#my neighbor was talkin to me and he kinda just said randomly. i think youre gonna be somebody
bingobongobonko · 1 year
mumble mumble. today's not my day. paid bills which good! good! okay, thats good! paid! and might have new job, emphasis on might. i dont know if ill get it. feel like shit. idk. yeah that's normal week. might make a comm post as much as the idea stresses me out, like i understand its important and what people do, and i genuinely understand others who do, because why the hell wouldnt they, it just feels so weird on my part. yk. idk idk idk idk, my brain is weird. if it's fine for other people, if not awesome, same goes for me? i think? so why am i so panicked. im a hypocrite who's bad at this. after i finish this twist character sheet and the comm from my friend gonna make a public commissions post i think. or try to
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scornedlove · 4 years
Chapter Twenty-Six
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”What now” I groaned, putting out the blunt I was smoking to answer the door. I just poured my second glass of Moscato, and was about to get comfortable on the couch, but apparently I wasn't gonna get any peace today. After all this drama, I just wanted a moment and a blunt to myself. Before opening the door, I looked out the peep hole and was the least bit surprised when I realized who it was.
“What is it Dre?” I asked, cracking the door enough to see his face.
“If that mother fucker comes back, you need to get a restraining order on him!” he commanded, inviting himself in. I figured he'd be upset, but not enough to come back.
“I appreciate you looking out for me, but don’t do that again. Why are you here?”
“To make sure you’re okay. He ain’t putting his hands on you is he?”
“No, he ain’t crazy. It really wasn't that serious, I'm fine.” I rolled my eyes before sparking the blunt back up. I took a long drag and blew a cloud in his direction, knowing how much he hated when I smoked. Maybe he'd take the hint and dismiss himself.
“Fuck that. It is that serious. You don’t see what he’s doing to your mental health, but I do. You stay high or drunk, trying to mask whatever hurt you won’t let go. Which obviously isn’t working. If you keep fucking with him you’re going to continue to go downhill. I promise you, if I see him over here again, I’m kicking his ass.”
"Woah, chill out Dr. Graham. You don’t even know what you’re talkin’ about.”
“I’m not stupid Ana, I know he’s the reason you lost your shit last night.”
“It’s not what you think”
“Oh, it’s not what I think? Well enlighten me.”
“Aundre, I'm over it, so drop it. I don't want to talk about it” I stated, turning away from him. I left him by the door and went to the kitchen to refill my wineglass, but when I turned around, he was right on my tail.
"Alright, you don’t wanna talk about that so let's talk about how horny yo ass was last night." He retorted blocking me by the kitchen counter.
"I thought you said we didn't fuck"  
"We didn't, but that ain't stop you from getting yours"
"Sorry...Its been a while" I shrugged, after realizing what he meant.
"It didn't have to be"
“Tell me you would be mad if I laid you on this counter and stroked you from the back until I found our favorite sweet spot. You obviously miss it as much as I do.” he stated, closing the distance between us.
“I....I don’t want to ruin our friendship” I stammered, taking another long drag before putting my blunt back out. I turned around and attempted to maneuver around him, but he wasn’t letting me out that easily.
"We've already crossed lines that can't be undone. Just let me take care of you. I can show you how a man is supposed to love a woman.” he pleaded as he slid his right hand across my breast and began to pinch my nipple through the thin shirt I was wearing. That’s all it took for me to give in and stop resisting. His left hand began to creep up my thigh while his breathing tickled my spine, driving me crazy. It felt so good to be touched. He was almost inside my panties when someone else knocked on my door, scaring the shit out of me.
“Stop” I paused, hoping whoever it was would leave. Only they knocked again, even harder this time.
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“It’s me, open up” Mel called out between knocks. I pulled away from Dre, pushed him towards the back of the house, and smoothed out my clothes before opening the door for her.
“Why you knocking like the damn police?”
“Bitch, I been blowing yo shit up since last night. I got off the plane half an hour ago and rushed over here because I was worried about you, and you lookin fresh out the salon!”
“Calm down. I broke my phone last night” I explained, breaking from her tight embrace.
“Well I called your house too”
“I just got her-”
“What’s up Mel” Dre interrupted, coming from the bathroom. “Or shall I sall Mrs. Coleman”
“Oh hey Dre. What ya’ll got up?” she asked, looking from him to me, then giving me the side eye.
“Nothing, just-”
“He was just leaving” I exclaimed, cutting Dre off before he said something to get her started.
“Yeah, I was just leaving. Call me if you need me to come back” he added, leaning in to kiss me. I turned, giving him my cheek and rushed him out the door, hoping Mel didn't notice.
“Uh, what was that?” she asked, the moment I’d closed the door.
“Don’t bring him into this back and forth shit you got going on with Chris. You know what, we’ll get to that later, what I really want to know is what happened between you and Rayven?”
“I don’t know, I was drunk as fuck last night. Wait, how do you know about Rayven?”
“Out of all people, she called me crying and said you flipped out on her last night. She was in her room watching TV and you picked a fight with her about Chris. Next thing she knew, you were choking her.“
”She gotta be exaggerating. I don’t remember any of that shit. “
”Nah. You fucked her up, look at these pictures she sent me" she stated pulling out her phone.
“Damn” I grimaced when I saw the black eye, busted lip, and bruises on her face and neck. I refused to believe I did all that. Was I harboring that much hate for her? “There’s no way I would beat her ass unprovoked. She must’ve done or said something to get that type of reaction from me.”
“Honestly, I don’t care or even feel bad for her. I’m glad you finally gave her that ass whooping she needed” she admitted with a chuckle. “Just be grateful she didn’t call the police on you.”
“I’m grateful she’s gone. I’m tired of babysitting, hopefully she went home”
“So you gonna tell me what’s going on?” she asked, before setting her purse on the counter and lighting up the blunt that was in the ashtray. We smoked while I filled her in on the drama from the past twenty-four hours, none of it was surprising to her.
“How many times will it take him stepping on your heart for you to realize he ain’t shit?” she quizzed, referring to Chris. “Not only that, but you’re gonna fuck around and get Dre’s ass beat by Chris. I love Dre and all, but Chris is kinda psycho. I’ve seen him mad before.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen both of em pissed, and that’s not a fight I want to witness. Anyway, it wont get that far, because I’m over this shit. I’m done with the back and forth and Chris can burn in hell for how he treated me.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard it all-”
“I’m serious Mel. He’s gonna pay for it too, imma make sure of that.”
“What you mean”
“I have Shontae’s contact info. I’m telling her everything”
“What’s everything?”
“Everything he’s done to me, she deserves to know, and I know Chris ain’t told her shit”
“Well, what you going to do if she already knows? He’s supposed to be this changed man, so he probably already told her”
“Yeah right, Chris ain’t told her shit.”
“You don’t know that. I know you’re hurt sis, but I think this is a bad idea. You should let it go and let him go. Having that much hostility towards him just means your not over him, that’s why I mean it when I say don’t bring Dre back into your drama. He was heartbroken when you dropped him a while back, he finally stopped asking me about you like a month ago.”
“Well excuse me, I didn’t know you and Dre were tight like that”
“No, Dre and J are tight like that. I’m surprised he’s sticking up for you after you used him like a boy toy then tossed him to the side. Those were his words, by the way.”
“He said that?” I frowned with irritation. “See that’s why I can’t stand men. They’re never satisfied and always in their feelings.”
“Not all men, but you should definitely leave those two alone. Stop running in circles and meet someone new.”
“I’m not worried about no man. After dealing with all this shit, I’d rather be single.”
“I’m telling you, all you need is a good cuddy buddy or two. Have fun and stop taking shit so serious. You will be so much happier.” she advised, checking her watch for the umpteenth time. “I caught an earlier flight when I couldn't get in touch with you last night, so J doesn't know I'm back yet. If I’m going to surprise him, I have to beat him home from work.”
“Ok, thanks for coming to check on me” I added, walking her to the door.
“Of course, and I mean it when I say don’t bother that girl. That’s asking for bad news.”
“I’ll think about it, but I’m not making any promises I can’t keep” I shrugged.
“Well think hard, because I don’t want to hear shit else that’s Chris related” she ordered, before hugging me goodbye.
I watched her get in the car and drive off, while her advice echoed in my mind. Maybe she had a point with this cuddy buddy thing. Dre left my hormones in shambles, and the fact that I'm already in a dry spell only intensified it. I needed someone to release all this excitement on.
Just when I was about to go inside, a moving truck pulled up in front of my neighbor’s yard. Four men jumped out and began unloading boxes and furniture, so I decided to stay on the porch and be nosy for awhile.
My block was pretty quiet and full of older people, so I was glad to be getting new neighbors. The last guy was an old perve and my other next door neighbor is an old cat lady. Hopefully the new neighbor would be a closer to my age.
I watched the movers work hard and fast, but the boxes were never ending. They were all drenched in sweat in no time, but the one doing most of the work seemed to be really enjoying himself. He must’ve had headphones in, because he would randomly belt out in song while busting a dance move.
I was laughing hard as hell at his lack of rhythm when he finally realized I was watching. He smiled showing his pearly whites and nodded at me, so I returned a friendly wave.
He began walking in my direction, and I could make out his face a little better. He was cute enough for a hit and quit to help me get over this dry spell. Plus, he was my neighbor's mover, it's not like I'd ever see him again.
The closer he became, the more I set my mind a quick fuck. He didn't even know what he was walking into, and by the way he licked his lips, I knew he didn't stand a chance against my hidden agenda.
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“Okay, okay. I’m up.” I muttered at Diamond as she bit at my toes, trying to wake me. Last night was the Day of the Dead event for the gallery and I didn’t get in until early this morning. I was so tired, I crashed on the first couch I stumbled across.
I was rubbing the sleep from my eyes when Diamond started barking, so I got up to let her impatient ass out. When I opened the door, Ryan was standing there about to knock, but was practically ran over by Diamond instead.
“My bad, she’s really got to go. What are you doing here?” I asked, letting her in. We hadn’t kicked it since she started hanging with Anthony. She had to know he wasn’t staying here anymore.
“It’s about Anthony”
“Oh, he came to get the rest of his shit a couple of weeks ago. I don’t know where he’s staying now”
“He’s at my place. I told him he could stay for a few days, but it didn’t even take him that long to hop in Kiki’s bed. Now she’s dickmatized and I can’t get him to leave.”
“Wow, he’s fuckin your roommate?” I asked surprised. He was just talking about how much he missed Ryan, so I didn't see that one coming.
“Yeah, I should’ve known he would do this. I feel so stupid for falling for his cunning ass. I thought he would at least have an ounce of respect for me, but I was fooling myself.”
“Talk to your girl, she’s probably your best bet at getting him to leave”
“I tried that already. She’s the one who convinced him to stay. I hate her for fucking with him, but I hate myself even more. I guess that's my karma, I shouldn’t have done the same thing to you. I’m sorry.” she mumbled, placing her hand on my shoulder.
"Don't worry about it" 
“It’s just… Don’t you miss our talks?“ she asked, sliding her hand down my arm and resting it on mine. I quickly pulled away, putting some distance between us so there would be no confusion. I wasn’t even remotely interested in her.
“I’m not tripping on that. It’s not like we wer-”
“I know, but still. It was wrong and now I’m paying for it. You would’ve never slept with a friend of mine. I should’ve just stuck with you” she blurted. Her eyes widened as she searched for my reaction to her confession, but truth is, it didn’t faze me.
“I can’t even pretend to be interested in someone who’s been with one of my boys. Like I said before, I’m not tripping. How do you expect me to get Anthony to leave your place?” I asked, cutting to the chase.
“I don’t know, threaten to kick his ass. He listens to you." 
"I hate to break it to you like this, but I have a girl now, I can’t get involved in y'all’s shit.”
“Oh” she frowned as I opened the door and whistled for Diamond. Usually she’d come running in within seconds, but this time she didn’t. I went out and called her several times and still nothing.
“Want me to drive around the block and see if I can find her?” Ryan offered, before she took off and I gladly accepted.
“Yeah, thanks. I’ll stay here and keep calling her. She’s never done this before, hopefully she’ll come back” I explained, before continuing my search down the sidewalk.
Ryan drove through the neighborhood, while I walked up and down my block for an hour, but Diamond was nowhere to be found.
“I should’ve kept my eyes on her” I muttered after explaining to Tae that Diamond was gone.
“Don’t beat yourself up, maybe she just wanted to do some exploring. Put her bowl outside, she might come home eventually.” She suggested.
As soon as we hung up, I took her advice, but after a couple of weeks a raccoon found the food instead. I didn’t realize how attached I’d gotten to Diamond, but since she disappeared I noticed how lonely and depressing my life was. 
I’d rush home after work, in case she was waiting for me. It was pitiful, but it’s not like I had anywhere else to be. Trey was in full blown honeymoon phase, so it’s not like I could blame him for wanting to be up under his wife 24/7. I made the crazy move of being committed to a long-distance relationship, so it’s not like date night was in the question.
Shante worked so much, that we only talked late at night. On top of that, she was always tired, so our talks seemed to get shorter with each phone call. I couldn’t help but to question whether this long-distance shit was worth losing another chance with Robyn. All I had to do was break it off with Tae and Robyn and I could’ve picked up where we left off. Only this time, I’d do everything right.
I’d been lying on the sofa for at least a half hour, lost in thought about the what ifs, when my phone interrupted my thoughts. Guilt rushed over me when Tae’s name popped up on the screen.
“Hey babe” I answered after sitting up and clearing my throat.
“Hey, you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good. Why?” I asked, wondering how she knew something was off.
“You’ve been in your feelings since Diamond’s been gone. I know you miss her, I just wish I could make it better”
“You can. Come see me. You know I’m lonely as fuck.”
“Aww baby. You know I would if I could, but this is the busiest time of year for me.”
“Yeah, I know. You got time to Facetime?” I quizzed, willing to settle for a video chat. 
"Not really. I’m on break, but I only have one more client tonight. Imma go home, shower, and I’ll Facetime you when I’m done” she promised before we hung up. The moment I hung up with Tae, Taylor called.
“What you got up tonight?” He asked as he smacked in my ear.
“Not shit. What the hell you eating like that?”
“Bbq and buffalo wings. I was high as hell so I had my chef make a big ass pan of em. Come hang, I know you haven’t had a home cooked meal since Mama and ya girl been gone" he teased, cracking himself up.
"Alright. Send me the address” I replied after debating on it. Not only was he right about the home cooked meal, but I also hadn’t been out in a couple of months, so I got up, showered, then headed out to his place.
I thought I had a bachelor pad, but my place was nothing compared to his. He had a four-bedroom, five-bathroom house with the works sitting on a quarter acre above Sunset Blvd. I was impressed and a little jealous all at once, but when he told me it was one of the things he inherited when his mother passed, I felt bad. No amount of money could replace my mama.
We ate and had a couple of beers before I kicked his ass in pool a couple of times. It didn’t take long for him to get sick of losing, so we got on the PlayStation. After I kicked his ass in basketball, he was over that too.
“You wanna go for a ride?” He asked, leading me through his garage. He rummaged around a drawer, then tossed me what he’d been looking for.
“You sure?” I asked, realizing it was the key to his Harley Davidson.
“You know how to ride?”
“Yeah, it’s been a minute tho”
“It’s still the same” he reassured me before starting up his Yamaha. He took off out of his garage and I followed suit, right on his tail. It wasn’t my first time riding, but I was no pro either.
We rode around the streets of Beverly Hills for a couple of hours and I actually had a blast. He taught me how to do donuts and pop wheelies. I caught on quickly and even popped a wheelie while going 70 mph. It was exhilarating and I’d definitely found my new addiction.
“You should’ve seen me whipping” I boasted to Tae, still high from the rush the drive gave me. I’d just made it in when she called me back, this time on video.  Actually seeing her face while we talked made all the uncertainty I’d had earlier disappear.
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“You’re gonna have to get your own so you can take me for a ride next time I visit” she suggested, talking through a yawn. She was tired as usual and her hair was a mess, but she was still sexy. That made me miss her even more.
“Speaking of visiting, when are you coming to see me again?” 
“You know that I can’t. Not any time soon, so stop asking”
“I’m just saying I miss you.” 
“Sorry. I’m just, you know, tired. It’s making me cranky”
“I can have Tina do some rearranging on my schedule so I can visit you for a few days.”
“That’s cool, but with the holidays around the corner, I’ve been at work 24/7. I wouldn’t even be able to spend time with you.”
“Not even on Thanksgiving? I know you’re off for Thanksgiving. I’d be cool with coming out there for one night.”
“I work Thanksgiving too. A couple of my clients are high profile models. They have a shoot that weekend and Thanksgiving is the only day I could squeeze them in. It’s a fantasy color, which means it’s going to take at least half a day.”
“Wow. You just ain’t fucking with me anymore huh?”
“Don’t say that. You know that’s not true. I love you, I just... I can’t lose my best clients and I’d hate for you to come out here and not get to spend much time with me.”
“You know...you can tell me if you change your mind about this long distance thing.”
“I haven’t and I won’t. Why would you even say that?”
“It’s obvious you’re losing interest.”
“I miss you just as much as you miss me, if not more. Stop overthinking things. I’ve just been busy, I promise. When things slow down, I’ll be out there on the first thing smoking.” she reassured me, making me feel silly. 
She was right. All of the alone time I’ve had lately had me overthinking and now I was acting like the needy boyfriend. If this is meant to be, then I won’t have to force it. I know what I have to do now, fall back and give her some space. 
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