here]
Private blog. 90% chance I’m not going to follow anyone beyond my ship partner.
Sideblog, follows back from @bledsins​
No politics unless we’re talking Skyrim politics
No, I don’t take criticism
There may be nsfw
No icons, little formatting, nothing fancy. Just trimmed posts to keep things neat.
Yes, I have a human!Alduin verse; no, I don’t care your opinion on it
I play fast and loose with the lore. I am under no compulsion to stick to anything canon.
I generally don’t care for your opinion on a lot of things, I’ve been rping for 25 years and have been on tumblr for 12 of those, I do things my way. You can’t ‘cancel’ me. Fuck off.
Alduin hates you, unless you’re a dragon. Remember that. 
The mun may hate you too, depends on you really.
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alexanicholsauthor · 2 years
Dungeons & Dragons… and being Haunted…
If you follow me on social media, you likely know that I’m a huge fan of anime, manga, and roleplaying video games (Skyrim, The Witcher, Final Fantasy, etc.). What you might not know is when I was younger, I used to play Dungeons & Dragons with my big brother and his friends religiously every week and became somewhat obsessed with it. The time I spent playing that game… I suppose this explains why, when I grew older, I became so obsessed with roleplaying video games like Skyrim and Final Fantasy. And writing, for that matter. Immersing my mind into the role of another person, becoming that person for a fleeting time, and living in their world… it calls to me on a deep level.
Later on, my brother and his friends decided to do something with the game they loved so much and create a trio of worlds (Zymph, Dark Earth, and MuN), a strategic card game (Warlock: The Enumeration), and even a computer program (DM Secretary) to better help manage their Dungeons & Dragons campaigns. Though Real Life kind of got in the way and one by one everyone dropped off and the projects became inactive, they always maintained a seat in the back of my mind because I saw the potential.
I still do.
So, now that I’m winding down my writing career in a few years (2027, to be exact), I decided to pick them back up and help them blossom into what I know they can be. I’ll use my Patreon and Subscribestar.adult platforms to showcase them and see where things go from there. I’m thinking about hiring someone to make an app for Warlock down the road once I scrounge up all the notes I can find and attack my brother’s brain.
It’s going to be fun, yo, and I feel bad for my baby squirrel because she’s going to be the sounding board for so much of my craziness these next few years… 😄
Speaking of my demon baby squirrel.
I decided to start working on something extra special for Halloween – a short story, Haunted. My goal was for it to be finished by the end of the month, but that definitely didn’t happen. I have the hardest time keeping a story simple and barebones; once you read this puppy, you’ll see what I mean. Here’s the cover (which, for the first time in a long time, I made myself!):
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Once it’s done and I give my Patreon and Subscribestar.adult peeps a chance to read it, I’m uploading it to Amazon. I’m proud of it so far, though it may take at least another week to finish. No regrets. It’s a blast to write.
You know, serious moment: I love being alive. I really do. 🥰
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the-expatriate · 2 years
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((PARI AS SHE LOOKS IN SKYRIM! I forgot to post these up ages ago but eh here you all go))
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Guild Leader: Well you see before you join our association I have a task for you to test your very specific skills related to this group
Dragonborn: Is it going into an ancient tomb, killing a bunch of dragur and finding some random thing?
Guild Leader: ...maybe
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